Saturday, March 15, 2014

Signs of Dog Arthritis and Joint Pain

The basic difference in canine and human arthritis is that in case your pet is suffering from dog arthritis, it will not wail in pain. Hence, if you do not watch for subtle signs and changes in your dog, it may be too late for the dog to be cured.

Let us have a look at some of the vital signs that could lead to possible dog arthritis:

* Inactivity: Your dog is not active as before. It spends more hours in bed.
* Licking: You find your dog licking the legs more often than not.
* Slow: Your dog takes time in climbing or getting up.
* Lazy: Your dog feels lazy to go for regular walks.
* Jumping: Your dog keeps both the rear legs together while jumping. This could be due to dysplasia, which can later lead to dog arthritis.
* Shifting weight on the front legs: Your dog keeps rear legs close to each other while standing. It does this to shift the body weight to the front legs in an attempt to ease pain.
* Elbows: Normally, the elbows of the dog remain under the body. In case the elbows spread outside, it could be an early signal to dog arthritis.
* Loss of weight: If you feel that your dog has become lean, in spite of eating properly, it could be due to muscle atrophy.

Unfortunately, your dog cannot communicate its discomfort to you. Therefore, you need to be vigilant about its health. Approximately, 20% of the dogs suffer from arthritis. Hence, if you see any of the subtle signs mentioned above in your dog, do not ignore it as aging signs or feel that your dog is being lazy. Consult your vet immediately and get an X-ray done.

Maintain a healthy routine for your dog and put him on joint supplements before it gets late.

Changing Your Diet Can Help Inflamed Joints

If you suffer from inflamed joints, you may have tried many times to reduce the pain and treat the problem only to be disappointed that the drugs you are taking are not working. If you are one of those people who have not succeeded in finding the right treatment and medication for your joint problems, chances are you have already tried most prescription drugs that are on the market.

However, instead of feeling that there is no hope how would you feel if I told you that there are many natural solutions that will not only give relief from painful joints. But they will actually be beneficial to your overall health too. What exactly causes inflamed joints you might wonder? There can be many causes - from an unhealthy lifestyle, diet, injuries, arthritis and more. If you want to alleviate the pain caused by arthritis, changing your diet into a healthier one is essential. After all, the foods you eat can have an enormous effect on your joints.

We will begin by listing foods that have anti-inflammatory properties. Basically, you want to consume foods that can really help reduce the inflammation in your joints. When there is less inflammation, there will be less pain. It is that simple. Some foods that are known to have good anti-inflammatory properties include olive oil, leafy greens, broccoli, blueberries and cherries. You can even spice it up a bit by eating turmeric, a wonder food that can fight inflammation of the joints.

The most effective food solution can be found in foods that contain omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 can be naturally found in cold water fresh fish and mussels. They help increase the production of enzymes that play a key role in building and maintaining cartilage tissue in your joints. These significantly reduce inflammation and effectively act as a pain reliever.

Therefore, eating more fresh fish like tuna, cod, trout, salmon and hoki can really help deal with your joint pain. Hoki is a fish common to the southern oceans of New Zealand and is rich in omega 3. They are also the source for the purest fish oil supplements. In conclusion, omega 3 fatty acids offer a safer and healthier solution for joints inflammation. Apart from taking these supplements, you should also do regular exercise to help strengthen the muscles around the joints.

The combination of good exercises and consumption of fish oil supplements will make a significant difference to your joint pain. If you would like to know more about how omega 3 fish oil can make a real different to your joint pain, take a look at my website. I have many tips and solutions to help ease your pain so you can start living normally again.

Tinnitus TMJ - Understanding and Treating Tinnitus TMJ

The medical manifestations of TMJ condition include tmj ear pain, TMJ neck pain and tinnitus TMJ itself. It has been reported that virtually all who suffer from TMJ dysfunction show forth the symptom of tinnitus. The condition is somehow more difficult to diagnose since it does not actually result from hearing loss, but rather from the case of jaw going off alignment. But as soon as it is spotted, it is relatively easier to find solution for the condition in a couple of weeks.

Short for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, TMJ is a disorder involving jaw misalignment; this disorder is not a popularly identified cause of hearing loss. Generally, the jaw is located in front of the ear, and it aids us to talk, chew as well as let out a smile. Those who suffer from TMJ tinnitus would normally awaken from sleep with a feeling of restlessness or like one who had sleepless night. The condition is more of a disorder and the symptoms of this condition include migraine headaches, sinus aches, popping of jaw joints when eating or yawning, stiff shoulders and neck, itchy fingers, light-headedness, constant dizzy spells as well as lower back pain.

Those who are diagnosed of TMJ disorders often suffer from tinnitus. Tmj patients histories often reveal cases of tinnitus, hearing loss, nausea and vertigo. A study carried out of recent showed that patients with craniocervical mandibular disorders also had tinnitus accompanying their condition, either primarily or as secondary to the mandibular disorder. However, it is intended that if tinnitus is found in an individual with no apparent cause, further study may be necessary to aid in ascertaining if the condition is connected to a jaw joint dysfunction; an audiologist is in a better position to carry out this study. It has been established that the compression of the tissues located at the back of the jaw joint is usually the cause of TMJ tinnitus as well as decreased hearing.


The treatment or remedies for this condition offers solution towards disturbing noises; it also offers relief to any pain experienced as a result of the condition and also resolves the issues of depression and sleeplessness. Before treatment is administered, a complete diagnostic evaluation is performed. The causes of TMJ could vary based on the patient involved; consequently, thorough diagnosis and treatment is essential. Sometimes, a recommendation of chiropractic manipulation of the temporalis masseter jaw muscles 14 -21 days into the treatment plan is made. The treatment plan may include different solutions which also treat the tinnitus, the pain, and substantially relief the tensed muscles.

In addressing TMJ and other accompanying conditions such as tinnitus, headaches and ear infections, cranial osteopathy could be combined with other treatments. There are also natural remedies for the treatment of tinnitus TMJ symptoms; it is non-medical and does not involve the use of drugs in any way. it usually involves the use of herbs such as the gingko Biloba, sesame seed, fenugreek seed tea, black cohosh and others

Teeth Grinding, Jaw Clenching, & TMJ Disorders

Teeth grinding and jaw clenching are two common causes of TMJ disorders, as they cause undue pressure on the jaw joint and can result in the person's bite coming altered as well. TMJ in these cases is considered to be caused by mental stress, rather than by physical problems.

When a person is stressed, they may begin to unknowingly grind their teeth and clench their jaw-- and the patient must undertake a number of specific steps in order to control and remove the stress form his everyday life. Most importantly, the patient must also get a custom-made mouth guard which will prevent him from grinding his teeth and putting pressure on them, and help him to break this habit as well.

Here are some detailed steps that you can take to reduce the teeth grinding and jaw clenching which cause TMJ disorders:

1. Stress reduction and relaxing techniques: these include meditation, visualization techniques, yoga, and strenuous exercise. Other techniques may include stress management courses and professional counseling. Acupuncture, massage, and biofeedback have also proven to be effective as well.

2. Adjusting the diet to help reduce stress: limiting the intake of caffeine, sugar, fast foods, processed foods, and frozen foods may lower your stress levels and increase your health. Also, it may be helpful to take calcium 1200 mg at bedtime and pantothenic acid 200 mg daily.

3. Sleep on the back: studies have shown that a high percentage of those who clench their teeth at night sleep on their side. Sleeping on the back has been shown to reduce the habit of clenching their teeth at night.

4. Avoid taking antidepressants: these are often taken with the mistaken belief that they will reduce stress and overall tension, and thus reduce the TMJ teeth grinding. Although they may indeed reduce stress during the day, studies have shown that they actually INCREASE nighttime incidences of teeth grinding significantly, and have even been shown to cause cases of TMJ on their own, when no other previous symptoms existed. If these must be taken, it is important to wear a custom made mouth guard at night.

5. The patient must make a conscious and deliberate effort to avoid teeth grinding and jaw clenching during the day, as this will only make the TMJ disorder worse; in addition to eliminating stress, the patient must take care to notice whenever he feels stress, frustration, anger, or tension, and check to see if the jaw or teeth is clenched. If the problem is particularly severe, you may wish to wear a custom made mouth guard even during the day, removed only when eating or when the patient must speak.

6. A custom made mouth guard from a neuromuscular dentist: the patient must purchase one that is custom made, and not a generic one from a drugstore or online. The cost will range anywhere from $200 to $600, depending on the severity of the problem as well as the dentist himself.

One type of custom made mouth guard is the NTI device, which has the highest success rate (over 90%) of treating the teeth clenching, and should generally be the first choice of any TMJ patient. The device attaches to the two front teeth and prevents the back teeth, both upper and lower, from not touching at all; this device will be made of a thin piece of plastic molded from impression taken of your teeth; it is easy to wear, not cumbersome, small, and of clear plastic, and thus may even be worn during the day. This device must fit perfectly in order to be of any effect. It is crucial to remember that if you do not find relief from this device, then you should try another dentist, as this device is guaranteed to provide relief if fashioned correctly; most unsuccessful devices are either poorly fitting, or are treating cases of TMJ that are not based on teeth grinding. Please seek the care of a second, or even third, dentist if this does not work initially.

7. Lower splints to correct jaw imbalances and also prevent improper chewing and teeth grinding. These are quite effective as well, but again must fit properly in order to be of any effect; they are usually worn 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and may need to be adjusted monthly. Again, they should provide some, if not complete relief; if you do not have any effect you may need to seek the opinion of a second dentist. Avoid any dentist who suggest upper rather than lower splints as well, as these have proven to be ineffective and cause more damage adversely; these will not address the teeth grinding and jaw clenching causing the TMJ disorder.

Vitamin B-12 for Mental Acuity

Vitamin B-12 (cyanocobalamin) has been known as the energizer. A water-soluble vitamin is unique in being the first cobalt-containing substance found to be essential for longevity. Cobalt is an essential mineral and is an integral part of vitamin B-12. It is necessary for the normal functioning and maintenance of red blood cells as well as all other body cells.

Vitamin B-12 and Folic Acid have been helpful in treating anxiety and has a calming effect on insomniacs. Folic Acid protects against cancer and benefits arthritis and anemia.

Vitamin B-12 aids in preventing pallor, fatigue, lack of energy and forgetfulness. Increases capillary blood flow and vision. Good for the blood flow to the heart and aids in the absorption of other vitamins.

Vitamin B-12 will assist is eliminating mental fatigue and confusion, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, angina pectoris, diabetes, hypoglycemia, epilepsy multiple sclerosis, neuritis, neuropsychiatric disorders, vertigo, leg paralysis, bruises, muscular dystrophy, cold sores, shingles, psoriasis, hangovers, leukemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, overweight and obesity, tobacco amblyopia, ulcers, gastritis, asthma, tuberculosis, allergies, worms, degenerative joint disease, rheumatoid arthritis.

Lack of vitamin B-12 has been found to cause a type of brain damage resembling schizophrenia. The brain damage may be detected by the following symptoms: numbness or a feeling of deadness in an extremity, sore mouth, stiffness, shooting pain, hot or cold, needles and pins tingle sensations.

Vitamin B-12 Deficiency symptoms may vary in severe or mild forms of mood disorders, mental slowness and loss of memory to severe psychotic symptoms, nervousness, neuritis, unpleasant body odor and menstrual disturbances. If a deficiency is not detected in early stages, it may result in permanent mental deterioration and/or paralysis.

It is a well known fact that a total Vegetarian Diet (Vegan) is lacking the essential vitamin B-12. Therefore, a person on a Vegan Diet should take one 50 microgram of B-12 once per week. If you consider a Vegan Diet for the purpose of Weight Loss you may reconsider your choices and review the 12 Healthy Herbs for Safe Weight Loss. A Natural Cleanser will also supply you with essential nutrients and aid in Weight Loss on a continuous healthy level.

This simple source of vitamin B-12 may be found in this Herbal Combination: Alfalfa, Chlorophyll, Don Quai, Kelp and Comfrey. This will enhance Mental Acuity and supply the needed nutrients to help prevent deficiencies from the lack of eating meat.

Capsulated Formula

Alfalfa: Contains eight digestive enzymes and eight essential amino acids. Use equal parts in addition with Don Quai, Kelp and Chlorophyll. Rich in Vitamin U for peptic ulcers. Athletes use this Herb for Endurance and Energy.

Chlorophyll: High in Calcium and Iron. Liquid form take one capful once a day.

Don Quai: Gives nourishment to the brain cells. High in Vitamin E and B-12. Acts as a mild laxative as it lubricates the intestines. Helps eliminate dry skin problems by moistening and softening the skin.

Kelp: High in Iodine. Iodine assists the thyroid to help them do their job more efficiently. Especially good for the Pituitary and Adrenal Glands. Contains: Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B 12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin G, Calcium, Chlorine, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Lithium, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium; Selenium, Silicon, Sodium, Sulfur, Zinc, Trace Minerals.

Comfrey: Take in tablet form or in capsules, three pills three times a day. Use in place of the above formula or in addition if already deficient. Use in ten day increments resting seven days in between.

Food Sources

Folic Acid is needed with B-12 and may be found in: Orange Juice, Asparagus, Spinach, Turnip Greens, Avocado, Brussels Sprouts, Lima Beans, Soy Beans, Kidney Beans, White Beans, Root Vegetables, Whole Grains, Wheat Germ, Bulgur Wheat, Oysters, Salmon, Milk, Brewers Yeast, Organ Meat and Chicken Livers.

Cobalt may be found in high sources: meats, especially kidney and liver, oysters, beet greens, buckwheat, figs, lettuce, cabbage, watercress, clams, milk and spinach.

Vitamin B-12 may be found in: beef, cheese, eggs, fish, clams, milk and milk products. Vitamin B-12 may be stored in the intestines for many years and the reabsorption from the intestines is quite efficient.

A healthy diet of well balanced food choices will supply the needed amounts of Vitamin B-12 and Folic Acid but in most cases we do not consume the healthiest of food products therefore, the above formula will be most beneficial in making Healthy Choices for A Healthy and Happy Life.

Does Provailen Really Work?

Many people are affected by joint pain caused by arthritis. However, there are many other triggers for experiencing joint pain aside from arthritis like injuries, aging and too much stress on certain joints. Through the years, the most popular treatment for joint pain has always been taking medications. The bad news is that such drugs can result to adverse effects like stomach ulcer, high blood pressure, kidney damage and heart problems.

This is exactly the reason why natural joint pain supplements are now very popular. Provailen is one of the most popular natural joint pain supplements today. Just do a simple online search on joint pain and you will likely come across this product. Let's take a closer look at this joint pain remedy and determine if Provailen really works or not.

What Makes It Work?
The most interesting thing about Provailen is its key ingredient, which is a mushroom called Reishi. This ingredient contains polysaccharide beta-1, 3-D-glucan that is supposed to boost the number of macrophages T-cells. These cells are among a group of immune cells that gets rid of bacteria, viruses and injured or dead body cells.

It is common knowledge that arthritis damage is mainly caused by problems in the body's auto immune system. The body doesn't just attack injured and dead body cells but also the joints, which may result in pain and inflammation. Basically, Reishi brings back the balance of macrophages in order to reduce the damage and effects of arthritis.

Other Ingredients
Provailen also contains pure capsaicin that helps the body improve absorption of the ingredients of the product. It is essentially a carrier and it increases blood flow to the blood vessels. Capsaicin has also been indicated in the process of alleviating inflammation and the breakup of deposits that contributes to pain from arthritis.

Studies also confirm that this ingredient can help reduce chronic nerve pain. The product also contains concentrated tongkatali that helps prevent muscle atrophy. This, in turn, prevents muscle weakness that can contribute to joint pain from arthritis.

Looking at the three key ingredients of the product, there is good reason to believe that Provailen really works.

Product Assessment
The main problem with the product is the fact that there are no clinical studies supporting its claims. So how can we be sure that it is really effective in treating joint pain? We certainly can't. Based on online reviews, many people who have tried Provailen pain relief product claim that it really works. But then again, there are also some people who say that it didn't do anything for them.

It is possible that it works for some people and it doesn't work for others. There is also the possibility that some people just experience the placebo effect when using the product.

It is still unclear whether Provailen really works. The only way to determine if it will work for you is by trying it. If you are suffering from joint pain from arthritis, the best way to treat it is to begin by consulting a specialist who can give you recommended treatments.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Joint Pain Relief Naturally Today

Joint pain relief is a growing need for millions of people of all ages due to their problems with stiffness and aching that keeps them from doing what they love to do. Have you been experiencing difficulty sleeping, getting out of bed, enjoying your work and hobbies, or simply moving around freely? Pain in the joints can cause suffering in a lot of ways, which is why we wanted to take the time to help you discover the answers to your swelling and inflexibility.

This guide to joint pain relief will teach you about the various causes, symptoms, and products that can help you feel better. We will also give you some important things to look for when searching around for the right treatment for your joints. Not every pill or ointment is made the same, so it's good to know what makes a high quality, effective product.

Possible Causes of Joint Pain

The causes of joint pain are going to dictate which method of treatment is the best for your situation. You may have tried many products in the past without first understanding the reason behind your symptoms.

Possible causes of joint pain can be arthritis, fracture, fibromyalgia, injury, sickle cell anemia, or even drug withdrawal. There are other causes that can overlap with other conditions such as typhus, Sjogren's Syndrome, or SAPHO syndrome. Your pain isn't necessarily just related to your joints, in other words. This can be a complicated condition that has stemmed from an illness of the blood or immune system.

If you are like most people with joint pain, your inflammation may be due to arthritis damage as a result of an imbalanced or weakened immune system. Arthritis can come in many forms, so you may want to discuss with your doctor first to determine what your exact condition is before seeking treatment.

Depending on your specific cause, you may be able to treat it with the right products and methods. The only bad news is it can be very painful until you find the right joint pain relief that works for you. So where do you begin on your search for relief?

What to Look for When Choosing Joint Pain Relief Products

First and foremost, it's important that you look for a joint pain relief product that is proven to be safe with no harmful side effects. We can't emphasize enough how crucial it is to choose one that has been tested and known to use only pharmaceutical grade ingredients. There are plenty of anti-inflammatory supplements and drugs on the market that contain unknown compounds that haven't been thoroughly tested. Please consider a safer product and consult with your doctor to be sure it will be safe for you.

Testimonials are another important part of your search for an anti-inflammatory supplement. Don't consider anything that hasn't been shown to help other people with joint problems - it's like taking a shot in the dark. If you can find something that has been supported by numerous published testimonials, you may be on the right path. Be on the lookout for products that helped arthritis sufferers and fitness lovers with their mobility. When people are claiming they can move once again without pain, you know it's something worth considering for yourself.

Finally, you want to look for a treatment that addresses the causes of inflammation in the body, rather than hiding them with simple pain relievers. Anyone can make a product that has natural or synthetic ingredients to stop the pain, but they don't necessarily address the root of the pain itself. To avoid wasting money on a product that doesn't solve the real problem, look for a product that treats the true cause of pain - immune response imbalance.

Joint Pain Relief Should Balance the Immune Response

There should be a combination of ingredients in a proper anti-inflammatory product that targets the joints. With the right formula, the immune response can be balanced rather than reacting inappropriately in a painful way.

Herbs and natural extracts are commonly found in these types of supplements for their ability to support muscle growth around the joints and increasing blood flow. Other ingredients like polysaccharides and enzymes work to enhance the immune system and improve autoimmune diseases that may be causing pain. You should look for something that can accomplish all of these tasks, providing your body the best opportunity to rebuild and heal naturally.

Provailen Fits the Criteria We Recommend

One of the few products we were able to find that actually meets all of the criteria above is Provailen. It receives glowing testimonials, and it's been tested to be safe and effective. This product also seems to be a step above the rest when it comes to addressing the immune response we described above. If you're looking for honest joint pain relief in a natural formula, Provailen could be the perfect one for you.

Seven Major TMJ Symptoms

The TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is the most overworked joint in the entire body, and when it's overworked, it can produce a number of what are called TMJ symptoms. Since this is a hinged joint that connects the jaw with the upper skull, it literally never stops working. That's because you are always eating or talking or yawning or otherwise opening your mouth. In severe cases, the jaw will lock open - just try eating or talking when your jaw won't move! And, if you are like me, you might wish that the joint could take a mandatory rest in some people, especially if they are incessant talkers.

Unfortunately, the joint's never-ending motion can result in a painful condition known as TMJ dysfunction, and lots of people have it. The American Dental Association has estimated that about 35 million Americans and 720 million people worldwide get it at some point in their lives. That's because even when we're not talking or eating, our jaws are still working. Think about it - do you clench or grind your teeth, either when you're awake or when you're sleeping? That's very common, especially if you are stressed. Do you chew gum? How about bite your nails? All of these can lead to a damaged joint.

Because there are so many ways to use the jaw, it also means that there are many ways the different symptoms can arise. And the multiplicity of symptoms and the possible confusion with other maladies can cause confusion about the exact nature of the problem. Before going any further, let me say that it is always a good idea to keep a journal of the various possible symptoms and the stresses you've had at the time they arose so you will have something to show your healthcare provider when you visit with him.

So, knowing what the disorder is and how it's caused, a good question to ask is what are these symptoms we've mentioned? Well, about 80% of the people who have TMJ dysfunction complain of headaches and /or pain radiating down the neck and back, while about 40% report pain in the face or along the jawline. If the headaches or this type of pain occur most specifically when you open or close your jaw or when you are exposed to the cold, you can be pretty sure it is related to TMJ - both situations induce muscle contraction.

And then there are the sounds when you move your jaw that set your nerves on edge - clicking, popping, grinding - it almost feels as if you're running your fingernails over a blackboard. These sounds occur for a variety of reasons. It could be that the ligaments around the joint are moving in and out of position, or possibly that the joint disc has slipped from its place, or maybe that your jaw cartilage is rough because you grind or clench your teeth. You may or may not have pain along with the sounds and sometimes people even experience a wide range of clicks and pops but never feel a twinge.

Another common symptom is dizziness. Though fully 40% of TMJ sufferers report feeling dizzy or unbalanced, experts are not exactly sure why this happens. Many other ailments, and even hunger or dehydration, can cause a lightheaded feeling. The only report of significance here is that this type of dizziness is definitely not related to vertigo, a condition of the inner ear which causes the room to appear to "spin" around you.

33% of TMJ patients report that their ears feel "full," or "muffled," or "clogged," such that their hearing is affected. This feeling commonly occurs in people during airplane takeoffs or landings, and in those cases it is usually caused by the Eustachian tubes, the structures responsible for maintaining and regulating pressure in the middle ear. They may cause muscle spasms as the pressure changes. The spasms may also be occurring in TMJ sufferers, but experts are not certain that this is the case, and the symptom's cause remains uncertain.

Ringing in the ear, also known as tinnitus, appears also in about 33% of patients, but fully half of these people lose the noise once their TMJ disorder is treated. In addition, a high percentage of people report pain in their ears, even when they don't have an infection. Sometimes the diagnosis of TMJ dysfunction is delayed as doctors try to treat ear infections that aren't there.

People are different from each other, and, as a result, not all patients will report the same TMJ symptoms or the same proportions of each. However, this is a good list to go by in trying to determine if you do have TMJ dysfunction. If you notice these symptoms, make a note of each one, its onset, duration, and severity, and seek out the advice of a healthcare professional, such as a dentist or physical therapist. He will be able to assist you in making a correct diagnosis and in receiving the proper treatment. Just because you have a TMJ disorder, it doesn't mean you have to suffer

Joint Mobility For Golf - Simple Drills For Playing Pain Free

Joint mobility is a fairly new concept in the golf world, and is commonly mistaken with stretching and flexibility. There are some elements of stretching involved in certain joint mobility drills, but those tend to be side effects of the movements.

What is joint mobility?

Joint mobility is the pursuit of joint health through movement. As we grow older the cartilage in our joints begin to degrade, as a result our ability to move them in a full range of motion and with ease deteriorates. Arthritis and joint degeneration are common side effects of lack of mobility. Your joints that allow movement are lined with cartilage. This cartilage is what protects the joints and allows for shock absorption during activity. Your body secretes a fluid called Synovial Fluid, think of it as WD40 for your knees. Synovial fluid carries oxygen and nutrients to the cartilage and lubricates the joint. These joints are called Synovial Joints.

As we grow older, our joints become a dumping ground for all sorts of toxins. This can lead to degenerative joint disease. The best way to avoid these problems, and develop greater range of motion, to decrease risk of injury in your game is perform joint mobility drills. These drills will help stimulate the release of Synovial Fluid and keep the cartilage free of contaminates. When performing joint mobility drills, you must use your muscles. When you use your muscles you increase the blood flow to them. Simply put, this increases the temperature and makes them more pliable and less prone to injury. It also energizes the nerves attached to the muscle, prepping them for movement.

Try these following drills, focus on keeping the movements smooth and keeping a nice erect posture.

Neck Rotations
oSlowly turn your head to the left then the right
oSlowly tuck your chin down then tilt you head up
oSlowly tilt your head from side to side trying to touch your ear to your shoulder

Shoulder Circles
oBegin the exercise by shrugging your shoulders up then back, down, forward then up, continue
oMaking large circles then reverse the motion.

Hula Hoop
oStance should be hip shoulder width apart
oPlace your hands on your hips
oBegin to rotate your hips in a circular fashion
oBe sure to keep your shoulders stationary
oKnees can be locked or unlocked

Spine Twisters
oBegin with your feet shoulder width apart
oStart to twist your torso to the right allowing your arms to swing loose and freely
oTwist in the other direction, allowing your arms to bend naturally and tap your lower back

Use Cetylated Fatty Acids to Relieve Your Chronic Joint Pain

Is pain holding you back from living an active life? Have you had to stop participating in physical activities due to chronic joint pain? If joint pain and stiffness are the only things holding you back from living a physically active life, there is a solution.

If you suffer from chronic joint pain and have found little or no relief, there's some good news. Cetylated Fatty Acids--also known as CFA supplements--provide relief in as little as 30 minutes. When used over time, people who take CFA orally or use CFA cream topically dramatically reduce inflammation and pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis and other pain-causing conditions.

CFA supplements work so well because they do more than just attack the pain. Cetylated Fatty Acids lubricate the joints, adding a cushion of relief for the pain sufferer. Many people who use CFA supplements report that they get relief in a matter of minutes. The longer they use Cetylated Fatty Acids, the more their pain diminishes.

CFA supplements also reduce inflammation associated with chronic joint pain. When used alone or combined with prescription therapies, Cetylated Fatty Acids show a marked improvement compared to non-CFA treatment. In fact, many patients choose to get rid of their prescription pain killers and replace them with CFA supplements. Whether used alone or in combination with another therapy, Cetylated Fatty Acids has been shown to provide relief in 100% of the people who used them in clinical trials.

Another benefit for using Cetylated Fatty Acids is that there have been no reported side effects when used alone or in combination with another treatment. Because CFA supplements are available over the counter, you won't need to see a doctor to take advantage of Cetylated Fatty Acids.

CFA supplements provide these added benefits:

* Restores flexibility. People who use Cetylated Fatty Acids exhibit restored flexibility over time. By lubricating joints, CFA supplements reduce the risk of reinjury caused by muscle stress or medical conditions.

* Repairs sports injuries. CFA supplements reduce inflammation and pain associated with minor sports injuries.

* Relieves muscle aches. CFAs provide the same pain-relieving benefits to people who suffer from muscle aches and weakness by reducing inflammation associating with pain.

* Reduces back pain. People who suffer from lower back pain experience significant relief when using CFA supplement.

* Relieves psoriasis. CFA supplements relieve soreness and pain from psoriasis and other skin conditions.

* Improves range of motion. For people who experience limited range of motion in their joints due to pain and stiffness, CFA supplements have been proven to improve flexibility.

Cetylated Fatty Acids are a viable solution to pain and stiffness associated with arthritis as well as sports injuries. For people who have been unable to live fully active lives, CFA supplements may be the key to living a fuller, more active life. Whether taken orally or topically, they provide all-natural relief for chronic joint pain without the side effects and with all the benefits that you want.

Botox Is Not Just For Wrinkles

Botox is a great way to treat those wrinkles on your face, and almost everyone knows about that now after hearing about various celebrities using it to keep themselves looking young. Botox works by inhibiting the muscles from contracting so when injected in the wrinkles in someone's forehead, for example, it doesn't really make the wrinkles disappear but effectively paralyses the muscles that allow the skin to move to create the wrinkles. Since its explosive recent growth people have begun trying to use Botox for other medical applications.

Chronic migraine headaches (occurring more than 14 days per month for more than 4 hours at a time) affect millions of people everyday and it is now known that Botox can be used to treat them. Every 12 weeks the patient gets injections of Botox in the head and neck. When administered by a trained medical professional, 31 Botox injections are made in 7 specific muscle locations around the head and neck. A 2010 study showed that Botox injections helped to decrease the number of days spent with pain due to chronic migraine headaches. However, it doesn't appear to be useful for people that have headaches occur less than 14 days per month. The effect, like other Botox treatments, lasts up to 3 months.

Temporo mandibular joint disorder, or TMJ is a condition which causes pain in the jaw - the joint which connects the mandible to the skull. It is characterized by pain when chewing and a constant aching pain in the face. It can also cause headaches and may even contribute to hearing loss along with affecting eating habits as well as other problems. People often use mouth guards to prevent grinding of the teeth, hot and cold packs to ease the pain, or only eat a diet of soft foods as ways to treat the condition. Recently though, Botox had been tried to stop the muscle spasms that cause the pain and has proven effective.

Vaginismus is a condition that causes women to have involuntary tightening of the vagina during intercourse, which can cause difficulties and sometime make sex impossible. Botox has been shown to relieve the involuntary muscle spasms in the pelvic floor muscles that cause this disorder, thus allowing the women to have sex without worries.

Hyperhidrosis is a skin condition which excessive sweating causing wet clothes and embarrassment for people with the condition. Botox has been shown effective at slowing down or stopping this excessive sweating at the area of injection so that sufferers are free to wear the clothes they want and enjoy physical activities without worries.

Another study focused on a facial pain condition called trigeminal neuralgia or "tic doulourex" which is intense facial pain and was successful enough that many test patients quit their other medications for Botox. Other uses include for pompholyx (a form of hand dermatitis) or Hailey-Hailey disease, when these are provoked by sweating. Botox has also been used for anal fissuring and postherpetic neuralgia (shingles pain).

Botox is no miracle cure for all skin conditions but it certainly appears to have a growing list of conditions it can be used for. For some Botox has become a way to treat wrinkles but for others it has now become a way to treat chronic pain and embarrassing or debilitating conditions.

Herbal Remedies For Joint Pain That You Ought to Know

Each and every joint in the human body is a complex machine made up of bones, ligaments, cartilage, and lubricating fluid. These joints are forever moving throughout the lifespan of the individual. Sometimes these joints instead of moving freely could creek, stiffen and swell and hurt due to a variety of reasons like injury, strain, arthritis, bursitis and tendonitis. That;s when joint pain occurs. More specifically joint ache is due to the wearing away of the cartilage between the joints. Apart from being bothersome, joint ache could also increase with the frequency of the joint being used.

Although joint pain is commonplace it is likely to affect people beyond their middle age. Of all the treatments for joint pain, natural treatments are more effective and harmless as they are unlikely to initiate side effects. Joint pain herbal remedies are usually natural substances of plant origin. On the other hand OTC and prescription medications could cause damage to the kidney and liver.

OTC and prescription medication for the treatment of pain could also increase the risk of stroke or heart attack and therefore potentially harmful. So let's take a look at the different herbal remedies for joint pain that has evolved over the years. Some of these are practical therapies.

Two traditional Chinese medicines Kang Gu Zeng Sheng Pian and Juan Bi Tang are especially good for arthritis and a variety of joint and tendon pain. Juan Bi Tang is especially good for joint ache in the upper body. Anti-inflammatory oil and balm are another effective remedy to combat joint ache.

Rubbing hot vinegar, herbal oil or scented oil of chamomile, lavender, thyme, juniper and eucalyptus over the joint causing pain is an effective remedy. Most of these aromatic oils reduce pain by lowering the extent of stress around the joints and have tissue-cleansing properties as well.

The Indian system of medicine popularly called Ayurveda probably offers the best non-invasive option for treating joint pain. Ayurvedic herbal massage oils like Rumatone Gold Oil is extremely effective for relieving joint ache. This oil can be applied for getting immediate relief from almost any kind of joint pain. If you are looking for topical applications to relieve joint ache then Ayurvedic oils are certainly the best. Apart from applying massage oil, you can take Rumatone Gold Capsule to get relief from arthritis and joint ache naturally. When these two are used in conjunction, they offer the best natural remedy for joint pain.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Even Animals Have Arthritis

If you think humans are the only ones suffering from arthritis, you're wrong. Our misery is shared by many of our animal friends, including dogs and cats.

Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease - the most common form of arthritis that affects 21 million Americans - is also common in animals, especially elderly dogs and cats. The disease is caused when cartilage that cushions the ends of bones in the joints deteriorates over time. This may be due to aging, being overweight, joint injury and stress or muscle weakness.

As the cartilage wears down, bone rubs against bone resulting in damaged bones. There is stiffness and pain in the joints during or after use or after a period of inactivity. Other symptoms are loss of flexibility, swelling, and tenderness in the joint.

"Osteoarthritis can affect any joint in your body, though it most commonly affects joints in your hands, hips, knees and spine. Osteoarthritis typically affects just one joint, though in some cases, such as with finger arthritis, several joints can be affected," said the Mayo Clinic.

In animals, however, osteoarthritis may be difficult to detect since the former can't complain or talk. Dr. James "Jimi" Cook, director of the Comparative Orthopedic Laboratory at the University of Missouri at Columbia, said the disease is often found in 20 percent of dogs over age 1.

Scientists at the University of Glasgow said a third of cats over age 8 may also be suffering from arthritis pain. However, unlike dogs or horses, they don't limp or make a fuss, making the disease difficult to diagnose, according to Professor David Bennett from the university's vet school.

Cook lamented the fact that by the time patients develop symptoms - about seven to 15 years after an injury in humans, and only six weeks for dogs - it is already too late to reverse the damage.

"The signs may be hard to spot at first: your gray-in-the-muzzle Labrador retriever takes a little longer to get up in the morning, or your fuzzy Persian doesn't jump as high as she used to. As time goes on, it becomes more and more clear that your pet is having a hard time moving, and soon you realize that she is in pain whenever she walks, jumps, or even sits up. It can be a hard moment for a pet owner - learning that the animal you love has arthritis," said the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).

"The symptoms of arthritis can be hard to distinguish - animals can't complain about their aching joints, so all that pet 'parents' see is a response to pain. Animals with arthritis might avoid the activities they used to enjoy, stop jumping onto the furniture, or they might nip or seem upset when touched. Some animals may become depressed or change their eating habits; others may simply seem grumpier than usual," the AAHA added.

To make life easier for you and your pet, see a competent doctor for help. Although osteoarthritis can't be cured, modern treatments can reduce pain and maintain movement so you can perform daily tasks. To control pain, swelling, and inflammation, use Flexcerin, a natural supplement that soothes aching joints, rebuilds worn joints, and restores joint flexibility and mobility. For details, go to

Shoulder Pain - Can Chiropractic Help Shoulder Pain?

Painful shoulder problems are one of the most common reasons for chiropractic visits for musculoskeletal symptoms. The shoulder joint is the region of the body where the humerus attaches to the scapula, and the supporting muscles around the joint. The shoulder has the most movement of the major joints in the body. On the flipside, because of this large range of motion, it is relatively unstable and easily subject to injury. The head of the humerus (ball) is larger than the socket of the shoulder joint that holds it. To stabilise the shoulder joint, the muscles, tendons and ligaments anchor the bones of the joint together. Overuse injuries, degenerative changes and lack of use or movement can all contribute to tissue breakdown, loss of function and disruption to the supporting musculature.

The shoulder is comprised of three osseous structures: the clavicle (collarbone), the scapula (shoulder blade), and the humerus (upper arm bone) as well as the supporting musculature, ligaments and tendons. The articulations between the bones of the shoulder make up the shoulder joints. The muscle groups and tendons that stabilise the shoulder are called the "rotator cuff." These muscles include the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis, they hold the humerus (ball) in the glenoid fossa (socket).

There are many types of shoulder conditions, for the purposes of this article, are aim is to give a broad overview of three different types and how chiropractic care may improve the health and function of the shoulder region.

Some indications that you may be experiencing a shoulder problem or shoulder pain and need further examination include: the inability to carry objects or use your arm without pain, pain while sleeping or at rest, pain that is ongoing and lasts more than a few days, unable to lift your arm, swelling or bruising around the shoulder area, redness, joint size changes or other obvious unusual changes to the shoulder area. The pain can be local and just in and around the shoulder joint, or it may be referred and going down the arm and possibly into the hand, or into the middle back and lower neck area. Sometimes gallbladder, liver or heart disease, or cervical spine disease can all cause referred pain into the shoulder through the various nerve pathways. However, shoulder blade pain or scapula pain have a higher probability of the problem coming from the cervical spine.

A comprehensive evaluation should include a personal history, a complete physical examination, including orthopedic and neurological tests, and if required xrays and possibly advanced imaging to determine the exact cause of the pain. If there is a tear, it most likely could be in one of the tendons of the rotator cuff, occasionally a tear may occur in one of the rotator cuff muscles. The supraspinatus tendon is the most commonly torn rotator cuff tendon. The orthopedic tests can help determine or isolate which tendon or tendons and muscles (in a severe injury) may be injured.

Some of the shoulder pain conditions that I see in my office are arthritis, referred pain second to cervical disc degeneration and frozen shoulder. On rare occasion, shoulder pain may be caused by some form of pathology or tumour inside the body.


Arthritic shoulder pain is not as common as the other types. It is usually progressive and develops slowly over time. The shoulder joint area may have tenderness, swelling and stiffness when aggravated. The shoulder joint can be affected by both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Degeneration in the joint, or "wear and tear," is a progressive wearing away of the cartilage on the boney surfaces of the joint, exposing bare bone. Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is a systemic condition that causes inflammation of the lining of the joints. This inflammation can, over time, invade and destroy the cartilage and bone. Gentle chiropractic mobilisation of the shoulder and spine, accompanied with stretching and strengthening of the surrounding muscles, may help with the inflammation and improve function of the shoulder joint. Maintaining strength in the shoulder muscles may prevent further atrophy, and possibly slow down any further degenerative changes. In severe cases joint replacement surgery may be an option. Diet modifications and nutritional supplementation may also be beneficial.

Neck Pain or Degeneration

Shoulder pain can happen as a result of degeneration or injury in the cervical or thoracic spine. Degenerative discs narrow the joint space between two vertebra, causing increased irritation and pinching on the nerves in the neck or middle back region. Those nerves leave the neck or upper back area and go into the shoulders and arms, or provide the nerve supply to muscles that are around the shoulder girdle. This type of damage can cause referred pain into the shoulder area. Sometimes shoulder pain is actually due to problems in your neck or a mixture of several different problems. Neck pain as a result degenerative change is relatively common. The pain may radiate, or spread, into the shoulder blade or down the arm. Patients may have an arm or shoulder complaint, such as pain or weakness, as the result of nerve root compression. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one type of advanced imaging to determine if the discs are injured or being encroached upon. Symptoms may include neck pain, pain around the back of the shoulder blades, arm complaints such as pain, numbness, or weakness, and rarely, difficulty with hand dexterity or walking. Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease provides good to excellent results in over 75% of patients. A multi-disciplinary approach includes: Chiropractic adjustments which can be useful in decreasing muscle spasms and improving mobility. Heat, and exercise may also have benefit in improving function and stabilising the degenerative area. In severe cases surgery may be an option.

Frozen Shoulder

The proper term for Frozen shoulder is adhesive capsulitis. The shoulder capsule, and the connective tissue around the shoulder joint, inflame and become very stiff. The tissues then start to grow together forming abnormal tissue bands called adhesions. These adhesions cause a reduced range of motion or movement and chronic pain. The pain is often felt deep in the shoulder joint and may be worse at night. The exact cause of frozen shoulder is still not certain. It can be very painful and disabling and patients are sometimes slow to recover. Chiropractic may have a few applications when it comes to frozen shoulder. It may be preventative, by maintaining mobility in the joint, as well as lifestyle modifications with a healthy diet and exercise, that may decrease the likelihood of frozen shoulder occurring. Certain diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease can have an effect on joint mobility as they progress. If you are able to keep moving well, perhaps you will age well also. Chiropractic may help to stimulate physical health and may offset the common ailments that are often associated with aging. For treatment, chiropractors generally do not use anesthetics in treating frozen shoulder. Instead they employ a variety of techniques to manage the pain, and to restore range of motion and function in the shoulder. Chiropractors often use heat and cold to relieve pain and gentle chiropractic mobilisation of the shoulder and spine, accompanied with stretching and strengthening of the muscles around the shoulder.

This is a very general overview of three types of shoulder pain. Treatment varies from person to person and can involve any of the following: chiropractic, massage therapy and surgery in severe cases. Response to treatment and the length of time it can take, varies from person to person, depending on the level of damage. Chiropractic can be a safe, gentle and effective approach to helping with shoulder pain conditions. As with any type of health problem it is recommended to see your health care professional for a further in depth assessment and examination for a more accurate individual treatment recommendation.

Best Tip on How to Relieve TMJ Lockjaw

There are many ways to relieve TMJ lockjaw, but most dentists will tell you the best way to know how to relieve TMJ lockjaw is to listen to your body.

That's right! Your body is your best indicator of how your condition is doing. To experience TMJ lockjaw for the first time can be a scary and frustrating thing because you do not know what to expect, and also what to do to make the pain go away.

TMJ lockjaw happens when a person goes through a spasm and the shortening of the muscles of the jaw. You will know when you have a spasm or TMJ lockjaw if your lower jaw is able to slide from left to right, but you are not able to open your mouth. When this happens, most sufferers instinctively tense up their facial muscles to brace against the pain. This reflex has a damaging effect as it further tightens the jaw muscles causing more pain.

So, what's the best way to relieve TMJ lockjaw? Firstly, you have to relax. Relaxing your facial and body muscles is a crucial initial step as it paves the way for the consequent relieve techniques to work.

The next thing you want to do is to soothe the area with moist heat. Once you start to feel your jaw muscles start to loosen, then start doing some easy TMJ exercises to further stretch the muscles.

Before you start to stretch and loosen the jaw muscles, remember it is important to prep the jaw and help it relax using damp heat. When this is done, you are essentially directing blood flow to the sore muscles. To do this, soak a hand towel in a bowl of warm water (not too hot to the touch) and place it gently on the sore area for a few minutes.

Once you start to feel your muscles relax, then it's time to begin doing some jaw stretching exercises. Keep in mind that these exercises require a fair amount of patience as the best results come from slow and controlled movements.

Like any other medical condition, TMJ lockjaw affects sufferers in various ways, so a jaw exercise that is effective for one person may not work for someone else.

Having said that, there are some basic stretching exercises that everyone can do to begin the healing process. The following exercise is an easy technique that can be done whenever you feel your jaw starting to tense up:

1st Step: Open your mouth as wide and comfortably as you can (without feeling additional pain) and then close it slowly.

2nd Step: Open your mouth, moving the lower jaw to the left, as wide and comfortably as you can and then close it slowly.

3rd Step: Repeat the 2nd Step, but this time, move your lower jaw to the right.

Last Step: Repeat Steps 1-3 until you start to feel the pain slowly go away. It may take as little as 2 minutes, or as long as 5 minutes, so remember to be patient.

If this jaw exercise helps relieve your TMJ pain, then you can do other simple stretches to complement this exercise and enhance the healing process.

Getting TMJ relief is not as difficult as most people think it is. In fact, it can be incredibly simple and easy when you find the right set of jaw exercises that work for you. Remember, there is no need to feel stressed or tense if you have not found YOUR way to ease TMJ lockjaw. The best tip on how to relieve TMJ lockjaw is to RELAX!

How to Accelerate Hip Replacement Recovery

The hip is a major weight bearing joint that is subject to a lot of wear and tear and inflammation that may cause chronic pain. Hip replacement recovery helps to relieve pain. A sufferer is able to carry out his or her daily activities like walking, climbing stairs etc. after surgery, which otherwise would not have been possible due to a lack of mobility in the hip joint.

The period after hip replacement surgery is followed by rest. During this period, you may be advised to limit your mobility to reduce the chances of applying undue pressure on the artificial joint too soon after surgery. A recent innovation in the field of invasive techniques causes less blood loss and less damage to the surrounding tissues during the surgical procedure. So the patients experience a quick recovery and regain their strength very rapidly.

Specially designed instruments are used in hip recovery replacement to install the implants to ensure that no damage is caused to the surrounding tissues. This speeds up the healing process and most patients are able to go home within twenty four hours after surgery.

The progress in the surgery and the excellent results that it produces have made more and more people opt for the surgical procedure to relieve chronic pain in the hip joint. Following the surgical procedure, your physiotherapist will advise you on the type of activities that you should or should not perform to hasten the hip replacement recovery. However, you should follow an exercise program diligently to get your artificial hip to work in a good condition.

For a few months after the surgery, avoid squatting, sitting in a low chair or sitting whilst keeping your legs crossed to aid the hip replacement recovery process. The recovery from the surgery is usually very fast, but it will take a couple of weeks to regain full use of your hip joint. The time needed for recovery can be reduced with proper care and a strict adherence to the hip replacement recovery program that has been designed for you by the physiotherapist.

With proper care after the hip replacement surgery, the majority of the patients are left pain free for many years to come. Many people with successful hip replacements are able to play games like golf. This should give you an indication of the success of this procedure and the hip replacement recovery programs that have been devised by the recovery experts.

What Are the Dangers of TMJ Left Untreated?

TMJ is the common name used to refer to temporomandibular joint disorder. TMJ is a disorder of the joint that connects the jaw to the skull on either side of the head. It is a common ailment more prevalent in women than men that is suffered by approximately 65% of Americans at some point throughout their lifetime.

Temporomandibular joint disorder can have several causes, most of which can be easily diagnosed and treated by a TMJ dentist. It is highly suggested that anyone suffering from TMJ visit their dentist as soon as possible, as TMJ left untreated can worsen drastically in a matter of hours and can lead to a variety of serious health problems.

TMJ is often connected with or caused by bruxism, or teeth grinding. When TMJ symptoms include teeth grinding, the wear and tear on a sufferer's teeth can change the shape of the sufferer's teeth, affect the sufferer's bite, and expose their prematurely worn teeth to decay and disease. Teeth grinding brought on by TMJ can also cause headaches and tension in the neck. Often the pain of these ailments will lead to restless nights and can even develop into insomnia. In rare cases, the insomnia brought on by TMJ can lead to depression and have a negative impact on the sufferer's job performance, relationships, and mental stability.

Teeth grinding caused by or leading to TMJ can be easily corrected with a custom fitted night guard. Such a night guard can be crafted by a dentist from a mold of the patient's teeth. Custom night guards protect the teeth while reducing pressure on the jaw, reducing headaches and allowing for a restful night's sleep.

Untreated TMJ can have other affects on a person's oral health as well. It can cause a sufferer to favor one side of their mouth to such an extent that the teeth wear unevenly, the bite shifts, and muscles overdevelop on one side, leaving the sufferer with a lopsided appearance that is extremely difficult to reverse. Untreated TMJ can also lead some people to eating disorders as they will resort to a liquid diet or avoid food altogether to minimize their jaw pain.

Because the temporomandibular joint is so near the ear, significant ear problems can develop as a result of TMJ. Anything ranging from slight pain in the ears to premature loss of hearing can result from TMJ. Some sufferers of TMJ experience damage to their inner ear, which can cause problems with balance or dizziness. Likewise, vision problems can develop as a consequence of TMJ.

The pain felt by TMJ sufferers is not limited to the jaw, though jaw pain can sometimes become so severe that the jaw will lock itself in an open position. In these cases a trip to the emergency room is required to forcibly unlock the jaw. Pain felt by TMJ sufferers can extend to the neck, head, eyes, ears, teeth and shoulders.

Many sufferers try to simply mask their pain instead of addressing it directly with a trip to a TMJ dentist. Self medication with pain pills can temporarily alleviate the pain brought on by TMJ, but in rare cases, the reliance on pills can become so severe that pain medication addictions develop. In fact, there are several reported cases of TMJ sufferers falling victim to alcoholism and/or drug abuse.

TMJ left untreated can become aggravated by talking, eating, and yawning, leading to nearly constant pain that can develop into serious health disorders. And yet the causes of TMJ are usually easily and non-surgically corrected in one trip to a dentist's office. There is simply no reason to live with the pain. The risks of leaving TMJ untreated simply aren't worth it.

Dog Hip Dysplasia

Dog hip dysplasia is a condition that causes the joints in the hip to form abnormally. It can lead to loose joints in the hip, which make moving difficult and painful. The condition can affect any dog, but it is more prevalent in large breeds such as; Labrador Retrievers, Mastiffs, German Shepherds, Great Danes, Golden Retrievers, and Rottweilers.


Learning the symptoms is extremely important, especially if your dog is genetically predisposed to the condition. Signs to look out for and to notify your veterinarian immediately of include;

  • Limping in one or both rear limbs.

  • Difficulty Walking

  • Pain in the hip area.

  • Trouble getting up from a lying or sitting position.

  • Avoidance of usual activities such as playing, running, or going for walks.

  • Inability to jump or walk up stairs.

  • Wasting of the muscles near the hip area.

  • Shoulder muscle growth due to the extra weight being placed on the area.


Some of the causes include;

  • Genetics - Most dogs with hip dysplasia genetically inherit the condition. However, environmental factors can also play a role in the development of the disease.

  • Obesity - Dogs that are overweight have to carry more weight on their hip joints, which can cause hip dysplasia from wear and tear. The extra weight also increases the chances of hip-related injuries.

  • Nutrition - Excess calcium in the diet has been linked to hip dysplasia in puppies. This is because too much of the mineral causes the growing process to speed up and doesn't allow the bones to form properly.


A physical exam and x-rays are essential for diagnosis. During the physical portion, your veterinarian will perform some manual evaluations to check your canine's hip. Your veterinarian will then scan the radiographs for any abnormalities.


Most veterinarians use a combination of pain medication, anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, weight management, and supplements to manage hip dysplasia in canines. Hip replacement surgery is also an option for some dogs.


There is no way to completely prevent hip dysplasia in dogs. However, there are things you can do to minimize the chances of your dog being affected by the condition. Some of these things include;

  • Maintaining your dog at a healthy weight.

  • Feeding your large breed puppy a special dog food designed for larger dog breeds.

  • Get your dog tested by the OFA (Orthopedic Foundation of America) before breeding him. This does not guarantee that the puppies will not develop hip dysplasia, but avoiding breeding in dogs with the condition does minimize the risks.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

8 Reasons to Avoid Obesity

1. Overweight people are 2 to 6 times more likely to develop hypertension, have a stroke, thrombosis and clots in the legs. Excess body fat can also lead to impaired cardiac function.

2. Excess body fat can lead to insulin resistance and increase the likelihood of type 2 diabetes in both adults and children.

3. Obesity can be a factor in the development of cancer, because of the eating patterns that get us to obesity (most people don't get obese by eating fruits and vegetables) also increase the likelihood of developing some kind of cancer. Inactivity also increases the risk of cancer. Some estimates suggest that poor diet and exercise may account for up to a third of the cancer risk. The types of cancer linked with obesity are endometrial cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and breast cancer.

4. Obese people are more likely to have degenerative joint disease. It makes it more likely to have sleep apnea, mechanical breathing constraints (particularly during exercise). It just takes more effort to work the chest wall if it has huge amounts of fat.

5. Obese people have more problems with anesthesia during surgery, as well as compromised wound healing. It also increases the likelihood of developing gallbladder disease.

6. A newly discovered consequence is fatty infiltration of the liver. This is known as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Some estimates suggest that as the liver becomes infiltrated with fat, it causes hepatitis and that can lead to liver failure.

7. Obesity also has deep psychological effects: depression, being stigmatized by people, bullying and discrimination. This is really one of the least accepted forms of discriminations. We have made great advances in our culture: most of us accept that we can have different religious beliefs, or that we can have different ethnicity and still have the same rights. However, we are not sensitive to the individuals who are overweight.

8. In 2002, the cost of overweight in the US was estimated to be 92 billion dollars!

The Right Exercises For Joint Pain Relief

There are certain exercises that arthritis sufferers may benefit from. Some exercises may be detrimental to this goal, so avoid jumping into an exercise routine that may do more harm than good. The point of exercise should be to provide joint pain relief and improve range of motion, not cause debilitating pain. A doctor, physical therapist or other health care provider should be consulted when designing an exercise program to make sure you're safe from harm. Arthritis brings with it a need to proceed with caution, but a need to exercise, nevertheless.

Exercise in itself is something we all need to do. Arthritis sufferers generally have enough on their plate just getting through the day-to-day pain they live with. Contrary to what may seem logical, exercise can actually help to relieve pain and increase mobility.

There are a few types of exercises that are popular in routines designed for those with arthritis. Some of these incorporate exercises geared toward aerobic fitness, increasing strength, and working on range of motion. Each if these functions work together to give an overall boost in health and joint pain relief. Aerobic exercise only requires a 20 to 30 minute commitment, most days of the week. If you are also working to improve your BMI and lose some weight, aerobic exercise is a good choice. A decrease in weight, if there is an excess, can go a long way in joint pain relief as pressure on joints like the knees and hips is decreased with each and every pound lost. Aerobic exercise can also increase heart health. Walking, swimming and even bike riding are some good exercise choices that will not be too harsh for arthritis sufferers. Try to keep your choice as low impact as possible while still getting your heart pumping.

Exercises like yoga and tai chi are great examples of arthritis-friendly exercises if they're done at least every other day. These can help sufferers to decrease their joint stiffness because they work on their normal ranges of motion. As people begin to do these types of exercise their joint pain and stiffness will decrease over time. Through continued sessions people can increase their range of movement. Strength training is another great option that's not just for potential Mr. or Miss Universe contestants.

Strength training helps to build muscle, which helps to increase the amount of protection your muscles provide for your joints. This doesn't mean that you need to work out until you look like you're running for a weightlifting title. Just by working your muscles every other day can give you positive results. If, however, your joints become more painful or if any swelling is noted, you should take an extra day off. One hour of exercise a day can bring arthritis sufferers a better quality of life. There are a multitude of exercise options available these days; if one type doesn't hold your interest, try something different. It can be fun and more rewarding to shake things up over time anyway. Hopefully, with daily exercise, joint pain relief can be yours.

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction and Your Ligaments

The sacroiliac (SI) joints in the lower back can suffer a condition known as SI joint dysfunction. While there are a few causes of this condition, they usually involve damage to the ligaments surrounding the joint.

SI joint dysfunction is characterized by hyper- or hypomobility of the joint. Hypermobility is more common. The SI joint is stabilized by an intricate network of strong ligaments and the deep muscles of the core group. The joints are located where the ilia, or large pelvic bones, meet the sacrum, the triangular bone at the base of the spine above the tailbone, on each side of the body. It is common for only one joint to be affected, and pelvic height discrepancy is usually involved.

The SI joint can become unstable when the ligaments that support it are either too stiff or too lax, with laxity being the most common. Ligaments can be torn or strained in a number of ways: falling, lifting improperly, prolonged poor posture, or a botched chiropractic session, since improper twisting can tear ligaments.

When a ligament that supports an SI joint is torn, it no longer holds the joint in its proper position. It is meant to move very little, between only 1 and 3 degrees. Any increase in movement creates pelvic and spinal instability, since the SI joint connects the spine to the lower body. If the joint is unable to transfer forces to the lower body and absorb shock from the upper body, the pain associated with SI joint dysfunction results.

SI joint pain is often centered on the injured joint itself in the lower back slightly off the mid-line. The pain can radiate throughout the buttock and into the thigh, and sometimes wraps around the hip and affects the groin.

While hypomobile SI joints benefit from mobilizing techniques like chiropractic manipulation, hypermobile joints need to be stabilized. The general treatment plan for a torn ligament is to refrain from straining it further by ceasing activities that stress it.

Resting the SI joint is extremely difficult; it is used in nearly every motion of the body, since it is connected to the spine and pelvis. The time it takes ligaments to heal - sometimes months - is also a concern, because bed rest that lasts beyond 2 days is detrimental to health. Muscles in the area need to be conditioned to help support the joint and inflammation must be reduced, all without aggravating the damaged ligament.

This is a difficult balance to strike, and the reason why SI joint dysfunction is notoriously difficult to treat. It is not impossible, however. During the beginning phase of treating a torn SI ligament, ice is recommended to decrease painful inflammation in the affected area. When a body part is injured, the brain responds by sending a cascade of fluids with materials to the site to both facilitate healing and prevent the perceived threat from spreading to the rest of the body. While the idea is to block off the unhealthy from the healthy, the inflammatory response is often counterproductive when it comes to injured body parts. The blockade formed prevents fresh blood and nutrients from getting to the area, creates painful swelling and can cause damage to surrounding tissues. Ice constricts blood vessels, limiting the amount of inflammatory materials that enter the area.

The second phase of treatment involves both limiting mobility by stabilizing ligaments and strengthening muscles that support its natural position. An SI joint belt, such as the one found at, compresses the joint to limit mobility and provide support. This belt can greatly assist the first and second phases of treatment.

Once the ligament is healed, it is a good idea to condition the deep core muscles in the stomach, pelvis, lower back and buttocks to ensure that the joint continues to be properly supported. A physical therapist should be consulted to guide you through exercises that will not overstress your ligaments.

If these conservative treatments fail, it is possible that ligament-stiffening injections or fusion surgery will be recommended. These procedures are rare and best avoided, since the first is a temporary fix and the second may cause more harm than good.

For more information on SI joint dysfunction and a self-evaluation survey, see

Crohn's Disease and Joint Pain

Many people suffering from Crohn's Disease complain of join pain in their elbows, knees, wrists and ankles. Although Crohn's Disease is best known for inflammation and pain in the gastrointestinal tract, it is often the source of different types of arthritis as well. In fact, joint pain and Crohn's disease almost always go hand-in-hand. The natural supplement OPC (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin), a natural antioxidant has been proven to control both.

When an autoimmune disorder like Crohn's Disease occurs, there is a release of inflammatory chemicals in the body, namely histamine. Histamine triggers inflammation in the intestine and other side effects like hay fever, joint pain, and even skin disorders. OPC naturally reverses or reduces the formation of histamine. OPC is a powerful natural antioxidant that is fifty times the strength of Vitamin E and twenty 20 times the strength of Vitamin C. OPC users often report obtaining the same benefits as listed for traditional antihistamine drugs but without the fatigue and lethargy side effects. Actually they experience a surge in energy and vitality when taking OPC. This is because of the high content of natural free radical scavenging OPC does when it's in the body. Since OPC is a 100% safe and natural antioxidant, made from wine/grape seed extract and pine bark, there is nothing in it to cause negative side effects for joint pain suffers.

With less free radical activity in the body there is an accompanying reduction in inflammation and pain in the joints, leading even to the elimination of joint pain and an overall bettor quality of life for joint pain suffers. Additionally, there are no known reports of any side effects in the use of this product...even when consumed in large amounts.

That is why many people with Crohn's Disease are switching to the safe and natural supplement OPC because of the way it controls not only the inflammation and pain directly related to Crohn's, but also their joint pain. Being free from chronic joint pain offers people a second chance to get their life back and enjoy the kind of active lifestyle with family and friends that they once so treasured prior to getting sick.

One testimony is from a lady in Canada who, after having a knee replacement, reported that she had improved range of motion from 80-85 degrees following surgery...which further increased to 115 degrees after just four months of taking OPC. Additionally, she was able to run down her stairs, not just walk! Another lady suffering from another painful autoimmune disease joint condition and unable to walk without assistance for 30 years is now able to take daily walks with her friends around the block and is even climbing stairs again, without pain, after taking OPC.

Therefore, if you are suffering from Crohn's Disease AND also from related joint pain, know that there is a natural and safe solution...remedy without the harsh and long term side affects of prescription drugs

Surgery for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

Surgery is a permanent choice and should only be used as a last resort. Make sure you have tried all the other alternatives before making this final move. Surgery for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or TMJ, is rarely used for a treatment because it does not guarantee a cure and could further damage the joint. Surgery may also decrease your jaw's range of movement as the jaw heals with scar tissue, which is harder and tighter than normal tissue. Surgery may become an option if you have tried everything and are still in constant, intense pain that is disrupting your ability to eat or work and is disabling your every day life. The other time that surgery may help is if a specific, severe structural problem has been definitely diagnosed.

Arthroscopy, arthrocentesis, and open-joint surgery are the three types of surgery for this disorder. What type to have depends on the type of problems or severity of the temporomandibular joint pain.

All the surgeries are done with general anesthesia. Make sure you do not have difficulties with using anesthesia. Also, make sure to check the qualifications of your surgeon and anesthesiologist..

Arthroscopy - First general anesthesia is given. Then a small incision is made by the surgeon in front of the ear. This incision allows a tiny, thin instrument with a lens and a light to be inserted. This device is hooked to a video screen where the surgeon examines the temporomandibular joint and areas around it. Removal of inflamed tissue or realignment of a disc or condyle is done by what the surgeon can see. The condyle is the part of your jaw consisting of the "ball" portion of the "ball and socket."

This choice is considered less invasive than open-joint surgery. Arthroscopic surgery leaves less scarring, usually has less complications and a shorter recovery period. The cause of the TMJ may rule out this option for you and open-joint surgery may become necessary.

Open-joint Surgery - For this option a general anesthesia is given. The incision is larger than with arthroscopy as the entire area around the temporomandibular joint needs to be opened for a full view by the surgeon. The larger incision is also to allow better access. The type of open-joint surgery needed depends on what is wrong. It can be that there is extreme scarring or chips of bone in the joint that need to be adjusted. The surgeon may find a tumor that will need to be removed,. The worst cases involve the deteriorating bony structures of the jaw and will need to be reconstructed. With the more intense problems and surgeries comes the longer healing times and chances of permanent scarring and nerve trauma.

Arthrocentesis - This is a minor procedure for sudden-onset problems when restricted jaw opening is diagnosed. It is performed under general anesthesia. This choice is for cases with no major history of temporomandibular joint disorders. The affected joints have a needle inserted and are washed out with sterile fluids. If necessary, insertion of another instrument to remove tissue adhesion or dislodge a stuck disc in the condyle is done at the same time. This is a common procedure for a painfully locked jaw and is successful in 94% of cases.

Alternative Treatments and Pain Reduction Methods for Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Not everyone is happy to fill their bodies with prescription and over-the-counter drug medications to keep the symptoms of fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome at bay, and not surprisingly given the range of distressing and sometimes dangerous side-effects that many drugs can cause. The lack of understanding of these two very common conditions, however, often means that medical practitioners are unaware of the possible alternatives or complements to traditional forms of medication and so they rely on the latter as their sole form of treatment. However, achieving effective pain relief does not have to mean popping pills which in some cases only cause further distressing symptoms. There are many resources that can help you overcome and minimize pain. More people than ever look beyond pain medication.

Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Pain Relief

Although many of the available treatments and methods of pain relief for fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome are rarely prescribed, the armoury of treatments which ought to be at the disposal of sufferers is actually fairly extensive. Not only does it include a range of different herbal remedies and other natural treatments which many patients have found to be highly effective in alleviating certain of their symptoms, but also a variety of dietary and hormonal supplements and natural compounds can be highly effective.

Acupuncture, Hydrotherapy, Physical Therapy, and More

The different types of non-medicinal pain relief which are available, meanwhile, range from the truly ancient to the truly modern. Treatments such as acupuncture and hydrotherapy often prove just as effective today as they did centuries ago for a variety of conditions, and many fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome patients find them highly beneficial. Various types of massage therapy, including trigger point therapy, myofascial release techniques and craniosacral therapy, as well as different forms of physical therapy, have also shown extremely good results in terms of relieving pain and stiffness and increasing mobility. Trigger point injections and intramuscular stimulation, both of which are more modern methods of achieving pain relief, typically meet with considerable success, while the majority of those who have tried Botox injections have reported very significant reductions in their symptoms for between two and four months at a stretch.

Investigate Holistic Pain Approaches

Many physicians believe that a holistic and multi-disciplinary approach to treatment is by far the most effective in terms of managing the conditions and giving back the very best quality of life to sufferers. Patients often research various alternative therapies through reading articles and books on the subject and are seeing great results with a multidisciplinary approach.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

How to Stop Teeth Grinding While Sleeping

There are so many people that are grinding teeth during nocturnal hours. Because people usually are not aware what happens when they are asleep, teeth grinding while sleeping is usually not paid with particular attention.

You may not be aware of it, but there is a great chance that you are suffering from this condition. Teeth grinding while sleeping is not actually a disease, but it is becoming a popular concern among people.

You may not be able to directly tell if you are a nocturnal teeth grinder. That is because it is a human nature not to be able to determine any unconscious activities during sleeping hours. You may not know it, but you could be a victim of teeth grinding while sleeping.

Your family or roommate could tell you that you are grinding your teeth in sleep. And they may do so not because they are too concerned, but because they are often annoyed by the sound you make in the middle of the night. People do not normally think something is wrong when there are teeth grinding while sleeping.

That is true. But looking closely at the condition, there is still so much things to care about. Teeth grinding while sleeping is not a very serious condition, but still, there must be measures you should take to curtail that involuntary habit of yours.

Causes and implications

Before knowing the ways to stop teeth grinding while sleeping, it would be more appropriate and helpful if you would first get the knowledge of its causes and its possible implications. Knowing the cause and the effect might provide enough motivation for you to stop that sleep-hour habit.

For a start, there are just three identified main culprits that make people grind their teeth when they are asleep. Stress is identified as the greatest contributing factor for teeth grinding while sleeping. You see, your body needs an outlet for releasing stress and since you are asleep at night, it makes its own action, thus, there is the involuntary grinding of teeth.

Mental problems are also identified to cause teeth grinding while sleeping. Just like stress, problems on the mind might be exhibited and ventilated at sleep. Lastly, misalignment of teeth can cause teeth grinding while sleeping.

Effects of this habit includes loosening of teeth, chipping of enamel on teeth surface, jaw pains and heightened sensitivity to temperature especially inside the mouth.

Stop teeth grinding while sleeping

The primary way to stop teeth grinding while sleeping would be to address the three identified main causes. Relieve your body from stress, consult experts if you have mental issues and see your dentist if there is a misalignment of teeth. Other than these, here are several more measures you could take:

- The most recommended step to initially curtail teeth grinding while sleeping is to purchase a mouth guard. Your dentist could help you at this. The mouth guard should be worn at night before getting to bed. Doing so would help prevent yourself from unconsciously grinding your teeth at night. Once done regularly, your body would be conditioned not to do the same thing again.

- Hypnosis is now becoming a popular way of relieving ailments. You should try it out to help break your habit of teeth grinding while sleeping.

- Counseling should also be taken to help you more effectively to de-stress. When you are de-stressed, your muscles would relax and you could prevent teeth grinding while sleeping. Tranquilizers could also be an option.

Supplements For Joint Pain Relief: The Pain Can End

It starts out as a sore knee. As time progresses on, it turns into a soreness that will not go away. Before you know it, you have chronic knee pain. It can hinder your life in many ways, such as making getting around much more difficult. You may even feel like there is nothing you can do about it. You may have even considered radical surgical procedures to fix the issue. There is a less invasive, simpler procedure that simply requires a change in habits and the addition of a few supplements each day. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what supplements can help ease joint pain, as well as what each individual supplement does.

The first and perhaps most important supplement is Glucosamine. Glucosamine helps strengthen joints, as well as tendons, ligaments, and bones. Another supplement that is good to pair with Glucosamine is Chondroitin, which also helps aid in the process of strengthening bones, joints, and other connective tissue. It is important, however, that you avoid Chondroitin if you are allergic to shellfish, as that is usually the preferred source of Chondroitin.

To ease inflammation and pain that comes along with this particular issue, you can take supplements such as essential fatty acids, which are marketed as fish oil or flax seed oil. This will help reduce inflammation of tissues, as well as take away some of the associated pain.

Overall, it is important to do your homework and educate yourself about these particular supplements. As always, please check with your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen, and always follow the directions on the label.

The Top Seven Questions About Ankle Fractures

Breaking your ankle can be a very devastating injury which can involve significant time off your feet depending on the extent of your injury. The below question and answer format will give you much of the information you need to know about treatment if you or someone you know sustains a broken ankle.

FAQ (Frequently asked questions):

What should I do if I think I broke my ankle?

You should be treated immediately. If a local podiatric surgeon is not immediately available in his/her private office, a hospital emergency room is the best place to go. Pain medication will be administered and X-rays will be taken. If a fracture is confirmed and the fracture segments have moved apart significantly, pain medication will be given and a manual (closed) reduction to put the segments closer together will be attempted. If surgery isn't needed, then an above or below the knee fiberglass cast will be applied and crutches, a walker and/or wheelchair will be given as no weight can be applied to the foot.

How do I know if I have a broken bone vs. a bad sprain?

There is no way of knowing whether you sprained your ankle instead of fracturing it without getting an X-ray. Blisters, swelling, pain, bruising and redness with either a fracture or a sprain may be present. Pain directly on the bones of the ankle with direct touch is a clinical test but often times even in a sprain there is pain everywhere even on the bone. X-rays are the only way of knowing for sure if you broke a bone. If you sustained a very intricate fracture, your doctor may also order a CAT scan.

Will I need surgery?

If the bones cannot be manually reduced or put back together, than surgery will be performed. This surgery for an ankle fracture is called an open reduction with internal fixation (ORIF).

How long does it take to recover?

Bony healing typically takes 6-8 weeks to occur. However depending on your overall health, other factors such as smoking, diabetes, poor nutrition and poor circulation can delay this process.

How long will I be in a cast?

Regardless of if you have surgery or not, a cast will be in place for at least 6-8 weeks in order to give the bone enough time to heal.

When will I be able to walk normal again?

This depends on the severity of the fracture but typically one will be able to ambulate in a sneaker after 8-10 weeks. Even then, the ankle will still be somewhat swollen.

How long will I be out of work?

It depends on the type of work you do. If you have a very accommodating job and can sit most of the time, then you may be able to return as soon as 2-3 weeks after treatment. While at work you need to keep your foot elevated on another chair. You should keep ice applied for 20 minutes every hour when awake. Most people will need to take at least 4-6 weeks off from work, but if you have a job where you need to stand and walk, then you will need to take at least 3-4 months off from work. You may qualify for short-term disability or workman's compensation (if the injury occurred at work).

SAQ (Should ask questions):

What bones are involved in an ankle fracture?

The ankle consists of the end of the tibia bone called the medial malleolus, the end of the fibula bone called the lateral malleolus and the bottom of the ankle called the talus bone.

Are certain people prone to breaking their ankle?

Oftentimes, an ankle fracture involves a simple, unintentional slip, fall or accident. Other times it involves a twisted ankle injury from someone who has frequently sprained his or her ankle in the past. These people have chronic ankle instability and have high arches that are unstable on uneven surfaces. This leads them to sprain their ankle a lot and even fracture it if the force of the sprain is high enough.

How can I prevent an ankle fracture if I am prone to this?

If you have high arches, have sprained your ankle in the past and feel unstable on uneven surfaces, you need the proper support to prevent not just another sprain but a fractured ankle. Good, sturdy shoes as well as a pair of functional customized orthotics (inserts) to straighten out the foot and offer stability are best to prevent a fracture or sprain.

What determines if I need surgery for the ankle break?

If the bony segments of the fracture are shifted enough more than 2mm and closed manual reduction cannot close the gap enough, you will need surgery/ORIF. Also surgical repair of the ligaments may be performed if the ligaments are torn as seen as a wide gap of the bones on X-ray.

Will I have long-term pain after the ankle is healed?

Just as in other joints, the ankle joint should be comprised of healthy cartilage that covers the bone to allow for up (dorsiflexion) and down (plantarflexion) motion. A break of the ankle usually involved a break or injury to the cartilage as well. Therefore and theoretically, someone who sustains an injury to the ankle joint (intra-articular fracture) may develop chronic ankle arthritis called osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease. Arthritis involves cartilage damage where the bones rub together causing inflammation and pain. You might not have severe arthritis, but if the cartilage is slightly damaged you may have persistent but occasional pain and stiffness in cold or rainy weather.

Will I need physical therapy?

Yes, most patients whom are in a cast for 6-8 weeks will develop weakness and visible calf atrophy or a smaller calf. These muscles need to be strengthened and the ankle needs to be moved to increase ankle range of motion. A formal therapy program of 2-3 times per week for at least 1 month is needed at a therapy facility for optimal healing.

What is the difference between a podiatric surgeon and orthopedic surgeon? Who should I see for my ankle injury?

Seek treatment from a podiatric foot and ankle surgeon as they are uniquely qualified to not just perform the surgery but also to carry out the long-term care of patients by addressing the biomechanical conditions affecting the foot and ankle. Unlike orthopedists, a podiatric foot and ankle surgeon, in addition to the general medical training, focuses on the foot and ankle from the beginning of their medical tr

Signs and Symptoms of Arthritis and Joint Pain Problem

Arthritis signs and symptoms vary with individuals. Here we will emphasize on some of the major signs and symptoms of arthritis and joint pain problem.

1. Pain is the first and foremost sign and symptom of arthritis. All arthritis patients suffer from excruciating joint pain. Pain due to arthritis is also termed as arthralgia. The word comes from Greek 'artho' meaning joint and 'algos' meaning pain. The root cause of the pain lies in the destructive and degenerative process involved in arthritis. In other words the cartilage degeneration and bone friction causes acute pain, as in case of osteoarthritis. Also inflammation of tissues around joints leads to pain as in the case of rheumatoid arthritis. Accumulation of fluids and uric acid crystals in between the joints also lead to pain.

2. Swelling is another sign and symptom of arthritis. At times it is also the primary symptom of arthritis. Little amount of fluid is always present in our joints under normal conditions. In a joint attacked by arthritis, the amount of fluid increases to abnormal proportions making the joint look swollen. This excess fluid is discharged by the soft tissues lining the joint. The tissues come under the effect of arthritis and produce large amount of fluids.

3. Stiffness or inflexibility at the joint is a symptom associated with swelling. Muscle tightness, inflammation of joint lining and calcification at the joints are triggering factors causing stiffness. In case of patients with much stiffness, the joints may become non-functional with time. Therefore stiffness if not checked may even lead to disability. The stiffness usually increases if the ailing joint is kept idle for a long time. Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by severe stiffness early in the morning just after waking up. The stiffness comes down gradually as one gets in to activities.

4. Crepitus or a crunching or grating sound while moving an ailing joint is a common symptom of arthritis, noticeable in many. The word is derived from a Latin word meaning 'a rattle or crackling sound'. Crepitus is an indication of wearing out of cartilages in a joint. When crepitus occurs, along with the crunching sound, one feels some sensation in the affected joint. Crepitus is usually painless.

5. Deformity at joint is another arthritis symptom. It is common in case of rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. Bony outgrowths, swan neck deformity or bending of finger base, boutonniere deformity or flexion of PIP joint in the finger are common types of deformities caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Basal joint deformity or thumb carpometacarpal hyperextension deformity causes the thumb to stretch out and bend backward. This type is seen in patients with osteoarthritis.

6. Redness of skin around the affected joint is one sign and symptom. When some damage occurs at any part of the body, the immune system runs to destroy or eliminate the cause of damage. The same is true in case of joint damage as well. When the battle goes on, the result is redness in the external skin.

7. Arthritis patients also suffer from constipation or colitis.

Arthritis Relief From Joint Implants Coated With Hydroxyapatite and Titanium

Hydroxyapatite (HA) and titanium are now more than ever used as coatings for joint replacement implants and dental implants. HA and titanium promote bone ingrowth between the joint implant and the patient's bone itself. This ingrowth allows for a sturdier implant that precipitates less pain and recovery time when compared to traditional implants that contain cement.

What follows is a list of the most common types of implants for which HA and titanium are used as implant coatings and the benefits that these coatings specifically provide for each implant.

Joint replacement is recognized as a treatment option for large joints which have been severely damaged by arthritis. Most people are unaware that when small joints such as those found in fingers become painful, deformed and/or limited, relief can come by replacing the joints with titanium and hydroxyapatite coated implants. Since full function is not restored, finger implant surgery is not considered the first choice of treatment, but for those who do make the choice, the reduction of pain due to arthritis is often significant. The surgery is most valuable for patients who will regain function and who will benefit greatly from achievable pain relief.

Total ankle replacement is an option for patients with severe arthritis. Similar to hip and knee replacement surgeries, total ankle replacement involves removing the arthritic ankle joint and replacing it with an implant. Total ankle replacement was developed in the 1970's with limited success. The older implants often loosened or malfunctioned and frequently needed to be removed. Today, manufacturers have developed a porous titanium implant coating that has made ankle replacement surgery a more viable option. Typically, the implant consists of two titanium end plates with a refined polyethylene center. When the end plates are coated with titanium or hydroxyapatite, the coating allows the implant to mimic the motion of a natural ankle. Prior to total ankle replacement surgery, the only surgical option for patients with disabling arthritis was fusion, which completely restricts the patient's ankle motion.

Total hip joint replacement is an orthopaedic success story, enabling hundreds of thousands of people to live fuller, more active lives. Using metal alloys, high-grade plastics, and polymeric materials, orthopaedic surgeons can replace painful, dysfunctional joints with highly functional, long-lasting prostheses. Hydroxyapatite and titanium coatings allow for cement-less implants and promote bone ingrowth between implant and human bone. Today, the top performing designs all have porous titanium and hydroxyapatite surfaces that make for stronger implants and shorter recovery times.

Dental implants are available uncoated, with a titanium plasma sprayed (TPS) coating and with a hydroxyapatite coating. The choice of coating is a matter of personal preference as all coatings are successfully used by clinicians around the world. Although, hydroxyapatite (HA) coatings can help jump start the integration process in dental implants, reducing recovery time. As a result, dental implants coated with hydroxyapatite are becoming an increasingly popular choice when placing an implant.

L-Vertebrae: Degenerative Disk Disease (DDD) is one of the most common causes of lower back pain in adults. Many patients discover relief from pain caused by DDD by pursuing nonsurgical methods such as therapy, anti-inflammatory medications and weight loss. For patients who don't experience adequate pain relief through nonsurgical treatments, lumbar fusion has long been a common surgical treatment for alleviating lower back pain. While lumbar fusion can be an effective treatment, it severely restricts motion and it does not always provide pain relief. Porous titanium coatings have allowed many medical device manufacturers to develop new, FDA approved artificial disk replacement options. Artificial disks can reduce lower back pain while also allowing the patient to retain spinal motion. Disks coated in titanium become firmly fixed in bone just weeks after the operation and typically allow for reduced pain and greater range of motion.

Elbow: Until recently, patients in need of implant surgery to relieve the pain that comes along with elbow arthritis received elbow prostheses that require cement for bone fixation. In fact, despite the increased use of hydroxyapatite and titanium as implant coatings, cement implants are still fairly common. Hydroxyapatite coatings achieve greater bone ingrowth than do cement implants. Increased bone ingrowth makes for a more durable implant that allows for increased range of motion and less pain.

Shoulder: Arthritis of the shoulder joint causes damage to bone and cartilage. If left untreated, the damage can cause a great deal of pain. Shoulder implant coatings are currently made of a variety of materials, including titanium, cobalt chrome, ceramics and pyrocarbons. Pyrocarbon is a very lightweight material that is preferable to traditional steel coatings which are heavy and bulky. Implants coated with titanium are lightweight and have a similar consistency to that of bone. Shoulder implants coated with advanced materials exhibit exceptional bone ingrowth qualities which gives the implant superb strength and the patient increased range of motion.

Knee: Recent advancements in titanium coating characteristics have allowed medical manufacturers to develop knee implants that exhibit superior bone ingrowth to traditional implants. It is the porosity of titanium that allows for bone ingrowth and thus makes it ideal for knee replacement implants. Improved bone ingrowth reduces recovery time and increases range of motion in knee replacement patients.

Hydroxyapatite and titanium implant coatings have made joint implant surgery a more viable, less painful option for many people suffering from joint pain.