Sunday, September 8, 2013

Ten Joint Pain Facts

Joint pain affects so many people in every walk of life that it is becoming a bigger issue every day. As our population grows and ages the number of complaints about pain in general is increasing, with joint pain leading the way. The search for relief, any relief, from joint pain is becoming a bigger and bigger issue. Following are a various facts about joint pain.

  1. Carrying excess weight is one contributing factor when it comes to joint pain. Knees and hips take the brunt of the stress excess weight places on our joints. Every pound that gets a body closer to healthy weight can make a huge difference on your joints.

  2. Arthritis is one of the major contributors to joint pain. There are many types of arthritis and the majority of sufferers have joint pain ranging from mild to severe.

  3. Joint pain can be caused from inflammation due to an injury. This type of joint pain can be long lasting or heal up quickly never to return.

  4. Chronic pain is pain that lasts more than three months, joint pain can become lifelong and chronic. People who deal with chronic pain often are very grateful for any type of successful pain relief they can find.

  5. Chronic joint pain can have serious psychological and emotional consequences. It is vitally important to treat the whole person and not just the direct cause of the pain. There is help available along various avenues to help sufferers find relief for every symptom they may be dealing with.

  6. Currently, there is a movement in the health care industry focusing on more natural ways to improve our overall health and way of life, including joint pain.

  7. There are more and more supplements available all the time. Some, including one of the latest, cetylated fatty acids, is showing great potential for many patients experiencing joint pain.

  8. Joint pain does not discriminate when it comes to age, race, or gender. Everybody is susceptible! However, the older our bodies get, the more likely we are to have had joint pain issues. It is almost an inevitable part of the aging process.

  9. When people find a way to increase the lubrication in their joints they often experience significant pain relief. Many of the more popular regimens for joint pain relief focus on this fact and are successful.

  10. Joint pain can often be relieved with exercise and supplements. Many people need to try different things until they find what works for them.

Hopefully, people are able to talk to their doctors and find direction and assistance. There are copious amounts of information available on joint pain. More and more options are becoming available as researchers work toward an answer. Studies are being done and reported on every day. The results are bringing with them new hope for pain relief. The future is looking brighter all the time as we learn about how the body works and how we can work toward a healthier prospect.

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