When it comes to joint pain and inflammation, finding the source of the pain can require asking a few questions of you. These questions will narrow down the potential reasons why the joint pain is occurring and if inflammation is the source of the pain.
Is it new pain?
When did the pain first start? If there has been an injury of some sort in the past few months to a year, the joint pain could be associated with that injury. When tendons and ligaments are damaged, they need to be surgically repaired because they have no blood flow to stimulate healing. Sprains and strains can also lead to pain that can last months before the joint is completely healed.
Does the pain worsen during certain seasons or weather changes?
Drops in temperature can wreak havoc on painful joints. Pain tends to increase during colder weather, so if the pain is worse during the winter months, this could be caused by an increase in sensitivity of the pain receptors. Decreased blood flow during colder weather may also increase pain. Before storms come through, the barometric pressure will drop which can cause an expanding of the inflammation leading to stiffer joints and painful movement.
Does the muscle or the joint hurt?
Some people have trouble discerning whether the source of the pain is in the muscle or the joint. If muscles are strained, as is the case when exercising, only two to three days are required before the pain should subside. Muscle pain often comes with a point of origin or a tender spot in the area of the pain. Stretching can help to ease muscle pain.
Do you have more pain in the morning?
Rheumatoid arthritis is often associated with morning pain. Other causes can include fluid retention and an unsupportive mattress. Changing the diet to limit simple and refined (or processed) carbohydrates before bed are good solutions to prevent water retention. A new mattress or mattress pad can also decrease pain if the inflammation or joint pain is associated with poor sleeping patterns.
Do you have a family history of inflammation?
Certain forms of arthritis are passed on genetically. If someone in your immediate family suffers from arthritis, there is an increased chance of you having the same problem. This is only a chance, however, and does not signify that arthritis is the cause of the pain.
What is your mood like?
Some doctors associate joint pain and inflammation with mood. Depression, anxiety and stress can affect the body physically which can increase the pain felt around joints and connective tissue. These issues are often resolved with mental treatment or therapy instead of treating the joint pain or inflammation alone.
In most cases, joint pain is associated with some form of inflammation. Inflammation can be caused by several factors including being overweight, having a high sodium intake and consuming certain types of food. Women often find inflammation increases when they are reaching the time of month when their menstrual cycle is supposed to begin. As is the case with all joint pain, there are solutions, both natural and medicinal that can limit the pain and help the body to better heal.