Saturday, June 1, 2013

10 Effective Ways to Alleviate Arthritis Joint Pain

This article emphasizes on the 10 effective ways to alleviate arthritis joint pain and inflammation.

1. If one notices symptoms of arthritis in one's body, it is always advisable to see a doctor and take his suggestions. Medications prescribed by doctors can suppress arthritis joint pain. Pain killers or analgesics like aspirin, naproxen, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen are commonly used to relieve pain. Narcotic pain relievers like oxycodone, codeine, propoxyphene etc are also taken; but one should not depend much on narcotic pain relievers as they are habit forming. Diseases modifying anti-rheumatic drugs or DMARDs like etanercept, anakinra, abatacept, infliximab etc are also taken by patients. These drugs improve the body's response to any disease. Gold injection, methotrexate injection, kenalog injection and cortisone injection can also give relief.

2. Maintain proper posture, changing position frequently while lying or sitting, keeping the affected joint on an elevated position to drain out fluids, doing light physical exercises like walking, swimming, and avoiding high impact strenuous exercises can help to control joint pain. Avoid repetitive movements, running or jumping because these would cause further damage to worn out joints. Often arthritis patients are asked to go for sea swimming or sea bath as a remedy for pain. The iodine rich sea water acts as a pain relieving agent.

3. Controlling body weight through dieting and exercises is a necessity for pain control. Sedentary lifestyle is to be avoided. Patients should always keep themselves active but remember also to never over work a joint. This may worsen painful condition

4. Massaging is a way to relieve pain. But it should be done through gentle strokes and kneading. Aggressive massaging can cause further damage to worn out joints, by damaging the vulnerable tissues around the joint. Hot vinegar, paraffin, castor oil, a mixture of olive oil and kerosene, camphorated mustard oil, heated olive oil, rumatone gold herbal massage oil, and even essential oils like eucalyptus, lavender etc can be used for massaging aching joints.

5. Hot and cold compresses if applied alternately on aching joints can give some relief.

6. Giving a warm water bath to the affected joint by mixing Epsom salt with the bath water is a pain relieving technique.

7. Rubbing garlic cloves on aching joints and using turmeric paste or roasted sesame seed pack as poultice may also reduce the pain.

8. Rubbing ice cubes wrapped in fabric on the joint can help coping with pain.

9. One should also be careful about the diet one is taking. Alkaline diet is recommended for arthritis patient. One should cut down on the consumption of beef, pork, and meat. These items raise the level of gout causing uric acid in the body. Fresh fruits, vegetables, salads and oily fishes like salmon, herring, tuna, and sardines should be included in diet. Omega3 fatty acids contained in oily fishes is very beneficial for treating arthritis pain. Joint inflammation can be checked by avoiding intake of alcohol and caffeine.

10. If the joint pain becomes too debilitating, the patient may also take recourse to joint replacement surgery.

Powerful Joint Muscle Pain Relief

There has been some recently published research signifying infrared light as successful treatment to aid in joint muscle pain relief. Studies indicate that directly applied infrared light therapy significantly reduces the instances of pain in the joints and the muscles that support them. Infrared light will increase circulation because it increases the formation of new capillaries. Capillaries speed up the healing process because they supply extra oxygen and nutrition needed for joint muscle pain relief and healing.

Infrared light can also stimulate the production of collagen, which is a protein found in the human body. This protein is vital for repairing damaged tissue in the joints. Collagen holds cells together and is highly elastic. If you can increase the production of collagen in an injured area, you will ultimately decrease the amount of scar tissue in said area. Scar tissue does not stretch and can exacerbate pain.

Light therapy can also help to stimulate the body to release adenosine triphosphate , also called ATP, which carries energy to the cells. Extra APT will help your cells to better absorb nutrition that can lead to joint muscle pain relief.

One major reason that infrared light is good for joint muscle pain relief is because it helps to increase lymphatic activity in the body. The lymphatic system is responsible for removing proteins that cause swelling from injured areas, including the joints. According to recent studies, infrared light therapies can potentially double the processes of the lymph system. This means swelling is more quickly reduced and joint muscle pain relief is discovered more quickly.

Light therapy will also reduce nerve tissue excitability. Light energy photons enter the human body as negative ions, requiring the body to compensate with positive ions. These positive ions flow to treated area, thus regulating nerves and relieving pain.

The list of benefits for infrared therapy goes on and on. If you're experiencing joint muscle pain and you're seeking relief, consider adding infrared light therapy to your arsenal of pain treatment!

How to Avoid Problems Associated With Neck Noise

The most common problems of the neck are caused by uncomfortable, sudden movements or a poor posture especially while sitting in front of a computer for long hours. Sudden twisting movements of the neck like when swinging at a golf ball or sleeping with the head resting on an uncomfortable pillow can cause discomfort in the neck and may lead to problems like neck noise.

Making unexpected movements when the neck muscles are relaxed can cause the dislocation of a joint in the vertebra. This leads to minute tears of the ligaments and inflammation and swelling may also be observed in the region. Tremors of the weakened muscles increase the pressure on the damaged joint leading to neck noise while moving your neck.

Your medical practitioner may advise you to wear a foam collar to support the neck and let the muscles relax to prevent the neck noise problem. Lots of pressure is put on the muscles and ligaments in the neck if the shoulders are not held in the right position and posture while pushing the head forward. As a result the ligaments become overstretched but have to contract to hold the head in position. This leads to pain and neck noise is felt when you make movements involving the neck.

Since the ligaments are overstretched, they cannot give the required support to the spine making it more vulnerable to an attack of acute neck pain. Habitual poor posture may lead to osteoarthritis and increased incidence of neck pain. Any damage to the inter-vertebral discs and the joints in the region are affected and the blood flow may be impeded at the joints causing neck noise. Problems like visual disturbances or blurred vision can also occur when the head is tilted back. A firm collar is used to prevent the head from tilting back to reduce the chances of further degeneration of the joint.

Disorders like neck noise can be avoided by doing some exercises to strengthen the muscles and ligaments in the neck. You can try the following exercise routine to improve flexibility in the neck and avoid problems like neck noise. Bend your head forward until your chin touches your chest and look straight down at the floor. Bring back your head upwards and rest for a moment. Then bend your head back and look directly at the ceiling. Repeat this exercise in sets of ten repetitions for best results.

A Pain In The Butt May Be Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis syndrome can be characterized by a deep often burning pain in the hip joint which can be difficult to treat. It is also important to target the cause of the pain as well as ensure that it is indeed from the piriformis muscle before beginning treatment. However with regular exercises and attention, this condition can be treated.

The reason it is often difficult to treat piriformis syndrome is because it is related to the piriformis muscle, which is found deep inside the back of the hip joint. It crosses over the top of the sciatic nerve, which is the longest nerve in the body, running from the bottom of the spine, through the hip, knee and to the ankle. When the piriformis muscle is tight, it can cause pinching or tension of the sciatic nerve which can result in searing pain deep inside the buttocks. Sciatica is the condition when the sciatic nerve is pinched, damaged or inflamed. Thus if sciatica is occurring as a result of the piriformis muscle, this is called piriformis syndrome.

Piriformis syndrome is often related to sports injuries or overusing the muscle in one particular way without working the surrounding muscles. For example if you are a regular runner your muscles will be conditioned for running forward but not lateral movements. This can be rectified by balancing out your exercise and ensuring all muscles are worked, stretched and are strong.

However, a small percentage of the population suffers from piriformis syndrome because their piriformis muscle does not cross over the top of the sciatic nerve but rather the sciatic nerve goes through the muscle. Less than a third of the population have this, however it has been linked to more severe cases of piriformis syndrome.

Piriformis syndrome can be relieved, however it takes a bit of exercise and dedication. It is recommended that exercise and stretches be done to release the piriformis muscle, often with the help of a physical therapist. Stretching this muscle and strengthening the surrounding muscles may help to take pressure off the sciatic nerve, alleviating piriformis syndrome and the pain that comes with it, which can often be very uncomfortable. Exercises and stretches targeting the gluteal muscles as well as the hips, pelvis and lower back may help to strengthen the area, giving the piriformis muscle more support. Exercises for this can include the pelvic tilt, hip extension exercises as well as stretches that work deep into the hip joint, such as lying on your back and pulling your knee towards your opposite shoulder.

For more severe pain anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed or pain killers to alleviate the inflammation and pain, which may help the piriformis syndrome temporarily.

Massaging deep into the hip or as an alternative method being treated with acupuncture, may help to release the tension in the piroformis muscle and thus take pressure off of the sciatic nerve, relieving you of piriformis syndrome.

If the piriformis is not easing surgery may be considered by a physician as a last remedy. This involves an operation to relieve and loosen the piriformis muscle tendon.

Piriformis syndrome, because it occurs so deep in the body and joint, can be a difficult pain to target and repair permanently. It often leads to a tender buttocks and hip area which can cause discomfort and tension along the sciatic nerve as well, making areas of the leg feel weak, tender or numb. It is important to target this muscle by doing continuous stretches and strengthening exercises to ensure the muscles are strong and keep pirformis syndrome at bay.

Ear Reconstruction Recovery Time - What is the Recovery Period of Ear Surgery?

There are many reasons why someone would consider undergoing an ear reconstructive surgery including a birth defect or even a traumatizing injury. Regardless of the reasons for undergoing this ear reconstructive surgery the results are that the ear will end up looking normal and your self-esteem will become improved as well.

In the event that the ear to be reconstructed is that of a child's, the surgeon will usually ask that the child waits until the ear's cartilage is fully grown which means that the surgical procedure will have to wait until the child is 5 or 6 years old. The ear reconstruction surgery has also been around since the Egyptian times and it requires a steady and artistic surgeon to perform the surgery with success.

The recover process with regards to an ear reconstruction surgery can be lengthy. The surgeon will most likely be repairing part or all of an ear which means that layers of hairless skin will have to be found on the body elsewhere that has the same flexibility of the ear's skin. This is usually found in the upper thighs and the surgeon will end up shaving of a sizeable section to complete the surgery.

After the skin has been removed and grafted onto the ear, the surgeon will also need to find suitable replacement cartilage. In general the cartilage that will be used can be found in the ribcage and will need to be carefully cut so that not too much cartilage is taken away. This cartilage will then be attached to the ear's remaining cartilage if there is some.

All in all you will have a minimum of 3 places on the body which will have its own recovery process associated with it. You will have the missing layers of skin from the legs that will have to re-grow and even once they do the area may never look right again. You will also have the incision along the sternum of the ribcage from which the surgeon removed the necessary cartilage from. Last but not least you will have the cartilage fusion, skin grafting and incision recovery of the ear itself.

These locations combined means that more careful attention will have to be kept during the recovery process to prevent infection. While the missing skin will not be the biggest issue, it will be painful and burning. The rib incision from the removal of the needed cartilage will take some time to recover from since the ribcage is in a perpetual case of motion caused by the necessary requirement of life; breathing. The ear will need to be closely watched for any possible complications.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Jaw Pain Relief Facts You Need to Know

If you are experiencing a lot of jaw pain and have come to read about how to get some relief, please read on. There are answers out there. Personally I have been helped a lot.

Many of us experience discomfort in the jaw joint or what in medically appropriate terms is known as the Temporomandibular Joint. There are many reasons that may lead to the dysfunction of this joint. We speak, chew, yawn and grind our teeth with the help of this joint, which connects the lower jaw of our mouth to the temporal bone of the skull. It is located right in front of the ears.

In case there is a situation of jaw popping or locking there may be severe pain and swelling in the area which can easily go up into the head or affect the ears.

Chewing gum can be a great exercise for your jaw when there are no problems, but you can overdo it. Over working the jaw muscles only results in tension created in the muscles which lead to tightening of the jaw. And when you are having jaw problems causing discomfort, it is best not to chew gum.

Get Some Relief

Your muscles, joints and ligaments of the jaws may have moved out of alignment with the problems you are manifesting. Now is the time to rest your jaws when possible and find some things that help.

If you are already experiencing jaw pain then try to stay away from foods that require major chewing or grinding actions. Stay away from very hard or brittle foods that need force to chew them down to a swallowable size. This will help in getting jaw pain relief.

Do not pop your jaw purposely. Popping the jaw back in place may seem like an easy "undo" option but if this is a regular habit then it will cause pain eventually.

In order to keep the jaw joint functioning healthily you may perform some pressure applications and massages at home. Putting pressure on the nerves of the jaw joint located right below the ears and opening and closing the mouth at the same time can help increase its mobility.

You Can Treat Bruxism Naturally - Here Are Natural Methods To Stop Teeth Grinding

You Are Not Alone

There are numerous individuals that have the tendency of grinding their teeth while they are asleep. You may even grind throughout the day without noticing. It happens to be a routine that can create dangerous consequences. It does not only affect you and your health, but the noise that the grinding creates may also disturb your partner while they are trying to sleep. The following tips will help you to treat bruxism naturally.

Grinding and crushing your teeth can cause a lot of destruction inside your mouth because it can create tooth loss as well as broken or chipped teeth. In the grand scheme of things it can cause strong pains in your jaw and aching in the ears and head. It may even result in severe depression, insomnia, and eating disorders.

The Marvels Of Science

Scientists have discovered that grinding your teeth while you are sleeping actually is not a common reflex action, although many believe it may be. It is actually a chronic action that becomes more obvious as time goes on, even though you may not be aware of it. This means, since it is a habitual reaction, it can be broken.

Even though this ailment is habitual, there are numerous disorders that can help the condition progress and become worse. Not all of the disorders are known, however some that tend to aggravate it are panic attacks and disorders involving the digestive system. If you are able to eliminate these conditions, you may be able to stop teeth grinding for good.

Remedies That Have Repercussions

There are many remedies available for overcoming grinding, however they do not generally assist in finding the main cause, only a part of it. Mouth guards are a commonly used remedy which involves the use of splints to keep your teeth from coming into contact with each other, thus limiting the dental grinding. Mouth guards come with numerous disadvantages since they only help to stop the actual grinding and it does not address bruxism itself. The continual chewing will eventually eat away at the splint and a new one will be required, which is a drawback considering that mouth guards generally cost close to $500. Some dentists will provide a prescription for medications that will help with the pain, however the clenching of the teeth will still be present, so that does not treat bruxism naturally. Also, some people may become dependent on the painkillers, which can cause damage to the liver.

Start At The Root Of The Problem

There's only one way to treat bruxism naturally and stop teeth grinding; by handling the issue from where it stems. There happens to be numerous ways to defeat bruxism while you sleep which will not include any side effects, such as changing your eating habits. If you're looking for a natural tmj cure and you want to treat bruxism naturally, keep in mind that you have to start at the source.

Flex Protex - A New Remedy For Joint Pain

Health professionals confirmed what our grandmothers knew all along; that oat bran is good for health as it reduces serum cholesterol. After studying oat bran, scientists turned their attention to rice bran, which is a byproduct when rice is milled. Studies had earlier established that rice bran, the outer layer accounts for 10% of rice kernel but possesses 65% of nutritive value indeed.

Since rice bran quickly becomes rancid, it was not used in our diets. However, recent developments in food technology made it possible to stabilize bran and extract its oil. Rice bran supplements have been found to reduce the bad cholesterols by around 7% through interaction with lipoproteins as well.

Flex protex, developed by patty mcpeak, is a food supplement based on rice bran oil. Greater than 120 naturally occurring antioxidants have been discovered in flex protex so it's no wonder that this supplement, rich in polynutrients, does not have any side effects.

Supplements of rice bran such as flex protex indirectly work to limit the damages from arthritis and pain in the joints. Many types of arthritis cause severe debilitation and disability in not only older people but increasingly in younger people too. Osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease, is the most prevalent. It too causes joint pain that becomes progressively severe as the person gets older.

If your joints are giving you pain, or you feel like you might have arthritis, visit your physician. For some types of arthritis, cures exist, including surgery, therapy, drugs, joint replacement, creams, and over the counter supplements like flex protex. These may restore fluid around the joints, improving their functioning and decreasing pain.

Healthy people who are not suffering from arthritis or any other debilitation or disease can benefit from including rice bran in their food as well. Rice bran is a natural source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are essential for keeping good health. You can also start using rice bran oil for frying and roasting and occasionally even for salad dressing and barbecues.

We Americans are very careless about our eating habits. In today's life we eat all kind of junk food, red meat and other calorie rich food. They are very bad for our body and health. It is high time that we should realize this and switch over to some nutritious food.

Common Causes of Knee and Joint Pain and Natural Pain Relief Choices

Chronic knee pain is a common complaint for countless men and women. The severity of this condition can range from mild discomfort during strenuous activity to debilitating pain that interferes with your daily life. For many, managing pain on a regular basis becomes as important as eating and sleeping.

Finding effective, long-lasting knee pain relief may depend on your specific condition and health status. Below are some of the more commonly diagnosed causes of chronic knee pain.

Arthritis: Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease in which the protective cartilage surrounding the knee joint slowly wears away. While this condition typically affects older people, it can also occur in younger people that are overweight, as well as those with a genetic predisposition to the disease.

Traditional methods of treatment include cortisone injections, anti-inflammatory pain medications and even a partial or total knee replacement surgery, in severe cases. However, patients searching for natural joint pain relief from knee arthritis have options such as weight loss, physical therapy and alternative treatments like magnetic or light therapy.

Bursitis: A bursa is a sack filled with natural lubricant that sits over the kneecap. Bursitis is a condition in which the area above the kneecap accumulates excess fluid and becomes swollen, inflamed and painful. It is sometimes referred to a "housemaid's knee" because it is common in people who kneel frequently, such as house cleaners, gardeners or carpet layers. The most effective knee pain relief for bursitis is to avoid the aggravating activity, although in some cases the fluid may have to be drained by a doctor.

Injury: Whether it is the result of a slip and fall, a car accident, or related to sports or exercise, injury is perhaps the most common trigger of chronic knee pain. Dislocation of the knee cap, ligament tears, and damage to the cartilage or meniscus can produce agonizing discomfort and even render some people completely immobile.

When it comes to managing pain, many patients turn to prescription painkillers. These chemical compounds may provide short-term knee pain relief but can be hazardous to one's health in the long run. They can bring about a host of unpleasant side effects and become addictive. For natural joint pain relief, patients can turn to holistic alternatives such as massage therapy, therapeutic light treatment, and even the use of magnets.

If you are experiencing any of the above conditions, consult your doctor or health care specialist to determine which course of treatment is best for you.

What Causes Insomnia? 5 Reasons You Can Not Sleep at Night

In order to successfully treat symptoms of sleeping disorders it is necessary to understand the reason behind each individuals inability to sleep. This article lists the 5 most common causes of insomnia, and outlines the appropriate resolution for each cause.

Cause #1 - Food And Drink

Food and drink, particularly during the evening hours, can have a profound effect on the ability of an individual to fall asleep at night. Common reasons include eating foods with large amounts of either proteins (for example meats) or processed sugars (cakes, candy bars) later in the day. Conversely, carbohydrate-rich foods in moderation at night can often aid sound sleep. These often contain 'tryptophan' a substance which triggers the brain to produce sleep-inducing chemicals. Drinks containing caffeine such as coffee and some sodas can have a profound effect on your ability to fall asleep, these should be avoided late in the day where possible.

Cause #2 - Exercise And Lifestyle Choices

Healthy lifestyle choices and regular exercise are great methods of assuring yourself a successful nights rest. However, it is possible that exercise can have the opposite effect - if this is too close to your bed-time. Exercising actually releases stimulating brain chemicals which may prevent sleep onset. Ensuring that you complete any exercise 3 hours before bed will avoid any issues.

Cause #3 - Your Sleeping Environment

This is a complex area and potentially involves many interacting factors including temperature, noise and the comfort of your bedding. A common cause of insomnia symptoms is not having enough natural space to twist and turn in the night. Blocks or objects in your bed can cause disruption to the natural sleeping cycle that can have lasting effects into the next day. The ideal sleeping environment is cool, dark, quiet and has comfortable bedding and pillows.

Cause #4 - The Contrary Effects Of Alcohol

Alcohol is actually a sedative, this will relax you and is considered an aid to falling asleep at night. However, this substance has a negative overall effect and can actually be a common cause of reported sleep disorders. The reason is that the sleep you get after drinking alcohol is of lower quality than without. This can leave you tired the next day, which leads to compensatory behaviors including higher caffeine intake and napping. Both of these then lead to sleeping problems - starting a 'vicious circle' of behavior which is detrimental to quality sleep.

Cause #5 - Anxiety, Stress And Worry

Financial, family and work worries can often lead to sleeping problems. The effects of this can work in various ways, leading to stress symptoms which change your brain-chemistry or just leading to a 'busy mind' at night which stops you falling asleep. The main treatment of these psychologically induced insomnia symptoms is to address the underlying causes. Where this is not immediately possible then keeping a notepad by your bed side and jotting down those worries can go a long way towards helping.

Hip Joint Pain Causes and Treatments - Part 2 - Treatments

There are many possible causes of hip joint pain, which means that it important to consult your doctor and together work through your symptoms, and history so that you can identify the real cause of your hip bone pain and take appropriate action. Some causes a relatively minor and can be treated with some over-the-counter medication or simple rest and immobilization while others are serious medical conditions that may ultimately lead to surgery.

In Part 1 of this article I covered the common causes of hip joint pain, and now in part 2 we look at the common treatments.

Common treatments

  • Rest. This seems to be by far the most effective and universal treatment.

  • Nonprescription over-the-counter anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen. These will relieve the pain and reduce the inflammation and swelling around the joint which is the main cause of the pain.

  • Reduce the usage of the hip joint. If you use the joint, less you are less likely to suffer from pain from it. You may need to be much more careful about carrying things such as groceries and small children.

  • Light exercise. Exercise that supports you such as swimming and water aerobics in a very beneficial effect on your hip joint pain. When you exercise (and stretch) it increases the blood flow to the hip which brings oxygen and additional nutrients into the area that your body can use to speed up the.

  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption. This seems to be a key factor in triggering gout attacks and its effect on your body weight increases stress on your hips.

  • Drink at least 6 to 8, 8-ounce glasses of water each day.

  • Maintain an ideal body weight. Keeping your weight under control reduces stress on your hips, reduces the chance of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and greatly reduces the chance of you suffering from hip joint pain.

  • Use crutches or a cane. This will help you to keep your weight off the joint and reduce the stress.

  • Heating pads and ice packs. These will help to reduce the inflammation around the joint. Do not use them on bear skin as they can damage your skin.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

TMJ Treatments and Cures

Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ, is a fairly new group of illnesses that concern the portion which attaches the jaw and the skull. This doesn't mean that TMJ disorders have recently surfaced, mind you. It's only because the general populace has only started to pay attention to the same, given the media attention it has garnered in recent memory.

Today, whenever a person experiences ear pains, problematic eardrums are no longer the only culprits. Whenever headaches rain in on one's parade, it isn't immediately determined as sinusitis. Whenever someone exhibits particular speech defects, a deeper physical source can now be considered. Tooth pain that isn't caused by cavities or gum disease is no longer as enigmatic as before.

Each of the symptoms enumerated above can actually determine the persistence of a TMJ disorder.

Though the immediate idea of a TMJ disorder may seem complicated, TMJ cures are actually quite simple. Let's enumerate the TMJ cures a person can opt to pursue.

- Pain relievers. If the TMJ disorder isn't that grave, OTC pain relievers can be availed of to lessen the pain. Some problems affecting the temporomandibular joint aren't really severe, and any pain experienced is simply caused by pressure applied on the region.

- Orthodontic solutions. Sometimes, the jaw must be readjusted to cure the TMJ disorder. This is specifically true when the temporomandibular joint has endured so much that the jaw is no longer properly connected with the skull. A number patients may be required to support braces. This will last from 6 months to 2 years. The purpose of the braces is to push (or pull) the jaw to its ideal position.

- Removable solutions. A few subjects will find wearing braces quite inconvenient and limiting. Removable alternatives such as nightguards and biteplates can be recommended.

- Surgery. At times, when the TMJ disorder is so grave that the jaw must be surgically repositioned to eliminate the problem. There are even times when the temporomandibular joint itself has to be supplemented with TMJ plates. Even worse, there are extreme situations when the jaw itself has to be replaced by TMJ implants. Don't let this cause much fear, however, as surgery is considered as last resort and situations that require the same are really very, very rare.

How Can You Tell If Your Dog Has Hip Dysplasia?

Hip dysplasia can affect dogs of all ages. However, the symptoms usually do not show up until the middle or later years in the dog's life. The disease has been detected in puppies as young as five months old. Our Siberian husky was a very healthy puppy and didn't develop the disease until he was about 9 years old. He lived until he was 13 years old. Husky puppies eventually grow up to be a large dog breed. Unfortunately this disease is common in the larger dog breeds.

The early signs of hip deterioration are pain and discomfort during and after exercise. Unfortunately the condition will worsen with time. Simple daily activities like getting up and walking around will become extremely painful. A dog with this disease must have intervention or they could eventually end up unable to walk. The signs and symptoms are similar to arthritis.

Dogs affected by the disease often walk or run with an altered gait. They may also resist any type of movements that require full extension of their rear legs. Dogs suffering from this disease will often run with a "bunny hop." Getting up slowly the first thing in the morning is also a sign of hip dysplasia. Stiffness is very common. Having trouble getting up was one of the first signs that our husky was having problems with his hind legs. His hind legs almost seemed paralyzed when he would get up. It took a little walking around to loosen them up.

Climbing the stairs is also usually a tough task for a dog whose hips are deteriorating. Some dogs that have milder cases of the disease will be able to work through the stiffness with a little walking warm-up. Limping is also common and a dog may become less willing to participate in their normal daily activities.

Many owners think that this is a direct effect of aging. Most people are surprised when they find out that there is treatment available. Unfortunately as the condition progresses, most dogs will lose muscle tone and they'll need help getting up.

There are several different surgical procedures that can be used to treat the disease. The type of surgery needed would depend on the dog's age, body size, and the severity of the hip joint's degeneration. Triple Pelvic Osteotomy (TPO)is a procedure that is usually used in young dogs. Most are pups less 10 months of age that really have not developed major damage to the joints. Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis is a less invasive surgery. This procedure must be done before 20 weeks of age, preferably 16 weeks, and before any signs of arthritis are evident. Total Hip Replacement is usually only used for dogs that suffer from chronic hip dysplasia. While this is an expensive surgery, most dogs will return to a near normal level of activity without pain.

TMJ Treatment

TMJ Signs & Symptoms
Because many different symptoms of TMJ exist, discovering a proper diagnosis is difficult. However, there are a few classic symptoms which involve the TM joints, ears, head, face and teeth.

TMJ Clicking
The most common symptom of TMJ is jaw joint clicking (popping, snapping). This clicking sound may be so loud that it can be heard by others while you chew. There may or may not be pain in the joint itself with the sound of a click or pop. But one thing is for sure: if there is a displaced disc, as is usually the case when a click occurs, then the muscles that move the jaw while chewing are more tense than normal. This tenseness can and does cause muscle, facial, head and neck pain.

TMJ Locking
Locking of the TMJ may be noticed simply by catching of the lower jaw as it opens. Sometimes, the person with a locked joint must move the jaw to one side or another in order to open wide. Or, a person might have to open until he hears and feels a loud pop, at which point the jaw actually unlocks.

Change In Bite
A dislocated TMJ may also be noticed by a change in the dental occlusion, or bite. If the TMJ disc goes out of place, the bones and disc do not fit together properly and therefore, the bite of the teeth changes.

Ear Symptoms
Due to the close anatomical relationship of the TMJs to the ears, an injury to the TMJ often causes various ear symptoms. Some of the symptoms may be ear pain, fullness or stuffiness, and even a loss of hearing. That's why so many TMJ sufferers first see their family doctor and an ear specialist before even considering seeing a dentist for a possible TMJ problem.

Headache is one of the most common symptoms of a TMJ problem. Usually the TMJ headache is located in the temples, back of the head, and even the shoulders. Clenching and grinding of the teeth, both of which may be TMJ symptoms, produce muscle pain which can cause headache pain. Also, a displaced disc in the TMJ may cause pain in the joint which is often referred into the temples, forehead or neck. These headaches are frequently so severe that they are confused and treated (with little success) for migraine headaches or abnormalities in the brain.

Sensitive Teeth
The teeth may become sensitive because of jaw activities such as clenching of the teeth or grinding of the teeth when the disc of the TMJ is displaced. Patients often see their dentist with the complaint of pain in the teeth and usually the doctor can find no cause. Frequently (and very unfortunately), unnecessary root canals and even tooth extractions are performed in an attempt to help a suffering person. What's worse, after these invasive and non-reversible procedures, patients still have their pain, only now it has increased!

Other Symptoms
Many other symptoms may be associated with TMJ. Often, pain will be felt in the shoulders and back due to muscle contraction, a condition called myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome. Dizziness, disorientation and even confusion are also seen in some people who suffer with TMJ.

Depression is common with TMJ. This may be due to the fact that no one really believes there is a problem causing such pain and suffering. Also, plenty of scientific evidence shows that chronic pain patients (which nearly all TMJ patient can claim) have changes in chemicals in the brain (termed neurotransmitters) as result of the pain. These chemicals can and do produce depression. Along with depression comes an inability to get a good night's sleep. This may be due to TMJ pain itself or, changes in the brain's neurotransmitter chemicals which produce stimulation even though the TMJ sufferer is asleep. Sufferers usually wake feeling like they never slept or at least, did not sleep well. This lack of sleep not only makes their pain seem worse, but also adds fuel to the fire of depression.

TMJ patients may also suffer with photophobia, or light sensitivity. A dislocated TMJ may produce pain in and behind the eye which can cause sensitivity to light. Blurred vision and eye muscle twitching are also common in TMJ patients. A final common symptom is ringing (termed tinnitus) in the ears. This sound may be caused by many different problems (such as, working around loud noises or taking too much aspirin or ibuprofen)

Remedy For TMJ - Over the Counter and Prescription Treatments

TMJ or Temporomandibular joint disorder generates excruciating pain and soreness in the jaw joint. Victims often experience trouble while speaking, eating or expressing themselves. People suffering from this condition can either use some kind of natural remedy for TMJ or medications and even surgery for most serious cases.

Occasionally this problem can go away on its own, especially if it is causes by stress. People suffering from Temporomandibular joint disorder are recommended to eat soft food, apply warm and cold packs to the jaw and lessen the activities that involve the jaw movement, like yawning or chewing gum.

A variety of medications are available in the pharmacy stores like ibuprofen and aspirin, these two simple old time drugs are very useful because usually the cause little or no side effects and can successfully relieve the pain. However for the acute cases the treatment would require other medications as well. Some of those medications include antidepressants, injections or muscle relaxation drugs like corticosteroids. In the worst cases treatment may also suggest surgery as a way to correct your jaw alignment, however this is rarely the case and only used in the most serious cases.

A doctor may also prescribe a mouth guard, similar to those athletes use to wear, to avoid teeth grinding at night, or he/she can also prescribe a cognitive therapy for reducing stress. Stress is the most common cause of TMJ so most of the time people suffering from this condition actually fight stress, so engaging is some kind of stress reducing activity can be an excellent method to prevent or control this problem in the first place.

Dental Night Guard Review: Why The Review Should Come From a Dentist

Getting a good night guard review can be challenging. There is an avalanche of dental night guard or custom mouthguard paraphernalia offered on the Web today. Many promote such products without knowing its idiosyncrasies or even the purpose or need of such night guards. Many are searching for a non-biased, non-partisan dental night guard review that is not rife with marketing subtext or overtones.

Not many know what to look for and perhaps most importantly, what to avoid.

I understand.

In order for a mouthguard review to have teeth, it should have certain elements that lend it credibility. In my opinion, the following characteristics are what you should look for with a dental guard review. They are:

  1. It should be non-biased, non-partisan review by an actual dental professional either a dentist or a dental assistant.

  2. Most ideally, look for a TMJ dentist specialist making the review -- especially one with many years of experience. Academic attainment is needed, of course, but there's nothing like actual, real-world experience from a professional who has seen the ins and outs of the product. This applies even more to a product like a dental night guard for teeth.

  3. There should be many options in the review. If there are only two or three products being reviewed, that is insignificant and smacks of a quick, coveted money grab.

  4. The review should be substantive and have some bite to it. It should have some detail and be more than a cursory overview of a dental mouth guard. A number of night guard for teeth mouthguards should be reviewed.

  5. Most custom mouthguards have never been used before and therefore some basic information on cleaning, daily usage, etc. should be in the review or readily available.

  6. It should cover teeth grinding (bruxism), TMJ related issues if relevant, and should run the gambit of what to look for and what to be aware of. It should have a simple, easily recognizable ranking format as well.

I used the term "TMJ" above in the first point. For clarity, (Temporomandibular joint), or TMJ for short, is what is meant by the acronym TMJ. TMJ symptoms abound and mouthguards are one of the things TMJ specialist dentists recommend for treatment. Also, be advised that the term TMJDs also refers to temporomandibular joint and the related muscle disorders that accompany jaw issues. Nevertheless, it is commonly known by the term TMJ. TMJ is a very painful and debilitating and restrictive health problem. With TMJ patients, most are advised by their TMJ dentist to use custom mouthguards or a specific dental mouth guard with certain properties.

Perhaps that is what brought you to this page.

In summary, in order to get the best review possible, look for a number of products being reviewed, but most importantly, consider who is reviewing the products and why. You want to ideally get a dental guard or a TMJ night guard (or just a plain mouthguard to prevent teeth grinding) as reviewed by an actual TMJ dentist specialist. There is nothing like experience and the wisest people are those who learn from the expertise of others -- especially when it comes to health matters.

Why Would You Need Hip Replacement Surgery?

Hip replacement surgery sounds like a scary procedure to go through. It is a major operation as many patients prefer to postpone the surgery for different reasons, including not wanting to go through with it due to its fairly long recovery process or due to the severity of the operation; in fact, patients will agree to tolerate the pain and discomfort for long periods, instead of just scheduling a surgical procedure to improve their quality of life and return to the way they used to live.

When ones hip joint wears down, the hip bone and cartilage start rubbing directly against each other which causes pain and limited movement. At the beginning, symptoms may not be as severe, and pain medication or physiotherapy can help, it is when these solutions no longer relieve symptoms that a problem begins. This process begins due to arthritis, rheumatism, a bone fracture or just time taking its toll. The main reason for hip joint problems remains Osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis. This disease causes the cartilage covering the bones to stiffen which then leads to it cartilage wearing away.

The pain or restricted movement can suddenly limit you from going through your daily routine at the same pace and efficiency as before. At this point you should start discussing the option of having the surgery. You do not want to wait and let the symptoms reach the point when you are barley functioning at all, in addition to the fact that postponing a prognosis may affect the option of going through partial hip replacement instead of a total hip replacement surgery.

There are two types of surgery: total and partial hip replacement, also known as Hip Resurfacing. A 'Hip Resurfacing' procedure is usually meant for younger patients with less severe pain, as only the femur head (the highest part of the thigh bone) will be reshaped in order to accept a metal cap with small guide stem which is set into the pelvis. In a total hip replacement, not only the femur head is replaced, but the whole joint of the hip (femur head and neck) and the femoral canal is reamed out. Early decision to go through the surgery can be the difference.

After deciding on handing the surgery, another reason to postpone total or partial hip replacement is of course the cost of this procedure. Without the right type of health insurance coverage, this surgery can cost patients up to 50,000$, not an easy sum to come by. Patients without these means may be postponing surgery for lack of any other option available while forced to deal with the pain and the inability to function properly.

Patients who have run in to a "financial wall" must seek other options, including options such as "Charity Care" and going through this surgery abroad. The second option of 'medical tourism' is becoming more and more popular as prices of hip replacement or partial hip replacement are substantially lower abroad.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

TMJ Symptoms - 7 Self Help Questions to Identify TMJ!

Temporo-Mandibular Joint disorder or TMJ in short is a condition that arises from damage to the joint of the same name, which links the lower jaw with the rest of the skull. The damage can be the result of a high impact from an accident or injury, or the result of wear and tear from bruxism, clenching teeth and jaws or para-functional habits over a long time.

Either way, TMJ results in serious pain and difficulties during the functioning of the bones or the muscles related to the joint. There are a lot of painful conditions usually mistaken for TMJ. So do not jump to conclusions based on the presence of just a few TMJ symptoms. It is always better to get diagnosed properly.

Try to answer the following questions. Remember the ones you answered yes and write them down for future reference. When you go to consult a qualified expert, remember to carry it with you. It will help you to not miss out anything important while talking to him.

  1. Do you have a dull pain in the face which doesn't seem to be concentrated in any particular part of the face?

  2. Do you have pain in your teeth and jaw?

  3. Do you have any difficulties in closing or opening the mouth? (for example - while chewing, talking or taking a bite)

  4. Do you hear clicking or grating sounds when moving the jaw or turning the neck sideways?

  5. When you wake up in the morning, do u have migraines, regular headaches or ear aches?

  6. Do you feel pain or pressure in your jaws, inside your ears and in/behind the eyes?

  7. If you answered yes to any of the above questions, have you been having regular neck pain or back pain after the symptoms started?

Now, if you answered yes to more than two questions, it is a good idea to get yourself tested for TMJ disorder. Each question contains a set of TMJ symptoms, but the presence of a few does not confirm TMJ. Often, pain which is related to sinus is mistaken for TMJ symptoms and vice versa. Proper testing procedures can help to avoid this.

Bloodless Surgery for Hip and Knee Replacements

A total hip or knee replacement is an operation to replace worn or damaged parts of a hip or knee joint. The surfaces of the diseased joint are removed and replaced with a mechanical, artificial joint that is called a prosthesis. This surgery can relieve the pain and stiffness patients with damaged hip or knee joints often experience. When more conservative treatments like medication can no longer relieve the pain and disability, orthopedic doctors will typically encourage the patient to consider having a total hip or knee replacement.

Hip and knee replacement surgery has evolved in recent years to become a much less invasive procedure. Blood management and bloodless medicine techniques have made it possible for patients to receive a total hip or knee replacement without the need for a blood transfusion. Eliminating the need for a blood transfusion during any surgery reduces the risk for contracting diseases and infections while also providing a speedier recovery time.

The Normal Knee Joint -

The knee is a hinge joint where the end of the thigh bone (femur) meets the beginning of the large bone in the lower leg (tibia). A healthy knee has smooth cartilage that covers the ends of the femur and tibia. The smooth cartilage between the knee joint serves as a cushion, permitting the bones to glide smoothly as the knee bends. The muscles and ligaments around the knee joint support a person's weight and help move the joint smoothly so that running, walking, sitting, standing and other movements involving the knees are possible without pain.

The Degenerated Knee Joint -

The smooth cartilage layers can wear down on the ends of the femur and tibial side of the knee. This degeneration can happen because of arthritis, an injury, or as a side effect from medicines, such as steroids. When the joint wears down, the smooth surfaces become rough and irritated like sandpaper. Instead of the joint gliding when the leg moves, the bones grind causing pain and/or stiffness. When pain in the knee or leg prevents a person from performing normal activities and an x-ray shows irregular surfaces at the knee, a doctor might suggest a knee replacement.

The Normal Hip Joint -

The hip is a ball and socket joint where the thigh bone (femur) meets the pelvis (hip bone). A healthy hip has layers of smooth cartilage that cover the ball shaped end of the femur and socket part of the pelvis. The cartilage acts as a cushion and allows the ball of the femur to glide easily within the socket of the pelvis. The muscles around the joint support a person's weight and help move the joint smoothly so that walking, running and other movements are possible without pain.

The Degenerated Hip Joint -

The smooth cartilage layers can wear down on the ball of the femur and within the pelvic socket. This is called degeneration. It can happen because of arthritis, injury, or as a side effect from medicines, such as steroids. When the joint wears down, the smooth surfaces become rough and irritated like sandpaper. Instead of gliding smoothly with leg movement, the ball grinds in the socket causing pain and stiffness, which causes decreased movement.

With a new knee replacement (also called arthroplasty) and the help of a skilled orthopedic team, patients may be able to resume some of the activities they once enjoyed. Due to modern medical advances, including arthroscopic surgical techniques and blood management programs, patients will often stand and begin walking the day after surgery. Patients initially walk with a walker, or crutches then a cane. Most patients have some temporary pain after joint replacement, as the tissues heal and muscles regain strength. This pain should go away in a few weeks or months. Eventually, patients may be able to go on long walks, dance, play golf, garden and ride a bicycle. Total joint replacement has an excellent track record for improving quality of life, allowing greater independence and reducing pain. Nationally, more than half a million total joint replacements are performed each year.

The Role of Blood Management -

Blood management techniques, including bloodless surgery methods, can play a large role in having a knee replacement surgery. Many modern hip and knee replacements involve the use of arthroscopic surgery techniques. These techniques are minimally invasive and involve many of the principles of bloodless medicine.

Another advantage of blood management and the field of bloodless medicine is the ability for a patient to decline having a blood transfusion. A blood transfusion is the infusion of blood or blood parts/components into a vein.

Like any surgery, a hip or knee replacement may require a blood transfusion. However, a blood transfusion is only necessary when a patient's body does not have enough blood cells to work properly. By applying blood management and conservation techniques during surgery, an orthopedic surgeon can eliminate the need for a transfusion.

Patients may wish to avoid having blood transfusions for a number of reasons. Below are a few benefits of having a hip or knee replacement with bloodless surgery:

  • Quicker recovery times

  • Reduced risk of disease or infection

  • Reduced risk of allergic reaction during surgery

Some patients also request a bloodless surgery without the use of a blood transfusion for religious beliefs.

For more information about hip and knee replacements, including bloodless surgery and blood management options for these procedures, contact your local healthcare system. Blood medicine programs are becoming available at more hospitals every year.

Fibromyalgia Hip Pain Relief

What is Fibromyalgia?

If you have fibromyalgia, you know that the condition involves chronic widespread pain. However, what sets it apart from other pain conditions is that you also have a heightened response to gentle stimuli on certain parts of your body.
Knowing what fibromyalgia is also involves you understanding the array of symptoms of the condition of which there are many.
If you are like most people fibromyalgia hip pain is just the tip of the iceberg as far as your symptoms are concerned. Symptoms vary from person to person. They may include:

  • Numbness,

  • Tingling of the hands and feet,

  • Irritable bowel syndrome,

  • Bladder irregularities,

  • Breathing problems,

  • Difficulty swallowing,

  • Chest pain,

  • TMJ,

  • Grinding of the teeth,

  • Extreme fatigue and sleep pattern disturbances.

These symptoms are usually coupled with non-physical symptoms  like depression, anxiety, stress, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, and confusion.
Finding Relief
The first thing that you need to do to get relief for fibromyalgia hip pain is find a doctor who is capable of diagnosing the condition and treating it.

Unfortunately, diagnosing fibromyalgia is not something that every doctor is capable of doing. This is because the symptoms are often confused with other illnesses.

In addition to this, the criteria used for diagnosis are the topic of debate.

A skilled doctor will be able to rule out any other likely explanations for your symptoms and provide you an accurate and quick diagnosis.

Once your doctor is through and has made a diagnosis they can begin making your treatment plan.

If your predominant complaint is hip pain they will focus on pain relief. Typically your doctor will start by prescribing you a pain reliever or recommending an over the counter pain reliever.

Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and Aspirin may all be used to treat your symptoms.

If they do not relieve your pain effectively, your doctor may prescribe a stronger pain reliever like Tramadol or an opioid drug like Morphine or Hydrocodone.

It would also not be unheard of for your doctor to prescribe an antidepressant or anticonvulsant because they block pain signals in the brain.

When you are suffering from fibromyalgia hip pain there are many treatments that can be quite effective that do not involve medication. First and foremost, physical therapy is important because it helps you maintain or regain your mobility and prevents further decline in your activity level.

Chiropractic manipulation can also be quite useful, along with acupuncture, massage, counseling and biofeedback.

In most cases a multidisciplinary approach works best when treating fibromyalgia. Taking medication in conjunction with active participation in other therapies will have you well on your way to relief.

Easy Steps You Can Take Today to Erase Hip Pain

...and one of these tips you can get from a sewing class!

"More than 100,000 Americans are unable to get from their bed to the bathroom without assistance because of problems related to their hip or knee." So says Dr. Nathan Wei, Clinical Director of the Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. He adds, "Too many people put up with pain when there are so many treatments available."

The hip joint plays a major role in weight-bearing and walking.

It's a ball-and-socket joint that combines great stability and a wide range of motion. This joint is comprised of the head of the thigh bone (femur) which is shaped like a ball. This sits inside a cup-like area of the pelvis called the acetabulum ("socket"). It is surrounded by powerful muscles that help maintain the body in an upright posture and also help with walking. Many ligaments also help support the structure of the hip.

The most common symptom with hip problems is pain

Pain due to hip problems may be felt in the groin, on the outside of the hip region, the buttock, inner part of the thigh, the front of the thigh, and even the knee. In fact, there have been patients who've had knee surgery... when the problem was really in the hip. NOT a good thing! Pain coming from the hip joint also needs to be distinguished from low back disorders as well as knee disorders. Activities of daily living that are affected by hip pain include going up and down stairs, getting out of chairs, getting out of bed, getting shoes and socks off and on, and sexual intercourse.

Hip pain is often aggravated by weight-bearing.

Besides arthritis, hip pain can be due to bursitis. The most common is trochanteric bursitis. Trochanteric bursitis is inflammation of the large bursa that sits on the side of the hip. It tends to come on in middle-aged people. The major symptom is a deep aching pain over the upper outer thigh. It is made worse by walking. It is often bad at night and is aggravated by lying on the affected side. The treatment consists of anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, steroid injection, and stretching exercises.

Another potentially serious condition is avascular necrosis of the hip.

Here, a patient will have severe pain- usually in the groin. Weight-bearing is excruciating and the pain may also be present at night. Avascular necrosis is a condition where the blood supply to the head of the femur ("the ball") is interrupted... ...and the head of the femur actually dies! The bone collapses. Remember the great athlete, Bo Jackson... he had avascular necrosis. The diagnosis is confirmed by MRI scanning and the treatment involves surgical procedures. In patient with an arthritis condition, treatment modalities should include anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, exercises, and weight reduction, if necessary.

Specific stretching exercises are helpful.

Dr. Wei says, "One of my favorite is called thread-the-needle. You cross one leg across the thigh of the other. Reach down through the hole formed by this crossing over maneuver with the same side hand as the leg you're using to cross over. Clasp fingers with the other hand behind the thigh and gently pull. You'll feel the stretch! Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat with the other side."

Joint replacement- known as hip arthroplasty- is still the resort of choice in patients with end-stage arthritis.

Indications for arthroplasty include:

oloss of function in the hip.

In the past, the limiting problem was that the replaced hip was only good for 10 to 15 years with "normal" use.

Problems that limit the lifespan of hip replacements are

owear and...

oinflammatory response to particles that eventually cause loosening in some patients.

Do Effective Cures for TMJ Exist?

TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, prompting them to look for remedies that will help them get rid of the pain as soon as possible.

Anyone facing this condition will testify to the fact that it is severely uncomfortable. TMJ causes unusual or incorrect jaw movements, which results in the discomfort. There are a lot of different things that can cause TMJ to occur. It is not just accidents or injuries that cause TMJ, there are other aspects like stress, grief or extreme cases of anger that can also lead to this highly complex dysfunctional problem.

Many types of difficult issues can result from TMJ which can completely alter your lifestyle and cause great suffering. Some of the typical symptoms of this condition are erratic tongue movements, unpredictable jaw movements, teeth grinding and clenching, cheek discomfort, trouble with jaw opening and closing, and difficulty opening the mouth. Without prompt treatment, severe discomfort and difficulty can result.

Failing to address your TMJ situation fully and rapidly can cause exacerbation of the condition. Finding the right kind of cure is vital, otherwise it can lead to serious complications like dizziness, vertigo, difficulty in swallowing and severe headaches.

It can also lead to serious problems with your shoulder, neck and head muscles. Your best bet is to consult with an experienced doctor who can give you access to proven treatments that will help you. It will also help you understand the severity of TMJ. You CAN stop the pain and eliminate TMJ for good with treatments specifically designed to address this vexing problem. It is important to follow each and every procedure of the treatment and approach it very holistically if you want to completely get rid of the condition.

One way of getting rid of TMJ is to take over the counter medications. Muscle relaxants, as well as a variety of medications for pain and inflammation, represent just a few of the medications that can quickly address symptoms and eliminate the condition. However, exercise caution when taking these drugs as some of their side effects can lead to other serious health related issues.

Another option that can be used to cure you of TMJ is to undergo physical therapy and exercise your jaw regularly. If you can do these exercises and therapies systematically, you will be able to strengthen the muscles of your jaw and cure your TMJ. Yet another treatment for this condition, according to experts on the subject, is to receive cold and heat therapy which relaxes your jaw muscles (heat) and reduces the pain (cold).

Others will suggest that a dentist can help you to get rid of your jaw pain and cure your condition. One treatment that your dentist may offer you, based on the severity of your condition, is the use of a bite plate which reduces the pain of TMJ by placing your upper and lower jaws in the right alignment. A dentist might also be able to cure you of teeth grinding and clenching.

Lastly, while TMJ is often the cause of severe discomfort, there truly is reason for optimism because with a hearty dose of commitment and dedication, TMJ cures are possible.

3 Key Facts About Thumb Joint Pain

Is one of your thumbs sticking out like one with thumb joint pain? This is actually more common than you might think. Typically, the cause is arthritis of the thumbs. Here are some facts about this disorder.

1. The first symptom is aches at the thumbs' base. When you feel tenderness here when grasping, lifting or squeezing, then you could be suffering from arthritis. Not only could you feel aches when performing these actions, but you could also have difficulty doing the actions themselves (ouch!). Also, you may feel aching in this digit even when you aren't using it. Within time, you could suffer from inflammation in the region. Typically the first finger becomes rigid and the range of motion significantly decreases.

2. The seriousness of arthritis of thumbs can vary. The seriousness of the symptoms you experience depends on how frequently you use the first finger and how serious the arthritis is. For example, if you play a racquet sport or use your thumbs a lot in the workplace, then it's likely that your situation will worsen. Still, you can learn to cope with the situation. For instance, when you suffer from thumb joint pain it's advisable that you perform tasks using your other hand, to avoid putting pressure on the first finger.

3. You can prevent arthritis of the thumbs. You can take certain steps to help prevent the forming of arthritis in your thumbs. Those who use their thumbs frequently at work are prone to suffer from it. Additionally, obesity can increase your chance of acquiring the disorder, so losing weight could consequently reduce your chance of acquiring it. While family history and aging are factors, they don't increase the likelihood of acquiring the arthritis.

To treat thumb joint pain naturally, you could use Joint Advance. It feeds your body's joints the nutrients they require.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Simple Home Remedies for Gout Pain Relief

Gout is a painful condition caused by the accumulation of uric acid deposits affecting many joints of the limb, particularly the big toe, knee, and fingers. Men are more susceptible to gout as compared to women. It is very painful and causes so much pain to the sufferer that finding immediate gout pain relief is of utmost importance. There are a number of simple home remedies you can try to alleviate pain caused by gout.

One of the recommended and effective ways of relieving gout pain is a hot and cold water bath. This involves subjecting the affected parts in alternating hot and cold water. It starts by soaking or aiming the shower head to the affected area in hot water for 3 minutes then immediately following it with cold water for 1 minute. This process is repeated several times as needed until the pain is reduced.

Bathing with hot water mixed with Epsom salt can also help relieving the pain caused by gout. Epsom salt is known to contain the element magnesium, which has been found to help lower blood pressure and also promote blood circulation. For this home remedy, make sure you add 3 table spoonfuls of Epsom salt in hot water and dip the affected part of your body for around 30 minutes. This will help to loosen the solidified uric acid in the joints, allowing smooth flow of blood, thereby helping to relieve pain.

Castor oil is also a good home remedy for alleviating pain caused by gout. Take a piece of cloth and immerse it in warm castor oil. Next, fold the cloth around the affected area. Hold it tightly there. For this home remedy to be more effective, you can try adding some heat. You can do so with a pad heater or a bottle with hot water placed on top of the cloth.

A mixture of flaxseed and charcoal can also be used to relieve gout pain. Mix the two compounds in equal proportion and grind them until they form a paste. Smear the paste around the infected region and tie a piece of clean cloth over it. Keep the paste there overnight.

You don't have to suffer through the pain brought on by gout. You can find relief. Try any or all the above home remedies and see if your pain is eased.

Six Possible Side Effects of Dental Implants

Dental implanting is basically a surgical procedure of replacing a lost, worn out or damaged natural tooth with an artificial one. Just like in any other surgical procedure, the patient's body may not be able to sustain the condition of the new oral structure after the surgery. It is good to differentiate between the normal reactions of the body and alarming incidents that might call for the doctor's assistance. Some side effects or body reactions that may arise as a result of dental implants may be as follows.

It is possible that some yellow and purple bruises may appear on the face of the patient after dental implants surgery. This should not be taken as a serious problem especially if the bruises seem to migrate from face to the neck region and finally to the shoulders. The occurrence is due to disturbance of the tissues during the surgery procedures.

Pain is of course an obvious expectation from any surgical operation. The pain is experienced at the region around the dental implants. However, the pain should subside in magnitude as time goes following the procedure. But sometimes, the pain may get worse after the procedures especially after 24 to 48 hours. It could be a sign of an infection, but basically pain killers should be used to reduce the magnitude of the pain.

As mentioned above, dental implants may cause infection which may be experienced in form of pain and swelling around the implant region. In addition, a patient may experience fever and bad breath coming from the dental implants region.

Nerve damage:
Dental implants can lead to nerve damage. Though this happens in rare occasions, it can lead to severe problems. The effect is that the patient will either feel pain or feel nothing on his lip or tongue. The dental implants can either be done on the lower or upper jaw. The numbness happens in most cases when a dentist tries to replace a tooth on the lower jaw by drilling through. The insensitivity may be short lived and may never go away.

Jaw Fracture:
The lower jaw may also experience a fracture when such a fracture happens. An individual may feel jaw joint pain otherwise referred to as temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ. The jaw fracture damage can lead to heightened pain around the fracture region and swelling.

Sinusitis rarely happens in dental implants associated with upper jaw. Sinusitis damage occurs when a surgeon drills by accident through either an upper or a lower jaw bone right into the sinuses or worse still into the nose cavity leading to an infection in the sinuses system.

Dental implants can last for many years if proper care is taken. A patient should be reminded to use good oral hygiene and be specifically told how to care for the implants and attend constant and regular check up with the dentist to make sure the implants are secure and working as they are meant to be. The good thing with dental services is that it is possible to search for providers online even before visiting any. Today, it is possible to communicate with providers online, arrange and hold consultations with them before the actual medication as well as seek opinion from others regarding their services. For instance, one can inquire about the quality of services of a given local provider. This information is available from reviews by others or by asking friends. In most cases, various countries emphasize that dentists must be licensed to operate in the localities. However, it is necessary to be sure of professionalism. Professionalism reduces chances of side effects and worst side effects.

Joint Pain Relief - Prolotherapy a Non-Surgical Approach to Help Heal Joint Pain

Are your joints causing you any of the following?


If you're one out of the million American suffering from joint paint, you are not alone. According to the U.S. department of Health & Human Services by the year 2020, about 157 million people will suffer from a chronic illness or degenerative disease. What's more shocking is that those numbers are expected to reach 171 million people by the year 2030.

Traditional Joint pain treatment includes non-steroidal & steroidal medications, and surgery. It's no surprise that most treatments that offer a solution, only offer a temporary fix. That's why many continue to suffer from back pain, degenerative & herniated disc, and carpal tunnel syndrome, TMJ, Sciatica, heel spurs and a wide variety of sports related injuries. If none of these joint pain treatments work, what will? Enter, Prolotherapy. But, what exactly is Prolotherapy?

Joint Pain Relief with Prolotherapy?

Prolotherapy is a non-surgical treatment for chronic pain, also known as non-surgical ligament reconstruction. It's an injection technique that stimulates your natural healing process by stimulating growth of cells and tissue. Prolotherapy increases oxygen, nutrients, and growth factor to the affected areas and helps facilitate healing.

What are the Benefits of this type of Joint Pain Treatment?

Many people choose Prolotherapy because of its non-surgical approach. Here are some of the benefits associated with this modern technique:
•There's no surgery
•It stimulates the body's natural healing ability
•It's joint pain treatment that doesn't weaken the body
•There is no down time
•It relieves pain; function is regained and the results are permanent
•There are no significant side effects

In general, many people notice a significant improvement in their joints after a few series of injections. So, if you are ready to stop Joint Pain for good, why not try something that is proven to work? Find an experienced practitioner in your area and see how prolotherapy can help change your life today!

TMJ Natural Remedies - How to Cure TMJ With Natural Treatments

TMJ is disorder of the temporomandibular joint whereby the jaw muscles and joints get locked sometimes. It is difficult to chew food and perform other activities like talking, opening and closing of the mouth if you suffer from this problem. Most often symptoms for this disease include, teeth grinding, stress, rheumatoid arthritis and jaw injury. You must visit a doctor if you have any of the above symptoms immediately. The doctor might perform arthography, to see if your symptoms really lead to this disease. If the disease is confirmed then the doctor might want you to wear mouth guards or undergo a surgery if the case is extreme. Below are some suggestions for TMJ natural remedies that might prove beneficial for your efforts to cure this problem.

Alter your diet and include foods like fresh fruits, skinless poultry, whole grains, cereals, steamed green vegetables, pineapple, brown rice and eggs, these foods contain essential nutrients needed in building the cartilage and decreasing the inflammation. Eating soft foods would lower the uneasiness and soreness of the jaw when you chew. Avoid foods like gums, alcohol, caffeine, junk food and sugar that can aggravate this condition.

Herbs and herbal teas can be used as TMJ natural remedies, herbs like chamomile, passionflower, valerian, kava kava, catnip, nettle work great for relieving teeth grinding however check for your allergies before taking any of these herbal remedies.

A heat pack can be applied around the jaw area to relieve you off the pain and relax muscles. Acupuncture can also be used to decrease the pain, release the stress. Yoga and meditation can be used for relieving the stress. Sleep on your back as it keeps you off from the postures that worsen the TMJ disorders.

Hand Arthritis - The 3 Different Types Of The Disease

Arthritis of the hand is one of the more common forms of arthritis. Because the hand contains many joints, the risk of having hand arthritis is higher than in other parts of the body. It is composed of two bones on each forearm, and nineteen bones on the hand excluding another additional eight smaller bones.

The most common kinds of hand arthritis are: post-traumatic (arthritis which occurs as a result of someone having an accident), rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.

Post-Traumatic Hand Arthritis

Post-traumatic is usually associated with pain as the hand went through possible pressure that caused inflammation. This usually goes away after a while as the swelling subsides, although in some cases where the trauma was severe therapy or even hand surgery may be required.


Osteoarthritis of the hand is another type which becomes more likely to happen as old age nears. People 40 years old and above are the most common victims of hand osteoarthritis. Some studies suggest low levels of Vitamin K as a probable cause of osteoarthritis.

This is a degenerative condition, and years after diagnosis it may often deform the hand making movement more difficult, making simple chores using the hand more complicated.

The joint called carpal-metacarpal, found in the thumb is frequently the part people with osteoarthritic hands complain of. The small bones between each finger with cartilages covering the bone become irregular.


Another kind of hand arthritis is the more complex rheumatoid arthritis. Here the synovial tissues of the hand affect the bone that is enclosed by a cartilage. The inflammation in the tissue hampers what is normally a fluid movement of the joint.

Those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis of the hand usually also endure arthritis in different parts of the body. Like osteoarthritis it is also more common to people with old age as this comes from exertion of joints accumulated through the years.

The knuckles and the wrist are the common victims of this pain. Tendon fissure may also be amassed after a while of living with its symptoms. This may also deform the hand if inflammation spreads through the ligaments around the tissue.

Rheumatoid arthritis differs among patients. Others suffer from this only for short periods of time and then lose all symptoms altogether while others go through with its consequent pain endlessly with the pain flaring at times. Some subsequently develop into permanent damage that disables them forever.

Symptoms Of Hand Arthitis

Nagging pain in the hand is the first symptom of hand arthritis. Swelling is also an accompaniment together with difficult movement. Mundane tasks such as grabbing or pinching becomes difficult. A squeaking sound may also be noticed and the misshapen hand becomes apparent.

A thorough evaluation by an orthopedic doctor that will assess the severity of the hand should be established. The physician usually subjects the patient to an x-ray and blood test if soreness is evident.

Possible Cures For Hand Arthritis

There is no single cure for hand arthritis that ultimately could eliminate the disease and prevent it from re-occurring. The most frequent solution is pain relievers prescribed by doctors to ease the suffering of the patient. There are those that require anti-inflammatory medications often already present in those pain killers. Steroids taken orally can also be another form while others require injections of corticortisone of the area affected by arthritis.

There are also specialists called rheumatologists who can closely monitor your medication and therapy to give you instructions on the proper management of your arthritis. This could be great as he can cater directly to what drugs or exercise your arthritis pain is most comfortable with.

Another way to deal with arthritis is through surgery. This is recommended for those who suffer from advanced stages of arthritis. There are different kinds of surgery for different types of arthritic problems.

Hand surgeons fix tendon fissures through grafting or through transferring tendons to the damaged area. Joint lining extraction, synthesis, replacements may be performed. In extreme cases bone removal may be needed. This just goes to show that hand arthritis is a serious condition, so if you suspect that you may have it, you should take action as soon as possible.

Part 1: The Best Bed For Back Pain

A comfortable bed is one of the greatest things a person with back pain can have. A good bed should be firm enough to support the body in alignment but not so firm as to apply pressure to the hips, shoulders and other points of contact.


Box springs accompanied by sparse metal frames have been the most common type of bed for some time in the U.S. The metal frame outlines the box spring; some have extra bars to provide additional support. The box spring itself is relied upon for most of the structural support of the bed. Box springs consist of a wooden and/or metal frame which houses rows of springs. The springs allow for cushioning and movement while the frame provides structural support. Box spring mattresses are bed bases and are meant to be used with another mattress on top.

Recently, box springs have begun to fall out of favor. Over time they warp, sag and fail to provide proper support to the body. This is especially of note to people with back pain. Warped or sagging beds cause the spinal and hip joints to fall out of alignment. This can lead to joint and muscle pain as the muscles are relied upon to maintain alignment.

The West is just coming around to the type of sleeping accommodations other cultures have been using throughout history. There is no conclusive research on the best type of bed for people with back pain, but plenty of anecdotal evidence exists that a firm, flat sleeping surface is advantageous. A quick internet search will reveal a number of forum posts from people whose back pain has been diminished or reduced by sleeping on the floor, for example.

Yet the answer may be different for everyone. The floor is not an ideal bed for many. Sleeping on the floor without a mattress may apply too much pressure to your hips and shoulders and cause joint pain, for example. Placing the mattress of your choice directly on the floor may solve that problem, however, the lack of ventilation between the mattress and the floor can cause mold and mildew issues. Also, getting in and out of bed is more difficult when it is at floor level.

Platform bed frames are meant to mimic the structural benefits of sleeping on the floor but eliminate the mold and elevation concerns around it. Platform frames are very low to the ground, however. They are usually constructed of a flat wooden slab that is raised slightly from the floor. Platform frames provide a stable base for the mattress of your choice without the risk of warping or sagging.

Panel frames are similar to platform frames, but instead of one solid slab, panel beds have a number of wooden panels that fit together to form a base. These bed frames have the advantage of extra height, a footboard and a head board, but they generally require extra support in the form of a box spring or bunkie board to prevent the mattress from sagging in between panels. A bunkie board is simply a thin piece of plywood coated in fabric that provides extra support to your bed. While this eliminates the need for a box spring, it adds an extra component to your bed configuration, which means an extra cost.


Panel and platform beds have clear advantages over typical box spring frames. Platform beds have the advantage of simplicity and cost over panel beds. Platform beds are simpler in design; some have drawers built into them which raises the price, but a basic queen-size platform frame can be purchased for under $150. Panel designs are more ornate and tend to cost over $300, depending on size. Bunkie boards tend to cost at least $50, and the price varies by size.

If you're a do-it-yourself type, consider building your own frame or bunkie board. Instructions for building your own platform bed frame can be found at To learn how to make your own bunkie board, see

When choosing between a platform and panel bed frame, consider the cost and decorative comparisons. Platform frames can be purchased inexpensively if simplicity is your goal. Panel beds are more decorative but also more expensive and require an extra component for support. Next, let's look at the best mattress options for these types of frames.

TMJ Jaw Disorder - 3 Phases to Sure-Shot Recovery From Jaw Disorder Due to TMJ!

When searching for proven treatments for TMJ jaw disorder, you are not alone. Approximately 7% of the world's population suffers from TMJ jaw disorder. Many of them do not even realize that they have TMJ until it becomes severe. Among skeleto-muscular disorders, TMJ is only next to lower-back pain in terms of prevalence. What should be your course of action if you are also one of the affected?

Don't worry, TMJ is a completely curable condition and there are plenty of treatments available for TMJ. First, try to understand that it is a condition which has its roots in both physical as well as psychological causes. Then comes the actual TMJ treatment. Once you have opened your mind to these facts, you will be ready to take one among the many therapies for TMJ jaw disorder. The treatment consists of 3 phases.

  1. Pain Management

  2. Repairing the jaw

  3. Eliminating root causes and preventing recurrence

Pain Management - This is the first and foremost phase in treating TMJ jaw disorder. TMJ pain can arise due to inflammations in jaw muscles, wear and tear of the joint, build up of tension, fatigue and poor blood circulation to the affected area. Jaw exercises, physiotherapy, hypnotherapy and medication can help to overcome them and prevent pain generation.

Repairing the jaw - This second step is to ensure that you restore functional and structural normality to the affected area. This will completely eliminate pain and movement difficulties from the joint and put you on a path to relieving yourself from TMJ forever. Exercises, splints, surgery and mandibular repositioning are the options to re-align the joint and rejuvenate the muscles.

Eliminating root causes - The root causes of TMJ jaw disorder are as wide a variety as its symptoms. Any pathological or physiological condition that has lead to the condition needs to be identified and corrected. Next any habitual or psychological factors need to be identified and dealt with. Hypnotherapy, biofeedback therapy and Neuro-plastic movement therapy can help accomplishing this.

Monday, May 27, 2013

When Bursitis Pain Attacks the Shoulder

Shoulder bursitis is one of the most common causes of upper arm pain. The shoulder bursa can be described as a bag filled with fluid that lubricates and surrounds the muscles and tendons of the shoulder. When inflammation occurs, this is called bursitis. When bursitis pain attacks the shoulder, diagnosis and treatment is required to restore the shoulder back to it's normal state.

The shoulder actually has more than one bursa. The subdeltoid bursa is the largest one, and the one that is most likely to cause a problem. The subdeltoid bursa is also referred to the subacromial bursa. When the subdeltoid bursa becomes inflamed or irritated, it can be difficult to move the shoulder or even perform daily activities that involve use of the arm.

What Causes Bursitis in the Shoulder

Injury is the most common cause of shoulder bursitis. This can be a result of a fall, a blow to the shoulder, or even overuse, such as exercising or repetitive movements that a person is unaccustomed to. Overuse of the shoulder joint and muscles can lead to pain that can be quite debilitating. Sometimes the pain seems to start out of the blue with no recollection of injury or any event to trigger the pain. Inflammation associated with the shoulder tendon is called "tendonitis."

Symptoms Associated with Shoulder Bursitis

With shoulder bursitis, chronic joint pain is the main problem. The pain typically starts out gradual and increases over time. The pain normally is located on the outer part of the shoulder and can sometimes be sudden and severe.

This pain can be felt over the deltoid muscle area around the shoulder. It can also spread down the arm to the elbow or wrist. This bursitis pain can be affected by lying on the affected side or trying to reach above your head.

Some people have what's called a "painful arc of movement." This simply means that there is no pain when the arm is not moving, but they develop pain when attempting to lift the arm. This usually occurs when raising the arm to about 60 degrees of elevation. Once the arm extends beyond the 90 degree point, the pain eases or subsides completely.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Your doctor will perform an exam and a series of manual tests, one of which is called an impingement test. This is to determine whether there is inflammation of the bursa or the tendons.
It may be necessary to perform blood tests and/or x-rays. An ultrasound is most commonly used to diagnosis true bursitis.

There are several treatments options used for bursitis. Your physician may recommend one or all of them.

* Pain medication or anti-inflammatory medications
* Rest the affected area
* Physical therapy performed by a physical therapist, chiropractor, or osteopath
* Securing the shoulder by utilizing a sling or brace
* Acupuncture
* Natural supplements to restore the shoulder back to its normal function
* Arthroscopic surgery to remove the bursa

The first thing you must do is determine whether or not you have bursitis. Once a diagnosis is made, your physician can implement an appropriate treatment plan for you.

Understanding Tinnitus - Stop the Ringing Noise in Your Ears

What Is Tinnitus?

To understand how best to treat the ringing in your ears you first need to know what it actually is and the reasons it may occur.

The ringing is the perception of sound within the human ear in the absence of corresponding external sound.

The sound can take the form of ringing, hissing, popping or one of many other manifestations and can appear in one or both ears, the sensation experienced may be constant or of varied duration and can vary in intensity from person to person.

There are two main types of tinnitus (ringing in the ear)

1. Objective tinnitus (sometimes known as pulsatile)

2. Subjective tinnitus

The former is caused by a physical stimulus that can often be heard by an examining physician, it may be the result of muscle spasms near the ear or from disorders of the tempero-mandibular joint (TMJ dysfunction syndrome). Pulsatile tinnitus occurs when there is increased blood flow or turbulent flow to the area. The sufferer often hears a sound that beats in time to the pulse. These symptoms can be the sign of hypertension (high blood pressure). Quite often these sounds can be treated with surgery or medication.

Subjective tinnitus is only experienced by the sufferer and is usually caused by damage to the auditory nerve or the delicate mechanisms of the cochlea. This is the same process that causes hearing loss. The two main causes of subjective tinnitus are age dependent and noise induced hearing problems

Causes of Tinnitus

There are many and varied causes of ringing in ears, here are some of the more common ones:

  • Presbycusis- this is age related hearing loss and it is thought that the sounds are caused by degeneration of the auditory mechanism

  • Loud noise trauma- This condition can be correlated to industrial noise, firing guns with no protection, or most commonly amongst younger people, exposure to loud music from concerts or from earphones.

  • Wax impacted against the eardrum

  • Infections of both inner and outer ear

  • Perforation of the eardrum

  • TMJ Dysfunction Syndrome- can be diagnosed by your dentist

  • Hypertension

  • Direct trauma to the ear or whiplash

  • Abrupt changes in air pressure- air travel, mountain walking, diving etc.

  • Menieres disease- affecting the inner ear causing listening and balance problems

  • Medication- aspirin, non steroidal anti imflammatories and antibiotics are the most common medications that can cause tinnitus

Prevention of Tinnitus

Prevention is always better than cure and following simple guidelines can prevent the onset of what can be to some a tremendously debilitating condition that affects their whole quality of life.

Always protect yourself from loud noises, use protective earwear that should be provided if your work environment is noisy, use earplugs if defenders are not practical.

It may appear uncool but also use plugs at concerts and turn down the volume a lot on your ipod when listening on headphones.

If you are taking continual medication and experience tinnitus then go back to your doctor immediately and any damage will be minimal and reversible.

Its not too difficult and if you follow these few rules then you can help to dramatically reduce the chances of developing permanent damage.

The proven treatments or cures for the tinnitus you may be experiencing are many and varied, treatment of tense muscles of the head and neck, treatment of depression, avoid excessive medication etc. The list is long and the success of one method or another to stop hearing ringing in the ears is dependent on the individual person.

Apples and Pain Relief

An apple a day - natural pain remedies
Everyone knows the old expression, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," but did you know that you can "Eat an apple a day to chase arthritis away"? Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries in traditional medicine as a natural remedy for many ailments. Home remedies such as a towel soaked in hot water and apple cider vinegar, then wrapped around the painful joint, was a common hot compress used to relieve pain and swelling. Apple cider vinegar and honey stirred into a glass of warm water and drunk once a day will help relieve many ailments, including joint pain, digestive troubles, and sore throats.

So what is in this wonderful natural arthritis remedy that helps so many people?

Antioxidants in Apples
This wonderful fruit is loaded with antioxidants like quercetin, catechin, phloridzin, and chlorogenic acid that will work against free radicals within the body. Free radicals invade our bodies every day, from sources like processed foods, pollution, and our own bodily wastes, and have been shown in numerous studies to contribute to inflammation and chronic diseases. In addition to their antioxidants, apples contain numerous beneficial vitamins and minerals that can help fight the pain and inflammation of arthritis.

Apples contain high amounts of boron
Boron is a trace mineral found in soil that is essential to plant growth. Researchers believe boron may reduce the risk of developing osteoarthritis, and helps to decrease joint pain, swelling and stiffness in people who already have arthritis.

Researchers in Australia conducted a study in which people received 6 milligrams a day of boron. In addition to reducing arthritis symptoms in half of the study participants, it appears that boron may also help to reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. Scientists have studied levels of boron in different geographical areas and compared that data to the rate of arthritis in the populations of those areas. With very low levels of boron in the soil, Jamaica has high rates of arthritis. The soil in Israel is rich in boron, and has low incidents of arthritis.

Pectin and Pain Relief
Most people know pectin is used to make jams & jellies, but recently it has gained popularity as a home remedy for arthritis. Apples contain abundant pectin, and apple pectin can be purchased in powdered form to mix with juice. The pectin bonds with heavy metals that collect in the soft tissues of the joints and eliminates them from your body. In addition to removing these toxins, pectin will coat the cartilage and aids the synovial fluid in lubricating the joints, preventing the bones from rubbing together and causing pain.

Indeed apples are a natural food for pain.

Joint Supplements Can Reduce Pain and Repair Cartilage

When we're young, most of us take our flexible joints for granted. Our cartilage, the connective tissue that permits joints to move freely, is in fine shape. But as we age, many of us experience some form of joint pain or discomfort. Turning to natural joint supplements can be a much smarter choice than taking pharmaceutical medications.

If you see a doctor, he or she will often prescribe an NSAID-type (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) medication, which can temporarily relieve pain, but can also bring unwanted side effects. In the past couple of years, NSAIDS such as Vioxx and Celebrex have been in the news, and not in a positive light. These drugs were known to cause ulcers and increase the risk of renal (kidney) failure, but they were finally pulled off the market when it came to light that users were at much higher risk for heart attack and stroke.

Joint supplements are a much safer and more effective way of dealing with joint pain and deterioration. Glucosamine sulfate, probably the most well-known joint supplement, is even starting to be recognized by the conservative medical community. Its effectiveness in reducing cartilage deterioration and stimulating cartilage repair has been shown in more than 20 double-blind studies and hundreds of scientific investigations.

Chondroitin sulfate is often paired with glucosamine in joint supplements. Chondroitin is a naturally-occurring substance that helps to give cartilage its elasticity. Its effects have not been as thoroughly studied as those of glucosamine, but preliminary research shows promise. Until further research is conclusive in one direction or another, most nutritionists advice taking a glucosamine supplement that includes chondroitin.

MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane) is another substance that is found in many of the best joint supplements. MSM works by delivering sulfur in a form the body can easily assimilate. Sulfur helps to maintain the integrity of connective tissue and is thus an important component of joint health.

So a supplement that combines glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM can get you started on the road toward healthy, pain-free joints.

Does Ankle Pain Have You Down? What You Need to Know About Gout

Pain in the joints and muscles is common as we grow older. The ligaments and tendons do not support our knees, elbows and ankles as they once did when we were younger. In addition, inflammation caused by overuse or age related disease increases our risk of chronic joint pain. Ankle Joint pain can be cause mobility issues at home and work.

One common ailment that can strike in the middle of the night is called gout. Without notice, you can awake with sharp pains in your big toe, finger or other joints like ankles and knees. Although the pain may last for several days and go away, the condition can re-surface at any time in the future.

Over 2 million people in the U.S. suffer from gout and most often afflicts men more than women. Gout usually develops in men after 30 and women after they have gone through menopause. Men are more likely to suffer from gout if they are overweight and have issues with high blood pressure.

Gout is in the family of arthritis based diseases. The body tries to compensate from crystal deposits in the joints which cause inflammation and intense pain in the ankles, knees and other areas. If you suffer from gout or other pain in your extremities, diet may be one factor that can help you stay fit and less prone to this type of condition.

In summary, your ankle joint pain can be more of an issue than you thought. A healthy lifestyle and diet could be a major factor in reducing the risk of chronic joint pain. Exercise is also a factor in strengthening your joints and muscles, reducing high blood pressure to combat age related diseases like gout. Low impact exercise can be used in the beginning and as your joints become more limber and stronger, more physical activities can be pursued.