Saturday, March 29, 2014

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder - A Simple Explanation of Symptoms and Treatment

Before getting into the meat of how to recognize TMJ symptoms and treat the disorder, it's important to understand the basics of the temporomandibular joint that gives this dysfunction its acronym. The temporomandibular joint is the hinge of the jaw. This joint or hinge is usually referred to as the TMJ, which can cause some confusion when discussing the pain or dysfunction that occurs at this location. In order to clear up this confusion, many medical professionals are beginning to refer to pain in the TMJ as temporomandibular joint disorder, abbreviated TMD. For clarity, medical professionals refer to the temporomandibular joint as the TMJ. Any symptoms or pain associated with the TMJ are referred to as TMD, TMJ disorder or temporomandibular joint disorder.

Every one of us has two TMJs - one on each side of our jaw. These joints work together to move our jaw up and down, so they carry a very important role in our lives. Without these hinges we wouldn't be able to speak or eat as effectively as we can. The name temporomandibular is conjured from two different bones that come together at the joint: the upper temporal bone and the mandible. The upper temporal bone is actually pare of the skull, where as the mandible is a bone all unto itself.

Where these two bones join together is what makes this joint particularly interesting and unique. At this union there is a disc called the 'articular disc,' which is made up of fibrocartilagenous tissue. This tissue is similar to the bendable tops of our ears and its purpose is to separate the joint in a way that allows our jaw to move in two different directions which turns out to be an important factor for speech and chewing. If this joint sounds complicated, don't fret - it certainly is. The TMJ is often referred to as one of the most complicated joints in the entire human body.

There are a wide variety of tendons, muscles, blood vessels and ligaments surrounding the TMJ. For this reason temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) occurs for a number of different and often unrelated reasons. In fact, there is not believed to be one particular cause of TMJ disorder, and the symptoms are often quite varied as well.

TMJ disorder symptoms can range from clicking or grating in the jaw, discomfort while chewing, tenderness or pain in the jaw, even earaches and headaches. As you can see from this list of symptoms, diagnosing TMJ disorder is far from straight-forward. Basically, the symptoms associated with TMJ disorder are varied and can be complicated. A good rule of thumb is that if you are experiencing any of the listed symptoms along with jaw pain near the hinge, you may be suffering from TMJ disorder.

As you may have guessed, treating TMJ disorder is not straightforward either. It may even be difficult to decide what type of specialist to see in order to seek treatment. If you have a headache, should you go to your dentist? If your jaw hurts, should you go to your doctor? The short answer is that if you believe that you have symptoms of TMJ disorder, you should consult a doctor. Taking the recommended dose of ibuprofen or acetaminophen is a good idea, and your doctor will likely recommend a series of exercises and stretches that will hopefully relieve some of your pain.

A Microwave Wheat Bag for Heat Therapy Eases Shoulder Pain

Shoulder injuries are extremely common in the young crowd these days, what with all the different sports and active living that goes on. But, as people get older, the joints and tissues within the shoulder degenerate. Heat therapy, or thermotherapy, can help a great deal in treating shoulder pains. The easiest way to apply this is by using a microwave wheat bag.

There are a lot of reasons why someone would suffer shoulder pains. One way is to get rotator cuff tendinitis. Throwing curve balls from the pitcher's mound in baseball, or a back hand in tennis, are two major reasons for getting shoulder pain. After a person reaches fifty, then the reason for shoulder pains have to do with the supraspinatus tendon becoming too thin. These things create a pain that may start as just a dull throb near the top of the shoulder, but continued lifting will tear things up even more and lead to majorly sever pain that disrupts the person's ability to lift their arms up over their head.

With the common rotator cuff tear, you usually won't see this in someone under age sixty. This happens at the point where the tendon meets the bone. In a lot of cases the tears are no big deal and treated swiftly, however there are times when surgery may be needed to reattach the tendon. Bursitis happens when the fluid sac protecting the shoulder joint becomes inflamed, causing unbelievable pain. Sometimes, when the pain gets completely out of control, steroids shots might be called upon to lower the runaway inflammation.

Another condition, called frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis, is nothing short of very painful. This can happen as a result of any other condition occurring in the shoulder region. When someone has frozen shoulder, they tend to favour that hurt shoulder, not realizing they could be making matters worse for them. Rest, PT, and heat therapy gives sufferers the greatest chance at completely recovering.

Arthritis is another shoulder joint problem. A condition known as osteoarthritis is usually to blame. This degenerative joint disease causes pain, stiffness, a decrease in the flexible nature of the muscles in the area, and inflammation of the shoulder region. Heat therapy should be the first choice of treating this matter, or any matter involving arthritis.

Heat therapy has so many benefits to it when treating pains in the shoulder area. It helps bring more blood to the area and with it more nutrients and oxygen to help rebuild damaged muscles and tendons. Healing is accelerated, and best of all, muscles tend to relax to heat therapy, so stiffness is lessened. When pain and stiffness lessens, there will be increased flexibility. Because of the shape of the shoulders, it is no easy task to apply heat therapy to the area, so a microwave heated wheat bag will do the trick nicely, as it can conform to the damaged shoulder area easily.

Shoulder pain sufferers can get maximum comfort and healing when they are injured, or must deal with chronic pain, by using a form of heat therapy that can lower any pain and inflammation, and get stiffness and discomfort under control. Heat therapy using a wheat bag should be applied for fifteen to thirty minutes before any shoulder-affecting activity, and after, to get the best effectiveness out of this therapy.

Bruxism Symptoms - Do You Have Bruxism Symptoms?

Teeth clenching is also known as bruxism. It puts pressure on the tissues, muscles, and other parts surrounding the jaw area. Although it is not a life-threatening disorder, the symptoms can lead to temporomandibular joint problems or TMJ. Frequent teeth grinding can also wear down the teeth and can be an inconvenience to your sleeping partner.

Aside from clenching the teeth, there are other bruxism symptoms including stress, tension, anxiety, depression, headache, eating disorders, sleeping disorders, sensitivity of teeth to cold, hot or sweet foods and beverages, painful or sore jaw, and earache. Earache can occur partly because the TMJ joint structures are located close to the ear canal. People with symptoms feel pain around the ear area and other locations. This pain is called referred pain.

Aside from psychological factors, symptoms occur when the person has dental disorders, ear disorders like ear infection, or innate temporomandibular joint or TMJ. People with a history of tension and stress can also exhibit signs of bruxism.

Here is a list of symptoms according to physical and psychological factors:

Physical symptoms include TMJ, muscle discomfort and aches, muscle pain or facial myalgia, shoulder pain, stiffness or tightness, ear ache, inability to open mouth widely, abnormal teeth wear, recession and inflammation of gums, untimely teeth loss, excessive tooth mobility, and obstructed or disrupted sleep of both the person and his or her partner.

Studies show that teeth grinding often cause headache. Individuals who exhibit these symptoms are most likely to feel headaches compared to people who do not have this problem. It is also said that people with long-term bruxism experience craniofacial pain compared to non-bruxists.

However, not all studies point out that the mentioned symptoms will likely be related to the problem. There is little study about the direct cause and effect relationship between these general symptoms and teeth grinding. For example, relentless TMJ discomfort can possibly result in depression rather than the other way around.

In case of small kids and children, this can be caused by overly large tonsils and adenoids. In addition, children are more easily awakened during sleep, which may or may not be a cause. There is one study that indicated that children with behavior issues and attention difficulties exhibit this problem. There is little study to support that the symptoms in children are caused by sleep apnea. Bruxism in children may be generally accounted for psychological factors and not sleep disorders or physical ailments or conditions.

Tinnitus, Ringing Ears: What Causes It and How to Remedy It!

Ringing ears, causes and remedies

Ringing of the ears, known officially as tinnitus, is a symptom and has many causes. It is not a disease as some believe. Finding the cause is one of the first steps to relief.

Common causes

  • Loud noise exposure

  • Hearing loss related to old age

  • Sinus and ear infection

  • Certain medications and drugs

Uncommon causes

  • Acoustic neuroma (tumor in the inner ear)

  • TMJ Syndrome (jaw problems)

  • Upper neck problems or injury

  • High blood pressure

Common Causes and Remedies

Hearing loss and noise exposure are the most common types. Nearly everyone has experienced a brief onset of tinnitus after a very loud noise. Those who are repeatedly exposed to loud noise risk getting the permanently. This includes loud ear buds and headphones.

Some people get tinnitus as they lose hearing with age. The theory is that the brain notices the loss in hearing at a certain frequency and so that sound fills the "gap." But, this has not been proven. For this type of tinnitus and noise-exposure tinnitus, hearing aids which are specially programmed to amplify sounds in the area of your hearing loss have marked success in reducing tinnitus.

Sinus and ear infections can cause tinnitus also.. The eardrum creates a seal between the outside of your ear and the inside of your sinuses. When fluid builds up and can't escape due to sinus blockage, pressure on the inner results. This pressure can create tinnitus. The tinnitus will often get better after the sinus infection clears up. Getting your ears drained and/or taking a decongestant will help speed relief to you.

Certain drugs are known to cause tinnitus. Sometimes drug-induced tinnitus is permanent. These drugs are known as "ototoxic" drugs, or drugs that are toxic to hearing. Stop the drug, and you will likely stop the tinnitus. Although, some report permanent damage from taking the drug just one time. Always consult your doctor before quitting a prescription medication.

Uncommon Causes

An acoustic neuroma is a relatively benign tumor in the inner ear. It usually causes tinnitus in one ear. It's not usually life-threatening, but should be removed. This is a pretty rare cause of tinnitus.

TMJ Syndrome is a disorder of the temporomandibular joint. This is the joint on which your jaw moves. It is a very complex joint and so there are a lot of things that can go wrong with the joint. Often those who experience TMJ syndrome experience significant pain in their jaw. Consult your dentist if you think you might fall into this category. Fixing the joint may remedy your tinnitus.

Neck misalignment can be caused by poor head posture. (Which is often caused by injury, impact etc). The nerves in the neck can be pinched, causing or aggravating tinnitus. If this is the case, correcting the misalignment via chiropractic care can remedy the situation.. High blood pressure has also been known to cause tinnitus. The extra pressure on the sensitive inner ear can cause damage. Some studies have found diet and exercise, and the resulting decrease in blood pressure can remedy the tinnitus.

Remedy it!

Unfortunately cure is not always possible and tinnitus is often permanent. The good news is that one gets used to the noise so thoroughly that he or she doesn't hear it anymore. (Just as thoroughly as you do not hear the hum of your computer right now, until you read this) In either case, it is important to protect your hearing. Wear earplugs when you will be exposed to loud noise. Try to use headphones instead of ear buds and at a quiet volume.

If you are suffering with tinnitus, educate yourself and consult a doctor if it doesn't get better. Don't do anything that might damage your hearing because once it's gone, you can't get it back! Also, exercise if you don't already. It increases circulation in the inner ear, increases energy level, and puts attention on other things than tinnitus.

Good News For Joint Pain and Arthritis Sufferers - Goodbye Pain in the Neck!

As a person who has spent a high percentage of his waking hours adorned in sporting colours and locked in fierce combat with an opposition or digging deep to find that last bit of energy and strength on the field or on the track, I am fully aware of the physical repercussions as I grow older, and hopefully wiser. How do I now ensure this body keeps functioning like the well oiled machine that it has always seemed to be? The answer may well be as simple as two health supplements, which, when taken in combination are producing promising results.

Our body, like a machine, has a limited lifespan and requires much care and maintenance in order to maximise its potential and ensure it lasts as long as possible. All wise mechanics and engineers will tell you that the key to a machine's output is best found in preventative measures rather than painstakingly lengthy remedies and cures. For too long I have watched the ageing, as well as fellow sportsmen and women, suffer at the hands of joint pain after years of high physical activity. On most occasions it is not our muscular or skeletal systems that give way to fatigue, but rather it is that which hinges those systems that throws up its hands - our joints!

It had always been in the back of my mind that one day joint pain and arthritis could plague me due to excessive and constant training and competition. Yet it seemed to rocket quickly to the forefront of my thoughts as seemingly simultaneously my father and father-in-law, both elite sportsmen in their day, started suffering from intense pain caused by degeneration with joints such as knees, neck, elbows and shoulders. Their physicians presented them with two options: invasive means involving joint replacements and the like or proven supplements that improved joint function and relieved pain. The results of choosing the latter were and have been remarkable. The key? The highly researched dietary supplements glucosamine and chondroitin.

If you have ever suffered from arthritis or joint degeneration, you will know that it can be a debilitating experience. Without going into the intricate medical terminology and indepth physiological explanations that often confuse sufferers, it is often the combination of a diminishing level of fluids and a breakdown of cartilage that normally creates the easy sliding movement within joints which causes decreased movement and corrosion. Without this slipperiness, grating and scraping occurs and movement is restricted as pain is increased.

It is not just the aged and elderly that suffer from pain due to arthritis, oesteoarthritis and other forms of joint disfunction. Observing a former elite sportsperson who has played sport at the highest level and represented his nation in Rugby League just a few short years ago, I was amazed at a recent sight. I watched him struggle to put his socks on, thanks to joint pain in his knees and back. Such a simple task for one still so fit but it was causing major discomfort. Yet, this discomfort can be radically lessened with the use of a supplement containing glucosamine and chondroitin. It would now place you in grave danger if you attempted to steal them from him! In many ways they are, and have been his saviour!

Thousands of Oesteoarthritis sufferers throughout the world have been rejoicing at the recent news that studies have confirmed. Glucosamine and chondroitin provide long awaited and anticipated pain relief. The Council for Responsible Nutrition says the clinical trial sponsored by the National Institute of Health in the USA, showed that the combined use of the two dietary supplements provide significant pain relief for arthritis sufferers. Many believe that the early use of both will significantly slow the onset of arthritis and joint pain.

Glucosamine and chondroitin are substances found naturally in the body. Glucosamine is also believed to play a role in cartilage formation and repair. Chondroitin is a part of a large protein molecule that provides cartilage elasticity. The combination of both in a single supplement greatly enhances the effectiveness of relieving pain and increasing joint movement. Many users state that it can take up to two months of use until they fully feel the effects of their use. But it is well worth the wait, they say!

It would be my strong advice that sufferers of arthritis don't totally rely upon supplements to answer all of their particular questions. There are many physical activities that can also assist in increasing movement and reducing pain in joints. Stretching and warming up the joints should be a common practice as this assists in making joints more flexible. Any exercise generally will help mobility of joints. However, add to this physical activity the combination of glucosamine and chondroitin, and your chances of better movement with less pain are significantly increased.

When warming up and stretching muscles and joints, it is important that you do not overstretch and push yourself too early in the exercise session. Commence with long slow movements as opposed to vigorous sharp activities. Hold the stretch if possible for at least 10-15 seconds. Include in your exercise session a wide range of movements depending on your age and mobility as well as some isometrics and some appropriate weight bearing activities.

There are few things worse than constant, debilitating pain. The simplest of everyday activities like cleaning your teeth, lacing your shoes, lifting up your kids and grandkids and even turning on taps, become an ordeal. Arthritis and joint pain sufferers are finding hope in a combination of two health supplements called glucosamine and chondroitin. As a long time health educator and adviser it thrills me to receive emails from join pain sufferers who have found glorious relief in these simple supplements.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Lower Right Back Pain Causes And Treatment

Lower right back pain is one of the more common forms of low back discomfort, due to the fact that the sacro-iliac joint is one of the more commonly used joints. Because of the large amount of usage, the Sacro-Illiac joint tends to receive more abuse and lower right back pain is symptomatic of this abuse.

The muscle that runs up from your pelvis to your rib cage may also be the cause of a lower right back injury condition, and the Quadratus Lumborum muscle can be a cause of serious lower back discomfort. It is important to know how to deal with lower right back pain aches if you suffer from them.

The majority of the backache symptoms will be centered on your lumbar spine, but the hurting in your lower right back is caused by the connection between the Sacrum and the Pelvis. The joint that connects the two has no disc to protect it, and when it doesn't move properly the lower right back and hip pain can be intense. You WILL want to get severe back pain relief as soon as possible!

The muscles alongside the vertebra are to support your spinal cord, and these muscles often tighten when mistreated. That tightening of the muscles is one of the causes of pain, which are also known as Trigger Points.

Many times you will feel discomfort radiating from the trigger points in your tightened muscles, but the radiating ache is not the problem. It is just a symptom. To resolve your issues and get lower back discomfort relief, you need to ensure that the joint is moving properly, your pelvic balance is correct, and your muscles are strong.

If you don't take care of your lower right back pain soon after getting it, you may find that you will end up permanently suffering from lower right back pain. You may actually end up spraining the Sacro-Illiac joint, and you will feel that the pain in your hip and lower back area is much more intense than it should be.

There are a number of pain medications and treatments to help bring about back pain relief. You can reduce or eliminate right lower back pain by taking anti-inflammatory medicine to reduce the swelling of the muscles. Injections of cortisone and electric stimulation therapy are also common treatments for sacro-iliac pain.

Chiropractors are also an excellent choice for those who are suffering from lower right pain. Chiropractors are trained to manipulate joints in order to reduce pain and bring about almost immediate relief. You may find that a few visits to your chiropractor may be more than enough to completely rid yourself of your lower right back dis-ease.

Left untreated it can turn into chronic pain. It is important that you take a few simple steps to help your body eliminate and prevent the pain from plaguing you in the future.

Before starting any program of medication or exercise - for this or any other disease or disorder - it is best contact a doctor. AND be sure to follow your doctors advice. That said, you can often heal and relieve your ache with the following:

For longer term relief, strengthen your low back muscles by doing back stretches and exercises that focus on the core and upper thighs.

Avoid any movements that would put undue strain or pressure on the lower right back and the joint movement.

Use ice and hot packs alternately to apply heat and cold to the lower right back to help eliminate the back ache.

Pay diligent attention to the causes and risk factors and not only can you return to health, but avoid lower right back pain disorders in the future.

What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome and What Causes It?

Is IBS a Disease like Crohn's or Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. It is not a disease like Crohn's or inflammatory bowel disease.

Symptoms vary widely from person to person, but they may include some of the following:

• Abdominal pain, sometimes localized to lower left quadrant
• Bloating
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
• Alternating diarrhea/constipation
• Change in stool consistency or appearance
• Mucous in stool
• Feeling of incomplete evacuation after bowel movements
• Sunset onset of uncontrollable urges to have bowel movements
• Excess gas
• Pain when sitting down
• Excess gurgling/rumbling/growling in stomach and abdomen
• Nausea and vomiting
• Burping
• Loss of appetite
• Unpleasant taste in mouth
• Heartburn
• Backache
• Lethargy
• Anxiety and/or depression
• Insomnia
• Heart palpitations
• Irritable bladder or incontinence
• Gynecological problems

As you can see, it is a long list. Many of the symptoms can be caused by other illnesses or conditions. Please do not self-diagnose. See your doctor - or several, if necessary - until you have a specific diagnosis.

If you experience any of the following, get to the hospital or see a doctor immediately. They are NOT symptoms of IBS:

• High temperature
• Blood in stool or fresh bleeding with bowel movements
• Constant, unrelenting pain

Most experts agree that IBS does not cause permanent damage or lead to more serious conditions such as cancer or inflammatory bowel disease.

What Causes IBS?

After talking to several doctors, nurses, and a dietician, I received no answer to this question. There is nothing definitive on the Internet, either. However, criteria have been established that help physicians diagnose irritable bowel syndrome. Called the Rome III Criteria, you can get more information at

The average patient sees three doctors over three years before finally receiving a proper diagnosis.

The criteria for irritable bowel syndrome are outlined below.

• Recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort at least three days per month in the last six months, associated with two or more of the following:

- Improvement with defecation

- Onset associated with a change in frequency of stool

- Onset associated with a change in form (appearance) of stool

It is important to obtain a specific diagnosis before you assume that you have IBS. Other diseases may cause similar symptoms, and they must be ruled out before making any assumptions. There is no diagnostic test available (yet) that can prove you have irritable bowel syndrome. However, extensive examinations can rule out other, more serious conditions such as celiac disease, bowel cancer, and Crohn's.

Other Conditions that May Affect People with IBS

According to recent research, those with IBS may also suffer from one or more of the conditions on the following list:

• Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS)
• Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
• Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS)
• Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ)
• Restless leg syndrome (RLS)
• Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD)
• Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
• Periodic limb movement (PLMS)
• Multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome (MCSS)
• Tension headaches
• Irritable bladder
• Primary dysmenorrhea
• Migraine headaches
• Vulvodynia

There may also be an overlap of conditions such as:

• Globus
• Functional chest pain
• Functional heartburn
• Functional dysphagia
• Functional dyspepsia
• Aerophagia
• Functional vomiting
• Rumination syndrome
• Functional abdominal bloating
• Functional constipation
• Functional diarrhea
• Functional abdominal pain
• Gall bladder dysfunction
• Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction
• Functional fecal incontinence
• Functional anorectal pain
• Functional defecation disorders

Functional disorders do not produce abnormal test results and nothing unusual is seen on endoscopy or x-ray. These disorders are generally diagnosed by deciding what they are NOT, and then categorizing them by symptoms.


The material provided in this article is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to replace proper medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. Always consult your physician and other appropriate health-care providers before taking any medications, natural remedies, or supplements; or before changing your diet. Discuss all plans, symptoms, and medical conditions with your doctor.

Any use of the ideas contained herein is at your own discretion, risk, and responsibility. The author assumes no liability for any of the information presented. There are no representations or warranties, either express or implied.

You should not begin or discontinue medical treatment based on information contained in this, or any other, article.

4 Different Types of Bad Breath

Most people I talk to think bad breath, or halitosis, is a problem of the mouth. While this is routinely the case, bad breath has several different root causes. This article will talk about the 5 types of bad breath: tonsils, lungs, sinuses, and, of course, your mouth. By determining the cause, you can help treat bad breath and get rid of it!


Lung problems can induce halitosis in two key ways: disease or oral ingestion. A lung disease or disorder commonly comes with halitosis. Lung cancer, cystic fibrosis and asthma are just a few of the lung problems that may result in bad breath. Diseases that affect the blood will also create a foul odor of the mouth. This makes sense. Consider that anytime you exhale, you are releasing the carbon dioxide carried in your blood. This is why problems of the liver or kidney may also come with bad breath. Unfortunately, halitosis associated with an organ problem only go away when the organ problem goes away, but fortunately these types of conditions are quite rare.

Lung breath that can be controlled is caused by oral ingestion. This includes smoking and eating or drinking certain things. By inhaling tobacco and tar, you are causing "stinky lungs" that don't go away with a little mouthwash. Alcohol also induces halitosis because consuming it allows alcohol into the blood stream and is released in your breath over time. This is the reason why brushing after a few beers doesn't get rid of the bad taste or breath. This is the same reasoning for smelly foods like garlic and onions.


Sinusitis and post nasal drip can greatly worsen your breath. In both cases, some type of allergic infection or cold induces sinus problems. Sinusitis, or a sinus infection, simply means that your paranasal sinuses are inflamed. Paranasal sinuses are air cavities or spaces connected to your nose. This inflammation disallows mucus to circulate normally causing buildup that attracts bacteria. Post nasal drip occurs when excess mucus leaks in the back of your mouth. Both sinusitis and post nasal drip creates foul smells. We recommend using Nasal irrigators & saline nasal rinse.


This type of halitosis has to do with what's actually going on in your mouth. The cause could be excessive dry mouth, known as xerostomia, poor oral hygiene, drinking coffee or eating smelly foods. The best way to combat mouth-related halitosis is to practice great oral care, visiting the dentist and drinking plenty of water.


Infections in the tonsils can result in a bad breath condition. Often times, however, we are approached by people concerned about the possibility of tonsil-induced halitosis from tonsil stones or tonsilloliths. These so-called tonsilloliths are a natural secretion from natural crevices or crypts in the tonsils and they are not a stone. They are soft and look much like a cottage cheese curd but they do smell badly. It is easy to see why one might assume these might be related to their halitosis condition.

Everybody who has tonsils will get these and most of the time they are swallowed without realizing it, but they will not produce a halitosis condition. We have seen over a thousand patients since we have been treating this problem have their tonsils removed because they were convinced that these secretions from the tonsils were the cause of the breath problem. In every single case the secretions were halted because the tonsils were removed but the breath was unchanged in every case.If you have tonsil stones, you can use an oral irrigator to get rid of the problem.

What is TMJ Disorder, and Does it Affect My Dental Coverage?

Temporomandibular joint disorder affects the jaw joint, jaw muscles and nerves on the side of the head to cause pain in the head, face, neck and jaw area. If the bite is disrupted, this can affect the teeth as well. Many insurance companies will not provide benefits for this "preexisting condition," so some patients are investigating dental coverage through a discount plan instead. What is TMJ?

At least 10 million Americans are affected by this condition, according to the Academy of General Dentistry. It affects the jaw joint and the muscles around the jaw bone, which control chewing, yawning, talking and other jaw movement. There are several categories of TMJ conditions, according to nonprofit organization TMJ Association, Ltd., but a person can be affected by more than one simultaneously.

1. Internal derangement usually refers to a displaced disc in the jaw joint, though it can also mean injury to the lower jaw or a dislocation.

2. Myofacial pain involves discomfort in the muscles that control the jaw. This the most common condition, and it may sometimes be included in oral health coverage.

3. Arthritis is a condition that refers to inflammatory and degenerative joint problems.

How Does it Impact My Smile?

If the condition affects the bite, it can also damage the teeth. It may wear down the teeth, and it may also inhibit tooth mobility. Your dentist may be able to determine whether your bite should be adjusted for the safety of your teeth. A stable bite is an important part of oral health. If the teeth come together unevenly or with too much force, it could cause fractures in both real and prosthetic teeth.

If you have been experiencing frequent headaches, jaw pain or discomfort while chewing, you may want to see a dentist to find out if you are suffering from this disorder. It may not be an emergency, but if left untreated, it could get incredibly painful, and the teeth could be permanently damaged or fractured. You may want to research for quality dental coverage and visit a dentist soon to find out how to treat the problem safely and effectively.

Three Techniques to Get Rid of Bruxism And TMJ

People who don't suffer from a condition called bruxism have no inkling as to the possible damage that it can bring, particularly to the teeth. Bruxism, if not treated, could result to cracked teeth because of the constant grinding and gnashing of the teeth during sleep.

If you have this condition, you must find a bruxism cure ASAP. You don't want it to worsen and lead to TMJ, which is a painful disorder affecting the mouth and jaws. There are several was to address the problem, and some of the most widely used methods are discussed below.

Technique #1

Often, dentists and other medical practitioners would recommend the use of mouth guards as bruxism remedy. You simply put this in your mouth before you sleep in order to prevent the teeth from coming in contact with each other at night. This may be a good bruxism remedy but the thing is that a mouth guard is not a cure. One other reason that many people would seek for other options is that mouth guards can be very expensive too and not everyone can afford it, especially if bought from a dental clinic.

Technique #2

A more effective way to get rid of bruxism and TMJ is the use of a breathing technique. You are probably well aware that human beings breathe through the nose, right? Well, for TMJ cure, you should try breathing through the mouth. This can be a little difficult at the onset but you'll get used to it. And besides, you can always make use of nose plugs at night just to be sure you are doing it right. This breathing technique has worked for hundreds of people and they consider this a very effective TMJ cure.

Technique #3

Lastly, you can also try another method, which has something to do with the taste buds. The concept of this technique is that if we taste something strong, bitter, or hot, we often react negatively to it. This same concept will work to prevent the habit of grinding and clenching the teeth. You can put garlic powder, Tabasco sauce, or even salt on your dentures just before you sleep. In time, you will notice that not only have you discovered a good TMJ remedy because it stops the pain you feel in your jaws, but you have also found a very good TMJ cure.

You can make use of any of the 3 options mentioned above to treat bruxism and TMJ. But if you want to be able to completely get rid of this painful condition, I would recommend the use of techniques 2 and 3.

Teeth Clenching & TMJ

Teeth clenching and TMJ often go hand in hand, with teeth clenching and grinding often being one of the main causes of the TMJ disorder-- and with many treatments of TMJ concentrating on remedying the this problem.

Teeth clenching associated with TMJ, also known as bruxism, is defined as the patient deliberately or forcefully grinding the teeth as a result of stress, anger, or frustration; it may be deliberate or habitual, and may occur in the sleep as well. The primary muscle involved in teeth grinding is the masseter muscle, which is one of the strongest muscles in the body, and can have up to 150 pounds of force; this force is meant to be applied to food or whatever object is between the teeth, and not to the actual teeth itself, as this can be destructive and greatly alter the alignment and shape of the mouth.

Teeth clenching and grinding causing TMJ can be even more destructive if it is done habitually, unconsciously, or while someone is asleep than if it is done deliberately, or when the patient is consciously aware of it. Teeth grinding will wear down the tooth enamel and flatten the tooth, creating an uneven bite; it may also cause loose teeth, which will cause all teeth to possibly shift and alter the bite as well. As such, addressing and fixing the habitualness as well as stress which contribute to this problem (if applicable to the patient's cause of TMJ) is crucial to the treatment of this disorder.

Although there are a number of cures and treatments for TMJ, the following are a number of specialized treatments aimed specifically at treating the teeth clenching and grinding that is causing the TMJ:

1. Biofeedback device: these devices are made specifically for teeth clenching and TMJ, and are worn at night as headbands around the head, and contain a complex system of biofeedback sensors which can sense when the person is grinding or clenching the teeth; when it senses the person is grinding the teeth it emits a gentle alarm which stops the teeth grinding process.

2. Massage of the masseter muscle: massaging the masseter muscle may help to relax the jaw and release the pressure. The spot to focus on during this exercise is conveniently located in a notch in the cheekbone, about one inch in front of your ears.

3. Specialized mouth guards: these are not purchased through drugstores but must be custom made by a dentist specializing in neuromuscular dentistry.

4. Special advice to the patient to pay close and careful attention when they eat, and specifically how they chew. A patient should be advised not to not eat hurriedly, during which a patient may inadvertently and unconsciously chew the food repeatedly and with great pressure, and also avoid eating in front of the tv/reading as this may lead to unconscious eating habits. The patient should also be advised not to eat hard foods that may require excessive chewing, not to chew any food excessively, and to not chew food to the point where the teeth grind together.

5. General stress and anger management techniques-these may include yoga, daily exercise, stress management classes, biofeedback and other relaxation techniques, and meditation.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Yoga Causes Back Pain

It is a well known fact that Yoga is good for you, that it makes your joints more supple, increases muscle strength and is ideal for back pain sufferers. Or is it?

Many people, myself included, have tried some of the many yoga DVDs and books, hoping for some relief from back pain, only to discover that far from fixing the problem, yoga exacerbates it. Why should this be? Surely something that is purported to be so good for me should not be causing pain? I started to wonder if I was doing something wrong, not following instructions properly, and that somehow it was my fault. but have now discovered that yoga can indeed worsen certain back conditions. This was not the case, however, I was not doing anything wrong, the exercises were unsuitable and should really have come with a health warning.

Many reputable yoga teachers and practitioners of course, do issue a warning that unilateral movements can stress the sacroiliac joint. Poses such as the tree pose and warrior 3 where need you to balance on one leg are not recommended. Deep standing yoga poses also stress the sacroiliac joint. This is the joint that connects the spinal column with the pelvis. It is a joint that has little movement but can be affected by arthritis. Lower back pain is often caused by strain or inflammation of this joint and many yoga poses can either cause or exacerbate these problems.

A very popular yoga method - Ashtanga yoga - is practised by many of us who are too busy for the slower, more contemplative practises. It is vigorous and athletic and has a fast pace of movements and many yoga classes and DVDs now use the Ashtanga yoga method. I would strongly advise you to approach it with great care and stop immediately if you notice any pain or strain whilst doing the asanas. This was the method that hurt my back the most, with pain both in the waist and pelvic area.

The best sort of yoga is the more traditional gentle and slow yoga movements. These do not involve quick changes and you will find it easier to judge if the movements are doing you good or causing you pain before it is too late.

If you like the idea of yoga exercises and feel that they would suit you, then the best approach would be to do a very limited number of the easiest positions for a very short space of time - 5-10 minutes is preferable - then wait 24 hours to see how you feel. It is possible that you may have some minor muscle stiffness if you do not usually practice yoga, but it should not be anything more than this. Any pain or worsening of your back pain or any new pain means you should stop immediately. If yoga does not work for you then it doesn't work - it is as simple as that. Find something else like Pilates or swimming. Do not feel that you are missing out, there is the perfect exercise regime out there somewhere for you.

Do I still practice yoga? The answer is no. I have found my own methods of back health and although friends sometimes urge me to give it another go, I always decline. I go caving and walking and riding too, but would not risk damaging my back again practicing yoga.

Yoga, in my opinion, is for people without any back problems. It can prevent injury, but it will not cure it.

TMJ Exercises And Treatments

TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, can develop into a very bothersome as well as painful condition. That is why it is crucial to treat it properly at its early stage. The pain can turn into unbearable if the condition is not correctly dealt with.

Some people might think that surgery is the only way to get rid of TMJ. However, this is not the case. There are a great deal of other treatment options and exercises that can aid in eliminating all the symptoms caused by TMJ.

A bite plate is one of the numerous options to treat TMJ associated issues. A dentist is going to make it for you so that it perfectly fits into the mouth. This treatment takes some time, but it can fix the problem so that the pain and discomfort diminish or entirely disappear.

One more way to relieve the discomfort are anti-inflammatory prescription drugs. If you take them routinely, they can offer great help in lessening the discomfort you might be experiencing.

There are also many TMJ exercises to relieve pain. You can do these exercises by yourself, and they can be very efficient in lessening the symptoms.

When doing exercises it is a good idea to press a warm towel against the jaw from fifteen to twenty minutes before you start.

You should continue this heat treatment for a couple of weeks. Even though this may feel like a long time, it can tremendously aid in reducing all TMJ associated symptoms.

Many TMJ exercises are rather simple to accomplish. Also, in many cases noticeable outcomes are achieved very fast.

The easiest exercise is a basic stretch. In this exercise, you simply try to open your mouth as wide as possible. Repeat it ten times. Just remember to do it slowly so that you do not cause any further harm to the jaw area.

In the next exercise you must bite your teeth tightly together. In this exercise it is essential that your teeth are centered with the bite. When you open your mouth, it is also essential that the mandible (lower jaw) is centered.

In this exercise, you are going to need the tongue as well. Put the tongue to the roof of the mouth. With your mouth closed, roll it slightly back. After that, open your mouth slowly and, at the same time, pull your tongue away from the roof of the mouth.

Even though these exercises might appear simple, they can make wonders to your TMJ discomfort. However, do not expect any miracles. You have to be consistent with your exercises and additional treatments in order to attain permanent outcomes.

Even if you are suffering from rather extreme TMJ symptoms, there are solutions that can aid you. You just need to be persistent and have the right attitude. This is the way to get rid of all the discomfort the condition might cause.

Equine Joint Care Basics - How to Take Care of Your Horse's Joints

It can be difficult to perfectly balance a horse's good health with its owner's equine needs, but when it comes to a horse's joints, overwork and trauma can lead to a horse's lameness and inability to perform any work at all. A disease called degenerative joint disease is found commonly among older horses and is a result of wear and tear, trauma, and the fact that domestic horses live longer than their wild brothers.

This is a condition that befalls most horse during their lifetime unless the horse is largely let alone to pasture and is never ridden. While a horse certainly is a wonderful mode of conveyance, the horse's body did not develop and evolve with a large amount of weight on top in mind. With this in mind, joint care should be an important aspect of your horse overall health care.

Degenerative joint disease is the name given to the condition that arises and progresses as a horse's joint becomes worn. The membrane within the joint is slowly worn and inflamed to where it no longer produces the fluids found in a joint regularly or in sufficient quantities. The limited amount of fluid causes the cartilage of the joint to thin and possibly even tear which will be painful for your horse. A horse with untreated degenerative joint disease will likely experience lameness.

The first sign of joint problems is puffiness around the joint areas. Unless you are looking for this, you are unlikely to notice it, and a horse that exhibits no other symptoms might still be on the path towards serious joint disability.

More overt and obvious symptoms involve clear pain in the joint areas, and your horse may be very reluctant to do work. At this stage, the horse will have obvious puffiness around the joints. You may note that your horse movements and gait seems to be stiff when you first brought her out and that they improve as she warms up. If you notice that maneuvers that usually would have been easily performed are now very difficult or your horse refuses to do them, this may also be a sign that degenerative joint disease has indeed set in.

You should bring your horse in for a checkup immediately if you suspect that it is developing degenerative joint disease. A flex test will be carry out on the joints. Afterward you will likely be asked to lead your horse to walk around briefly which will give your vet a chance to get a look at the horse's gait. At this point the vet will tell you what he or she thinks and your horse may require x-rays.

There are a couple of options to help manage your horse's joint problem. After working, you may choose to spray down your horse's joints with cold water. This simple exercise will help to reduce the swelling in the area. You might also consider limiting your horse to activities that do not stress the affected joints.

Last but not least, your veterinarian can administer injections, made out of your horse's own blood, that go directly into the joint to help mitigate the pain and inflammation.

Glucosamine And Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus or simply diabetes as it is commonly known is a chronic disease characterized by high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. The pancreas, an organ behind the stomach, secretes insulin. Insulin regulates the amount of sugar in the blood that helps our body to store the sugar present in the food we eat. When the pancreas produce very little or no insulin or when the human body does not respond appropriately to the insulin produced, the level of sugar in the blood increases giving rise to a condition called diabetes mellitus.

Concerns were raised that administration of glucosamine to relieve people suffering from arthritis may cause a rise in the blood sugar levels. The reason being, glucosamine is ten times as powerful as regular glucose in causing insulin resistance. It can increase fasting blood sugar levels and exacerbate glucose tolerance. These effects are caused because glucosamine activates a metabolic pathway in our body called hexosamine pathway that leads to the relapse of insulin producing cells in the pancreas.

Researchers have found that this pathway causes proteins to be coated in sugar, preventing them from delivering insulin's signal to regulate glucose in the blood. Though glucosamine that is primarily a carbohydrate it cannot be broken down into glucose and provide an additional source of glucose, it can affect the secretion of insulin in people already suffering from diabetes. People with diabetes who need to take glucosamine to address their arthritis problem need to be more cautious. They must consult their physician before administering glucosamine and regularly monitor their blood sugar levels.

Many researches have been conducted around the world on glucosamine, but these effects have not been prominent. It has been found that only certain people may react to the effects. Further study is required to completely determine the effects of glucosamine on people suffering from diabetes mellitus.

Natural Pain Relief Remedies For Joint Pain - Anti-Oxidants May Be the Missing Link in Joint Formula

Are you suffering from chronic pain? You are not alone. Joint pain and arthritis seem to be a normal part of the aging process. In fact, there is nothing normal about it. The fact that it is so common makes people think that it is a normal phenomenon when we get older. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Currently approximately 46 million people are affected by arthritis. This is an astounding number of adults and children that suffer perhaps needlessly, most days of their lives. Many of the conventional pain relief medicines and arthritis drugs are very harmful to the digestive tract and other internal organs. Thankfully there are natural remedies that are helpful in minimizing the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis and joint pain.

What Causes Arthritis and Joint Pain?

It has been discovered that free radical damage to cells is a major (if not the only) cause for joint pain, inflammation and destruction, namely arthritis.

The theory of free-radical damage to cells as a cause for joint pain has been proven for over 40 years. Arthritis can either be caused from normal wear and tear on joints (osteoarthritis), or through an inflammatory, auto-immune disease (rheumatoid arthritis). Both forms of arthritis are caused by free radical damage in the joints themselves.

What is a Free Radical?

A free radical is an atom or group of atoms that is highly chemically reactive because it has at least one unpaired electron. Free radicals are unstable molecules that run through the body, looking for free electrons to make them more stable. In stealing electrons, free radicals cause other cells to become free radicals and unstable. A domino effect occurs and thus disrupts cell function. Free radical damage occurs in the joints if there are not enough anti-oxidants available to quench these free radicals.

What is the solution?

Thankfully, many natural remedies exist to help with joint pain and arthritis. The most commonly found joint formulas include; glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate and MSM. Some of the better formulas include natural anti-inflammatories such as bromelain from pineapples and Boswellia, an anti-inflammatory herb.

When looking for a good joint formula, make sure it contains anti-oxidants to quench the free radicals that cause the joint pain and destruction in the first place. The anti-oxidants should be whole food nutrients, not synthetically made for the best absorption and utilization by the body and joints.

It also helps to take whole food anti-oxidants as well as a joint formula to further quench the free radicals in the body and alkalinize the blood. Joint pain is worse in an acid environment. For this reason, an alkalinizing formula of concentrated fruits and vegetables in capsule form helps to maintain the proper alkaline environment.

Dealing With Joint Pain? Chiropractic Treatment Can Help

Joint pain may well be a fact of life. At some point in life, nearly everyone will experience pain in the area where two or more bones meet.

Joint pain often brings discomfort, stiffness, inflammation, and soreness to one or more joints of the body. It may accompany diseases and conditions such as infections, traumas, and immune system issues. Whether the pain results from injuries, age-related ailments or disease, joint pain presents a range of cumbersome problems. Movement, after all, depends on the proper functioning of joints.

In the case of injuries, it can present itself suddenly and severely. Injuries can include tennis elbow, swimmer's shoulder, a torn cartilage, ligaments, and a sprained ankle. Bruising or swelling usually follows dislocations, muscle strains, fractures, and injuries to the ligaments and joints.

Tennis elbow (also known as epicondylitis) is a very common muscle and soft tissue condition. It is caused by inflammation of the soft tissues, often resulting from repetitive activities (such as lifting, swimming, carpentry, and playing tennis). Common forearm and elbow pain are usually worsened by extending and flexing the wrist.

In some cases, joint pain may stem from a moderate condition or disease, such as a mild dislocation, bursitis, or ankylosing spondylitis. It can also be caused by more serious conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, or bone cancer. It can appear suddenly and disappear just as swiftly, showing up after prolonged periods of rest and going away when the patient moves around a bit.

Regardless of the condition or disease, joint pain often accompanies other symptoms. These symptoms can come in the form of swelling, edemas, inflammation, and fevers. A pinched nerve may also induce swelling, elbow pain, and the like.

No matter what type of joint pain afflicts you, there are some ways to alleviate the pain. Here are some tips that will offer relief:

Seek the expertise of a doctor of chiropractic. Chiropractic treatment will address your joint pain with gently effective methods. Chiropractic care has proved effective in a variety of joint pain cases, and research findings have corroborated its rightful place as a solid treatment option. For example, a study by the National Institute of Health objectively supported the use of chiropractic manipulative therapy in the management of ankylosing spondylitis.

Look into massage. It can provide instant relief.

Use forms of heat therapy. Heating pads, hot baths, and saunas can ease the pain. Heat therapy increases circulation and accelerates healing.

Conversely, you should make use of ice therapy to reduce swelling, as swelling is known to cause joint pain. A doctor of chiropractic may also suggest the employment of electro-stimulation to aid the healing process between hot and cold treatments. Electrical stimulation is linked with releasing endorphins that counteract pain receptors.

Exercise. An effective exercise routine can help keep joint pain at bay while strengthening your whole body, including your joints. However, make sure to discontinue strenuous activities if the pain persists. Exercises, such as dance, stretching, and Tai Chi, help maintain regular joint movement and stimulates overall joint flexibility. They can be done on a daily basis, or at least three or four times a week. In any case, seek the guidance of your chiropractor to design an appropriate exercise routine for your condition.

Maintain a healthy body weight. Being overweight can lay stress on your knees and feet, adding considerable pressure to your joints.

If you smoke, quit. Smoking negatively affects your whole body, weakening muscles and tendons. It also prevents you from getting an adequate supply of oxygen running through your blood.

Take supplements of fatty acid in the form of gamma linolenic acid (GLA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Tuna, salmon, halibut, and herring offer natural sources of and DHA and EPA. Studies show that these fatty acid supplements lessen joint swelling and pain, reducing the need to take corticosteroids. However, speak with you primary care doctor or chiropractor before taking supplements. Some supplements may aversely interact with medications.

Chiropractic care offers a non-invasive, holistic way to promote overall health and manage a wide range of conditions. Physical manipulation and alignment of the joints can reduce pain and stiffness. In addition, chiropractic care can tailor the right exercise program for your needs, and offer comprehensive nutrition and supplement advice.

Jaw Pain - New Therapy For Relief

Myofascial Release for Jaw Pain - Healthy Alternative Found in Myofascial Release for Jaw Pain

Jaw pain is not all that uncommon among people these days, and if you have experienced it, you know that it is just plain uncomfortable. TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint disorders, is often caused by unsymmetrical chewing patterns, tightness of the neck, and head posture. You can identify this by pain or tenderness of the jaw, clicking, popping, and locking jaw, inability to open the mouth wide, facial swelling, a tired feeling face, or an off-center bite. If you have this type of problem, trying myofascial release for jaw pain is a great choice for a long term relief of this uncomfortable condition.

When receiving myofascial release for joint pain for TMJ, the therapist will often times first confirm the condition with the patient's dentist and take a history from the patient. The practitioner will then do their own examination, taking note of how the jaw is or is not able to move and any irregularities or sounds that the jaw presents. Once the evaluation is complete and he or she begins the treatment, the practitioner will then begin by applying a mild pressure to areas affecting the jaw, often located in the jaw, head, and neck. Where the fascia is tough, the practitioner will work to loosen and lengthen the fascia.

Another great way for someone to perform myofascial release for jaw pain is through the use of trigger points. These are small knotted locations which are loaded with neurological and chemical factors which, when released, allow the fascia to loosen and repair. Many areas of the face and head can experience relief when these trigger points are released, such as the around the jaw, head, eyes, ear, and teeth. Patients receiving this type of treatment may also be advised to do things such as sleeping with a night guard for teeth, eating softer foods, avoiding rash jaw movements, and using relaxation techniques.

Using myofascial release for jaw pain is a completely safe and effective treatment for TMJ. Although there might be some mild discomfort during treatment, the long term benefits are definitely worthwhile. Experienced, professional practitioners are well aware of where they can apply more or where they need to apply less pressure. Using this form of myofascial release can benefit those experiencing jaw pain and other forms of pain in the face, head, and neck. Choosing to use this form of therapy is much healthier than taking prescription or over the counter pills and is a natural way to treat this type of pain.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Bruxism and TMJ - An Effective New Treatment

Bruxism is a disorder of unconscious jaw clenching and teeth grinding that causes pain in the temporo-mandibular joint, a sensation of soreness and tension in the jaw as well as headaches, neck pain and even migraines. Over the years, continuous grinding wears down the teeth and can even cause cracking and severe tooth damage. Bruxism to some degree, especially at night, is very common. As long as there are no symptoms of pain or dental damage, it does not necessarily require treatment. However, once a person feels pain, he/she usually seeks a treatment for Bruxism.

Bruxism can be exacerbated by a variety of factors. Malocclusion (poor fitting together of the teeth), stress, anxiety, certain medications such as SSRI antidepressants and certain diseases such as Huntigton's and Parkinson's can all worsen Bruxism. Use of drugs like methamphetamine and cocaine, as well as overuse of caffeine and alcohol will frequently cause people to brux.

Treatment of Bruxism has been plagued with difficulties. Dental devices have been successful in protecting teeth from damage at night, but have not been effective at stopping the pain and soreness that accompanies severe Bruxism. Of course, the clenching and headaches do not subside with dental devices. Biofeedback, relaxation exercises and meditation have been variably effective in controlling stress with some people, but most do not find the relief that they are looking for in behavioral modification techniques like these.

Botulinum toxin (BOTOX®) has recently been seen to be very successful in treating the grinding and clenching of bruxism. BOTOX® is an injectable medication that weakens muscles and is used commonly in cosmetic procedures to relax the muscles of the face and decrease the appearance of wrinkles. BOTOX® was not originally developed for cosmetic use, however. It was, and continues to be, used to treat diseases of muscle spasticity such as blepharospasm (eyelid spasm), strabismus (crossed eyes) and torticollis (wry neck). Bruxism can also be regarded as a disorder of repetitive, unconscious contraction of the masseter muscle (the large muscle that moves the jaw). BOTOX® works very well to weaken the muscle enough to stop the grinding and clenching, but not so much as to interfere with chewing or facial expressions. The strength of BOTOX® is that the medication goes into the muscle, weakens it and does not get absorbed into the body. Side effects and allergies are unheard of. Despite the occasional brouhaha in the media, BOTOX® has been shown to be one of the safest medications ever seen. Over the last 20 years and 20 million treatments, there has never been a serious complication directly attributed to the drug. This is a safety record that puts Aspirin to shame.

The treatment of Bruxism with BOTOX® involves about five or six simple, relatively painless injections into the masseter muscle. It takes a few minutes per side and the patient starts feeling the effects the next day. Occasionally, some bruising can occur, but this is quite rare. The symptoms that are relieved by this procedure include:

Grinding and clenching
Morning jaw soreness
TMJ pain
Muscle tension throughout the day
Migraines triggered by clenching
Neck pain and stiffness triggered by clenching

The optimal dose of BOTOX® has to be worked out for each person - some people have stronger muscles that need more BOTOX®. This is done over a few touch up visits with the physician injector. This treatment is expensive, but sometimes BOTOX® treatment of Bruxism can be billed to medical insurance (plans vary - it is a good idea to call your insurer beforehand to find out what is covered and what documentation is necessary). The effects last for 3 months or so. The muscles do atrophy, however, so after a few rounds of treatment it is usually possible to either decrease the dose or increase the interval between treatments.

How To Get Rid Of Pain In The Knee - 6 Simple Ways To Stop Pain Naturally

Want to know how to get rid of pain in the knee? This might be one of the most widespread causes of grievances of the general population. Physicians report that as the society advances, the physical stability of people comes to a greater risk. Today's society also has an increasing number of knee problems. Different kinds of stipulations, symptoms, and ailments can be the grounds for knee ache. Involvement of habitual runners or those who are involved in the high impact sports like tennis, basketball and football, have a greater likeliness of acquiring knee pain.

This ailment can be addressed through a variety of resources available in today's market. But it is essential to address the root of the pain, to prevent it from returning. This is where natural or homeopathic remedies come in.

5 Simple Remedies On How To Get Rid Of Pain In The Knee Naturally


Celery is the stalk of the plant Apium Graveolens. Its use in pills in relieving pain is widespread. It was first used as early as 30 A.D. Celery is very known to treat gout as well as swollen joints. The method of using Celery can different according to different sources. But the best is known to be as a tincture. This means Celery should be used as a mixture of infused alcohol. For this many sources suggest Vodka to be the best. This tincture works as a decoction.


Basil is a culinary herb called Ocimum Basilicum. This herb is originally from India. Its properties as an antioxidant, antiviral, and an antimicrobial are well known. Lesser known is its use to cure knee ache. Essential oils from this herb have high medicinal value. This oil can be effectively used to treat joint aches. Care should be taken so as to not intake a large amount as this can be harmful.


A very common household commodity, Ginger is a rhizome of the plant Gingiber Officiniale. In spite of the fact that studies of its medicinal properties in knee pain have been inconsistent, Ginger has been claimed to decrease joint pains and arthritis. It provides effective relief to general joint stiffness and the pain arising from any degenerative diseases of joints. Method of application includes using it in a bath and also as a hot compress. Both applications provide liberation from pain.


Mustard is a popular condiment which is prepared from the seeds of a plant which goes by the same name. The medicinal assets of this essential commodity are massive. But for the general knee ache it is majorly used as a topical paste rubbed in the area. This is also used in the bath.


Very few are aware of the property of lemon juice to cure knee pain. Studies show ingestion of lemon juice effectively reduces swelling and thus helps to reduce joint aches.

The Search For Natural Ingredients

Knee joint pains are very common in today's advancing community and natural herbs or homeopathic medicines might not be easily available in this modern society. Today's families are so busy in the office and household work, that searching for natural herbs and remedies for knee pain is a herculean task in itself. This creates an additional problem.


Studies conducted by a Health Institute discovered that a spot-application cream made from natural ingredients like Belladonna, Ignatia, Lachesis Mutus, Naja, etc, is proven to provide instant relief from knee pains and is a totally hassle-free application. After numerous tests, the results obtained were amazing. This product provides a 100% cure from knee injuries with immediate results and this is all done with zero side-effects.

The Final Relief

Knee pain can be very easily cured at home without going through painful experiences and side effects using other man-made medicines. Awareness about the above natural remedies on how to get rid of pain in the knee will drastically help reduce or eliminate this common syndrome.

The ointment developed by the Institute, has such fast and visible results that it has gained a lot of popularity in a short span of time. Finally, we have a remedy that provides us with all the advantages of many natural remedies. This all-in-one ointment is a breakthrough in the field of joint pains and finally answers the age old question of how to get rid of pain in the knee, that has so helplessly been echoed by victims since time immemorial!

What Is TMJ Disorder and How Can It Be Treated?

TMJ disorder, or temporomandibular joint disorder, is a condition wherein the joint at the juncture of the upper and lower jaw is no longer working properly. This is a complex joint with multiple ligaments, tendons, surrounding nerves and muscles and discs and cartilage that all must function together properly in order for the lower jaw to move forward, backward and side-to-side. Any time there is a problem that prevents this complex joint made up of a system of muscles, ligaments, discs and bones from working as it should is called TMJ disorder.

Patients describe their TMJ as feeling like the jaw is popping or clicking or even sticking in one position for a moment or two as if the jaw is stuck or frozen in position. This is always uncomfortable but it is very often excruciatingly painful as well. The exact cause of this condition is often impossible to determine and is often irrelevant in the treatment of the condition. One need not know what the cause of the condition is in order for a doctor to offer relief from the discomfort. Symptoms of this condition can include unexplained headache, ear aches, clicking or popping sounds coming from the area, pain when chewing or opening the mouth, jaws that lock in one position, soreness around the jaw, and a sudden change in one's bite.

In order to treat this condition doctors often will tell patients to apply a heating pad to the area, or take an anti-inflammatory or a muscle relaxer. Wearing a dental appliance known as a bite plate is often recommended, especially for those that also grind their teeth while they sleep. This appliance works best when custom fitted by a physician or dentist. Sometimes physical therapy to help a patient learn to relax the muscles in the area can be helpful. Relaxation techniques are important as stress plays a role in the severity of this condition. In the most serious cases surgery is performed so that the patient can have a more comfortable and pain-free life.

It is important for patients to understand that there is no one treatment or cure that works for TMJ disorder. One treatment or combination will work for one patient but will not help another find relief at all. Occasionally, a patient will seem to spontaneously feel better, other times a patient who was seemingly over the pain and discomfort will begin to have symptoms again for no apparent reason. TMJ can be tricky to treat but all options must be pursued as this is a very uncomfortable and even life changing condition of left unchecked.

Heart Complications With Total Joint Replacement Surgery on Knees and Hips

Doctors have always known that there is some risk of heart complications associated with major surgery, especially for those who are older or who have preexisting heart problems. There was a study done in the summer of 2008 that looked at the risk factors for cardiovascular problems after total joint replacement (TJR) surgery on the knees and the hips. Two new heart risk factors in TJR surgery were identified: having bilateral joint replacement, replacing joints on both sites of the body during one surgery, and having revision surgery to replace an earlier joint implant.

Researchers looked into the heart risk of TJR by studying the medical records of those who received new or revision total hip or knee replacements over the time of 29 months at a large hospital in New England. From these, the researchers identified the records of patients who, during their hospitalization, had experienced an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), heart attack, unstable angina, congestive heart failure, or blockage of an artery in the lung. Records were then matched with those of another group of those who had joint replacement surgery but no documented heart problems. These groups were matched as closely as possible according to surgeon, approximate age of the patient, and year when they had their total joint replacement. Eliminating incomplete records, the researchers had a total of 418 patient records for the study with an average age of 71.4 years; 55% were women; and 51% had knee surgery, 49% were hip surgeries; 20% of the operations were revisions; the rest were initial joint replacements; 11% were bilateral procedures, replacing both knees or both hips in one operation.

The researchers obtained information about any preexisting heart risk factors fro the medical record reviews and fro physical exams, electrocardiograms (EKG), and patient intake questionnaires. Included in these are the well known risks like high blood pressure, diabetes, lung disease, and smoking just for example. Researchers also sifted through data to pick out the factors associated with cardiac problems during the patients' hospital stays. In 70% of the patients who had some post-surgical heart problems irregular heartbeat was present; 24% had a drop in blood pressure; 8% had unstable angina; 2% had a heart attack; 11% had congestive heart failure and in 1% there was death.

There were many factors had no effect on the risk of heart complications, including gender, being overweight, type of anesthesia, use of NSAIDs, knee versus hip surgery, or having diabetes or high blood pressure are just a few examples of these factors. Some of the traditional factors known to raise heart risk in other types of surgery also hold risk for those who are getting a TJR; age over 75 years; some preexisting heart problems like coronary artery disease, heart attack, congestive heart failure, or diseased heart valves; and irregular heartbeat were confirmed by this study.

A new finding from this study is that patients getting a bilateral joint replacement or revision surgery have 2 to 3.5 times the risk of heart complications during a total joint replacement compared to those getting a single, first time joint replacement.

There were two drawbacks to this study, and they were that it included the data from only one hospital and the results were not typical for other populations where there were TJR's or hospitals.

Researchers hope that their findings will help doctors to do a better job of weighing the risk and reducing the heart complications that come up in total joint replacement patients. And giving that more than 700,000 total hip or knee replacements were done in the U. S. in 2004, it is essential that there are targeted measures to reduce cardiovascular risks and potentially save many lives.

Arthritis: Knee Pain and Joint Pain Most Common Symptoms

Do you Suffer from Aching Bones and Stiff Joints?

Arthritis is a condition in which the joints of the body become inflamed. Knee pain, joint pain and knotted or inflamed joints are common symptoms of arthritis which range from mild to extreme. People who suffer from arthritis may find their movement becomes limited by aching bones and stiff and sore joints. Arthritis is most commonly found in the hands, mostly affecting the fingers and wrists, but also occurs in the knee joints.

The word itself "arthritis" literally means inflammation of the joints from the Greek word 'arthron' meaning "joint" and the Latin word "itis," meaning "inflammation".

What to expect from Arthritis

While some of the most common complaints from arthritis sufferers are painful knees and joints, other joints to be affected by arthritis, the hips, finger joints, thumb joints and lower spine. Shoulders, elbows, wrists, ankles, and toe joints are less commonly affected.

Arthritis Care UK estimates that there are close to 10 million people in the U.K. alone that suffer from one form or another of arthritis. This makes it one of the most widely spread conditions in the UK. Seeing as arthritis affects so many people, let's take a closer look at what exactly it is.

Symptoms of arthritis vary in strength and severity; they can often start off mild and become stronger as the condition develops. Knee pain and joint pain may start to develop especially before or during weather fluctuations. Pain may develop in the joints of the wrists, knuckles, fingers, ankles and toes. Shoulders may become stiff first thing in the morning and also give rise to pain. Movement may become limited in the hips and other affected areas.

Knee Pain and Joint Pain - Possible Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

In rheumatoid arthritis, knee joints can become inflamed and swollen, resulting in pain, joint stiffness and in extreme cases, reduced movement or even loss of joint function. Rheumatoid arthritis affects the elbows, knees, shoulders and hip joints. All of these joints contain a special lubricating fluid called synovial fluid. The fluid of the joints comes under attack from the body's own immune system. Painful and inflamed joints are often symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis that may lead to discomfort and can often making movement painful.

Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms tend to develop gradually, over a period of several weeks and tend to be more common in women than men and usually starts between the ages of 40-60. The word 'rheumatoid' comes from the Gk. rheuma meaning "stream, current, a flowing," as this condition affects the fluid in joints.

Bones become Worn Away in Oseotoarthritis

One of the most common forms of arthritis is osteoarthritis and is caused by a wearing away of the joints, most specifically, the cartilage at the end of the knee and hip joints. Other joints such as the fingers, thumbs and lower spine may also be affected. These are predominantly the weight-bearing joints. The word 'osteon' comes from the Greek language and means 'bone'.

What actually happens to the cartilage when someone has osteoarthritis is that it can become rough and brittle, it literally gets worn down. Sometimes the underlying bone tries to compensate for the additional load on the cartilage and bony growths can occur at the outer edges, making the joint appear knotted and thick. Over time, the affected joints can become stiff and inflamed, leading to pain and often immobility.

There are natural health products that may be of benefit in alleviating the suffering and symptoms of arthritis.

Ten Ways to Avoid Surgery With Low Back Pain From Facet Joint Syndrome

Facet Syndrome is a condition in the low back that involves a problem with the facet joints, which are thumbnail sized joints on either side of the spine at every level. As with any synovial joint in one's body, arthritis can ensue, and the facet joints are no exception. Facet joint arthritis typically occurs at numerous levels, so if surgery is undertaken quite a few levels would need to be addressed. This is usually not a good indication for surgery unless one has significant degenerative scoliosis, instability or a separate issue needing to be addressed.

There are numerous ways to avoid surgery with facet arthritis and facet syndrome. Here are the top ten nonoperative methods.

1) Live With the Pain, Activity Modification - Not ideal but at the end of the day surgery for facet arthritis is a quality of life decision. If a patient can avoid painful activities and thereby keep the pain under control this may in fact be the best option. All legitimate nonsurgical options should be exhausted and this may be the last option standing.

2) Lower Your Body Mass Index - Being overweight equals extra weight on the arthritic facet joints. If the joint is painful from arthritis and the body weight is pushing down on the painful region then extra pressure may exacerbate the problem.

3) PT, Rehab, Lumbar Strengthening - Physical therapy can strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine, thereby reducing pressure on the arthritic and painful facet joints.

4) Spinal Decompression - This is a revolutionary nonoperative treatment that is FDA Cleared, very safe, and highly effective that may dramatically decrease the pain from facet syndrome. Treatment at an AZ pain center with spinal decompression therapy may allow surgery avoidance.

5) Chiropractic Treatment - Treatment from a phoenix chiropractor may be extremely effective at reducing low back pain from facet arthritis.

6) Medial Branch Blocks - The nerve endings that supply sensation to the facet joints are called medial branches. They can be numbed with numbing and steroid medication placed into the area of the medial branches around each of the affected facet joints. As with facet injections, this may provide relief for months at a time.

7) Facet Blocks - These are injections of steroid and numbing medication placed directly into the facet joints for pain relief. They may give substantial pain relief for days, weeks, or months.

8) Radiofrequency Ablation - Termed RFA, this procedure involves thermal ablation, or burning, of the medial branches, which are the tiny nerve endings supplying sensation to the facet joints. This procedure is the most modern available for facet syndrome pain and may help with pain relief for 3-18 months.

9) Pain Medication - NSAIDS and pain medication may provide excellent pain relief on a daily or as needed basis with flare ups.

10) Bracing and TENS Unit - These may provide significant benefit with pain reduction for facet arthritis. TENS machines are available at your AZ pain doctors office.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Light Therapy For Pain Relief

There is nothing worse than suffering from the aches and pains that are caused from overexertion of your muscles, arthritis or any other condition. Many people have spent years trying to find that right combination that will reduce their swelling and joint discomfort. Many people have tried medications and have decided the side effects far outweigh any benefits that the drug might have. They are constantly searching for new ways to enable them to lead an active and healthy life. We are now beginning to realize that light therapy for pain relief may be the answer for some.

Light therapy uses certain forms of infrared light, utilizing LEDs. These devices that use this kind of technology are able to stream the light to the areas of your body that are experiencing pain. The light will help to increase circulation as well as reduce some of the swelling that may be causing the pain. If you are one of those people that experience the soreness and stiffness in the morning, light pain relief will get you on your feet fast.

Light therapy can help those that have the pain associated from tendinitis, hip and joint pain, as well as to take care of spasms. These are devices that are manufactured. You can use them in the comfort of your own home to get that much needed relief. These units are very portable and lightweight and will fit comfortably in your hand. You just merely rub it over the problem area and let the light do its work. This technology has been used by professional athletes for many years. We now find that this style of unit is available for everyone. The FDA has recently reviewed one such unit, Light Relief. The unit has high, medium and low settings. They can be adjusted by the individual based on their needs. These types of units are best used15 minutes at a time. A safety shutoff system will turn off the unit, in case you fall asleep while using it.

Light therapy for pain relief is great for the temporary treatment of sore muscles. By using the infrared lights, you will begin to see immediate relief. There are many websites that have these units for sale and often you can find them price between $39 and $80. It is a great alternative to taking medication that can cause side effects with prolonged use. Since the units operate on batteries, they are portable enough to take with you wherever you go. Check out what other people have said about this type of light pain relief and get your unit today.

Gout Symptoms - 5 Ways to Tell If You Have Gout

Are you suffering from terrible joint pain?

Would you like to know for certain whether or not you are having a gout attack?

If you are suffering from these 5 gout symptoms, chances are you are suffering from this painful disease.

1. Your pain began in the middle of the night. This arthritic problem often begins at night. When you are sleeping the synovial fluid responsible for cleaning your joints doesn't flow enough to properly clear out the excess debris. This allows uric acid crystals to accumulate causing swelling leading to terrible pain. So ask yourself, did this pain come on suddenly in the middle of the night. If you were not suffering when you went to sleep, but woke up in pain, chances are you have gout.

2. You don't remember injuring your affected joint. One of the problems with a new onset of this condition is thinking you have a sprained foot or ankle versus having gout. The most common place for pain is in the big toe. However, this is not always the case. Often attacks occur in the ankle and many have felt they sprained their ankle. After a couple weeks of getting worse and not better many realize they don't remember injuring their ankle. So ask yourself if you remember injuring your ankle or foot. If the answer is no, you possibly have gout.

3. Your pain is getting worse. As mentioned in the last point, if your pain has not subsided over a few days, but is actually getting worse with increased swelling and redness, you could possibly have gout. When you suffer an injury the swelling will usually subside after a few days whereas gouty arthritis will continue to increase in intensity.

4. Your pain has spread to other joints. Sometimes gout will jump from one joint to another. You can have pain in your foot today and have it spread to your knees, elbow, wrists, and fingers. Sometimes it can feel like you have tendonitis, but in reality, it is gout.

5. Even the slightest pressure causes intense pain. For regular patients with this disease, it has been noted that even the slightest pressure from even a bed sheet can cause immense pain.

If you have these symptoms, what can you do?

Get a blood test to determine if your symptoms point to having gouty arthritis. Other arthritic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or pseudo gout can have similar symptoms. Blood tests can determine your base uric acid levels and enable a physician to properly diagnose you. Regardless of which disease you have, though, the treatments are often similar.

Joint Pain Relief Using Natural Solutions

Ayurvedic (East Indian holistic medical system) perspective on joint pain relief using natural solutions.

Ayurveda treats musculo-skeletal problems holistically, taking into account the whole physiology, psychology and physical presentation of the person and the problem. The goal of the treatment is to restore homeostasis and to bring the person back to their natural psycho-physiological baseline or constitution.

Joint pain relief treatment is based on bringing the disturbed Dosha (Energetic principles that govern all biological processes in the body - Vata, Pitta and Kapha respectively) back into a balanced state.

This is achieved by diet, lifestyle, Marma (Ayurvedic Acupressure) massage with herbal oils, use of herbal poultices, Nadi Svedan (herbal steam treatments), herbal oil dhara (oil dripping) treatment on the affected body parts, herbal formulations and Panchakarma (detoxification and rejuvenation therapies).

The focus is on opening up blockages in micro-channels of the injured tissues, to remove toxins or metabolic waste products from these tissues, to improve metabolic capacity of the injured tissue for proper uptake and assimilation of nutrients and to improve macro and micro digestion of the whole system.

Opening up of channels facilitates flow of Prana or Qi or energy. Prana is the cellular intelligence that controls proper movement and functioning of the whole system. Removal of blockages also allows for proper circulation at the micro-cellular level providing nutrition and removal of metabolic waste products. With right movement of Prana and circulation the tissue is given an optimal environment for recovery.

Joint pain relief assessment focuses on the affected Dhatu or tissue, the state of the Dosha, the type of pain, state of Agni (digestive fire or digestive/metabolic capacity of the system), presence of Ama (toxins) and functioning of the excretory systems. This detailed examination of the person allows an Ayurvedic practitioner to accurately determine the disturbance in the system and choose the appropriate therapies to treat the whole system.

In addition to looking at the location of pain, the cause of injury and the structures involved - joint, muscle, ligaments, tendons, etc., Ayurveda pays close attention to the type of pain one is suffering from. It classifies pain according to the Doshas and presence of Ama.

Types/nature of pain:

Vata type of pain is radiating, shooting, shifting, cutting, pulsating, moving, fluctuating, vague/confusing, comes and goes, worst at dawn or dusk, shivering, body can feel cold, person feels restless or anxious, creates insomnia, emotionally person might have fear or anxiety, standing creates pain, worst during Autumn season, worst with movement, feels better with heat, moisture and firm pressure.

Pitta pain is burning, pulling, sharp, inflammatory, fever, might have complaints of nausea and vomiting, irritability and anger, penetrating, worst at mid day and mid night, increased perspiration, body feels hot and with redness, flushed face, insomnia, perforation, diarrhea and vomiting, worst during summer season, aggravated by firm pressure or deep massage, feels better with cold.

Kapha pain is heavy, dull, deep, mild, aching, long standing, pain with stooping or bending over, chronic, worst early AM and PM, congestion in lungs, swelling, heaviness, able to sleep in pain, emotionally can feel depressed or lousy, generalized pain throughout the body, pain worst in spring season, lingering, worst in cold or damp weather, feels better with dry heat, deep massage and deep pressure relieves symptoms.

Ama or toxin related pain is heavy, dull, mild, aching, even the hair hurts, debilitating, generalized pain all over the body, pain varies according to Ama level, heavy coating on tongue, bad breath, deep pain, sluggish or sleepy, mental confusion, pain anytime and can be all the time, feeling drowsy and lousy. Feel better with ginger tea and fasting.

Joint pain relief for different pain presentations

For example, a Vata problem would present as a complaint of cracking, popping in the joint, feeling of instability or giving out, possibly muscle atrophy or wasting might be present, moving or shifting pain, pain is aggravated by movement and increased activity level, dry, cold or windy weather would aggravate these symptoms.

Symptoms are relieved by heat, massage with warm herbal oil or Sesame oil, rest, staying warm and avoiding movement and excessive activity. Nadi Svedan (herbal steam therapy) or warm herbal poultices can also be applied for join pain relief and to improve circulation/lymphatic flow to facilitate healing.
Use of herbal formulas like Yograj Guggulu and herbs like Ashwagandha, Tagar, Jatamamsi, Musta, Bala, etc. can be very beneficial for reducing pain and inflammation while strengthening the joint and local muscles.

Pitta related join pain would be treated with a Pitta pacifying diet and lifestyle. Emphasis of treatment is on cool, soft, dry therapies reducing excess heat, sharp and penetrating qualities of Pitta.

Herbal formulations like Kaishore Guggulu, Gulwel Satva or herbs like Turmeric, Musta are good anti-inflammatories and pain relievers. Cold pack, Castor oil or herbal oil massage is recommended to relieve Pitta type of pain in the joint.

Kapha related pain would be treated with a Kapha pacifying diet and lifestyle. Emphasis of treatment is on warm, light, dry and mobile therapies to reduce the slow, congestive, cool and sluggish nature of Kapha.

Herbal formulations like Punarnavadi Guggulu, herbs like Punarnava, Musta, Ashwagandha, Shilajeet, etc. would be used to control swelling, heaviness or dull ache. Massage with herbal oils, application of dry heat and movement of the joint is recommended to relieve Kapha type of pain in the joint.

Ayurvedic treatments can be very effective in removing the specific cause of the problem and achieving lasting relief. This ancient medical system can help the body heal from within while bringing the person back to their natural state of wellbeing.

*This article is for educational purposes only. Please consult with your physician, physical therapist or medical practitioner before starting any exercise program or trying any of the herbal products/recommendations mentioned in this video/article. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Omega 3 Joint Relief: Can You Beat The Pain?

Sedentary lifestyles help to promote joint pain among the young and old alike. Today, more than ever before, people spend most of their lifetime seated in front of various electronics and inflammation of the joints is one of the outcomes of such a lifestyle. So this problem is only growing.

Types of Joint Pain

Joint pains can be divided into three distinct categories: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Bursitis.

Arthritis is the most common type of joint pain. Arthritis is itself subdivided into two categories: rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

The former refers to the condition wherein the immune system of the body attacks the body's own joint tissues, having mistaken them for being foreign cells. Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common auto-immune disease that people suffer with.

Osteoarthritis, on the other hand, refers to the deterioration of the cartilage surrounding the joints due to wear and tear in the body.

Bursitis is the name given to the chronic pain of the joints caused by the inflammation or injury of Bursae, which are sacs filled with fluid that cushion the movement of the joint bones against friction. Shoulder and elbow joints are the usual victims of this issue and the individual suffers unbearable pain.

Omega 3 and Joint Pain

Omega 3, an essential fatty acid that can only be provided to the body through the food you eat, is a nutrient that has been proven to reduce inflammation. This is one of the many reasons why it has become so popular over recent years.

But the crucial thing most people are not telling you, is that not all omega 3 is equal!

Flax oil emerged as a favorite among athletes and bodybuilders since they frequently tend to suffer from inflammation around their joints - due to improper warm up regimens or just wear and tear on their joints.

However, the new champion that studies are hailing is fish. Specifically those cold water oily fish that we are told to eat more of to protect our hearts.

Well the very substance in those fish that protects our hearts is the same one that has been shown to have significant effects on reducing many kinds of inflammation. And inflammation is of course what causes joint pain.

So we now know it's the DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) in omega 3 that provides most of the researched benefits. And oily fish is the only source of omega 3 that provides significant levels of DHA.

So Eat More Fish? Yes and No!

Eating more oily fish should be the solution. But we now have to be careful due to the levels of pollution that can be found in those fish. The danger is recognised by Government bodies that advise us to choose fish carefully and avoid eating (the very fish we want more) of too often!

Personally, I now choose to take fish oil in capsule form, after it has been properly filtered to remove those toxins. It's one of the very few supplements it actually makes sense to buy! After all, it's difficult to get enough DHA without eating plenty of fish.

But do buy carefully. Not all fish oil is filtered as it should be. So make sure the manufacturer properly processes their oils, maintains high quality standards - and double check that DHA content too. Remember, not all fish oil is the same just like not all omega 3 is the same.

TMJ Relief - Discover the Secret

When there occurs any health hazard in or around the temporomandibular joint, the phenomenon is medically termed as TMJ disorder. The fallout of these problems are a set of highly complicated and distressing effects, which include migraine issues, cluster pains in the head, a dizzy feeling, sensations of pain at the TMJ joint, cluster pains in the head, uneasiness while closing or opening the mouth and ear aches, apart from, of course, a range of other related problems. All this makes it pretty evident why a person with TMJ disorders would crave for a TMJ relief procedure, as quickly as possible.

The present world has seen a wide array of different alternative treatment techniques for fighting the TMJ disorders. This is only a natural phenomenon, since the demand for an effective TMJ relief technique is continuously rising, from the many people afflicted by the disease. Methods to relax the muscles, devices to alleviate aches, remedial measures derived from natural sources and/or made at homes, operative techniques, drugs that keep inflammations in check, as well as exercises are often recommended for the TMJ patients. Unfortunately, the majority (if not all) of these treatment methods do not function as desired. The muscles in the neck regions, shoulders and the head derive adequate relaxation from the prescribed TMJ exercises, while medicinal items made at home (from herbs) have their own merits as well. However, none of them can promise a permanent removal of TMJ disorders. More often than not, the ailment is found to occur again in future.

TMJ Treatment

Disorders in the TMJ region are the direct offshoot of an absence of uniform development of teeth sets, which makes biting patterns extremely uneven as well. Hence, the temporomandibular joint cannot close as desired. Thus, a well-thought out remedial measure should try to establish a proper balance between all the parts of the jaw (viz, the mandible (lower jaw) and the maxillae (upper jaw)). In cases where the TMJ problems tend to have a recurrent theme, or are rather intense, stabilizing treatments from dental experts need to be sought after. In case the biting patterns of the affected people are irregular or not uniform, the problem can be addressed by any of the following methods:

o The jaw can be repositioned in the ideal manner (via the application of tools for mandibular restructuring),

o Application of orthodontic medication techniques.

Resetting the biting pattern manually, and/or grinding the affected teeth area is also an option in cases where the occlusal area of the teeth gets destroyed due to personal penchants for incessant clenching or gnashing of the teeth.

Natural depletion processes, as well as effects of any trauma can also result in such destruction of this surface. In such cases, dental experts recommend a thorough restructuring of the bridges and the crowns of the teeth, so that biting activities grow easier. Thus, occlusal surgeries are treatment options as well. However, prior to actually homing in on surgery as your preferred line of treatment, you should take the advice of qualified medical practitioners, since all operations come with certain risks.

Disorders in the temporomandibular joint regions can also be effectively handled by the usage of certain specified herbal products and vitamin supplements. These remedial measures are:

o In order to ensure that the muscles continue to work in a desirable fashion, a person can consume magnesium as well as calcium. In particular, these two substances help to prevent the occurrence of muscle tension headache - a direct offshoot of TMJ related disorders,

o TMJ problems often result in considerable damage to the delicate cartilages. Vitamins A, C, E, as well as Selenium and Zinc (all of them being anti-oxidants) are highly useful in reinvigorating these disc cartilage areas.

TMJ Natural Cure

There are two alternative ways of treating TMJ disorders. Firstly, there are medicines like Valium, which, however have notable harmful side effects. Medicinal products derived from herbs are better on this count, since they come with almost no accompanying effects. Hops, Passionflower, leaves of wild lettuce, skullcap as well as Boswellia Serrata can be combined to bring down the inflammations in the area of the jaw joint. Sea cucumber, a rich source of chondroitin sulphate, can also be prescribed for obtaining TMJ relief, since the affected cartilages can get repaired, in a completely natural manner, thanks to this substance. Thus TMJ patients often find it much to their liking. However, pretty soon after the recommended period of dosage of these medication techniques is over, do the TMJ problems resurface, and the intermediate TMJ relief obtained is short-lived.

The key to achieving a total cure from TMJ disorders is simple: Restructure the jaw in the proper fashion, and ensure that the biting pattern remains uniform. Hence, these ailments have to be tackled at their very base, if one wishes to eradicate them completely. This is the point where a Neuromuscular practitioner comes into the picture. Apart from taking proper corrective measures regarding the biting activities, such a doctor can also take suitable actions to do away with problems in the ligaments, nerves and muscles in and around the joint region of the jaw (TMJ). The TMJ symptoms can thus be driven away, if the above actions are followed properly.

For the purpose of freshly aligning the spine, as well as many other such restructuring tasks, chiropractic treatment methods have been proven to be highly effective. The temporomendibular joint disorders occur due to erroneous biomechanic setup in the body, and hence, a number of doctors have started to recommend chiropractic methods for correcting the jaw structure, and evening out the biting activity. The jury is still out, however, regarding whether these methods are actually beneficial in these cases, since many patients have reported that they have not received expected results from chiropractic medication techniques.

The Iowa-based Palmer Center for Chiropractic Research (at Davenport) has extensively researched about the effects of chiropractic treatment methods on people afflicted by the TMJ syndrome. It would certainly be worth our while to analyze the nature of the reports that these researches have brought to light.

It should be noted that, these research studies do not state anything regarding the effectiveness of the chiropractic techniques over an extended period of time. Doubts remain as to whether the TMJ disorder might relapse or not. The research studies summing up its findings, only stated, "The qualified result of both outcome measures used in this perspective case series indicate that TMJ symptoms of participants in this study improved following a course of treatment using Activator methods, International protocol for adjusting the TMJ. Consequently, further investigation of this type of chiropractic treatment for patients with articular type of TMD is warranted".

TMJ Relief - How To Get It?

The proper detection of all the problem-creating factors from the body of the TMJ patients, via the holistic schools of treatment, is absolutely necessary for getting a long-term TMJ Relief. Once found out, these underlying causes have to be removed from the system, together with the symptoms of the ailment. Unlike other treatment methods, the entire body is taken as a single entity by the holistic line of medication, and the latter is not solely worried about the symptoms of TMJ disorders either. Thus, while dealing with problems related to the TMJ syndrome, the holistic techniques are indeed, by far the best.