Saturday, January 18, 2014

Get Pain Relief With These SI Joint Pain Therapies

The sacroiliac joints (SI joints) are formed by the sacrum and pelvis. The sacrum is like the tailbone at the base of the spine fits in between the two pelvis bones which are called the iliac bones. This joint is not a highly mobile joint because its role is largely one of providing stability and it is weight bearing in nature. Therefore it is held together by strong ligaments. Because this joint in under a lot of stress it is a common area to experience discomfort in and this is termed SI joint pain.

Usually when problems arise in this joint it is termed sacroiliac joint dysfunction and it result in SI joint pain. It can also be referred to as SI joint inflammation, SI joint syndrome and SI joint strain. This shows the complexity and vulnerability of this joint.

The reason why sacroiliac joint dysfunction develops can be varied. Just like any other joint in the body, it is also prone to degeneration that happens as a result of the wearing away of the shock absorbing cartilage. This results in bone on bone friction and is called osteoarthritis. This is a common issue with most weight bearing joints of the body.

Another common cause of SI joint pain is pregnancy. During the stages of pregnancy the body releases special hormones in preparation for childbirth that help relax the ligaments. The resultant relaxing of the joint structure and increased pregnant body weight can cause problems. Add on top of this the changed walking and standing posture of pregnancy and you have a recipe for sacroiliac joint pain.

Also any change or problem in the lower half of the body that disrupts the walking or gait cycle could cause SI problems. A leg length discrepancy, where one leg is longer than the other can do this. Also any injury to the lower back, foot, hip, knee or ankle can all result in a abnormal pattern of walking that places undue stress on the sacroiliac and causes joint problems.

Females tend to be more prone to sacroiliac joint pain than males. This may be due to the anatomical differences in the bone structure of the body. There are two things that aggravate the sacroiliac joint. When sleeping on the side, the top thigh can drop in and this opens up the SI area in a suspended and relaxed position. To prevent this it is recommended to sleep with a pillow placed between the legs. The other aggravating factor is cross legged sitting that is so typical of females. This puts the SI in a vulnerable position while bearing weight. The solution for this one is easy, just stop sitting cross legged.

Physical therapy for SI joint pain can be great. Yoga and pilates offer excellent benefits. Improving flexibility in stiff and tight areas can help reduce any compensation of the sacroiliac joints. Also building core stability can go a long way to helping take any excess stress off the pelvis. Remember the benefits and changes in the body may not be felt immediately with these activities, so it may require a slight commitment before you reap the rewards.

Is Krill Oil A Good Choice For Joint Health?

Doctors may recommend physical therapy to help distribute pressure to minimize stress on a joint. Another natural way of improving joint health is the use of krill oil. It is enriched with omega-3 fatty acids and astaxanthin which helps to improve joint movement. Joint infections can affect any individual and prevention is always better than a cure. This applies to all health issues, as they can weaken the body's immune system.

Krill oil is highly recommended by doctors as a krill oil supplement since it contains crucial omega-3 fatty acids which allow joints to move more freely. Patients suffering from joint health-related problems are also at a risk of contracting heart related diseases. Some of the heart-related problems are caused by joint pains around the body. Oil of krill helps to restore the normal heart health and rhythm. However, it is suggested that you carefully follow the dosage instructions provided by your doctor for improvement of your overall health.

To avoid the pain and aches caused by joint pain, one of the most highly recommended things to do is to maintain balanced diet containing omega 3 fatty acids. As we all know, a western diet is usually very poor in Omega 3 Fatty Acids and supplements are sometimes the only way to get these essential fatty acids.

Krill oil has been carefully researched and is often used in hospitals. It has even been found to prevent joint pain experienced during PMS. Also, elderly individuals who are more prone to joint pain than others have also noticed improvement in their joints after taking the oil.

Joint diseases can affect blood circulation, causing heart-related diseases and causing ventricular arrhythmia. Oil of krill has been recommended by many medical specialists as an effective treatment for joint health-related issues. Although oil of krill is more expensive than fish oils there is a reason for the cost. Krill has been proven to be a superior source of omega 3 and delivers certain nutrients that fish oil does not contain.

Several scientific studies have shown the benefits of krill oil in many health-related areas. Compared to pharmaceutical drugs, oil of krill presents a healthy, pure, and clean solution for consumers who seek to optimize their health.

Other than krill oil, there are a few other options for joint health but they do not have as much scientific research to support their benefits. Therefore, oil of krill is very popular among those who are health conscious as well as educated.

With the amount of research backing up these benefits, the omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA make krill oil a great choice for joint health.

Wearing Supportive Braces With Joint Pain

If you suffer from joint pain and stiffness, you may be inclined to wear a brace to help stabilize the joint. Joints damaged by age or overuse may become weakened and stiff during everyday activities. A supportive brace may help alleviate this pain and stiffness throughout your busy day. Whether it's inflammation from an injury or arthritis, braces can offer patients a reprieve from the pain and stiffness.

What Are They?

A supportive brace is just as it sounds. It is a contraption that you wrap around the weakened joint which lends support and aid to the joint. There are many types of braces for such pain, such as a knee brace, ankle brace and the like. Generally the brace will have a type of restriction which keeps the joint in perfect alignment and can ease the pain associated with overused joints. For example, a knee brace can lend support to a weakened knee joint, realign the joint so that it is in proper alignment with the hip and back, and help ease the pain of misalignment.

If you have an injury to a joint, bracing it can help speed up the process of healing, by keep the joint in proper alignment. Braces with strong support are frequently utilized by individuals who have experienced some trauma to a joint, like overuse or sprains. For this, supportive braces can strengthen the muscles and ligaments associated with the injured joint by essentially acting as a second muscle group, keeping the injured muscles from experiencing additional trauma.

For those who suffer from arthritis, supportive braces can increase motility of the damaged joint and in some case, relieve the pain associated with the condition. Often arthritic braces act as an insulator, applying heat to the afflicted joint to reduce pain by keeping it warm. Neoprene sleeve are a common type of arthritic supportive braces. The neoprene sleeve can insulate and thereby help alleviate joint pain from arthritis.

Should I Just Go Get One?

As with any medical condition, it is always advisable to seek medical treatment for any injury or disorder. If you have joint pain, you may have a more serious arthritic condition which may require surgery. Minor injuries do not always require a supportive brace and in fact supportive braces can do more harm than good if worn inappropriately. This is why it is important to consult a physician before wearing a supportive brace. Only a physician can affirm whether a supportive brace is the right choice for you.

Teeth Grinding Causes - Why Do People Grind Their Teeth?

There are many reasons why people grind their teeth. Medical researches do not agree on a single cause and it appears that there is a mix of factors that may lead to this habit. Bruxism is the technical term that is used to refer to teeth grinding and clenching. There are many people who clench and grind their teeth but they never feel the symptoms. Below are some of the factors that are often cited as some of the causes of this condition.

If you're continuously under a lot of stress and tension, you may be prone to bruxism. Learning to reduce your daily stress and learning some relaxation techniques may help. You may want to enrol on a stress management program. The reason why people grind their teeth consists of a complicated mix of factors which include how stressed you are, how long and how tightly you clench or grind, your ability to relax, whether your teeth are misaligned, your posture, diet, sleeping habits, and other factors. Each person is different and so are the causes and symptoms. Symptoms of teeth grinding and clenching may include grinding teeth, painful jaw, headaches, earaches, anxiety, stress and tension. Symptoms may also include insomnia, depression and eating disorders.

Teeth grinding and clenching usually focus on reducing pain and preventing damage to teeth. To cure bruxism, you need to remove and eliminate the cause and modify your behavior as much as possible. Experts recommend that you relax your facial and jaw muscles throughout the day and try to make facial relaxation a habit. Massaging the muscles of the shoulders, neck and face can also help. A physical therapist can help you learn stretching exercises to help the restore a normal balance to the action of the muscles and joint on each side of your head. Remedies such as applying ice or wet heat to sore jaw muscles also have beneficial effects.

In terms of diet, health professionals recommend that sufferers avoid eating hard foods like candies, nuts and steak. Drinking plenty of water every day and getting plenty of sleep is also recommended. If your teeth grinding is caused by stress, try to reduce your daily stress and learn relaxation techniques. Stress reduction and anxiety management may help reduce or eliminate bruxism. To prevent damage to the teeth, mouth guards may be recommended.

Benefits of Exercise During and After Breast Cancer Surgery and Treatment

In 1996, the first Surgeon General's report on physical activity and health was published, including the currently accepted public health recommendations for physical activity for general health, 20 minutes of moderate intensity activity - such as brisk walking - on most days of the week. This recommendation has been adopted by the American Cancer Society and is included in the current recommendations from the American Cancer Society in preventing cancer. Exercise has many proven health benefits for both preventing disease and promoting health and well being. There is substantial evidence that suggests that increasing physical activity, including structured exercise programs, is associated with lower rates of certain cancers. In particular, there is evidence that high levels of physical activity can work to prevent colon cancer. Cancers of the breast, prostate, lung, and uterus have also been linked to exercise-related prevention. In a large scale study of 17, 148 Harvard alumni, men who burned as few as 500 calories a week in exercise - the equivalent of an hour's worth of brisk walking or less than ten minutes of waking a day - had death rates 15-20 percent lower than men who were almost completely sedentary. Men who burned 2,000 calories a week (about four hours of brisk walking per week) had about 35 percent lower cancer mortality. The researchers concluded that the more exercise you get, the lower your risk of premature death from cancer or heart disease. The Harvard study also found that the risk of colon cancer, the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the U.S., was dramatically reduced by exercise. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer affecting men today. In the Harvard study, alumni who expended greater than 4,000 calories per week (equivalent to about eight hours of brisk walking) were at a reduced risk of developing prostate cancer compared to their inactive counterparts. For women, a history of moderate, recreational exercise is associated with reduced risk of breast, uterine, cervical, and ovarian cancers, although not all studies have shown this effect. Findings from a 1993 study suggest that women engaged in moderate to high levels of physical activity may have a reduced risk of endometrial cancer. Currently, scientists are studying the biological impact that exercise has on the risk of cancer.

Some of the methods that are being studied include:

• Maintenance of a healthy body weight and overall amounts of body fat.
• Maintenance of low levels of fat in and around the abdomen.
• Maintenance of the biological system that regulates blood sugar levels.
• Control of some tumor growth factors.
• Suppression of 'prostaglandins' (hormone-like substances that are released in greater quantities by tumor cells).
• Improved immune function, including increased levels of Natural Killer cells.
• Reduced symptoms of mild to moderate anxiety and depression (which may improve immune function and overall physiologic functioning).
• Increased levels of free radical scavengers to assist the body in preventing DNA damage

It is not clear exactly how high amounts of physical activity work to prevent cancer. We know that exercise can help prevent obesity, which is related to some types of cancers. It can also change the body's hormone levels, which might also have a favorable effect. Exercise, by speeding up metabolism, is generally believed to speed up the passage of ingested foods through the colon - thus reducing the amount of time the colon mucosal lining is in contact with possible carcinogens. Additionally, those who engage in a high level of physical activity are much less likely to smoke cigarettes, the single largest contributor to cancer.

Benefits of exercise during treatment

Starting or maintaining an exercise program after cancer diagnosis results in patients who are stronger both mentally and physically, concludes a statistical analysis of 24 studies. Kerry Courneya of the University of Alberta, Canada led the research, which is published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Courneya says "Cancer diagnosis and its' treatments are often associated with negative side effects that diminish the quality of life. Overall, studies have consistently demonstrated that physical exercise following cancer diagnosis has a positive effect on the quality of life." The various studies mention increased stamina, increased functional capacity, strength, self-esteem, improved treatment tolerance, and satisfaction with life, and decreased pain. Psychological changes, including a decrease in total mood disturbances, decrease in depression, and fewer problems sleeping were noted between the exercise and non-exercise groups. It has also been noted that increased physical activity has been associated with less fatigue during and after chemotherapy and radiation. The specific exercise "dose" (frequency, intensity, and duration of sessions) needed to improve physical and psychological functioning in cancer patients probably differs according to specific treatment, cancer type, and individual response to treatment. Some forms of cancer treatment, particularly those that are used to treat childhood cancers, have been found to have long-term negative effects on the heart and lungs. This makes it even more important to exercise regularly, but it may important to do so under medical supervision. Fatigue is the number one side effect of cancer treatment affecting 76% of patients undergoing treatment. Cancer fatigue is not like everyday fatigue that one experiences due to lack of sleep, stress, overextending oneself etc.... This type of fatigue is not usually relieved by rest and can have a negative effect on one's quality of life. There are many things that may lead to fatigue, but one thing is certain; exercise reduces fatigue. Research has demonstrated that beginning or maintaining an exercise program during cancer treatment can have a positive effect on combating fatigue.

Benefits of exercise during recovery from surgery

After cancer surgery exercise plays an invaluable role in helping one return to the strength and fitness level that was maintained prior to surgery. In many cases, due to lack of physical activity prior to surgery, patients are able to reach new heights in strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular conditioning. There are certain postural implications that often arise after mastectomy and lymph node dissection that are often compounded by reconstruction and radiation. After years of working with cancer survivors, we declare with certainty, that most of these issues can be dramatically improved upon if not entirely corrected, through the proper combination of stretching and strengthening. Anytime there is an amputation, it will ultimately result in some type of muscle imbalance. These issues will not correct themselves. Unfortunately, even patients who undergo physical therapy are released long before they are fully recovered, leaving the patient to go it alone in determining how to resume normal activities. In addition, when patients receive radiation to a particular area, there is bound to be some tightness, perhaps even scar tissue, where they received treatment. This can cause tightening in that area, and depending on where it is, can also contribute to many postural deviations. These postural imbalances are notable in most people due to everyday circumstances i.e.; working at a computer all day, holding a phone between your ear and your shoulder, sitting at a desk all day, holding a baby on one hip etc... Not only are they compounded by the surgery and radiation, but they can create a chain reaction, leading to neck, back, hip, knee, and even ankle pain. A thorough postural assessment can determine what areas need to be stretched to relieve tightness and spasm and which need to be strengthened to create a counter balance. Let's not forget about the many benefits of cardiovascular conditioning. Many of you may still be suffering from fatigue long after your treatment has ended. Cardiovascular training, biking, walking, running, etc., will produce endorphins that will give them much needed energy. Unfortunately chemotherapy and radiation can have a detrimental effect on the heart and lungs. The good news is that both can be strengthened through a regular cardiovascular exercise program. Swimming can provide an excellent source of relief for tight muscles without putting excessive strain on them. The buoyancy of the water allows for a wonderful workout that allows you to focus on range of motion for your arms and shoulders. This is highly recommended for breast cancer patients, particularly those who have undergone an axillary node dissection. Swimming should not be limited only to breast cancer patients, however, for it has benefits for everyone. Those clients suffering from arthritis will want to make sure the water is at least eighty-four degrees

Strength Training

Strength training is a very important component of an exercise program, however, without a proper assessment, it can create more problems than it can prevent. Proper attention must be paid to not only your goals, but your bodies' needs. This can be accomplished by conducting a postural evaluation to look for muscle imbalances that may lead to degeneration of the joints over time. It is critical to determine which muscles are shortened, or overly tight, so that proper attention can be paid to stretching those muscles first. This will help you to regain normal range of motion and functioning. If you begin strength training before addressing the muscular imbalance, it can lead to a greater imbalance and degeneration. Done properly however, strength training can lead to an increase in lean muscle mass which will not only give a desirable physical appearance, it can help to prevent obesity and osteoporosis. Obesity is the fastest growing health problem in the United States. Obesity is not only associated with other diseases, it has a huge emotional impact as well. There is distinct connection between obesity and Type II diabetes. This is of particular concern when dealing with cancer patients. Following chemotherapy and certain hormonal therapies, many cancer patients find themselves gaining weight. Many were over their ideal weight to begin with are now struggling with a serious weight problem in addition to their cancer diagnosis. Obesity is not only connected to Type II diabetes, it is also thought to be associated with certain types of cancer, yet another compelling reason to start exercising, eating right, and losing weight.

For those of you who have undergone a lymph node dissection, or radiation to the lymph nodes and vessels, you are now at risk for lymphedema. Lymphedema is the swelling of an area do to damage to, radiation, or removal of lymph nodes and vessels. It is usually a permanent and irreversible condition that is both painful and disfiguring. Having an excess amount of body fat can actually increase your risk for lymphedema because the fatty tissue retains fluid. Both men and women who are undergoing hormonal therapy are at risk for osteoporosis. This risk is magnified if you have also undergone chemotherapy. In addition to osteoporosis, men may also experience a loss in lean muscle tissue over time. The good news is that strength training can help to reduce body fat by increasing lean muscle mass, increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis, and prevent and/or manage Type II diabetes.

In summary, the benefits of strength training:
• Increase lean muscle mass; better physical appearance, higher metabolism, less body fat
• Reduces the risk of Type II diabetes and lymphedema by reducing the amount of body fat
• Reduces the risk of osteoporosis by increasing bone mass

Aerobic (cardiorespiratory) training

Aerobic training is exercise that places a stress on the cardiorespiratory system. Any form of activity can be used; walking, biking, basketball, strength training, etc. All forms of exercise must utilize the cardiorespiratory system to either sustain and recuperate from the activity. Many people who have undergone chemotherapy and radiation may have damage and scarring of the heart and/or lungs. Aerobic exercise can help to strengthen the heart and lungs, minimizing the amount of damage they will sustain. As with strength training, aerobic exercise helps one to maintain their ideal body weight thereby reducing the risk for diabetes, future cancers associated with obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and lymphedema. It is critical to perform a warm-up to prepare the body for physical activity. There are two types of warm-ups; general and specific. A general warm-up consists of movements that are not specific to the activity to be performed. A specific warm-up more closely imitates movements form the actual activity. NASM suggests that the cardiorespiratory portion of a warm-up should be five to ten minutes long at a low-to-moderate intensity. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being bed rest and 10 being all out exertion, aim for a five! If you don't have an exercise machine, climb stairs, march in place, walk around the block, shoot some hoops, etc. If you would like to continue to do your aerobic exercise beyond five to ten minutes, go ahead and increase the intensity. Try pushing yourself to a 6 OR 7 on that scale of 1-10. Remember that this is general advice. If you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, have had a stroke, or any other special consideration, please consult your doctor for specific recommendations. Additionally, if you have had lymph nodes removed or had radiation to lymph nodes or lymphatic vessels, you must not allow yourself to overheat. Overheating will increase your circulation and can lead to the onset of lymphedema. If you already have lymphedema, the same rule applies because it can worsen your condition. If you have not been exercising regularly, begin with 10-20 minutes of aerobic activity three times a week. Gradually increase the time (duration) and number of workouts (frequency) to meet your goals.
Once you have completed your warm-up, it will be time to stretch. Specific stretches will be outlined for each type of cancer and particular surgeries.

In summary, the benefits of aerobic training:

• Increase lean muscle mass; better physical appearance, higher metabolism, less body fat
• Reduces the risk of Type II diabetes and lymphedema by reducing the amount of body fat
• Reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol

Flexibility Training

Flexibility is overlooked by most of us. Lack of flexibility may lead to long-term joint degeneration, overuse injuries, and muscle imbalances. By definition, flexibility is the extensibility (ability to lengthen) of all soft tissues that allow a joint to move within it's full range of motion. Your muscular, skeletal, and nervous system make up your kinetic chain. Your kinetic chain must be aligned properly to prevent patterns of joint dysfunction. When things are not properly aligned, it is known as postural distortion. Postural distortion leads to decreased neuromuscular efficiency and tissue overload. In laymans' terms, injury! Your primary goal needs to be to maintain homeostasis of your kinetic chain. Imagine a chain link fence. Your dog skurries his way underneath the fence for years. You think nothing of it. Gradually the fence becomes distorted; some of the links are squashed together, the metal is buckling, there is a big gap in the bottom, it's structural integrity is weakened. Now imagine the same thing happening to your spine. It may not be noticeable now, but over the course of time it, too, will deteriorate and weaken. Muscle imbalances may be caused by cause a variety of external and internal influences; poor posture, emotional stress, repetitive movements (tennis, golf, bowling, etc.), cumulative trauma, poor training technique and form, lack of core (abdominals and low back) strength, and lack of neuromuscular control. Following surgery and radiation, there is usually a foreseeable amount of scar tissue and, in some cases, adhesions that can bind the joint and inhibit movement. This would fall under the trauma category. Under each type of cancer and their respective surgeries, I will address particular postural and kinetic chain concerns and how to correct them. If these issues are not corrected, you will find yourself stuck in a cumulative injury cycle. When there is a dysfunction in the connective tissues of the kinetic chain, the body views it as an injury. As a result, the body will initiate the repair process.

Remember that although beneficial in many ways, strength training creates trauma to the tissue which will then lead to inflammation. The bodies' protective mechanism will increase muscle tension and cause a muscle spasm. As a result of the spasm, adhesions (knots) begin to form in the soft tissue. The adhesions make the normally elastic soft tissue unable to stretch. The end result is muscle imbalance and altered joint motion. If this is not corrected, the adhesions can begin to form permanent structural changes in the soft tissue.

In summary, benefits of flexibility training:

• Increase range of motion in joint movements
• Injury prevention
• May help to prevent arthritis and other degenerative joint disorders
• Eliminates neck, shoulder, back, hip, knee, ankle, and other associated pains

Functional Fitness Training

Functional fitness is the ability to perform one's activities of daily living free of pain and with a relative degree of ease. Most of us take this one for granted, at least until it's gone! Every day we awake from bed, use the bathroom, take a shower (wash your hair and body), brush your teeth, blow dry your hair, put on your underwear, put on your clothes, put on and tie your shoes, etc. Did it ever occur to you that if you had an injury, or a muscle imbalance, it could become relatively impossible to perform one of these otherwise mundane tasks? Well, it's true! In a perfect world we would sit up straight in our chairs, walk with our shoulders back, not carry a heavy briefcase or bag on one shoulder, bend our knees when we bend to pick something up, and so on and so on. Unfortunately, because we live in a less-than-perfect world, most of us have not practiced these methods of self preservation and are now experiencing the aftermath of our poor decisions; pain. You may have been suffering with chronic neck and back pain for years, or you may be new to this game and just beginning to get aches and pains. In either case, flexibility training is the answer for you. Believe it or not, most of these nagging aches and pains are reversible with proper corrective training. Corrective training is a balance of strength training and flexibility training that is customized to meet your particular needs. Following your personal assessment, you will be able to identify the areas that need stretching as well as those that need strengthening. There are several different types of stretching; self-myofacial release, static stretching, and dynamic stretches. Each of these methods is described below.

Self-myofacial release: Using a foam roller, you apply gentle pressure to an adhesion or "knot" for 20-30 seconds. The force that is applied stimulates a relaxation response. This technique is recommended prior to static stretching, as well as during the cool down.

Static stretching: This is the most popular form of stretching. In this method, you passively take a muscle to the point of tension and hold it there for 15-30 seconds. This will stimulate a relaxation response. This method should be used following self-myofacial release and as part of a cool down.

Dynamic stretching: Dynamic stretching uses the force produced by a muscle, along with the body's momentum, to take a joint to the full available range of motion. Rather than hold a stretch for 15-30 seconds, one can perform a set of ten repetitions of dynamic stretches. This is a more advanced method of stretching that can also be used as a warm-up prior to activity. It is recommended that you have good levels of flexibility, core stability, and balance capabilities prior to engaging in a dynamic stretching program

What's the Best Way to Sleep?

My patients usually ask me -"What is the best way to sleep?" to which I always answer: "Well, what position do you sleep in?" The reason for this reply is that just be modifying a couple of things here and there, you can get a restful and comfortable night's rest no matter what position you actually sleep in.

Back Sleepers

Yes, this is actually the preferred position to sleep because it places the least amount of stress to your spine-IF you:

Place a cervical roll or rolled-up towel under your neck. Make sure that your head is in a neutral position (that you are neither looking up or down). If you find that you cannot be "in neutral" then you need a smaller roll.

Place a pillow under your knees-This takes stress off
of your lower back. You could buy a special pillow for this, but a
regular pillow works just fine.

Side Sleepers

-If you sleep on your side, then follow these tips to minimize the
amount of stress to your spine.

Use a cervical pillow-Ideally, the pillow should take into account how wide your shoulders are-the wider your shoulders, the taller the pillow should be. This is because you want to keep your neck in a neutral position.Place a pillow between your knees. Not only will this feel more comfortable, if you have hip joint pain-this definitely helps.Try not to sleep on your side with your arm up over your head-this causes stress on the nerves that come out of the neck and into the arms and cause tingling or numbness down the arms.

Sleep on your Belly-

This position places the most stress on your neck.
In this position you have your head turned to one side or the other for hours at a time. This is quite stressful to your neck muscles and joints.

Your body will try to shift your position to compensate. This is why people who toss and turn the most are belly sleepers.

To sleep more comfortably(belly sleepers):

Place a pillow under your waist, and do not use a pillow for your head.

Remember that there are other variables that will affect the quality of your sleep, like the condition and firmness of your mattress. If your mattress is too old it will sag and not provide enough support.

Avoid super-soft mattresses-they may feel comfortable at the
beginning, but in the mornings, the lack of support will make you feel sore. Your mattress should be firm, but not hard to provide the adequate support.

As with anything, if any of these recommendations cause you increased pain, consult your chiropractor-there may be other factors present that should be checked by a professional.

Sweet Dreams!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Arthritis Pain Relief Through Food - Look In the Kitchen Before the Medicine Cabinet

Truth or Myth?

1. Arthritis affects only elderly people.

2. Arthritis is only minor aches and pains.

3. Arthritis can never be treated.


1. Myth. Arthritis affects any age.

2. Myth. Arthritis can be permanently debilitating.

3. Myth. The FDA recently approved several new treatments for arthritis.

If you suffer from arthritis, you probably knew those are myths! In fact, there are over 100 conditions of arthritis crippling millions of Americans. So, how do people get arthritis? This condition is caused by an inflammation of the lining of joints. This can lead to joint and muscoloskeletal pain and eventual even loss of some mobility. The cause of arthritis is still unknown to doctors.

Before you go wallow in the depths of despair, spend your hard-earned money on pricey pain relievers, or live one more day with the debilitating pain, look in your kitchen cupboards first! Even though there is no known cure yet, your arthritis can be treated with simple changes that you can make such as:

1. Eating a variety of healthy foods.

2. Maintaining an ideal weight.

3. Avoiding too much high fat, sugar, sodium, and cholesterol foods.

4. Eating foods high in fiber.

5. Limiting alcohol consumption.

Deep fried, high sodium, sugary, and oily foods are bad enough for anybody, but did you know these foods could actually increase or trigger your arthritis pain? Here's a list of healthier choices of foods that can actually decrease and ease the pain of arthritis:




Chile peppers



Fresh green and yellow vegetables









Red Grapes



Most of these foods can be found at your favorite grocery store and at a reasonable low price, and some of these foods can be found in your kitchen already! Not only are these foods delicious, they contain unique properties that can ease your arthritis pain.

Don't care to bite into grapefruit, anchovies, or garlic themselves? Here's a healthy menu that will tantalize your taste buds and will ease your arthritis pain:


Quesadilla with Melon Salsa


Anchovies: Striped Bass in Horseradish Crust in Anchovy Broth with Parsnip Puree


Garlic: Garlic Herb-Crusted Prime Rib Roast

Be creative! You're the chef in your kitchen. Create healthy and new recipes all while easing the pain of your arthritis.

Truth or Myth?

1. You don't have to suffer from arthritis.

2. You can take control of your life.

3. You can ease arthritis through the healthy choices you make each day.


1. Truth. By eating healthier foods, you can ease your arthritis pain.

2. Truth. Only you have the power to change your life.

3. Truth. By exchanging harmful and unhealthy foods, you can ease the pain of arthritis.

Pain Relief and Infrared Heaters

The use of infrared heaters, particularly infrared saunas has greatly increased in recent years. Not only are infrared heaters relaxing which helps people reduce stress, but they also provide a number of health benefits. For instance, infrared heaters that are used in infrared sauna are known to provide significant pain relief.

The Infrared (IR) radiation emitted from infrared heaters is electromagnetic radiation that penetrates the body. The infrared waves heat the body from the inside. Infrared saunas emit the equivalent infrared waves as the sun and they do not deliver hazardous UV light. The temperature varies from 110 to 130 簞F. The infrared radiation does not heat the air as the heat is generated below the skin.

Infrared heaters are effective at alleviating muscle pain and spasms. They also help speed up healing in injured tissues and muscles. Because the heat warms up the body from within, blood circulation is increased which helps brings nutrients and oxygen to the injured region. As well, it removes fluid causing swelling. The deep infrared penetration alleviates bone and joint pain and swelling which makes it an effective treatment for such conditions as arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Using heaters that are infrared helps loosen stiff joints and reduce pain. Far infrared light penetrates the skin up to 6 centimeters 2.36 inches or 6 centimeters. Blood vessels become dilated permitting oxygenated blood to travel to the affected region. The result is reduced inflammation and pain relief. It is a safe, non-addictive, and non-invasive method of reducing pain. People suffering from chronic pain greatly benefit from infrared heaters.

These heaters are not only beneficial for pain relief, but they also help with following: boosting metabolism, reducing high blood pressure, reducing the risk of developing blood clots, and flushing toxins from body, including the skin and lymph areas. It also improves the elasticity of the arterial walls, reduces the acidity in the body, improves the immune system, and relieves muscle spasms. As well, it helps improve skin elasticity, sleep, and it helps reduce and encourage the healing of scars, irritations, psoriasis, acne, burns, and eczema.

Heaters that are infrared also help promote weight loss. When your body starts to heat up, you will begin to sweat and your metabolism will be boosted. You can burn up to 600 calories sitting in a sauna for 30 minutes. The metabolic process of important organs is increased resulting in caloric loss. As well, people who have health conditions that affect their breathing can sit in an infrared sauna comfortably because the air does not heat up. Many people will also sit in an infrared sauna before a massage because it loosens the muscles and tissues and allows the body to relax. The massage therapist is then able to give a more intense and therapeutic massage.

When you use an infrared heater, particularly in an infrared sauna, you will receive many health benefits that include pain relief. Because infrared heat is good for the mind and body, more people choosing infrared heat as a way to promote optimal health.

Yoga Exercises and Diet for Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a misalignment, or deformation, of the hip joint. It may be a congenital condition, or it may be acquired over time. A person may have hip dysplasia in both hips - bilateral dysplasia, or in one hip - unilateral dysplasia. The condition is very painful, as anyone who suffers from it will confirm the pain he or she experiences from Hip dysplasia. The hip joint takes the force of three times one's body weight. If a person weighs 160 pounds, the hip is handling 480 pounds of force and pressure. With this consideration, the need to be gentle with a painful hip joint becomes very clear.

The process of Yoga is to stretch and strengthen muscles. When considering Yoga for hip dysplasia, or any hip pain, be mindful of the method of Yoga you choose, in addition to being attentive to the individual Yoga moves. It's important to move slowly and gently when building the muscles to support hip joints. Therapeutic Yoga, restorative Yoga, gentle Yoga, basic Hatha Yoga, or Anusara Yoga are examples of styles that hold postures. Unfortunately, Power Yoga, Flow Yoga, and Vinyasa, with their focus on a faster paced movement, are not advised.

The following are Yoga exercises to reduce pain, and possibly, help the hip joint heal. Do these poses slowly and mindfully. If there is pain, back out of the movement. Always consult with your family physician or medical specialist before beginning an exercise routine. He or she knows the specifics of your health, and each of us is unique.

Cat and Cow Poses

On hands and knees, with shoulders above wrists and hips above knees - that is to say, knees are hip distance apart, slowly and gently lift the head and chest up, and the tailbone up, stretching the belly, while inhaling deeply. This is cow pose and is classified as a backbend. Reverse the pose into an angry cat, bringing the tail bone down, contracting the belly, and rounding the back up, navel to spine, gently curling the head and neck in, exhaling gently, but deeply. Do six to ten cat-cow movements, slowly.

Extended Child's Pose

Relax into child's pose by exhaling and lying your torso onto your knees, with your arms outstretched in front. You can also modify this asana by spreading the knees out to the sides of your mat. In this way, you can breathe as deep as you like, while your spine is in a linear position. This modification also brings one into deeper states of relaxation.

Leg Extension and Knee to Chest

On hands and knees (in Table Pose), with shoulders above wrists and hips above knees, extend one leg back, to hip height. Gently curl knee and head with the thought, "knee to nose." Repeat with the other leg. Do six to ten on each side. Afterward, you should relax into modified Extended Child's Pose.

Anti-inflammatory Diet

A healthy diet, focused on anti-inflammatory components, might contribute to your hip healing. There is a need for more formal studies on this subject. However, it is believed, among proponents of this school of thought, that a diet, which is rich in different colored vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach, yellow squash, and carrots will reduce inflammation. Strong anti-inflammatory components include: turmeric, garlic, ginger, green tea, flaxseed, omega-3 fatty acids, and cinnamon. Consult with your family physician or medical specialist before changing your diet, and inquire to find out if the anti-inflammatory diet is right for you.

穢 Copyright 2011 - Aura Wellness Center - Publications Division

Arthritis Compression Gloves For Joint Pain

There are many people around the world that are suffering from the disease that we know as arthritis. There are many people looking for a cure for this disease, only to waste a lot of money, time and patience looking for something that does not exist. If you shift your focus from looking for a cure, to looking for ways to relieve the pain, then you will find you are much more successful and you will be able to significantly reduce the pain that you are feeling. There are many different solutions for you, and one of them is arthritis compression gloves. What Is Arthritis?

Before understanding how arthritis gloves can help you to reduce your pain, you should understand the disease that you are dealing with. There are two forms of arthritis that are very common. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of the cartilage in between the bones. The cartilage is the shock absorber of the joint and without it there is a lot of friction when doing even simple tasks. The other form of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis. This is an autoimmune disease and it involves the swelling of joints. You see them become very large, red and painful. It is also a very debilitating disease.

How Can Arthritis Gloves Help?

Arthritis gloves are a popular choice of pain relief for people suffering from arthritis in their hands. You can lose a lot of dexterity when you have arthritis in your hands. Even very simple tasks become painful. Arthritis gloves are great because they exert compression on the hands, which will keep them warmer. There are also other types of gloves like infrared gloves, these ones give of infrared rays and heat up the hands. The compression and the heat means that the hands are warmer and there is less friction in the joint, which means that there is a lot less pain in the hands. They are a very effective treatment and you will be able to reduce your pain significantly. There are also rheumatoid arthritis gloves that will help reduce the pain. They work differently from normal style gloves because the disease is different, but they too will bring dexterity back into your fingers and quality back into your life.

Are There Any Side Effects?

There are absolutely no side effects from using arthritis gloves to help your pain. They are very effective, safe and a cheap option. You should add it to your pain management plan if you suffer from arthritis in the hands.

TMJ Disorder - 10 Ways Recognize If You Have TMJ

Within the TMJ, there are moving parts that allow the upper jaw to close on the lower jaw. This joint is a typical sliding ball and socket that has a disc sandwiched between it. The TMJ is used throughout the day to move the jaw when biting and chewing, talking, and yawning. The TMJ is one of the most frequently used joints of the body.

The signs of TMJ disorder vary greatly from chronic to acute symptoms. Doctors agree that problems around the jaw can present with varying degrees of pain and impairment The TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint is the hinge between the lower jaw (mandible) and base of the skull (temporal bone). You can locate the TMJ by firmly placing a finger slightly in front of the ear canal and opening the jaw; what you feel is the TMJ joint.

The causes of TMJ disorder have not been widely studied however, common problems relating to TMJ are:

Trauma from grinding teeth or clenching teeth or trauma from accident


Developmental anomalies

Many symptoms may not appear related to the TMJ itself so it may not have occurred to some people that they actually have TMJ disorder.

Consider the following common symptoms to see if you may have TMJ:

1. Headache and dizziness
2. Facial pain which can extend to head, neck, back and shoulders
3. Ear pain, tinnitus (ringing in ears), hearing loss
4. When joints move, sounds such as clicking, popping or grating occur
5. Jaw may lock wide open or may not fully open at all.
6. Trouble swallowing
7. Swelling of face on affected side
8. Misaligned bite disorder
9. Chewing on one side all the time
10. Waking with pain on side of head, usually in the temporalis muscle

Many TMJ sufferers do not know that their TMJ is the source of the ear pain they are experiencing, and assume instead that it must be caused by an ear infection or another inner ear problem. Because the TMJs are located right next to the ears, radiating pain from the affected joint, nerves, or other surrounding structures may seem like it is originating from the ears. A visit to a ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) surgeon will provide an assessment of your TMJ dysfunction and provide an accurate diagnosis.

The Effects of Aging on The Skeletal System

The most significant effect of aging on the skeletal system is the progressive reduction in bone density that occurs in both sexes from about the age of 50 and a tendency towards inflammation and degeneration of cartilage. There is evidence that suggests that women may start losing bone density from the age of 30 onwards, depending on lifestyle and diet. Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are conditions most commonly experienced by older people, and are related directly to bone density, joint inflammation due to degeneration of articular cartilage and a destructive collagen disease believed to have an autoimmune component. Both diet and exercise can have a significant improvement in bone density, and may impact positively on the incidence of the other two conditions.

Dietary calcium is highly recommended in the elderly as a supplement to help maintain an adequate calcium balance. In addition to extra dietary calcium, other dietary components, physical exercise and gender influence bone growth and aging. To minimize bone loss it is recommended that ample exercise be maintained, Calcium, Vitamin D and oestrogen be supplements in the diet. Avoid smoking and stomach antacids that contain aluminum; excesses in alcohol, caffeine, phosphates (for example carbonated beverages) cortico steroids, dietary fiber and dietary protein.

To reduce the incidence of fractures for those who have weakened bones from osteoporosis it is best to avoid heavy lifting and reduce falls or those situations where falls can occur. With the deterioration of joints, exercise is recommended as it slows the rate of stiffening and the rate of deceased range of movements. One of the unique features of the human body is that the more it is used, within reason, the better it works. Exercise is a preventative action against a multitude of diseases. Bones benefit greatly from physical activity with increased strength in the bones and exercises performed in weight bearing position such as bicycling, jogging and even walking stimulate the formation of new bone. Combined with adequate calcium intake exercise can prevent abnormal bone loss and osteoporosis.

Education and instruction are very important in the lifestyle education of the elderly. Many don't know what constitutes a good exercise program to provide maximum benefit to the body. It is interesting to note too that those who remain physically active usually have a positive self image. There are many benefits to other parts of the body if an exercise program is followed. For example, the ability to cope with the stresses of life, such as financial loss or social support, loss of loved ones and loss of physical image. Coping mechanisms are very important and exercise is one of these.

Dog Arthritis Treatment - 6 Natural Herbs and Supplements For Your Dog's Health

Like humans, dogs can suffer from the pains of arthritis. If you're a dog owner reluctant to put your loved companion through a dog arthritis treatment, we totally understand your concerns. Many dogs don't respond positively to medications and end up feeling worse.To solve your dog's problem, you might resort to natural methods of treatment. Let us begin by defining arthritis and its causes in the canine world.

Arthritis is the inflammation of joints and muscles usually affecting older, inactive, or overweight dogs. Unlike humans, your dog cannot define his pain but you can tell if your dog has arthritis by his level of activity and responsiveness when you call his/her name. The most common type of arthritis affecting dogs is osteoarthritis associated with overuse of cartilages. You can help your dog battle arthritis naturally using the following herbs and supplements...

Vitamin C is one of the best supplements to protect against joint deterioration. Depending on your dog's size, you can add up to 4,000 mg of powdered Vitamin C to their meals to alleviate arthritis symptoms. You must avoid powdered Vitamin C that's highly acidic, instead use a less acidic form -- Ask your pharmacist for more details.

Mussels are essential to repairing damaged tissues. Greenlip mussels and Perna mussels are most effective in dog arthritis treatment. If you can't find fresh mussels, you can easily find a suitable shellfish extract at your local pet store.

Vegetables are one of the top dog arthritis fighters. Your dog may not like eating vegetables, but try to mix them with his/her food for best results. Vegetables are rich in minerals and vitamins that help alleviate arthritis aches.

Alfalfa and Yucca are great in reducing arthritis pains for dogs. These herbs can be easily brewed into a tea that your dog drinks on a daily basis. The dosage depends on your dog's size and age. For best results, try to brew the tea early morning as your dog's joints are the stiffest then.

Stinging nettles are yet another herb that can lower your dog's arthritic pain.You can easily make your dog a stinging nettles tea using the powdered extract. For best results, add the stinging nettles to the Alfalfa and Yucca herbal tea.

A mix of comfrey leaves, chopped rosemary, and parsley lubricate your pet's joints. While many dogs won't like the mix, they still love eating comfrey leaves.

Using these natural methods, you can reduce the symptoms of dog arthritis. One obstacle is that dogs can be fickle with their eating patterns. Another obstacle is the cost and availability of these natural herbs. As a solution, you can use natural arthritis relief oral drops. Such homeopathic remedies are easy to administer and have no negative side effects on your dog's health.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Do You Need Hip Surgery and Knee Surgery?

For those who are struggling with pain, having hip surgery and knee surgery may be something your doctor brings up. It may seem like this is a big decision to make and one you do not want to rush into making. The good news is that most doctors will put off providing this type of procedure for as long as possible. That is the best possible way to ensure that the results you get are going to last long term and that you will not need to have a secondary procedure. Yet, when may you need this help?

Consider Your Pain

Only you know how much pain you are in and how much pain you can handle. It is a good idea to select a doctor that offers every option possible for minimizing that pain, including the use of other treatment options. However, for many, the pain is chronic, severe, and always there even when medications are taken. If this is the stage you are in, having hip and knee surgery may be necessary. At some point, the pain meds do not work as effectively as they used to, and you need more help.

Are You Unable to Do Things?

One of the hardest parts of joint pain and breakdown is that it becomes so significant that many people simply stop doing the things that they used to enjoy doing. You may feel as though you cannot get up and down as easily as you used to. You may no longer hike, go for walks or be social because the pain of being active is simply too much. When this happens, many people find themselves worried about what steps to take. Replacing the joints may be all you can do to get back the movement you need to get active again.

Are You Not Getting Relief?

You may need hip surgery and knee surgery if other treatment options are no longer working. Your doctor can only provide you with so much pain medication. Injections that are often used to treat this type of pain may only be effective for a short amount of time. If you are noticing that the medications are becoming less beneficial to you, it may be time to consider turning another option for relief.

Before you put off hip and knee surgery too long, talk to your doctor about your options. Discuss the level of damage present in these joints. Find out how much improvement you could see from having this type of treatment. If it could improve your life, it is likely worthwhile to do.

Go for Homeopathic Treatment to Treat Pseudo Gout

Pseudo gout is a medical condition which is often mistaken for gout. The very similarity in the common symptoms is reflected in the name of the disease. However, the medical name of the disease is Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease. This is a type of arthritis and it is mainly caused by the buildup of calcium pyrophosphate dihhydrate crystals in the connective tissues of the body.

The common symptoms of the disease are quite similar to the symptoms of the gout. Acute joint pain, pain in the large joint areas, redness, swollen skin, swelling, warmness and extreme pain in slightest of touch are some of the common symptoms of the pseudo gout.

Pseudo gout has been around for ages just like the gout. This is the reason why many a treatment methods are tried by different experts to help managing the painful disease. If a patient is diagnosed with the problem of pseudo gout he must be treated under the expert medical practitioner. However, alternative medication or homeopathy can be given a try. Homeopathy has a holistic approach for all the diseases and pseudo gout is no difference. The best thing about the homeopathy is that it is safe, side effects free and can be used alongside the conventional treating methods. Here are some homeopathic medicines that offer pain management options.

Colchicum or Colch

This is one of the mostly used pain management medicine in homeopathy. For treating the gout and the pseudo gout the medicine can be used. When the skin becomes red and swollen with extreme skin tenderness then this is the right medicine for the condition. The acute pain and the shifting of the pain from joint to joint can be managed with the medication. When joint areas other than the big toes start to be affected by the pseudo gout then also this is the best medicine for managing the pain.

Ledum or Led

Ledum is good for the extreme swelling, soreness and redness of the affected areas. This can be used when the pain is incessantly getting worse. Bryonia can be used in such cases too. But it differs from Bryonia in some features. This is better suited for using in the hot swelling of the hip joints or other large joint areas. Ledum can be used after the overdose of the Colchicum. This can be the first remedy when the patient is given over doses of the Colchicum. Ledum is known as a cold remedy and chillness and lack of animal heat can be felt during the use of the medicine.

Ammonium phosphoricum

This can also be a useful medicine when there is acute pain in the joint areas. This can be effectively used to prevent the deposits of urate crystals in the body.

Rhododendron chrysanthum

Rhododendron chrysanthum can be used in the joints pain in the time of pseudo gout attack. When the condition gets worse with the crystal deposits the medicine can be used to reduce the pain.

These are the different types of homeopathic medicines that are used to prevent the development of the pseudo gout and also to relieve the pain during the pseudo gout attack.

Limping - Identify the Cause of Your Limping Dog

At some point in your dog's life, they will limp. They all do! Our first reaction is to either brush it off, or panic! One or two explanations don't require following up with your vet. However, there could be a serious reason for your dog's condition.

Signs to watch are:
· bob their head when they walk
· cautious going up and down stairs
· taking shorter steps
· sitting or lying down more often
· favoring one side when sitting or lying down
· shifting the weight off one of their legs
· stumbling
· unsteady
· excessive panting
· drooling
· lack of appetite
· flinching when touched.
· holding up a paw?

Here are a few possible causes for that limp:

The added stress on the joints of overweight dogs can cause them to limp and eventually cripple them. Trauma from jumping or falling with the extra weight can also severely injury your dog. Cut back on how much you are feeding them. Watch the number of treats you give. Go easy at first, but more exercise could help your dog lose weight and limber up those muscles and joints. Speak to your vet about a possible change in diet. There are a number of excellent weight control dog foods available for our full-figured furry friends.

Long nails can be uncomfortable and could cause your dog to walk with a limp. Trim their nails. It may be as simple as that!

Limps may be caused by infection. Check for any punctures, scratches or breaks in the skin that are red, tender, runny, crusty and/or foul smelling. Check the pads of their feet for cuts, slivers, stones, nails, glass, or thorns.

Your dog may be feverish. A good indication of infection is if there is heat felt at the sight of the wound. Clean and disinfect the area. If it is a serious wound, take them to the vet immediately. Even if it does not appear to be a serious wound; consider taking them to the veterinarian. The vet may prescribe antibiotics and hot compresses to prevent secondary infections.

Sprains and strains are soft-tissue, damage. It may be a tendon or muscle pull. It may be a bruise. They appear suddenly and most often heal in a few days. If it's a minor injury, rest is probably all they need. To prevent them from re-injuring themselves; confine them in their crate or in a small area for a day or two.

If it's more serious, put an ice pack, or even a bag of frozen vegetables in a towel, and compress it on the location of the sprain for 10-20 minutes. Do it 3 times a day.

If your vet tells you a buffered aspirin is OK for your dog, give them a dose according to their weight - usually 10-25 milligrams for every 2.5 pounds. Typically they can get a dose 2-3 times per day. Between the cold compress and the aspirin, the inflammation should be reduced, and your dog will be more comfortable.

After treating a soft-tissue injury with cold compresses for a few days, it is recommended to apply hot compress to the area, to get the blood re-circulating at the sight of the injury. Never apply a hot compress to the groin or armpit area!

Arthritis is only one of the degenerative joint problems many dogs suffer with. Because it comes on gradually, frequently we don't notice it right away. Most degenerative joint problems are caused by genetics, specific breed, or aging. Consult with your veterinarian for the line of treatment they recommend.

Hip dysplasia, a degenerative condition where the joints in the hips no longer fit together properly. It is a crippling condition that can found in any breed; most commonly, large and giant dogs.

Spinal cord and nerve pain can appear gradually from degeneration. They can also appear suddenly due to trauma. DO NOT USE BUFFERED ASPIRIN! Seek veterinary help immediately!

There are two crippling diseases dogs can get from tick bites. The first is Lyme Disease. It causes the joints to swell gradually, most often in more than one leg. Don't be fooled. Even if your dog stops limping or limps on and off, without long-term antibiotic treatment, your dog cannot be cured.

Your dog may be limping from Rickettsial Disease. It is contracted from flea, tick or lice bites. It affects the joints and muscles. See your vet immediately if you suspect it.

Fractures and dislocations cause severe pain. If your dog is not putting any weight on their leg, check for bruises, discoloration, deformed areas, or bone protrusion. Get your dog to the vet immediately!

The Two Faces of Iron - Anemia or Hemochromatosis

Iron is an essential mineral for human development and day to day functioning. It's the oxygen carrying component of red blood cells and is used by many other cellular processes. Recent research shows that children who are even moderately low in iron have increased difficulty with mathematics. This is one of the reasons why some girls develop difficulties with mathematics only after the onset of menarche (menstruation). Low iron levels can also cause anemia with severe fatigue, brittle nails, frequent infections and behavioral challenges, slowed growth development and growth rate in children.

At the other end of the spectrum is Hemochromatosis or iron overload; the most common genetic malfunction in Caucasians. Usually the digestive system is the gate keeper for iron; allowing more or less to pass into the system as needed. In Hemochromatosis, the body just keeps absorbing more and more; storing in the liver, brain and other bodily organs. High iron literally causes your body to rust (oxidize) and is a major risk factor for liver and other cancers, cognitive decline/dementia and iron induced arthritis.

Women who are regularly menstruating rarely have any issues until menopause due to the blood loss. Males most commonly start to show symptoms in their forties.

I typically recommend every male or post menopausal woman have their serum ferritin levels checked periodically. If levels are at or above 80 ng/ml, request a genetic test for Hemochromatosis. For many, simply donating blood regularly will keep iron levels in the optimum range of 50 ng/ml, others may need therapeutic phlebotomy where a pint of blood is drawn at intervals to maintain healthy levels.


I personally have Hemochromatosis. I developed unexplained hip joint pain and increasing episodes of pain in the end knuckles of my pointer, middle and ring fingers. I began a personal journey looking for answers. I found out that the symptoms listed are classic telltales of Hemochromatosis. When I requested testing, the results came back at 330 ng/ml. Bizarrely, my first hematologist said these were not worrisome levels. I became a little perturbed, since the medical reference range goes up to 300 and this is pretty darn generous. If you're above that, you have a problem; even if you don't have Hemochromatosis. I insisted on genetic testing and with those results the picture changed; they ordered immediate phlebotomy.

Once I was diagnosed, I began to discuss with my first hematologist my supplement regime. Being old school and arrogant, he refused to enter into any sort of discussion or take the time to answer questions. He simply ordered me to stop taking all supplements with iron in them (specifically Equilib). I won't work with that sort of physician and asked for a second opinion. My new hematologist said go ahead and continue the supplements. The iron content was not high and I would be having blood drawn anyway, so there was no reason not to continue.

What else can I do?

  • Avoid alcohol and high dose vitamin C. Both significantly increase the uptake of iron.

  • Donate blood regularly. It's the right thing to do, and will quite likely keep your iron levels at or below 50 ng/ml which is the level recommended by the Mayo Clinic and many others.

  • Have your serum ferritin levels checked regularly.

What if I don't have Hemochromatosis?

In my opinion, everyone should seek to keep their serum ferritin at 40-80 ng/ml, especially as we start to age, as a neuro-protective measure.

Horse Joint Structure and the Heath Benefits of Glucosamine

Everything hinges - literally - on the joints. If it's not the joints themselves, it's the bands of tissue or the tendons that provide joint stability and mobility. Joint disease often starts with inflammation of the tissue that surrounds the joint, called the synovial membrane. Without timely intervention, age and work will inevitable thin and degrade the quality of the synovial fluid.

When this happens, the joint loses its ability to protect itself against friction, concussion, and the invasion of destructive inflammatory cells. Joint stress and joint disease are prevalent conditions with horses for one simple reason: horses' joints are complex structures that must handle extreme weight loads on a very small surface area. The result is that these joints are very prone to inflammation, swelling, or the long-term effects of degenerative joint disease - particularly among aging horses and those actively involved in performance competition.

"To keep the joints sound and healthy... Because that makes the difference between a long and rewarding career On the one hand, and a short Painful life history on the other..." Dr. John Peters

These factors lead to erosion of articular cartilage and chronic irritation and thickening of the synovial membrane and joint capsule. Left untreated, the problem will progress into osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease, the leading cause of lameness and loss of use in horses.

"Joints stressed by work or age threatens the vulnerable complex balance between breakdown and repair - when physically stressed an imbalance occurs and the demand. For joint-building nutrients outstrips the natural supply. Leading to progressive deterioration of joint cartilage, bone and soft tissues..." Dr. Mark Olsen

For years, many people who ride, own and train horses have chosen one of two approaches to joint disease and lameness. Either they do nothing, accepting the belief that horses "wear down" as they age or are worked hard, or they rely on "quickfix" solution such as costly injections or NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Bute, Banamine). NSAIDSs actually inhibit cartilage metabolism, can cause gastric upset/ulcers with long term use and mask the pain without addressing the underlying problems - allowing the horse to remain active on an injured limb, leading to further break down of the cartilage and exacerbating arthritis.

These reactive approaches are often too little too late. Glucosamine and Hyaluronic Acid are nutraceuticals that provide the matrix of all connective tissues, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and synovial fluid. These nutraceuticals are responsible for maintaining a healthy viscosity to the synovial fluid and membrane inside the joint capsule. The synovial fluid works as a cushion and circulatory system taking impurities out and bringing important joint care nutrients into the joint capsule to restore the fragile balance.

Glucosamine also works as an anti-inflammatory by neutralizing destructive cells that penetrate into the joint capsule and attack the articular cartilage that causes the onset of degenerating arthritis. By supplying these crucial joint nutrients to your horse you can help inhibit this degenerative process, without any side effects, and stimulate the cartilage synthesis and build and repair healthy joint structures.

Hip Joint Pain - Causes, Prevention and Cures

Hip joint pain is an ailment that plagues people from all walks of life. Some sufferers have very intense, constant throbbing pain while others have pain that's barely noticeable. As with all joint problems, there are many possible causes. Some causes include arthritis, bursitis, impact injuries, and repetitive stress injuries from activities such as running or jogging. Joint injuries are often long lived and once gone, they often reoccur later in life if conventional medical treatment was used.

The best treatment for hip joint pain is prevention. It's important to integrate a daily stretching regime into your daily routine. I find that the best way to do this is to stretch for 2 minutes while I take a shower. This helps wake me up in the morning, and I don't have to struggle to find the stretching time. Another preventative measure is to take the supplement glucosamine which helps with all joint problems. Many people consider this to be a miracle supplement. It's also important to drink at least 12 glasses of purified water every day to make sure that your joints stay well lubricated. We recommend distilled water because it has the in-organic calcium and lime removed from the water.

If you already have hip pain, there are some fantastic and effective treatments that are great alternatives to traditional medications given by most doctors. One such method is eating an inflammation reduction diet. The food you eat directly effects how your body deals with joint pain. Another excellent cure is pain management hypnosis. Most people have tremendous success when these techniques are administered by a competent, licensed hypnotherapist. These treatments can bring about long lasting relief for your hip joint pain.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Relieve Arthritis Pain With Honey and Cinnamon

Arthritis pain is nothing to joke about. It makes for miserable lives. While checking into natural remedies, I came across how to relieve arthritis pain with honey and cinnamon. I know it sounds a bit weird - but who cares if it works!

There are a couple of ways to take the honey and cinnamon - as a daily drink or as a tincture to put on painful and swollen joints.

For the drink: For your health, the best quality organic honey would be preferable as well as good quality cinnamon. It seems though there are many 'recipes' out there, so there seems to be no need to obsess about exact measurements. One cup of hot water with two spoons of honey in it and one small teaspoon of cinnamon. This can be taken once or twice during the day (i.e. in the morning and before bed). If this is too sweet, then reduce the honey to one teaspoon. Similarly if the cinnamon taste is too hard to take, then reduce it to half a teaspoon. It seems only important that honey and cinnamon are present in the mix. It really depends on what works for you.
For the tincture: Mix one part honey to two parts of lukewarm water and add a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder until it forms a paste. Massage this paste onto the itching/painful part of your body in a slow circular motion. Many people have found that their pain gets noticeably less within a matter of minutes.

Considering that there are a large number of people being helped every day by taking this concoction of honey and cinnamon to relieve their arthritis pain, I would imagine it's definitely worth a try. If it doesn't work right away (although many people do report an immediate effect), please try it out for a minimum of four weeks. There really is nothing to lose and everything to gain!

It seems that this combination is also helpful for the common cold, coughs and sinus infections, hair loss, bladder infections, stomach aches, high cholesterol and even toothache (where you put the tincture made with honey and cinnamon without any water on the aching tooth up to three times a day. This mixture taken daily also strengthens our immune system, protecting the body from harmful bacteria and viral attacks. Honey itself has various vitamins and iron in large amounts.

To summarize this is definitely something to include in your family's medicine cabinet - even though honey and cinnamon reside in the kitchen!

New Advance in Back Pain Treatment: Stem Cell Therapy

If you have chronic back pain, it is important to be aware of all your treatment options before considering surgery. A new technique to heal structures of the back uses a component of the patient's body: stem cells.

Stem cells are the blank slate of cells: They can become other cells in the body. The cells used to treat back pain and other chronic pain conditions are called mesenchymal, and they can become bone, cartilage or fat cells depending on the environment they are put in. Adult cells are used, which differ from embryonic cells that can become any other type of cell. Taking the cells from an adult eliminates the controversy surrounding embryonic stem cell research from this form of treatment.

Stem cells may be able to treat a range of conditions due to their versatility, including degenerative disc disease, vertebral fracture, ligament damage and facet joint syndrome. Research is underway to determine the efficacy of this new therapy in treating various types of back pain causes.

The Procedure

Mesenchymal cells are taken from bone marrow, usually from the patient's hip. This may be painful depending on the technique used. The company Regenexx uses a small needle to take a sample from the hip marrow and claims that this is a relatively painless procedure. After the cells have been isolated from the marrow, they are generally combined with platelets from your blood which contain growth factors. To make the procedure a fast one, many practitioners combine the cell and platelet mixture with platelet-rich plasma or another substance to encourage the speedy reproduction of stem cells. The cells and their growth factors are then injected into the area of the body that needs repair. If injected in a joint, cartilage will form; if in a disc, new disc material will grow; if in bone, new bone will form.

Stem cells have also been used to perform spinal fusion surgery, in which case a damaged disc is removed and the cell mixture is placed between two vertebrae to grow into bone and fuse them. Unlike the injection procedure, this is an invasive surgical procedure. Trials are underway to test stem cells' ability to regrow damaged discs. See the case study at to learn more about the potentials of disc regeneration.

Currently, this therapy is new and not the most accessible treatment. It is only offered to those participating in clinical trials or by a couple of companies, such as Regenexx. An exact cost of stem cell therapy is not available and likely depends on your location, condition and the procedure selected to treat it. Non-surgical techniques such as the injection of cells is likely much cheaper than common surgeries like spinal fusion.

It will probably be a couple of years before stem cell therapy is widely available to those with back pain. It is best to undergo available conservative treatments like physical therapy and decompression treatments first. In the coming years, we may see the procedure become commonplace for those looking to avoid surgery.

New advances in back pain treatment offer hope to those who feel they've tried everything. There are many options for ending your pain, and stem cell therapy may be one of them.

Injuries to the Groin

All kinds of athletic activity carry the risk of suffering from a groin strain, being more usual in sporting activities which include common and forceful hip motion towards the centre of the body (hip adduction). Ice skating, hockey, swimming and soccer (football) are sports with higher incidences of groin injuries. Groin injuries may account for up to 5% of all muscular and tendinous injuries in soccer. If hip and groin pain presents in women, adolescents or children then particular and potentially more serious diagnoses should be considered.

Children with hip pain and a limp should be thoroughly investigated as the possible diagnoses include septic arthritis, a slipped epiphysis of the upper femur, Perthe's disease and avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Such conditions require the urgent attention of an orthopaedic surgical specialist. As pain can be referred from the hip to the knee region it is important for the surrounding joints to be assessed in the examination. In adolescent athletes the growth plate at the hip is a weaker area and may be involved in traumatic injuries.

The hip is the largest joint in the body and has an extensive range of motion. It is vulnerable to damage due to its weight bearing function and repetitive activities performed. Stiffness of the hip joint may be present some time before the incidence of a groin strain and a strain may occur more readily in the presence of reduced range. Acute groin injuries such as tears, strains or sprains of the muscles and tendons occur with forceful adduction of the hip, a movement towards the midline, or if the splits occurs accidentally. Chronic groin injuries present in activities which typically overuse the muscles, such as breaststroke and running.

A groin injury can be difficult to assess as the pain areas and the type of pain described vary and can be vague. There are many medical diagnoses which can be responsible for the symptom presentation of groin pain and these need to be kept in mind. Acute injuries are common and the most prevalent is the typical groin strain, a strain of one of the many muscles running from the pelvis to the femur, maintaining the femur in the centre line under movement. Likely injuring activities include sprinting, kicking, doing the splits, running and changing direction. Sharp groin pain with some thigh radiation is typical.

The junction of where the tendon and the muscle meet is the main region of injury with bleeding from the locally ruptured muscle fibres. The formation of fibrous tissue followed by scar is the method of healing, leaving the area vulnerable to repetitive injuries, with older sports people being at higher risk than younger athletes. If the injury is severe, part of the bone can come off with the tendon, causing an avulsion injury with surgical repair being required at times. Conservative treatment is the standard management with physiotherapists employing exercise, rest and ice.

The most commonly affected muscle in groin strains is one of the inner thigh muscles, the adductor longus. The injury can be in the belly of the muscle or at the junction of the tendon and the bone. Muscle belly injuries can be treated with gentle stretches once the acute period has settled, strengthening and getting back to activity as able. Tendon and bone injuries need a slower management programme with rest until the pain settles, gentle muscle work progressing to stretching and strengthening over a period of time and a gradual return to more stressful activities.

Other possibilities for the diagnosis of pain in the groin region include abdominal hernias, often not diagnosable by physical examination, managed conservatively to start with and then if necessary with surgical care. High energy physical events may cause fractures around the hip although older people may fracture with relatively trivial force. Severe pain and limitation of hip movements and gait should be noted and referral made if needed. Sporting activities which involve repeated impacts such as running can cause stress fractures of the pubic rami or the neck of the femur. Other conditions to consider are avulsion fractures if pain onset is quick and inflammation of a bursa.

Natural Arthritis And Joint Pain Relief Without The Side Effects Of Drugs

For many years arthritis and joint pain sufferers have put forward glucosamine as an excellent reliever of joint pain and arthritis. More and more research is suggesting glucosamine, combined with other natural supplements, is an effective treatment for the joint pain caused by both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Because Glucosamine occurs naturally in human tissues, it makes it a viable alternative to the synthetic drugs that have been marketed by the world of medicine for many years. Like glucosamine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs these drugs, known as NSAIDs, relieve the discomfort associated with arthritis and joint pain. However, the each has its own specific method of treating the pain.

NSAIDs, such as the now withdrawn Vioxx, can, in some cases, increase the risk of heart attacks and gastrointestinal bleeding. Such were the concerns about NSAIDs, the FDA targeted non-prescription NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen and advised the manufacturers to revise their labeling and provide more specific information about the potential risks to the heart and stomach of their products. In comparison the side-effects of glucosamine are practically non-existent

So, apart from one being drug based and one being natural, what are the difference between the two remedies?

While NSAIDs trick the body into not receiving pain signals, glucosamine works on a cellular level, going straight to the cause of the pain. Research indicates that glucosamine benefits painful joints by stimulating the production of proteins, which aid in the building and repairing of connective tissue in between the joints of the body.

As we age, our body's ability to produce natural glucosamine decreases, and our joints deteriorate through wear and tear. Because osteoarthritis in particular is often caused by such wear and tear, glucosamine benefits the body by slowing and even reversing the progression of the condition.

Experts agree that glucosamine has few side effects when taken in recommended doses. Though taking excessive amounts of glucosamine may cause nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, drowsiness, skin rash, and headache

Glucosamine is often used in conjunction with Devil's Claw in the natural treatment of arthritis and joint pain. Devil's Claw is a native plant of South West Africa which grows in the Kalahari Desert and produces brilliant red flowers with a woody barbed fruit. The name Devil's Claw is derived from the claw-like shape of its seed pods.

Natives of the area in which it is found have used the plant treat digestive problems but it also has anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic properties. Because of this it is now commonly utilized to manage many inflammatory joint problems such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout. It is also used as a detox agent and liver cleanser. Other common benefits of Devil's Claw include the reduction of swelling and stiffness of inflamed joints and muscles.

If we look more closely at arthritis and joint pain we may understand that it is a natural but problematic cellular response to the stresses on the body. While the medical world has treatments to deal with the problems caused by arthritis and joint pain there is obviously a need to utilize natural components in order to minimize the side effects. There are no known side effects to taking Devil's Claw. In connection with proper diet, exercise, relaxation techniques, nutritional supplements, Devil's Claw and Glucosamine can allow you take charge of your own health and well being.

Exercise, wherever possible, is an excellent way of dealing with the problems caused by arthritis and joint pain. Gentle exercises such as yoga, pilates, swimming and walking are suitable.

There is natural relief on the market for people who do not want to take drugs and their side effects an example being JointEase Plus which combine Glucosamine, Devil's Claw and Boswellia. Such natural arthritis treatments are safe, effective and can allow you to have more control over your symptoms. Obviously it is always vital to seek professional medical advice should you wish to take any natural alternatives to ensure there are no contra-indications with other medication you may be taking.

Knee Arthritis - Everything You Needed to Know About Osteoarthritis

Knee arthritis, or osteoarthritis, is a common type of arthritis that occurs when the cartilage of the joints in the knees progressively wears and tears away. It is also called degenerative joint disease.

When an individual has knee arthritis, the cartilage that protects the joints wears away, leaving the bare bone in the joint exposed. Knee arthritis is usually most common in patients that are 50 years of age and above. It is also common in patients that are overweight, in which weight loss is advised to reduce the symptoms that they experience with osteoarthritis.

It has also been proven that knee arthritis is also genetic and runs in the family. Other causes of osteoarthritis include bone fractures, knee trauma, and ligament damage.

As with any other medical condition, the symptoms of knee arthritis tend to worsen as the condition itself worsens. Its symptoms however tend to fluctuate and do not worsen at a steady manner. The most common symptoms include:

Knee stiffness
Pain and discomfort
Limited range in movement
Swelling and soreness
Deformity of the joints

If you have are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is best to get a physical examination as well as X-rays from your doctor. These tests will help to evaluate the progression of your arthritis.

There are several treatments for osteoarthritis, from simple exercise to possible surgery. It all depends on the severity of the case of the patient. Treatment must be discussed appropriately with your doctor to determine what type of treatment must be used to help relieve osteoarthritis.

Treatments include the following:

Weight Loss - this is the most common treatment prescribed by doctors and is also the most important. This helps greatly because the less weight that is put on the joint, the less pain the individual will feel.

Use of Walking Aids - Patients are usually advised to use a cane or crutches so that less pressure will be put on the damaged joint.

Limiting Activities - When a patient is recovering from arthritis, it is best to limit some activities that contribute to pressure on the knee. Oftentimes, exercise in the water is advised to help lessen the strain on the knee, but still allow the patient to be able to engage in activities.

Physical Therapy - This is especially helpful so that the muscles around the knee joint will be stronger. Also, physical therapy prevents atrophy of the muscles.

Cortisone Injection - This helps in reducing the pain as well as the inflammation that may be present in the damaged joint.

Anti-Inflammatory Medicines - These prescription medications help to alleviate the pain and decrease the inflammation in the joints.

Partial Knee Replacement - This surgical procedure involves replacing one part of the knee and is advised for those only with limited knee arthritis.

Total Knee Replacement - This surgical procedure involves having the whole knee cartilage removed and replaced with an implant that is made of metal and plastic.

Arthritis Pain Relief - Specialized Rosehip Powder Proven To Sooth Aching Joints

Painful and stiff joints limits people's quality of life since if they are in pain or have stiff joints they can't continue to engage in normal activities that they love to do.? Although joint health products are available on the market, people are looking for effective and safe alternatives.? They are seeking alternatives since many do not respond to glucosamine-chondroitin, they do not want to take drugs that can have serious side effects, or they are looking for all natural solutions.? Now there is a scientifically proven alternative to provide this solution - specialized rosehip powder.

Specialized rosehip powder has an interesting history.? It began back in the early 90's when Erik Hansen, a Danish farmer who grew rosehips for making marmalade, discovered by chance that his specific rosehip powder alleviated his joint pain and improved his flexibility.? He then gave this powder to his friends and neighbors and they too were amazed with the positive results they obtained.? So Erik and his son, Torbjorn, visited the local hospital to seek out scientists to test out his product. ?Although the scientists were at first very skeptical they agree to test it in patients with osteoarthritis and to their surprise they observed that it did in fact alleviate joint pain and increase joint flexibility in these patients. So farmer Hansen decided to form a business to sell his rosehip powder. He went on to develop and patent a gentle drying process of the whole fruit to preserve the active ingredients. Since then, several well designed scientific studies involving a couple of hundred people have been undertaken and published in recognized scientific journals. Here are the key scientific findings:

  • 82% of osteoarthritis subjects responded with reduced pain scores after 3 weeks on specialized rosehip powder compared to 49% of subjects consuming placebo or dummy pill.? A significant reduction in stiffness and improved ability to perform daily activities was also demonstrated with the specialized rosehip powder versus the placebo after 3 months.

  • In a 4 month study 65% of the osteoarthritis subjects versus only 44% on the placebo experienced a reduction in joint pain.? Joint mobility also improved significantly compared to the placebo.

  • In a 3 month study 66% of osteoarthritis subjects given specialized rosehip powder achieved joint relief compared to 36% of the subjects given placebo.

  • Specialized rosehip powder was also tested versus placebo in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and demonstrated to significantly improve their disability index scores at 6 months while scores for the placebo group worsened.?

Based on the proven science specialized rosehip powder had many benefits over other joint health products including the following:

  • Soothes achy joints.

  • Works fast, in as little as three weeks

  • Effective in four out of five people

  • Improved joint mobility and enhanced quality of life

  • 100% natural

  • Not animal or shellfish derived

  • No major food allergens

  • No known drug interactions or side effects

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Things You Need to Know About Joint Pain Relief

Joint pain can originate from different causes. When the condition is not inflammatory, the term used by medical practitioners is arthralgia while arthritis is the appropriate term when the condition is inflammatory. Although joint pain can be caused by a number of factors, common origins such as osteoarthritis brought about by aging are easier to address. There are many autoimmune factors which can bring about joint pain and usually, these are serious cases which need the proper diagnosis and treatment. These, medical practitioners can provide.

If the joint pain is deemed to be not life threatening and you would like to experience joint pain relief, you can opt for alternative medications which can give you good results ranging from short term to long term effects.

One of the most popular pain relief treatments is probably acupuncture. Before, acupuncture has been ignored by many physicians, but now, there are many studies to prove the efficacy of this oriental treatment. As a result, you can now find doctors in hospitals which are properly trained to perform acupuncture treatment. The reason why acupuncture can help in giving relief to painful joints has something to do with the release of chemical compounds in the body which are induced by the needles used in the therapy. Accordingly, there are certain points in the body which, when targeted, can shut down pain and trick the body into believing that it is not in pain.

Another natural way of alleviating joint pain is through the use of herbal medicines. Some of the herbs used in managing the pain of the joints include licorice, Indian ginseng, ginger, menthol and camphor. If you are familiar with the herb peperomia, it has been used by many Asian households to manage joint pain. The stalks and leaves of this herb are edible. When harvested, clean the herb in running water and you can eat it raw or as a salad. You can as well boil the 1 cup of the leaves or the stalks in 2 cups of water and drink it in the morning and the afternoon. If you are under a certain medication, consult first with your physician because taking herbals with other medications can bring forth chemical reactions that are can be harmful to your health.

In addition, you can avoid pain and give joint pain relief as well by avoiding certain foods that can give you pain. Some of the foods to avoid include dairy products, fatty foods, processed foods, meat, sugar, coffee, nuts, alcohol and leguminous foods. On the other hand, you might as well try fruits and green leafy vegetables rich in vitamin c. One example of vitamin c rich foods is berries. Berries can protect your joints from wear and tear and vitamin c is essential in formation of connective tissues.

You can get joint pain relief through many means, but it is also important that you understand the mechanism behind pain and how this pain can protect your body. The pain tells you that something is wrong so that you can act fast and do something to address what is wrong with your body. Also, preventive measures are important for your joints to be healthy and for them not to give you any pains.

Do You Suffer From Migrating Joint Pain?

Migrating joint pain can be frustrating, as well as painful. You start off with pain in one joint area, perhaps treat it at home or go to the doctor, only to have the pain migrate to a completely different area. What, you may wonder, is going on? Joint pain that moves from place to place can have a number of causes, some of which may be difficult to pinpoint.

Inflammation of the joints, and thus the pain that goes along with it, can increase with age and your level of fitness. Overworking your body or working out without a proper stretching routine can increase your risk of joint pain. You don't have to be elderly to have some form of rheumatoid arthritis, one of the primary suspects in migrating joint pain, so don't immediately dismiss that as a cause. Even something as simple as sleeping or standing wrong, or in a way that places stress on various joints can cause pain that appears to migrate from joint to joint.

Joint pain, whether it migrates or stays in one place, may be a symptom of other diseases, so if it is a constant irritation, take it seriously. Some of the diseases are not life-threatening for a healthy individual; the common cold or, more seriously, a flu can cause your joints to ache. However, migrating joint pain can also be symptoms of more serious ailments such as lupus, sickle cell disease, herpes complex and disorders of the nervous system.

What can you do about migrating joint pain? Pain medication is always one option, but if the pain continues and the care you receive does not quite alleviate it, you may want to search for other alternatives. Natural methods to alleviate pain and discomfort, such as a visit to a qualified acupuncturist, gentle stretching and heating pads also may help. Don't do anything harsh or extreme that may make the condition worse, if it is avoidable. If it is a sports related injury, staying away from the sport for a time, or simply easing into it, may cause the joint pain to lessen or disappear. If the cause of your pain is one of the forms of arthritis, good medical care, medication and/or natural remedies have a good chance of lessening the pain.

Whatever the cause or causes of your migrating joint pain, paying attention to it and taking care of yourself is key. Listen to your body and what it is trying to tell you. Working through pain and ignoring it is usually not the best way to go. Once your joints are inflamed, it may take a bit of time and work to bring them back to where they need to be, so make sure you can establish a good relationship with someone who knows what they are doing and that you trust, such as a doctor, nurse, acupuncturist, physical therapist. Once you know the cause of your pain, you'll have a better idea of who is best able to treat it.

How To Save Your Painful Hip From Surgery

Most people who experience pain in the hip, upper leg and buttock worry that they will need some type of hip surgery. In many cases, many patients have been told that a hip replacement is inevitable...not true. New research through clinical study has shown that most hips do not need to be replaced. In fact, with the right treatment the hip can be saved and the patient can return to normal daily activities.

The hip is a joint that is located on the upper side of your lower body. Just about the area of where the butt of the handle of the old cowboys gun would rest from his holster. Most people are under the assumption that the hip is below the lower back next to the buttocks. The hip is a ball and socket type of joint where the head of the femur that is shaped in a ball connects to the acetabulum the socket of the ilium. This joint is supported by numerous ligaments, tendons, fascia and muscles.

Many people are under the false impression that when the bone begins to degenerate to the point where it is causing pain that they have to have it replaced. Not so, because the area where you feel the pain is where the "damage ended up, not where it began." This is important to note because everyone including your doctor will continue to see the joint as the main contributor of pain and damage. As well I would agree that the patient experiences pain in the joint area I don't agree that this area is where the damage began. And if you don't properly address the area where the pain began then you will only continue to have a problem in the future.

Here is a case that came into my office that I feel is of interest to many hip patients suffering with pain. A man age 54 enters my office from referral of another parent whose son had great results with a knee problem. The man reported ongoing pain in his hip for years on and off however most recently he reported that the pain has gotten so bad it's stopping him from being able to work. When he entered my office it was apparent that he had a major weakness in his left hip area noticed by the way he was walking. He was unable to walk without severely dipping his hip which caused more pain with every step. The pain and restriction was so bad that he was unable to lift his leg high enough to put his sock on in a sitting position. He was thoroughly examined and the x-rays he brought in were reviewed and all treatments were explained to him.

His treatment consisted of relieving the distorted fascia in and around the joint area allowing for pain relief. Continued treatment consisted of reestablishing the nervous system communication to the muscles supporting the hip. What happens is that when this type of damage occurs muscles begin to shorten due to a diminished nerve or electrical flow to the muscles. When the muscles shorten they lose their ability to absorb force. When the muscles cannot properly absorb force, that force continues on to the joint. The joint and the tissue supporting it can't absorb the force so that joint then begins to aberrantly move causing inflammation in the joint. This causes pain and a signal to the brain to begin to shut things down in the area as a way of preventing further damage.

You see, the muscles of the body are designed to absorb force just like the shock absorbers of your car are designed to absorb force or impact from the road. You can imagine trying to drive in your car without shock absorbers...over time things will begin to break down in your car. The same goes for your hip, or any other joint for that matter, it will begin to breakdown over time causing degenerative joint disease, aka, arthritis. Now using the combined treatments of the MyoFascial Disruption Technique (MFDT) to return the disrupted fascia to normal a new treatment called the ARPWave is used to locate the exact area where the damage broke down to begin with.

Getting back to my patient with the hip problem we began using the ARPWave to locate where the damage was coming from and began to correct this problem. After the very first treatment the patient was able to life his leg to put his sock on. It was explained to him that he still has the degeneration in his hip but by correcting the fascial and muscular restrictions he was now able to move his leg and his hip didn't hurt. Obviously he needed continued treatment but to make a long story short, after correcting the damage area and developing a sound rehab program this man was able to return to his normal activities of living without pain and disability and without the recommended surgery.

If you are dealing with pain and disability of hip pain don't feel that surgery is the only way out. New discoveries in manual and bio-electrical treatment can not only relieve pain but in many cases save you from surgery.