Saturday, February 8, 2014

Relieve Arthritis Pain With Blackstrap Molasses

First of all, let's look at the definition of blackstrap molasses - blackstrap is just one type of molasses which is the dark liquid byproduct of the process of refining sugar cane into table sugar, being made from the third boiling of the sugar syrup. It is the concentrated byproduct left over after the sugar's sucrose has been crystallized. It is an extremely rich source of vitamins and minerals. Blackstrap Molasses is found in good supermarkets and health food stores. Get the best quality available and make sure it's without sulphur. Store the bottle in the refrigerator once it's opened or a cool, dry place and it should keep for a good six months. Many people have been helped with their arthritis pain by taking one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses either by itself or dissolved in a cup of warm water. People start the day with this and maybe another dose either during the day, if necessary, or at night. Please remember this is a form of sugar and you should clean your teeth afterwards or risk tooth decay! Arthritis sufferers often take this natural remedy instead of a pain killer, and why not, if it works for you! You can experiment with this - if it isn't working well enough, then take two tablespoons instead of one, but one tablespoon seems to work for most people. Another tip about taking the molasses. If you have a hard time getting it down, then help yourself by adding orange or apple juice, even lemon juice. The main thing is that you take it so it's up to you to make it as pleasant as you can...

Another use is to dissolve a tablespoon in warm water and soak sore fingers, hands, wrists or feet to relief arthritis pain. People with fibromyalgia or carpal tunnel syndrome could also benefit from this.

As you have read above, blackstrap molasses is very rich in vitamins and minerals so it can help with many ailments - here are a few:

Canker sores: put it directly on the canker sore for almost immediate relief.

Constipation: Use a couple of tablespoons - it's a great laxative .

Energy: People report that they have much more energy and helps sugar cravings.

Acid Reflux: results are within days of first taking it.

Anemia: Blackstrap molasses is good as it contains so much iron - in fact it contains more iron than nine eggs!

Hair: Brings back the shine and apparently can even reverse graying hair.

From the above you can see that blackstrap molasses can be a great benefit for your health. It's easy to find in your supermarket or health food store and is a wonderful natural pain reliever especially for arthritis.

Discover Symptoms of TMJ and Eagle's Syndrome Here

More and more people are getting afflicted with TMJ syndrome in US and in various other countries of the world. Hence the awareness regarding this affliction is increasing all over the world. Awareness is also increasing regarding its various signs and symptoms and various modes of treatment. In this article we will be discussing the symptoms of TMJ syndrome and how they get mixed up with the Eagle's syndrome.

TMJ syndrome symptoms can range from mild jaw joint pains to severe agonizing headaches, ear pain, tinnitus that can actually lead a person to insanity as a person goes crazy with the hissing, buzzing sound in his/her ears. All though the primary symptoms of TMJ can easily be identified, the secondary or unusual symptoms often prove deceptive. For example, TMJ can sometimes cause light sensitivity or even hazy visions and also pain in and around the eyeballs which is caused due to the inflamed tissues around the affected joint. But these particular symptoms can mislead the medic into looking for the cause in optical problems like Fuchs's dystrophy or keratitis. Similarly, another indirect symptom of TMJ problem is the numbness of the fingers which can also be caused by alcoholic neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, cerevical spondylosis or many other disorders.

However, in the case of TMJ it is caused by the misalignment of the jaws and incorrect bite, which puts undue stress on the muscles associated with the jaws, neck and the shoulder and puts them into spasms. As a result, the nerves that reach to the fingers and hand also get affected and the tingling sensation occurs.

Connection Between The TMJ Syndrome and The Eagle's Syndrome

However, the picture becomes even more complicated and complex when the temporomandibular joint pain is mixed up with the stylomandibular Ligament pain that actually occurs in Eagle's syndrome. The problem in both cases is somewhat similar involving the jaw but in the Eagle's syndrome the main problem is caused by the stylohyoid ligament.

The styloid formation is basically a bone at the skull's base which is further attached with the tendons and muscles to the throat and adjoining body organs. If this bone gets calcified it gets stuck into the jaw or into the throat and causes problem in swallowing. If the case becomes chronic even the simple act of turning the head can lead to serious pain. Eagle's syndrome is a crippling disease that leads to malnutrition and often causes serious weight loss against TMJ syndrome that thought painful is not as oppressive as this.

Eagle's syndrome is also looked upon as a lesser but vital factor in glossopharyngeal neuralgia that can at times turn fatal if accompanied with cardiac problems. It can lead to serious weight loss even when cardiac issues are not present. Any given day, Eagle's syndrome and not TMJ dysfunction is looked upon by medics as an important factor in aggravating glossopharyngeal secondary neuralgia.

For the sake of proper identification we are presenting the symptoms associated with Eagle's syndrome. TMJ pain, eye-ache, sensitive teeth, throat pain which increases during the process of swallowing food and tonillar discomfort and other symptoms of the stylohyoid elongations.

Treatment of Ernest or Eagle's Syndrome is possible through using oral splints, NSAIDs that relieve pain, anesthetic injection locally injected at the affected ligament. Also, radiofrequency thermoneurolysis is proving effective in the treatment of various symptoms of Eagle's syndrome to some measure.

Relief from Eagle's syndrome can also be achieved with the help of Prolotherapy. Prolotherapy works by strengthening the stylomandibular ligament, as most of the associated symptoms occur due to weakness in that area. Prolotherapy is safe and is proving effecting to a great extent in the repair of ligaments and cartilage naturally. It creates a passive inflammation in the damaged ligament and as the body tires to heal through the inflammation Prolotherapy accelerates the healing procedure.

TMJ Cure Through Permanent TMJ Treatment

It is required that immediate relief from the pain and related discomfort should be made available to the TMJ syndrome sufferer. There are many treatment options available in the market which are as varied as surgeries and drugs to over the counter medications, and exercises to home made remedies for TMJ. But the only problem with most of these modes of treatment is that most of them only provide a temporary relief, as they only treat the symptoms and not the actual cause.

Permanent relief from TMJ syndrome can be attained through holistic remedies as they analyze or the underlying causes leading to the problem and eradicate them completely. Once all the root causes are treated the symptoms of course automatically vanish and never get a chance to come back. This reason definitely makes the holistic remedies the best treatment option for the temporomandibular joint dysfunction.

Natural Bruxism Treatment - How to Treat and Manage Bruxism

People who intentionally or unintentionally clench and grind their teeth are said to suffer from Bruxism disorders. Certain people tend to clench their teeth while sleeping - which is called 'Nocturnal Bruxism' while others tend to do it all the time - called 'Stress Bruxism'. Bruxism treatment is highly important for those suffering from the ailment as teeth-clenching can have far-fetched consequences on human health.

Bruxism Treatment Goals
The objectives for Bruxism remedies would be to alleviate unexplained facial pain (probably due to tooth clenching), reduce damage to the gums, root canals and enamel layer and decrease the instances of tooth clenching. There are medications and drugs prescribed for the same, but recent statistics have shown that the effectiveness of natural remedies of Bruxism is better than conventional medicine.

Common Bruxism Treatments Explained

1. Wear teeth clenching devices at night
There are several inexpensive dental products like night bite plate and the bite splint that help you alleviate the habit of tooth clenching. Wearing teeth-clenching prevention devices such as these is the primary Bruxism treatment method. There are several orthodontic devices that either fit over the teeth or under the teeth. Different people choose different applications and while these products have decreased Bruxism to a large extent, there are instances where teeth-grinding worsened.

2. Stress management therapies
Several psychologists and medical practitioners have attributed Bruxism to stress and strain. Thus, seeking expert counseling for stress-reducing and adopting a healthier lifestyle can help you overcome Bruxism effectively. You must regularly exercise, sleep well and take care of your dietary intake to reduce stress in everyday life. Stress management can take you a long way in curing tooth-grinding and thus, is an effective Bruxism treatment.

3. Tooth alignment problems
Sometimes, incorrect tooth aligning can trigger Bruxism. If your tooth grinding problems are referenced to tooth misalignment, you must immediately consult your physician and plan a surgical rectification of your teeth. Using crowns and onlays can help if you have a minor alignment problem.

4. Change your medications
In some individuals, Bruxism can occur as a result of medicational side-effects, especially the anti-depressants and stress-relief pills. Often, oral contraception that is physically incompatible with the individual also causes Bruxism. As a result, the results of the Bruxism treatment would be to change the pills and take a similar one under medical supervision.

5. Cut down tobacco and caffeine
Unhealthy lifestyle triggers a lot of toxic effects in the body, of which Bruxism is a huge example. You must cut down on caffeine and nicotine and consume colas in moderation. In case you smoke and drink, plan a rehabilitation program immediately. Your wellbeing is adversely affected by your addiction to drugs and harmful supplements. Make sure you de-addict yourself from all the noxious chemicals for better Bruxism results.

When must you seek professional help?
Most people suffer from temporary bouts of Bruxism and this can be treated depending on the causes of their ailment, without special professional help. But in severe cases, when you find yourself breaking tooth, bleeding gums and other injuries to your dental system, you must seek medical Bruxism treatments. Nocturnal Bruxism also, cannot be cured naturally and must be supervised by your family physician.

Your Cat May Be Suffering in Silence!

Cats have a natural instinct to suffer in silence. Cats can be hurting and unless you are alert to your cat's behavior you may never know it has a problem until it becomes too late to do anything about it.

One of the silent causes of a cat's suffering is degenerative joint disease (DJD). According to current research this is happening to cats more than most people realize.

What is degenerative joint disease (DJD)? A healthy joint has cartilage covering and cushioning the ends of opposing bones. When the cartilage (which does not have any nerves) wears away and the bone (which does have nerves) touches another bone without the benefit of a cartilage cushion, stiffness, pain and inflammation happen. Along with this pain, bony projections form on the exposed bone causing the poor cat more pain.

Cats have a habit of trying to not exhibit the fact that they are hurting and as a result the degeneration is often hidden until a vet notices something is really wrong.

What are the signs of pain your cat may be silently exhibiting? Of course the most obvious sign maybe lameness or a subtle limp, but most often a cat will do other things to throw you off the track such as:

  • Such things a hiding, keeping out of sight, which is a natural instinct to protect themselves from predators when they are not feeling well.

  • Licking and biting a particular area on their bodies, not normal grooming, but a continual licking, as if to lick or bite the pain away.

  • Looking for warm or soft places to rest.

  • Limiting its trips to the food and water dishes because it hurts to walk

  • Missing the litter box, the digging hurts the joint.

  • Grooming themselves less.

  • Not jumping up on favorite chairs or places.

Research has shown that decrease jumping is the most common sign. If you feed your cat on a counter or high place and notice that it is not eating like it usually does it maybe a sure sign your cat has a joint problem. Not eating or drinking can cause your cat to become dehydrated and to lose weight.

Detecting signs of DJD can be difficult as cats are light on their feet and can compensate for the pain. Many times it is not until the cat becomes much older that you recognize there is a problem. For example when petting your cat in a certain area it suddenly growls or bites if you touch a joint, that generally is a sign of DJD. It is normal for cat owners when they see decreased activity or a loss of appetite to think it is part of aging, when it really is a sign of degenerative joint disease.

Early treatment by your vet can make your cat's life much simpler and less painful, but is sometimes hard to detect.

There are two types of DJD. Primary DJD is the result of normal wear and tear on the joints as the cat gets older. Secondary DJD is caused by other conditions that may affect the joints such as trauma to a joint from a fall, possible hip dysplasia (yes, cats can have it), congenital malformed joints, tumors, bacterial and fungal infections or autoimmune diseases.

According to a study that was done by the "Journal of Small Animal Practice" in August of 2006 it showed that DJD showed up in the elbow of cats, 45 percent of the time and in the hip, 38 percent of the time. However some vets and researchers suspect that the real cause of lameness is not a joint problem, but the instability of the lumbar vertebrae (the last bones of the back) and the sacrum (the triangular bone that attaches the lumbar to the pelvis).

It is recommended that your vet can help you determine the actual cause of your pet's discomfort by the manipulation and the feel of each joint in the front and rear limbs for heat, pain and swelling. However, it is really you, that can provide the best information by knowing and watching you cat in your everyday observations of your cat's behavior. Bonding and knowing your cat is the best advice I can give because if you do that, you and only you really know your cat and its behavior.

Hip Pain at Night? The Problems of Pain and Lack of Sleep

Hip pain at any time is hard to handle, but hip pain at night when you should be relaxing and getting a good night's sleep, even mild pain can seem to be intensified to an unmanageable degree. This is especially true when pain disturbs your sleep, either because you cannot get comfortable enough to relax and fall asleep or because the stress of ongoing pain affects your mood and your ability to "switch off". Aching joints are one of the most common causes of sleep problems. Hip and leg pain at night is made worse by the pressure placed on the hip and knee joints as you lie in bed. Moving in bed demands that these joints be twisted and if flexibility or movement in the afflicted joints is limited then turning can be a real problem.

Lack of sleep leads to increased pain. We all need sleep in order to heal and conserve strength; not sleeping for any reason makes pain during the day worse but furthermore, lack of sleep makes pain management a much more difficult process. The stress, anxiety and frustration caused by insomnia, as well as the loss of concentration and general poor health that can result, can be as big a problem as the pain itself. If poor sleep patterns become a habit, your sleep can suffer long after the pain is gone. For this reason, sleep is an important part of your management of pain.

Uncovered: 5 easy ways to Sleep Despite the Pain

1. Choose a good firm mattress, with advice from a bed specialist if possible. Too soft and the joints are poorly supported, too hard and the joints cannot relax.

2. Keep to your normal sleep schedule, go to bed at the normal time and if after lying awake for 20 minutes you still cannot sleep, get up and do something gentle and not over stimulating until you feel tired again. This is healthier than lying awake becoming frustrated.

3. Help your body relax more easily at night by doing gentle exercise that does not aggravate the pain throughout the day. Often the cause of sleeplessness through pain is due to a lack of physical exertion throughout the day so keep as busy as your condition allows.

4. If you find that your pain wakes you throughout the night, this is likely to be when you move, turn over or twist in your sleep. Pain when turning in bed can be alleviated by lying on a shiny or slightly slippery surface. This could be a sheet made of satin or a nylon sleeping bag, whatever helps you to turn more easily with less resistance despite stiff joints. This is especially useful when suffering from pregnant hip pain.

5. Manage medication and therapies carefully to make sure that you are less likely to suffer at night; take pain medications before bedtime when suitable and do not overdo things after having alternative therapies or using complimentary medicine - remember that your body needs time to process therapy and time to wind down after receiving it before sleep.

Pain does not have to mean sleeplessness; with careful management you can maintain a sleep pattern that allows your body to heal itself and your mind to deal with what is important.

Fallen Arches - Are You at Risk For Developing Arthritis?

It may sound like a cliché but our feet, and in particular the arches of our feet, really are the structural foundations of our body. Fallen arches is a term used to describe complete flattening out of the arch. When the arch flattens out the foot loses much of its biomechanical functioning. In addition the biomechanics of the knee, hip and low back are adversely affected when the arch of the foot loses its structural integrity.

The arch of the foot maintains it structural integrity with the help of the muscles, tendon and ligaments. The proper functioning of the arch depends on the proper functioning of all three of these elements. You actually want the arch to flatten out during walking or running so that the foot can act as a shock absorber. However at the end of the step you need the arch to re-lock and turn the foot back into a firm lever arm for push-off. Excess body weight, excessive running, walking or even standing can lead to stretching of the ligaments, tendons and muscles that keep the arch locked. This can eventually lead to complete flattening of the arch.

When the arch collapses the foot is unable to act as a firm lever arm to push-off and propel you forward during walking or running. As a result the muscles of the lower leg have to work much harder in order to propel you forward. This causes pain and fatigue of the lower leg, pain in the foot and pain on the front of the leg. In addition the plantar fascia on the bottom of the foot gets overly stretched and strained leading to the painful condition know as plantar fasciitis.

The foot and lower leg are not the only areas where fallen arches can cause problems. When the arch collapses the rest of the body has to compensate. As a result the other joints become unbalanced and do not function properly. For example, the proper functioning of the knee depends upon the body weight being evenly distributed over the entire joint. When the knee has to compensate for a flattened arch, the outside of the knee is forced to take more of the load than the inside. This overloads the cartilage on that side of the knee, causes pain on that side of the knee and increases the risk for developing arthritis. In addition the muscles, ligaments and tendons on the other side of the knee are stretched and strained which can cause pain and knee instability (for more information see knee pain). We could make similar analysis for the joints of the hip and low back but the point I am trying to make is that the biomechanics of the foot is important for the proper functioning of the rest of the body. Although the explanation of the problem can be somewhat complicated the solution to this problem is relatively simple. A properly designed arch support or custom foot orthotic will hold the correct shape of the arch. This in turn allows the foot to work as a firm lever arm. An arch support will align the joints of the ankle, which in turn balances out the knee, hip and low back. A simple arch support can solve a lot of problems without medications, surgery. Yet it is amazing how many people walk around everyday in pain when the solution is so simple. This simple solution is an arch support.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Tinnitus and Dehydration

Tinnitus is commonly called 'ringing in the ears' but some people have really loud noises (or roaring, hissing, buzzing, or tinkling) in their ears that can actually jam out outside noises and conversations. It can be caused by loud noises or music, ototoxic drugs, wax buildup in the ear, allergies, ear or sinus infection, congestion, jaw or bite misalignment (TMJ disorder),cardiovascular disease, Meniere's disease, a tumor on the auditory nerve, otosclerosis, underactive thyroid, head or neck trauma and believe it or not, dehydration.

The body is 70 percent water and the delicate bones and accompanying tissues in the ear are very sensitive, even to dehydration. Once the tissues dry out, there is not the flexibility in the small joints in the tiny bones that "hear". The imbalance in the fluids can make the tiny hairs in the cochlea of the inner ear become damaged. Damage can also come from loud noises such as lawn mower and rock concerts. Even MP3 players turned up too loud can cause damage. The damage can become permanent if too little healthy water is ingested over time or if you are habitually in a noisy environment. Chronic dehydration can make inner ear function worse, so make sure that you drink lots of healthy water, not coffee, fruit juice, carbonated beverages or bottled water.

If you find you have tinnitus after a loud noise event, start drinking more water and avoid other loud noises for a few days. You don't want the ringing to become permanent. If you find that the ear noises persist, avoid alcohol, recreational drugs, caffeine, aspirin and nicotine as they can make the noises worse. Although aspirin and certain antibiotics can make tinnitus worse, your doctor can help you make substitutions or regulate the dosage so you are more comfortable.

If you run or do sports you will want to drink plenty of healthy water. Overheating can aggravate your tinnitus just as much as dehydration.

In recent years, researchers have used MRI imaging to detect brain activity with people who suffer from tinnitus. They have found hyperactivity in the auditory cortex and in certain parts of the limbic brain, not normally found in people without ear noises. The limbic brain governs stress responses such as anxiety and emotions. Researchers say that it is not that tinnitus is induced by stress, but that the part of the brain that produces fearful emotions is hyperactive in tinnitus sufferers.

For a long time, the questions medical professionals and scientists had was where the "ringing" was located. They know people could "hear" the noise but they wondered if it was in the ears or the brain. It was postulated that the noise emerged as the sound went from the ear to the central nervous system to the brain. When the hearing was assaulted by prolonged loud noise, even for a short time and there was trauma, the brain would try to compensate by switching up its own amplifier. But just like a short wave radio you hear more sound in addition to hearing more hiss. But now in concert with the MRI imaging, scientist are beginning to unravel the mysteries of tinnitus.

In Germany and Belgium, research is showing some promise with a treatment protocol called Magnetic Transcranial Stimulation with some sufferers. This treatment involves placing a magnetic plate just above the ear and holding it where the auditory cortex is. When electric current is pulsed through the plates, it is postulated that faulty brain signals are disrupted and even possibly being reset. The painless 5 to 30 minutes sessions do not require anaesthetic but do require expensive equipment only found in major neurology centers.

Within the last two years, some exciting developments have been emerging from the pharmaceutical industry. A very dangerous procedure was tried, injecting lidocaine, an anaesthetic into the blood stream of a tinnitus sufferer. There was a complete absence of symptoms for five minutes. This is not a recommended treatment, but what it told researchers is that somewhere in the brain, there is an off-switch. Researchers are now actively looking for it.

In my clinic, I have a number of clients who have lost their tinnitus from drinking alkaline, ionized water. The level of their chronic dehydration was the benchmark for how long it took to disappear. This healthy water gently neutralized the acidic condition that partners with dehydration to create all kinds of symptoms in the body, including ear noises. Try my 7 day water challenge. It's free and you'll feel better for it.

Thumb Joint Pain

Thumb joint pain will leave you unable to perform any duty. This is because it causes so much pain and can prove to be a big bother. Thumb joint pain is associated with so many causes which include trauma. This might be as a result of an accident. The pain can also be caused by serious conditions like rheumatism and arthritis. There are so many other causes and, you need to have an idea of what the cause could be in your case.

You will definitely suffer from impaired grip. Simple activities that you used to take for granted become an uphill task. This activities could be opening a jar or even turning the key in the lock. This motions will have the capacity to cause or trigger arthritic pain and other problems. There are other problems that you will experience as symptoms of thumb joint pain.

You will experience stiffness as well as inflammation when you have thumb joint pain. You need to know what kind of injury you suffer when it affects your hands. It can be minor and therefore temporary. If this is the case, you can just make sure that you are at a resting position where you do not have to use the thumb joint. The symptoms will go away on their own so you can get to recover.

You can also use some inflammatory medications. Do not make a habit of this just because you need relief. This is because the drugs come with very many other side effects. For the thumb joint, you can use cold bandages as well as ice cubes. They help in relieving your pain. There are people who will go ahead to use pain killers and this is highly discouraged. This is because they will not be solving the problem.

You need to take this warning very seriously so that you may avoid regrets in the future. You may ask what exactly causes arthritis of the thumb but, the cause is not totally known. Therefore,to solve the mystery, a lot more work needs to be performed.

This problem has been seen to be more common in people who are over 40. Therefore, the association with age a is very much observed. When the tendons become very loose they are more likely to cause problems in the joint of the thumb. This problem will usually require surgical intervention to ensure that everything is okay. Of course this will happen after other drugs have failed. The drugs will be anti inflammatory. The pills are known for their side effects. They are especially known to affect the digestive system.

Osteo Arthritis - Ayurvedic Concept

According to Ayurveda, an ancient medical science, Osteoarthritis a degenerative joint disease occurs due to aggravation of Vata, and is known as Sandhigata vata.

Vayana vata dosha, one of the five types of vata dosha (dosha of air and empty space) governs the entire body and mind movements, like blood flow, heart pulsation, breathing and the thoughts in mind. The vitation of this type of vata causes rheumatism. Osteo arthritis is essentially a vata disorder, with the involvement of pitha and kapha doshas.

Vata has a dry and light qualities and its vitiation leads to imbalance of kapha dosha, depleting the syniovial fluid, that provides cushion and lubrication to the joints. This depletion leads to osteoarthritis in which the cartilage in the joints wears away causing friction, pain and limited joint mobility and affects the large weight-bearing joints, like the hips and knees, also hands,feet, and spine.

Symptoms of this disease are edema, pain, tenderness, stiffness, pain on work etc. It also starts with ageing and the following factors contributes to the vitiation of vata dosha

  • Consuming dry, cold or stale food, not regular in sleeping habits, suppressing natural urges.

  • Getting exposed to asevere cold and dry weather.

  • Excessive travel, leading a vata aggravating life style and undergoing mental trauma.

  • Exerting oneself excessively on the joints or any accident which occurs in the joints.

  • When the food we eat, is not digested properly it causes ama (toxins) which weakens the colon and it circulates through whole body and gets accumulated in the bones and joints.

  • This toxins will block the body channels and inturn vitates vata dosha.

Sandhigata vata or osteoarthritis is the one among 80 vata diseases described in ayurvedic classical texts like Charak samhita and Ashtanga hridaya.

Basic Types of Arthritis

Arthritis literally means "joint inflammation". The word comes from the Greek words arthro meaning "joint" and -itis meaning "inflammation". Arthritis can occur in any joint in the body, from the small joints of the fingers to the major joints, such as the hips or knees. The two main types of arthritis are degenerative, meaning it is caused by excessive use of the joint, or autoimmune, meaning the immune system attacks the joints, believing them to be disease-causing cells. There are other types, including some caused by an infection of the joint or by the body depositing different substances in the joint, which can cause inflammation. The inflammation, regardless of its cause, can lead to swelling, pain and stiffness. This pain and stiffness can cause movement loss and limit the normal day to day activities of an arthritis patient. However, with treatment, the pain and stiffness can be managed and most daily activities can be accomplished.

Degenerative arthritis types are caused by excessive use of the joint. This means it is more often seen in the elderly than other age groups. However, people who use a joint a lot, such as sports players or factory workers that perform repetitive movements all day may also develop any of the degenerative arthritis types. The degeneration is caused when the tissues surrounding the joint become worn and unable to work properly. The degeneration can be treated with glucocorticoid injections and the pain can be managed with over the counter pain medicines such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Autoimmune arthritis types occur when a person's immune system attacks their joints. The most common types of autoimmune arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. The treatment for these diseases is similar; both rely heavily on controlling the inflammation and preventing joint damage. This can be accomplished using either non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). DMARDs are thought to improve rheumatoid arthritis by interrupting the cycle of inflammation and joint damage. Once the inflammation is under control, many people find that their pain decreases to a manageable level. This is done with over the counter pain medications.

Some arthritis, such as septic arthritis, is caused by a joint infection. This is usually treated with antibiotics to get rid of the infection and mild painkillers to manage the pain until the infection and resulting inflammation, has cleared up. Patients usually recover fully from septic arthritis, although many may develop a form of degenerative arthritis later in life. Another type of arthritis is caused by deposits of certain molecules in the joints. This is either gout or calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease, CPPD. Gout is caused by deposits of uric acid crystals in the joint. With CPPD, the body deposits calcium pyrophosphate crystals in the joint. Treatment is usually aimed at preventing any more crystal formation and controlling symptoms of deposited crystals. For a single joint this is accomplished by draining the fluid off the joint and injecting corticosteroid, while taking NSAIDs to control the pain. When multiple joints are affected, corticosteroid injection is impractical so an oral course of corticosteroidal treatment is followed. Gout can also be controlled through dietary changes.

Labral Tear In The Hip - Braces For Support

1.) What is a Labrum?

The labrum is a term that describes the type of cartilage that surrounds ball and socket joints. This is found in both the shoulder and hip joints. The labrum will form a ring that is located around the edge of the bony socket of either the hip or shoulder joint. It serves to provide stability to the joint by deepening the socket, while also providing the joint with needed flexibility and motion.

2.) Injuries To The Labrum - 2 Types

Injuries that can occur to the labrum have been recognized as a possible source of discomfort and pain. Although labral tears in the shoulder area are more common, labral tears in the hip do occur regularly as well. In general, there are two different kinds of labral tears in the hip.

A.) Degenerative tears: a chronic injury that can occur after repetitive use or activities. These kinds of tears can be seen in the early stages of hip arthritis.

B.) Traumatic injuries: When an individual suffers a traumatic hip labral tear, it is typically an acute injury that is associated with a sports injury, sudden fall, or an accident. Often times, labral tears of this kind are caused by sudden twists that can cause immediate hip pain.

3.) What Are the Symptoms of a Hip Labral Tear?

A hip labral tear can be hard to diagnose sometimes because is simliar in its symptoms to other issues like a groin strain, sports hernia or snapping hip syndrome. The following are common symptoms of what could be a labral tear:

• Groin pain
• Clicking and snapping sensations in the hip area
• Limited motion of the hip joint

4.) Braces For Support Before or After Surgery

To support the hip and restrict unwanted movements doctors can deploy the use of a hip abduction brace for their patients. This orthosis (brace) can help to limit motion that will further a hip labral tear and any of its painful symptoms. In this way, hip abduction orthoses (braces) can be the conservative measure of treatment that can help to facilitate the healing process either before or after surgery for a patient.

*Note: This is health information. This is good information, but medical advice on bracing for the hip, due to a labral tear, should be provided to you by your local, licensed orthotist. These individuals are brace specialists and can provide you with the best care possible when it comes to braces for the hip.

Are Some Problems Not Detectable by Dental X-Rays?

Dental X-Rays are an important part of a dental health program, allowing dentists to detect tooth decay, abscesses, cysts, gum disease, bone loss, and root canal problems. There are several types of dental x-rays in use in North America. Most dental health problems can be detected by an x-ray; however, there are a few conditions that cannot be detected by an x-ray.

The bite-wing and periapical x-ray has been in use by dentists for decades. They give a close view of the teeth and the underlying root and bone supporting the teeth. They are most helpful in detecting decay on and between teeth. Newer are the panoramic x-rays, which give a whole-mouth view.

Panoramic x-rays will detect problems with the upper or lower jaw, the jaw joints, nasal sinuses and surrounding tissue, or the mandibular nerve. Oral cancer will not be detected with a bite-wing or periapical x-ray. The dentist is able to do a screening for oral cancer during a regular check-up, examining the cheeks, floor and roof of the mouth, and the surface and base of the tongue. Oral cancer will most often look like small lesions on any of those soft tissues.

Temporomandibular disorder (TMD or TMJ) is another condition that can be detected on a panoramic x-ray, but not the bite-wing or periapical. TMD is a condition related to the jaw. Often people suffering TMD hear a clicking or popping accompanied by pain when they open their mouths. It has many causes; arthritis, injury or stress. The muscles of the face often tense when we are under stress, and this pulls the muscles of the jaw taut, causing pain when using those muscles. TMD can also be a cause of headache or toothache. Sometimes it manifests as pain around the ear when chewing, neck, shoulder or back pain, or difficulty opening the mouth wide, or even dizziness.

Sinus problems can cause toothache, and will be visible on a panoramic x-ray. Your dentist will ask questions to help narrow down the cause of the pain, and avoid unnecessary dental treatment. Other oral conditions that will not be detected by x-ray are burning mouth or burning tongue, often caused by nutritional deficiencies, and facial neuralgia caused by damaged nerves to the face.

Bulimia experienced over a period of time can cause damage to the enamel of teeth because of the acids produced when purging. Oral infections such as mouth thrush will not show on an x-ray. Many of these conditions will be visible to the dentist while doing a routine exam, and a complete health history will be an important tool for the dentist when diagnosing problems in the mouth. Sometime tooth decay will not be seen on an x-ray, if it is on a surface at the back, tongue side of a tooth. Sometimes during scaling or root planing, a treatment for periodontal disease will reveal decay not visible on a routine x-ray.

Dental X-Rays are an important part of making sure that you do not have any serious or developing problems. It is important that everyone has dental X-rays as part of their dental care visit.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Protein Poisoning, Acid, Cause of Disease

With all the Hype about our need for protein, millions are being poisoned, by too much protein, and/or the wrong kind of protein. For the arthritis sufferer, this creates an acid condition that;

· Robs calcium from bones and teeth, producing osteoporosis, tooth decay, and extreme sensitivity to toxins in the food and environment.

· Causes degeneration of joints irritating joint tissues, causing inflammation, pain in the joints, and other connective tissue.

How much protein do we really need?

The best research (as outlined in the China Study *) has demonstrated that we were designed for a diet of 5% protein. The average American eats a diet of 25% protein.

The most simple way to back this up I know is to look at the stage of life when we should need the most protein. It would stand to reason that a growing human baby, during the first year of its life, would need the most protein, on a percentage of total calories basis. Does that sound logical to you?

It is a no brainer, to say that a human baby is designed to eat its mother's milk. So what is the protein level in mother's milk? It is 5%. This has been demonstrated countless times.

If the child is fed cows milk, which is much higher in protein, it is very likely to experience many disease symptoms. Cows milk is designed for a growing calf. A Calf grows to full maturity in less than two years. We humans take 20 years to grow to maturity. To be blunt, Cows milk is designed for a fast growing calf.

When we feed our children too much protein, it is like trying to force them to maturity too soon, before they are ready for it. They exhibit all sorts of symptoms. One of the most obvious is premature puberty. Many of the sources of excess protein are high in Growth Hormones that accelerate a child's body to a maturity level far beyond what they are emotionally ready for.

There are many other side effects; allergies, cancer, juvenile diabetes, early onset arthritis, ADHD, the list goes on and on.

What Kind of protein do we really need?

That is the subject of another debate. I touched on that above. When you look at our physiology it is easy to see that we were not designed to easily make use of whole protein. We were designed to get our protein in the form of amino acids.

The protein in fruits and most vegetables is in the form of amino acids. Because of this fact, it is much easier for us to make use of the protein in fruits and vegetables, since it is already in the form we need it to be in.

The protein in animal products must be broken down into amino acids before we can make use of it. Our digestive system is not equipped to do this in a timely manor, especially if we eat a large percentage of animal products at a given meal. It has been shown that if we eat leafy greens with a small amount of animal products our bodies cam make better use of them, though they are not ideal.

Another problem with animal products is that the protein has been deranged by heat. This makes it that much more difficult to digest and that much more toxic to our bodies.

So what are the results?

The obvious primary result is a high incidence of cancer and heart disease. Our bodies have to work hard to deal with this foreign protein.

It is like giving a builder defective building materials to build your house. It is likely to fall down or have some other mishap like a fire caused by defective wiring. If the bricks are sound but he mortar is not the wall could fall down if bumped or with the least vibration.

If we try to build our bodies with defective building materials, why should we be surprised when we have a defective body, or a body that is falling apart?

Diabetes is rampant in our society. In areas of China, * where they eat a diet based on whole plant foods, Diabetes is unheard of.

Our people are plagued with all sorts of allergies. Take away the animal protein and the allergies disappear. High protein levels in the blood make our bodies hyper sensitive to the toxins we are exposed to.

The Main result of a high protein diet is that our blood is too high in acid content. We were designed to have our blood on the alkaline side of neutral. We cannot tolerate an acid blood PH. To compensate our bodies rob our bones and teeth of calcium and other base minerals to neutralize the acid. This is a defensive measure. If this did not happen we would die much sooner than we do from acid poisoning.

The calcium in cow's milk has been cooked. The result is that it is inorganic. The only benefit we can get from inorganic calcium is to help neutralize acid. Inorganic calcium cannot be used to build strong bones effectively. The problem is that when combined with too much protein there is not enough calcium to neutralize the acid produced by the digestion of, foreign, deranged, whole protein.

Arthritis is caused by an acid condition in the body. As stated above this is usually caused by the consumption of animal products. Eating too much cooked food can also cause it. Cooking destroys most of the food value of otherwise healthy foods.

Protein poisoning causes Cancer. Foreign proteins in the blood are attacked by our body defense system. Cancer is the natural result of the defense and healing process. High protein levels cause cells to break away from bodily control. If the defense system is unable to destroy these cells that are out of body control, it tries to isolate them. This is what causes tumors to develop.

The Body creates tumors as a way to isolate toxins and cells that leave the control of the body. If we don't stop causing this situation, It is likely to continue. Cutting out the tumor only addresses the results, or symptoms. It does nothing to remove the cause. The same is true of radiation and chemotherapy. They do nothing about the underlying cause.

To Summarize

We need our protein from whole plant sources, in the form of amino acids, in the form and percentage we were designed for. That is living whole fruits and vegetables, or the fresh juice of the living fruits and vegetables, with their living enzymes intact. Any other source is not what we were designed for.

Ways to Tell That You May Have Arthritis

How to Understand Arthritis and Live Better as a senior Citizen?

What is arthritis?

It is a form of joint disorder that involves inflammation of one or more joints. It is a chronic disease affecting millions of people around the world therefore you are not alone my friend if you've been diagnosed with arthritis.

When Joint Cartilage Breaks Down:

Arthritis is caused by the breakdown of joint cartilage. Cartilage is the part of a joint that cushions the end of the bones and allows smooth and easy movement. As cartilage wears out (breakdown), your joint bones begin to rub against each other causing you a lot of pain and stiffness. It results in damaged ligaments, menisci, and muscles.

Types of Arthritis:

There are two types of this disorder. These are primary and secondary. The primary type is associated with the aging process. The older you become the more 'wear and tire' of life affects your ligaments, menisci, and muscles. This may result in you getting this disorder.

The secondary type can easily occur at any age as a result of specific causes such as obesity and injury.

Different Forms of Arthritis:

There are many forms of this disease. The most common and well-known is 'osteoarthritis' (otherwise called the 'degenerative joint disease'). Osteoarthritis is caused by joint trauma, infection of the joints, or old age. Rheumatoid, psoriatic, and autoimmune disease are some of the other forms.

Joints most affected by Arthritis:

Knees, hips, hands are the places where this disease likes to attack. Osteoarthritis is the form that occurs in these joints in most cases. The shoulder joints are rarely affected by this disease although it can happen. Unless caused by a severe injury other joints other than those mentioned above are not affected by this disorder.

What are the Causes of Arthritis?

Here are some of the factors that lead to this disease; age, obesity, injury, genetics or heredity, and muscle weakness.

What are the Symptoms?

The common signs and symptoms are; pain, swelling, joint stiffness and a constant ache around the affected joints.

What are the Appropriate Remedies?

With advice and help from your doctor you may want to try exercise, losing weight, and therapy. Exercise may involve dancing, swimming, strength building, aerobics and bike riding.

You can live better with it because there is Arthritis help for seniors in the form of treatment, pain management and physical activity.

Battling Obesity in America

At the time of writing this article the obesity rate in the US is over 50% (adults and children included). If the trend of obesity continues at its current rate it is expected that in less than 2 ?翻 years the obesity rate will have reached 75% with it reaching an astounding 90% by the year 2020. This epidemic is systematically dismantling the health of America.

Poor eating habits, inactivity, and other environmental influences are the main contributors to the steady climb in what is known as the obesity prevalence factor. The obesity prevalence varies from region to region and state to state. The Southern States suffer the worse from obesity, with the Midwest states coming in second. The prevalence also varies among races, with Non-Hispanic Blacks struggling worse in battling this disease and Latin Americans coming in a close second.

The impact obesity has on the health of those it effects is enormous. There are multitudinous diseases and conditions that are directly associated with obesity and will increase in prevalence and frequency if this epidemic is not addressed expeditiously. Below you will find a short list of some of the most deadly and debilitating diseases and conditions that are directly associated with obesity.

• Coronary heart disease
• Type 2 diabetes
• Cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)
• Hypertension (high blood pressure)
• Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides)
• Stroke
• Liver and Gallbladder disease
• Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
• Osteoarthritis (a degeneration of cartilage and its underlying bone within a joint)
• Gynecological problems (abnormal menses, infertility)

In addition to the devastating impact that this epidemic is having on the health of the American population, there is the exorbitant costs that are associated with dealing with this problem. It is estimated that over 200 million dollars is spent annually to deal with different aspects of the fallout of this disease. These numbers are expected to climb as the obesity prevalence rate rises.

If something is not done soon we will have an entire nation that is physically dysfunctional. Many have become aware of the magnitude of the problem, but few have been able to conquer it. There is a great deal of effort but very little in the way of success to report at this point.

To truly engage this disease in a manner that will produce significant results at a level that will result in the reversal of this trend, there will have to be a national commitment to making a lifestyle change. I hope that you will work with those you love to help them engage this terrible epidemic.

Aging and Joint Pain

Unfortunately, as we age we expect certain outcomes when it comes to our bodies. We recognize that some parts may not be exactly where they started out; functions like vision and hearing are bound to deteriorate. We have to work harder to keep our health intact, and for most of us, we expect to deal with joint pain. According to some experts, this is one area where we can put in some work and really give our bodies a gift-the gift of eased pain, or even avoiding painful joints all together.

There are steps that can be taken to keep our bodies healthy. We all know the basics even if we may not follow them as we know we should. Steps like a good diet and getting enough exercise are obvious. The benefits of these two things are touted everywhere we look, and for much more than joint pain relief. In fact, for those who are already dealing with stiff or painful joints, exercise might feel like it should be a four letter word!

As we age we should not assume that a painful joint is normal or just part of the aging process. There is always an underlying cause of joint pain. A trip to the doctor is highly recommended to help determine what is going on with the joint. By taking the time to address and determine why the pain presented itself, patients can address the pain in much more effective ways. It seems apparent that treatment for a strained joint would not be the same as treatment for a joint afflicted with arthritis. This is why it is so important to talk to your doctor and ferret out the root cause of the pain. More answers means better management of the pain, and hopefully a plan to take away the problem altogether.

An exercise routine can often make a big difference in joint pain and stiffness. Physical therapy may not seem to be the answer to pain relief. If something hurts to move, of course our natural tendency is to move it as little as possible. Getting into the habit of limiting movement in painful joint can actually be the opposite of what needs to take place to feel better. Exercise done right can make a huge difference with stiff joint and pain. Again, your doctor should be able to point you in the right direction.

So, even as we age we do not need to just accept joint pain as inevitable. Currently, there are several supplements on the market that, when added into a daily exercise habit and proper nutrition, are bringing pain relief. Most of these work by helping to restore cartilage and lubrication to the joints. Cetylated fatty acids, also known as CFAs, are one of the latest treatments to become available. Studies have shown the pain relief can be attained fairly quickly and increase with continued use. It is exciting to see science working to contribute to joint pain relief and finding success!

Stop Arthritis and Joint Pain by Eating Right

Doctors usually give people who suffer with joint pain painkillers. However, painkillers do not always work for some people. In an attempt to stay away from drugs and medications joint pain sufferers tend to turn to supplements or some type of alternative means to control their pain. Nevertheless, did you know that a growing majority of people are having success with curing their joint pain just by eating right?

When you eat the right foods, curing joint pain forever is a definite possibility.

Foods that are good for inflammation of the joints are oranges, limes, grapefruits, and lemons. These citrus fruits contain vitamin C, which is known to help people with arthritis. A good habit to form is to try staying away from too much sugar. Sugar is known to cause inflammation. Instead of drinking juice in the morning, try squeezing a lime or a lemon into a glass of water. Lemon or limewater is not only good for your joints, but it is a very refreshing drink to get your day started right.

Other foods that can benefit your joints are foods rich in bioflavonoid, which have the ability to expel toxins from the joints. Foods that are rich in bioflavonoid are apples, berries and cherries. The best way to take advantage of these joint pain-relieving foods is to blend them up into a nice refreshing smoothie.

Vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, and kale are also good for joint pain. You can prepare them by microwaving, sautéing, or steaming. Also, try cooking with lots of onions and parsley. Onions and parsley are good with alleviating pain in the joints.

Eating healthy foods will help to cure your pain, but it will also do wonders for your over-all health.

Remember; do not overcook your greens. Boil or braise them in as little water as possible. Five to ten minutes of cooking is all you need to have your greens maintain all the nutrients you need to alleviate the pain while still maintaining taste.

Use oils such as olive oil and grape seed oil that contain Alpha-linolenic acids (ALA), which is known to sooth joint pains. These oils contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Taking some form of omega 3 supplement such as fish oil or flaxseed oil is also recommended.

Hip Replacement Surgery - Helpful Gadgets That Help With Mobility Challenges

Hip replacement surgery is no fun, especially the fifth time around. Let me explain. At first my husband had his right hip replaced. After surgery, he went to rehab for a couple of weeks and when he came home he was fairly self-sufficient. A year later he had the left hip replaced. Having been through surgery just a year prior he knew what to do to speed up his recovery. We were happy to have the surgeries behind us and glad we did them. My husband could walk without the terrible pain in his hips. We of course thought this was the end of hip surgeries.

Approximately 8 years later my husband called me from work because he had terrible chills and wanted me to bring him a sweater. By the time I got to him he was not making much sense so I took him directly to the emergency room of our local hospital. After several hours it was determined he had a serious staph infection ( not MRSA fortunately) in his left hip. The doctors still don't know what caused it. He needed to have the left prostheses removed and be on antibiotics for 6 weeks. This surgery left him without a hip joint and he was unable to move his left leg. Also, being 8 years older than when he had his first surgery, he was not quite as strong as he was back then. He could not get around as well by himself as the first time around. We needed additional gadgets to help with every day tasks.

Getting in and out of the car was an ordeal because he had to twist and bend to get onto the seat. At first we put a plastic bag on the seat to make it more slippery but it kept crumbling up and falling on the floor. I finally discovered a seat that swivels and a handy bar gadget to put in the car door frame to hold on to as an aid in getting into the car (both inexpensive). Getting in and out of the car became easier and less painful.

After three months we scheduled surgery to get a new hip joint. Unfortunately the infection came back, and he had to have surgery again to wash out the infection and wait four more months for surgery without a hip joint.

Finally he had surgery, but had to wear a brace for 3 months which again limited his mobility. During that time I embarked on a search for inexpensive products to help improve his mobility and give me a break. I also found some entertaining things to do to maintain our sanity during nine months of constant togetherness. Today, he is walking with the use of a walker and the brace will be removed next month. Meanwhile, the arthritis in my hands is causing me some issues, so I think I need to find some nifty little gadgets to help me out!

If you have found yourself in a situation whereby you need a little bit of help with mobility challenges, please visit my website where you will find unique, inexpensive gadgets to help get in and out of the car, help in the bedroom and bathroom and some fun things to do.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Can Changing My Diet Offer Arthritis Pain Relief?

Modify your diet...

New research has revealed that your diet has a lot to do with how your body reacts to arthritis. For instance, certain foods are renowned for triggering inflammation of the joints, whilst others can help to reduce it and offer your natural pain relief.

And this is true of all arthritis types...

Whilst osteoarthritis ('wear and tear' arthritis) has never before been considered to be an inflammatory condition - as is the case with rheumatoid arthritis - studies have found that inflammation still plays a role in your pain management of this condition.

Luckily you can help to reduce the effects of inflammation, simply by making the following changes to your diet:

1. Balance your essential fatty acid ratio - it is a well known fact that coldwater fish, seeds and nuts are a good source for omega-3 which is good for your heart. But did you know that omega-3 can also help you to reduce inflammation?

Experts have found that increasing your omega-3 levels, whilst reducing the amount of omega-6 you consume (corn and sunflower oil, processed foods, spreads, eggs and meats) can both help to offer you some joint pain relief by decreasing inflammation.

Omega-6 in particular has been found to activate the COX-2 enzymes in your body which are responsible for joint inflammation, so by reducing the amount you have, you can reduce joint pain.

Foods to have: salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna, walnuts, flaxseed, canola oil and dark leafy greens.

2. Reduce your intake of saturated fats, refined carbs and sugars - common in red meat, full fat dairy products, butter, white bread, sugary foods, cakes and sodas, each of these nutrients can trigger inflammation according to Dr. Wahida Karmally.

Now you don't need to cut out these foods completely; however nutritionists recommend opting for leaner cuts of meat i.e. round or loin, (free of fat) and having them in small portions.

3. Get plenty of vitamins and minerals - a combination of Vitamin C and D can help to boost your immune function but more importantly reduce inflammation by inhibiting the enzymes which are responsible for breaking down cartilage in your joints.

Aim to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, and foods fortified in Vitamin D such as fatty fish (tuna, mackerel, krill), milk, cereals and orange juice. Also try to bulk up on your fibre.

4. Maintain a healthy weight - becoming overweight can worsen your arthritic pain and risk of inflammation. For this reason, it is important that you reduce your intake of foods which are high in sugar, saturated fat and refined carbs as these high calorie foods can lead to weight gain.

In fact, research has found that by losing 10lbs you can reduce knee and hip related pain caused by arthritis.

5. Adopt a Mediterranean diet - enrich in antioxidants, phytochemical-rich fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, healthy oils and fish, Mediterranean diets are notoriously lower in saturated fats and red meat, making it the ideal diet to reduce inflammation and encourage joint pain relief.

6. Choose a sustainable diet - for this reduction in inflammation to remain positive, it is important that you view your new diet as being sustainable and for life. These dietary changes are not a quick fix, but must be consistently maintained in order for you to experience long term joint pain relief.

Simply changing your diet can offer your body the much needed support it needs to take control of your arthritis and free your joints from the discomfort of aches, pains and inflammation.

Just remember to keep the above suggestions in mind and ultimately make sure you adopt a healthier approach to your eating habits.

Joint Relief Supplements For Elbow Pain

Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other musculoskeletal diseases can make for a bleak future if you do not stay on top of your joint health. The elbow is one of most common areas that take a beating from joint pains. Understanding where the pain is coming from is important when trying to find a way to treat the problem. Most of the causes of elbow pain are there because of age. Growing older is one of the main causes of arthritis and it can happen to either men or women. Conquering arthritis is up to you. Changing your daily lifestyle and adding supplements to your diet is the best way to find joint relief in your elbow.

Symptoms that you have joint problems are swelling and bruises on your arm or on the joint, inability to use full motion of your arm (can't straighten your arm all the way, can't bend it in all the way, can't flex muscles), pain or discomfort while you are resting or at night time, pains that last for more than a few days, and inability to lift items or carry them.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, then you may be experiencing a chronic pain called arthritis or osteoarthritis. Thankfully, the disease can be treated. Don't be discouraged by the discomfort and stiffened motion. There are literally millions of people that deal with the same challenges. Chronic pain is not something that can heal on its own or goes away over time; you have to do something about it.

Taking joint supplements can help improve the overall condition of your joints. Not only will they help build and support your elbow joints, but they will improve the function of all your joints-from your hands and wrists to your feet and knees. The supplements are made with high quality extracts that have the natural ability to help protect your existing cartilage and slow down the break down process. They can take cartilage from shellfish and help your body produce healthy cushioning between your bones. Ingredients like glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate work together to help naturally add natural protective tissues. The proteoglycans that surround your joints can benefit by adding these two ingredients. They help improve the cushion and shock needed to give your joints free movement. It is important that the collagen in your body is capable of absorbing shock.

Supplements are a great addition to anyone's diet. They help soothe elbow pains and keep your joints moving freely.

Managing Arthritis Pain - Calcium and Vitamins

Arthritis is a complex disorder that comprises more than 100 distinct conditions and can affect people at any stage of life. Two of the most common forms are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. These two forms have very different causes, risk factors, and effects on the body. The most common symptom in both is persistent joint pain. The joint pain of arthritis can appear as hip pain, knee pain, hand pain, or wrist pain, as well as joint pain in other areas of the body.

For most people arthritis pain and inflammation cannot be avoided as the body ages. Joints naturally degenerate over time. Fortunately, arthritis can be managed through a combination of vitamins, medication, exercise, rest, weight-management, nutrition, and, in some cases, surgery. Arthritis is a chronic disease that will be with you for a long time and possibly for the rest of your life. Your treatments will probably change over time and medication may be adjusted. Having a positive mental outlook and the support of family and friends will help you live with arthritis and be able to continue to perform your daily activities.

Before going any further, it is important that you remember to discuss any and all vitamins and supplements with your doctor before adding anything to your diet. Though it is not common, some vitamins and supplements can have adverse reactions with medications you may already be taking. Do not stop taking any prescribed medications without first talking to your doctor.

As an alternative to getting your RDA through diet, many people now take vitamin supplements. The following list of vitamins are known to be especially beneficial to arthritis sufferers:

Vitamin B5 - When grouped together B vitamins work at their peak, B5 specifically being good for reducing swelling.

Vitamin B3 - This vitamin reduces tissue swelling and dilates small arteries, improved grip strength and joint mobility and increasing blood flow. Note that Vitamin B3 is NOT advised for persons with high blood pressure, gout or sliver disorders.

Vitamin B6 - Another B that reduces tissue swelling. B-6 shrinks the synovial membranes that line the weight-bearing surfaces of the joints. It thus helps to control pain and to restore mobility in the elbows, shoulders, knees and other joints.

Vitamin B12 - This vitamin aids in multiple functions. It helps with cell formation, digestion, myelin production, nerve protection.

Vitamin C - This vitamin acts as an anti-inflammatory, relieving pain, and rids the body of free radicals. In addition to reducing inflammation, vitamin C also helps form collagen, the protein "glue" that holds cells together. Collagen is especially important in connective tissue to insure healthy ligaments, cartilage, tendons and the joints themselves.

Vitamin E - This is a strong antioxidant that protects joints from free radicals while increases joint flexibility.

Vitamin K - This vitamin assists with mineral deposit into the bone matrix.

Selenium and Zinc- The antioxidant nutrients such as selenium and zinc might also be effective because of their ability to stop free radical damage to joint linings that in turn causes the accumulation of fluids, swelling and associated pain.

Chondroitin - the key structural component in cartilage and plays an important role in the maintenance of joint cartilage.

These guidelines will help you evaluate supplements to relieve arthritis symptoms. If used under the guidance of your physician, you may find a dietary supplement to compliment your current arthritis therapy regimen. You just need the right information to help you separate potentially useful supplements from the rest.

Copyright 2006

Do You Think You May Have Degenerative Knee Problems? Consider Using Knee Braces!

Degenerative knee problems are also called osteoarthritis (OA) and degenerative joint disease (DJD). It may start with stiffness and swelling of the joint but may eventually develop into severe deformity of the joint so that even walking becomes an ordeal.

There are several ways to treat DJD depending on the age of the patient and the severity of the condition. You can check on the following case studies so you will be able to make the right choice for the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Case I: Beth's Story

Beth was only 42 when she twisted her right knee. It had swollen and she then felt excruciating pain. As a first aid measure, she used an ice pack to alleviate the pain but it continued to get worse. She decided to see the doctor and was diagnosed to have osteoarthritis. The doctor then recommended that she wear knee braces for added support.

Beth sought a second opinion and the doctor advised her to undergo knee surgery which involved complete knee replacement. She did not have any medical insurance that would cover the cost of the operation. Furthermore, there was still no guarantee that surgery could help the knee become fully functional again and the doctor could not assure her as well that she will be free from pain.

In the end, Beth opted to take the advice of the first doctor, and it turned out that she made the right choice. The knee braces provided comfort and support to her knees. Today Beth is able to do her daily activities.

Case II: Dave's Story

Dave is a softball player all his life. He was 53 when he developed pain in both knees but he noticed that the right knee was worse. He was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and he opted to get surgery.

Dave had full right knee replacement, undergone rehabilitation, and was subsequently off from work for nearly a year. The right knee did work well but the left knee occasionally gave him discomfort. Instead of opting for another surgery, he treated it conservatively and used knee braces. He also performed some of the exercises he had learned from the rehab. Today, Dave walks with ease and still uses the knee brace on his left knee. He does not recommend surgery to anyone.

It is always best fit to opt for conservative treatment methods that can help ease out the discomforts of degenerative knee problems without any adverse effect. Based on the two cases, conservative methods of treatment, combined with knee braces, are extremely effective.

It is important, however, to seek for professional help if you think you may have osteoarthritis or if you experience severe pain in your knees. This article is for health information and should not be seen as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional.

Everything You Need To Know About Degenerative Disc Disease

Not long ago, back pain was often attributed to a torn or slipped disc. Although we now realize this is not the case for the majority of back-pain patients, disc conditions do cause back pain. Of these cases, the majority of disc problem relates to degenerative disc disease.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) results when the nucleus of the disc loses water, causing small tears to develop. The body responds by forming bone spurs, also known as osteophytes, along the edges of the vertebrae, which then causes the disc space to narrow. People with family members who have degenerative disc disease are more likely to develop it, but the condition my also be caused by injury or trauma.

Spinal Discs

Also known as annuli fibrosis, spinal discs are similar to ligaments with thick outer rings that attach to the top and bottom part of each vertebra. These discs are responsible for shock absorption, which protects the spinal cord and maintains the spine's flexibility.

Spinal discs contain nucleus pulposis, a jelly-like substance which consists of water, primarily. The nucleus pulposis works as shock absorption, acting as the primary agent to direct vertebrae movement.

Other Common Disc Problems

So-called bulges of the disc are caused by small tears in the outermost fibers of an annulus fibrosis. These tears may result in pain, although they don't usually last for prolonged periods.

Herniation, or disc protrusion, results in more serious injury. In this case, the fibers of the annulus are significantly torn, with nucleus leaks. A herniation is not only painful, but it can also cause compression of the nerves. The spinal cord itself may become compressed in the most acute cases.

Signs and Symptoms of Disc Complications

The following signs of disc problems are common: pain in the neck or back, pain in the leg or arm, general stiffness, and tenderness in the spine/spinal muscles.

However, if you experience pronounced bladder or bowel difficulties, loss of sensation in the buttocks and/or arms, fever with your back pain, or severe weakness and inability to walk or move your arms, seek immediate care.

The Diagnosis of Disc Problems

Typically, disc problems are diagnosed by assessing the patient's thorough history and through a physical examination, which evaluates the nervous as well as the musculoskeletal systems. In the evaluation, your chiropractic doctor might place your back, arms, and legs in various positions and apply pressure to the joints.

A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be used, as it is deemed very helpful in the diagnosis of disc problems. Alternatively, an X-ray might be taken, depending on your symptoms.

Treatment of Degenerative Disc Disease

The majority of cases are easily, and effectively, treated with conservative care. Your doctor of chiropractic will most likely employ several different approaches to help control the pain. They may include:

  • Ice and heat therapy. Both ice and heat are helpful in managing acute low-back pain.

  • An appropriate plan for physical movement. Movement is critical to your recovery. Studies show that patients who are inactive for prolonged periods take longer to recover and the long-term results are worse.

  • Spinal manipulation as employed by doctors of chiropractic. Spinal manipulation is a safe and effective tool in the management of disc problems.

Spine surgery and injections should be seen as the last resort, and only for the most acute cases. Likely, however, these intrusive measures are not necessary in the management of disc problems, and their collateral effects can present another set of problems to the degenerative disc disorder patient.

Prevention of Disc Disorders

  • Aim to be physically active by exercising regularly. Walking, swimming, or tai chi, are just some of the exercise options that will help you in staying physically fit. Your doctor of chiropractic can assist you in designing a specific exercise regimen for your individual needs.

  • Strive to maintain correct posture at all times. When you sit down, stand up, work, exercise, and lie down, make sure you're aware of your posture.

  • When lifting objects, bend your knees, keeping objects close to your body. Make sure to also keep your back straight and lift with your legs, so not to put strain on your body. Do not lift objects by twisting or leaning. This is a sure-fire way to provoke back injury.

Chiropractic Can Help

Your chiropractic doctor has many tools to help address and treat your spinal disc problems. Rehabilitative exercises, heat/ice therapy, spinal manipulation, and dietary recommendations are effective methods for the treatment of degenerative disc disease.

Can an Earache Be Caused by Stress?

Having an earache is no picnic and even though most individuals experience them rather frequently as babies or toddlers, when adults get them they can tend to be somewhat unbearable. Any parent knows many little ones get them as a result of drinking bottles or Sippy cups while lying down and form other germs, but why would an adult get one? Can an Earache be caused by stress?

The answer to this question is yes, but not directly caused by stress. When a person is stressed they often engage in other habits to diffuse their stress levels which will result in causing themselves to obtain an earache. For example, if you happen to be in the midst of a stressful day then you tend to have problems sitting still. You result in tapping your feet, chewing on pens or pencils, chewing on gum for long periods of time, grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw. When you're stressed and you continuously engage in these nervous behaviors, you can begin to experience earaches or symptoms of TMJ from causing all the pressure in the jaw, facial muscles and most importantly the ears.

To avoid getting earaches caused by stress, take a look at your life at what changes you need to make to diffuse that stress. Engage in healthier habits to overcome it such as exercise, reading or even relaxing in front of the television for a little while to give your body and your mind a rest. There are several other situations that cause earaches and the stress you endure simply triggers it also. Swimmers who experience swimmers ear and pressure built up the ears also suffer from earaches as adults. To offset these infractions you must be use when engaging in water activities and wear the appropriate ear plugs to prevent the water from entering the ear canals. The beginning signs of an earache are pressure and tightness in the jaw muscles and even at times a headache. When you experience these warning signs you need to treat them right away and seek medical attention if they do not subside with any over the counter medications or home remedies.

Earaches are a nuisance and they can be expected to hang around from anywhere from an hour to days depending on what caused the earache. Try to sleep with your head higher than the rest of your body at all times by using two pillows if necessary to drain out the ears and keep other fluids and toxins from going into the ear canals and causing even more pressure and more pain inside the ears. If you suffer from TMJ which is a common disorder in which the jaw muscles are not allowing you to open your mouth the entire way or to chew foods without it making a cracking sound, then many times that is the root of your pain and not an earache caused by stress, making it worth your time to have your doctor evaluate the issue and find the best treatment options for you.

Inflammation of the Hip - What Can Help?

Inflammation of the hip is a problem far too common to ignore. It is one of the most difficult conditions to go through, as it is not only painful but can affect mobility as well. Here are some of the common conditions that cause hip inflammation and what can be done about it.

Arthritis. The most common cause for inflamed hips is arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a difficult and debilitating disease characterized by pain, discomfort and stiffness not only of the hip, but the thigh, groin and lower back as well. Osteoarthritis is also a leading cause of hip inflammation, and is caused by the breakdown of cartilage in the joint of the pelvic area.

Hip Fractures. Breaking of the hip bone due to accidents or fall can lead to a painful inflammation in the hip area.

Strains. The muscles in the hip area can get strained due to sudden twist or pull. When the muscles get strained, an unbearable pain will be experienced, coupled with swelling and inflammation.

Bursitis. This condition is actually an inflammation of the bursa - the fluid-filled sacs founds in between muscles, joints and tendons. Inflammation of the bursa in the hip area causes severe pain during pressure or movement.

Treating Hip Inflammation through Conventional Medications

Traditional medications for hip inflammations and practically any type of inflammation include steroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opiate-based pain relievers. Although they are effective in managing inflammation, they are oftentimes not advised for use on a long-term basis.

Continued use of NSAIDs may have the potential to increase the body's resistance so that higher doses will be needed for the effect to kick in. The use of steroids and opiate pain relievers can have the potential for serious side effects such as possible addiction as well as mood disorders and health problems.

Natural Help for Inflammation

If you want a natural way out of that painful inflammation of the hip, here are a few tips to follow, after consulting with your doctor and getting his or her agreement:

1. Go for an anti-inflammatory diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables, healthier fats, and legumes. Avoid foods rich in trans fats and saturated fatty acids as they can enhance the production of inflammatory prostaglandins.

2. Exercise regularly, if you can. Exercise will help keep the joints of the hip mobile, healthy and flexible.

3. Load on vitamins and minerals. Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, and zinc can help provide your body with the necessary nutrients to fight off free radicals that can attack the joints of the hip and create further damage.

Fish Oil for Hip Inflammation

Omega 3 fatty acids richly found in fish oils have a proven potential to help reduce inflammation of the hip in some healthy individuals. Fish oil contains essential fatty acids like DHA and EPA which are responsible for the production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins that may help the body to ward off pain, swelling and inflammation. Fish oils also offers additional health benefits such as better heart health, etc.

Ask your doctor about pure concentrated fish oil to help relieve inflammation of the hip.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

How Can I Get Rid Of My Jaw Pain?

Cures for TMJ disorder (Temporomandibular joint disorder) can be found for all TMJ patients. For some people, the hard part may be finding a doctor or dentist in your area with experience in successfully treating TMJ patients. The main reason for the difficulty in finding a TMJ doctor is there are no medical or dental "qualified" experts specially trained to treat the TMJ disorder. There are also no established standards for the treatment of TMJ.

But there are treatment plans that can offer cures for TMJ. Your first step is to try and locate a doctor with TMJ experience. You may need to network and seek out other patients in your area to see which clinics or doctors they are using. It never hurts to get several different opinions from doctors and dentists.

You should proceed with caution though and start with relaxation and therapeutic exercises that, if they are not successful, can be reversed if they need to be. For most people, exercises are all that's needed to provide cures for TMJ. It's also very helpful to treat the underlying cause of your TMJ disorder. There are other causes for TMJ but the most common cause is stress, tension, or anxiety.

What happens is some people will clench the muscles in their jaw or grind their teeth subconsciously or in their sleep. Over time, the teeth can become worn down or chipped, the jaw muscles will become stressed and sore, and the disc in the joint that separates bone on bone contact can wear out. These things can cause dozens of different symptoms.

The TMJ disorder is a physical condition and most physical conditions can be successfully treated using physical therapy. If a doctor suggests surgery to correct your problem you should definitely seek other opinions especially if stress is the root cause of your TMJ disorder. It would be much less expensive, less invasive, and less painful if your cure for TMJ was brought about by learning and practicing some stress reducing therapies and TMJ exercises that relax, repair, and strengthen the muscles and tendons in your TMJ.

If stress is the root cause of your TMJ it would be important to reduce your stress because the gains you realized from any physical therapy exercises (or even surgery) that helped you would be reversed each night while you continue to grind your teeth in your sleep. You can reduce your stress levels by learning some Yoga breathing exercises and reducing your daily "to-do" list. You could also learn to paint or play a musical instrument (but not one that requires you to blow into it).

You may also want to adjust your diet to exclude foods that are hard and crunchy like nuts or raw vegetables. You shouldn't be chewing gum with this condition or eating any foods that are very chewy. Also, if you have a habit of biting your nails or chewing on pencils or toothpicks you will want to change that.

The absolute best advice for anyone with the TMJ disorder is to find a doctor or dentist with experience that will design a comprehensive treatment plan which is custom designed for your condition that offers cures for TMJ.

TMJ Pain Relief

One in four Americans suffers from TMJ or TMD symptoms. The symptoms can range from clicking of the joint when opening to severe debilitating pain. Not only can the TMJ be affected, the back of the head, shoulders, neck can also be affected. Less recognized areas affected are: pain in the lower back and tingling in the tips of fingers and toes. If symptoms are left untreated the acute symptoms can become chronic leading to arthritis, reduced motion in the limbs and extremely cold sensation in the hands and legs. These symptoms may be temporary running their course with no recurrence or can last for years.

So, what is responsible for TMJ pain and other associated areas of discomfort? One of the main factors in TMJ pain is stress or emotional upheavals. This can cause clenching and/or bruxism (grinding) of the teeth. Trauma to the jaw joint is also responsible for a great number of TMJ disorders. Even a small blow to the joint can create this inflammatory response. Dental issues can also be responsible for TMJ pain. Ill fitting dentures, tooth removal or any minor or major dental surgery, missing teeth, advent of premolars and growth of wisdom teeth are some of the dental issues that can result in TMJ pain.

This causes the muscles surrounding the TMJ joint to become inflamed and tighten. Over a period of time, the stress on the tensed muscles, put pressure on the joint which can cause the muscles to shorten and result in misalignment of the joint.

Since the causes of TMJ disorder vary, the approach to treating TMJ disorders should be multi dimensional. There are a wide variety of treatment options available for TMJ pain, ranging from simple exercises, nutritional changes to complicated surgical corrective surgeries.

Natural cures for TMJ pain and disorder cause little or no side effects and many times little or no out of pocket. Probably the easiest and one of the most effective remedies would be proper diet. Not only is proper diet good for the rest of the body getting some essential nutrients will relax the muscles that have tightened which in turn reduces the pain. Water is one of the keys. When dehydrated, the muscles will tense up. Not drinking enough water and/or drinking high caffeinated drinks (dehydrating) will keep the body in a constant state of dehydration which tenses the muscles. Hydrating the body relaxes the muscles thus relieving the pain. Also magnesium rich foods and calcium relax muscles.

Relaxation exercises relax the muscles around the jaw, neck, shoulders etc reducing the pain associated with tense muscles. Take your fist and clench the fist as hard as you can, after a short period of time those muscles become very fatigued. That is what happens with the muscles associated around the TMJ. Now relax the fist, just opening your fist slightly and feel how the muscles relax and the pain goes away. The point is relaxing exercises will relax those muscles around the TMJ, relieving the pain.

Other natural cures include: massage, acupuncture, meditation and hypnotherapy.

One or more of these natural cures not only will help relief TMJ pain, but also can cure the symptoms for good.

Joint Pain Relief - What is the Best Natural Joint Pain Relief Solution?

Overview on Joint Pain

Joint pain and stiffness is often a symptom of old age but perhaps it is the result of an active lifestyle. Constant physical activity, whether it be work or play related can effect the way you move and interact with the environment. This can be a painful disadvantage in ones life as it may seem like you are not doing the same things that you love and enjoy and consider not doing them because it is a solution to joint pain. This can even cause mental strain as you find yourself resigned to the armchair and becoming more inactive than you and others would like. Sounds like a bit of a sob story I know, but Joint pain can also be more subtle, perhaps you find yourself not being able to do normal activities because of pain in your wrist (from excessive typing perhaps) and not even know it. For these reasons among others, people look for the best joint pain relief solution. There are many joint pain solutions out there on the market and it should be noted that, extensive research should be undergone so that an informed decision can be made on what the best joint pain solution is for you.

treatment options for joint pain and management

A popular treatment that is often prescribed by doctors is aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs. These are proven to help reduce pain as a result of joint strain but do not manage the problem. It may seem like you can do more as there is no pain barrier but the problem of damage to cartilage in the joints remain and so more extensive damage might be done to the joints.

Because of the above reasons among others, more and more people are looking for the best natural solution to joint pain as an alternative to simple pain relief medication. There is more emphasis on anti-inflammation, pain management and strengthening of the joints through natural ingredients such as vitamin D, fatty acids, and glucosamine.

With knowledge of these natural ingredients that aid in the management of joint pain, perhaps a simple change in diet will be sufficient in reducing joint pain and may seem like a cheaper and more effective solution than medication. However there are scientifically proven natural solutions to joint pain which have proven to be very effective in joint pain, whether it be chronic or just annoying enough to hinder everyday life.

Banish Pain In Hip Joints For Good

Pain in hip joints is extremely common and can be caused by a wide variety of mechanisms. Growing old gracefully sounds like a pretty good plan, but with joint pain as a constant companion, being graceful is easier said than done. Aches and pains may be something you've learned to live with over time but they don't have to be. Effective, natural and safe treatment is available for not only hip pain but for every joint pain you may be suffering.

Finally getting rid of the nagging symptoms that continually remind us of the passage of chronological time can be a totally life changing experience. There is no reason to feel as old (or older) than the date on your driver's license. Getting older does not have to be accompanied by a loss of mobility, especially when joint health becomes a priority.

As a classical guitarist or a concert pianist, arthritis or bursitis can spell the end of a loved avocation (and the beautiful music, too). Joint pain in the fingers or shoulders is not just uncomfortable but, for some, can be debilitating. If you make your living with your arms and hands, as a carpenter, seamstress or computer programmer for example, it can make your daily work life miserable.

Pain in hip joints is especially troublesome because not only is the pain pronounced and nearly constant but it also makes it difficult just to get around. It is not uncommon for someone with severe hip pain to be practically confined to his or her residence, unable to even go out for a leisurely walk in the park or down the beach. This shouldn't be and, in many cases, needed be. There are alternatives.

Pain in hip joints may be caused by:

(1) ARTHRITIS is one of the most common causes
(2) BURSITIS is also a very common cause
(3) OSTEONECROSIS causes low blood flow to the hip area
(4) TENDONITIS occurs in tendons surrounding the hip joint

Unfortunately, sufferers of joint pain find themselves having to choose between "biting the bullet" and bucking up against the pain or turning to medications to dull the effect. Those who choose drugs open themselves up to a whole new slate of side effects often brought along by the remedy itself. It's a vicious cycle, really. Now here comes the good news.

Natural treatment is available that has been proven effective in relieving joint pain but does not bring the side effects common with prescription pain killers or even over the counter pain relievers. Natural ingredients like Glucosamine Complex, Chondroitin Sulfate, Ginger Root and White Willow Bark, when combined together with certain other elements in precise proportions, can bring relief to aching joints like axle grease to a squeaky wheel.

Pain in hip joints is often associated with the elderly, but anyone can fall victim to this painful problem. The inability to walk comfortably or to even sit or lie down without constant, nagging discomfort affects the whole body's health. This is something for which relief is available. Look into it.

Knee Ache Causes - What's Really Going On? - Get the Support to Move On

How are your knees feeling?

Do you have pain now, or does it come and go?

The knee, one of the largest and most intricate joints in the body, is often taken for granted. People use their knees ever day in almost every activity they perform. Yet, they do not usually think much about their knees unless they start to hurt. When the aching starts, the knee suddenly becomes the focus of your attention, and finding and eliminating knee ache causes becomes a priority. - Can you relate?

So what are some of the most common knee ache causes? Of course, only a qualified physician can tell you for certain what is causing your knee ache.

What follows is a short list of some of the more frequent knee ache causes:

1.) Degenerative Arthritis: Otherwise known as Osteoarthritis, this condition results in a wearing away of the cartilage in the knee joint that prevents the painful rubbing of bone against bone upon movement. It usually occurs with age, and is a progressive condition. You can feel the symptoms on one side of your knee, or throughout the joint. This is one of the most common knee ache causes.

2.) Rheumatoid Arthritis: Unlike Osteoarthritis, this condition can occur at any age. It causes inflammation and stiffness within the knee joint, which in turn causes knee ache.

3.) Overuse of the Knee: One of the most typical knee ache causes is simple overuse. Athletes are prone to overuse, but so is the average active person, especially if they are performing an activity not part of their usual routine. Overuse causes the muscles and tendons to become overworked and strained, which in turn results in knee ache.

4.) Chondromalacia Patellae: This condition occurs when the cartilage under the kneecap (patella) becomes softened or worn, and the kneecap consequently fails to move smoothly over the joint as it meant to. It is one of the most well known of knee ache causes.

5.) Bursitis: This condition occurs when the bursae (small fluid filled sacks) that protect the knee joint at various points where the muscles and tendons move over the bone become inflamed. The inflammation can occur from overuse, injury or even infection, and cause pain problems.

6.) Synovitis: This condition, which is an inflammation of the lining of the joint, in not as common as the other knee pain causes, but carries the same symptoms of achiness.

Whatever the cause of your aches and pains, a knee brace, when used properly, can help reduce the friction and pressure on the knee joint, thus reducing pain stemming from any of the conditions noted above, plus the others not mentioned here. A knee support can also help keep the knee properly aligned which will in turn help reduce the stress on the knee joint, knee cap and cartilage underneath. Regardless of the cause of the knee ache, therefore, the use of a knee brace can help relieve your symptoms.

We hope that your pains disappears by itself, but if it does not, the problems can get worse. If you have knee pain, it is time to look it in the eye, and do something to get rid of it. Knee supports are low cost options to helping you deal with your knee issues. They are great because you can start using them right away to help rid yourself of your instability and pain issues. You deserve to get rid of your pain, don't you?

Monday, February 3, 2014

Bruxism: Symptoms and Treatments for Teeth Grinding


Bruxism is defined as clenching or grinding the teeth and putting excessive pressure on one's jaw. If jaw clenching and teeth grinding become habitual, a very painful condition called Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome--TMJ--can result. Unfortunately, individuals suffering from Bruxism seldom realize what they are doing until symptoms arise. These include earache, clicking in the jaw, headaches and dental problems such as stress fractures in or more teeth. Some patients with severe Bruxism experience stress fractures in virtually every tooth, especially molars. Eventually the condition can also lead to a misalignment of the jaw.

Many times, those who clench or grind their teeth, do so while sleeping, and this aspect of bruxism presents a particular challenge since it is an unconscious activity. The specific cause for the disorder is unknown, however, most experts agree that stress plays a significant role in its development.

Bruxism Treatments

If someone has recently begun to experience bruxism, there may be time to treat it with simple remedies, before a destructive, long-term pattern has been established. One of the best things a person can do is to consciously relax the jaw muscle. This can be done by simply parting the lips enough so that the teeth do not touch. Another tip some dentists recommend is to place the very end of the tongue forward between the upper and lower teeth. The pinching of the tongue will alert the person as soon as his or her jaw begins to close.

A moist heating pack can help to reduce pain, as well as relax the jaw muscle. Compresses should be kept in place for 15 minutes, and when removed, one should slowly open and close his or her jaw 15-20 times in order to keep the muscle flacid.

Some doctors prescribe a muscle relaxer which will help to maintain slackness in the jaw muscle. This is especially helpful when taken at night, since the other remedies cannot be utilized while one is sleeping. In addition to the aforementioned medication, a person's doctor may recommend that a mouth-guard be worn while sleeping.

When a person has suffered from bruxism for a long time, the muscles in the jaw will increase in size. Unfortunately, this can lead to a widening of the jaw, which will alter the shape of the face, giving it a square, unattractive appearance. Cosmetic clinics such as The Victorian Cosmetic Institute offer effective treatments to correct this undesirable side effect of Bruxism. These jaw slimming procedures are aimed at restoring the person's face to its original shape and appearance, before the damage from bruxism occurred. The change can be dramatic, and anyone suffering from this condition should consider having such a procedure in order to look and feel better, as well as restore his or her self-esteem.