Sunday, April 13, 2014

Back Pain Relief - 7 Simple Tips to Save Your Back While Sitting - Ergonomic Too! - Nurse's Guide

If you're looking for some simple tips to help save your back, hips and joints or get back pain relief, assuming you do a lot of sitting all day at work or at home on your computer, these are some of my favorite tips.

Oftentimes it isn't a better ergonomic chair that's needed but the fact that most of us are slouched forward with our earlobes in front of our shoulders. Then we sit that way for hours, hardly moving. So first of all check your posture and make sure you keep your head and neck back using your earlobes as a guide.

Good posture will also give your lungs room to breathe properly from your abdomen and help your voice and speech too.

Sitting for prolonged times like this, no matter what your age, can cause blood clots and hip, joint and back pain which is the leading cause of disability in people under the age of 45!

Sitting is the worst possible thing you can do for your back and puts a lot of stress on the spine and slouching makes it worse. So make sure to stand up every ten or fifteen minutes or so and clasp your hands behind you. Walking around for a few moments is even better. You want to keep from hunching into a C shape.

The disks that absorb the shock between our vertebrae need nutrients because they have no blood or nerve supply. They depend on movement for nourishment. So keep moving as much as you can.

Make sure your chair is not too low. This is one of the reasons people get back pain and are not aware that their chair is positioned too low. Consider buying an ergonomic chair or better ergonomic chair. Beware of those labeled ergonomical that aren't.

When you're on the phone try standing up instead of sitting at your desk or on the couch at home. You can also tighten your abs and lean back keeping your earlobes in check.

Some people use a treadmill desk and walk at about 2 miles an hour or so.

Get a lumbar roll. These are inexpensive and available at medical supply houses. You can put them behind you in the natural curve of your back to help keep your spine in the proper positioning.

You can set reminders to stand up every 15 minutes or so with timers, post-it notes or Outlook reminders.

Using these tips will help you avoid back pain and serious problems. If you're suffering now with pain and need relief, make sure you do these every day and work on your posture whether standing or walking. Try building up your back muscles at the gym or health club - I especially like the lat pull-down and seated row to keep my back healthy and ward off pain. Give these tips a try and avoid back, hip and joint pain like I do. There are a lot more tips and secrets you can use to help you get back pain relief or avoid it like I do - too many to mention in this article.

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