Saturday, January 11, 2014

Electrotherapy Alternative Medicine - A Second Chance For Better Health

Alternative medicine is gaining popularity and it's often used as an alternative to standard medical techniques. In addition to the conventional medical practices, there are other therapies and treatments like traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, yoga, Ayurveda and others. Another alternative practice is represented by electro-stimulation therapy, a non-surgical method through which you can achieve good results in a relative short amount of time.

Electrotherapy is a kind of therapy that uses electric current to stimulate tissues in order to cure various illnesses or to recover some lost functions of the body. It has been proven that bones, cartilages, ligaments, tendons and other body cells are influenced in a positive way through electricity.

Electrotherapy represents a modern therapy that has been used starting with the end of the 19th century in order to treat various health problems. The location of the pain is associated with a specific body part and it was believed that electricity can operate certain transformations, accelerating the healing process.

Electrotherapy procedures may vary and are supposed to treat a wide range of illnesses: headaches, postoperative pain, cellulite, muscle stretching, hematoma, contusions, arthritis, chronic constipation and many more.

Electrotherapy procedures:

Neurostimulation: A buffer is placed on the problem area and an electric current is induced through the nerves of the skin. Treatment effect is the annihilation of pain.

Diadynamics: This treatment uses a special power to remove pain and improve circulation. It is used in treating bruises, degenerative diseases of the spine and joints. At the same time has an analgesic effect.

Interferential currents: Treatment with these currents is very effective for removing pain, especially regarding the neck or the back. Some pads connected to a device like a vacuum cleaner are positioned on the painful areas. This therapy has the effect of a micro-massage, removing pain and improving circulation of oxygen in tissues.

Galvanic baths: Treatment consists of combining water with an easy power. The patient sits in a bath at a temperature of 34 degrees Celsius, while an electric current passes through the body. Plating baths are used to treat degenerative and inflammatory arthritis and joint disease.

Ionization: These procedures have the effect of allowing drugs to enter the body through the galvanic current. Ionization is recommended if a patient suffers from arthritis or chronic diseases and inflammatory spine. Everyone can use this sort of therapy with a few exceptions: people who have metal rods inserted into their bodies or pregnant women that don't have their doctor's approval. Electro-stimulation based therapies are not recommended for people who suffer from epilepsy, different skin conditions, thyroid, and hypertension.

Electrotherapy doesn't have an age limit; it can be applied to people of all ages. The results depend however if the illness is chronic or not, they depend upon when was the illness discovered and when did the therapy began.

What is very important to note is that the application generally requires individual physiotherapy for the patient. Each patient will be closely examined to find the cause of his/her symptoms to determine if it is a functional or organic defect and to choose the correct therapeutic behavior. Prior examination is important for it helpful in choosing the most appropriate physiotherapy methods for the patient at that time.

Electrotherapy is practiced in the office, by a neurologist or by functional re-educators, or even in the hospital, in a rehabilitation service or a center against pain. It unfolds in a series of 5 to 15 sessions of 10 to 30 minutes each. This number may be renewed 3 times. Electrotherapy may result in some rare burns, especially in the case of those methods that use direct electric currents (ionic currents) and luminous radiations.

Omega 3 Joint Relief - Discover Why Omega 3 Aids Joint Relief

Quite often people associate fish oil to relief from joint pain and more often than not they will go and use cod liver oil thinking that this is going to help ease their joint pain. Unfortunately this is not really the case as the fish oil has to be high in omega 3 and cod liver oil is not. The best sources for omega 3 joint relief are oily fish such as salmon, tuna and hoki.

The reason why the omega 3's from these kind of fish are so helpful is because they have essential fats in them that help fight inflammation, and inflammation is the main cause behind joint pain. The way they help fight inflammation is through the DHA fat contained in the omega 3 which inside the body turns into nitric oxide and it is the presence of this substance that reduces the amount of inflammation and therefore brings joint relief.

However as well as the omega 3 joint relief benefits, you will actually be doing a great deal of good to your body by reducing inflammation. The reason for this is that it is now known that as well as causing joint pain, inflammation is behind more serious conditions such as causing aneurisms, strokes and unexpected fatal heart attacks; therefore by reducing the inflammation in your body you will be decreasing the likelihood of suffering from these conditions.

To get the right level of omega 3 for joint relief will however require you eating a portion of oily fish on a daily basis. However, for most people this is not practical due to cost and also the fact it would be quite a boring diet to eat fish every day. On top of that oily fish are also known to have high levels of contaminants such as mercury, which if consumed in the kind of quantities we have mentioned, can lead to adverse health conditions.

The best way to get the right levels of omega 3 is to supplement, however one thing that you will still have to watch out for is the pollution in the oil. The reason for this is because there is no real regulatory body in this kind of industry which means that manufacturers can produce supplements to the standards that suite them, and because removing the pollutants is an expensive process many choose not to do it. The process that is most effective at removing these pollutants is called molecular distillation, and although you will pay a little more for these kind of supplements it is definitely worth it.

Types of Horse Joint Supplements

Joints are a major body part that aids in mobility of a horse and owners need to constantly keep checking for joint related problems. Degenerative diseases and arthritis can hamper the abilities of even the best of performance horses. Of course mobility will also vary from one breed to another but no matter what breed of animal of you have, supplements are vital in order to maintain flexibility. Horse joint supplements can help keep your beloved animals healthy and performing at their optimum.

Various joint supplements work in different ways to keep equine joints healthy. The most popular supplements in this regard are Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate, Sodium Hyaluronate Acid, Methylsulfonylmethane or MSM, Shark Cartilage, Perna Mussel, Boswellia, Bromelain and Devils Claw. Some horse joint supplements also come as a variation of these ingredients or as a combination of various basic supplements. Each of these supplements, work in a unique way to take care of an underlying mobility issue or joint related deficiency.

Glucosamine, for instance, keeps the joints lubricated and stimulates glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) that help in formation of joint tissue and cartilage. Natural production of glucosamine in the body may be inhibited because of the constant pressure of riding discipline or even with age. When the natural glucosamine production is halted, the cartilage can no longer act as the shock absorber that it is supposed to act like for a joint and this lack causes pain and stiffness in joints. If this persists for long, the horses may suffer from various deformity and they lose their ability of smooth and flexible motion.

Other horse joint supplements work in a similar fashion to take care of joint ailments. Chondroitin Sulfate actually improves the functionality of Glucosamine while also taking care of bone healing and bone and cartilage nutrition. Hyaluronic acid itself is the simplest GAG (glycosaminoglycan) found in connective tissue. Proper nutrient delivery is impossible without this component. MSM is a form of organic sulphur and an important supplement for horses that go through intense training programs. MSM supports joint lubrications and aids in improvement of all kind of body tissue.

Cartilage extracts like shark and perna mussel also contain GAGs and they both carry glucosamine which aids in joint lubrication and proper nutrition of cartilage. Horses may sometimes need only pain supplements like Boswellia, Bromelain and Devils Claw because while these have no other major impact on horse joint, they do improve shock absorption and improve the viscosity of joint fluid. In addition to these common supplements, horse joint supplements come as a combination of one of two ingredients as an easy joint liquid or joint suppleness powder.

What Is Cobroxin Pain Relief?

Our body is just like a machine. It needs to be taken care of otherwise it is bound to come up with certain problems. Similarly, overwork also leads to complications inside the body. Physical pain is something that every individual wishes to stay away from. However, everyone has to experience this pain at some point or the other.

Pain associated with muscles and joints is no less than a nightmare. One of the drawbacks of this kind of pain is the fact that it limits your body movements which can be extremely uncomfortable. People who suffer from this type of pain often look for a product or a medication that would provide them instant relief and offer relaxation.

Cobroxin is one such product which has gained a lot of popularity in the past few years. The product is relatively new in the market. However, the kind of demand it has clearly shows that it is mighty effective. Over the years, many companies and manufacturers have come up with products that claim relief from joint and muscle pain. However, it seems that Cobroxin is certainly one of the best pain relief products ever produced.

Lower back pain is one of the worst forms of pains an individual can ever go through. Almost every human movement involves the back and hence it is very important that your back is functioning in the best possible manner. Unfortunately, due to excessive physical activities associated with the present fast and hectic life, the lower back is the region which gets affected first and in a worst manner. Pain in the lower back can be so severe that a person would not be able to bear it. Cobroxin has shown amazing results in curing the lower back pain. It has the ability to offer instant relief to the sufferer and regular usage of cobroxin would ensure that they pain is no longer there and the treatment is permanent.

This is one of the highlights of cobroxin as most of the other products tend to give temporary relief to the sufferer. Once the effect of the product dies down, the individual starts to feel the pain all over again and hence he/she is never comfortable.

Another major problem faced by many people around the world is arthritis. This is a complication which usually pops up once the individual gets into his/her 40s or 50s. However, with the kind of mental and physical stress people have these days; this complication can be seen in young people as well. Cobroxin is one of the best remedies against arthritis. You can either go for the topical gel form of this product or massage it well on all the body parts which experience pain. You can even opt for the oral spray form of the product.

Cobroxin is undoubtedly one of the best products when it comes to body pain. You would be shocked to see the kind of positive effect it has on your body.

Joint Pain Relief Cream: A Rub-On Relief for Painful Joints

Joint pain has tremendous impact on the lives of affected individuals. They may cringe at every movement since it can be unbearable. More importantly, arthritis which is responsible for most cases of pains can alter the lives of its sufferers. Arthritis such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritics can be crippling and causes physiological changes in the affected joints. As a result, affected individuals are hindered form carrying on with their normal lives. With this becoming a burden, the sufferers tend to explore their options. They may opt for any form of pain relievers including joint pain relief cream.

What is Joint Pain Relief Cream?

Relievers have evolved in forms. From the usual oral medications, scientists have invented cream for the purpose of providing easier means to ease pains. It is a rub-on formula designed to ease by applying it over painful joints to provide immediate relief. The analgesic effect of joint pain relief cream, however, is only temporary. Addresses only the symptoms, but not the cause of the painful joint.

Indeed, relief cream cannot be used on all types of joint pains. It cannot help sufferers with severe and chroni. More importantly, since these are only applied on the muscles over the affected joints, its ingredients may not really reach the painful joints. Therefore, for joints located deeper such as shoulders and knees, the effects of cream could be largely decreased. It could only be beneficial if is used over joints of the fingers and toes. It should be noted, though, that since it is composed of synthetic chemicals, there is possibility of ingesting its components if it is applied on fingers. Ingestion allows the chemicals to get into the body and cause adverse effects.

Opting For Safer Treatment Over Joint Pain Relief Cream

Like most analgesics, joint pain relief cream does not cure the painful joint. It has no way of providing long-lasting relief form painful joints. Its main purpose is only to mask the pain and thus sufferers should continuously apply the cream. Since sufferers aim to be free from the pain, they could opt for a better alternative such as taking all-natural formula Synotrex, which is capable of restoring the health of the joints.

Its natural ingredients allow Synotrex to work effectively without causing harm. Synotrex has pain-relieving ability because it is composed of natural COX-2 inhibitors, glucosamine and chondroitin. The combined efforts of these substances provide pain relief and prevent swelling, which are associated with arthritis. Indeed, Synotrex is designed to help people suffering from arthritic pain. However, since vitamins, minerals and herbs are also present in Synotrex, It also facilitates recovery of damaged and weak joints. It shows that there is no better way to relieve join pains than by using Synotrex.

Is TMJ Disorder Inevitable?

It's possible that TMJ Disorder may be an inevitable outcome from our modernized diet consisting of so much white flour and sugar. Weston Price, DDS, warned of this over 70 years ago, yet we continue down the path of dietary suicide.

Studies Show Facial and Dental Changes

In his landmark text, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Price discusses the change in native people's dental arches, dental health and facial changes at great length. No matter if the people studied were from remote Swiss villages or from South Sea Islands, all people who adhered to their native diets were almost 100% cavity free, but those who came under the influence of the modern commodities of white flour and sugar quickly succumbed to runaway dental caries, and within one generation showed marked changes in dental and facial formation.

More than a Generation from Health

Despite Price's highly detailed studies, most modern medical practitioners continue to blithely ignore the tremendous amount of information that Price offered through his careful analysis of diet on dental caries and general health. At this stage, most people who suffer from TMJ Disorder are well beyond the one generational change that occurred with the advent of white flour and sugar.

Diet and TMJ Disorder

It may be a distinct possibility that many cases of TMJ Disorder are inevitable given the malformation of dental arches from several generations of eating a diet based on white flour and sugar. This may seem like a hopeless situation for those with TMJ Disorder if this is indeed the case. Don't go and rage against your parents for their poor dietary choices, however. Most people are completely unaware that our modern diet is greatly lacking in nourishment and overladen with additives and other chemical components.

Salvage What You Can

While you may have TMJ Disorder, most sufferers can do some things to help turn their lives and their disorder around. First, be informed about what you are eating. Personally, I try very hard not to eat anything that has ingredients listed that I can't pronounce, or has three letter abbreviations in the ingredients. That eliminates all processed foods, including store bought bread! Secondly, try to buy organic. You're worth the extra price! Third, concentrate on eating "easy-to-chew" nutritious foods.

Depend on Yourself

Ultimately you'll need to depend on yourself. No one is going to save you with irreversible jaw procedures. Salvage what you can of your life and your jaws. Eat healthfully. Eat a soft, nutritious diet. Avoid excess alcohol, caffeine and drugs, even over-the-counter ones as much as possible. If you are of child bearing age, you may want to consider eliminating white flour products and sugar from your diet to help protect your unborn.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Flexcin Customer Review

Flexcin joint pain relief herbal treatment has been celebrated by those who have used it all over the globe. Many have determined Flexcin to be their best solution in a never ending pursuit of natural pain relief for sports injuries, arthritis, joint aches and other chronic pain in knees, hips, shoulders and hands.

Flexcin Ingredients

The main ingredient that distinguishes Flexcin from its lesser competitors on the market is the inclusion of its patented cetyl myristoleate or CM8 formula. This is in addition to the traditional glucosamine and msm that is normally found in these types of treatments. CM8 simply makes them work harder and more effectively.

Flexcin is the only joint pain health supplement that contains CM8 which as been determined by researchers to inhibit inflammation and reduce friction between the joints. It works by essentially lubricating the joints, thus facilitating easy and pain-free movement. It also elevates your immune system to battle auto immune disorders. All of these factors combined make it an effective remedy for numerous joint pain conditions like gout, bursitis and fibromyalgia.

Is Flexcin a Scam?

Some people are worried that Flexcin is a scam. The manufacturer has endeavored to put those fears to rest. As featured on the official Flexcin website, the pain reliever is glowingly endorsed by doctors across the US. Specifically Dr. Bob Martin commends the effects of the product on his nationally syndicated health related radio show. Additionally, Dr. Stephen Hayman provides his support with the following quote: "I am 100 percent pleased with Flexcin and feel very confident dispensing it to my patients. I take Flexcin myself, not because I have joint arthritis, but because it provides excellent nutritional support for my joints. I feel this nutritional approach for healthy joints could possibly ward off arthritic changes for many years."

Flexcin Customer Reviews

The testimonials don't stop there. One only has to visit the Flexcin product page on to see that actual customer reviews have collectively rated the product four and a half stars out of five, with thirteen of seventeen reviewers giving it a full five stars.

Does Flexcin Really Work?

Of course, like all natural health treatments, it will not work for everyone. To account for this and to assure that you only pay for the product if you are completely satisfied with the results, the makers of Flexcin with CM8 give you a generous three month unconditional guarantee. Most people begin to see results in three to six weeks, so this lengthy trial period will allow you to adequately gage the pain reliever's level of effectiveness for you personally.

Flexcin Trial

If you are suffering from joint pain and have not had success with traditional treatments, you should seriously consider giving Flexcin a try. It has worked wonders for countless others, including physicians and their patients. With their unconditional guarantee you can even try it for three months and still get your money back if you are not completely satisfied with the results. You simply have nothing to lose, but your joint pain.

Three Simple TMJ Treatment Exercises

Many people who experience jaw pain are suffering from TMJ and they don't even know it. One of the easiest methods to relieve pain from TMJ is to practice jaw exercises. With exercises that are designed to relieve TMJ, you can go longer periods of time without pain and discomfort.

If you are reading this article about TMJ exercises, then you are most likely experiencing problems with pain in the jaw. Maybe you know someone who has trouble with it and you are doing research on how to relieve it for them. What most people do not know that the pain and discomfort that comes with TMJ can enter other parts of the body and not just the jaw. The person can feel pain in the neck as well as the ears. The pain can cause you to become stiff and can cause swelling and inflammation to the jaw area. If you are having these problems, you should use some of the exercises aimed at relieving the pain.

Jaw exercises will only take a few minutes to complete and will give you extended amounts of time without pain or discomfort. By stretching these muscles, you are able to relieve some stress that is being placed on the jaw. This helps to get the jaw back into the proper position and will help to return your jaw to feeling normal. If you do these exercises everyday and keep on it, you will notice that you are going for longer periods of time without any pain.

TMJ exercises

  1. If you have clicking in the jaw, then you will want to close your mouth and place your tongue up against the roof of your mouth. With your mouth still closed, roll your tongue to the back of your mouth, then slowly open your mouth up until you feel that your tongue is not up against the roof of your mouth any longer. Count to ten and then release. Continue to do this several times a day until you start to feel relief.

  2. If you find that your jaw shifts to the one side, you will want to focus on the opening and closing of your mouth while you are being careful to make real sure that the jaw is lining up correctly. Make sure that what you are doing is causing the jaw to line up right and that there is no shift. Repeat this exercise for a number of times and you want to make sure not to over do it as this can cause more damage to your jaw.

  3. When someone has a large amount of tension or stiffness in the jaw, they will want to do stretching exercises that will help to relieve the tension. You will need to open your jaw up slowly and as wide as you can. Once you have done this, open as wide as you possibly can, then close your mouth and repeat. This will help to alleviate any pain you are having.

These are just a couple of the exercises that are aimed at helping someone who suffers from TMJ. This will help to make the muscles stronger and will allow you to go with no pain for longer time periods.

Discover The Most Common Causes of Joint Aches

As we get older, many of us start to wake up with joint aches and pains we never had before.

Although you may still consider yourself young, such as late 30's or early 40's, the truth is that most causes of joint aches and pains is arthritis.

This isn't to say that you have arthritis...but you could be in the early stages of developing it.

You may be overweight or you may not be. The onset of arthritis can be from an old injury....especially if you played sports in your younger years.

If you are a few pounds too heavy, this can make the situation worse.

Of course, there are several types of arthritis. There is rheumatoid arthritis and there is osteoarthritis as two examples. The causes of joint aches will depend on which type of arthritis you may have or may be developing, if indeed arthritis is at the cause of your aches.

If you notice your joint aches happen frequently in the morning, upon first rising, then osteoarthritis could be your problem.

The Root Causes of Joint Aches

Regardless if it's rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, both types are characterized by inflammation of the joints. This inflammation causes joint aches because of the swelling and stiffness created.

As such, regardless of what the causes of your joint aches happen to be, there is a really good chance that you should look into anti-inflammatory substances to counter the inflammatory cascade transpiring within your body.

One of the best anti-inflammatories is fish oil. Fish oils are a natural substance that can not only help alleviate inflammation, but they have a myriad of other health benefits, such as improving cardiovascular and brain functioning.

Other good sources of anti-inflammatory foods include rich, leafy green vegetables. Think spinach.

If you live in the United States, you've probably never heard of a substance known as the New Zealand green lipped mussel. In New Zealand it is rather famous for its anti-inflammatory properties and is used to counter joint stiffness, aches, and pains. Like fish oil, the green lipped mussel is rich in omega 3's.

In summary, the root causes of joint aches are usually inflammation that can mean the onset of some type of arthritic condition. Increasing your dietary intake of natural anti-inflammatory substances may help counter these aches and also may improve your overall health.

All About Joint Health

Joint pain will take over your life. It will interfere with all of your activities. Individuals stricken by pain ought to contemplate the subsequent ways that will facilitate to stay their joint pain under management. If you already suffer from pain, you must not do something that may create that pain worse.

Be careful that you just don not push beyond your own limitations. If you do, pain usually will increase. If your day begins with an inventory of 10 things and you become extraordinarily tired by item range 5 however push on to complete the list, your pain might increase. Instead stop for the day after you become bored. you would like to pay attention to your body. If you are doing not listen, your body can react with additional pain.

Be sure that you just take time for rest and relaxation. If you would like to, provide yourself permission to require now. What is going to it matter if you are doing not get everything done these days that you just needed to try and do. By taking time to rest these days you may have less pain tomorrow than if you overexert yourself.

Set aside time for your exercise routine. Many folks find joint pain relief in a heat water pool where they'll exercise sore joints with the support of the water and therapy of the nice and cosy water. This helps to stay those joints limber and versatile.

Do not skip medications. The doctor has prescribed those medications along with your specific directions with smart reason. If you skip those meds, your body goes to feel additional pain.

Try to get the sleep you would like. If you're having hassle sleeping, speak along with your doctor. Sleep permits your body to revive its natural chemical balance. The dearth of sleep makes the pain worse.

Try to keep your weight underneath management. If you've got pain in weight bearing joints, adding weight can create it worse. In fact, if you would like to lose weight, you will expertise less joint pain after you weigh less. The joints don't have the maximum amount stress from the extra weight.

Be sure that you defend your joints from any injury. Use any assistive devices that your doctor has suggested. Wear the supports and use the big muscles instead of the little ones. Provide your joints time to rest.

If you'll be able to lower your stress level, you will have less pain. There's a cycle of pain and stress. A rise in either one results in a rise within the different. This results in additional of the primary.

Do not let yourself become pessimistic. Surround yourself with those that will carry your spirits or pay time attempting to encourage others. Albeit chronic pain might alter your life, being a pessimist feeds the pain. It's alright to be down concerning pain, however at it slow you need to place on the brakes. Those that become pessimistic are usually non-compliant with medications or different treatments. There's an association between mind and body.

No one is attempting to downplay the $64000 issue of joint pain. The on top of ways will assist you to be higher equipped to touch upon that pain and notice joint pain relief. Following these ways might facilitate your body to deal so you are doing not ought to increase medications.

Stomach and Back Pain Are Interrelated

Back and stomach pain are somehow interrelated. There are patients who experience low back pain who also suffer from certain abdominal problems. A spinal injury or a degenerative medical condition of the spine such as Joint Disease, Disc Disease and Spondylolisthesis can be responsible for a localized pain, which can also bring on pain in the abdomen.

The combination of back and stomach pain often originates from strained or sprained muscles. However, there are certain cases where stomach and lower back strain may be due to a herniated disc, osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia.

Psychologically-Induced Pain Syndrome or PIPS is a physical condition which is typically caused by repressed sensitive or unresolved emotional issues. Two of the most common PIPS are back and stomach pain, which ultimately are the results of repressed psychological stress.

The stomach, which is a part of the digestive system, can have a strong influence on a person's physical or emotional condition. You might notice the times when you do not want to eat, because you are physically or emotionally stressed. When you have a stomach ache, this may be due to the back pain you are experiencing. Lower back pain has a similar effect on our digestive system, which causes it to suffer.

For the doctor and the patient, a combination of stomach and low back ache is a body discomfort that is not easy to deal with over a long period of time. Learn what is the main cause of your stomach and back pain by consulting a physician, so that a definitive diagnosis can be made. It is highly recommended that this type of medical condition be addressed right away to prevent further complications.

Abdominal pain, when severe, can be very debilitating, to the extent that your usual routine may be greatly affected. Take heed of your medical condition, as a severe or recurrent abdominal pain may be a positive sign of a more serious medical condition. Some of the conditions that can cause both pain in the stomach and back are appendicitis, gallstones, diverticulitis, and kidney stones.

It is important to note also that if you are suffering from stomach and lower back aches, avoid sleeping flat on your stomach. The most appropriate position is to lie on your back with your knees up and have your lower legs elevated with pillows. Another helpful sleeping position is to lie on your side with a pillow between your legs. Engaging in a non-strenuous activity will help to improve your stomach and back pain. Simple stretching exercises can strengthen your muscles in the back and abdominal areas. A poor physical condition can often be solved if you are always ready to help yourself. This will surely make you feel better and add to your good health.

Understanding TMJ Tinnitus

TMJ is the short for temporomandibular joint disorder. You will be surprised to learn that joint disorder can lead to tinnitus. Joint disorders like jaw's joint disorders are known as TMJ can cause tinnitus TMJ. Such jaw joint disorder can be a reason for TMJ tinnitus. In case you are attacked by this type of tinnitus symptoms, it will be good if you are aware of some facts about the disease.

If you have knowledge of TMJ tinnitus, you will be able to determine whether you are afflicted with the ailment or not. With knowledge about this type of tinnitus you can know how far the ailment has affect you or how deep you are into it. You will able to determine whether the stage of the ailment is at the initial stage or in advanced stage. Knowing all these you will be able to determine what type of treatment you need to heal TMJ symptom of tinnitus.

TMJ tinnitus is a type of tinnitus which is largely brought about by temporomandibular joint disorder which is a illness of the joint of the jaws. If you can ascertain that the type of tinnitus that you are suffering from is symptom then you can collect information about the ailment and decide the way forward. The information can be gathered from your family doctor or you can do some research online as well.

TMJ tinnitus treatment is similar to treatment of other types of tinnitus. Two methods are available that you can choose from. One of the treatments is by general medical treatment and the other is by natural and holistic method. If this type of tinnitus is at its initial stage then treatment by natural and holistic way is the best because natural products like herbs and medicinal plants are used like ginkgo biloba's ginseng or also using holistic way. And if the stage of TMJ tinnitus is advanced then you need to consult a doctor for treatment.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

An Overview of the Most Common Old Dog Diseases

When discussing old dog diseases, it is always good to ask the question, "What exactly is an old dog?" After all, some ailments are far more commonly known as old dog diseases than others.

Depending on the breed, the meaning of "old" can vary, but it usually starts around 10 years of age. As a dog gets older, its behavior changes too. The signs of aging in a dog are very similar to those of humans. For example, old dogs have reduced energy levels. They sleep longer, they have less enthusiasm for energetic activities, and just don't play like they used to. Older dogs also experience changes in fur and skin (fur becomes matted more frequently, it takes longer for wounds to heal, and old dogs generally become more sensitive to extremes in temperature). And of course, older dogs experience changes in vision and hearing, making it tough sometimes to navigate the house.

Now, there are other, more serious diseases that old dogs are prone to. These include cancer, arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders and diabetes. Let's look at each one in more detail.

Cancer is a tragic disease that can move surprisingly quickly, both in people and in pets. Symptoms include abnormal growths under the skin, as well as swellings that don't go away. Cancer may also manifest itself through bleeding or bloody discharge (from the eyes, mouth, ears, or any other opening). This, combined with difficulty eating, breathing, urinating or pooping, can be symptoms of cancer in old dogs.

Another common ailment is arthritis. Though not as life-threatening as cancer, arthritis in old dogs can be a debilitating disease that robs your pet of much of the enjoyment of life. Symptoms include difficulty rising, stiffness, irritability or reclusiveness. You may also notice that your old dog's muscles are atrophying as his activity level declines.

Kidney disease is also common among old dogs. If you notice increased thirst, urination, coupled with weight loss, your dog may be suffering form kidney malfunction. Vomiting and blood in urine or poop are serious symptoms, and if you notice them, contact your vet immediately. Of course, these symptoms could be caused by one of many old dog diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease or bladder stones. Again, see a vet right away.

Diabetes is common among people, but it is also common among dogs. You may notice increased thirst and urination, weight loss, weakness, and increasing levels of lethargy and depression in a diabetic dog. Diabetes, if left untreated, can be fatal. There is no cure for canine diabetes, but it can be controlled with insulin injections.

Finally, cataracts are also common in older dogs. The eyes become cloudy, the dog is unable to navigate around objects, and stops retrieving objects. Note, however, that all old dogs develop a graying of the eyes which is due to a hardening of the lens. Generally, this does not affect the old dog's ability to see. However, cataracts are a more serious condition that can eventually lead to vision loss. As in humans, canine cataracts can be treated with surgery

An old dog normally suffers some loss in energy and mobility, just like an elderly human. Helping your companion through as he gets older means treating him with extra patience and kindness. Give him more time to sleep, and more time to wake up in the morning. Understand that long walks may not be so long
anymore. Make it easier for him to reach his food, get outside when nature calls, and provide comfortable resting places.

And keep an eye out for symptoms of the more old dog diseases, such as cancer and diabetes, that your pet can be more susceptible to. Your dog will live longer and provide you with more years of loving companionship.

Pain in the Shoulder Joint - Treatment Options

Joint pain can be a frustrating and challenging problem to live with. When a person is experiencing pain it is often best for them to visit their primary care physician in order to try to figure out the root cause of the pain. It is necessary to understand why the shoulder joint is in pain so that the treatment can be tailored to that specific issue. Once the doctor has an idea about the cause of pain in the shoulder joint a treatment plan can be developed.

Keep in mind that not every treatment will be effective for every injury. In fact, some treatments may cause more shoulder damage and make the joint pain an even bigger issue, so proceed with caution and follow your doctor's advice. For the majority of joint injuries rest is the best treatment. Pain in the shoulder joint is no exception and taking it easy until your doctor can be consulted would be an excellent choice. Do not decide to rest the joint for too long as the shoulder joint can actually develop problems if it is not used for a long period of time.

Another option that works well in addition to resting the shoulder joint is applying heat or ice. In the vast majority of cases ice is the best option. It should be used as soon as possible after an injury to help prevent swelling and therefore reducing pain in the area. Heat is used much less often than ice and really should only be applied if it is recommended by a health care professional. Either option should be used carefully in order to avoid causing any other problems such as burns. These treatment options are the most common and are easy to do and inexpensive as well.

Physical therapy may be needed depending on the severity of the shoulder joint issue. Oftentimes, there is a stretching routine involved that can be instrumental in pain relief as well as progress if there is stiffness in the joint. A physical therapist will often set goals to help the patient return to a pre-injury range of motion as well as strength. It is fairly common for this type of treatment to be covered by health insurance.

Many doctors may recommend a medication or supplement. NSAIDS, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are one such medication. These are best of the pain is due to inflammation. Bursitis, tendonitis and arthritis in the shoulder may be relived with this type of medication. Many joint pain supplements are also available on the market today. Along with glucosamine and chondroitin there is another supplement that is new on the market and showing very positive results. It is made from cetylated fatty acids. This supplement had been shown to reduce inflammation, increase mobility by reducing the stiffness the joint, and has thus far shown no side effects. All of these options may bring relief to shoulder joint pain.

Don't allow yourself to suffer with shoulder joint pain. See your doctor and develop a treatment plan so that you can get out and enjoy your life! It may be easier than you ever imagined.

My Dog Is Limping: Can I Use Dasuquin With MSM?

Limping in dogs especially those associated with joints disease is a serious common problem affecting our pets, yet oftentimes neglected by some pet owners. According to some reports, one on every five dogs in the country today can be suffering from one or several forms of joints disease most of which are subclinical in nature.

Perhaps before we try to answer what's the possible solutions for this problem, it might be helpful for us to know some of the causes of limping in or dogs. By knowing these, we will be aware and kept abreast of the very reason why we need to take accountability and become responsible pet owners.

Injuries in the paws and claws:

Dogs of small breeds can easily be injured by some grasses with spikes or thorns. Access to playing fields with sharp stones is another factor that can cause some minor cuts to our dogs' paws and claws. Unfortunately, these cuts and lacerations can get easily infected that may eventually worsen the problem.

Sprains and strains:

Just like athletes in heavy work-outs, sprains and strains can also occur with hyperactive dogs particularly those guard dogs, working dogs and K9's. It is very important that exercise and other physical activities mo moderated with respect to the breed, sex and age of the animal.

Dislocations in certain joints:

It might be somewhat safe to say that dislocations in dogs may not be so common yet still an important cause of lameness in dogs. We may not realize it but major causes of dislocations include accidents involving cars or a fall from great heights. Most of the joints affected could be the knees and elbows that bear much weight during these circumstances.

Degenerative diseases:

Osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia and rheumatoid arthritis are pretty rising problems affecting our dogs. Breeds, age and diet seem to be primary factors why these are pretty common nowadays.

I wish to note here that simple limping in dogs can be learned and managed at home. Simple cuts can be treated just the way we care with our own in simple yet gentle ways. However, if you observe that the case of your dog seem to be getting worst and is not improving at all, it is highly recommended that you bring your pet to your trusted vet for a thorough physical examination.

So how about Dasuquin? Of course you can. Dasuquin has been claimed as the gold standard in joint supplements. Some limping problems especially those related to joints illness be well prevented from occurring with proper nutrition and supplementation of your dog using products like Dasuquin or other related supplements.

Specific ingredients present in Dasuquin can help alleviate your suffering dog. It can help also in the healing of joints problems and it can serve as prophylactic agent before those joints problems will occur. If you are in doubt, it would be wise to consult first your vet how to properly use Dasuquin for your dogs.

For more information about Dasuquin and how it can help your limping dog, come and check this in-depth Dasuquin with MSM reviews, a pet supply consultant's point of view.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief: Treating the Pain First

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic and systemic inflammatory disorder. It attacks synovial joints, but may attack other tissues and organs in the body. It causes swelling, stiffness, and pain, and eventually damages the bones, tendons, and cartilage. It causes deformities and limiting motions. Although less common compare to other arthritis, this debilitating disease is very painful that needs an immediate rheumatoid arthritis pain relief. It has a huge impact to the life a patient as it limits the body movement of a person, and deforms the bones.

Rheumatoid arthritis pain relief can be given for chronic or acute pain. Controlling the pain is more important that to cure the disease because it can cause anxiety to a patient. The medications enhance the mobility of a person and give comfort in the synovial joints. However, before trying to do any pain relief, always consulted doctor first. These drugs can cause side effects to the people using it, especially if prolonged use such as hypertension and gastrointestinal upset.

NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Non-inflammatory Drugs) and narcotic medication are powerful painkillers. NSAID examples are ibuprofen, naproxen, and Celebrex which treat mild to moderate pain, while for narcotic pain, which treats moderate to severe pain are killers are oxycodone and codein. However, the prescribed drugs only act as painkillers. It did not solve the underlying condition. Steroids are also prescribed by a doctor, which is not for painkiller, but to reduce inflammation. It gets rid of the redness and swelling of the joints. Non-drug can also be used to help rheumatoid arthritis pain relief such as hot and cold treatments, positive attitude, exercise, relaxation methods, acupuncture, and topical lotions.

Nutritional supplements and changes in lifestyle are more effective rheumatoid arthritis pain relief than those any other drugs and methods. Agony due to pain should not let anyone not to do things that a normal person does, nor to cancel the activities that were already planned. Rheumatoid arthritis pain relief is already here to ensure us that we enjoy the things that we did when we are young.

Trikonasana - Yoga Posture For Back Pain Management

There are so many forms of back pain, that it seems impossible for Yoga to help them all. Truthfully, Hatha Yoga is great for pain prevention, but it also helps one cope with chronic back pain. If your day is filled with chronic back pain, less or no pain seems like a miracle. On the other hand, long term inflammations and chronic pain can make any form of adjustment or movement a challenge.

What can one do to get enough pain relief to practice Hatha Yoga, exercise, or physical therapy? In the case of a person who is in severe pain, no matter what he or she does, a physician may recommend a shot of marcaine, triamcenalone, or both. There is a school of thought that believes medication should be avoided at all costs. In reality, pain, and your tolerance of it, will make you come to a personal decision quickly. Each of us is different, and there is no need to make comparisons.

Doctors and chiropractors often recommend Yoga for back pain, but we want to make sure there is a doctor's approval before beginning a practice. Once approval is received, it is wise to seek out a competent Yoga teacher, with expertise in back pain management. If a prospective Yoga teacher shows no sign of compassion and competence, search until you find one who meets your needs.

With safety in mind, each of us learns to explore the body gradually. Never force or lock a joint while practicing Yoga postures. Learn to incorporate Yogic breathing techniques, as you become comfortable with your practice, and do not skip past foundational Yoga instruction. Listed below are details concerning Trikonasana, which should help a person experiencing chronic back pain.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose): This is an open twist, which is usually practiced from a standing position, but Chair Yoga practitioners may have learned to do this from a seated position. So many muscles are involved when practicing Trikonasana, that many people forget about the benefits to the skeletal structure.

To reduce pain in the back, the parts of the skeletal structure we are concerned with are the spine, shoulders, pelvis, and hip joints. When we consider back pain, all of these parts come into play, but we often forget that hips have limited range of motion while we move them from side to side. The hips have great range of motion going into a forward bend, but they are designed for stability more than mobility. Forcing the hips into abduction puts excessive torque on the SI joints.

One method to consider is the use of a chair, tall block, or a short stool while practicing Trikonasana. Forget the "cookie cutter" photographs of 19 year old models performing this posture. Forget the dogma from Yoga teachers who want to force your hips to rotate forward. Each skeleton is different. When you mindfully practice Trikonasana, you gently work the hips, pelvis, SI joints, and the rest of your spine, to reduce, or prevent, pain.

Botox Injections For Clenching (Bruxism)

Botox injections are well known for their facial cosmetic benefits as well as the relief of certain medical conditions such as excessive sweating. Botox works primarily by temporarily decreasing or paralyzing the muscles into which it is injected. Because of the ability to lessen muscle contractions, it is logical to assume that Botox will work for many other medical conditions in which excessive or too strong muscle contractions are the source of pain and dysfunction.

Jaw clenching, also known as bruxism, is a common condition that causes facial pain and excessive wear on one's teeth. Typical treatments include night time splints to protect the teeth and medications that attempt to decrease inflammation of the muscle or cause sedation in attempt to limit the strength of the muscle. Neither approach really addresses the source of the problem....excessive muscle activity and spasticity.

Botox would seem to be a very logical approach to the treatment of bruxism. It can be injected precisely into the most sore part of the muscle, weakening the most spastic part of the very large masseter muscle without affecting the ability to chew. Breaking the spasm of a muscle often only requires stopping the origin or focal area of contraction and not the whole muscle. Even with only partial relief of muscle tension, pain is less and less clenching occurs.

This has been precisely my experience with the treatment of clenching and associated TMJ disorders. The key to a successful outcome is to be able to locate by feel the source of muscle spasm. Usually this is possible as the patient knows where the most sore part of the jaw muscle is. Injections can be done either through the outer skin into the underlying muscle or through the mouth if this is easier to access the medial edge of the masseter muscle or the temporalis muscle attachments. The only area to avoid for injecting is directly into and through the parotid gland area. It usually takes about 25 to 30 units per the affected side as a starting dose. It may eventually take a higher dose to get more complete relief but this starting dose should as least get some relief. If no relief is obtained at this dose, this would suggest that a higher dose is unlikely to be effective either.

Like all Botox injections, it takes about a week to see its effect, so patient s have to be patient. I have noticed sometimes that the injections may actually cause some discomfort in the first few days due to the needle trauma to the muscle from the injection. For this reason, I like to mix Marcaine, a 24 hour lasting local anesthetic, with Botox to get some immediate relief before the Botox starts to take effect.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Soothing Aching Joints

Did you know that over 20 million adults suffer from osteoarthritis? That's right, a huge percentage of adults face regular joint pains and stiffness. Men and women alike are susceptible to osteoarthritis. It is the age and wear and tear that provokes this joint disease. Although on average men will show symptoms before women do, the disease tends to be a general side effect of getting older. It usually occurs in men when they are reaching their mid 40's and it generally occurs in women when they reach their 50's. With so many people dealing with the same health complaints, there are that many more solutions to ease the aches and pains. From diet to exercise and vitamins, there are many ways that you can soothe aching joints and regain comfort and mobility.

If you are looking for a natural route, consider taking supplements. There are premium joint relief formulas that can treat symptoms of rheumatic conditions such as arthritis or fibromyalgia. The supplements are created with high quality extracts to help sooth aches and pains and increase mobility. Often times one of the most challenging circumstances of a rheumatic condition is the lack of mobility and limited range of movement. Especially in the morning time people will notice inflamed and painful joints with limited mobility. Although for many these symptoms carry into the afternoon and even night hours, it can be especially noticeably in the morning time. Natural supplements can help make mornings easier and provide relief through the entire day.

Ingredients like glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate can really help sooth aching joints. Both ingredients play a role in part of the make up of cartilage and connective tissues. Together they can help slow down the break down of cartilage and help cartilage absorb shock. The Arthritis Foundation supports and encourages the use of chondroitin sulfate. Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate are most often found paired together for optimum results.

Other ways to help reduce pains is by getting exercise and changing your diet. Nuts, salmon, veggies, and strawberries are a few foods that can help relieve discomfort. Sometimes joint pains can actually be a result of the lack of exercise. Exercise strengthens your muscles and helps increase joint flexibility.

The best way to help sooth joint pains is by doing a combination of exercising, eating healthy foods, and taking supplements. By implementing all three practices into your daily schedule you can seriously improve flexibility, comfort, swelling, and your overall health and sleep schedule.

The Possible Medical Use Growth Hormone (GH) For Joint and Back Pain

GH therapy and possible applications to connective tissue/joint degeneration in active populations.

A common issue for athletes and other active populations (e.g. SWAT, SOF, etc.) is joint and connective tissue pain with various causes and diagnosis such as tendonitis, bursitis, cartilage degeneration, to name a few.

The use of various anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as nutritional supplements (e.g., Glucosamine, fish oils, etc,), and other therapeutic modalities are of value, but are far from a cure at this point.

A topic I have been researching for some time is the use of GH and other growth factors as a possible treatment for joint/connective tissue degeneration.

The causes of joint pain are multi factorial, but in active populations are often training related: over training, lack of proper warm up, loading and exercise choices, and other variables.

That's the first place people should look when having chronic joint issues, but not everyone has a choice in the matter as to how much exercise they do and or the types of exercise they perform; various athletes, special operations soldiers, SWAT operators, etc.

I have written in prior articles that I think the use of GH and other growth factors (IGF-1, etc) was a promising way to treat connective tissue/joint problems, and studies are starting to support that conclusion.
There have been impressive developments recently in the use of growth factors for accelerated healing of sports related injuries, overuse syndromes, improved healing after some plastic surgery procedures, as well as studies finding success in the area of orthopedics.

More controversial, my hypothesis has also been that many people who suffer from chronic connective tissue problems and chronic back problems are often found to have low IGF-1, and reversing that state of low IGF-1 as a treatment for these pathologies is a viable treatment. It appears the former concept - using growth factors to treat joint pathology - is getting greater attention with the scientific/medical community. The latter concept - that a deficiency in these growth factors may be the cause of their joint related problems - a much more controversial idea.

But hey, I don't mind being ahead of the curve and waiting for the scientific and medical community to catch up to me! Remember, Growth factors (e.g., IGF-1, bFGF, PDGF, EGF, and others) are the mediators that control the biological processes necessary for repair of soft tissues. After hitting the gym or the road with 60-80lbs of stuff on your back, and having muscles and joints in need of repair from micro trauma caused by those activities - or in the case of traumatic injury to muscles, tendons and ligaments - these growth factors are responsible for healing the injuries, with animal studies showing clear benefits in terms of accelerated healing and repair.

Regarding research on the issue of using growth factors to treat sports related injuries, a recent review in the British Journal of Sports Medicine entitled "Growth Factor Delivery Methods in the Management of Sports Injuries: The State of Play" examined the issue. The review covered a wide range of topics that examined the use of growth factors for treating various sports medicine related injuries. However, the report also noted,

"The use of growth factors in Sports Medicine is restricted under the terms of the WADA* anti-doping code, particularly because of concerns regarding the IGF-1 content of such preparations, and the potential for abuse as performance-enhancing agents."

So, as hormones such as growth hormone (GH), IGF-1, as well as others may have performance benefits in athletes, they are banned by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and are on the WADA list of agents.

It's important to note that this review is talking mostly about directly delivering, via injection, the growth factor in question into the injured joint, which results in a much higher concentration to the injured area while reducing whole body/systemic exposure.

The IOC and WADA are concerned with athletes taking these hormones for performance enhancement vs. treating an injury. However, WADA has what they refer to as a "Therapeutic Use Exemption" which states:

"Athletes, like all others, may have illnesses or conditions that require them to take particular medications. If the medication an athlete is required to take to treat an illness or condition happens to fall under the Prohibited List, a Therapeutic Use Exemption may give that athlete the authorization to take the needed medicine."

There are various ways of delivering higher doses of growth factors to injured tissue, but each has in a reliance on the release of the aforementioned growth factors which are released upon injection at the site of an injury. This means you get a high therapeutic dose at the site of the injury with a low whole body/systemic exposure of these growth factors.

So what about athletes and other active populations using GH who are not subject to IOC or WADA rules? Many athletes using low dose GH report improved joint function and less pain from GH therapy. Of course, not injecting it into the joint (and that should NEVER be attempted without medical supervision), which is how most athletes use GH, means a greater whole body effect and a lower concentration at the site of injury, which opens up additional areas of concern.

Regardless, it still appears to help with joint problems. I also recommend people who have chronic joint problems have their IGF-1 levels checked via blood tests. Healthy young people who have adequate diets and protein intakes don't generally suffer from low IGF-1 levels, though I find it's more common than some might realize, and not uncommon in older adults.

Finally, the use of GH for joint problems has to be done in the context of legality. I do not recommend people use illegally obtained GH for this use and need to find a medical doctor willing to work with them on their medical/joint related problems, but physicians using GH for this use is becoming more common as additional research and clinical feedback becomes available.

Styplon From Himalaya - Styptic and Hemostasis Natural Herbal Remedies for Bleeding Control

Cure muscle pain with Muscle & Joint Rub from Himalaya
Are you sick of your muscle pain?

A sprain can be caused due to stress on muscles, overexertion and sickness and which can further develop critical issues such as backaches and chronic muscle sprains. These muscle related problems is getting very common these days as people are getting very busy in their work, constantly working in front of the computer which leads to sprain in neck, back and joints. Hence it is very important to consult a physician as ignorance to sprains and pain is likely to cause swelling of muscles which can lead to chronic joint pain.

Pain in the back and joints can occur due to excess stress on the body parts, obesity and exertion and this can lead to chronic pain, swelling and inflammation as well. It is also observed that, Synovial fluid in the back bone and joints also gets harmed due to this continuous and chronic disorder.

To resolve the issue related to joints, Himalaya has the best natural remedy called Muscle & Joint Rub from Himalaya to get relief from pain and aches of the joints. It supports and brings regular mobility and flexibility to the joints. It also alleviates inflammation and pain. It penetrates quickly thereby enhancing joint agility.

Benefits of this natural herbal product:
This is the best natural herbal cure to get relief from backaches.
It eases joint pain and swelling.
It brings relief from sprains.
It solves problems related to arthritis

This Himalaya product is a rich source of rare herbs like, Eucalyptus globulus, Acorus calamus, Piper nigrum, Capsicum annuum, Mentha spicata and Ocimum sanctum.

Causes of Pain in joints and muscles

Thyroid issues such as hypo and hyperthyroidism could lead to joint and muscle pain.
Excessive stress on body parts.
Genetic problems can be the cause of joint pain and arthritis.
Disabilities such as nutritional unbalance, low metabolic rate, sickle cell and hemophilia
Diabetic and Overweight people are more prone to suffer from this chronic arthritis as a burden on the bones can lead to muscle strain and wear and tear of joints.

As this critical health issue of joint and muscle pain could lead to chronic diseases such osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, one has to be very careful about the symptoms which shows the pain, swelling and sprain in joints. Below are few prominent symptoms:

Joint pain in fingers, knee and sometimes hip have been noticed.
Reduced in the elasticity of bones.
Difficulties in walking is very common.
Troubles while maintaining same posture for a long time.
Continuous aches in joints.
Flaw of muscle is prominent

By applying Muscle & Joint Rub from Himalaya gently over the affected joints gives quick pain relief. It helps in getting relief from minor contrusions as well. This Himalaya product is available in 20gm tubes.

Daily exercise habit, healthy dietary practices and habit of drinking lots of water can help to avoid such lingering situation to happen to you.

All You Need to Know About Arthritis & Rheumatism

Osteoarthritis, the most common chronic arthritis, accounts for half of all cases. Inflammation may occur, but OA is generally considered a non-inflammatory type of arthritis - referred to as degenerative joint disease or "wear-and-tear arthritis".

Osteoarthritis (OA) is most prevalent in the aged and is probably related to the normal aging process (although it is seen occasionally in younger people and some forms have a genetic basis).

The usual symptoms are deep aching pains localized to the joint(s) involved, stiffness after rest, joint swelling and tenderness, a grating sound when the joint is moved, and in later stages bone deformities. The pain is usually present with movement of the joint and relieved by rest. The pain arises in the joint capsule, ligaments, tendons, muscles and bone surrounding the damaged cartilage.

As the disease progresses, the exposed bone tissue thickens and forms bony spurs that enlarge the bone ends. The spurs encroach on the joint space and may restrict joint movement. Patients complain of stiffness on arising that lessens with activity. The affected joints may make a crunching noise as they move. This sound, called crepitus, results as the roughened articular surfaces rub together. The joints most often affected are those of the fingers, the base of the thumb, the big toe, the cervical and lumbar spine, and large weight-bearing joints of the lower limbs (knees and hips).

Current theory holds that normal joint use prompts the release of enzymes that break down cartilage. In healthy individuals, this damaged cartilage is replaced. In people with OA, more is destroyed than replaced. Although its specific cause is unknown, OA may reflect the cumulative effects of years of compression and abrasion acting at joint surfaces (accompanied by excessive amounts of the cartilage-destroying enzymes) which ultimately cause the once smooth articular cartilages to soften, roughen, fray, and erode - resulting in friction. The tendons, ligaments, and muscles holding the joint together become weaker, and the joint itself becomes painful and stiff. There is usually some pain, but little or no swelling.

Biochemically the disease can be initiated by excessive pressure being applied to the joint i.e. in sport or manual work. Inflammation of the cartilage may also be associated with infection, toxic irritation, or by poor nutritional status of bones and surrounding structures. Epidemiologists have also identified hereditary factors which predispose people to osteoarthritis. Other contributing factors include poor diet, obesity, diabetes, a sedentary lifestyle, hypertension, bowel toxicity, hyperuricaemia, hypothyroidism and other endocrine disorders, hyper-insulinaemia, and high estrogen levels. Allergies and chemical sensitivities may also predispose or aggravate osteoarthritis.

The primary chemical change observed is the loss of proteoglycans (a protein sugar or mucopolysaccharide) from the hyaluronic backbone, and is initiated by activation of degenerative enzymes associated with inflammation. These proteoglycans are responsible for cartilage resilience or bounce and their loss from the cartilage results in a stiffer material that is more easily damaged by "wear and tear". Proteoglycans account for 75-80% of normal cartilage, in osteoarthritis proteoglycans are reduced to 35-40%. The increased turnover and eventual loss of proteoglycans from osteoarthritic tissue is a consequence of an increase in chondrocyte metabolism.

At the same time there is some kind of matrix destabilization possibly the result of collagen fibers breaking. Collagen fibers provide the high tensile strength of cartilage. The physical properties are not unlike a mattress which can be compressed but not pulled apart sideways. The collagen/proteoglycan matrix provides the structural framework of the tissue and also forms a fluid compartment for the transport of nutrients, waste products, chemical messengers and hormones, to and from chondrocytes. Whether the breaking of the collagen fibers is a consequence of increased proteoglycan degradation is still not clear.

The degenerative enzymes can be modulated by Bromelain, Quercetin, Rutin, and EFA's. Zinc, Manganese, Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin D, C, B6, E, Glucosamine, and DLPA are all useful to help with inflammation. This combination of nutrients increases protein, proteoglycan and amino acid synthesis, facilitates repair of ligament and connective tissue, improves and restores bone growth and muscle action, increases blood vessel integrity and supports immune system function.

An acid environment around the joint will also activate these enzymes and thus precipitate the loss of proteoglycan. Chondrocytes are cells within the joint that produce these proteoglycans. Stimulation of these cells by particular nutrients can forestall some of the degenerative changes associated with arthritis. Thus, improving the chondrocytes healing potential is essential in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Bone cells, the osteocytes and osteoblasts, become metabolically very active in osteoarthritis and bone remodeling is evident.

According to allopathy - the course of osteoarthritis is usually slow and irreversible and is thought to be medically untreatable as it was a result of "wear and tear". In most cases, you will be offered symptom control with a mild pain reliever like aspirin, along with moderate activity to keep the joints mobile. Osteoarthritis is rarely crippling, but it can be, particularly when the hip or knee joint are involved. Each year, thousands of people around the world die from the adverse effects of both the anti-inflammatory medications and steroids. To add insult to injury, some research suggests that there is mounting evidence that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs actually cause certain features of osteoarthritis to progress faster - by inhibiting the synthesis of proteoglycans and thus damaging cartilage. Interestingly, Folic acid 6-6.4 mg and Vitamin B12 200ug reduces the need for NSAID's with improvements in hand grip and reduced tenderness in joints.

Osteoarthritis is now understood to be a disease due to the disordered synthesis of proteoglycan and collagen. Both biosynthetic pathways can be regulated by nutritional means, and manipulation with nutritive substances has been shown to have significantly beneficial results in regulating cartilage metabolism and the progression of the disease is slowed or reversed.

A new magnetic therapy is reported to provide significant relief to about 70% of the patients treated. The magnetic fields are assumed to stimulate the growth and repair of articular cartilage and to reverse the effects of OA. Another technique under investigation involves injecting hyaluronic acid into the affected joint cavities. Hyaluronic acid is a natural sulphated polysaccharide that lubricates and cushions the joint. Its viscoelastic nature (kind of like Silly Putty) enables it to bounce back to its original shape after being compressed. Hence, it protects the joint surfaces from further erosion and relieves discomfort.

Obesity increases the risk of developing osteoarthritis by putting undue stress on the joints - knees and hips, for example, will not cause as much discomfort when they have less weight to carry. Some form of gentle exercise, such as swimming, cycling or walking, together with a sensible diet that promotes fat loss, whilst preserving precious lean muscle, will therefore help to prevent osteoarthritis, or minimize symptoms if you already have the condition.

Furthermore, regular exercise can play a vital role in the prevention and treatment of all forms of arthritis. Exercise is essential for reducing pain and retarding joint deterioration and helps to prevent stiffness. But you also need to respect your body's limitations in order for exercise to be beneficial. Exercise helps to keep joints healthy by encouraging the flow of synovial fluid into and out of the cartilage, and strengthens the supporting, protecting structures (muscles, tendons, ligaments) and increases the range of motion, shock absorption, and flexibility of joints. Exercise is important in both the prevention and treatment of arthritis because unused joints tend to stiffen. Proper instruction is essential, since great harm can be done with what could be a normally easygoing activity. Swimming, water exercise, yoga and tai chi have been found to be slow and careful enough to loosen joints without causing additional discomfort.

An extract from New Zealand's green-lipped mussel has been found to contain a glycoprotein which may help treat arthritis. The presence of this compound is thought to indirectly prevent the inflammation which occurs when the body's immune system starts attacking healthy tissue. The glycoprotein achieves this by blocking certain actions of neutrophils, the white blood cells which alert the immune system.

Regenerating the joint cartilage is the first priority in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Liquid bovine tracheal cartilage may be used as it is an anti-inflammatory and aids connective tissue repair. For joint repair to take place the following nutrients are needed for the support of collagen, cartilage and bone: Glucosamine sulphate; Vitamin D; Calcium ascorbate; Manganese chloride; Magnesium hydroxide; MSM; and Zinc gluconate tri-hydrate. These nutrients help reduce inflammation and therefore joint pain, whilst also enhancing the growth and repair of bones. Also retards cartilage erosion and repairs damaged cartilage.

Glucosamine is an amino sugar, a major building block of proteoglycans, and is needed to make the glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), proteins that bind water in the cartilage matrix. Besides providing raw material for the synthesis of proteoglycans and GAGs, glucosamine's mere presence acts as a stimulant to the cells that produce these products, the chondrocytes. In fact, glucosamine has been found to be the key factor in determining how many proteoglycans are produced by the chondrocytes. If there is a lot of glucosamine present, then a lot of proteoglycans will be produced, and a lot of water will be held in its proper place. But if only a little glucosamine is available, fewer proteoglycans will be made, and less of the precious water will be attracted to the area. It appears that altered glucosamine metabolism is part of the background of arthritis. Glucosamine has also been shown to spur chondrocytes to produce more collagen and proteoglycans, and it also normalizes cartilage metabolism, which helps to keep cartilage from breaking down.

Extensive research has been conducted including double-blind studies - conclusions being drawn that glucosamine actually rebuilds the damaged cartilage. It has been proven to be a safe and effective treatment for osteoarthritis. By helping the body to repair damage to eroded cartilage, it helps quell pain and relieve swelling and tenderness, with minimal or no side effects. According to recent biochemical and pharmacological findings, the administration of glucosamine (1500mg) tends to normalize cartilage metabolism, so as to inhibit the degradation and stimulate the synthesis of proteoglycans and, finally, to restore, at least partially, articular function.

Where glucosamine helps to form the proteoglycans that sit within the spaces in the cartilage "netting", chondroitin sulphates act like "liquid magnets", attracting fluid into the proteoglycans - the fluid acts as a spongy shock absorber and sweeps nutrients into the cartilage (Articular cartilage has no blood supply, so all of its nourishment and lubrication comes from the liquid that ebbs and flows as pressure to the joint is applied and released. Without this fluid, cartilage would become malnourished, drier, thinner and more fragile). Besides drawing in precious fluid, chondroitin protects existing cartilage from premature degradation and stimulates the synthesis of new cartilage.

An excerpt from "The Arthritis Cure", by Dr Jason Theodosakis: "To put it briefly, in order to qualify as a truly chondro-protective agent, a compound must be able to

1. Enhance cartilage cell macromolecule synthesis (glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, collagens, proteins, RNA, and DNA)
2. Enhance the synthesis of hyaluron (the substance that gives the joint fluid its thick viscosity, providing lubrication between the synovial membrane and cartilage).
3. Inhibit the enzymes that degrade the cartilage cell macromolecules.
4. Mobilise thrombi, fibrin, lipids, cholesterol deposits in synovial spaces, and blood vessels in surrounding joints.
5. Reduce joint pain.
6. Reduce synovitis.

Clinical studies have shown that glucosamine can accomplish objectives 1,2,5, and 6, while chondroitin handles numbers 1,3,4,5, and 6. Their overlapping abilities explain why the glucosamine and chondroitin is such a powerful one-two punch against osteoarthritis."

Strengthening subchondral bone is also very important. Nutrient support for repairing subchondral bone tissue includes therapeutic levels of Microcrystalline hydroxyapatite and Calcium citrate (the most absorbable forms of Calcium) combined with balanced amounts of Magnesium diglycinate, Zinc diglycinate, Manganese diglycinate and other synergistic minerals. Ipriflavone is also valuable. It a form of isoflavonoid that has the ability to activate osteoblasts (bone building cells) and inhibit bone resorption, resulting in enhanced bone formation and increased bone density.

There are many ways to reduce inflammation. Turmeric, Indian Olibanum, and Ginger are a powerful combination of anti-inflammatory herbs, all with potent regulating activity on inflammatory eicosanoids. Turmeric also has a strong antioxidant action to reduce inflammatory triggers. One of the best formula for pain.

A broad spectrum antioxidant would provide the ascorbic acid necessary for collagen synthesis, which is in turn vital to joint repair. There is some evidence to show that antioxidants - Vitamin A, C, and E, plus Selenium - may have beneficial effects on arthritis. High potency marine lipids, Omega 3 essential fatty acids, have been demonstrated to exert anti-inflammatory effects in cases of osteoarthritis.

Meat has a form of fat that encourages inflammatory agents in the body. Fats can regulate eicosanoids, which control inflammation, pain, and other symptoms of arthritis. Reducing the omega 6 oils seems to help. Canola is the best fat to use, since it contains a balance of both omegas, although beware that most canola oil on the market now is genetically modified. Olive oil is also acceptable. Flax oil contains almost twice as much omega 3 fatty acids as does fish oil, and combinations are encouraged.

All tea, coffee, alcohol, and processed foods need to be eliminated. Reduce consumption of highly refined foods, saturated fats, sugar and salt. Increase consumption of whole grain cereals, hard nuts, and apple pectin. These foods are rich in silicon which have been found to be important in bone homeostasis. A healthy diet with fresh fruit and vegetables boosts the immune system and provides the sufferer with extra energy to fight the disease. Use Garlic (inhibits free radical formation) and Kelp (rich source of minerals) in cooking. A free form amino acid complex should be part of the program to help repair tissue. Some form of fiber, such as oat bran or rice bran, should be eaten daily, and the diet should be low in saturated fats. Foods that should be consumed include eggs; onions; garlic or asparagus whose sulfur content helps to remove metals; the amino acid histidine, which is also good for removing metals; green leafy vegetables, which are needed for Vitamin K; fresh vegetables; non-acidic fresh fruits; whole grains; oatmeal; brown rice; and fish.

A good multivitamin is essential to protect from free radical damage and to repair illness and cartilage. The free radical scavenger Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD) is useful both orally and in injection form for the relief of the stiffness, pain, and swollen joints in arthritis. SOD is a member of a group of enzymes found mainly in the fluids inside the cells - it protects against damage by free radicals. DMSO (dimethyl sulphoxide) is another free radical scavenger that relieves the stiffness and pain. Its effects are enhanced when taken with other vitamins and minerals such as A, B complex, C, E, Zinc, and Selenium. 50 % of patients given 600 IU of Vitamin E for a period of 10 days reported an analgesic effect. This effect my be due to may be due to Vitamin E's role in prolonging the life of fibroblasts, and to stabilizing lysosomal membranes, thus inhibiting the release of inflammatory mediators. Vitamin E's role as an antioxidant is also likely to play a significant role. DMSO has also been used topically to treat arthritis. Vitamin E is also good and helps to mobilize the joints. Calcium and Magnesium chelate are essential to prevent bone loss (Magnesium is also required to form the synovial fluid which surrounds the joints), and Silica is needed for Calcium absorption and the connective tissue.

Vitamin B3 increases the circulation to deep tissues by dilating small arteries, and may promote synovial regeneration thus contributing to the reversal of cartilage erosion and synovitis. Niacinamide alone or in conjunction with other water soluble vitamins can improve joint mobility and function. Severely damaged or ankylosed joints do not respond. Vitamin C plus Bioflavonoids is for structural integrity of capillaries and collagen formation, also is a powerful free radical destroyer. Germanium is a powerful antioxidant that also relieves pain. Bromelain, from pineapple, reduces inflammation and aids digestion. DLPA is good for relieving chronic pain. Osteoarthritis may be helped by lipotropes or SAM-e (important in lipid metabolism), which is active in cell membrane fluidity (it is thought that a fatty acid imbalance of the omega 3's and 6's may cause arthritis and other degenerative diseases).

A deficiency of Vitamin B5 results in pathological changes to the joint which closely resemble the changes of osteoarthritis, including the claudication of cartilage, and the formation of osteophytes. Supplementation of Vitamin B5, results in benefits in 7-14 days and cessation of the treatment results in a relapse of symptoms. The mechanism of action of B5 in osteoarthritis may relate to its requirement for the N-acetylation of glucosamine (which requires acetyl CoA) and thus for the synthesis of proteoglycans. Royal Bee Jelly, rich in pantothenic acid, is reportedly helpful.

Vitamin C and D reduce the risk of cartilage loss and disease progression. Deficiency of Vitamin C may be associated with defects in collagen proline hydroxylation, possibly creating repair problems in connective tissue. Thus, Vitamin C may be useful in regenerating cartilage in addition to neutralizing some of the hormones and enzymes associated with inflammation that cause leakage and damage.

For some people who develop arthritis, an allergy or intolerance to particular foods may be a contributing factor. An elimination diet is one of the best ways to identify problem foods, but pinpointing the culprit foods can be difficult and it is best to consult your qualified Health care Practitioner. Red meat, sugar products, citrus fruits, green peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, paprika, cayenne pepper, tobacco and salt may all be problems. The nightshade family contain a toxic alkaloid called solanine that some people, particularly those suffering from arthritis, are highly sensitive to. Solanine interferes with enzymes in the muscles, and may cause pain and discomfort. Another group of foods known as salicylates also have been shown to increase inflammation in arthritics. Wheat and milk may also be culprits. Many arthritics seem to improve if digestion is augmented. This can be done by either taking digestive enzymes or apple cider vinegar with meals. Improving digestion and the acidity of the stomach ensures complete breakdown of any antigenic food protein that may exacerbate the condition.

Eating Nettles or drinking Nettle tea (3 cups a day) is an old remedy for arthritis - anti-inflammatory. Herbs that help to ease arthritis include Feverfew (good for pain and soreness), Meadowsweet, Celery seed, and White Willow. Dandelion root and Horsetail tea is recommended for degenerative arthritis. For inflamed hand joints, take a decoction or tincture of Devil's claw. Ginger, Coriander, Cinnamon and Aloe Vera can be used to treat arthritis. Angelica is a good tonic and is warming. Barberry taken as a tea or applied as a compress can be used. Basil can provide relief from the pain of arthritis. Other herbs such as Comfrey, Burdock, Black Cohosh, Valerian root, Chaparral leaves, Gotu kola, Chickweed, Dong Quai, and, Bog bean may help. Alfalfa leaves, Brigham tea, Parsley tea, and Yucca extract (used successfully at the Desert Arthritis Clinic) are also good choices.

For aching joints try a liniment made with Comfrey tincture and a few drops of Black Pepper essential oil. A bath of Arnica tincture, Rosemary, Basil and Lavender to promote relaxation and relieve pain. Slippery elm and Cayenne applied to affected joints as a poultice may provide relief. Rub Calamus oil into the affected joints to improve circulation and drainage. Camphor oil is indicated for the treatment of arthritis also.

Aromatherapy oils can provide soothing aromatic relief. Juniper essential oil in a bath or in a massage blend may be useful - it is stimulating and anti-rheumatic. Petitgrain massaged into the limbs may also be useful for osteoarthritis. Lemon and Cypress essential oils are detoxifying, and can be used in the bath or in a massage to help the body eliminate toxins. Chamomile, Lavender, and Rosemary are anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving; use in local massage or in a compress. Black Pepper, Eucalyptus, Marjoram and Benzoin will improve the circulation in the area. Coriander, Clary sage, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Marjoram, Vetiver, and Cedarwood may also provide relief. Skin brushing may help by stimulating the lymphatic system.

Tissue salts may be useful in conjunction with nutritional and herbal support. Ferr phos may be used in acute attacks with fever, inflammation of the joint which is swollen and red. Painful joints aggravated by motion may also benefit from this remedy. Nat phos when there are acid conditions. May be used alternatively with Nat sulph. Nat mur is if there is creaking of the joints. Mag phos may be of value, alternating with Calc phos, for the relief of pain in osteoarthritis.

Apis is for hot, stinging pain. Arnica may be useful for sprained joints that improve during movement, but worsen after prolonged movement or rest. It also helps with long term joint and muscle complaints such as osteoarthritis. Bryonia may be useful for joint inflammation such as osteoarthritis. It is indicated when stitching pains occur in swollen pale or red joints. Colchicum, when it is worse in warm weather, with inflamed joints, irritability, and sensitivity to touch. Pulsatilla is for when pain moves from one joint to another. Ruta grav is for the treatment of deep aching pain especially in the bones. Rhododendron is for when arthritis is worse in stormy weather. Rhus tox may be used for muscle and joint pain i.e. osteoarthritis, restless legs, stiffness in the lower back, and strains. Symptoms are made worse by cold and damp, and after rest - improving with movement.

Physical therapies such as massage, physiotherapy, osteopathic treatment, and magnetic induction therapy are useful adjuncts in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Nutritional and Herbal support for Osteoarthritis includes:

Glucosamine 1200 Complex - Glucosamine is a natural substance found largely in cartilage, ligaments and tendons. This product was formulated to give the body the building blocks it needs to help repair cartilage, ligament & tendon damage, while offering an anti inflammatory action.

Omega 3 EFA's - High quality natural Fish Oil is an excellent source of Omega-3 acids, Vitamin A & D & the essential fatty acids EPA & DHA. Provides an anti inflammatory action in the body.

DLPA - Elevates the body's own natural pain killing hormones (endorphins). 400 mg 3-4 x daily for relief of chronic pain 3 wks.

Vitamin C, Quercetin and Bromelain - Bioflavonoids inhibit inflammation thus assisting in relief of chronic pain 3-4 x daily 3 wks.

Tryptophan - Increases pain threshold, may aid sleeping.

Some interesting points on Osteoarthritis:

Hot tubs and baths provide relief. Raw lemon rubs and hot castor oil packs are also extremely beneficial.

Drink steam-distilled water only.

Good posture is also important to prevent stiffness and crippling. Poor posture can cause body weight to be distributed unevenly, placing more stress on certain joints, resulting in unnecessary pain for the arthritic person. Overweight and obesity also affect the weight-bearing joints, which become irritated and stressed by having to carry too much of a load.

Alfalfa, Parsley, Celery seed, Ginger 1-2 grams per day (discourages inflammation and pain), hot Peppers, and Garlic make useful additions to the diet.

The bacteria responsible for Chlamydia non-specific urethritis has been linked as a cause of one form of arthritis in young women. In nearly half of the women with unexplained arthritis who were tested, Chlamydia was found in the joints. Seventy-five percent had raised antibody levels in the blood.

Copper has an anti-inflammatory effect when applied topically and is therefore helpful for arthritis. Copper bracelets leach the copper into the system through perspiration, therefore adding to Copper levels in the blood. Copper chelate rub applied to the affected joint may reduce the inflammation around the joint. Many osteoarthritic patients are Copper deficient and this may have a role in the pathogenesis of the disease as copper is required for the formation of sulfur cross linking in collagen formation. Manganese may repair worn-out cartilage. Zinc, an anti-inflammatory, may relieve some symptoms of arthritis.

Vitamin C is necessary to prevent the capillary walls in the joints from breaking down and causing bleeding, swelling, and pain. Folic acid, Vitamin B12, and Iron may be helpful in treating the anemia that may accompany arthritis. The frequency of liver disorders in arthritic patients may deter the conversion of carotene into Vitamin A. Difficulty in assimilating carbohydrates suggests a Vitamin B deficiency.

Wear correct fitting jogging shoes or massage sandals. This allows for better cushioning of knee an hip joints. Orthotics may be useful to support or correct alignment of ankles and thus posture.

Eat cold water fish (cod, tuna, salmon, trout, mackerel, and sardines) at least 3 times per week. These fish are rich in certain polyunsaturated fats called omega 3 fatty acids. Scientific evidence has now emerged to show that fish oils can prove helpful to arthritis sufferers, and may reduce inflammation if taken regularly. Inflammation is the body's natural reaction to arthritic diseases, causing pain, swelling, redness and heat. Fish oil may also be taken in capsule form. Signs of improvement are usually felt within 2-3 months. Vegetarians may choose Flaxseed oil (1-2 dessertspoons a day) to obtain their omega-3 fatty acids.

Coeliac disease results from a sensitivity to the protein gluten, contained in wheat, oats, barley and rye. Gastro-intestinal discomfort, wind and diarrhea are the usual manifestations although these symptoms need not be present and arthritis or eczema may manifest.

Living With TMJ Symptoms - Treatments to Relieve Your TMJ Pain

Living with TMJ symptoms can often be an extremely painful and debilitating experience, but don't worry because there are numerous treatments to relieve your TMJ pain. These TMJ treatments will usually consist of neuromuscular dentistry, chiropractic care if necessary (to correct jaw and other misalignments), and a rehabilitation program which will consist of jaw exercises to teach the jaw how to move normally again and strengthen it to prevent recurrence of TMJ.

Although it may take time and expense to find the TMJ treatment that is best for your particular case of TMJ, rest assured that there IS a treatment that will eventually work. You do not have to live with TMJ symptoms forever!

Here is a list of TMJ treatment options for you to consider:

1. Treatment from a neuromuscular dentist: Treatment of this type will consist of advanced technologies used to detect any jaw or joint misalignments as well as diagnose any muscular malfunctions. These specialists will also work to find the source of the TMJ disorder beyond conventional means as traditional x-rays and touch; and subsequent treatments will focused on correcting the source of the TMJ disorder. Technologies that may be used to detect the source of the TMJ include sonography, electromyography, and jaw tracking technology.

Treatment to correct the source of the TMJ problems may consist of orthotics to temporarily re-align a malocclusion (misaligned or overlapping bites), orthodontics to permanently correct the malocclusion, and a custom made mouth guard or bite guard used to prevent the patient from grinding the teeth at night.

The mouth guard is especially important if one of the causes of the TMJ is teeth grinding, since this will help the patient to break this habit (by re-aligning the teeth so that it is virtually impossible to clench the teeth) and to prevent further damage; even if teeth grinding is not a cause of the TMJ, the use of this mouth guard will help to prevent this problem from developing and guarantee that any possible nighttime tooth grinding is eliminated.

Although not commonly offered, another type of treatment offered is called TENS or ultra-TENS, otherwise known as transcutaneous electrical neural stimulation, which massages and stimulates the jaw muscles, increasing blood flow and promoting waste and toxin removal form the muscles, and ultimately delivering relaxation to the muscles; in many cases this will offer immediate and effective relief of many TMJ symptoms.

2. Chiropractic treatment: This particular type of treatment will consist of neck and head adjustments and manipulations to correct any misalignments which may exist in both the jaw, head, and neck area that are the source of the TMJ. Massage of weak or malfunctioning muscles may also be done as well to strengthen the overall jaw area. This treatment is also quite effective in relieving your TMJ pain and correcting the source of this problem.

3. Rehabilitation programs: These will consist of a number of exercises which the TMJ patient must do daily in order to both teach the jaw how to function normally again, and to further strengthen any weak muscles that have been malfunctioning as a result of the TMJ disorder; these may be prescribed by both the dentist and chiropractor.

4. Relaxation techniques and anger management techniques: These must be incorporated if the source of TMJ is due to chronic stress resulting in teeth grinding or clenching; although these will not directly relieve the TMJ pain, they will eliminate a root of one of the problems causing your TMJ.

Beat Eye Disease - Aging People Forced To Adjust To an Eye Disease That's Related To Aging

There might be a way to beat eye disease. Aging people are forced to adjust to macular degeneration (MD), which is an eye disease that's related to aging. This commentary talks about how people, who are going blind, have to adjust to their loss of vision; and it introduces a potential solution to the problem.

Aging people start losing their eyesight because neurons are affected. When neural input is disrupted, the brain can't discern visual input because the part of the eye related to the disease, the macula, becomes dysfunctional.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers, in a study published in the March 4, 2009 issue of Journal of Neuroscience; said they discovered that aging people must adjust to loss of vision with a unique technique, in order to see better; and the researchers related it to the way their brains process visual input.

Neurons apparently need to receive input. So, when usual visual information of aging people is disrupted, they are forced to respond with "the next best thing," according to a press release of MIT McGovern Institute for Brain Research; by senior author Nancy Kanwisher.

Researchers discovered that when cells in the fovea, which is the part of the retina that's responsible for a person's central field of vision and it's the central part of the macular portion of the eye, degenerate; the brain forces undamaged neurons, attached to the degenerated section of the fovea on outer portions of the macula, to respond to stimuli by necessitating aging people with MD to tilt their heads.

The MIT researchers theorized that it's a kind of internal reorganization, and the brain forces aging people to adjust so their brains can interpret the visual map of the eye; rather than using the outer part of the eye, known as the cortex, to get information from other neurons.

Kanwisher said their study demonstrated that discernible changes in neural responses of aging people suffering from MD are probably forced by their brains, because of "the lack of input to a population of neurons," to adjust; rather than their brains changing the discernible visual information-processing method.

Macular degeneration is the most common disease related to adult blindness, and almost 2 million people are affected by it in the United States alone. Their brains force people to roll their eyes upward, so they can adjust to the lack of central vision. They exploit the preferred retinal locus (PRL), which is the undamaged area adjacent to and underneath the part of the retina affected by MD, by tilting the head.

Kanwisher said that MD is a great opportunity to understand more about flexibility in the eye cortex in aging adults. But it might be possible to beat the eye disease with simple eye drops.

The theory is that macular degeneration is linked to hardening of the lens in the eye, which creates the "lack of input to a population of neurons" that the MIT researchers mentioned in their study; and those neurons in the fovea of the macula, over time, degenerate. In other words, "If you don't use it, you lose it."

The brain must get visual input by any mean that it can get it. If lenses of the eyes become stiff and cloudy, thereby obstructing the necessary data that the brain requires; neurons of the fovea degenerate.

The brain forces people to tilt their heads to get the visual input that their brains desperately need, by using neurons adjacent to and underneath the neurons that are degenerated in the fovea, by accessing visual information through the cortex of the eye rather than trying to analyze data through ineffective eyeball lenses.

It's a horrible disadvantage to have to tilt the head just to get a blurry image. But people do what people must do; and people simply must be able to see, so their brains demand them to get visual information by whatever means is available.

There is a formula that has been tested for 10 years, which not only may impede macular degeneration and subsequent blindness; but it might beat presbyopia and MD altogether IF people use it early enough, and IF aging people have just enough faith to try it.

Blind Bartimaeus called out to the LORD; when Jesus was on his way, through Jericho, to bear the sins of the world on the cross, "Son of David, have mercy on me... If I could just have my vision, I'd be happy."

Jesus said to him, "Receive your sight; your faith has healed you."

Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God. (Luke 18:35-43)

How many aging people would be happy if they could only see again? Now, with the breakthrough revelation of this fantastic new product, people might be able to beat presbyopia and MD. People might not have to lose their vision just because they're in the aging process IF they can preserve elasticity in the lenses of their eyeballs.

Copyright by J. Michael Brown; January 7, 2011