Saturday, May 18, 2013

Defend Yourself Against Arthritis

The word arthritis comes from "arth" which means joint, and "itis" which means inflammation. There are over 100 different types of arthritis that mainly affect the joints. Most types of arthritis affect the elderly but there are some kinds that can affect children as well. It is one of the main causes of disability in the world.

One of the most common symptoms of arthritis is joint pain and it can happen in any of the joints on the body. A for sure sign that you have arthritis would be pain and tenderness, definitely if you are experiencing worsened symptoms when using them, like going for a walk, getting up from sitting, and carrying groceries. Fatigue is another common symptom and most people who have this symptom say that they get a sudden or instant tiredness this can also go along with weakness as well.

Treatments for arthritis can be different and vary for mild to very serious treatment. A very serious treatment would be surgery in cases were deformity is a result from arthritis. Talking to your doctor to get diagnosed would be the best thing to prevent any serious problems like lose of movement and deformity. Together you and doctor can work to find a solution that is good for you.

A few of the most common kinds of arthritis are Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid, Psoriatic, Gout, Juvenile, Infectious, Ankvlosing, Fibromyalgia, Polymyalgia Rheumatica, and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease, it is caused by wear and tear to the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is when the immune system attacks its own body, mostly joints. Psoriatic arthritis is like rheumatoid except it is autoimmune, if left untreated it can cause crippling. Juvenile arthritis is usually rheumatoid but it refers to all different kinds that affect children. Infectious arthritis is caused by fungi,viruses, or bacteria.

Ankylosing Spondylitis is chronic and can result in fusing the vertebrae called rigid spine. This can affect men and women sometimes between the ages of 16 and 35. Polymayalgia Rheumatica affects people after the age of 50 and causes severe aching in the shoulders, hips, and neck. Systemic Lupus Erythematosis is autoimmune and affects the entire system with several internal organs. Firbromyalgia affects soft tissue of the body and caused by a defective transmitter function in the brain.

Gout occurs in people between the ages of 40 and 60 mostly and normally signs are noticed when the big toe becomes suddenly swollen, painful, hot, and red. It seems to be a mostly inherited disease and also is thought to be a hormonal factor involved with it as well. It can affect fingers, toes, wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles. They normally become tender almost to the point where even the touch of the bed sheet seems to be painful. An attack of gout can last for a few weeks and it can be repeated through a number of years.

Forever Freedom by Forever living can help you maintain your joints and the healthy function of them. It is a breakthrough formula that combines aloe vera gel with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate to help your mobility and function in joints. It works to maintain the fluid in cartilage and draws nutrients in. Forever Freedom also has MSM because it is an anti0inflammatory agent and is a primary source of sulfur that the body needs to maintain healthy connective tissues and joint function. Forever Freedom is available at Alternative Health Supplements. This product does contain shellfish so people who have shellfish allergies should not take this product. Other ingredients include natural orange juice concentrate, sorbital, aloe vera gel, potassium sorbate, Glucosamine, Chondriotin, tocopherol(antioxidants), and fructose. Drink 2 to 4 ounces of Forever Freedom daily to defend against the signs of arthritis and aging.

Penis Thrush - Top 2 Penis Thrush Medications, Do They Really Work?

Penis thrush is an issue that many men suffer from, but very few talk about. Why? Because it is a scary thing to encounter when you first notice it. Most guys first think they have contracted an STD, but for the ones who are familiar with this issue, it becomes more of an embarrassing topic.

Because of the fear and embarrassment, guys try a do it yourself approach to relieving themselves of this problem. More often than not, the first step men make is to go to the pharmacy and pick up some anti-fungal cream. When that doesn't work like they think, they then go to the doctor and are put on prescriptions. These prescriptions ultimately turn into more prescriptions, and higher dosed ones which make the situation even worse.

So what are the top 3 penis thrush medications? And do they even work?

First Medication - Anti-fungal creams:

Anti-fungal creams work great for reducing inflammation, soreness, redness and blistered skin. But they are horrible for long term success. The top three penis thrush topical treatments are Lotrimin, Monistat (yes - men can use it too), and Canesten. Basically anything with the ingredient "clotrimazole" in it will work for the skin issues associated with thrush.

The problem with the topical creams is that they are just that; topical. They do nothing in addressing the root causes of thrush and candida. Did you know that candida is associated with a poor immune system, diabetes, fatigue, depression and mood swings, hip and knee pain, joint pain, and digestive pain, just to name a few issues? How is a topical cream going to cure an issue that has all these internal problems attached to it?

Liquid or powdered Vitamin C in 2,000 mg doses for a week, along with a strict hygiene routine keeping the groin area clean and dry with a fragrance free soap like Cetaphil, will yield better results than slathering on cream for weeks on end.

Second Medication - Antibiotics:

Do antibiotics work? Yes! Do they work well? No! antibiotics are like the carpet bombing option of the medical world. Sure a few poor villagers get wiped out, but the target was struck in the process too.

Antibiotics destroy the good bacteria that is around and on the penis that actually control the spread of bacteria related to candida. By destroying the good bacteria, it actually allows only the bad bacteria to take over and colonize the area.

Some of the leading penis thrush antibiotics are: Diflucan, Levequin and Augmentin. In many instances antibiotics have been the sole cause of recurrent and chronic thrush. More specifically they have been recently found to be significantly connected to creating oral thrush in patients as a side effect.

So, do antibiotics work? Yes. Do they work well? No.

So what can be done instead?

Natural methods are advised more so than antibiotics. Why? Because natural methods, while not all are effective, are at least safe and will not cause thrush to multiply or spread rampant.

Penis thrush in particular benefits better from natural methods because you do not want to fool around with that area and make matters worse. More often than not, penile thrush sufferers are uncircumcised men.

The reason this is important because many of the bad bacteria associated with candida will live under the foreskin. This ultimately, comes down to a hygiene issue. If you do not currently have penile thrush and are uncircumcised then consider yourself lucky, and due your best to keep that area clean at all times, especially after intercourse or urination.

For men who are already suffering from penile thrush, there are a few things that can be done naturally and safely to alleviate a lot of the pain and will put you in the right direction for getting rid of penile thrush for good.

First, get Ph strips from the pharmacy and check your levels. If you have a Ph of lower than 7 then it is important to start a high alkaline/low acid diet. This can be done through diet, or through the use of alkaline drops put in distilled water.

Second, you can also try 2 tablespoons of organic unpasteurized (with the "mother" in it) apple cider vinegar, mixed with ¼ teaspoon of baking soda. Drinking this concoction one to two times a day will begin to regulate your Ph levels and start to eradicate candida from the root.

TMJ And Chiropractic Treatment

The jaw is a hinge joint connecting the skull and the mandible and is enclosed by sixty eight pairs of muscles in front of the ear on each side of the head. They are in continuous use most of the time and helps in yawning, chewing, swallowing and speaking. This is the joint which is used the most in our body. You can find it by putting a finger in your ear and then pushing It forward when opening and closing your mouth. The condyle head of the mandible and the skull is separated by an articular disk. TMJ or temporal mandibular joint dysfunction takes place when this disk is misplaced. It has been observed that around thirty percent of the American population has the problem of TMJ disorder.

There are various symptoms in case of TMJ but a common one is range of motion and mobility being limited within the joint. If you are having the problem of TMJ and you open and close your mouth, the tissues of the joint may wear. If this problem is ignored, it can cause server problems. Therefore, it is advised to get diagnosis and treatment done from a chiropractor. You can test the range of motion of your jaw. This can be done by holding your palm vertically with your thumb facing the ceiling. You should flex your index finger so that it does not come in the way.

There are various cases of TMJ disorders. Missing or misaligned teeth can put the bone out of its right position. Even trauma from a car crash or fall can result in the same outcome. A very common reason for TMJ is whiplash. At times, it happens that stress causes clenching of the jaw and grinding of the teeth. This can cause a lot of pain and can strain the muscles. This pain can be in your neck, face and head resulting in discomfort and various symptoms. Like in case of a kidney infection, there are problems like diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, bladder infection and loss of appetite, TMJ can have various symptoms like headache and earache that can cause problem. You should consult your chiropractor in case you are suffering from the problem of TMJ. Chiropractic care is a natural way of treating TMJ. It does not have any side effects and hence is safe. TMJ is a condition which should be detected early for it to be treated properly.

Qualifications For Bariatric Surgery

Although bariatric surgery can be a great option for those who are morbidly obese to help with improving their lives not all people will be eligible to have this form of surgery. The qualifications for bariatric surgery deal with body mass index levels and various different health conditions that can accompany certain body mass index levels. This fat control surgery is intended for people who meet these particular qualifications.

A person who has a body mass index level of forty or greater is a candidate for bariatric surgery. A person with a BMI at this level or higher is a person who falls into the third obese class. This is the highest obesity level that a person can have in that a person can be a hundred pounds or greater overweight in this level depending on the person's height. In many cases with this level of obesity the person will have weight that is a hundred percent higher than that of the person's ideal type of weight.

People who have BMI levels between 35 and 40 are ones who are in the second obese class. Those who have BMI levels in this area are eligible for bariatric surgery if they follow a couple of requirements. A person who has diabetes and is in this BMI level is eligible because the diabetes can make it incredibly hard for a person to lose weight or to be more susceptible to further weight loss. Those who have hypertension, which is a condition that deals with high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease or people who have sleep apnea can be eligible for bariatric surgery as well. This fat control surgery can also be used by people in this level who are suffering from degenerative joint diseases.

People who have tried various different methods of weight loss and have not been successful with any of them may be eligible for this fat control surgery too. Full documentation of efforts with diet aids, behavioral changes and exercise programs will be needed for a person like this to be eligible to qualify for bariatric surgery. This is also the case for those who have taken weight loss drugs that have not worked for them.

What You Need to Know About Severe TMJ Symptoms

There are a few things that you need to know about severe TMJ symptoms, and unfortunately many people with some of the most extreme TMJ symptoms often delay seeking medical help. These patients do not realize just how dangerous their symptoms are, and they do not realize that the longer they delay treatment - they more likely they are to sustain permanent, irreversible damage.

When severe TMJ symptoms are not treatment, they may cause damage to the joints in the jaw area, the facial nerves (which result in facial numbness), and the facial muscles.

What you also need to know, however, about severe TMJ symptoms is that there still many effective treatments which currently exist that can significantly reduce and relieve these symptoms. Receiving treatment is critical if your TMJ disorder consists of ANY of the following symptoms:

1. Lock jaw - This is characterized by minimal to no ability to open the jaw or mouth, and may require emergency care in extremely severe cases. At this point your jaw joint has become severely worn and misaligned, and is in danger of soon becoming permanently damaged.

2. Severe migraines - These are indicative of a jaw joint that has been misaligned for such an extended period that the joints now improperly rub against the skull bones, the ear, or against a facial nerve.

3. Worn down teeth which are of a noticeably different length or height - Teeth that have been ground to this level are in danger of being irreparable by a neuromuscular dentist. At this point the roots of the teeth may also be affected as well.

4. Vertigo or dizziness, or ringing in the ears

5. Lancing pain in either of the ears or the jaw itself

6. Hearing problems

7. Tingling or numbness in either the fingers or the hands

8. Swelling on the side of the face with the tmj symptoms

Some of these severe TMJ symptoms may occur following any trauma to the face, head, or neck area, such as a severe accident or blow to the head. If you experience these symptoms after such an incident, you should not delay in seeking help for your TMJ disorder.

It is common for any severe blow to the head, neck, or face to create a correspondingly severe and dangerous case of tmj as well, and as such should be treated as soon as possible.

There are many TMJ treatment options that will help to relieve the symptoms associated with the condition. Take some time to visit with a specialist or to learn more about TMJ exercises in or to effectively treat severe TMJ symptoms.

Dog Arthritis Pain Relief - What You Can Do

What is Dog Arthritis?

Your dog's skeleton is lubricated by synovial fluid which allows flexibility for your dog to walk, run, and move. When your dog's joints are injured or damaged, this can cause joint inflammation which can prevent your dog from moving about normally and comfortably.

The two types of dog arthritis are degenerative joint disease and inflammatory joint disease.

Degenerative Joint Disease for dogs is also known as osteoarthritis. This occurs when the dog's cartilage that protects the bone is damaged or destroyed. Dog osteoarthritis can happen normally in dogs as they age from normal use and function or due to excess stress and accidental injuries.

Inflammatory Joint Disease for dogs is caused by bacterial or fungal infections, ticks, or even hereditary. This form of dog arthritis is not as common.

Dog Arthritis Symptoms: How To Tell If Your Dog Has Arthritis
There are a few things you can look for which may be a signs your dog has some form of arthritis.
If your dog is Limping
If your dog has swelling joints
If your dog has trouble getting up
If your dog cries or yelps in pain from normal movements

Dog Arthritis Treatment: What To Do If Your Dog Has Arthritis
Depending on why and how painful and severe your dog's arthritis is which could lead to a few different options. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as Acetaminophen such as Tylenol can help relieve mild pain and inflammation but is not for long-term use. Higher doses of acetaminophen can cause liver damage or worse.

Dog arthritis pain relief products such as Flexpet have been getting great reviews to help with their dog's arthritis treatment and dog's arthritis pain relief.

Other prescription medications and arthritis treatment options are available from your local veterinary such as cortisone injections directly into the joint to relieve severe pain and inflammation. There are also a few other brand name dog and pet arthritis medications available for your dog by prescription only.

Severe arthritis can lead to necessary surgery to improve moment and reduce pain but should always be considered as a last resort option.

Friday, May 17, 2013

How to Avoid Hip Replacement Surgery for Hip Arthritis

Millions of Americans live each day with hip arthritis. It can cause significant pain and disability with problems walking depending on how severe the problem is.

Interestingly enough, the person may have severe arthritis on an x-ray and not have a lot of discomfort from it. O that same person also may have very little abnormality on x-ray and have severe pain. Regardless of this nuance, how can a person avoid hip replacement surgery when dealing with significant arthritis pain?

There are several avenues of treatment which can allow patients to avoid surgery and here are the top three.

1. Activity avoidance-activity avoidance is a treatment that basically involves ceasing activities that flare up a person's pain. For instance, if an individual is an avid skier, it places severe stress across a person's hip joint. The same is true for a person who is an avid jogger.

Unfortunately, it may be necessary to switch activities into something like cycling or swimming in order to maintain the cardiovascular benefits but to take such pressure off of the hip joint. Every time a person runs, forces between two and six times body weight go through each hip joint. In a hip that has significant arthritis, this may exacerbate the situation dramatically.

2. Medications- over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol and anti-inflammatory medications can help with hip arthritis substantially. Care should be taken to only take the medication according to the manufactures recommended dosing. For Tylenol, this is usually no more than 4 g per day otherwise the patient can develop a liver problem.

Good old anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen can help a lot and if a person has normal kidney and G.I. function they can be taken according to the manufacturers recommended dosing. Other medications that are over the counter include glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.

These are called nutraceuticals and are sold at health food stores and drugstores without a prescription. They consist of natural substances that can help preserve existing cartilage and may even help promote some regeneration of lost cartilage. At any rate the risk profile of these nutritional substances is very safe.

Taking narcotic medications for hip arthritis is a bad idea for a chronic time period. Taking it for an acute flareup of arthritis can be fine and may be necessary if a person has a fall or simply is disabled from the acute flareup of the pain and narcotics and help get them through it.

3. Injections - There are multiple types of injections that can be done for hip arthritis. The first is steroid injections, and these have been around for decades. They do not fix hip arthritis and may even make it worse, at least in animal studies that has been seen.

But they can delay the need for hip replacement and also can be repeated every few months. They should not be done in an office setting, as the injections require a real time x-ray machine called fluoroscopy. There is a lot of soft tissue between the skin and the hip joint, and some vital structures. So it is important to do the injection safely.

Another material that can be injected instead of steroid is hyaluronic acid. This can help regenerate some joint fluid as it is a component of the fluid anyway and it can promote more fluid being made. Lastly, stem cell injections are making their way into arthritis treatment. It's exciting, and research will show their effectiveness.

Hip replacements are quality of life procedures, and if at all possible should be avoided.

Teeth Grinding and Its Unhealthy Effects

Teeth grinding is clinically referred to as bruxism. Bruxism is the act of clenching and grinding of the teeth (consciously or unconsciously) either during the day or while you sleep. Bruxism is considered both a medical and a dental problem. It not only affects the teeth but also the supporting surrounding structure.

Grinding typically occurs during sleep. If you've ever had a roommate or loved one who grinds their teeth, you know how terrible grinding teeth can sound. It can be mild or extreme. The extreme side of teeth grinding can be so can send chills down your spine. It can be just as bothersome as someone snoring in the same room. If the grinding is bad enough it can wake others in the room.

People grind their teeth for many reasons. Many doctors believe the majority of people grind their teeth due to stress.

Clenching or grinding teeth is fairly common in children as well, affecting three out of every ten. It is seen most often in children under the age of five. No one knows exactly why they develop this tendency, but it may be due to their lower and upper teeth not being aligned, earache, tooth eruption, or even stress- possibly from strife or tension at home or some other lifestyle change.

Because kids' teeth aren't yet permanent, they usually outgrow grinding. Permanent adult teeth will replace their baby teeth and will be much stronger and better aligned. However, since your adult teeth are the teeth you have for life, it's imperative for adults to be aware of teeth grinding effects.

Although teeth grinding shouldn't be a real concern for health problems, there are number of negative effects associated with bruxism.

Here are some of the effects of bruxism:

Wearing down of the biting surfaces

Teeth chipping

Cracks in the teeth

TMJ- pain in the joint of the jaw (approximately 5-10% people will develop TMJ from teeth grinding.)

Collapse of hollowed teeth caused by tooth decay

Causes teeth to become loosened

Chewing of inside tissue of the cheek

Shortening of the teeth

Abfractions- loss of tooth structure


Tooth loss

Tooth sensitivity

Wearing away of tooth enamel

Gum recession


Disrupting the sleep of the "teeth grinder's" partner

You can see why once someone recognizes this condition they should take immediate action to assess the situation.

The problem is that most people don't know they are suffering from bruxism until symptoms of teeth grinding appear.

Usually teeth grinding is brought to the person's attention by their dentist or partner. Dentists are the first line of defense for bruxism as they can better evaluate what needs to be done to prevent future problems. Bruxism diagnosis can be handled most effectively at your local dental clinic. During the diagnosis the dentist will examine you for tooth damage, sensitivity, fractures, and damage to any prior dental work- such as crowns. If teeth grinding is suspected, the dentist will determine the underlying cause. In order to find out the extent of your disorder the dentist may ask about jaw or face pain and/or tenderness. It may even be necessary to undergo x-rays to find out it there is any unseen damage to teeth or jaw bones.

Once the dentist has done a thorough diagnosis, he/she will then dictate a cure. Teeth grinding cures are dictated in accordance to the relationships of causes. For instance, if stress is the culprit of teeth grinding, the dentist may advise some form of exercise or relaxation to help reduce the stress. In more serious cases- there may be need for a psychiatrist to find the root cause.

In many cases- alignment of the teeth is ruled the cause of teeth grinding. If this is the case, the problem can simply be fixed by the dentist creating you a customized mouth night guard. The night mouth guard will protect the enamel and any other future tooth damage.

If TMJ is has been determined, the dentist may send you to a specialist to better evaluate the situation. Once all the complexity is addressed the dentist can then treat the patient to eliminate teeth grinding.

Natural Arthritis Pain Relief and Heart Health - Healing Power Of Nature's Acai Berry!

Do you want true natural arthritis pain relief? Do you need help with your high cholesterol levels or high blood pressure?

Now there are many different extraordinary natural products available, which feature super fruits, like the amazing brazilian acai berry, and many other potent body-beneficial fruits from around the world. These newly discovered fruit compounds which are contained in these super fruits are now being used to target specifically, heart health remedies and arthritis pain relief with natural ingredients, and are achieving fantastic real results.

Arthritis joint health - plant derived glucosamine and esterified fatty acids for natural arthritis pain relief use, have been scientifically proven to maintain lubricating fluid in joints, promote flexibility, increase your range of motion, reduce pain and inflammation caused by arthritis, and helps you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Most glucosamine sources are extracted from crushed sea shells, but generally only reduce inflammation of the muscles and tissues around the joints. Plant derived glucosamine is better for the body and can actually penetrate your joint tissue cells for maximum benefit, helping you achieve real natural arthritis pain relief!

Heart health - a healthy blend of fruits specifically chosen for their ability to nutritionally support cardiovascular health in your diet, would supply your body with healthy levels of plant sterols. Clinical studies show that they are a key factor in lowering cholesterol absorption and helping you maintain healthy cholesterol levels. These compounds will dramatically help reduce your heart disease risk. Also, with resveratrol included in your diet with using natural supplements, they can help support your cardiovascular system with proven results, showing it can also protect your healthy blood vessels and blood cells.

Resveratrol has many benefits being attributed to it, mainly the fact that this natural compound can and will slow the ageing process dramatically.

*What has been discovered about many human ailments.

Health scientists around the world are now concurring that chronic inflammation in the body is a precursor to a frightening list of serious health conditions and ailments. With the media constantly reporting the potential risk and dangerous side-effects associated with using anti-inflammatory arthritis pain relief drugs and heart health drugs, it has created concern with people worldwide and there has never been a time when the quest for safe alternative natural remedies has been more important.

Arthritis - Health scientists also now know that a multitude of free radicals damage our bodies healthy cells constantly, which can be slowed down or reversed easily by including potent natural antioxidants included in your diet. We now know that natural esterified fatty acids are incredibly important essential fatty acids needed in our diets to reduce and stop free radical damage to your joints. Esterified fatty acids have been proven to help improve joint function dramatically and slowly regenerate the protective tissue between the bone's and joints. These fatty acids help obtain painfree movement and natural arthritis pain relief for people struggling with the aches and discomforts resulting from their arthritis.

The wear & tear seen in osteoarthritis is actually due to the excess action of proteolytic enzymes that break down joint tissue and cartilage causing inflammation and pain. Published twice in the internationally acclaimed journal of rheumatology, studies show that esterified fatty acids offer great arthritis pain relief by providing youthful cell fluidity and elasticity, improved cushioning of bones and joints while also providing, cumulative and restoring benefits to joint tissue and cartilage. Esterified fatty acids are all natural ingredients scientifically reported to inhibit these destructive enzymes, and are known to reduce inflammation and pain. These vital compounds will give arthritis pain relief with outstanding results, and best of all, they are all natural compounds which have no dangerous side effects at all!

Heart - plant sterols have been proven to lower the amount of bad cholesterol absorbed by your body in a tricky but very simple way. The body absorbs the plant sterol compounds instead of the cholesterol in your digestive system because it cannot tell the difference between them. If you have a regular supply of plant sterols in your diet, the body absorbs less cholesterol because it is absorbing the sterols instead, which will then lower your bad cholesterol intake. It is a simple but very effective and safe way to help reduce your heart disease risk.

Resveratrol is also a very effective antioxidant which can stop free radical damage and improve your whole body health, which will help reduce the stress on your heart. Resveratrol has been studied extensively for its health promoting benefits and has been proven to slow down the ageing process and extend your life. Most importantly, is the fact that it can reduce the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, which are known to play a big role in heart disease. This natural compound also improves insulin resistance, making it effective in the treatment of weight loss and the management of diabetes. It also has anti-cancerous properties, inhibits the formation of tumours and can help delay the onset of Alzheimer disease.

*Natural health product benefits.

The synergy of properly combined body-beneficial fruits can produce an extraordinary delivery of the resources and nutrition of powerful anti-oxidants and phytonutrients your body needs to fight free radicals. These natural products help maintain your bodies overall health and give excellent arthritis pain relief, and provide heart disease risk reduction while improving your heart health with amazing results.

Enjoy the benefits of increased energy and better health today, and let the power of nature help you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle!

To learn more and read some product reviews, follow the links below. Natural arthritis pain relief and heart health products have improved greatly in recent years as we learn more about human health.

Natural arthritis pain relief and natural heart health products are a much better and safer option for yourself or your loved ones. They are easy, convenient, better for the human body and they are achieving excellent results!

Thanks for listening and good natural health to you.

Regards Shane Nolan.

Pain Relief For Cancer Patients?

Karen had an advanced case of breast cancer when her friend asked her to see me. Doctors had given up hope on her and wouldn't operate and told her it was too late to treat her. She was looking for some sort of alternative health solution for the pain she was in, not the cancer, since she knew her time was limited.

At the time, I knew of nothing that could be used for the pain. In alternative health practice, the answer to reducing pain is to eliminate the cause of the pain, and in Karen's case, this solution looked pretty grim. Certainly one could try supportive measures such as increase CoQ10 and germanium levels that would oxygenate the tissues and possibly activate some healing, or try using acupuncture to open all the right energy channels for healing energy to flow through. But as far as an actual pain relief formula for cancer goes, that drew a big blank.

I find that by posing questions during the day in my mind, answers always seem to pop up and sometimes they do within a few days. Sometimes the answer comes in a matter of minutes.

How can cancer patients get pain relief? Certainly there must be an answer out there. Enough people have gone through the ravages of cancer and someone must have tried something that worked for at least 10 to 25% of those suffering from cancer.

The answer came through an indirect way. A friend had told me about her journey through life the last year, watching four of her good friends die of cancer. It was heart-wrenching to see her friends suffer. She began searching for pain relief solutions for cancer patients. After a few months, she found one.

I learned that pain from cancer ruins the quality of life they have, and does it rapidly. One-third to almost a half of all cancer patients experience moderate to severe pain during their bout of cancer. In those with advanced cases of cancer, that percentage jumps to between 70 and 90%. The sad news is that cancer survivors can continue to suffer from the pain years later. What an unfair situation that is, to have recovered from cancer and then be left with the pain and no solution for pain relief anywhere!

My friend found an herbal combination that was specifically designed by Chinese herbalists to control the cancer pain. It was actually designed as a pain relief solution for cancer victims. She had recommended it to some people who used the herbal pain relief formula and it had worked quite well, she said.

Some of the herbs included in the formula are Notoginseng, Red Sage, Red Peony, Cnidium and other analgesic herbs. As a master herbalist, I knew there were herbs that could interact with the nervous system and some that had the capability to decrease substance P, the substance responsible for pain sensations, but had never been taught what herbs to mix together to accomplish the degree of pain relief that cancer patients needed. It makes total sense physiologically and herbally that an all natural herbal formula could make a difference in pain management.

The good news was that the Chinese had already created the pain relief formula for cancer pain. As a herbalist, if you come across a formula that works, the rule is leave it alone! Use it.

I was sad that Karen, the woman with advanced breast cancer, moved away and was unreachable for me to share the good news. But the thought of helping others find a solution for pain relief for cancer was important enough to write this article.

TMJ Natural Treatment - Get Rid of the Pain Naturally

Temporomandibular joint disorder also known as TMJ is a problem of the joint that connects the jaw to the bones on the side of the head. It is a condition where there are problems in the flexibility of the jaw joint and muscle movement. Symptoms maybe treated clinically or through TMJ natural treatment.

The symptoms of TMJ disorder may vary from mild to severe. Some of the symptoms include jaw pain, headache, difficulty in opening and closing the mouth, neck pain, ear pain, headache, facial pain and locking of jaw. Of course if you have severe symptoms and having unbearable pains, you need to consult your doctor. However, there are also TMJ natural treatments that you can do at home. Here are some tips:

TMJ natural treatment #1: Avoid too much jaw movement. Avoid wide yawning, singing and chewing gums. As much as possible limit your jaw movement to avoid worsening your condition. Cut foods in small pieces and avoid hard-to-chew foods. Soft foods are better and will not put too much pressure on your jaw joint and muscles.

TMJ natural treatment #2: Manage your stress. Stress can be a factor in the occurrence of muscle spasm and tension that may lead to jaw stiffness. Stress has negative effects on our body and it is important to learn how to manage your stress. Learn to relax or engage in stress-reducing activities like yoga and meditation.

TMJ natural treatment #3: Cold or heat therapy. The application of heat or cold compress can help ease the muscle spasm and tension. Some people find it soothing to apply moist heat on the affected area and some relieve the pain by applying cold packs. Find out what works best for you.

TMJ natural treatment #4: Facial massage and exercise. Gentle facial and jaw exercises and massage can be very beneficial to relax your jaw muscles and joints. It can also increase the blood flow and ease the pain. Ask your doctor or therapist about the best relaxing exercise for your condition.

Simple natural treatments can be very beneficial for TMJ disorder. Natural remedies are ganing popularity because they are proven effective in treating different diseases.

5 Tips to Reduce Arthritis Swelling and Pain

Arthritis swelling is just one of the symptoms of this chronic disease. It's also one of the ways to find out if you really have arthritis or a related disease. Pain and swelling also result in less range of motion for the limbs affected.

There are several ways to combat this condition:

1. Exercise:
Although exercise can often mean more pain at the beginning, it's really important because only through exercise can you increase the range of motion of the limbs and joints affected. Otherwise, you will find that you are becoming less and less flexible. If you're concerned that regular exercise is too painful, then try yoga for starters. This gentle exercise routine is excellent in improving flexibility. Afterwards you can move onto include regular exercise.

2. Warmth (possibly cold too):
Arthritis is a disease that affects people differently. Usually applying a warm pack to the affected area brings relief. However, if this doesn't work, try an ice pack and see what effect that has. If you have any problems with your circulation, then an ice pack isn't for you. It's trial and error but either warm or cold, this could definitely help reduce swelling and pain.

3. Ultrasound:
This produces gentle waves that penetrate deeply into your sore tissues and gives them warmth. It has been known to reduce pain and swelling as it increases blood flow, thus giving your body more oxygen.

4. Diet:
If you are overweight, make an effort to reduce those extra pounds. The more you weigh, the more pressure is put on your joints, so it makes perfect sense to relieve that pressure by reducing your weight. Also have a good look at the foods you eat in relation to your arthritis swelling and pain. Often zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant and even coffee produce more symptoms and pain. Just be more aware of what you eat and drink and how it affects your body and then reduce or eliminate the intake of that particular food or drink item.

5. Get Another Treatment Option - Drugs Or Natural Remedies
Visiting your doctor is always a good idea. He may prescribe a different medication for you to try. You can also visit your health food store and ask them if they can advise any supplements you can take to help with your pain and inflammation.

As you can see, you don't just have to put up with arthritis swelling and pain, there are often simple ways you can help yourself.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

How to Reduce the Discomfort of the Elbow Pain Joint

Elbow pain joint limits the bending and straightening of the elbow joint. The main symptoms reported by people suffering from this condition are pain, stiffness and limited movement in the affected joint. Your medical practitioner will check the joint for a decrease in stability of the joint which may be responsible for the restriction of movement. The medical expert may also check to see if there is any swelling in the affected area.

Repetitive activities involving rotation of your arms and bending and straightening of your arms may be the primary cause of elbow pain joint. If you have to use the computer keyboard for a prolonged period, it is better to rest your elbows on a soft sponge like surface at your workplace. This will reduce the chances of the pain.

Remember that this is only a precaution to reduce the pain that is felt in the region and cannot give relief to the already affected joint without medication. There are many things that you can do to prevent the condition of elbow pain joint.  It is important that you consciously try to reduce the stress on the elbow joint as the normal joint use is less likely to cause damage to the joint.

Choose the right exercises to strengthen the joints and improve the mobility of the elbow joint. Stretching exercises also help to reduce the discomfort of the elbow pain joint by strengthening the muscles in your elbow joint. You can perform your daily tasks easily by making some adjustments in your home and workplace.

Special aids are available to help you when you want to open jars and bottles. A trolley used to move things about at the workplace helps avoiding lifting heavy objects for long distances. All these precautions will greatly contribute in the recovery of elbow pain joint.

Many gadgets are also available to help you perform your daily tasks without placing stress on the elbow joint. Water based exercises are usually helpful in relieving pain as the water gives the necessary support to the joints while the muscles are strengthened by the exercise. Swimming is also recommended by physiotherapists to treat the elbow pain joint as it does not place any excessive stress on the elbow joint.

Massaging the area also helps in accelerating the recuperation of the elbow pain joint and stimulates the muscles that give support to the elbow joint.

Arthritis Pain Relief and Treatments

Arthritis is commonly associated with old age. Arthritis pain is an important cause of loss of mobility in your pet as it is in humans. Arthritis is caused by: inflammation, the process that causes the redness and swelling in your joints; damage to joint tissues caused by the disease process or from wear and tear; muscle strain caused by overworked muscles attempting to protect your joints from painful movements; fatigue caused by the disease process of arthritis, which can make your pain seem worse and harder to handle - so the pain varies. The pain is one of the most prevalent medical problems in the world today and it afflicts tens of millions of people worldwide. Arthritis is often caused by an accumulation of toxic buildup in the joints, muscles and fluids.

There is a widespread and strongly held belief that arthritis pain is influenced by the weather; however, scientific studies have found no consistent association with that belief. Medicines like TYLENOL Arthritis Pain, is available in bottles containing 24, 50, 100, 125, or 150 mg caplets or bottles containing 20, 40, or 80 mg gel tabs at most food, drug, and mass merchandise stores. When taken according to directions, TYLENOL Arthritis Pain is effective for the temporary relief of the minor pain of arthritis, and the temporary relief of minor aches and pains associated with the common cold, headache, toothache, muscular aches, backache, for the pain of premenstrual or menstrual cramps and for the reduction of fever.


Symptoms usually develop over time rather than suddenly.  Symptoms such as morning stiffness and swelling should be present for at least six weeks before the diagnosis is considered.  Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis are nail abnormalities, skin lesions, joint swelling and joint pain.  Symptoms of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis are joint stiffness, limited range of motion, high fever with chills, low grade fever, slow growth rate, rheumatoid rash, and rheumatoid nodules, chest pain, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, eye pain and red eyes. If you see any of these symptoms in your child seek medical advice immediately the faster the disease is identified the faster the doctor can prescribe a treatment.


Relief can be had from a patch and medications.

Q: What are the benefits of applying SALONPAS Pain Relief Patch or SALONPAS Arthritis Pain instead of taking a pill?

A: The patch is a clinically proven, FDA-approved option for OTC pain relief that doesn't have to be swallowed.

Q: How soon should I expect relief when using the patch?

A: Pain relief generally occurs within one hour of patch application, but in some individual cases, pain relief may take longer about 2-3 hours after applying the patch it's really according to how bad the pain is when the patch is applied.


You've seen it on television and in magazine ads -- over-the-counter treatments for minor arthritis pain. Treatments are aimed at relieving pain associated with the disease, but with severe joint damage, constant pain may be unavoidable at that stage of the disease. Recognizing early osteoarthritis symptoms leads to early treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment help manage knee osteoarthritis symptoms. There are specific symptoms and distinguishing characteristics which determine the diagnosis and course of treatment. It is pain that the patient notices, pain which brings the patient to the doctor and pain which will dictate the treatment that the doctor chooses. As treatment for rheumatoid arthritis improves, severe disability and life threatening complications appear to be decreasing.


Generally arthritis pain is commonly associated with old age. It is a chronic pain that comes and goes and sometimes is constant.  The pain is caused by inflammation in the body as the bones rub against each other due to eroded cartilage.  Arthritis is a tough disease to treat and some types of arthritis, including those of back pain, continue to deteriorate. Arthritis pain is the most common source of chronic pain. The pain occurs because our joints suffer natural wear and tear through the years, they are less able to maintain the supportive cartilage matrix surrounding the joints and bones. Before taking any type of arthritis medications please consult your doctor.

4 Secret Ways to Cure Hip Pain

Do you have any difficulty walking to the front of the house and back or walking upstairs? Then you probably complaining of hip pain. There are many various reasons why you might have pain and you should see your local doctor about your diagnosis. Also, if you have hip pain that last for more than six weeks, you probably have some chronic hip pain condition that probably don't know about.

Here are three easy ways you can treat any hip pain naturally and cheaply.

1. Use NSAID's (Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) - These are medications that help reduce swelling and inflammation in your hip. It is recommended that you go see your local physician to prescribe you one. However, don't take any more than the recommended amount or you will get severe side effects.

2. Use a wheat bag or a hot water bottle - These things are cheap and great way to control your pain. This will make your hip muscles to relax and will naturally increase blood circulation around the hip joint. The more circulation you have, the faster your hip will heal.

3. Gently massage your hips with your hands - You can self massage yourself using just your hands. Although it may not be effective as someone massaging you but it works wonders.

4. Perform home stretching exercises - You can download free videos on the internet about how to stretch your hips joint.  Also, make sure you perform the exercises regularly or your muscles will contract and stiffens up fast. 

Jaw Is Sore on One Side - Fix Your Sore Jaw

A lot of people these days are complaining about their sore jaws. Having a sore jaw on one side could be the result of a condition called TMJ syndrome. It's a very common jaw condition that affects millions of people all over the world and it's largely mistreated.

If you've got a sore jaw on one side it's probably because the tendons and ligaments in your jaw are either too tight or too loose. This causes part of your jaw to be displaced or misaligned and results in pain or clicking of the jaw.

The tension and pressure in your jaw is usually the results of stress, bad habits or previous trauma to the jaw area. Unfortunately there isn't really a quick fix for TMJ, it's something you have to manage. But if your looking for a few things you can try out right now, then I've got you covered.

Improve Your Posture:

Try this right now, assuming that your sitting at your computer, straighten your back and neck and make sure your shoulders are back. If you were sitting with poor posture, you should notice a slight relaxation of the jaw, which is a good thing. Trying to relax your jaw as much as possible should be your main goal.

Try TMJ Exercises:

TMJ exercises are stretches, massages and jaw exercises that aid the jaw. They can be done fairly quickly and easily and have been proven to actually permanently cure TMJ in some patients. One such exercises involves simply sliding the bottom half of your from from right to left in a controlled manner, do this about 10-15 times.

Another very important thing to do is take a few minutes out of your day to simply relax and breathe for 5 minutes or so. Make sure to concentrate on your breathing and focus on noticing how your jaw feels as it relaxes. Then when your out and about, try and replicate that feeling of relaxation whenever you feel your jaw tight.

Brittany Puppy And Dog Information

The Brittany Spaniel is basically a bird dog. She can make a good family pet and watch dog. She likes children and does well with other pets. She prefers to have plenty of space to exercise. She may be a poor choice for an apartment. A properly fenced in enclosure for exercise would be ideal. She needs weekly brushing and monthly bathing. Her breed is considered to be generally healthy.

Good With Children?

Yes, good with children with proper training. As a reminder, never leave a young child unsupervised with any puppy or dog.

Good With Other Pets?

Yes, good with other pets, especially with early socialization.


Very nice family oriented dog. She is happy, alert and eager to please.


Very trainable.

Approximate Adult Size

The approximate adult size (two years old or older) of the male Brittany spaniel is 17 to 21 inches to the withers (highest point of the shoulder) and 35 to 40 pounds. The female ranges from 18 to 20 inches to the withers and 30 to 40 pounds.

Special Health Considerations

Most dog breeds have certain inherited health problems associated with that specific breed and the Brittany Spaniel is no exception, Be on the look out for canine hip dysplasia (genetic based looseness in the hip joint that can lead to arthritis pain and lameness), allergy skin problems, glaucoma, lens luxation, epilepsy and nervousness. This disease list is an informative guideline only. Other diseases may also be significant threats, please contact your veterinarian for a complete list.

She should visit the veterinarian several times in the first year for shots, boosters and check up. Then, as an adult, she should visit the veterinarian yearly for shots and check up. As she gets older, six years and on, she should visit the veterinarian twice a year for check ups and shots. Remember; avoid feeding your dog sweets.


The Brittany Spaniel has a silky, feathered medium length coat that sheds lightly. She should be bathed once a month or so. She should be brushed regularly. Brushing will help her maintain a clean and healthy coat, avoid mats and help you keep a closer eye on her health and strengthen your emotional bond with her.

Her teeth should be brushed at least twice a week with toothpaste and toothbrush designed for dogs. Brushing removes the accumulation of plaque and tartar which can cause cavities (rarely) and periodontal disease. Dog periodontal disease can lead to pain, loss of teeth, bad breath and other serious disease.

Her nails may need to be examined for growth and clipped regularly. The toenails of the rear feet grow slower than the toenails of the front feet. Generally a guillotine type trimmer is the best for this chore and competent instructions to accomplish this can be found on the net.

Life Span

The Brittany Spaniel can live between 10 and 12 years with proper nutrition, medical care and excellent living conditions.


The Brittany Spaniel hails from the Brittany province of France as a cross between the Orange and White Setter and another French dog. They were officially shown in France in 1896. They were recognized by the American Kennel Association in 1934.

Some Registries

  • American Brittany Club

  • UKC United Kennel Club

  • NKC National Kennel Club

  • CKC Continental Kennel Club

  • APRI Americas Pet Registry Inc.

  • AKC American Kennel Club

  • FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale

  • NZKC New Zealand Kennel Club

  • KCGB Kennel Club of Great Britain

  • ANKC Australian National Kennel Club

  • ACR American Canine Registry

Litter Size

6 to 10 Brittany Spaniel puppies


Sporting, Gun Dog
Terms To Describe

Fearless, happy, alert, good natured, gentle, happy, alert, athletic, compact, elegant


  • Good watch dog.

  • Easy to train.

  • Very intelligent.

  • Easy to handle.

  • Eager to please.

  • Easy to care for.

  • She loves water.

  • She loves to hunt, especially birds.


  • Poor guard dog.

  • May be a one person dog.

  • Can be high strung.

  • Likes birds more than humans.

  • Needs a moderate climate.

  • They can bore easily.

  • Can be hyperactive.

Other Names Known By

Brittany Spaniel, Epagneul Breton, American Brittany

Every dog is an individual so not everything in this information may be correct for your dog. This information is meant as a good faith guideline only.

Hip Dysplasia in Dogs - Signs, Symptoms and Solutions

Unfortunately, hip dysplasia in dogs is a very common problem, especially among large breeds. But don't let that stop you from enjoying the companionship of a Golden Retriever or any other big buddy out of fear for what the future might hold. Here's what you need to know.

What is Hip Dysplasia?

The word "dysplasia" literally means abnormal development. It happens when looseness in a dog's hip joint keeps the ball at the top of the thighbone from fitting snugly into the socket in the hip. It may be in only one hip, or both of them.

The constant friction caused by this misfit eventually damages the joint. This damage tends to get worse with time, and the dog often develops arthritis, as well. Old age just isn't much fun for a dog suffering from this joint problem.

Signs and Symptoms of Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

How did this happen, anyway? If a dog is going to be afflicted with this problem, he's usually born with it--though it may not develop for several years. It can show up sooner if a large breed dog grows too rapidly as a puppy, or if he does a lot of jumping and running on slick floors or concrete at an early age.

Here are some symptoms to watch for:

  • Having difficulty standing up after sitting or lying down

  • Having difficulty walking, jumping, or going up and down stairs

  • Preferring to sit with both legs together on one side of his body

  • Letting you know it hurts when you touch his rear legs and hips

  • Doing the "bunny hop" when he runs, by keeping both rear legs together

An x-ray is the only sure way to diagnose canine hip dysplasia. The best age for a definite diagnosis is between 12 and 18 months. Some affected dogs don't show any symptoms at all for several years. (They're the "tough guys," I guess.)

Solutions for Canine Hip Dysplasia

So can anything be done for these poor pooches? Well, that depends on how bad the problem is. If your dog has a mild case, you can keep him relatively comfortable with weight control, moderate exercise, and pain relievers (from your vet) when he needs them.

In more severe cases, the best treatment for hip dysplasia is surgery to repair some of the damage and lessen the pain. In fact, the hips can even be replaced with Teflon hips, though that's a more costly route to go, as you can imagine.

Here are a few ways to help your dysplastic dog be more comfortable:

  • Work with your vet to monitor your puppy's growth

  • Keep your adult dog at a healthy weight

  • Help your dog get a moderate amount of exercise, either from gentle walks or easy swimming sessions

  • Dish out the pain relievers when you can see your dog is hurting

Work with your vet to make sure your canine companion is as comfortable as possible, no matter how mild or severe his symptoms might be. Hip dysplasia in dogs doesn't need to destroy your pooch's quality of life.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Back Pain in Sports Players - Can it Be Sacro-Iliac Joint Dysfunction?

Many of the football players treated by Milton Chiropractic Clinic present to our clinic with Sacro-Iliac pain. Often, pain arising from this joint is misdiagnosed as being a "slipped disc", since the pain caused by the Sacro-Illiac joint can refer into the leg. But in contrast to a slipped disc, the pain rarely radiates below the knee. Typical signs and symptoms of Sacro-Iliac Pain are a dull ache, located at the base of the spine which intensifies with sitting, bending, lifting and standing up from a seated position. Sometimes the pain can refer to the groin, buttock or the back of the thigh.

The Sacro-Iliac joints are located at the back and bottom of the spine and consists of Ilium bones and the Sacrum. The joint surfaces are covered with articular cartilage and the joints are reinforced by thick, strong ligaments, which give the joint great stability.

Sacro-Iliac Joint pain can have several causes, but the one of the most commonest ones is when a person lands on one buttock, during a fall. Something not uncommon in football! A leg length discrepancy might also create Sacro-Iliac pain.

Some inflammatory disorders will also produce pain in the Sacro Iliac joint. The general term for these disorders is: 'spondyloarthropathies', which simply means a disease that affects the spine. Examples of these conditions are: ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and Reiter's syndrome. The interesting thing about these conditions for the medical staff is is that they occur especially in young men, aged between 16 and 35. These conditions can only be treated with medication, and a referral to a Consultant Rheumatologist is required.

Treatment: What Can You Do?

• Consult a specialist
• Rest from aggravating activities
• Wear some support, like a brace or a belt
• Do light exercises, preferably in a pool
• Use corrective insoles

Chiropractic Care is very effective where normal Sacro Iliac joint movement is 'blocked' and needs to be restored. By restoring movement and unlocking the joint, abnormal stresses on the ligaments around the joint will be removed. Once normal Sacro Iliac joint movement has been restored, active rehabilitation exercises will be introduced. These exercises are very specific and will differ for each individual.

Rest from aggravating activities is of vital importance during an acute episode of pain. Ibuprofen, paracetamol or aspirin will also give some form of relief and should be considered during the initial stages of pain. Always consult a professional when taking any medication.
Corrective insoles

Sacro Iliac Joint Dysfunction can be caused by biomechanical factors, such as a difference in leg length or altered leg alignment. These causes must be addressed if someone is looking for long term relief. Custom made Orthotics can be helpful in these cases.

It is very important to differentiate Sacro-Illiac Joint Pain from a slipped disc or a herniated disc, since the management of these conditions differ quite a bit and can cause a long delay in improvement if treated inappropriately. It is therefore of vital importance to consult a professional when dealing with back problems.

Dysautonomia - Symptoms And Treatment

The definition of Dysautonomia is a malfunction (or imbalance) of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) or the automatic nervous system that controls a person's involuntary bodily functions. An example is one's heart rate accelerating or decelerating. Another is digestion, either too fast or too slow.

A body's complete nervous system is divided into two parts, one for involuntary actions called the sympathic nervous system and another for involuntary actions called the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathic system deals with an organ's function accelerating, whereas the parasympathetic system involves decelerating.

These two parts of a body's nervous system continually work to make your body function to the stimuli around you. If a train's whistle startles you, your sympathetic nerves kick in, and you might jump or shout. As you relax at home or on a beach, your parasympathetic nerves will quiet your body to a peaceful lull. And there's every speed in between working through our bodies daily. A person's nutrition and hormone balance are also factors in keeping the delicate balance of the ANS.

When a baby is being forming in its mother's womb, the autonomic nervous system and the heart's mitral valve are developed at the same time. Therefore, some times if a person has a deviation with the mitral valve, he/she also has a variation in the ANS balance.

Not only are mitral valve prolapse patients prone to dysautonomia but also are those with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), vasovagal or neurocardiogenic syncope, chronic fatigue syndrome, Shy-Drager syndrome, panic attacks, anxiety, in appropriate sinus tachycardia (IST), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), fibromyalgia, and a number of other disorders.

With Dysautonomia, a person may become dizzy, lose her balance, faint, and experience various aches and pains. Other symptoms include fatigue to exhaustion, various chest pains, headaches, severe panic or anxiety attacks, tachycardia, hypotension, poor exercise tolerance, dizziness, sleep disorders, tinnitus, gastrointestinal symptoms (IBS), sweating, blurred vision, numbness and tingling, and depression.

Other secondary symptoms of MVPS/D include hot/cold sensations, heat/sun intolerance, shakiness, swelling in limbs, shortness of breath, excessive perspiration or inability to perspire, fibrocystic breast disorder, rashes, difficulty concentrating or poor memory, heightened sensitivity to smell or sound, temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), scoliosis, low body temperature, endometriosis, muscle aches, allergies, and excessive gas.

A patient does not have to have ALL symptoms for dysautonomia.

A doctor can determine a medication to help with the dysautonomia. And these might have to be changed over time.

Diabetes and coronary heart disease damage tiny nerves and cause inappropriate responses of the ANS. This dysautonomia is not one associated with MVPS dysautonomia.

The Secret Life of Sugar in Your Body, Part 2 - The Sweets We Eat

When our relationship with sugar is a negative or detrimental one, we often cannot leave it alone. One of the hallmarks of sugar sensitivity, then, is the inability to stop eating it once you've started.

In my NAET practice, I've noticed that many patients remark, after the sugar treatment, that whereas before the treatment they could never walk past a plate of sweets without grazing (heavily), after the treatment, it didn't matter how delicious the sweets were, they just weren't as interested. They might have one, but were perfectly able to stop.

Although sugar is a naturally occurring substance, its use in contemporary junk food is far from natural. Corn syrup, and its lethal cousin, high fructose corn syrup, combine regularly with sugar in candy, baked goods, and soda to wreak havoc on our pancreas and pad our bellies with flab. As we move further and further away from a simple natural diet-and by that I mean, from proteins, carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables to meals consisting of protein bars, diet soda, and fast food-it is no wonder that our brains are suffering: with attention problems, dementia, metabolic disorders, and mood issues.

Further complicating the issue with sugar is the role of emotions. "I would never crave sugar," one of my patients remarked, "if my job wasn't so stressful." Many of us echo her sentiment...with a twist: "If my kids weren't so out of control," "if I didn't have so much stress," "if..." And we crave it because it delivers so beautifully, every time spiking our blood sugar with a rush that rivals a runner's high...or any other high, for that matter.

So what can you possibly do, given the environmental and chemical constraints that push you toward sugar cravings? The best way to combat sugar issues is to balance them. BodyTalk, a branch of energy medicine-and the fastest growing healthcare system in the world-determines where the communication in the body has broken down, and then restores the communication energetically. Each person has a unique body chemistry. Therefore, there can be no one set way to balance sugar. For one person, the problem might lie in the liver. For another individual, an imbalance in brain chemistry may be the cause of their sugar problems. Someone else could have a problem in the pancreas. Each person has symptoms of sugar imbalances, but must be treated in a completely different manner. Unless we understand exactly where the problem lies, we cannot expect to treat them successfully. BodyTalk, with its unique system of biofeedback, provides the structure necessary for communication with the body-mind complex.

In my clinical practice, I have found the sugar treatment to be a pivotal point in treating many cases of diabetes, addiction, and autoimmune disorders, as well as other complaints ranging from TMJ to fibromyalgia. Again, each case is unique in its root cause as well as the specific route of treatment. However, sugar always plays a key role in each treatment. Once we change the relationship with sugar, each individual seems to be more able to manage his or her own relationship with both the outside world and the chemical processes of the body. This ability to modulate information, both within and without, marks a new ability to maintain health, and this is the key to healing.

Cortisone Or Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, What Is the Difference?

I get this question a lot in my practice. Many people come in desperate need of pain relief and believe cortisone injections are the best and only treatment for what ails them. So, I'm going to lay out all the facts here, tell you what I do in my own practice, The Darrow Sports and Wellness Institute, and let you decide.

Cortisone Injections:

It is true that corticosteroids, like cortisone, are powerful anti-inflammatory substances. They are not used to relieve pain, but rather reduce inflammation, which in turn can lessen a patient's level of discomfort.

Cortisone is often injected into the area of injury or pain like joints or tendons. Examples of conditions for which local cortisone injections are used include inflammation of a bursa (bursitis), a tendon (tendonitis), and a joint (arthritis). Knee arthritis, hip bursitis, painful foot conditions such as plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff tendinitis and many other conditions may be treated with cortisone injections.

Although cortisone packs a powerful anti-inflammatory punch, it can only reduce inflammation and pain. It cannot repair the injury or the wear and tear abuse caused to a tendon or joint from years and years of use. Cortisone also masks the pain, which gives people a sense of false security. "No Pain, No Problem!" This mentality can result in further damage down the road from overdoing it when a tendon hasn't healed fully or properly.

What is more, some studies have shown that the long-term use of cortisone (i.e., repeated injections over a period of months or years) can cause degeneration of tendon tissue or cartilage if injected into the tendon itself.

With that said, although we don't like to do repeat injections of steroids or cortisone, sometimes doing it once is a very good diagnostic tool to see where the problem is occurring. By using cortisone, we can isolate an area by figuring out where cortisone is working the best. That area is where we focus our other tissue-building techniques, which naturally lead me to....

PRP Injections:

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Therapy works on a totally different platform than cortisone. While cortisone inhibits inflammation, PRP initiates a collection of harmonious healing actions. The platelets stimulate proteins which encourage cellular growth and tissue regeneration. By concentrating the number of platelets normally found in an injured area, you're basically boosting this healing mechanism at the same time. It attracts stem cells which eventually grow into healthy joints, tendons, or ligaments.

Simply put, PRP injection allows a quick and focused action to the area of injury, which allows it to heal more effectively and rapidly.

Requiring only a small amount of blood from the patient, a trained professional can, with the help of a centrifuge, create a highly concentrated platelet rich plasma, which is then injected into the patient's injured tissue. This injection "jump-starts" the healing process.

A recent study presented at the International Meeting on the use of Autologous Growth Factors in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine found patients receiving cortisone showed a 40% improvement compared to PRP, which demonstrated a 75% improvement at 12 months. The study concluded that PRP injections reduced pain and increased function significantly, exceeding the effect of corticosteroid injection.

Sources: Nichols AW. Complications associated with the use of corticosteroids in the treatment of athletic injuries. Clin J Sport Med. 2005;15:E370.

Suffering from chronic joint and tendon pain and want to learn more about Prolotherapy and PRP Injections?

Core Breathing for Knee Pain With the Art of Walking Mindfully

This program address a type of knees pain caused by weak muscles ability to coordinate between the lower core muscles down to the angle, foot and toes with skeleton leg alignment between feet, ankle and knee and hip title. The knees, in this program, functions to support the upper body ability to transmit lower core generated force down to the top of the knee then pass through the knee joint base on alignment to the lower part of the knee down to the ankle, foot and toes during walking. The skeleton alignment of the knee between upper and lower parts of the leg affects possible of pain in the knee during walking.

If you have knee pain as you walk, but you can walk, there is hope in your ability to walk with little or without pain and create enjoyment during walking. By mindfully using this program 4 parts core breathing to generate strength from the lower core muscle area creates physically strength to be directed to feet, hands and head.

The Art of Walking and the Way of the Breath with mindfulness directs lower core strength and energy to selective muscles that can activate to the whole foot area if directed too. The goal is to shape the foot action in the most effective form to move the body.

Understanding the function of the knee by dividing the leg into two parts above and below the knee. The knee acts like a junction point to transfer force from the hips to the feet yet the feet gives support to the knee. The more you engage the lower core and feet and direct your feet during walking will produce less strenuous presser on the knees.

Finding a method that gives understanding and basic techniques to build your own way to affect your knee pain during walking is a goal. By using the Art of Walking and the Way of the Breath Mindfully give a walker ability to shape the knee during walking.

There is two points that have to be understood at the same time for one to be affective to change knee pain. First is lower core strength if it is weak you do not have muscles strength ability to give the foot muscle strength to walk that place extra stress on the knees. The main ability to make the feet strong is seated in lower core area with the ability to direct muscle tension throughout the legs which gives the knees its ability to do its function in walking.

Second part is how to develop lower core strength effectively requires ability to use that area of the core to bring in breath and exhale breath with range of movement as your walking. The movement range and muscle tension level of the lower core increases possibles to affect feet strength during walking therefore the knees play a different role in walking.

If you have pain in shins and around the knee there is a high chance it is caused be ankle or foot and toes weakness that affect alignment of skeleton between foot and knees and hips.

The other half to the knee challenge is how you direct your feet during walking so the knee muscles are not strained base on how the foot is being used in walking. Finding the most natural way to walk is the goal that make this program art to develop as experience that influences the whole body.

People can walk in many ways with the feet for they can be turn out, in or pointed straight as your walking. Each way has different affects on muscles in the legs that influence knee pressure during walking.

How you walk with your feet affects how the knee area is being used and if it is not the most affective way to walk that will place extra strain on knee joint during walking. Many people over 50 feel pain in their knees and the question what can be done? This program is a energy view point, a person has to keep the lower core and leg muscles toned and skeleton alignment with the most affective way to mindfully walk. The way a person walks is a habit and changing a habit to adjust to aging physical change is just another challenge in life to remind one they exist with a body and not just a mental thought.

Here are some suggestion to change your pain in the knees as your walking. Finding someone that can align the knees with ankle, feet and hips is just a step. Once you have alignment between the three points, hips, knees and feet, then comes how to strength that alignment come next. Understanding why they go out of alignment is a must so you can change the pressure and usage of the knee during walking.

Every one is different but the closer you walk to this program ideas of walking naturally the less pain is possibly. To change how you walk to lower you knee pain is a challenge that requires develop muscle coordinated strength from the hips down the upper part of the knee then lower part of the knee to ankle, foot and toes then how to direct the shape of the foot during movement during walking.

This program has number of suggests to affect muscle coordination strength ability during walking. It begins with core breathing ability to form range of movement in the lower core that will generate strength in that area. If the lower core is weak all the parts of the leg are weak which places more stress on knee joints as you walk.

Start with toes and realize the toes have to have strength and range of movement so there is balance ability as will as force to move. The toes setup balance and directed force and if they are weak your balance is weak your effort is low as you walk. Then foot strength to work the arch in your feet to affect movement of the foot with strength. The arch strength forms the pathway of the ankle to rotate the foot to move the leg up to the hips. Lower core strength is in the hip area and that area provides energy and strength to activate the feet.

Here is an order to the process to walk. The hips holds the lower core strength ability that is transfer down the leg base on muscle tone conditioning and knee to the ankle. The ankle directs the out side of the heel of the foot to begin rotating a long the outside edge of the foot base on the arch to the little toe. The little toe activates the out side muscle of the leg to give strength support the ability to walk tall. Then each toes plays it part to bring foot and strength to ball and big toe that activate the big muscles in the leg in order to push hip forward this forms one part of walking from your feet.

The condition of these parts have to be looked at in order to form judgment about your knees pain and what is possible. Then there is how you move the foot to walk affects the strain on the knees and influences the function ability to move the body. How to think about your feet direction given purpose of movement of the body.

Here is energy point of view, your energy will flow in the direct of your toes. This program address walking by having your toes pointed straight ahead as you walk so your energy force and balance is the strongest as you walk. This is about what creates the strongest walking form in balance and strength. You should stand with toes pointed straight ahead so you start your foot movement to walk.

Suggestion is finding exercises that make toes, foot and ankle muscles engaged and stronger with the lower core muscle in different part of the core breath movement lets the knees be a junction area to transfer force between lower core into the feet area during walking.

The more you link exercises to the lower core and the movement of the foot and toes gives knees ability to keep alignment which will produces less pain. The ability to keep walking is a challenge as you get older but there are so many benefits to be gain in walking.

What lowers strength to the feet and the ability to breath and walk is stress in shoulders muscles. The more emotional stress that is being held in the shoulders the hard to walk effectively and increases the chances of knee pain. Stress and knee pain can be linked together for the more you relax the shoulders the hips and body can have lower muscle tension and move easier in life.

To change stress requires changing the way and how you breath throughout the day for breathing is a learned habit for humans that reflects their emotional physical state of being in the moment.

Home Remedies For Hip Pain - 7 Methods That Work Effectively

Hip pain is a very common problem. Hip pain can happen at all ages and can be caused by several factors, ranging from overuse of the joints, swelling in the joint, injuries and other diseases like arthritis bursitis and tendonitis. When a person suffers from hip pain, it makes normal joint movement painful and difficult. Hip pain is not always felt directly around the hip area. Sometimes you may feel it in the middle of your thigh or back.

There are various prescription and over-the-counter drugs to relieve the hip pain but there are also natural ways to reduce pain and lessen swelling in the hip joint. Given below are some home remedies that can relieve hip pain:

1. Ice and heat application. Application of ice packs and heat pads are the most effective treatments for dealing with pain and inflammation. Heat treatments can be used to relieve and loosen muscular tension in cases of chronic conditions while ice treatments is used in an acute situation to reduce swelling.

2. Physical therapy. Physical therapy is an important aspect to effective treatment of orthopedic conditions. These methods are very simple, but they require a qualified physical therapist that can teach you techniques to treat the condition at home.

3. Rest. Rest is the most effective treatment for hip pain and helps reduce acute inflammation. This might mean you may need to stay completely off your hip or leg for at least 24 to 48 hours.

4. Massage. Massage therapy's has been known to increase circulation of blood which carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells. This in turn will relieve and loosen muscular tension in your hip. Apply Biofreeze on the muscles surrounding your hip joint, do it daily especially before you go to bed and after waking up in the morning.

5. Stretching. Stretching the muscles around the hip and pelvic area can help reduce the symptoms of hip pain. Taking specific stretching routine consistently will help you in the long run.

6. Healthy food. Increasing your consumption of healthy foods in your diet such as whole-grain cereals, cold-water fish (like salmon, sardines, tuna, rainbow trout, and herring), vegetables, fruits, seeds, beans, and nuts. Eliminate the amount of fats, processed foods, fried food, fast food, red meats, junk food and all hot spices from your diet.

7. Supplements. Supplements will help you alleviate inflammation and ease pain and also stiffness in the joints. Some supplements like bromalain, boswella, ginger, glucosamine and fish oils can be used to help you reduce inflammation and pain in the joints and also increase the flexibility of joints.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pain Between Shoulder Blades Explained

The shoulder blades are triangular in shape and are located at the back of the shoulder. The medical name is known as the scapula. It forms the shoulder joint along with the humerus (arm bone) and clavicle (collar bone). The muscles attached to the scapula are involved with neck and shoulder movement as well as mobility in the back.

Often times, people will experience pain and discomfort between the shoulder blades without having any prior injury. This may leave them wondering as to what could be the cause of their pain. Since there are many factors which can produce pain between the shoulder blades, this article will examine the possible factors involved.

Here is a list of causes for pain between shoulder blades:

Injury or Trauma: Injuries such as auto, sports, work, lifting or even falling down can affect the spinal column and the surrounding soft tissues. This can lead to weakness and injury to the ligaments and muscles that attach to the scapula and spine. In some cases, x-rays and MRI may not be able to visualize the exact cause of spinal and soft tissue injuries.

Posture: If you work long hours in front of a computer, you may have noticed pain and tension in your neck, around the shoulders and along the upper back. Often times, the cause of this pain is from poor posture and improper positioning of your hands, arms and feet. Basically, the human body is a kinetic chain, in which one area of your body can affect another region. For instance, slouching in your chair forces the neck and shoulders to lean forward. Maintaining this position for prolonged periods can generate stress and tension on the musculature of your neck, trapezius muscles, shoulders, upper back and pain between shoulder blades. It is in your best interest to practice proper ergonomics when working on the computer for long durations.

Gallstones: In general, gallstones may not cause any signs or symptoms. However, when a gallstone becomes lodged in a duct and creates a blockage, symptoms may result which include pain between shoulder blades, right shoulder pain and abdominal pain.

Disc Degeneration: When the disc substance degenerates, the spacing between the vertebrae shrinks, which can cause inflammation to the surrounding joint structures and soft tissue. This can manifest as an achy or dull pain between shoulder blades. Factors that can cause disc degeneration include injury, trauma, aging, infection and disease.

Disc Herniation: There are 4 different stages of disc herniation, which include disc degeneration, disc prolapse, disc extrusion and sequestered disc. In any of these stages, it is possible to experience localized or radiating pain between shoulder blades. In addition, inflammation can occur to the surrounding soft tissue and joint, which can also cause pain. Disc herniation can develop from injury, trauma, infection and disease.

Overuse: It's possible that if your work involves constant use of lifting objects over your head, this type of activity can cause fatigue and spasms. Consequently, this may cause pain between shoulder blades. In addition, activities such as rowing or shoulder motions that are similar to rowing can also cause discomfort between shoulder blades.

Kyphosis: This is a spinal condition in which the region between the scapula has an abnormal curve. This disorder affects children and adults and can cause a deformity known as "hunchback" or "humpback." This condition can result in pain between shoulder blades. The causes for a kyphotic spine include: neuromuscular disorders, congenital (being born with it), Scheuermann's disease, trauma, tumor, infection and arthritis.

Home Treatment TMJ

TMJ is the commonly used acronym for temporomandibular joint disorder. The pain associated with TMJ is thought to be caused by displacement of the cartilage where the lower jaw connects to the skull causing pressure and stretching of the associated sensory nerves. Problems in this area can cause head and neck pain, a jaw that is locked in position or difficult to open, problems biting, and popping sounds when you bite. Often in most cases TMJ are temporary therefore there are something's that you can do at home to ease the pain.

oDon't overuse your jaw. Avoid hard foods.

oTry over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications. Some TMJ sufferers find ibuprofen especially effective.

oTake a stress management course or listen to relaxation tapes. TMJ is sometimes caused by and always aggravated by stress.

oPractice stretching exercises designed especially for the shoulders and neck. This will help reduce some of the tension in your upper body.

oStand tall. Good posture helps your jaw to sit properly.

oAvoid spending hours over the computer. Holding your neck stiff aggravates TMJ.

oTake muscle relaxants if jaw pain persists. Your doctor can write you a prescription for pain relievers.

oWear a mouth guard. Many sufferers of TMJ grind their teeth at night. Grinding puts stress on the jaw joints and muscles. A mouth guard prevents night grinding.

oAsk your dentist about an intra-oral orthotic. This is a temporary mouth splint that helps reposition the jaw, thus alleviating joint stress and pressure.

Also, changing your diet may help in a certain way. Here are some quick facts regarding diet:

oCutting back on salicylates.

oCutting back on wheat and dairy.

oAvoiding foods and supplements with a lot of vitamin C or iron.

oAvoiding foods with sugar, yeast and preservatives.

oEating more fat, especially moderate amounts of saturated fat.

oEating more red meat.

oEating organ meat on occasion.

oEating vegetable soup with a lot of greens (for magnesium) and broth made from animal parts (bones, tendons, etc. for hyaluronic acid.)

Body Position, Anxiety and TMJ

TMJ (short for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) is a disorder concerning the joint that connects the jaw to the skull. This disorder often results in dysfunction in the movements and position of the jaw, which aggravates over time if left untreated. It is estimated that over 11 million Americans may suffer from TMJ at any given time.

People with TMJ have a great amounts of discomfort and pain in the neck and jaw area. They may also experience migraines and may even have fibromyalgia eventually. Some "experts" claim TMJ is caused by continued movement of the jaw beyond its normal limits, such as forward or sideways, which may in turn be caused by excessive gum chewing, nail biting, dental neglect, or trauma (accident).

Yet despite avoiding all its known causes, many individuals still suffer from TMJ. What could be causing this? Could it be due to a new, exciting cause that would make one take a new look at TMJ? Well, not really. Although not many know about these new causes, they should not surprise anyone because these are what causes TMJ in the first place.

Anxiety is the first cause.

You're probably familiar with this. Your muscles tighten, you tremble, and your jaw stiffens when you feel scared, apprehensive, or anxious. When you deal with anxiety on a regular basis, what do you think happens to you? When you experience aches and pains that seem to appear out of nowhere, are you puzzled that these pains seem to have no physical cause at all? Well, now you know what caused them. And when you unconsciously set your jaw whenever you go through your daily dose of stress, it may eventually add up to a TMJ problem.

Wrong body positioning is the next cause.

Your parents probably told you not to slouch when you were a kid. And if you're suffering from back problems now, you're probably wishing you'd have listened. The same goes for TMJ. Sitting the wrong way (or too much) causes our jaw to have the wrong position - it may be too far in or far out.

On the Discovery Channel, when you see these women from developing countries carry heavy loads on top of their heads, have you ever wondered why they don't suffer from shoulder, neck, and jaw problems despite carrying these loads everyday? The simple reason is this-they carry the loads directly over their heads. In this way, the muscles in their neck and shoulders sustain the weight in a way that nature designed them to. The moment they tip their heads forward, the weight would suddenly cause them to tip forward and lose their balance.

See the connection?

Your head is not heavy at all when it is aligned with the body. But when it is not, as when you tip forward, it feels a bit heavier. Your neck and shoulder muscles often cannot support the extra load, so your jaw exerts effort to keep the head level.

Over time, TMJ disorder happens because of the extra strain.

Doctors often just prescribe painkillers to ease the pain caused by TMJ, but these are just temporary solutions. They do nothing to ease TMJ's root causes. My TMJ No More Program does just that. It effectively targets the root causes of TMJ with simple exercises that relax the muscles around the TMJ and restore the jaw's natural position. My program will successfully cure those who suffer from this disorder. Does it work? Apparently, hundreds of my customers who have tried it themselves definitely think so. Check out my TMJ No More program and see what brought the smiles back on their faces.

Warm Regards,
Christian Goodman

Stop Biting Nails - Do You Want Infections?

A child is said to be like a sponge when he / she is between the years of a few months till 10 years of age. Certain traits are picked up which include nail biting. If you or your child have picked up this dreadful addiction then read on. This article will look at how to stop biting nails and how you can get infections.

Here are just a few infections / diseases that you or your child can contract if they bite their nails.

1. Gingival Swelling: Gingiva is part of the tissue lining of the mouth. It is technically there to surround the teeth and surround it as a seal. Without it you can get a number of diseases like gingivitis. So you may ask what does nail biting have to do with this. Well nail biting actually erodes the Gingiva which eventually gets removed and leads to Gingivitis and bleeding of gums.

2. Pinworm: If you or your child are nail biters it is very easy to get pinworms. Pin worm eggs can be caught from a number of places and embed under the finger nails. When a person bites his nails and if there are pinworm eggs present under the nails then they will get digested which then leads to the eggs being hatched in the intestine. Pinworms then attach themselves to your intestine walls.

3. Breaking Skin: Biting of nail usually leads to the skin breaking. Now this will have two effects. It may start bleeding, which can be very painful. Or secondly, it could collect germs that will infect the area or you could also digest certain germs that could lead to some dreadful disease. It is imperative to stop biting nails otherwise you could catch some disease that you really do not want. If you are a parent as well you really need to watch out for your children and make sure that they stop biting their nails.

Looking at the severity of the number of diseases that you can get we really need to find a way to stop biting nails. As long as you or your child do so, the chances of getting infected with some disease or another are greater.

7 Tips to Increase Your Hip Flexibility

One of the biggest complaints my clients present during their sessions is a lack of flexibility. With the high number of professional computer jockeys in today's modern world, the common complaints are limited range of motion in the hips and shoulders, pain in the neck, back, and feet.

Sitting all day, especially at an ergonomically challenging computer set up, creates a shortening in your hip flexors (the muscles along the front of your hip and thigh that pull you down into a chair). These muscles in turn pull your lumbar spine forward, causing tension and stiffness in the low back and bracing in your hips.

Additionally, 99.9% of everyone I see in my office sits incorrectly. I attribute this to a lifetime spent on soft, cushy couches and overstuffed easy chairs. Unfortunately, while plush seating may feel nice for a while, it has the effect of rolling your sacrum under so that your weight isn't centered over your ischial tuberosities (sitting bones) but rather on the last vertebra of your spine (i.e. your sacrum).

Once your sacrum is jammed, your entire spine compensates. This is why a headache or sore neck is actually located in your pelvis, and why work around the hips and low back will generally result in greater shoulder mobility.

Here are 7 easy tips to increase your flexibility and range of motion while reducing pain and stiffness:

1. When sitting for prolonged periods, make sure your hips are higher than your knees. If your knees are higher than your hips, all of your weight falls into your pelvis while the job of holding you upright falls to your hip flexors and the postural stabilizers of your low back.

Instead of bracing your torso to stay upright, place your feet flat on the floor, one foot a few inches in front of the other. By pressing into the ground, you should feel support travel up through your legs and into your low back. Taking the strain off your back is the first step in allowing greater mobility.

2. Do squats* - full on, all the way to your heels squats! Squats force you to mobilize your ankles, knees, hips, and the facet joints in your spine. Most people who haven't ever trained for this kind of movement find even a basic squat with no weight to be challenging.

When performing the maneuver, make sure your torso doesn't pitch forward. Holding a small weight, a weighted bar, or a wooden dowel in front of your chest, as in a traditional front squat position, can help you stay upright.

If you are not flexible enough to keep your feet relatively parallel, start with your legs wider apart, feet turned out at 45 degrees. The more you practice squatting, the more willing your body will be to go all the way to the ground.

3. Practice sitting down on the ground and getting up without using your hands*. This is especially helpful for lubricating the hip joints, and it erases the fear that people develop as they age that they will fall and not be able to get back up. It has the added bonus of loosening the lateral rotators of the hip - the muscles that are implicated in sciatica.

Start by finding a way to bring yourself to a seated position on the floor, hands free. Then, get up, also without using your hands. Repeat the exercise several times, finding as many different ways to sit down and stand up as you can.

When the exercise becomes too easy, add a weight. Hold 10-25lbs (or more, if you're comfortable) at chest height while sitting and standing. This not only mobilizes but also strengthens the joints.

4. When choosing a chair for your computer desk set up, select a firm, flat surface over any padded and contoured seats. Most chairs are designed for an "average" or "standard" body, and anyone who has ever shopped for the perfect pair of jeans knows that one size does not fit all!

Flat surfaces make it easier for you to sit forward on your sitting bones - your ischial tuberosities. You should feel equal weight on both your right and left tuberosities. If not, try to center yourself as best you can without contorting your body. Just relax down onto the chair.

Sitting on your ischial tuberosities is much more stable than sitting on your sacrum. Your postural stabilizing muscles can easily relax and reduce the bracing along your spine, creating instant mobility for your back (this is absolutely key in resolving back and neck pain!).

5. Take extra deep breaths. With all the stimulus coming at us from all directions - television, internet, books, MP3 players, digital advertising, children, pets.... - it's easy to forget to breathe.

When you cease breathing deeply, your diaphragm becomes tight. Anatomically, the fascia of your diaphragm connects directly to your hip flexors, so if your diaphragm is constricted, your hip flexors will be, too.

Take time each and every day to lie quietly on your back. Breathe deeply, relaxing your rib cage, spine, and abdominal muscles. Allow your internal organs to rest heavily into your back. As you become more relaxed, direct your breathing down deeper and deeper into your pelvis, relaxing all of the tension in your low back, sacrum, gluteus muscles, and thighs. As you become more skilled at conscious breathing, you can begin to direct your breath all the way out the bottoms of your feet.

6. Practice dynamic joint mobility - taking each hip joint through a series of repetitive movements designed to increase the range of motion. This kind of movement increases the flow of synovial fluid, which lubricates the joints. It also provides excellent neurological feedback. Range of motion is a use it or lose it proposition; the more your remind your body that you need to be able to make large, open movements, the more willing your nervous system will be to allow you to do just that.

7. Stretch your hip flexors, especially after long car or airplane trips. As mentioned previously, sitting shortens the anterior muscles of your hip and thigh. To keep them long and limber, stretch daily, or at least several times a week.

Any maneuver that causes a lengthening along the front of your hip and thigh will lengthen the hip flexors. Some of my favorites include lunges* (keep your torso upright - do not allow yourself to fall forward over your front knee) and bridges* (a full back bend with hands and feet on the floor - modify this to a shoulder bridge if you aren't quite ready for this pose).