Saturday, July 13, 2013

What Causes TMJ Dysfunction?

TMJ Dysfunction is a common, often misdiagnosed pathology and is often called "The Great Impostor" because of the many symptoms that can arise it. TMJ Dysfunction (or TMD) is the general term for the symptoms of abnormal joint function.

Some TMJ symptoms include:

  • ringing of the ears

  • Tinnitus

  • headaches

  • facial and muscle pain

  • popping or clicking of the TMJ

  • difficulty eating or chewing

  • neck and or back pain

  • pressure behind eyes and/or blurring of vision

  • direct jaw pain

  • limited opening or range of motion of the jaw (unable to open the jaw 40mm)

  • jaw opens crooked to one side or the other

  • scalloped tongue (from clenching at night)

Generally speaking, there are two reasons we see TMJ dysfunction in patients - microtrauma and macrotrauma.

The first, microtrauma, is caused by any type of trauma that occurs internally. Habits such as parafunctional (outside of function, or abnormal) clenching of the teeth is a common cause. Signs and symptoms include worn down teeth, sore facial muscles, and a scalloped tongue - grooves in the tongue surface where the tongue rests during clenching activity.

Another microtrauma is teeth grinding, or bruxism. The constant wear and tear of forces on the facial muscles and teeth cause stress on the joint, which can lead to further TMJ dysfunction. The constant stress on the supporting muscles of the TMJ can cause the posterior ligament to wear out and improperly displace joint head. If you experience bruxism or clenching, a night guard may provide some relief. You can find more information on bruxism and how to prevent this phenomenon by asking your dental health care professional.

An improper bite, or occlusion can also cause TMJ dysfunction. When your teeth come together properly, the anatomical position of the joint is in tact. However, if the teeth come together incorrectly, the joint can become dislocated over time.

Other trauma causing TMJ Dysfunction could be osteoarthritis of the joint or rheumatoid arthritis. If you are prone to osteoarthritis, the TMJ, like other joints in the body, can deteriorate over time and start to degenerate, which could cause TMJ dysfunction.

Macrotraumas include anything external, such as a blow to the face from physical activity or auto accidents for example. If you have an excessive traumatic force that would allow the joint to be dislocated, this could flatten down the lubricating disc of the TMJ and permanently damage the joint.

If you are suffering from bruxism or clenching, be sure to visit your dental professional for the best treatment options.

Joint Pain Treatment - Effective Remedies for Relief From Pain and Inflammation

When the ends of two or more bones are connected with the help of thick bands of tissue called ligaments then this is known as joint. For example lower leg bone forms knee joint which is known as shinbone or tibia, and the thighbone is known as femur.

Usually people at certain age or in some people before that age, joint pain occur. Though there are varieties of causes for pain in the joints but one of the most common cause is arthritis. Some of the common types of arthritis which results in joint pain are -

Osteoarthritis - It is also known as degenerative arthritis. This condition is also known as ''wearing out'' and it involves the breakdown of cartilage in the joints. After 'wearing out' of the cartilage the bones rub against each other and result into pain and stiffness.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Usually it affects women and it may affect each and every organ of the body. There is a swelling and inflammation in the joint.

Post traumatic Arthritis - This condition is caused after an injury to the joint in which the cartilage does not heal properly.

Avascular Necrosis - In this condition the bone is deprived of normal blood supply. Due to the absence of proper nutrition from the blood, gradually the bones structure weakens and it collapse and damage the cartilage.

Before going for any treatment of joint pain, a proper diagnosis is must. Some of the orthopaedic evaluation -

1. A thorough medical history
2. A physical examination
3. X-rays
4. Additional tests as needed

Based on the orthopaedic evaluation, the treatment options may include

1. Medications
2. Physical therapy
3. Joint fluid supplements
4. Joint replacement

Medication - For treating the joint pain and stiffness of arthritis, many different medications are used. Most common prescribed drugs are the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, or NSAIDs. It may be taken for a long term period for the reduction of swelling and pain which is caused by arthritis.

Physical Therapy - Physical therapy is must for the patient suffering from the problem of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It includes various exercises to increase muscle strength and also help in preserving the function. It also includes daily walking, using a cane or other supporting device.

Joint Fluid Supplements - 'Joint grease' injections are prescribed for the patients who do not show any improvement with the previous treatments.

Total Joint Replacement: Patients suffering from severe arthritis conditions have to move for total joint replacement. It is the last treatment option for joint pain.

Personal Injury Lawyer Tips On Maximizing Settlement Value

After 22 years as a personal injury attorney there is one key principle that stands out when it comes to getting what a case is worth:

Identify all injuries and make sure each is properly diagnosed and treated.

"What?", you say, "Isn't that the doctor's job?"

Maybe. But is it the doctor's job to make sure you get maximum recovery on your personal injury case?

In this day of information overload doctors are challenged to stay on top of developments in their field and to perform their specialty competently. An orthopedic surgeon, for example, can be expected to spot a bone break. But is it realistic for him to also know symptoms of "TMJ"?


The temporomandibular joint is one of two joints connecting the lower jaw bone to the temporal bone (think "temples") of the skull. It is a combined hinge and sliding joint. Temporomandibular joint disorder is an abnormal condition with facial pain and poor function of the lower jaw.

I once represented a Chinese client. He came to this country to go to school and decided to stay. While cruising the freeway in his Volkswagen bus one night, he was struck from behind by a large semi-truck.

His injuries were numerous and various. One day, after he had seen many doctors, he was visiting with me in my office discussing his personal injury case. My attention was drawn to an audible "pop" sound which coincided with the opening of his mouth.

TMJ? You better believe it. One of the worst cases I had ever seen (or heard).

Here's a checklist of TMJ symptoms that was provided by a TMJ specialist:

1. Is there pain in or around your ears, jaw, head or neck?

2. Are there any TMJ joint noises such as popping, clicking, or cracking sounds or feelings?

3. Is it painful to eat or difficult to open your mouth?

4. Do you have frequent headaches?

Very minor TMJ ailments can sometimes be treated adequately by a chiropractor but if the disorder continues beyond several chiropractic adjustments a referral should be made to a dentist who specializes in TMJ. The dentist can fit a bracket for the patient which will, hopefully, provide lasting rehabilitation and relief.


Another common malady in personal injury cases (especially after auto accidents) is a closed head injury. A closed head injury occurs when there is trauma (injury) to the brain that does not result in a skull fracture. One type of closed head injury is a "concussion," which is a violent jarring or shaking injury to the brain.

Closed head injuries are actually quite common after car accidents and can occur even though the injured person is not hit on the head.

A rapid acceleration and deceleration of the head can force the brain to move back and forth across the inside of the skull. The stress from the rapid movements pulls apart nerve fibers and causes damage to brain tissue. This type of injury often occurs as a result of motor vehicle crashes and physical violence, such as Shaken Baby Syndrome. (Source: Brain Injury Association of America.)

There at least twelve (12) common symptoms of closed head injury. I obtained a list of these common symptoms from a neuropsychologist. (A "neuropsychologist" is the medical professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of closed head injuries.) The list was developed for a research project: "Behavioural Outcome in Head Injury" by Sureyya Dikmen, Ph.D., Principal Investigator.

Here are the symptoms:

1) headaches;

2) fatigue;

3) dizziness;

4) blurred vision;

5) trouble concentrating;

6) bothered by noise;

7) bothered by light;

8) irritability, lack of patience;

9) loss of temper easily;

10) memory difficulty;

11) anxiety;

12) insomnia.

For head injuries involving injury to the brain the recognized specialist is the neuropsychologist. If the patient shows some of the above symptoms and, especially if these symptoms persist for longer than 18 months, a referral should be made to one of these experts who can perform a battery of tests to accurately assess how the accident has affected the mental abilities of the injured person.


In addition to these checklists, one way to spot undiagnosed injuries is to ask yourself: "where am I still in pain?". Let your doctor (or lawyer) know and get a referral to a doctor who is skilled in treating that part of your body.

Here's an example: pain radiating down arms or legs can be a symptom of a disk herniation. Intervertebral disks are soft "pads" that separate the bones of your spine. An accident can rupture the disk's outer covering (annulus fibrosis) causing the inner substance (nucleus pulposus) to push outward. This is called herniation and it can create pressure on surrounding tissues, most importantly the nerves which exit from your spinal cord. This pressure at the spinal level can cause pain all the way into your fingers or toes. Sometimes surgery is required to fix it.

The point here is that if you have the symptoms of a disc herniation you probably need an MRI or CT scan. (Note: symptoms of disc herniation need to be observed by a competent medical professional to determine if one of these tests is needed.) If you have a disk herniation which is properly diagnosed through one of these "imaging studies" your case will increase in value.

More importantly for you, in the long run, something can be done to treat it. If no MRI or CT scan is done then you don't get compensated for the injury and you suffer from it without proper treatment.

The Big 7 - 7 Reasons For Poor Health and Disease, and Possibly Death

In the study of disease we find unknown causes for a lot of diseases. This leaves us to speculate. The question is could there be multiple reasons behind one illness? These 7 reasons could cause poor health, whether that is fatigue, pain, diabetes, heart problems, or acne. They could be the reason behind every known and unknown disease.

When we think of allergies we think of things like peanut or bee sting allergies. These allergies get most of the press because of how dangerous they can be. These allergies can cause an attack and kill. This is an IgE response. It is fast, and deadly.

There is another type of allergy that has a slower response. It is called an IgG allergic response. Because of the slower response rate it is not as commonly known. If we eat something causing an IgG allergic response inflammation builds up in our intestine. The inflammation can then enter our blood stream. This inflammation can cause stomach and bowel diseases, plaguing in the arteries, and even destroy brain cells. Along with a host of problems.

Any joint in the body can decay if there is a misalignment of the joint. This is true with knees, feet, or spine. This misalignment in the spine can cause joints to degenerate and nerves to choke. Causing a decrease in nerve supply to muscles, tissues, or organs. If the nerve supply doesn't reach cells of an organ, muscle or tissue those cells can't function at full capacity. This can lead to a diseased state.

Degeneration of joints comes from muscle imbalances, injuries, slight misalignments, and biochemistry. The most common biochemical degeneration comes from diabetes.

Nutritional deficiencies can cause a variety of diseases. These disease ranges from Scurvy that killed many people and can be corrected by vitamin C, to pernicious anemia, caused by a deficiency in vitamin B-12. Pernicious anemia is a one of the causes of ALS.

These nutritional deficiencies many times go unnoticed. They are classified as sub clinical. Someone may show signs and symptoms of a disease. And their blood test is negative for that disease. Could this be a sub clinical nutritional deficiency? Many times nutrition can correct these sub clinical conditions.

. The body has an innate ability to detoxify itself. If this ability is lost, toxins build up in our bodies. The body stores these toxins in tissues, organs, and tries to eliminate it through skin, and hair.

First, we must protect the body from toxins. And since it is impossible to protect ourselves from our environment completely, we must make sure we are eliminating toxins from the body sufficiently.

Heavy metals can build up in the body. These toxins cause neurological disorders, heart problems, autism like symptoms, dementia. Many of the signs and symptoms associated with toxin are unusual and look like other diseases.

This type of pollution is starting to hit the media. Cell phones are the biggest problem. However, computers, cordless phones, fluorescent lights, batteries, and microwaves can cause health issues. This is most common in those who get sick easily.

This field is highly researched. The research is new and not considered mainstream. This field is very controversial and deserves our attention. Recently, brain tumors are reaching a younger population. This could be correlated directly to the increase of cell phone usage. More research needs to be done on this subject.

We fear normal viral and bacterial infections. Almost every cleaner and soap boasts its antimicrobial effect. There is no need to explain these further.

Another class of infection not so popular is the sub clinical infections. This usually happens when an over growth of normal bacteria and fungus grows on, or in our bodies. These infections cause fatigue and malaise. Our body's immune system tries to fight this bacterium off, and gets exhausted. Building up the immune system through proper nutrition and lifestyle change will eliminate this type of infection.

Thoughts can cause biochemistry to change. This change can be good or bad. Some stressors can decrease immune system effectiveness. Other thoughts could lead to effecting the endocrine system disrupting hormone regulation. All these responses can decrease health.

Health problem and disease usually do not come from one thing alone. The body's complex systems can break down in more than one way. Here are 7 causes to illness and disease. By viewing each as a possibility can increase the ability to overcome poor health.

Ultimate Relaxation During A Full Body Massage

Body massage starts from the early days of life; you may not remember the days when you were an infant but you must have seen mothers giving a soft massage to their infant with baby oil. Or probably you must have given a massage to your baby before a bath or even after a cozy bath. It is just because the human touch or the massage therapy gives the pleasure of being cared and pampered and helps relieve stress and pain.

Although we find many ways to relieve our tensions for example taking pain killers, going out for a dinner, watching movie or even through caffeine or alcohol. But these ways simply cover up the stress for a while. What you need is to get rid of the stress and feel relaxed from within. You won't feel healthy and fresh unless you take out all the stress and tiredness from your body. At times you do not work physically but the mental stress makes you look exhausted and pooped; you can't even sleep properly if you are not relaxed. The best way to exterminate all the tiredness and stress from your mind, soul and body is to have a good massage.

There are plenty of spas and massage centers that give you a relaxing massage and make you feel much fresh and relaxed physically and mentally both with their expert techniques of body massage. They offer different kinds of massage in a comfortable and soothing atmosphere; professional massage parlors create a great ambiance with soothing music and refreshing aroma all around you so your body and mind get maximum relaxation.

Full body massage in a good environment gives you the feeling of ultimate relaxation because the professional massagers know about the pressure points in the body which are linked with specific body organs. They manipulate these pressure points to give you maximum relaxation.

There are different types of full body massages such as:

Hot stone massage is given by placing hot basalt stones on specific points to melt away the knots, stress and tension.

Acupressure massage is a technique which relaxes the body by balancing the energy inside the body.

There are other massages with different oils and herbs to sooth your body. You can get a good full body massage for 60 to 90 minutes in a professional body massage center with positive results that will give you the ultimate relaxation that you really need.

Lumbar Spondylosis Is A Type Of Spondylosis Disease

Lumbar Spondylosis is a type of spondylosis disease. It is a medical term used for the degenerative joint disease relating to the part of the back between the ribs and the hipbones impuissance. Symptoms of lumbar spondylosis are severe pain in the neck, arms, shoulders and limbs, powerlessness of muscles and abnormal skin sensations called Paresthesia.

In its extreme condition, it can compress the nerves and influences on the structure of the spine, thus causing disorders in motor fibers. This degenerating process is very dangerous. Age factor is the common cause of this disease. Youngsters have enough power that keeps their vertebrae damp and flexible, so they can sit and stand erect, but with the growing age, the bones and connective tissues of the spine become weaker. About 80 percent old people have been found indulged in spondylosis.

Another type of Spondylosis is cervical spondylosis that affects the spinal cord badly. Lumbar Spondylosis symptoms generally appear in those people who are used to work excessively on the computer, drive vehicle, farmers who work hard in the sunshine and mostly in the old age people. If the patient uses the painkillers for a long time, it may have a negative effect on the stomach and kidneys. However, in many cases, the Lumbar Spondylosis does not show any symptoms; just he feels backache in the start. He should consult the doctor and get the x-ray report and CT scan of his backbone.

Take it seriously if:

1. You are having medicines and applying other treatments directed by the professional medical practitioner, but the pain is increasing day by day.

2. The checkup report reveals the dysfunction of the nerve system and spinal structure and you feel weakness in your legs and arms.

3. Bladder function is not under control.

4. There is a partial or total lack of sensation in neck and rear parts of your body.

5. The pain is causing weight loss and high fever.

As a treatment of Lumbar Spondylosis, physicians recommend physiotherapy (PT), chiropractic manipulative therapy (CMT), etc. and those who don't want to go through the surgical treatment should do exercise, massage, yoga, stylostixis, etc. regularly. Physiotherapy provides relief, helps in moving the affected parts of the body and makes the muscles strong. In the surgical treatment, the surgeon removes the affected areas of inter-vertebral disc.

Spondylosis diagnosis is done using radiology checkup including x-ray, CT scan and MRI scans that is very helpful in checking the back disc problems in detail. As far as the medication of Lumbar Spondylosis is concerned, there is no medicine available presently to turn the degeneration process back. The patient can take the anti-inflammatory medicines and painkillers as suggested by the medical specialist. NSAIDs, i.e. Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs have proven very positive results in the relief of backache and neck pain.

Aspirin and Capsaicin cream are some common medications used by most of the patients. Here, a considerable point is that Capsaicin should not be applied on the irritated skin. It is also important to wash your hands after massage of the recommended creams.

Lumbar Spondylosis can disappear for some days, but can, again, appear after some weeks. Bed rest for a long time cannot be as much effective in this disease instead you should carry on the regular activities, just avoid from activities that aggravate the problem, e.g. lifting burden, climbing stairs, etc. The use of ice and heat on the affected areas and special supportive pillows is also very common in people who suffer from lumbar spondylosis.

The lumbar spondylosis injections commonly used are epidural injection, intra-disc injection, cortisone injection and facet joint injection. If you feel some change in the signs of lumbar spondylosis, e.g. sciatica, arm onset disorder, etc. don't take it lightly. Visit to the health care practitioner immediately because every disease can be overcome if a proper follow-up is there.

There are no hard and fast lumbar spondylosis preventions, however, take extra care of yourself in the following ways, i.e.

1. Be sure that the diet you are having is a balanced diet and contains nutrients that are necessary to make the muscles and bones strong.

2. If your work is in front of the PC, notice the sitting position of yours, it should not be over-bent.

3. In the same way, when you stand, standing position should be straight.

4. Be careful that you are not lifting heavy burden, if necessary, be in the erect position.

5. Out of your busy routine, extract some time for regular exercise and yoga, if possible.

6. If you are becoming underweight day by day, you should consult with your doctor for the reason and facts.

7. Please do not smoke at all; it is very injurious to your health.

8. Please do not use alcoholic beverages frequently.

9. Set a daily schedule of your tasks, do not perform overwork and have a rest at proper times.

Friday, July 12, 2013

How Bikram Works

Following are the postures in exact sequence along with the benefits a practitioner is expected to receive.

For maximum benefits and to avoid any injury whatsoever, it is highly recommended to perform and practice these postures under supervision of certified Bikram Yoga teacher and preferably at a certified Bikram Yoga school.

Pranayama (Deep Breathing)

Brings freshly oxygenated blood to every muscle in the body, warms up your body and prepares you for the standing series.

Ardha Chandrasana w/Pada-Hastasana (Half mood pose w/ hands to feet pose)

Improves flexibility of the spine, circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body and invigorates the nervous system. Increases flexibility in the spine and sciatic nerves and tones muscles in the abdominal area.

Utkatasana (Awkward Pose)

Strengthens and firms your thigh, calve, hip, deltoids and triceps muscles. Increases blood flow to your ankle, knee and hip joints relieving arthritis and gout.

Garurasana (Eagle Pose)

Works all 14 major joints throughout the body, 7 on each side, creating pressure in the joints then is released. Massages the reproductive organs improving vitality.

Dandayamana JanuShirasana (Standing head to Knee pose)

Helps to develop concentration and determination. Improves flexibility of sciatic muscles, develops strength in the: abdominal, thigh and hamstring muscles.

Dandayamana-Dhanurasana (Standing Bow pulling pose)

Improves circulation to the heart and lungs. Diminishes lower back pain by improving flexibility in the spine.

Tulandasana (Balancing Stick pose)

Improves circulation throughout body, increases heart rate and opens up the chest improving the capacity of the lungs. Strengthens your hips, buttocks, thighs, shoulder and upper arm muscles.

Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Pashimottanasana (Standing Separate Leg Stretching)

Opens up adrenal glands and improves circulation to the bran. A whole body-stretching pose from the hamstring and hips up to your lower, middle and upper spine.

Trikanasana (Triangle Pose)

Works every muscle, joint, tendon, nerve and tissue in the body, union between the heart and lungs bringing balance to your vital organs. Strengthens your hamstring, quadriceps and calve muscles.

Dandayaman-Bibhaktapada-Janushirasana (Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee pose)

Compresses the pancreas, thyroid and kidneys. Good for balancing blood sugar levels and for boosting of the metabolism.

Tadasana (Tree pose)

Opening of your hip and pelvis.

Padangustasana (Toe stand pose)

Strengthens weak joints and stomach muscles. Builds determination and concentration in the mind and body.

Savasana (Dead body pose)

Slows down heart rate, allows the body to reset and breathing return to normal.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind removing pose)

Opens and improves flexibility in hip joints. Improves the digestive system stimulating liver and spleen.

Sit up

Strengthens and tightens the abdominal muscles

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Strengthens the lower spine, preventing osteoporosis.

Salabhasana (Locust pose)

Strengthening of the upper spine, bringing strength and balance to both sides of the body.

Poorna-Salabhasana (Full Locust pose)

Strengthening of the middle spine.

Dhanurasana (Bow pose)

Opening of the shoulders and throat, strengthening of the entire spine, eliminating scoliosis.

Supta-Vajrasana (Fixed firm pose)

Opening of the knee and ankle joints, helps to cure sciatica and gout.

Ardha-Kurmasana (Half tortoise pose)

Strengthening and lengthening of shoulder, lattisimus and back muscles. Providing maximum relaxation to entire body and spine. Increases blood flow to the brain enhancing memory and mental awareness. Brings balance to your sleep schedule.

Ustrasana (Camel pose)

Maximum compression of the spine, improving flexibility and spine strength. Opening of the chest and throat and stimulation of the entire nervous system.

Sasangasana (Rabbit pose)

Stretches and lengthens the entire spine and back, stimulating blood flow throughout the body bringing fresh oxygen to the head.

Janushirasana w/ Paschimottanasana (Head to knee pose w/ Stretching pose)

Increases flexibility of hamstring and shoulder muscles, opening your hip joints and improving flexibility of spine lengthening the last five vertebrae. Increases blood flow to the spleen, liver, pancreas, intestines, thyroid and thymus glands.

Ardha-Matsyendrasana (Spine twisting pose)

Bringing flexibility and circulation to each and every vertebra of the spine, release tension.

Khapalbhati (Blowing in firm)

Re oxygenates body riding it of toxins in the lungs, revitalizing and reenergizing.

Back Pain Caused by Rib Malposition

A very common source of upper and mid-back pain is misalignment of the ribs. Some misalignments of the rib-spine articulation can cause severe, sharp stabbing pain between the shoulder blades which can also radiate into the shoulders. Heavy breathing or taking a deep breath will usually cause an increase in pain. These injuries are usually non-traumatic and can last for weeks unless properly treated. The most common treatment includes pain medications and in some severe cases, pain injections. Complementary alternative medicine such as chiropractic, massage therapy, and physical therapy can provide fast relief from these types of injuries using spinal manipulation, stretching, trigger point therapy, and myotherapy. To better understand rib non-traumatic rib injuries you have to understand the anatomy of the thoracic spine and ribcage and how it works naturally. This is a brief overview of the anatomy of the involved area and the causes of rib pain.

What makes the thoracic spine different from other regions is its articulation with the rib cage. The components of the thoracic cage include the menubrium, sternum, xiphoid, and costal cartilages anteriorly, the T1-T12 spinal vertebrae poseriorly, and the ribs connecting them. Normally there are 12 sets of ribs that make up the thoracic cage. The first 7 ribs are known as true ribs or vertebrocostal ribs. These ribs extend anteriorly from the spine and directly attach to the sternum through individual costal cartilages. Ribs 8-10 are referred to as false or vertebrochondral ribs. They extend from the spine and articulate differently to the sternum. Their costal cartilages join to that of the rib above them. These then collectively attach to the inferior portion of the sternum near the xiphoid process. Ribs 11 and 12 are considered free floating vertebral ribs. These ribs extend from the spine and terminate into the posterior abdominal musculature and never articulate with the sternum. The ribs are further classified as typical and atypical ribs. Ribs 3-9 are considered typical due to their design. Each of these ribs has a wedge shaped head with 2 facets. The inferior facet articulates with the superior demifacet of the corresponding vertebra and the superior facet articulates with the inferior demifacet of the vertebral body above. The crest between the two facets articulates with the interposed intervertebral disc and is connected by an intraarticular ligament. Each costovertebral joint has a capsule that surrounds it and contains articular cartilage and synovial lining. On the anterior side, the capsule is reinforced by the radiate ligament. The radiate ligament extends from the anterior aspect of the rib head to the two articulating vertebral bodies. Ribs 1,2,10,11,and 12 are classified as atypical. They are different from the above described ribs as follows.

The 1st rib is the broadest and shortest of the true ribs. It only has one facet on its head which articulates with the T1 vertebra. It also has a scalene tubercle and 2 grooves for the subclavian artery and vein. The 2nd rib has 2 facets like typical ribs but also has a tubercle for muscle attachment. The 10th and 11th ribs have only one facet like the 1st and the 11th and 12th ribs are short and have no necks or tubercles. The thoracic spine and rib cage are intimately related to the vessels and nerves of the region. The mixed spinal nerves in the thoracic region split and form dorsal and ventral rami. The dorsal ramus passes through the foramen of Cruveilhier and then divides into medial and lateral branches. The inferior aspect of this foramen is the rib below and the lateral aspect is the superior costotransverse ligament. The ventral rami go on to form intercostals nerves and a subcostal nerve at T12. The intercostals nerves travel laterally along the subcostal grooves, just inferior to the intercostals veins and arteries. Each nerve provides motor, sensory, and sympathetic innervation to the thoracic wall. Intercostal muscles lay within the intercostals spaces. There are three layers to this muscle system. The external intercostals muscles form the superficial layer. These muscles run inferoanteriorly between the ribs and aid in inspiration. The internal intercostals muscles are the middle layer and run at right angles to the external intercostals. These muscles aid in expiration. The innermost intercostal muscles are deepest and also aid in expiration. The intercostals nerves and vessels run between the middle and deep layer of the intercostals muscles. Also involved in such cases is the trapezius muscle. It is a large superficial muscle of the neck and back. Due to its attachments into the thoracic spine it can indirectly alter biomechanics of rib articulations and cause instability in the scapulothoracic region. It attaches to the medial 1/3 of the superior nuchal line, EOP, ligamentum nuchae, and the spinal processes of C7-T12. Inferiorly it attaches to the lateral 1/3 of the clavicle, acromion, and spine of the scapula. The superior fibers elevate the scapula. The middle fibers work to retract the scapula. And the inferior fibers depress the scapula.

Pain arising from rib misalignments, also known as subluxations, can be extremely painful in many cases. This atypical chest wall and interscapular pain can raise concern for more serious pathology including cardiac and pulmonary related disease and must be investigated and ruled out in many situations. A number of factors can lead to this sort of pain perception. One of the primary reasons for this is the extensive innervation present at the costovertebral joints. Any abnormal positioning of the rib itself can cause irritation to any number of nociceptive fibers in the area. Because of its central location, lesions in this area can gain access to both spinal and autonomic nerve fibers. Many patients suffering from rib pain can also have symptoms related to the sympathetic nervous system including tachycardia and excessive sweating. These symptoms also mimic more serious visceral pathology. Researchers have recently identified the presence of free nerve endings within the costovertebral and costotransverse joint capsules that respond to inflammation and mechanoreception. This can serves as a primary pain generator but also tells us that these joints can respond well to manipulation. Recent research even points to highly innervated synovial folds within the costovertebral joints as a large player in rib related pain patterns. Another source of pain generation in the thoracic cage comes from motor reflexes coming from the spinal cord. It is well documented that pain afferentation from nociceptive receptors within the rib capsule can cause a motor reflex resulting in myospasm of related musculature including intercostal muscles, leading to a protective splinting response. This may be a direct result of pain caused by excessive movement of the rib articulations when the rib head is out of position. Constant activation of these receptors leads to a loop of nociceptive afferent input and reflex muscular hypertonus and pain. Typically these mechanoreceptors are unmyelinated free nerve endings that are easily stimulated during rib subluxation. In a way this splinting reflex is useful in that it helps to stabilize the joint but it is also very painful at the same time. As the intercostal muscles begin to spasm they cause serious irritation to the intercostals nerves and vessels that run between the two innermost layers of musculature. Initially this results in intense localized pain paraspinally but can progress to radiation along the affected nerves.

Management of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction, or TMD, is a disorder which has a vast variety of symptoms and causations. Symptoms range from popping, clicking, locking of the jaw, reduced mouth opening, headaches, neck pain, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), or a number of related symptoms. Regarding causation, there is an exhaustive list, with the most common related to trauma (i.e. whiplash), microtrauma (i.e. poor occlusion/bite contributing to grinding), stress (psychological or physical), postural problems, nutrition, or hormonal variations.

The area of the TMJ is the area of the face that contributes to chewing, your occlusion (bite), and jaw movement. Therefore, TMD compromises jaw flexibility and may cause pain at rest or during common movements such as talking, chewing, or yawning. The first approaches towards addressing TMD should be conservative. One of the few ways of confronting TMD will be addressed in this article. Please contact an orthodontist or dentist to find out more information as needed per your condition.

In our practice, our treatment philosophy combines two phases of treatment. The initial phase incorporates splint appliance therapy combined with intensive physical medicine modalities (i.e. physical/massage therapists). A splint is a custom made mouthpiece that allows your facial muscles to relax, and many times, for your joint symptoms to dissipate. The use of this appliance also allows the doctor to better diagnose the causation of your symptoms by telling him or her, for example, if your symptoms are joint related versus muscle related. The second phase of treatment usually involves modification of the patient's occlusion (bite) via orthodontics , restorative dentistry, or any other necessary treatment depending on the patient's needs.

Outside of splint therapy and physical medicine, patients should also avoid extreme jaw movements like yawning or singing. Additionally, patients should chew softer foods and stay away from food requiring repetitive chewing or opening movements. In particular, avoid gum, biting into apples and large sub sandwiches, chewing ice, etc. Patients should also avoid keeping their mouths open for prolonged periods of time (i.e dental appointments)

Challenges in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Hip and Knee

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and is the one typically associated with aging. According to data compiled by the National Institutes of Health (NIAMS), OA affects more than 20 million Americans.

OA is a disease due to abnormal cartilage metabolism. Cartilage is the connective tissue that lines the ends of long bones. It is tough gristly material consisting of a matrix of proteoglycans and collagen. Within this framework, cells, called chondrocytes, manufacture the matrix.

OA can be a result of genetics (there is often a family history), injury to the joint, and aging.

Weight bearing areas such as the spine, hips, knees, and the base of the thumb are the most common areas affected.

Symptoms of OA include joint pain, swelling, limited range of motion of the joint, and stiffness.

Treatment of this disorder has been largely aimed at symptom reduction. Among the various treatments used have been analgesics (pain killers), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), which help reduce swelling and inflammation, injections of corticosteroid and viscosupplements (lubricants), physical therapy, and eventually joint surgery.

Different types of alternative therapies such as chiropractic, acupuncture, herbal medicines, and supplements have also been used.

These treatments, while helpful for symptoms, do nothing to restore cartilage. The end result is that patients end up needing joint replacement.

More recently, there have been attempts to heal cartilage defects. Procedures that have been employed include:

1. Autologous chondrocyte implantation. In this procedure, cartilage cells are removed from a non-weight bearing part of the joint, arthroscopically, grown in a lab, and then re-implanted into the cartilage defect.

2. Mosaicplasty. Multiple cartilage plugs are harvested from a non weight-bearing part of the joint and inserted into the cartilage defect.

3. Microfracture. The cartilage defect has multiple small holes drilled into it to allow blood and a few stem cells escape into the defect and ostensibly grow cartilage.

While these procedures have been used for small isolated cartilage defects- mostly in athletes- none of these procedures has been used extensively for osteoarthritis. In addition, long term data regarding efficacy has been mixed.

So the problem remains... What can be done to restore cartilage?

The most promising approach appears to be the use of autologous stem cell transplantation. In this procedure, bone marrow harvested from the posterior iliac crest of the patient is concentrated to isolate stem cells. Then using a combination of platelet-derived growth factors, subcutaneous fat, and a few other ingredients, the stem cells are reapplied in a regional manner to treat the osteoarthritic joint.

It must be mentioned that the pain of OA is not due directly to cartilage loss. Rather the pain is a result of several factors including irritation of the joint capsule due to bony spurs, called osteophytes, as well as inflammation of the synovium, the lining of the joint.

However, there are significant barriers when it comes to the used of stem cells. First, patients need to be at or near ideal weight. Second, they must be in good physical condition. And lastly there are biomechanical factors that must be considered. For instance, the knee is not just a hinge joint that bends back and forth. There is also a gliding component as well as a rotation component with normal knee range of motion.

The hip is a joint that is capable of significant range of motion. Most osteoarthritis develops in the superior portion of the joint and that also makes the treatment approach difficult since there is a tremendous amount of load strain that accompanies weight bearing.

The upshot is that with cartilage deterioration, there are altered biomechanics that need to be taken into account when treating an osteoarthritic joint, whether it's the knee or the hip.

Limited weight-bearing after the procedure is critical and an early program of directed physical therapy is also required.

Attempts to normalize the abnormal biomechanics are critical.

While the early data for stem cell transplantation looks promising, longer term data, and continued improvements in techniques should improve the long term outlook for patients.

Facet Injections As a Choice for Back Pain

Facet injections are minimally invasive procedures that temporarily relieve pain resulting from an inflammation in a facet joint. Pain associated with a facet joint is not fully understood, but it is believed that it is possible that it stems from one of several causes, injury, arthritis, or degeneration, and it can produce symptoms similar to disc degeneration. A facet injection's benefits only last temporarily; from a mere day up to a year as it is a minimal procedure. Facet injections are usually used in conjunction with physical therapy and/or other forms of treatment such as chiropractic spinal manipulation.

Dual purpose

Facet injections work by introducing a long term corticosteroid, along with an anesthetic agent developed to numb the area, into the facet joint that is painful, either entering the capsule or alongside the surrounding tissue of the joint. The facet injection also has a purpose beyond the temporary pain relief; it can also be used as a diagnostic procedure. The facet injection blocks pain signals sent to the brain by numbing the nerves in that area, patients that benefit from these injections may be candidates for facet rhizotomy, which is a procedure in which the nerve endings in the affected area are deadened by use of an electric current that destroys the nerves and prevents them from signaling the brain for pain.

Candidates for facet injections are patients suffering from (any or all of these symptoms) neck, lower back, arm combined with leg pain, caused by inflammatory response in the joints. Facet injections are often recommended for patients that did not show improvement to other remedies such as rest, anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy or back braces.

Facet injections can be used to treat spinal stenosis, spondylolysis, sciatica, herniated disc, arthritis, or post-operative pain. People with active infections, are pregnant, have bleeding problems should not receive these injection. Also, persons with high blood pressure or diabetes should use caution as facet injections may raise levels of blood sugar (this effect last for about 24 hours), and can raise blood pressure levels.

Speedy pain relief

Facet joint injections are administered as an outpatient treatment by surgeons, physiatrists, radiologists, anesthesiologists, and neurologists using a fluoroscope. A fluoroscope is like an x-ray machine that allows the doctor to see the needle to help assure proper placement and a proper path. The patient usually feels a sensation similar to pressure but doesn't really feel pain as the area injected is usually numbed with a local anesthetic prior to the injection. Often the patient will be given drugs to lessen anxiety to help them relax during the injection. Most patients can walk immediately following the injection, but they will need someone to drive them home. The patient should notice pain relief within a week following the injection. If a lessening of pain is not noticed after ten days a second injection may be given, but if after three injections the patient feels no relief they are unlikely to benefit from further treatment. Typically half of patients given facet injections will gain relief from the treatment, and the procedure may be given three times per year.

Lower risks

Risks involved are considered minimal, but there are some; these include internal bleeding, infection at the site, allergic reaction, pounding in the temple, and damage to the nerve. There are also side effects which include fluid retention, hot flashes, mood swings or interrupted sleep patterns, and a rise in blood sugar levels. Diabetics have to be monitored carefully due to this. Also, patients who take anti-clotting or blood thinning medications should discuss the treatments with their family physician before beginning treatment.

Facet injections are a good choice in treatment to try before deciding on an invasive surgery when it comes to combating moderate to severe back pain, as it may just do the trick- with a lowered chance of complications and health risks.

Good Natural Supplements for Hip Dysplasia

Hip Dysplasia is a very painful condition and a very common skeletal disease seen in dogs. The condition normally starts in young dogs with an unstable or loose hip joint. The hip joints do not develop correctly leading to deterioration and eventual loss of function. This condition can also be caused later on in life by the onset of osteoarthritis.

Gender is not normally a factor in determining whether your dog will suffer from dysplasia. However, certain breeds of dog are far more susceptible than others, particularly large or giant breeds such as the German Shepherd, Great Dane, Labrador Retriever and St Bernard. There are several causes of hip dysplasia in young dogs.

Over exercise in a young dog can lead to early wearing of the bones and joints and abnormal development. Rapid weight gain is another factor; the joints and bones can only take so much weight and pressure on them before they start to wear away and malfunction. Diet and breeding are also factors.

Some of the symptoms of hip dysplasia are a decrease in activity, a reluctance to run around, jump and climb up and down stairs, difficulty in getting up and moving around, and lameness, particularly in the hind limbs. You may also notice your dog walking with a rolling gait and his shoulders may start to become heavyset. This is because he will be transferring his weight to his shoulders, to avoid the discomfort in his hind quarters.

There are things you can do to stop or minimise the risk of you dog suffering from this very painful condition. Firstly, do not over exercise your dog, particularly in the first year or so of its life. This is when the dog's bones and joints are growing and forming and when the most damage is likely to occur.

Ensure your dog is fed on a good healthy diet. This should be a balanced diet containing at least 55% protein with the rest being made up from a combination of carbohydrates, grains and vegetables. Be aware that many of the complete dog foods available on the market today do not always contain what your dog needs in a diet and supplements may be required.

An excellent supplement to give your dog if he is suffering from dysplasia is glucosamine and chondroitin. Glucosamine is a major sugar and an essential building block for the maintenance of joints and cartilage. Chondroitin enhances these sugars and also inhibits damaging enzymes.

Vitamins C and E are vital to your dog's diet have excellent inflammatory properties, as do Omega fatty acids. These can be purchased in supplement form and given to your dog daily. Calcium is also vital to the development and maintenance of your dog's bones and joints. If enough is not present already in his diet then this needs to be given daily as well. A little milk with his food will work wonders but be careful not to give too much as it can make your dog sick.

Any of the above can be given to your dog to help prevent dysplasia as well as to treat him if he already has it. As with any medical condition, veterinary advice should be sought for correct diagnosis.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Acupuncture and Moxibustion Treatments - Healing Power and Its Wide Range

Acupuncture and Moxibustion is a medical treatment that has been practiced for thousands of years in China and other Asian countries as well as now around the world. It is used as a means of treating and preventing disease. Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of fine, sterile needles into specific sites (acupuncture points) along the body's meridians to clear energy blockages and encourage the normal flow of energy (Qi) through the individual.

The general theory of acupuncture is based on the premise that there are patterns of energy flow (Qi) through the body that are essential for health. Disruptions of this flow are believed to be responsible for disease. Acupuncture corrects imbalances of flow at identifiable points close to the skin. Today, acupuncture is an effective, natural and increasingly popular form of health care that is used by people whole over the world.

Acupuncture needles are so fine that there is no discomfort when they are inserted but a slight tingle (known as needle sensation) may be experienced. The needles are usually left in for approximately twenty minutes to more; during this time there may be a heaviness of the limbs and a feeling of relaxation. The Doctor / practitioner may also stimulate the acupuncture points using other methods, such as moxibustion (a traditional technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb used to facilitate healing), cupping and electro-stimulation etc. in order to re-establish the flow of qi.

Since Acupuncture and moxibustion Medicine promotes the body's natural healing ability, many conditions can be treated. It is also a comprehensive system of preventative health care and maintenance. The effectiveness of acupuncture is well-documented. Throughout its long history, acupuncture has established a solid reputation as an excellent alternative for health care that actually works, and is very effective to treat some diseases, where other methods of treatment could not achieve good result or failed.

An Acupuncture medicine doctor should possess adequate knowledge and experience for providing proper treatment to his/her patients. To avoid the unwanted complications in Acupuncture treatment please avoid taking treatment by quack / fake Acupuncturist. There are many around us without proper qualifications. Because inadequate knowledge and experience may lead to serious medical problems.

The World Health Organization recognizes Acupuncture as a viable means of treatment for a wide range of conditions. In an official report, Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials, the WHO has listed the following symptoms, diseases and conditions that have been shown through controlled trials to be treated effectively by acupuncture:

low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, tennis elbow, knee pain, periarthritis of the shoulder, sprains, facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders), headache, dental pain, tempromandibular (TMJ) dysfunction, rheumatoid arthritis, induction of labor, correction of malposition of fetus (breech presentation), morning sickness, nausea and vomiting, postoperative pain, stroke, essential hypertension, primary hypotension, renal colic, leucopenia, adverse reactions to radiation or chemotherapy, allergic rhinitis, including hay fever, biliary colic, depression (including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke), acute bacillary dysentery, primary dysmenorrhea, acute epigastralgia, peptic ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis.

In the field of acupuncture some good clinical researches have been completed, and there has also been some follow-up assessment of many of the conditions that have been treated by Acupuncture Doctors. Some diseases are more successfully treated by acupuncture and Moxibustion where other methods of treatment could not achieve good result or failed. Though this method of treatment has already been started in our country but due to quite less number of medically qualified acupuncture doctors available in our country and lack of proper perception about the application of this method in some specific diseases, the patients are depriving from the advantages of Acupuncture & Moxibustion treatment.

So, I have made an attempt to provide little information about the effects of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in few diseases. Many of the facts and figures quoted in the following sections are the results of my own experience and clinical trials carried out in China and others countries.

Diseases of the Muscles, Bones and Joints:
The muscles, bones and joints are usually called collectively the musculo-skeletal system. When disease or damage occurs to this system it nearly always results in pain, and most people use words such as rheumatism or arthritis to describe this type of pain.

There are three main types of damage that occur to the musculo-skeletal system; the first is a sudden injury or sprain which might be a domestic injury, or might be incurred during a sporting activity or in a car accident. This usually causes local pain and bruising lasting for a few days, or even a few weeks or more. The other main group is arthritis and this can be divided into two important types, Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Sprains: Sudden injury or sprains usually respond well to acupuncture. The pain resulting from a sprained shoulder, ankle etc will often continue for some days or weeks after the initial injury. Once a clear diagnosis has been made acupuncture can usually be used to relieve this type of pain.

The experience of a many of Acupuncture doctors, shows that, of the people treated for differing acutely painful conditions, about 70 percent obtain swift and significant pain relief. If a fracture of the bone is present then the pain relief gained from acupuncture is less effective than if the injury is due to a strain or tear of the muscles, tendons or ligaments. The main advantage of treating these acute pains with acupuncture is that chronic pain can be avoided. A sudden shoulder injury may produce pain and immobility for many months, sometimes years, but if acupuncture is used when the pain occurs then it seems that chronic pain may be avoided.

Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis and the rheumatic pains that result from this type of joint damage are quite a common problem. People frequently complain that their arthritic knee pain is worse in cold or damp weather and this demonstrates quite clearly the origin of the concept of pathogens in traditional medicine. The pathogen in osteoarthritis is almost always cold or damp and therefore these pains should be treated by moxibustion.

A great deal of research work has been done to investigate the effects of acupuncture on the pain caused by osteoarthritis. Clinical trials have been completed on knee, hip, elbow, neck and lower back pain, and the information from these trials shows that significant pain relief can be achieved in about 70 per cent of those who receive acupuncture. Some work suggests that only 50 per cent of people benefit from acupuncture while other trials show 95 per cent of the patients benefiting. Acupuncture also has a 'magical quality' that drugs do not have, so it is difficult to sort out the effects of the 'magic' as compared to the real effects of acupuncture. In spite of these problems, acupuncture is a safe and effective form of treatment for osteoarthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: The effects of acupuncture on rheumatoid arthritis are not so clear cut. During the early, acute, inflammatory stage of rheumatoid arthritis there is some evidence to suggest that Acupuncture might worsen the pain (though which usually may subside gradually) and therefore many acupuncturists do not treat acute rheumatoid arthritis. After some months the acute inflammatory stage subsides and the residual joint destruction may then lead to the development of a secondary osteoarthritis. This type of pain is amenable to acupuncture and responds in the same way as other osteoarthritic aches and pains. Chronic pain, due to disease of the musculo-skeletal system, is frequently amenable to acupuncture treatment. The published research shows that pain which has been present for many years can respond as well as pain that has been present for only a few months; therefore, from the available information, it is fair to say that acupuncture is 'always worth a try' in this type of condition.

Headaches: Headaches can be due to a multitude of factors; arthritis of the neck, dental problems, psychological problems, sinusitis, stress and tension, and head injury are a few of the many causes. Headaches are a common complaint and a notoriously difficult one to treat effectively, and they can be the cause of a considerable amount of distress and marital disharmony. Acupuncture treatment has been used to treat a wide variety of headaches, particularly migrainous headaches, and the results obtained have been very encouraging. The published work suggests that between 65-95 per cent of all headache sufferers obtain significant and long lasting pain relief from acupuncture treatment. Migraines seem to respond as well as, if not better than, other types of headache. Acupuncture therapy for headaches may cause the headaches to vanish completely, or occur with a markedly decreased intensity and/or frequency. The pain relief resulting from acupuncture treatment can sometimes be maintained for some years and re-treatment is usually required less frequently for headaches.

Diseases of the Nervous System:

Strokes: A stroke is caused by a disturbance of the blood supply to the brain. The blood vessels that normally supply blood to the brain can be compromised by becoming blocked or bleeding. This result in a deficient blood supply to the brain tissue and these events can be precipitated by a variety of factors such as raised blood pressure, hardening of the arteries and severe head injury. The brain is divided into many different functional areas, one area controlling speech, while another dominates the sensations of touch and pain. The functional impairment that occurs with a stroke depends on the area of the brain that is damaged; if the speech area is damaged by a lack of blood supply then the patient may be unable to speak properly. In China, acupuncture is the standard treatment for strokes. In the Western countries, the mainstays of stroke treatment are speech therapy, physiotherapy and occupational therapy, but the Chinese feel that these methods have less to offer than acupuncture medicine. Both scalp and body acupuncture are techniques that can be used to aid recovery from a stroke. The research work suggests that acupuncture increases the blood supply to the brain, and for some unexplained reason this seems to improve functional ability and acts as a stimulus to recovery after a stroke.

Clinical trials completed by the Chinese doctor's state that some effect can be gained from acupuncture in about 80 per cent of strokes. The success rate claimed is very high but to some extent this success rate is mirrored by the experience of a variety of doctors in the West. Western medicine often has little to offer the stroke patient and therefore acupuncture therapy is always worth considering. Ideally strokes should be treated within six months of the damage occurring. The Chinese doctors also treat their patients for long periods and a stroke patient may receive one hundred or two hundred acupuncture treatment sessions before being declared a success or a failure.

The Neuralgias (Nerve Pain): Trigeminal neuralgia usually presents with severe unilateral facial pain. Its cause is unclear but the painful facial spasms are often precipitated by cold or wind. The Chinese acupuncturist claim to be able to gain improvement, with acupuncture, in about 70 per cent of cases of trigeminal neuralgia. Judging by the experience of Western acupuncturists this success rate represents a rather high figure, although acupuncture can undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on this type of pain.

Postherpetic neuralgia is the pain that occurs after an attack of shingles. Shingles is a viral infection of the nerves, and the nerves affected by shingles can occasionally continue to cause severe pain after the shingles has cleared. It seems that of those patients with established postherpetic neuralgia, about 40 per cent gain some degree of long term benefit from acupuncture treatment. There are a vast number of aches and pains that are often described as neuralgic. Many of these occur as facial pain and most of them cause severe discomfort. It is always worthwhile to attempt to alleviate these pains by using acupuncture treatment.

Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia and Other Nervous Disorders: It is difficult to be objective about the treatment of disorders such as anxiety, Insomnia and depression, as the problems themselves are difficult to assess objectively, and therefore no good clear figures are available about their treatment with acupuncture. In spite of this, many acupuncture doctors, including the Chinese, treat a wide range of 'mental disorders' and insomnia (sleep problem) with acupuncture. Many people have stated that acupuncture is clearly effective in helping symptoms such as insomnia and bed-wetting, and can also create a feeling of general well-being. The Chinese doctors have completed trials on some of the more clearly defined and serious mental diseases, such as schizophrenia. In a trial involving over 400 patients they claim a 54 per cent cure rate for this disease, with a further 30 per cent showing 'significant improvement'. However, from a variety of excellent research papers it is clear that acupuncture can influence quite radically many areas of the central nervous system, as well as neurotransmitters and others brain functions also. Therefore this therapy has a great role in brain related problems or neuro-developmental dysfunction.

Nerve Paralysis: Paralysis can also be treated by a variety of acupuncture techniques. The acupuncture must be continued for a long period. Sometimes daily for six months and the results from some of the Chinese research works are very encouraging. Chinese doctors claim that some 50-60 per cent of patients are likely to gain significant return of function if treated with acupuncture.
Facial paralysis (Bell's palsy) is a disease of sudden onset that causes one side of the face to lose muscular power; the cause of this is unknown. Acupuncture and moxibustion can be used to treat this and the research claim a 75 per cent complete recovery rate but, again, this disease allows a significant percentage of spontaneous recovery. The Chinese research also claim that a further 20 per cent gain benefit from acupuncture, although not complete recovery. Even allowing for the known level of spontaneous resolution in facial paralysis it does seem that acupuncture has something extra to offer.

Parkinson's disease, Epilepsy, nerve deafness etc: Acupuncture has been claimed to be effective in Parkinson's disease, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, nerve deafness, and a large variety of other problems. According to some studies, Parkinson's disease may be accompanied by an imbalance of energy along one or more meridians. The muscle stiffness, soreness, imbalance etc. of Parkinson's may be alleviated by a series of treatments. It is always wise to remember that acupuncture is a harmless technique and can sometimes give excellent results in above casese where other medical methods have failed.

Autism /ASD, Cerebral Palsy etc: Acupuncture along with herbal therapy have been found highly effective for treating children with brain dysfunction, resulting in improvement in the patient's overall functional abilities. Excellent results are being achieved through simultaneous application of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine in the cases of ASD / Autism and Cerebral Palsy in different countries of the world. There are several research papers, articles etc. that has been published all over the world about the efficacy of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicines in this context. In my clinical practice I am also getting very effective result by applying integration of Acupuncture and Herbal treatment. I noticed that, formulated Herbal Medicine along with acupuncture session gives much result other than only Acupuncture treatment or only Herbal Medicine. Like other diseases, I treated several patients. Some of them improved tremendously just after few days of treatment.

ADD and ADHD: Acupuncture can help the patient to manage the Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), and may provide some relief which will help the patient to gain greater benefit from the therapies available to him or her, and can help with the side effects of those therapies. Taking advantage of everything the medical knowledge of both hemispheres has to offer is a great way to ensure the most effective treatment for this disruptive, often limiting and painful condition. Acupuncture can be an excellent complementary therapy for the treatment of ADD and ADHD. In some cases Acupuncture works as a magic bullet for the treatment of ADD and ADHD. A research showed that, Acupuncture treatment has a good effect on infantile attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, its total effective rate was higher and the changes in abnormal electroencephalogram and the curative effect were better.

Diseases of the Digestive System:
IBS: An increasing number of studies have been conducted on treating IBS, with promising results. These studies have documented that Chinese medicine can effectively treat IBS in a safe and drug-free way.

Indigestion: Exact figures for success rates are not available, but the 'clinical impression' that arises from a number of acupuncture doctors indicates that about 60 per cent of patients gain some long-term relief of their symptoms with acupuncture.

Diseases of the Respiratory System:

Asthma: Acupuncture causes the contracted muscular walls to dilate; the mechanism of this is unknown, but there is good Western research data to support this claim. A recent Chinese clinical trial on asthma showed that some 70 percent of asthmatics gained a 'very good effect' from acupuncture and moxibustion. The acupuncture treatment was able to decrease the frequency and intensity of asthmatic attacks over a period of a year or more. This result is encouraging as it shows that acupuncture and moxibustion can affect the response of the body to the environmental stimuli causing asthmatic attacks. Our clinical experience also supports this efficacy of Acupuncture and Moxibustion medicine.

Bronchitis: Acupuncture cannot rebuild lung tissue, but by opening up the breathing tubes it can allow the remaining lung tissue to function efficiently. The mechanism of acupuncture in bronchitis is probably much the same as in asthma, allowing more air to enter the lungs. Recent Chinese research works has shown that about 50 per cent of bronchitis 'benefit' from acupuncture. The treatment must be repeated regularly if the effect is to be maintained for long period. On the other hand acupuncture treatment also help to control the infection effectively in bronchitis.

Diseases of the Heart and Blood Vessels:
In China it is a common and acceptable form of treatment for some of these problems. A variety of experiments carried out in the western countries give clear support to the idea that acupuncture does have an effect on the circulatory system.

Angina: Using sophisticated measuring equipment the Chinese researchers have completed a variety of trials to assess the effects of acupuncture on the heart, and they have shown a marked increase in the functional ability and efficiency of the heart muscles after acupuncture. This is further supported by clinical work, which shows that some 80 per cent of patients with angina have improved after acupuncture. When acupuncture is used to treat angina a course of treatments is given, and then followed by booster treatments.

The Correction of Abnormal Heart Rhythms: Heart diseases can frequently cause an abnormal rhythm to the heart beat; this may manifest itself as palpitations, an irregular heart beat, or dropped beats. Acupuncture can correct a small number of these arrhythmias. In established atrial fibrillation (irregular heart beats), acupuncture affects a small percentage of cases, some 1.5 per cent, although in recently acquired arrhythmias, acupuncture can be effective in up to 70 per cent of cases.

The Use of Acupuncture in Addiction and Obesity:
A large number of Western countries acupuncturists are using a variety of acupuncture techniques to treat obesity, smoking and hard drug addiction. There is some excellent physiological and clinical evidence to support the use of acupuncture method in these areas. The withdrawal symptoms experienced by people giving up smoking, or drugs, can be alleviated by raising the levels of endorphins in the nervous system. Some people believe that the desire to eat is also mediated by the endorphin level in the brain. It is clear that endorphin levels throughout the nervous system can be increased by Acupuncture. The techniques used to achieve an increase in endorphin levels center around the use of ear acupuncture. It must be stressed that acupuncture cannot replace willpower. It can only help the withdrawal symptoms, or hunger pains, experienced by those already motivated and committed to solving their particular problem.

Obesity: Acupuncture seems to relieve the problem of hunger usually created by dieting. Many people who receive acupuncture to help with weight loss also go on a diet at the same time. It is difficult to assess exactly which factors are responsible for weight loss, the acupuncture or the diet, or both in combination. Most acupuncturists claim that 40-50 per cent of their patients experience some significant weight loss during treatment.

Hard Drug Addiction: Some excellent research work has been done in this field, especially in Hong Kong. It is clear that acupuncture can help to solve the severe withdrawal symptoms experienced by those coming off hard drugs like heroin.

Acupuncture treatment helps about 40 per cent of people to give up smoking over a period of about six months. Again, it is essential to be well motivated before embarking on a course of treatment. Acupuncture does seem to decrease the desire to smoke and also to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms produced by abstinence from tobacco.

Reduce the Discomforts and Side Effects of Chemo/Radiotherapy for Cancer:
The effect of acupuncture on chemotherapy-induced nausea, vomiting etc. has been studied over the past 20 years, and clinical evidence gathered to date has been favorable. Current practice guidelines recommend acupuncture as a complementary therapy for uncontrolled nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy.

The Use of Acupuncture in Obstetrics:
In China the major use of acupuncture in obstetrics is to provide analgesia (pain relief) during Caesarean section, and to correct foetal malpositions, such as breech (breech means when the baby is 'bottom first' rather than 'head first').

Fertility and Gynecologic Problems:
Women who are having problems with conception, premenstrual symptoms or menopausal issues will often see positive results with Acupuncture medicine. It may be possible to reduce or eliminate the need for Western pharmaceuticals. If drugs or hormones must be used, side effects may be reduced. For women who are experiencing disorders of conception, my own experience suggests that acupuncture and Herbal medicine is more effective and much less unpleasant and dangerous than hormonal treatments or in vitro fertilization procedures.

Foetal Malposition:
The correction of foetal malposition is achieved by applying moxibustion to an acupuncture point. In about 60 percent of women the foetus turns naturally prior to the thirty-fourth week of pregnancy; this can be increased to 90 per cent with the aid of moxibustion. After the thirty-fourth week, when natural version is less likely, the Chinese claim that 80 per cent of foetal malpositions will be corrected permanently by this procedure. Once corrected, the malposition does not recur, provided moxibustion is applied daily. There seems to be no available physiological basis with which to explain this finding.

Anaesthesia for Labour and Delivery:
Acupuncture anaesthesia is widely used for caesarean sections in China. A report recently published, discusses the results of 1,000 cases managed in this manner. The Chinese Acupuncturist claim a 98 per cent success rate in the abolition of pain, a quicker recovery rate from the operation, less blood loss, and the obvious advantage of the mother being able to see the baby at, or soon after, birth. This report finds acupuncture a superior form of analgesia compared to other forms of pain relief (general or epidural anaesthesia) for caesarean section. Acupuncture can also be used to provide pain relief in normal obstetric deliveries. Adequate assessment of this form of obstetric analgesia has not yet been published, although the experience of a wide variety of acupuncturists in the western world would indicate that it is a useful and effective procedure.

Acupuncture Anaesthesia:
Acupuncture anaesthesia is widely used in China and it has been used in a wide variety of operations, from minor procedures to open heart surgery or brain operations. It is undoubtedly an effective form of pain relief in the majority of people, but there is always a small percentage who fail to gain adequate analgesia from acupuncture. In general, acupuncture allows for a safer operation, with less likelihood of complications, and a swifter post-operative recovery. (Excerpted from Acupuncture: It's Place in Western Medical Science, George T. Lewith M.A., M.R.C.G.P., M.R.C.P. )

What You Need to Know About Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding is a habit done by people from time to time. It can be a response to stimuli, such as an overwhelming emotion or stress. However, when the grinding of teeth becomes uncontrollable, it can become a health problem. The medical term used for this act of grinding of the teeth that includes the clenching of jaws is bruxism. Bruxism commonly occurs during slumber, and is one of the most common sleep disorders. While it does not have immediate health threats, it can lead to teeth damage, facial pain, and facial joint damages.

There are several causes of bruxism, the most common being in the form of stress. Stress plays a huge role in the aggravation of teeth grinding. When an individual is stressed, his normal sleeping patterns is disrupted. He can easily be aroused, which leads to unconscious grinding of the teeth. When the person is continuously subjected to stress, this can change into a habit, which is hard to reverse. Another cause of bruxism that is highly linked to stress is unreleased feelings of anger. When one is angry but is unable to express it, his emotions can translate into physical symptoms. And one of the most common physical manifestations of suppressed anger is grinding of teeth.

Other than the emotional factors, there are also physical causes of bruxism. These include the improper alignment of the teeth of the individual. This can be congenital or a cause of a disorder or an injury. When the alignment of the person's teeth is abnormal, there is a chance that they will be in frequent friction. Another physical cause is the development of the teeth. During childhood, teeth are temporary and grow in a fast rate. The growth can be uncomfortable to the child, and he might grind his teeth as a response. This will diminish as the child grows a permanent set of teeth that in turn eliminates his bruxism. Lastly, bruxism can be caused by disorders that impair the motor function of the individual, such as Parkinson's disease or Huntington's chorea. Because of the decreased motor function, the sick individual cannot control his facial muscles, leading to involuntary grinding of the teeth.

People who have bruxism fail to recognize their condition most of the time because the grinding happens when they are asleep. If an individual is suspected to suffer from this disorder, it is best to bring them to the dentist so that an evaluation can be conducted. Symptoms of teeth grinding include pain in the jaw muscle, because of the nerve damage caused by the disorder, flattened or chipped teeth because of the constant friction that the teeth are subjected with, and headaches caused by the prolonged muscle contraction experienced by the individuals. Treatment of this disorder includes application of a dental guard, electric stimulation and biofeedback. The main goal of the modes of treatment is to prevent further damage to the teeth and jaw muscles and joints and to reduce the muscle contraction to enable the facial muscles to relax.

Treating Your Hip Bursitis Yourself

What Is Hip Bursitis?

The word bursitis is derived from bursa. A bursa is a fluid filled sac which acts as an absorber of shock (cushion) between a bone and a tendon. While, a tendon is the tissue that connects the muscles with the bones. The bursa absorbs the shock by reducing friction and pressure by releasing the fluid which acts as a lubricant for the hip joint. The bursa, normally, has only a small amount of fluid, but in case of an injury the bursa is filled with a lot of liquid which causes pain.

Causes Of Hip Bursitis

The following are the most common causes of hip bursitis and any or all of these can be the cause.

  • Continuous pressure or exertion of the hips. Usually through standing for long hours or sitting on hard surfaces.

  • A hard and direct injury to your hip (through a fall)

  • Other health conditions such as arthritis or gout

  • Constant usage of hips i.e. in activities such as sports (running, climbing etc)

Symptoms of hip bursitis simply include pain, soreness and/or stiffness over long periods of time.

Treatment For Hip Bursitis

  • Rest- it is essential that you rest your hip, giving the bursa time to heal

  • Ice - cold helps constricts the blood vessels. When the blood flow is restricted, the inflammation of the bursa will reduce gradually

  • Medicine - antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs to fight infection and inflammation

  • Sleeping position - it is advisable to not sleep on the side of the hip which is suffering
    Exercises For Hip Bursitis

Before starting any exercise it is advisable to heat up the muscles of the affected area (hot bath). The following is a list of the exercises that you can administer to relieve your pain.

  • Cross-leg pulls

  • Outer thigh stretches

Seven Tips to Help Relieve Dog Joint Pain

Just as the name implies, Dog joint pain means pain that radiates in your dog from his joints. As your dog ages, he will start to have pain in his joints. This ailment is widespread among most breeds of dogs. Aging dogs also experience dog arthritis that begins in dogs as they advance in age, and causes pain in the joints. Here are a few signs that you need to keep an eye on if you think your aging dog is suffering from joint pain.

As most of the causes and effects of dog joint pain is internal, it may be hard to see by simply looking at your dog. Careful observation is about the only way you will be able to see the effects on your dog. If he begins walking in a peculiar manner, he may have joint pain.

If you notice that your dog's appendages are swollen, he most likely is in pain. If you or your vet has diagnosed your pet to have joint pain or arthritis, here are seven tips that may help relieve some of the pain:

1. Make sure he is getting food rich in nutrients. Vitamin and mineral supplements are available for dogs just as they are for humans. They play an important role in a dog's physical health. This is often the first place to look if your dog is in pain. Adjust their diet and try to limit their intake of unhealthy foods. Overweight dogs have a harder time coping with joint pain, and by losing just a few pounds, some of the pain may be lessened.

2. Out with the stairs/steps: If you have steps or stairs around your home, try installing a ramp for your dog to walk on. It is hard on a dog with joint pain to climb stairs, so a ramp can drastically reduce the amount of pain they feel getting up the porch.

3. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise: A body in motion tends to stay in motion, and an arthritic body is no different. Pain should never become an excuse for your dog to quit exercising. It is up to you to ensure your dog gets the exercise he needs. Don't overdo it though. If he begins to get tired, don't push him to exhaustion. Just because he can't run around or chase balls like he used to does not mean he can't go on a stroll with you down the block.

4. Be sure to make nutrition fun for your dog. If he does well in his exercise, give him a treat that is enriched with vitamins. These help with joint and hip development.

5. Make sure your dog has a comfortable bed to sleep on. They even make special beds for dogs that have arthritis. If you don't have a cushy bed for your pet, you might look into getting one.

6. Massage: Just as massage relieves stress and tension in us, it is beneficial to dogs as well. If his joints are hurting, massage them as you would someone's hand. The more you rub, the more relief your pet may feel. Be gentle when you massage your dog. They may try to bite or pull away from you if you do it too hard and hurt them worse. If they seem to relax, you are helping them. Results may not be immediate, but you should see improvement in your pet's walking and range of movement within a few weeks or months.

7. Have wood or tile floors? Cover them! Tile, wood, or vinyl flooring is usually smooth and often times very slick on the surface. Because of this, your dog may have a hard time getting traction and may slip and slide around on them. When a dog has trouble like this, they normally try to compensate by "running". All this normally accomplishes is the dog falling all over the floor. If you can't cover the floors with area rugs or carpeting, get a pet gate to keep Fido out of these areas if at all possible.

Just like dealing with a child, your dog will require patience when you deal with him. Dog Joint Pain may make your dog so slow or sluggish that you become impatient with him. Just remember, he's in pain and try to be sympathetic. Keep in mind that he won't be able to run and play like he used to.

By following the simple tips listed above, you can be a hero to your pet when it comes to relieving some of his pain. Try to refrain from using over the counter "human" pain relieving medication, as these may cause unwanted side effects, some of which may be severe.

Jaw Pain Relief Tips to Use

Do not easily get panicked if you happen to have jaw pain. Primarily, jaw pains are caused by trauma or any pain from your body and are directed to your teeth or jaw. A boxer who has been in several fights usually encountered broken noses, ears and jaws. This kind of experience will cause a person trauma in some parts of their body like their jaws. A broken jaw will keep on giving side effects to the person and gives pain in an unpredicted time.

Get a Xray with your local dentist

If you are experiencing jaw pain, the very first move you need to do is to go to dentist. Try to let him check if there is something wrong with your tooth alignment that might cause jaw pains or have your jaws X-rayed. You might have an impacted wisdom tooth that is growing inside your gums. If this is so, you will really feel pain on your jaws and dentist will give you proper prescriptions. If not your dentist will give you a detailed result. They will immediately refer you to a doctor for more check-ups. Another thing to consider is the bone structure of your jaws. With the help of X-ray also, you will see how your bone structure look like inside and this will give you an idea why your jaws are painful.

It may be a muscle disorder

Any muscle disorder will also cause jaw pain. It is because our body is connected with tissues and muscles that will transmit pains from one part to another. Having swollen glands on your necks will also cause jaw pain. Some say that our jaws will become painful if there are many bacteria inside our body especially on the roots of our teeth and will cause adverse pain to our jaws. If this happens, take an antibacterial medicine or antibiotics after eating. Make sure that your stomach is full before taking this medicine. This will help kill the bacteria inside your body. After taking a medicine, try to relax and gently massage your jaws form your ears down to your neck. This will help your jaw muscles lose the tension inside.

Lastly, have a habit of exercising your jaws occasionally. You may chew some bubble gum at least once or twice a week. This will help your jaws become more flexible and adjacent. Make sure to have a visit also with your doctor regularly if you're finding that the pain continues.

Chakras - Symptoms of Imbalance and How to Heal - Includes 8th Chakra

What are Chakras?

Chakra is a Sanskrit term meaning "spinning wheel of energy," or "wheel of light." Your chakras are the map or energetic blueprint for your physical BodyMind. These Energy Centers or Chakras connect with one another through circuits or streams of life force energy within your BodyMind. There are thousands of chakras throughout your body.

Chakra balancing practices assist you in clearing blockages from deep within the subconscious levels of your energy system. A regular practice of chakra attunements is a journey into self discovery. With practice you will increase the amplitude for each of your Chakras. Increased amplitude will greatly enhance your vital life force energy and positively impact your health and longevity. Most importantly through regular attunements you will begin to realize your highest Divine potential.

What is Kundalini? The name Yogis gave to awakening to your full potential. Kundalini is depicted as a snake, coiled and slumbering at your base chakra, the Sushumna Nadi. Nadi is another word used for chakra.

Pranic or Rainbow Light Chakra Breathing

Direct aroma inhalation using Pranic or Rainbow Light Chakra Breathing is one of the most effective ways to benefit from aromatherapy for balancing the chakras.

Sit comfortably with your spine erect, close your eyes and begin to focus your attention at the chakra you are balancing. Inhale your oil or blend, slowly allow your lungs to fill with oxygen. Your diaphragm is the organ for processing emotions, so breathing is an essential tool for releasing old, stagnant emotion.

Feel and hear your breath moving in and out at the back of your throat as you visualize Prana entering through your crown chakra to circulate down through your kundalini* channel to nourish your chakra. See your chakra as a beautiful whirling ball of colored light.

Visualize the air you breathe being filled with Pranic or Rainbow light, as it fills your lungs and is delivered to your chakra. As you exhale see any toxic residue, like brownish-grey smoke, leave your chakra. Allow any memories, thoughts or emotions, to surface and leave you. Conclude by seeing your chakra as clear, vibrantly alive and healthy.


1st Chakra (Muladhara or Base) ~ EARTH ~ DARK RED ~ STABILITY & SECURITY

The First Chakra is situated at your perineum, between the genitals and anus. The flowering of this chakra is the mature person who walks steadily towards their destiny.

Body Parts: central nervous systems, adrenals, lymph system, male reproduction, prostate, large intestines, coccyx, sacrum, bones, teeth, nails, legs, arms

AROMATHERAPY: Sweet, warm, earthy, regulator or restorative aromas like Vetiver (vetiveria zizanoides), Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum ssp serotinum), Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha), Frankincense (Boswelia fereana), Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata), Patchouli (Pogostemon patchouli).

Physical imbalance: sciatica, constipation, ovarian, uterine, prostate, varicose vein, rectal cancer, immune disorders, hemorrhoid conditions.

Emotional blockage: Disconnection community, family, or yourself. Sense of abandonment gives rise to frustration, blocked passion, emotional instability, self indulgence, insecurity, grief, loss, depression, conflict between attachment and letting go.

Affirmation: "I am one with all that is. I am safe. I am loved."


2nd Chakra (Sexual/Spleen) ~ WATER ~ ROSE PINK ORANGE ~ CREATIVITY

The Second Chakra is situated at the base of your lumbar spine, halfway between your navel and pubic bone. Water's power is fluid, yet unyielding - the power to overcome obstacles and act with integrity.

Body Parts: Female reproductive organs, bladder, large intestines, pelvis, buttocks, 3rd lumbar to sacrum

AROMATHERAPY: Sweet, fluid, citrus, aphrodisiac, regulator or restorative aromas like Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata), Rose (Rosa damascena), Rose Geranium (Pelargonium roseum), Patchouli (Pogostemon patchouli), Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum ssp serotinum), Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium), Bergamot (Citrus bergamia), Tangerine (Citrus reticulata), Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis).

Physical imbalance: lumbar tension, low back and pelvic pain, sciatica, kidney and bladder infections, immune disorders, chronic fatigue, impotence, frigidity, irritable bowel, cancer and diabetes, addictions.

Emotional blockage: anxiety, fear, worry, power struggles, financial and work problems, emotional boundary issues, jealousy, mistrust.

Affirmation: "I love and honor myself and all of life."


3rd Chakra Manipura (Solar Plexus) ~ FIRE ~ EMERALD GREEN ~ DESIRE
Your Third Chakra is located just above your navel - power of transformation. In balance you trust yourself and take full responsibility for your life.

Body Parts: Diaphragm, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, spleen, kidney, adrenals, stomach, small intestines, rib cage, lower thoracic to 2nd lumbar

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, earthy, sour, woody, regulator or restorative aromas like Sandalwood (Santalum album), Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha), Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum ssp serotinum), Atlas Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica), Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata), Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium), Lemon (Citrus limonum).

Physical imbalance: Respiratory, Immune, Hormonal and Digestive Systems, Ulcers, Gallstones, Heartburn, Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Tumors, Anorexia, Bulimia, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Arthritis.

Emotional blockage: victimization, need for approval, stress, anger, frustration, fear of responsibility, guilt, worry, doubt, commitment issues.

Affirmation: "I am the powerful creator of my reality and I love it."


4th Chakra Anahata (Heart) ~ AIR ~ SUN GOLD ~ COMPASSION
The Fourth Chakra is located just behind your heart - power of movement. This chakra governs your communication systems, especially the nervous system.

Body Parts: Heart, circulation, lungs, rib cage, thoracic spine, thymus, breasts, esophagus, shares with the 5th chakra - arms, shoulders, hands

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, citrus, woody, nervine, anti-depressant, regulator or restorative aromas like Rose (Rosa damascena), Frankincense (Boswelia fereana), Sandalwood (Santalum album), Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi), Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata), Vetiver (vetiveria zizanoides) Bergamot (Citrus bergamia), Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum ssp serotinum), Neroli (Citrus aurantium), Rose Geranium (Pelargonium roseum)

Physical imbalance: Heart disease, Asthma, Lung and Breast Cancer, Thoracic spine, Pneumonia, Hypertension, Stroke, Angina, Arthritis

Emotional blockage: insensitivity, emotionally closed, passivity, depression, lack of forgiveness, loss, grief

Affirmation: "I am unconditionally loving and accepting."


5th Chakra Visuddha (Throat) ~ SAPPHIRE BLUE ~ INTENTION TO CREATE
The Fifth Chakra is located at the back of your throat - power of creativity and self expression.
Body Parts: Mouth, teeth, gums, trachea, larynx, cervical spine, thyroid gland, shares shoulders, arms, hands and esophagus with 4th chakra)

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, woody, citrus, regulator, restorative aromas of Frankincense (Boswelia fereana), Sandalwood (Santalum album), Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha), Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi), Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium), Lavender (Lavendula augustifolia), Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis), Bergamot (Citrus bergamia), Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum ssp serotinum).

Related physical imbalance include: throat, voice, gum, tooth problems, TMJ , thyroid conditions, catching the flu or colds, chronic infections, allergic reactions.

Emotional blockage: stagnation, obsession, lack of expression, depression, indecision, fears and phobias.

Affirmation: "I am the author of my life. The power of choice is mine."


6th Chakra Ajna (Brow or 3rd Eye) ~ DEEP INDIGO BLUE ~ INTUITION

The Sixth Chakra is located at your forehead, the seat of your Divine Consciousness.

BODY PARTS: Brain and nervous system, pituitary and pineal glands, eyes, ears, nose

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, spicy, citrus, nerving, regulator, restorative aromas like Spikenard (Nardostachys atamans), Petitgrain (Citrus uranium), Lavender (Lavendula august folia), Neroli (Citrus uranium), Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata), Bergamot (Citrus bergamia), Frankincense (Boswelia fereana), Sandalwood (Santalum album), Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha), Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), Lemon (Citrus limonum).

Related physical imbalance include: Headache, fuzzy thinking, brain tumors, strokes, blindness, deafness, seizures, learning disabilities, spinal problems, panic, depression

Emotional blockage: fears, phobias, lack of focus and discipline, lacking judgment, confusion, nightmares, schizophrenia

Affirmation: "It is safe for me to see the truth."


7th Chakra Sahasrara (Crown) ~ WHITE VIOLET ~ SPIRIT CONNECTION

The Seventh Chakra is located at the crown of your head - the power of the infinite.
Body Parts: Cranium, top of head

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, citrus, regulator, restorative aromas like Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata), Rose (Rosa damascena), Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi), Frankincense (Boswelia fereana), Lavender (Lavendula augustifolia ), German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) Neroli (Citrus aurantium), Bergamot (Citrus bergamia), Sandalwood (Santalum album), Lemon (Citrus limonum).

Emotional blockage: loss of meaning, or purpose, loss of connection with the divine, closed minded, worry, depression

Physical imbalance: Musculo-skeletal system disease, skin disorders, divine discontent, depression, chronic exhaustion, hypersensitivity to light, sound and environmental stimulus.

Affirmation: "I am one with the present moment."


8th Chakra Universal Heart ~ AQUA TURQUOISE ~ DIVINE LOVE

The Eighth Chakra is located behind your manubrium, below the suprasternal notch - power of the Divine Love.

Body Parts: Heart, thymus gland, manubrium

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, restorative aromas Rose (Rosa damascena), Neroli (Citrus aurantium).

Emotional blockage: Disassociation, numbness

Physical imbalance: Mysterious, non-responding illnesses

Affirmation: "I am one within the Universal Heart."

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Natural Cure For Arthritis - Prevention Is Still The Best Option

Arthritis literally means inflammation of the joints. Annually, millions of Americans are affected by this malady especially those in their fifties. But recent surveys revealed that some persons in their twenties already have arthritis. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease which is a result of erosion and destruction of the cartilage. The cartilage is a tissue that absorbs shocks to the joints caused by injuries, wear and tear, stress, improper nutrition, genetics, metabolic and endocrine factors. Usual symptoms are pain aggravated by movement, stiffness and in worsening cases, sufferers start to have limitations of movement that may lead to disability.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic autoimmune disease: it means that the person's immune system attacks certain tissues in the body particularly the joints and the synovium. Symptoms are red, stiff painful joints and in some cases fever, weight loss and anemia. The triggers are usually infections or injuries.

Arthritis is usually treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the more recent Celecoxibs. Use of these drugs should be minimized because of some controversies involving these drugs and their many side effects, hence more and more patients seek alternative and natural cure.

Proper Diet and Exercise

Most helpful are low impact exercises like walking, swimming and stretching - you can also ask your physical therapist or physician to make a program of exercise designed for your type of arthritis. Healthy diet is important, so try to eat a balanced diet, take lots of vegetables, fruits, fish high in Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamins C, E and folic acid. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol, coffee and tea.

Ultrasound Heat Therapy

This uses an ultrasound machine that produces high energy sound waves directed to the affected joints and muscles. It relieves pain and its effect is medium to short term.

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)

This is a portable battery operated device that works by sending electrical currents to affected parts of the body. Electrodes are attached to the affected surface and are set in desired duration and intensity of stimulation. Many claim a significant reduction of symptoms and improvement of general well being.

PST (Pulsed Signal Therapy)

When joint tissues are stressed, this creates an electrical signal that causes the body to repair itself. PST works this way - it produces electromagnetic electrical signals at repeated and specific intervals that will in turn activate the body to repair or regenerate. This is usually done at a frequency of nine one-hour sessions.


Diathermy uses electromagnetic heat which is applied to the injured tissues and muscles. Temperature is raised by a high frequency current. It is believed that heat speeds up healing process by increasing blood flow to the injury. Precautions are necessary - for example, it should not be used on wet areas or those with metal objects to avoid risk of burn injury.

Intake of Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate

These substances are called amino sugars which give elasticity to the cartilage. The recommended amount is 1500mg of glucosamine and 1200 mg of chondroitin sulfate per day for at least 6 to 8 weeks to achieve benefits. Precautions are given to children, pregnant women, diabetics, those taking blood thinners and those with allergies.

An Ounce of Prevention is Better than a Pound of Cure

Of course, nothing beats preventive measures to avoid developing crippling Arthritis. One of the most important is to lose weight if you are overweight because extra weight will put more stress to your joints. Intake of antioxidants like Vitamins C and E is recommended because they attack free radicals. There are also studies on the importance of oily fish like salmon, tuna and swordfish.

Regular exercise helps strengthen and make the muscles and joints more flexible to protect them from wear and tear. Simple practical measures include good posture, usage of big joints when lifting and carrying, use of supportive and comfortable shoes, use of protective gears for those in injury prone sports. Minimize job-related induced arthritis like improperly positioned tables and computers.

To de-stress is also a key factor if you are looking for a natural cure for arthritis, as evidence suggests that stress plays an important role in its development, so go on vacation, do some Yoga, Pilates or Tai Chi - and lastly, always have a regular check up with your physician.