Saturday, April 19, 2014

Sore Teeth Are Just One of Many TMD Symptoms

Sensitive and sore teeth are often symptoms of a disorder known as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD). You will often hear people speak about their TMJ problems. The letters TMJ actually refer to the temporomandibular joint, or the jaw joint. The TMJ is a small joint in the front of each ear that attaches the lower jaw to the skull and is the most complex joint in the entire human body. The area of the face where the temporomandibular joint is located is a complex network of bones including the muscles, nerves and teeth. This complex system affects many areas of the body from the head to the fingertips.

TMD/TMJ are terms used to describe a group of symptoms including:

· Migraine-like headaches

· Facial pain

· Neck pain

· Jaw pain

· Shoulder pain

· Limited jaw movement

· Locking of the jaw

· Clicking and popping noises of the jaw

· Numbness of fingers and arms

· Sore and sensitive teeth

Grinding of the teeth, snoring, frequent ear infections and restricted airway are other problems often associated with TMD.

A highly trained neuromuscular dentist can relieve your symptoms of TMD including sore teeth by evaluating your bite and correcting a misaligned bite. In most cases, TMD is caused by malocclusion (misaligned bite). When you suffer from malocclusion, your upper and lower teeth do not close together in the correct way; this includes overbites and under bites. When your teeth are not aligned properly, they cannot provide the support the muscles in the face require for chewing and swallowing. These muscles are then forced into a strained position, which results in pain and limited jaw movement.

Neuromuscular dentists measure the most relaxed position of your jaw to determine the goal for normal positioning. Then the dentist works to realign your bite and restore the teeth and thus the jaw to their optimal position. Once your bite is aligned properly, your symptoms, including sore teeth, should disappear.

What Causes TMD?

The causes of TMD are still not clear, but neuromuscular dentists believe that TMD symptoms arise from problems with the muscles of the jaw or with the parts of the joint itself. Possible causes include:

· Grinding/clenching your teeth, which puts a great deal of pressure on the TMJ

· Dislocation of the disc between the ball and socket

· Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis

· Stress, which causes you to tighten facial and jaw muscles or clench the teeth

Treatments for TMD range from very conservative to more aggressive, including injections and surgery. Your neuromuscular dentist will discuss the many treatment options available to you once your case is evaluated and assessed thoroughly.

Living With TMJ Symptoms - Are TMJ Symptoms Reversible Without TMJ Surgery?

Do you think you have TMJ and are looking for a dentist or therapist to help with TMJ relief?

First let's discuss some of the symptoms so that you are clear about what to watch for and take care of -

TMJ Symptoms:

Your jaw hurts especially when talking, yawning or chewing

You can't open your mouth wide. It may get so bad you can't open more than two inches.

You also feel pain in your neck, shoulders or ears. Teeth Grinding Jaw Clicking

Does that sound like you?

It is the muscles that control your jaws that are the problem. One set of muscles pulls in one direction to open your mouth and another set of muscle pull in another way to close your mouth. If your muscles are stressed in certain ways, tired or overworked, they won't open or close your jaw properly.

So what to do about it? You could see someone such as a dentist or a physical therapist and they can assist you. Or read on and I will give you another suggestion.

Some things that may be suggested:

A dentist may tell you that you need a mouthguard to realign your jaw.

You may be told to consciously relax your shoulders, face and jaw muscles to ease TMJ symptoms.

Sleep on your back or side, as sleeping face down pushes your face to the side, causing pressure on the jaw.

Surgery may be suggested. Be sure to try looking at other means to correct your problem first.

Some diet tips:

Eliminate Caffeine, or seriously cut back on it. Those who drink caffeine tend to clench their jaw more.

Don't chew large pieces of hard or brittle food.

Eat plenty of vegetables, especially dark green vegetables. They contain Calcium and Magnesium, which help with healthy muscles, ligaments and tendons.

You may want to eat soft foods for a few days. If you TMJ is particularly bad, you could make vegetable soup with a variety of vegetables and a small amount of meat and get by for a few days to rest your jaw, as this will rest your jaw from vigorous chewing.

Can the situation be serious? Yes it can. The temporomandibular joint can become inflamed and swollen. If it gets bad enough it may lock your jaw open or shut. The muscles and ligaments around this joint could lose their elasticity and balance with other muscles, leading to your lower jaw pulling in, which will cause a receding jaw.

Kitchen Gel Mats Can Help Relieve Back And Joint Pain

Despite all the wonderful scientific and technological breakthroughs we have made in recent times, we are surrounded by threats and danger from every corner. Some of these perils we can take steps to protect ourselves from, but there is one enemy that poses a threat to us all, and it is one that none of us can completely conquer: gravity.

Whenever we stand for prolonged periods of time, it is gravity that forces our veins to tighten and close, thereby limiting the flow of blood. It is gravity that makes our heart beat faster in a desperate ploy to keep up with the workload of providing oxygen around the body. And yes, it is gravity that makes every fiber of our body ache, every muscle scream, and every tendon groan.

If the above paragraph sounded scary, that is because it is. The flamboyant language is used to highlight the significantly detrimental effect that gravity and standing for long periods of time can have on the body. A myriad of health complaints await us, including (although by no means limited to): hypertension, osteoarthritis, spinal dysfunction, degenerative disc disease, fatigue, and chronic back pain.

With such a sobering list as this one, is there anything that we can do to spare ourselves pain and misery? Actually, yes there is. Kitchen gel mats are one of the best ways of countering and minimizing the worst ravages of gravity, thereby reducing the strain on the body overall.

Kitchen gel mats are designed to act as a buffer between our feet and the hard floored surface. This ensures that the worst of the impact that we sustain whenever we take a step forward is dissipated. This in turn reduces the mechanical strain on our ankles and knees, which in turn means that the whole lower body benefits. In short, these kitchen floor mats are nothing short of miraculous when it comes to safeguarding our good health.

Another benefit of kitchen gel mats is that they are waterproof, which is great if you happen to spill something on the kitchen floor. The last thing you want is a puddle of liquid posing a threat to someone who enters the kitchen. They may slip on the puddle and then crash into furniture.

If you do intend to make use of kitchen gel mats in your home, or any other kind of kitchen floor mats, it is important that you do not ever expose them to extreme forms of heat. The reason for this is that an intense level of heat concentrated directly onto the kitchen gel mats will cause the gel contained within the mats to be damaged. Really, the mats are very easy to care for and will last a long time in your home.

TMJ Therapy Can Be Used to Cure Your TMJ Disorder

Many people suffering from chronic jaw pain are diagnosed with TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) disorder and advised to get surgery to correct it. However, surgery is very risky and should only be used as a last resort after other methods have failed. There are actually some TMJ therapy exercises that can be done at home that may actually give you a TMJ cure.

First let's talk about why some dentists and doctors will recommend using surgery to correct your TMJ problem. The honest and straightforward answer to that is, treating the TMJ disorder is a booming business. Many dentists know the first solution they suggest will not work and it will mean more visits for the same problem. Unscrupulous, huh?

If they claim to know more than they do about your disorder they will be able to get you to try treatments that are easy for them to profit from. They can get you to buy some products that will never work.

Here is an example:

Your disorder may be solely caused by stress and tension which causes you to grind your teeth or clench your jaws at night in your sleep. Your dentist tells you the cause is because you have a bad bite profile and the treatment is to sell you a piece of plastic that goes between your teeth called a mandibular orthopedic repositioning appliance. This device is designed to help you correct your bite. Sadly, if this is the treatment you go with and your problem has nothing to do with your bite, it can reposition your teeth and damage your TMJ so much the only way to repair the damage will be to have facial reconstructive surgery.

Unless your disorder was caused by an injury, and you should know the most common cause of the TMJ disorder is muscle tension, the chances of surgery being the best solution are very low. If however, your TMJ disorder is a physical condition then you should consider that most physical conditions are treated successfully with therapy.

Before we explain what some of the TMJ therapy plans consist of I want you to understand what the most recommended surgery these doctors and dentists are suggesting. This is a painful and expensive procedure that involves removing the disc that acts as a cushion between your jaw bone and the skull. This disc works the same as a disc in your back that cushions one vertebrate from another. After the disc is removed the joint is either reshaped or an artificial disc is inserted to take the place of the original. Doesn't that sound painful?!

If you are experiencing jaw pain and are diagnosed with the TMJ disorder and your doctor suggests this surgery as a treatment for your condition, you need to get a second and maybe even more opinions. The first course of action should be to try to use less expensive and less invasive treatments to try to affect a TMJ cure.

Here are some alternative home remedies to use for TMJ therapy:

• Stretches - TMJ therapy exercises are a great place to start. You can use these exercises to help relax, repair, and rebuild the muscles and tendons of your TMJ.

• Diet - Many things can be done in the way of adjusting your diet to relieve your jaw pain. You can cut down on coffee, soda and junk food that put a lot of stress on your body. You will want to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables but you need to be eating cooked or steamed vegetables because eating less crunchy foods will offer some relief for your jaw.

• Breathing - Yoga is a great choice because of the breathing exercises that go along with it. If you have never tried Yoga or if you are familiar with how it helps to relieve stress you will definitely want to make sure to give it a try focusing on the breathing exercises.

You can definitely find your TMJ cure through TMJ therapy exercises and doing a few other things that relieve stress and tension. Make sure you give these suggestions and others a try before you even consider using surgery for your TMJ disorder.

Hip, Buttock and Groin Pain Sitting Cross-Legged

Walking is a great way to stay fit and active. Even if you're sedentary, you may take 1,000 to 3,000 steps a day. But if you're active, look out. You may take more than 10, 000 steps a day. So, what happens when the sacroiliac joint is not moving freely and the hip joint moves excessively? Can you imagine the damages to the buttock soft tissues, the sacroiliac and hip joints with each step taken?

The pelvis is formed by the sacrum, tailbone and two ilium (wing-like hip bones). When you walk and run, as a unit, the sacrum and tailbone rock slightly back and forth. And each wing-like hip bone rotates in opposite direction. So when you walk, one hip bone (ilium) along with the sacroiliac joint rotates forward while the opposite one on the other side rotates back.

If one of the hip bones is stuck in a forward, rotated position, then the same sacroiliac joint cannot rotate back freely and fully during the second half of the walking stride. The buttock muscles on the same restricted side are forced to compensate by pulling harder at the hip joint to swing your leg back. Normally, the sacroiliac and hip joints rotate simultaneously. But with a dysfunctional sacroiliac joint, the hip joint is forced to rotate more than it needs to.

Now do you see the potential for damages, especially if you take 10, 000 steps a day? If the hip joint is forced to rotate excessively, eventually you will wear it out. The affected hip may being to click and pop as it needs to create a new axis of rotation. This can lead to premature hip degeneration and arthritis. The hip feels stiff in the morning. It will also feel stiff and clunky as you get up and move around after sitting down for a while.

What about the buttock muscles? Let's say you have a hand crank radio. It's old and hasn't been cared for; some of the internal gears are rusty. When you crank it, you notice that it doesn't turn as smoothly as before. The internal gears are not moving freely and efficiently. It requires more effort to crank the handle. Within minutes, your arm muscles get tired from cranking the rusty gears inside the radio.

The same principle applies to your buttock muscles. Eventually, the compensated buttock muscles will wear out; they become tight and taut. The tight and taut buttock muscles will then resist forward rotation of the sacroiliac and hip joints which create a new problem.

Normally, when you step forward as in walking and running, the buttock muscles should let go and relax. But these tight and taut muscles prevent normal faciliatory relaxation. The groin and hip flexor muscles must then work harder to overcome the increased tension from the buttock muscles. So, basically you have a tug-of-war between the anterior groin / hip flexor muscles and posterior buttock muscles.

Before you know it, this muscle tug-of-war causes hip and groin pain and clicking. You'll often notice clicking in the groin and hip when you bring your thigh up, walk up the stairs and hill or simply getting up from sitting down.

Other signs and symptoms of chronic sacroiliac dysfunction include myofascial pain and stiffness to the low back, buttock and hip area. The same thigh and leg may be weak upon standing for a while; and one leg may appear to be longer than the other leg. When walking, you'll feel that one hip and leg don't seem to be swinging and moving as smoothly and easily as the other side.

The most appropriate treatment for a sacroiliac joint dysfunction is with chiropractic treatment. And you'll notice the immediate improvement after just one treatment.

The fundamental problem here is biomechanical. If the sacroiliac and hip joint are not moving freely and properly, they're not happy. So, there's no point in stretching or doing any rehab exercises. Why? Because when you stretch or exercise, you're forcing the unhappy joints to move against their will.

And don't forget about the muscle tug-of-war. They're not happy either. When all soft tissues are treated and biomechanical problems are corrected, selective rehab exercise and stretching are welcomed and should be part of the treatment plan.

So, if you continue to get pain and clicking in your hip and groin despite all previous treatment attempts, please consult with a chiropractor. It will save you a lot of stress and frustration. A thorough and competent chiropractor will properly evaluate and treat you.

Thanks for taking an interest in your health. I hope you learn something new.

Arthritis Pain Relief - Which is Better, Hot Or Cold?

Knowing whether to use heat therapy or cold therapy to reduce arthritis pain and joint stiffness comes down to the type of arthritis and the type of pain you have. Since everyone experiences and responds to pain differently, it is important that you discuss a pain management plan with your doctor. You may have to try several things to see what works.

When to Use Ice to Treat Arthritis Pain

According to Dr. Kevin Sperber, Board Certified Pain Management Specialist at Columbia University,
"As a general rule of thumb, ice is best for soft tissue injuries such as bruises, sprains or acute trauma. Cold therapy may also be helpful if you experience a flare of pain after activity. Cold acts as an analgesic by numbing the sore area and can also drastically reduce swelling and discomfort."

Traditionally, doctors recommend cold packs be applied for only 10-20 minutes at a time. Be careful though! With prolonged application of cold you could hurt yourself, especially if you have sensory problems or impaired vascular circulation in your hands and feet.

When to Use Heat to Treat Arthritis Pain

Doctors and therapists recommend therapeutic heat more often than cold to soothe arthritis pain because it relaxes sore tendons and ligaments, increasing flexibility and decreasing pain. Heat also increases blood flow and improves joint range of motion.

So why the debate over hot or cold? Dr. Sperber says that for acute injuries (sprains, strains, etc.) just about everyone recommends ice, but for chronic conditions, like arthritis, both cold and heat can help to reduce inflammation, so it may come down to what feels better.

As for how heat should be used, there are competing problems. The trick is to get enough heat into the tissue, for long enough, without burning your skin. For example, hands heat up fairly easily because the tissue is not "deep", but for deep tissue pain, in the hip for instance, you may need to apply a lower temperature for a longer time. There are specific products that address these issues and each product comes with recommended time usage guidelines.

Most Popular Cold Therapy Products:

* Frozen Gel Cold Packs. Save your frozen peas and use a pliable, reusable "ice pack" instead. ColPaC makes them in lots of sizes and shapes. Keep ice packs in the freezer and they'll be ready whenever you have a flare-up. Remember to use layers of dry terry toweling between the cold pack and your skin.

* Biofreeze. This topical pain reliever is highly recommended for temporary relief of arthritis, tendonitis and fybromyalgia. You can order it in a tube, roll-on, spray or gel pump.

Most Popular Hot Therapy Products:

* Whirlpool Spa or Hot Tub. For most arthritis sufferers, hydrotherapy is the ultimate heat therapy. For a fraction of the cost of installing a permanent spa you can have a portable, inflatable whirlpool spa that goes anywhere - indoors, outdoors, on your patio, deck, RV, condo or apartment. We suggest the Spa2Go or the Spa-N-A-Box. Both are easy to assemble (20 minutes) and no special wiring or plumbing is needed.

* Infrared Heat. Sometimes deep penetrating heat is just what you need to reduce your arthritis pain. The Thermotex Infrared Heating Pad TTS Platinum model is the most popular model, although there are other Thermotex therapy systems available. The TTS Platinum is a nice portable size (17" x 15") and has adjustable straps so you can fit it comfortably almost anywhere on the body.

* Light Relief Light Therapy. This hand-held device provides topical heating to raise and/or maintain tissue temperature wherever it is placed. My grandmother uses it to relieve joint pain and she loves it. It can even help dogs.

* Paraffin Bath. Dip your hands, feet or elbows in melted paraffin wax and let the warmth spread through your stiff arthritic joints for fast acting, drug-free therapy. The most popular one on the market is the Therabath PRO Paraffin Bath. This unit is large enough to accommodate your hands, feet or elbows but small enough to fit on your counter. It includes hospital grade paraffin with your choice of scents.

* Moist Heat. Arthritic and rheumatic pain is often relieved with moist heat. Moist heat increases blood flow, soothing inflamed joints and increasing flexibility. Take a look at the Theratherm Digital Electric Moist Heating Pad, the Thermophore Automatic Moist Heat Pack or the new Thermophore Arthritis Pad. There is also a Therabeads Moist Heat Mitt that you wear on your hands.

* Arthritis Gloves. These specially designed arthritis gloves provide mild compression and warmth for your hands. Some people wear them day and night. They have open fingertips so your can feel, touch and grip.

Learn more about hot and cold therapy treatments at one place.

Cerebral Palsy Suggested Exercises

Cerebral palsy is a condition that arises due to a group of disorders in the nervous system and the brain. People with cerebral palsy find difficulty in movement, seeing, hearing, thinking and learning. Cerebral palsy is a lifelong disease that has no cure! If a person suffering from this condition has to be made independent, it is possible only if the prime cause of this condition is dealt with, which is strengthening of the muscles with the help of exercises.

Cerebral palsy fitness training includes a lot of things that a person suffering from this condition needs to learn so that he/she can live by their own. There are many exercises and therapies that can be framed for the patient depending on his motor ability. When therapies are given along with other cerebral palsy exercises then it can increase muscle strength and flexibility. It also prevents atrophy of muscles which is a rare condition that can occur in children and adults suffering from cerebral palsy.

Exercises play a very vital role in the life of a child with cerebral palsy. There are many simple exercises that can be done by the child in his daily routine. Some exercises that can be done at home without any difficulty include arm cycling, chair aerobics, dancing, jogging, leg cycling, rowing, stair climbing, swimming, walking, water exercises, weights training, wheeling and yoga and, tai chi.

Arm cycling, chair aerobics and dancing help in the improvement of heart and lung efficiency, strength and endurance as well as flexibility and range. Arm cycling is an activity that stimulates bicycling but is done with the arms instead of legs. Special equipments like erogmeters can be used when done indoors. Chair aerobics is a combination of the upper body movements and stretches that are designed to increase flexibility and cardiovascular endurance. Dancing is an exercise that is done in tempo of the music so that the speed of movement and intensity depends on the music. People with contractures and low bone density should avoid dancing and do other forms of exercise that is appropriate to their condition.

Resistance bands can also be used while doing cerebral palsy exercises and stretches. While doing this, stretching should be slow and precaution must be taken not to release the band when it is in a stretched position. These exercises help in increasing bone structure and strength as well as strength and endurance of muscles. Jogging is also a good form of exercise by running at a steady pace. However, proper shoes should be worn and people with contractures or degenerative joint disease should avoid this. Jogging increases heart and lung efficiency, bone structure, strength and endurance. Walking is a milder form of exercise and can be done without any assistance device. Yoga involves breathing and stretching exercises that help in flexibility and range of muscles. Tai Chi - a series of individual dance like movements linked together in a slow, continuous, smooth flowing sequence can help develop bone structure and strength.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Spiritual Life Coaching - Exploring the Root Chakra

The first chakra is the root chakra or the Kundalini chakra. It is located at the base of the spine. It is represented by the Maladhara mandala, the element of fire and is symbolized by the snake or dragon. It is the foundation of the physical realm and it is through the root chakra that we remain grounded to Mother Earth or the sacred feminine, nurturing energies of Gaia. When it is dormant, the Kundalini remains coiled precisely 3 and 1/2 times around the tail of the spinal cord. Here it lies until it awakens and rises upward where it flowers at the top of the head or crown chakra. The root chakra influences our energy, our drive, or primal instincts, and our fight or flight response. It is also rules our immune system.

The root chakra governs our body's survival mechanism, such as food, shelter, and security. Our relationships in early childhood, especially those which are associated with emotional and/or physical well-being are influenced by this chakra. It stimulates activity, exercise, and vitality, as well as our general health throughout life. If there was trauma in early life regarding these issues, then it will affect our physical health until we're able to cleanse and heal this chakra. A Spiritual Counselor can give you helpful advice on how to heal your root chakra trauma.

The root chakra also relates to our material and financial achievements, success in business, and our status in society. How safe we feel in the world, how patient we are, and how well we are able to relax and be calm, are all governed by the first chakra. When it is balanced we will be in perfect health, feel free, happy, energetic, and will live our lives in a state of peace, balance, and tranquility. When it is out of balance, we will be greedy, selfish, overbearing, aggressive, and sadistic toward others. We will lack in an inner confidence and security with ourselves.

The physical ailments that may arise will include problems with the adrenal glands, thyroid, kidneys, and spinal column. Chronic ailments that are associated with a wounded root chakra are: chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, candida, spinal subluxation (spine or back problems), and TMJ disorder.

Healing methods to unblock and balance the root chakra include: cleaning and cooking in the home, living close to or working close to nature, walking in nature (especially barefoot), lighting candles and incense (cedar), and holding or wearing crystals (agate, bloodstone, hematite, garnet, ruby and red jasper). Some of the healing herbs for the root chakra are dandelion, calendula, hawthorne, red clover blossoms, eyebright, and lavender flowers.

How To Treat And Prevent Wrist Pain

The wrist is an unusual joint because stiffness or even fusion causes relatively little difficulty, while if it is wobbly and unstable there can't be real problems. The wrist provides the platform from which the fine motions of the fingers operate. It is essential that this platform be stable. The eight wrist bones form a rather crude joint that is very limited in motion compared with, for example, the shoulder, but which is strong, and stable. Almost no regular human activities require the wrist to be bent all the way back or all the way forward, and the fingers don't operate as well as when the wrist is fully flexed or fully extended.

The wrist platform works best when the wrist is bent upward just a little. When the wrist is in proper position, you can pull or push most efficiently. To illustrate this position, make a fist and put your thumb in the middle of the wrist. Looking down your arm, the thumb should be on an imaginary horizontal line going straight down the middle of your forearm.

The wrist is very frequently involved in rheumatoid arthritis, and the side of the wrist by the thumb is very commonly involved in osteoarthritis.

The "carpal tunnel syndrome" can cause pain at the wrist. In this syndrome, the median nerve is trapped and squeezed as it passes through the fibrous carpal tunnel in the front of the wrist. Usually the squeezing results from too much inflammatory tissue. The cause can be tennis playing, a blow to the front of the wrist, canoe paddling, rheumatoid arthritis, or many other activities that repeatedly flex and extend the wrist. In addition to wrist pain, this syndrome can cause pains to shoot down into the fingers or up into the forearm; usually there is a numb feeling in the fingers, as if they were asleep.

You can diagnose this syndrome pretty well yourself. The numbness in the fingers will not involve the little finger and often will not involve the half of the ring finger nearest the little finger. If you tap with a finger on the front of the wrist, you may get a sudden tingling in the fingers similar to the feeling of hitting your funny bone. Tingling and pain in the carpal tunnel syndrome may be worse at right or when the wrists are bent down.

The key to management of wrist pain is splinting. Since stability is essential and loss of motion is not as serious in the wrist as in other joints, the treatment strategy is a little different. Exercises to stretch the joint are not very important. The strategy is to rest the joint in the position of best function. Wrist splints are available at hospital supply stores and some drugstores. Any that fit you are probably all right. The splint will be of plastic or aluminum and the hand rest will cock your wrist back just a bit. You can put a cloth sleeve around the splint to make it more comfortable against your skin and wrap the splint on your arm gently with an elastic bandage to keep it in place. That's all there is to it. Wear it all the time for a few days, then just at night for a few weeks. This simple treatment is all that is required for most wrist flare-ups. Even the carpal tunnel syndrome is initially treated by splinting. But since nerve damage is potentially serious, give your doctor a call if you seem to have the carpal tunnel syndrome.

No major pain medication should be necessary. Aspirin and similar-strength medications are all right but probably won't help very much. If you are taking a prescribed anti-inflammatory drug be certain that you are taking it just as directed; sometimes a flare-up is simply due to inadequate medication. If you know what triggered the pain, work out a way to avoid that activity. Common sense means listen to the pain message.

Various Diagnosis of TMJ Disorders

Temporomandibular Joint syndrome or the TMJ syndrome is quite tricky to deal with. In fact, it can be difficult and confusing at times. This is because its symptoms are generally similar to other health problems. Just take for example one simple indicator such as facial pains. You may hardly suspect it as a TMJ symptom since it can also suggest other ailment like sinusitis, decayed or abscessed teeth and any nerve-related facial ailment to name a few. But the list does not stop there. That is just for a single indication. How about headaches and constant popping sounds from your jaw? Well, you do not have to be unsure of your medical condition. That and more can only mean you need to undergo a thorough diagnosis in order for you to be cured in an appropriate manner.

There is no specific and lone accepted standard diagnosis to properly identify every TMJ condition at present. However, a comprehensive evaluation can help supply the information needed in initiating a diagnosis. This may sometimes require your past medical history and records, the actual symptoms you have been through and a physical evaluation of your head, neck, face and jaw. This number of tests can help rule out any other possible health conditions that might cause your symptoms. You see, it is better for the specialists to be sure about your condition so they can provide the right remedy for your case. Just imagine what a heath disaster in can be for you to take medications that are not appropriate for your medical problem.

Any TMJ specialist knows that you can only be treated under TMJ medications after any other possibility of existing health trouble has been seriously considered and eliminated. There are quite a handful of health care providers who can exceptionally help you get through this situation. You can consult any among primary care physician, TMJ dentist, sleep specialist, ENT specialist, neurologist, endocrinologist, rheumatologist, pain specialist and as well as chiropractors. TMJ syndrome is pretty complex and that explains the wide selection of specialists you might want to help you out of it.

There are also those available TMJ remedies you can find online. Some may be effective and quite convenient to use. Not to mention their affordable prices. However, you must keep in mind that only a licensed specialist can effectively help you get over with the disorder. They are the ones more reliable in this particular ailment so you do not have to take chases. After all, this concerns your health. It is only proper to do the right thing before anything gets worse.

How to Document Your Joint Pain

Sometimes locating the best course of action regarding your joint pain may include keeping a diary to document all of your experiences. A medical journal is a great way to pinpoint the factors that cause the most discomfort pertaining to your joint problems, as well as identify the kind of environment or activities that brings out the best in your body.

Documenting your joint pain also allows your doctor to better include you in the process of pinpointing the most effective treatments for your pain. Below are a few things to lookout for when keeping a record of your joint pain:


The location of joint pain is essential for a patient because it allows them to accommodate the parts of their body that need a little extra attention. Recognizing where the joint pain exists plays an important role in getting the help you need to complete your daily activities and desires. Things to jot down include where the pain is centralized and which joints hurt. It is also a good thing to mention whether or not the pain localizes on one side of a joint or on both.


Pain is a tricky thing - sometimes it comes and goes like the wind and other times it is a persistent monster that takes a lot to get rid of. It is essential to document how long you have had the pain in your joints and whether or not you are experiencing new feelings. Doctors are quite interested to know if the pain suddenly erupted or slowly progressed. The intensity of the pain is also important - is it severe, extreme, dull, or mild? Reoccurring pain is also of concern, which can shed light on the severity of your joint problem. Is your pain constant - does it come and go?

Aggravating Factors

Sometimes joint pain is steady, but in other cases, it is affected by aggravating factors that can trigger discomfort and irritation. Whenever a specific activity causes your joint pain to surface, it is important to record the details, such as time of day, pain level, and how long it lasted. When you feel the pain, you should mention any other factors that may have caused its onset, including injury, repeated injuries to one part of the body, or an illness.

Whenever the pain worsens, it is suggested to make an account of it. Also, make sure to include whether or not you were moving at the time or at rest.

Alleviating Factors

In order to make sure the best treatment is given to eradicate cumbersome joint pain, it is also vital to make note of the times when you are not in pain. Through keeping a journal, some patients have learned that their pain is at a standstill when they are resting, while others feel less pain the more they move around. Does applying heat help or would you rather receive a nice massage?

Sometimes, a certain body position will trigger joint pain, while keeping the joint elevated helps with discomfort. While prescription medications are able to control the pain joints suffer, others have faired better when using natural or herbal remedies. When it comes to joint pain, it is also important to experiment with self-care measures and then record your experiences.

Does Weather Really Affect Arthritis?

  • Arthritis, and its numerous forms, is just one of the conditions that some believe is directly affected by the weather and changes in barometric pressure. Weather and Arthritis Pain Research

  • In the 1960s, a famed arthritis specialist named Dr. J. Hollander orchestrated a study to demonstrate how high levels of humidity along with low barometric pressure increased stiffness and joint pain in patients who suffered from arthritis. The fibromyalgia sufferers in this study indicated more pain only during days of high pressure. At the end of this study, no significant links between changing weather patterns and an increase in arthritis pain were ever found. Why Weather is Believed to Affect Arthritis Pain

  • Cold and rainy weather is often accompanied by a distinct drop in air pressure. The Types of Weather Changes That May Affect Arthritis Pain

  • Barometric or air pressure: Although rising barometric pressure, which is the amount of force or weight exerted by the air around us, may also affect some types of arthritis pain, more often than not it is a rapid decline in air pressure, such as the drop that's associated with stormy weather, that causes an increase in aches and pains.

  • Humidity: The amount of water vapors in the air is referred to as either humidity, absolute humidity, or relative humidity. - Temperature: Cold weather has long been associated with arthritis pain and stiffness in the joints, as well as triggering a host of other conditions such as migraine headaches or circulatory problems. For example, in one arthritis pain study, people living on the western coast of the United States in a milder climate reported just as much pain as those living in the eastern, colder portion of the country.

Does the Weather Really Affect Arthritis?

For as long as man has been aware of the changing weather, there has been speculation that it may also affect one's health and certain ailments besides simply altering the temperature.

Hippocrates, the ancient Greek "Father of Medicine" suspected as long ago as 400 B.C. that different weather conditions have a great influence on how our bodies feel. A few thousand years later, the modern world of science and medicine is still divided on whether or not fluctuations in the weather actually affect some health conditions.

Arthritis, and its numerous forms, is just one of the conditions that some believe is directly affected by the weather and changes in barometric pressure. A great majority of people diagnosed with arthritis say they can easily predict the weather based on how they're feeling, or how sore or tender their joints may be, making perfect sense of the saying "I'm feeling under the weather."

Although there are many people with arthritis who swear by this meteorological method of gaging the severity of their pain, there still is no actual scientific evidence to back up the claims.

Weather and Arthritis Pain Research

In the 1960s, a famed arthritis specialist named Dr. J. Hollander orchestrated a study to demonstrate how high levels of humidity along with low barometric pressure increased stiffness and joint pain in patients who suffered from arthritis. He indicated that neither of these weather changes individually had an impact on pain, but only when they occurred simultaneously.

Dr. Hollander concluded that when barometric pressure drops, the swelling around inflamed joints increases, causing more irritation to the surrounding nerves, which then also increases the amount of pain felt. This particular study has been refuted by many scientists as inconclusive due to the small number of patients (12) who participated.

One similar, more recent study also examined the association between arthritis pain and the weather involving people diagnosed with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia, which is another rheumatic disorder causing sore, tender joints. All of the participants lived in the same, warm climate and kept a log for one year, recording any changes in their level of pain. These logs were then compared with daily changes in the weather such as the relative humidity and temperature.

In this study, some people with rheumatoid arthritis seemed to be most affected by high levels of humidity and air pressure, while others in the osteoarthritis group felt more pain when only the humidity was high. The fibromyalgia sufferers in this study indicated more pain only during days of high pressure. However, none of the findings were strong enough to rely on just the weather itself to predict impending changes in pain levels.

Yet another research study involved over 100 people living in Florida who were diagnosed with osteoarthritis. For two years participants were told to score the severity of their arthritis pain so that researchers could match the results with local temperatures, whether or not there was precipitation, and what the barometric pressure was for each day. At the end of this study, no significant links between changing weather patterns and an increase in arthritis pain were ever found. However, some women did report experiencing more pain in their hands when barometric pressure was its highest.

Why Weather is Believed to Affect Arthritis Pain

Cold and rainy weather is often accompanied by a distinct drop in air pressure. One theory exists that this drop in pressure causes the body's tissues to expand, causing the already inflamed areas to swell more and increase pain. And then there are those doctors who argue that just a gloomy, rainy day itself may cause some to feel as if their pain is worse than it actually is.

Another theory simply suggests that people's threshold for pain drops along with the air temperature. Therefore, colder weather affects one's mood, making people less likely to be outdoors, remaining active, and getting the exercise that helps keep some arthritis pain under control.

There are also those who believe that arthritis sufferers look to the climate as an explanation for their increase in pain simply because there is no other plausible reason, only noting when the weather is inclement, but not noticing weather conditions as much when their pain is under control and stable.

The Types of Weather Changes That May Affect Arthritis Pain

- Barometric or air pressure: Although rising barometric pressure, which is the amount of force or weight exerted by the air around us, may also affect some types of arthritis pain, more often than not it is a rapid decline in air pressure, such as the drop that's associated with stormy weather, that causes an increase in aches and pains.

- Precipitation: Precipitation, meaning any form of water reaching the ground, includes not only rain and snow, but hail and sleet as well, and is accompanied by changes in air pressure and humidity.

- Humidity: The amount of water vapors in the air is referred to as either humidity, absolute humidity, or relative humidity. Increases in absolute humidity, which measures the amount of water vapors in relationship to the amount of moisture the air can hold at that particular temperature, are said to cause an increase in arthritis pain especially during the summer months.

- Temperature: Cold weather has long been associated with arthritis pain and stiffness in the joints, as well as triggering a host of other conditions such as migraine headaches or circulatory problems. Temperatures that quickly rise or fall are again the result of changes in barometric pressure.

It's important to remember that although certain types of weather may adversely influence some of the symptoms of arthritis such as pain and swelling, there is no scientific evidence that those climate changes are what causes one to develop arthritis in the first place, or to suffer from joint damage.

While it's true there is some evidence that some people living in drier, more arid places have fewer episodes of arthritic pain, there is no type of environment that guarantees complete relief from arthritis pain. It is also known that temperature and climate changes do not affect the actual course or progress of the disease.

People considering relocating to a warmer climate may want to consider the fact that most scientists believe that the body acclimates itself to its new environment over a relatively brief period of time. Which means that moving to a dry climate may seem to provide relief at first, it isn't believed to be beneficial over the long-term. For example, in one arthritis pain study, people living on the western coast of the United States in a milder climate reported just as much pain as those living in the eastern, colder portion of the country.

If you aren't able to spend time outside for exercise, be sure to compensate by exercising and remaining active indoors during times of inclement weather.

In many Asian countries and parts of Europe, homeopathic treatments are rather common for dealing with the pain associated with arthritis. Various herbs and natural substances are often combined to create remedies for arthritis pain as opposed to using traditional medications. Of course, as is with any type of disease or condition not just arthritis, a proper diagnosis by a qualified medical professional is imperative for any successful pain relief treatment plan.

Lupus - A Growing Epidemic in African-American Women

According to The American College of Rheumatology, Lupus, a complicated autoimmune disease that primarily affects young women can be difficult to diagnose.

Systemic lupus erythematosus (known as SLE or lupus) is a type of arthritis. It is classified as an autoimmune disease that affects various tissues and organs of the body. This disease affects people of all color and ages. However, it primarily affects individuals between the ages of 15 to 45 years of age; attacking women ten times more than men and African American women are three times more likely to come down with this disease.

The fact that lupus is systemic makes it a complicated disease. When the immune system is attacked, inflammation results as one of the body's defense mechanisms. Inflammation causes discomfort and will leave severe damage if untreated. In rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation affects the joints and over time will produce joint deformity. Since lupus is a systemic disease, it affects more than just the joints. It can affect other organs such as skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels, and brain.
Symptoms of Lupus

Most common signs and symptoms include the following:

Joint pain and swelling
Skin rash
Kidney problems

This disease is difficult to diagnose and it may take time to confirm whether or not an individual has it. Therefore, several blood testing samples may be required over a period of one year. Many health professionals consider the diagnosing of this disease a diagnosis of exclusion because other medical conditions have to be ruled out during the process. Mayo Clinic published an online article regarding tests and diagnosis, citing the American College of Rheumatology criterion for the proper diagnosis of lupus.

American College of Rheumatology Criterion for Lupus

According to the American College of Rheumatology, four of the following 11 symptoms for a period of several months confirm the diagnosis of lupus. Read on.

  • Malar rash: facial area only

  • Scaly rash (discoid rash): raised, scaly patches on parts of the body

  • Sun-related rash

  • Mouth ulcers: painless

  • Joint pain and swelling in two or more joints

  • Swelling of the linings around the lungs or the heart

  • Kidney disease

  • Central nervous system problems: seizures or psychosis

  • Abnormal lab work: low red blood count (anemia), low platelet count (thrombocytopenia), and/or low white cell count (leukopenia), positive antinuclear antibody test (ANA): indicative of an autoimmune disease

  • Other abnormal lab work: positive double-stranded anti-DNA test, positive anti-Sm test, positive Anti-phospholipid antibody test or false-positive syphilis test (these tests are more specific for confirming the diagnosis of lupus), elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and elevated c-reactive protein (CRP), both indicative of a systemic inflammatory reaction.

There are several forms of lupus and this disease can be induced by certain medications. There are more than three-dozen drugs associated with drug-induced lupus. However, a few common drugs associated with this type are hydralazine, procainamide, and quinidine. If lupus is drug-induced, it is cured when the medication responsible is discontinued. There is no cure for the other types of lupus. However, the good news is that medical researchers continue putting forth great effort to find a cure for this chronic disease. With proper treatment, people with lupus are able to live long meaningful lives.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, don't wonder if your just experiencing common body aches. Take the initiative to contact your healthcare provider immediately for diagnosing and get the treatment you may need.

Lupus can attack major organs of the body (skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels, and brain). So if left undiagnosed, it is untreated, and if it is untreated this disease could result in serious health complications, including death. If you have questions please seek advice from your healthcare provider and the American Lupus Foundation for further information.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Rumatory Arthritis - Tips for Pain Relief

For those dealing with rumatory arthritis, pain is a constant problem. The swelling and inflammation that comes with this disease causes stiffness and pain in the joints. Some of the main areas where pain can occur include in the hip joints, wrist joints, hand joints, knee joints, and the spine. To deal with this chronic pain, here are some helpful tips for pain relief that can provide the pain management needed.

Tip #1 - Healthy Diet - One excellent tip for rheumatoid arthritis pain relief is to eat a healthy diet. A diet that is well balanced can help to keep weight under control, easing the strain on joints. Limiting certain foods like saturated fats and read meats can help to reduce inflammation, since it limits arachidonic acid, which can make inflammation worse. Eating foods that contain omega 3s can also be helpful, since they are proven to help reduce inflammation in the joints.

Tip #2 - Cold and Heat Therapy
Many people find that cold and heat therapy can help to ease some of the pain that comes along with rheumatoid arthritis. When a joint is aching and inflamed, cold therapy can help to reduce some of the inflammation, easing the pain. Other people find that heat therapy is helpful for relaxing muscles and easing the pain felt in joints.

Tip #3 - Non-Impact Exercise
Exercise is an important part of reducing pain with this disease. Building muscles that are strong and fit provides better support for the body's joints. Exercise can also reduce pain symptoms and increase flexibility as well. Non-impact exercises are the best options for those with joint damage, such as water therapy and swimming. Speaking with your doctor before getting involved in a new exercise plan is a good idea.

Tip #4 - Massage
Even massage therapy can provide some pain relief for those with rheumatoid arthritis. Massage can help to warm up and relax muscles that are tense because of the constant pain. A good massage also can help the body to release endorphins, which are natural painkillers, alleviating pain.

Tip #5 - Medications
Today there are a variety of excellent medications that can help to treat rheumatoid arthritis and relieve some of the pain that comes with the disease. Inflammation can be reduced with medications like corticosteroids and NSAIDs, which leads to the reduction of pain. Other anti-rheumatic drugs are available today that actually treat the disease, leading to pain reduction as they begin to work. Some of the newer biological medications that are available include Enbrel, Orencia, and Humira. Several are taken by infusion, while others are given as injections.

Dealing with the pain that comes with rheumatoid arthritis can be frustrating. However, there are many great options available that can provide some pain relief. If you are dealing with this disease, consider some of these tips and talk with your doctor about the options that may work best for you.

What You Need to Know About TMJ Disorders

There are many medical conditions that affect a large number of the population but most of them go ignored because people either don't know what they are or they just choose to suffer silently. One of them affects the temporomandibular joint or otherwise known as TMJ disorders. For those unfamiliar with the term, the temporomandibular joint connects the jaw to the rest of the skull and is responsible for opening and closing the mouth.

Many people experience pain and difficulty when opening their mouths which are positive signs of disorder on the TMJ. But because there is very little public information out there about this kind of condition, they are forced to endure it hoping it will go away on its own. What they don't realize is that TMJ disorders like this are either a sign of something more serious or could lead to further damage if left undiagnosed or untreated.

These disorders are not just caused by injury or damage to the joint itself. Surrounding areas and parts like the jaw, facial and neck muscles, teeth, cartilage disk at the joint, ligaments and blood vessels can affect function. It's important to know what the usual causes for these conditions are in order to help people avoid suffering from them.

The most common source of TMJ disorders is extreme physical trauma to the joint that causes it to not be in alignment or worse, break apart. This usually happens to people who experience accidents or blows to the jaw or head. Teeth grinding is also a common cause as well as other oral conditions like deformed teeth that require correction using braces. Also, dentures that are poorly done can cause these problems to occur.

Degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis also play a big role for people who suffer from diminished TMJ function. Unhealthy habits like excessive gum chewing and biting big chunks of food also contribute to formation of the disorder. The symptoms of this condition often involve difficulty in biting or chewing food, clicking sound when opening the mouth, dull pain in the face, migraine, hearing loss, neck and shoulder pain. People who suspect they show any of these signs should visit an Oral Surgeon or even their own physician.

TMJ disorders and its treatments vary depending on how it's diagnosed. But usually it involves realignment or corrective measures like exercise and therapy. If it's caused by a disease or any illness, treatment will slowly reduce symptoms until TMJ function returns to normal. Surgery is usually only reserved for extreme cases like accident victims.

Curing Pain Relief Without Using Drugs

Physical pain is an inescapable condition that everyone has to deal with at one time or another in life. Headaches, muscular pains, toothache, back ache and belly pains are just some of the most common discomforts experienced by most people. I am yet to meet a person who went through life without experiencing physical pain. In fact pain is a response mechanism of the body to an injury or illness. However, pain can be quite discomforting especially when it becomes chronic due to an injury or illness. Most people automatically reach for aspirin or other commercially manufactured pain-reliever whenever they experience the slightest indication of pain. Unfortunately, these types of medications are made of chemicals which might have side effects or cause allergic reactions if used consistently. This is why many people are now opting to use pain relief methods that do not involve drugs.

Natural Pain Relief Methods

There are a number of drug-free methods you can use to cure pain. The efficacy of these natural methods varies from one individual to another depending on the practitioner you visit. However, they all have the benefit leaving your body free of foreign chemicals present in conventional pain relief drugs. Here are some examples of these drug-free pain relief treatments:

• Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

This form of pain relief involves stimulating nerve groups to relieve pain using electric current. The TENS unit is made of a battery unit and electrodes which can be attached to the painful region of the body. Low voltage current in the affected area stimulate nerves that send pulsating signals to the brain. It is a painless procedure which leaves the patient with a pleasant tingling sensation.

• Magnetic pain relief

This is a popular pain relief method nowadays that uses medical-grade magnets to act on nerve endings that produce pain. Basically, the magnets block the nerve signals by disrupting the flow of potassium and sodium ions leaving the affected nerves in a latent state. The magnets are small and can comfortably be worn under your clothes.

• Acupuncture

The validity and efficiency of acupuncture can be attested to by the number of centuries it has been used to cure pain and other physical and emotional conditions. Acupuncture simply involves inserting hair-thin needles in strategic areas of the body to stimulate energy flow or "qi" along specific meridians in your body. This flow of energy triggers a response that effectively eliminates pain. The method provides other additional benefits to your body such as stimulation of the nervous system, increased blood flow, and release of endorphins. Acupuncture is quite effective in curing chronic pain from conditions such as arthritis and muscular injuries. However, you might need to undergo from five to ten sessions before you experience total pain relief.

It is however important to consult your doctor before you choose to undergo any one of these drug-free methods of curing pain.

Aspirin for Dog Pain Relief

Do you have a dog that is experiencing joint or muscle pain? Did your dog play, exercise, or work to hard? Aspirin is probably one of the safest, and cheapest drugs that you can give your dog. Giving a dog aspirin should be done on an as needed, or short term basis, as this acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) will cause problems over time. Some problems associated with giving your dog aspirin over long periods of time are, bleeding ulcers, stomach upset, and possible kidney damage.

Some dogs may have an allergic reaction to aspirin, it is advised, you start your dog on the lowest recommended dose of aspirin for canines. The low end of recommended aspirin dosage in dogs is 5 milligrams per ten pounds of body weight. For example, a 60 pound dog would take 300 milligrams of aspirin two times a day. Aspirin should always be offered to your dog along with food, and plenty of fresh water. Some signs that your canine may be having an allergic reaction to aspirin are, anemia and blood loss.

Should your dog get an overdose of aspirin, you may see symptoms such as vomiting, panting, fever, depression, and even seizures. If you suspect your pet has received unsafe levels of aspirin, you need to contact your vet immediately. Do not give aspirin to dogs, that are pregnant, puppies, or dogs with any form of kidney disease. If your dog is taking any other medications even vitamins it is suggested you contact your veterinarian prior to administering this acetylsalicylic acid.

What type of aspirin should I give my dog? Give your dog regular aspirin, with no enteric coating. Enteric coated aspirin made for human consumption, will not dissolve properly in your dogs short digestive tract. You may purchase specially formulated aspirin, this includes an enteric coating made to work with your dogs system, this aspirin may be preferred for animals that seem to get stomach upset from aspirin.

Read the back of the pain relief bottle. You may not give dogs many other types of pain relievers made for humans. For example, Ibuprofen is poison to your dog. Make sure, that what your giving your dog includes only aspirin. Many pain relievers contain caffeine, acetaminophen, and even codeine; these must be avoided!

Aspirin is not recommended for long term use in canines. If you have a dog with persistent pain issues, such as arthritis, aspirin is not the answer to your problems. Using the recommended aspirin dosage for dogs is a relatively safe short term solution.

My 17 year old lab Mary has persistent pain issues, these have been effectively treated using natural alternatives however, should her pain become untreatable with natural remedies, I may consider prescription dog pain relief.

How Sleep Positions Affect Our Sleep Quality

What position do you sleep in? Do you sleep all night or do have some nights where it is difficult to get to sleep much less stay asleep? Sometimes tossing and turning becomes our nightly ritual and our quality of sleep is sorely diminished.

The most common reason for a bad night of sleep is the many aches and pains we feel. In the adult population, about 15% of those surveyed report experiencing chronic pain. However, in older adults, that number rises dramatically to over 50%. Studies show neck and back discomfort and pain is the main culprit in reducing our sleep quality. The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) states that pain is a leading cause of insomnia.

While would we do to decrease our pain and sleep better if pain is the chief culprit to losing our sleep quality? Changing your sleep position may be an answer. The proper sleep position when one is young is ,"any position." Timed photography of children asleep show they are all over the bed. Adults on the other hand, after a life of various physical traumas find only a few positions that are maintained through the night. Time photography will show significant tossing and turning for those who report trouble sleeping.

Many adults only sleep in specific positions with other positions creating irritation at best and outright pain at worst. Either way these difficult feelings will eventually cause the sleeper to be restless, interrupting their repose, and disturbing their quality of sleep

Many argue that sleeping in the side position with normal curves is best to relieve aches and pains so you can sleep. To elaborate this would be laying on either the left or right side with the legs straight or with them bent. In this side sleeping position, the head and neck can be flexed or assume the normal ergonomic position with the ears above the shoulders and the shoulders above the hips. The normal spinal curves are maintained when the legs are straight and the head and neck are in the normal ergonomic position.

However, many can't sleep on one side or the other due to injuries to the shoulders or neck. Some complain about pain at the hip joints or knees while on their side with many using pillows between the knees. Everyone is different but side position sleep is the most popular.

Another popular position is in a back lying position. It is often the "fall back" position for those who no longer can sleep on their sides. For many, back sleeping it is their first choice and has been their favorite since they were young adults. Back lying with a pillow under the knees is also common. However, the back position often leads to snoring and can be a sign one is developing sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is the temporary stoppage of breathing during sleep, often resulting in daytime sleepiness. If back sleeping is your first and most comfortable position, awareness of the down sides of this position is suggested.

There is also the stomach position. Most would agree that the stomach lying position usually involves either the right or left knee bent with the head and neck turned to that side. This is a very popular position for children and young adults but may change for those over thirty when it is discovered that the neck rotated in this way one can lead to a stiff neck in the morning. It only takes a few experiences like this before one chooses a change to their position. Stomach positions are often thought to be hazardous for the adult with health care professionals stating that stomach sleeping may lead to increases in low back as well as neck pain.

Our chosen sleep positions influence the quality of sleep we get. We choose our positions randomly or consciously to avoid painful irritation. If your position choices allow you to sleep fitfully all night allowing you to wake refreshed then there is no need to change. But if you find pain and irritation interrupting your sleep you may want to experiment with new positions of sleep. Finding your positions for fitful sleep is a blessing and one worth considering for a consistent high quality sleep experience.

The Health Secret Your Jaw Can Tell

More and more our society is looking for the "silver bullet" of health. Every second TV ad suggests a drug to "fix" any health condition imaginable. Wouldn't it be great if your body could indicate its level of health and function? It can! This article explains the significance of your jaw, how a simple self-test can indicate your functional status and what you can do to achieve "true health".

Move your jaw side to side in a sawing action. Did it pop or click on one side? Can you move it more to one side than the other? Are you unable to fit your four fingers stacked vertically (no overlapping!) in your mouth? When you bite down does one side contact before the other? Chances are you tested positive in one or more of these tests for jaw imbalance and if you did, you need to read on!

The jaw joint or the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can be a source of discomfort for many people. TMJ Disorder (TMJD) or TMJ Syndrome and has been associated with a wide variety of other symptoms, some far removed from the jaw itself, for example chronic headaches, sinus problems, visual disturbances, ringing and pain in the ears, facial pain, tingling and numbness in the fingers and even low back pain.

Even more interestingly, TMJD has been associated with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and depression. Scientists and medical studies have been unable to explain the connection of TMJD to such a wide variety of dysfunctional conditions affecting both body and mind.

This may be because "scientists" overlook two indisputable facts when they look at human health.

First, the body and mind are one - a single unit linked together from head to toe via joints, muscle and connective tissue called fascia (remember the song, "The leg bone connected to the knee bone..."?).

Second, form follows function. So any "weak links" that cause structural imbalance in one part of the body will transfer throughout the body, decreasing its form and therefore its entire function also. For example, compensating for a broken toe may eventually work its way up to the neck and yes, even the jaw.

To be truly healthy is to have good function, which dictates that your form or posture must be good also. The pain, the symptoms associated with TMJD and even the TMJD itself are simply manifestations of dyfunction resulting from postural imbalance.

So why is the jaw a good example to demonstrate your level of health and function? Because it is highest joint in the body and the last area your body can compensate for postural imbalances transferring up from lower down. Also since the jaw is linked to the skull, we can easily discern dysfunction like muscle tightness, pain, popping or clicking.

Another reason to test the jaw is because the alignment of the mandible (jaw bone) can affect the pituitary gland in the brain. The pituitary gland is considered "the master gland" and is chiefly responsible for maintaining your body in a healthy, internally balanced state called homeostasis.

Lets trace the links to the pituitary. Keep reading and you'll learn the secret to "true health".

The mandible is connected to a bone in your skull called the sphenoid with muscles called the medial and lateral pterygoids. The sphenoid houses the pituitary gland in a small depression called the sella turcica. So any structural imbalance in the TMJ from strength differences in the pterygoids will transfer structural imbalance to the sphenoid, which will then compromise the function of the pituitary and homeostasis.

Now it might be easy to think that if you can correct the imbalance in the jaw with a bite plate or some surgical procedure you would fix the TMJD and be as healthy as a horse right? Wrong! This approach is doomed to fail because the jaw is also linked to the shoulders and sternum.

The mandible is connected to the shoulders and sternum via a bone just above the level of the Adam's apple called the hyoid bone. The hyoid is a "floating bone" and unlike any other bone in the body in that it does not contact other bones; rather it is suspended above and below by muscles. Its main function is to act as an anchor for the muscles that connect the mandible to the hyoid. These muscles are called suprahyoid muscles and act to open or pull the mandible down.

But wait! Muscles called the infrahyoid muscles connect the hyoid to both shoulder blades and the sternum. Their function is to anchor the hyoid in a level, "neutral" position, which is difficult because any unevenness in shoulders height or slouching will unbalance the hyoid and therefore the jaw and pituitary.

The shoulders and upper back are you guessed it, connected to the lower back and pelvis, which will only be as balanced as the "core" muscles allows them to be. The core is a system of muscles in the trunk and hip region like the glutes (butt) and abdominals that act as the body's foundation by stabilizing the pelvis and low back.

The jaw tests you tried earlier can now be looked at as indicators of the status of your core since all posture and function originates here.

So now the jaw reveals it's secret: "True health can only be achieved when the strength of the muscles of the core is balanced and the posture realigned.

Is it possible that to thrive both physically and mentally could be this simple?

Yes! We like complicated things and to make things complicated. We have been conditioned to think that complicated drugs and surgery are the answer to our health problems. They're not.

That being said restoring balance to the core is not easy. Here's why.

Your brain like all animals is hardwired for survival so it favors using mobilizing muscles that cause gross movement to move your body out of danger. Stabilizing muscles like the core muscles are less likely to be favored and more likely to become weaker since they oppose movement.

The mobilizing muscles now have to work overtime. They compensate by tightening since they have to perform their own function plus that of the weak stabilizing muscles too. Compensating muscles cannot perform both jobs effectively so muscle strength and length imbalances develop causing postural imbalances. A classic example is the hamstring muscles tightening in response to gluteus maximus weakness.

Compensation is a great technique to help you run away from a hungry lion but complicates things when you try to access the root problem of core weakness. So it doesn't matter how much "core training" you do, you will most likely just strengthen the tight mobilizing muscles and engrain the imbalances even more - like driving your car with bad wheel alignment.

So what is the solution to accessing the weak core muscles and reestablishing the body's function? Wouldn't it be great if there were some technique that could "activate" and strengthen the weak core muscles?

The good news is there is a technique called Myotonix that does exactly that. It is a form of manual therapy based on the principles and techniques of acupressure, osteopathy and trigger point therapy and to improve posture. The results are instantaneous and astounding.

This article has highlighted the significance of jaw function as an indicator of whole body function and how dysfunction in any one part of the body affects the whole. Total body health will only be realized when we recognize the connection of our form to our function. So with this knowledge, the next time you go to your dentist you can tell him the health secret of his jaw!

Neck Pain Relief - Natural and Herbal Ways to Manage Neck Pain

Physical therapy, exercises, joint mobilization can ease out the discomfort caused by neck pain. Physical therapy includes manual examination by therapists, measurement of the patient's range of motion and testing of tender points in the neck or palpation tests. Exercises should include gentle stretching exercises that can reduce spasm and muscle tightness and also strengthen neck muscles. Exercise also increases the stability of core muscles and improves muscle coordination. The common exercises that can be done include using a stair stepper, walking on treadmill, swimming laps and using a cross country ski machine.

Self-help, natural and herbal ways to manage neck pain

1. While doing day to day activities, bending, twisting, if neck pain is felt, one must immediately stop and take necessary precautions. Pain must be understood as a warning sign.

2. While sleeping, one must be careful about supporting the neck properly. The mattress used should be appropriate; neither too hard, nor too soft. A soft mattress or a high pillow has adverse impact on spine alignment and may build up tension in the spine.

3. The patient should avoid slouching.

4. For those who spend maximum time on phone, a speaker phone or head set is advisable.

5. Usage of neck traction devices help in controlling neck muscle spasm by stretching the soft tissues. This is one way of treating neck pain.

6. Weight reduction will reduce the excessive pressure on spine.

7. Take food items rich in calcium, vitamin D. They will help to check osteoporosis or bone thinning.

8. One should avoid holding neck or keeping neck bent for a long time. One should change positions frequently even while sitting or lying.

9. Improper lifting techniques can also strain your neck muscles as well as back muscles. While lifting heavy objects, one must bend the knees, hold the spine erect, place the object in between the feet which should be quite apart from each other; for instance shoulder width apart.

10. Take frequent breaks from work, and practice deep breathing and neck mobilizing exercises every half an hour. This reduces stress and also lessens neck tightness.

11. Ice pack or a pack containing frozen peas may be held tightly against neck muscles for at least 15 minutes. This will soothe painful conditions.

12. Swelling of neck muscles can be reduced with the help of jet streams or hot shower hitting the affected muscles.

13. Massage therapy is an effective way of treating neck pain. Massaging soothes the strained muscles and tendons of the neck. Herbal massage oils like natural massage oil, arnica oil, rumatone gold oil, nagachampa ayurvedic oil, lavender body massage oil, sandalwood oil, capsaicin creams etc are best for relieving neck pain.

14. Herbal supplements prepared from herbs like eucalyptus, cayenne and devil's claw are very helpful in minimizing intensity of pain and inflammation of the sore muscles. Intake of herbal supplements such as Rumatone Gold Capsules thus can prove useful.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

TMJ Headaches

TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint (the jaw joint), and is also used to refer to Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome, a painful disorder of this joint. One of the most common and painful of its symptoms is headaches, often thought of as migraines.

When we close our mouth and our teeth come together, that's referred to by dentists as our bite, and it's the result of the way our jaw joint operates. A bite can be well-aligned or poorly aligned. When it's misaligned the jaw muscles become strained trying to bring the teeth together properly, as we open and close our mouths so many thousands of times a day for eating, talking, swallowing, yawning, laughing etc.

What causes a misaligned bite?

Misaligned bites are caused by many varying factors. It can start in infancy, with airway obstrucition. Allergies that affect breathing, crooked teeth, or hereditary mouth conditions, or even a head injury which disrupts the jaw joint can all cause a poorly aligned bite.

TMJ Headaches Explained

1. Several large nerves, with many branches, run through the face, head, neck, and shoulder area. One is the trigeminal nerve, one of the large pairs of cranial nerves which run from the spinal cord, in between spinal vertebrae, and forward into face area. It gives the brain about 40% of its daily work and as its name implies, has three branches. Each branch has sub-branches.

2. When the jaw joint is misaligned, the muscles attached to it become tired and strained over the months and years, as they try to close the mouth correctly. They end up in perpetual spasm, never relaxing. This often leads to chronic teeth clenching or grinding, even at night during sleep. (This sometimes works the other way around too, where emotional stress causes teeth clenching, which eventually puts the jaw joint out of alignment.)

3. Perpetually tense jaw muscles create swelling and inflammation in the area, which puts pressure on the nerves. We feel this as pain. So whichever part of the nerve is being compressed, in the temple, neck, shoulder, etc., that's where we feel the pain.

4. TMJ therefore has a wide variety of symptoms, such as earaches, sore jaws, neck and should pain, and tingling in the fingers. The most painful and incapacitating symptom is headaches.

Why neuromuscular dentists can help

If you have been suffering from severe headaches, you may have visited several doctors trying to get them treated. You may have taken a variety of painkillers, but found that nothing eliminates this pain.

If your headaches are a symptom of TMJ, you need to see a neuromuscular dentist, one trained in treating not just teeth and gums, but also the jaw joint, along with its muscles, nerves, and ligaments. This is not training that the average dentist receives in dental school. It is post-graduate training, and relatively few dentists have completed it.

One neuromuscular dentist in the Los Angeles area is Dr. Joseph Henry. In explaining how he approaches patients with TMJ symptoms, he said:

I look at the relationship between the jaw joint, its muscles, and the position of the teeth. Misalignment in any of these has a direct effect on the whole system of opening and closing the jaw.

Finding your relaxed jaw position

The first step a neuromuscular dentist would take to determine whether your headaches were a TMJ symptom or not, would be to test, record, and measure your jaw movements. In this high-tech age, dentistry has moved right along with other professional fields in developing sophisticated equipment, using lasers and computers. The goal of testing and measuring your jaw movements is to find your relaxed, natural jaw position, your natural bite.

When the dentist has found your relaxed jaw position, the goal of your treatment is established, namely, to make this position permanent, thus abolishing the painful symptoms of misalignment.

Says Dr. Henry:

"A neuromuscular dentist can realign a patient's bite. Once the relaxed position is known, treatments can begin to make this relaxation permanent. We might create a custom orthotic for the patient to wear which will re-train those jaw muscles. We might plan some tooth re-shaping, or re-aligning, even a full orthodontic treatment if necessary. Each treatment is individual to that patient."

Headaches can be a thing of the past if you follow through with your visits to a neuromuscular dentist. You'll be smiling with relief and pleasure - especially if some of that dental treatment gave you a more even, brighter smile as well as pain relief!

Why Osteoarthritis Causes Pain in the Joints

Osteoarthritis Explained
Most common symptom of osteoarthritis is pain in the affected joint(s) after repetitive use. Osteoarthritis affects over 21 million people in the US. The result can be swelling, warmth, and creaking of the affected joints.

What is Osteoarthritis exactly?
Osteoarthritis is caused by abnormal wearing and eventual breakdown of the cartilage. Cartilage is a protein substance that covers and acts as a "cushion" between the bones of the joints.

It's also caused by the destruction or decrease of synovial fluid that lubricates those joints. The result is pain in the joints.

Osteoarthritis also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease. As the bone surfaces become less well protected by cartilage, the patient experiences pain upon weight bearing, walking and standing. This pain causes decreasing movement or exercise of the patients, therefore regional muscles may atrophy and ligaments may become more lax.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. Over 21 million people in the United States have Osteoarthritis

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis
The main symptom of osteoarthritis is chronic pain. The pain is generally experienced as a sharp ache, or a burning sensation in the associated muscles and tendons. The result of this pain is loss of mobility and often stiffness. Osteoarthritis can cause a crackling noise (called "crepitus") when the affected joint is moved or touched, and patients may experience muscle spasm and contractions in the tendons.

Occasionally, the joints may also be filled with fluid. Humid weather increases the pain in many osteoarthritis patients. Osteoarthritis often affects the hands, feet, spine, and the large weight bearing joints, such as the hips and knees.

As osteoarthritis increases, the affected joints appear larger, are more stiff and painful, and usually feel worse.

A Few Common Services Dentists Offer

Are you dissatisfied with your teeth and wish they were more even? Do you want your teeth to have an extra gleam that catches eyes? Do you just need a regular dental cleaning done? There are so many options in the world of dentistry today, that all your teeth-related issues can be resolved easily in a quality clinic. Even if you are the kind that is mortally afraid of going to a dentist, a quality clinic addresses those fears and makes sure you are comfortable.

What are the different services that you can expect at a quality clinic? You can expect everything from services for taking care of the general health of teeth, to restoring teeth that have been badly damaged, to shaping and improving the quality of your smile. Here is a list of the common services a good clinic offers:

Cosmetic dentistry: Are you looking for ways to improve your smile, or fix a particular flaw in your teeth? Cosmetic dentistry offers you the option to have a perfect smile. Cosmetic dentists have the specialized expertise to repair those subtle flaws and design you a perfect smile.

Sedation dentistry: For many people, a visit to a dentist's chamber is like the worst nightmare come true. Many intensive dental treatments require the use of needles and other instruments, and these make a visit especially traumatic. Sedation dentists use specialized means to sedate the patient during difficult treatments. If you have a small kid or someone in the family with a low threshold of pain, ask the dentists if they offer sedation dentistry.

TMJ disorders: In quality clinics you will also find dentists who are aware of specialized issues such as disorders of the joint or muscles within the jaw. When people have these problems, they need special attention because many treatments in dentistry require the mouth to be kept open for a long time. If you, or someone else has this condition, check out dentists who address TMJ disorders in their treatments.

Teeth whitening: This is a service many people opt for, to remove spots or marks from their teeth. Dentists use treatment options to polish the teeth and perform teeth whitening. The effect is not permanent, but perfect if you want it on a temporary basis, whether before appearing at an interview or any formal occasion where it is important to look presentable.

When they are looking for dentists, Idaho Falls residents choose those with experience and expertise.

TMJD - Temporomandibular Joint Pain Disorder, The Cure in the Mirror

Originally man fought with his jaw and teeth, so it is not surprising that tight jaw muscles are a manifestation of fear, anxiety and aggressiveness. The muscles of the jaw are the ones that are used in anxiety and stress. Your lower jaw (mandible) is connected to the head right in front of your ear. That upper connection is the Temporal Bone. A fairly elaborate set of muscles open your jaw and also closes it. Even when you are not eating, a set movement takes place when you are swallowing or talking or singing. We are built with a system of using our teeth to attack and bite and tear. Much emotion of anger and worry takes place in this system.

Although the dental textbooks all attribute jaw joint disorders to deviations from normal bite anatomy, in practice I see persons with terrible dental structure who don't have Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD) and persons who have had the best orthodonture who have this problem. For whatever reason, in TMJD, a patient is manifesting her emotions by clenching her jaw.

The symptoms of TMJD are:
Pain on opening the mouth wide
Pain on palpating in front of the ear canal
A noise creptitation that can be felt and heard
Ear Pain
Ear pain after the dentist visit
Pain is referred as a headache, neck pain or facial pain
Relief with anti-inflammatory products.
The jaw opens to the side, indicating that the muscles are not balanced.

Because a primary symptom is ear pain, many patients get put on antibiotics and eardrops. Then, when they are not relieved, a second antibiotic is prescribes. Since it is the jaw joint that is the problem, of course these medications don't work and even do harm.

Because so many errors in diagnosis are made, it is important that you learn to make your own diagnosis:
Please your finger in front of the ear canal. Feel the movement here as you open and close your mouth. Push into the joint- is that painful? If it is, that's TMJD. Is there a creaking heard and felt? That too is TMJD.

Now let's relieve the condition. With a mirror, draw a straight vertical line down the middle of the mirror. Now line up your forehead and nose along the line. Open the jaw- does it open midline or to the side? Practice relaxing as you exhale and allowing the jaw to come to the side. Practice this daily, emphasis on relaxing so the jaw relaxes to midline. Eventually the muscles get balanced and the jaw opens midline.

In TMJD the joint may be swollen. To reduce that swelling take Clear.ease one four times a day melt in mouth between cheek and gums. This constains papain from papaya and broelain from pineapple. Incidentally, in parts of South America it is customary to rub papaya leaves around any painful are. That works because of the papain from the leaf.

Clear.ease is a lozenge with one million units enzyme of Bromelain from pineapple and 500,000 enzyme units of Papain from Papaya. These are proteolytic enzymes that reduce joint swelling.

X rays of the TMJ don't give much information except re fracture or displacement. The MRI clearly shows capsule and tendon and ligament abnormalities and is best for diagnosing TMJ abnormalities

Resting the jaw is a help. Use a chinstrap or an Ace bandage to support the jaw.Don't hold the jaw tightly, you only want to support the jaw to take the strain off the joint.

If you have a tendency to develop TMJD
a. Avoid wide yawning
b. Be careful laughing not to open jaw too wide
c Avoid chewing gum or pipe smoking
d. Try to make your dental visits as short as possible, break them up into short sessions
e Find an anti-inflammatory product that gives you relief.
f. Try sleeping with a chinstrap to hold the jaw from opening too widely.

Occasionally TMJD can be a cause of tinnitus and relieving the TMJD may improve that condition.

If severe pain persists then you should see a dentist.

The Benefits of Natural Pain Relief During Pregnancy

There is no question that you will be looking forward to welcoming your new baby into the world. As exciting as this time can be, it can also be very painful. Among other things, your hips, back, and ankles may become strained as your body adapts to the weight of the baby. Unfortunately, if you think painkillers are bad for your health, there is no telling how dangerous they are to the fetus. Therefore, you may want to try natural pain relief until the baby is born. Chances are, these products will be much safer than painkillers that have a proven record of causing damage to unborn babies.

Depending on your situation, it may be of some use to try supplements that will give extra support to your joints. For example, Joint Advance can help keep your joints as strong and flexible as possible. That said, if you are not sure whether or not you can use this type of medication, you can easily ask your gynecologist. Once he/she realizes that you are trying to do the best for you baby, it will be much easier to gain access to information about how to handle your joint pain.

If you want to try natural pain relief, there are many different products to try. Interestingly enough, if you are having problems with weight bearing activities, it may help to try Joint Advance. This particular remedy was carefully designed to provide your joints with the kinds of nutrients that will encourage cartilage growth. From there, you should notice that you will have fewer problems standing, walking, and lifting things. You may even find that you want to continue using natural pain relief after the baby is born. At the very least, you won't have to worry about your joints developing arthritis later on in life.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Back Pain Relief - Can This Girdle Relieve Your Back Pain?

Whether you know it or not there is a "girdle" built into all of us. Knowledge of this girdle and the role it plays can lead to better back health. The "girdle is the intermediary cylindrical girdle. It provides support for the sacroiliac. The sacroiliac are joints located at the very bottom of your back, one on each side of your spine. These joints joints help make up the rear part of the pelvic girdle and sit between the sacrum (vertebrae S1-S5) and the Ilia (hip bones). The sacroiliac does not have any support, yet it permits a variety of turns and twists, it needs and something to hold it up and or give it support. That is the role of this girdle.

Now we all have potential for back issues, since those joints are subject to wear and tear. Between the girdle rest the joints, which often degenerate causing diseases, such as osteoarthritis due to frequent twisting, turning, etc. Osteoarthritis is a form of arthritis that affects the back, since joints and cartilages gradually lose strength. Although usually affecting middle-aged people, yet it could start earlier.

So what the answer to preventing degeneration and back problems? It is clear that the Intermediary Girdle does play a role in a healthy back. Keeping it healthy is one key in preventing an aching back. How do we do this? Quite simply it is living a healthy life style, exercise and eating right. Study after study has shown that exercise is a bigger factor in a healthy back and can cure back problems, preventing surgery and expensive drugs. The key is to take action and find a program of exercise that works for you. One such program is the "Lose The Back Pain System" developed by the Healthy Back Institute. Following this program has helped thousands lose their pain and live a healthy, active life.

25 Health Benefits of Cinnamon - A Miraculous Spice

Cinnamon is one of the world's oldest known spices. The tree is native to Sri Lanka where it was found thousands of years ago. It is the best spice available in terms of its nutrition and health. It contains unique healthy and healing property comes from the active components in the essential oils found in its bark. Cinnamon has extremely high anti-oxidant activity due to which it has numerous health benefits. Aside from being used as a medicine by other cultures since ancient times, the health benefits may also come from eating it which can be listed as follows:

1. Lowers Cholesterol:
Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon included in a daily diet can lower cholesterol.
Also Cinnamon may significantly lower LDL "bad" cholesterol, and triglycerides (fatty acids in the blood) and total cholesterol.

2. Reduces blood sugar levels and treating Type 2 Diabetes:
Several studies have shown improved insulin sensitivity and blood glucose control by taking as little as ½ teaspoon of cinnamon per day. Improving insulin resistance can help in weight control as well as decreasing the risk for heart disease.

3. Heart Disease:
Cinnamon strengthens the cardiovascular system thereby shielding the body from heart related disorders. It is believed that the calcium and fiber present in cinnamon provides protection against heart diseases.

Including a little cinnamon in the food helps those suffering from coronary artery disease and high blood pressure.

4. Fights Cancer :
A study released by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland showed that cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.

Besides, the combination of calcium and fiber found in Cinnamon can help to remove bile, which prevents damage to colon cells, thus prevents colon cancer.

5. Tooth decay and mouth freshener:
Cinnamon has traditionally been used to treat toothache and fight bad breath. Small pieces of cinnamon can be chewed, or gargled with cinnamon water which serves as a good mouth freshener.

6. Cures Respiratory Problems:
Cinnamon is very useful home remedy for common or severe colds. A person suffering should take one tablespoon of honey with 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold and clear the sinuses.

Cinnamon also found to cure flu, influenza, sore throat and congestion.

7. Brain Tonic:
Cinnamon boosts the activity of the brain and hence acts as a good brain tonic. It helps in removing nervous tension and memory loss.

Also, studies have shown that smelling cinnamon may boost cognitive function, memory, performance of certain tasks and increases one's alertness and concentration.
8. Infections:
Due to its antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic and antiseptic properties, it is effective on external as well as internal infections. Cinnamon has been found to be effective in fighting vaginal yeast infections, oral yeast infections, stomach ulcers and head lice.

9. Eases menstruation cycles:
Cinnamon has also been found useful for women's health as it helps in providing relief from menstrual cramping and other feminine discomforts.

10. Birth Control:
Cinnamon also helps in natural birth control. Regular consumption of cinnamon after child birth delays menstruation and thus helps in avoiding conception.

11. Breastfeeding:
It is also believed that cinnamon aids in the secretion of breast milk.

12. Reduces Arthritis Pain:
Cinnamon spice contains anti-inflammatory compounds which can be useful in reducing pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.

A study conducted at Copenhagen University, where patients were given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month

13. Digestive Tonic:
Cinnamon should be added to most recipes. Apart from adding flavor to the food, it also aids in digestion. Cinnamon is very effective for indigestion, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, diarrhea and flatulence. It is very helpful in removing gas from the stomach and intestines. It also removes acidity, diarrhea and morning sickness. It is often referred to as a digestive tonic.

14. Reduces Urinary tract infections:
People who eat cinnamon on a regular basis report a lower incidence of urinary tract infections. Cinnamon is diuretic in nature and helps in secretion and discharge of urine.

15. Anti clotting Actions:
A compound found in Cinnamon called as cinnamaldehyde has been well-researched for its effects on blood platelets. [Platelets are constituents of blood that are meant to clump together under emergency circumstances (like physical injury) as a way to stop bleeding, but under normal circumstances, they can make the blood flow inadequate if they clump together too much]. The cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon helps prevent unwanted clumping of blood platelets.

16. Natural Food Preserver:
When added to food, it prevents bacterial growth and food spoilage, making it a natural food preservative.

17. Headaches and migraine:
Headache due to the exposure to cold wind is readily cured by applying a thin paste of powdered cinnamon mixed in water on the temples & forehead.

18. Pimples and Blackheads:
Cinnamon helps in removing blood impurities. Therefore it is often recommended for pimples.

Also external application of paste of cinnamon powder with a few drops of fresh lemon juice over pimples & black heads would give beneficial result.

19. Thinning of the blood and improves blood circulation:
Cinnamon is a blood thinning agent which also acts to increase circulation. This blood circulation helps significantly in removing pain. Good blood circulation also ensures oxygen supply to the body cells leading to higher metabolic activity. You significantly reduce the chance of getting a heart attack by regularly consuming cinnamon.

20. Toning of tissues:
Considerable anecdotal evidence exists to suggest that cinnamon may have the ability to tone and constrict tissues in the body.

21. Muscle and joint pain relief:
Those who eat cinnamon on a regular basis often report that their muscle and joint pain, as well as stiffness, is reduced or even eliminated.

22. Immune System:
Honey and cinnamon paste is good for boosting the immune system, removing regular fatigue and increasing the longevity of an individual. It is also known to have anti-aging properties.

23. Itching:
Paste of honey and cinnamon is often used to treat insect bites.

24. It is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.

25. Healing: Cinnamon helps in stopping bleeding. Therefore it facilitates the healing process.

Indeed, cinnamon has several health benefits as highlighted above that can be used to improve one's health and boost one's immune system. This is a great reason to keep some cinnamon around. Sprinkle it in your tea or coffee, over oatmeal or a sweet potato and, this will do wonders to your health.

[However, there's a word of warning to be taken that over dosage of cinnamon may be unwise. Also it is not recommended for pregnant women.

Also, people who have been prescribed medication to manage their blood sugar should not reduce or discontinue their dose and take cinnamon instead, especially without consulting your doctor.]