Unfortunately, as we age we expect certain outcomes when it comes to our bodies. We recognize that some parts may not be exactly where they started out; functions like vision and hearing are bound to deteriorate. We have to work harder to keep our health intact, and for most of us, we expect to deal with joint pain. According to some experts, this is one area where we can put in some work and really give our bodies a gift-the gift of eased pain, or even avoiding painful joints all together.
There are steps that can be taken to keep our bodies healthy. We all know the basics even if we may not follow them as we know we should. Steps like a good diet and getting enough exercise are obvious. The benefits of these two things are touted everywhere we look, and for much more than joint pain relief. In fact, for those who are already dealing with stiff or painful joints, exercise might feel like it should be a four letter word!
As we age we should not assume that a painful joint is normal or just part of the aging process. There is always an underlying cause of joint pain. A trip to the doctor is highly recommended to help determine what is going on with the joint. By taking the time to address and determine why the pain presented itself, patients can address the pain in much more effective ways. It seems apparent that treatment for a strained joint would not be the same as treatment for a joint afflicted with arthritis. This is why it is so important to talk to your doctor and ferret out the root cause of the pain. More answers means better management of the pain, and hopefully a plan to take away the problem altogether.
An exercise routine can often make a big difference in joint pain and stiffness. Physical therapy may not seem to be the answer to pain relief. If something hurts to move, of course our natural tendency is to move it as little as possible. Getting into the habit of limiting movement in painful joint can actually be the opposite of what needs to take place to feel better. Exercise done right can make a huge difference with stiff joint and pain. Again, your doctor should be able to point you in the right direction.
So, even as we age we do not need to just accept joint pain as inevitable. Currently, there are several supplements on the market that, when added into a daily exercise habit and proper nutrition, are bringing pain relief. Most of these work by helping to restore cartilage and lubrication to the joints. Cetylated fatty acids, also known as CFAs, are one of the latest treatments to become available. Studies have shown the pain relief can be attained fairly quickly and increase with continued use. It is exciting to see science working to contribute to joint pain relief and finding success!
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