Thursday, March 27, 2014

Jaw Pain - New Therapy For Relief

Myofascial Release for Jaw Pain - Healthy Alternative Found in Myofascial Release for Jaw Pain

Jaw pain is not all that uncommon among people these days, and if you have experienced it, you know that it is just plain uncomfortable. TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint disorders, is often caused by unsymmetrical chewing patterns, tightness of the neck, and head posture. You can identify this by pain or tenderness of the jaw, clicking, popping, and locking jaw, inability to open the mouth wide, facial swelling, a tired feeling face, or an off-center bite. If you have this type of problem, trying myofascial release for jaw pain is a great choice for a long term relief of this uncomfortable condition.

When receiving myofascial release for joint pain for TMJ, the therapist will often times first confirm the condition with the patient's dentist and take a history from the patient. The practitioner will then do their own examination, taking note of how the jaw is or is not able to move and any irregularities or sounds that the jaw presents. Once the evaluation is complete and he or she begins the treatment, the practitioner will then begin by applying a mild pressure to areas affecting the jaw, often located in the jaw, head, and neck. Where the fascia is tough, the practitioner will work to loosen and lengthen the fascia.

Another great way for someone to perform myofascial release for jaw pain is through the use of trigger points. These are small knotted locations which are loaded with neurological and chemical factors which, when released, allow the fascia to loosen and repair. Many areas of the face and head can experience relief when these trigger points are released, such as the around the jaw, head, eyes, ear, and teeth. Patients receiving this type of treatment may also be advised to do things such as sleeping with a night guard for teeth, eating softer foods, avoiding rash jaw movements, and using relaxation techniques.

Using myofascial release for jaw pain is a completely safe and effective treatment for TMJ. Although there might be some mild discomfort during treatment, the long term benefits are definitely worthwhile. Experienced, professional practitioners are well aware of where they can apply more or where they need to apply less pressure. Using this form of myofascial release can benefit those experiencing jaw pain and other forms of pain in the face, head, and neck. Choosing to use this form of therapy is much healthier than taking prescription or over the counter pills and is a natural way to treat this type of pain.

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