Saturday, September 14, 2013

Upper Back Pain Relief

A Few Tips To Get Upper Back Pain Relief At Home

Upper back and neck constitute the most important parts of our body. This area consists of many joints that work in congruence with the neck joints. This kind of pain is mostly caused by muscle imbalances and trauma and is usually accompanied by shoulder or neck pain. An unexpected injury or improper posture can also lead to pain in the upper back region. People who work on computer for longer hours or sit without a back support are known to suffer from the back pain. Although this pain can be very painful, it is important to note that it takes a lot of time for the pain condition to worsen. In order to avoid severe back pain, try to change your posture quite often and avoid awkward positions.

Causes of Upper Back Pain

This pain primarily occurs due to any or both of the following reasons:

- Joint Dysfunction
- Myofascial Pain (Muscular Irritation)

The ribs of the human body are attached to the spine with two joints. Any dysfunction in the joints can cause joint dysfunction leading to pain in upper area. This type of pain can be treated with manual manipulation. In order to get permanent relief, the patient is advised to perform a few home exercises to strengthen the spine and the shoulders. Aerobic conditioning can also help in easing the pain. Doctors also advise their patients to use a few medications to reduce inflammation caused by the dysfunction. Myofascial pain or the muscular irritation results due to repetitive movements and lack of strength in the back muscles. Car accidents, strains and sport injuries are common causes of this type of back pain. This type of pain is treated with acupuncture, physical therapy and massage.

Symptoms and Home Treatment

If your back hurts while you make any movement, you should consult your doctor right away. People with heart disease and osteoporosis or a serious back injury are also recommended to get medical help immediately. However, if you have back pain due to improper posture or strain, you can take a few steps at home to get upper back relief. First of all pay attention to your posture. A poor posture is the most common cause of strain. A healthy posture is the one in which your stomach is in, chest is out and hips are tucked under. Never hold the phone between your head and shoulder. Use your hands to hold the phone or buy a headset. Gently massage the affected area. This would ease the pain and help you get rid of upper back pain. Women with larger breasts should wear sports bra. This would help in getting upper back pain relief.

Your Mouth Is A Window To Your Body

Many health conditions in the body can first be seen from symptoms that show up in the mouth. It is important to recognize and treat these dental signs in order to maintain whole body health. Many of the signs are more significant when they appear with other signs rather than singularly. However, any of the symptoms should be checked out by a dentist or doctor. When it comes to your health, prevention and early diagnosis are the keys to longevity. Here is a list of seven symptoms:

#1. Sores or blisters that stick around longer than two weeks may be a warning sign of oral cancer. The sores usually are raised and have a red &/or white border. Don't forget to look under the tongue. A white or red patch of abnormal skin cells may also appear inside the mouth or lips. Although more prevalent in smokers, heavy alcohol consumers or drug users, this cancer can also appear in anyone. Like all cancers, if left untreated, it can cause death. Unfortunately, this cancer only has as 35% survival rate, mostly because it is not found early enough. However, also realize, that sores that won't go away also can indicate periodontal disease.

#2. Headaches, painful jaws, earaches or even pain running down the neck and into the upper back have several possible causes. Sinus issues, TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) disorder, toothache, arthritis, periodontal problems, grinding teeth, stress, or injury can all manifest into jaw pain. If the issue is causing clenching of the teeth that often happens with TMJ, night grinding or stress, then a mouth guard worn at night can relieve the pain.

#3. Flat ground-down teeth are another symptom of teeth grinding (bruxism) or teeth clenching at night, often caused by stress or a central nervous system reaction. It can also be caused by an abnormal bite or missing teeth. Since this occurs during sleep, many people are unaware that they have this problem. Constant grinding wears down the top layer of enamel making teeth sensitive and even causing fracturing. Wearing a night mouth guard, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, reducing stress, and managing stress through relaxation techniques can help the bruxism. Growing children often experience night grinding; however, this is usually not treated and goes away.

#4. Dry mouth is a symptom of numerous health conditions. Medications (such as those treating depression and incontinence, muscle relaxants, antianxiety agents, and antihistamines), smoking, and allergies are probably the most common causes of dry mouth. However, two more serious conditions are Sjogren's syndrome and diabetes. Four million Americans suffer from Sjogren's and twenty four million from diabetes. Dry mouth is a problem because it increases the risk of periodontal disease and mouth infections like thrush. Things to increase the saliva flow in the mouth include: sucking on sugarless candy, drinking lots of water, breathing through the nose (not mouth), using a room vaporizer, and using over-the-counter dry mouth rinses.

#5 White lacy web-like streaks on the mucus membrane of the cheek or gums is a skin disorder called oral lichen planus. Although mostly found in middle age adults, the cause is unknown and thought to be related to allergies or an immune reaction. It is not contagious; however, no curative is available. Good oral hygiene, eliminating smoking and alcohol, and changing medications that may exasperate any pain are advised.

#6 Cracking crumbling teeth are often caused by Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Stomach acids are back up into the esophagus and mouth. These acids eat away at the teeth. This acid reflux disease can occur at any age, but is more predominate in older people. However, bulimia often found in the younger generation can also cause the teeth to erode by stomach acid as undigested food is vomited.

#7 The abnormal growth of gums over the teeth can be caused by certain medication, typically heart or seizure meds. This is often a sign that the dosage of such medication needs to be adjusted. If left unchecked, excessive growth can make it difficult to remove bacteria around the tooth and gums, causing periodontal disease.

If any of the symptoms appear in your mouth or in the mouth of a person in your care, get it checked out by your dentist. The mouth is a window to the health of your entire body.

Magnesium For Joint Pain - Always Talk To Your Doctor Before Taking Supplements

If you frequently experience painful joints, and you have been searching for advice on the internet, you may well have read that one can take magnesium for joint pain. While this is to a great extent true, it is not always a viable option for everyone.

Interestingly enough, it is thought that most people do not get the optimal amount of magnesium via their diets, but at the same time, genuine magnesium deficiency is actually quite rare. Another interesting point is that when this mineral is obtained naturally through one's diet, there seem to be no upper limits, but if it is obtained by means of supplements, there is an upper limit, which if exceeded, can lead to several problems.

In a nutshell, you should never begin taking magnesium supplements without discussing it with a doctor first. Exceeding the upper tolerance level can cause diarrhea, low blood pressure, nausea, confusion, and an irregular heartbeat. Ironically, it can also cause a calcium deficiency, and of course we all know how important calcium is when it comes to one's bones.

Calcium and magnesium compete for absorption, and unfortunately, calcium is just no match. Essentially this means that if you do start taking supplements, you could find yourself requiring calcium supplements as well. In summary, you should only take magnesium for joint pain if a doctor recommends it, or at least, has given his or her approval.

There are several foods which are rich in the mineral, so if you feel you need more than you are currently getting, rather adjust your diet. There are also a number of other supplements on the market which are said to relieve joint pain. Some people find garlic capsules help, while some prefer taking fish oil supplements. Personally, I would recommend fish oil supplements over garlic supplements, simply because fish oil is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids.

New Zealand green lipped mussel extract has also grown to be immensely popular amongst people suffering with painful joints. As with fish oil, green lipped mussel extract is a rich source of omega-3 essential fatty acids, which means it benefits both your joints and your cardiovascular system. Another good thing about mussel extract is that it is also a good source of calcium.

If you do decide to start taking one or more supplement, you should always make a point of choosing a supplier carefully. Many supplement manufacturers use the cheapest ingredients they can find in order to make the highest possible amount of profit, and these are definitely not the sort of supplements you want to be taking.

General Information About Osteoarthritis

Common Characteristics of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, is one of the most common ailments associated with getting older, and it is therefore most common in those parts of the world where people live the longest. More than 15 million Americans receive medical attention for osteoarthritis each year, and more than twice that many are affected by it to some degree. However, it rarely results in serious disability.

Osteoarthritis is essentially a "wear-and-tear" disorder. In typical cases, symptoms appear after the age of 50, and usually in the large joints that bear the most weight--the hips, knees, shoulders and spine.

Pain and stiffness are at their most uncomfortable upon arising in the morning and are likely to be intensified during damp, cold weather. (This does not mean, however, that symptoms are likely to disappear in a warm, dry climate.) Redness and swelling of the affected joints may also occur. Joints, particularly in the fingers, may become permanently gnarled by osteoarthritis, but this almost never interferes with their function. Painless bony bumps, known as Heberden's nodes, may also appear symmetrically on the fingers of both hands or on toe joints as well.

Causes of Osteoarthritis

When a person is young and spry, the joints between the bones swing freely like efficient, well-oiled hinges. Stresses and strains are absorbed by the cartilage pads that provide cushioning and lubrication at the ends of the bones where they constantly come together as the parts of the body make their coordinated movements.

Over the years, these protective layers become eroded, lubricating fluids diminish and the result is a sensation often described as "creaking" at the joints. In addition to a decrease in smoothness of function, small growths, or spurs, may develop on the bones in the area of the joints. These are 10 times more prevalent among women than among men and are likely to aggravate an already uncomfortable condition.

Signs and Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

Since the weight-bearing joints are the ones most commonly affected, stiffness and discomfort in the knees and hips are likeliest to occur first, especially in the overweight person or in someone whose life style involves long stretches of standing or walking. A visit to the doctor for diagnosis normally includes close inspection of painful areas as well as X-ray examination of the joints in question. (when X-ray pictures are taken for diagnosis of some other condition in younger patients, they usually reveal the beginnings of cartilage erosion in the weight-bearing joints at a stage that does not yet produce associated symptoms.) Other than X-rays and visual examination, there are no other diagnostic tests for osteoarthritis.

Treatment of Osteoarthritis

Where overweight exists as a contributing factor, efforts should be made to lose the extra pounds and keep them off. Application of warm, moist heat, slow and gentle massage of the affected joints and a reduction (not a total cessation) of normal activities are ways in which patients can help themselves when there is an intensification of discomfort. Where pressure on the weight-bearing joints can be diminished through postural adjustments, special exercises may be recommended.

Drug Therapy

Although inflammation is not one of the initial symptoms of osteoarthritis, as the joint degeneration progresses, swelling, redness and other signs of inflammation may occur. When this happens, anti-inflammatory drug therapy may be recommended.

Aspirin. Patients who can tolerate high doses of aspirin may be treated with this drug alone. However, patients on anti-inflammatory aspirin therapy, which may involve taking 16 or more tablets a day, should be aware of possible side effects, among which the most common are ringing in the ears, heartburn and other gastrointestinal upsets. To minimize gastrointestinal complications, the aspirin should be scheduled after meals. Acetaminophen, in smaller dosages, may be recommended as an alternative to aspirin.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. These are relatively new drugs that relieve the pain and joint inflammation of osteoarthritis. It is the physician's role to match the patient with the particular drug that will be most suitable and effective without adverse effects. Sometimes drugs are used in combination, but whatever the procedure, supervision by the doctor is usually indicated if maximum benefit is to be achieved.

Steroids. In those few cases where other measures fail, steroid drugs (cortisone) may be injected into the damaged joint for temporary relief. However, long-term treatment with steroids is not recommended for osteoarthritis.


When an older person suffers such severe osteoarthritis that most normal activity becomes impossible, surgical replacement of the affected joints may be considered. Hip replacement, in which the entire hip joint or head of the femur is replaced, is the most common operation of this type. The replacement joint is made of plastic and metal parts and is held in place by special plastic cements. The artificial joints allow the previously immobilized patient to be relieved of crippling pain, and most activities can be resumed following physical therapy and regaining of muscle function.

More recent joint replacements include the knee--a joint that is more complicated than the hip and, consequently, poses more engineering problems in replacing. However, the newer artificial knee joints are providing good results, both in terms of pain relief and restoration of function.

Traumatic Arthritis

Closely related to osteoarthritis, traumatic arthritis is usually the result of excessive joint use combined with injury. It is commonly seen in athletes. Rest will usually resolve the problem, although in some instances, drugs or surgery may be required, particularly in the case of athletes who need to quickly regain the use of the injured joints.

Summing Up

For millions of people, osteoarthritis is an inevitable condition of aging. Most cases can be handled by rest and common sense. Anti-inflammatory drugs--both non-prescription painkillers such as aspirin or acetaminophen, or prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents--may be used during flare-ups.

Osteoarthritis rarely turns into a crippling disease, but as newer and more effective drugs are available for reducing aches and pains to a minimum, there is little reason for allowing this particular cause of physical discomfort to be a dominating factor in determining one's life style in advancing years.

Lower Jaw Pain - Why Your Lower Jaw Causes You Pain

Lower Jaw Pain

Do you suffer from lower jaw pain? Does this jaw pain keep you up at night and make you want to shoot yourself? Is the jaw pain excruciating and radiate up around the ear area or even cause tooth pain? If so, you might have TMJ.

What is TMJ

TMJ is a disorder of the temporomandibular joint that causes inflammation and incredible pain of the join. This pain can radiate up into the ear, face and neck, causing tooth pain, headaches and stiff and sore jaw muscles making it hard to chew or open the mouth.

The temporomandibular joint is the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull. This is located right below the ear. The TM joint is the most complex joint in the human body because it's the only joint that moves up, down and left to right. Because of this, this joint can become weak and damaged leading to this disorder that causes extreme pain.

TMJ starts with lower jaw pain, and be caused by many different reasons. Some of these are trauma (car accident, a punch to the jaw, etc...) to the joint, extended amount of stress (stress causes us to clinch the jaw) or hereditary causes such as arthritis, etc... No matter what caused it for you, the pain is all the same. It's hard to sleep, eat, or even be happy!

How To Cure TMJ

There are many ways to cure your lower jaw pain, but some are more involved than others. If you have extreme cases of TMJ, you can look at surgery, although I wouldn't recommend this. This surgery can cost $50,000 and most insurance won't cover it. Besides, who wants to have their jaw broken and reconstructed?

I am a long time TMJ sufferer that has found some exercises to do at home that builds up the weak and damaged joint so that I no longer have lower jaw pain for longer than a few minutes at most.

Hyaluronic Acid For Joint Pain - Does It Work Or Should You Seek An Alternative Option?

If you are not familiar with hyaluronic acid, you may be wondering what it is, so I will start by giving a brief outline. It is essentially a substance that is present in the body, and especially in one's joints and eye fluid. In the joints, it serves as a lubricant and a cushion between the different joints. So, where does the hyaluronic acid come from that one can buy in the pharmacies?

Do not worry; it does not come from human donors. Instead, most medicinal hyaluronic acid comes from the combs of roosters, while some is also produced in laboratories using specially selected bacteria. Apart from using hyaluronic acid for joint pain, many people also believe it can help to slow down the signs of aging if it is applied to the skin, but since we are discussing joints, we will leave that for another time.

Although it can be taken orally, it is more often than not injected directly into the affected joints. Many healthcare providers do however overrate this form of treatment, and as a result, many patients expect to see a huge improvement, and then end up being terribly disappointed. In truth, it is a bit of a hit-and-miss form of treatment. While some people do experience a reduction in joint pain and stiffness, many do not experience any improvement at all.

Another downside to this type of treatment is the fact that the injections are not cheap, and even if they do work, the results are only temporary. This means one must be willing to go for injections on a regular basis, which of course is also an inconvenience.

You may also come across claims that it can reduce joint pain if rubbed into the affected area. In a nutshell, this could not be any further from the truth. Some people also claim to get good results when they take it orally. Of course medical professionals do not agree simply because there is no scientific evidence to support such claims. On the other hand, there are countless people who say it does work, so whether it does or not is anyone's guess.

In my opinion, based on the research I have done online, you are likely to get far better results from one or two cleverly chosen supplements. Scores of people have been disappointed with hyaluronic acid for joint pain due to its low success rate, and of course the same can be said about many supplements. Having said that, there are some good ones about, and many people have and still are benefiting from them.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Super Food For Joint Pains

Joint pain is becoming more and more common and being temporally relieved by a range of 'over the counter' prescriptions or even surgeries. The most common form of joint pain is known as osteoarthritis and can be caused by family history, obesity or an injury. I have two friends in their 20s who both struggle with osteoarthritis and have both found not only temporary relief but also ongoing benefits to their joint pains through natural medications, modifications to their diets and exercise.

Most of us have grandparents who have suffered from major joint breakages or damage to knees, hips and shoulders where surgery has been involved and joints have been replaced with foreign bodies designed to outlive in some cases the original joints.

So shouldn't we be thinking of how we can keep our joints healthy now? Not simply maintaining their conditions or for those of us with friends and family who are suffering from joint pains and osteoarthritis finding ways for them to improve their health and reduce the pain they are suffering to create a better future for them.

So what are the answers nature has provided for us to relieve and repair joint pains?
The first and cheapest is increasing your water intake, one of the causes of joint pain can be dehydration (not enough water getting to the joints). Your body is made up of 80% water and this needs replenishing.
Ginger is a root that contains numerous medical benefits including salicylates. Salicylates is a compound found in ginger that acts as an anti-inflammatory and as an added bonus it is aids digestion.

Gelatin is a natural compound commonly used is cooking to set desserts among other things. It contains the amino acids praline and glycine. In school we are taught amino acids are the building blocks of protein, they also in this combination help rebuild cartilage. Cartilage is the rubbery substance found is joints to stop the bones from painfully rubbing against each other.

There are also many recipes and websites available to us now thought the wonder of internet that stock a range of products combining natural ingredients to proactively reduce the pain of joint pain.

Eazol Natural Pain Relief

Pain is something that we all feel, and everyone of us is looking for effective solutions to relieve all types of pains we have. Some prefer fast and powerful help of synthesized drugs, but some people prefer natural remedies, which include only herbal or other natural ingredients. Eazol Natural Pain Relief is one of such natural formulas, which contains only natural constituents and herbal extracts. It can assist you in relieving pain of any nature, from chronic to acute pains. Eazol Natural Pain Relief is available for everyone and since 2002 it has been working fine for many people who tried and enjoyed the benefits of this miraculous formula.

This innovative formula contains only natural ingredients, that is why it is absolutely suitable and recommended to everyone without exceptions. The main active ingredients of Eazol Natural Pain Relief include extracts of Lobelia (Lobelia inflata), White Willow (Salix species), Boswellia (Boswellia serrata) and other medicinal plants, rich in natural vitamins and minerals. The composition can not only calm down various types of pains, but also has anti-inflammatory properties, ease muscle and nerve tension, and so on. White Willow is known as the best natural aspirin which can calm down aches and pains, as well as have quite lasting action.

Every bottle of this natural remedy has 60 pills, and it is enough to take just one of them a day to relieve any possible type of pains. Primarily, the product is targeted to caml down pains caused by the following diseases and ailments: arthritis, muscle and joint pains, stiff joints, various types of neuralgia, neck and back aches, low back pains, carpal tunnel syndrome and so on. Eazol Natural Pain Relief is one of the most effective natural and 100% safe pain relief solutions available on today's market. It is recommended by many specialists and experts and has already helped thousands people around the world.

Remember that Eazol Natural Pain Relief does not have any harmful and unwanted side effects. This product if 100% natural and contains only natural or naturally derived ingredients which can not visit any harm to our body. Exactly the absence of any chemical or artificial elements in this formula makes it available and recommended to everyone who needs an effective painkiller. You will not get allergic or receive an upset stomach after taking Eazol Natural Pain Relief, but if you are still worried about possible complications, you can consult your health care specialist before taking the pill.

Toothache Relief - Found in Your Kitchen and Medicine Cabinet

Did you know that your kitchen sink and pantry can hold the key to your toothache pain relief?

In fact everything you need can be found right under your own roof. No expensive over the counter pills and potions that leave you with nasty, drowsy side effects.

First of all the pain you're experiencing is the nerve that's been compromised. The lattice of minerals that form your teeth are a fortress of strength. They are the toughest bones in the body because they are designed to be exposed to the elements that you throw at them. They are subjected to wearing and grinding as well as acids that are secreted from the bacteria on your teeth.

Because your tooth has been eroded and is now compromised because of its weakness from tooth decay it exhibits as the pain you're now experiencing.

Other reasons for a toothache could be due to:

Wearing down of the teeth through a condition called Bruxius, most don't know they have this because they are usually asleep during the time this takes place. This is the grinding of teeth which gradually wears the teeth down over time, weakening the protective enamel layer.

Impacted wisdom teeth which is the inability of the wisdom teeth to either partially break through the surface of the gum or not at all. This pent up tension causes pain in the back of the jaw.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, this arises from the Temporomandibular Joint wearing down to the point that its movement causes friction resulting in pain. The Temporomandibular joint is responsible for the movement between the upper and the lower jaws. Wearing of this joint makes it difficult to speak, eat or yawn without inflicting pain. It is situated near the back of the jaw and it hinges between upper and lower jaws.

To feel this joint in action, insert your index finger into your ear canal then open and close your mouth. The movement you experience is your Temporomandibular joint.

Infection due to Gingivitis. Gingivitis which is the disease of the gums can turn into periodontal disease which eventually leads to tooth loss. Gingivitis can be painful and exhibits as swollen red, inflamed gums. This is due to food particles not being properly cleaned from the gum line. Left untreated can turn into abscess causing infection.

The most obvious scenario for tooth pain is cavity and this caused by erosion of the teeth or by blunt trauma caused by accident or by a chipped or cracked tooth.

You can treat your toothache naturally with ingredients you have around your home. No need to buy expensive over the counter medicines when you can easily grab a cucumber, a clove of garlic or even a tea bag from your cupboard.

Tea bag is a mild astringent with antibacterial properties it also offers relief directly to the site of pain.

Directions: Place a standard teabag into a cup of water, place in the microwave for 1 minute. Remove the teabag while still warm and place on the sore tooth. Bite down gently and hold in place for 20 minutes or until you get pain relief.

Substituting green tea instead of regular tea works as equally well.

This should pain relief within 20 to 30 minutes.

If you want more natural remedies to put an end to your toothache pain for good, I've put a link to a great resource below.

Arthritis, Joint Injury, and Horse Supplements

If you have a horse suffering from arthritis or joint injury, there is no doubt you have tried just about everything to correct this serious situation. Your horse's overall health is important. Sometimes, though, surgery, exercise, and changes in diet are not enough to truly make a difference. For these problems, you may want to include horse supplements in the every day regimen of your horses.

How Horse Supplements Work

There are many different types of horse supplements on the market today. Those made specifically for joint care, however, are unique. They may serve a few different purposes:

  • They may slow the amount of cartilage that is lost

  • Help a horse's body develop new cartilage where the old has been lost

  • Reduce the amount of damage caused by joint fluid by slowing the destruction down

Supplements have been found to be very effective for treating certain kinds of joint disease, like arthritis. They have also been shown to be very helpful when it comes to treating pain and inflammation associated with joint injuries and joint surgery.

What is Horse Arthritis and How is it Diagnosed?

Horse arthritis is a degenerative joint disease in which the cartilage around the joints changes and breaks down. This leaves the joints unprotected as the horse moves, cause many different symptoms, such as:

  • Pain

  • Inflammation

  • Swollen joints

  • Loss of range of motion

  • Trouble with movement around the joint

  • Stiffness

  • Attitude changes

Most of the time, horse arthritis is diagnosed through x-rays, ultrasounds, medical history, and observation of how well a horse is walking. Veterinarians may determine whether the horse's gait is wrong or not. They may also take an analysis of the joint fluid to see whether it is playing a role in the deterioration of the cartilage around the joint.

Remedies for Horse Arthritis and Other Joint Problems

There are several ways to treat horse arthritis and other joint problems.

  • Oral and topical anti-inflammatory medications. These types of medicines will help to reduce the inflammation around the horse's joints. They can also reduce some of the pain your horse experiences.

  • Medicines may also be injected directly into the joint to help with pain and swelling.

  • Ice packs can be used to lessen the amount of inflammation a horse has around the joints.

  • In the most severe cases, where the joint is torn and decomposed beyond repair, surgery may be needed. During the surgery, the joints will be fused together.

  • Horse supplements are a natural remedy for joint problems. They can work well for arthritis, joint damage due to exercise or strain, joint deterioration, or joints that are injured before, during, or after a surgery.

If your horse is suffering from arthritis or any other type of joint problem, consider using horse supplements to help with the many symptoms associated with these joint diseases. Your horse may experience a longer, happier, and healthier life because of the use of these supplements.

Canine Hip Dysplasia - Symptoms, Treatment and Surgery

What is Hip Dysplasia?

The hip joint consists of a 'ball" on the femoral bone, and a "socket" on the hip bone. Canine hip dysplasia simply defined is when a dog's hips do not develop normally and the ball does not fit snugly into the socket.

What Causes Hip Dysplasia?

While there is no conclusive proof of the cause of hip dysplasia, there are 2 general schools of thought about its cause - 1) genetic or 2) environmental.

These two differing viewpoints often place the dog breeders at odds with the dog owners, causing each to blame the other for the problem.

Genetic: The puppy is born with the problem

Environmental: The puppy is too heavy resulting in excessive growth and/or over or under exercising a puppy during its growth phase resulting in developmental problems.

The most common theory is that hip dysplasia is indeed genetic. Most breeders have their breeding dogs' hips rated by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) or Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program (Penn-HIP), or various other international orthopedic groups. We could discuss the merits of both theories, but it doesn't change the facts. If your dog has hip dysplasia, you need to deal with it.

When Does a Dog Get Hip Dysplasia?

If you subscribe to the theory that it is genetic, they are born with it. Dogs that have severe hip dysplasia often begin to have problems as puppies. Sometimes, the hip dysplasia does not cause pain for the dog, so they do not show signs of it until they develop arthritis in their hip joints. Some dogs that are not as severe can live out their entire lives with few, if any symptoms.

What are the Symptoms of Hip Dysplasia?

There are a number of symptoms of hip dysplasia. Some dog owners only say that their dog didn't walk right. Others will say they saw no symptoms at all, or just that their dog began to limp. Following is a list of common symptoms, of which your dog may have a couple and not have hip dysplasia.

Bunny Hopping: The dog tends to use both hind legs together, rather than one at a time. This occurs when the dog is running, or going up stairs.

Side Sit: Also called lazy sit, slouch or frog sit. When the dog sits, its legs are not positioned bent and close to the body. They can be loose and off to one side, or one or both legs may be straight out in front.

Sway Walk: Also called a loose walk. When the dog is walking, the back end sways back and forth because the hips are loose.

Unusual Laying Position: Legs are straight out and off to the side when the dog is laying on its stomach or legs are straight out behind the dog. (All dogs lay with their legs behind them on occasion, many dogs with hip dysplasia lay like this all the time.)

Limping: The dog may favor one hind leg or the other, and may alternate legs that it is favoring.

Quiet Puppy: Puppies who are already in pain from hip dysplasia tend to be very good puppies. They do not rough house the way that normal puppies do. They also tend to sleep for a long time after playing or going for a walk. Some owners describe their puppy with hip dysplasia as the best puppy they've ever had.

Dog Doesn't Jump: Not only do they not jump on you, they seem to pull themselves up by their front end onto furniture as opposed to jumping up.

Underdeveloped Hind Quarters and Overdeveloped Chest: This is caused by the failure to use the hind legs normally and jump. The dog also may actually be shifting weight forward.

Diagnosing Hip Dysplasia

The only way to diagnose hip dysplasia is with x-rays. However, I must note here that you should treat the dog and not the x-rays. Some dogs with seemingly mild hip dysplasia are in a lot of pain, while other dogs with apparent severe hip dysplasia do not display symptoms.

What Can Be Done for My Dog?

If you have had x-rays taken of your dog's hips at your regular vet, you may have been referred to an orthopedic surgeon. The surgeon is going to recommend various surgical options for your dog. I am going to give you a very brief overview of these surgeries. You will need to discuss your dog's options with the surgeon. They will provide the details of each surgical option. Some people are able to treat their dog with nutritional supplements and avoid surgery. Ultimately, it will be your decision to determine the best treatment for your dog.

Surgical Options:

Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis (JPS) - This surgery is performed on puppies under 20 weeks of age, generally when the puppy is neutered or spayed. It shows great promise as a preventive measure, by altering the pelvic growth. This surgery has a short recovery period, but is generally done before a puppy can be diagnosed. However, once you've lived with hip dysplasia, it may prove to be worthwhile for a puppy considered at risk for developing hip dysplasia.

Dorsal Acetabular Rim (DAR) - This surgery consists of bone grafts being taken from other areas of the pelvis to build up the rim on the hip socket (cup). The idea is for the femoral head to have a deeper socket to fit into. It's relatively new, so there is some question as to how a dog will do into old age - there aren't many older dogs that have had it done.
Triple Pelvic Ostectomy (TPO) - This surgery involves cutting the bone around the hip socket and repositioning the socket for a better fit with the femoral head. The bones are plated back together so they heal in the correct alignment. This surgery is performed on young dogs before they have finished growing.

Total Hip Replacement (THR) - This surgery consists of replacing the hip joint similar to a human hip replacement. A new cup is usually attached to the hip bone, and the femoral head is cut off the leg bone and an implant is inserted into the leg bone. This surgery is done on more mature dogs that have finished growing. Due to the size of the implants, this surgery is done on larger dogs. Previously, all artificial hip components were cemented in place. More recently, cementless hip replacements are being performed.

Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO) - Also know as femoral head and neck excision. This surgery consists of removing the femoral head of the leg bone to eliminate the pain of hip dysplasia. The dog's body will then develop scar tissue to create an artificial hip joint. Long considered only appropriate for smaller dogs or as a salvage operation for a failed THR, it has become increasingly popular for larger dogs.

Non-Surgical or Conservative Management Option

Many people choose to have surgery performed on their dog only as a last resort. Some are able to manage their dog's hip dysplasia with supplements, acupuncture, chiropractic care, exercise and weight management. Sometimes, the puppy will show signs of pain from hip dysplasia, and once it is done growing and the muscles are fully developed, they seem to "go into remission", developing signs of hip problems again as the dog ages. Surgical options are still available to you if the conservative path is unsuccessful.

For additional information on hip dysplasia, please visit

Doctor, Help Me - How Do I Find Arthritis Pain Relief?

The first and most important activity a doctor must do when the patient comes in is to make an accurate diagnosis. This is done with a careful history, physical exam, laboratory tests, and imaging procedures.

In the history, we ask questions such as:

o How long have you had the symptoms?

o What joints are involved?

o Is it symmetrical? One side like the other

o Is there a family history?

o Are there other symptoms?

On physical exam, we examine a patient from the top of the head to the bottoms of the feet! We look at the skin, eyes, ears, nose, throat, internal organs, and finally the joints

The goals of treatment are straightforward. They are:

o Relieve pain/inflammation

o Enhance quality of life

o Slow disease progression

o Control co-morbidity (associated diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.)

o Minimize risks of therapy

We first start with non-medicine treatment:

o Social support: make sure the patient's family and friends understand the problem

o Education: make sure the patient understands all the things they must do themselves to get better

o Weight-loss: many patients with low back pain, knee pain, and hip pain are overweight. All the medicines in the world aren't going to help until weight is corrected.

o Assistive devices: splints, braces, walkers, canes, etc. all may help.

o Thermal modalities: ice or moist heat depending on the situation

o Exercise: non impact as well as stretching and strengthening play a role.

o Modification of lifestyle: sometimes habits need to change and routines need to be altered.


o Analgesics: These help reduce pain. They don't block inflammation. Analgesics may be habit-forming or addictive. They offer the potential for side effects as well. Examples: Tylenol, Ultram, Darvocet, Percodan.

o Anti-inflammatory medicines: These block inflammation and help with pain. There is the potential for side-effects including the liver, kidneys, and cardiovascular systems. Examples: Naprosyn, Motrin, Celebrex.

o Disease-modifying drugs: these drugs slow down the progression of arthritis. They are used in conjunction with analgesics and anti-inflammatory medicines. Wxamples: hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil), methotrexate, azathioprine (Imuran).

o Biologic therapies: these are lasers that target the immune abnormalities found in many forms of arthritis. Examples: Enbrel, Humira, Remicade.

Specifically for arthritis related pain we also use medicines such as GABA stimulators such as gabapentin (neurontin) and pregabalin (Lyrica).

Lidoderm patches also help as do topical agents such as Myorx.

Sometimes injections of different types will be needed. These injections may be combinations of local anesthetics and glucocorticoid or they may consist of materials such as Botox. We have used the latter quite successfully in patients with neck and low back problems.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Popular Treatment Methods For Trochanteric Bursitis

As we age, the natural lubricants in our bodies that surround the joints tend to break down, and the sensitive areas can become inflamed and painful. One of the most common examples of this aging related medical condition is known as Trochanteric bursitis and it directly affects the hip joint. Limited movement is only one of the symptoms of this incapacitating condition, one that is also thankfully treatable.


Trochanteric bursitis will usually begin with feelings of tenderness and pain on the outside of the hip joint, and the skin may feel a bit warm to the touch. Over time, the pain increases to the point of occurring every time that joint is moved, through walking, standing or even sitting for lengths of time. The pain will range from mild discomfort to jarring jolts of chronic pain that seem to have no relief, not even when lying down. Any pressure on the affected hip will cause pain, especially when lying on your side.


The cause of this condition can be from a wide variety of reasons. Blows to that particular hip bone could begin the problem, but more often than not the true cause lies in simple aging. As we age, our bodies begin to lose its natural lubricants that are stored in tiny sacs surrounding each joint, called bursa. As the bursa begins to weaken, they can become irritated by the movement of the joint they surround, and become swollen. Once they swell, the movement of the joint puts additional pressure on them, causing sometimes excruciating pain.

The most common complaint of patients of a certain age is pain in the hip, most often caused by this form of bursitis. Left untreated, it can quickly become debilitating, every step causing chronic pain, and limiting the range of movement, day by day. The only effective course of treatment will include methods to alleviate the pain, and reduce the inflammation of the bursa surrounding the outside of the hip. Seeing your doctor is the first step to take.

Diagnosis and treatment

Once the doctor has run the necessary tests and taken x-rays to determine whether the cause of the pain is actually this form of bursitis and not something similar like tendonitis, the next step is usually prescribing anti-inflammatory medicines to reduce the inflammation of the bursa. After that, patients with this condition are then sent to physical therapy sessions, where they will be taught various exercises to strengthen the muscles around the joint, reducing the pressure on the bursa, as well as regaining some flexibility and movement. Surgery is usually only considered after all else has failed.

Typical Exercises

The typical exercises done through physical therapy to combat this condition will concentrate on the four muscle groups that surround the hip bone. These are the gluteal muscles, the illiotibial band that connects the hip joint, the hip flexor muscles, and the hamstring. Stretches designed to rebuild strength, and add flexibility to these areas will be the main focus of any exercises undergone during this phase of treatment.

The first such exercise is for the gluteal area, and is called the gluteal stretch. Lying on the back, the knee that aligns with the injured hip is slowly pulled back towards the opposite shoulder, slowly stretching that muscle. Next, a stretching exercise designed for the illiotibial band is performed standing up. This muscle runs from the side of the knee to the hip, so by extending the leg and crossing it gently to the opposite side, this band will become more flexible over time, and place less pressure on the inflamed hip joint.

Simple forward and backward movements of the legs and knees, like those in gentle lunges will help to stretch both the hamstring, and the hip flexor muscles. All exercises to combat the effects of Trochanteric bursitis should be done safely, under the supervision of a physical therapist and if any pain is felt, stop them immediately, or risk worsening your condition.

Acute Cystitis in Dogs

An inflammation to the urinary bladder normally caused by bacterial infection is Acute Cystitis. Female dogs are most common patients of acute cystitis than male dogs. Most cases of acute cystitis have an ascending effect. Ascending means that the bacteria arises from a lower part of the body such as the intestinal tract or at the perineum, the skin of the anus, ascending to the urethra proceeding to the urinary bladder, hence yielding to acute cystitis.

Female vagina of dogs as well as prostate glands of male dogs may also be the potential sources of acute cystitis. If you notice a blood in the urine, or when there's straining when urinating, or if there's increased urination manifested by your dogs, then a probable acute cystitis may be present. According to research, possible causes of acute cystitis include stones, tumors of the bladder, nervous system problems, and some diseases and medications.

Some bladder stones may infect the urinary bladder and may produce bacterial cystitis. For instance, certain types of bacteria such as Staph and Proteus may cause growth of a specific type of bladder stone called struvite. Tumors makes susceptible to bacterial urinary tract infection. Meanwhile, nervous system problems hinder the dog in emptying the urinary bladder so as to avoid possible development of bacterial urinary tract infection. However, some diseases such as Cushing's disease and medications that weakens the immune system may also lead to bacterial urinary tract infection as well.

A series of diagnostic tests to identify acute cystitis include a complete medical history of the dog's health and family's health and a comprehensive physical examination which includes palpation of the abdomen to investigate whether the bladder is functioning normally. Medical history involves queries on the sexual information about the dog--- whether it's intact or neutered, as well as information about the dog's appetite, water in-take and urination, weight loss, previous medications and previous illnesses.

Another diagnostic test that may be done is urinalysis. This is performed to evaluate the content of white blood cells, red blood cells and crystals present in the urine. Bacteria are examined under the microscope however absence of bacteria may not conclude a non acute cystitis result for excessive alkaline urine or high pH level may indicate urinary tract infection as well.

When bacteria are found in the urine it will then be subjected to culture and sensitivity to ascertain which type of bacteria is offending the urinary bladder. The types of bacteria that are commonly identified are E.coli, Staph or strep, and proteus. Cystocentesis or the collection of urine using a sterile needle that is passed through the abdominal wall going to the bladder and catheterization or the collection of urine through a catheter going through the urethra and then into the bladder using a sterile technique should be done properly so as to assure that the interpretation of the results are accurate and valid.

Preventing acute cystitis involves giving abundant water access to your pet to help clean your dog's system. Likewise avoid giving your dog medications that would suppress its immune system such as the cortisone-like drugs. Administer antibiotics in the morning or evening and comply with your dog's veterinarian's instructions.

Treatment and Prevention of Acute Cystitis in Dogs
A blood in the urine or a straining sensation when urinating, as well as increased urination exhibited by your pet dog may be symptoms of bacterial infection in the urinary bladder called acute cystitis.

Possible causes of acute cystitis include stones as there are types of bladder stones that may infect the urinary bladder and produce bacteria; tumors of the bladder, however, may lead to urinary tract infection as well since types of bacteria such as Staph and Proteus may lead to development and growth of a type of bladder stone called struvite. Meanwhile, nervous system problems could prevent the dog from urinating and emptying the bladder. If the bladder could not perform its function well such as completely emptying the bladder then possible growth of bacteria may also develop. Lastly, some diseases and medications such as Cushing's disease and cortisone-like medications weaken the immune system and lead to bacterial urinary tract infection.

Female dogs are most common patients of acute cystitis than male dogs; the female vagina of dogs and prostate glands of male dogs are potential sources of acute cystitis in them. Acute cystitis is said to have in an ascending manner. This means that the bacteria arises somewhere in the lower part of the urinary tract organ such as the intestinal tract or at the perineum, the skin of the anus, proceeding to the urethra and then to the urinary bladder.

Diagnostic tests to ascertain presence of acute cystitis include complete medical history of the dog which involves asking of information about the sexual activities of the dog such as knowing if it's intact or neutered, asking information about the dog's water consumption and urination, appetite for food and weight loss, previous medications and illnesses experienced.

A physical examination that evaluates the palpation of the abdomen to check whether the bladder is normal is likewise done. This is why regular veterinary visits is advised to early detect possible signs.Urinalysis is also implemented to check white blood cells, red blood cells and crystals presence in the urine; excessive alkaline urine or high pH level may indicate urinary tract infection as well, hence it is important to have urinalysis test procedure even if bacteria may not show in the results.

However when bacteria are found in the urine the next step is to do a culture and sensitivity test to identify which type of bacteria is causing the infection to the urinary bladder. E.coli, Staph or strep, and proteus are among the types of bacteria commonly seen under the microscope.

Treatment for acute cystitis includes a two to three weeks of antibiotic therapy. The result of the cultured bacteria to identify which antibiotic must be used to treat the specific bacteria is recommended by the veterinarian. However since the body's kidney naturally produces its antibiotic that's penicillin the urinary tract infection is treated naturally. In this case, sometimes veterinarians do not have to recommend bacteria culture and sensitivity since he could just choose the antibiotic initially used when the urinary tract infection that was first detected was treated.

Using Ginger Root for Pain Relief

Ginger root is more than just a tasty cooking herb, it is also excellent for pain relief.

You may already know about some of the ways ginger root helps in healing. For example, used fresh it is an excellent choice for relieving nausea. You will also see it in formulas for helping with indigestion, cough and early stage cold symptoms.

But one of the best uses for ginger root is in relieving pain. Its uses for pain relief cover many different kinds of pain. Here are some of the documented uses for it:

  • Abdominal cramps from diverticulosis or Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Alleviating exercise-induced muscle pain

  • Reducing joint pain from osteoarthritis & rheumatoid arthritis

  • Alleviating migraine headaches

  • Toothache relief

  • Reducing menstrual pain

One study showed the power of ginger for reducing pain. The Journal of Pain published the results of this study in April 2010. Participants in this study were people who exercised regularly. The 74 subjects received either ginger or a placebo for 11 days. Some of those receiving ginger got unheated ginger and some go heat-treated ginger.

After the 11 days, they did a set of 18 arm 'curls' with a heavy weight. These exercises caused minor muscle injury to the arm. Over the next three days, subjects underwent tests for arm function, inflammation and pain.

Results showed that people taking ginger had 25% less pain than the placebo group. The reduction was the same for both heat-treated and unheated ginger. That means if you exercise and get sore muscles, ginger will help reduce the soreness. Notably, it does this without the side effects of NSAID drugs.

If this natural herbal pain remedy works for so many types of pain, how, exactly does it do this?

Recent research shows that ginger reduces the COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes. This is similar to how non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs work. However, unlike NSAIDs, ginger also counteracts some of the side effects seen in NSAID use. It does this by lowering production of Leukotriene B4. This means ginger has fewer side effects than drugs.

Ginger also decreases the action of a number of genes that add to the inflammatory response. That means it reduces chronic pain at a deeper level. This is probably part of why ginger helps reduce joint pain.

In addition, for people who still feel the need for anti-inflammatory drugs there is an extra bonus. At least one study shows that ginger protects the stomach from the toxic effects of NSAIDs.

You can find ginger in capsules, liquid tinctures and pill form. Ginger is also available fresh in the produce section of most grocery stores.

Natural Health - Natural Solutions to TMJ (Jaw Discomfort)

Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ disorders) can be very disabling for sufferers. The temporomandibular joint is the one that joins your lower jaw to your skull, and can be felt if you press lightly just in front of your ear and move your jaw. This 'jaw joint' is one of the ones we use most often during the day, every time we talk, bite, chew or yawn. It is a complex set up of bones, muscles and tendons and any one of these parts can become inflamed and sore.

Many things can lead to TMJ disorders, but the most common are:

--Dental problems and misalignment of teeth. This can be caused by TMJ or lead to TMJ as sufferers chew on one side of their mouth.

--Teeth grinding or clenching can lead to TMJ disorder by wearing the cartilage of the joint. This behavior often occurs during sleep and the sufferer is unaware they are doing it until they are told, but they wake up every morning with a stiff or painful jaw.

--A history of a facial injury. Fractured jaws, or other facial bones, can lead to TMJ disorder.

--Chewing gum or nail biting. This is an overuse issue.

--Stress, because it can lead to jaw clenching or teeth grinding.

--Occupational issues, such as holding a telephone to your ear with your shoulder whilst talking.

The most common symptoms are:

--Pain. About eighty percent of sufferers will have headaches and/or facial pain. This pain is worse when opening or closing the jaw.

--Ear pain occurs in about half of all patients, often leading to unnecessary antibiotic treatment for ear infection.

--Sounds. Patients are often aware of grinding and/or clicking noises when they move their jaws.

--Other ear symptoms, such as feelings of "fullness", dizziness, tinnitus and muffled hearing. This can lead to misdiagnosis as ear infection.

Some natural healing options:

· Rest the jaw. This can mean eating only a soft diet and trying to reverse such behaviors as teeth grinding and clenching.

· Heat or cold packs. Cold packs are best at the start of an attack as they stop blood flow to the area and prevent inflammation. Once it has developed, heat packs work better as they relax the muscles.

· Pain relief with natural anti-inflammatories like MSM (Young Living's Sulfurzyme is an excellent MSM product), essential fatty acids like fish oils and flax.

--Essential oils can give good relief (of course the therapeutic grade oils, not perfume grade oils). Wintergreen is an effective anti-inflammatory and lavender oil is often indicated in the natural approach to TMJ.

--Indian head massage, healing touch and reiki are also very effective. Seek out qualified practitioners of these healing arts.

5 Tips to Maximize Bone and Joint Strength Naturally

Here are my top five tips to maximize bone and joint strength naturally. Think of it as your bone and joint health regimen.

Tip One: Exercise Appropriately

While some types of intense exercise can put stress on the joints, regular moderate physical activity has been shown to improve bone mineral density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. To find out what types of exercises are appropriate for you, you can talk to a fitness trainer, a physical therapist or your doctor. Low impact weight-bearing, resistance training, yoga stretches and walking are some of the exercises commonly recommended.

Tip Two: Eat More Calcium-Rich Foods

When you think of calcium-rich foods, you may immediately think of dairy products. Low-fat dairy products can be a part of a balanced diet. Greek yogurt, for example, is an excellent choice because it is also rich in protein. Protein supports muscle strength and growth. Your muscles help to support and protect your joints and bones.

There are other calcium-rich foods that may be even more beneficial than dairy because of the antioxidants they contain. Antioxidants help protect against free radical damage that can cause joint and bone deterioration. Many antioxidants also have anti-inflammatory activity. Inflammation degrades collagen and elastin fibers that make up tendons, ligaments and other supportive body components.

Here are some "super" foods to include in your daily diet:

繚 Canned salmon-3 ounces provides 200 milligrams of calcium, plus protein and the potent antioxidant astaxanthin

繚 Broccoli-1 cup provides 90 milligrams of calcium, plus the antioxidants vitamin C, beta-carotene and vitamin E, along with the mineral magnesium which contributes to bone mineral density and the vitamin K which provides major protection against osteoporosis

繚 Turnip greens-1 cup provides 200 milligrams of calcium, plus vitamin C, Vitamin A and vitamin K

Tip Three: Be Sure to Get Plenty of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is sometimes called the sunshine vitamin. As we get older, the conversion of sunlight to vitamin D is less efficient. Many doctors believe that we need even more vitamin D as we age. Your body needs vitamin D in order to absorb calcium.

Tip Four: Take Fish Oil

Fish oil has natural anti-inflammatory activity and is beneficial for joint pain. Some brands also provide beneficial antioxidants such as lycopene, astaxanthin and coenzyme Q10. COQ10 may be particularly beneficial because it contributes to muscle strength and the amount present in the body decreases with age. The most effective form of coenzyme Q10 is ubiquinol.

Tip Five: Take A Multi-Nutritional Supplement

Multi-nutritional supplements naturally provide extra support for bones and joints. Not all supplements are the same, of course. The best ones for bone health contain the nutrients mentioned above (calcium, magnesium, vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, vitamin C) and mangosteen extract.

Mangosteen extract has been highly promoted as an overall health supplement. The value to bone and joint strength has to do with the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Mangosteen has proven to be a natural COX-2 inhibitor.

COX-2 is an enzyme that contributes to pain, swelling and inflammation. COX-2 inhibiting drugs have proven to be dangerous, although effective for pain relief. Mangosteen extract provides the benefits without the risks.

Please click the Bones & Joint Problems link below in the resource author box.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Cosmetic Dentistry Recommendations and Other Treatments for TMJ Disorders

TMJ, short for temporomandibular joint disorders, causes pain mainly in the jaw joint. For some people, its symptoms include pain in the ears and other parts of the face; jaws that lock or can't be opened comfortably; painful or continuously changing bite; headaches; neck, back, or shoulder pain; and even swelling in some parts of the face. Cosmetic dentistry procedures today, however, have the capability not just to improve your dental and facial appearance, but also to remedy these symptoms.

TMJ sometimes leads to serious concerns about your teeth and facial structure due to cracked and worn teeth and permanently damaged ligaments and tendons in the jaw area. The cause of this disorder may be unknown, but a wide range of treatments, from therapy to surgery, are available to help you from suffering any further.

When consulting a dentist about TMJ, you'll undergo thorough dental and medical examination. The dentist may order dental x-ray, CT scan, and MRI tests to be able to know the TMJ problems you're experiencing. Your jaw movement will be checked - if you can open your jaws widely, if there are popping and clicking sounds, or if there is painful chewing. Worn-out teeth and infected ears and sinuses may be found out also.

Simple procedures and guidelines are often recommended for this disorder. To reduce muscle tension and spasm, ice packs can be used. Also, you may be advised to avoid chewy, crunchy, or tough types of food like candy, beef, raw vegetables, and the like.

One restorative and cosmetic dentistry treatment for this is occlusal equilibration. The dentist will reshape the teeth surfaces to take out any deflective interference, eventually helping the jaws to function properly and comfortably.

You may be prescribed to wear a mouth guard instead. It's usually a plastic or acrylic shield that will keep you from grinding and clenching your teeth. On the other hand, corrective dental therapy may be done to restore the stability of your bite. If wearing dental bridges or crowns, they may need to be adjusted to perfect the alignment of your teeth.

Lastly, severe TMJ cases may require arthroscopy, joint replacement and restructuring, or ligament tightening. These are rarely done - when all other cosmetic dentistry treatments just couldn't do.

At the first sign of a TMJ problem, make sure you consult a dentist. There are many treatment options available today. Letting the disorder go unchecked and untreated will only make the pain and other symptoms worse.

TMJ Dentist

TMJ or temporomandibular joint and muscle disorder is one of the ailments that have not been really studied just yet. It is important that you find a good TMJ dentist who comes well recommended in his field, and always get a second opinion before undergoing any form or treatment. This disorder that involves pain when using the jaw joints for eating, talking, swallowing, and yawning may be due to inflammation on the jaw joints and if not diagnosed and treated properly, this can be a real serious medical condition that can be a real threat to someone's health and overall well-being.

Just like any other joints, the jaw joints can also suffer from conditions such as arthritis and ankylosis. The jaw may also suffer due to injury, the sleeping disorder teeth-grinding, severe stress that can weaken the muscles of the face and other unhealthy habits such as frequent clenching of the mouth and nail biting. Symptoms of this disorder include pain when one or both of the jaws are moved. The pain at first can still be bearable but may eventually lead the sufferer from extreme pain and discomfort of not remedied and treated immediately. The pain and discomfort will also eventually spread to the ears, neck, the head and even the shoulders. In severe cases, the simple pain accompanied by clicking or popping noise when the mouth is opened or the jaws are moved can eventually lead to jaw lock and muscle spasms.

Since there is still no board or medical professional organization that designates specific medical experts as TMJ specialists, TMJ treatment and medication is normally received through a dentist. To determine the extent and gravity of the TMJ disorder symptoms that you might have, a dentist might recommend X-rays, MRI and CT scans. Simple techniques to treat and alleviate the pain will be exhausted first if not serious. Dentists will normally advise surgery only when all simple techniques have been tried and condition still not improving.

A TMJ dentist will normally recommend ample rest of the jaw joint and the prescription of analgesic pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs to alleviate the pain and swelling. Ibuprofen is most commonly used in mid to high dosages. However, stronger medication may become necessary as the body builds up a resistance to Ibuprofen for TMJ. Moist heated compresses will also ease the pain the areas. Hard and chewy foods should also be avoided. In place of the conventional use of mouth guards, a splint will be used to temporarily reduce teeth grinding. If disorder is caused by dental neglect or disease or even injury, your TMJ dentist will also help you in restoring the proper occlusion. During the observation and treatment period, a TMJ dentist will also postpone any other dental work such as crowns and bridges.

At the very start of any of these symptoms, you should immediately consult your TMJ dentist so that a thorough orthodontic evaluation can be performed and find out the cause to avoid further aggravation of the disorder as well as determine the immediate remedies to ease the initial pain and discomfort. The right diagnosis and treatment of TMJ by your specialist dentist will help you find relief and remedies before any risky and costly surgical procedures.

Do You Have Degenerative Arthritis?

With 10 million or more people with arthritis, the majority of them will have degenerative arthritis. This arthritis is called Osteoarthritis. Degenerative arthritis occurs when joints are overworked, rub against each other, experience excess friction, and slowly degenerate.

Most joints rub against each other, but bone joints have a protective layer called cartilage. This cartilage has no blood vessels or nerves so it cannot receive nutrients directly. This cartilage serves as a cushion or pad between bones so that bones don't wear out and so you don't feel pain.

Cartilage should not wear out if its surfaces remain lubricated with oils that you eat. But if you are not eating the right oils or the proper amount, then your cartilage can become dry. Under these conditions you will slowly deteriorate the cartilage, which will lead to degenerative arthritis.

Once your cartilage becomes damage or grinded down, it is hard to regenerate it. Cartilage is not a living tissue and does not receive its nourishment directly from blood vessels. It is made up of mucin, albumin and sulfuric acid. It absorbs oils and nutrients by osmosis.

Osmosis is the movement of oil from an area of high oil concentration, passing through a membrane, into an area of low oil concentration. So, if the cartilage is deficient in oil and you don't eat the oil it needs to minimize cartilage-to-cartilage friction, then degenerative arthritis will occur over time.

Eating oil that is high in vitamin D and iodine is what is necessary for good cartilage strength and function. Oil such as cod liver oil is ideal as lubrication for cartilage function. Fish oil is another good oil to eat. When you eat cod liver oil, this oil passes through the joint lining into the joint cavity. Once in the cavity, this oil is absorbed into the cartilage through osmosis.

Once the cartilage is properly lubricated, it has an elasticity and lubrication so that when it rubs against other cartilage little friction and cartilage degeneration occurs.

There is another process that can affect the integrity of the cartilage. Calcium can deposit on the bone near the cartilage and break into the cartilage and wear it down.

To prevent this condition, calcium must be kept in solution in the lymph liquid. This is done by maintain a balance diet.

Degenerative arthritis is a process where the cartilage at the end of bones in joint structures slowly degrades. This degradation occurs from the lack of the right oil in the diet and through calcium build up in the bone joint. Joint degeneration starts to occur after the age of 20 and can continue if the right diet if not followed.

Eating the right food to prevent degenerative arthritis is difficult to do if you have been brought up eating the wrong kind of food. But as an adult, you can now make a choice as to whether you will have Osteoarthritis when you get older by continuing to eat the wrong kinds food.

Spinal Stenosis - Finally a Non-Surgical Solution

What is Stenosis?

Spinal Stenosis is a medical condition in which the spinal canal narrows and compresses the spinal cord and/or exiting nerve roots. Stenosis is from the Greek word meaning "a narrowing". Central canal stenosis is a narrowing of the channel in the center of each vertebra through which passes the spinal cord on its way down the spine. Foraminal stenosis is a narrowing of the channel on either side of the vertebra where the spinal nerve roots exit on their way to various parts of the body such as down the arms or legs. The vertebral foramen is a small opening or hole for the exiting spinal nerve root that is formed where the downward notch in the bone of a vertebra meets the upward notch of the vertebra below it. Spinal stenosis may affect the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine. Lumbar spinal stenosis results in low back pain and can radiate down the nerves into the buttocks, hips, thighs, legs, or feet. Cervical spinal stenosis results in neck pain and can radiate down the nerves into the shoulders, arms, wrists, and hands.

What Causes it?

Although it is true that some individuals congenitally have larger or smaller canals than do others, the cause of the narrowing is usually a combination of 3 different degenerative factors present in varying degrees in different patients. First, when a disc herniates the bulge takes up space narrowing the nerve channel. Second, as the involved disc dries out and loses height (a process known as desiccation) it causes the vertebra to become closer together further narrowing the nerve channel. Third, as the stress on the joint compounds and osteoarthritis begins to result, bone spurs (osteophytes) form and ligaments thicken (hypertrophy) gradually narrowing the channel even further. These 3 factors in various combinations and degrees of severity compromise the space in the channel and conspire to compress (pinch) the spinal cord or nerve root. These 3 factors may also be referred to as Degenerative Disc Disease, the most common cause of spinal stenosis.

Spondylolisthesis and scar tissue formation as a result of prior surgical fusion are other factors that can contribute to spinal stenosis. Spondylolisthesis describes the anterior displacement of a vertebra or the vertebral column in relation to the vertebra below. Also, rarely, various bone diseases such as Paget's Disease or tumors in the spine are responsible for the narrowing. An MRI can rule in or rule out a wide range of possibilities rare though they may be.

A Non-surgical Solution

Spinal Decompression Therapy, first approved by the FDA in 2001, has since evolved into a cost-effective treatment for herniated and degenerative spinal discs, and the resultant spinal stenosis; one of the major causes of back pain and neck pain. It works on the affected spinal segment by significantly reducing intradiscal pressures. The vacuum thus created retracts the extruded disc material allowing more room for the pinched nerve, and will many times additionally increase the spacing between the vertebra as the involved discs are rehydrated, allowing even more room for the nerve. Furthermore, as the disc rehydrates its shock absorbing capabilities are restored reducing mechanical stress on the related structures (facet joints and supporting ligamentous tissues) slowing or halting the osteoarthritc damage. This is a non-surgical conservative procedure for patients suffering with bulging or herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, posterior facet syndrome, sciatica, failed back surgery syndrome, and non-specified mechanical low back or neck pain resulting in spinal stenosis.

Equestrian Arthritis

Degenerative Joint diseases are commonly seen in humans and in pets such as dogs and cats but did you know that even horses fall prey to this condition? Horses are generally physically-active animals. They can stand for hours, gallop, jump and clear hurdles (for trained horses) of varying heights. But like humans and pets, they are susceptible to the everyday wear and tear of cartilages in the joints. This is inevitable and is the leading cause of degenerative joint diseases with ageing as a complementary cause.

Whether or not the horse is physically active or is a retired beast of burden, arthritis usually comes and is manifested by lameness. Standing alone provides a lot of pressure to the horse's joints. Sometimes too much physical activity or regular physical activity leads to normal wear and tear but remember that as the horse ages, in much the same way as glucosamine production in humans and pets degenerate, so too does in horses. The general picture then becomes that there is an imbalance between physical activity and its pressure on the joints and joint rehabilitation and repair through glucosamine production.

Some tips in Treating Equestrian Arthritis

First, check for signs of swelling in your horses' legs. One way to do so is to compare opposite legs against one another and see if they are generally of the same size. Another way is to gently massage the legs and feel the edge of the bones. If you can't swelling may have taken place or is taking place. So-called 'valleys' in the horse's joints which are made of soft-tissue and are described as "fluid-free" may feel as if they are "filled-up" and is taken as a sign of swelling. If you suspect any of these, consult with a veterinarian right away to remedy future signs of equestrian arthritis.

Once you are sure that your horse is suffering from degenerative joint disease or arthritis, and then you may try to treat it as authorized by your vet. Of course, natural treatments are highly-recommended.

Exercise and Stretching

Since lameness usually results from long periods of inactivity and/or a strain in the joints due to a traumatic injury or the normal wear and tear of everyday, a controlled exercise program can help strengthen your horse's joints while stretching can help with blood circulation and flexibility.


A nutrient-filled diet goes hand-in-hand with regular exercise to safeguard your horse from future diseases. For arthritis, glucosamine diets have been found to relieve the pains of equestrian arthritis and effectively treat degenerative joint disease as well. Synflex Liquid Glucosamine is a dietary supplement that has been proven to treat equestrian arthritis with just an ounce to an ounce and a half (depending on your horse's weight) for more or less 3 months. Once absorbed in the body, the ingredients in Syn-flex Liquid glucosamine work synergistically to ease pain and rehabilitate degenerative cartilage in the joints and repair damaged tissues as well. You can read more on Synflex and other Syn-flex Liquid Glucosamine for equestrian use at

Trigeminal Neuralgia - The Worst Pain Known To Man?

My Story

I first suffered from Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN or tic douloureux) in 1995 when I was 28. At this time I didn't have a clue what the pain was that I was suffering from. I was in the RAF and had just returned from a tour of duty in the Falkland Islands. During this period I had the odd twinge, but in no way could this be described as pain. On my return the pain increased, so I went to see many dental specialists in the RAF. I was treated with root canal treatment, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. For this the dental technicians made me a couple of splints for my bottom teeth. These were 1 and 2mm in thickness. I wore them for approximately 6 months, but unfortunately they made no difference, as I wasn't suffering from it. The intense pain affected an area on the right hand side of my face from the chin to below the right ear.

None of the treatment that went on for about 18 months proved successful because at this time they didn't know what I was suffering. The pain got so intense and my job didn't help as I worked on nights as a radio operator. Part of my job was to wear head phones, these only made the problem worse. Talking was difficult, eating was hard and life wasn't too pleasant. Temazepam did no good either, the pain was the worst I had ever suffered.

The turning point in my condition came a year after leaving the RAF when I discovered the Internet. I went to Google and typed in 'intense facial pain' and waited for the results to come back. I found all sorts of links, but one of the sites listed struck me. I went there and the symptoms described were very similar to what I was suffering. The pain is best described as a bolt of lightning shooting through one side of the face. The pain is intense, perhaps in my case going on for a few minutes at a time. There was very little that could be done to halt the onslaught. Direct pressure over the area had some affect, but didn't take the pain away.

The triggers for the pain can be as mundane as brushing your teeth, a breath of wind or simply talking. Winter and its icey winds were a lot worse than summer warmth. But by far the worst offender is eating. Eating can be a nightmare, during the worst episodes it wasn't uncommon to lose weight. I wouldn't waste my time eating things like apples, lettuce and other food that didn't contain any calories. While to most people these foods are fine, to a TN sufferer like me these are foods best avoided, otherwise you will lose weight. When driving a car even the road surface would have an affect on whether the pain kicked in or not. Even when there was no pain, it was sitting there in the background waiting for the trigger to release its latest onslaught of ultra pain - imagine tooth ache, only 10 times worse! - honest.

Having found what I thought was the problem I was suffering from I took my findings to Goole Hospital. The Ears, Nose and Throat specialist confirmed what I thought and he prescribed me Tegretol. Almost immediately I felt some relief from the pain. Initially my dosage was kept low until I was on the high end of the dosage. The problem I found with Tegretol was memory loss, and a general feeling of 'fuzziness'. I couldn't come off them as the pain was too intense, but they were becoming less and less useful to my condition. Sometimes, dependent on the dose I took that day, and the amount of food I ate I had a feeling of slight overdose - dizzy isn't the word. It only happened a couple of times, and it wasn't pleasant.

The specialist at Goole referred me to a Consultant Neurosurgeon at Hull Royal. Here I had an MRI brain scan in the Hull Royal Scan Unit, this confirmed, and gave a better indication of what was going on. Armed with my scans I then went to see one of the Neurologists at the hospital. He thought it be a good idea if I was admitted as soon as possible for an operation to numb the pain. I was admitted into hospital on the Monday morning a month later.

Radio Frequency Coagulation Operation

The operation I was going to have was a Radio Frequency Coagulation. This is administ

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Natural Joint Pain Relief for Pets - What to Consider

You need to consider how big your dog is when you're trying to find the ideal natural joint pain relief for pets, as well as the causes of their joint pain. If they have arthritis, this is different than if they have sore joints from an excess of exercise. Depending on the situation, there are many different herbs that might be helpful. You also have many homeopathic options that might help with joint pain relief when applied topically or taken internally.

If you're looking for natural joint pain relief for pets, you're going to have to consider many different factors of the situation. You probably know that talking to your vet yields little information if they're not familiar with the use of natural therapies. For this reason, you should try to find a vet that you can speak with who is experienced with alternative medicine. They can talk to you about your pet to help you find the best natural joint pain relief.

Should your pet have inflamed joints, you might explore using herbal mixtures that can be taken as teas and tinctures. Three of the most popular for joint pain are Turmeric, St. John's Wort, and Feverfew. Each of these herbs are said to have anti-inflammatory properties, and may be applied topically as well as taken internally. Please be sure to consult your vet before trying anything.

Apparently, Turmeric is great for human use and is said to be useful in helping some dogs with inflamed joints, as well as arthritic joints. You can ask your vet about feeding them the turmeric as the vet can recommend the dosage. Some people have claimed to have mixed the turmeric powder with oil such as jojoba or almond, and applied it directly to the joints as a natural joint pain relief for pets. It is said that the orange color of this herb is very strong, so the oil will definitely be visible on their skin.

You should be able to tell if any of these forms of natural joint pain relief for pets work for your pet because they will act differently if their pain is relieved. Depending on the size of your pet, you might give them some tea or tincture of these herbs with their food. However, make sure you speak with a vet who has full knowledge of alternative medicine, before you give your pet anything.

Some things, like an overnight infusion of Nettle tea, are said to be a nutritive and useful without much precaution, but you still need to make sure your veterinarian approves your decision before you give your pet anything.

If you're using herbs that are anything other than nutritive; that is, herbs that are stimulating or anti-inflammatory, you should seek advice from someone who has experience prescribing natural joint pain relief for pets. This will help you to be sure to make the right decision.

Benefits of Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery

As hip replacement surgery has become more common, it is now much easier and safer to have the procedure performed. Qualified surgeons are doing the surgery in less time and with much less risk to the patient. Minimally invasive hip replacement surgery is the choice that many surgeons advise for their patients. Briefly, they use small portals rather than large incisions to get to the surgery site. This makes it much more comfortable for the patient. The patient will have less post-surgery pain, a shorter hospital stay and a quicker recovery. Also, the entire cost of the operation itself is drastically reduced.

The hip implant that the surgeon uses actually grows into the bone. The surgeon does minimal cutting to the surrounding tissues and bone which eliminates much pain for the patient. The surgeon gently inserts the hip implant through two small portals that are less than two inches long. Most people are able to go home within a day or two because they recover in half the time it takes for more invasive hip surgery procedures.

This surgical technique is used routinely for many common hip disorders. The first sign that a person is a candidate for hip replacement surgery is that he or she is experiencing pain and stiffness in their hip joints. The person's quality of life is greatly affected because he or she is finding it very difficult to walk. Often, the person has Osteoarthritis which deteriorates joints, bones and cartilage in the body. He or she may also have Avascular Necrosis in which the bone actually dies and blood flow is stopped. Another common disorder that might result in hip replacement is Rheumatoid Arthritis, which inflames the cartilage and surrounding tissues of the hip joint.

If a person is suffering from any kind of painful disorder that limits their ability to get around, then minimally invasive hip replacement surgery is something that might work for them. It is a better alternative to traditional hip replacement surgery because it requires less time to complete and less time for recovery. Insurance companies are more likely to approve this type of surgery because the total costs involved are less

5 Ways To Reduce Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is a condition that is classified by the inflammation and corresponding agitation of the joints. It is a common health concern for many individuals, especially those over the age of 55, and is cited as the most common disability in the United States. Most of the time, arthritis is felt during the night or when the affected individual is about to go to sleep. Having this pain during the night results in discomfort and a lack of deep, restorative sleep. Affected individuals thus wake feeling exhausted, sore, and unable to fully enjoy their daily activities.

There are many causes of arthritis. One of the major factors in having joint pain and inflammation is old age. The ability of the cartilage to self-repair lessens because the cartilage becomes brittle as the person becomes older. Another factor is the excess body weights, which put pressure to the knees and hips that cause pain. Getting a good night sleep in a comfortable bed is one of the tricks in fighting arthritis instead of taking medications or painkillers.

Reducing Arthritis Pain Through An Adjustable Bed

  • Sleeping in an adjustable bed is one of the ways to combat the pain during the night. Getting a comfortable sleep will help you lessen the pressure in your joints as well as the inflammation and the pain.

  • Your body is relaxed in an adjustable bed avoiding the joints to be swollen and you can sleep in any position that you like.

  • If the person is injured, adjustable beds can help in the faster recovery. A third of our life is spent on sleeping and our body recovers during asleep. It is important that we give our body the best possible comfort when sleeping in order to hasten recovery as well as to recover from fatigue or exhaustion.

  • Adjustable bed gives the best support for your body, which helps lessen stress that may cause joint pain. You can adjust the lower part of the bed if your knee hurt so that you can elevate your knee. This will cause your joint and muscles to relax.

  • It is already proven that adjustable beds really help people not only with arthritis but also with back pain, neck pain, GERD and a lot more.

Reducing Arthritis Pain Through Therapeutic Remedies

Another way of approaching your arthritis without resorting to huge bills due to medications is by trying the alternative medical ways. Therapeutic taping for arthritis inflammation and pain is the second way of dealing with arthritis. You can try using wrapping tapes in taking off the pressure in the area of the inflamed joints, supporting the joints and for realigning the joints. These wrapping tapes can be bought in pharmaceutical store or grocery store.

Reducing Arthritis Pain Through Safe And Effective Supplements And Proper Diet

The third way of dealing with arthritis is by boosting your body with vitamin C and D. Lack of vitamin C and D will result in unnecessary pain so having enough vitamins C and D will give you pain relief. Grapes skin includes a natural compound known as resveratrol, which acts as a COX-2 inhibitor. It inhibits COX-2, the enzyme responsible for the pain and inflammation of arthritis. The last method is by taking or drinking green tea. Green tea is discovered to contain polyphenols, which fights the key gene that is responsible for arthritis inflammation.

What Are The Definitive Shingles Symptoms I Can Expect?

Shingles symptoms often begin with a mild but persistent headache, sensitivity to light and flu-like sensations. Soon after, a rash begins to develop that can be accompanied by extreme pain in the rash area. Tingling and dizziness may be present.

As the pain intensifies, bright red lesions develop, which gradually fill with fluid. As soon as a crust forms over the blisters, the person is no longer contagious. These lesions most commonly develop over the torso and face, and usually confine themselves to one half of the body. Other symptoms that may be present are a feeling of general unhealthiness, lymphatic swelling, joint pain, hearing loss, abdominal pains or genital lesions.

Shingles treatment often involves treating the symptoms and letting the lesions clear up on their own, which they will do in two to three weeks with a very small chance of recurrence. Since the pain is sometimes very intense, it is often necessary to treat it with painkillers during a shingles episode. Sometimes steroids are prescribed for this end, but these have been linked to impairing the immune system and their helpfulness in shingles treatment has never been proven.

Calamine lotion is sometimes said to reduce the pain that is one of shingles symptoms. Vitamins C and E are also said to help relieve pain and speed the healing process; either a topical cream or an oral supplement may be helpful. Cool dressings on the affected area can also be incredibly effective shingles treatment. A topical ointment made out of two crushed aspirins and two tablespoons of chloroform has routinely been found to alleviate pain and speed healing by many people with shingles. Lysine cream is an amino acid which impairs the growth of the herpes virus which causes a shingles outbreak; application of a lysine cream once or twice daily may help your body heal faster.

Symptoms of shingles are often a sign that the body has been weakened by age, stress or other infection. Therefore, keeping your body healthy can reduce the risk of a shingles outbreak or speed up recovery. If you have been exposed to the chickenpox virus (through a vaccine or by coming down with chickenpox) then you are a host of the virus that causes shingle symptoms. It stays dormant in the body and may never impair you, until your immune system falters due to cancer treatment, fatigue or any other extreme stresses. It is then that it can flare up and reactivate, leading to an outbreak of shingles.

Eating a lot of vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables can help keep you immune system strong enough to prevent reactivation of the virus, and consuming raw fruits and veggies during a shingles episode may speed the recovery process. Reducing stress and exercising regularly are also good ways to keep you immune system working hard for you and minimizing the likelihood of an outbreak and shingles symptoms.

If you think you have developed any symptoms of shingles, you should be sure to talk to your doctor before beginning any treatment.

Food And Joint Pain

People have joint pain for many reasons, including forms of arthritis or any other illness that can lead to an inflammation of the joints. Those who have joint pain should think about the foods they eat in order to control this pain.

Another important aspect to remember is that losing weight can also be beneficial when living with joint pain as this will put less strain on them. As well as suggested foods to eat when experiencing pain, there are also some foods that should be avoided.

Foods to Avoid When Experiencing Joint Pain

It is important for those with joint pain to avoid foods that are high in fat and cholesterol. There are studies that prove that when people avoid the following foods that their joint pain in minimised thus making it more manageable. The following is a list of foods to avoid:

Citrus fruits such as lemon, lime, orange and berries
Very salty food
Red meat
Dairy products (but it is still important to get calcium for good bone health)
Soft drinks
Beans such as kidney beans, lima beans, peas and asparagus
Fried food
Red Peppers
White potatoes
Alcoholic beverages
Saturated fats
Baked foods

Foods to Help Joint Pain

Although the above list can appear to be quite long and include a lot of things, there are still many options of things that are healthy to eat when experiencing joint pain. When choosing foods, it is important to remember that foods which have a lot of phosphorus will eliminate calcium from the bones making the problem even worse.

The most important minerals are calcium, magnesium and other trace minerals such as boron. Also, foods should be cooked in olive oil instead of vegetable oil. The following is a list of foods that has been found to be beneficial when people have with the pain in your joints:

  • Fruits that are high in vitamin C like: strawberries, kiwis, peaches, mangoes, cantaloupes, papayas and apples

  • Vegetables that are high in vitamin A and C like: collards, squash, sweet potatoes, broccoli, spinach, Brussels' sprouts and bell pepper

  • Fish which have high omega 3, essential fatty acids and vitamin E; these include: salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, tuna, herring, rainbow trout, pacific oysters and anchovies

  • Nuts and seeds with no salt which are also high in omega 3, essential fatty acids and vitamin E; these include: walnuts, brazil nuts, almonds, sunflower deeds, linseed, pumpkin seeds, and flaxseed

  • Grains and breads such as: lentils, brown rice, chick peas, whole wheat bread, rye bread, and oat cereals

  • Foods that lower inflammation include: Turmeric, garlic, ginger, apples

  • Others: non-fat milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, snow peas, soybeans, tofu

Although it can seem like a lot to remember it can be very beneficial to try and follow as much as possible the joint pain diet tips in order to avoid having too much pain. There is also a supplement that can be taken called Flexcin, with the innovative ingredient CM8 that has been shown to diminish joint pain.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Rub On Relief Review: Why The No 1 Natural Pain Relief Cream Is So Good

This article gives a short review of Rub On Relief cream, a product from Living Well Nutraceuticals. This #1 natural pain relief cream earned its mark from the use of homeopathic ingredients that work wonders to provide pain relief for many different pain conditions.

What Is Homeopathy?

As one of many natural healing remedies, homeopathy started out in Europe and is also used by the early settlers in the USA. It was discovered by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the 1800s, when he uncovered a medicine principle known as "like cures like". This breakthrough was later called homeopathy.

The basic idea is that if a small dose of medicine is introduced into a healthy body and it produces symptoms similar to the sick, this medicine can also cure that sickness. However, higher doses will not work as it prevents the body to function naturally.

Homeopathy has branched into two paths: classical, which is premised on a single remedy for an ailment; and clinical, which combines remedies for synergistic healing. Rub On Relief cream derives its benefit from the latter by using a mixture of 8 homeopathic ingredients. We explore briefly what these ingredients do below.

Belladonna -- Used as an anaesthetic for surgery before the Middle Ages, Belladonna is used in cough syrups to alleviate throat pain; it is also useful for intestinal inflammation and menstrual cramps.

Naja -- This ingredient targets the nerves, the pain center of the body, to quickly heal and soothe pain.

Rhus Tox -- This is known to treat arthritic pain, joint stiffness, sprains, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis.

Ignatia -- The Chinese have used Ignatia to calm nerves and relieve pain. It gives more mobility in muscles and joints by relaxing nerves and muscles to ease blood flow.

MSM -- This delivers vital sulphur to connective tissues to help form health bonds that promote quick healing.

Menthol -- By increasing blood flow and circulation to the area it's applied, Menthol speeds healing. However, too much of it causes a burning sensation, so Rub On Relief uses the titrated form (which uses less Menthol for same effect).

Phosphorus -- Regulating the nerves that send the pain message to the brain, Phosphorus reduces the agonizing burning feeling in your muscles.

Lachesis Mutus -- This removes toxins from the blood, thereby reducing swelling in the joints and the accompanying pain.

How Homeopathic Ingredients In Rub On Relief Works Wonders

This mix of 8 homeopathics in Rub On Relief works wonders to relieve pain in many situations. Let's look at what ingredients are active for the following pain conditions:

Sprains, Arthritis, Backaches: Rhus Tox, Lachesis Mutus

Inflammation, Nerve tissue pain: Menthol, Naja

Burning sensations: Phosphorus

Shooting pain: Belladonna

Muscle spasms, Emotional pain: Ignatia

In addition to these homeopathic ingredients, Rub On Relief contains Cetyl Myristoleate and Magnesium Sulfate to provide a total solution for effective pain relief.

As can be seen in this review, Living Well's Rub On Relief cream is made from natural but potent ingredients that provide synergistic healing for many pain problems.