Sunday, March 16, 2014

TMJ Exercises - Best Therapy for Pain Relief

TMJ exercises can be an essential part of the recovery from a condition known as Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome, a disorder in which a misalignment of the jaw muscles can cause headaches, mouth pain, jaw pain and neck pain. One effective TMJ exercise to help relax the jaw muscles is placing the closed fist of one hand under the chin as you try to open your jaw. This exerts an isometric effect against the jawbone and jaw muscles, helping it to gradually relax. Hold this exercise for no more than 10 or 12 seconds at a time.

Another of the most effective TMJ exercises involves placing the tip of the tongue on the roof of the mouth while the individual simulataneously opens the mouth as wide as possible with out moving the tongue. Repeat this opening and closing of the mouth with the tongue in place 8 to 10 times.

Another isometric exercise that is among the?successful exercises is to place a closed fist just below where the jaw hinge is located on one side of the face, applying steady pressure for at least 10 seconds. Do the same procedure on the opposite side of the jaw. Applying pressure to the jaw in this manner will help to relax the muscles.

Apply simultaneous pressure against the jaw using just one finger on each side of the head while you slowly open the mouth. The simultaneous pressure applied in this TMJ exercise helps to bring the jaw into alignment so that the mouth can eventually be opened without the jaw clicking.

TMJ exercises should be practiced at least once daily for a period of several weeks. The initial discomfort felt should eventually dissipate and if practiced regularly and correctly, can help to bring the jaw into proper alignment. Always ease gradually into each of the TMJ exercises and if pain is severe or if the discomfort never lessens, schedule an examination with a physician.

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