Friday, April 12, 2013

LitoZin and Joint Health

What is LitoZin?

LitoZin is an innovative and exciting new supplement which has been derived from rose hip in order to help relieve the effects of joint ache. The joints and joint tissues are often a cause of great pain and discomfort for many people and there is a constant need for new ways in which supplements and medicines can be used to promote good joint care and health. Made 100% from natural rose hip plants allows these supplements to be free from any additives and allergens. They can be taken by people who are intolerant to lactose, wheat and vegetarians. With no known side effects you will find this to be a completely natural and pure supplement which can help people troubled joints and joint tissue, be it a long time problem or a new condition.

How do the Ingredients Work?

Rose hips contain specific ingredients which are able to improve joint health and reduce discomfort. The active ingredient in rosehips is called GOPO and was first found a couple of decades ago in Denmark. The only way that enough of the active ingredient can be harvested from rosehip plants is when they are dried using the patented process from LitoZin. LitoZin is the only supplement licensed to have GOPO in their products and this ingredient from rose hip flowers has been found to be an extremely effective ingredient for joint health.

What Forms Can LitoZin be found in?

LitoZin powder and LitoZin 200 capsules are one of the most common forms that this ingredient can be found in and, both are equally effective when taken orally. By following the instructions on the packaging you will find that the controlled doses of the active ingredient GOPO, which has been properly extracted from rose hip plants, are extremely beneficial to anyone who suffers from joint aches and pains. LitoZin is becoming more popular and with increased knowledge and information.

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