Saturday, October 26, 2013

5 Ideas For Natural Joint Pain Relief

As you age, chronic pain can occur seemingly overnight. People seek ways to combat the pain through various remedies that assist in natural joint pain relief solutions like acupuncture or magnetic relief therapy to help them continue an active lifestyle.

If you are among the millions of aging women across the country, you are dealing with daily health issues with chronic joint pain being at the top of the list. Physical activity or sports related injuries can cause stiffness and lack of mobility in knees, wrists and ankles. Arthritis based diseases target the tissue and cartilage that cushions your knee, wrist and other joints causing inflammation and ongoing soreness.

There are a few simple home remedies you can try to help in reliving you joint pain naturally:

1. Applying ice packs is a common practice in trying to reduce inflammation in and around the afflicted area. Application should be made several times a day for 10-15 minutes at a time.

2. Ginger extract has been used in eastern cultures for hundreds of years and thought to have properties that reduce inflammation and resulting joint pain. There are studies that are still out on the scientific properties of ginger as an anti-inflammatory, but there is some evidence that ginger may show some promise.

3. Tumeric is an additional plant based treatment that originates from the east to assist in reducing arthritis pain and inflammation. A 2006 study suggested that Tumeric may be more suitable as a preventive measure rather than a treatment of joint issues.

4. Devil's Claw is a herb found in South African cultures used as a joint pain therapy. Early indications from a small group of studies have yielded some positive results but additional research and analysis is needed.

5. Although topical treatments like creams and gels are not considered all natural, an ingredient found in most of them contain capsaicin, a natural element found in hot peppers. In several studies, Capsaicin provided significant relief to painful joints to test subjects. Creams that contain this ingredient were found to have desirable results when used over a 4 week period.

In summary, there are many reputed herbs, and remedies that target pain and inflammation that exist in many cultures. Prudent research and care should be exercised to minimize risk related to allergic reactions that could jeopardize your health in other areas. Seeking a physician's opinion is recommended before any natural joint pain relief is considered.

TMJ Home Remedies - 4 Little Known Ways to Remedy TMJ From Home

Having a TMJ disorder can be the most frustrating problem a human can face in daily life. Apart from searing pain in the face, head and jaws TMJ can affect almost all daily functions like eating, sleeping and talking. Purging TMJ off your body can be a difficult task. However there are proven treatments which can act as excellent TMJ home remedies.

Before venturing into treating TMJ, it is important that you have been examined well by qualified doctors using standard methods to confirm its presence and ascertain its nature. TMJ can occur due to a variety of reasons, ranging from bruxism to osteoarthritis, each of which might need a different approach to treatment and decide which can be considered your specific TMJ home remedies.

The most common treatments for TMJ include jaw exercises, hypnotherapy, wearing splints, biofeedback headgear and surgery. While surgery and hypnotherapy aren't exactly possible TMJ home remedies, the rest of the methods are. Each method can very in for a person. In order to ease TMJ, one needs to follow these steps.

  1. Consult with your physician or chiropractor and determine the nature of your TMJ pain. This will help to decide whether you need drastic measures like surgery, or take a slower, more gradual approach.

  2. Allocate at least 20 minutes of time for TMJ relief in your daily schedule. Any treatment suggested under the banner of TMJ home remedies will only work if followed meticulously on a daily basis.

  3. Select a suitable method that works for you and fits your requirements. Jaw exercises help to stretch and relax the muscles of the jaw, to reduce pain and increase functionality. Splints and physiotherapy will help to re-align jaw joints. Biofeedback headgear and movement therapy will help to eliminate bruxism and other root causes. Often, a combination of two or more of these methods will be the most efficient.

Modify your eating habits, working environment and daily activities to minimize stress both physically and mentally. This will have a positive influence over your recovery.

Pain - Knee Pain Relief for Pain

With today's on-the-go mentality, it is no wonder why knee pain is the most common musculoskeletal complaint people have when they visit their doctor. Depending on the injury or condition, some knee pain can be excruciating. That's why millions of people seek knee pain relief. Knee pain relief will vary from person to person. Some may simply need to rest the leg to find knee pain relief, while others may only find knee pain relief after surgical procedures.

Knee Pain Relief for Severe Knee Injuries

There are many types of injuries that cause severe knee pain. If you are an athlete, you are most likely familiar with knee pain resulting from torn ligaments, cartilage, or muscles. The more active you are, the more likely you are to experience knee pain from a sport-related injury. For a torn ligament, meniscal injury, or a completely ruptured tendon, doctors will usually recommend surgery in order to receive permanent knee pain relief.

Knee Pain Relief for Knee Osteoarthritis

To receive knee pain relief from knee osteoarthritis (degeneration of the cartilage), exercise is necessary. Doctors will prescribe certain exercises and stretches that can greatly increase flexibility of the muscles that support the knee. These exercises will reduce stress on the sensitive knee joint. For instant knee pain relief, some people may take over-the-counter medication, such as Advil or Tylenol, to help with osteoarthritis soreness.

Pain Relief for Overuse Knee Injuries

Sometimes it's the simplest things that can cause damage. Something as simple as overuse of the knees can cause people to seek knee pain relief. Muscle strains and tendonitis can develop as people grow older. Inflammation occurs, therefore leading to pain. Stains and tears must be treated with care and allowed to heal over time. Some people use ice or heating pads for knee pain relief. Others take over-the-counter medications

Pain and Inflammation

In treating many types of knee pain, inflammation is the first thing you must bring under control. When you have an injury, substances that cause inflammation invade your knee, causing further injury, which leads to further inflammation, and etc. leading to continuation of your knee pain. So, the substances that cause inflammation must be brought under control to limit further injury to the tissue.

Some common care techniques to control inflammation:

1. Knee padding.

2. Rest the knee.

3. Ice on the knee 3X a day for 20 to 30 minutes.

4. Knee brace or wrap when you are on your feet.

5. Prop the knee up higher than your waist whenever you can.

6. Use Ibuprofen as an anti-inflammatory agent. NO aspirin.

7. Do all the above. If still pain after three days...see your doctor.

So, is your knee pain a slight annoyance or severe problem? Well, it all depends on what is causing your pain. If you feel a small amount of knee pain resulting from minor injury, you may be able to use self-help methods to find knee pain relief. However, if you experience a large amount of unbearable pain, or a nagging discomfort exists for a few of days, speak with your doctor to determine the correct knee pain relief plan for you.

For more information on knee pain relief, check out The Centre for Pain Relief. Educating yourself about knee injuries and condition.

Is It Really Liver Pain?

Liver pain is on the right side, mostly right under the rib cage, and up. There can be free fluid around the liver in the abdominal cavity which will produce pain in the right shoulder. It probably hurts to breathe in, or cough. Sometimes people describe the feeling as a swollen full feeling or cramping under the rib cage.

Liver pain symptoms are often dismissed because it is a general belief that organs don't hurt. If you are experiencing any of these sensations, don't give up, and don't think you are making it up. Liver Pain can be real. Rheumatologists, nephrologists, family practitioners, all have been known to dismiss liver pain as patient complainings.

Sometimes it feels like your liver just doesn't fit under your rib cage. One person described it as feeling like a brick was tucked under their right rib. Sometimes the feeling is connected to a pain in the back as well.

Pain caused from a swollen liver is not necessarily sharp. Most of the time 'liver pain' is just a dull ache. Sometimes the sensation is wrongly attributed to fibromyaliga.

The cause of Liver Pain may be more easily identified by identifying other symptoms, such as fatigue, itching, swollen testes, difficulties breathing, eating problems, or even shoulder pain.

There can be many reasons for liver pain. Blood and urine tests help to identify problems in the liver, but don't rule out the effects of barrage of pollutants and toxic substances in today's environment. While the liver was designed to detoxify and rid the body of foreign chemicals, it may not be equipped to handle the barrage of pollutants and toxic substances in today's environment. So, while you are checking for possible causes of the pain associated with the liver, it would be a good idea to check your body for chemical overload as well.

Individual reaction to toxic overload can vary greatly. The most common symptom associated with toxic overload is fatigue. Other symptoms include headache, muscle and joint pain, irritability, depression, mental confusion, gastrointestinal and/or cardiovascular irregularities, flu-like symptoms or allergic reactions including hives, stuffy or runny nose, sneezing and coughing which is not usually associated with liver pain, but can actually be the cause.

Like all other pain symptoms in the body, liver pain should be taken seriously.

Discover How to Effectively Manage TMJ Disorder

TMJ or temporomandibular joint connects the jaw to the skull on the side of the head. People with TMJ disorder are encountering dysfunction around the jaw joint and muscles making jaw movement painful and difficult. Suffering from this disorder can be very disturbing and you have to know how to manage TMJ disorder.

The symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder can be very distressing and can affect the quality of your life. Symptoms include jaw pain, stiffness or locking of jaw, facial pain, headache, ear pain and difficulty to open and close the mouth. You may need to visit an ENT doctor, a dentist or a general health provider to address your symptoms. While it is recommended to visit a doctor it is also important to learn how to manage TMJ disorder. Here are some tips:

Avoid worsening your condition. To properly manage TMJ disorder, TMJ self-care practices is important. Give your jaw some rest and avoid too much jaw and mouth activity. Avoid big bites, chewing gums and hard-to-chew foods. Eat soft foods or cut foods into small bites to avoid aggravating your condition.

Pain medication. Over the counter pain relievers like ibuprofen can help to temporarily ease the painful symptoms of TMJ disorder. It is important to understand that prolonged use of pain medication can cause side effects. It is best to ask your doctor if pain relievers are not effective. Different people have different response to medications.

Cold or warm compress. You can manage TMJ diosrder with simple warm or cold compress for the immediate relief of TMJ pain. You may choose to apply either a moist heat or ice pack on the affected area to improve blood flow and to get rid of the pain.

Jaw exercises and therapy. Your therapist or health provider can help you with an exercise program to improve your jaw movement and to alleviate the pain. It is important to learn to manage TMJ disorder using simple jaw relaxation exercises and stretching with the help of your doctor or therapist.

The pain and discomforts of TMJ may last for months and it can become a chronic problem.

Sore Joints and Food Allergies - Is Your Diet Making Your Joints Ache?

Might you have a food intolerance that makes your joints ache?
If you thought your joints felt achy after a meal, only to doubt yourself after hearing that no evidence links food allergies to rheumatoid arthritis, you're not alone. Until now science offered little evidence to support this connection.
Most studies have focused on antibodies (proteins that attack foreign substances) in the blood, but that focus may have been wrong. Food-related antibodies may not show up in the blood but in the gut of people with rheumatoid arthritis, and that's just where researchers at the University of Oslo, Norway, looked. They found that, in test tubes at least, the intestinal fluid of people with rheumatoid arthritis had higher levels of antibodies to proteins from milk, cereal, eggs, cod and pork than in people without rheumatoid arthritis.
Gut to Brain: Here Come the Allergies
Since your gut welcomes food first, the gut's immune system is the first to recognize potential substances that cause allergic reactions.  
Food allergies occur when your immune system mistakenly believes that something you ate is harmful. To protect you, the immune system produces immunoglobulin E  -  also called IgE antibodies -  against that food. The antibodies set off a chain reaction that causes symptoms. 
In some people, the antibodies and proteins bind together and form immune complexes in the intestine. These immune complexes then circulate and get into every nook and cranny of the body, including the joints, where they may contribute to inflammation.  Once antibodies are made against a particular food, the body instantly recognizes that food the next time it is consumed, and the cycle begins again.
Do Certain Foods Make Your Arthritis Worse?
If you think certain foods affect your arthritis, you could try eating the standard Stone Age Diet, which includes only fruit, vegetables, meat and fish, for one month, or follow the elimination diet, which is discussed in the book The Real Life Diet. Studies have shown that if a person is food-sensitive, this type of diet can help reduce morning stiffness and pain, improve range of motion and lower inflammatory mediators in the blood.
In a recent study British researchers noted that when on The Real Life Diet, more than one-third of participants with rheumatoid arthritis felt better and had less morning stiffness. A few study patients were able to return to walking and all other previous activities.
Investigate the Food Detective for Food Intolerance
Self-diagnosis by diet alone can be difficult, as food intolerances often have a delayed onset. This means that symptoms can arise hours, days or weeks after you've eaten a problem food.
An alternative way to check whether you have food intolerance is to use a new test called the Food Detective. A first in the world, the test can be done at home with a simple pinprick of blood, which will yield a result in 30-40 minutes.
The test results will show which food(s) you should eliminate from your diet to alleviate your symptoms. These foods include gluten, rice, cocoa beans, mushrooms, yeast, nuts, soya, shellfish, eggs and dairy products. More than 70% of testers who eliminated offending food groups from their diets experienced an improvement of their ailments.
If you're suffering with aches and pains or diagnosed arthritis, it might be worth it to eliminate the guesswork and get yourself properly tested. If you have food intolerance the symptoms can range from anxiety, constipation and diarrhoea to insomnia, migraines, arthritis, asthma and chronic fatigue syndrome.
The Food Detective is a useful tool and not very expensive, which makes it even more attractive as it takes much of the guesswork out of the process. Once you've identified the foods that may be causing the problem, it's ideal to omit those from your diet for a month, making sure you have plenty of alternatives to replace the missing nutrients. Within a month or two you should notice a significant difference to your symptoms, if it's diet-related.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Early Underbite Correction Prevents the Need For Surgery

Orthodontists and dentists estimate that between 5 to 15 percent of the world population has an underbite.

While a small percentage suffer with this problem, orthodontists have worked tirelessly to ease the correction process.

An early orthodontic consultation for clients and their families is recommended. If we can identify underbite or overbite early on, the correction may not need to be as severe. It's better to give consultations to families because correction later on in life can many times necessitate surgery because bones have already developed and fallen into place.

According to the Dental Care Source website, those who suffer from an underbite, commonly considered a type of malocclusion among orthodontists, have a lower jaw jutting up and outward that moderately overlaps the upper teeth.

Underbite is often hereditary, but it has also been known to stem from abnormal chewing habits.

The main problem with having an underbite is that it can lead to TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) Disorder, problems with speech, eating, self-confidence, and discomfort in the jaw.

The innovations in the fields of orthodontics and dentistry have made identifying and correcting an underbite much easier and less painful.

Initially, most orthodontists recommended waiting until a child was fully developed to realign the jaw surgically. Now orthodontists recommend beginning treatment as early as possible to avoid correcting an underbite surgically. Children as young as 5 or 6 have undergone corrective treatment and evaded the use of surgery to correct their underbite.

There are several options orthodontists use to fix underbites including: a chin cap, an expander, a reverse-pull face mask and orthodontic braces. However, those needing braces may need to recuperate from previous treatments first.

A chin cap is typically the most basic option for young children and is used to "control the growth process of the jaw and lower chin," according to Dental Care Source. The cap is placed around the chin and extends to the top of the head.

The expander can help a child with an underbite by "expanding" the upper jaw and thus improving their bite. The expander is worn full time and is a tool accompanied with a key that helps widen the upper jaw. Once the jaw is widened, then a child will begin using the reverse-pull face mask.

A non-surgical option for underbite correction is the use of this reverse-pull face mask. The reverse-pull face mask resembles a catcher's mask and it is what orthodontists use many times in combination with the expander. The mask is worn at a minimum of 16 hours per day.

Unfortunately for adults, if there is an underbite it is already skeletal and surgery may be required to fix the alignment of your jaw.

Braces are usually applied to adults for one to three years before jaw surgery takes place. During the surgery, the surgeon will push the lower jaw back, pull the upper jaw forward, or both, depending on the severity of the condition. Mild underbites can be treated without surgery using braces, possible tooth extractions, and even Invisalign invisible braces.

To avoid the expense and associated risks of jaw realignment surgery, orthodontists recommend having an orthodontic consultation at an early age. The Canadian Association of Orthodontists advises that children should have their first orthodontic checkup no later than age 7.

If your child has an underbite, be sure to schedule an appointment for with your Surrey orthodontics specialist today. It could save you and your child much grief down the road.

Treating Hip Pain Using Chiropractic Methods

The hip is a stable joint, reinforced by strong ligaments, and several powerful groups of muscles. It is much easier to harm the shoulder, knee, and ankle than to injure the hip. Even so, hip problems can be highly disabling.

Daily activities such as walking down stairs, and turning in bed can be uncomfortable or painful for patients with a hip problem. The hip links to the lower extremity kinetic chain, transferring ground-reaction forces from the legs to the trunk.

Some hip problems are due to trauma, while many other conditions are due to overuse or misuse. Muscle imbalance impairs the normal joint function, limiting the functional range of motion. Degenerative and pathological hip conditions can be challenging to diagnose. Many times, patients who complain of pain and discomfort in the lower back, the buttocks, or the legs can be traced to a hip condition. And conditions such as hernia or aneurysm, without an obvious hip connection, may also prompt pain in the hip or groin.

Often, hip disease manifests as pain in the groin radiating all around the thigh and the knee. In such cases, the real challenge is ensure that the hip and thigh pain is a pathology of the hip as opposed to intra-abdominal or retroperitoneal pain. The majority of hip conditions are related to biomechanical issues. For example, when a patient strains a knee, and has knee or ankle problems, the gait is affected, causing hip pain. A change in gait may include carrying a baby or small child on the hip. People may also complain of hip pain when they are sitting differently. Basically, asymmetry of motion can cause a hip problem.

Doctors of Chiropractic see many hip conditions develop over a period of time, such as trochanteric bursitis, recurrent muscle strains, piriformis syndrome, and chronic degenerative changes in the hip joint (degenerative joint disease). Chiropractors have thorough knowledge of hip joint function, its involved muscles, and the adequate exercise regimen to help patients with hip problems.

Hip Treatments

Gentle stretching of specific muscle groups can be performed even right after an injury. Gradual movements of the joint should also be employed in order to prevent the formation of adhesions. In addition, vigorous exercise of the contralateral leg muscles helps create a neurological stimulus in the injured muscles that offsets atrophy. In the case of an acute injury with muscle swelling, however, an initial period of rest may be needed.

Piriformis syndrome and trochanteric bursitis may benefit from specific stretching exercises. Piriformis syndrome develops when the piriformis muscle inflames the sciatic nerve, causing hip aches down the back of the leg. Treatment should include gentle stretches of the piriformis muscle.

Trochanteric bursitis brings pain to the lateral part of the hip. Localized pain in this area indicates the need for stretches to lengthen this segment of connective tissue.

Weakened or injured muscles can be strengthened with the use of isotonic resistance exercises from a machine, elastic tubing, weights, or the body's own weight.

Since biomechanical alignment issues are linked with chronic hip complaints, patients must be screened for leg-length discrepancies and pronations. The failure to address these factors may cause recurring hip complaints, or symptoms in other locations. The lower extremities must be properly aligned to ensure the hip joints work smoothly.


In patients in their sixties and older, with preexisting conditions such as knee replacements, hip pain can result from age-related degenerative conditions. Osteoarthritis of the hip joint is one such degenerative condition that is commonly reported. Osteoarthritis of the hip joint may also occur after many years of improper biomechanics and dysfunction.

Here follows hip problems that originate within and around the hip:

  • Overuse injuries, repetitive motion, or gait conditions

  • Serious injuries, such as fractures

  • Avascular necrosis

  • Joint or bone infections near the hip. These are followed by fever, redness, and/or swelling

Contact a Chiropractic Doctor

A chiropractic doctor will evaluate the patient's medical history, ask about past exercise and movement that, in some cases, may point to a fracture or pathology. Chiropractic care will correct the subluxations and biomechanical faults of the pelvis and seek the right course of treatment to prevent and treat hip conditions.

TMJ Symptoms That Benefits You

Without TMJ or Temporomandibular joint, humans would not be able to open and close their jaw. A small cartilage disc that connects the mandible or the lower jaw to the skull of the temporal bone is the TMJ. The problems in this area can cause severe discomfort to the patient which is why disorder treatment for TMJ benefits an individual.

TMJ brings a variety of symptoms that you should know about. You may have a hard time swallowing if you feel some kind of facial pain and muscle spasms in the jaw and neck area. Certain occasions such as talking, chewing and even yawning can be hard and painful.

The worst that can happen in a TMJ disorder is loss of hearing, also it can exhibit ear pain and ringing in the ears called tinnitus. The fact is, the problem is not with the patients' ear although some think that it actually is. Painful headaches or migraines may be felt by a patient in certain occasions.

The improper position of disc jaw lets you produce clicking and popping sounds which can be heard by others in a TMJ disorder. The jaw may be stuck open in this case or may not open at all. As a result, TMJ can make the affected side swell up.

There are several factors that could probably the cause of TMJ pain. A TMJ disorder can be the result of teeth grinding and excessive gum chewing. The reason for this could be that the position of the jaw since birth is already abnormal.

TMJ benefits of treatment are a good thing for they are within reach. Otolaryngologists have the ability to diagnose problems in the TMJ area. This can be prevented if still at an early stage by eating soft foods (relaxes the jaw) and by avoiding chewing gums.

If severe trauma was experienced, you may apply ice packs over the jaw part to prevent it from swelling. Pain mitigation drugs, nonprescriptive ones can be purchased overthecounter. If the condition of TMJ problem is in its worst, oral surgeon operation may be pursued.

Visiting the dentist regularly is important if you are already experiencing TMJ problems of some form. However, a specialist needs to see your condition and with this, your dentist should be knowledgeable about jawbite relationships to refer you to the right person. Early detection of TMJ will save you from a lot of pain and associated problems.

According to research, 10 million Americans endure TMJ and so far it is one of the most misconstrued and erroneous with another type of pain conveyed by its symptoms. It can be presumed that there is a greater population of people all over the world who experience a TMJ syndrome for this 10 million is just a small number. These painful events do not need to be experienced by an individual because symptoms for TMJ are easily determined and are curable.

With enough knowledge about TMJ, an individual will benefit from it. By being aware of indications and warning signs of TMJ disorder, its progress may be stopped. You have to be aware of your actions for simple habits such as gum chewing can make your jaw lock.

Natural Cure for Arthritis - Arthritis Joint Pain Relief

First, I will outline the causes of arthritis pain and then look at possible treatments including a natural cure for arthritis. Arthritis pain is caused by many different reasons, including inflammation of the tissues that line the joints, the tendons, or ligaments around the joints, and muscle strain. Arthritis pain is generally diagnosed as chronic but it affects people in different ways so some people suffer greatly from arthritis while others suffer only mild pain.

What Are the Causes Of Arthritis Joint Pain ?

Arthritis pain is caused by several factors, such as :inflammation, the process that causes the redness and swelling in your joints; damage to joint tissues, which results from the disease process or from stress, injury or pressure on the joints; fatigue that results from the disease process, which can make your pain seem worse and harder to handle; depression or stress, which results from limited movement or no longer doing activities you enjoy. Chronic arthritis pain is the occurrence of pain for a regular and extended period of time ranging from days to months to even years.

How Do I Deal With The Pain ?

Pain often tells you that you need to act. Pain is your body's alarm system that tells you something is wrong. Pain and stress have similar effects on the body: muscles tighten, breathing becomes fast and shallow, and heart rate and blood pressure go up. Pain in the muscle 'without' cramping is usually mild while muscle pain 'with' cramping is usually Myofascial pain.

What Sort Of Activities Can I Do If I Suffer From Arthritis?

What types of activities are good for most people with arthritis pain ? If you have only mild joint damage and most of your symptoms are related to the ligaments, tendons and muscles surrounding your joints -- not the joints themselves -- a gentle exercise program could improve your arthritis pain.

Is There A Natural Cure For Arthritis?

Treatment is often more effective when arthritis symptoms are caught early. Treatment options vary depending on the type of arthritis and include physical and occupational therapy, and medications (symptomatic or targeted at the disease process causing the arthritis). Treatment with these medications requires careful monitoring by the physician to avoid side effects. Some types of treatment focus on using pleasurable aromatic botanical oils by either massaging them into the skin, adding them to the bath water, inhaling them directly or diffusing their scents into the surrounding environment. Even the definition of alternative treatments varies from one source to another. For example, heat, massage and stretching -- which help relieve arthritis symptoms for many people -- have been listed as alternative treatment by some, but in reality these have been standard practice for many years. If you want to consider a natural cure for arthritis which will give you pain relief, visit the link below.

Hip Fractures - A Guide For Recovery

Hip Fracture Basics: Types and Causes of Broken Hips

Hip fractures are serious injuries that often require surgery to repair. Every year in the United States alone over 300,000 people suffer broken hips and require hospitalization. Of that number, over half of those people suffering a hip fracture are over the age of 80.

Bone density, age, and other medical conditions can all contribute to the likelihood of a broken hip, but generally a fracture occurs because of some sort of trauma to the area, like a fall. Most hip fractures in the elderly are caused by falls, while in younger patients - car accidents and other high impact injuries are the most likely causes.

Elderly women and other patients with osteoporosis are at a greater risk of suffering a broken hip in the event of a fall. Because osteoporosis weakens the skeletal system by causing loss of bone mass - bones and joints are at a greater risk of fracturing in the event of trauma.

Hip fractures are actually the breaking of the femur (the bone that extends from the pelvis to the knee) inside or near the hip joint. Hip fractures are generally placed into 2 main classifications - a Femoral Neck Fracture or an Intertrochanteric Fracture. Both of these types of fractures are very serious and in most cases will necessitate surgery to repair the fractures.

Femoral Neck Fracture

The femoral neck is just below the head (top) of the femur. A femoral neck fracture generally occurs within 1 to 2 inches from the end of the femur.

Intertrochanteric Fracture

This fracture occurs within 3 to 4 inches of the head of the femur and usually requires the use of a metal plate and screw to hold the bone in place while it heals - allowing the head of the femur to continue moving normally in the hip socket.

Though hip fractures are generally caused by a serious trauma - a fall or a high impact injury - other factors can contribute to the risk of sustaining a broken hip.


Statistics show that age is a large factor. The majority of hip related injuries and fractures occur in people over 80. There are two main reasons why this may be true: bone density loss and the presence of other medical conditions affecting balance and mobility. But also effecting elderly patients are general aging issues like loss of vision and a decreasing or weakening sense of balance.

Medical Conditions

Osteoporosis puts patients at an even higher risk for breaking a hip simply because it reduces bone density. There are a number of other medical conditions that will also lead up to and increase chances of developing osteoporosis which in turn can lead to increased risks for hip fractures.

The development of other diseases and conditions like Parkinson's disease which effect a person's mobility and balance can contribute to an increased risk of falling and breaking a hip as well. Diabetes, arthritis, and similar diseases can also effect a person's activity levels which in turn increases risk.

Physical Inactivity

Because physical inactivity can lead to the weakening of bones, tendons, and muscles - it can also contribute to a higher risk of fracturing critical bones and joints. Physical inactivity can in turn lead to other conditions such as obesity and weight gain which can put a larger strain on a weakening bone structure. Maintaining a regular physical activity schedule will often reduce a patient's risk of hip fracture.

Mortality Rates and Common Problems Associated with Hip Fractures

Hip fractures are serious injuries that require immediate medical attention because there are a number of problems and conditions that can arise because of the broken bone. Studies have shown that mortality rates following a hip fracture can be rather high for a number of reasons which include the development of other serious medical conditions (blood clots and infections) as well as the age of the patient at the time of the injury (since the majority of fractures occurs among seniors).

A study published in the British Medical Journal places mortality rates within one year of suffering a fractured hip at 20%. And this number only increases with the age of the patient - as many as 33% of patients over the age of 80 die within a year of breaking a hip. The 30 day mark following surgery for a fractured hip is high in this population also - coming in at about 10%.

A number of factors contribute to these high numbers. Post-operative complications like infections (i.e. pneumonia or bronchitis) are dangerous factors. The general health of the patients involved in the study also contributes to the high mortality rates. Because as we talked about, a number of other conditions can increase a patients risk of breaking a hip. These same conditions (obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, Parkinson's, and others) can also make recovery more difficult.

Mobility factors increase risk as well. Because a broken hip makes it even more difficult for patients to get proper exercise, the overall deterioration of the body due to inactivity can bring about other health problems or exasperate existing conditions like heart disease. For patients that are bedridden following surgery, pressure sores and infections become an increased risk.

Overall, the general health of a patient prior to the sustained injury and following surgery is going to play highly in determining the likelihood of the patient's complete recovery. This is why younger patients tend to recover more completely and quickly as they are less likely to have preexisting medical conditions that are going to be worsened by the injury.

Mortality rates and other complications decrease significantly in patients that work hard at maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle regardless of age. Often for these folks - a broken hip is a temporary setback, though it is still a serious injury. Recovery though will often be a lot simpler if the patient has maintained general good health prior to fracturing their hip.

How Hip Fractures are Treated

In most cases, a hip fracture is going to require surgery. In cases where surgery is not possible because of an illness or other factor - traction may be used. In those cases without surgery - the main treatment for a broken hip relies mainly on pain reduction.

Both types of hip fractures - the femoral neck fracture and the intertrochanteric fracture - require surgery. The exact procedure is slightly different for each type.

Intertrochanteric Fracture Surgery

When the break is lower on the femur as in an intertrochanteric fracture (occurring 3 to 4 inches from the head of the femur) a different procedure is generally used. Doctors will attach a metal plate to the side of the femur and insert a metal hip compression screw into the femur. This compression screw and plate allows the bone fragments to compress together and mend themselves.

Femoral Neck Fracture Surgery

With a femoral neck fracture, surgery will generally involve one of three types of procedures: metal screws, replacing part of the femur, or total hip replacement.

Using metal screws, the surgeon will align the bones and fix them in place with three long metal screws which will remain in place and not be removed. These screws serve to allow the bones to mend back together as well as strengthen that section of the femur.

If the doctors are unable to align the bones in a way that will allow them to heal properly, they will usually attempt a procedure known as a hemiarthroplasty. This involves removing and replacing the damaged head and neck of the femur with a metal prosthesis.

Total hip replacement is the most invasive of the three options. If for some reason, the socket joint in the hip is damaged - total hip replacement might be the best option. In this procedure, the surgeons will not only replace the top portion of the femur, but also the joint section of the pelvic bone. One of the benefits of total hip replacement is that it allows patients to become mobile again sooner after the surgery than other options. This can help to prevent other complications associated with major surgery from developing.

Hospital stays after surgery for a hip fracture can vary in length - although the average stay in the hospital generally lasts a week. The majority of patients will require physical therapy for a long period following the surgery to recover completely. Older and less mobile patients may even have to look to a long term care facility if they don't have available help or care at home.

Help With Recovery and Prevention of Hip Fractures

Exercise and physical activity is a key in helping with both recovery from a hip fracture and prevention of those fractures. Because mobility is limited following surgery for hip fractures, the use of a rolling walker is often a good idea for elderly patients as it will help them get the exercise to speed up healing and also help to prevent another fall from aggravating the injury further.

Everyday tasks will probably become a little more difficult for a patient recovering from hip fracture surgery. Things like bending over to tie shoes or getting dressed in the morning will require a little bit of extra effort. Lifting the affected leg into bed or onto the couch will also become more difficult at times during the recovery. There are quite a few products like extended shoe horns and leg lifters which can ease the pain and difficulty of recovery.

Often times, simple tasks that are taken for granted become more complicated. Bathing for example is an everyday thing that becomes tough following hip surgery. A sponge on an extended handle or a bath bench become tools which can really help.

To make recovery easier, the purchase of a "hip kit" is a small investment for quite a bit of help. Common items that you'll find in a hip kit include:

  • Long Handled Sponges

  • Long Handled Shoe Horn

  • A Dressing Stick

  • Extendable Reachers or Grabbers

  • Leg Lifters

Mobility and physical therapy are both important factors in helping to speed up recovery. Full use of the hip will take some time, but in patients that were healthy prior to the surgery, a full recovery is possible and likely.

Exercise is a major factor in recovery as well as the prevention of other complications arising because of the surgery. Any help that a patient can enlist - either from family or qualified medical practitioners is going to aid them in recovery.

Prevention Tips

Learning how to prevent falls is another factor that is going to seriously limit the likelihood of breaking a hip.

* Building railings or ramps to help with stairs around the home is a good idea.

* Installing rails next to the toilet and in the bathtub or shower is another preventative measure. They're also great ideas to help somebody who is trying to recover from hip surgery since their mobility will be more limited for a time.

* Rearranging furniture to allow for clear paths.

* Check rugs and carpets for slippage or places somebody could trip.

* Consider the use of a hip protector - a low profile pad that you wear beneath your clothing and over your hip to help absorb any impact from a fall.

* Keep cords stowed safely away.

* Place used items in easy to reach places - avoid step stools and ladders where balance might be lost.

* Make sure areas of the home and yard are well lit. Being able to see a hazard is half the battle.

* Wear practical shoes that are non-slip.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also decrease your risk of breaking a hip. Not only exercise, but proper nutrition is important.

* Weight Bearing Exercise - Helps to fight bone density loss and works to maintain the strength of tendons and muscles that support the joints. Not only that, but regularly walking or exercising will help to maintain your sense of balance and agility - making the likelihood of a fall less likely.

* Smoking - Believe it or not, smoking actually works to reduce your bone density. So not only can it cause cancer - but it can weaken your bones.

* Calcium and Vitamin D - Proper nutrition and watching levels of calcium in your diet (through foods or supplements) will work to maintain your bone density so that in the event of a fall, you are less likely to fracture your hip. Vitamin D is also a key component of this process as it helps your body absorb and process calcium.

Other Hip Fracture Resources

There are a ton of available resources on the web these days that can help you in the prevention of or recovery from a hip fracture. The following is a listing and review of some great web sites and articles if you would like more information on hip fracture prevention, treatment, and recovery.

The Mayo Clinic

The Mayo Clinic is a highly respected non-profit organization and clinic that maintains clinics in Minnesota, Arizona, and Florida. They also have a very informative web site that is a great resource for countless medical conditions. The section of the web site on hip fractures is very in depth and organized in a way that you can find information very easily on prevention of hip fractures or help with recovery from hip surgery. is an interesting web site in that it deals with the care of patients following surgeries like total hip replacement. On this web site you'll find questions and tips related to helping patients or parents who are going through a difficult hip surgery recovery.

Advice on how to deal with the medical condition is provided, as well as advice on how to help the patient mentally get through the recovery is discussed.

This web site also provides access to a network of caregivers and service providers in your area if you need additional help with recovering from hip surgery. You can find providers for any level of help that might be needed, from full time care to part time help with housework and chores. The great thing about this service is that you can post your needs and interview potential caregivers as well as look at a background check.

Maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle are the best preventative measures that you can take towards avoiding a hip fracture. Working as an online community and resource, is a great resource and web site to use to maintain that active and healthy lifestyle.

Nutrition information and tools like their 'meal planner' and 'weight tracker' are great ways to make sure you are doing everything you can to stay healthy. Participating in the community forums is also a great way to meet other people facing the same issues or working towards the same goals.

Hip fractures are a common injury, especially among the elderly - so reaching out to a community like EveryDayHealth will give you the opportunity to find understanding support of what it is you might be going through following hip surgery.

Finding the proper support, medical care, and tools to aid in the recovery from hip fracture surgery is a key component to reducing the difficulty and likelihood of complications from a broken hip. Whether you have experienced a hip fracture or are just interested in the prevention of a future injury - there's a myriad of online resources available to help you in that quest.

Arthritis Causes and Risk Factors That You Ought to Know

Arthritis is a condition which is related with the inflammation of joint. Though there are different types of arthritis but all types of arthritis is related with the inflammation of joints. People suffering from this problem have common complaints which include joint pain, swelling and stiffness.

The problem of arthritis can be described as the pain which occurs in the joints of the body. Usually it affects the old aged people and of both the gender. Among the different types of arthritis, the most common arthritis is osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease. There are some other different types of arthritis which include rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. Then there is septic arthritis which is caused due to joint infection and also gouty arthritis which is caused due to deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints.

It is not very easy to determine the exact cause of arthritis because very often an individual starts developing this common problem due to the contribution of several factors. Some of the risk factors which can cause arthritis include -

1. Age - As an individual moves towards an older age, their cartilage becomes more brittle and thus has less capacity to repair itself. So usually people growing older are more likely to develop arthritis.

2. Weight -Excess body weight also contributes to arthritis. Our joint is partly damaged due to load as it has to support our body weight. This type of problem occurs especially in heavier patients. They are at more risk to worn their hips and knees.

3. Genetics - It also contributes to the cause of arthritis but how much the genetics or heredity contributes is not well understood. But there are likely genetic variations which can contribute to the cause of arthritis.

4. Illness or infection - Sometimes due to joint infection, multiple episodes of gout, or some other medical conditions can develop arthritis of the joint.

5. Some High-Level Sports - It also contributes to the development of arthritis but it is very difficult to determine that how much it contributes to development of arthritis. But it may be one of the reasons to develop arthritis as sports participation can lead to joint injury.

6. Occupational Hazards - Individuals working in some specific occupations are at higher risk of developing arthritis than some other jobs.

7. Previous injury - Sometimes due to some previous injury also an individual may develop arthritis. For example injury leading to arthritis is a tibial plateau fracture in which the broken area of bone enters the cartilage of knee joint.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

An Unstable Knee Joint - Does it Feel Like it Ruins Everything!? - Improve Stability With a Support

What Is An Unstable Knee Joint?

An unstable knee joint can be the result of an injury or an underlying medical condition that causes the knee joint to give out on occasion (or all the time!). Many people refer to this condition as a trick knee. This can be caused by an injured or torn knee ligament, such as a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in the knee. The condition can be treated either by wearing a knee brace or surgery.

Symptoms of an Unstable Knee Joint:

1.) Knee giving out from under you when walking or standing
2.) Pain or stiffness in the knee
3.) Cracking sound in the knee

These symptoms of the unstable knee joint can also be symptoms of other problems such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, although the knee giving out usually is indicative of an unstable knee joint due to an injured ligament.

How do you get an Unstable Knee Joint?

Trauma, or a sudden turn or twist to the knee can cause a ligament to give out on you. More often than not, a sports injury will "do the trick", but average everyday people can also suffer these injuries in a multitude of ways.

What are the Treatment Options?

Treatment options include total rebuilding of the knee ligament or conservative treatment such as using painkillers when needed, as well as using a knee brace.

Debating the Pros and Cons of the Treatment Options

A.) Knee Surgery: Knee surgery to repair the ligament can be done, although this is an expensive operation and is not 100 percent successful. As is the case with any type of surgery, there is an element of risk, especially since the person must undergo a general anesthetic. The surgery is usually followed by rehabilitation and pain killers. Some people who undergo knee surgery develop an addiction to pain killers that are given after the surgery. (Speak with your physician about medications that you may, or will be taking.)

The positive aspect of the knee surgery is that if successful, the knee will be as good or almost as good as new. A person can resume all of their activities once the knee has completely healed. However, there is an indication that many people who have a problem with a torn ligament are more likely to undergo the same problem again.

B.) Conservative Treatment: Conservative treatment for an unstable knee joint includes wearing a knee brace that will keep the joint stable as well as taking medication for swelling. Rest can also be incorporated into the treatment. Some homeopathic doctors recommend an anti-inflammatory diet, supplements and massage for the condition. For the most part, a knee brace will work well to stabilize the joint and help reduce your pain problems This is not costly and non-invasive. With conservative treatment the risks are usually lower.

The majority of people who have an unstable knee joint opt for conservative treatment whenever possible. The pain that is present can be almost always be managed and when wearing a knee brace an unstable knee joint does not adversely impact their daily life. Nevertheless, you must always exercise caution and wear the brace properly.

If you want to take your knee stability to the next level then it is time you considered using a brace for support. They do not have to be super expensive, or awkward either. Check one out today.

7 Proven Methods of Relief For Joint Pain

If one is suffering from joint pain, over time, it becomes extremely necessary to be able to manage that pain, for ones quality of life and mental well being. This article will look at the ways people use to manage the pain that they feel in the joints.

Heat and cold

If the pain in the joints that you are experiencing as a result of arthritis, the heat and cold therapy may only work for certain types of arthritis, not on all types. Before you adopt this treatment, make sure your doctor signs it off and actually approves before you put it to use. Let your doctor be the one to let you know what kind of temperatures you should be using for the affected area. The heat and cold relief methods are normally used for a period of about 15 minutes at a time, and they can be effective in releasing joint pain. People who have poor blood circulation should avoid using cold packs to relief the pain in their joints.

Joint protection

Sometimes, the joint pain can be such that a brace is needed to alleviate the pain. Again, this will come from your doctor, and he or she will also be able to tell you which brace is the best for the joint pain that you are suffering from.


Massages can be used to alleviate the pain, but are usually for temporary relief. This method involves having the muscles over the joint stroked and this is instrumental in stimulating blood flow towards the affected area. It is best to have someone who is a professional to perform the massage, so that they have some sort of understanding of the disease.


Exercise is extremely important for ones over all health and wellness, and it helps people manage a lot of other diseases not just joint pain. Someone suffering from joint pain needs to engage in low impact exercises like walking, swimming, stretching as well as low impact aerobics. Moving your joints will help alleviate the joint pain and lessen the inflexibility that is in the joints.

Weight Reduction

One of the issues that makes joint pain worse is the excess weight on ones body, which puts extra pressure on the joints. Losing weight for joint pain sufferers will not only help with pain reduction, but it will also aid in controlling the osteoarthritis in ones knees, and can slow the process down significantly.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation makes use of small equipment positioned close to the joint afflicted with arthritis and channelizes small electric sensations to nerve endings inside and surrounding the arthritic joint. It is believed that TENS stops the pain signals delivered to the brain from nerves and changes the body's reception of pain impulses. TENS is said to ease the joint pain that is a result of the arthritis, however, it does not help when it comes to the swelling that comes with the pain.


Surgery is for the most part, the last option for most patients. The surgeon usually operates to severe the synovium from the body, relay the joint, or in worst cases, substitute the affected joint with an artificial one. This kind of surgery where a person goes for joint replacement has allowed people to regain their mobility and enjoy their lives again, as it allows for great pain relief. People who have tried all forms of relief might have surgery as a last option, for a chance to have a normal life again.

Is There a Better Way to Treat Arthritis?

Bone and joint pain is on the rise, especially with increased fitness activities, injuries and the aging population of baby boomers. Management of bone and joint disorders and chronic bone pain can be very difficult. Follow up is frequently needed for established and chronic problems for the best management. Proper evaluation is essential and there are multiple ways to protect and improve your joint health.

I am including general information about bone & joint health including arthritis. I find that reducing inflammation, no matter what the cause, is always helpful for joint pain. The major purpose of drugs/medications has been to reduce inflammation. Changing your diet is helpful. Exercise of some sort, especially resistance exercises are very important. Weight management is important as obesity is a major risk factor for the well being of your joints.

The evaluation process must consider previous injuries/surgery, tendonitis, congenital disorders, arthritis, degenerative joint disease, osteoporosis, bone spurs, disc problems, fibromyalgia, neuromuscular and autoimmune disorders, multiple myeloma, bone cancers, rotator cuff tears, pelvic instability syndrome, vascular problems, etc. requires a thorough and ongoing review of your history and a (repeat) physical exam.

A review of family history for arthritis and autoimmune disorders, injury and work history for possible wear and tear or overuse problems, previous surgery, a dietary and nutritional review, weight issues such as chronic obesity, and a smoking history is important in the evaluation of bone, joint and muscle disorders.

Diagnostic tests might include x-rays of affected joints, a bone density test to rule out osteoporosis, DEXA scan, a bone scan, BIA (bioelectrical impedance analysis) test, and lab tests that include bone markers including calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase and vitamin D (25-OH D3 levels), thyroid and parathyroid studies, hormone studies, immunoglobulin studies, a PET scan, a bone scan, RHEUMATOID FACTOR, an ANA and possibly an MRI, and an EMG, or biopsy, as indicated, just to name a few.

Nutritionals include: Omega three fatty acids -fish oil-- (epa/dha) Higher doses from two to five grams) , SAMe, hyaluronic acid (collagen type II), strontium, chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, and natural progesterone support bone health. In addition, adequate intake and a good source of Vitamin D (not milk (100 IU) and at least 1000-2000 IU (testing is recommended for the best dose) of vitamin D3 (and sunshine, if tolerated--20 minutes without sunscreen is 25, 000 IU) are now recommended, calcium, magnesium and vitamin K are very useful for bone health. Vitamin K cannot be used if on blood thinners, such as coumadin. Glutathione (IV, inhaled or via oral liposomal products) and it's precursors (alpha lipoic acid, glutamine and cysteine/N-acetylcysteine) along with Vitamin C, are very useful for helping to reduce pain.

Additional supplements that are very useful for bone and joint health are Kaprex, Kaprex AI, EC Matrixx, Cal Apatite and Ostera which are all made by Metagenics.

Acute pain management needs the immediate attention of your doctor, a specialist or the emergency department. For more resources, or product information, please email me.

Natural Joint Pain Relief: Natural Ways To Lessen Joint Pains

Is joint pain hindering you from doing your everyday activities? Are you currently looking for a highly effective joint solution? In that case, natural joint pain relief is widely used by people encountering pain in and around the joints, mainly because it offers you safe and is more effective choice as compared to synthetic drugs. Joint pain solutions are easily obtainable in the form of natural remedies to therapeutic massage that are discovered to be productive in relieving joint problems. Considering the fact that people are aware of the risks of utilizing prescription drug they aim to address pain in the joints in a natural way and many of them attempt to take into consideration natural joint pain relief.

For very best relief of painful joints as well as for overall health benefits, it is actually important to conduct careful study for the excellent solution. Aside from that, educating yourself about joint inflammation and it is impacts in other areas of health is of great importance for your overall wellness. In certain cases, certain diet modifications have become much helpful in terms of minimizing inflammation. More often than not, maintaining good health, stress management and having proper diet and lifestyle are fantastic place to begin to dealing with any health problem.

Many remedies for arthritis purely handle the pain itself and not the actual problem. Taking short-term pain relief is neither a practical solution nor a long term answer unless otherwise taking drugs for years is good enough. There are numerous cases of pain in the joints which may call for forms of surgery as alternatives nonetheless the rate of success is minimal or temporary. Determining pain management is effective in acquiring alternative cures to nearly every disease. Therefore, natural pain relief is widely advised by medical professionals today.

Determining food allergies, modification in diet and herbal tea are effective treatments for arthritis. An ancient herb called Boswellin is utilized as incense and proves to be effective in giving you natural joint pain relief. Many other beneficial joint pain remedies incorporate White willow bark, Holy basil, ginger, turmeric, rosemary and oregano. These treatment options are obtainable in nutrition stores.

One powerful way to lessen joint size almost instantly is greatly reducing or eliminating carbohydrates in the diet. The dependence on drugs and surgery is simply wiped out through taking away a trigger of inflammation. Health experts recommend an increase of high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. Omega-3 fatty acids is available in fish products, grass-fed beef, and flaxseed. Even though these are recognized common solutions which works for most people but keeping a daily food diary will help an individual understand and identify food allergies which can be the main cause of the joint inflammation.

Embracing a healthy lifestyle can for sure enable anybody to feel and stay better; lower the danger for diseases not to mention build and maintain great health. When thinking about a change in diet, consuming a multivitamin is a great place to start. A multivitamin improves the disease fighting capability of the body and provide the needed nutrients which makes it a powerful type of natural joint pain relief.

Getting yourself current with the most current medical discoveries and further research can help one enable to gather helpful information to acquire the best joint solution.

Joint Pain Relief - Is There Anything That Can Help Relieve the Pain?

I have suffered with pain in my knees and elbows for quite a long time. I believe that most of the pain can be attributed to all of the sports I played as a teen and young man as well as some arthritis in my later years.

I was an avid bowler, bowling in two to three leagues a week with a 200 average. As I did my approach to throwing the ball the pain in my knees was really killing me. As a result of favoring my knees I would strain my right elbow. I had to quit bowling altogether because of the pain in my knees and elbow. I tried an elastic support for both my knees and elbows and neither worked.

I had been told from a number of my friends and relatives that Glucosamine would help with the pain. I bought Glucosamine tablets from a vitamin catalog and continued to take it on a daily basis for years but it did not help at all. Glucosamine is marketed to support the structure and function of joints and the marketing is targeted to people suffering from osetoarthritis. Unfortunately I had to quit bowling.

I love playing golf and I still had pain in my knees. I did wear an elastic support for my knees and I was able to continue playing. As the day went on the strain from my swing and walking up and down hills, the pain would get worse. If I twisted my foot, even a little bit, the pain shot through my whole body. I got through all eighteen holes but my golf game, which wasn't that fantastic in the first place, just got a whole lot worse.

On a visit to my VA doctor, I mentioned the pain and he asked me if I was taking Chondrotin Sulfate. (Chondroitin sulfate is a major component of extracellular matrix, and is important in maintaining the structural integrity of the tissue).I told him I wasn't and he recommended that I start immediately.

I then ordered Glucosamine, Chondrin, MSM tablets from the same catalog company. After about two weeks of taking these tablets the pain started to ease, but not 100%.

I discovered that there was a fourth ingredient that could be taken for the relief of pain I was seeking and that was Celadrin Oil. Celadrin is made up of a combination of highly effective ingredients. The oils found in the product are similar to fish oil, are safe for those allergic to products containing fish oil. The product helps by allowing users to gain more flexibility in the joints and reduces swelling and inflammation. I now take all four of the supplements in one dose and I can now say that I am 100% pain free. I now play golf without any elastic supports and my golf game is now back to normal. I haven't tried to resume bowling but I intend to try that in the very near future.

You can find out more about how to relieve joint pain by Clicking Here

Getting Pain Killers For Dogs

Pain killers for dogs can come in many forms just as the injuries can. These injuries can manifest themselves in many forms, like joint and arthritis pain, cuts, illness, sprains or breaks, and even bee stings. If your dog could speak and was suffering from one of these painful conditions, he would be asking you to buy him something that will help him handle the pain better.

One thing to keep in mind is that human medication whether it is prescription or over the counter medicine can be very harmful for dogs. Not all human medication would be harmful to them but the wrong dosage can prove to be fatal. Therefore, it is wise to stay on the safe side and seek a legitimate pain killer for dogs.

In which case, you will want to think about the many options for the problem of dog pain relief. Depending on what particular illness or condition your dog may have might constitute which remedy to take. Obviously if your dog has been in a severe accident possibly involving broken bones, large cuts or gashes, or internal bleeding you will want to head straight to the vet. The pain your dog might experience afterwards from the surgeries or treatments is where you can get involved.

Finding a pain killer for dogs is not so hard to track down as one might think. The first place you might think about looking is the Internet. There are various companies that specialize in dog pain relief. You can find many natural remedies out there to be a pain killer for dogs but you might need help determining what to use. Treating your dog's pain through herbal relief is growing in today's world with many good results.

Herbal mixtures, compounds, and salves are great for dog pain relief. Sometimes just the herb itself can be used as a pain killer for dogs like Ginger or Turmeric. The remedies can be applied directly onto a certain area of pain to bring relief or taken orally by the dog depending on the animal's condition.

Veterinarians also have a large array of pain killers for dogs that can be prescribed. There are many drugs that can be used to bring dog pain relief but a vet must prescribe it. The medication must fit the condition in all cases whether you are dealing with natural remedies or prescribed medication.

Another alternative for dog pain relief that has gotten much support in the last few years is Acupuncture. It might sound strange to take your dog for an acupuncture appointment but it is reported to be a great pain killer for dogs. Chiropractors have now also decided to lend a hand in dog pain relief in the areas of misalignment, arthritis, joint pain, and general stiffness. Many have great things to say about both of these methods of treatments.

Pain killer for dogs now can also be bought in a spray form. Pain sprays can be used for a variety of dog pains but will not work for all pain. Massaging your own dog can also bring your dog pain relief in such areas as, the neck, back and joints. Remember not to press to hard or roughly, which will cause the animal more discomfort. Whatever the illness or injury there are many ways to bring your dog pain relief.

Effective Home Remedies for Treating Gout

An inflammatory joint problem that causes a lot of pain and acute swelling is termed as Gout in medical terms and is usually a result of the excess uric acid buildup. If this acid gets accumulated in the joints and the nearby areas it leads to a lot of pain. Though doesn't sound terrible yet it shouldn't be neglected as in the later stages it could lead to serious issues like heart attack, diabetes and finally death. This is something which could be easily avoided and all you need to take care of is your weight and give relief to your joints, being overweight is the only main cause of gout and if you can avoid this, then you can lead a blissful life.

Make sure that you take limited fast food, do not opt for fasting because dieting doesn't mean killing your diet completely but it is weight management. Reduce your intake on alcohol, stick to sea food rather than red meat or meat that are high in cholesterol. Once in pain it becomes ideal to consult a doctor because joint pain becomes unbearable at a point of time and can actually block your movement. They do prescribe you with certain medicine that cuts down the rate of your uric acid formation in the body but is it actually good for your kidneys. More the medicines you take more you bother your body parts. In that case you can actually opt for some home remedies that are ideal for fighting away you gout.

1) Everyone likes fruits, and what's your say about apples. The general norm is "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" but if you two more apples in your daily diet you can keep gout away.

2) Anthocyanins are the antioxidants found in cherries so having few cherries a day can prevent you from gout and get you some relieved from the pain. It is advisable to have fresh cherries instead of the canned ones because anything packed with preservatives can never be good for health.

3) Freshly made juice is always good for health but for treating gout try some homemade juice made of raw vegetables. All you need is a mix of cucumber juice, Beetroot juice and carrot juice, the mixture does taste good but here you need to forget the taste and concentrate on the uric acid level which will definitely go down because of the cleansing effect of the juice.

4) Make a solution of half cup charcoal powder and water and dip the infected joint for around 30 to 60 minutes. It relieves you from pain as you can even try half bucket water mixed with 1/3 cup of ginger paste. This gives a soothing effect to the joint if socked for a while and then that portion of the body can be cleansed nicely. Trying this remedy at the time of excess pain will give for tremendous comfort.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Magical Effects of Using Pilates for Chronic Pain Relief

For many us who have experienced pain in the neck and shoulders, lower back, hips, knees or ankles or suffered from a major physical injury, Pilates has been proven to work towards pain relief. Many doctors, physiotherapists, and chiropractors have high regard for Pilates and its exercises as means for pain relief. Many have recommended it to their patients as a method for the body to return to good health. It is also a great rehabilitation treatment tool.

Proper posture, good breathing mechanics, development of core strength and flexibility are just some of the examples of what we can benefit from pilates exercises. The learning of these different techniques in Pilates, which we also termed as the fundamentals and then integrating them into our daily life can aid in prevention of injuries. In fact, Pilates is also called "The Intelligent Exercise", helping us to achieve "the intelligent body."

Besides, Pilates also improves the joints range of motion, develop muscular strength and endurance. All these helped the body to achieve better limb and muscular motion which is usually lost during injuries. "The Pilates Method" is about mind and body connection. It is about making us aware of how our body works and moves. This awareness brings about a sense of total well being.

Pilates can be done both on mat and on machines like the reformer. Pilates exercises for pain relief are specific and require an experienced pilates professional who is well trained in rehabilitation. Although most people tend to think that Pilates mat exercises are great for beginners, it is very tough when the body is injured or de-conditioned; machine exercises are generally preferred. For instance, the reformer helps to support the core when it is weak but challenges it when the core muscles get stronger. Results are fast and the body can enjoy a better state of health quicker when compared against Pilates Matwork.

Here are some benefits for using Pilates for pain relief:

Improves Blood Circulation

As with injury or pain, it is normal to assume it is safer not to move the joint but to keep it still. It is however, not the case. If there is no fracture or major trauma, it is good to do gentle movement like stretching within the joint's permissible range of motion to improve blood circulation. Movement has to be controlled, slow and gentle in the beginning. As the joint's range of motion improves, it can be challenged further depending on that particular joint's state of injury.

Blood supply can flow better through the area. Toxins are also eliminated as increased circulation also makes the blood get faster to the muscles making them recover quicker and more energized as the muscle cells require oxygen from the blood to function well. This helps in relieving soreness and pain in all parts of the body.

Improves Range of Motion

When Pilates movements specific to the injured area are encouraged, it might start with small range as the ligaments and tendons of a injured joint are naturally stiff and tight. With time, specific Pilates exercises helps in improving the range of motion possible.

Our sacroiliac joint (SI), situated between the hip (pelvic) and lower back (sacrum) and vital in providing the spine some form of shock absorption, is vulnerable to a condition known as SI dysfunction. It is a common reason behind many back pain cases. Pilates has exercises specifically designed for increasing stability in the lower back area (lumbar spine) and bring instant relief for people suffering with SI joint dysfunction. A painful back is never easy and limits the range of movement a person can perform. Not only that, it inhibits one from doing a lot of simple daily activities and enjoying life.

Improves Awareness or Body and Mind Connection

Pilates pain relief exercises can help to develop your mind as much as it can for the body. The exercises are directed toward developing the body and the mind as "ONE" and achieve wellness as a whole. The exercises train you to make the mind grab absolute control of the body. With the mind controlling the muscles, it prompts you to be fully focused on the exercises. In the process, the muscles are uniformly developed and the brain cells get to work efficiently and effectively together. This balance-and-control technique improves the body as a system that works in sync in work and play.

The Benefits of Aloe in Pain Relief For Arthritis

Although arthritis won't really kill you, it can literally cripple you. Arthritis causes a lot of limitations and cuts back even the most undemanding activities such as bathing, walking or dressing up. Because of intense pain in the joints, arthritis can be quite debilitating. Added to that, it's also a recurring disease.

Arthritis affects many thousands of people every year and statistics show that one in every three adults over 40 suffer or will suffer from arthritis as they age. Arthritis has no specified age or gender parameter since arthritis can develop even in infants, but most sufferers begin to experience symptoms when they near their fifties, with more than 50% occurring before the age of 65. The sad thing about arthritis is that it can be debilitating both to the body and to one's finances. It is estimated that arthritis can cost a single person a whopping $150,000 in medical or support treatment and lost wages during his or her lifetime.

The two most common types of arthritis that afflict the greater percentage of the population are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a condition that results from normal wear and tear of the knees, hips, or ankles since they bear much of the weight in the body. Arthritis also invades the shoulders and other highly mobile joints in the cervical and lumbar spinal regions. Like grease on joints and gears in a mechanical structure, synovial fluid maintains lubrication and ease of movement within our joints. It is also responsible for the overall health of the cartilage surrounding the bone interface. Synovial fluid inevitably shrinks with age and cartilage undergoes wear and tear with heavy use, eventually causing the bones to grind against each other. This grinding action is what causes arthritis pain and the difficulty in movements.

Rheumatoid Arthritis on the other hand is a condition brought about by the assault of anti-bodies on the synovial lining of the joints. Although these anti-bodies are produced by our own immune system, genetics, certain infections or environmental factors can trigger immune system upsets and cause destruction of the synovial membrane and the cartilage. Inflammatory conditions such as swelling, stiffness and pain manifest as a result of this. Rheumatoid Arthritis affects any age group, and this type of immunologically induced arthritis is also prevalent in other systemic illnesses such as Lupus and Scleroderma.

Symptoms of arthritis are not permanent - the disease is said to be active when inflammation is present and that period is known as a "flare". When the symptoms go away, it is said that the disease is "in remission". Remission can be accomplished through treatment or may occur spontaneously and may last for months or even years.

Conventional treatments for arthritis include the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids to relieve its painful effects. Typically, these come in the form of cortisone injections or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or what is commonly known as NSAIDs. These types of treatment bring pain relief, unfortunately they don't repair the damaged tissues - hence relief is said to be merely symptomatic.

NSAIDs and steroids are also known to produce adverse effects. Most prominent of these are osteoporosis and some thinning of the skin. NSAIDs are also observed to increase the incidence of stomach ulcers.

No cure for arthritis has been discovered yet, but there is growing evidence that tissue repair and replacement can delay disease progression. In fact, this has been the focus of controversial stem cell replacement studies over the years. Whether or not stem cell replacement will eventually emerge as the cure for arthritis, it is a welcome relief to know that natural substances are available to relieve arthritis pain and discomfort, and slow progression of the disease - without the side effects.

One of the best known natural substances for its anti-inflammatory properties is Aloe Vera. Aloe generally provides analgesic relief and it has demonstrated positive results at immune system stimulation to speed up cell replacement and growth. Aloe Vera contains basic sugars which are also found in every cell of the body - it is rich in nutrients that include vitamins E, C, and the B series, as well as iron, manganese, calcium and zinc. Aloe Vera also contains essential amino and fatty acids needed by the body.

Possibly more than its nutritional benefits is the ability of Aloe Vera to help the body regenerate cells and repair damaged tissue. A breakthrough formulation combines aloe with glucosamine and chondroitin, two joint supplements that are building blocks of cartilage found within joints. Glucosamine increases fluid maintenance in the cartilage, while chondroitin, an ingredient of cartilage tissue, takes charge of drawing in fluids and nutrients. As we age, the body's capacity to produce these natural elements of healthy cartilage is diminished, thus leading to painful joint conditions. Combined with Aloe Vera which aids in tissue repair and cell regeneration, natural relief for arthritis without the side effects may simply be found in a glass of naturally occurring substances!

Physical Therapy Can Help to Treat Rotator Cuff Tears

The risk of injuries and tissue damage is high in tissues and joints that are highly mobile and functional. The shoulder joint is a ball and socket joint. All the major activities across this joint are promoted by rotator cuff muscles that stabilize the shoulder joint in all upper limb 3-dimensional movements.

Rotator cuff injury involves moderate to severe injury to the shoulder region that may be acute in the form of trauma, accidental fall or it may occur in a chronic setting as a result of overuse injury due to repetitive movements across upper limb that makes supporting tendons or ligaments weak and vulnerable to minimal trauma. Rotator cuff tear manifests as painful movements and limitation of range of motion across the shoulder joint that is also followed by weakness of shoulder and visible abnormal angulations due to swelling in some cases.

You are at likely risk of developing rotator cuff tearing if you are an athlete or sports person who has a high rate of physical activity along the shoulder joint especially swimmers, carpenters and painters. You are also at risk if you are employed in body building and weight lifting or of advancing age with degenerative bone or joint diseases

Rotator cuff tear injuries is the most common form of injuries in professional tennis and badminton players and moderate to severe damage to rotator cuff muscles can greatly limit all types of activities across the shoulder joint. Physical therapy is needed for a number of reasons. It is very important to maintain normal circulation of blood across the joint capsule without affecting the nerve supply (brachial plexus) or healing tissues of shoulder joint. This is only possible if physical activity is performed across shoulder joint under tight supervision to avoid any trauma. Physical therapy helps in early recovery and restoration of full range of movement across the shoulder joint. Physical therapy is soothing and helps in relieving inflammation related shoulder joint pain.

Rotator cuff tear involves ligamentous damage in most cases and unless the tearing is very severe, no surgical manipulation is needed. Almost 80% of the cases get resolved with conservative therapy like ice-packs, steroid injection and anti-inflammatory medications to relieve pain and edema. Although the rotator cuff is made up of 4 different muscles, supra-spinatous is most vulnerable to injury or tearing in a rotator cuff tear. Most therapies aim at making your shoulder injury painless or numb so that the natural and innate immune system can take over the task of tissue healing and repair (or regeneration).

As discussed previously, rotator cuff tears are most commonly seen in professional players and athletes and besides improving the injury, physical therapy also helps in stabilization and strengthening of small muscles and fibers. This is because these muscle fibers are more likely to suffer injuries because of high impact motion across shoulder joint and most gym exercises aims at strengthening of large muscle groups only.

Physical therapy exercises that aims at correcting rotator cuff tear involve weight lifting and muscle strengthening via light dumbbells. To support and stabilize joint tissue, resistance banding is also performed that helps in relieving edema or swelling in the joint region and restore the compromised blood supply across the joint capsule. Medicine balls and other similar equipment help in healthy recovery and improved range of motion by passive muscle contraction.

It is strongly recommended not to lift heavy weights from the affected limb and avoid overstressing the shoulder joint by hardcore physical exercises. Never start any therapy without seeking the advice of your healthcare provider or without the supervision of your physical therapists.

The Best Way to Avoid Knee Pain

As time passes, most of our bones, joints and muscle tissues will put through wear and tear that could make these organs less efficient in its function and also much more vulnerable to damage. Consequently, it's vitally important to cater to these effects when an elderly person is being treated or as a preventive measures.

Of all the joints in the body, the knee joint is most likely one of many joints that takes brunt of the stressors and will be the primary site for complaints of pain among the elderly age group. The pain could arise from a variety of components also it could be the bones, cartilages, muscles or tendons. The pain that is felt can be a localized chronic ache otherwise an agonizing acute Knee Pain which sometimes radiate up or down in the affected leg.

A person, particularly the elderly, is most probably to endure these painful conditions that would certainly affect the persons activities of everyday living. Therefore, how are we going to avoid such incidence? Following are few suggestions of Knee Pain Treatment or preventive measures.

1. Put on correctly fitting shoes or sandals when walking or doing exercises.

2. Avoid running or exercising on uneven surfaces and make use of properly laid down tracks or flat surfaces in performing such exercises.

3. Put on knee guards when exercising or walking to give it support in maintaining stability while the movements are taking place.

4. Do sufficient warm up prior to indulging on strenuous exercise or physical activities then warming down exercises would also be helpful.

5. Give sufficient rest following prolonged standing, walking or following working out in order to allow the knees to recover from acute stressors.

6. Hot fermentation of the knee joint as well as cold compressions is a great type of Knee Pain Treatment since it reduce and revitalize the knees for the another day.

7. Staying away from prolonged immobility is also a significant step in preventing knee joint pain in addition to limited movements.

8. Getting healthy nutritional foods which consists of sufficient calcium, nutritional supplements would benefit in stopping prolonged joint pain and would help a fast recovery process subsequent minor injuries.

9. Avoid heavy lifting in abnormal postures as disproportionate weight distribution can bring about knee injuries and strains thereby causing pain.

Consequently, adequate precautions in addition to healthy habits will lead to protection of the joint and therefore the avoidance of nagging knee joint pain.

The Many Causes Of Index Finger Pain

Having pain is not a laughing matter, especially when you do not know what it is. A common pain that people feel is index finger pain, which can be quite frustrating considering that our fingers do so much in our lives, from texting, typing, picking up items and much more. If you are experiencing pain the your first finger, then it is important that you understand the different issues that can be causing this problem.

Carpel tunnel syndrome is one of the first things that many people tend to think of with pain in the index finger. However, there are other symptoms than just this pain. Usually the pain is present in the other fingers and through the wrist. On top of this, there is usually tingling in the fingers and hand as well. While this condition is most commonly connected with improper hand positioning while typing, there are many other causes for this condition, such as pregnancy or other health problems.

Another cause of index finger pain is arthritis. Though many people associate this condition with the elderly, the truth is that this can occur at any age. The pain with this is often dull or burning and is usually around the joint. The pain usually flares up after using the joint repeatedly. On top of the pain, people who suffer with this condition will usually have stiffness in their fingers and in their hands as well.

A pinched nerve could also be the culprit with index finger pain. There are many ways a nerve can be pinched, such as with muscles knotting up or even a cervical vertebra getting out of the joint. This can be an easy fix or may be more involved, depending on the amount of damage that has been done and what the cause of the pinched nerve is. It is important to keep in mind though that often times when a person has pain in a finger due to a pinched nerve, the pain is usually shooting and will go down their arm as well.

Pain in the pointer finger could also be caused by an autoimmune disorder called Myasthenia gravis. This disorder, like other autoimmune disorders, the body attacks itself with antibodies. With this condition, the antibodies travel around and cause various issues. The main symptoms are fatigue and muscle weakness, which usually happens in the face of limbs.

Along with a break, you should also consider the thought of a sprain to the index finger as the source of the pain. This can happen when there is trauma to the finger, though not enough to break it. Sometimes, the bone is pushed down into the joint cavity, which is often referred to as jamming your finger, which can also be a source of pain.

You should also think about the possibility of a broken bone in your finger when you are trying to find the cause of the pain in your index finger. There are different classifications of breaks and it may be an incomplete break or even a stress fracture that is causing the pain. Either way it needs to be dealt with properly so you can keep from causing any more harm to your body.

If your finger is stuck in a bent condition or will just snap back, you may have the condition known as trigger finger. It is called this due to the fact that it looks like what a person's finger does when they use a firearm. The problem with this condition comes down to an issue in the tendons and is most common in people who work in a place where they must constantly grip things with their finger.

There are many different factors that can cause joint pain. There are many different medical conditions, including diabetes, neurological and even thyroid problems that you should take into consideration. This is why the best thing you can do is to think about the different circumstances that led up to the index finger pain. You should think about what you were doing as well as the symptoms that you are having. You should then see your physician as he or she will be able to give you the most accurate cause of your pain. Remember that there can be serious issues surrounding the pain in your finger and you should make sure to get the issue checked out before there is more damage. This will help to not only ease your pain, but also ease your mind.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Healthy Back Institute's Back Pain Relief Products Review

Individuals would go through anything to relieve lower back pain, including testing out the newest devices and pain relief products, like heating gels and other new liniments and support pillows, which are demonstrated on infomercials. The success of various products in minimizing the pain is provided through convincing stories of many folks. "Satisfied" consumers also chime in with their good remarks in the hopes that the customer would dish out those valuable dollars to purchase the product. What's the deal with these products? Do they truly provide relief? Or are you just endangering your health?

Thankfully, not all back pain relief products are total frauds and there are many health institutes that will try out these products for their safety and productivity.

One particular institute is The Healthy Back Institute. A sample of a product that was tried by the Institute was Memory Foam which was released in 2009. Though it was advertised to be the most effective remedy for back, neck, and sciatica pain relief, third-party researchers found volatile arsenic and phosphor poisons being gave off by the foam material which brought on serious allergic side effects (such as rashes and itchy eyes), breathing issues, vomiting, and a host of other physical complaints. The mattress also afflicted numerous pets.

Of course, the Healthy Back Institute has uncovered many other back relief products that are both safe and effective. The following are some of the very suggested back pain relief products...

The 7-Day Back Pain Cure. This particular product is a book which includes numerous exercises and natural methods of reducing the pain.

Lose The Back Pain System. Quite comparable to the first product, this product helps relieve the pain and sciatic pain through the application of easy-guide videos.

Heal-n-Soothe. Unlike the NSAIDs and its negative effects, this all natural anti-inflammatory pain tablet will help lessen inflammation and pain.

Rub On Relief. For those who are tired of taking oral medicines, Rub On Relief presents instant and soothing relief to muscle pain.

Super Joint Support. The Super Joint Support is an oral liquid solution and it is employed to enhance the joints with ingredients like glucosamine, chondroitin, Vitamin C and Manganese.

Inversion Tables. In order to reduce swelling and boost recovery, specialized inversion therapy tables decompress the spine, free nerve impingements, and enhance blood circulation and hydration to the discs to alleviate lower back pain.

Nubax簧 Trio. Lower back pain, herniated disc, and sciatica is relieved by the Nubax簧 Trio by decompressing the spine.

Far Infrared Heating Pad. Deep-penetrating infrared heat is applied to the affected areas to present alleviation from back pains, joint discomforts, and other types of aches and pains.

Trigger Point Therapy. A home massage system, it operates to ease pain by deactivating trigger points that have induced muscle pressure and nerve irritation.

Freedom Back Support Pillow. Helps to repair awful stance while sitting by offering support to the lower back. The Freedom Back Support Pillow also has a built-in massage system that helps to reduce strain and relax the muscles in the lower back, therefore alleviating soreness.

You can consider the many tried and tested back pain relief products through the Healthy Back Institute.

A Look At Forward Head Syndrome

Good posture helps us to maintain good health and fitness. If you practice wrong head postures, then it can prove to be really harmful to your health in a number of ways. Forward head syndrome is a condition when your head is not properly aligned above your shoulders. This can lead to many health issues and problems. Your chiropractor can help you in understanding more about forward head syndrome and correcting the misalignment that ti causes.

When your spine and neck get out of alignment due to poor posture or some previous trauma, forward head syndrome takes place. Forward head syndrome happens when your chin and head sit forward of your shoulders. This syndrome makes you lose the normal spine curve in the neck. It also puts a lot of weight and pressure on the neck and the back and can pose a threat to the spinal cord and brain stem. Pain and trigger points in the back, TMJ or Tempero Mandibular Joint Dysfunction, poor posture, fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal conditions, tension headaches, reduced range of motion, neurological issues, loss of lung capacity and vertebral subluxation are some of the disease and health disorders that can result due to Forward Head Syndrome.

There are methods by which you can avoid the condition of forward head posture. For example, you can pay attention when you stand or sit so that you have the right posture where your knees, hips, ears, ankles and shoulders are all in a vertical line. There are some other ways by which you can avoid it like sitting up straight rather than keeping your shoulders rounded and making a hunched back, by not carrying a heavy purse or backpack on any of your shoulders and not looking down when using a computer.

A chiropractor will prove to be the best help in case you have the problem of forward head posture. In order to regain the normal posture, the chiropractic treatment works by regaining the right posture of the neck and hence relieving the pain, muscle tension and the ligaments. Muscle rehabilitation and spinal adjustments can help bring about this change and increasing the strength and flexibility of the neck muscles. You should get in touch with your chiropractor soon because if ignored, this problem can become a serious one. If you have a good posture, it will not only make you look good but will also help you avoid health issues that can pose a threat in the long run.

Lateral Pelvic Tilt - What it is and How to Get Rid of It?

Proper biomechanics demand a lot of things, one of which is a person's ability to maintain proper muscular length-tension relationships. As is the case with any joint, a postural abnormality and pain can develop when a muscle is tight while its antagonist is lengthened and weak. The pelvis involves a number of muscles that allow it to tilt anteriorly, posteriorly, and laterally. If a sizable disparity in those length-tension relationships emerge, then pain ranging from nagging low back pain to something more severe, such as piercing or radiating pain in the buttocks and legs can result. In this article, I'm going to be specifically exploring how the pelvis can become fixed in a lateral tilt and what can be done to both identify and correct the problem.

So what is lateral pelvic tilt and how is it best identified? Lateral pelvic tilt can best be described as simultaneously involving two motions: hip hiking and hip dropping. When compared to a neutral pelvic position, where the iliac crests appear level, hip hiking requires that the hip on one side is raised above a neutral position, while the other iliac crest must drop below a neutral level. When standing as evenly as possible, one should be able to determine with a mirror or another set of eyes whether or not their iliac crests appear level. But where are these iliac crests, you ask? The iliac crest is a term used to describe the pelvic border that stretches from the anterior superior iliac spine to the posterior superior iliac spine. Part of the anterior portion can be felt as the bony point of the pelvis situated beneath the oblique while the posterior portion is laterally offset from the base of the spine. If necessary, practice tilting the pelvis forwards and backwards with your hands on your hips to determine their respective locations.

Another important, albeit indirect, screening method requires scrutinizing the walking gait. If there is weakness in the gluteus medius or the tensor fasciae latae, then the gait is characterized by a lateral shift of the trunk when the opposite leg swings forward. A similar conclusion could be reached by standing on one leg with the opposite leg flexed to 90 degrees at the knee and the hip and then assessing the opposite hip's position. If the hip drops then the abductors are likely weak. Let's now take a closer look at some of the common dysfunctions that accompany hip hiking and hip dropping.

First and foremost, for hip hiking to take place one most likely has a tight quadratus lumborum, which is a muscle that connects the lumbar vertebrae to the iliac crest and is primarily used in extension and lateral flexion of the lumbar spine. As a result, the hiked side must create adduction in the hip, which likely means that the adductors are tight as well. Consequently, the hip abductors, namely the gluteus medius, are likely to be in a lengthened and possibly weakened position.

On the other side, the dropped hip is likely to have a lengthened quadratus lumborum and a tight gluteus medius, which connects the ilium to the top of the femur. Due to this position, the dropped hip must therefore be in abduction. This then places the hip adductors in a lengthened and possibly weakened position. Another potential contributor to the hip drop could be a tight tensor fasciae latae muscle, which connects the iliac crest to the iliotibial band. Now that the typical dysfunctions have been clarified, what is recommended in terms of treatment?

Before proceeding, I advise everyone with marked pain to consult a physician before initiating any self-treatment program. With that said, the simplest fix for those with only a slight impairment might only require a subtle alteration in posture and walking mechanics. In other words, practice standing with the weight evenly distributed over the feet and with the pelvis in a neutral position. This may seem painfully obvious, but too many people are unaware that they stand in "postural adduction" which is when the hips are shifted outward and the weight bearing leg sits underneath the hiked and shifted hip. If symptoms are a little more pronounced, then some other provisions that include stretching and strengthening will be necessary. When walking, one should use a walking stick or a cane in an effort to support the weak gluteus medius. This should only be necessary in the beginning stages of treatment so as to better manage the pain. If sleeping in an adducted position is painful, then a pillow between the knees might be appropriate. On the side of the dropped hip, one should stretch the tensor fasciae latae by standing on one foot on a sturdy platform 2-4 inches thick and with the other foot on the floor. Be sure that the knees and feet are facing forward. Next, posteriorly tilt the pelvis and hold for 20-30 seconds. Corrective exercise is certainly a vital component to eliminating any movement impairment. Those who have experienced some pronounced pain would be advised to start conservatively in their corrective exercise. Hip abduction exercises from a prone or supine position are recommended initially. Progress to a side-lying position once 20 pain-free repetitions with a full range of motion can be performed in the introductory positions. Eventually, one should move to standing exercises where one places a leg on a 2-4 inch platform to practice dropping the hip so the foot touches the floor and then hiking it back up to a neutral position by recruiting the gluteus medius.

Hopefully, this article has helped clarify the ways to identify and understand lateral pelvic tilt and what can best be done to correct it. I'm confident that with a little diligence and patience your lateral pelvic tilt will soon become a thing of the past.