Saturday, June 15, 2013

Bruxism Relief - Stopping Teeth Grinding, Bruxism And TMJ

Bruxism is a sleeping disorder where a person asleep is grinding their teeth. Most people don't know that they have bruxism, of course because you're asleep while you are doing it. But some people may mention it to you that you grind your teeth while you are sleeping and it is becoming a bother to them, especially with your partner. It doesn't only happen in the night, it can also happen during the day. It is not only irritating but can also cause side effects to the person and it commonly shows during stressful times. Although it is something that you are not aware of when you are sleeping, you can still treat bruxism.

Grinding your teeth can make you break or lose your teeth especially when you do it very strongly. After a while, bruxers experience pain in their jaw, ear and head. And it doesn't stop there; eventually you can also have eating disorder, insomnia and depression. So you have to stop teeth grinding before it leads to a more serious problem.

Although some people may think that grinding your teeth while you sleep is just a normal reflex, it is not and it is a habit that was subconsciously developed over time. So if it is not a reflex then you can treat bruxism. Some may even have a habit of clenching their teeth especially when they are under a lot of stress and they're anxious. If you notice that you are clenching your teeth, then you can relax and unclench it.

Bruxism is also a symptom of a TMJ disorder. So it would be best if you try to find a TMJ cure that would also help you stop teeth grinding. Available cures for teeth grinding do not solve the main cause of the problem but it alleviates the condition. One of the many cures is the mouth guard. It is used by placing splints between the upper and the lower teeth to prevent them from contact. It is only a temporary solution though because it doesn't really solve the problem. The mouth guard won't stay long if you constantly use it and it also costs around $200-$600.

So you have to know first the real cause of your problem in order to solve it. If the root cause of your problem is TMJ disorder then you have to find a TMJ cure and like a domino effect, your bruxism is also cured!

Provailen - Joint Pain Relief Supplement - A Review

Provailen is a popular joint pain reliever that promises permanent relief from Arthritis. Does it really work? There are various anti-inflammatory arthritis pain relievers that claim to help you get rid of joint pains but not all of them actually deliver on their promise.

Let's have a look at what exactly causes joint pain

Arthritis is a disease caused by inflammation of joints in our body. It is a kind of natural wear and tear of our joint bones but there are several other factors that aggravate the situation. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis but the most common type is Inflammatory arthritis which is caused when the lubricating liquid of joints also known as synovium gets inflamed due to aging, sedentary lifestyle, weak immune system and many other factors. Due to inflammation, thin synovium laye becomes thick and makes the joint swollen and painful.

Joint pain relief supplements usually give you instant relief from pain but the real cause of pain remains there. Provailen is a new clinically proven 3 in formula that works at the root of the pain and cures it permanently.

How Provailen works.

Provailen is made of 3 natural ingredients that boost your immune system, strengthen your joint muscles. It also improves the blood flow to small veins that aggravate the joint pains. As the product is made of 100% natural ingredients, there are no side effects and it claims to cure arthritis pain permanently because of its 3 pronged strategy.

Not many OTC anti-inflammatory drugs can claim to be 100% safe and natural. Normally anti-inflammatory drugs cause several side effects like headache, digestive problem, kidney damage, liver damage, poor sleep patterns etc. There are people who prefer to bear the pain of joints instead of risking their overall health by taking these drugs.

Arthritis is a disease that can hinder opportunities in life but with the right treatment or medication it can be prevented and even stopped. Natural supplements are some of the many regimens that can help increase the productivity of patients with arthritis.

Provailen arthritis pain reliever is obviously the first choice for those who want to get rid of their joint pain permanently. Currently it is manufactured by RDK global of USA in a FDA approved facility. Another most important point about Provailen is that you can take it with your existing medication also. It does not interfere with any medicine therefore it is 100% safe.

Why Do I Experience Joint Pain After Exercise And How Can I Stop This From Happening?

If you routinely suffer from joint pain after exercise sessions, you need to know that you are most definitely not the only one. Millions of people, both young and old, end up with painful joints after they have been doing exercise, although it is of course more prevalent amongst people over the age of forty.

As is to be expected, the pain can range from mild to severe, regardless of the type of exercise one is doing. In elderly people, arthritis is very often the culprit, but not always. Certain medications can also cause joint pain, although many doctors are reluctant to acknowledge this.

Statins are a good example of drugs than can cause joint discomfort. You probably would not see mention of this in the list of possible side effects, but it does happen. There are tens of thousands of people who have begun experiencing joint pain shortly after their doctors have put them on statins in order to lower their cholesterol levels.

Coincidentally, patients will usually first begin feeling joint pain after exercise, but then as time passes, the pain tends to become more and more consistent until eventually they have to take medication for the pain as well. Although people can have high cholesterol at any age, it is usually older people who are affected the most, and of course this makes it easy for doctors to blame arthritis for any joint pain.

Having said all that, arthritis is of course the biggest culprit, and it is certainly responsible in the vast majority of cases. I would even go as far as saying that if you have not sustained any injuries, and you are not taking any prescription drugs, then it is almost certainly arthritis that's causing the pain you are experiencing.

Some forms of arthritis can progress very quickly if left unchecked, and they can have a severe impact on the quality of your life. If you suspect that you may have arthritis, it is imperative that you see a doctor for advice as soon as possible. If your suspicions are confirmed, you will be given prescription drugs which are actually quite effective at slowing the disease down, and you will be given medication for the pain.

Naturally there are countless people who try to avoid prescription drugs whenever possible, and many have found they are able to control their arthritis with natural remedies, and with the help of certain exercises. New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel extract is said to be very effective, and many people combine this with a daily fish oil supplement as well.

All people are different, so just because a particular remedy works for one person, that does not necessarily mean it will definitely work for you. If you try this approach, and you find it does not provide the type of results you want, just move on and try something else.

A Fresh Perspective on Degenerative Disc Disease

Medical science has gone out of its way to promote the idea that degenerative disc disease is some abnormal and harmful condition which typically causes pain and disability in the spines of affected patients. However, DDD is actually a universal and completely expected part of the aging process and is virtually never the actual source of any significant pain or related neurological symptoms.

The actual words "degenerative disc disease" are incredibly frightening and conjure up visions of spinal dysfunction and agonizing misery. Most patients diagnosed with the condition are not given an objective and honest view of the real nature of the spinal changes they have experienced. Instead, many doctors describe in vivid detail how their spines are failing, due to the disintegration of the intervertebral disc structures. Most often, other diagnoses are made in conjunction to DDD, including foraminal stenosis, osteoarthritis, facet joint syndrome or even discogenic pain. These pronouncements, just like DDD, represent typical changes in the spinal anatomy and are certainly not inherently painful unto themselves.

Most degenerative conditions generally begin past middle age and typically continue for life. This is not true for degenerative disc disease, since most people demonstrate considerable degeneration in their lumbar and cervical spines by the age of 30 and many people show these change far younger. I, for one, was diagnosed with advanced DDD in my lumbar spine at the age of 16. The idea that DDD is an actual disease is laughable, since it is not harmful, contagious or unusual to experience during a normal human life. In fact, show me an adult without DDD in their lumbar spine and I will show you an evolutionary anomaly!

If DDD is so innocent and coincidental to the occurrence of back pain, then why is it diagnosed as the source of pain in so many patients? This is an excellent question and a major inspiration for my writing on the subject of chronic pain. Degenerative disc disease, like many other back pain scapegoat conditions, is almost guaranteed to be found in the human spine. It an old standby on which pain can be blamed, simply because doctors know it is there before they even complete any diagnostic testing. Additionally, the fact that most laymen do not understand DDD makes the condition a perfectly acceptable structural abnormality to target as the villain in otherwise idiopathic back pain syndromes.

Blaming DDD for the kinds of serious and life altering pain conditions inherent to chronic lumbar dorsopathy is like blaming gray hair and skin wrinkles for causing cancer. It is a ludicrous notion! How a doctor can pronounce degenerative disc disease as the source of pain, when they themselves demonstrate the condition, just like every other human on this planet, is quite beyond me... That is until you take a long hard look at the profit driven history of the back pain industry and realize how keeping a patient in long term treatment is the real goal of many care providers. There are few cures for common back pain, although there are hundreds of symptomatic therapy options. In order for the money to keep flowing, DDD is used as a scapegoat and nothing more...

It is possible, in extremely rare circumstances, for a person to suffer pain from atypical disc degeneration. This is medical fact and I can not and will not deny it. However, the chances of this are so slim that less than one half of 1% of all positively diagnosed patients fit this criterion. The rest are merely chasing a dream, thinking that they will ever achieve lasting relief from treating DDD. Remember, there is nothing to treat! Therapy options designed to manage degenerative disc disease are generally unsuccessful, due to the simple fact that the diagnosis is incorrect and the pain is actually the result of another physical, or more likely, psychosomatic process.

Degenerative disc disease is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to blaming the epidemic incidence of chronic back pain on a structural spinal causation. The general public has been mislead into thinking that the spine is a fragile and easily damaged structure, when in fact, the spine is a miraculous result of millions of years of targeted evolution. The human spine is actually the reason why we, as a species, have risen above the rest and proven ourselves to be so successful. However, this is no surprise, given the Cartesian philosophy embraced by modern medical science. Doctors look at themselves as engineers of the anatomy, rather than healers who must consider all possible contributors to pain and suffering, including physical, mental, emotional, societal and environmental factors.

In summary, degenerative disc disease is not something to fear. In fact, fear is a major source of back pain and the nocebo influence of a positive DDD diagnosis will only intensify this occurrence. If you have been diagnosed, it is crucial to learn the real facts of the condition in order to put yourself on the right road to back pain recovery or else face being led down the wrong path like a lamb to the slaughter.

Is There a Totally Natural Way of Combating Arthritis and Joint Pain?

Arthritis may be the oldest and most treated disease in the history of mankind, with evidence from the remains of the earliest human beings to walk our planet, showing that they too, suffered from Arthritis. Coming up-to-date, it's now estimated that more than 80% of people over the age of 50, and many people under this age, are now suffering from this crippling disease.

Most people are aware that Arthritis causes tremendous pain, discomfort and distress for these millions of people all over the world. In particular they know that Osteoarthritis, or the wearing down of the joints over time, can even lead to the point where some people find themselves needing to take powerful drugs, have replacement joints, or even losing their mobility completely.

Fortunately, extensive research, some of which utilises centuries-old proven ingredients, has shown us that there are a number of completely natural vitamins, minerals and herbs, which have been shown in numerous clinical studies, to provide a very effective and totally natural, relief and treatment of Arthritis, inflammation and other joint conditions. JointEase has been designed around these natural products.

You will see by reading the following description of the ingredients, and the benefits that they bring, just what a safe, totally natural, drug-free and effective product JointEase is; but it's also important to state that it has no known side-effects, or problems with any other medication that a person might be taking, and as such produces only positive results, unlike many prescription drugs!

Glucosamine HCL - many studies have shown that Glucosamine, a naturally occurring substance, is able to treat the original cause of Osteoarthritis, rather than just alleviating it's symptoms. By providing the body with the building blocks that it needs to repair the cartilage and hence the damage done to the joints, very significant improvements can be seen over time. Most nutritional formulations that contain Glucosamine, contain Glucosamine Sulphate, but the Joint Ease formula utilises Glucosamine Hydrochloride (HCL) which has been shown to be much more powerful and more readily absorbed by the body than Glucosamine Sulphate. To give a comparison, one would need to take almost 700mg of Glucosamine Sulphate, to even compare with the potency of the 400mg of Glucosamine Hydrochloride in every tablet of Joint Ease.

Chondroitin Sulphate - extensive research has shown that incredible results in the battle against Arthritis can be achieved by combining Glucosamine, with another naturally occurring substance, Chondroitin. The reason for this is that Chondroitin boosts the production of cartilage, inhibits the enzymes that can destroy it, promotes the nourishment of the cartilage cells, and contributes to the protection of the joints. The chemical structure of Chondroitin has been shown to create a shock absorbing space within the cartilage tissue, leading to enhanced protection, better lubrication and nutrient transport. This means that cartilage that is normally destroyed by Arthritis, can stay strong, flexible and healthy.

MSM or Methyl Sulphonyl Methane - is a naturally occurring form of biological Sulphur, which is a nutrient found in all living organisms and foods. Much research has shown that it has a very powerful ability to relieve the pain of inflamed joints, which is one of the worst consequences of Arthritis. As MSM increases the flexibility of cells, it allows fluids and most importantly toxins to pass through the cell, preventing the pressure build up that causes inflammation and subsequent cartilage damage. Sulphur is also a vital element, which must be present in order for the body to be able to produce and regenerate cartilage. A number of studies have shown that low levels of Sulphur are almost always reported in people suffering from Osteoarthritis.

Lecithin - a purified form of Choline, which has been shown to be essential in maintaining the shape and integrity of the cells of the body. It also enables the movement of nutrients such as fats, in and out of cells, and as such is a vital component in maintaining the correct nutrition of the cartilage cells.

Vitamin C - this crucial vitamin is a very powerful anti-oxidant, and it is very well reported that people suffering from Arthritis, who also have a high level of anti-oxidants within their system, show a much slower rate of joint deterioration, particularly within specific joints such as the knees. Vitamin C is also needed to make collagen, which is a key component of cartilage; and has been shown to be very effective in reducing inflammation and infection.

Turmeric - contains a powerful element known as Circumin, which is a very powerful anti-oxidant. In addition to this, it has also been shown to reduce inflammation, and increase circulation; two factors that are crucial to maintaining healthy joint cartilage.

Devils Claw - this herb has a powerful pain relieving and anti-inflammatory action, two features that illustrate why it has been widely used in Europe for the treatment of Arthritis for many years. In addition it has been shown to have properties that aid digestion, leading to better absorption of nutrients, and subsequent benefits for optimum joint repair.

Beta-sitosterol - is a naturally occurring plant sterol, which has been proven to have a number of benefits that are of great value to Arthritis sufferers. Firstly, it is a very powerful, natural anti-inflammatory, which can help to reduce the swelling of arthritic joints. Secondly, it boosts the immune system, leaving the body more able to fight disease, and build healthy cartilage.

Ginger - this herb has been used in the fight against Arthritis by traditional Chinese medicine for over 2,500 years. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, stimulates digestion, and also enables the nutrients necessary to prevent Arthritis to be properly absorbed.

Bromelain - is a type of enzyme derived from pineapples, which shows positive results as an anti-inflammatory, and boosts the immune system, thereby promoting speedier recovery time from joint injuries, promotes good circulation.

Boswellia Serrata - this natural plant extract has been shown to have both a strong anti-inflammatory action, but also an inability to inhibit the substances in the body that can go on to cause future inflammation; both of which give great benefits to the Arthritis sufferer.

Celery Seed - this plant operates as a powerful anti-inflammatory within the body, and has been used as a natural remedy over many years.

Magnesium - this mineral is very important to the Arthritis sufferer as it helps to prevent Calcium from being excreted from the body, enabling it to form strong bones, and cartilage.

Grape Seed Extract - is a very powerful anti-oxidant, and is very important in the production of collagen, the vital component of healthy cartilage, and joint mobility.

Zinc - this mineral is a natural component of more than 300 enzymes, which are necessary to repair injuries, boost immunity, maintain good health, and help to decrease inflammation and joint stiffness.

Manganese - this mineral is crucial component in the building of new cartilage, and is also very important in one of the body's key anti-oxidant enzymes.

Copper - this mineral is very important to many different processes of the body, and in particular is very important in the production of collagen, and also helps to fight the oxygen free radicals that contribute to damaging inflammation.

Beta Carotene - derived from plants, is converted by the body into Vitamin A, which is of great importance in maintaining healthy cells, and fighting disease. It also acts as an anti-oxidant, and an immune system booster, and it has been shown that people deficient in Beta Carotene are more likely to develop Arthritis.

Selenium - activates a very important anti-oxidant in the body, and also has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Vitamin D - helps to maintain the body's levels of calcium, which are crucial to good bone formation, while at the same time it boosts the immune system.

JointEase is quite simply the most successful product of it's kind in the world, as it gives better results for more people, than any other. So even after a sufferer has tried other natural products in the past, and found that they haven't given the required, results that you were looking for, we strongly recommend that you try JointEase, as it works very successfully for most people.

Chiropractic Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, or TMD, is a common injury that affects millions of people everyday. In fact, it is estimated that around 50% of the population may be affected by some type of TMD. TMD is defined as pain or tenderness, often accompanied by symptoms including audible clicking, headaches, earaches, and jaw locking, related to the dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ. There are three major types of TMD which include internal derangement, degenerative, and myofascial varieties. It can affect anyone but it seems to affect women more than men in a 4:1 ratio and its peak incidence occurs between the ages of 20-40. It typically presents as jaw or facial pain that can radiate into the neck, jaw, or temporal areas. Often it can be accompanied by a loss of proper range of motion in the jaw, audible clicking with chewing, and even locking. Some patients also get earaches, headaches, and neck pain with it. There are many common causes of TMD that should be considered in order to remove the causative factors. Hypermobility and hypomobility can be a cause for TMD.

Disc displacement inside the joint can cause snapping and popping as well as jaw locking and pain. Patients that grind their teeth at night can cause asymmetrical wear and tear on their teeth which can result in jaw displacement and abnormal stresses during chewing and biting and can lead to TMD. Muscle spasms in the muscles of mastication (chewing) can lead to abnormal placement and movement of the jaw during chewing. Dental conditions such as poorly fitting dentures, toothaches, and long periods of dental work can cause displacement and pain as well as degenerative osteoarthritis and direct trauma as seen in car accidents, boxers, and facial injuries. There are many different orthopedic and exam findings that help to diagnose the cause of TMD by a chiropractor, physical therapist, or medical doctor. Palpation in the TMJ space will most likely be tender and in late stages will involve crepitis or a crunching sound/feeling. There will be increased pain with clenching or chewing and a measure of range of motion of the jaw will reveal a limited range of motion overall, but specifically on the affected side. The normal range of motion of the jaw is around 40 mm, or 3 fingertips, and is measured upon jaw opening by measuring the space between the upper and lower incisors. The jaw may also open and close incorrectly with the appearance of jaw protrusion or lateral deviation of the mandible. Normally the jaw should depress in a straight motion and should not deviate to either side. This is called mandibular tracking. Palpation of the muscles of mastication including the masseter and pterygoid muscles will reveal tenderness and possibly muscle spasms or trigger points. Diagnostic imaging is sometimes used to determine internal structural stability. Normal x-rays are usually not very helpful in the diagnosis but can be used in cases of trauma to determine a fracture of dislocation. An MRI can be useful to determine the position of the intraarticular disc but is often used as a last resort after traditional noninvasive treatments have failed. Videoarthrography is an expensive and painful form of advanced imaging that can also be used to view the TMJ through the process of clenching and chewing but it is rarely used.

Research has shown that chiropractic treatment of TMJ is very effective and should be considered before invasive procedures are incorporated. Chiropractors work with the muscles and the joint to free fixations and restore the proper biomechanical properties in order to reduce the pain and clicking and retrain the muscles to work properly. It is estimated that 75% of TMD patients will have their symptoms fully resolve within three months under multidisciplinary care including chiropractic, dental, and physical therapy. With proper instruction and treatment, the majority will not experience any further issues in the future. Chiropractors use muscle therapy including trigger point therapy, myofascial release, stretching, massage, and Active Release Technique (ART) to relax and lengthen tight and spasmed muscles and simple exercise to strengthen weak muscles in order to restore balance to the jaw and realign the joints. Sometimes gentle manipulations of the TMJ are incorporated to realign the joint and reduce fixation within the joint. Ultrasound and electric muscle stimulation can be helpful, using a small probe applicator to apply the therapy directly to the muscles of mastication and the TMJ. The patient should avoid hard and chewy foods for a period of time and should refrain from chewing gum or hard candy if that proves to be a cause for concern. Stress reduction is another helpful activity which in turn can reduce teeth grinding. In some cases referral to a dental specialist is required to correct dental damage or to negate grinding of the teeth through the use of a night guard or a splint. In any case, patients that experience TMD for a period longer than 3 weeks should seek a medical evaluation by a dentist, chiropractor, or medical doctor.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Back Pain That Moves Around - How to Treat Traveling Arthritis

Often when you're experiencing pain in the lower center part of the back, in one hour or so it could well move up to the middle of the spine, and then on to the shoulder blades.

This is referred to as "traveling arthritis", and if you've been diagnosed with arthritis of the back and are accustomed to this pattern of pain, then it may also become predictable - in which case you can pre-empt the back pain and educate yourself on ways to treat it.

Traveling arthritis in the back may also begin in the upper legs, then into your backside, and up into the lower, middle and upper back; and not to be confused with "migrating arthritis", where you may experience chronic toothache and then find the same throbbing sensation has moved to your toe.

So, if you haven't as yet had a full diagnosis then you should obviously seek professional help.

It could be any number of ailments from tendonitis to a kidney or viral infection, in which case you are fortunate as the pain will subside at some point.

However, treating back pain whether it's for the short or long-term, is at the beginning often dealt with through the same anti-inflammatory supplements - NSAID's.

These are useful in the first few weeks but should be scaled back if you're in for the long haul as arthritis is incurable right now, and simply throwing pill after pill down your throat in the hope that you are someway treating the disease is foolish.

The back pain will continue to flare up and spread and your quality of life will slowly dissolve.

Treating Traveling Arthritis in the Back

1. FDA Registered Homeopathic Supplements

These contain 3 important active compounds, Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate and MSM.

Glucosamine is produced naturally in the body but FDA pharmaceutical supplements use animal sources.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate are argued to do two things, relieve the pain and potentially restore joint cartilage by preventing the Cox-1 and Cox-2 enzymes from breaking down this gooey lubricant, which protects the joints and adds fluidity and mobility to our limbs movements.

With regards to relieving pain and reducing inflammation of the swelling in the back, there seems no dispute among the medical fraternity in the West that these two ingredients deliver on this front.

Re-building the cartilage however - the jury is still out. Only short-term studies on their effectiveness at relieving pain have been carried out on these supplements.

There is only one long-term study which is currently being carried out by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal at the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, as to whether these supplements help rebuild cartilage.

Findings are due 2013.

MSM is the third ingredient that is well known now to successfully treat osteoarthritis, chronic joint pain, inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis

2. Hot Oil Bath and Oil Massage

For back pain in general, hot oil paths and massage should provide some respite from this discomfort.

Add a combination of 10 eucalyptus drops and 10 drops of peppermint, and soak for at least 15 to 20 minutes.

When it comes to an oil massage, be sure to tell the masseuse of your condition. Some very gentle massaging will help alleviate the stress and tension in the spine.

3. Exercise

Always consult you chiropractor before undergoing any form of quite strenuous exercise when it comes to an injured spine.

For relieving back pain with exercise both yoga, swimming and some light weight training work wonders at restoring posture and relieving joint inflammation.

What Is TMJ? - Causes and Helpful Aids to Assist You to Cope

What is TMJ, it one of the main signs of disorders of the temporomandibular joint is tenderness in the jaw location. The tenderness can be both local to the joint itself or it may possibly expand up close to your ears. It almost certainly gets more intense when you chew. In acute cases, there could possibly be pain whether or not you are eating. Sometimes TMJ disorders can trigger headaches or even an uneven bite.

The temporomandibular joint or TMJ is a ball and socket joint of the jaw. This joint is based on each sides of your face and it is what handles the way your jaw moves. When you eat or switch your lower jaw from side to side the joint is what keeps your jaw moving effectively. Temporomandibular joint disorders are very widespread and it is thought that somewhere between 5 to 15 percent of the population suffers from complications with it at least once in their lifetimes. Since complications with the TMJ are so widespread it is critical that you are able to understand the warning symptoms of TMJ disorders so that they can be taken care of appropriately before they become critical.

If you start realizing signs of a TMJ disorder or experiencing symptoms you need to schedule an consultation with your regular health practitioner and your dentist. The two will have experience in working with the jaw and will understand how to handle the signs and symptoms you are enduring. Many of these disorders don't need to be complex, unpleasant or pricey treatments. It may be hard to imagine but most of the time this disorders of your temporomandibular joint are a consequence of stress!

If your jaw isn't aligned your teeth might not link appropriately when you are chewing. Sometimes people with TMJ encounter jaw lock which often makes it hard for these individuals to close and open their mouths. Affected individuals also have to deal with a clicking noise when they talk or chew. Not surprisingly, not all clicking in the jaw is a warning of temporomandibular joint disorders.

Tension can trigger people to clench their jaws or have nervous behaviors like chewing on pencils or pens. It can also cause people to mill their teeth while they are asleep. Generally your medical professional or dentist will be in a position to train you with other approaches to handle with stress that will, ideally, keep you from those nervous habits that puts tension on your jaw. Ideally when you've learned to handle with the stress your jaw will recover.

What is TMJ? Well, it's a very uncomfortable disorder that can cause a great deal of pain. However, there are some TMJ disorders that are severe and other corrective steps are urged in order to correct the issues. While surgery is not usually required, some dental modification might be needed. If you have discovered that it is causing your teeth to shift and causing problems with your bite positioning, you might need some orthodontics or even an implant.

TMJ Hearing Loss - Your Best Treatment Option

TMJ can cause many problems to your health is the symptoms goes unchecked. TMJ hearing loss is one of these problems. While it can seem frightening at first, it is reversible, you just need to know how.

Option 1: You can pay a few hundred dollars to get a TMJ guard. These mouth guards work sometimes. The mouth guards are meant to relieve stress on the masticatory muscles, which allows the muscles inside the ear to relax, which results in better hearing.

But these mouth guards don't always work, they are expensive and frankly they are pretty annoying to sleep with. Expect to see some results after about six weeks of using mouth guard.

Option 2: The second and much more effective option is using TMJ exercises. Some therapists have developed specialised exercises for TMJ patients that massage, stretch and strengthen the appropriate muscles in your mouth and jaw to fix TMJ hearing loss and other TMJ symptoms.

The reason these exercises are so effective at treating TMJ ear problems is because they actually fix the root causes of TMJ. Mouth guards simply don't realign your jaw well enough or consistently enough to be pushed as an effective treatment for TMJ hearing loss.

Which ever treatment you choose to pursue, make sure you do it as soon as possible. Like many conditions, TMJ can become quite serious if the symptoms are allowed to continue. Starting exercises early is a great idea and will give you a great chance of early recovery.

Best Joint-Friendly Shoe - A Solution For Knee Pain

What type of shoes are healthiest on your joints? Which ones will help blast the fat, but not your knees? Good question! A good walking shoe is essential when undertaking a walking workout routine. Every step places a lot of wear and tear on the feet and joints, about five hundred pounds of pressure with every stride. This article discusses a fitness shoe that is very joint friendly and an excellent solution for people with knee problems.

This joint-friendly footwear is called MBT shoes. It is a brand that has a uniquely designed sole that provides instability as you walk, turning flat ground that we walk on into uneven terrain like walking on a beach. It has several benefits including improving core muscle strength and burning more calories, but one of the most important benefits of MBT for dedicated fitness walkers is that they are very helpful in relieving pressure on the feet and joints, especially the knees.

Most of us know first hand that aging brings on more aches and pains, but that staying active is crucial in staying healthy. The MBT will help to keep you moving, allowing your body to increase blood flow and lubricate joints, thereby easing some of the pain.

The key to the MBT's effectiveness on reducing joint pain is the multi-layered sole. It works as a buffer between the ground we walk on and our feet and joints. The curved sole allows for more equal weight distribution as you take steps, so you are not jarring joints as you stay active.

Another reason why these are the most joint-friendly shoes is that they help tone muscles that surround your knees, hips and back. They challenge the muscles to work harder and tone them much more than walking alone. This can help reduce the amount of pain by improving your posture, alignment and overall joint mobility.

Staying active is very important for overall health and weight management. But your joints and knees do not have to pay the price. The MBT shoes hold several benefits that will make your walking routine much more joint-friendly.

Suppressing Your Arthritis Pain

One in seven Americans--nearly 41 million--has some form of arthritis. That number will climb as the baby boomers age. By the end of this decade, about 60 million Americans will have arthritis, according to The National Arthritis Data Workgroup of the National Institute of Arthritis. The disease is physical, but also exacts a mental anguish, emotional and economic toll. Arthritis means the joint pain or the joint inflammation.

The joint means the junction where the ends of the two bones meet. The ends of the joints are covered with the cartilage, a smooth and slippery cushion that protects the bone edge during the time of the movements and reduces the friction.

Inflammation is a complex process that causes swelling, redness, warmth, and pain. It's the body's natural response to injury and plays an important role in healing and fighting infection. Joint injury can be caused by trauma or by the wear and tear of aging. But in many forms of arthritis, injury is caused by the uncontrolled inflammation of autoimmune disease, in which the immune system attacks the body's own tissues. In severe cases, all joint tissues, even bone, can be damaged.

The term 'arthritis' is looking in singular form, but the disease arthritis is the combination of more than 100 rheumatic diseases. This rheumatic disease comprises of pain in the joints, muscles, affecting connective tissues.

By far the most common forms of the arthritis are Osteo Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. It is very essential to distinguish the arthritis sickness from the various other disorders like fibromyalgia that may remain with musculoskeletal symptoms.

Osteo arthritis- This arthritis lays the foundation by affecting the cartilages and turns them in to bony parts. This arthritis results the injury in the bone joint and causes the stiffness and may require you to purchase some lower back pain relief medication. The most affected area of the human body with this arthritis is the joints of the fingers, hips, knee and spine. Other joints that are affected in less frequently are wrist, elbows, shoulder and ankles. Only the repetitive work injuries and the trauma in the earlier age may turn the Osteo Arthritis on for the people.

This degenerative joint disease is common in people over 65, but may appear decades earlier. It begins when cartilage breaks down, sometimes eroding entirely to leave a bone-on-bone joint in extreme cases.

Rheumatoid Arthritis- Rheumatoid Arthritis is considered as the most deadly arthritis in US. People of around 2.5 million have become the victim of the Rheumatoid arthritis. People of any age can be victimized by this kind of arthritis. Hands are most commonly affected in the symmetrical basis. But the other organs of the body may be in danger with this arthritis. Initially the inflammation begins at the synovial lining and merges to the joints.

For the sudden arthritis pain relief there are some several natural ways to cope with the arthritis. Below are some of the home remedies that are very effective in treating arthritis and suppressing pain like castor oil, Ashwagandha, cod liver oil and garlic etc.

Coping With Osteoarthritis

There are a lot of people in the United States that suffer from arthritis. Arthritis can be painful and greatly limit a persons' mobility. There are many types of arthritis, but it generally involves joint inflammation. One of the most common types of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which is often called degenerative joint disease.

Under normal conditions there is a layer of cartilage that surrounds the bones in a joint. The cartilage acts as a sort of pad for the bones and allows them to move easily and freely. In people that suffer from osteoarthritis, the cartilage will begin to wear away and breakdown. Eventually the bones of the joint may directly rub against each other, which can be very painful.

Many are affected by degenerative joint disease, but it is very commonly found in those who are older. This is in large part do to the fact that they have been using their joints for a long time. Athletes, those who are overweight, and people who have had joint injury are also frequently affected by osteoarthritis. The exact cause, however, is unknown, but it is thought to be at least partially genetic and just using your joints alone will not cause osteoarthritis.

There is currently no cure for osteoarthritis, but there are many things that can be done to help control its advance and the pain associated with it. One of the most important things to do is to protect your joints whenever possible. This means using devices like canes or rollators. A rollator is a rolling walker that has two handlebars and doubles as a seat. It is also important to avoid lifting heavy objects and you should do some types of exercise. Some people also find that heat packs or ice packs can help to reduce stiffness and pain. There are also several different types of medicines available that reduce swelling and inflammation. Many over the counter drugs like ibuprofen and acetaminophen (Tylenol) can also reduce pain, but you should consult a doctor to find out the best one for you.

Protecting your joints and minimizing their use is one of the best ways to control and combat osteoarthritis. Things like electric can openers and electric knives should be used when possible. You should also consider buying tools and kitchen utensils that have larger handles and you can wrap things like pens in fabric or foam to make them easier to handle. Another device that can be used is a lift chair. Lift chairs are like recliners, but the base of the chair rises to make standing and sitting much easier. They are controlled by a remote control and some come with built in heat pads. A lift chair will greatly reduce the amount of wear that you put on your joints and can greatly reduce the pain of standing and sitting. There are many other devices that can be used.

For those that live with osteoarthritis, many everyday tasks, like standing and sitting, walking, and using tools and kitchen utensils, can become very difficult. It is very important to reduce the amount of strain that you put on your joints. Devices like automatic can openers and lift chairs can be used to affectively reduce the amount of strain that you put on your joints.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

How To Get Benefits From Fitball Exercises

The origin of a fitball is attributed to Switzerland, which is the reason, it is also known as a 'Swiss ball'. Initially intended to be used for the rehabilitation of patients suffering from cerebral palsy, the fitball was not much later adapted for the use of patients with locomotor system injuries.

What the fitball basically does is that it eases the strain on the spinal cord and relieves the stress from the joints. This is also the reason for its tremendous popularity with people, who suffer from joint disorders and excessive weight problems.

The fitball comes in different diameters and has to be chosen, depending on the height of the person.It is fast turning into a very popular means of maintaining fitness especially amongst fitness enthusiasts. Used increasingly as a supplement as well as an alternative to visiting the gym or other exercises, one of the fitball's greatest advantages is that you can even use it in the comfort of your own home and that these exercises can easily be done by both the young and the old.

There are several advantages as well as interesting things about fitball exercises. Since the ball is obviously not a stable object, fitball exercises greatly improve your balance and co-ordination skills. Fitball exercises use your core stabilizing muscles as they allow you to train outside your centre of gravity.

It is necessary that you maintain good posture with your belly button drawn slightly towards your spine and use slow, controlled movements, when doing fitball exercises. It is also recommended when using the ball initially to either prop it or balance it against a wall or some thing similar so as to help you with the initial balancing as it can be slightly tricky. Make sure that you avoid movements that seem tricky or appear to be causing you pain.

Fitball exercises help you work not just on your abs and back, but also on several connected muscles that cannot be targeted through traditional forms of exercising.

Joint Pain Relief Supplements

What are you doing to help relieve your joint pains? Ignoring them will cripple you and stunt your normally comfortable daily lifestyle. Your joints will not improve without help. You can compare it to a problem like mold. Mold will only get worse if ignored and cannot be fixed by masking the problem. The same goes with rheumatic conditions. These types of conditions are caused by swelling, inflammation, and pains in the joints or muscles. Osteoarthritis is a perfect example. With joints, once the healthy cartilage is worn down, your bones are not protected. There is no cushion or shock absorbency. The only way to resolve the problem is by making a change in your daily lifestyle.

The upside to rheumatic conditions being so common is that there are many different techniques and supplements available to help relieve pain. Not only will making some changes help relieve the side effects associated with joint pains but supplements will help rebuild healthy cartilage and replenish the healthy cartilage you have left. Of course, it is never too early or too late to start being proactive about your health either. Typically women start seeing signs and symptoms of OA or RA a little earlier than men. For man or woman, as you reach older age it might be good idea to start taking supplements for things like joint health. The more healthy cartilage you can keep the better.

Supplements always work best if taken on a daily basis. The best way to get full results from any supplement is to pair it with an all around healthy schedule. Try and get your eight hours of sleep a day. Try and do exercise weekly or physical therapy techniques. Think about changing you daily diet! You can also keep in mind that doing excessive movement of the same movement can put stress on your joints. The wear and tear of joints is the cause of osteoarthritis. You can potentially avoid osteoarthritis by not doing repetitive motions with the same joint.

Some ingredients that are popular in joint supplements are glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, and vitamin D3.

People resort to joint relief supplements because they want to end their joint pains by fixing the problem. Actually, adding an herbal supplement to your daily diet is one of the best things you could do for your joint health. Daily supplements don't just mask the pain associated with your given rheumatic condition, they replenish and promote healthy joint and bone health.

Demand for Knee and Hip Replacements Push New Surgery Options

People are getting knee and hip replacement surgeries at a younger and younger age, creating a trend that is pushing alternative orthopedic surgery options. A study put out by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons supports this claim suggesting that the number of people under-65 will surpass the number of seniors getting join-replacement surgery in the years to come.

It seems as though in recent years (the past several decades anyway) people are putting their bodies through more physically demanding exercises and sports, resulting in more joint trauma. The half-mile road running race (13.1 miles) is now the race of choice - replacing the 5K, and triathlons and marathons are gaining in popularity year-over-year.

Sports like football are becoming faster, and being played by larger and larger athletes. I remember the day when a 250 pound lineman was considered large. Now this same position is dominated by 350-plus pound giants resulting in a larger number of joint injuries and overwhelming wear-and-tear. Sports like golf are becoming popular with an older age group, and thus the need to overcome joint pain to enjoy sport and life are becoming more and more popular and in demand.

While demand for knee and hip replacement surgery among 45-54 year olds is expected to increase, the implications of this demand from a financial perspective is daunting. Today, join replacements typically last 10-15 years - which may be okay for someone 65+, but for someone younger, this is a financial problem. Knee and joint replacement surgeries are not fully covered by most insurance plans and the large price tag can be overwhelming.

Health tourism for knee and hip replacement surgeries may be just the answer. Destinations like New Zealand offer orthopedic surgery options in a first-world environment similar, and often more advanced, than the U.S. With state-of-the-art medical facilities for both surgery and post-surgery rehabilitation, highly trained (often in the U.S.) doctors and staff, and a price tag than can be as much as 80% lower than in the U.S. (and include travel costs), it's time to seriously consider a destination like New Zealand a prime option for medical and health tourism.

With joint injuries on the rise among younger people and an aging population on the rise, demand orthopedic surgeries like knee replacement surgery or hip replacement surgery is on the rise. With costs for these procedures also on the rise in the U.S., it's time to consider a health tourism destination like New Zealand for your orthopedic surgery options.

How Do I Know If My Headache or Jaw Pain Is TMJ?

The most common of the dozens of TMJ symptoms is jaw pain of the chewing muscles or the jaw joint. The Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is made up of many elements and problems can arise from any of them or from combinations of those elements. There are also people with TMJ problems that have no jaw pain and their problem is with functionality difficulties.

Some other TMJ symptoms are clicking or popping noises when you open and close your mouth, difficulty opening or closing your mouth or chewing, sensitive teeth, swelling on the side of your face, malocclusion (lower and upper teeth not meeting correctly such as one side closing before the other or the front or back of your teeth meeting before the other), headaches and earaches.

If you think you may have a TMJ disorder it's very important to get diagnosed because your symptoms may be caused by something else and starting a treatment plan for the wrong diagnosis will be a waste of time. A TMJ diagnosis should begin with a trip to the dentist and if your dentist has no experience with treating or diagnosing TMJ you should get a referral for a dentist with that experience.

You may also want to visit an Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist (ENT), a chiropractor, a neurologist, a pain specialist or just a primary care physician but you will have to find someone with experience in successfully treating TMJ. Most of the time a dentist can diagnose and treat your TMJ symptoms and TMJ disorder.

There are, of course, other causes of the TMJ disorder but the most common cause is grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw in your sleep because of stress or tension. That directly relates to the most common of the TMJ symptoms being jaw pain of the muscles and pain of the TM joint itself.

If you are diagnosed with the TMJ disorder you'll want to begin a treatment plan that uses natural methods to treat your condition. The TMJ disorder is a physical condition much like a problem with a shoulder or knee and, like most physical conditions, can be successfully treated using physical therapy.

If stress is involved with the cause of you TMJ symptoms you will also want to begin therapeutic methods of reducing your stress. If you can get a treatment plan that addresses your TMJ symptoms as well as the root cause of your TMJ disorder your recovery time will be a lot shorter.

The Best Joint Pain Relief

Joint pain sufferers the world over are in a constant search for the best joint pain relief. If you're among the masses on a quest to ease your pain, you may want to consider the following research.

Several recently published studies outline Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM) as first on the list when it comes to the best relief for joint pain. MSM is a compound that contains sulfur and can be found in many foods. Chemically MSM is closely related to dimethyl sulfoxide, which is another accepted arthritis treatment. If you topically apply dimethyl sufloxide, or ingest the compound orally, around fifteen percent of the amount applied or ingested will be broken down by your body in the formation of MSM. When DMSO is applied on the skin or taken orally, about 15% of it breaks down in the body to form MSM.

While MSM alone is hugely popular among arthritis sufferers, research indicates that MSM combined with glucosamine and chondroiton in a supplement designed for joint health is the number one choice for the elimination of pain.

You can purchase this supplement combination at any health food store and most grocery stores. If you decide to begin a supplement routine to improve your joint health and to find the best relief for joint pain, stick to it for at least three weeks. Some people say they can feel a difference in their pain levels nearly immediately, but on average it takes about three weeks before a real difference is noted.

So, if you're continuously looking for the best joint pain relief, consider a supplementation program of MSM with glucosamine and chondroiton. It will take about thirty days to reap the benefits of your efforts, but once you're pain free and feeling great, those efforts will be well worth the trouble.

Using Pilates To Relieve Arthritis Joint Pain

Because Arthritis joint pain is caused by wear and tear on the joints you may not even consider exercising when you are hurting. To alleviate some of the pain and stiffness you are feeling, low impact exercises can be the best thing you can do.

Exercising the muscles that cushion sore joints can lessen the pressure on the joints. Some of these sore joints include: the hips, shoulders, knees, and hands?wrists.

The most common cause of arthritis joint pain is mal-alignment. A properly aligned joint with balanced muscle strength coming from opposing sides can reduce pain and support your activities that you enjoy.

What this means is that if you are strengthening the muscles in the thigh or front of the leg you also need to work the opposing group of hamstrings in the back of the leg.

Pilates exercises are designed to stretch and strengthen muscles groups at the same time. What this means is that the muscle groups that support your spine, knees, hips, and shoulders will be equally balanced. This corrective practice will, in turn, cause them to move more efficiently with less wear and tear, which equals less pain.

Stronger Muscles = Less Pressure on Joints = Less Pain!

Some sample Pilates exercises to help relieve the arthritis joint pain that you are feeling:

------------------------ Joint Pain Exercise for the Hips:

· Pilates leg circles are a great exercise to stabilize the pelvis while lubricating the hip joint and simultaneously stretching and strengthening those muscles of the hip and upper leg.

Leg circles are done by lying on your back with one leg extended out along the floor and the other can be extended almost to a 90 degree angle or modify by bending at the knee. Feel the femur or thigh bone heavy in the hip socket and rotate in circles keeping the torso anchored into the mat. Do this 5-8 times each direction.

--------------------------- Wrist Joint Pain Exercise:

· Wrist/finger curls: One of my favorites to strengthen the wrist and increase finger dexterity is to do curls using a small dumbbell or weighted ball.

Leaning forward in a chair with your forearm resting on your thigh palm up and the back of the hand hanging off your leg. Roll the weight out to your finger tips and then slowly curl with your fingers and then make a fist around it as it curls into your palm. Do this 10 times on each hand.

--------------------------- Shoulder Joint Pain Exercise:

· A great way to stabilize the shoulder joint is by doing scapular protraction and retraction exercises.

Standing with your arms extended at chest height, protract the scapula by reaching the arms out farther away drawing the shoulder blades apart. Retract the scapula by drawing or sliding the shoulder blades together. Complete 8-12 repetetions of this exercise in each direction.

-------------------------- Joint Pain Exercise for the Knees:

Eve's Lunge on the Pilates reformer is one of the best ways I have found to stretch and strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee joint. If this equipment is not available for you try doing a non-impact exercise such as leg extensions with a small soft ball.

Place a small ball between your knees as you are lying on your back. Extend your legs squeezing the ball more feeling your inner thighs working and your spine stretch flat into the mat. Bend your knees again to relax. Do this for 10-15 times.

If you are looking for a qualified Pilates instructor in your area go to:


Tips to begin any arthritis joint pain exercises:

1. Start slowly - Begin with low repetitions (4-8 times) and light weights (2-5 lbs).

2. Progress in small increments - after a week or two with no pain and soreness increase reps or frequency by a couple of reps or minutes.

3. Set goals you can achieve - If it's only exercising one day per week then start there.

4. Work in a pain free range of motion. No Pain - No Gain is not allowed here!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Physiotherapy in Osteo Arthritis

Role of Physiotherapy in Arthritis

The word 'Arthritis' literally means joint inflammation. The warning signs of arthritis are pain, swelling, joint stiffness, difficulty in moving one or more joints. Arthritis can be a life changing event which can affect your personal, social and work life unless it is well understood and treated in time.

There are 127 different kind of arthritis. The most common types are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is degenerative joint disease. It may be due to chronic wear and tear or due to injury.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which ones own immune system attacks cells in the joint capsule and associated chronic inflammation destroys cartilage, bone and ligaments, leading to deformity and disability. Physiotherapy plays a major role in treating both Osteo & Rheumatoid arthritis along with medicine or by itself.

Even though many other factors contribute the development of Osteo arthritis, the root cause may be deviation of normal body mechanics. By correcting the body mechanics the percentage of wear and tear can considerably reduced. Obesity, muscle wasting, poor muscle strength, prolonged standing and internal derangement of knee like ligament injury can also contribute to Osteo arthritis. Physiotherapist can assess these basic causes and helps to correct the pre disposing factors. If it is found and corrected early, Osteo arthritis can be controlled to a great extend. Some patients may need medicine along with Physiotherapy.

Major symptoms seen with Osteo arthritis are pain, restricted range of motion, swelling etc. Pain and swelling can be relieved with the use of hot packs or cold packs, Ultrasound therapy, laser therapy, use of TENS or interferential therapy, taping techniques etc. Range of motion and strengthening exercises can be given to achieve maximum functional independence at home and at work place.

Type of Exercise useful for Arthritic patients

1. Range of motion exercises: It helps to maintain normal joint movements and relieve stiffness. These are gentle stretching exercises which move each joint as far as possible in all directions. Normal daily house work or office work may not help to improve joint range of motion and are not a substitute for ROM exercise.

2. Strengthening Exercises: It helps to keep or increase the muscle strength, provide stability, support and protection to the joint, helps the joint to move more easily with less pain and helps to prevent deformity. Isometric, isotonic or isokinetic exercises can be used according to the condition of the patient. Isometric exercises involves tightening of muscle without joint movement which maintains muscle tone, prevents muscle wasting when joint range is impaired.

3. Endurance exercises: This helps to maintain cardiac fitness, ROM, to increase physical strength, to control body weight and to improve arthritic symptoms. Aerobic exercises like graded walking, use of bicycle or treadmill initially with the supervision of the physiotherapist may help to prevent complication.

How often people with arthritis should do Exercises?

ROM exercises can be done daily many times and should be done at least every other day. Strengthening exercises should be done every day unless you have severe pain or swelling in your joint and repeated daily.

Endurance exercises should be done 20 to 30 minutes at least 3 times a week unless you have severe pain or swelling in your joint. Before starting endurance exercises it is better to have a medical consultation to assess your medical fitness.

In case of rheumatoid arthritis prolonged medical treatment is required. Here Physiotherapy helps to maintain ROM, muscle strength and to prevent joint deformity. Once joint deformity is established the patient may develop severe ambulation problem. This can be prevented with medication and timely physiotherapy.

'Think positive about arthritis, Physiotherapist can guide you to lead a pain-free independent life'.

Hip Flexors - The Key To Pain Free Golf

We're on hole #7 looking down at a 130 yard, tee to green shot with the pin tucked in the middle left. WE'VE made it six holes, coming off a birdie on the 407 YARD #6 with 3 holes to go, then suddenly the back tightens, tempo gets quick, turn gets short, shoulders over- compensate, and we get the pull, straight left into the water-BOGEY! It should have been another par.
Sometimes the mind is able, but the back is unable. Back pain of some sort is almost a guarantee in today's world. The major reason for back pain is tight hip flexors.

From the golfer's point of view, short tight hip flexors are a common cause for loss of distance off the tee, pulled drives, and poor posture at address. A combination of tight hamstrings and tight hip flexors, restricting your trunk rotation, account for the limitations in achieving a full backswing. Tight hip muscles will not only wreck your golf swing but, they are the most common cause of back pain. There are many reasons for weak back muscles, weak abdominals, tight hamstrings and so on. One of the biggest reasons, is a lot of people spend their days sitting. It may be sitting for long periods of time on an airplane, in a car, or at the computer. How can this hurt? Unfortunately, when we are in the seated position, the hip flexor muscles (in particular the Psoas) are contracted or shortened. When in this position for a long period of time the hip flexors want to stay this length, making it harder for them to return to their correct length. Why does this impact the lower back? Simple, even though the hip flexors attach to the front of the upper thigh bone, they run through the hip joint and attach to the lower back. When the hip flexors stay short and tight, they pull on the lower back.

Many times this can be misdiagnosed and the patient is told to stretch the low back and strengthen the abs, but the problem persists. One of the best ways to get rid of this low back pain is to simply stretch hip flexors and open up the pelvic region daily.

Try The Spider hip stretch to open up your hip area.

To start, get in a standard push-up position, with back flat, hands shoulder width apart and slightly separated. From the start position, begin by taking your left foot and placing it outside of your left hand. How far forward you go depends on your current flexibility.

After you move your left foot outside your left hand, hold it for a second or two then, slowly attempt to press your left forearm to the floor. This will create a greater stretch for the hips and hamstring, then return to the start position.

Repeat on right side. Do 10 to 15 repetitions, 3 times a side.

If lower back issues are affecting your ability to play your best golf, and you would like to play more rounds this year pain free, you owe it to yourself to seek out a professional golf fitness instructor to design a program for you. A professionally designed golf fitness program will focus on improving your flexibility along with a combination of strengthening exercises to further decrease the chance of injury to your back. It is imperative that you undergo an assessment to determine your needs, strengths and weaknesses prior to the design of your program. The great thing about an organized golf fitness program is that it can take less than 30 minutes a day to see dramatic improvements in your game. Not a bad price to pay for more consistency along with pain free golf is it?

Back Pain Treatment for Acute and Chronic Pain

Back pain treatment can include medication, self-care techniques and manual therapies such as chiropractic or physiotherapy. Pain in the back can be acute or long-term, and a variety of treatment options are available for both types.

Acute back pain treatment includes medication and self-care options. Paracetamol is usually prescribed as the first step in most treatments, and if it does not work, non-steroid anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen is the next step. If the milder painkillers do not reduce the pain, mild opiate-based painkillers such as codeine can be prescribed. Morphine is sometimes given for severe pain, but as it is a strong opiate, it is only used for a short time. If the patient also suffers from muscle spasms, muscle relaxant medication is sometimes included.

Today many doctors recommend that a person suffering from acute pain in the back should stay active. If the pain is severe, it may not be possible to go back to work or to do all normal activities, but it is important to try to do at least something, and to return to normal daily activities slowly and step by step. Home care options include cold or hot compression packs that can be bought over the counter from chemists. It can also help to use extra pillows in bed: place a pillow under the knees when you are sleeping.

Painkillers form a part of most chronic back pain treatment programs. Other options include exercise, manual therapy such as chiropractic or massage therapy, and acupuncture. Spinal fusion surgery is generally only recommended if all other treatment options have been tried and nothing else helps. For chronic pain, a mild painkiller such as paracetamol is usually prescribed at first, and if it does not work, stronger pain killing medication is used. Other treatment options include acupuncture, manual therapy and exercise.

Manual therapy back pain treatment means manipulation and mobilization of the spine and can include physiotherapy, osteopathy and chiropractic. Physiotherapy is used for back pain treatment and to recover movement after an injury. Osteopathy and chiropractic are alternative forms of treatment and focus on problems in the bone structure, the joints, the muscles and the nervous system. Massage relaxes the back muscles and can form a part of a back pain treatment program. Acupuncture is also sometimes recommended as an alternative back pain treatment. Acupuncture is based on traditional Chinese medicine and uses thin, fine needles that are placed on different parts of the body to unblock the flow of energy in the body's energy channels, or meridians. Some Western experts believe that the needles actually stimulate the muscles and the nerves and this is why acupuncture can relieve pain in the body.

Many doctors recommend regular exercise as a treatment for chronic pain. Swimming is often recommended as back pain treatment, and today gentle forms of exercise such as yoga or pilates are often thought to be beneficial. Yoga and pilates can also help to improve your posture.

How TMJ Can Cause Back Pain

Having clicking or jaw pain is a serious issue that several people have to suffer through. This condition not only makes it difficult to function, due to headaches, and soreness, but it can also cause many people to detach socially. The biggest reason for this detachment is the difficulty that these people have speaking as they experience great amount of pain from their TMJ condition. While TMJ is continued to be studied, there are some interesting revelations when it comes to what patients and doctors are finding out about this condition.

One such revelation that many people do not associate with TMJ is back pain. Back pain is very apparent in those that suffer from TMJ symptoms. To better understand why this is, some understanding of how TMJ can affect the back is needed. First of all, TMJ does primarily effect jaw function and the muscles that are used to open and close the jaw. These muscles are used when speaking, eating, and even while sleeping. If these muscles are under constant use, or if the jaw is offset, the muscles can be overworked which cause soreness. Because the jaw is connected to the neck muscles, the neck can become very rigid and stiff. This can be extremely uncomfortable for those that experience this type of disorder with the jaw. With the next being under intense amounts of strain and pressure, nerve endings in the neck can cause the back to experience soreness. The reason for this is that the neck houses thousands of nerve endings that are connected all throughout the body. When the neck becomes sore and affected by TMJ, it is very easy for other nerve endings to go out of whack, which can cause the lower and upper back to experience pain.

Understanding how these two things are related is helping doctors, dentists, and orthodontists to understand the importance of dealing with TMJ issues. Many dentists are able to help reduce back pain and TMJ symptoms by using specialized mouth guards. These mouth guards help patients to bite a certain way, or move the jaw to a specific location when the mouth is closed. These types of therapies can greatly help when it comes to getting the pain to go away when it comes to TMJ and back related issues. If you suffer from TMJ and back pain, make sure to visit your dentist to see the latest and greatest when it comes to TMJ reducing treatments.

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Toothache Relief - How to Treat Your Toothache and Be Pain Free!

Toothache can be debilitating. Believe me it is really something that you will be ready to give everything for! Even the strongest and the bravest will crave for a toothache relief the instant a toothache surfaces into existence. Even the dentist's chair will seem like heaven if there is hope of toothache relief. 

Why do toothaches occur? Odontalgia or toothaches occur because the nerve at the root of the tooth is irritated. Why do the nerves get irritated? The nerves are irritated because there are problems in the tooth or jaw. Cavities, gum disease, emergence of wisdom tooth, a cracked tooth, infected dental pulp, jaw disease or exposed tooth root can irritate the nerves and send pain signals to the brain. Toothache can also be a symptom of heart problems such as angina or myocardial infraction. The pain is then a referred pain. Dry socket that occurs after tooth extraction can also cause pain. The toothache can therefore, range from mild to severe. Toothache relief will be brought about by tackling the root cause of the problem. 

Before providing permanent toothache relief, the dentist must understand and identify the root cause of the pain. He will begin with a preliminary physical examination of the teeth. He will record the medical history and eliminate the possibility of the toothache being a symptomatic physical response to any other medical condition. Some dental problems like barodontalgia (toothache due to change in barometric pressure) or atypical Odontalgia (pain that shifts from tooth to tooth) are not treated and no relief is provided. The former will disappear when the barometric pressure is removed and the reason for the latter is unclear and is often reported by middle aged women. The toothache relief, if any, provided will be symptomatic pain relief. 

A very common cause of toothache is the irritation of the tooth pulp or pulpitis. This can be reversible or irreversible. Toothache relief for irreversible pulpitis lies in root canal treatment or tooth extraction. 

For those who cannot reach a dentist immediately, toothache treatment can be provided by over the counter pain medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. These drugs should be used for relief with caution and exactly as instructed on the package containing the medication. The patient should avoid very hot or very cold foods. Some toothache relief can also be provided by making the patient bite on a cotton ball soaked in oil of cloves. Oil of cloves can also be obtained from most drug stores. 

Toothaches related to jaw problems or temporomandibular joint pain, the patient can be provided toothache remedies as above and an immediate appointment with the dentist is warranted for determining the root cause of the problem. 

Toothache medications that may be prescribed by your dentist may include pain killers, antibiotics and anti inflammatory drugs. The dentist needs to first contain any infection that may have affected the gums before he can perform tooth extraction or root canal treatments for toothache relief. While the pain will be alleviated immediately with pain killers the complete treatment will be spread over 5-10 days and several sittings at the dental clinic. You can pursue your normal activity during the course of the treatment for toothache relief. 

It follows that you need to learn and practice good dental hygiene thereafter, if you want a permanent toothache relief. Ask your dentist the right questions about your teeth before you sign off with the toothache relief you sought from him.

Arthritis Knee Pain Relief

Osteoarthritis or simply called knee arthritis is a kind of arthritis that is caused by the breakdown and collapsing of the cartilage. Cartilage is the protective layer between the two joints. It occurs mostly in old males aged 45. There are two causes of knee arthritis; the primary and secondary osteoarthritis. If the cause of arthritis is unknown, it is said to be the earliest. It is related to aging. When a person gets old, the cartilage degenerates also thus; causes the friction of the joints. On the other hand, secondary osteoarthritis is caused by the risk factor condition like obesity, joint surgery, gout, and trauma. A severe joint pain is the symptoms of this kind of arthritis.

The joint pain from knee arthritis is unbearable and might prevent you from doing your normal activities. Knee arthritis pain relief is needed. Apirin and acetaminophen may be enough treatment for mild osteoarthritis. Among the two medicines, acetaminophen is most preferred because it has less side-effect especially to the elderly people. Topical pain relieving cream may also be applied like capsaicin and methyl salicylate. New medications include Voltaren gel and Flector Patch. Both are anti-inflammatory. There are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen and nabumetone. These types of medicines have side-effects, which can be very uncomfortable. Alternative medicine for knee arthritis is available. It includes supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin. A shot of cortisone too may give an effective relief.

In addition to the above medication, weight reduction and stress free lifestyle is advised. Exercise is a helpful activity. It strengthens muscles and bones that support the joints. Exercises suited for this pain are swimming, walking, stationary cycling, and very light weight training.

Above all, resting is the most effective way of treating sore knee joints just physically but emotionally as well.

A visit for doctor's consultation is needed when symptoms persist. There are a lot of medications available for the relief of knee arthritis. Do not sacrifice things from a single pain. Give attention to the early signs and symptoms of knee arthritis and any other abnormalities in your body. Prevention is always better than cure.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Whiplash - What You Must Know About TMJ

In horse and buggy days whiplash was rare. Sure, a horse could bolt and cause a whiplash type reaction on passengers. But, let's face it-horses rarely spaced out and ran into the buggy in front of them.

There are many injuries that can be caused in this type of accident. They range from sprain/strain that clears up quickly to spinal cord damage resulting in death. Getting full compensation for whiplash means identifying, and getting each separate injury diagnosed and treated. One very common injury from whiplash is TMJ.

What Is TMJ?

TMJ or temporomandibular joint syndrome is an abnormal condition with facial pain and poor function of the lower jaw. It is caused by a defective or dislocated temporomandibular joint. This is your jaw joint.

What Are The Symptoms?

According to the TMJ Association: " TMJ pain is often described as a dull aching pain in the jaw joint and nearby areas, including the ear, which comes and goes."

Other symptoms can include:

• Being unable to open the mouth comfortably
• Clicking, popping or grating sounds in the jaw joint
• Locking of the jaw when attempting to open the mouth
• Headaches
• A bite that feels uncomfortable or "off"
• Neck, shoulder and back pain
• Swelling on the side of the face

Additional symptoms may include: ringing in the ears, ear pain, decreased hearing, dizziness and vision problems.

Treatment for TMJ

Minor TMJ can sometimes be fixed very quickly by a chiropractor but if this fails you will need to see a specialist.

A TMJ specialist is usually a dentist who has special training in diagnosing and treating the disorder. The specialist may fit you with a splint. This is a plastic device that fits over your upper and lower teeth--kind of like a mouth guard used in football. This device can reduce grinding and clenching of the teeth. It is often worn at night.

If the splint does not work some dentists may try flushing out the joint. This is done by inserting two needles in the joint, a cleansing solution is pumped in through one and out through the other. Sound painful? It is! Fortunately for you a local anesthesia is used during the process.

This "two needles approach" can also be used to introduce pain medication into the joint.

Cortisone injections are another therapy used when the splint does not work. They can be very helpful in relieving inflammation and pain.

If all else fails, surgery is available as a final option to replace the jaw joints with artificial implants. If your doctor suggests surgery you should know that the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) advises that you seek a second opinion or two before proceeding.

Paying for TMJ Treatment

Many health insurance and dental insurance plans just say "no" to paying for TMJ treatment. However, if you were in a car crash and have Personal Injury Protection (PIP) or Med-Pay coverage you may find that such coverage will pay for the treatment.

TMJ specialists will sometimes work on a "lien basis" which means they get paid when your injury case settles. Once when a young mother needed TMJ surgery a letter was sent to every oral surgeon in her area. She found one who agreed to perform the surgery on a lien. The surgery fixed her problem.


TMJ problems are common after car crashes. Be aware of the symptoms and, if present, get checked out by a TMJ specialist. Finding and treating TMJ will add a lot of value to your injury case, not to mention long term relief that will be more valuable than money.

Natural, Lasting Arthrits Relief

What is arthritis?

Arthritis is a joint disorder featuring inflammation. A joint is an area of the body where two different bones meet. A joint functions to move the body parts connected by its bones. Arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more joints. Arthritis is frequently accompanied by joint pain. Joint pain is referred to as arthralgia. There are many forms of arthritis (over one hundred and growing). The forms range from those related to wear and tear of cartilage (such as osteoarthritis) to those associated with inflammation resulting from an over-active immune system (such as rheumatoid arthritis). Together, the many forms of arthritis make up the most common chronic illness in the United States.

The causes of arthritis

Causes depend on the form of arthritis. Causes include injury (leading to osteoarthritis), abnormal metabolism (such as gout and pseudogout), inheritance, infections, and for unclear reasons (such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus). Arthritis is classified as one of the rheumatic diseases. These are conditions that are different individual illnesses, with differing features, treatments, complications, and prognosis. They are similar in that they have a tendency to affect the joints, muscles, ligaments, cartilage, tendons, and many have the potential to affect internal body areas.
What are symptoms of arthritis?

Symptoms of arthritis include pain and limited function of joints. Inflammation of the joints from arthritis is characterized by joint stiffness, swelling, redness, and warm. Tenderness of the inflamed joint can be present. Many of the forms of arthritis, because they are rheumatic diseases, can involve symptoms affecting various organs of the body that do not directly involve the joints. Therefore, symptoms in some patients with arthritis can also include nonspecific fever, weight loss, fatigue, and feeling unwell.

Natural alternative to Arthritis Drugs

Merck & Co. recalled its arthritis drug Vioxx after an ongoing trial confirmed the medication increases the risk of heart attack and strokes. Daniel Chapter One's GDU caps possess a wide range of actions including anti inflammatory and antispasmodic activity that make it suited to a wide range of uses. GDU is Safe even at very high dosages no toxic reactions have been found. Care should be taken though when using GDU if on any medication that thins the blood. The Nutrients in GDU include Bromelain, Turmeric, Quercetin, Feverfew and Boron. This natural anti inflammatory formula also helps to relieve arthritis pain and heal inflammation. Each serving also contains 300 mg of Tumeric which protects the liver against toxins, 100 mg Quercetin a natural bioflavonoid which enhances the absorption of Bromelain and relieves pain, bumps and bruises and 100 mg Feverfew, a natural pain killer.

Human studies show that curcumin in GDU rivals some standard drugs for alleviating rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, including morning stiffness and joint swelling. GDU's super formula with Curcumin has also been shown to help improve walking time for rheumatoid arthritis patients. Listen to what Pastor Wayne Harms had to say. "I had arthritis of the shoulder and spine. For several months I had been in severe pain making it hard to work. Chiropractic treatment corrected the spinal structure and relieved some of the pain but it could not correct the arthritis. I began using GDU, Micro Cal Plus, and GS1500. Within a week my pain was completely gone. I still take the products in smaller quantities to continue the healing process. My sister is a concert pianist. These products relieved the pain in her fingers and restored the flex-ability. She is closing in on 76, and still playing. When she was 71 she was in a car accident; her knees were badly injured and arthritis set in. She already had arthritis in her hands and joints. In 1998 she was in so much pain she was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. The doctor put her in a wheelchair and told her she would never walk again. I had the Daniel Chapter One arthritis products federal expressed overnight to her. Within 3 weeks most of her arthritis pain was gone. By the following month she was walking with the aid of a walker. Two months later she was carrying her walker every place she went, in case she got tired and had to use it!"
We recommend taking the following for Arthritis

Visit for further information.

What Joint Pain Relief Could Mean

Joint pain conditions are triggered or caused by two main factors which are; physical trauma and health conditions or diseases. Some of the most common diseases that cause this condition are arthritis and rheumatism. Many pain relief methods are advised by a qualified doctor. However, there are people who prefer to self medicate.

Self medication for joint pain is highly discouraged especially when the pain seems to be very severe. This is because you can make the problem even worse when you do not establish the root cause of the problem. Therefore, before joint pain relief is prescribed by a doctor, they must run tests which will reveal the actual cause of the pain.

When you are looking for joint pain relief for a sprain, there are several things you can do at home. Ice will also go a long way in numbing the area so that you do not experience severe pain. When you consult a doctor, they will prescribe anti anti inflammatory drugs. This drugs will prevent inflammation.

When you suffer from physical trauma, you can actually choose not to use any joint pain relief. This is because the body is able to naturally replenish and heal itself. This is the reason why relaxation and rest is always considered a good relief. Drugs will only speed up the recovery process.

However, when the cause of the problem is a chronic disease, the problem of pain can only be managed. Therefore, anti inflammatory drugs will not be the ultimate solution for the problem. You need to find ways of curing or managing the disease.

There are so many other alternative treatments like acupuncture and pressure puncture. This is where a specialist taps into the natural body energy to activate healing in the most natural way. This traditional joint pain relief involves the use of fingers and needles to target all the specific body points.

You need to be aware that there are certain side effects that you will experience as a result of using anti inflammatory drugs as relief. Such effects can be diarrhea, bloating, vomiting and so many others. Do not choose a relief just because it worked for somebody else. Follow the advise of your health professional and know which relief is the best for you.

Sometimes, we can use relief that we are not sure of. Testing whether various drugs will work, is one of the ways we get to know whether they can really work for us. While doing this, go for more safe methods to avoid major side effects.

Ease Shoulder Pain With All-Natural Glucosamine

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis affecting the shoulder. This painful form of arthritis can affect anyone, but is most prevalent among patients over the age of 50. Prior shoulder injury can also predispose a person to developing osteoarthritis and research indicates that osteoarthritis in the shoulder may be genetically linked.

Also known as degenerative joint disease or wear-and-tear arthritis, osteoarthritis is characterized by a wearing away of the cartilage cushion in the joint. As this cartilage cushion degenerates, bare bones are exposed to each other resulting in inflammation and pain. The disease is progressive and there is no cure.

Although symptoms get progressively worse as the condition of the joint worsens, they do not always do so steadily. In other words, you may have a good month or a bad month... a good day or a bad week. The unpredictable nature of such pain can lead to great frustration, particularly for those who are more active.

Symptoms vary, but common indicators of osteoarthritis include pain in the joint, swelling, stiffness and limited range of motion, and a sense of "catching" in the joint - a pesky "trick" shoulder that "acts up" at the most inopportune time.

A trip to the doctor will commonly result in a physical examination and x-rays. Many, if not most, physicians then recommend a litany of treatments ranging from prescription pain relievers or cortisone injections to physical therapy or surgery.

While all of these options are viable, each comes with specific risks. Stomach upset, headaches and stroke are only a few of the risks associated with such treatments. With this in mind, many physicians may also recommend dietary modification and nutritional supplementation for relief without the risk.

The most common nutritional supplement physicians recommend for osteoarthritis relief is glucosamine and chondroitin. These two molecules occur naturally in the joints of all humans and are the foundation of healthy bones and joints. In a damaged joint, glucosamine and chondroitin are in short supply and the body doesn't have the raw materials necessary to build new cartilage. With regular supplementation, however, the body has an advantage and can actually repair the damage caused by osteoarthritis. This is in sharp contrast to commonly prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that only reduce inflammation temporarily and do nothing to improve the condition of the damaged joint.

Benefits of Using Whole Body Vibration Equipment - Is A Vibration Plate Really Capable of All That?

Countless research studies have consistently demonstrated the great benefits achieved from using Whole Body Vibration equipment, and more continue research further proving these benefits continue to be published regularly.

Whole Body Vibration equipment enables users to train the various skeletal muscles and trigger other body reactions. The effects are beneficial for use in sports, fitness, aesthetics, rehabilitation, health prolongation and medical therapies, just to name a few.

Several hundred peer-reviewed papers have been published on the positive effects of WBV, and the number of research studies conducted and published is constantly increasing as the industry and technology develop further.

Effects described in these studies include:

- muscle strength and toning
- cellulite reduction
- improved bone density
- heightened secretion of hormones associated with exercise (Seratonin & HGH)
- depressed response of hormones associated with stress (Cortisol)
- weight loss
- detoxification and lymph movement
- improved neuromuscular response
- greater balance & stability, and
- heightened quality of life

In order to have any effect on the body over the long term, it is vital that the body systems experience fatigue or some sort of light stress. As in other forms of training, when the body is overloaded repeatedly and regularly, the principle of supercompensation applies. This principle is the cause of the body adapting and responding to loading, resulting in a performance increase. This effect has been proven several times in scientific research for both young and elderly subjects.

From research into the structural effects of vibration stimulus it can be deduced that the increases in strength resulting from WBV can definitely be compared to the results attained through conventional methods of training. Although, there are indications that better results may be achieved with WBV, especially in the area of explosive power, fast twitch reflex, and high repetition stamina.

Another important difference between conventional training methods and WBV is that there is only a minimum of loading. No additional weights are necessary, which ensures that there is very little loading to passive structures such as bones, ligaments and joints. That is why WBV is highly suited to people that are difficult to train due to old age, illness, disorders, weight or injury. On the other hand, it is also highly suitable for professional athletes and other physically active individuals who want to stimulate and strengthen their muscles without overloading joints and the rest of the physical system to achieve a new peak in physical fitness.

Other than its influence on the muscles, use of Whole Body Vibration equipment can also have a positive effect on bone mineral density. Vibrations cause compression and remodeling of the bone tissue which activates the production and delivery of osteoblasts (bone building cells), while reducing the activity of osteoclasts (cells that break bone down). Repeated stimulation of this system, combined with the increased pull on the bones by the muscles, will increase bone mineral density over time. It's also likely that improved circulation and the related bone perfusion due to a better supply of nutrients, which are also more able to penetrate the bone tissue, are contributing factors.

In preventing falls and the bone fractures that often result from them, enhancing bone mineral density is not the only important issue. Increased muscle power, postural control and balance are also factors worthy of consideration. Studies involving elderly subjects have shown that all of these issues can be improved using Whole Body Vibration.

Numerous studies have also demonstrated the ability of Whole Body Vibration in reduction of weight and cellulite. The increase in physical activity stimulates a rise in caloric consumption of the body in very much the same way as regular cardiovascular exercise. For most users the big upside is the shortened amount of time needed to achieve these results (just 10 minutes a day) in combination with the ease of exercising on a WBV device. Increases in the movement of lymph fluid as a direct result of WBV also play an integral role in the reduction of weight along with the benefits of detoxification.

Today, the applications for WBV continue to be researched and explored as the industry continues to evolve. Currently NASA, The Russian Space Institute, and the European Space Agency are experimenting with various types of vibration systems in an effort to further develop the technology and gain the ultimate benefits from vibration stimulus.

If applied properly and utilized for the right reasons with each individual, whole body vibration equipment really can produce the phenomenal results touted by the market.

The other major component is being sure to use a quality device to expose your body to the vibration stimulus. If you try to spend less and get a cheaper machine, that's all you'll end up accomplishing, getting a cheaper machine.

You will positively miss out on the full range of benefits of WBV because the cheaper machines are not strong enough to produce the full scale results that the legitimate devices can.

It may be a little more investment upfront, but the return in the long run is so much greater, the only way it makes sense to buy a device is to buy a good quality one that will maximize your investment and results, thus getting you the greatest return for your money spent and effort put forth.

7 Ways to Ease Arthritis in Cats

The vast majority of cat owners feed their feline friends with commercial cat food as this is the easiest and accepted thing to do. According to veterinary experts however, these commercial feeds are probably contributing to the development of cat arthritis in pets at home. Cat arthritis can be as debilitating and uncomfortable as the human equivalent.

It is a condition in cats which primarily affects the joints and bones of the body. It has the same uncomfortable and painful signs and symptoms which can hamper movement and physical activities in cats. Here are 7 top tips to think about regarding cat arthritis:

Tip #1: Diet can play a major role in the development of arthritis in cats. Thus, diet modification is one of the best treatment methods to help control and alleviate the signs and symptoms of cat arthritis.

Tip #2: Weight control can help prevent the development of this degenerative disease. Overweight and older cats are more likely to develop arthritis due to the extra pressure and weight being placed on the joints as well as the cartilage and bones. This extra weight causes the wearing off of the protective layers on the bones in the body.

Tip #3: Always check the nutrient levels in your cats diet. Try to include foods which are low in purine or protein as well as uric acid. Legumes and organ meats are not healthy for arthritic cats.

Tip #4: If you notice any awkward changes in your cats movements take them to the vet for a check up. Cats cannot complain verbally about their pain and what causes it. Observe the cat's physical activities and try to assess areas such as feet, hips and paws for tenderness when touched. It could be a sign that your cat is arthritic.

Tip #5: Arthritis treatment for cats may include medications to help your feline pet in coping with the pain. Drugs can be given by your vet which increases the regeneration of the bones and cartilage or build up the synovial fluid (fluid which protects the joints from rubbing together) within the joints to provide a cushions effect. Chondrotin and glucosamine also works with cats to protect and restore healthy bones and joints.

Tip #6: Recovery for arthritic cats is essential. Cat owners must encourage their cats to move to prevent contractures or stiffening joints. A warmer environment is helpful for cats in treating this disease. Maximum comfort must be provided for cats who are suffering from arthritis since the pain can be excruciating. Thus, soft beddings can cradle the joints and bones in order to lessen the impact of the pressure.

Tip #7: Massaging your cat gently and carefully can help with stiff joints and sore muscles. Heating pads and beds are useful too. Also improved circulation can add more warmth and comfort to your cat during an arthritic attack.

Monday, June 10, 2013

How to Relieve Your Dog of Joint Pain - Home Remedies to Safely Relieve Your Dog From Joint Pain

Is your dog suffering from joint pain? Seeing your pet, a loving member of your family, in pain can be very emotional. Sometimes they will just lay there and whine, while others will stare off with a blank stare. Even just to see him or her limping to get around the house can be enough to make you in tears, but do not worry; now there is something you can do for your dog when he or she is suffering from joint pain.

Dogs can suffer from joint pain for various reasons. My puppy suffers because of severe hip dysplasia, while other older dogs may suffer from hip dysplasia, arthritis, or just old age. There are many reasons for joint pain in dogs, and it is a very common issue. And now there are home remedies you can do to help relieve your dog of their arthritis like pains!

Home remedies are great to help relieve your dog of joint pain because they are 100% completely safe. While medications the veterinarian prescribe your dog are great, and may be needed at times, it is best to try to avoid them. Medications like Rymadyl will help relieve your dog's pain because it is an anti-inflammatory. But did you know you can help reduce the inflammation in your dog's joints with home remedies?

A few things that have severely helped my dog is massaging, ice, and heat therapy. He will generally fall asleep while I do this for him because he loves it so much. And that is saying a lot because before I do anything he is laying there with glossy eyes and a blank stare (like a baby with a dangerously high fever!).

My dog can be in substantial pain, but these home remedies relieve him of all his pain so he can get comfortable, sleep, and heal from his rough day. The next day, or maybe even with a few hours of rest, your dog will be back up and walking and running again. You will be addicted to these home remedies for joint pain, just like me!