Saturday, July 20, 2013

How to Prevent TMJ Disorders

In case you have been told that one particular treatment can detect the development of temporomandibular joint syndrome, you better think again. In fact, there is no evidence that there exist such a thing at the moment. It is primarily because you cannot perfectly sense that you are slowly developing the disorder. Its symptoms are closely similar to other ailments so you will never suspect it in its onset. You better contemplate on the potential treatment first before giving it a try. However, there are things you can do to prevent it from happening. That sounds better.

Jaw problems tend to heal on their own after a couple of weeks or months. Your case may not turn out to be as chronic as it seems if you seek help earlier. There are many therapies that can prevent it from getting worse. You just need to figure out the best for your case. Keep in mind that you will need assistance from a professional in achieving this goal. That is the right way to deal with it. Some of these therapies can even be done in the comforts of your home.

One of the most effortless treatment for TMJ symptoms is hot or cold compress. All you need is hot water or ice and heat or cold pack. You may even utilize a towel if you do not have a pack readily available. Just be sure that you do not burn yourself when you use heat. This can improve your TMJ's function and gradually reduces pain, too. The ice pack can also decrease the inflammation and eventually numb the pain to promote healing. Be certain that you do not place the ice pack directly into your skin, too. Wrapping it in a clean cloth can do better. You may also need to start a soft diet while you undergo medication. Avoid hard and chewy food items as much as possible. Prefer blended and soft foods to let your jaw rest for the time being.

You can also ask for prescription medicines from your TMJ dentist. You can easily purchase this over-the-counter for short term relief from TMJ symptoms. Analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen can provide temporary relief from the pain. However, if you wanted a long term relief from the disorder, your TMJ dentist can prescribe a surgical operation for worse cases. On the other hand, it may directly affect you bite and can drastically alter your dental structure. Opt for non-surgical remedies such as wearing of dental appliances like night guards. This is a convenient way to commence your healing process. Make sure you set an appointment with your TMJ dentist sooner.

Home TMJ Treatment - Effectively Treating TMJ Yourself

Painful TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) symptoms are thought to be due to the cartilage where the lower jaw meets the skull becoming displaced. This results in the nerves that control the senses being stretched and pressured.. TMJ dysfunction affects lots of people, however, it affects more women then men. A full blown case of TMJ is rare, because the body typically recovers within 2 weeks, if the jaw is given a proper amount of rest.

TMJ dysfunction can be very difficult to treat. Many individuals with TMJ dysfunction experience pain, numbness, difficulty in opening their mouths, jaw clicking and head and neck aches, and do not know how to properly treat the symptoms. Some individuals opt for surgery, while others, are interested in a proven, home TMJ treatment.

TMJ surgery is a very difficult surgery because the jaw is a very complicated joint. Such surgery is usually chosen as a very last resort when all else has failed. The tissue surrounding the jaw is tough and difficult to cut and easily scars after surgery. In fact, many patients are worse off after the surgery. Home TMJ treatment is certainly cheaper and is considered a much safer alternative.

An effective, home TMJ treatment is primarily characterized by TMJ exercises. Most of these exercises are focused on strengthening the muscles around the jaw, the tongue, the throat, neck and shoulders. You may also be prescribed a splint plate, which is a piece of plastic that is fitted over your teeth. This device is similar to a mouth guard worn by athletes. It's job is to reduce teeth clenching and grinding. It also will help resolve muscle tension.

TMJ dysfunction can be very painful. It has a way of controlling your life, because it affects eating, and sometimes your entire upper body. There are home TMJ treatment that are effective in easing the pain. A complete, effective system will incorporate TMJ exercise and diet. To find a suitable solution, do your homework, speak with people, and perform some research on the web. Many people have successfully treated their TMJ dysfunction. It's time that you became one of them.

Is My Pain From My Hip Joint Or From a Low Back Spine Problem?

Pain that is in or around one's hip joint may or may not be present secondary to a hip issue. The pain can also be coming from a low back spinal problem.

The potential generators of the pain can be:

1) Hip joint arthritis or a soft tissue problem inside the hip joint (labrum)

2) Intervertebral disc herniation

3) Spinal Stenosis

4) Soft tissue problem around the hip

5) Fracture in the spine

6) Hip Fracture

Hip arthritis pain or a labral tear may cause significant pain in the groin area on the affected side. Physical examination and x-rays will typically confirm the culprit as degenerative joint disease (DJD) in the hip. If the patient receives a hip injection as treatment and the pain is eliminated even for an hour, one can be certain the hip is in fact the problem with further treatments confined to the hip.

Groin pain can also be a result of a disc herniation. It's not something typically seen in a textbook and it is an atypical presentation, but an L5-S1 disc herniation can in fact cause groin pain on the affected side. So if the exam and radiologic studies of the hip are not definitive for a hip problem, potentially obtain and MRI of the lumbar spine for the answer.

Pain that is around the hip joint may be coming from the spine. It is called radiating pain if it emanates from a spinal problem and then travels down into the buttock area or hip region. One such problem is called spinal stenosis, which represents nerve root compression at one or multiple levels from an arthritic process.

Spinal stenosis typically occurs in older individuals that may also be experiencing pain in the hip from arthritis. So the hip pain can be a combination of radiating pain from spinal stenosis along with the direct pain from the DJD in the hip. How is the diagnosis then made.

The combination of a good history, physical examination, and imaging studies often elucidates the source of the pain. If there's still a question mark, injections can give the answer. Here's an example. Betty is 74 years old and experiences pain on the outside and front of her right hip area on a daily basis. Activity makes it worse, and at times it wakes her up at night. Also it radiates down the front of her thigh a bit.

She is convinced the pain is coming from her hip since she has no back pain at all. On physical examination while moving her right hip all over the place, however, she has minimal provocation of her pain. X-rays show moderate arthritis in her right hip, with the same degenerative joint disease existing on her left side as well.

The physician orders x-rays and an MRI of Betty's lumbar spine which shows numerous nerve roots being compressed as they are trying to get out from the spine on the right side. So she has spinal stenosis.

As a diagnostic test, the physician performs a right hip injection under x-ray guidance. Betty's pain only decreased 20% over the next three days. So the physician sent Betty to a pain doctor the following week who performed an interventional pain management procedure called an epidural injection.

And you know what happened? Betty's pain decreased another 50% after the first injection and another 20% with the second injection, adding up to a 90% pain reduction with the epidural injections. Both the spinal injections and the hip injection therefore served both a diagnostic and therapeutic purpose.

It is important to keep in mind that pain in and around the hip may in fact be coming either partly or completely from a problem in the spine. This can be the difference between a frustrated patient still in pain versus one who shows dramatic improvement.

Glucosamine And Chondroitin - Do They Work For Joint Pain?

Glucosamine is derived from the shells of crabs and oysters, and is widely promoted as a natural substance for the treatment of arthritis and joint pain. Glucosamine is felt to be a precursor of proteoglycans. Proteoglycans are thought to be instrumental in helping cartilage retain water and in promoting formation of an elastic layer, which may improve the functional characteristics of cartilage.

Chondroitin is a product derived from the cartilage of sharks and cows that is promoted for the prevention of arthritis and the treatment of joint pain. Chondroitin is often combined with glucosamine where it is sold in health food stores. Chondroitin stimulates the production of proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid and inhibits proteolytic enzymes, which destroy cartilage. Chondroitin and glucosamine are often given in combination for osteoarthritis.

Most of the earlier studies of glucosamine and chondroitin were performed by manufacturers and were not well controlled (1). A meta-analysis performed in 2000 of studies of glucosamine and chondroitin found that studies funded by supplement manufacturers resulted in more favorable results for the supplement combo than independent studies; few of the manufacturers' studies were properly controlled. Overall there was a moderate effect for both, and the authors concluded that some degree of efficacy was probable (1).

Only one of the studies reviewed in 2000 reported that patients definitely did not know whether they were being given a supplement or a placebo. In that study, 252 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee were randomly assigned to receive four weeks of glucosamine or placebo. Glucosamine was associated with a drop in pain ratings from 10.6 to 7.5 versus 10.6 to 8.4 in placebo; fifty two percent of glucosamine patients had a clinically significant change as measure by a three-point drop on an index of arthritis severity compared to 37% on placebo. These differences were statistically significant.

More recently several randomized placebo controlled trials have been performed.
In one study 212 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee were assigned to placebo or glucosamine for three years of treatment. Patients on placebo had a greater narrowing of the disk space in the knee compared to glucosamine as measured on X-ray (-.31 mm v -.06 mm). Glucosamine patients had a significant improvement in pain ratings compared to placebo. Glucosamine showed no increase in side effects compared to placebo (2).

In another study 98 males with osteoarthritis of the knee were assigned to glucosamine or placebo for two months of treatment. There was no difference in pain ratings between patients treated with glucosamine (3.3) and placebo (3.5) (3). Glucosamine was also associated with more side effects, including loose stools, nausea, heartburn, and headache.

Another study randomized 202 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee to three years of treatment with glucosamine or placebo. Placebo treated patients had a greater degree of joint space narrowing as measured by X-ray than glucosamine (-.19 mm v +.04 mm). There were statistically significantly greater reductions in glucosamine for measures of pain self ratings (-2 v -1.3) as well as measures of stiffness and function. One randomized placebo controlled study showed efficacy with a glucosamine-chondroitin combination compared to placebo (4).

In 2006 a large well-controlled study assigned 1583 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee to glucosamine, chondroitin, a glucosamine/chondroitin combination, celecoxib, or placebo for six months of treatment. A positive treatment outcome was defined as a 20% change in knee pain severity. Sixty percent of placebo patients responded to treatment compared to 67% of glucosamine/chondroitin patients, a difference that was not statistically significant. Celecoxib had a 70% response that was statistically significantly better than placebo. A subgroup of patients with moderate to severe pain at baseline did significantly better with glucosamine/chondroitin than placebo (79% response v 54%) (5). In summary the glucosamine and chondroitin combination shows some efficacy for treatment of osteoarthritis.

1. McAlindon, T.E., LaValley, M.P., Gulin, J.P., Felson, D.T. Glucosamine and chondroitin for treatment of osteoarthritis: A systematic quality assessment and meta-analysis. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2000;283(11):1469-1475.

2. Reginster, J.-Y., Deroisy, R., Rovati, L.C., Lee, R.L., Lejeune, E., Bruyere, O., Giacovelli, G., Henrotin, Y., Dacre, J.E., Gossett, C. Long-term effects of glucosamine sulphate on osteoarthritis progression: a randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Lancet. 2001;357:251-256.

3. Rindone, J.P., Hiller, D., Collacott, E., Nordhaugen, N. Randomized, controlled trial of glucosamine for treating osteoarthritis of the knee. Western Journal of Medicine. 2000;172(2):91-94.

4. Lefler, C.T., Philippi, A.F., Leffler, S.G. Glucosamine, chondroitin, and manganese ascorbate for degenerative joint disease of the knee or low back: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study. Military Medicine. 1999;164:85-91.

5. Clegg, D.O., Reda, D.J., Harris, C.L., Klein, M.A., O'Dell, J.R., Hooper, M.M., Bradley, J.D., Bingham, C.O., 3rd, Weisman, M.H., Jackson, C.G., Lane, N.E., Cush, J.J., Moreland, L.W., Schumacher, H.R., Jr., Oddis, C.V., Wolfe, F., Molitor, J.A., Yocum, D.E., Schnitzer, T.J., Furst, D.E., Sawitzke, A.D., Shi, H., Brandt, K.D., Moskowitz, R.W., Williams, H.J. Glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and the two in combination for painful knee osteoarthritis. New England Journal of Medicine. Feb 23 2006;354(8):795-808.

Pain in Joints Disappears With CFA Supplements

If you suffer from arthritic pain in joints, you know that the symptoms can be debilitating. Did you know that there are more than 100 types of arthritis? Arthritis, regardless of type, is accompanied by some common symptoms in the fingers, arms, legs and wrists.

* Swelling. Swelling is not just unsightly; it's downright painful. Often, this pain occurs on both sides of the body in common joint areas. Certain types of arthritis--like rheumatoid--are particularly painful upon awakening in the morning.

* Pain accompanied by fever. If you have painful symptoms--like the ones mentioned above-that are accompanied by fever, you may have infectious arthritis. This type of arthritis is caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses or parasites. Other symptoms include body chills, weakness and headaches. The individual suffering from these symptoms may feel as if he or she has the flu.

* Weight loss accompanied by a rash. Children who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis commonly lose weight due to poor appetite, develop a blotchy rash, and are anemic.

Because arthritis is a painful reality of daily life for those who suffer from it, finding pain relief is paramount to living an active life.

The good news is that many people find non-prescription relief by using Cetylated Fatty Acid (CFA) supplements. CFA supplements act quickly to lessen the symptoms of arthritic pain. When used daily, pain in joints lessens or disappears.

CFA supplements start by lubricating the joints, thereby lessening the pain. Because arthritis wears away at the cartilage, bones literally grind together, causing pain with any weight-bearing activity. Cetylated Fatty Acids act as a lubricant to cushion the joints. By adding a cushion of relief, the individual can pursue normal activities with decreased pain or no pain at all.

Some arthritis sufferers lose mobility due to joint destruction and the pain it causes. CFA supplements decrease inflammation while cushioning the joints. By providing this type of relief, individuals who use CFA supplements show marked improvement when standing from a sitting position or walking up a flight of stairs. Studies have shown that people who use these supplements over the long term experience more relief the longer they use the product.

CFA supplements are available over the counter, so a prescription is not required. They are available in two formulas: topical cream and oral supplements. Studies have shown that topical cream and oral supplements work equally as well. The cream should be applied two to four times daily, and supplements should be taken as directed on the bottle.

What makes CFA supplements so appealing is that relief is fast--within 30 minutes or less. The longer an individual uses the supplements, the more diminished the symptoms become. Studies have shown that individuals who take these supplements over a period of 60 days demonstrated remarkable improvement in mobility.

Cetylated Fatty Acids make pain in joints disappear and also provide relief for pain and inflammation due to over-exertion and sports injuries. The next time you experience pain, you might want to check into CFA supplements. They produce no side effects, and you won't have to wait to see your physician to get relief.

The Best Exercises to Relieve Aching Joints

Do you have arthritis? Osteoarthritis, a gradual loss of the cartilage that acts as padding between the surfaces of the bones, is so common that nearly everyone over the age of 40 shows some signs of it on X-rays. As it progresses, this degenerative joint disease causes pain and stiffness in the joints, but the right kind of exercise offers relief.

Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, a totally different disease, osteoarthritis results from normal wear and tear. It usually occurs in the weight bearing joints of the hips, knees and feet as well as in the neck and lower spine; and in the hands. Dr. Peter Bruno, attending physician at Lenox Hill Hospital and Medical Director for the Insall Scott Kelly Institute for Orthopedics and Sports Medicine in New York City, compares the wearing away of cartilage to the Teflon coating on a nonstick fry pan, "If you keep rubbing it and irritating it, gradually the Teflon comes off and the bone underneath starts to pit."

Although the natural tendency is to minimize movement to avoid pain in the arthritic joints, this unfortunately can lead to more pain and stiffness. Inactivity, a frequent consequence of arthritis, creates a downward spiral and causes a cascade of other health risks. Appropriate exercise will actually diminish the discomfort, increase mobility and strengthen the muscles that support the joints.

A well-rounded exercise program should focus on cardio activity, strengthening and stretching.

Start every session with a thorough warm up to increase core body temperature and circulation, make the muscles more supple and the joints more limber. Easy ways to warm up include walking, marching in place and stationary bike. Try to incorporate some upper body movements as well. One of my clients used a pulley attached to a door in her apartment to warm up her badly arthritic shoulder. The pulley is helpful because you can pull each arm up individually to your level of comfort and gradually increase the range of motion.

Cardio activityenhances aerobic capacity, improving overall fitness and reducing inflammation. It also helps you lose weight, decreasing the amount of stress on the joints and relieving the aches to allow you to become more active. To get started, Dr. Bruno recommends a minimum of 20 minutes of cardio activity per week and says to take a "slow and steady approach so you can stay active throughout life." He offers three general guidelines:

  • Start slow, not too much too soon

  • Make it easy: do something that's convenient and you can continue easily

  • Do low impact activities to protect the joints: for example, brisk walking, cycling, elliptical machine

Strength trainingexercises build up muscle tone to support vulnerable joints, making them more stable and improving alignment so they function more efficiently. Toned muscles also provide shock absorption and reduce mechanical stresses that can accelerate cartilage degeneration. Using light weights, begin with 2-3 repetitions of each exercise and gradually progress to 10-12.

Although you might feel slight discomfort at first, it usually gets easier; however avoid any exercises that increase joint pain, especially if it continues for two hours after exercising. Do the exercises 2-3 times a week on nonconsecutive days.

Stretching improves flexibility by lengthening the muscles and tendons, helping you maintain and improve mobility. It decreases joint stiffness and increases the range of motion around the joint. Concentrate on the large muscles of the legs, the low back, and hands (try stretching your fingers in the warm, humid air of the bath or shower). Stretch every day and even several times throughout the day. Hold a stretch for 10-30 seconds and avoid bouncing.

Of course, this information should not take the place of guidance from your own physician or other medical professional. Always consult with your doctor before beginning an exercise program or becoming much more physically active.

Friday, July 19, 2013

A Holistic Approach to TMJ

Understand that TMJ (temporo-mandibular joint) pain and associated problems make it difficult if not impossible to identify the exact nature of the cause of the problem. Holistic Specifics has approached TMJ with the attitude that we cannot fix everyone, but we can contribute greatly in the wellbeing and recovery of the many who are now suffering.

As has been known for over 3000 years, tight, spasmed muscles have pain associated with TMJ. Tight muscles hurt. Through the use of Therapeutic Massage, we can address this tension and many times relieve it entirely. This soreness, or pain in many cases, is not readily acknowledged by the conscious mind, but is registered and controlled by the sub-conscious mind. In other words, we have developed habits (both good and bad) to deal with the discomfort.

The muscle tightness we are talking about would be in, or associated with, those muscles that control chewing, speech, facial expression and swallowing. These muscles are affected by being over-used when grinding the teeth at night. They may be affected by your bite being mis-aligned. The muscles may have been traumatized during an accident, or when being slapped or struck on the side of the head. A disease such as arthritis may have set in, which complicates the issue. Some clinicians believe strongly that oral habits such as tongue thrusting, wide yawning, and nail, lip, or cheek biting, can precipitate a situation that puts the jaw in an abnormal position and may weaken or overstress the muscles. This continuous stress can result in tight and spasmed muscles.

More females are prone to TMJ than are men, and a greater prevalence of women in their childbearing years suffer from TMJ. This may indicate a serious possibility of a need for better nutrition during those times when a woman is eating for two.

Studies suggest that women on hormone replacement therapy were 77% more likely to seek help for TMJ as are women who are using oral contraceptives (19%). The downsides of the hormone estrogen is becoming more clear as more studies are being done.

Work habits and posture, things that we do every day, are done without thinking. Those habits that affect the muscles of the jaw or those of the neck, head or even shoulders, may reflect into the jaw muscles. Habits such as cradling a telephone between your ear and shoulder, carrying a heavy shoulder bag, singing, anything that promotes a forward head position, or hunching forward can contribute to tension throughout the body, as well as spasmed muscles.

Stress can manifest itself in so many different ways. Serious illnesses and disease are a result of the stress we allow ourselves to experience. Not knowing how to deal with stress is not an excuse and does nothing to reduce the effects of stress. Stress management can be learned and easily implemented into anyone's life. Simple techniques such as breathing effectively and efficiently can have a profound effect in reducing stress. For more serious conditions, Thought Field Therapy or Emotional Field Therapy can be utilized.

With respect to both of the conditions previously mentioned (spasmed muscles and Stress), a healthy lifestyle which utilizes both exercise and nutritional supplementation (with essential nutrients) will make a tremendous difference. Human beings require a full complement of minerals (macro & micro) in order to utilize vitamins properly. We also need Anti-Oxidants to fight off the free radicals created by the toxins in our environment, and a healthy circulatory system to deliver it to all of the cells. Exercise is an easy method of enhancing the circulatory system in the body.

Sounds simple doesn't it? In actuality, it is! The first thing you must do is make a decision. Ask yourself: Do I want to continue to get what I've always got, by continuing to do what I've always done, or is it time to CHANGE? If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, then it really is time for that change. Start by taking very small incremental positive steps. Don't try to do it all at once. Remember, you have the rest of your life ahead of you to make the improvements in your life. Just start by doing the obvious. Look in the mirror and be honest with yourself. Let that person in the mirror tell you where you need to start, and then take action. The hardest part of training for running a marathon is putting on those running shoes. Once the shoes are on and you take that first step. it gets easier and easier to take the next.

May you have much success on your journey to health!

Cetylated Fatty Acids Reduce Joint Pain Swelling

For thousands of senior citizens, joint pain swelling is a reality of daily life. Stiff joints, pain and decreased mobility are an unfortunate circumstance for many people. Despite all the available treatments, thousands of people still suffer daily. The good news is that there is a solution: Cetylated Fatty Acids. Cetylated Fatty Acids have been proven to attack the symptoms of joint pain swelling.

Cetylated Fatty Acids--also known as CFA supplements--are providing relief above and beyond prescription medications. In fact, when combined with glucosamine supplements, CFA supplements provide all-around relief for those who suffer from joint pain and stiffness associated with arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Many people are using Cetylated Fatty Acids in combination with their prescription medications or alone. Listed below are just a few of the benefits that Cetylated Fatty Acids provide.

1. Lubricated joints. Cetylated Fatty Acids lubricate the joints in as little as 30 minutes, providing fast-acting relief for the pain sufferer. When used over a longer period of time, CFA supplements lubricate all the body's joints and muscles, providing an overall feeling of wellness.
2. Cushioned joints. By adding a layer of lubrication, Cetylated Fatty Acids cushion the joints and make movement more bearable. Lubrication adds flexibility to joint movement and helps the sufferer to perform simple, daily tasks with ease.
3. Decreased inflammation. Cetylated Fatty Acids minimize inflammation, a major source of pain. When used in combination with glucosamine supplements, they provide enhanced relief.
4. Alleviated pain. By adding decreased inflammation to a layer of lubrication, Cetylated Fatty Acids dull the pain of arthritic symptoms and osteoarthritis pain.
5. Increased mobility. Once symptoms are eliminated, people who suffer from joint pain swelling have increased mobility in all of their joints.

Cetylated Fatty Acids are available in a topical cream or as a supplement to be ingested orally. Both have been proven to provide immediate short-term relief for the arthritis sufferer as well as long-term relief when used over time.

Cetylated Fatty Acids have been used to treat a variety of other conditions as well. For instance, people who suffer from skin irritations, such as psoriasis, experience decreased swelling and pain when CFA supplements are applied topically.

Muscle aches and pains are commonly treated with CFA supplements. Sports injuries and minor back injuries have been successfully treated with Cetylated Fatty Acids with fantastic results. Runners have typically taken glucosamine supplements to keep their joints lubricated. However, Cetylated Fatty Acids are more powerful than glucosamine alone. When taken over an extended period of time, CFA supplements lubricate all joints and muscle systems for overall wellness.

For people who have been unable to participate fully in activities due to joint pain swelling, stiffness and pain, CFA supplements offer a fantastic solution for alleviating pain and the accompanying symptoms. As a cellular lubricant, CFA supplements provide long-lasting comfort for people who suffer from joint pain swelling. The best news is that Cetylated Fatty Acids are available without a prescription and are available to anyone who wants to live a pain-free life.

The Additive In Your Hot Bath For Muscle Pain Relief

It is no longer a myth or hearsay that having a hot bath will help to remove the sores and aches from the body muscles. Those who practice this as a matter of course will tell you that it works perfectly for them but those who have never tried it will disregard this idea. So what is the truth; let us find out more.

The knots and aches that are fond of recurring are due to muscle pains that are caused by lack of good flow of blood in the body. Well, blood needs to flow and transport oxygen to all the parts of the body. If it cannot do this effectively then definitely there would be a problem because the acids and other toxic substances will begin to accumulate and therefore causing the aches and pains in there.

Having a hot bath will cause the blood to flow freely and silkily to give you some relief.

Flashing hot water over the muscles will give you very good relief. The hot bath massage on the muscle area will allow the blood to flow swiftly and smoothly.

Hot water bath will move the blood in the veins faster so preventing the toxins to stagnate in one place and causing pain. Quick relief is by alternating the hot and cold in quick successions which will bring a soothing effect and calmness you need to experience. It gets rid of the muscle pains.

The idea is to do this hot and cold alternating many times which means the temperature of the body will also experience the hot and cold that makes the blood flow with good speed. The accumulated acids are quickly scattered to sooth your body aches.

You could add some Epson salt to the water to make the acid particles and other toxins to go away from the blood system. They are the ones responsible for your pains.

So those who know this secret will tell you that it works all the time without fail, removing pains and aches that are unnecessary.

Helping Out Senior Citizens: How You Can Assist Them With Their Condition

For anyone who is around 40 years of age or more, growing old stops being fun. You get tired more easily. Your joints ache a lot more, even if it's not that cold. Your eyesight and your hearing starts to fails you. Even the healthiest of adults approaching the senior years feel these setting in, what more if he's someone who is battling a disease or condition?

A lot of these are truly unforgiving. For example, Parkinson's disease is very common among old people. It can leave one shaking so badly he won't even be able to take his medication without assistance. Stroke victims are left with a part of their body, if not half, paralyzed. It is quite unimaginable how a senior citizen would be able to deal with this without help.

Not everyone is privileged enough to have a personal nurse who can attend to them day and night. In fact, a huge number of elderly citizens are without insurance, and unfortunately, a lot are also living alone without anyone to assist them. Under these circumstances, they are left to a very grim fate.

In case you are someone who is in a position to assist an ailing senior citizen, here are some things which you can do to help them out.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that comes with old age. There is no cure for this as of now, only regular exercise and medication can help alleviate the condition. Assisting the elderly in exercising, even for just several minutes of exercise daily can be of great help. Take in mind, however, that some days can be more painful for them. Work with them carefully after their exercise as they are probably vulnerable due to fatigue.

Another common condition is stroke. If you live with an elderly person who you think has a high risk for stroke, recognition of an impending attack is crucial. Call the paramedics immediately if you notice any of the following:

* sudden numbness of the arm, leg, face. Usually on one side of the body
* sudden confusion
* incoherent speech
* visual impairment on one or both eyes
* sudden mobility problems
* severe headache
* dizziness and vertigo

The onset of Alzheimer's and dementia is often characterized by forgetfulness, which if not treated early on, will progress to disorientation and confusion. Simple tasks like brushing teeth and going to the bathroom will be very difficult. A senior suffering from early stages of Alzheimer's might try to hide the symptoms, which is why you will have to be observant and patient with them as well. Although a person with Alzheimer's and dementia cannot be cured as of now, they can still live a semblance of a normal life with proper management and your help.

Aside from these, the best thing you can possibly do for an underprivileged senior citizen would be to assist him/her in getting medical insurance. A task as simple as procuring and submitting a senior citizen's necessary documentation to Medicaid companies such as Senior Planning Services can literally save his life. Senior Planning Services knows that Medicaid application is a tedious process, which is why they take on the burden so that families can focus more on caring for their elderly.

Discover The Best Supplement for Joint Pain

Millions of people all over the world suffer from joint pain. Trying to find the best supplement for joint pain will take some research and trial and error. However, there are natural supplements that will work to ease your arthritis pain quite easily.

Arthritis pain develops when the sac found in the joint areas become filled with fluid. Arthritis pain is directly related to inflammation of the joints, so it is essential to find the right treatment to ease the pain.

Fish oil is a good supplement for joint pain. Fish oils high in DHA fatty acids help relieve the pain in your joints because of the process of conversion it goes through in the body. DHA is converted in the body to a very powerful anti-inflammatory chemical which is known as Resolving D2. Due to the fact that arthritis is strongly associated with inflammation, any supplement containing anti-inflammatory properties will provide great benefit to alleviate arthritis pain.

Multivitamins are great for helping alleviate the pain in your joints. Vitamins such as the following help reduce swelling and pain caused by inflammation.

Vitamins B3 and B6 help reduce tissue swelling. They work very well together to alleviate pain in the joints. They also help improve blood circulation.

Vitamin C act as an anti-inflammatory and helps relieve joint pain.

Vitamin E works to improve flexibility in the joint and protects joints from destructive free radicals.

Due to the many negative side effects of prescription medications many people are turning to natural supplements as a means of relieving pain and other types of illnesses. There are many different types of arthritis, the most common of which are Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. These can be extremely painful, causing anyone suffering from arthritis to be unable to perform their normal daily functions.

Another supplement that is great for joint pain is cherry. Naturally juiced cherries contains lots of magnesium and potassium which act as pain reliever and diuretic to help lower inflammation by getting rid of fluid buildup in the tissues.

Molasses has been used for centuries to cure aches and pains. Dissolve molasses in water and drink a small glass each morning. Molasses is a great source of potassium, minerals, magnesium and iron which works extremely well in eliminating joint pain.

Dandelion leaves are also a well-known source for easing pain in the joint. It contains a high-level of Vitamins A and C. It also helps the body repair tissues which have become damaged. Dandelion leaves can be eaten in salads when picked fresh or can be saut矇ed or steamed. Dandelion leaves can also be used as a tea. Just add a few leaves in boiling water and let it brew.

Finding the best supplement for joint pain is not difficult if you know what to look for. Look for Vitamins such as Vitamins B5, C, K and E to reduce inflammation of the joint. Taking the daily recommended dosage of these Vitamin supplements will help not only with joint pain, but will keep you healthy and living a life free from pain. Along with the best supplement for joint pain it is also important to eat healthy meals and exercise. Keeping your body healthy and free from pain is something we can all strive for.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

How to Take Care of Your Older Cat?

The eyes may display the most visible age-related changes. If you looked into your older cat's eyes and you notice a lacy, or moth-eaten, appearance in the iris where the formerly solid, dark swatch of green, blue or gold once appeared. Cats with nuclear sclerosis may develop a bluish cast in the eyes. Iris atrophy and nuclear sclerosis are common age-related traits that may not decrease your cat's vision to any appreciable extent, though several diseases - especially those relate to high blood pressure can seriously impair a cat's ability to see.

Hearing loss commonly occurs in elderly cats for a variety of reason, including chronic inflammation due to infection. As a result of hearing loss, your cat may vocalize more loudly and may not respond when you call him. Sudden moves, noises or touches may startle him.

Here is what happens as your cat's body ages.

Paying attention to your older cat's dental health in his younger years will pay huge dividends down the road. Dental disease, which can hamper or prevent eating and cause pain, is extremely common in senior cats. In older cats, some teeth may be missing or look worn and yellow.

In healthy senior cats, it's possible a reduced sense of smell may partially cause loss of appetite, though a refusal to eat is more likely associated with dental problems or other diseases.

Skin and Fur:
A decline in the metabolic rate can cause your cat's skin to become dry and less elastic. An aging cat's skin thins and blood flow decreases, leaving the skin more prone to infection. The skin may appear flaky, and the fur may become thinner and a little dull or rough. As often occurs in ageing dogs, your cat's muzzle may turn gray. Older cats groom less efficiently than younger cats, which sometimes results in hair matting, skin odor, and dermatitis.

Muscles, Bones, and Joints:
Older cats lose muscle tone and can appear unsteady or wobbly on their feet. The loss of muscle mass may result in a thinner appearance or the opposite may happen, as your cat's metabolism slows and your pet puts on weight. Older cats often display stiffness in their joints as tissues lose moisture and cartilage gradually deteriorates. Degenerative joint disease, or arthritis, is common. Bones become brittle. Senior cats may have trouble getting up, lying down, or stepping into their litter box. To your aging cat, climbing stairs may now seem like climbing Mount Everest and his favorite perch on your couch even harder to reach. Aging cats may not enjoy being picked up or cuddled if they experience pain. Finally, grooming may become more challenging as stiffness impedes a cat's ability to bend or stretch.

The nails, or claws, of an aging cat can become thicker, brittle, and overgrown. A senior cat is less able to retract her claws. Be sure to clip her nails (or have them trimmed) to prevent the nails from sticking to textured materials such as carpet or growing into her paws.

Your Older Cat Page

Joint Relief For Hands, Knees, and Elbows

You rely on joint function every day of your life. From elbow to knee your joints are one of the most important players in your body's mobility. Any type of pain or stiffness can affect your entire mood and mobility. Joint troubles from diseases like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are considered chronic pains. These chronic diseases can cause stiffness, swelling, and pain in the hands, knees, and elbows. They can upset virtually any bone joint-even wrists, shoulders, feet, and ankles. Finding ultimate relief for these pains is the constant goal of nutritionists. Relief supplements can help reduce pain and swelling and increase range and mobility. They work to slow down the cartilage breakdown process and restore the cartilage and connective tissue that you still have.

Your hand has many different joints in it that work together to give your hand function. If you have RA (rheumatoid arthritis) you will notice the same pains in the same spots of either of your hands. For example, if one knuckle is having trouble on your left hand, you will feel the same on your right.

Your knees feel the entire weight of your body on a daily basis. They have a lot of pressure put on them and therefore go through a lot of wear and tear over the years. Buckling knees, painful knees, hot or swollen knees are all symptoms of unhealthy joints.

Poor elbow joints can keep you from being able to lift objects and carry them. You may feel discomfort when you are resting and at night time. You may not be able to fully extend your arm, it may feel heated or swollen around your joint, and you may not be able to flex your muscles.

Supplements can help improve the condition of your hands, knees, and elbows. One supplement should have the extracts in its formula to improve all of your joints. They can help produce or add the substances you need to support healthy cartilage and protective tissues. Products like chondroitin sulfate are backed by The Arthritis Foundation and can give serious relief to those suffering from an arthritis disease.

You can also find relief from exercising. Exercising can improve your flexibility and muscle mass. Exercise is especially important if it is your knees that are bothering you. Keeping your weight down can relieve a lot of pressure from your knees and cut down on wear and tear.

The Best Relief for Gout Is Through Ayurvedic Medicines

Relief for gout is possible with ayurvedic treatment. It is not only western conventional medicine that can cure gout attacks; ayurvedic medicine is highly beneficial to treat this painful medical condition.

Gout is a form of arthritis which affects the joints and tissues. People in the middle age group usually suffer from the severe gout pain. The bouts of serious gout pain starts during night and forms to be the worst experience ever. Hence, patients must seek gout treatments which may relieve the painful symptoms as soon as possible.

Alternative medications like the ancient ayurvedic medicine have been in use for several years. In ayurvedic terms, gout is referred to 'vatrakta' which indicates to the bio-chemical augmentation in the concentrated level of the serum urate.

The recurrent acute pain attacks within joints can become chronic and persistent in nature. Ayurvedic relief for gout is not the generalized type of treatment. Therefore, it is not the same for everyone. Recommended treatments change from one patient to the other depending on the psychological and physical health and status of individual. But, compound and single formulations which are commonly used for the gout pain relief minimize the other symptoms of the condition. Some frequently used formulations include Panchitkta Churna, Shilajitwadi Vati, Yashtimadhu, Guduchi, Punarnava, Manjisth and Mahamanjishthadi Kwath.

Diet is considered significant to the Ayurvedic relief for gout technique. Diet is quite crucial, it is everything which will augment the production of the uric acid and which needs to be reduced from the diet. Those foods which are considered purine-rich should be avoided as it encourage the uric acid production.

Foods which can add to your uric acid levels include meat extracts like consomm矇s, gravies and organ meats like sweetbreads, liver and kidneys, oil-packed anchovies, sardines, herring, roes from fish, beer and the other beverages which contain alcohol, yeasts, legumes, lentils, dried beans and peas etc. Therefore, all of these needs to be avoided in the first place.

Foods often recommended during the Ayurvedic treatment to ensure relief for gout include cherries, dark skinned berries. They mostly include substances which act within the body to minimize the uric acid levels and to minimize inflammation. Foods like tofu can be taken in the place of meats. As it forms to be an essential part of the gout pain relief.

Foods rich in the fatty acids like Omega 3 like flax oil, olive oil and certain nuts are considered best for relief for gout. These contain anti-inflammatory substances which help to ease the inflammation and pain in the joints.

Another important level of the gout pain relief in ayurvedic style includes pancha karma that involves either a type of massage or snehana therapies or medicated oils that shows beneficial results when treating the gout condition.

When you're considering ayurvedic treatments for the gout pain relief, you must first make sure to consult your doctor or the trained health professional to assess the unique health requirements to determine whether the ayurvedic medicine is the exact choice for you.

You can even find several treatments for gout pain relief which works better in conjunction with the ayurvedic methods. These include techniques like uric acid manipulation through the pH level of the body.

TMJ Disorder

TMJ is the joint where the mandible or lower jaw joins with the skull bone. TMJ is involved in chewing, yawning and talking. You can feel this joint with fingers as a triangular part on both sides of your head just in front of the ear. It is the most used joint in our body. It is made up of muscles, tendons and bones. Relaxation of the muscle allows opening and closing of the mouth.


  1. Arthritis: It is the common cause of TMJ disorder in old age.

  2. Bruxism or teeth grinding causes damage to the TMJ cartilage.

  3. Malocclusion or malalignment of denture creates abnormal pressure on the joint.

  4. Injuries to the jaws

  5. Occupation related: TMJ disorders are often seen in people who keep the telephone between head and shoulder while talking.


The common symptom TMJ disorder include; pain and tenderness in the jaw and areas near the ear, difficulty in eating and talking, locked jaw (unable to open and close the mouth), malocclusion (uneven bite). The patient may also feel discomfort in the ear like fullness or ringing in the ear. Head ache and facial pain are also associated with TMJ disorders.

Immediately consult a doctor if there is constant pain in the jaws and not able to open and close the mouth properly.

Treatment of TMJ disorders

A thorough medical and dental evaluation is needed before proceeding into the treatment plan. When there is clicking or grating sounds with the movements of jaws, a damaged jaw is suspected. Diagnostic methods like dental x-rays, CT scans, etc are used to find out the reasons like ear, sinus and tooth infection. Treatment options include;

Resting the jaw: Patients should avoid food that requires deep biting or chewing. For example, stuffs like nuts, raw vegetable, etc requires more biting pressure. Cold application to the affected side helps to reduce muscle spasm. The doctor may advise the patient to take Anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxants and anesthetic medications. Orthodontic treatment is needed if the problem is due to abnormal bite. In extreme cases of jpoint damage, surgery is indicated.

The Use of Therapeutic Home Ultrasound to Treat Arthritis

As we age, our once lubricated joints can become less efficient at absorbing shocks and protecting our bones. This condition, known as arthritis, can be both mentally and physically crippling and affects approximately 50% of adults 65 years and older. Arthritis can significantly reduce a person's ability to enjoy life because it effects major joints of the body, such as knees, elbows and hands, which are vital for daily functioning.

Types of Arthritis: Arthritis is an inflammation of a joint, usually accompanied by pain, swelling, and stiffness. It comprises more than 100 different rheumatic diseases and conditions. It results from severe infection, traumas, degenerative changes (osteoarthritis, hypertrophic arthritis, senescent arthritis), metabolic disruptions, autoimmune disorders (lupus erythematous) or other causes. It occurs in various forms, such as bacterial arthritis, osteoarthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disorder, is considered a chronic disease and patients with rheumatoid arthritis develop chronic arthritis pain. Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, is the most common form of arthritis, especially among older populations, affecting over 20 million Americans. Two types of arthritis are Rheumatoid arthritis &osteoarthritis, both of which cause arthritic joint pain that can significantly impair a person's quality of life.

Causes: Daily activities such as getting out of bed and even walking can be affected by a painful joint. This arthritic joint pain is occurs when the lubricant, known as synovial fluid, present in the joints and cartilage becomes damaged. Because this fluid acts as a shock absorber and ensures that the ends of our bones are protected, when it is comprised, our bones can grind against each other, causing significant pain in our joints.

Painful joints and joint inflammation and stiffness typically characterize the disease. Some causes of arthritics include overuse, basic wear and tear, pseudogout, infections, autoimmune disorders, bone diseases or fractures, and bone tumors or cancer. In addition, medications, such as penicillin, and the common cold or flu often cause sore aching joints or stiff joints.

Treatments: While there is no known cure for a chronic condition like arthritis, there are treatments for inflamed, arthritic joints that really work and help sufferers manage their pain to lead normal healthy lives. Most often, a doctor, chiropractor or physical therapist will prescribe a medication program of prescription medicines and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) to treat an injured joint. These medications aim to reduce the pain and inflammation of sore arthritic joints. However, they are associated with a number of bad side effects, such as drowsiness, constipation, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, headache and rash. Anti-inflammatory drugs are not your best treatment option because they do not heal your joints, they only mask the arthritis pain. A stiff injured joint is also sometimes managed with splints or braces of various types which allow the joint to rest.

Many Arthritis sufferers have found relief with natural supplementation of Chondroitin Sulfate and Glucosamine. Chondroitin is a building block of the human connective tissue in bones and cartilage and glucosamine is the major constituent of joint cartilage. Other herbs to try might be curcumin, MSM, and boswellia.

Alternative treatments such as acupuncture, homeopathic medicines and yoga, a weight-bearing exercise that strengthens bones, have helped some arthritis sufferers find relief.

The intense flare-ups of arthritis pain can be best managed through conservative, regular treatments. Patient education on how to treat arthritis and self-care are critical components in healing painful joints. Patience is also key, as an inflamed joint can we slow to heal. Often the combination of therapeutic modalities, such as an herbal supplementation regime and, can offer the most arthritis pain relief.

Ultrasound Therapy: RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate) can we a very useful procedure for managing arthritis pain, however, using therapeutic ultrasound prior to RICE treatment is best because the ultrasonic waves efficiently decrease inflammation and relive pain.

Joints have limited blood flow and as a result, they recover from arthritis flare-ups very slowly. In addition, inflammation and waste matter build-up due to the decreased blood flow causing extreme pain to arthritis sufferers. A personal, therapeutic ultrasound device acts as a blood flow stimulation therapy to increase circulation in the inflamed joint and decrease arthritic pain. People suffering from osteoarthritis pain or chronic Rheumatoid arthritis can perform rehabilitation at home now with the advent of portable ultrasound machines. The ultrasound therapy utilized by these devices can be used as an advanced treatment of arthritis and the chronic pain that accompanies the condition. Therapeutic ultrasound can be used to reduce pain, stimulate blood flow and injuries twice as fast.

Ultrasound physical therapy not only helps alleviate pain, but speeds up healing process as well. Ultra sound waves generate deep tissue vibrations that provide gentle heating to decrease pain and inflammation. The most rehabilitation benefits can be gained by utilizing therapeutic ultrasound at home.

Case Study: In a study by Casimiro et al, 2002 investigating the use of therapeutic ultrasound for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), it was found that continuous ultrasound benefits grip strength when applied to the hands of RA sufferers. Ultrasound has both analgesic & anti-inflammatory effects, which is why its so widely prescribed for arthritis by qualified health care professionals. In two randomized trials, it was proven that continuous ultrasound applied to the hand increased grip strength and wrist dorsal flexion, as well as decreased morning stiffness and the number of swollen painful joints as compared with placebo.

Home Ultrasound Machines: A home ultrasound unit works the same way as bigger machines, found in physical therapist and chiropractor practices, but is more compact and priced reasonably so home users can afford to purchase. Portable ultrasound machines are also safe for use by the general public because they utilize pulsed, instead of continuous, ultrasound waves, which are just as effective when used on a daily basis. Physical therapy involving ultrasound for plantar fasciitis will provide users with immediate relief and continual healing over a 3-4 week period.

Because arthritis involves joint and bone inflammation, a specific kind of home ultrasound machine is required for treatment. A home ultrasound physical therapy machine should emit 1Mhz ultrasound waves. It is also important to purchase an FDA approved ultrasound unit that is quality manufactured. The portable therapeutic ultrasound device should also be covered with at least a 1 year warranty. And best of all, with a portable therapeutic ultrasound machine, on a daily basis you can treat your arthritis only when it's most convenient for you.

Conclusion: Studies have shown that people who receive early treatment for arthritis feel better sooner and more often, are more likely to lead an active life, and are less likely to experience chronic arthritis pain, and the type of joint damage that leads to joint replacement.

Arthritis sufferers can lead a more normal active life by reducing pain & swelling in their joints fast with a home ultrasound machine. If you would like to reduce or eliminate you intake of harmful pain-killers and improve your arthritic symptoms and chronic joint pain, a portable ultrasound unit would be a great, affordable option for managing your arthritis.

Glucosamine Products

Glucosamine, a combination of glucose and protein has been very effective in easing the pain of arthritis. It is primarily used to alleviate the pain of arthritis, check its progress and repair the damaged cartilage. There are lots of glucosamine products available and each differs from the other.

The key points to look for while purchasing a glucosamine product are dosage of glucosamine, type of glucosamine, quality of ingredients, synergistic ingredients and price. A standard dosage of glucosamine would be 1500 mg per day. It should ideally contain both the sulfur and hydrochloride form. It must also contain supplements like chondroitin, MSM or collagen. The liquid form rather than pills is considered more effective. The ideal cost per month should be between $30 and $50.

Syn- Flex, Corta- Flex, MaxiLife and Osteo Bi-Flex are a few brand names under which glucosamine is marketed.

Some of these products are in liquid form. Most of these compounds contain both sulfate and hydrochloride of glucosamine in recommended quantities. Different variants of glucosamine products contain differing amounts of glucosamine. Some might contain 1500 mg while some just 100 mg.

The commercially available glucosamine products generally have synergistic ingredients like chondroitin sulfate, Omega 3 fatty acids, Manganese, Vitamin A, C, E, Ascorbate and Boswellin.

Some glucosamine products might contain complementary ingredients like carbohydrates, Vitamin C, fructose, citric acid, red cabbage extracts and natural flavors.

Some glucosamine products contain the sulfate form of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate is used as a supplement. This kind of a product delivers glucosamine in the potassium salt form to the human body.

Glucosamine products are also available as soft chewable tablets. Such products include the HCl form of glucosamine. These kinds of glucosamine products are expensive but popular.

The finest glucosamine products must contain the essential synergistic ingredients to produce the intended effect on the patients.

TMJ Disorder? Pain Relief Treatment Tips

Anyone who suffers from TMJ syndrome knows how excruciating the pain can be. It is also frustrating because the mouth is unable to open fully, thus making eating, talking and even yawning painful. TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, the joint that connects the jaw to the skull. TMJ pain occurs when this joint becomes inflamed.

Many people experience TMJ pain at some point in their lives. In many cases, it is due to excessive pressure to the jaw and will go away with rest. Some people are prone to outbursts. For anyone with TMJ symptoms, there are 5 main things you can do to treat it and get relief.

First of all there are TMJ exercises. While sitting in a high back chair, rest your head against the chair. Place the web of your hand (between your thumb and forefinger) Using your chin, gently press your head back and feel your lower jaw move back slightly. Let your mouth open slightly with the movement. Return to the starting position and repeat 5 times. Do this a few times each day.

Another exercise is to start with the same position as the first exercise. This time, lightly press your jaw against your hand and hold for 5 seconds. Return to the start and repeat a few times. Next, with a relaxed jaw, move your lower jaw a few times from side to side.

Improvement to your posture is the next approach you can use. Believe it or not, poor posture can have a negative effect on the TMJ. A body that is improperly aligned can actually suffer back, neck and shoulder pains as well as TMJ syndrome. Stand in front of a mirror with your arms hanging at your sides. Does one arm look longer than the other? Are your shoulders the same height? Does your head tilt slightly to one side?

Any of these seemingly minor maladjustments can create a problem. Make a conscious effort to straighten you back and keep your chin up. Your TMJ related pain may be reduced as your posture get better. Yoga is also a good way to improve posture.

Another thing that can irritate your TMJ is stress. You may have noticed that in stressful situations you tend to clench your teeth. This puts undue stress on your jaw and your TMJ. Whenever you feel stress coming on, try to be aware of the pressure exerted on your jaw and make a conscious decision to relax those muscles. Getting rid of stress in your life is the ideal solution. Stress management classes are available to help people cope with day to day anxieties.

Gum chewers and people who eat a lot of chewy or hard foods also tend to suffer from TMJ disorder. It is a good idea to stay away from foods that cause strain while chewing and to stop chewing gum if you are prone to sessions of this.

A final thing to consider is acupressure on your jaw. The whole body is connected and each body part has pressure points. One of the points that affect the jaw is between the thumb and index finger. Hold one hand in your other hand and press firmly in this area for one minute by using your other thumb. Another area to apply pressure is the jaw itself, where the upper and lower jaws meet at the earlobes. For about one minute pressure should be applied to this area.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Do Dead Lifts Cause Back Pain?

The dead lift is prized among bodybuilders and gym-goers for its capacity to develop large, strong muscles in both the lower and upper body. Its reputation as a stellar workout is tempered by the common awareness that it is often a cause of back pain.

The dead lift is a squat performed with a weight that is lifted from the floor to hip level. Performing this exercise works an impressive number of muscles, both primary and supplementary. There are 28 muscles that are built by this exercise in the thighs, hips, buttocks, back, stomach, arms and shoulders.

The balanced workout offered by this exercise when performed properly makes it a favorite among fitness enthusiasts. By addressing many muscles of the core group and upper legs, it helps prevent muscle imbalances that cause back pain. How, then, do dead lifts and back pain fit together?

1. Bad form is the main reason for back pain after dead lifts. Though it may sound like a straightforward exercise, there are actually a number of postural and biomechanical factors to consider. Bad form can turn this great strengthening exercise into the cause of painful injury. Here are some common examples of bad technique when performing dead lifts:

- Rounding the lower back: This bad habit doesn't allow you to engage your leg or core muscles properly and creates a significant amount of stress to the spine and lower back muscles. Keep your chest out and shoulders back while performing this exercise.

- Leaning backward: This position makes it hard for your hip muscles and glutes to assist in lifting, and causes your lower back to arch too much. The stress on joints and lower back muscles can lead to injury. This can be corrected by thinking of a dead lift as more of a push rather than a pull: You are pushing through your heels upward, not pulling the bar up at all costs.

- Hip and knee joint imbalance: It is important to straighten your hips and knees at about the same speed, since both joints need to be loaded in a balances manner. Many people straighten their knees before their hips, and straining both the hips and lower back.

Additional causes of back pain associated with dead lifts and technique tips can be found at

2. This is not a beginner's exercise. If your core is not already well-developed, performing the dead lift will leave your spine unsupported and strain your lower back muscles.

3. It is usually not an exercise for people who have had back trouble in the past. If you've suffered a herniated or degenerated disc, you risk re-injuring it with this exercise. Spinal arthritis or nerve pain may also make this exercise too painful to perform, as it places heavy load on the spine.

4. A certain amount of soreness is quite normal after beginning a new type of exercise. Muscles suffer small tears as they grow, and these heal within two days. You need to be the judge of whether or not the soreness you feel after starting dead lifts is normal for you. If the pain is abnormal or persists for more than the first few sessions, then it is probably a sign that your core is not conditioned enough for this intense exercise. If your core is solid, then you can suspect bad form. It is always best to learn exercise technique with a qualified personal trainer to ensure that you are not harming yourself. Also, make sure you give your muscles enough time to recover before your next session.

The dead lift is an intense workout for many of your body's essential muscles. Make sure you treat the exercise with respect and know your own limits. Dead lifts and back pain don't have to go together; don't allow your workout routine to send you to a doctor.

Electro Therapy for Effective Pain Relief

For pain relief, a person might be given many recommendations. Some physicians will suggest him to go for painkillers while others might tell him to get physiotherapy.

Electro therapy is one of the ways used for pain relief. It makes use of small electric stimuli to reduce chronic and acute pain. Using electricity to treat pain has been around for more than 100 years. Its safe and non-invasive nature is making it a preferred choice of many acupuncturists.

These medical devices can be used on a standalone basis or with other therapies such as painkillers or massage. Many people were able to reduce their consumption of prescription drugs after getting these sessions.

Below are some electro stimulation devices which people use to reduce pain:

Back Pain TENS Belt

This device makes use of principles of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS). Small electric stimuli are generated by the belt, which stimulate nerve endings through the skin. They block pain signals from reaching the brain. The use of belt reduces discomfort and pain.

Electric stimuli also enhance production of endorphins which are body's natural painkillers. You might have a tingling sensation on your back where the electrodes come in contact with your skin.

Electro acupuncture TENS

This makes use of TENS principles too in which electric stimuli block pain signals from reaching the central nervous system.

In traditional Chinese acupuncture, needles are inserted over specific points on our body to re-balance the normal energy flow in body. This electronic device helps you locate acupoints on your body.

You can then choose between the various programs available such as kneading, tapping and massaging, each having varying intensity levels. It is useful for toothache, joint pain, shoulder and neck pain and upper abdominal pain.

Interferential device

An interferential device can be used for patients with deep pain. It uses two separate frequencies which work together to create a deep penetrating pulse. It faces less resistance in penetrating the skin than TENS. The frequencies interfere with pain signals at the spinal cord level and hence you feel less pain.

They are used in pre and post-op orthopedic surgeries, joint injury syndrome and muscle spasms.

Acutron Microlight

This revolutionary technology, which is used by acupuncturists and healers, makes use of Microcurrent to relieve pain. Different settings and intensity can be set according to patients' needs. It can be used for Sub acute and chronic pain relief for large regions of the body, such as the knees, hips, shoulders and lower back.

Back Pain Treatment Tips For Acute and Chronic Back Pain

According to the Back Association of Canada (BAG), a Toronto-based foundation established by a group of back pain sufferers and health care professionals, finding an effective program of back pain treatment in most cases calls only for knowledge of the general category (or categories) of problem to be known. "Narrowing the problem down further doesn't usually make a whole lot of difference since the conservative treatment for each category is more or less the same," according to BAG'S Web site, which lists the five main causes of pain as:

  1. Sprains and strains of the muscles, ligaments, and tendons

  2. Disk problems

  3. Facet joint problems

  4. Osteoarthritis (also called degenerative arthritis, or degenerative joint disease, because it's related to age-related changes in the bones and joints)

  5. Spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal canal that can develop because of a congenital defect or as a result of osteoarthritis.

Chronic or Acute?

Not only can it be difficult to tell where the back pain is coming from - it can even be hard to tell whether the pain is acute or chronic, and that can affect treatment.

In general, acute pain is the initial pain people feel after an injury. In most cases, the body will begin healing itself, and the patient's job is simply to relieve the pain and keep the injured area safe until fully recovered. If the pain lasts longer than expected - which, for back pain, is usually considered to be about six weeks at most - or is due to an ongoing condition such as arthritis, it is considered chronic, and a different treatment plan comes into play.

Although chronic back pain is, in most cases, not directly caused by injury, the source of the pain can bring about an injury that then appears to be the culprit. For instance, poor muscle tone deprives the spine of necessary support, puts stress upon the joints, and leaves the back more susceptible to injury.

Some schools of thought hold that chronic pain is the end of a chain of nervous system events that starts in the brain and ends with pain in the back. In its most basic form, for instance, emotional stress can lead to physical muscle tension, which can lead to pain (and injury, which, in our stressed state, we're more likely to become victim to). Because the nervous system is connected to the mind and the emotions, the theory goes, healing is best directed there.

Categorizing your pain as acute or chronic can be a subjective call. Are those intermittent episodes of acute pain you're experiencing, or is it a series of recurrent episodes stemming from the same source? Does the pain never seem to leave, becoming only relatively better and worse?

Degenerative Joint Disease May Not Be The Cause of Your Pain

As you age, your body has a natural course of deterioration. It is not uncommon to have patients state that they have back or hip pain because they have degenerative joint disease. While this could contribute to their present complaint, it is unlikely that the root of their problem is related to degeneration. There is a high likelihood that your pain is being generated for a different reason, and most of the time, that reason is something that can be treated by a manual therapist.

What Is Degenerative Joint Disease?

According to Mayo Clinic, degenerative joint disease, or osteoarthritis, is the most common form of arthritis, and it affects millions of people around the world. It occurs when the cartilage on the ends of your bones wears down over time. This condition is usually most prevalent in your hands, neck, low back, knees, and hips. While there is no cure for this condition, there are therapies that can assist in relieving pain and improving joint function. These treatments include everything from different medications to manual therapy including manipulation, exercise, and muscle work (myofascial release).

Does Degenerative Joint Disease Cause Pain?

Currently, patients are being told a number of different things regarding this topic. Some have been told that their pain is entirely related to degeneration, and there is nothing that can be done about it. Others have been told that they need to be seen one time a week or once every two weeks so that their pain doesn't get worse. While pain can be related degeneration in severe cases, the literature states that mild to moderate degeneration is likely not the source of pain. The current research actually continues to state that showing a patient their x-rays or MRI's is not recommended because it decreases their rate of recovery and may prevent recovery altogether.

There have been a couple of studies that have addressed the latter issue. One in particular examined a group of asymptomatic individuals, people that had never had an episode of back pain. They found that 83 percent of these individuals had significant degenerative changes, but they had never had pain. In conclusion, pain can be generated by moderate to severe degeneration; however, people that have pain and mild to moderate degeneration should realize that their pain is likely caused by something other than degeneration. If you or someone you know has been labeled with degenerative joint disease, find a local chiropractor to assess your condition and offer another opinion. Don't live with pain when you don't have to.

4 Causes Of Thumb Joint Pain

Many people have to deal with a pain in their thumb joint on a regular basis. While this may be a common injury, most people are not familiar with what is causing this pain. Below are four common causes of thumb joint pain:

1. Daily Use

This is one cause of joint pain that may just be unavoidable. The thumb is used for almost ever activity that we can get involved with. This includes picking up items, driving, typing, writing, cooking, etc. The list can go on and on. Depending on your occupation or how active you are, just regular daily use of your thumbs may cause regular joint pain. While this may not be avoidable it is something to be aware of.

2. Straining The Joint

A strain can considered as just using the joint too much. Lifting and holding something extremely heavy is one situation where you can strain your thumb joint. A sprain is similar to a strain and can be caused by jamming your thumb. This can aggravate the tendons, muscles, and nerves in the joint so that every time you use it you will feel some pain.

3. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This condition is caused by using your hands in a repetitive motion. Unfortunately, this condition is becoming more and more common. Part of the reason for this is that everyone is typing on a keyboard more than previous decades or generations. With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome the nerves between the bones and joints are compressed, which causes pain. This condition can be addressed with medication and the worst cases can be treated with surgery.

These days, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is most often caused by typing on a keyboard. Therefore, it is best to study about keyboards and desks that are designed to provide the best angles for your wrists and other joints. There are also devices that can be worn to relieve the stress on the joints so that Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is less likely to develop.

4. Arthritis

In general, arthritis affects older people since this condition takes time to develop. Arthritis is the breakdown of the cartilage between the bones. Cartilage cushions the bones, so without cartilage the bones can grind together and cause pain. Although old age is common with arthritis, too much use or a deficiency of calcium can lead to this condition.

While it may not be possible to completely avoid all of the possible causes of thumb joint pain, it is good to recognize what are potential causes. By knowing what can cause this pain, you may be able to avoid some pain in the future.

Look For Uneven Pelvis As The Root Cause Of Chronic Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is an incredibly common problem which affects tens of millions of Americans each year. A very high percentage of hospital emergency department as well as primary care physician office visits are because of chronic lower back pain. Lower back pain affects all races, all genders and people of all ages. Sedentary and overweight people are at a higher risk of suffering with this problem.

Despite billions of dollars being spent on the problem, there isn't any decrease in the incidence or prevalence of this troubling medical epidemic. One plausible reason for this is because we haven't been utilizing the correct remedy. The most common treatment for chronic back pain is medications, massage therapy & physical therapy. Ask any chronic back pain suffer about the effectiveness of these treatments and you will hear a range of comments from "it helped, but after a while the pain came back". You may also hear "I didn't get much of any relief at all". Why is this? Why do so many people continue to suffer day in and day out?

One of the primary causes of chronic lower back pain is an uneven, imbalanced pelvis. The pelvis is composed of two large bones (the innominate), and a triangularly shaped bone in the center (the sacrum). There is very little movement that occurs between the innominate bones and the sacrum (the sacroiliac joint, or "the SI joint"). The SI joint has very little motion. An athletic, younger person may have as much as one to one and a half degrees of total joint motion. Rather than independent movement between these three bones, the pelvis instead moves as a solid block. It can tilt side to side and front to back. The pelvis can also rotate right and left.

The problem occurs is when the pelvis tilts or rotates in a certain way and then stays fixed in that location. When this occurs, the muscles, ligaments and other supportive connective tissues themselves become shortened or lengthened and serve to hold the pelvis in that position indefinitely. When the pelvis becomes chronically misaligned like this, it sets the stage for chronic SI joint pain as well as lumbar spine pain.

The lumbar spine is positioned on top of the sacrum. When the pelvic/sacral block is tilting or is rotated, it creates biomechanical stress on the rest of the spine. In particular, there is a shearing or twisting effect on the lumbar spine (the lower back). This problem can be so pronounced that on x-ray, the spine appears to have a scoliosis.

What can be done to fix an imbalanced pelvis? Certainly taking drugs (NSAIDs, muscle relaxers, etc) won't resolve the problem. Exercise doesn't realign the spine. In fact, exercising on an uneven pelvis may cause more harm than good. It would be the equivalent of continuing to hammer on a bent nail. The most effective thing you can do for an imbalanced pelvis is to get it balanced. You must realign the spine, sacrum & pelvis in order to minimize biomechanical stress on the joints, ligaments, tendons and other supportive soft tissues. The chiropractic adjustment is a time tested therapy for realigning the spine. In my clinic, I utilize chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy modalities, stretching, rehabilitative exercise and soft tissue therapies. And without question, the number one most effective treatment for balancing the pelvis is the chiropractic adjustment. If you have chronic lower back pain, you need to have your pelvis checked for imbalanceding. Getting your pelvis balanced will offer amazing, long lasting relief.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Finding A Natural Bruxism Treatment And Natural TMJ Relief

Bruxism is a condition that refers to the clenching or grinding of the teeth. This can occur in the daytime or even at night while you are sleeping. This is a very distinctive condition, mainly due to the person not being aware it is happening until somebody informs them of the grinding noise. Bruxism not only wreaks havoc on your teeth, but it may also lead to TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder), muscle issues with your jaw, headaches, and depression.

Using Mouth Guards To Stop Teeth Grinding

Many people that suffer from bruxism utilize mouth guards for natural TMJ relief. The mouth guard helps to ensure that the teeth do not grind while they're asleep by using stints. Mouth guards are a very sensible option for natural TMJ relief because it does not involve any medical treatment. Although it is not very time consuming to get mouth guards, it does have its downfalls. The biggest downfall is that the clenching will proceed and the jaw issues will not go away.

Stop Breathing Through Your Nose

Another natural bruxism treatment is to keep your mouth busy with something else, like breathing. This will take some practice because your body is used to using your nose to breathe. Some people find it very uncomfortable, but it is a very effective method if you want to stop teeth grinding from occurring. You may even want to invest in nose plugs so you will be forced to breathe through your mouth while you are sleeping. This natural bruxism treatment might seem odd, but it has been known to produce great results because the body eventually "forgets" to clench the teeth.

Try Using Your Taste Buds

Many people rely on their taste buds to find relief from bruxism. They will bite or suck on something that will put an acidic or bitter taste in their mouth. This will stop their teeth from grinding and will make the tongue hard to move because of the bitterness. It is another strange natural bruxism treatment, however it might help you to get the clenching under control and stop teeth grinding.

It's Time To Find A Remedy

If you've been dealing with the torment of bruxism you should give these strategies a chance. They are a little difficult in the beginning, but they can help condition your body to stop clenching the jaw. Bruxism is just a small health issue (at first), but it can get to be very frustrating if no attempt is made to find a natural bruxism treatment. You deserve a good night's sleep, but having this condition may prevent you from that.

How Effective is Lyprinol as an Anti-Inflammatory Agent?

When our bodies undergo biological, physical, or chemical injury, the process of inflammation is its normal reaction. Generally, it helps repair or regenearate the damaged cells and tissues. But in some cases, the inflammatory process overshoots and does more harm than good. This is where Lyprinol comes in.

Lyprinol is a stabilized marine extract made from a combination of the highly regarded Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and other lipid groups. Because of its impressive anti-inflammatory properties, several researches have been conducted to check its safety and efficacy. Lyprinol has passed these tests with flying colors.

What are some of the instances when excessive inflammatory responses become harmful? A common case is the condition osteoarthritis (also known as degenerative joint disease or degenerative arthritis) wherein low-grade inflammation is coupled with pain in the joints.

It affects the "wear and tear" joints of the hands, feet, knees, shoulders, back, hips, and elbows. Pain is experienced because the cartilage that is supposed to act as a cushion between the joints is worn and the condition is aggravated by several years of hard work and, at times, injury.

When a signal is received to initiate inflammation, one of the biomolecular mechanisms that take place is the conversion of arachidonic acid into inflammation-aiding substances. This process happens via two pathways: the cyclo-oxygenase (COX) pathway which results in the formation of thromboxanes and prostaglandins, and the 5-lipoxygenase (LOX) pathway which forms leukotrienes.

The latter's products (LTB 4, and its metabolites LTC 4, LTD 4, and LTE 4) are potent inflammation supporters. The anti-inflammatory drugs we use today are known to inhibit the cyclo-oxygenase pathway, thus leaving the 5-lipoxygenase pathway products free to actively support the inflammatory process.

When this happens, the LTB 4 metabolites thrive and may possibly give rise to damaging inflammation. They are powerful bronchoconstricting agents and could could even bring the patient into anaphylactic shock.

Because of this, scientists will stop at nothing to find a treatment which effectively inhibits the 5-lipoxygenase pathway. They then discovered Lyprinol, an extract from the New Zealand green-lipped mussels, which effectively and safely impedes the 5-lipoxygenase pathway.

When these harmful leukotrienes are inhibited with the stable Lyprinol, persistent and damaging inflammation is markedly reduced.

When compared with other products of the same nature, Lyprinol can boast of remarkable results:

In a study published in the journal, "Inflammopharmacology," Lyprinol was tested to be 100x more powerful than Max EPA; 125x more effective than green-lipped musel powder; 175x more powerful than salmon oil or evening primrose oil; and 200x more effective than flax oil in the treatment of joint inflammation relative to arthritis.

Understanding Hip Bursitis

Hip bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa at the hip joint. The purpose of the bursa is to protect the joints from compressing and causing friction. Too much stress or trauma, such as a direct blow to the area, can cause bursae to become inflamed. The bursa in the hip is called the trochanteric bursa, mainly because it is located over the greater trochanter of the thigh bone, and acts as a cushion between the greater trochanter and the tissue.

Do I Have Hip Bursitis?

Every pain is not bursitis, and only your physician can determine whether you have the condition. A person suffering from hip bursitis will normally have pain over the area of the bursa, but in severe cases this pain in joints may radiates down the leg. The pain usually occurs with movement of the hip, and common activities like walking, climbing stairs, or running can cause chronic joint pain. Your physician can diagnose your condition by performing an ultrasound.

Hip Treatment for Bursitis

Rest is crucial in the treatment of hip bursitis. Rest prevents movement and allows the chronic joint pain to settle down. Other treatment includes ice therapy, electrotherapy, and anti-inflammatory medication to reduce tissue irritation and pain. In some cases, corticosteroid injections may be necessary. There are also new alternative supplements on the market which have shown excellent results for treatment of bursitis-some in as little as 30-days.

Once your chronic joint pain has settled down, it is recommended that you begin some strengthening exercises to improve the muscle function and reduce the risk of re-injury. When muscles weaken, other muscles may overcompensate for the weaker ones, leading to an imbalance which will continue to worsen the problem-the lengthened muscle becomes weaker and the shorter muscles become stronger. This imbalance can change the way the joints work, leading to problems like a hip bursitis. Simple exercises may help reduce the damage.

Closed chain exercises, in which the foot is kept on the ground while movement and resistance take place in the joints and muscles above, are known to be helpful in treating hip bursitis. Partial squats (using the same action as lowering yourself onto a chair) and leg presses (similar to going up a stair) are exercises that will add crucial strength and stability around the muscles and joints of the hip.

Progressive resistive exercises (PREs) are also being used in rehabilitation. Some of these exercises may include pulley systems, free weights, rubber tubing, manual resistance, and computerized exercise devices. PREs are a way to apply graded resistance to muscle groups to gradually help them gain endurance and strength.

Stabilization exercises focus on muscles that are closer into the "core" of the body and act as stabilizers. These stabilizers work to put your joints in the right position and to steady them while you squat, walk, or jump. If these muscles aren't working properly, your hip loses some of its control.

If you are suffering from bursitis pain, you need to know that you can find relief. Bursitis does not have to be a lifelong condition.

All You Need To Know About Tinnitus Causes And Symptoms

That annoying sound that only you can hear is enough to drive anyone crazy. Although doctors may not think that it is as serious as other conditions such as cancer or diabetes, tinnitus can actually be debilitating for the sufferer. There are many tinnitus treatment options with varying degrees of effectiveness but before looking into treatment, it is important to understand this condition.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is regarded more as a symptom of a deeper problem in the body than as an actual disease. These are noises that you hear every now and then or constantly without a source and that can disrupt your sleep patterns or your concentration. The noises can vary from buzzing, hissing, whistling, ringing, chirping, whooshing, squeaking, roaring, etc. What is frustrating is that only you can hear these sounds in most cases.

The only time that another person usually a doctor may be able to hear these sounds is when you suffer from pulsatile tinnitus which will involve you hearing the sound of your heartbeat. Using a hearing device attached to your ear, the doctor may be able to hear these sounds too.

Pulsatile tinnitus causes include suffering from anxiety or stress, suffering from high blood pressure, having arterial damage, depression, the result of capillaries that are malformed, having suffered from neck or head tumors, etc.

What Causes Tinnitus?

Besides pulsatile tinnitus causes discussed previously, there are many causes for tinnitus. Why are you hearing these noises? What can be done to eliminate them? These are all valid questions when you are hearing these noises constantly and nobody else is and do not know what to do.

The causes of tinnitus can be as simple as having impacted earwax or an ear infection and once this earwax or ear infection is dealt with, the noises may go away.

Other causes may be the result of drug usage which is a common cause of tinnitus. There are a lot of over the counter or prescription drugs that can cause this ringing in your ears. You need to evaluate the medications you are taking and discuss them with your doctor if you are suffering from tinnitus.

Common culprits include aspirin, quinine, diuretics, ibuprofen, some antidepressants, etc. While high dosages may cause this condition, even low dosages may affect some people. You will have to explore other options if the drugs you use on a consistent basis are causing your tinnitus.

Other causes of tinnitus include but are not limited to very loud noises which can damage ears causing hearing loss and increase the risk of developing tinnitus. Loud noises that can impact the ears include listening to iPods or other music devices at very high volumes, power tools, leaf blowers, vacuum cleaners, blenders, lawn mowers, etc.

Head injuries can also increase the risk of developing tinnitus. This is one of the reasons that athletes are very prone to this condition especially football players who are a great risk of suffering head injuries in their profession.

If you suffer from hearing loss due to advancing age, this hearing loss may cause tinnitus. If the bones in the middle of your ear stiffen, your hearing can be affected which may cause tinnitus.

Meniere's disease which is when the fluid level in the middle of the ear rises abnormally causing ear pressure is another cause of tinnitus but to a lesser degree since this is a somewhat rare condition.

Acoustic neuroma may be another cause of tinnitus. This represents a benign (noncancerous) tumor that may develop in the cranial nerve which starts from the brain to the inner ear and is responsible for hearing as well as maintaining balance. When you have this condition, it may lead to the development of tinnitus but only in one ear.

TMJ disorders may also increase your risk of developing this condition. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) are the joints on each side of your head that allow you to open and close your mouth, move your jaw from side to side, eat, etc.

There are many other causes of tinnitus and in many cases, the doctor may just have no idea why you are suffering from this condition.

For any tinnitus sufferer, it is very important to schedule an appointment with a specialist so that he or she can rule out that you are suffering from a treatable condition. In addition to the noises, this condition may cause discomfort and pain.

Tinnitus Risk Factors

1. Age

As hearing declines with age, it may increase the risk of developing this condition.

2. Gender

Though women and children may be affected by tinnitus, men are more likely to develop this condition. About one in eight men between the ages of sixty five and seventy four suffer from this condition.

3. Smokers

Risk of developing tinnitus is increased when you smoke.

4. Loud noises

This is the most common cause of tinnitus. Exposing yourself to loud noises may result in the damage of the tiny sensory hairs in the ear that are responsible for transmitting sound to the brain. Once damaged, these hairs cannot be repaired.

5. Cardiovascular issues

Having high blood pressure or damaged arteries which affect blood flow including that in the inner ear can increase the risk of developing this condition.

What Having Tinnitus Can Do

This is why looking into the various tinnitus treatment options and not giving up hope for a cure is so important because of the following effects that tinnitus may have on your life.

Tinnitus can affect your cognitive ability and you may suffer from memory issues and have trouble concentrating on the task at hand. You may also suffer from stress, anxiety, fatigue and have trouble sleeping due to the constant noise or you may sleep only to be woken up by these phantom noises in your ears. You may also become irritable which is understandable with lack of sleep or simply the constant noise in your ears.

Preventing Tinnitus

1. Avoid loud noises and wear ear protectants when you expose yourself to loud noises from music, at the airport, from power tools, blenders, vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, etc.

2. Learn to manage chronic stress through breathing exercises, massage, relaxation therapies, exercise and many other ways that can help you reduce the amount of stress that you may be under.

3. Get on a smoking cessation program to eliminate a smoking habit.

4. Limit or reduce alcohol consumption which affects your blood flow including that in your inner ear. Consider eliminating caffeine also as it may have a similar effect on your blood flow.

When to See a Doctor

Really any time that tinnitus bothers you, you need to see a doctor. Also schedule a doctor's appointment when you notice that the condition develops after suffering from an upper respiratory infection that may include a cold and the condition does not alleviate after a week or two.

Also see a doctor if you experience dizziness or hearing loss with this condition. If the condition also comes upon you suddenly with no obvious reasons, see your doctor.

Valgus - What Does This Mean in Osteoarthritis of the Knee?

'Valgus' is a term used by the medical profession to describe joints that form an angle different from the usual. It does not apply only to the knee. Valgus means that the part of the body furthest away from the torso is angled away from the midline position. In simple terms, if the knees are described as valgus, they are 'Knock-kneed.'

Valgus knees indicate that the arthritis is mainly on the outside of the knee. The wearing down of the cartilage lining on the outside of the knee has led to a change in the angle through the joint. The terminology a doctor would use would be to describe being knock-kneed as having a valgus deformity, or the latin phrase 'genu valgum.'

Doctors approximate the angle of deformity to assess the progression of the degenerative joint disease. Please note: there is natural variation between individuals, with some having a larger angle through the knee than others. The change in angle is the important factor.

When a knee becomes so painful that surgery is the only option, the good news is that in most cases the surgeon can correct any angulation. It is not uncommon for patients to have a straighter knee after their operation than they have had for years.

As is common in osteoarthritis, it is important not to focus too much on factors such as joint angle - after all it is just a measurement. Symptoms, particularly pain, generally take priority in the decision making process. It is wise to seek an expert opinion however, as on some occasions, large deformities make surgical intervention more difficult than usual.

Learn The Pain And Relief Mechanism

To understand the pain relief mechanism, we need to know how the pain is generated. Once, we get familiar with the path and the constituents involved, it becomes rather easy to get acquainted with this system and how it can be prevented.


Pain is all about nerves that run through out our body. The mechanism is not very complex but the system of neurons (basic unit of nerves) and their transaction sometimes gets confusing. Anyhow, to get it simple, let's see what it's all about.

Planted throughout our body tissues are pain receptors. When we experience any injury that could be from burning, cutting, tearing, fracturing, freezing or crushing, these receptors are stimulated which in turn send pain signals to the brain through nerves via cervical spine and spinal chord. When it reaches to the brain, the signal is passed on to other nerve cells that carry it over to the Cerebrum and Limbic system of the brain.


The path is very much obvious now, but throughout the path we have several structures which play their part to pass the information of injury to the central nervous system (the brain, spinal chord).

On the way right form the pain receptors, pain nerves carrying the information mix up with position sense nerves, temperature sense nerves, vibratory sense nerves and muscle control nerves to get larger when entering into the spinal chord.

Before entering into the spinal chord it naturally forms two roots. They are the frontal or back root (dorsal root). The Dorsal root is responsible for the pain signal to be carried through.

Right into the spinal chord, the dorsal root forms a relatively short nerve called the Interneuron. From here, right out of the spinal chord there is a nerve tract called Spinothalamic Tract which runs to the brain.

When in brain, the pain information is distributed to several regions, including the medulla, cerebellum, pons, limbic system and somatosensory cortex.

Simultaneously, as a natural counter mechanism, brain modulates the incoming pain signals by sending it down to the spinal chord to stop the pain signal being generated there. This special path is called the modifier pathway. Hence the pain is naturally nullified.

But what happens if this natural process doesn't work well. Definitely, a person experiences acute pain or chronic pain. It becomes even worse if the inflammatory pain is also triggered. The inflammatory response is a complicated local reaction, involving numerous body chemicals, blood vessels changes, temporary or permanent tissue damage. It can be either chronic or acute in the end because it inflames all the structures at the injury site.


There are different ways to get a relief from the pain. As we have just discussed that the pain's hub is in the spinal chord having NMDA receptors from where the pain is generated and passes on to the brain. So we need to stop the efferent nerves entering into the spinal chord before it could produce pain. The natural modifier pathway does the same. But sometimes it is beyond the scope of the natural mechanism to counter pain that usually forms a wind-up nerve to aggravate the pain in the due course.

In spine related pain the zygapophyseal joints are responsible for an acute pain. The nerves from these joints are again lead to the medal branches of the dorsal nerve root in the spinal chord. But here we could block the joints by a surgery to stop the pain element going through. A good block of these joints in turn, actually blocks the medial branches of the dorsal nerve root and pain is averted.

For an inflammatory pain which could be associated simple by an injury or other joint diseases or inflammation that affect the organs, a different mechanism may be involved. For the relief mechanism of a simple injury related inflammation, a localized medication which could heal up the wound is beneficial because it helps the accumulation of white blood cells to get normal and stop sending the pain signals to the spinal chord. For other joint related diseases that are associated with the pain even surgeries of those particular organs are done to relief the patients from the pain. It may include myocarditis, colitis, nephritis etc.

Different drugs are used to prevent pain and all of them have their own mode of action and mechanism. Among them, the commonly used drugs are NSAID's (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs). But other drugs like anti-depressants, anxiolytics, anticonvulants, cardioconvulsants, cardiovascular agents, local anesthetics and general anesthetics and opiods are also used to address the pain..

They act on different areas of the pain path.

Opiods and NSAID's act on C- fibre pain receptors.

Membrane stabilizers (anticonvulsants, topicals, transdermal) act on AB-fibre touch receptors where usually the inflammatory pain is triggered.

NMDA receptors or opoids act on the NMDA receptors in the spinal chord.

Tricyclics (alpha-1 and alpha-2 blockers) act on the descending pathway (pain modifier)

and Antidepressants, anxiolytics, anticonvulsants, sleeping agents act centrally in the brain. These drugs play a defining role in reducing the pain.