Saturday, October 12, 2013

Why a Neutral Spinal Alignment is Important

Research suggests that many back problems result from a combination of poor posture and body mechanics which create abnormal stress on the spine. This stress can eventually develop into structural changes in the spine which manifest as disc and joint degeneration, shortening or lengthening of support ligaments and muscles together with wear and tear on cartilage. All of these changes can lead to pain.

The key elements to keeping your spine healthy are learning and practicing good posture, using good body mechanics during everyday activities together with regular exercise.

The basis of effective back care begins with good posture. Poor posture can cause spinal pain as well as exacerbate existing pain, it can also delay rehabilitation. Poor posture has been associated with chronic headaches, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) and shoulder pain.

People spend hours during their daily activities lifting, bending forward and sitting. Consider your lifestyle, how many times during the day do you compromise your spine when lifting, bending, or sitting at your computer.
If you can master maintaining a neutral spine, retaining the three natural curves of the spine as you move from one position to the next you will be closer to protecting your spine from unnecessary stress and strain. It is clear that once the spine is placed in a neutral position it needs to be kept there and it is the postural muscles that achieve this.

The muscles that hold the spine in correct alignment are found deep in the body close to the spine they are referred to as stabilisers naturally, because this is their function, to help stabilise the spine in readiness for activity.

These deep abdominals respond most effectively to a gentle contraction and together with a neutral pelvic alignment and a lateral thoracic (wide and full) breath create the correct intra-abdominal pressure to assist with spinal stability. (Richardson et al 1996, Queensland University). Another good reason to locate and activate them.

The deep abdominals or postural muscles are also commonly called the core. The core, simply, is the muscles that connect your lower body to your upper body, it is made up of four major muscles:

The Transversus Abdominis (TA) The Pelvic Floor The Diaphragm The Multifidus

The transversus abdominis (TA) is the body's natural corset. It's the muscle you use to pull in your tummy when you walk along the beach! The T.A. connects at the left of the spine, wraps around the abdomen attaching to the ribs and hips, until it reaches the right side, encasing the internal organs. The more superficial abdominal muscles that give you a six pack are layered on top of these support muscles. However if you want those washboard abs., to stay flat you will need to work your core as well as trim the fat and work the more aesthetic muscles. Of course another important function of the TA is to assist with spinal stability which is essential for good posture.

The pelvic floor (PF) are those muscles you use when you need a toilet and can't find one. You will also be aware of them when you cough or sneeze as they tend to tense spontaneously under this pressure.

Unfortunately people generally do not pay enough attention to these important muscles. The PF is the structure, not unlike a basket that holds in and supports the abdominal organs, stablise the hips in association with the core and helps with balance as well as reducing the risk of stress incontinence.

(The diaphragm is a sheet of muscle that works with the muscles of the ribs to expand and contract the ribcage during respiration (breathing). We do not often take control of the diaphragm. The way we control our diaphragm is usually through breathing; rate, rhythm and depth, you don't focus on the muscle but the inhale and exhale. The stronger we make the diaphragm, however, the deeper, slower and more paced our breathing will be.

The multifidus runs the length of the spine, it has a unique design which provides support as well as keeping us upright by providing scaffolding for the vertebral column. Researchers for the National Institute of Health found short stiff muscles packed in a finger-like covering; it is this particular design that is responsible for the extra strength and support the multifidus gives the spine.

Unlike most muscles when the multifidus is on stretch, (when we bend forward) it gets stronger. Generally if a muscles is lengthened it has a tendency to lose strength. Obviously the multifidus is operating under different rules.

("Our research shows that it's the strongest muscle in the back because of its unique design" states Richard L. Lieber, PhD. Lieber is the director of the National Center for Skeletal Muscle Rehabilitation Research, a professor and Vice Chair at UCSD's Department of Orthopedic Surgery, and a senior research scientist at the VA in San Diego.

It is clear from the information above that learning to utilise the core to initiate movement whilst in a neutral pelvic alignment will not only reduce your risk of injury and low back pain but go a long way towards improving your general posture.

You now have all this information and are aware of the value of neutral spine, using your core and breathing properly, so how can you use it?

When you are participating in your sport of choice, or exercise class, initiate all movement by using this simple system: Set the bones - Neutral Pelvis. Engage the muscles, the core and use a wide and full breath. Once you have initiated this set up you are ready to add the more superficial muscles that will move your body into action.

The muscles of the core only need a mild contraction to become activated and function effectively (Richardson et el 1996) much like a light switch, they are either on or off. Once they are on you can confidently use the large muscles for the action phase of a movement now that you have stabilised the spine and reduced the effects of stress on the spine from the activity. Try this test exercise:

Lay on your back on a mat or towel with your knees bent and feet hip width apart.

Allow your complete spine to "let go" of tension

Roll your pelvis backward and forward to find the range of movement

Place your pelvis half way between the two extremes (neutral alignment)

Exhale and gently draw your naval inward

"gently" if level 1 is no contraction and 10 is the maximum draw into level 3

Try to maintain this alignment with a gentle contraction whilst you slide your right foot along the ground, keep this a closed chain activity, with your foot always in contact with the floor

Only slide your foot as far forward as you can maintain the neutral spine, level 3 contraction of the core whilst you breathe naturally.

Repeat the movement up to 5 times on the right foot, then change to the left. This simple test of challenging your ability to move your limbs whilst maintaining the set up will demonstrate to you the subtlety of the action.

I recommend that until you are satisfied that you have your neutral set up and can maintain minimal involvement of the superficial abdominal muscles when working with low load (sliding the foot) you do not complicate matters by practicing more challenging abdominal exercises.

The purpose of first working in such a non challenging manner is to fully understand the "feeling" of the core connection. Once you are confident of course you will utilise this stabilising activation as the foundation to all abdominal exercises. Use the neutral set up as the start and finish of a movement; throughout the activity you will ensure the deep abdominals remain engaged so that all abdominal exercises are effective.

Of course you do not spend all your time exercising, throughout your day you will need to think about the value of stabilising your spine. Picking up your child for example, or taking luggage from the boot of the car require your deep abdominals to be stable before you complete the lift. The most stress is placed on the spine when it is flexed (bent forward) and loaded (lifting). Reduce your risk of injury and take a second to activate your core when necessary.

Briefly, good posture is awareness and persistence. Poor posture takes a lifetime to manifest and will take time and effort to rectify. However, perfect practice makes perfect , soon you will find your neutral alignment to be "natural".

The benefits are not only reduced risk of injury and reduction of low back pain, but a lengthened body appears slimmer and good posture can take 10 years off your age. So what are you waiting for? Start today.

Knowing About Joint Pain

Generally, joint pain is caused if an individual suffers an injury. Patients who experience swelling of joints, may also experience joint pains. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are some other causes for joint pains. In such conditions, the joints become stiff. Even old age is another reason for joint pains, wherein there is degeneration of the bones. Many people in their early fifties or mid-forties suffer from joint pains.

Bursitis is yet another reason for pain in joints. The bursae gets swollen, as it gets filled with fluids, causing unbearable pain. Septic arthritis, infectious diseases like hepatitis, rheumatic fever and influenza may also result in pain of joints, as the body becomes weak and the patient is low on immunity.

Any external injuries like sprains, strains and a fracture may be other causes where the joint gets dislodged. The best way to approach such a condition is to consult a doctor. If you feel that you are not getting any relief from the pain inspite of all the natural remedies you have tried, it is not worth delaying the condition.

Home remedies are effectual if the pain is minimal. If the patient feels that the pain is unbearable, then it is advised to go in for medical tests which are prescribed by the doctor. These tests are not very expensive and should be undergone. It is a myth that pain of joint occurs only in old age. Nowadays, the younger generation is attracting these symptoms, thanks to the lifestyle patterns and higher stress levels at work and home. Long hours of working on the computer, wrong dietary habits and neglecting physical fitness are some other causes result in joint pains.

Even a healthy and fit person may be affected by pain of joints. There are a number of sports persons who suffer from this problem and the time taken for recovering from such a condition is generally few months to a year, and even more, depending on the severity of the condition.

A joint pain may be pain in the elbow, knees or any other joints of the body. Conditions like tendonitis, fractures and sprains may be some of the pain of joints. Tendonitis is a condition wherein the forearm and elbow gets affected and there is severe pain when they are moved. Generally, individuals like violinists have greater chances of getting affected. Also, other activities like washing car windows, use of manual screwdriver call for repeated movements of the elbow and forearm. Such individuals also are affected by tendonitis.

The best way to get relief is to take adequate rest, right medication and use of application gels or creams. This will give enough relief. Use of ice packs or heat packs is also effectual for giving some temporary relief. In the event of a fracture, the individual will experience severe pain of joint and should be rushed immediately to the hospital.

Canine Degenerative Joint Disease and Inflammatory Joint Disease

Degenerative joint disease and inflammatory joint disease are each forms of arthritis. Degenerative joint disease usually has it's beginnings when the dog is still a puppy. A puppy needs a good diet to promote bone and skeletal health, as well as overall health. Puppies, mainly large breed, have many rapid growth spurts. The weight needs to be monitored during those growth spurts. If a puppy gains too much weight too fast, added stress is added to those joints. That added stress can become evident later in life. It can show hip dysplasia or knee dysplasia. It can also become evident with loose knee caps or osteochondritis. Osteochondritis is the development of flaps in the joints, which occurs when bone development is disturbed. Since cartilage has no nerves, the damage can progress with no symptoms until the joints are severely compromised. At that point, the synovial fluid will be thinned and no longer able to lubricate the joints. If the synovial fluid can not lubricate the joints, there is no protection for bone surfaces.

Degenerative joint disease can sometimes be halted or prevented if x-ray indicate a malformation early enough to be treated. If not, relief can be obtained by pain killers, low impact exercise, rest and diet. You must be very careful about over the counter pain medications for your pet. Some over-the-counter meds can upset the stomach and the bowels, causing diarrhea, diarrhea with bloody stool, diarrhea with mucous, severe abdominal pain and vomiting.

Inflammatory joint disease is caused by infection or bacteria. This can due to a tic bite. Inflammatory joint disease also has another category and must be treated differently. The second category is caused by an underlying immune disease.

Signs of degenerative joint disease would be reluctant to walk, the dog holds a limb up and does not bear weight on it while standing, or the dog has difficulty rising from a resting position. The signs of an inflamed joint are swelling or heat around a joint. There may be tenderness when the joint is palpated. There is a problem when the dog stops panting and holds it's breath when examined. The dog may suddenly turn it's head and snap when an inflamed joint is touched.

Feline Arthritis Symptoms - Help For Cat Hip and Joint Pain

Feline arthritis symptoms like limping up stairs or refusing to jump up on the couch without your help are painful to accept. Knowing that you cat hurts is something you want to fix. Here's some tips on how to help him.

Arthritis is not a friendly disease and it's one of the more common ones that hit middle to older aged cats. Feline arthritis symptoms develop in many of the same places humans deal with the disease, which is wherever there are joints - elbows, knees and hips.

There isn't a cure for arthritis in cats. You can, however do a lot to help your buddy live comfortably, even pain-free for the rest of its life. But the faster the symptoms are noticed, the sooner the arthritis can be treated.

This is why it's important to be aware of your cat and know its regular routine. The speed with which you're able to pick up on feline arthritis symptoms will only help you in the long run. While some of the signs are more gradual and can be the cause of something else, it's good to get them checked out or at least mentioned when your cat has its regular veterinarian visit.

One symptom that may be noticed before others is limited motion. When a cat has developed painful joints, he might suddenly start doing things a little differently. For one, he might totally avoid the stairs or start taking short hops so there's less stress on its joints. He will most likely move slower than normal, or it won't be as quick to jump up to its scratching post or favorite place to watch the activity of the day.

Limping might become more noticeable on a gradual level, unless you know your pet well enough to notice every detail. It will be worse in the morning or right after the cat has been napping. The limp will decrease as the day goes on, as activity helps stiff joints. It is sometimes more noticeable during cold and damp weather.

The other feline arthritis symptoms tend to relate to moods. It's probably because of the cat's inability to do the many things it was accustomed to. A cat's mood will normally change if it isn't feeling well or it's in pain. This means if a cat is struggling with arthritis, it's not uncommon for it to become depressed or irritable. It may also not want to be touched, because the brushing or petting hurts it.

If nothing is done about your cat's arthritis, then your cat is only going to become more and more lethargic and moody. He's going to sleep more than normal. There may even be an appetite decrease because depression has set in or because it isn't moving around as much. The reason is everything is painful and every movement hurts.

Back Pain and Joint Pain Relief Through Sleeping on a Novaform Mattress

As we get older, it doesn't take a lot to put a back out, just a little twist a little wrong move and you could on your back for 2 weeks. Some chronic back problems or joint pains, and the doctor prescribes a period of bed rest, but your old mattress doesn't seem comfortable anymore, it doesn't matter what position you're in all you feel is pain. Getting rest and relief from pain is as good as a mile away. Well it could be time to consider getting a new mattress.

Novaform Memory Foam Mattress

When NASA was looking for something to give a better cushioning effect for the astronauts during lift off, they invented memory foam, it was released to the public in the 1980's and since then has been used in the bedding industry. Possibly the most outstanding feature about memory foam is its ability to conform to the body, giving relief to back pain and joint pain. When memory foam first hit the market it was expensive and not affordable to most people. The good news is that with advances in technology it has now become affordable to for most people.

How does a Memory Foam Mattress Help You?

Memory foam is heat sensitive foam, as you body warms up the surrounding form, your body will start to sink in, and it will naturally conform to your body giving the support and at the same time give the relief from pressure points. This will give more comfort and result in a better rest which will help your body repair itself faster. It's important when you buy a memory foam mattress that you get one with a high foam density getting one with a foam density of 5-6 lbs/cubic foot will give you a mattress that's durable and will last for years. Lighter density foam doesn't have the durability and some have complained that only after 10 months that their mattresses lost the ability to bounce back.

How Many Types of Novaform Mattresses are There?

There are several different types of Novaform mattresses, though the most recent model is the Novaform Pure Comfort mattresses, which can be found in a number of different sizes, King, Queen, Twin, and Normal sizes. These mattresses are twelve inches thick, consisting of a base 9" layer of base foam that is topped with a 3" layer of premium high quality memory foam. The mattress has a cotton-polyester stretch knit cover. You can expect to pay anywhere between $550 - $800

Memory Foam Mattress Toppers are a Good Option

For those who cannot afford the cost of a brand new mattress, or those who have a mattress that is still in good condition and not ready for replacement, buying a memory foam mattress topper is a good option. These are positioned on top of your current mattress. The mattress pads are designed to give you the benefit of a memory foam mattress at a fraction of the cost, giving a much better sleep than you'll otherwise have if you purchased a typical latex mattress topper. Many people buy a latex mattress because of the hypo-allergic and anti-bacterial qualities. However, a Novaform mattress will offer you these same advantages, while at the same time ensuring a good night's sleep.

Added Advantages

Novaform memory foam mattresses are hypoallergenic that means it contains fewer allergens. For people who have problems with dust mite allergies, this is good news. Memory foam is made from non organic matter (dust mites can't eat the mattress), as well as having fewer hollow spaces, means fewer numbers of dust mites to live in.

Strange Body Noises - Should You Be Worried?

At one time or another, we all experience symptoms that may range from simply annoying to frightening. Although most of the time, these symptoms do not signify a serious illness, they may cause great anxiety when they occur. The following article will help to explain some of the common symptoms you may experience, and when to seek medical care.

Crackling Joints

Many people experience this phenomenon upon certain movements. Common joints affected are the knees and ankles, although it may occur in other joints as well. There are three schools of thought on what causes joints to "crack". Your joints are bathed in a fluid called synovial fluid, which acts as a lubricant for the joint. This fluid contains certain gases: oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide, which are released when the joint capsule is stretched. These gases can accumulate and be released when the joint moves, resulting in a cracking noise or sensation. Another theory is that tendons which support your joints get moved out of place when you move the joint. When the tendon moves back to its normal position, you may hear a crack, and experience a snapping sensation. Arthritis is a common cause of crackling joints. The hallmark of arthritis is the loss of smooth cartilage, which results in a roughened joint surface. When bones that have lost this cushion of cartilage rub together, they can produce cracking or popping sounds. Experts agree that if you are experiencing pain when your joints pop or crack, you should seek advice from a medical professional.

Ringing in the Ears

This common phenomenon can be very frustrating and bothersome. Also known as tinnitus, ringing in the ear is the perception of sound in the ear without a corresponding sound externally. Tinnitus may occur in one or both ears, or in the head. People may describe the sound they hear as ringing, whining, buzzing, whistling, or other variations. The sound may come and go, or may be present constantly, causing considerable distress. Tinnitus may be short-lived, or may be related to an underlying cause, such as an ear infection, wax build-up in the ears, damage from loud noise, or may even be a side effect of certain medications. Determining the cause is the key to treating tinnitus. If you suffer from persistent ringing in the ear(s), you should see your doctor for evaluation and treatment.

Eye Twitching

Eye twitching (blepharospasm) is the common, involuntary movement of your eyelids. Most people will experience this at one time or another. Although annoying, it is usually not serious. Common causes of this phenomenon are fatigue and stress. People who suffer from Tourette's syndrome or other neurological conditions may suffer a more severe form of this symptom. The portion of the brain which controls movement is the basal ganglion, and twitching of the eyelids is thought to arise from abnormal function in this area, which may be exacerbated by fatigue, stress, and anxiety. Other causes of the condition are prolonged staring (as in long hours on a computer) and an injury to the cornea of the eye. Occasional twitching is not cause for concern; however, if the twitching is constant or very bothersome, medical advice should be sought. In some countries, Botox is used to paralyze the eyelid muscles, thus putting an end to this annoying symptom. In other severe cases, medications such as muscle relaxants may be prescribed.

Jaw Clicking

Many people experience occasional clicking of the jaw with chewing or yawning. Generally, jaw clicking in itself is not a cause for concern unless accompanied by other symptoms, such as facial pain, headache, or jaw locking. Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint which connects your lower jaw to the side of your head. It allows you to perform activities such as talking, eating, and yawning. Muscles surround this joint and hold it in correct allignment. If these structures are not aligned properly, jaw clicking may result. If jaw clicking is accompanied by facial pain, headache, and chewing difficulties, the term temporomandibular disorder (TMD) may be used. If these symptoms accompany jaw clicking, seeing your doctor or dentist is advised.


Itching is perhaps one of the most annoying symptoms to experience. Itching, also called pruritus, is a skin irritation which causes the urge to scratch. It may be a minor irritation, or can be intense and overwhelming, depending on the cause. Common causes of pruritus include skin conditions, such as dry skin and eczema, allergic reactions, chemical irritation (such as might be caused by using a new laundry detergent), insect stings and bites, parasites that live under or on the skin (such as scabies and lice), pregnancy, rash from illness such as chickenpox, or reactions to medications. A more serious cause of pruritus is liver disease. To soothe itchy skin, cold compresses to the affected area can be tried. Medicated lotions and lukewarm baths are also sometimes helpful. Oral medication may be necessary in some cases. If you are suffering from itchy skin, try to avoid scratching the area, which may cause secondary infection of the skin. You should also avoid becoming over heated, which may make the itching worse. Your doctor should be consulted if you have itching to your entire body, if you have numerous hives to your body, and if itching is persistent and no cause can be determined.

Tummy Noises

It is normal for your abdomen to make rumbling noises. Most people associate rumbling in the abdominal area with hunger, and the noise can be quite loud at times. Borborygmus is the medical term for the rumbling of gas through the intestines. This is a normal part of the digestive process. Borborygmus can sometimes signal a more serious problem if it is accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating, nausea and vomiting, or inability to pass wind (gas) rectally. Borborygmus in these circumstances may signal a problem in the gastrointestinal tract, such as a bowel obstruction. In this case, medical attention should be sought.

Hot Flushes

Hot flushes are frequently experienced by women as they transition through menopause, and are probably the biggest reason for women seeking medical care for menopausal symptoms. Some women are hardly bothered by them, while others have frequent flushes that interfere with quality of life. Hot flushes give the sensation of intense heat throughout the body, and may feel most intense in the neck and face. Many women also experience sweating with flushes, which adds to the discomfort. Flushing episodes may last for seconds or minutes, and may occur sporadically or frequently. Flushes may be accompanied by other symptoms commonly associated with menopause, including sleep disturbances, depression, memory disturbances, and inability to concentrate. Over the past several years, debate has focused on the best way to manage menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes. The use of hormones is controversial, and women considering taking hormone replacement therapy need to weigh the pros and cons individually with their physicians. Allowing for extra rest, exercise, and a well-balanced diet may help alleviate hot flushes. Many common symptoms that people experience have benign causes and are short-lived. There are, however, exceptions to every rule. If any of the above symptoms occur, and are bothersome, it is usually wise to seek advice from your physician.

Symptoms and Treatments for Arthritis in Dogs

Dog arthritis is a common condition that is seen most often in animals that are older, overweight and relatively inactive, but younger animals can also suffer from this condition. Some cases are hereditary and occur in animals with hip dysplasia. There is no cure for degenerative joint disease but there are options available to veterinarians for treatment which will improve quality of life.

Osteoarthritis is a disease that attacks the joints and is mainly caused by wear and tear. The cartilage cushioning the affected joints becomes worn down and the bones start to grind against each other. As the bones become deformed, it is more painful to move. The joint becomes inflamed and the animal will struggle to stand up or lay down and show signs of restricted mobility. A traumatic injury to the joints can cause similar symptoms and there is a chance that it can lead to osteoarthritis down the road.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that occurs when the immune system is compromised. The joints will become swollen and painful. Stiffness and pain results in a loss of function.

Symptoms of joint disease are usually more apparent after the animals wakes up. Cold weather and damp conditions will increase the stiffness and pain. The progressive nature of this disease makes it more and more difficult for the animal to get around comfortably.

X-rays of the joint will reveal bone spurs developing at the attachment between the bones, ligaments and joints. The space between the bone and joint narrows while bone density increases.

Early intervention has been shown to be effective in treating the symptoms. Dogs are prone to developing this condition and one way to prevent its onset is to feed the animal a balanced diet. Overweight animals will experience more pain in the joints. Good joint care will reduce the effects of this condition. Regular exercise is also important for joint health.

This condition is often treated with glucosamine and chondritin. These substances work to develop healthy cartilage rather than just mask the symptoms. Animals that are predisposed to the condition can be treated ahead of time to reduce loss of function.

Glucosamine extracted from the exoskeleton of shellfish including shrimp, lobster and crab. It acts to stimulate cartilage cells to produce collagen, a substance that acts to reinforce all joints. It is also used to make hyaluronic acid, an ingredient found in synovial fluid.

Chondroitin is a substance that works in conjunction with glucosamine to produce a greater effect than either substance used alone. It inhibits the production of enzymes that destroy the joints. These agents work together to repair cartilage and prevent additional damage.

Corticosteroids and analgesics may be prescribed to manage the pain and make it easier for the animal to function normally.

Regardless of cause, veterinarians have the tools necessary to help relieve the symptoms of dog arthritis. Treatment methods are designed to help the animal get around easier and improve quality of life. Diet and exercise, combined with medication, will eliminate or ease most symptoms and allow the pet to live a long, happy life.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Can Silica Supplements Relieve Joint Pain?

In the twenty first century, science has made new discoveries as far as the well being and chemical composition of our body is concerned. It has now been revealed that the well-known mineral silica, which occurs as silica dioxide in quartz crystals, can help in re vitalizing your body and help you to feel younger and stronger.

The uses of silicon are as vast as the resources of this element on the planet earth. It is used in semi conductors and all kinds of high tech instruments. This trace mineral also helps in better absorption of calcium, glucosamine and vitamin D.

Silica is required by the human body for a variety of functions like the formation and metabolism of cells. It is also needed to maintain healthy nails, skin and hair. It helps in the stimulation of the immune system, reducing the effects of aging and even decreasing inflammations and other infections. Silica also plays a vital role in maintaining the firmness and elasticity of our blood vessels.

We have ample reserves of silica at the time of our birth. However, by the age of 35, these reserves almost get depleted and need to be replenished.

Though it has been known to help in enhancing the nails, skin and hair, more attention is now being paid to the anti aging and the health benefits of this mineral. It can act as a first aid medicine for the treatment of skin problems like insect bites, sunburn, acne and eczema. In such cases, it helps in arresting the inflammation, as an antiseptic to prevent further infection and even helps in augmenting the growth of new tissue. In the recent studies, it has been discovered that silica helps in speeding up the healing process in fractures by the process of re mineralization of the bones.

In osteoporosis, silica helps in the mineralization of bone and prevents the thinning of the bone. Silica also helps in the balancing the levels of magnesium and calcium in the body. It also catalyses the metabolism of phosphorus which is required for tissue repair, waste metabolism and strengthening of the bones.

We are yet to completely understand the implications of silica deficiency in the human body. What we do know, however, is that silica is a vital ingredient for maintaining our youth and health. With age, the natural reserves of this mineral in our body become depleted which impacts our appearance and health. Natural sources of silica include brown rice, green vegetables, wheat bran and soybean.

Stretches For Knee Pain

Stretches for knee pain is a very important part of returning back to function, after any debilitating episode in the knee joint. However, this necessitates that one consciously works towards achieving complete range of motion in not just the knee but in all the joints of the leg, i.e.: the hip and ankle as well. Statistics have shown that 90% of knee pain comes from tightness in the quadriceps, hamstrings and calf muscles. Hence complete flexibility of all the muscles that surround these three joints is key to recovery via:

1. Stretching for all the muscles and joints of the leg
2. Strengthening of all the muscles that offer the leg support

Stretches are very important because tight muscles are easily injured. They can also pull a joint out of alignment. Both these factors would further increase your pain, if you are already symptomatic. Stretching over two joints at a time is more effective, as is working with two muscle groups at the same time. Always stretch the uninvolved leg as well. To be effective, each stretch is held for 30 seconds with 5 repetitions.

The main muscles that effect knee stability are:

1. The quadriceps and hamstrings. These are muscles in the front and back of your thigh respectively.
2. The hip flexors made up mainly of the iliopsoas and rectus femoris. These are located in front of your hip
3. The hip extensors (the buttocks) mainly comprise the gluteus maximus and the hamstrings
4. The hip abductors which include the gluteus medius and IT band (by virtue of the muscles attaching to it). These are on the outer side of your hip.
5. The hip adductors that are located on the inner side of your thigh, beginning in the groin
6. The calf muscles

Stretches for knee pain are carried out slowly.The exercises below are for pain in the right knee, no matter what the cause is.

Stretching the hip flexors and quadriceps together, stretches out the muscles in front of the hip and thigh:

1. Start in half kneeling position, i.e. bear weight on the right leg, by kneeling on the right(R) knee, while you support yourself on the left(L) leg by bending it at 90 degrees at the hip and knee. (Place a cushion under your (R) knee, for comfort, if necessary).
2. The foot of the (R) leg is placed up on a chair behind you, while you continue to stay in half-kneeling.
3. Arch your back backward gently, to stretch out the(R) hip flexors and (R) quadriceps. You can reach back to hold the chair if you wish. Hold/ repeat as suggested above
4. Next, placing both hands over your (L) knee, lean forward over (L) leg, so that your (L) hip is well flexed beyond the position of the ankle of the same leg. The (R) knee does not move out of position. The (R) foot continues to stay up on the chair behind you. This will stretch the (R) hip flexors. Hold/repeat as is required.

Stretching the hamstrings and calf muscles together, stretches out the back of the knee:

1. Place the toes of your right foot on a roll that is 4-6" in diameter while standing on your (R) heel. Place your (L) leg comfortably behind you.
2. Tighten your (R) quadriceps to relax your(R) hamstrings(by the muscle law of reciprocal relaxation)
3. Gently drop down towards the floor by bending forward at both hips (without bending your knees) till your fingers reach the floor. Hold/repeat as suggested above.

Along with stretches for knee pain, strengthening of all the muscles around the hip, knee and ankle is also very important. Strength is built up gradually.But for the first and last two exercises, all the rest (exercises 2-6) are started at 5 counts and increased by 1 every other day till 15-20 counts are reached. Weights can slowly be introduced as a progression. Again we are discussing the right knee.

1. Lie on your back, after placing a small towel roll under your (R) knee. Gently press your knee down toward the surface using your quadriceps, while lifting the heel of the same leg off the surface. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Move your foot back and forth during those 10 seconds. Repeat both steps 10 times. This is one set. Perform 5 sets. These are known as "knee isometrics".
2. Still lying on your back with your legs out straight, bend your (R) leg up toward your chest. Return back to starting position. Repeat. Stay mindful of the counts.
3. Next, lift your (R) leg up towards the ceiling without bending your knee. Stop when your leg is at a 45 degree angle with the surface you are lying on. Return to starting point. Repeat. Count as above.
4. Turn on to your left side. Bend your left knee to provide support. Lift your (R) leg sideways, while keeping your knee straight. Return to base. Repeat. Stay with your counts.
5. Now lie on your stomach. Bend your (R) knee, then lift that leg upward off the surface. Return. Repeat. Count.
6. Continuing to lie on your stomach, lift your (R) leg off the surface, this time with your knee straight. Return back and repeat. Keep your counts.
7. Wall Slides: Stand against a wall. Place a 9" diameter ball in the small of your back. Bend your knees 30 degrees. Slide down, then return back up the wall. Place your hands on the wall for support. Keep your feet parallel. Never let your knees go out over your toes. Repeat 10 times.
8. Stand on your toes while holding on to the back of a chair for support. Bring your heels back down. Repeat 10 times.This strengthens your calf muscles.

This completes your hip, knee and ankle strengthening program.

Pain is your body's signal for help. Doing a regular exercise routine will ensure the health and stability of your knee joints and decrease or prevent pain as the case may be. Since strengthening shortens muscles, it is advisable to start with "knee isometrics" to warm up, continue with the strengthening routine and finish with the stretches for knee pain.

Relief For Stiff Aching Joints

Discomfort that occurs in any joint of the body is what is called joint pain. A joint is where 2 or more bones meet together. It can be mild or severe. Mild cases involve soreness in using the joint and severe joint pain is normally so painful that using the joint is impossible.

Some of the main joints that get affected by pain are ankles, back, elbows, feet, and hands. Others than are affected as well are hips, jaw, knee, neck, shoulders and wrists. These are the most common but every joint in the body is capable of experiencing pain.

If you are already having joint pains than certain physical activities will make the pain worse. Joint pain isn't just limited to the joints most often it results from injuries to the ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Any physical activity that puts sudden pressure on joints that are already aching is going to cause swelling and increase inflammation. Some activities that would cause pressure would be playing tennis, running, lifting anything heavy, and any other sport. There is activities that you can do that might help joint pain or make it easier to get physical exercise without the pain of joints hurting. Walking and swimming or any other water exercise or sport can be a better choice for your achy joints.

Sitting for a long period of time can cause stiffness and pain in joints as well. Getting stiffness from sitting or being inactive can happen if you've been active for a long period of time then take a bit to rest. Keeping some kind of small movements can keep this from happening. Turn a different angle, shift positions, bend, or stretch the joints so that it prevents the stiffness from happening. Sometimes the stiffness can last as long as a few days depending on how strenuous the joints were used.

If joint pain is persistent and proceeds for a long period of time, seeing a doctor may be recommended. It could be a sign that there is bigger problem. Talking to a doctor is recommended for extreme joint pain and arthritis. They can help give a diagnosis that will determine what is best for you. Some may recommend going to physical therapy or prescription medication.

There are alternative treatments for joint pain. They can either give you pre-applied heat, massaging, and stretching can all be instant relief from aching joints. Aloe Vera on your achy joints is a good home remedy that is said to work. Apple cider vinegar taken daily in the amount of 2 tablespoons will ease the pains of joints. Chamomile tea has an anti inflammatory agent in it and can provide relief. Putting a few drops of peppermint oil in a small amount of baby oil and rub on the sore areas will give a numbing affect. There is also herbal supplements that can be taken to alleviate joint pain. Flex Protex and Flex Protex Cream have great success to soothe every day aches and pains, support joint health, and enhance flexibility. It provides a combination of antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals to promote overall joint health and keep you feeling well balanced. It is all natural, therefore, doesn't have steroids and other harmful drugs in it so it is perfectly safe to take.

Natural Pet Treatment For Hip Dysplasia

Even though you may use an organic flea bath for your cat or dog, you may not realize that you can also use natural pet treatment to manage joint pain and dysplasia. Without a question, if you suspect that your pet is susceptible to dysplasia, it will be worthwhile to find out as soon as possible. While your veterinarian may not be willing to do routine joint X-rays, you can still make good use of common remedies such as Flex Pet, Old Bones, and Joint Rescue.

If you have ever suffered from arthritis or other types of joint pain, you will realize that dampness and temperature can cause all kinds of flare-ups. In a similar way, you may find that your cat or dog has a harder time moving around on cold mornings, or before it is about to rain. In some cases, you may even notice these tendencies while your pet is still young.

That said, if you make use of natural pet treatment products for joint pain, you may see an immediate improvement. You may even find that some of these products can help protect joints from the kinds of excessive wear that will lead to crippling pain. Regardless of whether or not you can fully prevent these conditions, at least you can try your best for as long as possible.

No pet owner wants to hear that euthanasia is the best option. Unfortunately, something as common as joint pain can completely ruin you pet's quality of life even before a diagnosis is made. Therefore, if you have not yet tried natural pet products for joint pain, you may want to do so at your earliest convenience. Aside from helping your pets stay pain free, you may just get a chance to enjoy all the playfulness your pet exhibited as a puppy or kitten.

Joint Pain Relief - Ancient Vs Current

People have been looking for joint pain relief practically from the beginning of time. The reason for this is that people have always had to do some sort of manual labor to stay alive. We've always been hunters and gathers in the sense that we need to eat, so we need to work in order to track down food.

Fortunately, most of the human race no longer needs to gather food the old fashioned way. By growing it themselves, and hunting to stay alive. These things were hard on the joints, but since they also provided exercise, they probably were not as hard as current day where the majority of people use a computer for their livelihood. Repetitive motions such as typing and texting can cause problems such as carpal tunnel and joint degeneration. That's why so many people now are on a search of joint pain relief.

But it's never been easy. In ancient times the only choices to get joint pain relief were to use either hot or cold compresses. That would work to reduce swelling and minimize the pain, but it was very inefficient at fixing the underlying problem of dwindling joint cartilage.

The Chinese method of treatment was a little more advanced. They believed that joint pain and arthritis was due in part to heat or cold that damaged the flow of energy and disrupted a person's Chi; less body energy meant less heat and caused the joints to become colder and less able to move easily. In order to bring the body back into motion, acupuncture and herbal medicines were used.

Today we can use a variety of methods to not only stop the pain, but also try to replenish liquids and lost cartilage. We do this mostly with a variety of natural substances, mixed with some scientifically proven healers like Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate. Most people know that they need to prevent further destruction of the joints, and these joint supplements are very good at giving ample joint pain relief.

It is interesting that even in the variety of methods used for joint pain relief; the treatment is always focused on two things. Treat the pain and swelling first to get the body moving and active again, secondly, as much as possible, repair the damage that has been done to the joints; doing whatever you need to do to make sure further damage is not done. For this, you'll need to test a few of the options we've discussed here, and find the one that gives you the best joint pain relief possible.

How to Cure Your TMJ Disorder

The most common treatment for TMJ pain is a combination of heating pads and cold packs, a soft diet and anti-inflammatory medications. Of course, just as there are a whole host of symptoms of a TMJ disorder, there are many different treatments that can be used in different combinations in order to achieve a TMJ cure. Since the TMJ joint is one of the most used joints of your body it can be hard to treat.

Some of the TMJ treatments used the most are:

1. Heat and Ice therapy - These can be used to help reduce muscle spasm and tension. If the disorder is caused by an injury to the TMJ it is best to use an ice pack right away to relieve pain.

2. Jaw rest - In some patients where the TMJ disorder is aggravated by grinding the teeth together it's beneficial to keep the teeth apart as much as possible. These patients are also advised to refrain from chewing gum or eating chewy, hard or crunchy foods like raw vegetables, nuts and candy. It's also a good idea to stop eating big hamburgers and any foods that require you to open your mouth real wide.

3. Physical therapy - for some patients a TMJ cure is gained through exercising the jaw muscles. This is done by passively opening and closing the jaw, with massage, and by using electrical stimulation to increase the range of motion and the strength of the joint while reducing the TMJ pain.

4. Stress management - Yoga and its breathing techniques to help reduce stress is a good idea. You can also join stress support groups or get psychological counseling and medications that reduces stress and muscle tension. Some people seek a TMJ cure through biofeedback which helps you understand when you have increased muscle activity and spasms so you can develop techniques for controlling them.

5. Medications - Some of the most widely used medications use to cure TMJ disorders are anti-inflammatory drugs. Ibuprofen (like Advil) and naproxen (like Aleve) or steroids can help control swelling and tissue and muscle inflammation. Sometimes muscle relaxants like diazepam are used and in severe cases an injection of cortisone can be used.

6. Occlusal therapy - This is done by using an acrylic appliance which is custom made and fits over your teeth. It is mostly used at night to keep you from grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw muscles but it can be used during the day also. Its main function is to balance the bite.

7. Correction of bite abnormalities - Sometimes corrective dental therapy is used for TMJ cure. A dentist can use orthodontics to correct an abnormal bite or make adjustments of bridges or crowns to ensure you have a proper alignment of your teeth.

8. Surgery - Surgery is usually a last resort. It is usually suggested after other therapies have failed or in cases where there is significant damage to the tendons and bones of the TMJ. Surgeries may include ligament tightening, joint replacement or restructuring or TMJ arthroscopy.

Usually it takes a full dental and medical evaluation to diagnose a patient with TMJ disorder. Then it will be important to figure out the root cause if you want to use the correct treatment for your TMJ cure.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pain in the Butt - Part 2


Muscles of the feet and lower leg play a very important role in distributing forces throughout the rest of the body. The most common muscle group to become strained is the adductor muscles (seen most commonly in sprinters and distance runners). Strains Muscle strains result from small micro tears in muscles caused by a quick twist or pull to the muscle. When this occurs to muscles located around the hip joint, pain in this area is experienced. There are several simple stretches that can be done and massage will also help to release the tight muscles.

Also, the weight of the body is supported on just one limb through three-quarters of the gait (walking) cycle; during that time, the muscles in your hip must contract to keep your torso from falling to the opposite side. Strengthening of the muscles of the abdomen, quad and hip can assist in avoiding problems. The psoas tendon is in the front of the hip joint, the gluteal muscles are over the hip joint, and the iliotibial band (tensor fascia lata) is on the side of the hip joint, yet all of these structures are considered part of the problem. The iliopsoas muscle is actually made up of two separate muscles located in the anterior (or front) of the hip area. These two muscles are responsible for lifting the upper leg to the torso, or flexing the torso towards the thigh (as in a sit-up). Although the two muscles start at different points (the psoas originates from the spine, while the iliacus originates from the hip bone) they both end up at the same point; the upper portion of the thigh bone.


Finally, you can try lower back strengthening exercises to strengthen the back in order to prevent a re-occurrence of the condition. If performed properly, these exercises will strengthen core muscle strength. These strengthening exercises are designed for multiple types of back injuries. Remember to consult you physician to determine which exercises are most appropriate for your specific condition. It is best to work with a physical therapist to learn proper exercises and how to advance your activity. Hip arthritis - The stretching exercises appropriate for people with arthritis of the hip include knee-chest pulls, the figure of four stretch, and the Indian sitting stretch.

Arthritis Pain Relief

Key Facts About Arthritis Pain Relief

Anyone who experiences the daily joint pain, stiffness and inflammation that accompanies arthritis needs to know what steps to take to achieve quick and effective arthritis pain relief. Daily choices in self-care and activity can definitely affect the intensity of arthritis symptoms, so arthritis sufferers will be helped by knowing the best choices that lead to arthritis pain relief.

Balance Movement with Rest

Even though it may initially hurt to move and stretch the body, gentle exercises done preferably at the end of the day, can eliminate some of the aches and stiffness of arthritis. Don't stand or sit in the same position for too long a time while doing daily activities. Any activity that gentle increases circulation in the body is beneficial toward relief.

Gentle Self-Care

Topical ointments that contain cayenne pepper have proven very effective when applied to painful joints. Applying ice packs onto painful arms, legs, knees and joints can also provide temporary relief from arthritis. Over the counter remedies that contain anti-inflammatory drugs are also useful when taken daily to relieve the pain that accompanies arthritis.

Proven Joint Pain Relief

Many products may promise relief, but Synotrex has developed an Advanced Joint Formula that is proven to not only eliminate the pain and swelling that accompanies arthritis but also works to repair damaged joints and promote ongoing healthy joint function when taken on a regular basis. Because the Synotrex formula is comprised of such all natural ingredients as COX-2 inhibitors, vitamins and minerals, it is much safer and less expensive to take for relief than dangerous prescription medications that cause numerous unwanted and hazardous side effects. Synotrex is not only safe, it is extremely effective in the fight against arthritis pain relief.

Thousands of arthritis sufferers have discovered quick and easy relief through Synotrex, which extends a risk free offer to try its proven scientific pain relief formula. Our risk free trial guarantees that arthritis sufferers will lose nothing but their pain when using Synotrex as part of an arthritis pain relief program.

Swimming And Its Tremendous Therapeutic Benefits

Swimming is actually a skill that has many therapeutic benefits from children with sensory impairments and teenagers suffering from depression to adults suffering from arthritis.

In order to achieve a healthy and balanced lifestyle, one should eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep about 6 to 8 hours a day, and engage in physical activities.

Private and public pools have exercise programs that can help different conditions such as low back pain, arthritis, spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, degenerative joint disease, and more.

Water aerobics is a good starting point for beginners then once you are confident in the water, you can engage in a more advanced exercise regime which will enhance your cardiovascular strength, endurance, and mobility.

Here are some tips to get the most benefits in swimming:

1) Use a wet suit especially if you tend to get cold easily

2) Wear goggles and bathing cap to help protect your eyes from your hair and water and to foster proper breathing techniques.

3) It's easy to get carried away in the water. Think about what you are doing first so you can be coordinated. Your breathing, the movements of your arms and legs as well as your body position should all move towards the same direction.

4) Learn to relax and enjoy your swimming lessons.

Swimming requires the use of your lungs and your heart in order to meet the increased demands of oxygen to your body. It is indeed an excellent aerobic exercise that promotes muscular strength and flexibility.

Any aerobic activity helps lower your heart rate, increases the ability of your muscles to use oxygen, lowers your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as well as increase the capacity of your blood to carry oxygen to all parts of your body.

Swimming thus improves your aerobic capacity in such manner that your heart muscles get stronger enabling it to pump more blood per beat which in return increases your blood circulation.

People who live a sedentary lifestyle are likely to develop diseases such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, heart problems, and joint problems.

People who are active in swimming, sports, and fitness programs are less likely to develop the above diseases and rather have better endurance, muscle strength, range of motion, and improved tome and posture.

Natural Health Remedies For Joint Pain

Today's markets are flooded with dozens of joint pain relievers but most of them have adverse side effects. That is why more and more people are now considering alternative therapies and natural health remedies for joint pain. There are a number of herbal products and natural health remedies that can help relieve that cranky and debilitating joint pain and inflammation.

Recent revelations show that these valuable natural health remedies and medications can be the best therapy if tailored to your individual case. Here, we are presenting general but useful information about some therapies and natural health remedies for joint pain.

1. Omega-3 fatty acids act as anti- inflammatory supplement to decrease pain and swelling. You can find them in fish oils which are the best source of omega-3, but they can also be found in walnut, flaxseed, borage, grape-seed and primrose oils. Take one tablespoon of oil or 2-3 capsules two times daily.

2. A healthy vegetarian diet low in arachidonic acid and high in calcium and vitamin B complex also reduces pain significantly. These natural health remedies include such things as dark green leafy vegetables, garlic, shiitake mushroom, whole grains and fresh fruits (especially pineapple, papaya, strawberries, blueberries and cranberries as these are antioxidant compounds).

3. Many studies have shown that ginger also acts as a natural active compound to reduce joint pain and inflammation in people with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. You can use it in any form such as capsules, extract, powder and tincture.

4. Adequate amounts of vitamin D (400 to 600 IU of vitamin D) tend to keep cartilage healthy; has been shown in numerous studies of Arthritis and Rheumatism.

5. Nettle Leaf, Cayenne, Devil's Claw, bromelain, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), turmeric (Curcuma longa), and Boswellia serrata are powerful antioxidants and natural health remedies for joint pain as they have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

6. S-adenosymethionine or SAMe is a proven one of the natural health remedies for joint pain that is produced naturally in the body. It increases the production of bone and cartilage supporting molecules.

7. Some studies have found that heat application to the aching joint can give temporary relief and comfort which can be provided by hot-water bottles, electric heating pads, heat lamps and ointments or massage that soothes pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis by supplying heat.

8. Hydrotherapy or hot or cold water compressing treatments is another easy ways to relieve stiffness and pain of joints but apply it very carefully.

Each of these herbs and supplements act differently but they can work synergistically if used carefully and wisely in combination rather than individually. Contact your natural health practitioner to determine which of these natural health remedies for joint pain might be suitable for your health regimen in your particular case.

This article is intended to provide assistance and information to people who are interested in learning more about natural remedies. It should not be used as a basis for any form of diagnosis or treatment for any medical condition. Always seek professional medical advice.

Treating Joint Pain With The Help Of A Chiropractor

Any pain can be quite irritable and many a times, patients are forced to live with the problem. Joint pain, may become quite chronic, if not treated at the right time. It is advised that you do not ignore it.

Joint pain causes stiffness, discomfort and inflammation. The pain may become sore. An x-ray of the bones is generally advised by the orthopaedic surgeon, if the pain is unbearable. Many a times, the pain in the joints is caused due to an infection or reduction in the immunity levels of the body. Irrespective of the age, joint pain may be experienced by both youngsters as well as the older generation. In certain cases, joint pain is the result of medication. The bodily movements may become difficult and irritable, if our joints are not healthy.

When an individual suffers a major injury, the pain of joint may become unbearable. Some of the severe injuries may be swimmer's shoulder, tennis elbow, ligament tear, cartilage tear or a sprained inkle. Some of the visible effects of joint pain are swelling of the joints. Swelling or bruising follows fractures, strain of the muscle, joint dislocation and ligament or joint injuries.

In the event of a tennis elbow, the patient may experience pain of joint. It is also referred to as epicondylitis where the soft tissues get swollen. This form of joint pain arises during activities like swimming, lifting, playing tennis etc. Generally, the condition worsens at the time of flexing the muscles or wrist. The patient will experience elbow pain and pain in the forearm.

Pain of joint may become unbearable if there are health conditions like ankylosing spondylitis, mild dislocation of the joints or even bursitis. When the patient is suffering from arthritis or cancer of the bones, the condition worsens. Generally, milder instances of joint pain can be treated with rest and some medication. However, it is advised that one must not ignore these symptoms and consult the doctor.

Other symptoms of pain of joint are fevers, swelling, inflammation and edemas. Even a pinched nerve can cause unbearable pain in the elbow and joints. Irrespective of the type of chronic pain, it is not possible to cure them and get relief, thanks to effective medicines and treatment therapies. There are specialised chiropractors who will help you get relief from such pain. The methods adopted in chiropractic treatment are gentle. Though, it may take some time, they will definitely be effective, especially in cases of joint pains.

Simple massage treatments will provide good relief in cases of pain of joints and inflammation. Adopting heat therapy like hot tubs, hot baths, saunas and heating pads may reduce inflammation and helps in accelerating the healing. Alternatively, your chiropractor or orthopaedic surgeon may advise the use of cold packs and ice therapy which helps in reducing the swelling. It will also give you relief from joint pains.

Arthritis Facts

Arthritis is an inflammatory condition of the joints that can at times disable the patient. The consequences of arthritis include joint disfigurement and constrained joint mobility.

Statistics of Americans with arthritis or chronic joint symptoms:

o 1985 - 35 million

o 1990 - 37.9 million

o 1998 - nearly 43 million (1 in 6 people)

o 2006 - 46 million (nearly 1 in 5 adults)

o Arthritis is said to be one of the most ubiquitous chronic health problems and is leading cause of disability among Americans over age 15.

o Arthritis is second only to heart disease as grounds of work disability.

o Arthritis limits daily activities such as walking, dressing and bathing for more than 7 million Americans.

o Arthritis results in 39 million doctor visits and more than a half million hospitalizations.

o Arthritis influences people in all age groups together with nearly 300,000 children.

o Baby boomers are now at chief jeopardy. More than half those affected are under age 65.

o Arthritis is a term used to refer to more than hundred different diseases that concern areas in or around joints.

General Information:

o Women - 24.3 million of the people with arthritis diagnosed by a doctor

o Men - 17.1 million of the people with arthritis diagnosed by a doctor

The disease also has an affect on other parts of the body. Arthritis causes pain, loss of movement and sometimes swelling. Some types of arthritis are:

o Osteoarthritis: a degenerative joint disease in which the cartilage that covers the ends of bones in the joint deteriorates, causing pain and loss of movement as bone begins to rub against bone. It is the most prevalent form of arthritis.

o Rheumatoid arthritis: an autoimmune disease in which the joint lining becomes inflamed as part of the body's immune system activity. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most serious and disabling types, affecting mostly women.

o Gout is a form which mostly affects men. It is usually the result of a defect in body chemistry. This painful condition most often attacks small joints, especially the big toe. Fortunately, gout almost always can be completely controlled with medication and changes in diet.

o Ankylosing spondylitis is a type that affects the spine. As a result of inflammation, the bones of the spine grow together.

o Juvenile arthritis is a common term for all types of arthritis that come about in children. Children may develop juvenile rheumatoid arthritis or childhood forms of lupus, Ankylosing spondylitis or other types of arthritis.

o Systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus): a severe disorder that can agitate and damage joints and other connective tissues all over the body.
o Scleroderma: a disease of the connective tissues of the body that causes a thickening and hardening of the skin.

o Fibromyalgia: a form in which extensive pain affects the muscles and attachments to the bone. It affects mostly women.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Dos and Don'ts When Exercising With Dumbbells

Incorporating dumbbells into your daily exercise regimen has a host of benefits whether your intention is to build bigger muscles or just to keep fit and build stamina. It is a form of weight lifting that is pretty much user-friendly. You essentially just need one set of dumbbells, which is 2 dumbbells: one for each hand, and you are set to go.

Strain and Sprain

As with any form of exercise, it is imperative to pay close attention to some dos and don'ts so as to protect yourself from getting hurt while doing any of the exercises. Exercising incorrectly can lead to undesirable muscle strain and ligament sprain which is what you must do in your utmost to avoid. A strain is when the muscle is stretched too far or torn. This damages the muscle fibers. When bone or joint ligaments are over-stretched or torn, it results in a sprain. Ligaments are fibrous connecting tissues that connect muscles to bones and joints.

Dos and Don'ts


  • Warm up first before you start lifting the dumbbells, even if you are just practicing. Warm-up exercises help warm up the muscles to prevent overstretching too quickly which could hurt either muscles or joints as mentioned earlier. You can warm up the muscles with light cardio, or by doing a light set of each exercise before proceeding to heavier weights.

  • Take a rest in between sets of exercises. A set is defined as a group of repetition for different exercises.

  • Go slow when handling your weights. Lift and lower your weights slowly and steadily.

  • Stand up straight. Make sure your posture is straight. Engage your abdominal in every movement you make to keep balance and protect your spine.

  • Choose at least one exercise for each major muscle group. Some major muscle groups are: chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and abdominal. Leaving any muscle group out could cause an imbalance in your muscles and possibly lead to injuries.

  • Take a rest for 1 to 2 minutes, or long enough to catch your breath, between each set of exercise.

  • After you complete your routine, remember to cool down with light cardio and/or stretching.

  • Take rest days too! They are as important as workout days. Make sure the same muscle groups is not worked for 2 consecutive days.


  • Don't use momentum to lift the weight. If you have to swing to get the weight up, you could be using too heavy weights.

  • Don't forget to breathe! We are tempted to hold our breath especially when it is the toughest. Don't. As the American College of Sports Medicine puts it "Exhale when the exercise is hardest, and inhale when the exercise is the easiest."

Check out Dumbbell Routines and Exercises for a total body workout to improve your physical fitness in 90 days. Digital format means you can get started working out right away.

Glutathione (Glutathione) Antioxidant and Osteoarthritis

This article on osteoarthritis is for information only. There are many causes of joint inflammation and you should consult with your physician for diagnosis and treatment.

Osteoarthritis (OA) or degenerative joint disease or is the most common form of arthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs over time from wear and tear on the cartilage (cushion) of the joints. Osteoarthritis can affect any joint in your body, though it most commonly affects joints in your hands, hips, knees and spine. Osteoarthritis typically affects just one joint, though in some cases, such as with finger arthritis, several joints can be affected.

There is no cure for osteoarthritis but osteoarthritis treatments can relieve pain and help you remain active. Taking steps to actively manage your osteoarthritis may help you gain control over your osteoarthritis pain

According to the Center for Disease control osteoarthritis affects 13.9% of adults aged 25 and older and 33.6% (12.4 million) of those 65 and older. An estimated 26.9 million United States adults in 2005 up from 21 million in 1990 (believed to be conservative estimate).

Osteoarthritis symptoms most commonly affect the hands, hips, knees and spine. Unless you've been injured or placed unusual stress on a joint, it's uncommon for osteoarthritis symptoms to affect your jaw, shoulder, elbows, wrists or ankles.

It isn't clear what causes osteoarthritis in most cases. Researchers suspect that it's a combination of factors, including being overweight, the aging process, joint injury or stress, heredity, and muscle weakness

Osteoarthritis symptoms often develop slowly and worsen over time. Signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis include:

- Pain in a joint during or after use, or after a period of inactivity

- Tenderness in the joint when you apply light pressure

- Stiffness in a joint, that may be most noticeable when you wake up in the morning or after a period of inactivity

- Loss of flexibility may make it difficult to use the joint

- Grating sensation when you use the joint

- Bone spurs, which appear as hard lumps, may form around the affected joint

- Swelling in some cases

Regan and colleagues in the 2008 Journal of Osteoarthritis and Cartilage showed us that joint fluid from patients with osteoarthritis was characterized by significantly decreased superoxide dismutase levels and significant decreases in glutathione compared to the reference group of knee joints with pain or sub acute injury but macroscopically intact cartilage.

Afonso and colleagues in the 2007 Journal of Joint Bone Spine discussed the role of superoxide dismutase in preventing the formation of aggressive free radicals that play a role in joint inflammation.

Kalpakcioglu and colleagues in the 2008 Journal of Clinical Rheumatology reviewed the interaction of antioxidants against free radicals in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. There was evidence that antioxidants: glutathione reductase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and glucose-6-phopshate destroy these free radicals.

More studies are available online; search "glutathione and osteoarthritis" in PubMed.

Traditional treatment involves use of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)

and Tylenol to relieve pain and inflammation. This is certainly reasonable in the acute phase. Rest, bracing and crutches/walker may be necessary to rest the joint to allow the inflamed tissues to heal. As the inflammation calms down begin joint motion and strength exercises as soon as possible to prevent debilitation.

A weight loss program is critical to the long term health of your joints and your body if you are overweight. As little as ten pounds can make a difference. Weight loss strategies can be found in my blog; There are many low impact activities that can help you burn calories as well. Check with your doctor before you start an exercise program.

There are many glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supplements on the market. The scientific literature has mixed reviews on their effectiveness. I tell my patients to try it for a month or two and see if it makes a difference.

The scientific research showed me the importance of antioxidants glutathione, superoxide dismutase and catalase in osteoarthritis. I researched products and chose Max GXL, a glutathione accelerator and Max N-fuze which contains the balance of the antioxidants. It made sense to use products which worked at the cellular level to fight the free radicals that threaten our bodies.

The pharmaceutical companies will not take care of you. The government will not be able to take care of you. Why not take steps NOW to take care of yourself so that you can live a long, healthy AND productive life?

I wish you health and prosperity.

Have Wrist Pain? Try Some of These Simple Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatments

Wrist pain, numbness, weakness, and sometimes cold or stiff finger joints are the symptoms that many people with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome deal with on a daily basis. These symptoms can be more troublesome during the night.

Many people are familiar with the wrist pain of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but do not understand exactly how the condition occurs. Typically, carpal tunnel symptoms manifest after the wrist has become injured through repetitive strain. The median nerve, which is responsible for transmitting feeling to the wrist and hands becomes compressed.

This creates the various degrees of pain, discomfort and weakness experienced by carpal tunnel patients. Some simple treatments for wrist pain that many individuals find effective include massage, ice therapy, joint support gloves and anti-inflammatory medications. This article will go over some simple Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatments that many people have found helpful, and hopefully you will too!


Significant relief from symptoms can be found through gentle massage techniques done consistently two to three times each week. Many people find relief through gentle massage which is done on the base of the hand where the most flesh is found. This is a job for two hands, so you should make sure you have the massage performed by someone rather than do it yourself.


Ice therapy has been found to be a very beneficial treatment for some patients. The application of an ice pack to the inside of the painful wrist for approximately ten minutes can effectively relief the majority of symptoms for up to two hours. Ice calms inflammation and reduces swelling, which relieves the compression surrounding the nerve.

Joint Support Gloves

Gentle-compression gloves have found to be highly beneficial to those suffering from the wrist pain associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. These gloves capture the body heat of the wearer which effectively helps to relieve muscle and joint pain. The wide variety of joint support gloves available makes it easy for anyone to find a style that fits his or her budget.


Many patients find substantial relief from their symptoms with the combination of anti-inflammatory medications and one or more of the treatments listed above. Very easy treatments include certain non-habit forming medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen. We recommend that you consult a physician before beginning any new medication or treatment.

Massage, ice therapy, joint support gloves, and medications are just a few of the simple treatments that can be done for the wrist pain associated for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Dealing With TMJ Disorder

There presently are 10 million Americans who suffer from TMJ disorder. You may belong to this crowd of people, too. However, this is not the time for you to be shaken. There are many tips you can make use of to resolve this problem and possibly avoid its recurrence. You may be easily swayed by seemingly effective remedies that you will find through the internet. The good news is that these solutions may in fact work. To make it easier for you, I will discuss some of the most effective remedies and solutions for TMJ syndrome. You may be surprised on how simple it is to deal with this disorder.

The first thing you need to do in conquering TMJ disorder is to understand your body. Know your body as a whole. Try to detect any possible disorders you currently have by paying close attention to your feelings. Do not ignore occasional headaches or jaw pains. There must be something wrong if you experience frequent tingling in your ears. Such is one symptom of TMJ disorder. Make sure you seek help at the very instance you detect that something is wrong.

You also need to understand the disorder or illness that you are going through. TMJ disorder in this case can be resolved so you have nothing to worry about. Suffering from this ailment does not mean the end of the world for you. You can still live a normal life even if you are going through the ordeals of TMJ pain. Try to learn about its causes and symptoms. This can help you avoid possible occurrence and for it to get worse. It can also help you obtain a perfect remedy for your case. Learn to accept your disorder. This is the only way to find solutions for it. This is not the time for you to be in denial. Facing your problem can do more good than not. Keep in mind that this is a generation where nothing seems to be impossible. Your disorder, like many others, can be resolve with advanced medicine and therapy.

Try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eating right and ample exercise can help you deal with TMJ disorder. Make sure you sit properly and comfortably. Try to do some stretching and avoid sitting for long hours. This can help your jaw to sit accordingly. Have a healthy diet, too. Eat nutritious food like fruits and vegetables. Avoid hard and chewy food items as well. Keep a regular appointment with your dentist, too. Always consult a doctor if you feel something strange about your body. You can visit a TMJ dentist concerning your TMJ pain. He can suggest that you wear a night guard to keep your upper and lower teeth from gnashing while you sleep. This is an effective way of resolving TMJ syndrome.

Cell Anti-Aging Natural Therapy With Electro Micro-Current

What is it and why does it work? Micro-current is a sub current that dives right in to repair and stimulate or provide a charge at the cellular level. Application is through the use of probes or wands, brass plates, and or in combination with acupuncture needles or rollers using various currents, voltages, intensities, polarities and waveforms. This instrument and its application heal by picking up where the body's own electrical current has failed.

To understand the breadth of this treatment and its potential for healing many, many issues, we must start and understand ourselves at the cellular level. The Nobel Prize was earned by two Germans in 1991 for discovering that the cell membrane wall is the actual intelligence of the whole being. To be truly healthy the 18-44 gates or pathways through this membrane wall in each cell of each organ system of our body need to be working effectively. The number or openings or gates depends upon the specialty of that cell allowing specific nutrients to enter and certain waste products to exit.

Following a trauma, (which interestingly, can be emotional or physical such as surgery, injury or the evolvement of aging), ingestion of life-giving oxygen, minerals and nutrients malfunctions or drops considerably. Our cells tend to become more or less paralyzed and do not functional normally to ingest nutrients and subsequently expel waste products. The powerhouse or mitochondrial function of the cell declines significantly. It is known that the more efficiently your cells function to transport essential nutrients through the cell wall into the mitochondria (our cellular powerhouse) and quickly remove toxic wastes out of the cell, the quicker your cells can receive vital nutrients to promote health and prevent aging. Studies from Universities in Germany have shown that the most important event in alleviating long term chronic pain is to restore the normal cellular electrical potential to the cell's membrane (thus restoring normal functionality). The major factor that nearly all researchers are missing in anti-aging programs is this factor of fuel burning. By repairing and increasing the function of these cellular walls by as little as 1% we may increase life span by as much as 10 years.

The major reasons for aging are oxidative stress and free radical damage from environmental factors such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides, all contributing to our building load of free radicals which only accelerates with the aging process. .

We don't exactly think of ourselves as electrical beings but we very much are. Throughout our bodies all communication is electrical and moves by positively and negatively charged ions. Remember that electrical currents like to take the path of least resistance. Now what happens with injury, surgery, trauma and aging when these paths are disrupted or even disconnected? Essentially, that area we have traumatized no longer functions properly. Current now moves around the injury or defect rather than through it. The cells making up the traumatized area no longer are sufficiently charged and do not function either effectively or efficiently. The person gets "better" but the body has reached a lesser functioning point by compensation and does not truly become repaired in that place of injury. Later on, in many cases that "old injury resurfaces" to our surprise and frustration. We never healed it in the first place and usually due to some "stress" in our mid-lives, it returns to offer us that opportunity to do the real healing we need to do. We have to repair the cell.

Other than acupuncture, some type of electrical healing, faith healing, rife frequencies, hands-on, or just plain voodoo, electro micro-current in my experience is the most effective of all. Why?

How does it work to heal wounds? Many studies have been conducted on wound healing. In reviewing the evidence and in comparison to other means of wound care healing, it has been demonstrated that electro micro current healing out-performs all others. The "out-performance" is most dramatically experienced in the realm of accelerated healing. One of the best scientific papers is from a Dr. Mark Biedebach, of the University of California at Irvine entitled, "ACCELERATED HEALING OF ISCHEMIC SKIN ULCERS THROUGH USAGE OF MICRO CURRENT ELECTRICAL STIMULATION AND THE INTRACELLULAR MECHANISMS INVOLVED."

In looking at the various types of electrical current: the waveforms, the output characteristics (Voltage and Amperage), the frequencies, duration of treatments and many other variables, the Electro-Tech Micro Current systems combines the best of the micro-current waveforms, frequencies and other output characteristics with the treatment modalities to produce the latest and best results in the current marketplace and seems to outperform other systems. Wound care results have provided results well above any expectations.

In looking at the actual mechanisms of wound care healing (which are entirely observable with this technique) there is an orderly sequence of mechanisms that takes place. First, a connective tissue sheath forms. This is observable from beginning to end and the formation of the sheath is very often observed during the very first treatment. Once the sheath or fascial layer begins to regenerate the skin will continue to heal at a high rate of speed. We know that new collagen and protein are being formed by the body to affect this change.

Micro-Current increases production of new skin cells at the germinative layer. As a teen we produce new skin very cells quickly and these rise to the surface and are exfoliated in around 7 days. With aging, at around 50, this same process may take 7 weeks leaving those cells to dehydrate and degenerate. Studies at the University of Washington show that with 10 consecutive days of Micro-Current therapy collagen can increase by 37%.

We know with wound care patients, if this collagen is reformulating, then this should also apply to Micro-Current facial treatments. Facial rejuvenation has blossomed using micro-current technology. Though change can be seen with just one treatment, over a series of sessions - wrinkles fade, skin tightens, one can experience a "lifted" look to the facial features and contours, and the skin becomes re-hydrated to that of more youthful times.

What is really happening here?

- Product is being penetrated to the deeper layers of the skin surface

- Skin is becoming more hydrated

- Collagen is being formed and becoming re-hydrated

- Elastin is being formed

- A new connective tissue layer is re-forming, particularly that between the skin and the underlying muscle

- The muscle cells and skin cells in the targeted areas are receiving more nutrients across the cell membrane

- Waste products from normal cellular activity are being released at an accelerated rate

- New skin cells are being formed at an accelerated rate down at the germinative layer

- The neuro-muscular re-education aspects of treatment are causing a lifted appearance to facial features

- The balancing techniques are creating more facial symmetry from right-to-left sides of the face

- Beneficial Neurotransmitters (helpful brain chemicals) are being released, causing overall relaxation and central nervous system stimulation which has positive effects on one's overall health and well-being, way beyond that of a simple face treatment".

With micro-current treatments cell activity is repaired, and tissue hydration and detoxification are accomplished. What will be the effect of treatments before and after surgery? Will the difference and effort pay off? Wound healing time will be reduced by more than half, scaring will be all but prevented, pain will be reduced dramatically, swelling reduced, and bruise-time reduced significantly. Micro-current therapy is perhaps the most NATURAL form of therapy available today as it is simply putting back what was once there. Through this return of electrical activity to an area that has lost it, we can foster a real and rapid healing.

Who uses micro-current electrical therapy? Many versions of it have been around for the last hundred years. Machines have been developed for proprietary use; others have been steadily improved for a more broad adaptable use dependent upon the therapist's training and the desired use.

Physical therapists have used micro-current for all neck, back, knee pain issues, for strains, tendonitis, sciatica, TMJ, joint issues, shoulders, plantar faciitis, whiplash, chronic and acute pain, neuropathies, disc disease, soft tissue injuries, arthritis and even stroke rehabilitation.

Athletic trainers have used micro-current for: injury rehabilitation, for strength training, pain, inflammation, neuromuscular disorder, pulled muscle, tennis elbow, ton ligament, and rotator cuff.

Estheticians are currently using micro-current for facial rejuvenation, for wrinkle removal, skin toning, acne, lymph drainage, spider veins, varicose veins and dermatitis.

Other uses: Wound care, bond healing, osteoporosis, swelling reduction, bruising, scar tissue, burn victims, esophageal sphincter repair, Bell's Palsy, surgical incisions, abdominal cramps, macular degeneration, facelifts, post surgical repair.

Cell atrophy, and possibly cell death can possibly be reversed using electro micro-current therapy. I believe this treatment technique is one of the most profound in the arena of anti-aging and should be considered by all who are entering the baby boom years.

Temporomandibular Disorder: Causes and Treatment

Temporomandibular joint is that part that connects the upper and lower jaw. You can feel this joint if you place two fingers at below both your ears and open your mouth wide. The rounded parts that you will feel are the joints. It is made up of the jaw bones, muscles, nerves and blood vessels. TMJ disorder is a common problem. Symptoms or outcomes of this disorder are- pain while opening the mouth, clicking and popping sounds while chewing, pain in the ear and neck, facial muscle pain, etc. This disorder causes a great amount of discomfort to the sufferer.

Common habits can lead to this disorder. You won't even realize those habits as the cause unless the dentist tells you. And curbing such habits can be troublesome sometimes. One of the major causes of this disorder is the clenching of the jaw or grinding of the teeth (bruxism). Clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth are involuntary actions. You may do it when you're sleeping, or when you're feeling cold. Clenching builds up tension in the joint and the stress finally becomes permanent. This leads to intense pain while moving your jaw bones. Grinding your teeth leads to misalignment of the teeth and muscle spasm. The pains associated with such causes can be dealt with at home, after visiting your dentist at least once. The dentist will prescribe you anti-inflammatory pain medications for the times when the pain is really bad. On normal days, apply a hot compress to your jaw and on your neck to ease the pain. Apply the compress five to six times a day for twenty minutes. Doing this for two or three months will reduce the frequency and intensity of the pain for good. Arthritis, both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis causes this disorder. Just like arthritis causes pain in the joints of the body, people feel pain in the jaw too. Such causes of the syndrome are found mainly in elderly people. This degenerative disorder leads to the destruction of the cartilage of the joints.

This disorder is very painful when it hits people. When it gets more serious, then you may have trouble swallowing food, you may have headaches and feel dizzy, you may hear a ringing noise or experience loss of hearing, you may feel nauseous, you may also experience swelling in your face. A lot of times, people have trouble biting. The method for comfort suggested earlier will suffice only if the disorder is minor. If it is serious, then you may need to seek medical treatment that goes beyond medication for pain. For those who grind their teeth or clench, the dentist will fit a splint. The splint prevents the pressure from grinding and clenching from reaching the joint. This splint is usually worn at night, or during the sleeping hours. To prevent clenching and grinding, the dentist may also advise you to engage in stress reduction activities. Another treatment for this disorder, though invasive in nature, is performed under anesthesia. It involves inserting two needles into the joint and washing it out. This treatment gives instant relief and has no side effects. The only drawback would that it is not a permanent treatment. To make it permanent, one must incorporate preventive measures into their habits. Other procedures, possibly more expensive, are surgical in nature. They involve restructuring the jaw, replacing joints with artificial implants, etc.

Whatever course of treatment you take, do go to your dentists for follow ups.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Acupuncture For Sciatica - The Best Natural Treatment Alternative

Sciatica is becoming more common and there has seen an increase of numbers in sufferers of this condition. And besides the conventional form of getting treatment from western medicines, there some who are exploring methods of alternative treatment that may prove to be effective in the relieve of pain and discomfort from sciatica. Acupuncture for sciatica is an alternative that seems to be delivering promising results in the treatment of nerve pain.

With acupuncture, there is no involvement of surgery or any from of prescribe medications. It is totally natural. It is the method of inserting needles into certain points that has the body's "Chi" or energy essence, flowing through. It is not conjecture. This has been proven by sciatica patients who have tried acupuncture and have discovered that the flow of Chi can help ease body pain.

The testimonies from these people are actually prompting experts to consider the use of acupuncture as an added option for the treatment and pain relief for sciatica.

Sciatica is a condition where there is a sharp pain that goes from the buttocks to the legs. Especially concentrating on the lower back area. The pain is mainly due to muscle spasm close to the sciatic nerve that is resultant from a lack of exercise or aging.

Numbness is among one of the symptoms. That could be a cause from some degenerative disease like a herniated disc which could lead to sciatica. Fotunately, the use of acupuncture can be a solution, which has been proven by sciatica sufferers to remove spasm and give quick pain relief.

There are numerous benefits that can be derived from acupuncture sciatica. It can improve blood circulation in the lumbar region and spinal chord that is beneficial to the body besides eradicating pain. Muscles have improved flexibility and bones can be strengthened. Inadvertently, a person can lead a more active life because of an increase in energy from the treatment. It is a reliable form of treatment to reduce symptoms although the effects are usually not immediate. And it will vary depending on different people.

It may be important to have an understanding what causes sciatica in order to gain an understanding of why acupuncture is effective in treating it.

Apart from a few others, the main factors that causes pain is because of pressure applied on a sciatic nerve. Muscle spasms are common because the nerve is directly connected to the muscles. Inflammation of the nerve can be another pain-causing factor.

When bone joints have some form of degenerative diseases especially around the spinal area, it can result in pain since the spine affects the related nerve.

Acupuncture is not suitable for providing pain relief in the instances where degenerative diseases are involved. It may ease the pain temporarily but will not remove the condition completely.

That is due to the condition where the disc of the spine starts pressing on the sensitive nerves, that tightens the muscles and pain results.Acupuncture cannot reverse the disc location but it can ease the muscle spasms or inflammation that may alleviate pain but it has no ability to change the disc's condition.

However, sciatica acupuncture may still prove to be the safest and most natural way in which to bring pain relief and to cure sciatica patients. With this form of treatment, there is no requirement for surgical procedures which risk exposing your sensitive nerves to the knife and there is no need for medical drug prescriptions that may lead to side effects.

Overall, acupuncture for sciatica may be the best alternative to relieve the pain without the side effects.

Naftalan - Therapeutic Oil For Skin Diseases

Naftalan is therapeutic oil, very rare in nature. It has been used since the ancient times for preservation of health and preventing diseases, as well as treating existing illnesses and injuries.

What makes naftalan different from other kinds of oils? It is due to its physical and chemical structure. It's main ingredients are sulfur and nitrogen but it also has a variety of micro-elements and some light fractions, like petrol and kerosene.

Indications for using naftalan are various:

  • Impairments to the central and peripheral nervous systems -- paresis, polyneuropathy, radiculopathia

  • Skin diseases such as psoriasis, scleroderma, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, conditions after burn injuries

  • Vascular diseases -- Buerger's disease, Mb.Raynaud

  • Bone and muscle system diseases -- inflammatory rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis), degenerative joint and spine diseases, extraarticular rheumatism

  • Post traumatic and post operative rehabilitation of locomotive system

Naftalan is generally used in naftalan baths, washing the entire body in naftalan. Locally it can be used in different ways such as masticotherapy, iontophoresis with naftalan, sonoforesis with naftalan or by washing the parts of a body with naftalan.

There are only two places in the world where this therapeutic oil naftalan is produced. One is in Azerbaijan and the other one (the only one in Europe) is in Ivanic Grad, in Croatia. Naphthenic oil near Ivanic Grad was discovered in the 1970s. Since then there were made a series of cross studies of naftalan oil from Ivanic Grad and oil from Azerbaijan. All the tests confirmed that both types have almost the same chemical and biological characteristics.

Ivanic Grad is a small town situated 27 km from Zagreb, the Capital of Croatia. In prehistoric time the region of todays Ivanic Grad was the bed of the Pannonian Sea. That gave this unique value of natural riches of Ivanic Grad and its environs -- rare and powerful natural therapeutic agents -- therapeutic naftalan oil and thermomineral water. According to balneologic classification thermomineral water from the site in Ivanic Grad is hyperthermic brine of fluorine, brome, iodine, and sodium chloride. It is acquired from the depth of 1300 metres. Water temperature at the water source is 60 degrees. Organoleptically, the water is clear, salty and with characteristic oily odour and is classified as oily water. As a residue from the Pannonian Sea, this saline water is a strong therapeutic cause with favourable effects on human welfare. Some of those thermal effects are muscle relaxing, analgesy, anti-inflammatory effect, increase of connective tissue expansion, decrease of viscosity of synovial fluids, etc. Some of the effects of saline sodium-chloride water are stimulating microcirculation, muscle relaxing, effecting thermal regulation, cheratolithic effect, effecting sensitivity to UV rays, etc.

Knowing that naftalan and thermomineral water have been used for thousands of years as a part of folk medicine, in 1989. in Ivanic Grad (Croatia) was established Naftalan -- a Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation. It has recently been accepted as a fully fledged member of the European Spas Association (ESPA), which has members representing 21 European countries. For the time being Naftalan is the only Croatian member within the organization.

Naftalan oil and thermomineral water are a precious resource that Ivanic Grad can offer to the world. With it織s kind and well-educated staff, and comfortable facilities of the Hospital and the surroundings Special Hospital For Medical Rehabilitation Naftalan will make your stay both beneficial and pleasant. And don織t forget -- there are only two places in the world where you can find naftalan oil. And the only one in Europe is in Naftalan -- Special Hospital For Medical Rehabilitation in Ivanic Grad, Croatia.