Saturday, June 8, 2013

Simple Exercises For Knee Pain

Over 70 million people in the United States are diagnosed with knee pain, with 8.5 million of them coming from severe knee injuries. To relieve knee pain with exercise instead of surgery and strong prescribed medication is quickly becoming a treatment of choice for many. Naturally working with knee joint exercises, skin stimulation, and relaxation methods have been shown to strengthen tissue and ligaments around the injured knee - the largest and most common synovial joint in the body.

In order to increase the strength and endurance of the injured knee, applying knee joint exercises can help reduce muscle tension and pain in the knee area. Overall, properly applied knee joint exercises will reduce the body's anxiety and pain levels over time. Pain is the body's way of saying something is wrong and a certain area is not working as it should. By practicing specific knee exercises for pain and learning to relax, the knee injury will be able to heal on its own without invasive surgery. Gently stretching muscles in the knee area is important to help the area become stronger and more flexible. Muscles and tissues that help work the knee joint cannot become injured if they are strong and able to move properly with good flexibility. Knee joint exercises are also a good preventive before a knee injury occurs.

Exercises to rehabilitate knee pain

Exercises to rehabilitate knee pain may take as long as two weeks to show signs of healing. This can be best demonstrated with better sleep patterns at night, with less tossing and turning because of nagging knee joint pain that keeps one awake. Try several exercises for the injured knee joint, using those that work best with the least amount of stress on the body. Simple exercises for knee pain should be comfortable to do as long as they are done in a relaxing manner and they are not "forced." After time the knee joint exercise will result in less pain and body anxiety, with a stronger and healthier knee joint as the outcome.

When doing simple exercises for knee pain or to prevent joint pain, they should be done every second day to allow for healing time in between and to avoid overusing the injured knee. At the most, do knee exercises for pain approximately three times per week, beginning with five repetitions of a knee exercise. If the pain is too much, do less. If it is bearable, build up over the weeks. Learn to read the body signals regarding its pain levels.

Sticking to a good exercise schedule

When certain knee exercises are found to work well, stick to them by developing an easy routine that can fit into the daily schedule. Practice the exercise twice throughout the day and five to ten minutes in duration. Avoid a feeling of tightness or tenseness in the body, or the exercise cannot do its job. Relaxed muscles in the leg or knee area can be done by making sure adequate stretching is done prior to the exercises. Also important are proper cooling down or warming up exercises, while avoiding any heavy physical activity until the knee joint is healed.

If strengthening and stretching knee exercises causes resulting pain afterwards to the ligaments and tissues surround the knee, using an ice pack/heat pack combination is just one of the many natural options that can help. In between simple knee joint exercises for pain, resting and elevating the injured knee is suggested as another treatment suggestion.

Natural Arthritis Treatment For Joint Pain Relief

Arthritis is a joint disorder affecting the musculoskeletal system of our body. An arthritic joint is inflamed, very painful, stiff, swollen, warm and tender. The joints are actually the union or meeting junction of two or more bone heads. The joints of our body bear the weight of our body even while we are sitting and support the entire body structure. Therefore joints are prone to much wear and tear. When arthritis invades a joint, not only the bone heads but also the adjoining tissues, muscles, ligaments and tendons are affected, making mobility painful and in some cases impossible.

Therefore arthritis may be the cause of disability for many. Arthritis may be of a hundred types, of which osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout are most widespread. Osteoarthritis occurs due to friction between bone heads at the wearing out or loss of cartilage cushions that could have otherwise protected the bone heads from friction. Rheumatoid arthritis is the result of a misdirected immune system attacking healthy joints and tissues. Gout results from metabolic malfunctioning and crystallization of uric acid in joint cavity and between bones. Some causes of arthritis may be listed as follows:

1. Lack of exercise
2. Wrong diet
3. Dehydration
4. Sedentary lifestyle
5. Obesity
6. Degeneration of cartilages
7. Natural aging of joints
8. Joint injury or bone fracture
9. Joint infection
10. Faulty joint alignment
11. Heredity
12. Lack of vitamins
13. Over-active immune system
14. Metabolic disorders.

Natural Arthritis Joint Pain Relief

1. Prickly ash tea effectively eases arthritis joint pain by improving blood circulation.

2. A cup of hot ginger tea daily alleviates arthritis joint pain and inflammation.

3. A cup of tea made from nettle leaves or root sufficiently heals arthritis joint pain.

4. Heating pad or warm, damp towel application relaxes muscles and does away with stiffness and pain.

5. Rubbing ice cubes wrapped on fabric on joints reduces pain and swelling.

6. Massaging aching joint with camphorated mustard oil or coconut oil gives much relief from pain. Olive oil, castor oil, hot vinegar or warm paraffin may also be used for massaging.

7. Application of peppermint oil on aching joints gives much relief.

8. Soaking in warm bath water in tub or adding Epsom salt to bath water also lessens arthritis joint pain.

9. Taking walk in sun without any sunscreen is perhaps the easiest way to treat arthritis joint pain naturally.

10. Practicing gentle stretching around stiff joints as many times as possible through out the day keeps arthritis pain at bay.

11. Intake of alkaline juices like carrot, celery and red beet dissolve that deposits in and around joints, relieving pain.

Arthritis Joint Pain Relief Tips

More the world becomes modern, more the evolution of new diseases. Human body has natural resistivity for some common diseases caused by external infections. But the human body cannot deny the diseases caused by its own. Arthritis is a common term to define the damages caused to the joints as well as muscles of the human body. Biologists say that there are 206 bones and more than 250 bone joints in the human body. Arthritis can be caused to any of these joints. With the help of this surplus number of joints arthritis takes more than 100 forms.

The common symptoms of any kind of arthritis include weight loss, fever due to pain, restlessness, muscle pain, and difficulties to move bone joints. The person affected by arthritis also finds difficult to walk. This condition may occur to people of all ages and gender, but it is most common among older people and people who have the obesity. People who have arthritis will feel a lot of pain in their knee joints, ankles, feet, hip and vertebral bone. The pain is caused due the inflammation in the joints affected by the arthritis infection, strain to the bones and muscles due to day to day work and also due to the weakness of body.

Many effective ways have been found to get relief from arthritis pain. The treatment options depend up on the type of arthritis. It is always a better idea to consult a physiotherapist before pursuing any treatment. Some of the effective treatment methods include medications, arthritis diets, normal exercises, relaxation and so on. There are also home remedies which can be done in a natural way. The natural arthritis relief tips include medication using herbs such as Fever-few leaves, Chaparral, Saffron, Yucca, Celery Seeds, Black Cohosh, Bog bean etc.

Besides these there are also some other natural ways for treating arthritis using the natural items that is readily available at our home. Garlic constitutes a most important par when we speak about natural arthritis relief tips. Since garlic contains an anti-inflammatory property, it can greatly reduce inflammation due to arthritis. It can be taken either in raw or cooked form. Some other tips include drinking potato juice or drinking essence of black sesame seeds soaked in the water or drinking water that has been stored in a container made of copper, in empty stomach in the early morning will be a useful. Similarly juices of fresh green vegetables and juices of some fruits like pineapple or lime also serves better pain relief. Massaging with coconut oil or mustard oil in the affected area is also an option for reducing pain by speeding up the blood circulation in the infected parts. The oil needs to be slightly warmed before massaging. There are also camphorated oils readily available at shops which can also be used for massage.

While following the above said tips, it is also better to follow some other therapies such as adapting natural diet by eating only fruits and vegetables and avoiding meat items, is a good idea. It is also advisable to keep the body warm and drinking 8 to 10 liters of water daily helps a lot in reducing arthritis pain. Anyone can get benefited through following these tips and it is not a difficult task.

Prevention is One of the Best Cures For TMJ

The TMJ is an overworked joint in the body and there are many people who may not be aware of what a TMJ disorder and its symptoms are. Known as the Tempero Mandibular Joint disorder, this is a condition that causes pain that is brought about by the tenderness in the joint situated between the lower jaw that is also called the mandible and the temporal bone of the skull.

The TMJ is made up of bones that are used for chewing, biting, swallowing, teeth grinding, jaw clenching, spitting and other similar movements that involve the mandible. The symptoms of this problem are chronic headaches, severe facial pain, clicking jaws, inability to extend the mandible without experiencing excruciating pain.

Prevention, of course, is one of the best cures for TMJ. It makes sense to avoid any movements of an already overused joint, i.e., do not chew gum, avoid teeth grinding and jaw clenching, talk sparingly when you know you have been talking too much previously, and maintain a good posture that does not additionally tax this joint. These simple tips do not completely guarantee that you will be TMJ disorder-free, but they can certainly help.

There are simple cures for TMJ and you can follow them easily. Mild massaging and stretching helps alleviate much of the pain. A mouth guard that is soaked in hot water for some time should be placed in your mouth so that you bite on it instead of grinding your teeth. This cure helps you to steady your jaw to some extent.

Pain - Fibromyalgia Pain Treatment for Severe Pain

Is this you? Experiencing severe pain all over your body. You feel exhausted all of the time. You have gone through numerous tests and your doctor cannot find anything wrong with you. If you can relate to these statements, you may have a condition called Fibromyalgia. And, if this is so, you are probably on the look out for Fibromyalgia pain treatment for severe pain.

You are not alone. Over ten million people in the United States alone have reported symptoms of Fibromyalgia. So, if you are one of the many sufferers of this painful condition, it is important to know that Fibromyalgia pain treatment for severe pain does exist. And, if you suffer from Fibromyalgia pain, your doctor or better yet a pain specialist can prescribe treatment for any level of pain including severe pain.

Medication as Fibromyalgia Pain Treatment for Severe Pain

Generally you will need to undergo a physical examination to determine if you qualify as a Fibromyalgia patient with positive findings of 11 of 18 tender points based on a digital examination. However as a second opinion, Dr. R. Paul St. Amand, M.D. Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine Harbor, at UCLA states that this useful concept is artificial. He further states: "We easily find more widely distributed areas of swelling, spasm, and tenderness scattered all over the body."

Most doctors will prescribe some type and level of pain medication for Fibromyalgia pain treatment. Some of these medications include:

· Muscle Relaxants. Medication, such as Flexeril, taken at bedtime has been proven to be a successful Fibromyalgia pain treatment for severe pain. This kind of medication treats muscle pain and spasms.

· Antidepressants. Doctors may prescribe antidepressant medications, like Prozac or Paxil, as Fibromyalgia pain treatment for severe pain, as well. These medications for example have been effective at helping sufferers sleep through the night and rest is a key ingredient if you are diagnosed as Fibromyalgia pain.

· Anti-epileptics. Typically, anti-epileptics are prescribed to treat epilepsy, however, these drugs have proven effective as Fibromyalgia pain treatment for severe pain conditions.

Treatment for relief of pain can extend to (Tylenol, Advil, Darvocet-N); antidepressants; injection of local anesthetic with or without steroids into the tender points and trigger points; exercise stretch and intermittent cold therapy. Dr. St. Amand also recommends the use of Guaifenesin, which is available in a 600 mg. tablets, and reducing intake of aspirin and reduce the use of all salicylic acid products to zero.

One of the best non-drug products on the market is Tramaden, taken orally, this is a clinically proven pain medication that can be used to provide speedy relief to aching, painful joints and muscles associated with severe Fibromyalgia pain. Tramaden contains FDA complaint non-prescriptive ingredients including the highly powerful Celadrin and Bromelain for faster pain relief when reducing inflammation of muscle and tissue.

Topical Treatments for Fibromyalgia pain relief

A number of topical, non-oral, non-narcotic pain relief creams have proven very effective for the relief of Fibromyalgia. Menastil is one product originally produced for the topical treatment of Endometriosis and severe Menstrual cramps that has proven effective for Fibromyalgia pain due to Calendula Oil, which penetrates the epidermal and delivers it's pain relief ingredients to the source of pain. The other is CorProfen, which once again has a penetrating agent to deliver its pain relief agent to your source of Fibromyalgia pain.

For more information about Fibromyalgia pain treatment for severe pain, check out The Fibromyalgia Network's website. This site can help answer many of your questions concerning Fibromyalgia pain treatment for severe pain.

Home Remedies for Joint Pain Relief

A person can be afflicted with joint pain in one or more places in the body. In all its forms and causes, is always problematic to those affected by it. For them, home remedies can be a huge help.

Osteoarthritis occurs more frequently in people over the age of forty-five and is the most common cause of joint pain. Vitamin E is mostly used to bolster the effect of vitamin C which is the main nutrient in trying to alleviate pain coming from osteoarthritis joints. The recommended dose is 400 IU a day.

Maintaining a diet rich in fiber also prevents and reduces joint pain brought about by osteoarthritis. Because fiber fills you up on fewer calories, you're less likely to overeat and cause weight gain, which is known to pose difficulties for people with osteoarthritis. Fiber also has anti-inflammatory effects which wards off osteoarthritis pain.

Epsom salts, or magnesium sulfate, can be your best friend in joint pain relief. They help draw out carbon, which is one of the body's waste products, through the skin.

Exercise is an important factor for relief, but if your exercise causes pain that lasts more than half an hour after exercising, you probably overexerted and you may be worsening your osteoarthritis. Reduce the frequency of your exercise and increase it gradually.

Joints that are non-arthritis in nature can be relieved using massage, stretching exercises, warm baths, and other home remedy solutions. Stretching techniques help after an attack of joint pain caused by bursitis, or inflammation of the fluid-filled sacs that cushion bony prominences.

For stiff shoulder joints, use the cat stretch. Doing a cat stretch involves getting down on your hands and knees, and then placing your hands at the front of your head. Keep your elbows stiff as you arch back gently and come down on your heels. Another stretching motion you can do is to stand facing a wall corner and walk your fingers up the wall in the corner. Try to get your armpit in the corner; this is how you know you're doing the exercise right.

Pain due to bursitis may also be treated with a castor oil pack when the pain is not acute anymore. To make this particular remedy, spread castor oil over your afflicted joint then put cotton or wool flannel over it and apply a heating pad. If a joint that has bursitis is hot, you can use ice on it, alternating 10 minutes of ice with 10 minutes of rest, then the ice again and so on.

An alternative remedy that can accelerate joint pain relief in bursitis cases when used with standard treatments is homemade balm made from a paste of water and turmeric powder. The balm can be applied once or twice daily.

Flaxseed oil can be used in bursitis joint pains. The thing that makes it great is that you can use it on salad dressings!

If your joint pain still bothers you for more than three days, home remedies may not be enough. It is therefore best to consult a medical professional.

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Most Common Cause of Pain at the Base of the Thumb

Does your thumb hurt? Pain at the base of the thumb - where it joins up with the wrist, is usually caused by a very common condition, especially over age 50. It's more common in women, and it's not carpal tunnel syndrome!

The answer?

Arthritis at the base of the thumb.

What is it?

The word arthritis means joint (arth-) inflammation (-itis). The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, or OA. Another name for it is degenerative joint disease, or DJD. The ends of bones normally move smoothly against each other. Smooth cartilage in joints makes this possible. The disease process of arthritis causes this cartilage to wear out and the joint no longer works as it was designed to.

In the worst, most advanced cases, bone literally grinds on bone inside the arthritic joint!

The base of the thumb is where the thumb joins up with the wrist. The main joint involved in arthritis at the base of the thumb is the trapeziometacarpal joint (also known as the carpometacarpal joint - CMC joint of the thumb).

This joint is formed by a long bone in the thumb called the metacarpal and a bone in the wrist called the trapezium. This joint provides the majority of the useful motion in your hand - gripping, pinching, twisting, opening jars, and writing all require this joint to have pain-free function. Arthritis may cause pain with all these activities.

This type of arthritis is more common in women than men, and usually doesn't happen before age 40. Fractures and other trauma to the thumb joint may put you at risk for developing arthritis in the future.

What are the Signs and Symptoms?

Some patients with arthritis at the base of the thumb never have symptoms. Others have crippling and severe pain at an early age.

The earliest symptom of thumb arthritis is pain at the base of the thumb (the heel of the palm) with pinching, opening jars, or after long periods of writing. Turning keys or opening door knobs may also be painful.

Weather changes (such as before it rains) may create pain in the thumb. Heavy repetitive use may also cause deep aching in the thumb. As the arthritis gets worse, the strength of pinching gets weaker and heavy activity is no longer required to make the thumb painful.

Patients with advanced arthritis may feel a grinding/crunching sensation with even small movements of the thumb, and the thumb joint may start to look enlarged, swollen, or "out of place". The joint at the base of the thumb becomes very stiff at this point.

Other joints further out towards the tip of the thumb may become looser and more deformed to compensate for the stiffness at the thumb base.

How is the diagnosis made?

Arthritis at the base of the thumb is diagnosed by history (the story of how symptoms develop) and physical examination.

The base joint (CMC joint) is tender to touch and you can often feel crunching or grinding as the joint is moved in a circular pattern. Swelling is usually present around the joint.

Other conditions in the same area may cause a similar appearance, such as tendonitis and arthritis in other joints of the wrist and thumb.

X-rays are useful for confirming the specific joint involved with arthritis, though the appearance of the joint on x-ray may not match how the patient feels.

There are several x-ray views ordered by your hand surgeon that show the arthritis more clearly than those ordered by your family doctor. These additional views are especially helpful in mild cases, where the diagnosis isn't obvious on regular x-rays of the hand or wrist.

The swelling, tenderness, or abnormal motion of other joints nearby may also reinforce the diagnosis of arthritis at the base of the thumb.

How is it treated?

Arthritis at the base of the thumb is treated like arthritis elsewhere in the body:

  • limited motion or use

  • splinting

  • anti-inflammatory medicine (pills or creams)

  • heat therapy (warm/hot water soaks)

Cortisone (steroid) injections in the joint may give some significant relief for several months. This can be done along with the above methods or after they have failed to provide pain relief.

After non-surgical treatments fail to provide adequate pain relief, surgery should be considered.

Using EMG in Evidence Based Dentistry

I get a lot of people lately asking, "What is an EMG?"

EMG stands for Electromyography. There are two types of EMG, surface EMG and needle EMG. Surface EMG is generally accepted as the gold standard for overall muscle function, whereas needle EMG is more effective in nerve conduction experiments and biofeedback procedures. From this point on, and in Biometrics and Evidence Based Dentistry, we will be discussing surface EMG.

Why do we use EMG in dentistry? Simply put - to quantify rest. Using more biometrics based equipment in the dental office and diagnostical equipment can help dentists answer a lot of previously unknown questions in their cases.

We can measure EMG activity to evaluate muscle activity in function, such as chewing and biting, or to evaluate parafunctional activities (literally - 'outside' function, or abnormal function) such as clenching. EMG can also be used simultaneously with mastication (chewing) analysis and a computerized occlusal (bite) device.

During most EMG tests, the muscles that are being measured are the Anterior Temporalis (area above your ears towards your eyes), Masseter (cheek area), Digastrics (under the chin), and the Sternocleidomastoid (a support muscle in the neck). In evaluating rest, it can be noted if the muscles are hyperactive. If muscles are hyperactive, it may be indicative that the condyles are posteriorized, the mandible or lower jaw is posturing in a certain direction, or if there may be an issue with head and neck posture.

Where EMG becomes highly important and accurate is in the evaluation of function and parafunction. One example of a functional application is evaluated by having the patient swallow. If activity is seen in the elevator muscles (Temporalis and Masseter), it can be assumed that the teeth are touching when the person is swallowing. However, if there is no muscle activity, it can be assumed that there is some sort of tongue thrust, which can be a mandibular posturing issue or airway issue. Swallows that are long in duration can also be of significance and cause hyperactivity or spasms in the digastrics muscles.

Clenching is known as parafunction because it does not happen naturally; it is an activity that is usually induced by stress or an airway issue. Some people even think that it can be caused by a bad bite. By looking at the timing of when muscles fire and the amount of force, we can get an idea of how much force is being introduced into the system.

EMG tests can also give us prognostical data. Putting in a splint or an appliance can give us immediate feedback to see if we are improving muscle function or reducing overall muscle activity. As opposed to "hope dentistry" where dentists try a device and "hope" it works, it makes sense to use evidence based dentistry and a biometrics measurement to know the immediate impact we are having on a person when we make a "nightguard" or other appliance.

Someone's bite, or "occlusion" can be measured simultaneous to their muscle firing through EMG recordings and a link to computerized occlusal analysis. This is extremely useful in restorative dentistry and occlusal equilibration. Knowing which tooth hits first, with how much force, and when the muscles shut off makes for the most effective dentistry.

Muscles also play an important role in mastication, or chewing. If someone can produce a normal chewing pattern, but has to do muscle gymnastics to do so, that is extremely useful information because that is the exact patient who is a dental accident waiting to happen!

EMG is one of a number of biometrics tests that occur in the modern evidence based dentistry practice.

Surgical Treatment Options for Osteoarthritis of Hips

Arthritis of the hip may lead to degeneration of the hip joint, a deep 'ball-and-socket' joint that connects the leg to the pelvis. Its progression can take a toll on many aspects of your life, deteriorating your ability to do routine work and causing unending joint pain, joint stiffness and decreased hip flexibility. You may also need a cane, walker or even a wheelchair to move around.

The hip joint is located where the thigh bone (femur) meets the pelvis (hip). Normally, a round ball at the top of the femur moves smoothly in the socket of the hip.

Hip arthritis (osteoarthritis) is a common cause of hip joint pain which may worsen with hip movement. Patients with advanced osteoarthritis also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease may require surgical intervention.

Arthritis of the hip may range from earliest mild stages to its most severe crippling form. In its milder stage, arthritis can be treated with steroids and anti-rheumatoid medications, heat treatment, exercise, supportive devices and modification of activities. But, in severe cases where the cartilage on both sides of the joint wears away completely, surgical intervention is the only effective way to treat the hip adequately.

There are two main surgical methods to treat osteoarthritis (OA or degenerative arthritis) of the hip - Hip Joint Replacement Surgery and Hip Resurfacing Surgery.

Hip replacement (hip arthroscope) is usually considered for patients who experience severe joint pain at night, decreased hip mobility and rubbing sensations during certain movements, and have tried conservative measures to relieve these symptoms but failed.

Total hip replacement is a very successful procedure for the treatment of arthritic hip. Often considered as the cheapest and safest form of hip replacement surgery, it is a surgical procedure in which the hip joint is replaced by artificially constructed components. This form of surgery amputates the damaged and worn parts of the femur including the head (ball) of femur and fixes a new, smaller man-made metal ball into the rest of the femur, which brings back the hip to its strong, stable and flexible state again.

There is no risk of femoral neck fracture because this bone is removed.
The surgery consistently reduces or eliminates the hip pain.
It can give you many years of freedom from uneasiness and fatigue that so far kept you awake at night.
Osteoarthritis patients can experience a significant improvement in their hip mobility and movements after the surgery.

Surgery calls for more femoral bone amputation.
More chances of hip dislocations.
Plastic or ceramic surfaces may break.
Patients may continue to experience thigh pain.
Most patients can't perform high璽??level athletics.
Chances are strong that traditional hip replacement will wear out and the patient may require a second replacement (revision).

Hip resurfacing is a type of hip replacement which calls for preservation rather than amputation of the original socket (acetabulum) and the ball of the thigh bone. Instead of removing the femoral head, a hollow metal cap is fitted onto the damaged surfaces of the ball. The socket part of the hip joint is also resurfaced with a metal component.

Hip resurfacing removes considerably less bone from the femur.
Larger portion of the natural femoral bone remains intact.
It is a bone conserving surgery, allowing for a revision (repeat) hip surgery if required later.
The hip resurfacing implants have a larger head and cup, making the hip really harder to dislocate.
The surgery allows patients to resume sport and high demand activities.

This form of hip joint surgery is technically more difficult to perform.
It requires a larger incision in thigh that can lead to excessive blood loss.
Hip resurfacing patients may fracture their thigh bone at the femoral neck, requiring revision surgery.
Complete recovery after the operation can take from six weeks to three months.

Arthritis Facts and Overview

Arthritis is the #1 cause of disability in the world with more than 350 million people affected. 1/7 of the total people affected with arthritis live in the U.S. They suffer from severe limitations, absenteeism, obesity, high cholesterol, heart disease, depression and fears their symptoms could get worse. It's estimated that the total cost of arthritis cases is close to $100 billion of which nearly 50% accounts from lost earnings. Each year, arthritis results in nearly 1 million hospitalizations and close to 45 million visits to health care centers. More than 70% of people who are affected by arthritis in North America are over the age of 65. It's more common in women than men at all ages and affects all races, ethnic groups and cultures.

There's over 100 type of arthritis, some more severe then others. The primary forms of arthritis range from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, septic arthritis, gout and pseudo-gout, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, still's disease to ankylosing spondylitis. The secondary forms of arthritis are link to other diseases and complications. They ranges from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, lyme disease, hepatitis, haemochromatosis, sarcoidosis, Inflammatory bowel disease, Henoch-Sch繹nlein purpura to Wegener's granulomatosis.

The one that affects the most people is osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease. It comes as a result of natural aging, trauma or infection of the joint. Other well known types are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and autoimmune diseases. These types causes the body to attack is own tissues while others like septic arthritis is caused by joint infection. The most common symptoms for all arthritis disorders include varied levels of pain, swelling, joint stiffness, ache around one or many joints, fever, weight loss, poor sleep, malaise and feeling of tiredness. These symptoms should be taken seriously and treated early to prevent any complications.

Available treatments include drugs such as corticosteroids, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), immunosuppressants (cyclosporine and cyclophosphamide), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), etanercept (Enbrel), infliximab (Remicade) and adalimumab (Humira). Physical therapy, exercise, orthopedic bracing, medications, dietary supplements, arthroplasty (joint replacement surgery) and natural remedies may be the solution depending of the arthritis. Clinical examination, radiology and blood tests made from an appropriate health professional are key for a good diagnosis.

Jaw Misalignment - What Does it Mean?

Jaw misalignment is considered to be one of the main causes of TMJ, and treatment of this disorder often focuses solely on re-aligning the jaw in order to reduce the amount of pain and discomfort associated with this condition. Jaw misalignment is characterized by the jaw joint moving out of alignment, and occurs as a result of the muscles of the jaw as well as those used to chew the food not working properly.

These muscles may malfunction due to poor chewing habits, grinding the teeth or clenching the jaw repeatedly, bad bite due to broken or missing teeth, poorly fitting dentures, unusual movements of the neck, poor posture (which may affect the muscles and bone alignments in the spine, neck, and subsequently, jaw areas), an inherited deviation mandibular deviation, and some diseases of the joints (including arthritis).

However, it is believed that both jaw misalignment, weak muscles, and bad bite can at times all be a cause of the other; a bad bite (otherwise known as malocclusion, or a misalignment of teeth or bad fitting of the teeth) and the associated poor chewing may cause the jaw to eventually become misaligned, while weak muscles may also cause the jaw to move improperly and shift to one side, and, in some cases, eventually mis-aligning the teeth and creating a bad bite. Either of the above disorders may be the cause of the other.

In further detail, a jaw may become mis-aligned as follows:

The joints in the jaw area move and function with the aid of these jaw muscles, and have are joined by a disk connecting the ball and socket of the joint; however, once the muscles, or any other of the above parts of the joint, begin to malfunction this can create jaw misalignment. More specifically, once the muscles begin to malfunction, they may also weaken, resulting in the jaw not only becoming misaligned but also overworking to compensate and creating stress and tension on this joint.

Other muscle malfunctioning may occur as a result of continual tightening of the jaw muscle - a jaw muscle that is permanently clenched loses its ability to relax and un-clench, and over time this may cut off the blood supply to this muscle, causing it to constrict, affect jaw movement, and affecting the jaw joint's ability to move or function (this may lead to a symptom known as lock jaw).

A malocclusion may also result from weak and shifting muscles which cause the jaw to move abnormally and affect the patient's ability to chew properly, the malocclusion may cause the jaw to move abnormally as well, and may be another cause of a jaw misalignment in addition to or instead of the weak muscles. Finally, teeth grinding or clenching may also cause a jaw misalignment either due to the bad bite which it may create, or the abnormal stress which is placed on the jaw joint itself,as chronic stress may also create a jaw misalignment as well.

In general, muscle malfunction, stress on the joint area which causes it to move abnormally, and inherited joint disorders all may contribute to jaw misalignment. This joint is prone in particular to misalignment due to its structure as well as complexity; the tempromandibular joint, unlike the joints of the fingers or toes, actually functions with two joints that control the movements of sliding and rotating separately. This structure makes it more susceptible to its the cartilage and bone components wearing down, eventually leading to jaw misalignment.

Overall, jaw misalignment is a result of many factors and habits, and its causes should always be investigated thoroughly; this condition is one of the main and most common causes of tmj, and hence should not be taken lightly or left un-treated.

How To Handle Your Hip Joint Pain

Hip joint pain is one of the primary problems of arthritis. For most people a diagnosis of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis means hip joint pain for years to come. However, finding the right method of treatment and exercise can help to stop your arthritis pain before it starts.

Your First Step

Your first step when you begin to experience hip joint pain is to stop by your doctor's office. While what you have may indeed be some form of arthritis, you need to be sure it is not a more serious condition like bone cancer. You will need to tell your doctor exactly what you are experiencing and when your symptoms began. He may move the joint around in a rotating, flexing, or extending motion to check for pain. He may even have you move around the office to see how your hips work and line up with each other. Moreover, you will probably undergo some x-rays to to see how much space you have in the hip joint as well as to check for bone spurs or other problems.

The Next Step

If you are only in the early stages of this disease, you may be able to handle your hip joint pain through nonsurgical and non-prescription medications. You could start by not overusing the hip joint. If you have small children, try to avoid carrying them as much as possible. If you have a job that requires continual lifting, see if you can find something that is more suitable to dealing with your hip joint pain. You should also try some light physical therapy. Swimming and water aerobics are good choices to dealing with your hip joint pain.

If changing your lifestyle doesn't help, you may need to investigate other ways to deal with your hip joint pain. Look at some of the other articles on this site that discuss natural methods of pain relief.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Osteopathy and Arm and Leg Pain

Arm and leg pain and their associated joint pains can be caused by many different factors. Sometimes, pain in your extremities can be caused by an obvious injury. However, surprisingly most arm and leg pain are usually not caused by direct trauma. Instead the pains are often the result of other pains that originate in other parts of your body - far removed from the arms or legs. This pain concept is named 'referred pain' and can be difficult to understand.

Our muscles, joints and bones are all intertwined with one another. This means that an injury or pain in one area can often travel to other parts of the body.

Understanding Referred Pain

As osteopathy is a holistic manual therapy, it's perfect to assess whether the origin of your pain is localised to one particular area, or if it actually originated in a separate area before travelling to your arms and legs.

It can be difficult to recognise pain in your central nervous system. This is often because it is referred to your extremities. You therefore think that 'a sore foot' is a sore foot, when it's actually a sign that another part of your body is experiencing pain. Where some doctors may fail to notice this, osteopaths are acutely aware of this phenomenon and try to locate all connected sources of pain. A pain in your arms or legs may allow your osteopath to uncover and treat pains across your whole body. In such cases, your osteopath is not only helping you rid the pain in your legs and arms, but also the pain in your neck, shoulders and/or other areas of the body. Now that's a good thing.

In the quest to find the true source of your pain, your osteopath not only looks locally, but also centrally. For example, a pain in your neck joints may cause referred pain to your wrist. Logically you would think that your wrist is the sole area that requires treatment. However this would be of little benefit, as the source of your problem is in the neck. Your neck therefore requires treatment, which would then eliminate your wrist pain.

For the source of the pain to be identified, your local joints may also be checked for any joint pain. In most cases, pain in your extremities may be a result of referred pain from various sources in the body.

Your Osteopathic Assessment

During your osteopathic assessment, your osteopath will ask you questions to either confirm the signals your body is indicating, or ask questions to help provide a better understanding of your health across other areas. Your osteopath will ask some routine questions such as whether your pain started after a local injury, if the pain began slowly at a particular spot, or if you noticed pain in the back, neck or the spinal region a few days before your leg and arm pain started. It's important that you answer these questions as honestly as possible. The answers to these questions will help your osteopath understand whether your pain is due to a recent injury or whether the origin of your pain is due to the resurfacing of an old injury. This will also allow your osteopath to understand whether the source of your pain is local or central. To further confirm, your osteopath will perform a physical examination.

Apart from making these observations, your osteopath will also look at the spinal patterns and the nerve relationships to get to the source of any central pain in your body. They will test different parts of your body, especially the areas where you feel the most pain, to look for any kind of muscle tightness or loss of strength.

After a full assessment, your osteopath is best able to diagnose the true origin of your pains and recommend the best course of action.

Arthritis And Related Conditions - How To Treat Them Naturally and Successfully

As May is National Arthritis month, promoting awareness about a study recently conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on arthritis shows a rather alarming increase this disease has taken. The average person may believe this to be a condition associated with an aging population, however, even arthritis among children (juvenile arthritis) is also a relatively common occurrence.

As the first of America's baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) advance into late middle age, arthritis and other related rheumatic conditions such as fibromyalgia, gout, and scleroderma are taking up an increasing amount of health care spending. The recent study on arthritis conducted by the U.S. CDC spanned a six year time period from 1997 to 2003, and documented a 25 percent increase in the number of Americans succumbing to painful arthritis and other related rheumatic conditions.

Some 46 million (or 1 in 5) Americans suffer from arthritis, up from 36.8 million six years ago. The $81 billion price tag associated with treating these conditions represents about 3 percent of the gross domestic product. Baby boomers are leading the pack in this spending increase. Out of the newly 9 million people being diagnosed with arthritis and other related rheumatic conditions during this six-year study, 66 percent were between the ages of 44 to 64.

Interestingly, too, according to the researchers of this study, was that most of the increases in arthritis and other rheumatic related conditions occurred among people who also had other health worries such as diabetes, obesity, and heart conditions. This particular group seen an increase of 28 percent, up from 31.8 million to 40.8 million, compared to a 6 percent increase for those who were otherwise healthy, 5 million to 5.3 million.

Being overweight or obese are definite prime culprits for putting you at an increased risk for developing arthritis and its related conditions. A higher level of body mass index will put you at a higher risk for developing osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, and results from the wear and tear of normal movement. Osteoarthritis in the joint this year will eventually become a joint replacement years down the road. The pressure of gravity causes physical damage to the joints and surrounding tissues. Symptoms are:

1. pain

2. swelling

3. tenderness

4. decreased function

Rheumatoid arthritis is a little different, it is an autoimmune problem that occurs when the body's own immune system mistakenly attacks the synovium (cell lining inside the joint). If left untreated over the course of years, a gross disfigurement of the affected joints begin to appear in fingers, toes, knees, and elbows. This is a very chronic, and potentially disabling disease that causes symptoms such as:

1. joint pain

2. stiffness

3. swelling

4. loss of joint function

Arthritis is really not just a single disease. There are actually around 100 different variations of arthritis, or other related rheumatic conditions. Arthritis literally means 'joint inflammation', and the term 'itis' actually means inflammation. So, in essence, any part of your body can become inflamed and painful due to arthritis. Some rheumatic conditions can result in debilitating, even life-threatening complications, and affect other parts of the body including muscles, bones, and internal organs.

In conclusion, drug treatment options did rise sharply during this six year study period (24%). But, other costs such as hospital stays dropped, so that actual per-person spending evened out to remain unchanged. Researchers concluded that the main reason for increased spending on treatment was due to the newly increased number of people developing arthritis.

In comparing the rising cost of treating arthritis, how do you suppose these findings compare to the rising costs of other health care problems Americans are being diagnosed with in general?

Clearly, the only control that seems to make much sense at all is to help educate and motivate people to become healthier. There is no question that the incidence of arthritis does seem to increase with age, however, nearly three out of every five sufferers are under the age of 65. You can not control the aging process, no one can, of course. However, you can choose to make yourself healthier, that is an option that is realistically doable for anyone.

Getting enough exercise to help increase joint mobility in arthritis sufferers is one option that is consistently being preached. But,it alone will not be enough, it is very hard to freely move painful joints through exercise that are chronically dry and dehydrated. Diets need to be addressed and modified. Increased intakes of omega-3 fatty acids and other whole food nutrients will swing the odds in favor of a successful remission of symptoms.

F. Batmanghelidj's book "How To Deal With Back Pain and Rheumatoid Joint Pain" is an inexpensive self-help manual anyone can read to learn more about water's amazing role in relieving joint pain naturally. In this short paper back book, you will learn that joint pain is simply just a signal that your body is emitting to let you know that your joints are thirsty and dehydrated.

Listen to that signal, give your joints what they need to be healthy and stay lubricated every day with nothing more than pure water!

Curing Gout With Surgery is Only For the Extreme Gouts

If you are suffering from too much gout pain and contemplating the possibility of curing it by surgery, there are a lot of things to consider before your doctor will agree to this idea. In fact there are four stages to gout disorder, where treatment is applied before surgery is finally recommended.

Four Stages of Gout

Gout usually develops in four stages, hence the severity of the sufferer's condition develops from one stage to the next.

1. The first is the asymptomatic stage where the uric acid level elevates but the person with this condition rarely experiences gout and its pains.

2. The second is the acute stage wherein the person with high levels of uric acid in his body begins to feel joint pains, more intense that what was rarely experienced in the asymptomatic stage. This stage is expected to last for months or years wherein intervals between gout attacks may render the individual with the feeling of being gout-free. In normal cases, the second attack during this stage can be felt as early as the 6th month.

3. In the third stage, the gout disorder during the second stage was left untreated. As a consequence, not only are the joint pains more severe but will also include a condition called bursitis or inflammation of the bursa. The bursa is a sac, which contains the lubricating fluids of the joints.

It is also at this stage when the attacks carried over from the acute gout stage migrates to different joints with severe pains.This time increasing in intensity. Due to the multiple gout pains felt, the sufferer now will experience fever and an almost state of immobility.

4. As multiple pains in the joints persist, notable lumps of uric acids called tophi will appear on the gout sufferer's skin. These are now the onset of joint degeneration, since the areas surrounding the joints are continuously attacked with swelling and tophi pressure. Often it leads to deformity and total immobility.

Other damaging conditions that will threaten the life of the gout sufferer includes hypertension, albuminuria or albumin protein in urine indicative of kidney disease, and urolithiasis, the presence of urinary stones in the urinary tract.

It is during the onset of this last stage that surgery will be recommended to alleviate the gout sufferer from his or her crippling pain. The surgery process involves the removal of tophi, usually the tophus that hampers joint mobility.

Surgery for Tophaceous Gout

In extremely rare cases, there are persons whose physical make-up and body conditions do not respond to any form of medication and treatment. These could probably be attributed to persons who rely only on medications to ease gout pains but continue with their diet and lifestyle. Hence, the formation of tophus in the body leads to tophaceous gout despite medications.

To prevent the person from being crippled or develop joint infections, surgery is now recommended to treat this type of gout. These extreme cases are also subject to certain medical qualifications before surgery is considered. Listed below are such conditions:

1. Surgery for functional purposes, wherein the tophaceous gout no longer permits the gout sufferer to wear any form of footwear or pants.
2. The sufferer is totally immobilized.
3. To drain joint infection that may affect other body parts;
4. To decompress or eliminate the pressure of the tophaceous stones before total damage or deformity of the joint takes place.

Curing gout by surgery is recommended only in extreme cases, like tophaceous gout. For that matter, why opt for surgery if changing your diet and lifestyle is the easiest way to prevent the development of tophaceous gout?

Dog Joint Pain Relief - 5 Natural Methods

In this article, I cover natural joint pain relief methods for dogs with arthritis. I don't suggest anything that can cause side effects. Pain relievers such as Tylenol and Ibuprofen should NOT be giving to pets. I cringe every time I hear about or read cases where pets were given these medications and, consequently, got severely sick or died. Aspirin may be used as a last resort, but with extreme caution. Fortunately, there are several safe methods to relieve pain in dogs with arthritis. 5 joint pain relief methods are:

Homeopathic pain reliever for pets - made from blends of medicinal herbs. There are no side effects and some homeopathic pain relievers also reduce swelling in the joints.

Acupuncture - has been used to relieve pain in people for hundreds of years. Many pet owners never consider this method because it's presumed strictly for people. Well, not true. In recent years, acupuncture has taken a leap to treat ailments and relieve pain in pets.

Low impact exercises such as swimming - puts less pressure on the joint at the same time strengthening them. Running and jumping is great for dogs, but it puts stress on the joints. For dogs with joint pain, I suggest building up to these activities at your dog's pace.

Heat technique - this is a method I use to promote blood circulation for faster healing.

Massage therapy - best used along with heat to flush out deposits, reduce swelling and promote healing. These are just a few methods of relieving dog joint pain without using any drugs.

Preventative and Rehabilitative Exercises for Those With Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is often seen as an inevitable part of aging. As it turns out, people younger than 65 may also develop osteoarthritis. Even though the majority of osteoarthritis patients are older, osteoarthritis is not a necessary facet of aging. Being overweight, having a family history, decreased bone density, a sedentary lifestyle, and previous joint problems are all risk factors for developing osteoarthritis.

In fact, more than 20 million Americans suffer from Degenerative Joint Disease, or osteoarthritis (OA). Knee osteoarthritis is also the major cause of musculoskeletal pain, disability and impaired mobility in elderly populations. Women are most often affected. However, research also shows that elderly people aren't bound to suffer from osteoarthritis pain. There are many holistic ways to address the condition that can have a long-lasting impact on osteoarthritis and the patient's general well being.

The Osteoarthritis Diagnosis
Osteoarthritis affects the cartilage - the tissue on the ends of bones that merge in a joint - and causes the cartilage to break down and gradually wear away. Cartilage is responsible for helping bones smoothly glide over one another. Instead of gliding, however, osteoarthritis causes bones to rub against one another. This can lead to pain, swelling, and motion loss.

The diagnosis of osteoarthritis is made by assessing the patient's clinical history, and performing a physical examination; an x-ray may be needed. Additional tests, such as taking fluid from the joint, may also be recommended.

Signs of osteoarthritis may include, but are not limited to: persistent, steady or recurring joint pain, stiffness in the joints after not moving for a prolonged period of time (this can include sleeping or sitting for extended periods), joint swelling or tenderness, and the sound of bones rubbing against one another, or a "crunching" sound/sensation.

The above are signs that you should contact your chiropractic doctor. Even though an osteoarthritis diagnosis is not difficult to make, oftentimes it's not immediately apparent whether the patient's symptoms is caused by OA. As such, it's important to rule out other disorders and conditions that may be aggravating the symptoms. Making a diagnosis at an early stage of the disease's onset and providing the right course of treatment will help reduce pain, improve overall function, and stall the degeneration process.

One of the best forms of treatment for osteoarthritis is through prevention. One of the ways to accomplish this is through adopting some form of regular exercise. Exercise strengthens the muscles around the joints, as well as aids and maintains the joint's function and ability to move. Exercise also helps with weight management and improves the patient's emotional well being; these are factors that can have a significant effect on decreasing the severity of symptoms.

Here are some exercise tips for dealing with osteoarthritis:

  • Go for low-impact activities, such as walking, and light weight training. Avoid heavy weights as they can place a strain on your joints.

  • Adopt strengthening exercises targeted at the affected muscle groups.

  • Develop a careful exercise approach. You don't want to place too much stress on your knee and ankle joints, especially if you are overweight.

  • Try climbing stairs or water aerobics. These can help keep the joints mobile without putting a strain on them.

  • Make sure to read your body's signals, which tell you when to stop or slow down.

  • Your doctor of chiropractic may also recommend proper supplements that play important roles in osteoarthritis prevention and treatment.

Your Doctor of Chiropractic Can Help
By the nature of their work, doctors of chiropractic are able to detect the degenerative changes in the joints at their earliest of stages. Doctors of chiropractic can see and evaluate the impact of degenerative changes in the spine. They can also see their overall impact in the hips, knees, and weight-bearing joints.

Chiropractors are trained experts, with reliable methods of alleviating osteoarthritis pain which, at the same time, improves joint function. Chiropractic doctors do this with the use of natural therapies, such as chiropractic manipulation, massage, and especially designed exercises, as well as a host of other techniques.

Hip Joint Pain Relief - Treatment, Causes and Symptoms

Hip joints form the most vital ball and socket joint of our body that supports the torso and provides the maximum mobility of our body. These joints are involved for each and every movement of the body that involves change in position. Any disturbance or dislocation of this ball and socket joint can result in painful situations. Hip pain may be felt within and any area around the hip joints. Though a common feature of aging, youngsters too experience this problem due to a variety of reasons.


1. Extreme discomfort in sitting, standing and other movements.
2. The pain may not be localized in hips but may be felt in the groin and thighs.
3. Any pain in the back can also pass to the hips.


1. Most of the hip joints pains result from fracture due to sudden falling down.
2. People suffering from osteoporosis are prone to fractures and dislocation of hip joints.
3. Arthritis can cause hip pains that can be felt in thighs and groin area.
4. Bursitis that cause pain in the hips while getting up from chair, walking etc.
5. Muscular sprain or strain
6. Osteonecrosis in the hips
7. Tendonitis
8. Nervous irritation
9. Sciatica or low back pain.

Some do's and don'ts in case of Hip joints pains -


1. Sitting slightly leaning backwards.
2. Equal distribution of body weight on the legs while standing.
3. Weight should be lifted and carried closer to the body.
4. Body weight should be controlled.


1. Minimize high impact activities like sports, running and jumping.
2. Avoid activities that require wide spreading of the legs.
3. Restrict repeated bending of the hips.
4. Never sleep exerting pressure on the affected hips. It is advisable to sleep lying on the back or on stomach.
5. Avoid too much stair climbing that produces lots of frictions on the hip joints.
6. Prolonged sitting can worsen hip pains.

Treatments and Remedies

1. Various analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like acetaminophen and ibuprofen are prescribed to provide relief from joint pains.

2. Hip replacement surgery is also performed especially in case of osteonecrosis and acute arthritis.

3. Herbal extracts of Cat's claw and Boswelia Serrata are very helpful in reducing the hip pain.

4. A massage of the Rumatone Gold herbal oils with Rumatone capsules gives good results.

Various stretching and muscle toning exercises are very beneficial in treating hip joints pains. But before starting the stretching exercises, a 15 minutes heat treatment is necessary that can be done through heated bath or shower. Heat helps in preparing the tissues of the hip muscles to be ready for the exercises.

Practical Prevention of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease caused by gradual wear and tear of joints. Though the exact cause of osteoarthritis is not determined but many factors may contribute to the development of this disease. They include age, sex, hereditary, nerve injury, muscle weakness, obesity or occupation. But there is something which you can do to diminish your risk of getting osteoarthritis.

Practical Prevention of Osteoarthritis:

Keep your weight down: Research suggests that obese people are at risk of osteoarthritis and that weight loss prevents or delays osteoarthritis from occurring. Obese people posses a significant risk of developing osteoarthritis by putting unnecessary strain on the joints. Study shows that people who loose 11 pounds cut their risk of osteoarthritis to half.

Get enough calcium and vitamins C and D: One of the best ways to avoid bone osteoarthritis is the proper intake of vitamins especially calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is the major component of bone, and is therefore crucial to maintain bone density whereas vitamin D helps in absorption of calcium.

Intake of sufficient amount of calcium in diet: Adult should have a daily intake of 1,000-1,500 mg per day through diet and this will reduce the chances of getting osteoarthritis.

Take precautions at work: Researchers have linked osteoarthritis with repetitive tasks and with jobs that involve kneeling or squatting, especially when lifting heavy objects.

Strengthen muscle and joints through exercise: Exercise can help reduce joint pain and stiffness. Light to moderate-intensity physical activity may prevent or delay the process of bone degeneration.

Avoids sports injury: Avoid sport injury by taking proper precaution while playing or doing exercise. Precautions that you should take while exercising include using proper equipment and protective gear; cross training or varying your activities; taking a break if something hurts or you feel tired; and getting prompt care for injuries.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Arthritis Joint Pain

Arthritis joint pain can be a chronic condition which sees sufferers go through hell with immense pain. There are other implications that will see your condition become much worse due to the condition. One of the condition that is likely to develop is endocrine failure. You will also develop a thyroid problem.

People who suffer from this condition have been seen to have some inactive glands. These glands are androgen and estrogen. This problem will prompt an immediate medical investigation. Other conditions might be discovered. Therefore, arthritis joint pain presents a real challenge when it affects you. The condition has always been associated with old age or the aging process.

Arthritis joint pain will result in so much more devastation. If you had an injury which was repeatedly injured in the past, there will be formation of a mineral like calcium. This will be the onset of bone degeneration and deterioration. This process is pretty hard to reverse. There are various signs you need to look out for when you have this condition.

You will experience swelling then, you might have skin irritation. Loss of movement and general impairment is generally the final outcome of arthritis joint pain. Crippling of the joints will cause a lot of devastation to many who are affected. Therefore, it is vital for you to seek medical attention early. You must realize that medications that are administered for occasional joint pain will not do the trick.

You need to go for specialized care which will be effective. For arthritis joint pain, you will need to stimulate the cartilage naturally so that it can regenerate. This is sometimes done by the administration of mineral supplements. The use of these supplements has elicited different reactions showing different levels of success.

Another treatment that is used to stimulate regeneration is amino sugar. However, it does not also have standard results for all people. Consultation with your health provider will enable you choose your treatment regiment. This has to be done after many factors are considered and several tests run. You must go for a treatment and ignoring the problem is not an option.

It does not really matter the length of time you have been suffering from the condition; you need to seek medical help. This is because treatments might work for you. You can go for programs that will help the pain subside. You can choose various things like a warm massage. Pressure puncture is also a good way to ensure that you alleviate the pain.

Consider reflex stimulation and see whether it will work for you. You will have to change your lifestyle to accommodate your problem. This means getting the right treatment and undertaking helpful exercises. Let a doctor guide you to the right direction when it comes to treatment.

You should consider every treatment available when other treatments prove not to work. Above all, keep a positive attitude so that you can facilitate your recovery. If the condition is pretty bad, learn to adapt and make the most out of what you have.

Home Remedy For Stiff Joints - Discover the Amazing Ingredient For Stiff Joints That Never Fails

Although prescription based medicine for stiff joints provide temporary relief from pain, they also carry a lot of side effects. Is there an effective home remedy for stiff joints? Find out the expert answers in this article.

Cox-2 inhibitors are among the most commonly used prescription medicine for stiff and painful joints. They are also widely used for pain relief for arthritis patients.

However, Cox-2 inhibitors possess serious side effects. For example, Vioxx is a Cox-2 inhibitor manufactured by the company Merck. It had to be taken back from the market because of claims by thousands of people who suffered from heart problems and even death. Many of these lawsuits are pending even till this date.

A natural home remedy for stiff and painful joints is a much better option to avoid the risk of hazardous side effects and achieve long-lasting and permanent pain relief. In fact, natural medicine for stiff joints also gives overall health benefits as an added bonus.

Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the best natural medicine for stiff joints. They also enhance brain and cardiovascular health.

Omega 3s are an excellent natural anti-inflammatory. Research indicates that inflammation is the root cause of stiff and painful joints, such as those seen in arthritis patients.

Omega-3 fatty acids inhibit the activity of those enzymes that play a key role in cartilage degeneration. They reduce inflammation naturally. This makes them one of the best home remedy for stiff joints.

Purified fish oil is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids. A daily intake of fish oil is one of the best ways for a proper omega-3 supplementation naturally.

Another effective natural medicine for painful joints is the green lipped mussel found in the New Zealand. It is also very high in omega-3 fats. It has been found very effective in reducing joint pain and stiffness, and improving the pace of walking in osteoarthritis patients.

An inclusion of omega-3 fatty acids in your regular diet through purified fish oil supplements is not only an effective medicine for stiff joints, but it also gives numerous other health benefits. It can be truly called as the best home remedy for stiff joints.

Arthritis Vs Aging - The Epic Battle Rages

There are over 100 different forms of arthritis. The most common form, osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) is a result of trauma to the joint, infection of the joint, or age. Other arthritis forms are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and related autoimmune diseases. Septic arthritis is caused by joint infection.

People with arthritis have pain. The following are some ways that may help relieve some of the pain associated with arthritis. Remember when your pain is better, you move better and you feel better. Before you use any of the following, check with your doctor.

Use dry heat; this includes a heating pad, a warm dry towel, a heat wrap, or even a rice sock:

  • You can make a rice sock by using 1 large box of uncooked rice, place the uncooked rice in a man's tube sock (a new one would work best).

  • Tie or sew the end of the sock.

  • Place the sock in the microwave for 1 minute or until the sock is warm.

  • Place an affected area for 15-20 minutes.

Use moist heat

  • These types of heat can decrease pain and stiffness.

  • Moist heat includes a warm bath or shower.

  • The use of a warm wet towel placed in the painful area for 15 minutes can be helpful.

Use cold packs

  • Some people with arthritis use cold packs to help their painful areas as ice packs can be used to reduce swelling at the painful areas.

  • An ice pack can be placed at the painful spot for 15 minutes.

  • You can use gel packs, a commercial cold pack, or even a bag of frozen vegetables.

  • Make sure to cover the ice pack with a towel or some type of cloth to protect your skin.


  • Listen to your body-if you are tired, take a break and rest.

  • Most adults need about 7 hours of sleep a night.


  • Exercise is one of the best gifts you can give your body-especially if you have arthritis.

  • If you dread the treadmill and won't be seen in an aerobics class, don't fret. Exercise can be sculpted to fit your life.

  • You may want to try water aerobics-it is not only low impact, but it helps decrease your pain level.

The major complaint by individuals who have arthritis is joint pain. Pain is often a constant and may be localized to the joint affected. The pain from arthritis occurs due to inflammation that occurs around the joint, damage to the joint from disease, daily wear and tear of joint, muscle strains caused by forceful movements against stiff, painful joints and fatigue. For those exploring potential treatment options, doctors often recommend a simple lab test for arthritis that can be selected from our lab test library to assess your situation.

A NOTE OF CAUTION: Remember, to be safe when you use heat and cold applications. The heat and cold application temperatures must not be too hot or too cold. Be sure you can touch the cold or heat pack without hurting your fingers and hands. Be sure to use a heavy cotton towel between your skin and the application. This will help even more in protecting your skin. Please check with your doctor if you have concerns such as sensitive skin, and/or circulatory impairments.

TMJ Pain Relief and Treatments - What You Need to Know

TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorder is a dysfunction of the jaw joints and muscles that can be very painful and disturbing. This condition reduces your ability to smoothly move your jaw resulting to difficulty opening and closing the mouth. The jaw pain may radiate to the face, ears, neck and shoulder. People suffering from this disorder may also experience mild to severe headache. Effective TMJ pain relief and treatments are important to feel better and get rid of the pains of this jaw disorder.

Finding a TMJ pain relief that will work for you can be a real challenge. Different people respond to different treatments but here are some of the treatments to help you get rid of the pain of TMJ disorder:

Medication. The common treatment to get rid of discomforts of TMJ disorder is pain reliever medication. However, pain reliever can only give you a temporary TMJ pain relief. Prolonged use of pain relievers may lead to drug addiction and can also result to side effects or other health issues. It is best to ask the advice of your doctor before taking medications for an extended period of time to avoid complications.

Ice packs. Applying ice packs or cold compress on the affected area helps reduce swelling and relieve the pain. Make sure to wrap the ice pack on a clean towel and do not apply directly on your face or jaw to avoid frost bites.

Heat therapy. Application of moist heat can be very comforting and a good TMJ pain relief. Heat therapy can help improve the blood circulation on the affected area and it helps alleviate the pain.

Relax and take a rest. Anxiousness and stress are not good if you are experiencing TMJ pain. It is best to learn some relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga to ease your muscle and joint tension. A good rest can provide a good TMJ pain relief.

It is important to find the best treatment that will work for you to get rid of the excruciating pain brought by TMJ disorder.

5 Gout Pain Relief Natural Remedies

Gout can be an extremely debilitating condition that leaves the sufferers with red, inflamed painful joints, using in the foot and ankle. There are a number of ways to treat gout, but if you want to avoid medication then why not try these gout pain natural remedies.

Firstly, a brief outline of what causes gout. In essence gout is caused by the build up of uric acid crystals in the blood that are then deposited in the joints and soft tissues surrounding the joints. Uric acid naturally occurs in our bodies, the problems start when there is excessive levels present.

Your body can have an excess of uric acid for a number of reasons:

- It's can be down to a hereditary condition whereby your body struggles to process uric acid efficiently.

- Your diet is high in purine-rich foods. Purine, when metabolized, produces uric acid, so if you're eating lots of purine-rich foods the body struggles to expel the resulting high levels of uric acid.

- Some medications can lead to increased levels of uric acid.

- Being obese can also increase uric acid levels

- Impaired kidney function can hinder the process of eliminating uric acid in via the urine.

There are a number of gout pain relief natural remedies that you can use to reduce the swelling and relieve the pain of a gout flare-up.

1. Water

The simplest of the home remedies is water. We all know that we're supposed to drink 6 - 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day, but we don't all do it! However, as a gout sufferer it is vitally important to keep your fluid intake up. Keeping the body hydrated dilutes the uric acid and allows it to be easily processed by the kidneys and eliminated in the urine.

If drinking that much water isn't very appetizing to you then fruit juices and tea are okay alternatives. But try to drink as much pure water as you can.

2. Icing

When you have a gout flare up a great way to reduce the swelling and accompanying pain is to ice the area. Keeping a cold compress pack in the freezer makes this an easy task when gout strikes.

3. Warmth

Conversely, other gout sufferers report experiencing relief when keeping the affected area warm. Try wrapping a warm towel around the joint or applying a warm wheat bag to the area. This can help to alleviate the pain and many gout sufferers say it's a good way to help you get to sleep.

4. Diet

changing your diet is a longer-term remedy. It won't bring you immediate relief, but it will reduce the uric acid in your system over time and help prevent further attacks.

The focus of a gout friendly diet is to avoid food with very high purine levels and replace them with foods which moderate to low purine levels. Here are a few examples of what to eat and what not to eat:

Gout Friendly Foods:

Fruit & fruit juices

Most vegetables


Dairy products


Foods to avoid:

Meat extracts

Shellfish (ie scrimp & mussels)



Dried legumes.

5. Cherry Juice

1950 was the year that cherries were discovered to bring relief from gout symptoms. Furthermore, recent studies on the anti-inflammatory properties of cherries have produced similar positive effects. Cherry juice is not a drug and therefore has not been submitted to the clinical trials that medications have, however, many gout sufferers have found relief from their gout symptoms while drinking
or taking cherry juice or extract.

If you are suffering from painful gout symptoms all of the above 5 gout pain relief natural solutions can be utilized alongside any medication you may be taking. More information about treating gout can be found on our web site where you can sign up for a free newsletter.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Dog Pain Relief at Home - Remedies You Can Try

Isn't it difficult when we experience excruciating pain and we do not know what to do? Can you imagine how difficult it is for your pet, who cannot even properly express what he is feeling, much less go his own way to relieve himself of this extreme discomfort. Therefore it is very important that you know when your pet is feeling pain and what we can do to ease their suffering.

Canines in pain exhibit similar symptoms, whatever the root cause of the pain might be. They usually whimper/whine, refuse food and drink, trembling, depression and lessened physical activity. When you see these signs manifesting, you need to see with the vet right away to properly diagnose why your dog is in pain.

Fortunately, there are many dog pain relievers in the market today that will help you in solving this problem. The vet will probably prescribe a safe non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drug specific to his condition to help in lessening the pain. However, if you are not able to get to a vet right away, or if the diagnosis take a long time coming-here are some simple remedies for dog pain relief at home.

The quickest way to help your pet is to immediately regulate his movements so that he is not subject to any more activity that may aggravate his condition. Settle him in a large, comfortable area and bring his dog dish and water bowl close by. While regular and light exercise is good-for now avoid superfluous movements and limit exercise to trips to the bathroom.

If you see swelling, you can apply an ice pack or a cold compress on it for 15 minutes. This reduces the swelling that is the cause of pain. Do this every other hour for the next two days or until you see an improvement to the area of swelling. Do not apply hot compress for any type of swelling. Hot compresses can provide soothing relief for aching muscles and tense canines.

Never give over the counter prescription medications like Aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Aceteminophen and Advil as dog pain relievers. They contain substances that are very toxic to dogs and may lead to serious health complications. Aspirin can cause ulcers and furthermore, thins out blood-this is dangerous especially when the canine is undergoing surgery or any operation.

A gentle massage is also an effective dog pain relief at home strategy. It calms the stressed dog and this reduces his level of pain. Moreover, massage stimulates blood flow that alleviates muscle tension-also commonly associated with dog pain. Make sure you keep your dog's ideal weight; and is well-fed with healthy food, rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

Sure, it's frustrating and very hard for us to see our pet in pain; but we can do our part by bringing them to regular check-ups and being vigilant of any physical and behavioral changes. Do whatever you can to give your dog a healthy and happy life-and the rest will work itself out. Enjoy!

Arthritis in Dogs - Natural Dog Pain Relief

It's really bizarre, the number of animals suffering from 'people' type disease like arthritis in dogs. To see some poor dog limping around, (and it's happening in younger ones) is something most of us cannot bear to watch.

It's true that it's more common in the larger breeds and in particular the purebreds, but I have to say even smaller dogs have arthritis pain. As for the purebreds, I believe that the genetic manipulation which is prevalent in their lines may cause expression of various desired traits like coat color, structure, behavior etc., but at the expense of heartier, sturdy genetics resulting in chronic ailments coming out which in nature, they would not.

Arthr (joint) itis (inflammation) is as it's root words indicate, an inflammation in the joints, particularly the weight bearing ones. Commonly, dog arthritis pain occurs in the hips and ankle joints.

The normal joint is the meeting of two bones which are lined with a pad of cartilage and bathed in a nutrient rich liquid called synovial fluid. In arthritis, the fluid starts to dry up, the cartilage thins and as this gets worse and worse the two bones end up rubbing together creating bone destruction and crippling pain.

Obviously, your dog can't tell you about their joint look for symptoms or indications such as:

1) Favoring one leg
2) Difficulty getting up and/or laying down.
3) Sleeping more
4) Avoiding or hesitating when you want to go for a walk, especially when they loved it before
5) Weight gain
6) Disposition changes, especially more cranky or aggressive
7) Being less alert or bright

Don't forget that inflammation in one area of the body, will predispose to inflammatory problems throughout, such as Diabetes, Heart problems, Skin disorders, etc.

Glucosamine For Dogs and Other Natural Solutions For Dogs With Arthritis

First and foremost, do NOT give your dog any Ibruprofen or Tylenol-type medications! They are extremely toxic to animals and just far too risky. Besides, they solve nothing. Your dog is not suffering from joint pain and arthritis because they lack acetominophen or ibruprophen!

The best anti-inflammatory for dogs is in their food. And they key to avoiding arthritis in dogs is to feed them naturally, chemical free food from day one.

Commercial pet food is filled with dye, chemical flavor enhancers, preservatives and that doesn't even mention the quality of the 'protein'. That can be from dead, diseased animals, chicken feathers, beaks and feet. It's really very disgusting.

I was fortunate enough to find a book by a Vet who had lost his dear pet to these types of foods and according to him the typical medications he was trained to use in college. Dr. Jones admitted that approach is wrong.

Combine that information with the use natural arthritis cures such as glucosamine for dogs, homeopathics like Rhus Tox for stiffness, Ruta Grav for acutual joint pain and Belladonna for that really hot, sore joint.

Arthritis in dogs can be treated successfully and changes in your dog's diet will save them from other chronic diseases, leaving them to live happy healthy lives.

TMJ Symptoms and Their Treatment

TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome, a painful condition of the jaw joint. It is also called TMD for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. The jaw joint, in front of the ear, is a ball and socket joint where the lower jaw (mandible) connects with the temporal bone of the skull. Between the two bones is a cartilage pad for cushioning. The jaw joint can be out of alignment. This gives what dentists call malocclusion, or a bad bite.

Neuromuscular dentistry

General dentistry, which we are all familiar with, treats teeth and gums, filling cavities, doing crowns, dentures, root canals etc. In recent years, with computers and lasers, dentistry has taken giant strides forward and expanded its conception of how to treat teeth. One of the new dentistry areas is neuromuscular dentistry, which looks at the jaw joint and its related structures - muscles, nerves, blood vessels, ligaments, and other soft tissue - as well as teeth and gums. A neuromuscular dentist considers the whole face, head, neck and shoulder area when examining or treating dental problems.

Misaligned jaw joint

The causes of TMJ are not fully understood. It can be caused by trauma to the head which knocks the joint out of alignment, moving the cartilage pad or mandible from their correct positions. Sometimes it's slowly caused by chronic tooth grinding, and sometimes by misaligned teeth. Genetic factors can play a part, and some systemic diseases and developmental abnormalities. It is thought that a majority of Americans suffer from TMJ to some degree or other, without knowing it.

When the upper and lower teeth do not meet correctly, the jaw muscles become strained. We open and close the jaw so many times each day, and this continual strain builds up in the muscles and related tissues, creating inflammation and swelling. This in turn can compress the nerves in the area, and the result is pain.

TMJ symptoms

The most common and painful symptom is headaches. They are often thought of as migraines, and the sufferer may visit several doctors in search of relief. A series of pain medications helps temporarily, but does not treat the cause. A physician will not usually look at headaches as having a dental cause.

Each case of TMJ is unique, and there may be any combination of these symptoms:

· Jaw pain

· Neck and shoulder pain

· Earache

· Ringing in the ears

· Popping or clicking sounds in the jaw

· Limited jaw movement

· Tingling in the arms or fingers

· Stiffness and fatigue in the jaw muscles

· Chewing discomfort

· Unexplained dental pain

· Unexplained tooth wear or chipping

It may seem mysterious that a jaw joint problem could cause symptoms in the shoulders or hands or ears. There are several large nerves in the facial areas, with many branches running through the entire head, face, neck, shoulder, and arm areas. One is the trigeminal nerve, the largest nerve in the body. These nerves with their many branches, register sensation in all the areas where they extend. When one part of a nerve branch is compressed, the resulting pain can be felt by other parts of that nerve.

Home Remedies for Soothing a Stiff Neck

If you have ever woken up with a sore neck then you can appreciate how painful and annoying it can be. A pain is noticed as soon as you try to turn your head in the morning. If for whatever reason your neck goes out-of-place whilst you are sleeping there are several different remedies which might be practiced to help with soothing a sore or stiff feeling neck. Here are some of the main remedies that might be used at home -


If you wake up with a sore neck due to sleeping in a somewhat awkward position then a first thing to reach for in the morning might the supply of NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the medicine cabinet. These might include aspirin, naproxen sodium or ibuprofen, which are all everyday pain medications that can be quite effective in relieving the sore neck symptoms.

Gently Move the Neck

A common reaction to waking up with a sore neck is to twist and turn to try to loosen it up. However, this is the exact opposite of what you should be doing. Rather then aggressively moving the neck, it is a lot more beneficial to gradually move the neck in a left and right, up and down direction, which should be done in small movements. Always aim to be gentle in your movements. You might also want to try to massage the neck to help with loosening up the sore neck muscles. If you continue to do this gently for five to ten minutes then the neck should start to loosen up.

Use an Ice Pack

Besides doing a gentle massage, another effective technique that can be used to loosen the neck muscles is to place an ice pack on the sore area, which should slow help to relieve the pain and reduce the inflammation. An ice pack can often be used over a period of 72 hours if the stiffness persists.

In most cases the sore neck is a result of sleeping in an awkward position and because of that you wake up hurting. However, if the aches seem to be more persistent and noticeable than usual it might mean that something more serious is the problem. Neck or back pain can be serious, so if the symptoms of a sore neck include numbness, fever, or a headache then it is often best to visit a doctor to find the full extent of the problem.

Primary Benefits of Glucosatrin For Joint Pain

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis or damage of joints. Due to wear and tear, disease or even normal degradation of bones and joints this chronic illness can easily affect one. Pain is the most vivid and pronounced symptom which this illness brings along with it. Other symptoms may include tenderness, stiffness etc the collagen fiber in most cases is destroyed or decays resulting in an inflammation, which lasts longer. There is a continuous oxygen radical production from these surfaces, which increases the inflammations, reddening the surface of the skin and making it tender.

What can be done for the extreme joint pain?

It is rather very irritating and extremely annoying to keep experiencing a pain throughout your life. Especially when you are doing some work, engaging in some movements this pain recurs. The best way to fight this lifelong pain is to keep exercising on a regular basis and at the same time depend on some supplement rich in sulphate, which regulates the body's ammine production generating the betterment of bones and cartilages. Yet, selecting one efficient supplement is a problem altogether.

What is Glucosamine Sulphate?

A bioactive product that is found in supplements like Glucosatrin is very effective for a life long relief from the joint pains. It not only eases out the pain bringing it down to nominal but also at the same time, it ensures the bone and joint health. It helps in the production of mucopolysaccharides, which are responsible for the cartilage and bone tissue synthesis. Manages osteoarthritis by helping you to change and lead a more active lifestyle with the chronic illness.

What are the other benefits of Glucosatrin?

Rich in effective bioactive substances like Glucosamine, the supplement ensures that the body better absorbs it and readily which in turn promotes flexibility. Better skeletal structure, better bone hardness is what it supervises along with a regular vitamin and mineral supplementation. Ensuring a better health along with everything else is a gift of Glucosatrin. It is the magic of a few small compounds found in Glucosatrin, which your body has stopped producing due to certain reasons.

The essential vitamins present in Glucosatrin works towards the nurturing of the inflammated regions by looking after better collagen production. The essential compounds help in better functioning of the joints over the years by eradicating the oxygen radicals, which cause maximum damage and corrode the bone surface. Along with taking care of the damaged portions, the supplement tends to keep the healthy bones and joints fit and manage them better not to let osteoarthritis overtake them. From taking care of the diseased to the healthy joints, Glucosatrin does all in the best possible way.

Muscular Pain Relief - Soothing Stress and Muscle Overuse

Do you experience burning sensation on your thighs or back after hours of exercising? If your answer is yes, you are experiencing muscular pain. Most people suffer from muscle pain because of stress or overuse. This may also be a symptom of rheumatic conditions.

Here are some muscle pain relief options that may address this troublesome condition:

-Oral versus Topical Medication

When choosing muscle pain relief, the first decision you have to make is whether you prefer taking a pill or applying topical medication to your skin.

Pills and other oral medications enter the bloodstream through the digestive system. For systemic problems, oral medication is the clear choice. For problems like sore muscles because of vigorous activity, a topical solution is the best remedy.

-Topical Rub versus Patch

Topical medications are popular muscle pain relief options. They come in the form of ointment and salves; and also mixtures of healing herbs and animal fat or butter. Today's muscle rubs are direct descendants of original recipes. A recent innovation is the stick-on patch. This soothes aching muscles through direct contact with skin over a period of time. You may prefer the long-lasting effects of patches if your muscle pain is in an area covered by clothing.

Topical solutions may provide immediate relief for minor muscle pains if applied periodically. These are usually strong smelling and oily, so be careful when applying it. Make sure you wear loose or old clothing.

Muscular pain relief contain active ingredients giving off different effects to users- analgesic (pain-killing), counterirritant, and anti-inflammatory. Some ingredients may have more than one of these effects. One example is Aspirin, which is both an analgesic and anti-inflammatory medication.

Ingredients falling under counterirritant are menthol and camphor. These may cause a mild, stinging sensation or soothing effect for minor irritations. Reactions may vary - some people feel heat while others feel a chilling sensation. This leads to pain-relieving effects because the nerves become 'distracted' in sending the brain the heat or chilling message.

Homemade Topical Solution for Muscular Pain

If menthol-flavoured topical solutions are effective for you, you can choose to make your own. All you have to do is add five to ten drops of peppermint, eucalyptus, and camphor or clove essential oil into a tablespoon of unscented massage oil. Any vegetable oil will do. You can even use salad oils for your home-made rub.

Apply the mixture to the source of pain and rub in well. A good massage using these oils will be even more effective. Make sure you use pure essential oils as opposed to grocery store 'peppermint-flavoured extract'. Before using them, though, apply the solution to your skin sparingly until you are confident you have no allergic reactions to it.

Don't assume that herbal products are less effective than modern science. Many of our standard medicines were originally derived from herbal ingredients. Check the labels of products at the pain-relief section of your local pharmacy and try both analgesic and counter-irritant products to see which will suit you best.

Hip Dysplasia In Shih Tzus

Shih Tzus are known as energetic, playful and has lively personality. Once you notice something strange with your Shih Tzu's behavior, you can be sure that he is feeling something different. Is he not as active as he is used to be?

Check out because he might be suffering from hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia is a joint disease in animals, commonly found in dogs than in cats. Some says dysplasia is a genetic disease; some describes it as a developmental disease. Whether a genetic or a developmental disease, the fact remains that it is a disease thus something must be done to treat it.

But before taking steps in treating this disease, it is important to fully understand what hip dysplasia is. Hip dysplasia is a condition wherein there is abnormality in the hip joint of a dog. It could affect left, right or both legs. In a dysplastic hip, the ball and the socket do not fit together resulting to damaging and painful friction. Most dogs with dysplasia are born with normal hips but because of genetics and other factors, the soft tissues that surround the joint start to grow along with the puppy.

So how will you know that a dog has dysplasia? Some puppies, as young as five months old will may experience symptoms such as difficulty in rising, lameness in the back legs soreness after lying down and after heavy exercise and reluctance to jump or stand on hind limbs. The usual active and energetic Shih Tzu may now have less energy and movement. They oftentimes avoid activities that involve much movement and energy. This disease if left untreated can lead to arthritis. And as time goes by, the dog may even need assistance in getting up or worst, may cripple the dog for life.

It has been said that dysplasia is an inherited disease. Yes, dysplasia is passed on through genes and develops over time. It may not be evident at once but it can be triggered by obesity, improper nutrition and other factors as well. Not all dogs with hip dysplasia show no signs of disease. The risk is that, these dogs may be included in a breeding program thus prevention of the disease can be impossible.

This disease, as much as it can be prevented can also be treated in many ways. These treatments include pain medications, weight loss programs especially for obese dogs, controlled exercise, good nutrition and physical therapy. But if the prior mentioned treatments are found ineffective especially in worst cases, another option is surgical treatment.

Dysplasia is a disease of large breed of dogs however, medium and small sized dogs such as Shih Tzus, is not exempted from being affected with this disease of the joint. It can be passed on through genes so it is important take extra care in breeding programs.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Alzheimer's and Heart Disease - The XO Connection, One Treatment?

What do canker sores, bone spurs or chest pain reveal about your susceptibility to Alzheimer's or heart disease?

Curiously, each condition seems to be connected.

Forty-plus years of research suggest that the relatively minor conditions pulsate the warning that your tissues are dry kindling for fire of Alzheimer's or heart disease, if not a who's who list of chronic degenerative conditions, including: arthritis, gout, diabetes, non-healing wounds, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis (MS), and even cancer.

You're not alone. The lava of chronic ills bubbles under the crust of apparent good health in just about everyone. The leading cause of death, they're not to be taken, lightly. Fortunately, something can be done to prevent or reverse them.

Forty years ago, when cardiologist, Kurt A. Oster, M.D., and Fairfield University professor, Donald J. Ross, Ph.D., began their study of atherosclerosis by examining the initial injury to the artery lining, they discovered an enzyme, XO, worming Swiss cheese holes within it, making affected sections a brittle garden hose prone to leaks.

Noting that the composition of arteries is similar to the myelin coating of nerves, to connective tissue under the skin, and to brain tissue, they realized that each tissue is also vulnerable to the action of XO. It led to an understanding of considerable consequence.

Oster and Ross concluded that inflammation introduces xanthine oxidase, (XO), and that the enzyme is involved in a nearly identical, cascade of events at the start of each chronic illness. In other words, nearly the same disease process occurs in diverse tissues and organs yet each condition is assigned a different name according to the nature and to the locale where symptoms become manifest.

The two researchers published the hypothesis that "a multitude of apparently unrelated diseases may be actually only one many-faceted disease."1,2

In the last two decades, investigators at the cutting edge of inflammation research in dozens of institutes, worldwide, have largely validated the thesis that inflammation is the common denominator of virtually all chronic degenerative diseases. Inflammation has become the focus of intense study.

And the word is getting out. The significance of inflammation at the start of all chronic degenerative diseases has propelled the subject to the cover of Time magazine (Feb. 23, 2004).

-A Look at Ground Zero of Chronic Illnesses-

Oster and Ross advanced the thesis that internal inflammation is characterized by the activation of the bee venom-like enzyme, PLA2, triggered by calcium and stress hormones. The action of PLA2 on the fat component of cell membranes, they pointed out, frees up space for XO to move in and complete the digestion of the fat component. In other words, it's a two-phase, ignition process, starting with what amounts to the fire insulation within a cell membrane being stripped, followed by the spark of XO igniting the cell.

Digging deeper, after XO torches the fat component of cell membranes, fire alarms are sounded and chaos ensues on the cellular level, with inflammation signals apparently reaching distant parts of the body, where they resonate in different ways. In the brain, inflammation may resonate as a headache.

In any event, tissues don't burn cleanly. A smoky fire generates free radical byproducts. Cigarette smoke and sunlight also produce free radicals but nowhere near as many as XO.3 A chain reaction of cell death ensues, accelerated by nitrites and sulfites from commonly consumed, preserved foods and drinks. Lesions are created when damage outpaces repair. When lesions outpace healing, oxidative stress to a tissue interferes with function.4 A diagnosis is then made - diabetes, arthritis, Lupus and the like. The name of the disease depends, most often, on where XO nests up.

"Link Between Heart Disease, Alzheimer's," is a story aired on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer, (January 14, 2004). In it, reporter John McKenzie investigates evidence of an apparent connection between the two.

The broadcast focuses on observations made by a scientist whose job is to determine the cause of death in deceased persons as well as the timing - when death occurred - by staining and analyzing relevant tissues under the microscope. Comparing brain and artery slides, he makes a noteworthy finding. Quoting from the transcript:

"While working in the Kentucky medical examiner's office, Larry Sparks was checking brain tissues looking for early signs of Alzheimer's disease."

"He noticed that those who had the telltale plaques of Alzheimer's had one thing in common:

'I took the slides... and put them into two piles, those with heart disease and those without heart disease. And all the plaques and tangles showed up in the pile with heart disease,' said Sparks."5

The information represents yet another cog in the thesis that Alzheimer's, heart disease and other chronic conditions are the same illness in different locations.

-Reassessing Traditional Theory and Taking Charge of Health-

Curiously enough, the ranks of a new generation investigating XO include a good number who have never heard of Oster and Ross yet their latest findings dovetail with those made by the two pioneers.

Independent confirmations are powerful testimony in science.

After decades of advice to lower cholesterol and saturated fat, an epidemic of epidemic chronic degenerative diseases is maiming society like cannon-fire at close range. An out-of-control health situation is raising questions.

"Might it be that the nutritional advice has been wrong, all along? Might it be that it is the cause of the train wreck in health?"

Considering the rather abysmal record of the medical-pharmaceutical industry in reversing chronic illness, ordinary folks are starting to take charge of their health by reading up, by getting second opinions and by making educated choices.

In pioneering days, self-sufficiency was synonymous with survival. Curiously, it's no less true with respect to health, today.

However, the sheer volume of information plus separating fact from fiction is no ordinary task for persons without a science background. How does one find a nugget of health truth when 1 million search responses weigh down the screen, along with one's patience?

As an aspiring researcher and author, I happened to stumble upon a gold nugget after taking the first step, about 30 years ago. The information became the title: "Homogenized Milk & Atherosclerosis." Nearly, 1 million copies were printed.6

True, numbers don't always correlate to substance but walls of shoeboxes bulging with letters of gratitude suggest that it wasn't just the cover that readers came to value.

Theory that was so contrarian, back then, is becoming Wikipedia mainstream, today. But it's not a fad. They come and go. The topic of XO has begun to clog servers as fast as it has been clogging arteries. "You see, it's not cholesterol."

Just tapping "xanthine oxidase" (XO) into a search engine gives a decibel appreciation for the laboratory buzz. The info rush is tied to the finding that XO is responsible for more than just heart disease.

"In medical schools across the U.S., cardiologists, rheumatologists, oncologists, allergists and neurologists are all suddenly talking to one another - and they're discovering that they're looking at the same thing."7

While researchers continue to debate whether XO originates from homogenized cow's milk, in which it's plentiful, or from the human liver, it's not excluded that both sources are involved in chronic illness. However, cow's milk XO is roughly 15 times more potent, apparently, the tipping point factor in overcoming the body's anti-radical defenses and forming lesions. Cow's milk XO is hard liquor; human XO is 2.8% beer.8

Virtually, any tissue or organ except the liver is prey to its action - arteries, nerves, joints, skin, and the brain. Even the lens of the eye is vulnerable. Clearly, XO is big.

Much like a callus or a bunion forms over a blister or layers of pearl form around an irritating grain of sand, the body reacts to caustic XO by layering plaque around it.

The symptoms of a chronic degenerative disease can be viewed as complications resulting from cyclical episodes of XO-instigated damage and healing. Cholesterol actually contributes to the healing phase. It's why its levels sometimes increase. The irritant, XO, remains. Resulting plaque and scars that encase it are gunk that interferes with the hum of a fine-tuned organ. Illnesses ending with "sclerosis," like multiple sclerosis (MS) or atherosclerosis, are so named because of a thickening or hardening of a body part. The hardening occurs around the irritant - XO.

Again, the name of the disease depends, simply enough, on where XO nests up. For life.

Plaques and tangles cannot be the result of something as inert as cholesterol or fat. To blame cholesterol is like blaming Bambi for devouring a lamb. The only lions in the human system with adequate bite and a large enough appetite for tissues that pathologists see chewed up, regularly, are enzymes. XO is a digestive enzyme. When it ends up outside of the digestive system it starts to digest body parts instead of food.

In the title, Something Called XO, the novel thesis is advanced that canker sores - those little, whitish sores in the mouth - are also XO-instigated lesions but without attendant plaque, scars or organ meltdown.9

Such is the bite into the bad news.

The Nobel laureate good news is that one disease pathway means that each condition - more than 50 of them - is amenable to nearly the same treatment. Oster and Ross suggested the same. A common therapy makes the discovery of XO's role in many chronic degenerative diseases the "mother lode of health breakthroughs."

And canker sore flare-ups are markers - warning lights on the dashboard of common sense suggesting that tissues are ripe for inflammation and that body chemistry is in need of urgent correction.

-The Proof of the Pudding is in the ORS Method-

Everyone knows that guarantees don't exist in health but if one, effective therapy could be found for reversing many diseases, wouldn't it dramatically improve the odds for millions afflicted with incurable conditions? Many drugs for many diseases are money-makers for industry, something that might be tolerable if the drugs worked, yet they are largely hit-or-miss, mostly miss. A single, viable therapy would certainly make them a thing of the past.

In Oster's private practice and at St. Vincent's/Park City Hospital in Bridgeport, Connecticut, where Oster served for 25 years as Chairman of the Department of Medicine and Chief, Section of Cardiology, Emeritus, for an additional 14 years, he transformed theory into real-life results in hundreds of patients by blocking the action of XO, allowing incurable conditions to be reversed with remarkable success.

Oster is on record for having successfully treated, without surgery, non-healing leg wounds, complications of atherosclerosis and diabetes.10 Each year, 5.7 million persons in the U.S., alone, are affected by the condition, the majority of them needlessly losing a limb because of physician ignorance about amputation alternatives.

Oster employed the vitamin folic acid not as a nutritional supplement but as a drug, in mega doses, to inhibit the activity of XO allowing healing to outpace tissue damage. Patients were prescribed 80 mg, daily. Despite well-documented results published in esteemed medical journals, along with photos and support materials, the FDA has yet to catch on to Oster's success story or, perhaps, it did catch on, opting to remain beholden to lobbyists, pampered by industry. The medical-pharmaceutical-food industry complex, after all, is no small octopus.

Drugs that inhibit XO, such as Allopurinol, have very nasty side-effects, making it essential to accomplish the same, naturally.

Working closely with Oster and Ross, over a seven-year period, in addition to the privilege of having edited their work, Homogenized Milk May Cause Your Heart Attack: The XO Factor, provided access to materials and personal insights that led to the formulation of an ideal solution - a natural means to inhibit XO.

It's called the ORS Method. It can be viewed as the penicillin of chronic illnesses only it's not a drug.

Its guidelines steer persons seeking to prevent or reverse chronic illness away from foods containing XO, while inhibiting renegade XO already resident in the body. Each degenerative disease has its nuances in terms of how each one should be treated yet the general guidelines comprising the ORS Method are applicable to virtually, every chronic condition. The ORS Method not only eliminates the spark that lights the fire in cells but it also reduces their flammability. The nutritional guidelines do the equivalent of reducing the flammability of firewood by soaking it in water.

Thus, controlling and managing XO boils down to reworking kitchen recipes.

Guidelines in the ORS Method also identify nutritional supplements that activate XO and those that inhibit it. Correct, certain commonly, consumed vitamin and mineral supplements increase XO activity so consuming them can be highly counterproductive.

As just one example, multivitamins containing riboflavin (B2) nourish XO and increase the risk of free radical overload, especially consequential during inflammatory events. Even much-trusted vitamin C can be both an antioxidant and an oxidant under certain conditions, meaning that it can be healthy as well as harmful with respect to chronic illnesses. No less important, vitamin C heightens the immune response, which is undesirable because collateral damage increases. Because of this, physicians prescribe immunosuppressant drugs to lower rather than heighten the immune response during inflammatory episodes.

Without the fine-tuning that the ORS Method provides for controlling XO, attempts to prevent or reverse chronic degenerative diseases by way of diets, supplements or drugs are destined to remain as ineffective as the voodoo of a medical system struggling to redefine itself.

I have been asked why anyone should spend even just $20 on two eBooks when the basic information can be covered in some 4 pages plus one crib sheet listing what to consume and what not to consume.

Chronic degenerative diseases are serious, life-threatening conditions. There is much at stake on both sides of the equation, that is, for patients and for industry. David ended the arrogance and conceit of Goliath with one stone. The life-work of three persons has to be the stone that hits the mark. Only then can its value be appreciated. It's why nearly 400 pages, backed by some 250 references, are needed.

I've now seen enough evidence to guarantee results. And, yes, the punctuation mark maligns, like canker sores or bone spurs, can be easily treated - the same way as the long-winded diseases, like atherosclerosis.

A comma and a period may be small but they tell us much. Without them a sentence is incomplete.

Copyright 穢 2011 N. Sampsidis
Permission to reprint this article is granted free-of-charge by the Publisher upon receipt of requests, in writing.


1. "Is an Enzyme in Homogenized Milk the Culprit in Dietary-induced Atherosclerosis," Medical Counterpoint, K.A. Oster, 5:26-36, Nov 1973.

2. "Homogenized Milk May Cause Your Heart Attack: the XO Factor," Oster, Ross, Dawkins, Park City Press, 1983, pp. 77, 264, in "Homogenized Milk & Atherosclerosis - Healing Heart Disease from A to XO," Nicholas Sampsidis, Sunflower Publishing Company (Sweden), 2011.

3. "Modulation of Radiation-Induced Changes in the Xanthine Oxidoreductase System in the Livers of Mice by its Inhibitors," Radiation Research, M. Srivastava, D. Chandra, R.K. Kale, 157(3):290-297; 2002.

4. "Free Radicals: their History and Current Status in Aging and Disease," Ann Clin Lab Sci, J.A. Knight, 28(6):331-46, Nov-Dec 1998.

5. "Link between Alzheimer's, Heart Disease," ABC World News Diane Sawyer, John McKenzie, Jan. 14, 2004.

6. "Homogenized Milk & Atherosclerosis," Copyright 穢 1980, 1983, N. Sampsidis (First Editions) Sunflower Publishing Co., New York, ISBN 0-943550-00-9 Book format.

7. Time magazine cover story (Feb 23, 2004).

8. "Molecular Characterization of Human Xanthine Oxidoreductase: The Enzyme is Grossly Deficient in Molybdenum and Substantially Deficient in Iron-sulphur Centres," Jour. Biochem, B.L. Godber, G. Schwarz, R.R. Mendel,D.J. Lowe, R.C. Bray, R. Eisenthal, R. Harrison, June 1, 2005, 1;388 (Pt 2):501-8.

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