Saturday, February 1, 2014

Symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome

The symptoms of TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder) can be painful and vary among patients. TMJ is a condition of the joint connecting the upper and lower jawbones. We'll describe some of these symptoms and while they are common to TMJ, it is best to check with your dentist or physician to determine if you have TMJ.

Many TMJ patients will see some of the following symptoms:

o Eye pain or problems - bloodshot eyes, blurring vision, pain above or below the eye, pressure behind the eyes, light sensitivity and, watering of the eyes.

o Head Pain - migraines, forehead pain, cluster headaches, sinus-type headaches, hair or scalp sensitivity and, headaches at the back of the head.

o Teeth and Gum - clenching during the day or night, night grinding of teeth, tooth pain or sensitive teeth.

o Mouth, Face, Cheek, and Chin - discomfort or pain to any of these areas, pain in cheek muscles, spontaneous tongue movement, jaw and jaw joint pain, limited opening of the mouth and, clicking or popping jaws.

o Ear Pain & problems - hissing, buzzing, ringing in the ears, diminished hearing, clogged ears, ear pain without infection, vertigo or dizziness.

o Throat Problems - swallowing difficulties, tightness of the throat, sore throat with no infection and, tongue pain.

o Neck and Shoulder - neck pain, tired sore neck problems, shoulder aches, back pain, arm, and finger tingling and, stiffness.

As you can see, there are many symptoms of TMJ and it is important if you think you are suffering from TMJ to take precautions and find professional help.

First, through an examination of your doctor, you may be asked what type of pain you have and to describe the pain areas as best you can. A physical examination of head, neck and face, and temporomandibular joints will reveal to the doctor where your pain is located. He will also look for clicking or popping sounds, the range of jaw motion, wear and tear on the buccal cusps of your teeth, tenderness of your chewing muscles, how your teeth fit together and, ask you to rate your pain based on a pain scale.

After you receive a diagnosis, your physician may offer various medical treatments, whether it be self-care at home or a medical procedure to reduce your TMJ symptoms and pain. Self-care can consist of anti-inflammatory treatment such as NSAIDs, changing your diet, and applying warm compresses to the affected area.

Medical treatment will consist of your doctor fitting you with a splint or bite plate. More involved treatment can be received at the doctor's office or care clinic with anesthesia and may involve inserting needles in the temporomandibular joint to wash it out. Cortisone treatment has also shown to help the symptoms of TMJ. A final option may be surgical that involves replacing the jaw joint with artificial implants. This final option is usually a last case scenario and is not recommended by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.

Most professionals also recommend early prevention for TMJ. If you suffer from the symptoms of TMJ, avoid chewing gum or biting pens and pencils. Keep your diet free of hard and chewy foods and if you yawn, support your lower jaw. Another option if you grind your teeth at night is to ask your dentist to fit you with a bite plate to wear at night. If you feel you have the symptoms of TMJ, try some preventative therapy or visit your local professional.

Is it Possible to Prevent Rheumatoid Arthritis?

One of the reasons why it is difficult to prevent rheumatoid arthritis is that the medical community does not know what causes it. Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic degeneration of the cartilage in the joints. It is caused by an autoimmune response that turns the body's white blood cells against that cartilage. It is characterized by swollen, tender joints that are stiff and painful to move. This is more so after periods of inactivity such as first thing in the morning. There is no known cure for this disease and only limited treatments.

It is believed that rheumatoid arthritis is a genetic disorder. The only known risk factors are being female and being between 40 and 60 years old. This is the group most likely to develop symptoms of RA. It does also affect men, though only about 1/3 as many as women and it has been seen to develop at earlier ages. It is also sometimes seen in children. Smoking may have a casual link to the onset of symptoms, but this is not entirely certain. If it is linked to the disease somehow, this would be the only risk factor over which a person can have any control.

While we can not prevent rheumatoid arthritis, early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent joint damage. All of the current treatments are symptomatic and include anti -inflammatory medications, pain relievers, and in some cases the use of corticosteroids. Unfortunately, there is a balancing act that must take place. The goal is to slow or halt the progress of the disease while providing as much relief from pain as possible. These two goals often run counter to one another. The medications that reduce swelling and pain have side effects that can lead to more damage to the joints. The medications to prevent damaging the joint further can aggravate the pain level.

Untreated, rheumatoid arthritis is a highly degenerative disease that can progress to a point that leaves a person bedridden in later life. In addition to the medical treatments listed above, occupational and physical therapy is prescribed to improve or maintain range of motion and flexibility. Therapy can consist of exercises to strengthen the muscles around the joints. Other exercises will push the limits of mobility. The goal is to maintain the ability to function in daily life. This is literally a case of use it or lose it as allowing the joints to stiffen can lead to permanent and total disability.

Medical science is progressing rapidly with discoveries of new genetic markers for certain disorders and therapies designed to change certain genetic conditions. At the present time, there is no cure and no known method to prevent rheumatoid arthritis. The best one can hope for is to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms early and seek medical help to limit or prevent a portion of the joint damage caused by RA. Physical or occupational therapy and a mix of anti-inflammatory and pain medications are the best means available to treat the symptoms at this time.

Ear Pain Causes and Symptoms

Ear pain is one of the chief complaints for both adults and children. It is important for the cause of the ear pain to be determined before tying to treat the symptom. This can be the symptom of a direct cause or an indirect cause (pain which originates from another region of the body and radiates into the ear). Treatment of ear pain will depend entirely on the underlying cause. Treatment can range from antibiotics to surgery. In fact for some causes of it, there is no real way to prevent the pain, only to treat the symptom itself. It is important to take care of your ears by avoiding loud environments without protection and keeping all objects including cotton swabs our of the ear canal.

Some of the more common causes of ear pain are:

* Ear trauma

This includes slapping or blunt force on the exterior of the ear, loud sounds or blasts of sounds, and excessive ear picking.

* Ear conditions

Ear conditions vary and can be from bacteria causing ear infections, middle ear infection or otitis media. Having a build up of wax holding fluid in can cause pain. Swimmer's ear is when water becomes trapped in the ear canal and causes pain. A foreign object stuck in the ear, a perforation of the tympanic membrane, a boil in the canal, cold sores or ulcers in the ear canal and cancer of the ear are all types of ear conditions that can cause pain. There are far too many ear conditions to list them all, this is only a list of some of the more common conditions.

* External ear pain

Again these can be external ear trauma that does not impact the inner or middle ear. External hematoma, boils, or skin cancer can cause external pain of the ear.

* Underlying causes of referred ear pain

This is when pain originates in one place and radiates into the ear. Dental work or periodontal abscess, along with other dental disorders often cause ear pain. Infections of the throat or sinus passage way, along with tonsillitis, pharyngitis tumors or cancer of the tongue, larynx, or spine can cause ear pain. TMJ disorder or jaw arthritis are tow skeletal disorders that can cause ear pain. Barotrauma which often referred to as ear popping when a person is involved in air travel or scuba diving. Certain kinds of nerve disorders can cause this; as can various skin disorders such as eczema and dermatitis. Glue ear is relatively unheard of but actually is the culprit of many ear pain patients. It is a condition when the fluid accumulates in the middle ear.

Again treatment for ear pain depends upon the underlying cause. The list above barely scratches the surface of the under lying cause that could be resulting in pain. When ever you have ear pain or ringing in your ears, you should contact your health care professional for medical treatment. Only a trained health care professional we be able to determine what the cause is.

Understanding Hip Bursitis And Chiropractic

The term bursitis simply means inflammation of the bursa. A bursa is a fluid filled sac that provides a smooth motion for structures with uneven surfaces. There are a few different bursas found in the hip, the one that is injured the most often is the trochanteric bursa. This bursa is located between the bony structure on the outside of the hip or greater trochanter and the tendons that pass over this structure.

This bursa can become injured in various ways. It may be the result of direct trauma such as a fall or through repetitive friction from overuse or misaligned joints. Biomechanical problems such as a misaligned hip joint can result in abnormal tracking of the tendons over the bursa. If the foot is turned out, it can also affect the hip and result in bursitis.

Bursitis of the hip is often noticed when running, climbing up a hill or getting in and out of the car. The symptoms will frequently get worse over time. Pain is usually felt when pushing on the outside of the hip. The pain may also radiate down the outside of the thigh when the tendons and muscles of the leg become involved.

Poor posture, abnormal foot bio-mechanics, misaligned joints, tight muscles and nerve irritation may all play a role in bursitis of the hip. If treatment is not effective, one or more of these factors may need to be looked at more closely. If left untreated, scar tissue may develop over time which can complicate the problem.

The cause of hip bursitis may stem from a misaligned pelvis, hip or joint in the leg or foot which can alter the proper biomechanics of the hip. These can lead to functional changes of the hip resulting in inflammation of the bursa. Using cryotherapy or ice is important to help minimize the inflammation of the bursa. Rest is also important to allow healing and preventing more injury. Runners should avoid running on hard or uneven surfaces which may result in pressure on the bursa. Orthotics can help provide support for the feet and help to avoid abnormal bio-mechanics in the leg which leads to hip problems.

Chiropractors can provide a variety of effective treatment options to effectively manage the various root causes of hip bursitis. Chiropractic adjustments are effective to correct misaligned joints to help restore normal bio-mechanics in the leg and hip. This will help take abnormal pressure off the bursa and restore normal function.

TMJ Symptoms and Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Treatment

TMJ Symptoms are more common than you might at first think, and many different factors can contribute to Temporomandibular joint disorder. Some of the most common symptoms that you may experience might include...

  • Trouble chewing food

  • intense migraines

  • sore jaw

  • trouble opening jaw

  • nausea and/or throwing up

  • Popping or clicking noise when opening the jaw

What causes TMJ as you shall soon see is quite common. Many cases are contributed to trauma or events of high stress. For instance, an individual who has lost a loved one and is struggling with their work load at the office may start grinding their teeth while they sleep. After a while of doing this night after night, the effects of clenched teeth can be felt, leading to more problem with Temporomandibular joint disorder.

In some cases people who are dealing with TMJ symptoms will also experience ear ringing, also known as tinnitus.

Another name for this disorder is Costen syndrome, named after the fellow who helped identify it. There is a TMJ part on either side of your jaw, and each one consists of many little parts such as nerves, muscles and bones.

As a result, any area of either TMJ can becoming aggitated, causing a person to experience at times excruciating symptoms of TMJ.

TMJ Treatment

Some people find relief by using mouth guards, which helps to also protect tooth enamel, however in very extreme cases this only makes things worse for some patients - actually causing their teeth grinding to get worse.

In some extreme cases oral surgery might be used to correct any abnormalities that had previously been overlooked. There are numerous methods for realignment and replacement of crucial areas.

However, the medical world truly recommends that if possible, any treatment tried should be reversible, which rules out many procedures of oral surgery - making them an absolute last resort.

ACL Surgery and ACL Repair - 7 Facts You Should Know From an Orthopedic Surgeon

The ACL or the anterior cruciate ligament, a ligament in the knee, helps provide stability to the knee during activities that involve jarring, turning, twisting and jumping.

ACL injury is a very common sports injury treated by orthopedic physicians - especially in sports like soccer or basketball or tennis, where players make quick direction changes, sometimes forcefully twisting and turning the knee.

If you are suffering from a moderate to more severe ACL injury, chances are you may be considering ACL surgery or ACL reconstruction. ACL injuries can be quite painful, often accompanied by noticeable swelling and a restricted range of motion.

Unfortunately, when the ACL tears, it does not get better on its own. ACL injuries can be very serious, and as with many medical conditions, if you have an ACL injury, you should seek out the qualified advice and treatment of a medical professional like a board certified orthopedic physician.

If your ACL tear requires ACL surgery, repair and reconstruction, it is helpful to note that surgery for an ACL tear is outpatient. The arthroscopic procedure completed by an orthopedic surgeon typically last about sixty minutes.

When an ACL is torn, it must be reconstructed. The ligament cannot be sutured back together. Orthopedic surgeons use a graft to reconstruct the ACL. Orthopedic surgeons either use an Autograft or an Allograft. An Autograft comes from the patient's own body. An allograft comes from a donor/cadaver. Your orthopedic physician will help guide you as to the best type of graft to use to reconstruct your anterior cruciate ligament.

Here are 7 more facts about ACL surgery, repair and reconstruction:

  1. The ACL is the 6th most common procedure for orthopedic surgery.

  2. There are more than 100,000 ACL surgeries every year.

  3. ACL reconstruction helps to improve stability and function of the knee.

  4. ACL reconstruction reduces the risk of chondral and meniscal injuries.

  5. ACL reconstruction does not protect the knee from degenerative joint disease.

  6. Autografts are often recommended for patients under 40 years of age.

  7. Allografts are typically used with older patients and for ACL revision surgery.

If you think you have an ACL injury, you may want to consult a board certified orthopedic surgeon for a thorough exam and more information about your treatment options.

You may be required to have an MRI Scan which is often considered the gold standard for diagnosis of an ACL tear.

More emphasis needs to be placed on preventing ACL injuries, especially among athletes, to try to decrease the number of people that experience this painful injury. There are a number of ACL injury prevention programs already in practice that can be very beneficial in helping athletes avoid injury and damage to the anterior cruciate ligament.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Can Arthritis Fish Oil Supplementation Help With Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Someone once said if you haven't experienced arthritis you simply aren't living life to its fullest. Well at least the anonymous author got a weekend pass from whatever mental institution he was in. Arthritis and particularly rheumatoid arthritis can be quite painful and even debilitating and anyone who has it wishes they would have taken steps to avoid it or at least reduce its impact. But what about arthritis fish oil supplementation. Could it help? Could arthritis fish oil supplementation be used in addition to my current medications? What is the suggested amount of arthritis fish oil supplementation required? These are both questions we will strive to answer but first let's briefly talk a little about arthritis.

Arthritis is generally defined as inflammation of a joint, which causes localized pain, swelling, and stiffness. The most common type is osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease, which involves changes in the joint cartilage as a result of aging or use. Rheumatoid arthritis on the other hand is an autoimmune disease which is a more serious, systemic form of arthritis, which may affect the heart, lungs, and eyes, as well as the joints. The suspected cause is a yet unidentified virus that stimulates the immune system to wreak havoc.

You are probably saying would you please get on with it! My joints hurt and I would like to know whether arthritis fish oil supplementation could help. OK, I hear you!

The vast majority of research seems to focused on the use of omega 3 fatty acid supplementation. This includes fish oil which is the highest source of the two primary omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. A summary of the results concluded that arthritis fish oil supplementation seems to reduce tenderness, decrease morning stiffness, and allow for a reduction in the amount of medication needed for people with both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The daily dose used in the studies ranged from 1000 to 2000 mg of DHA/EPA per day. This is higher than the 900 mg number suggested by the AMA and the NIH. So consult your doctor first before taking the big leap to high dose arthritis fish oil supplementation.

Additionally, there seems to be a correlation between the imbalance of omega 3 and omega 6 in those with inflammatory disorders such as osteoarthritis. In fact, several test tube studies of cartilage containing cells have found that omega 3 fatty acids decrease inflammation and reduce the activity of enzymes that destroy cartilage. Omega 6 causes inflammation and is found in large amounts in red meat.

In summary, there seems to be good evidence that arthritis fish oil supplementation can benefit those with arthritic conditions by reducing overall inflammation. One of the benefits of this natural form of supplementation is that it can be combined with anti inflammatory drugs as well as most other arthritis medications.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of fish oil or learn more about a high quality DHA fish oil worth considering click here.

TMJ Cure - What Is The Best Solution?

Having a TMJ condition is not something to laugh about. It can be both a painful experience and an inconvenient one. It is therefore of the greatest importance to zero in on the best TMJ cure.

Controversy with Cure

There has been a lot of patient frustration over TMJ cure solutions. Some patients may experience a worsening of symptoms or a simple lack of relief. There may be several reasons why a TMJ cure may not work for some individuals. It is possible that the cure is poorly or improperly applied or the wrong TMJ cure is resorted to. In some cases, a TMJ condition may be misdiagnosed. In such a situation, wrong medication and treatment may even result in complications.

Ask Experts

Sometimes a TMJ condition may be misdiagnosed because the doctor you consulted is not an expert in TMJ. There are also some experts in TMJ conditions that only provide cures that are limited to their specific area of expertise. This may not work for some people if the particular cause of the TMJ condition does not fit the TMJ cure.

One way to ensure that you are getting the right TMJ cure is to get a good doctor. It would probably be to your benefit if you got a highly recommended doctor with a good track record. It would also help if you got second and third medical opinions before deciding to stick with just one particular TMJ cure.

Non-Invasive Solutions First

Your personal rule of thumb in your search for a TMJ cure is to go for non-invasive procedures first. It is quite possible that your condition may require extreme medical solutions like surgery and heavy medication. You should however make sure that your condition is really so severe that no other solution but an invasive one will work. One way of determining the severity of your condition is to simply try non-invasive solutions. When no safe natural solution works, then that is the time when you should consider further medical assistance. It is important to do this because some invasive and drastic procedures may be irreversible and may cause further damage if ineffective.

Possible Non-Invasive Solutions

There are several non-invasive solutions that you could try. As mentioned though, not all of these solutions can be a TMJ cure that will work for you. They are however worth considering if you want to protect yourself from the possible effects of invasive procedures.

Exercise - Gentle massage and jaw exercises might relieve your TMJ condition. There are actually some specific exercises to follow but the basic one simply involves gently and comfortably opening and closing your mouth and moving your jaws from side to side.

Food - A soft diet or avoiding foods that are too hard may also be a TMJ cure. Avoid overusing your jaws by frequently chewing gum.

Manage Stress - It is possible that your TMJ condition may be stress induced. If this is the case, you can try stress reduction classes or simply teach yourself to relax during stressful situations.

Arthritis Treatment - How to Reduce Your Arthritis Pain and Stiffness to Manageable Level

The word arthritis means inflammation of the joints. Arthritis is a crippling condition associated with the inflammation of a muscle joint. The inflammation is often caused by the rubbing of the bones. There are two main types of arthritis:

• Osteoarthritis is caused by degeneration of the cartilage in the joints (the cartilage between the bones wears away). Osteoarthritis usually affects older people although it can develop in a younger person, especially where joints have been damaged by injury.

• Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) a systemic disease caused by abnormality in the body's immune system making it to work improperly and therefore leading to inflammation of the joints. It is an autoimmune disease of the joints (usually).

However, you can learn to live with this disease without permitting it to rule your life. To ease the pain while continuing your daily life, here are some things you can do. Arthritis can be managed through medication, regular exercise (preferably walking), rest, weight-management, nutrition, or in some cases, surgery. Arthritis is a chronic disease that lasts for a long time and possibly for the rest of one's life. Treatments will probably change over time and medication may be adjusted.

• Positive mental outlook and the support of family are essential for performance of daily activities. Stay focused on the positive things in life.

• Try to maintain your social life, laugh with your friends, and keep doing the things you do daily.

• Keep joints warm at night to avoid morning stiffness.

• Practice deep breathing in addition to a regular exercise program. Exercise alleviates arthritis symptoms and improves strength and flexibility. In addition, exercise helps prevent weight gain which makes arthritis pain worse.

• Oily fish is a good source of Vitamins A and D as well as being rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have the power to lessen inflammation in the body, as well as lessen the pain associated with arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis patients usually report improvement in joint pains and inflammation when taking fish oil supplements.

• Honey is useful in arthritic and rheumatic pains when combined with apple cider. Use the cider vinegar and honey treatment for arthritis and also apply cider vinegar externally to painful joints. This entails drinking a glass of water with two teaspoons of cider vinegar and two teaspoons of honey three times a day.

• Raw potato extract is a traditional remedy that has been used for centuries. Wash a medium size potato but do not peel. Be sure it has no green patches. Cut it into thin slices. Lay the slices in a bowl, cover with water and cover the bowl. Leave overnight. Drink the water in the morning.

• Calcium supplements can also help some cases of arthritis. If you prefer not to take supplements you can take calcium in dietary form.

• Glucosamine in combination with chondroitin is a supplement that can help lubricate joints while reducing inflammation and pain in some cases.

• Add several teaspoonfuls of ginger to vegetables, salads or beverages daily.

• Garlic and turmeric both have anti inflammatory properties and can be included in your diet in generous quantities.

Eat grapes regularly as grape skins contain resveratrol. Resveratrol deactivates the Cox-2 enzyme, which produces inflammation at the site of injury or pain.

• Regular diet of bananas, which are rich in potassium and vitamin B6, can be helpful in treating rheumatoid arthritis flare up. Eat only bananas for up to 3 days. Bananas should be ripe, i.e. starting to show brown spots on the skin.

• Practice deep breathing in addition to a regular exercise program. Exercise alleviates arthritis symptoms and improves strength and flexibility. In addition, exercise helps prevent weight gain which makes arthritis pain worse.

The following foods are known to make arthritis worse and should be avoided. You may have to cut them all out of your diet for at least 4 days and then reintroduce them one by one to feel the effects:

Sugar, caffeine, red meat, dairy products, citrus fruits, corn (maize), wheat, salt, artificial sweeteners and other food additives.

Take Control:

Arthritis may limit some of the things you do, but it does not have to control your life. One way to reduce your pain is to build your life around wellness, not pain or sickness. Think of pain as a signal to take positive action rather than an ordeal you have to endure. This means thinking positive thoughts, having a sense of humor (i.e. you can joke about your disability), eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly (e.g. walking), enjoying activities with friends and family, taking your medication properly and practicing relaxation.

Exercise and Arthritis:

For a long time, it was thought that people with arthritis should not exercise because it would damage their joints. Now doctors and therapists know that people with arthritis can improve their health and fitness through exercise without hurting their joints. Along with medicine, rest, acupressure, relaxation techniques and regular exercise can keep your joints in working order so that you can continue your daily activities. Everyone should exercise regularly. But if you have arthritis, it is a must. Exercise enhances the muscles around your joints and reduces the pain in your body. It also acts like lubrication for the joints in your body. It also may help prevent further joint damage. If your joints hurt, you may not feel like exercising. However, if you do not exercise, your joints can become even more stiff and painful. Exercise is beneficial because it keeps your muscles, bones and joints healthy. Be sure, however, that you only exercise within your body's limits.

Canine Arthritis - Helping Your Pooch Cope With Aching Joints

For a number of potential reasons, your dog may experience persistent pain in his joints. Canine arthritis - also called degenerative joint disease (DJD) - may be mild or severe. In the latter case, it can be debilitating and prevent your pooch from moving around easily.

The condition is defined as a deterioration of cartilage. Cartilage normally covers the bones where they meet and form a joint, preventing them from rubbing against each other while moving. When the protective material wears down, the underlying bone becomes exposed. Depending on the severity of the cartilage's deterioration, your dog may experience a high level of pain. In severe cases, it can lead to lameness.

In this article, we'll provide an overview of the condition. Because many owners remain unaware of their dog's pain, we'll describe common symptoms you might observe. You'll also learn how degenerative joint disease can occur and how it can be treated. Lastly, we'll offer a few tips for managing DJD and providing comfort for your canine.

Common Symptoms Of Degenerative Joint Disease

One of the most obvious warning signs is a limp. If your pooch suffers from arthritis, you may see him favoring the affected leg whenever he walks. This might be more pronounced when he gets up after resting in the same spot for a long period. If the problem is acute, you'll notice him treating his arthritic limb gingerly; he may even react in pain when you touch the affected site.

Degenerative joint disease is a progressive condition. It worsens with time as the cartilage continues to wear away, exposing more of the bone and causing more pain for your dog. The symptoms described above will begin mildly and steadily grow more noticeable.

Reasons The Condition Develops

Many owners mistakenly believe that canine arthritis is a genetic disease. In reality, while some breeds (e.g. Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, etc.) are genetically predisposed, any dog can develop the condition. Moreover, it can potentially form at any age.

Occasionally, DJD is the result of a dislocation or trauma to the affected area. Sometimes, it occurs due to obesity; more weight is placed upon the limbs, creating excess pressure and leading to cartilage wear.

Arthritis can also develop as the result of a bone fracture or injury to the ligaments. Dysplasia, a common problem that can afflict your dog's hips and elbows, can also contribute to DJD. In effect, there are many potential causes for degenerative joint disease.

Managing Degenerative Joint Disease

Once a veterinarian has diagnosed the problem, attention is devoted to providing your canine with a level of comfort. Sadly, arthritis cannot be cured; once it develops, the only form of "treatment" is represented by pain management.

Weight management and routine exercise are the first lines of defense against further erosion of the cartilage. If your pooch is overweight, the veterinarian will create a diet that will help him shed the excess. This is important because DJD will make moving progressively more difficult for your dog. Inactivity and excess weight will further reduce his quality of life.

Exercise should come in the form of low-impact activities that provide plenty of motion for the affected limb. Daily walks are essential. Swimming may also be appropriate because it places zero weight on your canine's limbs.

Because the discomfort worsens as the temperature declines, take steps to help your pooch stay warm. That can include extra bedding or moving his bed away from windows in order for him to avoid drafts. It can even include having him wear a sweater that covers the affected leg.

If there are steep declines or jumps that your dog is no longer capable of managing (e.g. jumping onto your bed or into your car), consider buying a ramp. The ramp will make such distances easier to traverse. It will also make doing so far less painful.

Severe canine arthritis can dramatically lower your dog's quality of life. If you notice your pooch showing symptoms, make an appointment with his veterinarian. That's the first step toward taking measures to slow the disease and make him more comfortable.

Pinched Nerve in Back - Understanding the Signs and Symptoms

A Pinched Nerve in Back is often associated with a slipped disc, ruptured disc, prolapsed disc or degenerative disc disease. The most common term used to describe such condition is herniated disc. Others refer to it as bulging disc. It happens when the nerve that travels in between the vertebrae (known as the backbone) has been impinged or compressed causing symptoms of numbness, burning and a tingling-type of pain along the nerve path.

The causes vary in nature but most have something to do with postural dysfunctions that put abnormal pressure on the disc situated between the vertebral bodies which eventually cause the wear and tear. When this happens, the area that has been affected gets in contact with the nerve thereby causing pain.

Muscle imbalance or wrong pull of the muscle secondary to a wrong twisting motion and improper lifting manoeuvre can likewise cause pinched nerve in the back. In such cases, the muscles involved along with the other structures can cause abnormal pressure or impingement on the nerve causing dull and aching pain. In some cases it may even result in sharp, shooting and excruciating pain.

Other symptoms include numbness along the affected area that radiates all the way down to the lower extremities, inability to move the trunk and limitation of motion, pain during walking and when standing up and a throbbing pain that does not seem to go away even when you are not engaged in any physical movements.

People who have suffered from pinched nerve in the back complain of low back pain that can either be localized, diffused or radiating. The type and nature of pain depends upon the severity of the nerve impingement as well as the location (or level) of the affected nerve. Most people who suffer from this injury or condition experience limitation in their movements and difficulty moving around.

There are some who can manage to walk with support but may require assistance in some of their activities of daily living or ADL's particularly in going to the bathroom, using the stairs and getting dressed. The pain can become very disturbing which, in more severe cases, can lead to disability.

It should be understood that most cases of pinched nerve in the back, particularly the ones which are secondary to degenerative joint disease, does not happen overnight. It may be the result of a consistent bad lifting or posture habit that gradually causes increased presure on the nerve. It takes a relatively long time before the condition can cause a nerve to be put under significant pressure to cause the pain, numbness and tingling sensation that radiates in other parts of the body. This is something that should be understood about the course of this disease.

In cases wherein postural dysfunction is the main cause of the impingement or slipped disc, the pain is indeed very sudden but usually, appropriate treatment and therapy are initiated as soon as the inflammation subsides. Lastly, pinched nerve in back is a painful condition that requires medical attention and physical therapy. Postural training and proper trunk movements are usually taught during the therapy sessions to avoid recurrence.

Arthritis: The Disease and Its Treatments

There are two types of arthritis which will be both discussed here. They are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We will begin discussing osteoarthritis which is also known as degenerative joint disease. It is a slowly progressive disorder of articulating joints, and it is characterized of the articular cartilage. The symptoms of OA are joint pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion. The disease can have a wide range of severity, ranging from annoying and uncomfortable symptoms to significantly disabling disease. It is estimated that nearly one third of all adults over 60 years of age, have X-ray evidence of degenerative joint disease.

The primary cause of OA is basically unknown. But it is considered to be influenced by multiple factors such as metabolic, mechanical, genetical, and chemical factors. Also previous trauma, fractures, infection, or deformities can predispose a person to degenerative changes at a later age. The deterioration of cartilage in a joint that leads to OA is an active process that occurs over the span of several years. An enzyme found in the joint fluid may be responsible for eating away cartilage that has been cracked by an injury. Also inadequate supply of nutrients to the joint and particularly cartilage may result in cartilage degeneration. Specific predisposing factors such as excessive use or stress on a joint have been identified as accelerating OA, e.g., the knees of football players, and the feet and ankles of ballet dancers. The person normally experiences pain in a particular joint, pain occurs on motion and weight bearing, and is generally relieved by rest.

There is no specific treatment for osteoarthritis. The purpose of therapy is to reduce pain, prevent the progression of the disease, and restore if possible joint function. Acetaminophen is one of the most common choices of treatment. Topical creams containing capsaicin is sometimes used in combination with acetaminophen. Capsaicin is a substance found in chilli peppers, which has been found to block pain signals to the brain and thus decreasing the sensation of pain. These creams can be found in different strengths and must be used regularly for maximal effect. The second choice of treatment for OA, consist of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The long term use of NSAIDs is discouraged as they may produce negative side effects. So it is better to use them under the supervision of a medical professional. Osteoarthritis cannot be prevented, but reducing or eliminating stress on the joints and reducing body weight can greatly improve the symptoms.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic, systemic disease characterized by recurrent inflammation of a joint and its related structures. Sometimes a person develops rheumatoid nodules, experience nerve pain, and other symptoms. The person may experience periods of being free from pain and inflammation, and periods when the symptoms become worse. RA may occur at any age, it most often occurs in women of child bearing age. In the USA is considered a significant health problem because it affects close to 6 million people and also for its potential to cause chronic disability.

The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown. It is also not clear if a single of multiple factors are involved in triggering the disease. Scientists continue to investigate the possibility of specific pathogens triggering the process. There is the strong possibility of autoimmune factors triggering the process. An abnormal change in the joint may trigger the body to attack itself (e.g., the joint tissue), as it is the case in some people with diabetes genetic factors have been linked to may diseases and may well influence the expression of RA. It has also been speculated that metabolic and biochemical abnormalities, nutritional and environmental factors may play a role in the cause of the disease.

Rheumatoid arthritis is known to progress through four stages. In the first stage, the unknown agent causes inflammation of the joint. The swelling of the membrane inside the joint causes the production of excess fluid within the joint. In the second stage inflammatory granulation tissue is formed at the juncture of the bone and cartilage within the joint. At the third stage, the granulation tissue becomes to be replaced by tough fibrous tissue. There is also a significant decrease in joint motion, and deformity of the joint also occurs. At the final stage of the disease, the tough fibrous tissue becomes calcified, almost bone like and total joint immobilization may occur. The initial symptoms of RA are nonspecific such as fatigue, poor appetite, weight loss, and some generalized discomfort and stiffness may occur. The stiffness eventually becomes more localized after weeks to months. The individual characteristically has joint stiffness on arising in the morning, and after periods of inactivity. The stiffness usually begins to disappear 30 minutes or more once the person begins moving again.

The treatment of choice of RA has been high doses of aspirin and Non steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). It is believe that the erosive destructive process of the disease begins within the first two years of the illness. Recently many rheumatologists have begun using a disease-modifying agent such as methotrexate. A disease modifying agent is a drug that has the potential to lessen the permanent effects of RA such as joint deformity. The damaging effects of the disease may be prevented, or postponed. The exact time to introduce the disease-modifying agent varies amongst health professionals. Some patients may not respond to methotrexate, so they may be started on Gold Therapy. Gold has anti-inflammatory action. It is usually given in weekly injection for up to 5 months, then once or twice a month to maintain its therapeutic effects. Gold therapy often causes minor side effects, such as skin rashes, mouth sores, and diarrhea. There is no special diet for RA. However, a well balanced diet is always recommended.

There are many alternative treatments and techniques available to relieve the symptoms of arthritis. At this time there is no cure for either type of arthritis. Some of the alternative treatments for arthritis include; cold therapy, acupuncture, exercise therapy, heat therapy, imagery and meditation. Cold therapy has been known to relieve the pain associated with arthritis flare-ups. Some doctors believe that cold can be such a powerful pain killer that it reduces the need for painkilling drugs. Patients who place cold packs on arthritic joints at intervals throughout the day seem to have less pain and may rely less on pain killing medications. On the other hand; heat therapy can be used to relieve painful muscle spasms and stiff joints. Applying heat to a stiff joint helps to relax muscles and joint tissue and brings a rush of healing blood to damaged tissue. A warmed-up muscle can also help thaw out joint stiffness, helping arthritis sufferers move more freely. "Heat increase the flexibility of the muscles and soft connective tissue around joints and it also relieves nerve sensitivity," says John Arbruzzo, M.D., director of the Division of Rheumatology at Thomas Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia. Studies show that by widening the blood vessels, heat draws a greater volume of blood to inflamed or infected tissues. In acupuncture 10 - 20 needles may be inserted at a time. Traditional Chinese acupuncturists believe that acupuncture helps facilitate the flow of energy of the body. This helps relax muscles and increase circulation. Many acupuncturists estimate that acupuncture brings 50 to 70 percent improvement in many cases of chronic pain such as in arthritis.

Balm of Gilead, a resinous, sweet smelling herbal remedy was well known for its healing powers in the Middle East for thousands of years, it's been used for rheumatic arthritis and muscle soreness. The topical balm helps improve circulation, as the circulation increases the area gets warm, bringing a feeling of pain improvement. In India ginger has a reputation as an anti-arthritis spice. Researchers speculate that ginger consumption may reduce the amount of prostaglandins, substances that play a role in joint inflammation. In the West ginger is better known for its ability to help settle an upset stomach and relieve dizziness, so use with caution or ask a health professional. Oil of wintergreen has the unique ability to feel your skin hot and cold at the same time. Deep-penetrating rubs with oil of wintergreen, are used for temporary relief of arthritis and minor aches and pains. Music therapy, deep breathing and meditation are alternatives methods that when used in conjunction with other treatments can help reduce stress and pain associated with arthritis or other ailments. These methods help your mind focus on other things besides your aches muscles and joints.

As we have learned here arthritis can range from annoying aches and pains to a highly debilitating disease. There are several measures you can take to relive the symptoms. In case of severe illness, splints at night might be useful to help support and protect a joint with active disease. Ask your doctor for more advice. Some people use gloves at night to retain heat and thus minimize joint stiffness and pain. Relieve pain with heat, including hot soaks, heat pads, heat lamps, or whirlpool, use electric blankets with caution as they may pose a fire hazard. Remain as active as you possibly can, but include daily rest periods. Sleep for eight to ten hours each night, don't become overtired. When able, exercise actively to preserve strength and joint mobility. Build slowly to the amount suggested by your doctor. Exercise disabled joints passively to help prevent contractures. Eat a normal balanced diet. Avoid arthritis diet fads, which are common. Try to lose weight if you are overweight, obesity stresses the joints. Always ask your doctor before trying any new products or treatments.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

So When Your Hip Hurts, What's Going on and What Do You Do?

There are many different causes of hip pain. And among the various problems requiring arthritis treatment, this ranks near the top.

This article will discuss the three most common types.

Osteoarthritis... the major culprit

The first is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a disease of cartilage, the gristle that caps the ends of long bones, and which cushions joints to allow gliding. When cartilage wears away, in other words, deteriorates, it causes the bones in the hip to rub against each other.

The pain of osteoarthritis is generally felt in the groin. It also may be felt in the buttocks. Patients may have difficulty getting their shoes and socks on and off the affected foot. Getting in and out of a chair may be difficult. Going up and down stairs may also be a problem.

On examination range of motion of the hip is abnormal. In particular, internal rotation tends to be affected early.

If osteoarthritis of the hip is suspected, the doctor will often order x-rays. The x-rays will show narrowing of the joint space as well as bone spurs and cysts in the bones next to the joint.

The treatment will vary depending on the extent of symptoms. Patients may respond to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, intra-articular steroid injections, and stretching exercises.

While patients may eventually require total joint replacement, if the arthritis is not that severe, a stem cell procedure may be considered.

Hip tendonitis... a major player

Another cause of hip pain is tendinitis. Tendinitis causes inflammation in the tough fibrous band that connects bones to muscles. The most common cause of tendinitis is overuse.

There are many different tendons in the hip region. The tendons in the front of the hip, if affected, will cause pain in the groin. This is particularly evident when a patient climbs stairs or gets up from the chair.

Tendinitis on the outside of the hip will cause pain with stair climbing. Also, the patient may experience discomfort at night if they try to lie on the affected hip.

Tendinitis involving the hamstring tendons in the hip may cause pain in the buttocks with walking or running.

The diagnosis is suspected by history and confirmed by physical examination. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be needed to confirm the extent of damage.

The treatment of choice is rest, anti-inflammatory medications, and physical therapy, early on.
Sometimes, steroid injections are required for acute problems.

For more chronic tendon problems, a percutaneous needle tenotomy using ultrasound guidance followed by platelet rich plasma (PRP) is generally advised. Surgery is rarely required.

Last... but not least

The final common problem that may affect the hip is bursitis. Bursitis is inflammation of the bursae, the small sacks of fluid that cushion bones and tendons.

The pain is felt along the outside of the hip. It is extremely painful when examined.

Treatment involves anti-inflammatory medications, ice, physical therapy, and stretching.

If non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are ineffective, steroid injection may be required.

Again, this is a situation where percutaneous needle tenotomy with platelet rich plasma (PRP) may be needed.

There are obviously other causes of hip pain, but these are the three most common problems requiring specific arthritis treatment.

Joint Relief Solution Ingredients

For long-term relief from arthritis and joint related pain you may be better off trying a natural supplement than relying on NSAIDs and steroids.

Joint relief solution is a natural supplement that is designed to provide greater flexibility to your joints and to reduce pain. It is also designed to protect your cartilage, and it may even reverse the loss of cartilage as a result of a number of factors such as, the process of ageing, repetitive movements, posture and impact sports like running.

Unlike medications like NSAIDs and creams joint relief solutions natural formula gets to work preserving and strengthening your cartilage, rather than masking the symptoms. It offers joint pain relief combined with a number of scientifically proven natural ingredients. These ingredients include the following:

Glucosamine 2KCL - A natural compound that occurs naturally in your cartilage, your glucosamine level falls with age. In 2006, researchers found that glucosamine reduced pain from mild to medium osteoarthritis when it was combined with chondroitin. You can not replace glucosamine from food sources.

Chondroitin - naturally occurring in cartilage chondroitin is an amino sugar, chondroitin is at the forefront of research into arthritis treatment and has been shown in clinical studies to reduce reliance on NSAID's which is a good thing when you consider that they are generally not safe for long-term use and are linked to gastrointestinal bleeding.

Your levels of natural chondroitin decrease with age, yet there are no food sources for this natural compound. Some experts speculate that this loss of chondroitin may be a common factor in cartilage loss.

Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables - a 2002 study reveals that ASU "significantly reduced the progression of joint space loss" for patients with severe osteoarthritis of the hip.

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) -Methylsulfonylmethane sulfur forms connective tissue. There is also evidence that shows MSM is a natural painkiller and can also improve overall joint function.

Boswellia Serrata - This plant that is native to India has been shown to neutralize the 5-lipoxygenase (5-lox) enzyme that is linked to inflammation and deterioration of cartilage and joint function. Joint Relief Solution uses a standardized extract of boswellia serrata, ApresFlex, which is said to absorb into the bloodstream 52% more than previous extracts.

L-Leucine - It is not possible for the body to synthesize this branched amino acid that is linked to reduced loss of body mass from the process of ageing. This ingredient helps to protect against oxidizing molecules and the breakdown of cartilage.

Willow Bark Extract - Used for thousands of years as a painkiller, making it a more natural alternative to non-steroidal anti-inflammatories.

Cetyl Myristoleate - This is a fatty acid and a very popular anti-inflammatory, cetyl myristoleate may also lubricate the joints and protect against cell oxidation.

Curcumin - Used in Indian cuisine for centuries, there's an organic compound in curcumin, called turmeric, that may possibly reduce the effects of a protein molecule, nuclear factor kappa B, that contributes to degeneration of joint tissue. It may also act as a natural painkiller.

Bioperine - Is a pepper extract that may block uric acid crystals and act as a natural therapy for people with gout.

As you can see the joint relief solution ingredients combine together to provide a powerful natural alternative to traditional medication and NSAID's. This formula has also been shown in studies to preserve joint function and it is not linked to any side effects making it an obvious choice for join pain relief.

What Is the Real Effectiveness of Snoring Mouth Guards?

When you go to the doctor to address your snoring problem, there are going to be a range of treatment options made available to you after you have gone through a full evaluation. Chances are the doctor will send you to complete a thorough procedure called a sleep study so that he can see just how severe your snoring problem is. This sleep study will help the specialist to make an official diagnosis of either obstructive sleep apnea, mild sleep apnea or a mild case of snoring.

Your doctor should explain to you that your snoring is the result of a partial obstruction of the airway caused by the flapping and vibrating of tissues in the back of the throat and the soft palate. Of course, a full obstruction is more severe and should usually warrant a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea. After you've been diagnosed, the doctor will give you a few options to correct the problem and hopefully prevent snoring at night. One of the major options that are used to treat sleep apnea is CPAP, which involves wearing a special mask so that air can be forced through your nasal passageways.

Another treatment solution for snoring and mild sleep apnea is snoring mouth guards. These types of mouth guards basically position your jaw and tongue in place so that your airways aren't obstructed and so that snoring can be prevented. There are actually a few different types of snore guards that your dentist or medical professionals should make you aware of, all of which can treat snoring and certain cases of sleep apnea.

How Snore Mouth Guards Work

A snoring mouth guard utilizes the fact that your lower jawbone is connected to the tongue. The guard fits over your jaw in such a way that it protrudes the jaw and lifts both the tongue and a flap of cartilage called the epiglottis out of the way from the back of the throat. Thus, this relieves some of the tension and constriction that's caused by muscle relaxation as you sleep. Aside from lifting the lower jaw and the tongue out of the way, snoring mouth guards can also treat symptoms of TMJ disorders.

When you're fitted for one of these, you are required to have a sufficient number of healthy teeth in both your upper and lower set of teeth so that the mouth guard appliance can attach. If necessary, the dentist can set implants so that the guard will fit properly. During the snoring guard fitting, the dentist will take impressions of both your top and bottom teeth. These impressions, along with your protrusive bite registration that the dentist requires you to do, are sent to the lab so that the best-fitting mouth guard can be made.

Three Types of Snoring Guards

The first type of snoring mouth guard is the fixed jaw relation snore guard. Fixed jaw relationship snore guards can either be prefabricated appliances, custom-made devices or a device called the "NAPA" Appliance. Prefabricated snore guards are perhaps the least expensive and perhaps the easiest to fit because you don't necessarily need to take a trip to the dentist for it. Instead, these are what you might know as the boil and bite mouth guard often used in sports.

When you buy prefabricated appliances, you're typically instructed to bite down onto a double-sided tray that's lined with flexible plastic. When the material cools after you bite, impressions are made of both sets of your teeth and it essentially becomes an instant snoring mouth guard. Depending on your particular situation, the doctor may suggest you try one of these devices first to determine if you can adequately tolerate it. If you can, he may "upgrade" you to a better, more functional guard.

Another type of fixed jaw relation snore guard is the elastomeric appliance. Like the prefabricated appliance, elastomeric is also relatively inexpensive compared to other snoring mouth guards. This is perhaps the classic snoring mouth guard as impressions are made of both your upper and lower teeth. From those, the dentist makes plaster models as well as a protrusive bite registration, which are both shipped off to the lab in order to be custom-made. Most patients feel that elastomeric appliances are comfortable enough to use over the long-term. In addition, one of the advantages that elastomeric snoring mouth guards have is that they are virtually indestructible, produced out of silicone rubber and very capable of holding up well under pressure.

Finally, the NAPA Appliance is similar to the elastomeric appliances in terms of structure and function. This snoring mouth guard is made out of hard acrylic; eight clips that grasp the teeth hold the guard into place. In addition, a small breathing tube extends out in front, which is designed to keep the lips apart.

Semi-Adjustable Snore Guards

The second major type of snoring mouth guards are the semi-adjustable snore guards. Many semi-adjustable guards are often marketed under the name "SilentNite." Just as with the elastomeric appliance, the dentist makes plaster models of your upper and lower teeth. The lab manufactures a device that is basically a set of two separate plastic bit trays, which are attached with a simple hinge designed to protrude the lower jaw while still allowing the patient full function to open and close his mouth. A semi-adjustable snore guard is more expensive than fixed jaw relation snore guards.

Fully-Adjustable Guards

The third type of snoring mouth guards is those that are fully-adjustable. These are perhaps the most expensive of any of the types a dentist can use on a patient. The "Klearway" is one such type of guard that's often used.

As far as success rates are concerned, fully-adjustable guards are perhaps the most useful and typically provide the greatest relief from snoring as well as obstructive sleep apnea. These types of guards are specialty orthodontic devices that contain a jack screw assembly so the dentist can progressively increase your jaw protrusion. Though this is perhaps the most successful of all snoring mouth guards, it is the most expensive because it requires you to take several trips to the dentist to get a proper fit each time the screw must be adjusted.

All things considered, many patients do prefer snoring mouth guards to other solutions designed to relieve snoring at night. For example, the CPAP machine is one option that's often prescribed to relieve obstructive sleep apnea. However, many of these snoring mouth guards can successfully provide the same type of remedy, not requiring any awkward or bulky mask to be worn. No matter which guard you decide on, it's important that you and your doctor explore the entire range of options before a decision is made.

Knee Joint Pain

Joints are the places in the human body where two bones meet. When pain occurs in joints, it causes inability in carrying out normal movements, which can cause a lot of anxiety. Joint pain is a common complaint often associated with the process of aging. Unusual exertion or overuse of joints can cause body joint pain.

Of the various joint pains, pain in the knee joint is the most common. This is because of two main reasons - the design of the knee joint and the fact that it is a weight bearing joint. The knee is a joint with three bones. This joint is surrounded by a capsule with ligaments strapping the joint. Meniscus is a thickened cartilage pad that acts like cushions of the joint and Synovial fluid lubricates the joint. This complex design of the knee joint makes it quite unstable. The second factor that makes the knee joint very susceptible to injuries is that the knee bears the entire weight of the body with every step that we take. Treating knee joint pains depends on the cause of the pain.

Injuries causing knee pain

Ligament injury from a trauma or a fall can cause injury to ligaments on the inner and outer portion of the knee, and within the knee. There is immediate pain and swelling and it needs urgent medical attention

Meniscus tears - during rapid and sharp movements or rotations of knee the meniscus can be torn. This is very common with sports persons. Meniscal tears are often associated with locking of the knee joint or an unstable sensation in the joint.

Tendonitis - straining the knee with activities like jumping can cause Tendonitis. Tendonitis refers to inflammation of tendons and this can cause swelling and pain in the knee joint.

Fractures - severe knee trauma associated with vehicle accidents and impacts can cause bone breakage of any of the three bones in the knee joint.

Diseases and Conditions causing knee pain

Some of the common conditions that can cause knee pain include Arthritis, Chondromalacia or softening of cartilage, Tumors and Bursitis.

Why Fibromyalgia Needs Omega 3 EPA-DHA

If I were to let myself go on this one topic, this article would be the longest in history, rivaling the size of War and Peace! I promise to do my best to restrain myself.

I'll start by saying that every doctor worth his salt - MD, DO, ND, DC or any other - should be recommending Omega 3 EPA-DHA, no matter what illness comes across his threshold! In fact s/he should recommend it to everyone who is NOT ill...yet. The benefits go across the board, or literally from head to toe! Depression, cognitive function, ADHD, bi-polar disorder, macular degeneration, asthma, neck pain, back pain, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, osteoporosis, MS, Crohn's disease, autoimmune diseases like RA, Lupus, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease and more, as well as PMS, psoriasis, migraines, joint pain, degenerative disorders, inflammatory conditions of all kinds and much more. Any of your symptoms listed?

If any of your issues are not listed above, there are a few more extremely urgent reasons why your body - everybody's body - need Omega 3 EPA-DHA.

One of the main functions of EPA-DHA is to coat each cell wall (200 trillions cells, mind you) making it fluid, flexible and permeable, to allow easy transference and permeability of nutrients as they enter the cells, and waste products as they leave the cells. Next, and by no means least, EPA-DHA essential fatty acids act as conductors in the brain, enabling that electrical spark for the firing of neurons. Your brain is more than 70% DHA - that's another reason to keep feeding it EPA-DHA.

These essential fatty acids also direct DNA and protein interactions; they enable fat-soluble vitamins like A,D, E and K to be absorbed. They influence enzymes, receptors and much more. To find out even more benefits, you can always check out The National Institute of Health's site for "Omega 3" and any of the 16,203 studies, or Medscape's 293 documents on hand at the moment of the 18,000 available, or Google's 81,600,000 pages on Omega 3.

There are 3 types of Omega 3 essential fatty acids. The marine sources (fish and sea vegetables) provide Omega 3 EPA and DHA. The plant sources (e.g. flax, flaxseed oil, walnuts, canola oil) provide Omega 3 ALA which is somewhat different. You'll find that 98%+ of the medical studies have used the marine source, EPA-DHA. This is because the plant source, ALA, is supposed to convert to EPA-DHA in our body after being ingested, and then do its work. However, this conversion is not very dependable.

Studies show that most people are unable to make this conversion, most particularly those with a chronic illness who are low in many minerals, enzymes and other necessary components to effect this conversion. In doctor Mercola's many articles on the subject, he describes this nations deficiency of Omega 3 EPA- DHA's and how it's affecting all of us. He also describes the ineffectiveness of this conversion process from ALA to EPA-DHA in most people.

Omega 3 ALA has many benefits in its own right, to be sure, but it is not a substitute for the same effects as Omega 3 EPA-DHA.

And then there is the Great Imbalance! Omega 6 is also an essential fatty acid. In a perfect world we would have a balance of 1:1 or 2:1 of Omega 6 to Omega 3 in our diet for all our systems to run smoothly- Omega 6, the pro-inflammatory, and Omega 3, the anti-inflammatory, working side-by-side, in balance.

But with the dawning of processed, packaged, boxed and fast foods this finely tuned balance has gone out the window like a boomerang coming back to whack us in the head, arms, legs, hands, feet, joints, gut, etc in the form of inflammatory nightmares! This "balance" now sits at 40:1 or 50:1 (depending on the study you read), far far far and away in favor of the PRO-inflammatory Omega 6 fatty acids.

Why? Because Omega 6's are found everywhere in our diet! They are in eggs, margarine, poultry, cereals, baked goods, whole grains, nuts, vegetables, seeds, and vegetable oils from corn, peanut, sesame, sunflower, soybean, cottonseed, wheat germ and more. The whole foods are one thing; Omega 6 belongs there. But look at the labels on the processed, packaged, boxed and frozen foods. These Omega 6's (including a preponderance of veggie & seed oils) have now taken on the forms of hydrogenateds, partially hydrogenateds and trans fats - all inflammatories, all preservatives - which will NOT preserve YOU! But rather will eat away at systems and joints and organs by increasing inflammation, slowly, steadily day after day after day.

Few are increasing their Omega 3 to bring this balance back to reality! Is it any wonder there are so many degenerative and inflammatory conditions running rampant in our Western world? Only recently are studies showing that Fibromyalgia is a condition that involves inflammation. But even if that isn't proven in the near future, think about the symptoms such as neck pain, back pain, joint pain, depression, cognitive difficulties, bowel disorders, asthma and allergies and all the rest that may be a part of your particular brand of Fibro. Omega 3 EPA-DHA has been proven to help all if these symptoms.

Not only does Omega 3 EPA-DHA help these listed conditions on the whole, but it has also been proven to be a much safer pain reliever than NSAIDS or ibuprophen, specifically for neck or back pain, as shown in this study reported by Medscape In fact, "...close to 2/3 of the patients could discontinue their use of NSAIDS..."

This medical abstract from NIH at Pubmed tells of the benefits of fish oil (EPA-DHA) for inflammatory and autoimmune diseases like RA, Crohn's, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, migraine headaches, lupus and more.

Omega 3 EPA-DHA is the very first supplement I recommend to everyone I meet who has Fibromyalgia or any chronic illness. I use Carlson's brand - 3 capsules per day. The better brands of capsules tend to have no "blow back," or fishy taste. Look for 3rd party tested, deep sea fish oil preferably from the North Atlantic where there are few if any PCB's and mercury contamination. Buy a one month's supply at a time, instead of stocking up. After two or three months, fish oil can go bad (oxidize) when it's opened. Heat, light and air affect it's viability, so I use capsules instead of the liquid- there is less of a chance for it's oxidaion.

The effect is accumultive. So in a week or two you may begin to feel positive effects, then as time goes on, even more positive effects will be recognized.

Some well-tested, well-known brands are: Carlson's, Nordic Naturals, Twin Lab, Kirkland (from Costco), NOWFoods & Nature Made, for example. Also consider checking with for their latest up-to-date information on this supplement.

Foods containing Omega 3 EPA-DHA are salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, trout, herring, halibut, cod, free range-chicken and beef and wild game (in other words, animals that have NOT been fed grain).

Arthritis Joint Pain - Ayurvedic Remedies and Treatments That Work

About 80% of the world population is within the clutches of the ailment called arthritis. Arthritis is characterized by joint inflammation. It is a chronic disorder making mobility, day to day activities and life altogether quite difficult. Pain or arthralgia is the ruling symptom of arthritis, and there is not a single arthritis patient who would not complain of aching joints. Arthritis causes the joints to wear out. To understand the cause of the pain, we have to cast a glance at the structure and functioning of a joint in human body.

A joint is surrounded by a protective cover called capsule. Two bone heads meeting at a joint turn on each other, and the muscles around the joint contract and relax, thereby collectively facilitating movement of the joints. The joint cavity is filled with synovial fluid which acts as a lubricating agent and absorbs the external jerks or shocks. The point where the bone heads meet, cartilages occur. Cartilages play a vital role in inhibiting friction between bones, and provide a padded surface for the free and smooth movement of bones. When the cartilages get damaged or wear out due to factors like aging, obesity, they can no more check bone friction. The bones get rubbed against each other, and may even get eroded to form spur like outgrowths called osteophytes.

The result is an inflamed and painful joint. Aging is a major factor causing arthritis. With age, the cartilages become weak, can no more resist day to day wear and tear, and start flaking. This degeneration leads to loss of cartilage and exposure of bones to friction. If body weight increases, that too can lead to painful joints. The cartilages wear out under the load of the extra body weight, causing arthritis. Apart from the above two factors, heredity, past history of traumatic joint injury or infection, may in course of time, lead to painful joints. Cartilage degeneration is the leading cause of joint pain; but also accumulation of fluids and uric acid crystals within joints can cause arthritis joint pain. Joint pain may even occur when the body's own immune system start consuming the healthy tissues at the joint. This is true in case of rheumatoid arthritis. Knee, hip, shoulder, ankle, wrist and even spine are the joints vulnerable to the attack of arthritis.


1. Excruciating pain at the joints
2. Swelling
3. Stiffness
4. Redness of skin
5. Deformity in the joint area
6. Crepitus or a cracking sound while moving affected joint
7. Constipation
8. Colitis

Rumatone Gold Capsule and Oil are ayurvedic remedies for reducing arthritis joint pain and inflammation. These herbal supplements and massage oil are clinically formulated to ease pain and discomfort associated with arthritis. Rumatone Gold is widely used and trusted ayurvedic remedy to get relief from arthritis symptoms.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Is Hyaluronic Acid an Effective Gout Remedy?

There has been a good deal of attention given to hyaluronic acid for optimum joint health lately, with the question on many peoples lips being whether or not it is an effective gout remedy.

Hyaluronic acid is already commonly used in anti-aging and skin-care treatments, but more recently it has been applied to treating painful joint conditions such as osteoarthritis and gout.

The driver behind this new use of hyaluronic acid is because it's found naturally within the connective tissue of the joints, which is responsible for cushioning and lubricating them for better function. So by using hyaluronic acid treatments you are adding to the body's own naturally produced joint defenses.

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that occurs naturally within the glycosaminoglycan of the body (a major structural component of cartilage). It's found in ample supply in most areas where joint problems can occur such as in the knees, knuckles, shoulders, elbows, hips, and it's even found in the eyes and the heart valves.

Abnormalities in hyaluronic acid are common throughout many kinds of connective tissue disorders such as varying forms of arthritis, TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder), and gout.

Hyaluronic acid is now used as a preparation to treat the inflammation that can occur in skeletal joints. It also helps to fight the wearing out of cartilage structures as is typical in many joint diseases.

This therapy is considered more beneficial for many people than other common medication treatments, such as cortisone. Cortisone, though effective in the short-term for relieving gout pain, may accelerate the degenerative process of many joint diseases such as osteoarthritis over time, so may not be the ideal gout remedy in the long run.

As long as the preparation of hyaluronic acid is pure it's often free of negative side effects, however sufferers who have allergies should avoid this treatment. The most common side effect reported seems to be a 'chicken pox like' rash.

Hyaluronic acid works effectively to counteract the inflammation associated with gout and other inflammatory joint conditions. The preparation as a gout remedy can be applied either as an injection into the effected joint, taken as an oral supplement or in the form of a cream that is rubbed into the skin on the affected area(s).

If you choose to use hyaluronic acid in its cream form it can take anywhere from between 10 - 45 minutes to experience relief from gout pain. The cream can be applied daily as required during a gout flare. When hyaluronic acid is taken in supplement form it can be taken daily as a preventative whereas injections would usually only be administered during an actual gout flare.

If you would like to know whether hyaluronic acid will be a good gout remedy choice for you, or if you want to know if there is another form of treatment that will also be helpful, speak to your doctor to discuss your options.

Hip Joint Pain Causes and Treatments - Part 1 - Causes

There are many possible causes of hip joint pain, which means that it important to consult your doctor and together work through your symptoms, and history so that you can identify the real cause of your pain and take appropriate action. Some causes a relatively minor and can be treated with some over-the-counter medication or simple rest and immobilization while others are serious medical conditions that may ultimately lead to surgery.

In Part 2 of this article I will cover the common treatments for hip joint pain , but now in part 1 we look at the common causes.

Typical causes

* Arthritis, in its many forms is probably the number one cause of joint pain.

* Osteoarthritis, which is commonly known as the degenerative joint disease, may be the most common kind to cause a campaign. This is particularly relevant as a person grows older the cartilage that coats both the ball and socket of the hip joint and acts as a shock absorber starts to wear away. When the cartilage wears out, in extreme cases, the two ends of the bones rub together, if this list left untreated it can cause serious pain and damage to the joints.

* Rheumatoid arthritis, the joint pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis is a result of inflammation in both sides of the joint. Some people believe that this kind of arthritis is triggered by a virus (or bacteria) that attacks the joint.

* Gout is one of the most painful forms of arthritis. It occurs when your body produces an excess of uric acid that builds up in the joints (typically the big toe but often the hip). The uric acid is deposited as extremely sharp crystals that cause intense pain.

* Bursitis, this is where the membrane around your hip (the bursa) becomes swollen and inflamed.

* Tendonitis, the tendons around your hip joint become swollen and inflamed.

* Dysplasia. It is also possible that your hip joint pain is something that you have had since childhood. Children are susceptible to a something called dysplasia, which is a condition that usually occurs due to some form of birth trauma where the hips are dislocated. The child may or may not have difficulty walking as a youngster but even if they have no problems as a child, it is highly likely that they will develop arthritis as an adult

* Sports. Many sports, in particular, soccer and basketball place significant emphasis on running and jumping. This activity can create significant stress in the muscles around the hips. These muscular strains can lead to hip joint pain.

Cartilage, Osteoporosis and Glucosamine

Glucosamine sulfate is a dietary supplement that is used for the treatment of osteoarthritis. The most common source of this supplement is from the shells of shellfish like lobsters, shrimps and crabs. They can also be hydrolyzed and fermented from other sources such as yeast, grains and other organisms. The substance can also be made synthetically inside a laboratory.

Since glucosamine is a precursor of glycosaminoglycans, which are major components of joint cartilages, it is believed to help prevent cartilage degeneration brought about by wear and tear (along with other reasons) and can also contribute to the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease characterized by a group of mechanical abnormalities that involve the degradation of the joints. It is the most common form of arthritis recorded, and is the leading cause of chronic disability here in the US of A. It can be caused by several reasons that lead to the gradual loss of the cartilage. And when the bone surfaces are exposed, they become damaged resulting to the appearance of signs and symptoms like pain, tenderness, stiffness, locking, effusion, regional muscle atrophy, and lax ligaments.

Since the cartilage plays a huge role in the pathophysiology of this disease, it deserves a fair length of discussion. The cartilage is a unique tissue predominantly composed of collagen and proteoglycans. From time to time, they undergo dynamic remodeling wherein minute degradation occurs during the process while certain activities are done to keep the balance in order to keep the volume of cartilage within accepted levels.

However, in the cartilage of a patient with osteoarthritis, the enzymes that produce degrading effects are over-expressed giving them the privilege to wreck havoc to the joints. As a result, the collagen and proteoglycans are lost from the matrix. As a defense mechanism of the body, the chondrocytes proliferate initially to synthesize increased amounts of proteoglycans and collagen. Unfortunately, as the disease progresses, the constant and repetitive attempts of the body to repair itself are exhausted leaving the degeneration unmatched and the debilitation inevitable unless treated.

Seeing as glucosamine sulfate is normally found in the human body and other organisms to help in the formation of chemicals responsible for the production of tendons, ligaments, cartilage and synovial fluids, it has been the subject of several clinical studies to prove this effect. That is why it has now become the most famous non-mineral and non-vitamin supplement in the market today-even outselling its other form, glucosamine hydrochloride.

This supplement is also available in forms which contain its common partner agent, chondroitin. With this combination, their effects are synergized to help each other out giving better results for the treatment of the disease. This is backed by several studies in relation to these substances and they (the clinical trials) show positive results for the glucosamine and chondroitin combo. However, larger and more thorough studies today are showing elaborate evidence that glucosamine produces no significant effects compared to the control groups that take placebo. That is why further researches are being done to put finality to the argument whether or not glucosamine sulfate, along with its chondroitin partner, is really effective.

Live Pain Free

Pain management

Are you suffering from Degenerative joint Disease, Arthritis, Migraines, or fibromyalgia other pain debilitating illness.

Are you an athlete, pregnant mom, or other experiencing pain and discomfort from cramps and muscle pain?
Do you hate taking medications that simply take the edge off your pain but doesn't get rid of it?
Do your medications have serious side effects that may cause even worse complications if taken too long?
Would you like to rid yourself of Dr . prescribed medications for pain management and try a nutritional program that is healthy for you?

There are Nutritional Programs that will make you feel good and have more energy.

Balanced Nutrition is the key to Wellness. It is a requirement to make our bodies function properly.

The average American diet consist of an excess of:

  • Sugar

  • Salt

  • Alcohol

  • Tobacco

  • Fats

  • Chemicals

  • Pesticides

  • Artificial Preservatives

For optimum Nutrition American's need a diet the contains:

  • Protein

  • Veg Protein

  • Vitamins

  • Minerals

  • micro-nutrients

  • Fiber

  • Amino Acids

  • Complex Carbs.

  • Botanical Factors

  • Water

To help with Pain Management you need a nutritional program that contains:

1) Omega 3 oils to assist in lowering high blood pressure and lubricates the joints
2) a nutritional product that supports circulatory blood flow and increased Nitric Oxide Production
3) a nutritional product designed for muscular pain. It will contain Vitamin D plus magnesium and herbs for absorption.
4)a nutritional product that helps protect and strengthen cartilage and joint flexibility
5) finally a nutritional product that supports muscle relaxation,reduces stress, eases PMS discomfort. It contains all natural muscle relaxers.

I recently heard a testimony from a woman who suffered over 15 yrs taking serious doses of medications for Degenerative Joint Disease. To aid in Pain Management she was on 2400mg of Motrin, the max she was allowed, and was still suffering and couldn't enjoy life. Because of the amounts of medications she was taking it could cause serious damage to her liver so she had to get routinely tested. After starting on a nutritional program she is pain free and No more motrin.

Another testimony of a 20 yr old man with a newborn child who was suffering from severe Migraines. He had migraines every day or every other day. He went to numerous doctors and had numerous tests. The pain was so bad he couldn't stand up or function. It would cause him to throw up and have suicidal thoughts to get rid of pain. He was prescribed tons of medications for pain management that had horrible side effects that could affect his heart.

He found a Nutritional program that after just 3 days on products his migraines went down to just a slight headache. After 2 wks he states they were virtually non-existent. He was able to sleep through the night and play with his son all day. He is now off all medications and hasn't had a Migraine in 7 months.

He also states that after 3 wks of being on this nutritional program he lost 20 lbs and 3 inches off his waist then went on to lose another 32 lbs and gain 12lbs of lean muscle mass.

At the age of 39 Doug a former football player found himself weighing 370 lbs and had congestive heart failure. The doctors said he had 10% Blood flow through his body which usually gives a person less than 5 yrs to live. He also suffered from Arthritis, Degenerative Joint Disease, and had muscle joint pain. He went to physical therapy for 13 yrs. He states he couldn't enjoy doing things with his family. He tried going to the fair and wound up sitting in the car. He became addicted to the pain Medication prescribed for pain management. It was eating holes in his stomach. The doctors said he would never lift weights again.

After starting a Nutrition Program he states he instantly had more energy. Within 2 months he was off all medications with no more pain, Lost 95 lbs of fat and gained 50 lbs of lean Muscle mass. His blood flow increased to 41% and that was over 2 yrs ago. He works out 1 hr a day 6 days a week. He states last week he had a bench press high of 400 lbs for 8 reps.

He is now 43 and says he feels healthier and stronger than he did 20 yrs ago.


A woman suffering from Fibromyalgia states that before she started on a Nutritional Program she was miserable. Pain was so bad that just getting a hug from her little boy would send a fiery pain throughout her body, her muscles hurt constantly, and she always felt drained of energy. Just doing simple everyday tasks were difficult.

After starting on a Nutrition Program she felt energy the first day and the pain was easing. After the 1st week she was able to play golf twice that week and she hadn't been able to play for 8 yrs. She said she was amazed NO PAIN. She was able to sleep through the night and got off all pain management medications. She went on to lose 20lb in 30 days.

Good nutrition never hurt anyone. If it helps with other symptoms and rids you of taking harmful medications that eat away at your stomach. Isn't it worth the try. As with medications there are no guarantees to cure but isn't worth a try to be more healthy and have a chance at enjoying life. We are are all going to die with or without nutrition or medications.

Having a shot at enjoying life to its fullest while we are here is what it is all about.

Would you like to live good, have more energy and feel good again.

Find a Nutritional Program that is right for you.

Pain in the Butt: Piriformis Syndrome

If it hurts to touch a point that's in the middle of one side of your buttocks, you probably have piriformis syndrome. This chronic condition is very difficult to diagnose, because other injuries may produce exactly the same symptoms. Similar pain may be the result of an injury to bones, muscles, tendons, bursae (pads between the tendons and bones), the hip joint, or the sciatic nerve, but there are ways to determine from which condition you might be suffering.

If you feel most pain when you land after hopping on one leg, you might have an injured hip joint or a stress fracture in your pelvis or upper leg bones. An x-ray will usually reveal a joint injury, but only a bone scan will reveal a stress fracture.

If you feel pain in your buttocks, particularly when you touch your toes while keeping your knees straight, you might have a tear in the large muscles or tendons that run down the back of your hips.

If you feel pain when you touch a spot that's either on the lowest point of your pelvis (the part that touches a chair when you sit) or at the top of your femur (thigh), you might have injured your bursae (bursitis) or torn the tendons that are attached to bones at these sites.

If your back hurts, particularly when you bend backwards, and the pain goes down the back of your leg to below your knees, your sciatic nerve is probably being pinched in your back.

Cause: The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in your body. It starts on the lower part of your spine, [passes through a hole between the piriformis muscle above it and several other muscles beneath it, and goes down the back of your leg to below the knee. When you run, the piriformis muscle contracts and squeezes the sciatic nerve underneath it. Repeatedly squeezing and relaxing the piriformis muscle can damage the sciatic nerve and cause pain. This injury is thought to be caused by an innate tightness of the piriformis muscle or a structural abnormality in the path of the sciatic nerve. It can't be attributed to a specific error in training.

Treatment: Priformis syndrome won't ease until you stop running. Don't run again until you can run without feeling pain in your buttocks. If it hurts to touch, it hasn't healed.

In most cases, pedaling a bicycle will also be painful. You probably shouldn't do any exercise that causes you to bend at the hip while keeping your knees straight, because this will stretch the sciatic nerve. You might be able to swim, if it isn't painful. Medication doesn't usually alleviate the pain, and even if it does, the pain will return as soon as you stop taking it.

Sometimes, the pain will disappear after a rest of a few days to several months; frequently it does not. In this case your doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis by injecting a mixture of xylocaine and corticosteroid drugs directly into the piriformis muscle where it passes over the sciatic nerve. If the pain disappears, you may resume running only after a few weeks, but remember that this injury tends to recur. If you feel pain in that area, stop running immediately, and don't attempt to run again until you can do so without pain.

Arthritis in Dogs - When Your Four-Legged Friend Has Arthritis

Are you a dog owner? If you are, then you should pay close attention to the way your pet is acting. If you notice any signs of illness, then you should give them special attention. A dog who has arthritis will have a hard time when it comes to getting around. The pet may have a stiff and hobbling gait. They may no longer be interested in playing fetch, playing with their toys, walking with you or taking part in any other activities that involve moving around. Dogs who have arthritis prefer spending most of their time sleeping. Arthritis in dogs is not rare at all and that is why it is important to monitor your dogs habits at all times.

What are some causes of arthritis? This is a debilitating disease that not only causes stiffness, but it also causes pain in the joints. You see, dog joints are a lot like human joints as they are susceptible to many of the disorders. These disorders include degenerative disorders, immune disorders, hip dysplasia and even development disorders. Once the join has become affected, it can turn into arthritis. Basically, arthritis is inflammation in the joints. Arthritis can range anywhere from a mild case to a severe case.

There are two common types of arthritis. The first one is osteoarthritis, but some call it Degenerative Joint Disease. This type is caused by the wear and tear of the dogs joint and is mostly due to age. The second type is called Inflammatory Joint Disease. This is the result of conditions such as trauma, disease and infections in the joint.

Which dogs are at risk of getting arthritis? Large breeds or overweight dogs are more susceptible to getting this problem. Also, dogs that have suffered injury to the joints can get the disease and may need glucosamine for dogs.

Dogs that are overweight, certain breeds and large dogs are usually susceptible to acquiring arthritis. Dogs that have suffered injury to their joints can also develop osteoarthritis. There are also risk factors associated with certain breeds of dogs, especially dogs that hereditary disorders like dysplasia. Speak with your veterinarian if your dog has been showing signs of arthritis.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What Are the Best Shoes to Help Relieve Ankle, Knee, Hip Or Back Pain? - Nurse's Guide

If you're suffering from back pain or lower back pain or pain in the ankles, knees or hips you may be wondering if your shoes are causing it. This is a common question and supposedly easy problem to solve if the shoes you're wearing are causing your pain and you need instant pain relief.

While there haven't been any studies that prove that any specific brand of shoes can relieve or reduce ankle, knee, hip or back pain, many pain sufferers report that certain shoes have stopped the pain. Some people have reported that Easy Spirit's, Rockport's, Croc's and certain brands of tennis shoes have relieved their pain and sometimes given them instant pain relief. Sometimes people also have foot pain, which may be a clue that shoes are causing your problem if you have ankle, knee, hip or back pain along with it.

But of course, the best way to find out is to determine the cause of your pain. For example, if your back pain is caused by one leg being shorter than the other, than a shoe lift may be the answer. If it's from sitting too long in one position without good lumbar support than an ergonomic chair may help.

If all other causes have been eliminated or you also have foot pain or suspect your shoes are the culprit, then the following tips may help you get ankle, knee, hip or back pain relief.

If your shoes aren't fitting right, you will not walk correctly. Your stride will be off and you can get back pain or pain in the ankle, knee or hip or a combination.

Go shopping or buy your shoes at the end of the day or if you exercise, buy them at the time you normally exercise. Excess fluid goes to your feet due to gravity and they will be the largest at the end of the day.

Foot sizes do change. Ask to have both feet measured, both the length and width. Fit the shoes by the largest of the two feet. You want to have a half inch from the end of your large toe to the front edge of the shoe. Fan your toes out so you know you have a lot of room. Choose a wide toe-bed. Shoes are commonly fitted with a bed that's too narrow. If you use orthotics, bring them with you and insert into the shoes.

Make sure to wear the socks you would normally wear with the shoe. If you have foot problems such as blisters, bunions, hammertoes, high arches or flat feet, make sure to discuss shoes with your podiatrist before shoe shopping and get fit in a store that specializes in fitting shoes or an arch support store.

If you are buying women's shoes try to buy flats and forego the heels. If you have to have a heel try to keep it to one inch. If you need to wear a high heel shoe do it on a special occasion not for daily wear. Make sure to walk around the shoe store long enough to get a good feel for the shoes. Bend your feet and make sure the shoe feels flexible and very comfortable. Do not believe anyone who says you can "break-in" the shoe. It must feel comfortable in the store or it won't out of the store.

You may find buying the best shoes for your feet may relieve your ankle, knee, hip, foot or pain. Take the time to be fitted properly and buy the best shoe for you. There are many other things you can do to relieve pain without pain medications. Always seek alternative and natural treatments, tricks, methods, therapies and little known pain relief secrets for your pain whenever possible. Many have done it before you.

Aching Joint Relief

When millions of people suffer from arthritis and disorders of the joints, and you are one of those millions, your life has been devastated by one of the many forms of this disease. What is needed is a supplement that has been designed to work within the cartilage matrix to bring you the bone and joint pain relief you are looking for. A supplement that will relieve joint pain, inflammation and will improve mobility and flexibility.

One in five adults in America have some form of arthritis or other joint disease, and after 35, arthritis is one of the top health conditions. When you are living with these conditions you are constantly looking for a way to gain relief from the pain and suffering that they can cause. To get better joint flexibility you need to exercise, but that isn't your only choice. Don't just mask the pain, go to the source and treat the cause with an all-natural supplement that has been designed to give you the natural joint-pain relief you can count on.

Arthritis and joint disorders come from a variety of conditions, but the one that effects you the most is that your body is aging. Over time sports and heavy daily activities cause stress to your skeletal systems that can leave you with joint pain and disorders. This can lead to arthritis.

Physical adjustments to your body are a way of controlling these discomforts, but they should be supplemented with an all-natural alternative that will provide long lasting relief. Of all of the supplements available, you need one that will assist in as many areas as possible to provide you with the best results.

The nourishing of the joints and connective tissues with collagen can assist with pain management of degenerative tissues such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. This protein is a vital and necessary ingredient to maintain and/or improve joint health, muscular strength, and joint flexibility. Maintaining or improving joint health is a concern for 71% of the general population.

If you currently have joint pain and are suffering from degenerative joint disease or arthritic conditions, Better Joints AF Capsules, made from all-natural ingredients, are 100% safe with no undesirable side effects. These capsules have no adverse effects or interactions with other medications or supplements. Better Joints AF Capsules are a safe and all-natural alternative that will replenish the collagen lost during cartilage breakdown and give you joint pain relief.

Chronic Head, Face, Or Neck Pain That Won't Go Away - Could it Be TMJ?

Chronic head, face, or neck pain that won't go away could indeed be TMJ. Although there are other causes of this type of pain, it may be associated with a TMJ disorder if the chronic pain exists along with a number of other symptoms associated with TMJ.

Other symptoms of TMJ include:

1. Facial pain that feels like extreme electrical or shock like attacks.

2. In contrast, you may also have facial pain in the jaw area and near the ear that is dull and throbbing in nature as well.

3. Facial pain that is associated with a burning sensation.

4. Facial pain that is located on one side of the face only, or is accompanied by swelling on one side of the face.

5. Facial pain in the jaw area that is present upon awakening; the cause of this pain is due to nighttime tooth grinding and jaw clenching, and may be related to TMJ.

6. Facial pain that does not respond to antibiotics; this is often one sign that the facial pain is not a result of infection, sinusitis, or other respiratory illness.

7. Tooth ache pains that are not associated with any cavity, infection, gum disease, or any diagnosis by a traditional dentist.

8. Facial pain, pain in the ears or below or in front of the ears for which a doctor has not been able to find a cause.

9. Facial muscles that feel stiff, tired, or painful after speaking a lot, upon awakening, during the day, or when yawning.

10. Head pain at the side of the temples.

11. Head pain accompanied by a blocked or stuffed sensation in the ears, or ringing ears.

12. Head or facial pain accompanied by a burning mouth sensation.

13. Neck problems associated with throat pain, difficult swallowing, or sore throat.

14. In some cases tongue pain may accompany face pain as well.

If you have any of the above symptoms along with chronic head, face, and/or neck pain, it is a good idea for you to consult with your doctor in order to find an effective treatment plan. Of course you will need to consult with a doctor before determining a specific diagnosis for your condition, but if it is a TMJ disorder there are many treatment options available to help you find relief from the pain.