Saturday, September 28, 2013

Top Tips To Treat And Prevent Hip Pain

This century was not kind to the hip. From the hula hoop to hip-hop, boogie-woogie to break dancing, the joint was jumping, bumping, and grinding at a mind-swiveling pace. If anything we can do like, swinging your hips on the dance floor, walking to the post office, or just doing a few stretching exercises every day helps keep the muscles and bones of the joint strong. But we have gotten away from doing those things. The majority of Americans have become couch potatoes, and they are paying a price for it later in life in the form of thinner, weaker bones and an increased potential for hip fractures. But it is never too late to ease hip pain, strengthen weak bones, and reduce your susceptibility to hip fractures. Here are some of the ways that can be easily treated with these simple methods.

Take away some pounds. There is proving evidence that you will take two or three pounds of pressure off your hips for each pound you lose. Therefore, getting rid of excess body weight can help to relieve the strain on your hips. As you get older, it becomes more difficult for your muscles to offset your increased weight. As a result, your joints bear more and more load, and they degenerate. So keeping your weigh down and staying fit are two of the best things you can do to preserve your hips.

Use heat. Occasionally you may feel pain in your hip, consider using heat. Try placing an electric heating pad over your hip for 20 minutes three or four times a day. If you do not have a heating pad, try to soak a towel in hot water and wiring it out.

Use an assistance device. A cane or walker can be your best friend if it eases your hip pain and helps you to stay independent. If you need a cane or walker for stability, be sure that it is the right size. If not, then this device will increase your hip pain, rather than relieving it. Ask your doctor to recommend a medical supply store where you can be properly measured and outfitted with an appropriate cane or walker.

Use ice. If heat is not helping, apply ice where you feel hip pain to help reduce pain and swelling. At the same time, to help to protect your skin, put a towel between your skin and the ice. Ice may be used fro 15 to 20 minutes every one to two waking hours.

Be more able with a cane. When you use a cane, hold it in the hand opposite the injured hip. Move it forward at the same time that you step out with your injured hip, so you are distributing weight away from your bad hip and onto the cane. Then move your good hip forward as you take another stride.

Look for reliable relief. Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen can reduce the swelling and ease the hip pain caused by arthritis, and other muscle or joint injuries. Make sure to alert you doctor if the recommended dosage on the label does not help at all. You may have a hip fracture or another serious underlying problem that should be evaluated.

Relieve the ache. When getting out of a car, lift and swing both legs out of the door before standing. By rotating on your rear instead of twisting your pelvis, you will lessen the strain on your back and hips. If you step out of the vehicle one leg at a time, you will put yourself in a position that will aggravate your hips.

How To Deal With Osteoarthritis

Do you have painful and stiff joints that are difficult to move? Does the pain increase during cold weather? If you have these symptoms, you could be a victim of osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is due to the natural wear and tear of the joints. It is also known as degenerative joint disease or hypertrophic arthritis and is common in adults over 45. The fingers, knees, hips, and spine are usually affected.

Signs of osteoarthritis are joint stiffness and pain that may increase during cold weather. There is swelling and limited movement of the affected joint that is sometimes accompanied by a cracking or grating sound.

Factors that contribute to the disease are injury to the joint lining or joint stress due to physical activities or aging.

At times, osteoarthritis is characterized by acute or sudden inflammatory episodes or flare-ups. These are common in joints of the hands and knees. Symptoms include intense pain, inflammation, and immobility. These flare-ups may be due to trauma or synovitis, the inflammation of the synovial membrane that surrounds a joint cavity.

Rest is important during acute cases but normal activity should be resumed as soon as symptoms disappear. Inactivity will only make the muscle around the joint smaller and weaker.

Acute pain and inflammation can be relieved with the use of analgesics or oral and topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). However, these have numerous side effects and should never be used without first consulting a doctor. A safer alternative is Flexcerin, a natural supplement that rebuilds worn joints, lubricates stiff joints, and soothes aching and inflamed joints. Check out for details.

The following measures from Dr. H. Winter Griffith, a fellow of the American Academy of Family Practice, may help those suffering from osteoarthritis:

1) To relieve pain, apply heat to painful and stiff joints for 20 minutes two or three times a day. Use hot towels, hot tubs, infrared heat lamps, electric heating pads or deep-heating ointments or lotions. Swim often in a heated pool or move around in a whirlpool space.

2) If osteoarthritis of the neck causes pain in the arms, wear a soft, immobilizing collar (Thomas collar). If this isn't helpful, buy or rent a neck-traction device for home use.

3) Massage the muscles around painful joints. Massaging the joint itself is not helpful. If osteoarthritis affects the spine, sleep on your back on a very firm mattress or place 3/4-inch plywood between
your box springs and mattress. Waterbeds help some people.

4) Avoid chilling. Wear thermal underwear or avoid outdoor activity in cold weather.

5) Keep a positive outlook on life. Don't think of your self as an invalid. Remain active to prevent wasting of muscles.

Joint Pain During Pregnancy: Its Causes and Possible Treatments

Most people know that pregnancy is accompanied by a range of bodily changes, including weight gain and hormonal differences that can affect your mood, appetite and sleep cycles. Fewer people are aware of the increased risk of joint pain during pregnancy. This can be due to a number of causes, including anatomical changes that prepare the body for birth, as well as simple stress damage due to the weight of the growing fetus. No matter what causes your joint pain during pregnancy, it is important to be careful what you use to treat it, since some supplements and medications could affect your future child.

Pelvic Girdle Pain

Over the course of a pregnancy, the joints of the pelvis begin to loosen. This allows the baby to be born more easily when the time comes, but it can also produce pain. Discomfort relating to pelvic girdle joints often becomes worse when the weight of the pregnancy causes changes in posture and the center of gravity.

While most patients experience this kind of discomfort gradually, some find that it happens suddenly after a fall or exercise. Doctors recommend managing this pain with lifestyle changes, mobility aids and some medications.

Pain in the Feet and Ankles

Ankle, foot and lower leg pains are also very common in pregnancy. These are due to edema, or swelling and fluid retention in the joints. This occurs when the growing uterus presses against major blood vessels, causing circulatory problems. Elevating the feet when you sit or lie down can reduce the amount of fluid buildup. You can also wear supportive stockings and avoid standing or crossing your legs for a long period of time.

Back Pain

Aching back joints and muscles happen in a majority of pregnancies. This condition is due to the added weight and balance problems that come with carrying your baby-to-be. If your back pain becomes severe, report it to your doctor right away. For less serious cases, make sure you avoid high heels and chairs without back support. Try to maintain the best posture possible, avoid heavy lifting, and consider changing your sleep position. Use gentle massage, exercise and heat to reduce the pain as much as possible before resorting to medication.

Joint Pain in the Hands and Wrists

Surprisingly, the changes that occur during pregnancy can affect even non-weight bearing parts of the body such as the wrists and hands. Many patients suffer from a burning sensation in these areas caused by inflammation of the carpal tunnels. Swelling and hormonal changes in the second and third trimesters make this condition especially likely.

While natural supplements such as green-lipped mussel powder are often used to deal with normal joint inflammation, you should consult your doctor before taking them while pregnant, since there is little data about their safety and effectiveness during this time. You can also use heat and cold compresses, massage, exercise and support splints to help manage the problem.

Best Herb For Joint Pain Relief

Herbs vs. Drugs for Pain Relief

Joint pain relief is one of the biggest challenges for people who have arthritis or aching joints. Side effects of prescription drugs have proven to be so dangerous that some drugs have even been withdrawn from the market. Natural pain relievers, however, offer arthritis pain relief that is comparable to that of drugs, with the advantage of having little or no negative side effects.

Research in Complementary and Alternative Medicine

The national medical database in complementary and alternative medicine at PubMed (U.S. National Institutes of Health) lists more than 6,000 research articles on arthritis. Hundreds of herbs worldwide have been discovered to relieve the pain of inflammation. Very few of these, however, have yet to become available to the public. Some of the more widely known anti-inflammatory herbs that are generally available as supplements include turmeric (Curcuma longa) and ginger (Zingiber officinale), both of which are in the ginger family, Indian frankincense (Boswellia serrata), Devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens), and white willow (Salix alba). The best one, however, continues to be under the radar - i.e., the creosote bush (Larrea tridentata). Research over the past few decades shows that the antioxidant-rich leaf resin of this plant contains unique ingredients that inhibit enzymes in the inflammatory pathway that causes pain.

Mother Nature's Pain Reliever

I have to admit my bias in favor of the creosote bush. I have been doing research on the natural products chemistry of this species for more than 35 years, first as a graduate student and then as a professor. My interest began when I had a conversation with an old rancher in Arizona who told me that the creosote bush was the best herb he ever found for treating his horses for joint pain. All he had to do was make a poultice from leaves and young stems, strap it directly onto the inflamed joint, and watch the inflammation go down. Since then I have come to admire the creosote bush's rich folk medical history among native people in the deserts of the U.S. southwest and adjacent Mexico. Folk medical uses of the creosote bush have paved the way for modern research. Scientific studies confirm what non-scientists have known for centuries. Unique ingredients of the creosote bush bolster this plant's anti-inflammatory power and ability to relieve pain.

How to Use the Creosote Bush for Pain Relief

The simplest method is to apply an old-fashioned poultice. Warm and moisten a handful of leaves and young stems, then put them directly onto the painful joint. Hold the whole thing in place with a bandage. Change every 12 hours. This technique, of course, requires that you have a source of fresh creosote bush leaves. If you live in the southwestern U.S., the plant will be easy to find, because it is the most common shrub in the three main deserts of west Texas/New Mexico (Chihuahuan Desert), Arizona (Sonoran Desert), and California (Mojave Desert). A more practical method for people who do not live in the native habitat of the creosote bush, and even for most people who do, is to use a preparation that is already designed for topical use. This kind of preparation may be a little difficult to find, since most health stores do not carry it. Nevertheless, a quick internet search should yield some good possibilities.

Who is Using Creosote Bush Now?

At the moment, topical preparations have become especially popular among golfers who suffer hand or elbow pain. In my own experience, the slight pain that I used to have in my left hand was a distraction for me when I played golf. Application of a creosote bush spray preparation directly onto the painful joint eliminated that distraction (and took away a great excuse for a bad shot!). A handful of professional athletes in baseball, football, and basketball have also benefitted from creosote bush treatments of sore ankles, knees, elbows, and shoulders. This herb will certainly become more popular for treating joint pain as successful stories such as these become better known.

Dog Joint Pain - What You Can Do to Make Your Home Dog Joint Friendly in His Golden Years!

Just like you, dog joint pain can plague your best friend as they get older. Good pet joint health is one of the responsibilities the owner should live up to as Fido reaches his golden years. From knee to hips, your dog can suffer a great deal pain but never complain.

Some of the warning signs that your dogs joints are beginning to bother him are seen in his lack of activity. His willingness to run or jump is also a sign that he may be suffering from joint pain in his knees tor hips. If he hesitates as he climbs the stairs, chances are that he is weighing the benefits of sleeping in his favorite spot vs. the pain he must endure to get there.

If he is overweight, his condition may affect him even earlier in life than you would expect. Just like a human, the amount of weight he is carrying around directly stresses his knees and hip joints. Ongoing obesity can further aggravate an already difficult health condition. Proper nutrition and weight management is always recommended to ensure a healthy friend in his golden years.

If his mobility continues to concern you, a visit to the vet is always recommended. Often times certain over the counter supplements are available to help in relieving joint pain and providing some welcome relief. Supplements that contain ingredients like glucosamine and chondroitin are usually recommended. Glucosamine is a naturally occurring substance that appears in cartilage in both man and animals.

It helps to keep joints fluid and flexible by assisting in keeping them hydrated and limber. This in turn provides protection between the joints by cushioning the forces that joints take during exercise or running activities. Although the scientific benefits are still being researched, many supplements for joint pain include this compound. If your dog is diabetic, glucose levels must be monitored regularly to ensure there are no side effects from the treatment. Owners who treat their animals with this supplement report, effective mobility and increased activity when used regularly.

In addition to supplements, you can also make the environment more "joint friendly". It is recommended to add carpeting in his favorite areas where wood or tile floors exist. It will make it easier for him to stand and maintain balance and control. An Orthopedic bed might also provide some comfort for him when resting or sleeping.

In summary dog joint pain is common in many breeds as they mature. Your ability help them through weight management, exercise and in some cases, dietary supplements will make your remaining years together more enjoyable.

Big Toe Pain - Common Causes and Treatments

Pain in the big toe is a common cause of complaint. Its prominent position makes it prone to injury, however pain can be the result of a wide range of causes. The joints of the big toe are often problematic, with the following three conditions all affecting the big toe, along with common treatment programs often prescribed.

Hallus Rigidis

Hallus rigidis is a form of osteoarthritis which affects the big toe causing the toe to become stiff, usually at the base. The condition is caused by wear and tear, but can occur at an early age, when excess forces have been placed on the feet over time. Since the condition is often accompanied by swelling and inflammation, and occurs on the same joint as a bunion, the two problems are often confused in a home diagnosis. Hallus rigidis is a degenerative condition, however early treatment can help to limit the damage caused and prevent pain, with an early diagnosis important. Orthotic insoles, bunion shoes, corticosteroid injections and physiotherapy can all be used to high effect; however a medical diagnosis is important to ensure the correct treatment regimen is prescribed.


Gout is a relatively common hereditary disorder which commonly affects the big toe. It is due to the body's inability to deal with uric acid which creates a high blood concentration, which in turn causes uric acid crystals to form in the joints such as the big toe. The condition can cause intense pain with intermittent painful episodes. 90% of sufferers experience big toe pain at some point, with 50% of first time sufferers affected in the toe. The condition has also been linked to a purine rich diet, and can be treated and prevented by various dietary modifications, lifestyle changes and anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's)


One of the most common causes of big toe pain, and also one of the most easily recognised is a bunion. The condition is usually the result of wearing tight fitting shoes, with high heels exacerbating the problem. A bunion is the displacement bone at the first metatarsophalangeal joint of the foot, or can be due to excessive bone formation. The bony lump can be prone to inflammation and swelling, with accompanying pain, and make wearing shoes problematic. Bunion pads fit in the sides of the shoes to cushion the bunion and prevent abrasion and are highly effective in mild cases. Used in conjunction with many other treatment programs they can see pain prevented and the problem reverses. Common treatments include: night splints, toe straighteners, toe stretchers, and braces, all being highly effective for home treatment.

If a lack of pain is the problem, and you are losing the sensation in your big toe and your toes are always cold, it could indicate circulatory problem such as occurs in sufferers of Raynaud's disease. The condition is typified by problematic blood flow to the extremities, with diabetes sufferers also being prone to foot problems. If you have diabetes, it is vital to seek medical advice before trying any treatment which could affect the circulation.

Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease Symptoms In Children

Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease Symptoms are seen more often in male children but the condition can develop in girls. One of the first symptoms of Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease can be a subtle limp with or without pain. Children are most likely to develop this condition between the ages of 2 and 12.

Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease affects the head or ball of the thighbone (femur). For reasons that are not well understood, the ball of the thighbone does not receive an adequate blood flow, which causes the bone cells to die and results in an unstable hip joint.

Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease Symptoms

Symptoms of Legg-Calve-Perthes disease may start slowly and seem insignificant. Your child may display a slight limp but may not complain of pain. If your child does complain of pain, it may only be present at times of activity in the early stages of this condition.

As the condition progresses, the child may complain of pain or stiffness in the hip, thigh, groin, or knee. The disorder typically affects only one hip but both hips could be involved.

You may notice that one of your child's legs appears to be shorter than the other or that the affected hip has limited flexibility or range of motion.

The time to take your child to the doctor is when you first notice a limp or any of the other symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment is important and can minimize long-term complications of the hip such as a hip deformity or arthritis in the hip joint.

When you take your child to the doctor, he or she will perform a physical examination and test the range of motion in your child's hip. The doctor will also analyze your child's gait to detect any possible limp, which is typically one of the first Legg-Calve-Perthes disease symptoms.

For a complete diagnosis, your doctor will likely recommend an imaging test such as an x-ray of the hip, MRI, CT scan, or bone scan. These imaging tests will confirm the diagnosis and help your doctor determine how far the condition has progressed.

After your child is diagnosed with Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, your doctor will begin treatment with the main goal being to keep the ball of the thighbone in the proper alignment with the socket of the hip. This procedure is called containment.

To maintain this alignment, your doctor may brace the joint, use a cast, or use a traction device over the nighttime hours. Your child may need to use crutches to relieve stress on the hip.

Physical therapy will likely be prescribed to keep the joint mobile and maintain a good range of motion as the hip heals. If pain is a problem for your child, anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen (i.e. Motrin, Advil) may be recommended. Aspirin is not recommended for young children.

Surgery is only an option if conservative treatment fails to restore blood flow to the head of the thighbone. The type of surgery will depend on the extent of damage to the hip and other factors.

With successful treatment, Legg-Calve-Perthes disease symptoms resolve, the blood supply to the bone returns, and normal hip function is restored.

Children under the age of six have a high success rate with treatment and are likely to recover completely. Children over the age of six can recover completely but are more likely to suffer some hip deformity or to develop arthritis later in life.

Friday, September 27, 2013

What Are the Most Common Causes of Tinnitus?

In today's modern world constant noise has become a part of our daily routine. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't see someone wearing an iPod or a Bluetooth headset. People love to crank up the stereos in their cars or watch movies that have soundtracks loud enough to vibrate their seat. Many people are also exposed to loud noises from machinery where they work. It is no wonder the largest majority of tinnitus sufferers get their tinnitus from noise induced hearing loss. I am not kidding when I say that 90% of tinnitus sufferers have some level of hearing loss.

There are a many other causes for tinnitus. Here is just a partial list.

o Certain diseases like fibromyalgia, hyperthyroidism and even Lyme disease have been found to produce tinnitus as a symptom of those conditions. Many times by just treating the condition a person's tinnitus symptoms can completely disappear.

o Sinus and ear infections have also been known to produce tinnitus symptoms. Usually as your infection gets better so does your tinnitus.

o TMJ also known as temporary mandibular jaw disorder is a misalignment of your jaws joints and/or muscles and it can also produce tinnitus symptoms. When this occurs it is important to seek out a qualified dentist that can help you to correct the problem.

o Wax buildup in your ears can also cause tinnitus symptoms. If you are one of the lucky people whose ears produce a lot of earwax. It is important not to clean with a cotton swab it is best to see a ear nose and throat doctor to remove the wax safely for you.

o Head or neck trauma can also cause tinnitus to rear its ugly head. It is important after a head or neck injury to let your doctor know if you are hearing any tinnitus noises.

In the United States alone, approximately 50 million Americans have tinnitus at varying levels or degrees. About 12 million of those have tinnitus bad enough to seek out a physician for help. Out of that 50 million people about 2 million have a debilitating tinnitus that makes it difficult for them to function from day-to-day.

Even though tinnitus can be frightening and frustrating there are methods and treatments available to help you with this condition. Some of the best treatments available use what is known as CBT -Cognitive behavioral therapy. This therapy helps you teach your brain to ignore the sound you are hearing because it is not important. Other therapies include masking techniques, tinnitus retraining therapy, and changes to your diet and lifestyle. There are also medical and drug treatments available but they have not been shown to work as well as some of the natural treatments available today.

Learning to Live With Degenerative Disc Disease and Back Arthritis

The lumbar spine is composed of five vertebrae; each one is connected to the next by the intervertebral disc and two facet joints. The discs between each vertebra are made up of a tough outer ring called an annulus and a soft inner core called the nucleus pulposis.

The annulus is a ligament like material that connects the vertebra together around the outer edge. It provides a tough strong connection between the vertebrae and holds the soft jelly like nucleus pulposis in place. The intervertebral disc acts as a shock absorber, and allows limited motion Each Level.

The facet joints are a zygapophyseal joint, which means that they have two smooth surfaces that glide across each other contained inside of a joint capsule. The joint capsule is filled with synovial fluid that lubricates the joint. These work with the intervertebral discs to control of the motion of the lumbar spine.

As we age, the annulus becomes dry and stiff, and the nucleus pulposis loses its water content becoming hard and fibrous. At the same time, the facet joints are getting worn and irregular, and possibly developing bone spurs. This makes your back stiff and painful when you try to move.

Trying to live your life in spite of this pain is not always easy, but there are some things you can do. Over the counter pain medicine, staying thin, and staying active and involved with your life can all help. Carefully avoiding bending and lifting will help to avoid exacerbations of pain.

Steroid injections are sometimes helpful when one specific pain generator can be identified, but in most cases the pain is widespread and the condition exists at multiple levels. There are some surgical options but none of them are very good. A lumbar fusion is possible, but it is usually very difficult to identify which level is causing the pain, and you can't fuse every level.

You should always check with your doctor before beginning any new medication, but over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs can provide relief of the arthritis in your back. There are other topical agents that will also help.

Staying thin and staying fit will help because any weight you carry in front pulls on your back. Exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles as well as exercises to strengthen your back will go a long ways toward relieving the pain of degenerative disc disease and arthritis in your back.

Staying active and choosing to be happy can also help relieve pain. Being involved at your church and with other activities can distract you from your pain and bring periods of relief. The pain of degenerative disc disease and back arthritis will likely never be relieved 100%, but with a little bit of help and a good attitude we can learn to live with it.

Bruxism Treatment

Waking up with a sore jaw, headache, cracked or chipped teeth can be very frustrating. In most cases, this occurs at night without the individual knowing that he or she is clenching or grinding their teeth. This condition is known as nocturnal bruxism. However, an individual may clench or grind their teeth unconsciously even when their awake. Its not a question of if one has bruxism, the question is to what degree does one have bruxism. According to the American Dental Association, 95 percent of Americans grind or clench their teeth at some point in their lives.

Grinding or clenching teeth at night is usually related to stress or anxiety. Stress at work, in your marriage or even in your finances could have an impact on this and cause you to seek out bruxism treatment. The bruxism treatment that helps stop or reduce this condition could be simpler than you think. Exercising daily or doing some simple stress reliving activities such as yoga, pilates will reduce stress and might just be the correct treatment to your teeth clenching condition.

If doing simple stretches and exercises does not seem to help, you may need to consult with a doctor or a dentist about this condition. The bruxism treatment that a doctor or dentist could recommend will vary from case to case. This is because every case is unique requires and an experts opinion based on the shape of the mouth and teeth. In some cases, it can be so severe that injections are needed in the jaw in order to relax the jaw muscles to prevent this from happening during sleep.

Here are some indications to look for to know whether you need bruxism treatment or not. Tooth damage such as worn down, loose, cracked or chipped teeth. Headaches, jaw aches, neck and shoulder pain and even pressure behind the Ears. Sometimes your jaw can be hard to open or close your or may pop when doing so. One simple solution that may just help is mouth guards, retainers or even tray's used in the mouth will greatly reduce the risk damage done to the teeth at night.

Some other conditions that are related to Bruxism are Malocclusion or Temporomandibular Joint Bisorder. Sometimes a person can have two or three of these conditions all affecting one another. If you think that you suffer from any of these conditions then taking action and understanding the possible causes and treatments available to you is going to be the first step towards recovery.

Arthritis and Rheumatism: Glucosamine Supplements

Arthritis and Rheumatism - How to differentiate them?

Inflammatory pain resulting from the joints is arthritis and pains arising from tissues surrounding the bodily joints such as muscle, bone, ligament or tendon is rheumatism. These conditions are common and have long been considered to be chronic, degenerative and untreatable. Standard medication can make up of aspirin, corticosteroids and other non-steroidal anti inflammatory medicines which go to alleviate pain. The negative side of a long term usage on these drugs can possibly develop the dire side effects of a kidney and or liver damage. These as well intensify cartilage breakdown and hamper the body's natural repair system.

The good news is that there are now many natural herbal substances that have provided an alternative treatment to these joint pain conditions. While these natural substances normally takes a longer time to show results, however in the long run, they could be just as effective as conventional approach. This comes without the side effects too!

On the contrary, one should be wary of any substances on the market that promise quick results. Many of such substances in fact work against the body's natural healing mechanisms and in worst cases may cause more harm than just joint pains. These drugs may contain harmful substances in order to provide an instant result may cause harm to the kidney and liver.

Glucosamine is an amino sugar that is naturally produced by the human body. It is present in the cartilage, kidneys and liver. Glucosamine is understood to aid in healing damaged cartilage, constructing new cartilage, protecting and cushioning joints, alleviating pain and anti inflammatory. In the course of ageing, the body's natural production of Glucosamine drops as well. This is a sign that more senior people take joint pain supplements in one way or another to address this joint pain problem.

A common and widely available joint pain supplement in the market is glucosamine. What is Glucosamine? Glucosamine supplement originates from shrimp or crab shells and comes in 2 forms: pill and liquid. Some scientific/ medical studies suggested most pills and capsules contain certain binders or fillers that in fact making it difficult for the wanted active ingredients to be absorbed by the body to the maximal. Glucosamine in liquid form is thus regarded as a better source in that the body can absorb much more effectively compared to pills. Moreover, nutritional supplements in liquid forms are absorbed much more quickly by the body.

Together with Chondroitin and MSM, Glucosamine pills are popularly used for the treatment of Osteoarthritis, one of the most common types of arthritis.

Facts About Arthritis In Dogs - Signs That Your Dog Is Suffering From Arthritis Or Hip Dysplasia

Arthritis in dogs is a very common concern. It is comparable to arthritis in human beings it is an inflammation of the joints. It is a condition many older dogs are afflicted by.

Joint disease can affect every dog, particularly dogs which have entered senior ages and it is usually very likely to effecting larger breeds such as Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherd, St. Bernard, Boxer, Springer Spaniel, Great Dane, and the Bull Mastiff. It is the leading cause of chronic pain in dogs.

Some joint disease can start early, without you knowing, and can only start showing effects when your dog ages. It can usually start as a gradual limpness in the affected limb or limbs, and might progress to lameness. One common symptom is limping or favoring one or more limbs.

Dog arthritis might additionally bring concerning changes in your dog's temperament. Canine arthritis is as uncomfortable on a dog as osteoarthritis is on a human. In fact, dog arthritis is one of the most common illnesses that pet owners and veterinarians have to deal with.The most widespread types of dog arthritis are osteoarthritis, infective, immune mediated and idiopathic arthritis.

Treatments for dog with arthritis that involve improvements in a lubrication of joints are most desirable. One of the best and safest treatments for dog arthritis is natural remedies such as chondroitin and glucosamine. Chondroitin is is a component of the connective tissues that are found in joint cartilage and bone. A form of chondroitin, known as chondroitin sulfate is a good supplement for your dog. Chondroitin sulfate usually is derived from bovine (cow) trachea or pork by-products. Glucosamine is found in the cartilage and synovial fluid, in your joints. It is a normal constituent of your dog's glycosaminoglycans, which form part of the ground substance of connective tissue.

With the right remedies, arthritis can be treated and its painful effect can be kept at a minimum

Another disease which may lead to dog arthritis is canine hip dysplasia. Left untreated, can cause severe pain and depression for your dog. Human and Dog arthritis are very similar however dogs pain tolerance is much different than humans. Take a look at some of the symptoms you may notice in your dog with arthritis or hip dysplasia:

  • More time is required to sit or stand up

  • The dog continuously licks the joints

  • Warm and swollen joints Increased lethargy, the dog sleeps all day long

  • Difficulty in walking, limping or walking developing a stiff gait

  • Fever, decrease of appetite, weight loss, wasting of muscle tone

  • The dog expresses unwillingness to go for walks, and avoids climbing or jumping

  • The dog is seen continuously moaning due to pain If you try to touch the dog, he expresses protest or yelps when touched.

Instant Relief From Aches and Pains With Sulphur Spring Water

Are you tired of using muscle relaxant creams, sprays, hot and cold compresses? Have you got immune to painkillers and still find no relief to joint pains? Don't despair. There is still hope and that too naturally.

Bathing in sulphur spring water is a natural way to heal inflammatory joints. It stimulates the entire nervous system, giving the patient a relaxing sensation. Next, it starts working on the connective tissues making them flexible. The blood flow slowly increases which in turn helps in better absorption of oxygen and minerals. The sulphide gets absorbed in the system and reaches the inflamed joints and cartilages.

Besides working on the joints, it also enhances skin. The blood circulation gives a boost to the skin making it plump and softer. The toxins disintegrate to revive the skin's natural glow. The steam giving out from the natural spring water helps to clear sinus and any discomfort from cold and cough. The lungs clear up, allowing the patient to breathe with ease.

For a proper treatment of illnesses of the musculoskeletal system many experts suggest taking a thermal bath of sulphur. Besides degenerative joint, spine illnesses and spinal disc problems, inflammatory rheumatic diseases are also known to subside with this. Patients suffering from eczema and neurodermatitis can also seek relief from this water.

Finding the right location for natural sulphur springs can be difficult. The sulphur content varies from area to area. Most places where the spring water naturally erupts have been taken over my large organizations and converted into luxurious spa and health resorts. These high-end spas are not feasible for every pocket.

In India, there are many natural sulphur springs. Several places offer these services at nominal rates. There is a pill for every ailment but sometimes trying alternate natural healing methods can actually work miraculously.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

What Is Iliopsoas Bursitis?

Bursitis is a term that describes inflammation of a bursa- the small sacks that surround joints.

One of the more common conditions that causes pain in the front of the hip is iliopsoas bursitis. This is particularly common in active people who exercise regularly.

The iliopsoas muscle originates from the inside of the pelvis as well as the lumbar spine. This muscle inserts onto a small bony ridge on the upper femur (upper leg bone.)

The iliopsoas bursa is a small fluid filled sac that lies just behind the iliopsoas muscle and in front of the hip joint. Its purpose is to provide cushioning for the hip joint as well as to ensure proper gliding of the tendons adjacent to it.

As with many types of bursae, inflammation can affect the iliopsoas bursa. When this occurs, the patient will experience pain in the groin as well as the front of the thigh. The pain is aggravated by flexing (bending) the hip. Activities such as walking, running, and climbing stairs can be painful. Another maneuver that can provoke the pain is hyperextending the hip.

Sometimes patients may hold their leg with the hip slightly bent and the foot turned out in order to minimize discomfort. Patients may also have a limp.

On examination, there is tenderness when pressure is placed directly over the front of the hip. In severe cases, the bursa may be swollen.

While overactivity or trauma may be the most common cause of this type of bursitis, arthritis can also lead to iliopsoas bursitis.

Between 15 to 20% of the time, the bursa communicates with the hip joint. In situations like this, it is sometimes difficult to differentiate whether the discomfort is coming from the bursa versus the joint.

The diagnosis is suspected by taking a careful history and doing a careful physical examination. The clinical impression can be confirmed by either magnetic resonance imaging or diagnostic ultrasound.

The treatment for this condition is usually conservative to start with. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy may be helpful.

Ice may also be palliative.

Aspiration of fluid from the bursa and simultaneous injection of glucocorticoid using ultrasound guidance can be curative. On rare occasion, the bursitis may return. If the bursitis does recur, aspiration followed by needle fenestration and injection with platelet rich plasma (PRP) may be effective.

If the bursitis recurs repeatedly, surgery may be required. Fortunately, this is an infrequent occurrence.

Peptide 6 - The Breakthrough Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Releaser

Another exciting advancement in age management medicine! This peptide is now approved for general use as a substitute for Human Growth Hormone (HGH). HGH is known as the most effective medication to slow the aging process, but has had legal issues in the United States because of abuse. The strict limitations for using HGH are now avoided by using this new peptide (GHRP-6). HGH is a 191-amino acid peptide produced by the pituitary gland and regulated by two chemicals - Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and Somatostatin (SST). Nutrition and exercise also influences its release. Once HGH is released, it carries out numerous functions in the human body. Under the influence of HGH, cells increase in both size and number, stimulating growth in the body's cells. It also has the ability to enhance the movement of amino acids through cellular membranes and increases the rate at which these cells convert amino acids into useful proteins. Muscle building and repair, as well as growing new neurons (brain and nerve cells), depend on the presence of adequate HGH. Cognitive decline with aging is due to the absence of adequate HGH. Fat loss with an increase in lean muscle mass has been found to occur even with small doses of HGH.

When does the body actually secrete HGH? The largest quantities are secreted at night while asleep. This is another important reason to get adequate sleep. GHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) is responsible for the release of growth hormone while you sleep.

A most interesting part of all is that HGH has the ability to re-grow cartilage! Its use for degenerative joint disease has been mostly ignored and underutilized until now. Rehabilitating old injuries and fractures could be vastly improved with the use of HGH.

In our later years, the body produces less HGH, and its effects are profound. HGH is a great compound for muscle gains and fat-loss with its loss causing the weight gain and loss of muscle mass about which we all complain.

One word of caution: Do not buy HGH online and attempt to self medicate! The hormones sold online could easily be contaminated, toxic or worse and very dangerous to your health. And, using HGH lowers the thyroid output so it requires careful replacement with Thyroxine (T4), not T3. This is yet another reason to make sure you are in a program managed by a qualified practitioner.

Here's the BIG news! An improvement in HGH increase and regulation is now available. GHRP-6, a 28-amino-acid peptide that signals the human body to begin secreting HGH is now available for use in our age management programs. Use of GHRP-6 to release HGH has many very attractive health benefits such as:

o Decrease body fat
o Promotes collagen growth
o Stimulates growth of new bone
o Reduces excess weight gain
o Reduces Insulin resistance
o Reduces risk of Obesity (Adiposity)
o Stimulates the Immune system, particularly in older patients

Many bodybuilders and athletes have recently started using GHRP-6 in an effort to build more muscle and burn more fat. It is a critical part of the cycling they routinely do, particularly when preparing for a show or competition. GHRP-6 should be part of your age-management protocol, and prescribed by someone very familiar with all its properties and benefits.

Can Food Allergies Be The Cause Of Your Chronic Muscle And Joint Pain?

When it comes to back pain, there are dozens of causes. Your chances of getting an accurate diagnosis increase when you are informed of all possible causes. One often-overlooked cause of chronic muscle and joint pain is diet.

Allergies and Pain

A food allergy is present when your immune system perceives a component of the food, usually the protein, as a threat and attacks it with the inflammatory response. Allergies differ from intolerances, which are digestive rather than immunological reactions.

Histamine is an inflammatory substance released during an allergic reaction. The inflammatory response attempts to block off threats from the rest of the body, kill the threat and promote healing. In the case of an allergic reaction, however, the inflammation caused by histamine is excessive and attacks the body itself. Any of the body's muscles and joints can become inflamed during an allergic reaction, resulting in pain and soreness.

If you have a food allergy you're unaware of, you may be in a state of chronic reaction. This can be the source of your chronic muscle and/or joint pain.

How To Identify And Rule Out Allergies

Of course, there are many other causes of muscle and joint pain. If you have chronic muscle or joint soreness that is not attributable to repetitive use, overexertion or poor posture, diet could be a factor.

Arthritis is a main cause of joint pain, and many forms of arthritis involve joint inflammation. Diet may not be the sole cause of arthritic joint pain, but identifying any food source that may increase inflammation in your body can help relieve pain.

One simple way to identify if you have a food allergy is to participate in the "elimination diet," which requires removing the suspected food from your diet for a week. If symptoms reside, you likely found the food you're allergic to. This can be confirmed by reintroducing the food back into your diet and seeing if symptoms reappear. Keeping a dietary diary is a great way to help you identify food allergies. Keep track of what you eat and the presence and severity of your pain.

Knowing the most common food allergens will help to narrow down your experiment. The most common are milk, egg, soy, wheat, shellfish, seafood, tree nut and peanut allergies. First, identify which of these allergens features prominently in your diet. Check food labels, as many store-bought foods contain soy, tree nuts, wheat and dairy.

Blood tests can be done to identify allergy-related immune substances in your blood. A blood sample is taken and different foods are used to test its reaction in a lab. Blood tests are not always accurate when looking for food allergies, however. Making dietary changes and monitoring their impacts are your best diagnostic tools.

Dietary changes may be the answer to resolving your chronic back pain. Eliminating common allergens from your diet can help resolve inflammation in both muscles and joints.

A Clicking Jaw is a Sign of Stress

It is often heard and seen that the levels of stress experienced by Generation X and Y is considerably higher than that of previous generations. The cause of this growing stress has been attributed to a number of factors stemming from professional and personal lives. In recent times however, the global financial crisis has been the major cause for stress and various aspects of people's lives have been affected due to this crisis.

During this period of recession, many thousands have lost their jobs, which has significantly increased the amount of stress affecting ordinary people. In addition, rising debt and lack of finance options has also resulted in more furrowing of the brows.

Stress is not good for health - physical and mental health and while this has often been said and several stress-related afflictions are commonly known, there are some stress-related problems that may not be as well known. Clicking Jaw or Popping Jaw is one such affliction and it is usually a direct result of too much stress.

In extremely worrying times, it is a common physiological reaction to clench our jaws. Frustration, anger, depression, tension and too much of stress are all common reasons why we clench our teeth and therefore create stress on the jaw joint or what is known as TMJ (temporomandibular) inflammation in medical terms.

When the TMJ is affected, one usually experiences pain at the back of the jaw, usually around the ear or near the wisdom teeth. While there may be other causes of the pain, jaw pain or TMJ dysfunction as it also known, should not be ignored as this pain can also be an indication of angina or even a heart attack.

There are various symptoms of clicking jaw and these include the obvious "clicking" sound when opening or closing the mouth, aching around the ear, pain in the jaw as well as several other tell-tale symptoms.

While many of us may be subconsciously clenching our teeth in frustration during these tough times, it might lead to a more serious affliction. Momentary jaw pain can be ignored but popping jaw or clicking jaw will usually be persistent and if this is the case, it is wise to consult a physician.

For more information on clicking jaw or TMJ pain as well as suggestions for treatment, please refer to Clicking Jaw & TMJ inflammation.

How to Remove Uric Acid From the Body and Get Rid of Gout Naturally

Want to know how to remove uric acid from your body naturally? Good, because, here you'll learn 6 easy ways to get rid of gout naturally, no drugs, just natural home remedies.

Uric acid crystals in your joints causes your gout. But, it's your body's natural inflammatory reaction to these that actually causes your excruciating symptoms.

Uric acid is itself produced when purines metabolize in your body. Purines exist in your body cells and the foods you eat. Among other things, they help to produce your protein and energy needs.

Your kidneys process and then remove excess acid from your body via urine, with a little amount via stools. The relatively low levels left in your blood are beneficial.

But, if your kidneys can't excrete enough, then you are left with high levels in your blood. This condition -- hyperuricemia -- allows urate crystals to form in your joints, causing agonizing gout.

So you need to reduce or remove uric acid from your body...

Drug-based medications can help get rid of gout pretty effectively. But they can have serious side effects like vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, stomach pains, ulcers, bleeding, allergies, etc. So more and more people with gout are using natural remedies to remove uric acid and eliminate gout.

Here are some of the most popular home remedies to reduce uric acid in the body...

(1) Eat lots of cherries which have natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. 30 to 40 cherries, 3 times a day during an attack. Say, 30 cherries a day otherwise, for maintenance.

(2) Drink at least twelve large glasses (8oz) of water every day to help prevent the formation of urate crystals, and, aid your kidneys to process and remove uric acid from the body.

(3) Take vitamin C to help increase the urinary removal of uric acid, and, lower acid levels in the body. Eat plenty fruit such as oranges, mandarins, tangerines, and, perhaps look at vitamin C supplements during an attack.

(4) Parsley is a natural diuretic so can help to remove uric acid from the body more easily.

(5) Vitamin B complex helps to convert the acid into several compounds which are harmless, so vitamin B complex can help remove uric acid that way.

(6) Change to a low purine diet so that your body will produce less uric acid. Avoid high purine foods that are, generally speaking, high protein and high fat foods found in fatty red meats, offal, game, broth, shellfish, some fish, poultry, legumes, etc.

Whichever remedy you choose, you should not only try to get rid of the symptoms of a gout attack, but, prevent recurring gout episodes. Because frequent bouts of gout over a period of time can produce permanent damage in your joints, and, kidney problems such as painful stones.

Importance of Pain Medication For Animals

Animals are "stoics" when it comes to pain; their instinct is to hide pain, infirmity or even dying. This legacy is also evident in your favorite dogs and cats. In the wild, a sickly or informed animal is vulnerable to all kinds of attacks so instinctively, it acts as if there is nothing wrong or it keeps out of sight. Animals feel and are subjected to pain as much as human beings do. As a pet owner, you should know all about the importance of pain medication for animals.

You are most likely to notice when your pets experienced pain than veterinarian's observation because you are more attuned and have bonded with them. Pain experienced can be temporary or persistent; some acute or sudden pain can be caused by surgery or sudden damage of major organ, bone or muscles. Dysplasia, arthritis of the spine and joint instability are the main causes of pain in older animals.

Pet owners must learn the first line of defense in dealing with animal's chronic pain:

* Your pets must be examined and diagnosed by a veterinarian.

* Diet for your pets must be grain-free and low in carbohydrates.

* Lower or reduce the weight of your pet, through diet and exercise.

* Imbibed with glucosamine/chondroiton supplementation.

* Include fish oil and Vitamin E supplement in the diet.

* Also include MSM, SAM-e, and Celyl Myristolaete.

* Appropriate homeopathic remedies maybe used.

* Anti-inflammatory medication will help relieve pain.

* Try using acupuncture, if feasible.

* You can also try using injectible glucosamine (adequin) with your veterinarian's direction.

Pain medication used for dogs, cats and other pets must be both safe and effective. The CVM (FDA Center for Veterinarian Medicine) regulates medication used in animals. It has given its seal of approval to the use of NSAIDs (non-steroidal inflammatory drugs) in dog suffering pain due to degenerative joint disease (osteoporosis) or with pain after surgery. These medications include: etogesic (etodolac), rimadly (carprofen), metacam (meloxicam), zubrin (tepoxalin), previcox (ferocoxib) and novax (generic rimadly).

NSAIDs help to control signs of arthritis which includes: inflammation, swelling, stiffness and join pain. NSAIDs work by blocking the production of prostaglandins which is the body chemical that causes inflammation. FDA considers NSADs as safe and effective when used following closely the instructions in the label and that pet owners be strictly on the look-out for adverse reaction of the drug.

If not properly administered, NSAIDs can give adverse effects as: vomiting, loss of appetite, depression, lethargy and diarrhea. Its serious side effects are: gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcers, perforations, kidney damage and liver problem. When your dog shows adverse signs, get the help of a veterinarian at once.

These drugs are only use with the vets' knowledge, given only when necessary and it is only taken for a day or two. It must be administered according to the specified dosage and frequency. The use differs from dog to dog.

It is difficult to administer oral medication to cats since they do not metabolize any drug so there are few options for them.

Pet owners must consider the importance of pain medication for animals, understand its uses and seek the advice for your veterinarian.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Why Glucosamine and Chondroitin Are Better Than NSAIDs in Treating Canine Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of the joints that is not exclusive to humans. Dogs can also suffer from osteoarthritis. Large dog breeds in particular, such as Labradors, German shepherds and Great Danes are more vulnerable to canine osteoarthritis. Because their weight adds more strain, this naturally causes more vulnerability to their joints.

In the past, typical forms of treatment used in managing canine osteoarthritis involve non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs have been very effective in easing the swelling and inflammation in the joints as well as blocking the pain. However, glucosamine supplements in recent studies have shown very positive results in those suffering arthritic joint pain. Glucosamine supplements when taken in conjunction with chondroitin sulfate actually have proven to be more effective in managing moderate to severe joint pain than NSAIDs. These supplements have been studied in people, but the therapy has shown to be just as effective in dogs, cats, horses, and so on.

Reasons as why supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin are seen to be a better alternative to NSAIDs in treating canine osteoarthritis are:

1. NSAIDs and nutritional supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin are both effective in treating canine osteoarthritis pain. However, compared to NSAIDs, glucosamine, and chondroitin are virtually devoid of any serious side effects. NSAIDs, on the other hand, can cause gastrointestinal bleeding, kidney problems and liver failure, among a long list of others.

2. Glucosamine and chondroitin treat the pain at the source. Glucosamine stimulates the growth of new cartilage to replace cartilage tissue damaged, while chondroitin helps to provide lubrication to the joints. This leads to a healing that reduces and eliminates joint pain. On the other hand, NSAIDs only deal with the harmful enzymes causing the inflammation and pain. This is not necessarily a bad thing but when you factor in the risks of using such powerful drugs, long term use makes the risk to high.

3. Glucosamine and chondroitin are produced naturally in us and our pets. These two supplements for osteoarthritis also come from other natural sources, such as shrimp, crab and other shellfish. Unlike them, NSAIDs are created synthetically in pharmaceutical laboratories. Natural supplement is this case is a safe and effective choice.

4. Effects and visible improvements of glucosamine and chondroitin supplements to the dogs health can be seen in as little as 7 days depending on the supplement used, to 6 weeks if pill form supplements are used. Long term effects can be sustained safely with daily use. NSAIDs are quick in relieving joint pain and inflammation but again, long term use puts your pet at risk for serious side effects.

5. NSAIDs are much more expensive than glucosamine and chondroitin supplements. For a dog that weighs around 50 pounds, a daily dosage of glucosamine and chondroitin supplements would cost around 50 cents a day. On the other hand, NSAIDs are expensive and $100 a month or more in treatment should be expected.

These are just a few reasons as to why glucosamine and chondroitin supplements are better than NSAIDs. There are more resources and more literature available online. Every pet owner with a dog or cat suffering from osteoarthritis should take time to get as much information as possible regarding the advantages of glucosamine and chondroitin supplements over NSAIDs.

These supplements have seen new complete formulas in liquid form come to market. Syn-flex for Pets is a leader in pharmaceutical liquid glucosamine sales. Syn-flex formulas, made for people and pets, combine the necessary glucosamine and chondroitin supplements and a host of others to help with inflammation and swelling. Syn-flex is dosed to your pet according to weight, and the liquid formula makes administering it to your pet very easy. The liquid formula is also fast acting since the body absorbs liquids almost completely letting the supplements give full benefit.

Synflex - The Truth Behind Natural Pain Relief and Synflex

Synflex Vs Painkillers That Cause Pain, natural pain relief and Synflex.

So your arthritis is kicking up again and as a dutiful sufferer you beeline to the medicine cabinet and take a painkiller. After an hour you don't feel much relief. Or maybe you don't feel any pain at all. But either way,did you just guarantee more pain in your future? Have you insured yourself of a future of long term agony and debilitation that you would not have had otherwise, just by the act of taking painkillers?

Get ready for an unpleasant surprise! The most likely answer is yes! Even if the painkiller seems to be working, even if your arthritis pain is gone, all you have really done is guarantee yourself more pain and more suffering in the future by taking those painkillers today!

But, how could you and millions of arthritic sufferers who are using painkillers be harming yourselves with them? Even those taken by doctor's prescription and with their approval? Well lets see, answer these vital questions...

Have you treated your arthritis pain with any painkillers within the last 7 days?

Do you now have, or have you ever gotten a prescription for your arthritis pain?

Are you concerned that you may be taking these drugs for the rest of your life?
Do you wonder if a nutritional supplement like Synflex be better for you?

A yes answer to any of the above questions entitles you to know that you can cure arthritis through natural, and nutritional means and thus eliminate your arthritis pain naturally, and never need arthritis painkilling drugs again!

Painkillers That Cause Pain

Now I do believe pharmaceuticals and especially pharmaceutical painkillers do hold irreplaceable positions in medicine chests. I myself have taken plenty of pain killers to counter pain from strains and sprains and the like. The trouble arises when people take arthritis pain killers for any great length of time.

To begin with, it is important to know that actually curing the arthritic condition would require rebuilding and restoring the cartilage and, or restoring the muscles around the arthritic joint. Sufferers usually take some form of drug to reduce inflammation and wipe out pain. But, the real problem is generated when the joint is in pain and you can't feel it, enabling you to even forget about your condition. You could take a painkiller and then spend the next few hours feeling mobile and great but in the process, you're killing the overstressed joint without even knowing it. And thus the unaware arthritic patient severely damages the joint and the remaining cartilage, and feels great while doing it!

So is death a fair exchange for pain relief?

Let's say you were mowing the lawn and you're wearing your full head phones with your ipod , you're enjoying your music, it's loud to cover the mower hum. And the mower is handling fine. Then comes the fatal engine shudder, and the blue-grey puff of smoke. You whip off your big headphones just in time to hear an awful metallic shearing sound. And then you're wishing that your college course load had included a course in small motor repair as you hand over your mower to the repair guy smiling dollar signs at you. Your wallet shivers at that smile. He asks, didn't it sound like the motor was in distress for awhile just before it blew? Why didn't you shut it off back then? Of course you heard nothing but your music. So you were unaware of your mower's cries for help right up until it died. This is the same as taking painkillers to treat your arthritis pain. The painkillers mask the main symptoms and help you forget about the problem, even ignore it. Guaranteeing you will soon have to deal with a bigger problem.

Painkillers could also cause intestinal bleeding and even worse problems that could kill you. Over 2000 suffers died in this way last year. So is death a fair exchange for pain relief?

Enticing Your Body To Heal

On the whole, scientists are astonished by the amazing functions of human physiology. And arthritic specialists and research scientists are just as astonished. Because under the proper circumstances the body can actually cure chronic illnesses, including arthritis.

It absolutely must be noted that primitive tribes, totally free of the western type diet, are totally free of arthritis and many other modern ailments. That is until one generation have been exposed to the western diet and living conditions. Then all the typical western aliments and illnesses begin to appear with increasing frequency until they equal levels in other western cultures.

Curing Arthritis Forever And Naturally

Here are some tips that will allow you to begin to feel some positive results in the next couple weeks.

5 Points To Address For Treatment

1. Target your sugar consumption! Arthritis has been associated with high levels of sucrose (refined sugar). Begin to cut yourself off of sweets and replace them with healthy alternatives like your favorite fruits or smoothies.

2. Stop drinking from cans immediately. Yes that includes all your favorite canned drinks. Canned or processed foods contain preservatives and other food additives that government agencies say are fine. But when these same ingredients are added to the diets of former primitives, they begin to get sick with all our chronic dieseases. Draw your own conclusions. Start this week with a water flush which could be tough but is achievable. For the caffeine kick in the morning eat an apple. Their are many varieties. Again, it's tough but it's achievable.

3. Inhale for Health! Most folks bodies are failing for lack of oxygen. You need to give your joints more oxygen to beat pain. Learn some deep breathing exercises you can do as you go about your daily routine.

4. Exercise! Yeah, you may hate to hear that word. But you must initiate a weight training program to gain more muscle mass. More muscle mass will take stress off of your body and joints. Plus you'll enjoy the added benefits of looking good and feeling better too.

Obesity and Osteoarthritis - A Clear Path to Joint Pain and Damage

Being obese is the most common cause of osteoarthritis and pain in the joints. In other words, the heavier your weight, the more susceptible you are to such health problems. Of course, osteoarthritis is more common among the elderly. Still, being overweight can greatly reduce the age at which you might develop this disease.

Osteoarthritis is caused by the wearing out of the substance between the joints which is called cartilage. Once it is no longer there, the bones start rubbing against one another thus causing a great amount of pain. Just think about the pain in your wrists, knees and your spine.

It is only natural to conclude that the heavier we are, the more loaded our joints are. Being overweight, however, does not harm your joints only mechanically. According to research the abdominal fat produces chemicals that may cause joint inflammation.

Contemporary life seems to do its best to serve osteoarthritis. The sedentary lifestyle affects mostly the lumbar region of the back, as it is the one body area that undergoes the greatest pressure. Factors such as ageing, sitting all day long in the office in that uncomfortable chair and bending over the computer for hours are enough to cause you back pain. Just think about adding obesity to the picture.

The lumbar region (the lower area of your spine) consists of five lumbar vertebrae, which are separated by five intervertebral discs. These discs help the bones remain a little bit apart, not allowing them to rub against one another and basically act like shock absorbers. What they actually do is to absorb the weight of the body and its muscles and ligaments.

Another one of the discs' functions is to allow movement in the waist. It permits the spine to bend or twist. As you may guess, the lack of movement and sedentary way of life often cause the muscles to weaken. Of course, this is one of the problems of contemporary life and especially of white-collar jobs. Adding obesity to the equation does not help your body cope with these issues. It is quite the opposite.

So the advice is to exercise more. This would prevent or lessen the pain in the back and joints and help you lose weight. Of course, being obese obstructs exercising, but there are a number of ways to strengthen your muscles without straining them. Swimming and walking are only some of the possibilities.

Options for Joint Pain Relief

Joint pain is a common symptom that many people experience and it is related to numerous conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, bursitis and injuries. The discomfort associated with these conditions can range from mild to debilitating and may be acute or chronic. Treatments for this type of pain are centered on preserving joint function as well as minimizing inflammation and soreness. Find out more about treatments that can provide joint pain relief.


Prescription and over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are effective for relieving discomfort that is moderate-to-severe and these types of medications also reduce the effects of inflammation. While acetaminophen and other analgesics alleviate mild discomfort, they do not treat swelling and inflammation.

Opioids are a method of treatment that is used to treat pain that is severe and significantly impairs daily living. Muscle relaxants can be used in addition to NSAIDs, while other medications such as antiepileptic drugs and antidepressants can provide symptom relief.

Topical creams and ointments can also be applied for temporary relief. These products are typically obtained over-the-counter and treat joint soreness by producing a numbing sensation. Other topical agents contain substances that are absorbed into the skin and work by blocking pain signals.


Steroid medications that are injected directly into the affected area are an additional treatment option. These injections are delivered every three to four months and can provide relief from pain. Hyaluronic injections have also proven to be effective at increasing flexibility and alleviating discomfort. This substance is a derivative of the fluid that is naturally found in joints. It is also possible to have fluid drained from the affected area, although this option only provides temporary relief.


A specialized brace or wrap can increase mobility and flexibility while improving an individual's ability to perform everyday activities. These treatments are designed to take pressure off of the affected area and transfer the load to joints that are healthy.

Physical Therapy

Working with a physical therapist regularly can provide joint pain relief as range of motion gradually improves and muscles become strengthened. This can involve a daily regimen of cardiovascular exercises that are low impact such as swimming and walking. Gentle stretching is also beneficial for alleviating stiffness as flexibility increases.

Home Treatments

Applying ice to the affected area numerous times each day can relieve inflammation and reduce pain. Some individuals may also find relief by applying a heating pad to the area. Daily supplements of chondroitin and glucosamine can enhance joint function and may relieve discomfort. These substances are found naturally in healthy cartilage and work by providing cushioning support for the body.

The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not, nor is it ever intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice or professional recommendations, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician(s) or other qualified healthcare provider(s).

How to Manage Degenerative Disk and Joint Disease

As you age, there are a lot of diseases that you can encounter. There are some that are unavoidable since these come with aging but there are others that you can prevent while you are still young. Two common disorders that you should know about are degenerative disk disease and degenerative joint disease.

Degenerative disk disease (DDD) or also called spondylosis is a condition that happens when the cartilages in the intervertebral discs of the vertebrae become weak and fragile. This gradual deterioration will lead to wear and tear of the vertebrae which is partially composed of cartilage. This condition is common in older people because of the years that these body parts have been strained, overused or even misused. This happens because the flexibility and elasticity of the discs are lost as a person ages. These will also become thinner when they are dehydrated which make them lose their shock absorbing characteristics.

The most common symptom of degenerative disk disease is chronic pain that starts at the lower part of the back then radiating to the hips. During walking, you will also feel pain on your buttocks and thighs. In some, there may be weakness or tingling sensations at the knees. The pain can also be felt when you are doing other activities such as bending, lifting or even sitting. As the condition worsens, the pain can radiate to the upper back, the shoulders, the hands and arms. When neck pain causes an interruption in the blood supply to the brain, other symptoms will include vertigo, headache and disturbances with cognitive abilities. The treatment of degenerative disc disease includes physical therapy, traction, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and chiropractic treatments such as chiropractic manipulative therapy. If the condition is severe and the treatments are not effective after three months, surgery can be recommended.

Degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis is another condition that commonly occurs with aging. It is one of the forms of arthritis occurring when cartilage in the joints are worn down due to inflammation, overuse and straining. The most common affected areas are the hands, the knees, hips, neck and the lower back. Just like with spondylosis, the most common symptom of degenerative joint disease is pain that will lead to inability to use the affected area as well as stiffness. This is usually described as a burning sensation or a sharp pain which is often accompanied by a crackling sound when you move the affected area. There can also be muscle spasms and contractions on the affected areas.

For degenerative joint disease, the treatment is focused on reducing the severity of joint pain such that you are still able to do your activities of daily living and for the increase in muscular support. Analgesics are usually given such as Aspirin and Rimadyl as well as corticosteroids to decrease the inflammation. It is important to maintain your activities such that the affected areas are moved to avoid contractures. Swimming is one of the recommended activities since this does not require too much weight-bearing. Surgery is only recommended if all other treatment methods have been exhausted but are not yet effective.

Although these disorders are unavoidable since they come with old age, there are ways on how you can lessen your chances of having them. You should maintain a healthy lifestyle by having a healthy diet as well as a healthy weight while having regular exercises. This way, you are avoiding joint contractures and other significant risk factors for degenerative disk disease and degenerative joint disease.

Arthritis Pain Relief - Can Topical Creams Really Help?

Topical remedies tackle mild arthritis pain.

If your arthritis pain is mild and you don't take oral pain medication every day, rubbing a topical pain reliever on the bothersome area can be a good alternative. Following are the most widely used topicals.

Counterirritants mask arthritis pain by stimulating the nerves to produce a slightly uncomfortable warm or cool sensation. That distractts you from the more intense joint pain. These products may contain menthol, camphor, eucalyptus oil, or oil of winter green. Brand names include Icy Hot Chill Stick, Ben Gay, and ArthriCare. These products cause a temporary redness of the skin and work best on joints near the surface, such as fingers, elbows, and knees.

Topical NSAID's contain salicylates, chemical cousins of aspirin, and relieve pain the same way oral NSAID's do. Their effects, however are restricted to the surface and avoid some of the problems associated with oral NSAIDs. Topical NSAIDs include Aspercreme, Sportscreme, and Myoflex. People who are allergic to aspirin or who take medications that interact adversely with aspirin shouldn't use a topical NSAID because a bit of it is absorbed into the bloodstream.

Capsaicin. The topical pain relievers Zostrix and Capzacin-P contain capsaicin, the chemical that gives hot peppers their bite. Capsaicin lowers levels of substance P, which relays pain impulses to the brain and is involved in inflammation. Capsaicin-based products must be applied three or four times a day for up to several weeks before their benefits are noticeable. Burning, stinging, and redness often occur in the first days of treatment, but then subside.

Do's and don'ts of topicals: Be sure to wash your hands after applying any topical pain reliever. Avoid contact with broken or irritated skin and the eyes, nose, and mouth. If severe irritation develops, stop using the product immediately. Some products warn users not to apply a bandage or heat to the treated area. Don't use a topical medication just before a workout, as perspiration can cause the skin to absorb too much of it.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Knowing the Cause of Pain to Find the Proper Joint Pain Relief

Joint pain may be described in several ways. A lot of people who have had it would say it is a kind of pain that they would never want to experience again. It's the kind of pain that has the capacity to deplete you as a whole. Most commonly, a person who has joint pain feels some tenderness on his or her joint area. Even the skin feels sensitive that a light touch of a sheet can make you cringe. It also causes inflammation or swelling. Due to this, a person experiencing some joint pains is restricted with his or her movements. Sometimes, it totally disables a person to move.

Finding the proper joint pain relief is not very difficult provided that you know what causes it. You see, joint pain isn't only caused by the very famous arthritis. There are several reasons why a person suffers from it and unless he or she knows where it came from, the correct medication can never be given.

Here are some main triggers of joint pain:

o Arthritis - Since this is the most common cause of joint pain, it would be good to know more about it. Arthritis is the swelling of joints due to the wearing down of the cartilage. There are over a hundred types of arthritis. However, the two most widespread types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the type generally associated with aging. It affects the weight-bearing areas like the spine, knees, hips, and feet. On the other hand, rheumatoid arthritis is the most common grave inflammatory form. It can lead to a significant loss in mobility. Although the specific reason of this arthritis is unknown, the autoimmune system of the body plays an important role when it comes to its progression.

o Injury - An injury may cause painful joints. When ligaments, cartilage, and bones within the joints are injured, they become very painful too. People who are engaged in outdoor activities like sports usually suffer from this kind of pain. The most effective joint pain relief for this is an ice pack. It numbs the area and relaxes the muscles. However, it is important that you seek medical advice when injured to make sure that you don't need anything else to relieve it. Some injuries are quite bad that the person may need to wear a cast or undergo surgery.

o Gout - Gout is an acute and recurrent disease that is characterized by painful swelling of the joints especially the ones found in the hands and feet. It also causes arthritic attacks because of the elevation of the uric acid in the blood. Obesity can cause this pain and it is alleviated by a change in diet.

Unless you know what causes discomfort in your joints, you will never be able to find the appropriate joint pain relief to it. It is not advisable to take any kind of pain reliever to treat it because doing so will not create a substantial difference in your wellness.

Arthritis and You

Forty-six million americans report that a doctor told them they have arthritis or other rheumatic conditions. Arthritis or rheumatism continues to be the most common cause of disability, while back or spine problems and heart trouble round out the top three causes.

Arthritis symptoms include pain, joint inflammation and swelling. As it progresses, rheumatoid arthritis symptoms may feel like the flu, with achiness, muscle aches, and loss of appetite. An experimental drug called masitinib may ease rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in people who aren't helped by other drugs, according to new studies.

Two of the most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The types range from those related to wear and tear of cartilage such as osteoarthritis to those associated with inflammation resulting from an overactive immune system such as rheumatoid arthritis . Causes include injury leading to osteoarthritis , metabolic abnormalities such as gout and pseudogout , hereditary factors, infections, and unclear reasons such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus .

Osteoarthritis-This is the most common type of arthritis. Osteoarthritis can occur in any joint, but most often affects the hands and weight-bearing joints such as the knee, hip and facet joints in the spine . Osteoarthritis often occurs as the cartilage breaks down, or degenerates, with age. Degenerative joint disease osteoarthritis is a ubiquitous joint disease characterized pathologically by deterioration of cartilage lining the joints and new bone formation beneath the cartilage. Osteoarthritis is treated with anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.

People with psoriasis may also have other forms of arthritis, such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis It's important to learn how rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are similar and how they are different.

Get the facts on arthritis types, causes, research information, statistics and diagnosis. Practicing the traditional Chinese martial art tai chi may reduce arthritis pain and disability, according to a new research review. Current research suggests that something perhaps an infection acts as a trigger in people who are susceptible to this type of arthritis because of their genetic make-up.

Researchers are finding that the immune system is influenced by signals from the female reproductive hormones. Researchers' find could lead to new RA Treatments. Engaging in joint friendly activities; such as, walking, swimming, biking, and participating in available arthritis-specific exercise interventions can help manage both conditions.

Always consult your physician before self treating or starting a new exercise programs.

CranioSacral Therapy - Helpful and Effective for Everyone From Newborns to Adults

First you may be asking what is CranioSacral Therapy?

In a nutshell CranioSacral Therapy assists the body with a non-invasive touch, using no more than five grams of pressure, roughly the wight of a nickel to evaluate and detect imbalances and restrictions in the body. It releases these restrictions deep in the central nervous system so that every other system in the body can relax and self-correct. It helps you naturally free yourself of physical and emotional pain, stress, and discomfort and strengthens your resistance to disease and enhances your health and wellbeing.

CST came about from the Osteopathic profession. The Founder of Cranial Osteopathy, William Sutherland came to the conclusion in the early 1900's that the bones of the skull had movement. He did further studies and came to prove this. Then later came along Dr. John Upledger, he coined the term CranioSacral Therapy and was a true pioneer in this field. The discovery of the Dural Pulse by Dr. John E. Upledger was the foundation for the groundbreaking work that he would later coin as CranioSacral Therapy. He was assisting in a surgery and was asked to hold the dural tube. However the dural tube was very hard to hold still and seemed as if there was a rhythm about it. From there he looked more into this. From 1975 to 1983, Dr. Upledger was a professor of biomechanics at the College of Osteopathic Medicine at Michigan State University. While he was there he led a team of anatomists, physiologists, biophysicists and bioengineers who performed and published the clinical research that formed the basis for CranioSacral Therapy.

The CranioSacral system has a pulse just like that of your circulatory system and your respiratory system. The CranioSacral Systems pulse is 6-12 beats per minute. This rhythm can be felt anywhere on the body by using a very sensitive touch.

An important function of this system is the production, circulation, and re-absorption of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF). This fluid provides essential nourishment for the central nervous system, helping it to maintain a consistent balance even when other conditions of the body are changing. All of the critical functions that are mediated by the Central Nervous System are dependent upon supply of this fluid. The Cerebral Spinal Fluid is contained within the Dura and surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord. It nourishes the brain and spinal cord and is very information rich, it tells a lot about the health of someone.

The CranioSacral System also consists of the membrane system which is the membrane that lines the cranium and the dural tube that surrounds the spinal cord. It also consists of the sacrum and the 22 bones of the skull.

The Autonomic Nervous System is greatly influenced with CST. The ANS consists of the Parasympathetics and the Sympathetics. Especially in today's society we are always go go go and dealing with stress. So our Sympathetics are in overdrive. With CST we can calm your Sympathetics down and kick in your Parasympathetics to create a more normal internal environment so that the cells of the body will continue to live and function properly. Each cell will benefit from being in a state of homeostasis which means balance. But, if one or more functional systems lose their ability to contribute, we will see breakdown of homeostasis. Now all cells suffer, moderate dysfunction will lead to sickness, and if there is extreme dysfunction this can lead to death, if left alone.


One of the primary tenants of the work is that everything in the body is connected to everything else. So it's not possible to influence one part of the body with out influencing all of it.

Fascia is a specialized system of the body that has an appearance similar to a spiders web or a loose knit sweater. You can also look at it as the part you need to cut through when separating the skin of a chicken from the meant. It is that saran-like covering that encases every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein, as well as all of our internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord. The fascia system is not just a system of separate coverings. It is actually one continuous structure that exists from your head to your toe without interruption.

So you can begin to see that each part of the entire body is connected to every other part by the fascia, like the yarn in a sweater. Trauma, inflammatory responses, and/or surgical procedures create Myofascial restrictions. The fascial will become tight and restricted, which will then restrict the blood, nerves or energy meridians within that muscle or organ. Long-term restrictions may result in thick fibrous areas within the fascia that will cause dysfunction and eventually dis-ease within the systems of the body. CST helps the fascia get back to its normal healthy state, and help it become relaxed and way in configuration.

Structure and function are inseparable, alterations in one, to some degree, will modify the other. CranioSacral Therapy can help optimize brain structure which often improves function.

What can CranioSacral Therapy help?

By complementing the body's natural healing processes, CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction including:

-Migraines and headaches
-Chronic pain
-Motor-coordination impairments
-Central Nervous System disorders
-Orthopedic problems
-Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord injuries
-Learning disabilities
-Chronic fatigue
-Emotional difficulties
-Stress and tension related problems
-Fibromyalgia and other connective-tissue disorders
-Post-traumatic stress disorder
-Post-surgical dysfunction
-Pregnancy difficulties
-And so much more

CranioSacral Therapy is great for all ages! Newborns to adults!

What is a session like?

You will then lie down comfortably-fully clothed. I will also have you take your shoes off. I do recommend that you wear loose, comfortable clothing.

The session is usually performed with you lying on a comfortable massage table, occasionally I may have you seated or standing.I will begin by using a light touch at the feet-to assess where restrictions and other related problems exist in your body. I will then continue to work through other parts of your body.

What about during the session?

Experiences during a CranioSacral session are as individual as the clients themselves. They also may differ from session to session. Sometimes, you may deeply relax or even fall asleep, at other times you may talk a great deal, recalling hidden memories or expressing emotions. You may even remain still during the entire session, hardly noticing my evaluation and treatment. While others will experience sensations within the body as the evaluation process is continued.

At various times throughout our session, I will support your limbs and spine while facilitating a release of accumulated tension. This process is called energy cyst release or Myofascial release. During this release, you may occasionally recall circumstances surrounding a past shock, trauma, or injury. Releasing and re-experiencing past hurts assists the body in reversing dysfunction and restoring the previous level of mobility. You can re-create those past hurts or dysfunction, this process has been named SomotoEmotional Release (SER)

During a CranioSacral session it could be necessary to do some related work in the mouth ( Maxilla, Vomer, Mandible...) along with some of the face muscles, because these bones are closely related with the Sphenoid bone. If not in balance they may be the root cause of the dysfunction.

What about following a session?

Just as your session can vary from another individuals session greatly, the immediate results from person to person can be just as diverse. This relaxed state may cause some people to sleep for many hours after a session, while others may experience a big increase in energy. Reduction of pain or an increase in function may occur immediately after the session, or it may develop gradually over the next few days. Because CranioSacral Therapy helps the body resume its natural healing processes, it isn't unusual for improvement to continue well after the session. Meanwhile, for some here may be a reorganization and integration phase as the body adapts to the release of previously held patterns.

Ask the Doctor - Can Chiropractic Help Headaches?

Headaches are painful, elusive, and one of the most common physical symptoms that people face throughout their lifetime. Pain can occur with a variety of intensity, frequency, location, and duration, and often is debilitating. Just as there are many types and causes of headaches, there are also many treatments that can relieve them without the use of medications.

According to the National Headache Foundation, more than 45 million Americans suffer from chronic, recurring headaches. Of those 45 million people, an estimated 28 million suffer from migraine headaches, an extremely painful condition that may include unpleasant additional symptoms, such as vomiting and visual disruption. It is interesting to note that about 20% of children complain of headaches.

Over the years, the trend toward suffering from headaches has escalated significantly, largely due to such lifestyle issues as greater stress, increased use of visual screens (mobile phones, texting, computers, etc), more caffeine, specific food chemicals, and poor eating habits. These can be added to basic physical triggers, such as hormonal changes, lack of a proper curve in the neck, whiplash injuries, slips and falls, heavy weights on the shoulders and neck (such as backpacks and laptop cases), and other factors. According to chiropractor specialist Dr. George B. McClelland of Christiansburg, Virginia, "Today, Americans engage in more sedentary activities than they used to, and more hours are spent in one fixed position or posture. This can increase joint irritation and muscle tension in the neck, upper back, and scalp, causing your head to ache."

Types of Headaches

Headaches originate in diverse ways, including but not limited to:

• Tension: the most common type of headache, a muscle-contractive pain.
• Cervicogenic: pain from subluxation (misalignment) of the neck and upper back.
• Dietary: stemming from food chemicals, such as MSG, and commercial food processing techniques.
• Exertional: head pain that develops after exercising.
• Hormonal: most common in females with active reproductive cycles, using hormone-based birth control, or undergoing life-stage hormonal changes.
• Hypertension-based: a vascular (blood vessel related) issue that is usually worse during the night.
• Medication-induced: the side effect of many prescribed, store-bought medications.
• Sinus: deep constant pain at the front of the head and in the cheeks, with possible fever, a feeling of fullness in the ears, and actual swelling.
• Temporomandibular jaw (TMJ)-induced: a result of joint inflammation and clenching the teeth, which typically accompanies the disorder.
• Cluster: the least common type of headache, consisting of a severe, intense group of attacks behind one eye.

More than 150 headache categories have been identified. The majority involve symptoms that encompass pulsating, throbbing, or squeezing pain and can last just a few minutes to hours and even several days. Additional signals associated with headaches frequently include light sensitivity; auras, sometimes provoked by certain odors or noise; and more intense symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and stomach cramps, visual disturbances, floaters, fever, dizziness, and loss of skin tone. Numerous options exist for headache treatment, and the approach to care typically varies with the type of headache that is occurring.

Headache Treatment and Care

Treatment and care for headaches includes prescription and over-the-counter medications, chiropractic care, acupuncture, trigger point therapy and massage, night guards to prevent teeth grinding, dietary modifications, and changes in lifestyle. Various medications have been shown to alleviate headaches, and, often, a simple conversation with your family physician and alteration of your medication regimen can reduce and even end the pain.

As early as 1995, an article in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) reported that chiropractic adjustments were determined to be effective in relieving headaches when following the chiropractor's treatment plan and produced more benefit than most prescribed medications. Then, in 2001, a study performed at Duke University showed that spinal adjustments helped curb the majority of headaches that arose from muscle spasms and headaches stemming from the neck. The effect of adjustments was also reported to last much longer than the duration of most prescribed medications.

A recent study reported in the JMPT showed that people who took appropriate pain medications did get relief; however, those who were under chiropractic care experienced greater relief and had far fewer side effects than participants taking medication. Chiropractic care has proved to be particularly effective at easing the pain and correcting the origination of many kinds of headaches.

Proactive Measures

A variety of proactive measures can help lower the likelihood of developing a headache. • If you typically stay in a fixed position for long periods doing computer work or another kind of laborious activity, try stretching every 45 minutes.
• Avoid staring at computer screens for long periods of time. Tilt your head from side to side and stretch. Raise your computer monitor to a position slightly above eye level.
• Have your eyes checked by a doctor to make sure that your vision has not changed.
• Try to avoid teeth clenching where possible and have periodic dental checkups.
• Avoid placing too many pillows underneath your neck when lying down and reading or watching television.
• Stay hydrated, as many headaches occur because of a lack of water intake throughout the day.
• Limit intake of red wines and red meats, as both are known headache triggers.
• Consult your physician about the many medications that cause headaches as side effects, and determine whether you are taking any of them.
• If you are a woman who experiences difficult menstrual cycles, consult your obstetrician/gynecologist and discuss altering any related medications you are taking.
• Avoid foods with caffeine, MSG, and other excitotoxins that contain MSG, such as hydrolyzed protein and autolyzed yeast, bouillon, sodium caseinate, natural flavors, and spices.

Studies show that one of eight people in the US sees a chiropractor. Consult your family chiropractor regarding a headache treatment plan that is right for you. Many headaches are caused by a lack of neck curve that results in muscle spasms and spinal cord tension as well as misalignments. Massage therapy can "do wonders" for tension in the head and neck, and acupuncture has become increasingly popular as a care option. More people than ever are gravitating toward natural methods of managing their headaches, and evidence points to the fact that, to a large extent, they are achieving the relief they seek.

Arthritis, Bone and Joint Disease in Protection Dogs

Health problems like arthritis often referred to as degenerative joint disease affects not only humans, but also dogs as well. Arthritis is the breakdown of cartilage, which causes the bones to rub against each other. This will cause stiffness, pain and loss of movement in the joints. As a protection dog owner hopefully you do everything in your power to keep them healthy. Including things like giving them medicine to prevent things such as heart worms, making sure they have good nutrition, and have a loving home. You will also naturally notice changes in their mood and behavior. Your guard dog will become like another one of your children, and if they begin to act differently in the slightest way, you will be able to tell. If you notice your protection dog not feeling too well, there is a possibility it could be arthritis. Arthritis affects one out of every five dogs in the U.S, and is a source of unbelievable chronic pain.

Being that your personal protection dog will not be able to verbally tell you what is wrong with them, it is your responsibility to look for signs of arthritis. Some signs that your dog will show you is favoring a limb and difficulty sitting or standing, these symptoms obviously result from the chronic pain they are in. Also, their joint deterioration will cause them to have stiff or sore joints, and also a hesitancy to jump, run or climb stairs. If your guard dog, for example your Belgian Malinois has arthritis they will have a large decrease in activity and will begin to sleep more and be a lot less alert. If your dog experiences these symptoms for more than two weeks, take them to the vet to be evaluated for arthritis. Therapies for arthritis may include a healthy diet and regular exercise to maintain a proper weight. Drug treatments will also help relieve some of the constant pain your dog is experiencing. The most common treatment for arthritis is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Also over-the-counter treatments, such as pills or foods which contain glucosamine and fatty acids have been known to relieve symptoms of dog arthritis. Regardless of how it's done, making sure that your protection dog is happy and free of pain is the most important thing.