Saturday, March 22, 2014

Green Lipped Mussel Supplement For Dogs Gives Pain Relief From Arthritis

When it comes to combating the painful effects of joint inflammation and arthritis, there are few things more effective than the green lipped mussel. We have known about the positive effect that the shellfish has on the joints, and many sufferers have now gone the route of a green lipped mussel powder supplement, which helps them get pain relief over the long haul. What may be surprising to most is that the green lipped mussel doesn't only work well on us humans, but also on our four-legged friends as well.

Think about how our bodies start to break down when we hit our 40's and 50's, and when you compare that to your dog, you have to understand that the same things will start to happen to him when he hits the age of 7. We all start to slow down and suffer from stiff joints as we get older, and that's no different for your pooch. It's easy to forget that he is on that same age level as we are, but if you pay attention to the signs, you'll really start to notice when he slows down. The great news is that you can now help him the way you help yourself, by giving him a green lipped mussel supplement that will help with joint inflammation in the same way that it helps us.

Anyone who owns a dog understands the joy of taking him for a walk and playing fetch, but that gets more difficult for him to do when those old bones start to creak. The same goes for us, and it becomes increasingly difficult to enjoy those long walks when we suffer from arthritis or some other inflammation of the joints. The difference is that we can feel when we start to feel stiff or sore, but it's not so easy with your dog. It may be a very gradual decrease in mobility and energy for him, and unless he is visibly limping or hobbling around, we may not notice the pain he is in until it's too late to really help.

Green lipped mussel powder extract is the most effective way to slow down or halt the effects of arthritis and inflammation, and it can also have other very positive health benefits. People who take a regular supplement have noticed improvement in a number of areas, including in the nervous and immune systems, clearer skin, the bones and teeth and even in some cases, fertility. The green lipped mussel anti-inflammatory benefit is where it truly excels though, and that is something that can have you and your dog taking walks for a long, long time.

If you decide to give the supplements a try, then you must make sure that you get the kind that is best for both you and your dog. Make sure that you are taking a supplement that is made of green lipped mussel powder, and not from oil extracts. This will give you the most beneficial results, because this is the type of supplement that would come the closest to actually eating the raw mussels - and thus be the green lipped mussel supplement for dogs that will provide the greatest relief from joint problems and arthritis.

Compare Pet Insurance - Your German Shepherd May Be Depending on It

The German Shepherd was originally used to herd sheep. They are a good-natured dog and do well in a family atmosphere. They do need to be trained at an early age however since they do tend to be dominate.

Many of these dogs that are surrendered to Humane Societies are surrendered usually because of behavioural problems or health problems. Any dog will get sick but purebreds seem to be prone to certain diseases and the German Shepherd is no different.

German Shepherds are prone to a number of diseases, one of them being hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia is most common among larger breeds of dogs and is considered to be a genetic disease. It is the malformation of the hip joint where the ball or the head of the femur does not fit properly into the socket. It can cause moderate to severe pain and lameness in an affected dog. It can also cause arthritis of the joints. It can affect the left hip or the right hip or both.

Hip dysplasia can be apparent at birth or can be detected during the growing phase of the puppy or it may not be detected until the dog is much older.
Hip dysplasia is usually detected after a physical examination and then confirmed by x-rays of the hip joints.

There are different ways to treat hip dysplasia and treatment is going to be determined by the severity of the dysplasia, the dogs' age, the radiographic findings and how much an owner can afford. Having dog insurance may make your decision easier.

One way of treating hip dysplasia is by restricting your dogs' exercise and give them some sort of pain medication prescribed by your vet. Acupuncture can be used to help alleviate the pain but that would be an ongoing treatment.

There is also a surgical solution to hip dysplasia. Three types of surgery used are a total hip replacement, femoral head or a triple pelvic osteotomy. The cost varies from the least invasive surgery, the femoral head, which costs between $1000 to $2000 to the more invasive, triple pelvic osteotomy, which can cost between $2000 to $3500 and the last surgery which is a total hip replacement can cost between $4000 to $6000.

As you can see unexpected illnesses and diseases can cost quite a lot of money. You now have the option when purchasing a new puppy to purchase healthcare for them. There are different plans and many different companies that now offer pet insurance. Your best to research and compare pet insurance policies and find one that covers your pets needs and is affordable.

A Few Tips On How To Fix TMJ

Worldwide, there are millions of people who are affected by Temporomandibular Joint disorder or TMJ disorder. These people seek quick solutions to get rid of this ailment at the earliest possible chance as it can be a very painful one.

The dysfunction is usually caused by an inflammation of the connection of the mandible to the skull. TMJ is also caused by various other reasons. It is caused not only due to accidents or injuries but also due to various other factors like stress, extreme anger or grief, etc.

The major problem with TMJ is that it can change the quality of your life quite drastically, thereby causing you a great deal of discomfort. Some of the common symptoms of TMJ include uncontrollable movement of the tongue, grinding of teeth, involuntary movement of the jaw, unable to open the mouth fully, experiencing great difficulty in opening and closing the jaw, etc. It is important to get rid of these symptoms at the earliest; otherwise it can be very painful and stressful.

Finding the right cure is very important for getting rid of TMJ disorder quickly.If not, you will find it might lead to further complications like vertigo, dizziness, severe headache, difficulty in swallowing, etc. Similarly, it can lead to head, shoulder and neck problems. In fact there are a variety of treatments for getting rid of TMJ disorder. Here are a few tips to get rid of this problem.

  1. One of the options that you have to get rid of TMJ is to use OTC medicines. There is a wide range of pain relievers, muscle relaxants and anti inflammatory medicines that can help get rid of the TMJ disorder.

  2. Another option that you can try is to undertake physical therapy and exercise your jaw regularly. This will strengthen your jaw muscles sufficiently so that you can get rid of the TMJ disorder quickly. In fact there are many experts who suggest that you use hot and cold therapy so that you can find quick relief from pain.

  3. There are many people who prefer visiting a dentist to get quick relief from TMJ disorder. Based on your existing condition, the dentist may use a bite plate so that your lower and upper jaw is aligned properly. At the same time this will also help in getting rid of grinding or clenching of your teeth.

With a little bit of patience you can get rid of TMJ disorder.

Muscle Joint Pain - Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies and Alternative Treatments

Joint pain may occur due to muscle fatigue and strains. Muscles are responsible for joints to move, the two bones of joint are extended and bend by the contraction and expansion of muscles. Due to any injury, over use, or infection muscles may get swollen or infected which causes pain in the joint.

Muscle sprains cause temporary joint pains in the weight bearing joints and it is a very common problem. Weight bearing joints of the body bear chunk of weight and muscles need extra energy and strength to keep them moving. This makes them prone to exhaustion and sprains which causes joint pain. Massages to the affected joints by anti-inflammatory Rumatone Gold oil can alleviate the situation. Sometimes swelling around the joint is noticed with pain during the movement. Covering the joint with towel soaked in hot water helps in promoting blood flow to the area which can relieve the aching muscle to reduce pain and inflammation.

In osteoarthritis cartilage damage allows the bones of the joint to rub each other which causes severe joint pain during the movement, this damage to the joint changes the joint configuration for worst and muscles attached to the joints get swollen and painful to further aggravate the pain. In rheumatoid arthritis the tissues of muscles are attacked by the immune system of the body which can make them painful, swollen and weak. Such muscles are unable to move the joints and cause pain. Use of herbs which are helpful in relieving pain and inflammation along with massages and exercises can alleviate the pain. Herbs like Ashwagandha, nettle leaf, devil's claw and boswellia have been used since ages for pain relief in joint and muscles due to arthritis.

Reasons for gout arthritis is deposition of urate crystals in the tissues, tendons, muscles and ligaments which later cause infection in the synovial fluid to promote problems in the mobility of the joints. Tissues of the muscles get weak and prone to infection after deposition of urate crystals which come with blood. Tendonitis is a disease related to tendons which makes tendons swell. These swelled tendons can exert extra pressure on the muscles to promote joint pain and inflammation. Weakening of muscles due to any other infection, disease or disorder not directly linked with joint can also promote joint pain. Weak muscles get exhausted with minimum physical activity and cause joint pain, such pains can subside by treating the bigger problem. Such problems are hyper and hypothyroidism, diabetes, bursitis, fibromyalgia etc.

Any injury or trauma which has damaged a part of musculoskeletal system like nerve damage or multiple fractures can also initiate pain in muscles or joint. With the initial symptoms of swollen joints it shall be treated and if general treatments like massages and pain killing herbs and ointment are not working medical opinion shall be taken. Light exercises like yoga, aerobics and exercises in water pool helps a lot in pain relief and reduction of inflammation. These also increase endurance of joints and muscles which augurs well for smooth and pain free movement. Strenuous exercises shall be avoided during inflammation.

Cellaplex Review - Is it the Right Pain Relief Product For You?

Did you know that millions of people who suffer from arthritis do not take any pain relief product at all? They simply manage their pain through a combination of home treatment options like warm or cold compress, warm baths, salves, or massage.

The problem is that some type of arthritis can cause extreme joint pain that can affect your mobility. Home remedies are also not enough to relieve extreme joint discomfort and pain.

In order not to lose your mobility and independence, it is important to consult your doctor so you will know the best pain relief product for you. Here are some of the most common pain relief products that you can use to alleviate debilitating arthritis pain:

Analgesics: The First Defense against Pain

Analgesics are the most widely recommended medications to alleviate pain. Analgesic drugs are inexpensive and that is why it one of the most popular pain relief product against pain symptoms.

For most cases of osteoarthritis, acetaminophen is highly recommended. Acetaminophen is a widely available analgesic, inexpensive, and can immediately numb joint pain.

However, there are joint pains that can not be treated with acetaminophen. In such cases, doctors usually prescribe stronger analgesic with opioid. These are regulated drugs and you can only get it with a prescription from your doctor.

Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

NSAIDs are also a common pain relief product to fight arthritis pain. Most anti-inflammatory drugs are highly regulated so you need to consult your doctor first before you take these medications.

NSAIDs combine the efficacy of analgesics but also suppress inflammations. Because some types of arthritis are characterized by inflamed joint tissues and cartilage intervention with NSAIDs are necessary.

Some patients however can develop allergies from NSAIDs. This type of medication can also cause stomach upset, diarrhea, and stomach allergies. You may be forced to take analgesic or alternative pain relief product if you can not tolerate NSAID.

Natural Pain Relief Supplements

Natural supplements normally contain active ingredients that are effective against pain and inflammation. Such supplements are especially designed for patients suffering from arthritis, degenerative joint disorder, or inflammatory disorder.

You still have to consult your doctor before you take natural supplements for pain. You have to know if the active ingredients of the supplement will interact with your drug medication.

Normally, natural supplements contain substances that have been proven effective against pain symptoms. For example, Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate, which which are common substances found in anti-arthritis supplements, are very effective against arthritis pain. They have anti inflammatory properties that could help reduce joint discomfort.

Bromelain is also a good substance that is very effective against pain. This is an enzyme with natural anti-inflammatory properties. It has been proven in several clinical trials that Bromelain can reduce swelling, fight inflammation, and alleviate extreme joint pain symptoms. Cetyl Myristoleate (CM8) lubricates joints, provides strong anti-inflammatory properties, and also supports your immune system.

There are lots of anti-pain products available for you but only one seems to have all the ingredients necessary to relieve pain and inflammation, rebuild damaged joints, and help restore normal joint function. The makers of Cellaplex have addressed the most common joint pain issues and have formulated a unique, clinically-proven product that is being widely recommended by Orthopaedic doctors and physicians to help aid in rehab and overall joint health. I have added Cellaplex to all of my patients' rehab programs and have seen very promising results to date.

To read further about Cellaplex please visit their website at

Friday, March 21, 2014

12 Questions To Ask Your TMJ Specialist About Splint Therapy

Who is a TMJ Specialist?

There is a whole list of professionals who perform various treatments for TMJ disorders based on their particular training and experience. The partial list of dentistry and medical practitioners who deal with TMJ issues includes:

General practice Physicians
Physical therapists
Biofeedback therapists
Oral surgeons
and more

These specialists can have very different approaches to treating TMJ dysfunction which can cause patients to becomes confused about which recommended therapy is right for them. A great deal of the confusion comes from within dentistry where a number of approaches are vying to be recognised as the correct therapy.

The funny thing is that in Dentistry TMJ Therapy is not a recognized specialty area. A dentist requires additional training beyond basic dental school training to successfully perform TMJ therapy otherwise he cannot ethically claim to be a TMJ specialist. Also, there is little in the way of a standard of care when it comes to TMJ and dentistry. Generally accepted guidelines for management of TMJ and diagnosis are still not available in dentistry.

Anyone with minimal symptoms such as a slight clicking and popping of the joint should not have splint therapy.

A person with an obvious TMJ problem will require the teeth, muscles and joint to work together with the least amount of trauma. Any treatment needs to be based on sound orthopedic principles as well as sound dental principles. The chosen therapy should treat the cause of the TMJ not the symptoms.

12 Questions to Ask Your TMJ Specialist about Splint Therapy

  1. What type of splint do you recommend for my particular condition and why?

  2. Will this splint reduce my pain,reposition my bite or both?

  3. What other options are there?

  4. What happens if pain increases while wearing the splint?

  5. What happens if over time my teeth no longer touch?

  6. Is there any evidence you can provide as proof that this splint will help me?

  7. When do I have to wear the splint, in the daytime or nighttime or both?

  8. How long will I have to wear the splint before there is a significant improvement?

  9. If this splint does not work what will be next?

  10. If follow-up treatments are required, how many will there be and what will be the cost of those visits?

  11. Is my insurance going to cover the cost of the splint and the follow-up treatments?

  12. Will I be required to sign a contract with you to begin treatment?

Keep the list of question readily available so you can give them to your TMJ specialist. A good doctor will have no problem with being asked these or any other questions you may have. If he does then he is not the specialist for you.

Arthritis Problems?

There are over 100 different types of arthritis. The two most commonly related to age are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The two types of arthritis, although the same family of disease, have different progression in the body.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease. This is a chronic condition causing the breakdown of the joints' cartilage. As the cartilage breaks down, the joints then rub bone on bone and can cause pain, restricted movement and stiffness.

Rheumatoid Arthritis on the other hand is an autoimmune disease. This commonly effects the smaller joints such as those of the wrist, feet, knees, ankles and hands. It can also cause pain from moderate to severe. The inflammation may in time effect internal organs as well. Increased loss of range of motion along with swelling, redness and stiffness.

Diagnosing these types of arthritis is in the hands of both you and your physician. When you go to the doctors office have a list of all of your medications, symptoms such as pain, swelling that causes asymmetry in the effected joints, fatigue and some redness.

The primary symptoms that indicate the possibility of one of these types of arthritis are:

  • swelling or fluid accumulation
  • tenderness or stiffness
  • warmth accompanied by redness around the joint
  • reduced range of motion
  • fever
  • fatigue

Osteoarthritis is the most common type. This will also cause limited motion, stiffness and joint pain. Usually it progresses to a necessary change in your daily activities due to that pain and stiffness. Osteoarthritis develops gradually. Effects are noticed later in the day after constant use. It does not effect other organs or have a systemic effect. Swelling, stiffness and warmth can also present themselves after lengthy inactivity. Spurs and enlargements of bones is also characteristic and osteoarthritis can appear along with rheumatoid arthritis.

An accurate diagnosing of these types of arthritis must be done by your physician. Your medical examination, your history and your account of symptoms along with progression are vitally important to your diagnosis.

There are many different types of arthritis and some diagnoses are difficult to ascertain. Blood tests and x-rays are usually used as part of an accurate diagnosis.

Getting diagnosed is the first part of the battle. Treatment then presents the second part of the battle.

Medications available for types of arthritis.

Medications fall into classes for both types of arthritis. These work to control symptoms, improve function and mobility and prevent joint damage. There are five basic categories of arthritis medication.

1. painkillers/analgesics

2. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDS

3. corticosteroids

4. disease-modifying anti-rheumatics DMARD

5. newer biologics.

It is important to learn about these medications and know your options for the types of arthritis you may have, either rheumatoid or osteoarthritis.

This class of medication has been in use for over three decades. They contain both a fever-reducing and painkilling formula. The risks and benefits of NSAIDS need to be considered, as they do have some severe side effects in some patients.

Analgesics are pain killing drugs that block the signals to the brain or misinterprets those signals. There are narcotic type and non-narcotic types of analgesics. Neither will cause the patient to become unconscious or producing anesthetic effects.

Steroids/corticosteroids are related to cortisol. The adrenal gland produces this hormone. While initially the use of steroids for arthritis was so impressive they considered it a cure. As time progressed and use expanded, many severe side effects became known. Steroids are still used either by injections or orally but only to decrease inflammation.

This anti-rheumatic class of drugs either restore or stimulate the immune system. The immune systems' job is to fight off disease and infection. These drugs were specifically designed for rheumatoid arthritis.

Disease-modifying drugs seem to decrease the inflammation associated with arthritis. It is however, not categorized as such. Instead of directly reducing pain, they modify the immune system, thus slowing the disease process.

As many people try to find alternative and thus more natural forms of treatment to complement the traditional types some get very little respect in the medical community. Before embarking on any remedies other than those prescribed by your physician, you should consult with them due to the fact that although "natural", they may interfere with the actions of your prescribed medications.

Both non-pharmacologic and drug pain relievers are available. Due to the fact that chronic pain is debilitating and will interfere with your normal daily activities it is necessary to find the correct way to manage that pain. Before trying anything new, please consult with your physician. Some patients have found that relaxation therapies may help reduce stress and thus relieve some of the discomfort caused by the types of arthritis. Although painkillers may help in the earlier stages of the both types of arthritis, it is no guarantee that it will help throughout the entire disease process.

Although surgical intervention sounds a bit extreme, it has proven to be very successful. Joint replacement surgery removes joints that are so severely affected that the patient has no other recourse. Before having your joint replacement consult with your health care team about what to expect. Following their advice will get you through the procedure and lead you to a much freer life. Post operatively your physical therapy will get you to the point where taking a hike in the woods is a pleasant experience and not one to be shunned.

There are great similarities between both types of arthritis, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Pain, swelling, redness, stiffness are evident in both. The symptoms will not go away without some type of treatment. As we age the wear and tear we have done to our bones just may rear it's ugly head. This is not as hopeless as it was decades ago when someone in your parents family became greatly debilitated by either type. Today with current medications and treatments such as joint replacement people can lead a healthy full life.

(c) Copyright The Baby Boomers Webplace 2010

Natural Treatment For Teeth Jaw Clenching

Natural treatment for teeth jaw clenching is out there! You may have just found out that you have a teeth clenching problem, or you may just be fed up with the ineffective treatments offered to you by doctors and dentists. I want to help you find the best method available to find relief.

Is it common?

Over one million people worldwide suffer from this condition. Many of them do not even know that they suffer from teeth clenching. Those suffering the most damage are those that grind their teeth during sleep.

Mouth Guards

Dentists and professionals will usually tell you to wear a mouth guard if you have a problem of clenching your teeth at night. Although mouth guards may protect your teeth from severe wear, mouth guards provide little to no protection for your jaw and the immense pressure that is common with bruxism.

Effects of nighttime teeth clenching

Nighttime teeth grinding can cause a whole host of problems including cracked teeth, migraines, neck pain, facial pain, teeth sensitivity, loose teeth, jaw pain, and TMJ. The constant grinding can also cause worn teeth enamel.

Natural methods

Teeth grinding and clenching can be treated effectively with many different natural methods. These include changes in diet, sleep environment, simple daily exercises, chiropractic care, stress relief, hypnosis, etc.

The best method in dealing with any medical issue is a multi-dimensional approach. Several changes in your life can bring about immense relief from teeth grinding and even eliminate the problem altogether.There is effective natural treatment for teeth jaw clenching available to you.

Medications Used in Joint Pain Relief

Joint pain is so excruciating that people who have experienced it even just once cringe at the thought of its recurrence. There are many ways to relieve joint pains. However, each joint pain relief is dependent on what causes the pain. Could it be brought about by arthritis, injury, or gout?

Whichever the cause is, one of the most common treatments to is drug treatment. However, you must bear in mind that if you are experiencing pains due osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, no drugs can actually cure you for good. The drugs only help to reduce the joint pain and improve your mobility. It restricts your functional impairment and it enables you to go on with your routine as normally as possible. But, this does not mean your arthritis is gone forever.

Here are some of the most common drugs used to relieve joint pains:

o NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) - These are drugs that give fast relief to pain. They are generally considered safe. Some of these are aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and piroxicam.

o COX 2 inhibitors -- COX-2 inhibitors are NSAIDs that selectively block the COX-2 enzyme. When COX 2 enzyme is blocked, the production of chemical messengers (called prostaglandins) is prevented. This prevention relieves the pain and the swelling of the arthritis. COX-2 inhibitors are a relatively newer type of anti-inflammatory drugs and they are growing in popularity.

o Steroids -- Steroids may be occasionally required as a joint pain relief. This may be given orally in low doses or injected into the painful joint. Steroids are given for rapid pain relief, inflammation, and swelling around the affected areas. They are prescribed by doctors and should be taken only under close supervision. Abuse of these substances may cause more alarming problems in the future.

o Gout Medications -- Some joint pains may be caused by a chronic ailment called gout. It is a painful inflammation of the joints in the hands and feet especially in the great toe due to the excess of uric acid in the body. If your joint pain is caused by this condition, gout medications may be used to alleviate the pain. Probenecid, for instance, is a traditional choice when it comes to promoting uric acid excretion. However, this medication is not advised to patients with a kidney problem because it predisposes a him or her to kidney stones. Another medication for gout is Allopurinol. This one works by reducing the production of uric acid.

o Dietary Supplements -- Although they do not really fall under the category of medication since they do not have approved therapeutic claims, a lot of people take them to manage certain painful joint conditions. For example, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are taken by osteoarthritis patients. These supplements are said to replenish depleted connective tissues that cushion the bones. Other supplements that work the same way are niacinamide and S-adenosylmethionine. Ginger and turmeric are also known herbs to act as effectively as the supplements mentioned. They are highky recommended for joint pain relief.

Joint Advance - The Side Effects

One major hesitation that consumers have when trying out herbal supplements or any new product is the possible side effects that it has. Joint Advance is no exception to the rule. Even though it contains very helpful and effective ingredients, those same ingredients can induce possible side effects in patients. Below is a list of the key ingredients and the possible side effects that it can cause.


This ingredient is primarily made from shellfish, like lobsters, crabs or shrimps. Obviously, people who have allergic reactions to seafood could possibly get the same when they take products with this ingredient. It's best to consult your physician first and find out whether it's okay to take it.

Vitamin C

Of course, there are no extreme effects when taking in Vitamin C. However, it has been noted that over dosage can cause mild diarrhea. Apart from that, no other side effects are known.

White Willow Bark

This is also considered to be a pretty safe ingredient. However, nursing women as well as children under 16 years old should avoid taking in supplements that contain this element.

Most of the other ingredients in Joint Advance, like MSM and Chondroitin are considered to have no known side effect. It is only natural to question the legitimacy of a product and its effects before purchasing them.

It is always advisable to consult your physician first about your condition so that you can know the proper medications or supplements to take. Ask about any recommended product or supplement that can effectively relieve your joint problems.

Joint Advance is only one product, out of the many health supplements available in the market today. Be sure to do your research first and look for the perfect one for you.

Avascular Necrosis - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Avascular necrosis is the term used for the death of bone tissue due to a lack of blood supply, leading to fragmentation of the bone and eventual collapse. The head of the hip bone is most commonly affected due to this condition, but other bones may be affected as well. The most common symptom is pain in the local area, which is aggravated by movement. Trauma, long term use of steroids, excessive alcohol intake, and chronic diseases like blood disorders and auto immune disorders are the causes for this condition. This disease is progressive and may require life long management.

The Ayurvedic treatment of avascular necrosis is aimed at treating the pain, increasing the blood supply to the affected bone and preventing bone destruction. Medicines like Yograj-Guggulu, Triphala-Guggulu, Maha-Rasnadi-Guggulu, Maha-Vat-Vidhvans-Ras, Vat-Gajankush-Ras, Maha-Rasnadi-Qadha, Dashmoolarishta, Nirgundi (Vitex negundo), Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata), Tagar (Valeriana wallichii), Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Shallaki (Boswelia serrata) and Khurasani ova (Hyoscyamus niger) are used to reduce pain and stiffness in the affected bone and joint. Medicines like Tapyadi-Loh, Ekang-Veer-Ras, Kaishor-Guggulu, Trayodashang-Guggulu, Maha-Manjishthadi-Qadha, Saarivadi-Churna, Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Patol (Tricosanthe dioica), Patha (Cissampelos pareira), Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Kutki (Picrorrhiza kurroa), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) and Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) are used to increase blood supply to the affected bone. Medicines like Laxadi-Guggulu, Praval-Panchamrut-Ras, Shankh-Bhasma, Shrung-Bhasma, Laxa (Purified wax) and Asthishrunkhala (Cissus quadrangularis) are used to strengthen the bone and prevent collapse of the bone and joint.

Local application can be done on the affected area using medicated oils like Mahanarayan oil, Mahamash oil, Chandan-Bala-Laxadi oil and Vishgarbha oil. This is followed by a localized steam fomentation using medicines like Dashmool-Qadha and Nirgundi-Qadha. Repeated courses of a medicated enema known as 'Tikta-Ksheer Basti' are given to prevent damage to the affected bone. This enema is prepared by boiling milk with medicines like Guduchi, Patol, Nimba, Indrayav and Chirayta (Swertia chirata).

If left untreated, avascular necrosis can lead to severe pain and loss of movement within 2 to 5 years. Early diagnosis and prompt initiation of treatment are therefore very important. Ayurvedic treatment can help to reduce pain and speed up the recovery process in this condition. All people affected with this condition should be under the regular care and supervision of an Orthopedic Surgeon.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Treating SI Joint Dysfunction in Children

Children with sharp, one-sided lower back pain that travels down the buttocks may be suffering from sacroiliac (SI) joint dysfunction. The condition is often caused by rigorous sports play in youth and is far more common in girls, given the general looseness of the developing female pelvic girdle.

The SI joints attach the large hip bones to the spine on each side. They typically allow for very little movement; SI joint dysfunction occurs when too much or too little movement is allowed. The repeated stresses of activities like dance or track and field, or impact injuries from sports like football or softball, can cause the joint to be either dislodged or locked in place.

SI joint dysfunction can be identified either by injecting a numbing agent into the joint to see if it stops the pain or by an assessment in which the child performs certain movements and indicates pain to an observing professional trained to identify SI joint dysfunction through movement patterns. This condition is increasingly thought to be a prevalent and overlooked cause of back pain in adults. It may also be prevalent among young people, whose bodies are still developing.

It may be frightening to imagine a child with a misaligned joint, but SI joint dysfunction may be very easily and safely treated among youth. One study sought to test the effectiveness of muscle energy technique in the realignment of the SI joint. Put simply, muscle energy technique involves the patient using his or her muscles to push against a counterforce. In the study, youth diagnosed with SI joint dysfunction did hip extension and flexion exercises while a physical therapist provided resistance. From a supine position, each patient first attempted to straighten their affected side's leg as the therapist resisted; this engaged the gluteus maximum muscle in the buttocks and pulled back on the pelvis. If this didn't realign the joint, the patients would attempt to re-bend the leg as the therapist resisted; this engaged the iliopsoas in the front of the hip and pulled the pelvis forward.

By using simple muscle engagement to change the position of the pelvis, 80% of the study's participants experienced significant relief of painful symptoms. 53% had complete, immediate resolution of pain. Average pain scale scores dropped nearly 4 points (within a 10-point scale) post-treatment. Of the 20% (9 patients) who did not experience relief, 2 had a spinal condition and 3 had histories of spinal surgeries. The full study can be viewed at

Many of the youth in this study had been in pain for years. It is important to be aware of simple, natural treatments for pain like the muscle energy technique, which can get kids back into the activities they love without the concerns of pain medication or surgery.

Treating sacroiliac joint dysfunction in children and young adults may be as simple as a trip to the physical therapist. Help your children grow up healthy by being aware of different back pain conditions affecting youth.

Managing Arthritis In Beagles

As Beagles grow older, it is undeniably true that the health deteriorates too. Whether they are well-taken cared of or not, there is always a risk of developing diseases as dogs age. But sometimes, disease that usually affects older dogs can also be seen in young ones. One of these diseases is the canine arthritis.

Just like any other organs and systems in the body, the skeletal system plays an important role in promoting normal health condition among dogs. It is composed of bones, cartilage and ligaments. These organs are responsible in providing the body with framework, protecting the internal organs and in providing a full range of motion. When one of these bones or joints is damaged, the dog's normal activity will surely be affected.

Canine arthritis occurs when there is an inflammation in the joints of a dog. Dogs of all sizes, breeds and ages can develop arthritis though older dogs are more prone to this disease. Canine arthritis is categorized into two; degenerative joint disease and inflammatory joint disease.

Degenerative joint disease, also called osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage that protects the bones that make up the joint is damaged. Cartilage is damaged when there is a normal stress on abnormal joints or abnormal stress on normal joints. Degenerative joint disease is further subdivided into two; primary and secondary. Primary degenerative disease has no known cause. On the other hand, secondary disease can be the result of hip dysplasia, patella luxation (loose kneecap), osteochondritis dissecans, trauma and ruptured cruciate (knee) ligaments.

Another type of canine arthritis is inflammatory joint disease. Inflammatory joint disease can be caused either by infection or immune-mediated diseases. This type of arthritis usually affects multiple joints and is accompanied by fever, anorexia and all-over stiffness. Inflammatory joint disease is further subdivided into two; infectious and immune-mediated diseases. Infectious disease can be caused by bacteria while immune-mediated disease is caused by weakness in the immune system. This type of arthritis can also be hereditary.

Signs of arthritis in Beagles include reluctance to walk, climb stairs, jump or play. Gradual limping and swelling around a joint can also be seen. Your dog will also exhibit tenderness when flexing a joint and may hold its breath or stop panting when an affected joint is used. Decrease in appetite is also present in canine arthritis.

Severe arthritis can be treated usually through surgery. But there are some cases when surgery is not needed anymore. Non-surgical treatment of arthritis includes painkillers, exercise, rest and diet. Dog owners should carefully read the product label of dog foods to check its content. But the amount of food and frequency of feeding should be regulated as well to prevent obesity. Exercise is another step to prevent obesity in dogs. But Beagles with arthritis should only have limited and gentle exercise. They should also be restricted from doing strenuous activities.

Back Pain - Rib Out of Alignment

Back rib pain can be one of the most uncomfortable issues. Maybe I should say that you'd be lucky if your pain were only uncomfortable, a rib out can really hurt. It can be in the middle of your back, or it can be in the ribcage in front. It's not the spine, the pain is no where near it. Maybe it's a cough pain that really hurts when you sneeze. And, what is this deep breath pain about?

Whatever it is, you want to know what it is and how to deal with it.

Most likely, it's a rib subluxation -- a rib out of alignment.

A rib out of alignment is actually a fairly common occurrence. It's just that they usually go back into place on their own without you ever knowing that anything ever happened. Having a rib out that doesn't go back causes the muscles to tense up giving you your brand new back pain in the rib.

The ribs have joints where they connect with the sternum in front, and with the vertebra in back. They can shift up or down, though they have a usual pattern. It's when they get stuck that you have a rib misalignment that ends up causing pain.

You have a couple of options. One is that you can go to a chiropractor and have it put back into place. One issue people have with this is the cost involved. Another issue can be the pain a forceful adjustment can cause.

That pain can be avoided in most cases if you can find an activator chiropractor. An activator is a tool that knocks the joint back into place, usually painlessly. But, that still costs money.

Another option is that you could live with it until the muscles finally relax and the rib goes back into place naturally.

A massage therapist can sometimes get the muscles to relax enough that a gentle push will move the rib back. This isn't hard, but they would have to know how to do it. Or, if they help it relax enough it might go back on its own like it might usually do, but then there's that money issue again.

A final option is to put it back yourself. This really isn't that hard to do, but it does take knowledge. You can figure it out for yourself, others have. The best thing about that is that you can always avoid the cost of an adjustment. And, the method of putting it back yourself is very gentle and doesn't involve a crack at all.

So, if you have a rib out of alignment, let's see what can be done about that cough pain!

How to Get Rid of Shoulder Joint Pain

Having problems with your shoulder? Our The shoulder is the most active and movable joint in our the body. It's very flexible that it allows one to hit backhand swing or stretch or lift heavy objects. Our Shoulders also help with our hand positioning such as using the mouse on your computer.

However the shoulders' flexibility can cause injury - and a variety of painful problems, painful enough to distract you from your work. Experiencing this pain is very hard to bear and needs medical attention.

Shoulder joint pains are common especially to those participating in activities that involve reaching or throwing. the The complex arrangement of the bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments can be injured by an accident or overuse. The pain is usually in the front or outside the shoulder. It gets worse when you lift or raise something above your head. Shoulder joint pain can be excruciating that even at night it can wake you up. There are different ways to prevent shoulder pains, getting rid of these symptoms may take a lot of time and effort.

Treatments can help ease the pain of the joints and help restore your shoulder to normal functions. Relieving the pain includes active rest, aerobic exercises with the correct procedure. This can reduce soreness. Shoulder problems can also be treated by pain medication and over- the- counter prescription may help with the symptoms. Smokers should quit smoking for more oxygen to reach the injured shoulder. Physical therapy is also one of the ways to get rid of shoulder joint pains, which include activities to restore your shoulder's mobility and to reduced pain. A physical therapist should be part of this treatment and be involved in all phases of the shoulder rehabilitation.

Sometimes an injury that lasts a long time and has been taken for granted will cause the tendons to tear., these These are the types of injury that would no longer be fixed by physical therapy and may need surgery. Getting rid of these pains would take tons of training for the shoulder joints to be bring them back to its their original flexibility., the The training should be right or else it would compromise your goal.

One of the basic training trainings to effectively remove shoulder pains is includes a healthy diet , and daily exercises that would increase the shoulders ability to resist strain. Once you feel a slight pain with the training that your going through, stop immediately and relax you shoulders and make sure that you're doing the correct movement, because one of the reasons that your shoulders strain are is because of wrong movements. For example you can do stretching for the muscles and tendons that surround the joint can help with some causes of shoulder pain. Range-motion-exercise is recommended. Additional tips are to watch your posture, limit overhead reaches, and avoid repetitive motion.

Though shoulder joint pains are common in most ages, it can still be prevented. Just a careful watch of your lifestyle and the amount of work that you do everyday can limit or prevent the shoulder muscle to overuse. Treating shoulder pains may have number of options but your physician will counsel you on the best solution for your shoulder problems.

A Pain in the Neck - Literally!

One morning, you wake-up with a burning or tingling sensation in your neck. Perhaps it feels stiff or tender and you just can't figure out why! Did you sleep "funny" or catch a draft on your neck? Maybe it was when your car was rear-ended or when you twisted the wrong way at the gym. Whatever is causing your neck pain, all you know is... it hurts and you want it to go away, before it gets worse!

Neck pain - also referred to as cervical pain, can strike anywhere from the bottom of your head to the top of your shoulders. It can quickly spread to your upper back or arms, limiting head and neck movement. You may experience crippling headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, depression and fatigue - which can last for days, weeks, months or years, especially if left untreated. Long-term pain has the potential to limit daily activities and reduce your quality of life. The possibility for neck pain and injury are constant, therefore, a little anatomy is needed.

Your neck is amazing! It begins at the base of the skull, and contains 7 small bones or vertebrae. Between each vertebrae are intervertebral discs (tough shock-absorbing pads). In addition, the neck has joints, muscles and ligaments that allow movement and provide stability. It carries the weight of your head... 8 - 12 pounds and has the ability to nod up and down (90簞 of forward and backward motion) and turn right and left (180簞 of side to side motion, and almost 120簞 of tilt to each shoulder). The nerves in your neck help the brain communicate with your shoulders, arms and chest. The arteries and veins circulate blood between the brain and the heart. With so much freedom of movement, comes the risk for pain and injury!

Finding this cause, begins with a thorough health history, understanding of the patient's symptoms, along with a structural and muscular examination. Physical Therapists and Chiropractors may work together to perform a manual exam, palpate the spine and conduct specialized testing to analyze posture, range-of-motion, muscle strength and nerve function. Other diagnostic tests may include laboratory blood studies to determine if there is an underlying disorder, x-rays, CAT scan, MRI, electromyography and nerve conduction studies.

It is important to understand that neck pain symptoms can signify different things! For instance, the same symptom could indicate an inflammatory concern, nerve entrapment issue, disc or muscular problem - that is why finding the exact cause is so vital!

Most neck pain can be caused by activities that result in repeated or prolonged movements to the neck's muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones or joints. This can result in a strain (overstretched or overused muscles), sprain (injury to a ligament), a spasm of the neck muscles or inflammation of the neck joints. Poor Posture (improper position when sitting, reading, sleeping or working at a computer), Injury (auto, sports or slip and fall), Improper Bending and Lifting Techniques, Inadequate Muscle Strength, Shortened Muscles, Strained Muscles or Ligaments, Scoliosis, Osteoarthritis, Being Overweight, Facet Joint Syndrome, Pinched Nerve, Cervical Spinal Stenosis, Bulging or Herniated Disc or Segmental Instability (excess movement between two vertebrae, causing pinching or irritation of the nerve roots) are factors to be explored and analyzed. The stress and emotional tension of having neck pain can lead to more neck pain... muscles become tight and contract. Choices have to be made, decisions regarding surgery, medication and alternative therapy must be considered.

Neck pain sufferers may not realize how some of their activities and lifestyle choices have directly or indirectly caused their neck pain. Perhaps they fell asleep on a chair or couch while watching television or maybe they have a tendency to sleep on their stomach. Other people might not realize that the weight of their pocketbook or holding their cell phone jammed between their ear and shoulder has caused their neck pain. Finally, many individuals find themselves sitting at the computer for many hours with poor posture. This poor posture continues as they travel home - either by car, bus or train.

After finding the cause, the proper treatment can be instituted to achieve neck pain relief. Treatment may include medication management, as well as injections of ligaments, muscles, bursae, joints and specialized injections such as epidural injections or facet joint block injection. Physical Therapy, Chiropractic or Acupuncture may be an integral part of the neck pain treatment program.

Neck pain relief is a major reason people treat with chiropractic physicians. They find that pain is relieved, muscle tightness is reduced and healing begins by manually applying a controlled force to joints that have become restricted by muscle injury, strain, inflammation and/or pain. In addition, spinal decompression - traction that may help relieve neck pain, may be considered. Spinal decompression works by gently stretching the spine - taking pressure off spinal discs (gel-like cushions between the bones in your spine). Additionally, spinal decompression is successful in treating back pain, bulging or herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, posterior facet syndrome (worn spinal joints) and radiculopathy (injured or diseased spinal nerve roots). This revolutionary treatment method, which may be covered by health insurance - has resulted in canceling surgeries and allowing people to live life to the fullest. Many neck pain sufferers experience substantial, immediate relief of their symptoms after their first treatment.

There are several forms of physical therapy utilized for neck pain relief. For acute pain, the physical therapist may focus on decreasing pain with passive physical therapy (modalities). They are considered passive therapies because they are done to the patient, rather than the patient rehabilitating with exercise. Examples of modalities include: Ice (makes blood vessels constrict which decreases the blood flow - helping to control inflammation, muscle spasm and pain), Heat (makes blood vessels dilate, which increases the blood flow - helping flush away chemicals that cause pain, as well as bringing in healing nutrients and oxygen.), Ultrasound (uses high-frequency sound waves to reach sore muscles and other tissues that are over two inches below the surface of your skin, which help flush the sore area and bring in a new supply of blood that is rich in nutrients and oxygen.) Electrical Stimulation (can ease pain by sending impulses to the brain that are felt instead of pain.), Soft Tissue Massage (reduces pain and spasm by helping muscles relax - by bringing in a fresh supply of oxygen and nutrient-rich blood and by flushing the area of chemical irritants that come from inflammation.), Joint Mobilization (changing pressure and movements to the joints to help lubricate joint surfaces to ease stiffness and reduce pain.) and Traction (sore joints and muscles often feel better when traction is used.).

In addition to passive therapies, active physical therapy (exercise) is also necessary to rehabilitate the spine. Generally, a patient's exercise program will encompass a combination of stretching exercises, strengthening exercises and low impact aerobics. Strength and flexibility must be built up gradually - on a gradient level. Doing too much too soon often causes muscle strain. Physical therapists use functional training to help patients with daily activities. This will include a healthy posture program to keep the spine in safe alignment, reducing strain on the joints and soft tissues around the spine.

Other neck pain relief recommendations include staying hydrated. Drink plenty of water to help flush away acidic waste products from the muscles. High levels of acidic waste products in the muscles can cause muscle irritation and pain. Poor dietary choices can lead to chronic inflammation - increasing pain sensitivity. Daily supplementation of Vitamin D can help alleviate a deficiency and pain, according to recent studies.

If this describes you, a family member or friend... you can get better. After a few short weeks of correct care, you can begin to get on with the rest of your life, as you rid yourself of neck pain.

Congenital Hip Dislocation - Symptoms and How It Is Treated

Congenital hip dislocation symptoms are not be easily seen in a newborn child. However, a pediatrician will typically check for the presence of this disorder using a simple procedure that involves pushing the infant's legs apart.

Congenital hip dislocation is a disorder in which the hip bone (head of the femur) does not fit properly into its socket or is partially or completely outside of its socket. The condition is present at birth and is more common in girls.

This article shares how this condition is diagnosed in both infants and older children and explains how the dislocation is treated.

Congenital Hip Dislocation Symptoms and Causes

Due to the fact that symptoms are not easily noticed in a newborn, most infants are routinely checked for congenital hip dislocation by their obstetrician or pediatrician. If the test is positive, the medical doctor will hear a clicking sound when flexing and spreading the infant's legs apart.

In older infants or toddlers, one leg may appear shorter than the other or the toddler may walk with a limp, on his or her tip-toes, or with a waddling gait.

The cause of congenital hip dislocation is not fully understood. There may be a link to a hormonal imbalance in the mother during pregnancy or injury during the birth process which may be due in part to the position of the fetus (i.e. breech position).

Congenital Hip Dislocation Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis is typically made by an obstetrician or pediatrician who may identify the problem during a routine examination. During a routine physical examination, the doctor will flex and spread the infant's legs, if a clicking sound is heard, the condition may be present.

For toddlers or older children, the doctor will monitor the child's gait to detect a limp or other unusual walking characteristics such as walking on his or her toes, or waddling like a duck. Other signs of this condition in toddlers and older children may include the appearance that one leg is shorter than the other, skin folds in the thighs that appear uneven and less flexibility on the side affected by the dislocation.

In older infants and children, the diagnosis may be confirmed by additional tests such as ultrasound and/or x-rays of the hip.

Congenital hip dislocation is usually correctable if discovered early and treatment will depend on the age of the child. In newborns and young infants, a soft device called a Pavlik harness can be used to maintain proper positioning of the hip bone in its socket. This allows the hip to develop normally.

For older infants and toddlers a procedure called closed reduction may be performed in which the hip bone is pushed back into the socket. This procedure may be performed under anesthesia. If this procedure fails, open surgery may be recommended.

Treatment typically involves immobilizing the hip joint until it heals. Immobilization can involve using a splint, brace or cast, which may need to be worn for many months. If a cast is needed for a very young child, the child may experience a delay before walking.

Mild cases may be immobilized by placing 2 or 3 layers of diapers on the infant at one time.

Early and proper treatment will often lead to normal hip joint function and should not hinder the child from leading an active lifestyle. However, one leg may remain short.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Can Your Own Stem Cells Regenerate Cartilage?

Lay media attention on stem cell (SC) therapy has generally focused on two areas:

1. The promise of embryonic SC
2. The proliferation of charlatans preying on the dreams and fears of helpless patients.

While embryonic SC, in theory, appear to potentially be the best option for tissue regeneration, the hype has exceeded the hope. Because of political and ethical concerns, research efforts using these cells has been disappointing.

At the same time, news articles and television commentaries have also dealt with controversial areas of SC therapy. An inordinate amount of time has been devoted to exposing the seamy side... individuals involved in obvious hucksterism, the possible abuse of SC therapy by practitioners, as well as the implication that all SC research conducted outside academic centers is suspect.

As a result, there has been neglect regarding of some fascinating and promising work, particularly in arthritis treatment.

One of the more intriguing studies was recently published by Korean investigators (Pak J. Regeneration of human bones in hip osteonecrosis and human cartilage in knee osteoarthritis with autologous adipose-derived stem cells: a case series. J Med Case Reports. 2011; 7: 296)

The Korean physicians treated four patients. Two (a 29 year old woman and a 47 year old man) had osteonecrosis of the hip. Two other patients (a 70 year old woman and a 79 year old man) had osteoarthritis of the knee. They were all given a mixture of autologous stem cells (the patient's own stem cells) derived from fat along with platelet rich plasma, hyaluronic acid, nanogram amounts of dexamethasone, and calcium chloride.

Pre and post treatment MRI scans were obtained in all subjects. In the case of patients with osteonecrosis, new bone formation was noted. In the patients with osteoarthritis, new cartilage formation was seen.

Along with the MRI findings, both subjective pain measures and functional outcomes improved.

I found these findings to be extremely interesting for a number of reasons.

First, the mixture used in the Korean report is similar to the one that we use at our center, with one exception. The exception is this: In addition to the SC, we also use bone marrow derived stem cells.

And, while our center has had excellent results with knee osteoarthritis (more than 90 per cent success), our experience with both hip osteoarthritis as well as hip osteonecrosis has been disappointing.

Why the difference between hip and knee? I suspect it's because the mechanical forces are different. The anatomy of the hip joint allows extreme rotation as opposed to the knee joint which is primarily a hinge joint with some rotation and some gliding. Activity level and body weight may also be contributing factors.

Nonetheless, this report from Korea underscores what we believe to be true... the use of autologous stem cells, also known as repair stem cells, will prove to be a fruitful area of progress in osteoarthritis research for years to come.

Should You Worry About a Clicking Jaw?

Clicking jaw is a medical term for the clicking sound that is heard when the jaw is opened. You need not bother about an occasional click of the jaw as it is only to be expected in a highly flexible jaw joint structure. What should be a cause for concern and is discussed in this article is the issue that you may have with a clicking jaw joint that lets off a clicking sound almost every time you open your mouth. This problem requires urgent attention if there is a momentary pain accompanying the clicking sound.

A clicking jaw is not only a health concern but it is also annoying as the click is heard loudly by us because of the proximity of the joint to our ears. The jaw joint is highly susceptible to wear as it is one of the most utilized joints in our body. The joint is basically a hinge structure controlled by the muscular system. What this means is that a clicking jaw is a problem caused by the muscles supplying unequal forces to the joint while opening and closing the jaw. This disrupts the harmonious working of the joints and increases the wear in them.

One set of muscles does not move while the other is moving and you immediately hear a distinct click form your jaw. A clicking jaw might be the indication of some other health concerns if it is accompanied by other symptoms. Common symptoms to look out for are a headache, neck pain and a general feeling of stiffness in using the mouth to perform routine actions. One other reason why you may have a clicking jaw issue is because of your habit of grinding or clenching your teeth too often. A dentist might be able to give you an early warning by observing or looking for signs of excessive wear in your teeth.

Some of the ways by which you can reduce the intensity of the clicking jaw problem is by reducing the strain on your jaw muscles. For example you may avoid foods that are hard to chew or require greater effort to bite into. Another habit you can try to introduce is to give your jaw absolute rest for at least an hour a day. Perhaps you could watch your favorite movie, read or listen to music, all you have to do is avoid talking and eating during this time. Your jaw will get the rest that it requires.

Which Fruit and Vegetable Juices Relieve Arthritis Pain?

Arthritis is a growing disease in this country (over 41 million Americans are afflicted), and many rely on drugs and surgery as a cure. The disease, arthritis, covers actually over 100 rheumatic diseases (inflation of the joints). The two most common forms are osteoarthritis (cartilage deterioration of the hand and foot), and rheumatoid arthritis (the auto-immune system breaks down causing inflammation of the joints).

Arthritis differs from other diseases in that it is not always chronic; it could flare up some days and remain subdued on others. Flare-ups are generally related to weather conditions, such as barometric pressure and cold temperatures.

If you suffer from arthritis, it is generally recommended that you avoid the following: "nightshade" vegetables (vegetables that grow at night, not during the day), such as potatoes, eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes; tobacco; coffee; caffeinated tea; salt; artificial colors; and preservatives.

Conventional medical theory says there is no cure for arthritis; only treatments to reduce the pain and inflammation (such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and a supplement called glucosamine). These provide short-term relief, but create long-term problems such as deterioration of the liver and stomach.

There are surgical procedures available including joint replacement. But these should represent the last resort. Any surgical procedure is a high risk approach, which could result is less than optimal outcomes.

Of growing interest amongst homeopathic doctors is the consumption of juices from certain fruits and vegetables. (See "Natural Physicians Healing Therapies" by Mark Stengler). Juices which contain phytonutrients help the body to regenerate cells, especially around joints. Vitamin C is also helpful, since it contains an antioxidant, which aids in the reduction of inflammation and swelling of the joints.

A List of Fruits and Vegetables

The following is a partial list of fruits and vegetables that could alleviate the symptoms of arthritis.

• Black Cherry Juice: 2 glasses daily.
• Vegetables containing anti-inflammatory nutrients: parsley; broccoli; carrots; apples; pineapple; ginger. Try mixing these together for maximum benefit.
• Fish Oil: at least 3 grams daily (consult a physician) for at least 12 weeks.

A daily diet of juices (fruit and vegetable) will help prevent arthritis. As the saying goes: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

An excellent juicer is the Sharper Image Super Juicer. It is easy to use, easy to clean, high quality (700 watt motor), and very efficient juice extraction. This juicer is priced under $100, and is an excellent choice towards living a healthy life through juicing.

Understanding Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

Weakness, dysfunction, and irregular formation of the hip joints, also known as Dysplacia is a growing concern amongst virtually every breed of dog. Particularly in larger breeds, weak and displaced hip joints are common. Hip Dysplasia is a congenital, or inherited condition that is usually impossible to detect it younger dogs. While more common in males than females, certain breeds tend to have a higher risk. German shepherds and retrievers will have a much higher risk for developing this condition.

The symptoms while difficult to detect in younger pups, will begin showing signs at about the one-year mark. Some of the symptoms will include difficulty getting up from a laying position, trouble climbing stairs, inability to stand straight to prolonged periods, and difficulty walking straight. Some dogs with this condition are able to overcome naturally when the leg muscles and tendons start to increase in strength and their ability to hold the hip joint in place.

Since this is a congenital condition, dogs affected by weak joints are normally not fit for breeding. Though it is still likely that they can live full and healthy lives whilst overcoming this disability. Golden Retrievers in particular will experience this condition, especially later in life. Some will not even begin to show signs and till about four to five years old. Because the ball and socket joint do not fit together properly, the resulting friction can eventually cause pain and severe arthritis.

A common result will be to develop arthritis and severe inflammation of the hip joint in their older years. Veterinarians can prescribe certain medications as to reduce the pain and swelling and add to your dogs quality of life. Options for surgery are also available, but should only be considered for extremely serious cases. For many breeds, particularly the larger breeds the signs that they are in pain will not be obvious. Your only clue will be to observe and notice how they move and how easily they are able to make simple motions such as standing up from a laying position.

There are some circumstances, such as rapid and irregular growth which can contribute to the severity of Displacya. Keeping control of their weight and general fitness is essential to combat the debilitating effects of this condition. Frequent veterinary checkups and consultation will be required. With proper checkups, medication, and therapy, your dog can live a long and fulfilling life.

Gallstones Cause Disorders of the Joints

Our body contains three types of joints: fibrous or fixed joints,cartilaginous or slightly movable joints, and synovial or freely movable joints. The most susceptible to disease are the joints of the hands, feet, knees, shoulders, elbows, and hips. Rheumatoid arthritis,osteoarthritis, and gout are among the most commonly found joint disorders.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Most people stricken with rheumatoid arthritis have a long history of intestinal complaints: bloating, flatulence, heartburn, belching, constipation, diarrhea, coldness and swelling of hands and feet, increased perspiration, general fatigue, loss of appetite, weight reduction, and more. It is reasonable, therefore, to conclude that rheumatoid arthritis is linked with any of these, or similar, symptoms of major intestinal and metabolic disturbances. I have personally experienced all the symptoms mentioned above when I suffered painful bouts of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis during my childhood years.

The gastro-intestinal (GI) tract is constantly exposed to a large number of viruses, bacteria, and parasites. In addition to the many antigens(foreign material) contained in foods, the digestive system may also have to deal with insecticides, pesticides, hormones, antibiotic residues, preservatives, and colorings contained in so many foodstuffs today, as well as some large-molecule drugs such as penicillin. Possible antigens include pollen from flowers, plants, plant antibodies, fungi, bacteria, and the like. It is the task of the immune system, most of which is located in the intestinal wall,to protect us against all these potentially harmful invaders and substances. To be able to accomplish this task every day, both the digestive and lymphatic systems must remain unobstructed and efficient. Gallstones in the liver seriously disturb the digestive process, which leads to an overload of toxic substances in the blood and lymph.


Doctors consider arthritis an autoimmune diseaseaffecting the synovial membrane. Autoimmunity, a condition in which the immune system develops immunity to its own cells, results when antigen/antibody complexes (rheumatoid factors) are formed in the blood. Naturally, the B-lymphocytes (immune cells) in the intestinal wall become stimulated and produce antibodies (immunoglobulins) when coming into contact with these antigens. The immune cells circulate in the blood, and some settle in the lymph nodes, spleen, mucus membranes of the salivary glands, lymphatic system of the bronchial tubes, vagina or uterus, milk-producing mammary glands of the breasts, and capsular tissues of the joints.

If there is repeated exposure to the same types of toxic antigens, antibody production will increase dramatically, particularly in areas where immune cells have settled because of a previous encounter with the invaders. These harmful antigens may consist of protein particles from putrefying animal foods, for example. In such a case, intense microbial activity can occur. The new encounter with the antigens raises the level of antigen/antibody complexes in the blood and upsets the fine balance that exists between the immune reaction and its suppression. Autoimmune diseases, which indicate an extremely high level of toxicity in the body, directly result from a disturbance of this balance. If antibody production is continually high in synovial joints, inflammation becomes chronic, leading to gradually increasing deformity, pain, and loss of function.

The overuse of the immune system leads to self-destruction in the body. If this form of self-destruction occurs in nerve tissue, it is called MS, and if it occurs in organ tissue, it is called cancer. Yet, seen from a deeper perspective, the self-destruction is but a final attempt at self-preservation. The body only 'attacks' itself if the toxicity has increased to such a degree that it could cause more damage than an autoimmune response would. It certainly has no intention of committing suicide, which is what the meaning of 'autoimmune disease' suggests. When the body's cell membranes are clogged with foreign, harmful chemicals and toxic particles like trans fatty acids(as found in fast foods, such as hamburgers and french fries), it is an absolutely normal response by the immune system to attack these contaminants. To call this survival response a disease is unscientific and reflects a lack of knowledge of the true nature of the body.

Gallstones inhibit the body's ability to keep itself nourished and clean, which makes them a leading cause of toxicity. They prevent the liver from adequately taking noxious substances out of the bloodstream. If the liver cannot filter out toxins from the blood, they end up being dumped into the extracellular fluid. The more toxins accumulate in the extracellular fluid, the more severely that cell membranes become clogged with injurious materials. An autoimmune response may be necessary to destroy the most contaminated cells and thereby save the rest of the body, at least for a while. When all gallstones are removed from the liver and gallbladder, the immune system does not have to take recourse to such extreme measures of defending the body on the cellular level.


Osteoarthritisis a degenerative, non-inflammatory illness. It occurs when the renewal of articular cartilage (a smooth, strong surface, covering bones that are in contact with other bones) does not happen at the same pace as its breakdown. The articular cartilage gradually becomes thinner until, eventually, the bony articular surfaces come into contact, and the bones start to deteriorate. Abnormal bone repair and chronic inflammation may follow this form of damage. Like most diseases, this symptom results from a long-standing digestive disorder. As fewer nutrients are absorbed and distributed for tissue building, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain healthy sustenance of bone and articular cartilage. Gallstones in the liver impair the basic digestive processes and, therefore, play perhaps the most important role in the development of osteoarthritis.


Gout,which is another joint disease connected to weak liver performance, is caused by sodium urate crystals in joints and tendons. Gout occurs in some people whose blood uric acidis abnormally high. When gallstones in the liver begin to affect blood circulation in the kidneys, uric acid excretion becomes inefficient. This also causes increased cell damage and cell destruction in the liver and kidneys, as well as in other parts of the body.

Uric acid is a waste product resulting from the breakdown of cell nuclei; it is produced in excess with increased cell destruction. Smoking cigarettes, drinking alcoholic beverages regularly, using stimulants, etc. all cause marked cell destruction, which releases large quantities of degenerate cell protein into the bloodstream. In addition, uric acid production rises sharply with over-consumption of protein foods, such as meat, fish, pork, and eggs. Incidentally, all the aforementioned foods and substances lead to gallstone formation in the liver and gallbladder.

A person may experience several acute attacks of arthritis before damage to the joints decreases mobility and the gout condition becomes chronic.

Osteoarthritis of the Knee - Treatment Options

Treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee can take a variety of forms, from exercise and bracing, to pharmacological and surgical options.

When the disease process is in its early stages and symptoms are mild, treatment usually consists of analgesia and a conservative program of weight loss and physical therapy. As the symptoms grow in severity, the treatment also becomes more serious with a variety of surgical interventions considered. The decision to escalate treatment is dependent on the individual and their pain levels, their knowledge of the condition, and the advice of medical professionals.

In order to provide informed consent, one must first possess sufficient knowledge of the procedure in question, including the intended benefits and potential risks.

The following summarizes the different treatment options:


Once the pain becomes unmanageable with non-prescription medication, a medical practitioner needs to be consulted as each persons' personal medical history affects which of the higher classes of drugs are suitable and safe to use. Typical medications include non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and low doses of opioids such as codeine.


The quadriceps and hamstring muscles cross over the knee joint and provide support. Due to the pain of osteoarthritis, it is typical for sufferers to be less active than previously, and muscle strength decreases. The result is a reduction in support of the knee joint and a vicious cycle is established when more pain occurs. Exercise to increase the strength of these key muscles can stop this cycle and slow the progression of degenerative joint disease. This usually occurs with the help of a physical therapist. Weight loss is also a significant goal of this type of treatment.


If only one half of the knee (inside or outside) is affected, orthopaedic bracing can help by offloading the affected side and redistributing the weight. It does not treat the affected area but can provide symptomatic relief and delay the need for more serious options.


Surgical management can include relatively minor procedures like arthroscopy (key-hole surgery) and continue to total knee arthroplasty or joint replacement.

An arthroscopy can be both a diagnostic tool and a treatment. Through small incisions, a camera and implements are placed into the joint and the extent of the degeneration observed. Rough surfaces can be made less so, and meniscal tears trimmed. The surfaces remain worn and the benefits vary significantly between patients. Arthroscopy rarely provides long term relief but has a low complication rate.

For unicompartmental arthritis - where only either the inside or outside of the knee are affected - an operation called a High Tibial Osteotomy may be performed. This involves either adding or removing a wedge of bone to offload the affected side and return weight to the underutilized surface. This operation is usually done on patients too young to have a total knee replacement with the aim being to provide some relief from pain while the patient moves closer to a suitable age.

As the majority of the pain in arthritic knees comes from the worn joint surfaces, replacing these joints is an effective treatment. It is also a significant surgical procedure that involves the insertion of a prosthesis. With the increased benefits comes increased risks. There is also a limited life expectancy of the operation itself with the possibility of future revision surgery.

Potential complications include infection, DVT, nerve damage, ongoing pain / failure to improve pain, loosening of the prosthesis and complications from the anaesthetic.

Although these complications are thankfully rare, they should discourage people with mild pain from considering surgical intervention until their pain is having a significantly negative effect on their quality of life.

A sensible approach to the osteoarthritic knee would be to act early on the risk factors you can change such as weight and muscle strength. This can help decrease pain and delay the need for more drastic measures.

When pain no longer responds to analgesia, mobility is significantly decreased, and everyday activities become difficult, it is time to discuss your options with an experienced Orthopaedic Specialist. Even if surgery is required, previous work done in the areas of weight loss and strengthening will make the recovery easier and quicker.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dental Night Guard for Grinding Teeth Information You Need to Know

If you need a dental night guard for grinding teeth, there are certain things you need to look at, watch out for, and consider. Grinding teeth can be a very serious health issue by itself but there's more you need to know.

First, though, let's very briefly talk about why it's important to your health to resolve your grinding teeth health issue.

Teeth grinding can be a very serious and may require treatment. The surest cure is a good night guard that is professionally made. Teeth grinding is indeed so severe that it can lead to serious jaw disorders as well as dental damage, persistent headaches, ear aches, and jaw pain as well as other problems.

Abnormal grinding or gritting, clenching, and gnashing of the teeth, called bruxism, affects many adults with some estimates spanning from 50 to 95 percent of any given population having a teeth grinding issue. In the traditional allopathic medical material, it is maintained that the cause of this common ailment of bruxism is unknown. Teeth grinding usually occurs at night, while the tooth grinder isn't aware of it to stop it. You may have been a teeth grinder for years and just now realized it.

It is important to understand the tell tale signs of this condition so you can detect it before serious complications develop such as TMJ. Seeking regular dental care from certified dental professionals can help prevent these issues before they start to do damage to your jaw or teeth. Your dentist may prescribe a grinding teeth mouth guard as a first step to relieve your bruxism issue. Perhaps that is what brought you to this page.

Grinding Teeth Caused by Parasites?

Did you know that grinding your teeth may actually be due a parasite infestation within your intestinal wall? Don't feel bad if this is the case. According to Discover Magazine, "Every living thing has at least one parasite that lives inside or on it, and many, including humans, have far more."

Believe it or not, parasites outrank cancer as the number one global killer. No less an heath authority than The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies parasites as among the six most dangerous diseases infecting humans. Parasite infestation be manifested by a couple of ways: an itchy nose, itchy rectum,lethargy, constant fatigue and grinding of the teeth at night.

Grinding Teeth is a Potential TMJ Symptom

Another cause of teeth grinding is stress. For dentists, however, the curing or stopping of grinding of teeth is done by use of a night guard. Indeed, a guard for grinding teeth can be a godsend. It can preserve your teeth's health, prevent or even cure TMJ (temporomandibular joint) health issues.

TMJ problems are characterized by clicking and popping of the jaw, headaches mostly near the temple, droopy jaw, jaw pain, ear ache, locked jaw, ringing in the ears, pain in the neck and/or shoulders, pain in the jaw joint, etc. Those are the main TMJ symptoms, essentially.

Just one good dental night guard can last you seven years or so depending on how well it is taken care of. Plus, they are inexpensive. If you are looking for a stoppage of grinding teeth at night, you should consider a mouth guard for grinding teeth problems.

Mouth Guard for Grinding Teeth: Things to Look For

It is recommended that before you buy night guards for teeth grinding or a guard for stopping grinding teeth that you consider who is selling it to you. You should ideally look for a review by a legitimate expert, like a TMJ dentist or a dentist who specializes in TMJ issues. There should also be many options considered that allow you to make an informed choice.

Also look for a guarantee. Some don't guarantee their dental night guard for grinding teeth but for 30 days -- the minimum required by law. You want ideally six months or more as that indicates a strong confidence in the product. Some even offer a 110% and even a 125% guarantee as to the night guard. Those three conditions are ideal.

Taking a Closer Look at Canine Arthritis

If you suffer from arthritis or no anyone that does, you know just how uncomfortable the condition can be. In fact, depending upon the severity of the condition, it can be truly debilitating and can rob you of your freedom and independence. Unfortunately, your pets are just as susceptible to developing this condition as you are. This is particularly true of certain types of dogs who are genetically predisposed to certain types of arthritis, such as degenerative joint disease. In order to help your pet live in comfort and to avoid the development of this painful condition, it is important for you to know more about the condition and how it can be prevented.

What is Degenerative Joint Disease

Degenerative joint disease is a form of arthritis that affects the smooth articular cartilage of your pet's joints. The articular cartilage is responsible for covering the bone and the joints so the joints can move smoothly and without pain. With this condition, the covering becomes worn out and the raw surfaces of the bone become exposed. When these surfaces rub together, it results in a great deal of pain as well as a lack of mobility.

How Does Degenerative Joint Disease Occur

There are a number of potential causes to this condition. In many cases, the disorder develops after the pet has suffered from an injury to the area, but it can also develop from simple wear and tear. Unfortunately, once the primary cartilage becomes damaged, it becomes easier for additional cartilage to become damaged and for the condition to worsen quickly.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Degenerative Joint Disease

There are several different signs and symptoms to watch for that indicate degenerative joint disease. These include:

• Crepitation (crackling sound that occurs when moving)
• Lameness
• Muscle Atrophy
• Swollen joints

If your pet is exhibiting any of these signs and symptoms, you should take it to the veterinarian as soon as possible. The sooner you begin treating the problem, the more quickly you can alleviate your pet's pain and the more successfully you can slow down the degenerative process.

How Does a Vet Diagnose Degenerative Joint Disease

When you take your pet to the veterinarian, he or she will take a number of steps to determine whether or not your pet has degenerative joint disease. These steps include:

• Performing a complete medical history and examination
• X-rays of the joints
• Force plate analysis
• Joint fluid analysis

One your veterinarian determines that your pet is suffering from arthritis, there are several different treatment methods that may be used to help alleviate your pet's pain and slow down the process of degeneration.

How is Degenerative Joint Disease Treated

In most cases, treatment involves implementing a variety of treatment techniques. Some of these include:

• Putting your pet on a diet to reduce its weight, which will place less stress on its joints
• Surgery to repair damage, which can help slow down the degenerative process
• Joint replacement, which can help your pet achieve a greater range of motion

Monitoring your pet's weight and making certain it follows a well-balanced diet will also help in prevention and treatment of degenerative joint disease. So, choose your pet food carefully and keep a close eye on your pet's health so you can help it live a long, healthy and pain free life.

The Hidden Cause of Neck and Back Pain

Neck Pain and Lower Back Pain complexities
Neck Pain and Lower Back Pain are the 2 most common forms of pain in the human anatomy, yet the cause of either can be complex at times due to so many different causes. One of those is often very difficult to diagnose, frequently overlooked, and is therefore labeled as a secret or hidden cause. That hidden cause or secret source of Neck Pain or Lower Back Pain is known as Facet Joint Pain or Facet Syndrome. Facet Joint Pain or Facet Syndrome, is a chronic pain syndrome or condition directly related to pain in the facet joints.

What is a Facet Joint and what is Articulation?
A Facet Joint is a posterior spinal joint that interfaces two adjacent upper and lower vertebrae together. Also known as a Zygapophyseal Joint, the Facet Joint provides for motion known as "Articulation" within defined ranges of motion. The articulation of a Facet Joint includes bending forward: flexion, bending backward: extension, and twisting: Cervical or Thoracolumbar rotation. The joint is stretched and unloaded during flexion and compressed or loaded upon extension. Facet Joints are also joint range limiters to prevent damage to spinal discs from excessive range of motion movements.

What is a Synovial Joint?
Zygapophyseal joints are Synovial Joints- the most common joint in the human body. A Synovial Joint is characterized by having a joint capsule, joint capsule fluid-synovial fluid to lubricate the inside of the joint, and cartilage on the outside of the joint between the upper and lower adjacent surfaces of each vertebra to allow a smooth gliding movement.

What is Facet Arthritis?
Facet Arthritis or Facet Arthropathy is a degenerative arthritis-facet joint inflammation that can be one of the syndromes of Zygapophyseal Joint Pain. Both chronic pain conditions can be caused by wear and tear, degeneration of the cartilage surfaces, joint capsule or associated vertebral discs, injury or trauma, incorrect posture-excessive forward head posture, or abnormal spinal curvature such as Hyperlordosis-excessive arch in the lower back.

Factors affecting Joint Movement
The Zygapophyseal Joint must be able to move smoothly without restriction. Zygapophyseal Joint Pain is often experienced when the joint becomes "stuck" or "fixated" in the open or closed position or in the partially open or partially closed position. The Zygapophyseal Joint Pain dysfunction can cause the muscles surrounding the problem to become hypertonic-extremely tight in order to "splint" or support the problem. Conversely, the musculature that surrounds the joint could have a problem that is causing the joint to become stuck open or closed, resulting in Facet Joint Pain.

What are some Facet Joint Pain causes?
Some causes of Zygapophyseal joint pain are: Wear and tear, Degeneration of Cartilage surfaces, Joint Capsule or associated Vertebral Discs, Injury or Trauma, Incorrect posture, Excessive forward head posture, Forward Pelvic Rotation, Abnormal spinal curvature, Hyperlordosis-excessive arch in the lower back, Scoliosis-Lateral Lumbar spinal curvature.

What are the Lower Back Facet Syndrome Symptoms?
Lower back facet joint pain symptoms include lower back pain or tenderness, increased pain upon side bending or twisting or arching the lower back or torso, deep dull aching pain that moves to the buttocks or the back of the thighs, and/or stiffness or difficulty with certain movements, such as standing up straight or getting up out of a chair. The initial onset of pain might be related to a rotational spinal injury or a spinal injury involving hyperextension of the spine.

What are the Neck-Cervical Facet Syndrome Symptoms?
Zygapophyseal Joint pain neck symptoms include Neck Pain, Headaches, Shoulder Pain, and/or difficulty side bending or rotating the head. Ensure that the Facet Joint Pain Assessment clearly indicates the pain scale for the associated problems. Find out if there is a history of whiplash or any other kind of neck injury.

Is the Facet Joint moving freely, or is movement restricted and if so, how?
That is one of the most important questions that needs to be answered. There is a special test known as the spring test which can test for basic joint movement.

What Exercises will help to relieve my Facet Joint Pain?
If excessive lower back curvature - Lumbar Lordosis, and hypertonic hip flexors and hypertonic lower back musculature is causing compression of the lumbar facet joints, stretching and strengthening exercises to reduce joint compression and help prevent joint fixation will be required to reverse the postural distortion that has occurred. If the cervical (neck) spine is affected by excessive forward head posture and hypertonic neck musculature, there are strengthening and stretching

TMJ Exercises - The Solution to a Painful Problem?

It is possible to strengthen just about every single part of our bodies in some way or another. This is even true for our jaws. Yes, it is possible to do TMJ exercises and strengthen your temporomandibular joint. The TMJ is the joint that is in charge of how your jaw moves. It controls the opening and closing of your mouth and the movement of your lower jaw from side to side. It's a cartilage covered ball and socket joint. The joint also has a disk in it whose job is mainly to prevent wear and tear from taking their toll on your jaw. While your jaw gets plenty of exercise when you eat, there might be other times when you want to do other kinds of exercises that will improve the health of your jaw.

Most people can go their entire lives without experiencing severe problems with their temporomandibular joints. Of course between five and fifteen percent of the population do experience some kind of problem with their TMJs and experience some kind of pain. Making sure to exercise your TMJ can help you prevent as well as overcome many of the issues that accompany TMJ disorders. Just make sure to do them properly or you could injure your jaw further.

A similar comparison can be made to sore elbows and ankles. If your elbows and ankles are sore, do you need to exercise those parts of your body all the time to heal them if they are injured? Of course not. Typically you apply ice and heat to the affected area of your body and then, once it starts to feel better, you might exercise it to strengthen the muscles that surround it. This is the same thing that you need to do with your temporomandibular joints. While there are facial yoga exercises that you can do to strengthen your jaw, if you over do it then in the long run you could end up doing more harm than good.

If you have been experiencing signs and symptoms of a TMJ disorder you need to figure out what is causing the problem before you try any strengthening exercises or begin any treatments. Sometimes they are caused by the shifting of your teeth (this can't be cured by facial exercises). Sometimes the disorders are caused by stress in your daily life. Before you try to treat the problems in your jaw joint, you need to figure out what is causing your jaw to move incorrectly or to lock. Seek out the help of your doctor and dentist to figure out what is causing your disorder. Exercising your TMJ could only exacerbate the problem if you try to do the exercise before figuring out the cause of the problem.

Of course, there are plenty of reasons that you should exercise your temporomandibular joints on a regular basis. Exercise will strengthen the joint and the stronger your jaw, the easier time it will have standing up to the wear and tear of TMJ disorders. Just make sure to proceed with caution if you start to experience pain.

What's Causing the Ringing in My Ears?

While the ringing in your ears is usually only an annoyance, you should always start with a visit to your physician to make sure. There are a number of possible medical causes for your tinnitus symptoms.

The easiest to find and solve is too much ear wax. As simple as that may sound, a lot of people have accumulated an excessive amount of wax. For some individuals, the cotton swab cleansing is not enough and they must resort to thorough cleaning by an otolaryngologist.

Noise-induced hearing loss can also cause tinnitus. The noise damages the cilia in the inner ear. The cilia are specialized hair cells that facilitate hearing. Once damaged, they do not repair themselves. Depending on the amount of damage, a cochlear implant may be necessary to augment your hearing.

Certain medicines can aggravate your tinnitus, while others can be ototoxic and cause the damage producing the tinnitus. When purchasing medications, always check for the possible side-effects and discuss these with your physician. If you feel that the medication is causing or aggravating your tinnitus, see about alternatives.

Ear or sinus infections can be the culprit. The tinnitus symptoms tend to resolve with the clearing of the infection.

Temporomandibular problems can cause the tinnitus. Your TMJ is adjacent to the ear canal. Other symptoms of TMJ problems include pain or popping when chewing.

In a small percentage of people with tinnitus, the cause is cardiovascular in nature. These individuals have "pulsatile tinnitus". This is a rhythmic pulsation, often in time with your heart. It can be related to hypertension, atherosclerosis or a few other vascular conditions.

Rarely, tumors such as acoustic neuromas and glomus tumors can cause the ringing in your ears.

Head and neck trauma can result in tinnitus. Other associated symptoms include headaches, memory loss and vertigo.

Lastly, certain disorders such as hypo- and hyperthyroidism, lyme disease, fibromyalgia, and thoracic outlet syndrome can cause the tinnitus symptoms. Usually treating the disease will alleviate the symptoms.

If you are in the unlucky majority where there is no identifiable medical cause, then you are on your own to find a tinnitus remedy. There are a large number of possible causes but a lot of time and effort may be required for you to find the tinnitus remedy right for you.

Joint Pain and Recovery From Injury - The Impact of Collagen on Connective Tissue and Anti-Ageing

The following information has been collected from various sources (see references on the Advanced Nutrition UK website) and has been backed up by the rapid recovery of my son-in-law following a serious operation to his jaw. My wife and I have also experienced the benefits of pure collagen capsules (most notably for arthritic pain and when kneeling down to play with our grandson!). I feel that many people could benefit from this awareness and hope the following is helpful.

In recent years Collagen Hydrolysate (CH) is increasingly being used as a nutritional supplement, especially for the treatment of degenerative joint diseases and for the management of skin care.

Numerous international clinical studies have been able to confirm the positive effect of Collagen Hydrolysate in the treatment of degenerative joint disease. It is important to note that ordinary collagen cannot be absorbed readily into the body and the hydrolysate process is what makes this possible.

Clinical Studies

In clinical studies involving over 2000 patients with diagnosed Osteoarthritis of the hip or knee joint, there was a statistically significant reduction in pain, a decrease in the consumption of analgesics and improved mobility in patients who had received a daily dose of CH over a period of at least 3 months. Overall, treatment of the patients involved with CH over a longer period of time was regarded as being remarkably successful, with more than 75% of the patients reported improvement of symptoms.

Comparable results were obtained with a number of observational studies on persons suffering from painful joints or athletes whose joints were subject to increased mechanical stress. In these cases too the administration of Collagen Hydrolysate resulted in substantial pain reduction and improved mobility. Recently, these results could be confirmed in a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study conducted at Penn State University in University Park, Pennsylvania on 147 athletes.

In addition to the reported efficacy of CH on joint health, clinical studies also indicated a positive effect of CH on tendons demonstrating a significant improvement of tissue strength.

Studies relating to skin care revealed a pronounced improvement of skin function and increased skin hydration after CH ingestion on a regular basis.

Ingestion and Distribution of Collagen Hydrolysate

Intestinal absorption of Collagen Hydrolysate could be demonstrated by means of a commonly accepted experimental model. It could be shown that more than 90% of the orally administered CH is rapidly absorbed by the intestines and appeared in blood plasma, accounting for a high bioavailability. These results were confirmed by a study performed on healthy human volunteers in which major constituents of CH derived peptides were identified in human serum and plasma after oral ingestion.

Investigations on the qualitative absorption revealed that CH is not completely broken down by the digestive system, but that a variety of collagen fragments, including up to 10% high molecular form peptides are absorbed following oral administration of CH, with some individual variability.

In additional studies with labelled CH, it was shown that a significant amount of collagen peptides could be detected in skin and cartilage tissue after one single administration, indicating an accumulation of these peptides within the connective tissue.

Mode of Action

In addition to obtaining proof of clinical efficacy of Collagen Hydrolysate, a significant number of research projects have been started worldwide with participation by a number of international institutes of repute with the goal of investigating the mechanism of action of the substance.

Cell culture experiments investigating the efficacy of HC revealed that the treatment of the cartilage cells with CH induced a statistically significant, dose-dependent increase in type II collagen synthesis of chondrocytes compared to the untreated controls.

These results clearly indicate that CH has a stimulatory effect on both important structural macromolecules of the ECM - collagen and proteoglycans, and thus might be of therapeutic relevance to slow or even halt the progressive degradation of articular cartilage tissue in osteoarthritis.

Beside the impact of CH on cartilage tissue, preclinical studies suggested positive effects of a CH treatment on tendons and skin.

Investigations on skin seem to indicate that the administration of Collagen Hydrolysate enhances the hydroxyproline content in the soluble fraction of skin, which may be related to skin collagen synthesis. Moreover, it was stated that CH treatment might increase the water binding capacity of the epidermis. More recently, it was reported that the ingestion of CH induces increased fibroblast density and enhances the formation of collagen fibrils in the dermis.

Safety of Collagen Hydrolysate Ingestion

In numerous investigations it could be shown that collagen hydrolysate has an excellent safety profile.

Collagen hydrolysate is a food product, and the FDA lists it as GRAS (generally recognized as safe), the highest possible safety category. Moreover, the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices and the Ministry for Consumer Affairs in Germany as well as the World Health Organization, have also confirmed that CH is safe and that there is no risk involved in consuming larger quantities on a regular basis.


Numerous preclinical investigations have demonstrated the positive effect of Collagen Hydrolysate on the metabolism of connective tissue. The results seem to indicate that CH treatment stimulates the synthesis of cartilage tissue, affects the size of collagen fibrils and the composition of glycosaminoglycans in the Achilles tendon, enhances the collagen synthesis and the formation of collagen fibrils in the skin and increases the water binding capacity of the epidermis.

Clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of CH in the treatment of degenerative joint diseases. Moreover, CH ingestion seems to have positive effects on tendons as well as on skin function and hydration.

Based on these results and due to its excellent safety profile a treatment with Collagen Hydrolysate on a daily basis might well be of particular importance for the synthesis and maintenance of connective tissue.

There seems to be excellent scientific and corroborative evidence that Pure Collagen Hydrolysate can be beneficial to joint pain, recovery from injury involving connective tissue (Achilles tendons, ligaments) as well as improving the elasticity and health of the skin, hair and nails.

It does seem as though pure collagen hydolysate (types 1 & 2) capsules can in many cases have a noticeable beneficial effect on joint health & strength, as well as reducing the pain associated with forms of arthritis. In addition, many celebrities endorse the anti-ageing properties of proto-col pure collagen capsules.