Saturday, April 13, 2013

TMJ Natural Cures - Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Exercises

The word TMJ refers to both Temporomandibular Joint and Temporomandibular Joint disorder at the same. Temporomandibular Joint is the region of the between the upper and lower jaw. This region is highly sensitive and gets unsettled very easily by the least tension or pressure. Unfortunately the disorder that usually affects this region does not have a guaranteed cure, but there are many methods of treating this condition. Some of these treatments are prescription based or clinical and some are more natural, holistic cures. The problem with most prescription and clinical treatments is that they do not treat the actual causes of the problem, instead they treat only the symptoms which means that it is very hard to permanently get rid of this problem with these treatments.

So the pain and often teeth grinding returns after sometime and actually it often gets even worse. That is why it makes perfect sense to use TMJ natural cures instead. The most popular natural cure for this condition is the exercises specifically made for this area. These exercises are meant to relieve the tension of muscles around the jaws and set back the jaws in their places.

Here are few examples of such exercises: try opening your jaws and rolling your tongue up to support your upper jaw, at the same time breathe in and out. Do this about ten times, then make a fist and press against your chin while opening your lower jaw. Next presses against your jaw from both sides with one finger each while opening and closing your jaws. There are many such exercises which you can use to relieve this problem. Other good choices among tmj natural cures are to make changes in your sleeping habit. Change your position and switch to more relaxing sleeping positions, back is best. Avoid or lessen the intake of alcohol, tea and coffee and chocolate products.

TMJ Symptoms Affect More Than Just Your Jaw

The hours creep slowly through the night. You toss and turn, and it seems sleep is elusive. No matter how hard you try, you cannot get comfortable. The problem is not the quality of your bed or pillow, and the problem is not that you drank too much coffee in the evening. Your face really hurts. Smiling and frowning bring pain, but the problem is not just with your teeth or gums. The pain radiates from the corner of your mouth. You are also clenching your teeth, grinding them together. Finally, exhausted, you get out of bed and go to the bathroom. For a moment, you wonder what is wrong with you, but as you sift through your medicine cabinet you remember that you were recently diagnosed with TMJ disorder.

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint disorder. It is a very painful condition affecting the joint between the lower and upper jaw. It is often caused by grinding your teeth together. The muscles around the joint stiffen and as a result the joint's membranes become inflamed. It is relatively common, and it is treatable.

Although the disorder itself centers in the jaw and its joint, TMJ symptoms can be felt throughout the face. As illustrated in the above scenario, facial pain can result. The discomfort can even be felt up in the forehead. Other head pain can be symptomatic as well. When one muscular ligament becomes strained, it can have a domino effect and result in that strain and tightness spreading. TMJ can lead to a scalp that is sensitive to the touch, and the back of the head can develop sharp and shooting pain. The scalp may also become so sensitive that even lightly touching your hair can bring unpleasant discomfort.

TMJ symptoms can also be felt around the eyes. While the condition is active, you may feel pressure build up behind your eyes, and may feel headaches that resemble migraines. Your eyes will also become bloodshot. There are other types of headaches you might experience, especially types that seem clustered together and types that seem centered in your sinuses. Sometimes, these headaches can be a little misleading. Not all headaches begin in the brain or the top of the head, after all.

The same could be said for your ears. TMJ symptoms also include the feeling of itchy and stuffed up ears. Aches within the ear may also result. Your ability to hear may diminish, and that may also be accompanied by hissing or buzzing sounds. Ear issues may also lead to dizziness and an inability to maintain balance.

Other TMJ symptoms can center around the throat. Plus, there is expected pain in the face, due to where the affected area is located. Sometimes, people with TMJ need to sleep with a mouth guard. However, it is a condition that you will not find many over the counter remedies for. While a dentist may be able to help, they will likely refer you to a maxillofacial doctor.

Homeopathy and Degenerative Arthritis

This article will covers a chronic joint condition: degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis). Signs and symptoms will be discussed and a variety of homeopathic remedies will be listed that may help people experiencing this condition. Because homeopathy is individualized to each person, various indications will be offered for each homeopathic remedy mentioned.

Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that results from the breakdown and eventual loss of the cartilage of one or more joints. It is the most common form of arthritis and arises from normal wear and tear on the joints. It usually impacts the larger, weight-bearing joints of the body, such as the knees and hips, but can also affect the wrists, fingers, and spine, for example.

Osteoarthritis usually develops very slowly over time. Its exact cause is unknown, but is generally associated with the aging process. People who are obese, are diabetic, or have had mechanical injuries to joints are at a greater susceptibility for having osteoarthritis.

Signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis include:

  • Joint soreness, aching, and/or stiffness

  • Joints are worse in the morning, and/or changes in weather

  • Edema (fluid accumulation)

  • Dull pain

  • Joint deformity

  • Crepitation (clicking or crackling) of the joint upon movement

  • Decreased range of motion

  • Joint instability

  • Increased pain while joint is in use

Earlier detection of osteoarthritis will help aid the patient with a greater chance of having longer-term health of the joints. Avoiding injuries or re-injuries to joints will also help prevent future osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is believed to be incurable. That said, the first course of action for relief would be to live at a healthy weight, if obesity is a factor. This is especially the case if the legs or spine is impacted by the osteoarthritis. Additionally, homeopathic remedies can be helpful for people experiencing osteoarthritis. In general, degeneration of the joint is slowed and inflammation is held at bay.

In homeopathy, treatment is individualized to the person experiencing the signs and symptoms. Rather than treat each case the same, unique expressions of symptoms are considered, both mentally/emotionally, as well as physically. In homeopathy, health is viewed as a condition of the entire individual, rather than in terms of specific symptoms from isolated locations of the body.
Below is a list of homeopathic remedies that may be helpful for people experiencing osteoarthritis. Their indications are listed next to the corresponding homeopathic remedy.

Calcarea Carbonica: This is the main remedy for people experiencing degenerative joints, osteophytes (bone spurs), and calcifications. Worse in the cold, damp weather and/or exertion.

Calcarea Flourica: One of the main remedies for people experiencing exostosis (formation of new bone on the surface of the bone), calcifications, and spinal curvature. The person is generally worse from the heat, but the joints feel worse from cold.

Calcarea Phosphorica: A good remedy for people experiencing degeneration in joints of the spine. Worse from drafts, the wind, and changes in weather.

Natrum Sulphuricum: Degenerative arthritis, especially affecting the left hip. Worse in the damp weather, in the morning, or ascending stairs.

Kali Carbonicum: Degenerative arthritis with aching or stitching pains. The person feels stiff and tight all over the body. Worse at night, especially 2-3 AM; in the cold and damp weather; and from drafts of air.

Bellis Perennis: Post-traumatic arthritis ("Railway spine"). Worse from the cold, especially from a sudden chill, or from getting wet. Better from heat and rubbing.

These homeopathic remedies are typically the most frequently used for people experiencing osteoarthritis. This list is not comprehensive, though. Please consult a qualified homeopath for further information and to receive the most proper care.

In this article, I outlined the definition of osteoarthritis and its signs and symptoms. A brief list of homeopathic remedies were listed with their specific indications for use. Thank you for your time in reading this article!

Noel Peterson

Disclaimer: This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure disease. If you have questions about your health, please consult a physician.

Hip Pain Relief

If you have chronic hip pain, some common causes include:

繚 Degeneration
繚 Overuse or injury
繚 Repetitive or strenuous activity
繚 Muscles that attach to the groin area become strained or sprained
繚 Low-back pain or sciatica

Exercises for Hip Pain: Relief At Home Working Out

All of these exercises can be done everyday. Start with the beginning exercise and work up to the others. These exercises are made to be relaxing, not strenuous.

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. tightening the cheeks of your buttocks will Squeeze your gluteal muscles. Hold for a few seconds and then relax. Do this up to 30 times per session. Next flex the muscles in your buttocks while lifting your hips off the ground and hold for a few seconds before going back down. Be sure to breathe in the exercise.

Same with the first exercise, you can work up to doing it about 25 times.You start out the same for this one too with your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. squeeze your butt and lift your hips off the floor. Flex your abdominal muscles and lift one foot a couple of inches off the floor. Then put it down and lift the other foot a couple of inches. The key is remembering to breathe.

Exercises for HIP PAIN RELIEF: Working Out at the Gym

When lifting weights, remember to find out how much weight is appropriate for you. Lifting weight that is comfortable for you will build endurance in the muscle and lowers your risk of injury. Start out small and then work your way up in weight.

Using a squat machine will strengthen your quad muscles on the front of your leg and the hamstring muscles on the back of your leg. both of which are connected to your hip and give it support. The squat machine may be vertical, in which case you start in a standing position and bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor, or it may be on a sliding incline board. The pain in your hip should feel less than before. Also, pressure on the joint will be relieved.

Leg extension

Use the leg extension machine by placing your knee under a pad, and straighten your knee against resistance. Squeeze your quadriceps both when you lift the weight up and when you let it down to get the most out of the exercise.Hamstring squeeze. Use the machine that works your hamstrings; you will either lie on your stomach or sit with a pad behind your knee. Push against the pad, moving your knee up toward the ceiling or backward (depending on which position you're in). But to avoid cramps in your hamstring muscles, don't bend your knee so much that your heels are too close to your buttocks.

Exercises for Hip Pain: Working Out With Supervision

When you have help from a physical therapist at a clinic, you'll have a chance to do exercises beyond what you can do at home or at the gym. The goal is for you to be able to enjoy exercising.The most common problem is jumping in too fast, doing too much, hurting yourself, and deciding that exercise isn't the way to go. Everyone can benefit from exercise, and feel good while doing it. Stick to it and you will get hip pain relief.

What Are The Causes And Most Common Hip Pain Diagnoses?

What are the most common hip pain diagnoses?

The hip joint literally has a lot riding on it. As a result, there are many reasons why we can experience pain here. That's why diagnosing hip pain might not always be quite as simple as we would like to believe.

There are many different reasons for hip pain. Some are minor enough that the individual can handle caring for it on their own through rest and over-the-counter medicines. But others can be quite serious and actually jeopardize our ability to ever walk again. This makes accurately diagnosing the problem of the utmost importance.

Some common causes

Cartilage: Since we are dealing with a joint, one of its components is cartilage. Cartilage has a tendency to wear out over time due to age, carrying excessive weight, etc. Cartilage can also tear due to an injury.

Inflammation: The hip joint is made up of numerous different components, many of which are susceptible to inflammation. These include muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fluid-filed sacs called bursas.

Sciatic: Although pain may be felt in the hip area, it does not necessarily mean that this is the actual source of the pain. Nerves running through the back to the legs have to pass through the hip. When these nerves become pinched, they create pain. The sciatic nerve is a classic example of this. Other nerves can also become inflamed, referring pain to the hip.

Slipped discs: The spinal column serves as a protection for many nerves which run through it and down into the legs and feet. If a disc becomes bulged or slips even slightly out of position, it presses against these nerves causing mild to severe pain.

Weight: Being overweight, particularly obese, places a great deal of strain on your frame. Joints are put to the test as they are now depended on to support even more weight than they are actually designed for. The resulting strain can wear joints out over time, but in the interim it can cause them to hurt from the additional weight of your body.

Diagnosing hip joint pain

Unless there is clear evidence of specific trauma to the area, hip pain has to be dealt with from a process of elimination. Your doctor will need to gather a history starting from when the discomfort first began and working forward to find the underlying cause. Once a specific diagnosis is made, then treatment options can be discussed.

There Is No Magic Pain Relief For Gout

Gout pain is well known as the worst pain of life. The killing part of this torturing pain is that it can drag on for days without any signs of reduction even after taking the gout medicines. Most of the gout drugs given by the doctor can only help to numb the pain for a few hours without actually dealing with the root of the problem. This is why millions of gout victims around the world constantly looking for a magic pill that can instantly take away the excruciating gout pain once and for all.

If you are one of them, I am sorry to tell you there is no magic pill available that can get rid of your painful gout within a short period of time. Those pills or injections such as NSAID's and corticosteroids are purely for the purpose of temporarily cheating your immune system to slow down the gouty inflammation. As soon as the effects of those drugs subside, you will get another round of gout attack, usually it is more painful than before.

Stop Sweeping Dirt Under The Carpet

Almost all conventional medical approaches towards gout are like sweeping dirt under the carpet. That practice will only make the situation becoming worse over time. Eventually, what you will have is not as simple as gout alone. The side effects of those invasive drugs and injections you have been taking over the years will start to show up. These side effects will blend in with the symptoms of gout and produce a complicated condition that no drug is able to solve it.

Gout started with a simple cause which is elevated uric acid levels in the body. Actually, the problem could be easily solved without the use of any drug. But because you wanted an instant pain relief for gout, and doctors gave you what you wanted.

Simplify It, Not Complicate It

Over the years, those gout drugs your have been taking are like adding more unknown variables to the problem. Eventually, your gout pain evolves from a simple joint pain to a combination of complex health complications such as hypertension, heart diseases, renal failure, erectile dysfunction, obesity, etc.

I am not a medical professional, so this article should not be treated as any form of medical advice. I am just telling simple logical science here, which I think makes a lot more sense than those bombastic drugs. The whole medical industry has become a lucrative cash cow for some companies out there.

What you really need now is not more drugs or whatever gout remedies. All you need now is to gain a better understanding of actual root of gout. With clarity comes certainty of solution. It is a choice, you don't have to be sick.

Friday, April 12, 2013

LitoZin and Joint Health

What is LitoZin?

LitoZin is an innovative and exciting new supplement which has been derived from rose hip in order to help relieve the effects of joint ache. The joints and joint tissues are often a cause of great pain and discomfort for many people and there is a constant need for new ways in which supplements and medicines can be used to promote good joint care and health. Made 100% from natural rose hip plants allows these supplements to be free from any additives and allergens. They can be taken by people who are intolerant to lactose, wheat and vegetarians. With no known side effects you will find this to be a completely natural and pure supplement which can help people troubled joints and joint tissue, be it a long time problem or a new condition.

How do the Ingredients Work?

Rose hips contain specific ingredients which are able to improve joint health and reduce discomfort. The active ingredient in rosehips is called GOPO and was first found a couple of decades ago in Denmark. The only way that enough of the active ingredient can be harvested from rosehip plants is when they are dried using the patented process from LitoZin. LitoZin is the only supplement licensed to have GOPO in their products and this ingredient from rose hip flowers has been found to be an extremely effective ingredient for joint health.

What Forms Can LitoZin be found in?

LitoZin powder and LitoZin 200 capsules are one of the most common forms that this ingredient can be found in and, both are equally effective when taken orally. By following the instructions on the packaging you will find that the controlled doses of the active ingredient GOPO, which has been properly extracted from rose hip plants, are extremely beneficial to anyone who suffers from joint aches and pains. LitoZin is becoming more popular and with increased knowledge and information.

Early Symptoms of Arthritis

Arthritis is a group of conditions involving damage to the joints of the body. There are different forms and each has a different cause. The early symptoms of arthritis differ across the different types but with one common denominator - pain.
There are around 200 kinds - the most common forms are osteoarthritis - OA (degenerative joint disease) and rheumatoid - RA in adults; Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) in children.
All arthritides feature pain. The patterns may differ depending on the source and the location.
Elements of the history of the disorder guide diagnosis. Important features are speed and time of onset, pattern of joint involvement, symmetry of symptoms, early morning stiffness, tenderness, gelling or locking with inactivity, aggravating and relieving factors.
Early Symptoms of Arthritis include:
There will be medical problems affecting the joints and connective tissue. The aged patient simply moves less and the infantile patient refuses to use the affected limb. The pain is generally worse in the morning and associated with stiffness in the early stages.
Anemia (which is very common) and extra-articular ("outside the joints") manifestations are known to occur with RA.
With OA the main symptom is a sharp ache or a burning sensation in the associated muscles and tendons, causing loss of ability. It can cause a crackling noise when the affected joint is moved or touched. Patients may experience muscle spasm and contractions in the tendons.
In JIA the symptoms are often non-specific initially. They include lethargy, reduced physical activity, and poor appetite. The first manifestation particularly in young children may be limping. They may also become quite ill presenting with flu-like feelings that persist.
A healthy arthritis diet will boost the immune system and provide the sufferer with extra energy to fight the disease.

Determining the Factors That Cause Hip Arthritis

Arthritis is a disease that affects the movement of the body that causes pain and loss of movements of the joints. It is usually chronic that can last on and off of a person's lifetime. There are over a hundred known kinds of arthritis that affect many areas of the body. In some forms of arthritis, there are associated diseases which affect tissues and other organs of the body. Determining the cause of your hip arthritis can be a little difficult. There are several factors that contribute to arthritis.

Some of these factors of what causes arthritis are:

Heredity or Genetics - This cause is not well understood. There is no exact explanation how heredity or genetics contributes to the formation of arthritis. Nonetheless, there are genetic variations that point to what causes your arthritis.

Age- As we age, cartilage becomes brittle and has lesser capacity to heal and repair itself.

Weight - Excessive weight can contribute to your hip arthritis because the joint has to support the load or the weight of a person.

Hazards at work- there are specific work load that have a higher risk of developing arthritis like heavy construction and jobs that are very physical.

Previous injury- Previous major injuries can be considered as causes to hip arthritis.

Illness and infection - a joint infection, multiply recurrence of gout and other medical conditions can contribute to the development of arthritis.

There is no known cure for arthritis. However, with early detection, it can help start the appropriate treatment as soon as the person begins to notice symptoms of arthritis. It is a fact that people cannot avoid old age or change genetics. But people can take control of their weight, the freedom to choose a job with varying activities, a healthy diet rich in omega 3, 6, and 9 oils to maintain a healthy joint and not get overweight.

In addition, before taking any medicines or alternative treatments, it is recommended to seek medical advice that can help plan daily routines and give advices that can help relieve arthritis.

The causes of hip arthritis can be managed effectively. Knowledge and understanding are the keys to deal with the discomfort. People with arthritis should never allow this disease to cripple them and make this a huge barrier to live a happy life. With right medication, change of lifestyle and proper exercise for arthritis can aid people with arthritis to bring down pain and the inflammation of joints under control.

Do Dog Supplements Really Work?

As an employee of a dog supply and nutraceutical company, I am often asked by friends if dog supplements really work or if they are just a gimmick. And, while I want to shout out loudly, "Yes, of course", I am forced to shake my head and say - "it depends".

Pet supplements are under the same attack as many human supplements with outrageous, unproven claims of benefits from "trace levels" of ingredients you can't pronounce. In addition, the pet supplement business is not regulated by the FDA, which means that many supplements do not contain the adequate levels of ingredients they state on the label and/or the quality of those ingredients are subpar. And, it seems there are individual supplements for every organ and tissue in a dog's body. Seriously, have you been to a pet store, lately? The aisle is confusing, at best. Here is the truth: many of these supplements are not needed in a dog's body. Dogs have an incredible ability to heal themselves. So, unfortunately, it is true that many supplements are more hype than anything.

So, you've got unproven claims, an unregulated market, and a confusing array of products from which to choose (most, of which are not necessary). Oh yeah, and a dog that would rather have his anal glands cleaned than swallow one of those horse-sized pills. It's enough to make you want to want to stop reading and let Fido's body do its own thing, right?


Despite all of the negatives surrounding pet supplements, I have seen some absolutely amazing results for dogs who take quality pet supplements for specific reasons. In fact, it is the main reason I decided to get into the business. If your dog is in need of certain nutrients and you can provide him with a high quality supplement, it could change both your life and his. You just need to be armed with a good understanding of when and why to use a product.

Here are some points to help you get started:

1. Know the points in your dog's life when he/she is most vulnerable - Like people, there are a few times in a dog's life when supplements are more important - growing puppies, pregnant females, injured, and senior dogs. In my research, I have found that supplements can make the most noticeable differences for dogs suffering with inflammation and pain - typically injured, aging, or arthritic dogs.

2. As in most cases, "you get what you pay for" - Many companies believe that there is a cap on the amount of money an owner is willing to spend on his/her dog. This belief, coupled with an unregulated market, has led to poor quality supplements that are at such low standards they likely add no benefit at all. And, do not be fooled by big brands and manufacturers. A recent human vitamin study found that over 80% of vitamins sold in mass market retailers were inadequate. I have not seen a study for pet supplements, but my guess would be that this number could be even higher. So, whether you are faced with a major brand or a small independent manufacturer, your risks are similar. Stay away from the cheap products and look for companies who put an emphasis on quality - not price. If you use a quality, more expensive supplement, you will likely save money in the long run because it should result in fewer vet visits or more costly pharmaceutical drugs.

3. Look for supplements with proven ingredients for your dog's particular problem - Some companies, in an attempt to have a more robust ingredient list, will add cheaper ingredients that add no value for the specific problem the product is supposed to address. The internet is a powerful tool in this arena. Ingredients that have been proven to work for a particular condition rise to the top. I will share what I know on ingredients proven to help with joint issues at the end of this article.

4. Ensure the product has been made in a GMP-certified, FDA approved manufacturing facility. - "GMP-certified" means that the manufacturer has passed a third party audit to ensure their products have the purest ingredients in the proper amounts. FDA-approved does not mean that the products themselves are FDA approved (this is an unregulated industry). However, it can give you piece of mind that the facility is meeting FDA standards. Manufacturers that meet these requirements are often very proud and will list this on their website and/or the package.

5. Look for powder or liquid supplements - Obviously, if your dog does not take pills, there is a huge benefit to this because the powder/liquid can be mixed in dog food. However, there is a more important reason for this. Research has proven that powders and liquids are absorbed faster into the body than tablets. So, that means the benefits are typically seen faster. For dogs taking supplements with anti-inflammatory benefits, this can lead to faster pain relief.

6. Talk to your Vet - If your dog has any allergies or suffers from any other medical issues you should share the ingredients with your vet to ensure that there will be no adverse reactions.
So, there you have it. I hope this provides some insight on how and when to give your dog supplements.

I wish you and your dog the best.


Bonus Information: Nutritional Supplements Proven to Help with Dog's Bones, Joints & Cartilage

Glucosamine - an amino sugar naturally produced in your dog's body from glucose, which is your dog's blood sugar, and the Amino Acid, Glutamine. It helps the cartilage between the joints retain water so the cartilage can act like a cushion to absorb shock and withstand compression. Glucosamine is vital to protecting the health and integrity of your dog's bones, joints and cartilage.

Chondroitin Sulfate - Chondroitin sulfate has been proven to assist by drawing nutrients into the cartilage. It also protects existing cartilage from premature degeneration by blocking "bad" enzymes that destroy cartilage.

Hyaluronic Acid - Glucosamine, Chondroitin and Hyaluronic Acid are all related molecules; glucosamine and chondroitin are used in the repair and rebuilding of the tissue in the cartilage, etc. Hyaluronic Acid works on the joint fluid itself.

Manganese - Manganese is a mineral that enhances the effectiveness of both glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates and synthesizes the production of healthy cartilage. It also aids in the production of mucopolysaccharides, which are critical for maintaining healthy joints.

Perna Canaliculus (green lipped mussel) - contains natural anti-inflammatory agents and many essential building blocks needed to rebuild the necessary components in joints. It also is reported to reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation associated with arthritis and improve joint mobility.

Methyl-sulfonylmethane (MSM) - MSM has been promoted as having powerful anti-inflammatory and pain reducing properties, blocking the pain perception in certain nerve fibers before the pain impulse reaches the brain.

Vitamin C - Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) mobilizes the body's self-defense mechanisms to assist in overcoming disease. It is also a powerful antioxidant required to produce collagen, which is the main supportive protein in cartilage, tendon, and connective tissue.

Fatty Acids, such as Omega 3 & Omega 6 - Fatty Acids may reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure, as well as provide therapeutic effects in your dog for arthritis, lupus, Inflammatory bowel disease, cancer therapy, kidney disorders

Yucca schidegera - this root is rich in saponins that elevate your pet's ability to produce "natural" cortisone. Yucca is reported to help block the release of toxins from the intestines that inhibit the normal function of cartilage. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Boswellin - Studies indicate that Boswellic acids may open up collateral blood circulation to provide a more adequate blood supply to the joints. Boswellin also serves to reduce swelling and improve mobility where individuals experience stiffness in the joints.

Bromelain - Bromelain helps to inhibit pro-inflammatory compounds which reduces pain and swelling.

To get more information regarding dog spine, hip, and joint issues, go to

Temporary Joint Pain Medicine

There can be no doubt that there is a time and place for joint pain medicine. For those who are in pain there is a quick way to reduce the pain. Any person who has experienced pain of the joints would not overlook this means of relief. The help lies in the outline of anti inflammatory medication. This will be in the form of tablets that are taken three times a day and usually over a period of five days. It is important to finish the course because this time period is designed to get rid of the inflammation and therefore the pain in the joints.

For those who suffer this kind of pain the relief from an anti inflammatory course of medication is most welcome. Pain changes a person's demeanor and ability to cope with the basics of life. It is important to get relief from pain but it is just as important to find a program that can be used every day to keep the pain from returning. The medicine gets rid of the pain and the inflammation. It is very important to find a program because anti inflammatory medicine should only be used temporarily. It cannot be used on a long term basis. A program should be thought of as a plan to manage the health of your joints.

Once the anti inflammatory medication has taken effect it may be an option to go to an expert to find out which exercises would benefit your joints. If you do the right exercises you would build up and strengthen the muscles situated around the joints. When this happens the actual joints are made to be more stable. This is important because your joints will be stronger and will provide you with more movement. If you can reach this stage then you will not have to use joint pain medicine in the shape of an anti inflammatory course too often.

Joint Pain Stiffness Remedies - Reduce Pain and Inflammation Naturally

Joint pain stiffness is the most common outcome of arthritis, a bone degenerative disease that is mostly associated with aging. This condition is followed by moderate to acute pain with gradual decrease in the normal mobility. Joint pain stiffness is felt at the start of the day when the joints remain immobile due to long hours of sleep and the stiffness reduce gradually with slow movements throughout the day. But in severe cases of arthritis acute joint pains may cause enough sleep disturbances demanding immediate medical attention. In case of inflammatory arthritis like Rheumatoid arthritis, the joint stiffness may last for about 45 minutes and in osteoarthritis stiffness lasts for 30 minutes.

Causes of joint stiffness and pain

Inflammation of the synovium, which is a thin membrane surrounding the joints cause joint stiffness that leads to pain. Many underlying causes are responsible for this inflammation that is very bothering.

1. Osteoarthritis causes joint pain stiffness.
2. Autoimmune disease like Rheumatoid arthritis causes joint stiffness.
3. Gout
4. Chondromalacia
5. Bursitis
6. Injury
7. Infectious diseases
8. Over straining and exertion of the joints.
9. Tendonitis


1. Application of cold packs and heat treatment are generally adopted in reducing joint pain and stiffness. The cold pack relaxes the nerves and the hot compress enhances the blood circulation. Applying hot and cold packs alternately every 5 minutes gives best results.

2. Medications include the administration of NSAID's, steroids and narcotic drugs to provide relief from the joint stiffness and pain. Corticosteroids are applied in controlled doses regulated by experienced practitioners that also reduce the joint inflammation along with the pain. Narcotic drugs help in reducing the pain but not the inflammation. Common pain relieving drugs those are used are aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, Tylenol, morphine etc.

3. Nothing can match the overall benefits of regular exercising in treating joint pain and stiffness. Exercise strengthens the joints and the muscles, reduces the wear and tear of the bones and cartilage and helps in controlling the body weight.

Alternative Remedies or Treatment

Many people are turning towards alternative medicines and modes of treatment to avoid the serious side effects of pain relieving medications. These medicines which come as natural supplements through daily diet and common ingredients are highly effective and also produce multi benefits in maintaining good health.

1. Massaging the affected joints with herbal oils like eucalyptus and wintergreen helps in reducing the pain.
2. Extracts of Arnica taken in measured doses produces good results in treating this condition.
3. Green tea helps in reducing arthritis pain.
4. Tea from alfalfa seeds also reduces the inflammation and pain.
5. Ginger is also helpful in reducing inflammation.
6. Turmeric is widely used in reducing this pains.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

What Are the Treatments Available for Sacroiliac Joint Disease?

One of the biggest causes of low back pain is sacroiliac joint disease, also known as the SI joint. The SI joint is located at the bottom of the low back region and there's one on each side. It is at the point where the pelvis connects to the sacrum. It gives you double the possibility of developing arthritis pain in the low back, great right!

The sectoral joint is a weight bearing joint and there are many ligaments and muscles groups that attach for support. These joints have cartilage just like any other and are potentially prone to arthritis and inflammation.

If the patient has a flareup of arthritis or inflammation with a lot of pain in this region, they typically will complain when excessive twisting motions are performed along with lengthy sessions of sitting.

For a patient who has symptoms of SI joint arthritis or inflammation, initial treatment should consist of Tylenol medication along with anti-inflammatories over-the-counter. They should be taken according to the manufacturer's recommended dosing. Chiropractic treatment and or physical therapy may be extremely beneficial in subsiding the pain.

A tens unit can also provide excellent relief. This is a device that puts foam pads over the skin and can provide a little electrical current that replaces pain with a tingling sensation. It can also help the brain to release endorphins which are the body's natural pain relievers.

Acupuncture has been around for a long time but it is becoming more mainstream as high-level research showing that works well for arthritis conditions such as SI joint pain.

Chiropractic manipulation may help place the SI joint back into alignment. There's not a huge amount of motion associated with this joint but it can become out of alignment.

Steroid injections into the sacroiliac joint may be necessary with a pain management doctor. These should be performed under fluoroscopic guidance which is a real time form of x-ray. The joint is irregular and may be difficult to get into, but a well-placed steroid injection can provide pain relief for months.

Additional types of injections include nonsteroidal homeopathic anti-inflammatory medication which can be injected into the joint as well and potentially be very effective.

Patients may receive a radiofrequency ablation around the sacroiliac joint. This can destroy the tiny little nerve endings that are bringing pain to the joint and this can provide pain relief for a few months to upwards of 2 years.

There are significant options available for pain relief for the pain of the SI joint. Thankfully there are substantial options available.

7 Secret Weapons to Win the War of Arthritis Inflammation and Pain

Arthritis is the #1 cause of disability in America today, impacting approximately seven million people. It is now one of the most prevalent chronic health problems.

The estimated annual costs of arthritis to Americans are $15 billion in direct medical costs and $49 billion in indirect costs such as lost wages. Nearly 40 million Americans have arthritis, with 24 million of them being under 65 years old. Projected increase of arthritis by 2020 is 60 million in the U.S. alone.

With over a hundred variations of arthritis, the most common one is osteoarthritis. It is a degenerative joint disease which is related to aging. The deteriorated cartilage that covered the ends of the bone in the joint cause's loss of movement as the bone rubs against bone. It causes the bones to change shape, the muscles to weaken and the reflexes to slow.

Osteoarthritis most commonly occurs in the weight-bearing joints. Severe trauma to a joint can precipitate arthritis, sometimes years after the initial injury. Painkillers are effective for a while, but when the drugs no longer ease the pain some physicians recommend surgery. Americans undergo lower back surgery, and knee and hip replacement surgery mostly because of osteoarthritis.

Another common arthritis known as rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. In autoimmune disease, the body's immune system actually attacks its own tissue. The joints and cartilage are normally surrounded by protective tissue called synovium which produces a fluid that nourishes and lubricates the bones and cartilage.

A rheumatoid arthritic patient's immune system produces white blood cells that attack the synovium. This is what causes the inflammation, and painful swollen joints. When the inflamed synovium attacks the joint, bone, and cartilage it causes the muscles around the joint to become too weak to support it properly. Therefore chronic inflammation is the culprit that may eventually cause damage to the cartilage and bone.

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most serious and disabling types of arthritis. Severe joint pain, fatigue fever, and inflammation are the first symptoms most people notice. In more serious cases, the autoimmune response involves other areas of the body such as the heart, lungs, kidney or liver.

Gout is characterized by monosodium uric crystals in the joints or tissue. It generally occurs in patients 30 to 50 years old after many years of eating an over rich diet of purine foods. When the kidneys can not eliminate the over production of uric acid from the body, levels build up causing the needle like crystals to form on the joints.

This painful disease mostly attacks small joints. The frequency of subsequent acute attacks of gout usually increases over time. A diet of fatty protein rich foods, excessive alcohol consumption, and obesity are contributing factors of gout attacks.

It is important that you take an active role in the prevention and treatment of joint damage. There are many steps you can take to lower your risk for developing arthritis, as well as natural remedies to help reduce inflammation, and other symptoms.

The conventional treatment includes the use of painkillers, and anti-inflammatory drugs. While these drugs are often helpful in alleviating the pain, they may accelerate the degeneration of articular surfaces thereby destroying the body's ability to repair cartilage. Several thousand patients are admitted to hospitals every year for complications associated with anti-inflammatory medications.

Now that you understand that controlling inflammation is the biggest step in combating arthritis- here are my secret arthritis weapons:

1. Foods to avoid- eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, wheat, corn, beef, pork, eggs, dairy, fried foods, sugar products, refined carbohydrates and foods high in gluten which tends to intensify inflammation.

2. Foods to eat- foods high in sulfur such as asparagus, cabbage, garlic, and onions which may help repair cartilage and bone. Also include fish, flax (omega-3 fatty acids), and borage oil (omega-6 fatty acids) which can help decrease inflammation.

3. Multivitamin- including antioxidants such as vitamin E, C, A, selenium, and zinc because we no longer get optimum amounts from our daily diet to fight free radical attacks on the joints.

4. Exercise- beneficial in helping to reduce stiffness, and maintain an optimum weight to help ease the pressure on those weight bearing joints.

5. Celery seed- this wonderful natural spice contains nearly two dozen anti-inflammatory compounds known for decreasing inflammation.

6. Glucosamine supplement- the joints stop producing this necessary substance that helps alleviate stiffness.

7. Chondroitin supplement- the body stops producing chrondocytes which help maintain healthy joints.

Incorporate these 7 non-biochemical (natural) weapons into the battlefield, and the war against arthritis will be much more attainable- naturally.

Hip Pain

Hip pain can be frustrating. You want to walk but it hurts just to sit or stand. Severe hip pain can be very debilitating. Patients with chronic hip pain often end up getting hip surgery. The spine sits on the pelvis and the pelvis sits on the legs. The concave area where the pelvis meets the legs is call the acetabulum. The femur or long bone of the upper leg sits in the acetabulum. Pain in the hip is often due to a femur head subluxation.

Lower back and hip pain: If the head of the femur is out of alignment, the sacroiliac will go out of alignment and then the fourth lumbar disc on the right will start to bulge. The second cervical on the right will also go out of alignment. The femur head often goes out of alignment in two different directions: anterior superior and anterior inferior.

Hip pain causes: There are three main causes for the femur are going out of alignment. The first is crossing the left leg over the right and the second is due to emotional armoring at the third lumbar and the third is a second chakra imbalance. Because a misalignment of the femur is one of the main causes of the spine being unstable it is essential for every chiropractor to check it on every visit. Emotional armoring at the third lumbar and second chakra imbalances can be cleared out using CARE or Chakra Armor Release of Emotions technique. This will stabilize the femur as well as the sacroiliac joint.

Hip pain relief comes in the form of a chiropractic adjustment for the femur head or releasing the emotional armoring at the third lumbar and second chakra imbalances using CARE. If treated in time this often can prevent the need for hip surgery.

Is Hip Joint Pain Wreacking Havoc in Your Life?

Joint pain in the hip is quite a usual disorder and can cause severe discomfort to people who suffer from it. The major cause of hip pain in the joint is arthritis but there are other medical factors that can come into play that may result in a patient to suffer from this pain. Because this pain affects ones mobility, it can be extremely impossible for one not to seek medical treatment, and the first option is normally medicine. In certain cases, medication can put the pain in control, but in other instances patients may have to opt for hip-replacement surgery in the hope of managing or eliminating the pain.

Some of the causes of joint pain are linked to the following - Trochanteric bursitis is a result of swollen bursa over the exterior of the hip joint and can lead to severe pain. Tendonitis, in one of the tendons around the hip joint, could lead to hip pain in the joint also.

Another reason that can cause joint pain in the hip is osteonecrosis, snapping hip syndrome, strained muscles or hip fractures, and other hip wounds. Some people can experience hip problems in their youth, and these can lead to hip disorders as they get older, that is why it is extremely important to always seek medical attention and not ignore the problem.

A good example of this is developmental dysplasia, where the hips are misplaced when a patient is still an infant. This child who suffers from dysplasia will have problems with hip joints, as they may not develop properly. These hip problems may become problematic for the child as they might hinder normal growth for the child, and may even lead to arthritis as they grow older.

Another threat for children that can cause permanent damage to the hips is perthes. As you can see, there are different causes of pain in the joints and the treatment that is given to the patient is heavily dependent on the actual cause of the hip pain. It is imperative that the correct diagnosis be made, as the wrong diagnosis may cause further problems.

Hip joint pain can be relieved by using warmth packs and ice bags, and people who sufferer from this pain need to have proper rest so that their joints can be relieved from the pressure of carrying the persons weight. At times, it may be necessary for joint pain sufferers to use crutches to help ease the pain on the hips.

Hip Pain Relief: Now I Know Why They Strap Pillows To Their Bottoms

Has getting hip pain relief ever seemed like a daunting task to you? As if it was next to impossible to attain?

I have never longed for hip pain relief as much as I have in the past couple of months after falling and landing on my hips. I took my children ice skating in the nearby community center during the winter break because it seemed like a whole-hearted and fun family activity. Ice skating with my kids didn't seem difficult at the time as I pictured myself swirling around in grace. I used to ice skate a lot and I thought that I would have no problem reintroducing myself to the ice ring except I forgot that the last time I skated was over 15 years ago.

My children were overly ecstatic about ice skating and insisted that I join them. I didn't hesitate at all. Mommy was going to show off her skills! The problem laid in the fact that since I haven't skated in so long I had no idea what skating felt like anymore. My legs felt so wobbly trying to adjust to the ice and I found myself slipping and sliding all around the ring to my children's delight. It was all fun and games until I slipped on a turn and fell right onto my hips.

The pain was immediate and tremendous. I felt the sharp spurts of pain travel all the way from the external skin to the internal bones. I could barely even get up! It wasn't embarrassing showing my children that it's OK to fall and I'm glad that they had a good laugh out of it but the pain has haunted me ever since that day. It has persisted every day and never seems to disappear.

I have been actively seeking out hip pain relief ever since then! My hip pain appears to grow every day, and I think the ligaments and tendons are still swollen with jolts of pain running through my hips at random times of the day. It has begun to interfere with my daily life and my ability to take care of my children. My children are able to walk faster than me when I take them to school now and I can barely even keep up due to the pain. The moment that I return home I immediately have to soothe and ease the pain by applying heat packages for temporary hip pain relief and my day can sometimes really go downhill from there.

My hip pain has definitely taken a major toll on my life and I have constantly had to seek hip pain relief from that day on. It has been a nightmare!

If I only knew that one day would cause so much pain, I would have never ever gotten on the ice let alone try to show off in the skates! So much for being an avid ice skater back in the days! Sometimes it's just not worth the trouble of showing off to your kids anymore when my body just isn't as resilient as it used to be when I was a kid!

Five Common Herbal Remedies for Arthritis

Treating the different types of arthritis can be very taxing. Aside from the differing views on which ones are effective, medication that control the signs and symptoms of the disease can be very costly. Not everyone can have access to such medications due to their inability to afford them. However, there are certain herbal remedies for arthritis that are proven to be effective and recommended by most health practitioners. The following are just five of the most common herbal remedies used to treat the different forms of arthritis.

Ginger. In one study, Indian analysts presented three to seven grams of ginger a day to eighteen individuals having osteoarthritis and twenty eight with rheumatoid arthritis. Over seventy five percent of those who joined the study described at the very least some relief from pain as well as swelling. Also after over 2 years of taking these high servings of ginger, none of them reported reaction. Lots of people drink ginger tea for osteoarthritis. A ginger compress is additionally advantageous for joint diseases.

Oregano. Oregano is a powerful antioxidant. The antioxidant in oregano and other medical mints is due to the substantial amount of rosmarinic acid, a compound that has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant as well as antiviral properties. The antioxidants in oregano could aid in protecting you against the cell damages caused by free radicals. Free radical reactions are certainly involved in inflammation, degenerative joint diseases and the aging process. And evidence is building up that antioxidants may aid ease osteoarthritis as well as rheumatoid arthritis and may be one of the herbal remedies for arthritis.

Pineapple. Bromelain, a chemical in pineapple, assists defend against swelling. Athletic coaches have recommending pineapple to athletes to avoid and handle games traumas. It is thought to have favorable effect on arthritis also. Bromelain can aid the body in getting rid of immune antigen complex that is implicated in some arthritic conditions. It also assists in the absorption of fibrin, yet another compound that is linked to other forms of arthritis

Rosemary. Consuming rosemary herbal tea is already one of the well known herbal remedies for arthritis. The plant's leaves have four anti-inflammatory substances- earnosol, oleanolic acid, rosmarinic acid, and ursolic acid. Carnosol behaves in the same anti-inflammatory paths as steroids as well as aspirin. Oleanolic acid has actually been marketed as an antioxidant in China. Rosmarinic acid acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Ursolic acid, which makes up four percent of the plant by weight, has actually shown to have anti-arthritic effects in animal trials.

Sesame Seeds. One of the herbal remedies for arthritis that come Chinese medicine is consuming sesame seeds. One-half ounce of the seeds has about four grams of important fatty acids, 175 milligrams of calcium, 64 milligrams of magnesium, and, 0.73 milligrams of copper. Raised copper ingestion might be necessary throughout joint disease attacks considering the body's needs go up throughout inflammation.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ways to Deal With TMJ Syndrome

Do you suffer from TMJ syndrome? Then you must very well know about the pain caused by it.

It doesn't allow opening the mouth fully which is annoying. And it is very hard to eat, talk and yawn. The jaw is attached to the skull with the help of this joint. The inflamed joint causes TMJ pain. The jaw cannot take high pressure. TMJ pain occurs when a jaw is faces high pressure.

The pain disappears if correct amount of rest is taken. Frustrated with the pain many behave like stressed without knowing that it is nothing serious. One can do exercises to completely get rid of a TMJ syndrome.

You should place the web of your hand in between forefinger and thumb. Before that take a high back chair and place your head adjacent to the chair.

The movement of the lower jaw triggers the movement inside the mouth. So the lower jaw is moved by pressing the head back smoothly by using the chin.

The pain can be reduced gradually when this exercise is continued 5 more times continuously and many times in a day.

Like the first exercise another exercise also starts with the identical position. One has to hold the jaw alongside the hand for a minimum of 5 seconds without changing any position in this second exercise.

Similar to the first exercise return to the starting position and do the same for few more times. The third is to relax by moving the lower jaw from side to side. The other way to deal with the TMJ syndrome is by enhancing the posture. Bad posture can result in adverse effects on the TMJ.

It is all true and you should really believe that the body alignment changes and the TMJ syndrome find a place in the shoulder, neck and back just because of a bad posture.

To check about the status of the posture you can stand in front of a mirror and compare your two arms to find whether they are equal in length and whether the shoulders are of same height. You should check whether your head turns towards anyone side marginally. If any of the above said changes in adjustments occur then it will result in a big problem.

A good posture will make the TMJ syndrome pain to disappear in the long run. A good posture achieved by taking proper steps in back correction to a straight position and also making the chin to point steadily upwards.

Yoga is an efficient tool to a softened TMJ. It creates a correct posture of the body which is in turn a solution to the TMJ pain.

By dealing with the pressure point that exists in between the thumb and the index finger with the help of acupressure can help in handling TMJ syndrome

By pressing the pressure point for a minute continuously with the help of your thumb by holding the hand in the other hand can seriously take of the pain.

I have developed new exercises which help at the time of TMJ. Rather following the traditional exercises these new exercises can be followed which not only alternatives to the traditional ones, they are better to the ones that I have explained here.

How to Cure TMJ Without Surgery

If you have been diagnosed with the TMJ disorder you need to know how to cure TMJ without surgery. The TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) disorder is a very difficult problem to treat because of the amount of use your jaw joint and muscles get every day. You use them for eating and talking and yawning which you need to do every day. Some of us use them a lot more than others.

The most common cause of TMJ disorder is clenching and/or grinding your teeth in your sleep because of stress, tension, or anxiety, so if that's the case with you, you should know that you will have to treat the cause of your TMJ as well as the TMJ itself. You should do everything possible to find a natural TMJ cure rather than resort to surgery but whether you had surgery or not to correct your TMJ you would undoubtedly wind up with the same problem soon because of the teeth clenching and grinding if you don't treat the stress.

Exercises You Can Use to Cure TMJ

There are many different exercises you can use to cure TMJ but, I have to say this again because it's so important, the most crucial thing you need to do to cure TMJ is to find ways to handle and cope with your stress. You may want to try some Yoga breathing exercises.

Now I am going to give you some exercises you can try that may help you cure TMJ. You may want to do these 3 times per day. Some good times to do them would be when you get up in the morning, in the afternoon when you get home from work and before going to bed. Just try to be as relaxed as possible and clear your mind from your problems.

Tongue Stretch - First close your mouth gently and place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth. Then slide your tongue back towards your throat as far as you can. Now open your mouth slowly and make sure you keep your tongue touching the roof of your mouth. Only open your mouth as far as you can without letting your tongue lose contact with the roof of your mouth. Hold that position for 5 seconds. Relax for 5 seconds then repeat the exercise 4 more times.

TMJ Stretching - Stretching your jaw muscles will aid in relaxing and repairing them. To do this you simply open your mouth as wide as possible without pain. Do this 10 times. Next, open your mouth wider on the left than on the right. Open as far as you comfortably can and then close your mouth. Then do the same on the right side. You can do this several times per day and the more the better.

TMJ Assisted Stretching - for this exercise you will be doing the same as the previous exercise except this time you will use your hand to pull your mouth a little wider than you can using just your jaw muscles. If this causes pain don't do it!

Crooked Jaw Repair - This exercise is for when you have a deviation or a shifting of one side of your jaw when you open your mouth. Some TMJ patients will have this when one side of their jaw is damaged and not the other side. This exercise will help you to reeducate the side that is not working properly. You'll want to do this one in front of a mirror so you can make sure you are opening and closing your jaw straight.

Even if you have to use your hand to guide your jaw at first you need to try to open your jaw evenly on each side. Open and close your jaw gently and straight and do it 10 times in a row. Then relax for a minute and do 2 more sets of ten times. Try to do three sets of ten like this three or four times per day.

Something else that could help is to do these stretching exercises with the help of warm moist heat. This will increase the blood flow to your jaw and facial muscles which will mean more oxygen is getting to them. Just put two hand towels in some hot water and then squeeze them out and place one on each side of your face while you are doing the stretching exercises.

These exercises may or may not help you but it's worth a try and you never know...they could lead to your TMJ cure.

AVN Hip - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Tests, Treatment

A 30-35 year young patient enters my clinic with a limping gait. He complains of pain in his Right hip joint especially while attempting to squat or sit cross legged. His wife describes numerous night awakenings due to sudden painful spasms. The pain has been there for almost 6 months now, and is worsening every week.

I asked for an X-ray of both the hip joints.

The X-ray did not reveal anything significant. So, I asked for an MRI of the hip joints. Now, the sequence of events started. There was evidence of Avascular necrosis of Femur Head in Right hip joint.

Avascular Necrosis of Hip or AVN as often used by Orthopaedic surgeons, describes damage to the Femur head (upper end of thigh bone) which forms an articulation with the Acetabulum (socket).

It produces pain in the Hip joint which gets aggravated with movements and in late stages blocks all movements due to florid arthritis.

Now, the important questions are
A) What do we do now?
B) What will be the long term fate?

AVN is presumed to be caused by raised Intra-osseous pressure within the femur head; which eventually causes destruction of bone cells resulting in collapse and later degenerative arthritis.

If presented early, the femoral head may be preserved by use of certain drugs which prevent bone destruction. These drugs have shown good improvement if continued over a period of 2-3 years.

If there are changes in the femoral head, or persistent pain; moderate relief may be obtained by core decompression of the femoral head and neck. This supposedly reduces intra-osseous pressure and preserves femoral head viability. However, there is no warranty against worsening of status.

In late stages, when the arthritis supervenes, the only option left is Total Hip Replacement.

Hip Resurfacing procedures often advocated, may not be viable in most cases because the quality of bone in the femoral neck is often compromised in such patients.

Joint Pain Relief - Shielding Your Joints From the Everyday Wear & Tear Isn't As Hard As You Think

Protecting your joints from the normal wear & tear of everyday living is something most of us don't even think about... That is, until we start to feel a little stiffness in our knees, wrist, shoulder, etc., etc...

All of a sudden we have all these aches & pains to deal with on a daily basis, that seemingly came out of nowhere. "Oh, it's just age." And with that simple sentence, we just chalk it up to the 'normal aging process, and accept the fact that there is no relief for our joint pain.

And it's completely unnecessary, too...

Treating joint pain, even avoiding it all together has never been easier. And yet still, most people in our culture will experience some kind of arthritic condition and resign themselves to 'living with the pain' for the rest of their lives.

In the past, this kind of attitude (behavior) might have been acceptable due to the lack of access to genuine remedies, that actually relieve pain, by addressing the real problems and not just treating the symptoms by masking the pain.

Today we have access to the very best information on joint pain relief, without the use of harmful prescription drugs or expensive, dangerous surgeries (which usually do more harm than good). Now, we understand that protecting our joints from the normal effects of aging, or relieving sore, aching joints is not as difficult as we once thought...

With the latest advances in the use of 'glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate' (natural substances found in and around the cells of cartilage. Glucosamine is an amino sugar that the body produces and distributes in cartilage and other connective tissue, and chondroitin sulfate is a complex carbohydrate that helps cartilage retain water).

Add that to some MSM, which is used to help maintain the lubrication of the joints, flexibility to the tissues & even rejuvenation of the hair, nails & skin. Now toss in some pain relieving, anti-inflammatory herbs like ginger & willow bark, a little vitamin C... And you have a support system for your joints that Superman, himself, would be jealous of.

These are not "new" treatments for painful joints, either. They are only recently being rediscovered, as proven remedies for your aging joints. Used for both, long & short term joint pain relief and the reduction of inflammation. Tapping into the use of natural options, when it comes to protecting your joints could be the wisest move you ever make...

Remember physical activity is not supposed to be painful, at any age! And by adding some of these natural options to shield our joints, we no longer have to live a life full of aches & pains.

Osteoarthritis-Management With Yoga

According to Ayurveda, an integrated system of living, the imbalance of Vata dosha is the chief cause of Osteoarthritis (Sandhigata) which gives raise to inflammation and pain in the joints.

Accumulated negative toxins called ama (undigested waste) in the colon which occurs due to the emotional and physical disturbances when settled in the joints give rise to OA.

Yoga tries to the manage this degenerative disease by including all spheres viz., physical-mental-moral-spiritual in the following manner.

** Stressed life, worries, tiredness, disturbed sleep leads to a state of improper digestion and yoga helps one to overcome all these.

** The mild body movements and gentle pressures of the yogic postures keeps the affected joints mobile and prevents further damage and reduces pain. Stretching postures done with rhythming breathing techniques helps one to relax and release the muscles that are crumpled around the joints.

** When the patient experience pain due to inflammation in the joints, pranayama (breathing technique) is to be practiced as it removes the accumulated toxins leading to reduction in pain, after which one can do sun salutation. First do the warm up exercises then hold a posture that helps in building strength and flexibility of the body and finally do the Shavasana (relaxation pose).

** Strength building asanas build muscles around the joints and helps in nourishing it. Flexibility yielding asanas open up the joints and increase the blood, oxygen and energy circulation. Shavasana done after the above two asanas is used to rejunevate to heal the body based on the energy one has acquired from above postures.

** Energizing and warming pranayama like Kapalabhati pranayama and Ujjayi Pranayam are highly recommended. Asanas for hip OA are Virabhadrasana, Parsvottanasana, Vrkasana Utthita Trikonasana etc.,

** Cyclic yoga exercises based on Suryanamaskara, burn extra calories. Abdominal exercises improves digestion. Yogic postures along with breathing exercises makes an physiological and psychological impact. Then do Shavasana which helps in regulating the mind. This sequence in doing asanas helps one to restore the balance of vata dosha thereby treating OA at its origin.

Reasons Why You Should Opt for Natural Pain Relief

People suffer from pain due to injury, age, or other physiological factors. Irrespective of the source of the pain, you will need to get something to ease the pain. There are various methods that this can be accomplished and one of them is through Natural Pain Relief. Here is some information about the various methods that you can use to ease pain naturally.

You may be wondering why natural pain relief is preferable to chemical relief. People have different physiological reactions to chemicals. You may take certain medication and suffer a life-threatening allergic reaction. This is the reason why you should choose natural methods, since the ingredients are applied as they are in nature. The manufacture of these products does not compromise the natural constitution of the ingredients, thereby providing them in as-close-to-natural form. Many people will argue that the chemical drugs are derived from natural ingredients, but there is a difference. The chemical drugs do not preserve the near-natural form of the ingredients.

Another reason why people prefer Natural Pain Relief is because the methods do not cause any dependence as chemical ingredients do. If you use chemical pain medication for an extended period of time, you run the risk of getting addicted to the drugs. You may end up having to go into a rehabilitation program, in order to get the drug out of your system. When it comes to natural methods, there is no danger of addiction, no matter how long you use the product. Similarly, overdosing on chemical pain medication can pose grave danger to your life, and that of others around you. Many people have lost their lives after taking overdose of drugs such as Morphine. With natural products, you do not have to worry about the amounts that you take. You only need to stop, once the pain subsides.

Natural pain relief products come in diverse forms. They come in form of sprays, pills, ointments, or supplements. The sprays, ointments, and creams are for topical application, while the pills and supplements are for ingestion. Many people will prefer to use the topical forms rather than those that they have to ingest. This is a normal reaction, since people who prefer natural methods of relieving pain, are averse to swallowing pills, etc. If you choose to take a product that you have to ingest, you should do so after consulting a medical practitioner. Many companies will advertise purely natural products for the relief and management of pain, but still include chemicals, which may bring you some harm, or discomfort.

Natural pain relief products share some common ingredients, and you should ensure that the creams, sprays, or other forms contain these ingredients.

Chondriotin and Glucosamine are amino acids that are common to most natural methods of pain relief. People with aches and pains that come from injury of bone and muscle tissue should look for products with this ingredient. It is important in the growth of both these tissues. Any injury will be healed and the pain will subside. Antioxidants also play a huge role in the management of pain. They help in reducing the inflammation that multiplies the pain that is caused by injury. They also help repair nerve tissue, and reduce the pain further.

There are different ways of applying natural pain relief products. The products are applied through:

• Hydrotherapy - This method involves immersing the body in warm water, containing the active ingredient. People have been known to put essential oils in their bath water to help in managing chronic pain. Salts and other natural products can be put in the water to help in relieving pain. Apart from reducing the pain, the bath will make you feel energetic, and rejuvenated, thus enhancing the therapeutic effect of this method of application.

• Massage - This methods involves kneading and rubbing the pain relief product into the affected area. If you are having muscle pain, you can rub an ointment or cream onto the aching area, and massage the active ingredients into the body. This is one way of ensuring that the ingredients get into the tissue, and begin relieving the pain immediately.

• Ingestion - This is where you have to swallow the pain relief product. This works well with supplements, pills, and syrups. You should not ingest any product that is to be used for hydrotherapy, or other topical application.

• Sleep and relaxation - This is an indirect method, since it is suppose to augment the effects of the above applications. Sleep is important since it gives the body enough time to heal, and rebuild itself. Anytime you have adequate deep sleep, you will always wake up feeling rested and full of energy. Pain can make it difficult for you to get enough sleep. When you are taking natural pain relief products, it would be a good idea to take something that will help you sleep. Remember to take a natural sleep enhancer.

You can get natural pain relief products on the Internet, or specialty shops. Take the time to read all the information provided about a particular product before you buy it. Talk to a medical professional before opting to take natural pain relievers. You may be suffering from a condition that will need dome form of chemical medication, or intrusive operation to cure. Read online reviews and forums, and see what other people have to say about the natural remedies that they have used to manage their pain.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Top Tips To Treat Finger Pain

Each hand has 14 finger joints, and each of these acts like a small hinge. Because the joints are small, they are operated by muscles in the forearm that control the joints by an intricate system of small slings for the tendon leaders. The small size and complicated arrangements mean that any inflammation or damage to the joint is likely to result in some stiffness and lost motion, as even a small scar or adhesion will limit motion. So you shouldn't expect that a problem with a small finger joint will resolve completely. Even after healing is complete, some leftover stiffness and occasional twinges of discomfort are likely. Unrealistically high expectations lead to feelings that you did something wrong or that the doctor was no good. In fact, almost all of us have a few fingers that have been injured and remain a bit crooked or stiff. The hand functions very well with these minor deformities; fingers need not open fully or close completely to be perfectly functional.

Osteoarthritis frequently causes knobby swelling of the most distant (end) joints of the fingers and also swelling of the middle joints. It can also cause problems at the base of the thumb. If we live long enough, all of us get these knobby swellings. They cause most of the changed appearance that we associate with the aging hand. For the most part, they cause relatively little pain or stiffness and don't need specific treatment other than exercise.

Listen to the pain message and avoid activities that cause or aggravate pain. Rest the finger joints so that they can heal, but use gentle stretching exercises to keep them limber and maintain motion. The key to managing finger problems is to use common sense.

With a bit of ingenuity you can find a less stressful way to do almost any activity that puts stress on the joints. Since everyone's activities are a bit different, you will have to invent some of these new ways yourself. Here are a few tips to get you going:

A big handle can be gripped with less strain than a small handle, so wrapping pens, knives, and other similar objects with tape or putting a sponge rubber handle over the original handle can help you grip items. Lift smaller loads. Make more trips. Plan ahead rather than blundering through an activity. Let others open the car door for you. Use a gripper for opening tough jar lids or stop buying products that come in hard-to-open jars. When opening a tough lid, apply friction pressure on the top of the lid with your palm and twist with your whole hand, not your grip. Cultivate ingenious friends who are handy at making little gadgets to help you. Organize your kitchen, workshop, study, and bedroom so that heavy objects are not too high or too low.

Stretch the joints gently twice a day to maintain motion. Straighten the hand out against the tabletop. Make a fist and then cock the wrist to increase the stretch. Use one hand to move each finger of the other hand from full flexion to straight out. Don't force, but stretch just to the edge of discomfort. If the motion of a joint is normal, one repetition is enough, but if the motion is limited, do up to ten repetitions. Warming the hands in warm water before stretching may help you get more motion.

Don't use strong pain medicines; they mask the pain so that you may overdo an activity or an exercise. Be sure that you take prescribed medication for inflammation just as instructed. Good hand function is important, and you want to pay close attention to treatment.

Sacroiliac Joint Pain and Dysfunction

The SI joint is composed of the sacrum bone and the two ileum bones on both sides. The sacrum is made up of five vertebrae which are anatomically fused together and the ileum forms the pelvis. The joint is held together by a large ligament. The primary function of this joint is to support the weight of the upper body in the standing position, the available range of movement is very little. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction happens when pain, injury or inflammation occurs.

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction can be caused by different conditions. As with other joints in the body, the sacroiliac joint can also be affected by arthritis. Osteoarthritis, an arthritic condition can occur when the cartilage of the joint becomes thinner. The bone will then rub with each other and could lead to arthritis, which is the number one cause of SI dysfunction. Other condition that may cause SI dysfunction is direct impact to the joint like in falls. Due to postural changes and abnormality in hormones brought about by pregnancy, SI dysfunction is common in pregnant women.

Abnormal kinematics in the joint can lead to pain, and this is true in people with leg length discrepancy, or when one leg is longer than the other. Systemic disorders may also affect the SI joint like gout, RA (rheumatoid arthritis), ankylosing spondylitis and psoriasis.

Pain in SI dysfunction is felt in the lower back region but can extend up to the buttocks. Intensity of pain increases when the back is extended like in walking, lying down or standing. Pain can be perceived in the hips and groin area. During physical examination, pain can be reproduced by giving stress to the joint.

Noninvasive treatment for SI joint dysfunction includes physical therapy. Invasive procedures include joint injections of local anesthetic and steroid. Lumbar stabilization techniques and stretching of the back are typical exercises that are beneficial for SI joint dysfunction patients.

Knee Strengthening Exercises Can Help You Combat Joint Inflammation, Pain, And Stiffness

If you suffer with joint pain, say in your knees for example, you are one of millions of others around the world who go through the same thing every single day. Arthritis affects more than seventy million people in the United States alone.

Contrary to popular belief arthritis is not just the bane of the elderly.

What causes this problem?

For many people a lack of exercise is one of the main reasons why their bones and joints are painful and stiff. Our skeletal system needs to be exercised. If exercise is neglected problems are going to arise, and not only with regards to our bones.

When the joints are sore and swollen immobility naturally occurs. We want to protect the affected area, afraid to do anything that might cause the pain and swelling to intensify. However, immobility is probably one of the reasons why the problem has occurred in the first place.

Another primary cause is a diet that is not nutritionally sound. When the diet is lacking the body will suffer in a multitude of ways. In order to function properly the human body has nutritional requirements that need to be met. When these are neglected issues arise. It really comes down to cause and effect.

What can be done?

First of all you need to know that you do not have to resign yourself to the idea of a life of joint pain. There are things you can do to alleviate the problem. For instance, if you suffer with knee pain you need to do knee exercises. Certain knee exercises will greatly help to reduce swelling and pain and increase mobility. And the good news is that it is never too late to start.

Nutritional Supplements

Nutritional supplements, such as those that contain New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel Powder are known to greatly benefit those suffering with joint pain. The green lipped mussel is a complete food that reduces inflammation in the joints. Coupled with vitamins, minerals, and other essential ingredients, these supplements can go a long way in helping you enjoy a more active and healthier life.

Why choose a natural supplement?

You might wonder why you should choose a natural supplement over a conventional medicinal one. While certain prescription drugs are very beneficial, natural remedies are safe and can be used in conjunction with other medications. They will not produce a range of unpleasant side effects. Also, unlike conventional medications, they will not cause complications in other areas of the body.

"Choose supplements and knee strengthening exercises to help you live a life free of joint pain and inflammation".

Info on Instaflex for Joint Pain

What are you doing to be proactive about your joint pain? Are you aware of the easily accessible remedies there are for this health problem? Yes changing your diet and exercise can help overcome joint pains, but there are also herbal supplements prepared to help control and avoid this distress altogether. Instaflex is an example of a product that can help you. Let's look into what it has to offer men and women suffering from conditions like arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Instaflex is said to be the most popular joint medication sold at GNC. GNC is a chain of General Nutrition Centers that focuses on selling a full range of nutritional health products. The company has over 6,000 stores and has been a reputable source for vitamins, weight loss, body building, and supplements since 1935.

This product is a popular "go-to" for athletes or those who have sports related injuries. Have you heard of Carla Overbeck before? She is one of the most renowned women soccer players. Her soccer career led her to huge victories as she became one of two team members to play every minute of each game in both the 1996 Summer Olympics and the Women's World Cup in 1999 and 1995. Her ability to endure nonstop play time and reprimanding workout schedules is outstanding. However, such wear and tear on the body can end in joint pain. Athletes are always warned about protecting their joint health. Carla Overbeck is a mother of two now and used to suffer from terrible joint pain. She states, "Finally, thanks to Instaflex, I'm now able to be active in sports and keep up with my two young kids without discomfort." Doug Flutie is another famous pro football player that suffered from joint pain and found comfort in Instaflex.

This product aims to help more than just the pain you feel from poor joint health. Instaflex is designed to help with flexibility and mobility. The ingredient list includes Cayenne, Ginger Root, White Willow Bark, MSM, Glucosamine Sulfate, Tumeric Root Extract, Hyaluronic Acid, and Boswella Serrata Extract.

Every sale of Instaflex helps the Arthritis Foundation. The company pledges $25,000 to the foundation regardless of sales. The Arthritis Foundation is the world's largest nonprofit arthritis organization.

When looking for joint relief - especially as an athlete - it is smart to consider using Instaflex. Recommended dose is three pills per day and with a full glass of water.

Habits to Avoid If You Have TMJ Disorder

Surprisingly, many people who have TMJ Disorder, or who are flirting with it, often have habits, usually unconscious ones, that exacerbate this condition. Most, of course, have no idea that these habits or activities can cause undue stress on an already stressed jaw.

Gum Chewing

Chewing gum can put tremendous stress on jaw joints. People who have full blown cases of TMJD are aware of this and seldom chew gum, but many people who have lesser symptoms may not always equate gum chewing with TMJD, particularly if one's symptoms don't include pain but only include things like "popping" or crackling of the jaw. Popping and crackling jaw joints are only a prelude of what is to follow!

Chewing Ice

How many times have you sat around crunching on ice? Even chewing on shaved ice can put amazing stress on the jaw joints, not to mention that chomping on ice can crack and break teeth. This is a difficult habit to break. Ice chomping must be in one's DNA, for ice chompers revert to chomping and chewing ice no matter how hard they try not to. This is a BAD habit, and it's particularly bad for people with TMJD!

Chewing Pencils, Pens, Fingernails

This is another habit that is very detrimental to teeth and to jaw joints. It's also probably the most unsanitary habit there is if one considers who else may have handled the pencil or pen, and what else your fingers may have touched that is covered with germs and gross bacteria. Keep things out of your mouth. If you are a chewer and a chomper, this is very difficult. But if you have TMJD, it is essential that you not stress your jaw joints by chomping and grinding away on foreign objects.

Hard Candy

Please, don't even put a hard candy in your mouth if you are a chewer/chomper. The odds are, no matter how careful you are, that you are going to eventually chomp on the candy. Granted, you may wait until it's a tiny sliver or morsel, but you're going to do it. Avoid hard candy, and even avoid licorice and all those hard, chewy treats.

Toothpicks Count Too

If you're a natural born chomper/chewer, even using a toothpick can lead to some heavy duty chewing, especially if you leave the toothpick in your mouth for any length of time.

TMJD and Swallowing Disorders

If you have a bad case of TMJD the odds are that you may also develop a swallowing disorder. This disorder may range from slight to serious. TMJD is not a condition to be blown off or taken lightly, even if you aren't in pain. The throat muscles also can become involved along with the jaw muscles. Treat this condition seriously. Find out what is causing your TMJD and address this issue. TMJD is not a 'normal' condition. Something causes this and it seems that the cause of every case of TMJD is different. Don't continue habits that will lead to further complications of swallowing disorders.

There is speculation that vitamin deficiencies may be the root cause of this disorder; obviously, jaw or facial injury can lead to TMJD also. Some are suggesting that the condition may be hereditary. Sometimes dental procedures can cause a temporary bout of TMJD. No matter the cause, take this condition seriously and protect your jaws from further injury. NO MORE CHEWING and CHOMPING!

Chiropractors Correct Joint Instability To Relieve Chronic Pain

MN chiropractors are trained to evaluate the mechanics of the spine and all joints of the body.  By mechanics we mean how the joints move-do they move the way they are supposed to?  Mechanical instability is when things are not moving the way they were meant to.  Think of a ladder that is propped up on uneven ground.  You climb up the ladder and start to feel it wobble.  That's mechanical instability.

Ligaments are like duct tape in our body-they keep us together

In the body, it's the ligaments that hold bones together.  In the knee for instance there are several ligaments that attach the femur to the tibia.  These ligaments stabilize the knee when we stress it mechanically, for instance when we're running.  The muscles around the knee also work to stabilize it and give it mechanical stability, but right now I'll just talk about the ligaments.  When there is too much stress to a ligament, it tears.  This is what we call a sprain. 

If the stress to the ligament isn't too much, the injury heals and afterward the knee moves just like it should--the joint is still mechanically stable.  But if the mechanical stress to the ligaments was too much, the ligament will over stretch so much that it remains overstretched after the injury heals. 

Ligaments can be overstretched like the plastic that holds a six-pack of soda pop together

You can think of the plastic that holds a six pack of cans together.  If you just pull the can out, the ring of plastic remains the same size.  You could push the can back into the ring and it would hold the can.  If you pull hard on the plastic ring you can stretch it out of shape.  Then when you try to put the can back in, it won't hold.  Ligaments are the same way. 

The ligament damage caused by a whiplash injury is a good example of mechanical instability that causes chronic pain

A type of injury we all have heard of is "Whiplash".  The jolt of an auto accident whips the head back and forth.  Researchers who first studied these injuries used the analogy of cracking a whip.  With the jolt of the crash our head snaps back and forth like the end of a whip.  This whipping motion can overstretch and injure the ligaments that hold the bones in our neck together. 

And in fact, in whiplash there is often a tearing of the deep ligaments of the neck that hold the bones together.  In the example of the knee joint we just talked about we were speaking of just one joint.  In the neck were talking about eight bones and sixteen joints.   If the healing process is not optimal, then the same type of instability that we saw in the knee can develop in the neck.

The neck X-rays of people who have been in an automobile accident and suffered a "whiplash" injury show the mechanical instability that results.  Often after such an injury, the normal curve in the neck flattens or reverses.  This is because the overstretched (injured) ligaments can no longer hold the bones of the neck in their proper position.

X-Ray movies are a good way to actually see mechanical instability in joints

Motion X-rays reveal even more.  These special X-rays are X-ray movies of the neck.  They are taken while the person bends his head backward and forward, side to side and rotates left and right.  It is astonishing to see how the bones in the neck wobble and slide over each other excessively after whiplash ligament injury in the neck.  

As a result of the loose ligaments not holding the bones together as tightly as they should, there is excess friction in the joints of the neck.  The excess friction causes inflammation which is constantly aggravated (because the friction keeps on).   It can be as little as one millimeter of excess movement-the thickness of a dime-that causes enough extra friction, so that the person always has tenderness and soreness in the neck.  This results in chronic inflammation in this area, and the chronic pain. 

When the joints in the upper neck have excess friction and consequently inflammation, it often creates headaches as a result.

Mechanical instability can also cause pain in the low back and other joints of the body

Mechanical instability can be mild or severe.  Chiropractors maintain all mechanical instability is a cause of health problems, and is often a source of pain.  In my experience traditional medicine tends to dismiss this type of low level mechanical instability as insignificant. 

In chiropractic we call them subluxations, and understand them to be the cause of a lot of problems also because they tend to disrupt nerve communications.   In traditional medicine severe joint instability is usually treated surgically.  Ligaments are tightened, bones are fused together or clamped together with steel rods and plates.

Repairing mild mechanical instability  

Chiropractors specialize in correcting mechanical instabilities of the spine and all of the joints of the body.  Chronic neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, back, hip, knee, ankle and foot pain often improves quickly when the mechanical instability of these joints is corrected. 

It's an obvious solution.  Imagine your car having the front left wheel not bolted tightly to the axel.  When you drive, the wheel wobbles.  The wobble further stresses the bolts which loosen even more, until the tire comes off.   The analogy works this far-it highlights the importance of correcting a mechanically unstable moving part before things get worse.  For the car wheel, you simply tighten the bolts and the problem is solved.

Chiropractors specialize in the correction of mechanical instabilities of the spine and other joints of the body.  When these instabilities are identified early, problems such as joint pain, muscle tightness and spasm and arthritis can be reversed or prevented.   When they are allowed to remain, the increased friction in the joints accelerates deterioration of the joint.  This can result in degenerative arthritis of the joint.

By correcting mechanical instability of joints, MN chiropractors reduce joint friction.  Lessening joint friction helps resolve inflammation of the joints.  When inflammation ceases, pain also stops. 

TMJ Symptoms - Are You One Of 12 Million TMJ Sufferers?

Millions of individuals experience discomforting, excruciating jaw pain and it can occur for a number of reasons. TMJ dysfunction is one of the most common reasons. Many people simply learn to live with the pain associated with TMJ. However, for many individuals, the subsequent TMJ symptoms can be unbearable. It can, in various ways, effect one's entire upper body. We will discuss specific TMJ symptoms below.

TMJ dysfunction is characterized by pain, deviation and clicking in the jaw. The dysfunction occurs where the lower jaw and the temporal bone of the skull join. With cases of TMJ dysfunction, something causes the jaw to shift to one side. Generally, it shifts toward the damaged jaw joint. However, after some time, the side of the jaw without problems becomes damaged due to over-use and over compensation. Many of the individuals with this TMJ problems, have the following symptoms.

Common TMJ Symptoms:

· Pain in the ear

· Jaw muscles that are sore

· Pain in the cheek and temple

· Popping or clicking in the jaw

· The jaw locking up

· Headaches and neckaches

· Difficulity in fully opening one's mouth

· Tingling in the arms, fingers as well as numbness and pain

· Difficulties in swallowing

· Eyes watering

· Hearing buzzing, roaring, and ringing sounds

TMJ symptoms and dysfunction can have a huge, negative impact on one's life. For this reason, many individuals consider TMJ surgery or search out various TMJ exercises and therapies. There are many simple TMJ exercises that can be performed in the comfort of one's home, in order to alleviate most TMJ symptoms. You will just need to do a little bit of research, separate the good ideas from the comical and then commit to what you find. There is hope and there are available effective therapies, besides risky surgery.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Patellofemoral Joint Replacement - What Exactly is Involved?

The total knee replacement (or arthroplasty) is a very common operation and brings great relief to many sufferers of osteoarthritis. A patellofemoral replacement is a much less common procedure and because of this is more difficult to find information on.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease characterized by the loss of articular cartilage and resulting in pain and deformity. The knee is a very common site for osteoarthritis. As this type of arthritis is typical in weight bearing joints, it is most common in the knee between the tibia (shin bone)and the femur (thigh bone). It is not unusual for there to be coinciding patellofemoral arthritic changes when the weight bearing surfaces are worn. This is why the patellofemoral joint is frequently replaced at the same time as the tibiofemoral joint.

What is more unusual is the isolated patellofemoral joint replacement. This is the joint between the femur and the patella (kneecap). It is unusual because the joint is considered minimally weight bearing and as such is usually less affected by years of use. This is why patellofemoral replacements are usually the result of a previous significant event such as a fracture or a long term anatomical difference. This is the reason the main weight bearing surfaces are intact in these cases.

In fitting with modern surgical practice, a patellofemoral replacement only replaces the affected areas. The prostheses used are very different from the traditional total knee replacements. The back surface of the kneecap is replaced along with the groove at the front of the femur, and that is all.

The rehabilitation following the surgery is basically the same as that of a total knee replacement. The time in hospital is often less however as there is less significant bony disruption and potentially less pain.

Because isolated patellofemoral osteoarthritis is usually the result of trauma, those undergoing a replacement tend to be younger. For this reason they have higher physical expectations of their replaced knee and they may not last as long as they would in a more elderly patient.

When health professionals talk of prosthesis failure the usual cause is prosthesis loosening. The materials used today are very resilient and it is not the replacement that usually fails but the junction between the replacement and the bone itself.

One of the key benefits of the patellofemoral replacement is that it does not significantly affect any future total knee replacements. This means that it can be performed in relatively young people and delay the need for total knee arthroplasty.

The ability to operate on younger people adds an extra step in the treatment chain and can result in osteoarthritis sufferers experiencing much less pain in the lead up to a total knee replacement.

The usual recommendations for arthritis sufferers still remain:

Lose Weight if possible
Increase exercise levels
Gain Quadriceps strength
Take appropriate analgesia

Patellofemoral osteoarthritis can be a life changing condition. It is always wise to investigate all non surgical options before going down the surgical route. If you have honestly done everything you can to hold back the pain of patellofemoral arthritis but have been unable to manage it, discuss the surgical options with your Consultant. They will let you know if you are suitable for this kind of surgery.