Saturday, August 31, 2013

Back Pain: Do You Have Degenerative Disc Disease?

Degenerative disc disease is one of the most common causes of low back pain and also one of the most misunderstood. Degenerative disc disease (DDD) is typically associated with aging. As you age, your discs, like other joints in the body, can degenerate (break down) and become problematic: that's a natural part of growing older as your body deals with years of strain, overuse, and even misuse. However, DDD can occur in people as young as 20. In fact, some patients may inherit a prematurely aging spine.

Many people become fearful when they learn that they have Degenerative Disc Disease because the term sounds frightening. Although, the words might frighten you, degenerative disc disease is not really a disease. It is actually a term commonly used to describe the normal process that all of our discs undergo as we age.

Degenerative disc disease involves the intervertebral discs. These are the cushions between your vertebrae in your spine. As you age, the discs can lose flexibility, elasticity, and shock absorbing characteristics. They also become thinner as they dehydrate. When all that happens, the discs change from a state that allows fluid movement to a stiff and rigid state that restricts your movement and causes pain.

If you have chronic back or neck pain, you may have degenerative disc disease.

The most frequent symptoms are lower back pain and spasm. Pain is made worse by sitting, bending, or standing, and is often relieved by lying down. It commonly occurs in your lower back (lumbar spine) or neck (cervical spine). Symptoms vary from person to person. Some people have degenerative disc disease and have no symptoms, while others have severe pain.

For an accurate diagnosis, you need to be evaluated by a physician who conducts a medical history and thorough physical examination. A Diagnostic test such as an MRI can be helpful in identifying areas of disc degeneration.

Initial treatment is non-surgical. A physician may initially prescribe an anti-inflammatory medication and physical therapy to treat degenerative disc disease. A tailored program of physical therapy with spinal stabilization training usually works well for this condition. For some patients, a trial with a narcotic medication might be needed.

Further treatment depends on whether the damaged disc has resulted in other conditions, such as a herniated disc, or spinal stenosis. In these cases, an epidural steroid injection can be very effective in resolving the pain. If arthritis in the small joints of the back is the primary problem, injections into these small joints called facet injections can be done to relieve pain.

If conservative treatment fails, a discogram can identify problematic discs since some degenerative discs do not cause pain. If painful discs reproducing the patient's pain are noted during the discogram, surgery for degenerative disc disease can be performed to remove the damaged disc.

If you are among those who suffer from degenerative disc disease, the good news is that this condition usually improves with the appropriate conservative management.

See your physician to determine if you have degenerative disc disease.

This article is not meant to give or replace valuable medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is designed for educational purposes.

穢2012 Winifred Bragg, MD. All Rights Reserved.

How to Heal Chronic Hip Pain

Having suffered from hip pain myself, I know how frustrating and painful it can be, but did you know that your diagnosis might be incorrect and that it may be possible for you to heal yourself? Chronic hip pain is typically diagnosed as one of three possible syndromes: bursitis, tendonalgia (also known as tendonitis,) or arthritis, all of which may be misdiagnoses for the actual origin of your pain.

Arthritis - arthritis can be either osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Many people with hip pain are given a diagnosis of osteoarthritis (wear and tear on the joint, usually seen on an x-ray) and assume that they will be dealing with pain and anti-inflammatory medication for the rest of their lives. In many cases when pain is attributed to osteoarthritis the real cause is something entirely different. Yes, you may show some moderate wear in your hip joint, but the pain may in fact be caused by tension myositis syndrome (TMS).

Bursitis - a bursa is a structure that protects underlying bone in areas of high pressure. Bursitis can affect the shoulder (subacromial bursitis,) or the hip, (trochanteric bursitis.) But in many patients bursitis is a misdiagnosis and the real cause is TMS related tendonitis.

Tendonitis - is a group of disorders attributed to a painful tendon inflamed due to overuse. In certain clinics, it has been found that tendonitis is caused not by overuse, but by a subconscious pain creating mechanism of our own minds called tension myositis syndrome (TMS).

TMS, or tension myositis syndrome, is a painful condition caused by our subconscious mind. It is mistakenly diagnosed by doctors as many other conditions, including; bursitis, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, pinched nerves, eczema, and ruptured discs, just to name a few. The pain caused by TMS is real, but the reason for the pain is not due to a physical abnormality and therefore can be easily healed. TMS is used by our subconscious to distract us from the even more painful emotions of anger and resentment.

Since it is unacceptable in most cultures to express anger and resentment we learn to hold it in. The amount of energy associated with negative emotions is quite great and your mind's way of dealing with this repressed negative energy is to 'put' it somewhere in your body, such as your hip, shoulder, low back, or neck. Your subconscious mind then creates a painful condition, such as tendonitis, by restricting the oxygen and blood flow to the area.

TMS is little known in most medical circles, so asking your doctor about it will most likely do you little good. For more information about TMS and to see whether it might be affecting you, look for Dr. John E. Sarno's book Healing Back Pain. In it, he describes in great detail how TMS manifests. I have used and perfected a number of mindbody healing techniques to heal myself from chronic neck, back, and hip pain and you can too.

Osteoarthritis of Knee Diagnosis and The Healing Process

Among the most frequent joint diseases is osteoarthritis of knee. It occurs when the cartilage suffers gradual wear and tear. According to doctors, the cartilage is a cushion layer situated between the knee bones. Also called the degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis could as well affect other body joints. When the cartilage deteriorates, the knee joint feels stiff and sore. In the last steps of the disease, the pain and discomfort is unbearable. Consequently, the sick person could hardly walk steadily or even try to move his or her knee freely. Since the cushion between two bones no longer exists after degeneration, any movement will cause friction. This is because the bones will grind against each other. The result is intolerable soreness and discomfort.

The causes of osteoarthritis are numerous. However, not all the cases of the disease are necessarily similar, in terms of severity and frequency. The following is a brief outline of the known causes:

• Chances of developing osteoarthritis are high if you have had a serious knee injury in the past

• Being overweight is a good cause of many diseases, including this one. This is because heavy weight pressurizes the joints, as you walk. Consequently, the cartilage layer will slowly wear away

• Some cases of degeneration joint disease is gender specific

• Aging is generally the main cause of weaker joints, which eventually result to osteoarthritis

Several knee diseases show up closely related symptoms. Therefore, if you diagnose your problem, you are likely to be very incorrect. The most recommended action to take is to visit your doctor. He or she is in a position to examine your knee expertly. If you have this disease, you will generally have the following symptoms:

• Knee join soreness, stiffness and unbearable discomfort

• You will find walking as a punishment. If the knee joint cannot withstand your body weight, you cannot move properly.

• The cartilage degeneration continues to occur, as you try to figure what is happening to your knees

It is very important that you always take your health seriously. If you notice the above signs, do not take chances. Visit your doctor right away. This is fastest method of preventing more damage to the knee joints. When the physician is performing diagnosis, he or she will ask you to talk about your knee pain. In short, he or she will find out how worse the soreness gets, if, you workout and then rest. The doctor is much more likely to examine the problem with leg movement. Do not fear the check up exercise.

Your doctor might squeeze the joint slightly, but he or she may recommend an instant X-ray of the knee. The X-ray shows the exact cause of the soreness and discomfort. As some of you already know, osteoarthritis of knee disease is broad. To find out if a patient has other types of this disease, the doctor might take a blood sample. The treatment procedure could differ from patient to patient. Nevertheless, doctors recommend therapies to alleviate the knee joint pains. Generally, he or she will ask you to do the following:

• After a walk or any form of knee exercises, you should always take your time to rest

• For twenty to thirty minutes, you could place an ice cube on the painful parts of the knee. Do this everyday to minimize inflammation. It will ease the pain too.

• Take a specific over the counter cure. Never decide personally the medicine to pick between ibuprofen and acetaminophen. The doctor should guide you

• For stronger muscles and joints, you need to focus on special exercise. You need to work with a practitioner, who understands osteoarthritis of knee disease very well.

• In severe cases, physicians prescribe surgery.

Knee Pain - Thigh Pain - Crouching Or Squatting

Knee pain or hip pain after crouching or squatting is common in those with tight lower back, hip and knee muscles. Most of us who sit all day long have tight muscles in the lower back and lower limbs. So when we perform crouching or squatting movements whether done in a prolonged fashion or repetitively, you may feel weakness, discomfort or pain in the hips, groins, front of the thighs as well as along the inner aspect of the thighs and perhaps even knee pain. This should tell you that the muscles in these areas were abused by the crouching or squatting positions.
The muscle responsible for discomfort or pain at the front of the thighs or pain in the front of the knees is the rectus femoris muscle and the muscle at the inner aspect of the thigh and knee that has been stressed is the adductor magnus muscle.

If pain is in the outer aspect of the knees, the pain is likely to be from stress to the tensor fascia lata muscle and if pain is at the back of the knees, the pain is from the hamstrings muscles.
Although the other quadriceps muscles are important for producing anterior thigh and knee pain, they are not the main muscles to be injured since the other quadriceps cross only one joint namely the knee joint whereas rectus femoris (which is also a quadriceps muscle), tensor fascia lata and hamstrings cross both the hip and knee joints and are thus more likely to be abused with crouching or squatting.

Initially, anterior thigh and knee pain is more common than posterior thigh pain. Because of our sedentary positions involving sitting for prolonged periods, the muscles in the front of the hip such as rectus femoris, tensor fascia lata and psoas major may be chronically shortened while the muscles in the back of the hip, the gluteus maximus (buttock muscle), hamstrings and adductor magnus are chronically over- stretched and weakened.

At the knee joint, sitting places the knees in a bent position, therefore the rectus femoris and the tensor fascia lata whose functions are to extend the knee are over stretched and weakened whereas the hamstring muscles whose function is to bend the knee become short and tight due to the imbalance of muscle power as in the see-saw principle.

Upon crouching or squatting, the sitting position is exaggerated with excessive hip and knee bending. Therefore, the rectus femoris and tensor fascia lata muscles become shorter and tighter at the hip and more long and stretched out at the knee. Excessive shortening contraction in bending (flexion) at the hip and excessive lengthening contraction in straightening (extension) at the knee injure both rectus femoris and tensor fascia lata muscles.

To maintain the person in a crouched position or squatting position, muscles at the back of the hip have to undergo an excessive lengthening contraction in addition to an excessive shortening contraction at the knee. Since muscles at the back of the hip that have to undergo a lengthening contraction such as the gluteus maximus and adductor magnus are huge and very strong, the hamstring muscles which also does the same action at the hip can now have more concentrated power for bending the knee. The stronger the pull of the hamstring muscles to actively bend the knee, the more power the rectus femoris and tensor fascia lata muscles have to exert to counteract this force.

Therefore, when you try to stand erect after crouching or squatting, the first weakness, discomfort or pain will be felt in the front of the thigh and front of the knee giving rise to thigh pain and knee pain.

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The Two Types of Teeth Grinding Mouth Guards

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a poorly-understood condition that affects millions of people every night. Since it often isn't immediately painful or life-threatening, many sufferers will simply ignore the condition, or not even realize that they have it. However, even though bruxism is often a silent issue, it can have very severe long-term ramifications, including damaged teeth, temperomandibular joint disorder, and injuries to gums. For this reason, getting adequate treatment for it is critical. There is not yet a cure for bruxism, but many patients find relief using one of two types of teeth grinding guards.

Some people experience bruxism as a result of stress, anxiety, dental conditions, or certain types of medication. For these patients, psychotherapy, dental work, or a simple change in medication might cause the resulting grinding to go away. For others, doctors and dentists will often recommend the use of grinding mouth guards. These generally come in two different forms- ready-to-use guards available without a prescription or any preparatory work, and custom-fitted guards that require a dental visit for proper fitting.

Over the counter teeth grinding mouth guards are usually made of a flexible plastic, or even a thermoplastic material. These are not custom fitted to the user's teeth, though those made of thermoplastic materials (also called "boil-and-bite" guards) can be heated and molded more easily than other types. These prevent dental surfaces from touching, and hold teeth in a stationary position, relieving the chipped teeth, sore neck and facial muscles, and painful jaws that night time teeth grinding can result in. Since these grinding mouth guards are readily available from a pharmacy, they tend to be rather inexpensive.

Prescription teeth grinding mouth guards require a dentist to make a plaster cast of a patient's teeth, and then using this to have a dental laboratory create a guard designed specifically around the unique shape of the patient's mouth. These teeth grinding guards do not require any additional boiling, molding, or special fitting, and are often the best option for people with braces, extensive dental work, or hard-to-fit mouths. Because they are more labor intensive than over the counter mouth guards, as well as requiring more specialized training and preparation, prescription teeth grinding mouth guards tend to be more expensive than the non-prescription variant, including the cost of the dental visit.

Sufferers of bruxism should realize that while the condition itself is often not painful or life-threatening, the results of it can be dangerous, resulting in TMJ, infected gums, and extensive tooth damage. By using teeth grinding mouth guards, however, they can get relief from the side-effects of bruxism, and avoid all of the costly and painful dental treatments they could end up requiring later on.

Presently Exposed! 5 Sure-Fire Hints On The Way To Maintain Your Nagging Arthritis Joint Swelling

Arthritis Remedies - The numbers can certainly rattle you down to your bones if you let them. Millions upon millions of North American adults are afflicted with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and that's not including people around the globe in other nations. The fact is, rheumatoid arthritis tops the list as one of the most widespread chronic conditions in the states and most other developed nations.

The statistics are considerably worse considering that joint disease pain and other arthritis signs and symptoms are so tough to live with in many occasions. arthritis signs can normally include devastating agony in your joints along with your bone fragments. It can lead to the inability to move some specific limbs, or perhaps drastic hardness in others.

Joint disease ache could possibly steal your ability to feed yourself with utensils, to be able to pick-up your grand kids, or even leave your bed every morning. Other rheumatoid arthritis conditions may include inflammation, burning sensations in your joints, aches and pains in indiscriminate elements of the entire body, and redness.

Arthritis is truly a category of lots of diverse dysfunctions. And then to source the most appropriate arthritis pain relief and remedy for you, you must understand your particular form of arthritis. The two very important types of arthritis are arthritis rheumatoid and osteoarthritis (OA). Another highlight is gout, and a few often contemplate fibromyalgia a form of arthritis.

Every type has its own arthritis treatment solution. For osteoarthritis, sometimes known as degenerative joint disease, here is an example: to get joint disease pain remedies various health specialists tend to recommend alternative homeopathic solutions, or even your standard health supplement medical treatments like vitamin C, vitamin D, along with calcium supplement.

The very best sure-fire arthritis treatment recommendations involve a little of such therapies, along with some physical things you can do to easier guard your joints.

1. Often be gentle towards your joint capsules. Osteoarthritis (OA) starts as abnormal corrosion inside your joints. Hence one of the best ways to reduce the risk of this is by averting repetitive workouts, which unfortunately could include swinging a tennis racket, golf club, picking up packages at work, and other activities you do similarly time and time again.

2. Trim off fat. Another way to be the kindest to your joint capsules is to lose the load they have to carry. Quite simply, lose weight. Talk to your physician about exactly what a sensible body weight is for you if you're plump.

3. Eat right. Several consultants believe that calcium-filled dairy meals, and vitamin packed veggies and fruits, can go quite a distance as a possible arthritis cure and prevention strategy.

4. Know much more about your prescribed drugs. NSAIDs work well against some kinds of arthritis pain, unfortunately they also come with concerns. Recall Vioxx? Acetaminophen, the drug in Tylenol, performs very well, too, nonetheless it can also produce kidney and liver organ problems in substantial doses. So don't take these medicines without your physician's professional guidance.

5. Become familiar with your herbal treatments as well. Chondroitin and glucosamine have finally been recognized as beneficial remedies for arthritis soreness. Nonetheless talk with your health practitioner prior to taking them.

There is absolutely no guarantee that any of these types of arthritis treatment options will let you not end up part of that daunting arthritis statistic, however the beauty is, irrespective of how much they appeal to your arthritis agony, they will without a doubt benefit your entire wellbeing. So it is a win-win scenario does not matter how you look at it.

4 Types of Tests for Knee Pain Diagnosis

There are certain health conditions that can affect the productivity of one's life. One of them is knee injury. If you are experiencing such, you might find it difficult to lead a normal life. You might find yourself unable to do normal activities that you usually do such as walking, running, driving, and more. Any person suffering from this type of pain will see that relief is very much needed. If you are going to endure the pain for a long time, this might lead to other complications. Given that, undergoing proper knee pain diagnosis is very essential.

Pain specialists can greatly help you out, as well as orthopedic experts and even an internal medicine or general medicine practitioner. They can provide you with the right knee pain diagnosis. This will pave the way for better treatment and recovery.

In general, there are two types of tests done as part of knee pain diagnosis. They are classified as imaging tests and lab tests.

Types of tests available

Listed below are some of the tests that your physician might administer to you:

1. X-ray

X-ray is one of the oldest but precise methods in determining any injuries including degenerative joint diseases. This test can also help look for any bone fractures in your leg area. If you suspect that you are experiencing knee pains because of a recent leg-related injury, an X-ray is best recommended for you.

2. Computerized tomography (CT) scan

CT scan tests are widely used not only in knee pain diagnosis but in determining other diseases like cancer. This technology involves the use of several machines that combine the different angles of the X-rays taken. The result of the CT scan is usually a cross-sectional image of the area. This allows physicians to look and detect any problems in the affected area of the body.

3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Compared with X-ray and CT scan, MRI provides the most detailed assessment of your condition. This particular test makes use of radio waves and magnet that produces 3-D images of the area scanned. It is so accurate to the point that even injuries of the tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and muscles can be determined.

4. Ultrasound

Ultrasound is not only used for pregnant and expectant moms, people come to their doctors' clinics to undergo this diagnostic tool.

Aside from the above mentioned techniques in determining knee injuries, your doctor may also request for a blood examination or arthrocentesis. These procedures are done if your doctor suspects of an infection.

Why suffer from pain if there are proper knee pain diagnosis techniques? Liberate yourself from the knee-injuries related pain. As early as possible, request for these tests to be administered so that you will be able to uncover the cause of the pain you feel.

Friday, August 30, 2013

What Is The Best Way To Treat Knee Arthritis?

Arthritis can cause joint pain due to wear and tear at the joints and the person may suffer from extreme pain due to forced movement. The person suffering from the condition may have muscle weakness, loss of flexibility at the joints and decreased fitness. The condition has severe impact on everyday working capabilities of the person and the problem may hinder the output of the person. There is no cure provided in the popular system of medicine for controlling the condition.

Herbal Cure provides Rumatone Gold capsule which is the best way to treat knee arthritis because it cures most of the symptoms of arthritis and it has no side effect. It can be taken independently and it is made up of herbs and nutrients. Rumatone Gold capsule is said to be the best way to treat knee arthritis due to the following reasons -

Provides gold through the herbal formulation to the body to improve the strength of bones -

It is believed gold injection is one of the best ways to treat knee arthritis. In Ayurveda it is believed the combination of certain metals can provide relief from the pain caused by the wear and tear at the joint and therefore, the Rumatone Gold capsule has been formulated by experts, which contains gold in consumable form. There are many other metals elements found in Rumatone Gold capsule which are added in very minute quantities to make it beneficial for the body.

Provides herbs to reduce infections and inflammation -

There are a number of herbs added to the capsules which helps to reduce inflammation and pain at the joints. It contains rare herbs which offer the best way to treat knee arthritis by reducing infections at the joints to reduce pain.

Improves blood flow -

Rumatone Gold capsule is the best way to treat knee arthritis because it contains herbs which have the properties to improve blood flow in arteries and veins. It contains herbs which reduce blood cholesterol and control obesity. It is the best way to treat knee arthritis as it improves digestion of food and enables absorption of nutrition to the body.

Reduces the symptoms of ageing

Rumatone Gold capsule contains the features to reverse the process of ageing to control degradation of muscles and tissues. It prevents breakage of ligaments at the joints and helps to rebuild the fluid around the joints to enhance movement and flexibility of the bones at the joints.

Oil to massage the joints

The oils provided with the capsules contain the properties to enhance flexibility of the joints and it should be regularly massaged on the joints to reduce pain and to enable the herbs in the oil to reach the joints through the skin to offer easy way to treat knee arthritis.

The components in the Rumatone Gold capsule contains all the properties which is required to reduce the signs and symptoms of arthritis at joints and these remedies are mixed in appropriate quantities in the capsule to offer the best way to treat knee arthritis.

Avascular Necrosis Can Be Treated Through Hip Replacement

A common reason as to why a person can get a hip replacement comes from how the hip could be impacted by avascular necrosis. This is a condition that occurs in that the cartilage in one's hip can be reduced. This will cause pains in the area. By using a hip replacement procedure it will be easy to avoid having to deal with this problem.

Avascular necrosis works in that the amount of blood that can get to a joint will be reduced. It will not be able to get a healthy supply of blood on a regular basis. This could be caused by varying conditions like a blood clot or a buildup of cholesterol in an impacted area. This is a dangerous condition that will primarily impact the ball or head of a person's femur. It can occur in people of any age. It can also be something that could be caused by hypertension or thrombosis. The effects of steroid use could also cause this condition to occur.

When the blood flow to the hip is reduced bone tissues will become weak. They will end up deteriorating to where the bone will not be protected. It will get to the point over time where the bone will end up colliding with another bone. As a result extreme pains can occur in the area. Over time the joint will end up collapsing. If the area does collapse then the pains will end up getting worse. A person's ability to move around will end up becoming severely limited.

When hip replacement surgery is used the entire hip bone will be removed. This is used as a means of helping to see that the avascular necrosis pains that one is feeling will be eliminated. It can help to keep the body from feeling uncomfortable.

The Most Seven Recognized Symptoms of TMJ

There no clear reason for TMJ but most dentist and TMJ Specialist say that the problem is usually related to the jaw alignment muscle or the temporomandibular joint.

The anatomy of the TMJ Joint is what they call a hinge joint arrangement connecting to the mandible, or lower jaw, and temporal bone of the skull. Further located in front of the ears on the sides of the head. They are flexible joints that let the jaw move up and down and also to the sides. Another common movement is talking, yawning, and chewing.

TMJ problem starts when we over use the muscles in the jaw especially when there is too much grinding or clenching of the teeth and the over use contributes to TMJ pain. Also, when we experience stress it is known to clench our teeth or tighten our facial and jaw muscles. There can be direct injury to the jaw, the temporomandibular joint or to the muscles of the head and the neck in addition dislocation of the disc that acts as a cushion between the ball and the socket can also contribute to TMJ pain.

Symptoms to look for when identifying TMJ:

• Sounds - The grinding, crunching, and popping in the ear known as crepitus are known symptoms of TMJ. If you experience teeth grinding and jaw clenching which can wear out the jaw cartilage this can lead to TMJ. Have a family member or your spouse to let you know if they hear these sounds while you are asleep and if they do then this is a good reason to seek a TMJ Specialist.

• Headache - This is one of the most common complaints from a TMJ patient. Reported to be at least 80% of the patients with TMJ. Opening and closing the mouth contributing to facial pain and sensitivity to cold is another prominent complaint of the TMJ patient.

• Vertigo or Dizziness - although can be associated with many ailments but mostly related to the TMJ patient because they have skip eating meals due to the pain related to their TMJ condition and they report themselves feeling lightheaded or imbalanced.

• Stuffy Ear - many patient report feeling fullness in the ears, feel muffled, clogged, or fullness in the ears which is more intense when taking off and landing traveling by airplane.

• Earache - If you are experiencing pain around the front or below the ear you may want to seek an examination because you may be a TMJ patient.

• Ringing Sounds - unexplained ringing or noise of the ears or tinnitus is one of the symptoms for TMJ.

• Painful eyes or Sensitivity - Many patients complain of blurred vision, sensitivity to light, watery eyes, pain above, below and behind the eyes are common complaints of TMJ.

Although many of these symptoms mentioned above can be associated to other ailments in your body. It would be wise to seek early examination and advise to eliminate complication if not treated early for TMJ.

The Essential Ingredients in the Best Joint Relief Products

The best joint relief products can help in decreasing joint pain, as well as promoting joint, cartilage besides tissue regeneration. They can even prevent recurring damage, as well as promote joint mobility besides flexibility. Then the quality of ingredients used in the best joint relief products is very important, including where that product is made.

In fact, many products marketed today lack the key ingredients that are necessary in order to even positively improve joint function.

When it comes to choosing the best products for joint pain, there are many options. You need to use caution when you are choosing them.

Glucosamine is a common ingredient in the joint pain products. It is an amino acid that is produced naturally in the body. Glucosamine is a precursor to a molecule that is used in the formation as well as repair of cartilage. Treatment with glucosamine is based on the idea that this substance can increase to rate of formation of new cartilage as it can provide the necessary building blocks.

Chondroitin is another ingredient in the joint pain products. Chondroitin is the most abundant glycosaminoglycan that is present in cartilage. In fact, it is partly responsible for the resiliency of cartilage. Chondroitin also helps to prevent the action of enzymes that tend to destroy cartilage. Most commonly chondroitin is takes in combination with glucosamine in the best products for arthritis pain.

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in the best joint relief products is taken because it helps to support health ligaments. It is the sulfur in MSM that helps the body to maintain healthy, flexible ligaments.

The combinations of all these aforementioned supplements are usually cheaper than the individual medications as well as much easier to take. But it is better to use caution when taking these medications, as well as check with your doctor before starting on these joint relief products.

All About TMJ Disorders

What is TMJ?

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint. This joint is located in front of your ears on each side of your head, where the lower jawbone meets the skull. One of the most frequently used joints in the body, this is the joint that we use to bite, chew, talk and yawn. It is a complex joint made up of bones, muscles and tendons.

What causes TMJ disorders?

There are many different problems that can cause TMJ disorder such as jaw injury, arthritis and muscle fatigue. Teeth grinding, habitual nail biting or chewing gum, dental problems or misalignment of the teeth. Stress can also be a cause as well as some occupational tasks like holding a telephone between the shoulder and the ear.


Symptoms of TMJ disorder include headaches, aching pain around or in the ear, tenderness or pain of the jaw or face, difficulty or discomfort while chewing, lockjaw and uncomfortable or uneven bite. Other symptoms include toothache or tooth loss, dizziness and slurred speech. You may also have a TMJ disorder if you hear a clicking sound when you open and close your mouth or when you chew. However, if there is no pain associated with the clicking sound, you most likely don't have a TMJ disorder.


In some cases, TMJ disorder symptoms will go away without needing treatment for TMJ and in other cases the symptoms are chronic, so if the symptoms persist, you should visit your doctor. The doctor will advise you to refrain from overusing the jaw. This would mean limiting gum chewing and eating hard foods. They may prescribe pain killers, muscle relaxers or advise you to use a bite guard even though heat and ice therapy and aspirin or Ibuprofen can help control the inflammation. In some cases physical therapy, stress management or surgery, used only as a last resort, may be necessary.

How to Conquer Pain - The Three-Step Process to Reduce Chronic Pain and Inflammation

Do you experience chronic pain, inflammation, and weakness? Are you popping NSAIDS like they are going out of style just to get temporary pain relief? In a society ruled by stress, fast food, and increasing levels of toxicity, pain rules. Since McDonald's is not going bankrupt anytime soon and moving to Bermuda is not on your immediate agenda, what can you do to get relief? Remove the underlying causes of pain!!! I have outlined a 3-step process to help you enjoy a pain-free life.


Ever hear the saying "your gut is your second brain"? It's true. The digestive system has its own nervous system, known as the enteric nervous system. Neurotransmitters that are used by the brain are produced in the gut. Did you know that most inflammatory diseases start in the gut? Poor food choices, high sugar consumption, and insufficient production of HCL in the stomach are just a few causes for gut dysbiosis.

Common symptoms of a gut disorder are; frequent belching/burping after meals, passing lots of foul-smelling gas, feeling bloated, and alternating constipation with diarrhea. If you experience one or more of these symptoms two to three times per month, consider doing a healing protocol for your gut.

Start your healing process with the 4 R's (Remove, re-inoculate, replace, and repair). Think of these four steps as a pre-requisite to any gut protocol you do.


Remove all bad bacteria from your gut and foster a healthy gut environment. Do you eat eggs and toast for breakfast every day? Food allergies are caused primarily from eating the same foods day after day. It is necessary to rotate food (protein) in order to have a more comprehensive selection of amino acids.

For the next 3-6 weeks, preferably 6 weeks, eliminate the sensitive seven from your diet: wheat/gluten, sugar, corn, soy, eggs, dairy, and peanuts. After 6 weeks, reintroduce each food every 4 days. Observe how each food makes you feel after you reintroduce it into your diet. If it makes you feel like crap, remove it from your diet. This is the cheapest way to find out if you have a food allergy.


Put good bugs back into your stomach to promote a healthy gut environment. Take probiotics (good bacteria) and eat foods that contain lactobacillus acidophilus and bifido bacteria, which can be found in a quality yogurt. I recommend Fage, a delicious Greek yogurt that can be found at your local supermarket.


It is important to have sufficient stomach acid levels in order to digest and absorb foods properly. If you are hcl deficient, take betaine HCL as a supplement until stomach acid levels normalize.


Supplement your diet with glutamine, an amino acid that repairs the gut lining and keeps your immune system in top shape.


The age-old proverb "you are what you eat" sums up your relationship with food. In order for your body to stay fine-tuned, you must maintain homeostasis within your gut. Eat wholesome foods that are anti-inflammatory and skip the sugars and processed foods, which are pro-inflammatory.



Foods that contain gluten (wheat, rye, oats, barley) which are found in breads, pastas, and any other products with refined flour, are common allergens. This food group causes the most allergies and is consumed in high amounts by the American population.


Corn and soy are two of the most consumed foods in the U.S. They are also two of the most common genetically modified foods. Genetically modified foods are food items that have had their DNA changed through genetic engineering. What that means for you is: Bad long-term health effects.


Why are many people allergic to milk? Protein allergens found in cow's milk can cause allergic reactions. Two such allergens, casein and whey are the main components of milk. Allergies develop when the body recognizes normal substances that are ingested everyday as foreign substances. When this happens, antibodies are released to fight off the foreign substances. Histamine is released to alert the body of the foreign matter, resulting in inflammation.

The same rule applies for eggs. If you are allergic to eggs, you are most likely allergic to the proteins found in eggs.


Refined Sugar has many adverse health effects, both short-term and long-term. Sugar increases blood insulin levels, depresses the immune system, causes weight gain, increases cholesterol levels, and you get the idea.



Some healthy substitutes for wheat are white or brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, and millet.


When choosing meats, consider buying from an organic farm where all the animals are grass-fed. Chicken, turkey, duck, natural lamb and beef are all great sources of meat proteins. When buying fish, choose halibut, salmon, haddock, flounder, and such fish that have low mercury levels.


Include tons of vegetables in your daily diet. Carrots, green beans, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, and almost all vegetables are anti-inflammatory.


Olive oil, lemon, sea salt, and fresh ground pepper makes a great dressing. Include herbs such as oregano and basil. Ginger, tarragon, garlic, cilantro, and curry (turmeric) are all anti-inflammatory.



It is wise to consult with a knowledgeable practitioner before experimenting with any of the herbs mentioned below.


Boswellia has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine. Boswellia has anti-inflammatory properties like NSAIDS (pain relievers such as aspirin and ibuprofen). But unlike NSAIDS, which cause irritation to the lining of the stomach, boswellia can be used long-term with no adverse side effects. Boswellia is known to reduce inflammation in osteoarthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and other autoimmune diseases.


White willow bark contains a chemical called salicin, which has chemical properties similar to aspirin. Salicin is responsible for the anti-inflammatory effects of white willow bark. Unlike aspirin, the herb has no adverse side effects. The benefits are slowly reaped but long lasting.


Devil's claw is used as a pain-reliever for degenerative joint diseases, back pain, neck pain, and headaches.


Turmeric has been long been used in India as a medicinal herb and a cooking spice. The yellowish orange pigment of turmeric, known as curcumin is a powerful and safe anti-inflammatory. Curcumin is non-toxic and does not cause any intestinal problems.



Fish oil contains Omega 3 fatty acids, which increase blood vessel elasticity (good for the heart), improve cell membrane function (good for the skin), improve insulin sensitivity (helps manage blood sugar levels), and increase brain blood flow in conduction of speed (essential fatty acids insulate the nerves).


GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) is an essential fatty acid produced in the body. It works best when taken in conjunction with fish oil. GLA is primarily used to treat a myriad of disorders including allergies, inflammatory disorders, and osteoporosis.


Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin and a powerful antioxidant that works to protect cells in the body from damage caused by free radicals, or cancer causing agents.

E's anti-oxidant properties protect the blood cells, nervous system, and skeletal muscles from free-radical damage.


Proteolytic enzymes are enzymes that break down proteins in your body. Although your body makes proteolytic enzymes, deficiencies are common. A deficiency in this type of enzyme is marked by symptoms similar to those of IBS (inflammatory bowel syndrome). These symptoms include gas, stomach pains, and indigestion.

So now that you're armed with all the right tools, conquer your pain! Fix your gut, change your diet, and start taking your anti-inflammatory supplements.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

TMJ Diet and Exercise Treatments

There are a variety of TMJ treatments available to help relieve pain in the temporomandibular joint, but some people prefer to focus on a lifestyle change and natural treatments instead of invasive dental procedures.

The two main lifestyle changes that can be made for TMJ treatment are: diet and TMJ exercises. A diet for TMJ is not a widespread practice, there are not many doctors that focus TMJ treatment around the patients diet. But, there are a few things that can be done with the food that you are eating to help relieve TMJ pain.

The first thing to look at with your diet is the consistency of foods that you are eating on a regular basis. Overworking the jaw can cause additional pain and discomfort, so you should focus on eating softer foods. Avoid chewing gum for long periods of time, and also avoid eating extra chewy or hard items such as hard caramel or other candies that may put stress on the jaw joint.

There are also specific TMJ exercises that can be done to help align the jaw, and also to help relax the muscles around the joint so that they are not tense. These exercises can be done from the comfort of your own home, and it is a good idea to follow a regular (even daily) TMJ exercise plan.

As always, it is a good idea to consult with a doctor about any medical condition you may have. Some cases of TMJ are more serious, and they may require additional medical procedures in order to correct the problem and stop the pain.

How Much Time Will I Have to Be Off Work For Hip Replacement Surgery?

Recovery after hip replacement surgery involves a slow process of rehabilitation.  Swelling remains a serious issue for most patients.  While each person will recover at a different rate, doctors expect patients to return to work between six and eight weeks for office jobs and three to six months for physically demanding labor.  Return to work should also be phased; three half-days in the first week, two full-days in the second week, five half-days in the third week, and full-time by week four.  

After your hip replacement surgery, you will most likely be in the hospital for three to five days. In some cases, patients will stay for additional days of rehabilitation, but typically discharge takes place within one week. If you are having both hips replaced, called "bilateral" surgery, then it will probably take you longer to recover, both in hospital and during rehabilitation.

The type of work you do will determine the length of time before you can return. Patients return to desk jobs and administrative work the soonest, on average about six weeks after the surgery.  Patients who do extremely well could return as early as one week, but this decision is up to the discretion of you and your doctor. Returning to manual labor is significantly prolonged for obvious reasons. The average return date to a job that requires heavy lifting or excessive activity is three to six months. 

Keep in mind that full recovery for most patients undergoing hip replacement surgery is about six to twelve months. When you can return to work is based on your progress in physical rehabilitation, levels of pain, and overall adjustment, following the operation.

Here is what some people are saying about their post-op recoveries in a popular hip replacement patient forum:

"I am 55 and had a complete hip replacement in early February. I was very active prior to surgery, in spite of the discomfort, and am amazed at how quickly my recovery has progressed. 5 weeks after my surgery I was walking up to 3 miles. 8 weeks after I hiked a 4,000 ft peak. 12 weeks out I'm back to road biking and I've climbed a 6,200 ft peak. At this point, I seemed to have regained most of my strength in the old leg."  

"I'm 10 1/2 weeks out and I have been riding a stationary bike consistently since I have had permission to drive at 6 weeks. I started taking Yoga and Pi-Yo this week and tied my shoes for the first time post-op after a PI-Yo class. Finally ended up taking my first spinning classes in months."  

"Today is exactly 90 days post-op minimally-invasive THR. I'm 54 and my recovery has been going great. I went back to work in 2 months and initially had some pretty strong pain. My job calls for me to be on my feet for 5-7 hrs., but the surgeon told me to get off my feet for 15-20 mins. I had pain, so that's what I did. Within 3 weeks that pain has resolved itself. He told me you can expect pain in the muscles and joint for up to 6 months. He also said if you saw how much abuse is done to the muscles and femur you would understand while it takes a while to heal. Total 100% healing is 18 months."

Rehabilitation therapy can take up to several weeks. During this time, you may assess your performance and determine whether you are ready to return to work. It is generally advised by doctors that active sports are delayed until after a full recovery. In the first four weeks, you will most likely be using a walker. In addition, a knee immobilizer is intended to be used at night or when sleeping in order to prevent the hip from dislocating. Most doctors ask that the immobilizer be used for six weeks following the surgery. 

Recovery time differs dramatically from patient to patient, and the examples given in this article are only meant as rough estimates.  Make sure you speak to your doctor about any concerns you may have regarding rehabilitation and recovery.

Is There A Cure For Degenerative Bone Disease?

Many people deal with some type of degenerative bone disease later in life, usually after the age of 45 and especially after the age of 65. There are many different types of diseases that affect the bones and they all fall under the category of one that degenerates. These types of diseases include osteoporosis, arthritis, multiple myeloma, and bone marrow disease. There are many ways to tell when these types of illnesses are present, though there are not a lot of things that you can do to get rid of them unfortunately.

Of course, as science continue to progress, there are continuous advancements made to finding cures for degenerative bone disease. Doctors will always typically recommend that you stick to a certain diet and try to exercise more, which will help your body battle diseases, even if they are cancerous like myeloma. For things like osteoporosis and osteoarthritis of the spine though, you can do a lot by simply cutting back on caffeine and alcohol. You also should try to get more Vitamin D in your diet, whether by drinking more milk or eating more fish. This alone will work wonders.

Exercise is a very important part in fighting degenerative bone disease as well. The heavier that you are, the more stress that is put on your bones. If you have any problems with your hips or degeneration of your joints, then this will make a huge difference. Lose weight, and your body will not be put through so much stress every time you walk. When this is combined with the proper diet and whatever medications your doctor prescribes for you, you have a great chance at helping your bones to start to get stronger.

Keep in mind that it is never too late to improve your health and fight degenerative bone diseases. It is better to start sometime than to just give up. You will see results if you follow what your doctor says and combine it with solid exercise and a good appetite.

Fast Shoulder Pain Relief Using the Feldenkrais Method

Chronic shoulder pain is a very common complaint. The shoulder is the most freely movable joint in our body. Because of the range of movement allowed, it is an unstable joint. It is easily injured because the ball of the upper arm barely fits in the shoulder socket designed to hold it. For its only stablity, the shoulder is anchored by ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Some shoulder problems arise from injury of these soft tissues as a result of overuse or weakness of the shoulder. Other problems arise from degenerative processes in which tissues break down and no longer function well.

Some common causes of chronic shoulder pain include:

  • Shoulder tendonitis occurs when the tendons that control the shoulder joint's movement become inflamed. This is the result of overuse, misuse or injury of the shoulder muscles and is very common.

  • Rotator cuff tear is a tear that occurs in a shoulder tendon as a result of overuse or injury.

  • Frozen Shoulder may be prompted by tendonitis, a rotator cuff tear or another chronic pain process in the shoulder. It literally means a shoulder that cannot move.

  • Arthritis shoulder joint pain caused by degeneration or inflammation inside the joint.

  • An injury or fall on the shoulder can cause chronic shoulder muscle pain if the injured muscles never fully heal.

When addressing chronic shoulder pain treatment consider that the shoulder has to relate well to the rest of the body to prevent excessive strain and pain. For example the shoulder blade may no longer glide easily along the rib cage, thus straining the whole arm each time the shoulder moves.

Shoulder pain relief is the result of optimizing the function of the shoulder. The system should be addressed as a whole and therapy involve the whole body, restoring the working relationship of the shoulder with the rest of the body. Some gentle form of exercises are needed.Want to be rid of your shoulder pain now? The Feldenkrais Method is a systematic method to improve human movement and general functioning. Feldenkrais uses simple, gentle movements to reorganize posture, flexibility, strength and coordination and in doing so provides shoulder pain relief.

A new approach to pain management, Feldenkrais integrates mind and body, using the plasticity of the nervous system to help the body function more efficiently. More efficient use of self creates an environment within which chronic shoulder pain can heal. Discover what Feldenkrais can do for your shoulder pain.

Treat Your Arthritis With Miraculous Homeopathy

Skeleton, the body frame, the attached muscles, ligaments and sheaths form the basic structure of human beings. So, the disorders associated with these parts form the biggest malady in human beings.

Back: There is a statistical record that the disorders of back are the commonest cause of sickness related absence from work. Back problems can be roughly divided into:

1) Disorders related to vertebral column

2) disorders related to spinal musculature.

How Homoeopathy helps?

Homoeopathic remedies help to tackle the root cause of the disorder. They alleviate the pain as well as prevent further damage to the stressed ligaments, muscles and bones.

In cervical spondylosis, there is spinal disc degeneration in cervical, i.e., neck region. The symptoms may include neck pain, giddiness etc. Remedies like Rhus tox, Lachananthes, Gelsemium, etc. along with certain neck exercises can avoid inconvenient neck belts.

In case of lumbago (low back pain) one must rule out spinal pathology, kidney stones, white discharge in women due to pelvic inflammatory disease, prostate pathologies and chronic fatigue syndrome or paraspinal musculitis. The treatment must be directed to tackle the cause. For example, women who have undergone caesarean section with spinal anaesthesia often complain of lumbago (low back pain). Remedies like Hypericum, Ledum pal etc. help them to get rid of it. Other remedies like Sepia, kali carb, Rhus tox, Arsenicum album, Lucopodium etc. help to relieve lumbar pathologies.

Arthritis of various joints: Arthritis is an inevitable degenerative process that affects various joints with age.

1) Shoulder pain: Though there can be various causes of shoulder pain, the most common are traumatic, degenerative or inflammatory in origin. Remedies like Ferrum met, Sanguinaria, Arnica, etc. are helpful particularle in shoulder pain.

2) Hand and wrist pain: Remedies like Ruta, Actea spicata, Kalmia, etc. act particularly in wrist pathologies.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that mainly occurs as a result of aging process. It affects different joints including hip, knee, joints of hand, etc. There is aching type of pain usually provoked by the use of the joint. As the disease progresses, there can be limitation of movements and in later stages, there can be deformities.

Homoeopathic medicines like Ruta, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, etc, act in 3 steps.

1) Alleviate pain

2) Arrest further progress of the disease and

3) Revert the pathology to certain extent. (Depending upon the individual response to drugs)

In Rheumatoid arthritis, RA factor, i.e., rheumatoid factor is positive. If it is an early rheumatoid arthritis, Homoeopathic remedies are capable of curing it completely. In later stages when deformities set in, Homoeopathic remedies arrest further damage and revert them to some extent. At least with these remedies, without any side effects, patients can carry out day-to-day activities without any hassles!

TMJ Symptoms Really Should Be Taken Seriously

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) is able to induce very excruciating symptoms for the patient. The affliction is caused by inflamed temporomandibular joint. There are an assortment of different symptoms that the sufferers might experience. In this article we will mostly focus on them.

Generally, the first indication of TMJ is jaw pain indicating that there is some kind of dental issue. This is the reason why people normally determine to meet a dentist as an alternative of a physician. However, TMJ causes typically many additional symptoms too.

Often, there is agonizing headaches, which accompany this ailment as well. Actually what they're experiencing is TMJ symptoms.

Dizziness, neck discomfort, and, of course, jaw pain are additional common symptoms of TMJ. It is not uncommon that TMJ sufferers experience back discomfort. Sometimes the patient could think that he or she has some kind of back complication, even though the real cause is the swollen temporomandibular joint. It is possible that this inflammation affects to the musculoskeletal system.

Other individuals are astounded to learn that their earache or tinnitus, or ringing in the ear, is also caused from this affliction. Because the temporomandibular joint is so close to the ear, the person is not actually having an earache, but it appears that way.

Hearing loss is also possible due to the pressure from the swelling in the location. While this might be the scariest symptom of all, generally it is reversible when the inflammation is gone.

While the symptoms of TMJ appear to be simple, there can also be some complex ones also. Because the temporomandibular joint impacts many parts of the body, it is not uncommon for additional symptoms to happen.

The inflammation in the temporomandibular joint can easily impact to a lot of tendons, mucles, and nerves in the human body. Nerves in the swollen region can send signals to other parts of your body. This is the reason why some TMJ sufferers have also musculoskeletal pains and even arthritis.

The symptoms for each individual may be different, but a couple classic TMJ symptoms are generally always noticeable. Dealing with TMJ might be difficult, yet there are lots of TMJ treatment possibilities which are able to effectively handle it.

Looking for medical attention at the 1st notice of any of these indicators is imperative for a good prognosis. The pain can be debilitating and only a specialist is able to assist a patient recognize what is going on and get the help they need.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What Are Temporomandibular Joint Disorders?

Temporomandibular joint disorder is better known as TMJ syndrome. Many people suffer from this affliction that can cause serious pain. This can actually turn into a chronic condition and many people will be treated each year for it.

Inflammation takes place in the temporomandibular joint, that's located between the mandible and the skull; in fact it actually connects the two. Signs that you may be suffering from TMJ are pain in your ear, headaches, hearing loss, and even locking of the jaw.

There are many more symptoms that may lead a dentist to believe you are suffering from TMJ. They are pain behind the eyes, feelings of numbness in arms and fingers, pain in your neck, back, or shoulders, and even dizziness.

As you can tell TMJ doesn't just affect your teeth but your whole body. That's why so many people are suffering and seeking out help as soon as they can.

So what are some ways that you get TMJ? Some people will not even realize it but they are moving their jaws everyday in a same way, its called bruxing. Trauma, maybe a car accident or something like that. Excessive chewing of gum or even biting your nails can cause TMJ. Also the teeth maybe misaligned, which will affect the way your mouth closes, and perhaps lead to grinding and TMJ.

Dentist can treat TMJ though and help to relieve that pain. You may get fitted for a guard that will help to reduce the bruxing you may be doing. These will most likely need to be worn at all times of the day, but especially when sleeping. The dentist can also help to fix the misalignment of the teeth that may have caused TMJ in the first place. A very hard problem to deal with, but getting help is only a call away.

Side Effects of Glucosamine and Chondroitin Supplements - 2 Other Possibilities

The side effects of glucosamine and chondroitin are generally of a not serious nature. That is according to what I have found in researching this subject.

While not demonstrated or reported in the studies, there are 2 other possible side effects of glucosamine and chondroitin that you may want to consider.

If any reader needs to know, glucosamine and chondroitin are ingredients in a popular dietary supplement. The main reason people are taking this supplement is for the relief painful knees due to degenerative joint disease aka osteoarthritis.

Back to the possible side effects....

First, glucosamine is derived from the chitin in crustacean shells. People who are allergic to things like shrimp, lobster and seafood should be aware of this.

Why? Because to be as safe as possible, if you have this allergy, it is recommended that you: number one, be aware of the possibility of a reaction, ; number two, be prepared for it; and third, if you you have any kind of history of worsening allergic reactions you should certainly consult with your doctor prior to starting on glucosamine.

One precaution you can take is to obtain the same formula of glucosamine and chondroitin that is used in a majority of the studies. That the participants were given only highly refined and purified ingredients, may be a big reason for there being no allergic reactions in the studies.

In the USA, Cosamin®DS by Nutramax labs is the only brand that contains the studied formulas.

Another consideration is due to the fact that chondroitin is derived from bovine (cattle) tracheae. So, in theory, there could be a link to mad cow disease.

No occurrences have been reported, but it is a disease that takes a long time to manifest. Again, it may be that sticking with the best purified, refined chondroitin would be a good way to minimize that risk, however small it may be.

TRH122 Low Molecular Weight Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate, as found only in Cosamin®DS, is the name of the formulation used in most of the major studies to date.

For more information about adverse reactions to glucosamine and chondroitin, please click on: side effects of glucosamine and chondroitin.

Can Extended Computer Use Be a Cause of TMJ?

Researchers are now finding a link between TMJ and computer use. The link is most closely associated with the way we posture our bodies while sitting at the computer. Most often we have a tendency to sit slouched forward, collapsed within ourselves, or in an unbalanced position for extended periods of time: all contributing factors to the connection between TMJ and computer use.

The TM joints are located on each side of a person's lower jaw, a complex of tendons and muscles that allow us to open and close our mouths. When one or both of those joints sustain injury, or are compromised in any way, the result is TMJ.

Can TMJ Be Prevented if You Work at a Computer All Day?

Since many of us work at a computer for more than 40 hours per week, there are some things we can do to prevent TMJ caused or exacerbated by computer use:

  • Be aware of how you are sitting at the computer. If you're slouched, tilted, or off-balance, reposition yourself, or take a short break from the computer to realign your body.

  • Avoid a leaning head posture whereby your ears are past your shoulders. This posture puts undue strain on the neck, jaw and facial muscles. Be sure to position your ears above your shoulders when sitting at the computer.

  • Adjust your work station to suit your body's needs. This includes your chair height, lumbar position, and the angle of your computer monitor.

The link between TMJ and computer use can be remedied by following these and other posture guidelines to keep your body aligned and your weight evenly distributed through your spine.

Not sure if you have TMJ? Most common TMJ symptoms can include:

  • Pain, usually associated with chewing and jaw movement

  • Headaches

  • Sore jaw muscles

  • Neck tension

  • Incidents of suddenly limited jaw opening and locking

  • Ear symptoms, such as ringing, humming or buzzing

Of course, there are other contributing factors to what causes TMJ, including trauma to the area in a collision, stress, or a number of other psychological factors. But the importance of posture awareness can aid in reducing the discomfort of TMJ caused by computer use.

Note: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is often erroneously interchanged with temporomandibular disorder (TMD) a condition which leads to pain and, in some cases, limited jaw function. In this article, we'll refer to TMD as TMJ, which is the term that most people associate with this condition.

Traumeel Gel - Calms Muscular Injuries

Traumeel gel is an anti inflammatory, analgesic ointment and is used as a versatile alternative medicine pain-reliever to soothe muscle and joint pain, bruising and sports injuries. It is made of different plant-based ingredients as well as minerals for that perfect blend of homeopathic pain-relief.

It contains Arnica, a natural anti-bruising agent, Calendula for its anti-inflammatory effects and Chamomile which is popular for its calming properties. Since it is all-natural, it is very safe to use for all age types and does not cause adverse reactions when mixed with other medication. In fact, it has been highly recommended by doctors for over 30 years as pain relief for arthritis, sprains, back-ache, post-surgical pain, pulled muscles and all other muscle/tendon related aches and pains. As treatment for common everyday injuries, it is a recommended addition to everyone's First-Aid kit.

The most common advantage in using the gel is its anti-inflammatory effects. Muscle pain and swelling in sports injuries like tennis elbow and fractures and muscle trauma are very common. This cream is highly recommended by sports physicians as pain remedies for such situations. Accidentally slipped and hurt your hip, knee or back? Just had surgery? Suffering from unbearable arthritis? Having a massage, physiotherapy or oral pain relievers may not be enough. The calming and soothing properties of the cream can take away the pain and swelling making your recovery faster.

It is also useful for burns and cuts. Applying the Traumeel gel to the affected areas would clear the wound of infection and reduce the scarring as well. Did your baby accidentally bump his head on the door, fall off his bike or was injured by rough play? The cream's soothing effects would reduce the swelling on the injured area, and give comfort to your baby. Worried it might affect Grandma's prescription medication or cause some skin irritations? No problem. It is made from all-natural ingredients and is totally safe for all ages.

Using this product is very easy. Just apply a generous amount directly on the affected area about 3-4 times a day, gently massaging the area for better absorption. It has a non greasy formula, so it does not have a sticky feeling. For cuts and burns, wait for your wound to stop bleeding before applying the cream. For the healing of scars, apply daily until you see results. Unlike most pain-reliever creams, it does not have an offensive or strong smell. A short time after applying, the smell will disappear and you are good to go!

The gel's healing properties come from a variety of herb and plant extracts and minerals actually used historically by the Native Americans as treatment for pain, skin disorders and inflammation. Arnica, Calendula, Chamomile and Witch Hazel are just some of these and their healing properties are blended together to create a wonderful cream that has very little known side effects, if at all.

From doctors to athletes to grandparents and mothers-- all swear on the therapeutic effects of Traumeel gel and recommend that everyone should have some in their medicine cabinet.

For more information on Traumeel gel, Traumeel cream, and other forms of Traumeel ointments or tablets, then visit this excellent resource.

TMJ Treatment - The Best Way to Get Rid of Lockjaw

There are a number of ways to relieve the TMJ lockjaw, however for most dentists they will tell you that the best method is to allow your body to do the work. You heard right, your body is going to tell you what to do. To have TMJ lockjaw for the very first time can be a scary feeling and a frustrating thing to deal with. The main reason is that you do not know what to expect or how you can make the pain stop.

TMJ lockjaw will take place when the patient experiences a muscle spasm and the muscles decrease of the jaw. You will know when you are experiencing a muscle spasm. If you are able to move your jaw from one side to another and are then unable to open your mouth, then you have experienced lockjaw from TMJ. For most who are experiencing this, they will find that they tense up and this in turn will cause the TMJ to get worse.

So how do you get rid of the lockjaw? First and foremost, you need to make sure that you relax. By relaxing, your body is allowing the muscles in the face to loosen. Once this has taken place, try to start doing some TMJ exercises. By applying a warm compress to the area is another way to make it better. This will help to soothe the area.

Before you are to stretch the muscles and loosen the muscles, remember that it is best that you allow the muscles to become accustomed to the stretching by first applying a warm compress. By applying a warm compress, you are drawing blood to the area that is sore and this will allow it to move easier.

Once you have started to notice that the muscles are beginning to loosen, then you will want to practice the exercises. Start with some very basic exercises and work your way up. You will only want to do a few at first to allow your facial muscles to not become overworked which can cause more damage. As with any other treatment option, this may not work for everyone.

First, you will want to open your mouth as wide as you possibly can. You will want to do this without feeling any pain and then close your mouth again.

Second, you will want to open your mouth up and move the jaw from side to side, first moving left and then moving right. Once you have done this, close your mouth. Then move on to the next step.

Third, Repeat the second step but switch the sides in which you move your jaw by first going to the right and then to the left and then close your mouth.

The last step is to do this over and over again. You will want to do this for several minutes and for several times a day. This will slowly start to stretch the muscles.

For some they start to feel relief right away and for others, it may take quite a while before they are able to notice any difference. This is just one of the exercises that can be done for someone who is having TMJ pain. You want to remain as stress free as possible as this can cause the facial muscles to become tense. Try to stay as relaxed as possible. Remember when you start to feel like you are going to have lockjaw, to stay calm and relax. Then apply the warm heat to the side of your face as this will help the blood flow and the muscles to relax.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Falling On Ice: Injury Care And Prevention

It is important to be aware of the fact that winter weather brings with it the risk of falls. People can injure their hips and backs by falling on ice. Injuries range from pulled muscles to structural problems like herniated discs and joint misplacement. Learn how to care for fall-related injuries and how to prevent them in the future.

Fall-Related Injuries

You've just slipped on the ice and you feel sudden muscular pain. Even if you caught yourself mid-slip, you may still have pulled a muscle. Muscles surrounding your spine work to stabilize it by engaging before we move. When you make a sudden movement, such as when falling, the muscles don't have time to preemptively engage. They tense suddenly, and this knee-jerk action can result in strain. It is also possible to injure hip and gluteal muscles, particularly if you fall on your bottom. Muscle strain causes sharp pain that is exacerbated when you move or use the muscle. The affected muscle will likely be tender to the touch as well.

Falls are the main cause of tailbone injuries. It is possible to fracture, bruise or dislocate this bone at the base of your spine by falling on it. Tailbone injuries cause severe pain at the tailbone, pain when sitting and pain when having a bowel movement.

Another possible site of injury when falling is one or both sacroiliac (SI) joints. These joints are located where the large hip bones (ilia) connect to the sacrum at the base of the spine on each side of the body. These joints typically allow for very little movement. A fall can jar the joint or joints out of place, either causing them to lock up or to dislodge and become hypermobile. If you injure this area, you will likely feel sharp pain at the joint/s and exacerbated pain when you put weight on the leg on the affected joint's side. Moving the leg laterally can also be particularly painful. Pain may radiate down the buttocks and thigh, especially if inflammation surrounding the joint is irritating the sciatic nerve that runs nearby.

It is also possible that a hard fall can jar the spine to the point of causing disc damage or spinal joint dislocation. This is particularly of concern for people who already have structural problems in the spine.


The typical care approach for muscle strain is ice, rest and gentle stretching. Depending on the severity of the strain, muscles may take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to heal.

Tailbone injuries also require icing to reduce inflammation. Ice for 20 minutes at a time up to 4 times a day. Avoid sitting when possible; when you must sit, alternate your weight from one buttock cheek to the other and lean forward slightly (at the hips, not the back) to take pressure off the tailbone. Taking over-the-counter medication as directed to manage pain and inflammation is often helpful. Generally, tailbone injuries heal within a few weeks. Rarely, chronic pain results and surgery is required.

Icing the sacroiliac joint to limit inflammation after a traumatic injury can help relieve pain. It is important to modify activities so you don't overload the joint as it heals, but also to keep active. Prolonged rest can cause the joint to become stiff and the surrounding muscles and ligaments to grow weak. If pain persists beyond a few weeks, it is a good idea to see a chiropractor, osteopath and/or physical therapist. A chiropractor or osteopath can be helpful if the joint needs realigning. A physical therapist can help you strengthen the area surrounding the joint, providing it with support.

While disc injuries sometimes heal on their own, a misaligned vertebra will likely require chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation combined with exercise therapy. If pain persists more than a few weeks after a fall, consider the possibility that you have a spinal problem.


The best way to prevent falls on ice is to increase the amount of traction you have on it. While good quality snow boots have some traction built into them, the best way to prevent falls is to invest in a pair of ice cleats that attach to your normal footwear. These are available in many forms. Yaktrax are perhaps the most popular brand, featuring an elastic net coiled with wire that stretches across the bottom of your footwear. Other designs feature a varied number of studs or spikes across the bottom that attach to the boot like Yaktrax. Some brands feature a velcro strap or two to secure the device to your shoe. Prices for cleats range from $10.00 to $80.00. Read customer reviews on sites like to help you decide what type of cleat is right for you.

Falling on ice can cause an array of injuries. Care for your body by preventing falls this winter.

Grinding Teeth in Sleep

We have different pet peeves when it comes to sleeping. Most people will really get irked when they hear somebody snoring. The unusual sounds can be really irritating to the extent that one cannot sleep anymore. We have all been immersed to this kind of sleep disorder. We are all guilty this sleep disorder occasionally especially when we are really exhausted. Few people know that there is a sleep disorder that is similar to snoring specifically to the annoying sounds produced. This sleep disorder is known as grinding teeth.

For some people this is more distracting than snoring. This is because there is an added fear when one hears the grinding sound of teeth. It brings back memories of those popular horror movies. Just imagine teeth gnashing producing the same sounds similar to the movie the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Sleeping with somebody who grinds teeth is one hell of an experience. It is just like sleeping with the enemy wherein you need to be always on guard. Grinding teeth is an excruciating experience especially to the one who does it.

Grinding teeth is rarely occurs in daytime. It is usually more apparent at night. Studies show that grinding teeth in sleep is due to the stress that a person encounters on a daily basis. An individual's teeth grinding is his or her body's way of releasing stress. Usually the sufferer is not aware of this habit or sleep disorder. This is the reason why they usually feel sore on their jaw area when they wake up. They have unexplained headaches or migraine of some sort due to the clenching or gnashing of their jaw. If the occurrence of grinding teeth is chronic, they may even notice that the enamel of their teeth are cracked or broken.

It is important to know that kids are not spared from grinding teeth in sleep. In fact this is a common occurrence since they have not developed their teeth yet. This is not a major threat since kids normally outgrow this condition as they get older. It only becomes a serious condition when there is a noticeable misalignment of teeth or jaw. Adults who have malocclusion which is the abnormality in the coming together of teeth or more commonly known as overbite or underbite should consult a dentist immediately. In this manner, temporomandibular joint problems TMJ (jaw joint) and TMJ Syndrome or TMD (disorder) will be corrected and avoided. If not treated, this can cause loss of hearing and disfigurement of one's face. Grinding teeth is really a serious condition that might even lead to surgery. If it is just related to anxiety and stress, then it can even cause a loss in relationships. One should take time in determining what causes his or her grinding teeth disorder. Once known, then pro-active actions should be taken immediately to cure it. If not, manage the condition in the best manner possible.

Piriformis Syndrome Treatment by Physiotherapists

Physiotherapists and other manual therapists recognise piriformis syndrome as a cause of buttock and leg pain which sometimes simulates sciatic symptoms. The piriformis muscle is very close to the sciatic nerve as it traverses the buttock and nerve compression or irritation have been put forward as reasons for the pain. Piriformis syndrome is not recognised universally outside physiotherapy and other therapy professions but the diagnosis is gaining credence.

The piriformis muscle is flat and small, lying in the centre of the buttock, taking its origin from the sacral area and inserting on to the top of the greater trochanter of the thigh, the bony prominence easily felt on the side of the leg below the hip. It either turns the leg outwards or moves the thigh away from the body, depending on the position of the hip. The sciatic nerve and the piriformis muscle vary in their structure and position in the buttock. Typically the muscle lies behind the nerve but in some cases the piriformis is divided into two parts with the sciatic nerve passing between them.

There are no clear causative factors for piriformis syndrome which seems to accompany other lumbar or pelvic pains. Direct trauma to the area can cause bleeding and scarring around the nerve and the muscles, with consistent pressure to the buttock perhaps affecting the nerve's function. The syndrome can also be associated with an increased lordotic posture, hip replacement or vigorous activity and mimics back pain syndromes such as sciatica. Physiotherapists diagnose and treat piriformis syndrome on purely clinical grounds as there are no agreed diagnostic criteria, imaging or other tests.

Piriformis syndrome is often not considered as a cause of low back and leg pain but can mimic sciatic nerve compression, giving symptoms similar to back pain with L5 or S1 nerve compression from disc or joint changes. Cases of trochanteric bursitis may be connected to this syndrome as the muscle inserts onto the trochanter. Physio clinical examination will find intense pain over the piriformis trigger point in the buttock, reduced lateral rotation of the hip, pain and weakness on resisted hip abduction and lateral rotation and a difficulty sitting on the affected buttock.

Physiotherapists use many treatment modalities to improve piriformis symptoms but partly due to the lack of a clear diagnosis there is no agreed scientific treatment approach. Physios check the findings such as tightness in the piriformis, hip external rotator and adductor muscles, hip abductor weakness, sacro-iliac and lumbar dysfunction, externally rotated hip in walking, apparent leg shortening and a shorter stride length.

If the physiotherapist finds that the piriformis and other muscles are tight then treatment consists of loosening up the hip joint followed by stretches of the muscle. Stretching the muscle is performed in lying with the hip flexed, pulling the hip into adduction and internal rotation. A home stretching programme is important, with regular stretching every two or three hours in the acute phase. If the piriformis is looser than expected the Physio may exercise the muscle to tighten it up and stretch out the tight structures which oppose this tendency.

Local manipulation is a common treatment directly over the most painful point in the buttock, which can be very tender indeed. Transverse or longitudinal mobilisations over the muscle is the technique used, maintaining the pressure steadily for up to 10 minutes initially. Treatment of the back and sacro-iliac joints is important to address any dysfunction which might contribute. Modifying posture and activity, muscle injections, mobilisations and stretching are commonly successful in reducing symptoms. In resistant cases surgery to the muscle or the tendon at the greater trochanter may be contemplated.

Physical Therapy, Pain Medications or Surgery - What Would You Choose?

You have power. The power of choice. The power to heal.

No Prescription Necessary

Did you know that in most states, including North Carolina, you can see a physical therapist directly, with out a referral from a physician? Did you also know that physical therapy is a great alternative to pain medications?

Eliminating Pain without Medication

Many types of pain and inflammation can be reduced with the help of a physical therapist, including low back pain, neck pain, bursitis, sciatica, arthritis, tennis elbow, and knee pain.

If you are at risk of heart disease, the American Heart Association encourages seeing a physical therapist for the initial treatment of pain resulting from tendinitis/bursitis, degenerative joint problems (osteoarthritis), and inflammatory joint problems (rheumatoid arthritis), rather than prescription pain medication. Physical therapists are a great alternative to medication and surgery for musculoskeletal pain. Research shows individuals who receive active physical therapy experience greater improvements in function and decreased pain intensity.

Lower back pain affects up to 80 percent of Americans during their lifetime. Physical therapy that mobilizes the spine along with specific exercises can help alleviate the pain and can have long-lasting effects. In one study manual physical therapy helped 92% of patients with lower back pain. The best thing you can do if you have pain is to continue with all your normal daily activities, work and exercise.

Please be sure not to push or exercise through any sharp or shooting pain. I have posted some videos on YouTube that may help you, especially if you need relief from low back pain.

No matter what part of your body hurts, neck, back, knee, hip, shoulder, arms, hands or head, you can alleviate or manage pain without costly medication or other invasive methods such as surgery.

Finding a Physical Therapist

In many states, including North Carolina, you can see your physical therapist directly, without a referral from your physician. This is called Direct Access, and allows you to seek treatment for your condition today, get better faster, spend less money, feel great and return to the activities you enjoy.

Physical Therapists are licensed by the state in which they practice and have completed extensive and specialized, post graduate level, accredited physical therapist education programs. They are trained in identifying red flags (signs that your condition is not appropriate for physical therapy) and know when to refer you to the appropriate health care practitioner or physician. When you visit your physical therapist, you will experience the care of a trusted health professional that uses research and proven treatments to help you regain independence and a better quality of life.

For more information on how physical therapy can help you reduce pain, avoid surgery and feel great please visit our website. When you call the physical therapy practice of your choice, ask if they provide hands-on manual physical therapy.

Pueraria Mirifica Facts

Pueraria Mirifica is a plant that helps to increase the size and volume of the breasts naturally and without side effects and leaves them firm and beautiful. Pueraria Mirifica increases the speed of development of mammary cells and fills the ducts around the nipple. It also increases the firmness of fatty tissue and ligaments around the breasts resulting in fuller and firmer breasts. These tissues are responsible for breast firmness and muscle tonality. The results obtained with this herb vary from person to person depending on individual physiological conditions and genetic backgrounds.

There are some cases in which people have been able to have an increase of 2.5 cms in breast size by using this herb. People who have bigger breasts get faster results. People with smaller breasts react to the herb more slowly and need more time to reach the desired size.

This can be used by people of any age. At low doses no significant effect on breast enlargement is seen. The intake of this herb increases the sensitivity of the breast tissues within 24 hours of first dose. The process of breast enlargement continues for a while even after stopping consumption. If you continue to take regular doses even after the breasts have achieve the maximum possible size, the breast muscles would start getting toned up and the shape of the breasts would improve. The recommended dosage is 800 to 1200 mg per day. These are available in the market in the form of capsules and 1 capsule 3 times per day for 3 months can give you around 2cms of breast tissue growth.

Maintenance of female hormones and control of PMS and Menopause

This magic herb contains an element called puerarin miroesterol. This has the capability of influencing hypothalamus secretions and regulating the hormones responsible for ageing. Research reveals that this element is 1000 times stronger than the soy isoflavones. Pueraria mirifica is suitable for those with mental stress, suffering from menopausal symptoms, those with alopaecea, osteoporosis and sexual problems. Since this herb is full of essential nutrients, it is also beneficial for boosting up the immune system. Some disease symptoms such as nerve irritation, dizziness, skin blemishes, wrinkles, puffy face, muscle aches, palpitations, back cat, bent hip, hip pain, colds, crooked leg (type O) and knee-joint pain can be treated using this herb.

However, you should keep in mind that Pueraria mirifica is a very strong herb and if you don't use it under medical supervision, you might end up harming yourself also.

Non-Surgical Knee Pain Relief With Cold Laser Therapy

Cold laser therapy, also known as low level laser therapy or LLLT, is an alternative, non-surgical method of treatment that has existed since the late 1960s. Cold laser therapy was being utilized in Europe and Asia for decades before the FDA finally cleared the first cold laser in the United States in 2001. Since that time there have been hundreds of clinical studies that support the efficacy of cold laser therapy for knee pain relief. It is a great option for those searching for alternatives to conventional methods that might have failed them in the past.

Which Types of Knee Conditions Does Cold Laser Therapy Help Relieve?

A cold laser is a non-surgical treatment tool used by a licensed physician to help relieve knee pain caused from a knee injury, degeneration, arthritis knee pain, baker's cysts, meniscus tears, bursitis of the knee, tendonitis of the knee, chondromalacia patella, and failed knee surgery. Individuals who suffer from chronic knee pain can benefit tremendously from treatments. The therapy is unique in that it enables patients to experience knee pain relief without knee surgery, medications or knee injections. Unlike pain medications and knee injections cold laser therapy treatments are considered non-invasive,do not cause any harmful side effects, and are completely painless.

What Other Conditions Are Treated With Laser Therapy?

In addition to relieving knee pain and inflammation the treatment can be used by physicians for treating a myriad of other musculoskeletal conditions. The treatments have also proven to be effective for neck pain, shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain and arthritis pain. Researchers are also investigating the possibilities of cold lasers being used to heal broken bones more quickly, to help regenerate the nerves in injured spinal cords and to help regenerate new skin in burn victims.

How Does The Treatment Work?

Cold laser therapy treatments work by using highly focused, specific wavelengths of light to target the area of injury. The light penetrates deeply into the tissue in the form of non-thermal light photons. This light helps stimulate and excite damaged and injured cells' mitochondria. The mitochondria is considered the 'powerhouse' of the cell. By exciting the mitochondria the metabolic rate of the cell improves thereby healing and repairing the tissue at a faster rate. In addition, to relieving knee pain, treatments have also been shown to improve tissue growth, cell communication, and cell nutrition. As a result of cellular excitation, lasers also accelerate lymphatic activity which ultimately helps reduce edema or swelling in and around the knee joint. Additionally, the therapy aids in achieving an increase in blood flow and in the formation of new capillaries in and around the knee joint.

How Many Knee Treatments Does it Take to Experience Relief?

The exact number of treatments depends on the duration and severity of the pain. In addition, an examination, an x-ray or MRI evaluation of the knee joint must be performed and taken into account in order to help determine an accurate treatment plan. The good news is that the effects are cumulative and improve with each treatment. It usually takes a series of 10 to 30 treatments for knee pain sufferers to get the most beneficial results; however, in many acute cases the relief can be immediate. Moreover, it is important to continue the treatments until the doctor has indicated that the therapy is complete.

Contraindications to Therapy...

While the FDA has classified cold lasers as "non-significant risk" devices, the treatments are not appropriate for individuals who are pregnant, or who observe the presence of potentially cancerous skin lesions near the site of the knee injury. This knee treatment is also contraindicated for individuals who take medications that result in photosensitivity.

The Most Important Step...Choosing The Right Knee Pain Relief Doctor...

Finally, choosing the right doctor that specializes in cold laser therapy for knee pain is as important as the treatment itself. Any health care professional with a license can own a cold laser, but in order to get the best results find a doctor who only treats the knee joint and who has devoted their practice to using this type of therapy. If you choose wisely, you will have a greater chance of achieving knee pain relief and ultimately avoiding knee surgery.

All rights reserved Copyright 穢 2011 Dr.Schnee,D.C.,PA

Treating Gout - 10 Tips For Pain Relief

When you wake up at 2 am with unbearable pain in your big toe - or elsewhere - you need quick pain relief! If you are prone to gout attacks or have a history of gout in your family, be prepared and learn about treating gout proactively - stop eating the high purine foods that increase the uric acid in your blood which can eventually lead to a gout attack. Here are some tips to help you get through a gout attack and to help prevent a reoccurence:

  1. Have a kit handy which includes the items you need for a gout pain attack. Chances are, you won't be able to run to the pharmacy in the middle of the night, even if you could walk on your foot or, horrors, put on your shoes and socks! If you keep your supplies somewhere handy in a box or bag, you will always be prepared when a gout attack occurs.

  2. First step - spray the affected joint with a deep penetrating pain spray, such as STOPAIN, which is readily available at most pharmacies;

  3. No STOPAIN? A lot of people are saying they get quick relief by spraying WD-40 on the painful joint. I don't know what's in WD-40 that would stop the pain, but since it's a penetrating oil, it would get to the affected joint quickly;

  4. Take some TYLENOL or other over-the-counter pain reliever; however, don't take aspirin, it just makes matters worse;

  5. If you have a bathtub, soak in a warm bath in which you have dissolved 2 handfuls of EPSOM SALTS and one handful of ROCK SALT. Some people have reported success by also adding some APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. If you don't have a bathtub, you can soak in a bucket or other large container;

  6. Drink a LOT of WATER to start flushing the monosodium urate crystals from the affected joint and the uric acid from your body. If you don't have high blood pressure or aren't on a sodium restricted diet, drink a glass of water in which you have dissolved 1/2 teaspoon of BAKING SODA a couple of times a day;

  7. CHERRIES are very good for gout pain. Eat 1/2 pound of fresh or canned (unsweetened) dark, red cherries each day. They aid your circulation and reduce inflammation. If you prefer, you can drink 100% natural cherry juice (no sugar), concentrated cherry juice which you dilute (no sugar), or buy Cherry Extract. If you don't like cherries, blueberries would be the second choice;

  8. Don't drink alcohol, coffee, tea, soda, or any other drinks that contain caffeine. Do drink a tea made from BURDOCK ROOT, or take BURDOCK CAPSULES;

  9. Take HAWTHORN BERRY supplements. They will reduce the inflammation and increase your circulation also. Other helpful herbs are ADDER'S TONGUE and DEVIL'S CLAW;

  10. Each day take 1000 mg of VITAMIN C, 250 mg of VITAMIN E, B COMPLEX, BETA CAROTENE, and FISH capsules. It's also a good idea to always take a MULTI-VITAMIN each day.

There you have it! Ten steps you can take now and/or when a gout attack occurs. Read below for more information and a FREE mini-course.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Jaw Exercises For TMJ - Find Relief For Your TMJ Pain

TMJ is one of the most difficult conditions to deal with as it has no known causes or treatments. If you think you have TMJ, which is a condition that affects the joints of the jaw, then you need to work with your doctor and a TMJ specialist to try and find a way to manage the symptoms while looking for an underlying cause to the disorder. Some of the most common symptoms of TMJ are swelling and tightness of the affected joint, pain, an "off" bite, dislocation of the jaw joint and others. If you are experiencing these symptoms, the first thing you should do is talk with your doctor to see if there is something else going on that could be causing the TMJ and find a way to treat the underlying condition. If there isn't one, then you should meet with a specialist to try and find a way to treat your specific case and prevent the symptoms from coming back.

Of the treatments available are jaw exercises, which are supposed to strength your jaw and help to avoid the symptoms from coming back. You can press your tongue to the roof of your mouth and open your mouth as wide as you can while breathing deeply. This should help to strengthen your jaw to prevent the symptoms from coming back. You can also press one finger against each of your jaw joints carefully while moving your jaw open and closed. This can help to relocate your jaw to where it should naturally be and relieve the pain and pressure associated with the dislocation and the strain it causes on the jaw.

If you are experiencing the pain and discomfort of TMJ symptoms, you should consider using these jaw exercises for TMJ to help relieve them. TMJ is a difficult condition to deal with, but with the right treatment and a plan of action in place to help prevent the symptoms of TMJ in the first place. You can find relief with the right plan and a good doctor.

MSG and Its Effect on Joint Pain

This article will discuss about MSG and its effect to joint pain. This is based on a friend that was having joint problems. Her condition is mentioned below.

She was having rheumatic symptoms, inflammation (which moved around the body), gout symptoms in her feet. They were intermittent attacks, which could be pretty incapacitating for 3 weeks at a time.

In my opinion based on some experience, when we were having severe joint problems - joints would lock up and there would be shooting pains that were almost unbearable - it could be because of MSG. You would not believe the foods that you can find MSG in. Sometimes it is even hidden and listed as "natural spices". The trick is to avoid any foods that you have not cooked yourself, so you can ensure that nothing has been added. Usually after eating MSG, it would take about 2 days for the symptoms to show up.

Moreover, my friend also said that she did not have any intake of MSG, as for some time then she had been unable to buy or eat any product which has a list of additives in the ingredients, even though such products usually would make her itch.

Then her joint problems might be because of mercury detoxifier, but the feet pain was connected with sulfur in foods, so she could not have eggs. But then again, this was also because of the mercury. So the main causative agent is mercury. All she has to do is to draw mercury out of her body.