Tuesday, December 31, 2013

TMJ Disorder Explained and the Most Common Symptoms

The TMJ disorder is a blanket term for problems with the joint connecting the jawbone to the skull. It is also sometimes referred to as TMD, TMJ syndrome, or just TMJ. TMJ is actually an abbreviation for the Temporomandibular joint. The TMJ disorder was actually given a different name in 1934. It was called "Costen's syndrome" after James B. Costen characterized it as being "a syndrome of ear and sinus symptoms dependent upon disturbed function of the temporomandibular joint."

TMJ is much like other joints in the body and can be afflicted with many of the same conditions such as arthritis, dislocations, trauma, neoplasia, reactive lesions, and ankylosis. There are literally dozens of different TMJ symptoms and a wide variety of treatments that can be used to treat this condition. One reason for that is the fact that so many different components are used to make up TMJ.

The main TMJ components are muscles, bones, nerves, ligaments, tendons, teeth, and connective tissues. That brings a long list of medical specialists into the mix with the two main disciplines being dentistry and neurology.

Some of the most common TMJ symptoms are:

1. Headache (especially in the morning)
2. Earache (also in the morning and with no evidence of ear infection)
3. Biting or chewing discomfort or difficulty
4. Dizziness
5. Migraine
6. Hearing loss
7. Dull aching pain in the face
8. Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
9. Jaw pain or tenderness
10. Neck and shoulder pain
11. Clicking, popping, and grating sounds from opening and closing the mouth
12. Limited range of motion for opening and closing the mouth
13. Jaw lopsided or not opening evenly on both sides

Many times a doctor will suggest surgery to correct this condition but the problem with that is it's very invasive and costly not to mention it can be very painful and even ineffective. There are many other natural healing options that should be explored before surgery is considered.

Another thing to think about is, whether you resort to surgery or try a more natural and less expensive treatment plan, your chances of success will greatly depend on understanding the root cause of the TMJ disorder and treating that as well as the TMJ symptoms.

Since the most common cause of the TMJ disorder is the constant grinding or clenching the teeth that people with stress problems do in their sleep it would only make sense that if you didn't treat the stress as well as the TMJ symptoms you have you would only keep damaging your TMJ with the constant wear caused by grinding your teeth.

The best advice when it comes to TMJ pain relief is to find out the root cause of your TMJ disorder and treat that along with your TMJ symptoms.

Fibromyalgia Symptoms, What Is a Dysregulation Syndrome?

Do you have chronic fatigue syndrome? If you suffer with fibromyalgia symptoms, then the answer to that question is probably "Yes". CFS or "chronic fatigue syndrome" goes hand-in-hand with fibromyalgia. There are actually several different issues that typically accompany fibromyalgia symptoms... and many in the scientific and medical communities believe that fibromyalgia symptoms and chronic fatigue syndrome are just different manifestations of the same disease or type of syndrome.

You see, fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome (MCS), myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), and many other conditions form a family of overlapping syndromes. Thanks to the scientific studies done by Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, M.D. of the University of Illinois - College of Medicine, these syndromes have been given a name.

Dr. Yunus views fibromyalgia symptoms and chronic fatigue syndrome as being part of a larger spectrum of conditions, which he calls "Dysregulation Spectrum Syndrome", or DSS. He claims that most patients have more than one of these syndromes. Dr. Yunus uses the term dysregulation to mean bio-physiological abnormalities, possibly in the body's neurological, hormonal and chemical systems... which lead to negative immune (or autoimmune) system responses.

A partial list of the Dysregulation Syndromes that Dr. Yunus sites, are:

  • Fibromyalgia Syndrome - FMS

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - CFS

  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome - MCS

  • Myofascial Pain Syndrome - MPS

  • Temporomandibular Joint disorder - TMJD

  • Tension Headaches

  • Periodic Limb Movements of Sleep - PLMS

  • Migraines

  • Restless Leg Syndrome - RLS

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome - IBS

  • Irritable Bladder Syndrome

  • Primary Dysmenahorrea

This list could go on for quite some time. Dysregulation syndromes like fibromyalgia symptoms, seem to "run in packs", and for those that suffer from them, life is more than just "impaired". Life can be downright miserable.

But it doesn't have to be. Do you suffer with a dysregulation syndrome like fibromyalgia symptoms? Would you like to know how to rid yourself of this type of debilitating pain and misery permanently? Besides the medications that are currently in use for treatment of these various conditions (with their many side-effects), there is a natural way to treat these illnesses. As a fibromyalgia survivor, I discovered this fact and have been symptom-and medication-free since I started the natural treatment. The answer is simple. It's improved overall health through cellular nutrition.

Medical sources including the American Medical Association, agree. By improving our health, by feeding our bodies at the cellular level... our bodies become able to replace damaged tissues with healthy ones. This rebuilding process takes place mostly while we are asleep, and can greatly reduce or even eliminate and symptoms of virtually any dysregulation syndrome (like fibromyalgia symptoms), or another autoimmune disease.

To learn more about cellular nutrition and the natural treatment of any dysregulation syndrome like fibromyalgia symptoms, contact me now by clicking on one of the links below.


What You Need to Know About Total Hip Replacement Surgery

Are you, or someone you know, considering a Total Hip Replacement? If the answer is yes, than this article is for you. At the age of 52, and just a short three months ago, I underwent Total Hip Replacement surgery. Now, 52 is a relatively young age for this surgery. The majority of patients are in their 70s or 80s. In my case, I just found out I had Congenital (born-with) Hip Dysplasia (the socket wasn't connected like it was supposed to be.) When I learned of the diagnosis I was shocked because it hadn't been a problem previous to the last 5 years or so. I still didn't know it was a problem until the pain got to be so great that I could hardly walk, and even then, I thought it was an issue with my back.

Now, I'm an experience-based expert on the subject. You might be tempted to chuckle because I'm not a surgeon, nor do I specialize in Orthopedics. But really, who better to ask than someone who's been through the process. As such, I'm going to start my discussion with what happens after the diagnosis.

After the Diagnosis
I think one of the most emotionally challenging times in our lives occurs when someone mentions the need for surgery. That's because the thought of being cut into is counter-intuitive. During all other times of our lives, cultural norms have informed us to be careful around knives, scissors, and other sharp objects so that we don't cut ourselves. In the case of surgery, we have the knowledge that we are purposely cut, and because we are cut, pain will follow. So, whether consciously or unconsciously, we now have the stress of knowing that we'll have to endure a period of recovery that will involve pain.

When the surgery involves the replacement of body parts, another layer of emotions is revealed. When the body part being replaced involves a joint, you get to think about the fact that your old, defective part is going to be removed and it will be replaced with a synthetic copy. In my case, I knew my hip joint would be completely removed and replaced with a metal counter-part that would be anchored in my femur bone. A new cap would be nailed to my pelvic bone, and all would be good.

The same emotional triggers are true if you're having something other than a joint replaced. A friend of mine had bladder suspension surgery that involve placing a band of cow tissue under her bladder to help hold it up. My mom had a heart valve replaced with a pig valve. You can only imagine the jokes that followed.

Regardless of the surgery or the repair, there is still a huge emotional aspect that can't be ignored. The sooner the emotion part can be resolved, the better you'll do with the rest of the process.

Preparing for Total Hip Replacement Surgery
You might wonder what I mean when I write, prepare. Believe it or not, there is a lot to do before having this type of surgery. Of course, you have to get all the routine blood work and EKGs completed. For this surgery, you have to go to the dentist and get a dental clearance prior to surgery. Why a dental clearance when it's your hip that's the problem? It turns out that an infection in your mouth could cause damage to the new joint leading to more surgery. Therefore, the surgeon needs to know before he cuts into you that you don't have an infection with potential access to the blood stream. Fake joints are a magnet for infection because metal attracts bacteria. Furthermore, every time you go to the dentist for the rest of your life, you will have to take a preventative round of antibiotics prior to cleaning or any other procedure.

If you're lucky, the hospital ?in which your surgery is scheduled will offer a pre-surgery education program. The program I attended was called "Joint Camp." The name generated a lot of jokes, but the program was invaluable. I spent about 3 hours learning about the surgery itself, what would happened when I woke up, and when I would be expected to get up. The answer to the last question is the day of surgery. Yep, don't expect to be lying around. Joint Camp also educated us about the movement restrictions we would have, some of which are for life. For instance, following hip replacement surgery, you can not cross your leg past mid-line (the invisible line running down the center of your body from the top of your head to the tip of your toes) without the possibility of hip dislocation. You also can't bend from the hip more than 90 degrees, which makes putting shoes and socks on a major challenge. Fortunately, the Joint Camp trainers showed us "the hip kit" we would get post surgery that would assist with some of these challenges. The grabber is extremely helpful when you need to pick something up and you can't bend over. There is also a clever tool that makes it easy to put on socks, as well as a long handled shoe horn for helping with your shoes. As part of your preparation, you'll want to make sure you have some good slip on shoes because you won't be tying your own shoes for a while.

What to Expect After Surgery
When you wake up from surgery, you'll have a foam wedge placed between your legs to keep the new hip in place. Don't worry. You'll take it out when it's time to get up, but you'll need to put it back when you get back into bed. So, plan on sleeping on your back for a while. Your doctor will let know know when you can sleep without the wedge.

The most exciting part of total hip replacement occurs the first time you get up. Sure, you're going to have some post-surgical pain, but the most profound effect is the feeling of a nice strong leg holding you up. For me, the pain from surgery was nothing compared to the pain I'd been experiencing from bone rubbing on bone. It's really important that you walk as much as you can the day after surgery. You have to be able to walk a certain distance (with assistance from a walker) in order to be discharged home. For me, that distance was 100 feet. If you can't walk the distance by the time the doctor is ready for discharge, you'll most likely have to go to an in-patient rehab center until you can.

After You Get Home
When you get home, especially if you are discharged straight home, you will need help! It's a good idea to have a raised toilet seat on hand because you're not going to want to bend all the way down and then get up from a regular toilet seat. You'll also need help getting the TE.D. hose on and off. T.E.D. hose are the lovely white compression stockings you'll have to wear to help prevent blood clots. You will not be able to do it yourself!

You can also expect to take blood thinner medication which will need to be monitored closely. Your hospital case manager will set up a home health service for you which will include a visiting nurse who will check your blood thickness every few days. It will also likely include a physical therapist who will come to your home to help with mobility issues. Welcome both of these services with open arms because your overall outcomes will be better.

Of course there are a lot of individual differences to take into account with every surgery, but for the most part, you should be in better shape than you were before surgery. Don't push yourself too hard and follow All the precautions, but don't convalesce too long either. The more you get up and move, the less likely you'll have problems with clots, and the faster you'll heal. Listen to your body. It will tell you when you've had enough.

Finally, the greatest comfort I had post-surgery was a wonderful, microwaveable heating pad my sister gave me. At ?the end of the day, it was far more comforting than any of the host of pain medications prescribed to me. Use the medications when you need to, especially the first week or so after surgery, but remember, opiate based pain medications cause constipation and a heating pad doesn't.

The Real Cause of IBS - How Your Brain Tricks You Into An Irritable Bowel Disorder

Have you been told there's no known cause (or cure) for your irritable bowel disorder? What depressing information! Without a cause, how can you find a solution?

Well, here's some good news.

Recent evidence from neurology and rehabilitation medicine shows that the little-known cause of IBS is a "trick" your brain plays on your body.

Your brain is incredibly powerful!

In fact, it's so powerful that when you go through an intense and challenging experience, your brain takes action to protect you from feeling the full impact. And this happens without your conscious knowledge. This is wild stuff, but nobody said humans were easy to understand...

So, how does your brain trick you into an irritable bowel disorder?

There are two different answers to this question. One is from pain expert and specialist in Rehabilitation Medicine, Dr. John Sarno. The other comes from traumatologist and brain scientist, Dr. Robert Scaer. Both of these MDs have helped thousands of patients recover from chronic pain and other recurring health problems during their decades as practicing physicians.

Dr. Sarno believes that all of us are under some kind of pressure, whether it be from daily life and work, unresolved childhood events, or expectations we have of ourselves to be nice, good, perfect people. (Recognize yourself yet?)

Maybe you're great at coping with pressure. But if you have an irritable bowel disorder, Dr. Sarno suggests you open your mind to another possibility.

He says that however calm and civilized you are on the conscious level, underneath your smooth surface, another beast lurks. On the unconscious level, pressure creates intense feelings of rage. In fact, we ALL have these feelings. They are normal. Except we don't know we're having them because they are not conscious.

Now it gets even stranger. Because rage is so unacceptable, so not-nice, and so threatening, here's what your brain does to keep you from noticing that you are feeling it...

Your brain actually creates a physical problem to distract your attention!

How bizarre is that? Yet it happens to millions of people. This is how your brain tricks you into an irritable bowel disorder, or fibromyalgia, pain in your back, neck or shoulders, leg pain, TMJ, tendonitis, carpal tunnel, skin disorders, and some circulatory or heart problems. Your brain is trying to protect you by distracting you from that unbearable (and unconscious) emotion with physical symptoms.

Even though your symptoms come from a trick your brain plays on you, Dr. Sarno does NOT consider them imaginary in any way. They are very real. In fact, since so many of us have chronic pain and symptoms, Dr. Sarno believes they are a normal response to pressure and repressed rage.

Because Robert Scaer is a neurologist, he looks at things a little differently from John Sarno. He says it is your brain's reaction to trauma that triggers your symptoms when you have an irritable bowel disorder, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, migraine, or one of several other chronic conditions.

Dr. Scaer defines "trauma" as any event your brain perceives as a threat to your survival when you are helpless to do anything about it. The trauma could be physical, like a car accident, or emotional, like bullying at school. There are many possibilities.

Typically, when you're threatened, you go into fight or flight mode. These are normal survival reactions. There's a third reaction that happens when you experience the combination of threat and helplessness. You "freeze."

Prey animals who can't escape from the predator will freeze in a last-ditch attempt to survive. "If I look dead, maybe that big hungry lion won't eat me." Then, if the lion walks away, the prey gets up and shakes off the freeze.

We humans, on the other hand, train ourselves NOT to shake it off. Shaking and trembling look goofy and nobody wants to be that uncool. So we repress it. (There's that word again. Repression is a real killer.) This creates havoc for your Autonomic Nervous System, which controls a whole lot of your body processes including your digestion....

Now, here's where the trick comes in. When you freeze, your brain remembers everything about that trauma, and I mean everything. Sights, sounds, smells, tastes, feelings - everything that was going on outside of your body AND inside you. So, later on, when any little thing reminds your brain of that experience, it thinks you're in danger again and it triggers your Autonomic Nervous System to over-react.

That's what sets off your symptoms of an irritable bowel disorder. Your brain "tricks" your body into thinking that the trauma is happening all over again. So your poor body reacts by either shutting down your digestion (constipation) or losing control of it (diarrhea, urgency), or swinging wildly between both (spasms, cramps.)

Sarno and Scaer are not the only doctors who credit the brain with causing an irritable bowel disorder. Two neuro-scientists, David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD, author of "The Instinct to Heal" and Robert Sapolsky, PhD, author of "Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers" both point out that it is your brain's response to threats and stresses that leads to gastrointestinal problems.

So, according to these scientists, the real cause of an irritable bowel disorder is not "all in your head," but comes from the unconscious processes of your mind and brain. Fortunately, you can use drug-free methods such as the Emotional Freedom Technique or Somatic Experiencing to do some "re-programming" and resolve your symptoms.

Causes of Joint Pain

Joint pain is a feeling of uneasiness, stiffness, achiness, inflammation and soreness around the joints of the body. The pain is usually a sign of mild or serious diseases, conditions and disorders in your joints, which can result from trauma, autoimmune diseases, infections and other unusual diseases. This pain can sometimes be mild or moderate or severe and may last for short or longer period of time.

Joint pain may occur due to a benign circumstance like mild sprain. It can occur as a result of temperate condition, infection or disorder such as ankylosing spondylitis, bursitis, a dislocation or a moderate ligament sprain. Also the pain can be as a result of severe circumstances that can actually threaten one's life if not taken care of as fast as possible. Those circumstances may include bone cancer and leukemia. Joint pain sometimes occurs through a variety of traumatic situations like joint separations, ligament sprains, tennis elbow, swimmer's shoulder, sport injuries, dislocations, sprained ankle, autoimmune disorder, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, septic arthritis and rheumatic fever.


This is an injury to any part of the joint in your body causing pain. The injury can affect or hurt the bone, ligament and other tissues in your bone joints. The injury could be severe and persistent. Most of these injuries occur during sports. Those that requires urgent attention come with warnings, symptoms and signs. Acute sport injuries are always noticeable injuries that often creep up gradually and then progress to worse situations that can lead to chronic joint pain, particularly when not taken proper care of at the initial stage. But when such injuries are properly attended to at an early stage, serious damage or long term pain will be avoided. It is important to understand that sport injuries, no matter how mild they seem to appear at the initial stage, should be quickly attended to with the use of proper exercise to avoid acute and chronic joint pain.


A viral disease is any kind infection or illness coursed by a virus which is a species of microbe. The microbes are usually tiny organisms that cannot be seen except with the use of microscopes. Other similar problems include fungi, bacteria, and some kinds of parasites. Infection occurs as any of the above mentioned organisms enter into your body either through breathing air that is already infected, eating contaminated foods or having sexual contact with those that are infected. When such organisms finds their way to your joints it can cause a mild, moderate or severe joint pain. The most common kind of disease that results from viral disease is arthritis particularly reactive arthritis. This disease causes stiffness, swelling and joint pains. Other infections like the common cold, flu and bacterial infections can also cause aching joints.

Joint pain is usually caused by variety of conditions like body or bone injury which is most common with sports, infections, illness, joint strain as well as joint sprain. This pain might appear to be mild, moderate or severe at the initial stage, whichever case it may be; immediate attention needs to be given to it with a proper exercise to avoid acute and chronic joint pain.

Change The Shape Of Your Face - From Square To Oval - Without Surgery!

Although often felt to be a handsome quality for a man's face, a square looking jaw is not usually thought to be a desirable feature for a woman. Having a square look to the lower face is definitely more of a masculine look. And having a round, full face can be kind of cute when you're five years old - but not when you're past twenty-five! On the other hand, an oval-shaped face is thinner, softer, and looks more genteel, and more feminine. So, does someone with a square, round or wide looking lower face need major facial contouring or jaw surgery to look more elegant? Actually, a narrower, more oval, and more feminine look to the face can be easily achieved with a simple, 5 minute office treatment! No surgery - just Botox簧!

A face looking full, round, square and wide is often a result of a relative jaw (masseter) muscle hypertrophy- overthickened, overdeveloped jaw muscles - which lie over the outside edge and angle of the jaw. Bite down with your teeth together while holding your hand on the side of your jaw. You'll easily feel just how strong this powerful muscle is as it bulges when you clench down. This is the same muscle that is often overactive and overdeveloped in those with night time teeth/jaw "grinding" and similarly so in some cases of those suffering from TMJ Syndrome. The muscle can develop tremendous and recurring pressure on the temperomandibular joint (the TMJ, located just in front of the ear), and on the teeth, and the jaw leading to TMJ Syndrome and chronic headaches. The muscle may start out just being naturally thick and strong (i.e. genetically thick, such as is seen in many Asian women) or it eventually becomes that way from being overused and overly active (like a jaw muscle "on steroids"). The bottom line: it is the robust thickness of the masseter muscle which creates the wide look to the jawline.

This all too hearty and thickened muscle on the sides of the jaw can be thinned out and settled down with Botox簧 treatments. Botox簧 works on facial wrinkles the same way - it relaxes the muscles, and makes them much less active. The muscles learn to enjoy their decreased activity and they start to actually get thinner and progressively less active over time. In the case of a wrinkle, we see smoother skin. In the case of the masseter muscle, we see a more narrow look to the jawline and a more oval look to the face! A more refined, delicate, and less masculine look. A single treatment session will likely yield a visible change in facial shape within about two weeks that should last for some 3 - 6 months. Often, the thinning out of the jaw muscle also simultaneously creates a bit more visibility and prominence to the cheekbones, further accentuating a more feminine and aesthetically pleasing look. With repeated injection treatments over a year or two, the jaw muscle is more and more prone to staying thinner on its own and so, therefore, is the more oval facial shape! One potential side effect - some slight weakness with chewing pressures. But with a less strong, thinner masseter muscle, we often see a decrease in TMJ symptoms, headaches, and less of the side effects of teeth grinding as well!

Some patients truly do have a wide jaw or thick jaw bones. Botox簧 might not work quite as well in those situations where actual surgery might be needed. But Botox簧 will still help - and might make enough of an improvement to be more than a reasonable alternative to having the jaw surgically cut apart and partly removed! Softening the facial shape with Botox簧 is just one more of the many nice and simple things plastic surgeons can now offer to improve one's look - without surgery!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Self Care Program For Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ)

Noises in the jaw joint are extremely common and do not automatically mean that something is wrong. Like your knee or shoulder, the TM joint and/or muscles in our jaw can be strained or injured. The injury can be the result of a specific trauma or can result from prolonged microtrauma due to oral habits. Once a joint or muscle is strained, it can be easily re-aggravated like a sprained ankle which is subsequently more prone to re-injury. Because we use the jaw for so many activities (talking, eating, yawning, and laughing etc), TOTAL relaxation of the jaw joint and surrounding muscles is difficult. However, holding the jaw muscles and joints in a relaxed position is very manageable with practice. This plus avoidance of activities that would overwork the area will be helpful to reduce pain and prevent additional strain. The following suggestions should help:

1. Eat a Pain-Free diet. Avoid hard foods, such as nuts or bagels. Avoid chewy foods such as steak or candy. Cut fruits into small pieces and steam vegetables. Chew with your back teeth rather than biting with your front teeth. Eat anything you want as long as it does not cause pain or locking in your jaw. If "normal" food causes pain, put any food you like in a blender and start on grind. Blend the food to the chewiest consistency that does not cause pain or locking in your jaw. Do not stay on a soft food diet too long and periodically increase the hardness/chewiness of your diet as tolerated. Discuss the details of your diet with your dentist or therapist. Chew your food on both sides at the same time to reduce strain on one side. Specifically, cut your food into its normal size, cut that in half and put one piece on both sides of your mouth and chew. This will take practice.

2. Tongue Up, Teeth Apart (Tatu), And Jaw Muscles Relaxed. The teeth should never be touching/resting together except occasionally they touch lightly with swallowing. We suggest that you closely monitor your jaw position during your waking hours so that you maintain your jaw in a relaxed, comfortable position. This involves placing the tongue lightly on the roof of your mouth while allowing the teeth to come apart, and relaxing the jaw muscles. Another option is to practice "clucking" your tongue.

3. Avoid nicotine and minimize caffeine. Caffeine is a "muscle tensing" drug and can make your muscles feel tighter. Caffeine or caffeine-like drugs are in coffee, tea, soda, "energy" drinks, chocolate and some aspirins. Decaffeinated coffee typically has half as much caffeine as regular.

4. Avoid oral habits that put strain on the jaw muscles and joints. These include teeth clenching, teeth grinding, touching or holding the teeth together, biting fingernails, cheeks, lips, pens or pencils etc. DO NOT CHEW GUM. Avoid resting your jaw on your hand and activities that involve wide opening of the jaw such as excessive yawning.

Effective Treatment for TMJ Disorder

1. Jaw Rest

One treatment is to keep the mouth open to give some rest to the jaw. If teeth grinding is the main cause of the disorder, occlusal splints or night guards are prescribed. Avoidance of hard and crunchy foods is recommended. Furthermore, the patient should not be allowed to open the mouth too wide to prevent further damage to the joint.

2. Medications

The doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen, steroids, naproxen and aspirin to reduce pain and swelling in the joint. Patients may also be given muscle relaxants like diazepam to relax the facial muscles. In severe cases, local corticosteroid injections are given to the temporomandibular joints to alleviate the symptoms. In acute cases, anesthetics or stronger pain relief medication can be prescribed for relief of pain.

3. Heat and Ice Therapy

Application of cold and hot packs to the temporomandibular joint can relax the muscles, thereby reducing muscle spasms. The cold packs are recommended for use in the initial stages of the disorder.

4. Stress Management

The patient is encouraged to join stress groups. The doctor may also prescribe medications to relieve stress. Psychological counseling can also be very helpful for some patients. Biofeedback has been proven beneficial for some patients with TMJ disorders also. This treatment helps the patient to gain control over the hyperactive muscles, and is very useful with problems of teeth clenching and grinding.

5. Occlusal Therapy

In this treatment, custom made splints are worn by the patient during the night. In severe cases, it may also be required during the day. These splints will reduce unnecessary teeth clenching and grinding.

6. Corrective Dental Therapy

Problems with misalignment of the teeth will result in bite abnormalities and can cause the disorder. In such cases, corrective dental therapy can be used to correct it. One such example is the use of orthodontics. The dentist will also correct improper alignment using crowns and bridges.

7. Physical Therapy

Passive exercises of the temporomandibular joint can also be very much helpful in improving the functional ability of the joint. Electrical stimulation can also stimulate the facial muscles and improve its strength. This will in turn reduce pain and inflammation in the joint.

8. Surgery

Surgery is recommended in very severe cases of the disorder. When all other treatment fails, surgery is done to restore joint movement. Joint replacements and tightening of ligaments are done in cases of severe TMJ disorders.

Help Reduce Joint and Muscle Pain

Physical pain is a sensory that you experience and it is an unpleasant feeling caused by bodily harm. Pain is your body's defense that gives a reaction and painful stimulus. Natural behavior stops you from doing the same painful thing again in a harmful situation. Pain in only based on the person experiencing it. There is different toleration of pain for every person. What one person thinks is the worst pain can be a mere bother to another.

There are two levels of pain, acute pain, which doesn't require medical treatment. This type of pain only requires rest or over the counter medication to relieve aches and tension. Then there is chronic pain, which does not go away and requires medication and medical attention. This is no longer a symptom, when it becomes ongoing it becomes an illness. Two specific types of pain are joint pain, and muscle pain, these are very common. Injury affecting any of the ligaments and tendons surrounding the joint is joint pain. This can also harm your cartilage and bones. Pain is a feature of joint inflammation also known as arthritis.

Joint pain is a serious issue. It makes everyday tasks unmanageable. It almost feels like an endless struggle. There are so many important joints that we take for granite. Hip pain, knee pain, even elbow pain may effect the stiffness and swelling. Just walking, climbing the stairs, bending down or even stand for a long period of time becomes stressful and painful. Millions on people deal with this type of pain everyday. A study shows that about 60 million people suffer from joint paint daily, no matter what field of work. It ranges from body builders all the way to school teachers!

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease; it's type arthritis specifically on the joint. This is when spurs form onto the joint causing major pain. There is a decrease in lubricant between the cartilages and bones. It is excruciating pain when bone on bone rubs, or bone on cartilage. When there is less protection it demotes your flexibility and movement. Exercising regularly will help restore muscle tone. You can try walking, riding your bike, or swimming. These are good aerobic activities that will help the aches in time. Also a good idea is a physical therapist. They can teach you how to stretch, tone, and do different aerobic exercises that will make you feel better and be pain-free. Studies show that exercise reduces muscle pain by 25%. Starting slowly is the key and gradually work your way up to your goal, don't try any heavy aerobic activities or lifting of weights if injured or while in pain.

Make sure to try to get the right amount of sleep and rest, and try to reduce your stress levels. Yoga, light exercise, meditation, and keeping a healthy body are excellent ways to help relive everyday tensions. You can also get temporary relief from pain with Pepper Cream by bell. It relives pain immediately or within minutes. It works by preventing nerves from transmitting pain messages to the brain.

Home Treatment - TMJ

Home treatment for TMJ is often a great option for mild to moderate cases of TMJ disorder. As with any condition, it is always a good idea to consult with a doctor before making any specific decisions about a treatment plan, but there are some simple things that you can to at home to relieve the pain.

TMJ disorder is a condition where there are problems with the Temporomandibular Joint, which is the jaw joint that connects the lower jaw with the skull. Usually these problems are caused because the jaw is misaligned, but there are also many other causes of TM. If you are experiencing TMJ pain, don't worry because there are many treatments that can be done to help you find relief from the pain.

As with any treatment, a home TMJ treatment will not be permanent unless careful procedures followed daily. This will include things such as:

1. Proper diet to both lessen the amount of pressure placed on the teeth and chewing, as well as improve overall health.

2. Jaw exercises to strengthen and rehabilitate the jaw area.

3. Physical exercise to improve overall health.

4. The application of any topical treatments such as hot or cold packs or self-massage exercises.

If stress, such as teeth grinding or jaw clenching, was the cause of the tmj, strategies to remove the stress must be undertaken as well. Some of these stress relieving exercises include: anger and stress management techniques, general exercise, and relaxation techniques.

Home treatment for TMJ is most crucial in finding pain relief and also preventing the recurrence of the TMJ disorder. It is important to strengthen the related muscles and then maintain the TMJ exercises to be sure that the symptoms to not return.

Thumb Joint Pain - Diagnosis and Treatment

Understand the causes of thumb joint pain and discover the proper methods to attend to the injury. The opposing thumb is a valuable asset that should not be taken for granted. The thumb sets human beings apart from most of other species on earth. It enables us to grab things and manipulate tools. Therefore, we should pay due attention to any recurring pain on our thumbs and other fingers. Do not neglect the problem and let it deteriorate till you lose your grip.

Thumb join pain can be categorised into three types; pain as a result of strain or injury, arthritis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. An injured thumb shows black and blue discoloration. You may feel pain when you move your thumb side to side. Another common cause for thumb and other fingers pain is prolonged usage of smartphones or tablets. Apply ice wrapped in a towel or submerge the thumb in cold water to ease the pain and swell. Rest the thumb so that to speed up the healing. If the pain is persistent and excruciating, go to see a doctor to seek medical treatment.

Arthritis is a common cause of thumb joint pain due to old age or calcium deficiency which leads to the weakening of the bones. The thumb joint under stress is called carpometacarpal joint or basal joint. Basal joint arthritis is also known as osteoarthritis. The cartilage that protects and cushions the thumb joint is worn out, thus causing pain during movement of the hand. Consult a doctor to get a suitable splint that supports the thumb and to better control its movement. The doctor may prescribe medication or cortisone injection to control and reduce joint inflammation. Corrective surgery may be suggested as a solution to reduce the nagging thumb joint pain.

Thumb Joint Pain Due To Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a severe problem to the thumb joint pain. It is brought on by nerve damage. Most people with this syndrome use their hands in repetitive motions which compress the nerves in the wrists which are situated between the carpal bones and the transverse ligament. The pain may originate from the wrist and slowly work it way up the thumb. The symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome include; numbness in your forearm and hand, increase numbness which cause heighten pain when you use your hand and stiffness in your finger when you wake up in the morning. It can be treated with therapy and protective splint or surgery can be carried out to repair the ligament.

Early detection of the cause of the painful fingers is crucial and seeking help from a doctor is critical to nib the problem in the butt. Although you need to rest the painful hand to help with its healing, prolonged inactivity can aggravate the pain because lack of movement may cause the swollen joint to turn stiff. Try to keep your thumb active even you are experiencing thumb joint pain.

Find Out Here Which Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptom You Could Have

Arthritis is a complex disease and in fact there are one hundred plus forms. However, two represent by far the main ones: rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. We'll just talk about these two for now. They are quite different as you will see.

Osteoarthritis is often called degenerative arthritis which is a good name as it is caused by the degeneration of the cartilage between the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is an auto immune disease, so is completely different.

Here's a list to see if you have any or just one rheumatoid arthritis symptom?

1. Joint pain on both sides of the body
2. Inflammation and swelling of joints - particularly in the hands and the knees
3. Aches and pains in your joints, again the hands and knees are particularly affected
4. Stiffness in the morning that often lasts more than hour
5. Weak muscles due to stiff joints and less activity
6. Severe fatigue - tired all the time, everything is just too much
7. Generally feeling unwell, even nauseous; possible weight loss

If one or more of these symptoms affect you, then the first step would be to go and see your doctor and talk to him. He will examine you thoroughly and will probably recommend a blood test. There is a particular blood test that can determine whether you have rheumatism or not - it's call the rheumatoid factor. Maybe your doctor will also recommend you have an x-ray done to find out what damage there is to your joints or your cartilage.

If these tests are positive, then there are many options you can take. Although at the present time there is no known cure for arthritis, there are lots of options as far as pain relief is concerned. In fact rheumatism affects people in very different ways because it is an auto immune disease and everyone's body reacts differently.

They key here is to stay true to yourself. If you really don't want to have medication, then try natural remedies. There are so many ways to relief pain naturally and supplements to help hinder the degeneration of the joints and cartilage. Even acupuncture can help. Choose what is right for you. The same applies if you want to take a purely scientific approach . Your doctor will be happy to prescribe medication. If they don't work, go back and try again until you find something that relieves your pain.

The first step is to see if you have any of the rheumatoid arthritis symptom and if so, stay positive. Many many people live well and manage their disease admirably.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Arthritis Pain Relief through Natural Treatment

What is arthritis?

An inflammation of a body joint or its component tissues, accompanied by pain, soreness, and inflexibility in that area, which is basically a result of causes ranging from infection, distress, degenerative changes or metabolic disorders.

In simple words, affected joints are unable to move smoothly past one another.

In medical parlance, arthritis refers to a collection of more than 100 rheumatic diseases and conditions that can cause pain, stiffness and soreness in the joints. If left untreated, arthritis can cause irreversible damage to the joints.

What are the various forms of arthritis?

Arthritis can appear suddenly or gradually, and occurs in various forms, but osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the two most common.

There are four basic types of arthritis:

1. Inflammatory arthritis - inflammation of tissues related to joints. Connective tissue diseases, crystal deposition diseases, infectious arthritis, and spondylitis are examples of inflammatory arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common variety. Other types are Ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter's syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

2. Degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis) - corrosion of the cartilage lining the joints and lessening of new bone formation underneath the cartilage. The disease is quite common in the latter part of life where the continued slow damage causes increasing disability.

3. Nonarticular rheumatism - sometimes called soft-tissue rheumatism, and includes conditions like tendonitis, bursitis, fibrositis. This condition is related to sleep disturbances or even muscular abnormalities.

4. Other diseases may also give rise to arthritis. There exist neurological, blood and endocrine related disorders giving rise to rheumatic diseases.

How to recognize arthritis?

Symptoms differ from person to person depending on his age, the affected area and the type of arthritis. The most common symptoms include:

§ Swelling in one or more joints

§ Stiffness around the joint that usually occurs in the early morning

§ Constant or recurring pain in a joint

§ Tenderness around a joint

§ Difficulty using or moving a joint normally

§ Redness in a joint accompanied by heat there

Other possible symptoms:

§ Occasional fever

§ Weight loss and fatigue

§ Breathing difficulty

§ Rashes and itching

Who all are at risk of arthritis?

Younger people have a relatively lower risk of having arthritis but still comprise a sizeable portion of affected people.

Prevalence is generally higher among women as compared to men, especially osteoarthritis. Arthritis is the leading cause of mobility limitation in women aged 45 years and above. So all you ladies, remember prevention is better than cure.

What are the common causes?

The causes of arthritis usually depend on the type of arthritis. Common causes include:

§ injury (leading to osteoarthritis),

§ irregular metabolism

§ hereditary

§ some infection

§ unknown reasons in case of rheumatoid arthritis

What treatment procedure to follow?

Early diagnosis and treatment helps......

The most common complication of arthritis is functional disability. However, do not get scared! General health upkeep, rest, and gradual treatment can avoid this situation.

There is no complete remedial treatment, only control through a combination of heat fomentation, massage, and supervised exercise. The various treatment options help manage pain and reduce deformity and disability.

A correct diagnosis of the type of arthritis is important before undergoing any drug therapy. Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis can be treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Do not be your own doctor. Remember, all medications can have side effects, so the dosage and duration of treatment should essentially be under trained medical supervision. Surgical treatment includes arthroscopic surgery and joint replacement.

Tips to control and prevent the condition:

§ Weight reduction accompanied by regular physical activity: Keep your weight under control, as it reduces the risk of getting arthritis, especially osteoarthritis.

§ Strengthen the muscles: through regular exercise - especially weight bearing exercise. It helps maintain physical mobility and slows the development of disability.

§ Prevent stress on a particular joint as well as injuries: Repetitive stress or injuries on any joint increases the risk of osteoarthritis.

What kind of diet regime need to be followed to take care of this condition:

Nutrition is an important aspect in the treatment of arthritis.

For a person suffering from arthritis, his diet should be rich in fruits and vegetables (flavonoid rich foods), especially those that are rich sources of anti-oxidants so as to protect against cellular and joint damage.

Try and avoid all processed foods, complex carbohydrates, including sugar and fruit juices. Increase intake of high fibre foods. Limit fat intake to a minimum.

An important aspect in reducing arthritis pain is elimination of any type of food sensitivity. Get a test for food sensitivity because there may be allergies involved.

Food supplements may be introduced. Anti-oxidants help prevent damage to the cartilage of the bone. Vitamin E slows down the breakdown of cartilage as well as stimulates the manufacture of cartilage components. Vitamin C is necessary for the manufacture of collagen, the major support protein of cartilage.

How does physical therapy help?

Physical therapy is very important in reestablishing joint harmony. Various physical therapy treatments include exercise, heat, cold, and diathermy(heat treatment using electricity); and are beneficial in increasing joint mobility and decreasing pain. Avoid physical activities that excessively put strain on the joints.

Some natural treatment options:

No medicine or drug can completely cure arthritis or slow its progression without causing side effects. But, you can help repair your joints as well as slow degeneration with natural treatment therapies.

Natural Solution: Arthcare Oil - An Anti-inflammatory Herbal massage oil. http://www.ayurvediccure.com/arthcareoil.htm

Arthcare is anti-inflammatory herbal oil, which not only gives a relief from joint pains but also strengthens the bone tissues, the skeletal and the neuromuscular systems, giving comfortable movements of joints and muscles.

Massage with the yellow wonder herb - turmeric. No question of any side effects, plus turmeric also acts as an anti-oxidant to help protect joints.

Ginger, an ayurveda herb, if consumed in small amounts on a regular basis can reduce symptoms and occurrence of rheumatoid arthritis.

Aromatherapy technique involves the use of extracted oil from flowers, plants and trees in combination with massage and steam inhalation - helps relaxation, pain relief.

Yoga involves a combination of breathing exercises and relaxation to help in blood circulation and movement of joints.

Osteopathy includes the manipulation of the body to restore normal action and decrease pain. It is not recommended for those suffering from osteoporosis.

Reflexology involves rubbing the feet and the palm of the hand to help progress the state of rest of the body, and also generate a warm sensation. This is an ideal method for stress management and overall health continuance; factors that cause arthritis.

So, come on get moving, and do not allow this ageless epidemic disease become a debilitating factor in your daily life.

Magnetic Bracelets For Joint Pain - Do They Really Bring About Noticeable Relief?

Did you know that in the United States alone, more than 46 million people suffer from arthritic joint pain? One can only but imagine what global statistics are, so it is easy to see why products that promise relief usually take off in a big way. Of course not many stay around for very long because people soon realize if they have been duped or not.

With the above in mind, one really does have to wonder about the legitimacy of copper bangles and magnetic bracelets for joint pain. After all, these have been around for a considerable amount of time already, and people are still buying them today.

Okay, rather than procrastinate, I am going to simply tell it as it is. Bear in mind however, that my aim is not to discourage people from wearing these bracelets, and neither am I trying to discredit them as being bogus. The fact of the matter is though; there is absolutely no scientific evidence at all to back up claims concerning the effectiveness of these bracelets.

In a number of studies done, some of the volunteers reported a reduction in pain, while others said the bracelets made no difference at all. Most researchers believe that any joint pain relief, is simply psychosomatic, and as much as I hate to admit it, I do agree with them on this occasion. With that having been said, I also think that if arthritis sufferers get relief from wearing the bracelets, whether it's psychosomatic or not, then they shouldn't be discouraged from wearing them.

Please keep in mind that the above is only my own personal opinion. I have tried magnetic bracelets for joint pain before, and I honestly can't say they helped at all. I ended up benefiting a great deal more from a health supplement containing New Zealand green lipped mussel extract, coupled with a good quality fish oil supplement.

Of course one could argue that green lipped mussel extract also lacks sufficient scientific backing, but at least there have been a number of studies which have demonstrated that it can inhibit certain processes within the body which are necessary for inflammation. Also, one can't ignore the fact that over the last decade, the green lipped mussel industry has boomed. In fact, it's grown by 700%, and that alone tells me I am not the only person to have benefited from it.

People have been using magnetic therapy for 100's of years already, and they'll no doubt continue using it. By all means go ahead and give it a try, but if like me, you don't get the pain relief you were hoping for, then just remember that there are other choices out there as well. They may work for you, or they may not, but anything is worth trying if you are in constant pain.

Approaches to Knee Pain Relief

You use your knees every time you walk, run, or move your lower body at all. Knee pain, therefore, dramatically affects the daily life of sufferers, who must use their knees throughout the day. Knee pain is the second only to back pain among American adult pain sufferers. Knee trouble is most often caused by osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint condition in which the cartilage that surrounds the two bones that comprise the knee joint wears away, sometimes causing painful joint-on-joint contact.

There are many treatment options for knee pain. Under the care of a doctor, sufferers can select the most appropriate course of treatment to provide optimum knee pain relief. Over-the-counter and prescription medications including acetaminophen (Tylenol) and aspirin reduce pain, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) including ibuprofen, can reduce inflammation as well as knee joint pain. At-home remedies like ice packs and capsaicin, found in cayenne pepper, often have a similar effect.

Natural supplements like chondroitin and glucosamine have become popular alternatives to traditional medicines in recent years because they present fewer risks of side effects. Both are naturally occurring substances in the body. The former aids in building joint cartilage, while the latter fights against degeneration of cartilage. Studies have proven their effectiveness in alleviating osteoarthritic joint pain, but have yet to demonstrate that these supplements actually reverse the effects of cartilage degeneration that have already taken place.

Modifying knee activity with physical aids such as padding, crutches, and splints, and even simple rest take the pressure off of the knee and provide temporary knee pain relief while the joint recovers from injury. Conversely, specific exercises, stretching, and low-impact aerobic activities such as biking, walking and swimming increase joint strength and flexibility, promoting healing and reducing the risk of further injury.

For severe knee injuries that have not responded to the aforementioned treatments, surgery remains an option. There are several common knee surgeries, which range from exploratory arthroscopic surgery, which orthopedic physicians use to diagnose the exact source of knee pain so that they can determine which behaviors and activities need to be modified, all the way to a total knee replacement. Whichever course of treatment a patient decides upon, it is important to work alongside a physician to ensure proper care.

Grandma's Old Fashioned Arthritis Remedies

Modern day arthritis treatments include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's), corticosteroids, anti-TNF (tumour necrosis factor) treatment and, of course, the disease modifying anti rheumatic drugs (DMARD's), which are notoriously excelled for their nasty side-effects. This minefield of chemicals that we are willingly putting into our already ailing bodies surely can't actually be good for us and our delicate constitutions. What would our grandparents think? More importantly, what would our grandparents do?

The answer is simple, they would go into the pantry or the garden to gather a herb or dig up a vegetable. Here are a few of the remedies that our ancestors would have used to ease their aching joints.

Let's take a look in the pantry first. Mustard was a popular choice of treatment for joint pain. The seeds of white or yellow mustard (sinapis alba) are used make the popular condiment. Mustard plasters were very popular for treating arthritis as well as chest congestion, bronchitis and sore muscles.

To make a mustard plaster mix together one part mustard powder to two parts flour and mix to a soft paste with warm water. Spread the paste into the middle of a clean hand towel. Fold the towel in half to enclose the paste, and half again before putting on the affected joint. Leave the mustard plaster to work its magic for approximately 15 minutes. If the plaster starts to feel uncomfortable at any point remove it immediately. After the treatment, gently wash the treated area with lukewarm water and pat dry. It is important to ensure that the mustard paste does not come into contact with the skin; it is hot on the skin as well as the palate and has the potential to cause severe blistering.

Epsom salts were used in the bath as a general arthritis remedy. Four tablespoons in the bath will reduce inflammation and stiffness in the joints.

Castor oil has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Rubbed into the ailing joints it was also a common arthritis treatment. Castor oil was also taken as a medicine for arthritis with two tablespoons of castor oil boiled and added to fresh orange juice. This should be taken every morning on an empty stomach.

Going into the garden we will find herbs and vegetables that will soothe arthritis pain. The herb comfrey, also known as knitbone, has been used for centuries for a host of different ailments. It has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. As a poultice comfrey will help to reduce inflammation and draw out toxins.

To make a poultice, chop the comfrey and add to a blender to make a fine paste. Put the paste into a bowl and add flour and knead to make a stiff doughy consistency. Use old sheets to make the poultice and add the comfrey paste to the middle and wrap to make tidy squares about an inch thick and a comfortable size for the joint you wish to treat. Apply the poultice for 15-45 minutes then wash the area with warm water and pat dry. A great tip is that you can make several and freeze them for later use. Just pop them into a self-sealing bag and bung them in the freezer. Alternatively you can make a lazy poultice by simply bruising the leaves, wrapping them around your aching joint and holding them in place with clingfilm!

Cabbage makes a really good poultice for arthritis too. Cabbage is from the same family as mustard and has anti-inflammatory properties. For a basic cabbage poultice simply bash the leaves with a rolling pin to get the juice running and wrap the leaves around the joint that you wish to treat. Cover with a gauze bandage and leave overnight. Also you can freeze the cabbage leaves and place them directly onto the joint for instant relief.

Moving away from herbs and vegetables to apply to joints to vegetables that are to be eaten to help ease arthritis; potato juice is alkaline and will help to dissolve uric acid for gout sufferers. Peel and cube a potato and leave overnight in a glass of water. Drink the starchy water that is produced the next morning before breakfast. Not so tasty but if you hold your nose as you drink, it won't taste so bad. This is absolutely true because your olfactory glands and your taste buds work together.

Garlic and onion have anti-inflammatory properties. Eaten raw in salads, salsas or sandwiches gives the best results. Strong onions work better, and to stop the tears, peel them under running water.

Finally we will look at celery which when juiced with 2 carrots and an apple works a treat on Rheumatoid Arthritis.

What is the Best Pillow For Neck Pain?

What is the best pillow for neck pain? This is a very common question I often get from people. Every pillow you see has a claim or an advertisement stating how great that pillow is. There are many pillows that could be considered good quality pillows for neck pain. We will discuss some of the important aspects when choosing a pillow and finding the one that is best for you, not only for neck pain, but for great sleeping as well!

Does it Support the Curve of the Neck?

The spine has three curves in it. The neck (cervical) curve has a "C" shape to it when looking from the side, with the mouth of the C facing behind you. If you look at the spine from the front of the person it should appear to be straight up and down. There are seven vertebrae or bones in the neck, numbered C1 through to C7. A good pillow will support the "C" curve of the neck and keep the spine in proper alignment when a person is lying on their back. Ideally the weight of the head and neck is supported in a neutral position. If the pillow is too large, the head could be held up to high and forced forward, or if the person is on their side the head would be bent at an uncomfortable angle. This can cause muscle strain on the neck and shoulders and may cause you to wake up with a stiff neck. Other effects of stressful angles on the head and neck from pillow size could also affect breathing, and snoring. If the pillow is too small, there is no support under the neck and this can also cause the muscles to still support the weight of the head, even while at rest, further straining them.

An ideal pillow size will support the person in a neutral supine position (lying on your back) while supporting the weight of the neck and head completely. The best to know is of course to lie down and try it. A basic measurement is about 9-14 centimetres high and should support the neck, head and shoulders.

No Two Necks Are the Same

Even though we can measure neck curves and have an ideal curve pattern, no two people in the world have the identically same neck. Having looked at thousands of x-rays of peoples necks and spines, one thing I am definitely certain about is no two necks are the same! For example, you may have two adult men who are the same height, the first is 70kg in weight and slightly built and works at a desk, and the second is 95kg and built like a tank from hard manual labour. When the second man lies down on the pillow his head will flatten a soft or thinner pillow as compared to the first male whose head probably weighs less and his shoulders are much slighter. Often, a pillow may have a hard, medium and soft version of each size. If you sleep on your side, you want to make sure the pillow supports your head and does not tilt on an angle away from the bed, your head and neck should stay in alignment with your body. Your neck should be supported and the pillow should fit comfortably between the bed and your neck and head. The pillow should have some degree of flexibility to fit to your body shape and size.

Make Sure Its Comfortable

Everybody has a different idea of what feels comfortable. Some people like a soft pillow, some people like a firm pillow. In order for a person to experience a deep relaxing sleep, and wake well rested, they need to feel comfortable on their pillow. The material the pillow is made out of is also an important factor of what will make the pillow feel comfortable. Make sure you are happy with both the level of firmness and material that the pillow is made from, and covered with. Some people prefer foam, others latex, you may prefer flannel, or cotton, these are individual choices.

Any Previous Neck Injuries?

Some people have existing problems with their cervical spines possibly from degenerative joint disease, bone spurs or cervical disc hernia ion to name a few. Arthritic neck pain can make a person very stiff in the morning and progressively loosening up as the day progresses, but they are limited in the amount of movement they have in their neck. It is paramount for an individual recovering from an injury, or supporting a healed injured cervical spine, or arthritic changes to have the proper support and possibly some degree of slight tractioning, providing relief and stability to the weaker areas of the neck. This will also alleviate any unnecessary stress to the cervical nerves. Often times a foam pillow or a bit of a softer density that supports the curve of the neck comfortably works well with these conditions.

Forward Head Posture

A persons posture plays a significant role in pillow selection also. Many people have Forward Head Posture (FHP people whose hold their head and neck anterior to their bodies) which promotes neck pain and back pain, need the proper support of an orthopaedic or chiropractic support pillow. People who work at jobs where they hold their head forward most of the day may benefit from this type of pillow. A good experiment to try is too stand with your shoulders and buttocks flat against a wall, then glide your chin backwards until your head is touching the wall. This will give you an idea of how much forward head shift your own posture has. You could also have somebody look at you from the front and from the side, while your eyes are closed to also give you an idea if your posture is out of alignment.

Some of the possible benefits of selecting the best pillow for your neck include the following: waking up pain free, experiencing a deep and restful sleep, better breathing and maybe less snoring as a result, better circulation from decreased postural stress on cervical arteries and therefore increased oxygen uptake in the blood, better posture, no sleeping pills, better support and traction for your neck.

This is a general overview of some key aspects to consider when looking for the best pillow to fit your needs. Getting a great nights rest and waking pain free is an important aspect of maintaining your well-being. Use the criteria we have discussed when choosing the best pillow for your individual needs. Often times the pillow companies will have a guide describing the benefits and positives of the different pillow types for you to look at.

This article is meant as a general overview and for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the advice of a qualified professional. It is my goal for the public to better understand their health and general well-being. I urge you to consult with a qualified health care provider for diagnosis and for answers to your individual health questions.

Any Reputed Natural Health Centre Offers Permanent Cure for Neurological and Respiratory Problems

Those who suffer from muscle pain or arthritis related problems know very well how these can disrupt your normal activities. You won't be able to move or work freely. Even, performing daily chores can be very difficult.

When the situation becomes really unbearable, people tend to listen to any kind of advice no matter from where and from whom it is coming. They try out different kinds of medications which sometimes result in disastrous side effects. On the other hand, there are many who have been extremely benefited by visiting the natural health centre. A combination of Chinese herbs and acupuncture can really work wonders and relive you of various ailments.

FM is an extremely painful muscle condition. Few common symptoms are widespread pain and multiple tender points in the body that may last longer than three months. FM also results in disturbed sleep, fatigue and abnormal pain sensitivity. You may experience morning stiffness, tingling feeling or numbness in hand and feet. The headache can turn unbearable and you may have difficulty memorizing. There are many other symptoms which are enough to hamper your work or activity schedule. A study by American Academy of Rheumatology shows that Fibromyalgia affects a huge population ranging in between three and six million people in the United States itself and is prevalent among women between age group of 30 and 50. Yes, the figure is really disturbing!

A visit to conventional hospitals may offer you temporary respite with anti-inflammatory drugs, pain killers, antidepressants, and sleeping pills. With such medicines you may have a drowsy effect or develop digestive problems. The worst part is that the main disease symptoms tend to return within few months. By trying out acupuncture and different natural medicines, you can expect a permanent recovery and that too without any toxic side effects. For this, a visit to any reputed natural health centre is a must. With proper nutritional supplements you can get rid of the excruciating body pain and can also experience overall well-being. A detailed discussion with any established and experienced naturopathic physician and acupuncturist can help in clearing whatever doubts you may have.

Many have this idea that natural medicines can work only with minor health problems. However, you will be astounded to note that acupuncture and herbal medicines can cure severe ailments like asthma, bronchial disorders, Temporomandibular Joint disorder, back pain, muscle, spasms, headaches and many more. If you have weight gain/ loss problem or suffer from any addiction, then these can also be successfully treated with acupuncture and related medications. Different neurological, reproductive and urological problems can be cured too.

As awareness spreads about herbal medicines, acupuncture and massage treatments this has resulted in coming up of many centers which offer such services. Prior to visiting the natural health centre, make sure to take a look at the website. This will give you an idea on the range of services they offer. You can also talk to the acupuncturist to have a clear idea about her expertise in this field. There are many centers which offer the initial session as complimentary. The treatment costs are also not that expensive.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Chronic Low Back Pain - Check the Sacroiliac Joint

Sacroiliac pain is a 'hidden' pain in the respect that most doctors have no idea that such severe pain can be caused by this joint. The sacroiliac (or S-I joint) is where the sacrum (a triangular shaped bone located below your lumbar spine) and the ilium connect together. This S-I joint area, along with the ankle are the two exposed areas of the body that get a poor muscular supply to stabilize the bones. Because of this this joint can become very unstable causing not only lower back pain but radiating pain that can go into the buttocks, leg, hip and groin.

Most doctors are clueless when it comes to proper diagnosis and treatment of this condition. It is estimated that 30% of the general population will experience low back pain because their sacroiliac joints have been injured or misaligned. It can start with poor posture, a slip and fall, playing sports, car accident, or other types of trauma.

The S-I joint is quite a movable joint which can break down over time when the muscles begin to weaken and shorten. When muscles weaken they lose their ability to absorb force. When this happens that force will go into the S-I joint area which isn't designed to absorb any force. When this occurs, inflammation begins which in turns sends a signal up to the brain to warn of damage which is interpreted as pain. The body is always trying to protect you so it doesn't want you to continue to produce damage to that area so that is why the pain sensation is produces... to stop you from moving.

There is new treatment that can limit the amount of pain that you experience when this condition begins. Traditional therapy treatment consists of massage, ultrasound and other traditional type of treatment. New treatment goes beyond the limiting treatment because there is new research that shows pain relief faster. As well as research to structurally strengthen the joint to ensure stability to prevent future breakdown. A combination of manual and new bio-electric stimulation. This technique can actually find where the breakdown originally occurred.

When you have pain in the lower back particularly due to S-I pain, the bread down occurred somewhere else and where you feel the pain is where the damage ended. By finding the exact origin of the damage you can quickly reduce the pain and begin healing faster than ever thought. Most patients end up with increased painless range of motion in the first one to two treatments which allows for them to avoid any type of needless surgery.

Study Finds Oral Hyaluronic Acid Helps Horse Joint Post-Op Healing

Oral administration of hyaluronic acid (HA) may help improve healing in horses after arthroscopic surgery for joint disease, according to researchers at Oregon State University. In the study reported in the July issue of the Equine Veterinary Journal, 48 yearling Thoroughbreds (57 joints) received oral HA or placebo for 30 days after surgery for osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) lesions.

"Based on our results, it was clear that those horses treated with oral HA post-operatively had much less swelling and seemed to return to a normal clinical appearance faster than those treated with placebo," said Brady Bergin, DVM, assistant professor, Oregon State University.

The horses were divided into two groups: Group 1 received 100 mg of HA once a day, and Group 2 received a placebo. At the 30-day exam, horses were graded by the synovial effusion by size of the OCD lesion (the lower the number the better). Group 1 had an average score of 0.67, and Group 2 scored 2.05. Oral HA showed benefit over placebo for all joint lesions in all locations, according to the researchers.

HA is a glycosaminoglycan found in skin, cartilage, vitreous humor of the eye and in joint synovial fluid. It is used intra-articularly (in the joint) for both humans and horses in the treatment of joint disease. Additionally, it has been used intravenously in horses.

According to the researchers, "OCD is a growth disorder within the developmental orthopedic disease complex and is considered a manifestation of osteochondritis." The surgery they performed is to prevent degenerative joint disease. Intra-articular HA has been used for more than 30 years in horses. It is found to reduce lameness associated with joint disease. Oral HA has only been in use for 4 years.

Bergin noted that oral HA gives a horse owner a good option for joint health care because it is "natural, safe and effective." He explained that although oral HA can be a supplement to other therapy for arthritis and lameness, a horse owner should consult his or her veterinarian first to determine the horse's treatment plan.

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Parasites And Joint Pain: Is There Any Connection To Gout?

It is estimated that 85% to 95% of the population has parasites. There is also a growing suspicion that all cancer, asthma, diabetes, arthritis and heart disease is due to parasitic infection. This deserves further investigation and it would not be surprising to find a strong connection for the tendency toward Gout.

The definition of a Parasite is: "any living thing that lives on or in another living organism". The danger of parasites in the human body (or the bodies of our animals that make up our food supply and our pets) is that they will cause any number of difficulties; they interfere with various bodily functions, destroy tissues in the vital organs, and release toxic poisons into the bloodstream.

Parasitic organisms have two classifications: a larger variety that are basically "worms", and microscopic, single-celled organisms that can travel in the blood and other body fluids like a virus or bacteria.

The most common method of transmission is through poorly washed foods and contaminated water. However, because most of the population already has some sort of infestation, there a many other ways to get infected. The "eggs" of these parasites are microscopic. These microscopic eggs can be transported undetected in a number of different ways.

Here is an example: someone uses the restroom at a restaurant, sits back down at their table and uses the salt shaker - they have just deposited microscopic parasitic eggs onto this object. You're next to use this table and you use the salt shaker and then lick your finger - you are now the new host to the parasites.

Kissing, holding hands, exchanging money, etc. - these and many others, are all ways that we pass around the infection every minute of every day. Typically if one family member is a host, the whole family is infected. The eggs can live under fingernails for 2 months and because the eggs are microscopic in nature, they can even become airborne and then inhaled.

The list of symptoms is long and varied:

  • chronic fatigue

  • bloating, constipation, diarrhea

  • environmental sensitivities

  • joint and muscle pain

  • ulcers and sores

  • anxiety

  • bruxism

  • chronic viral or bacterial infections

  • depression

  • difficulty losing weight

  • candida

  • itchy ears, nose, anus

  • brain fog

  • pain in the back, shoulders, thighs

  • sexual dysfunction

This is a condensed list; depending on your source of reference there are many other conditions and illnesses that can be found.

Due to the enormous and very broad range of parasitic species, testing is almost completely ineffective. Many of the tests that can be done will look for and detect several dozen different species or types of parasites but will completely overlook several dozen others. This explains why there is a severely unnoticed and undetected epidemic of parasitic infection progressing throughout the world.

Like all living organisms, parasites eat and defecate. The urine and feces is acidic and toxic. This waste adds stress to the kidneys, liver and immune system.

In addition to the toxic waste load that infection adds, parasites can do serious and fatal damage. They not only eat our food, they eat our tissues. They can eat the protein coating off of nerves, the calcium off your bones, they can get in your lungs, brain and liver. Anemia can be caused by hook worms that attach themselves to the lining of the intestines and bite into the blood vessels and suck an enormous amount of blood out of the bloodstream. Heart worms from pets have caused deaths in children. Whip worms and Pin worms can travel in the colon and female sexual organs.

But what can be done about Parasites and what does that have to do with Gout?

The link between Gout and Parasites is due to the acid-forming nature of the presence of parasites; Gout is caused by an overall acidic inner bodily terrain, not just too much uric acid. The strain that parasitic infection creates for the kidneys disrupts and interferes with the adequate elimination of uric acid.

There are a number of best practices to stay parasite-free. Washing your hands frequently is at the top of the list. Never let your pets sleep on your bed our lick you on the mouth. Always wash after a pet licks you.

Raw fruits and vegetable can be a bigger source of parasites than meat; wash everything thoroughly and cook meats until there is no pink left.

Have bowel movements 2 - 3 times per day; the longer feces stay in your digestive tract will create a greater likelihood of parasites to grow.

Old time methods of de-worming are still a very viable and valuable method today. The use of castor oil and mineral oil should still be implemented.

Recipes for herbal preparations like Black Walnut Hulls, Wormwood, and Common Cloves are easily found on an internet search.

In Conclusion: Avoid becoming infected and resist infestation. Parasites of all kinds thrive in acidic conditions and constipation. Staying properly hydrated with high-quality water is a must, and following a high-fiber, alkalizing diet is the best prevention and cure for infection and infestation of parasites.

Treatments For Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease and degenerative arthritis, is the most common form of arthritis. It involves the breakdown of cartilage in the joints and is primarily found in older adults. Symptoms include aching, soreness, pain, bony enlargements in the center of a joint, and joint swelling. Osteoarthritis is most commonly experienced in weight bearing joints such as the knees and hips. It is typically the result of aging, but can be intensified by other factors such as heredity, injury, obesity, joint overuse, and stress. While there is no cure for Osteoarthritis, there are helpful treatments that and lessen the pain, increase mobility, and enhance the individual's quality of life. The type of treatment an Osteoarthritis patient receives will vary depending on a myriad of factors. If you suspect you are experiencing Osteoarthritis, it is critical that you discuss your symptoms and treatment options with your personal physician to ensure you are getting the right treatment for your particular needs.

Most common treatments include:

  • Physical therapy and exercise. A licensed physical therapist can advise you on specific muscle strengthening exercises that will help support ligaments and tendons and help alleviate pain.

  • Supportive devices. Supportive devices increase mobility, prevent falls, and are great for pain relief. A hinged knee brace, can be used to stabilize ligaments and tendons which will significantly decrease pain, while devices like crutches or canes can lessen the direct stress on joints. When selecting a device, make sure it is lightweight, comfortable, and easy to adjust for a precise fit.

  • Medication (oral or injected). Your doctor may prescribe you pain-relieving and/or anti-inflammatory medications which can help with Osteoarthritis management.

  • Weight Control. Keeping your weight in a healthy range will reduce the stress on your joints.

  • Hot or cold therapy. Hot or cold compresses can be administered to reduce pain and swelling.

  • Removal of fluid. If excess fluid surrounds the joints, your physician may choose to drain that fluid manually in order to alleviate pressure on the joint.

  • Alternative treatments. Some medical research concludes that glucosamine and chondrotin can rebuild cartilage, especially in the knee. There are also other (currently unproven) supplements that are also associated with Osteoarthritis treatment. Likewise, some people swear that acupuncture and bio-electric therapy alleviates pain, though there have not yet been any conclusive studies to support these claims.

  • Surgery. If less invasive treatments prove ineffective, your doctor may recommend corrective surgery.

Note: This information is not intended to supplement or replace advice from a medical professional, or to diagnose or treat any condition.

Best Mattresses For Joint and Back Issues?

Back pain is a common issue in the mattress world. For many years, mattress manufacturing companies have tried so hard to produce mattresses that can help alleviate these pains. In fact, in their list of features, there is surely one promise of "alleviating back pains".

But which mattress is really the right one that can provide this benefit? I have to say those firmer mattress take the cake. Sealy posturepedic, Bergad Isoform mattress, Englander mattress-these mattress brands provide a firm mattress.

Sealy Posturepedic TrueForm Mattress
This is the one made from visco elastic memory foam. Memory foams are better in the sense that this is exactly their purpose. They are manufactured with one intent and that is to alleviate back pains. Sealy carries the torch in the mattress industry due to their reputation and their seniority in this business.

Their TrueForm bed was purported to relieve back pains. The mattress has just the right support. It is not too firm which is a refreshing change out of all the ultra firm mattresses sold today.

Bergad Isoform Mattress
This one also uses memory foams but it has been incorporated with so much beneficial features. The mattress has semi-firm comfort. Actually, they offer it in various density levels so you can choose the best one for you. Many consumers said this is the mattress that has brought them comfortable sleep. No other mattress were able to do that to them.

What is better with this mattress is that it is breathable. There is a coolmax feature in this mattress unseen in other memory foams. It allows the mattress to effectively regulate its temperature. This way, it does not get too cold during winter.

Englander Mattress
This mattress brand is better known for their latex mattress line. Latex provides semi-firm comfort so there is a good amount of support to the upper back and a good amount of comfort to the lower back. This one provides that benefit and more.

Since it is latex, it is hypoallergenic. The mattress is also breathable. But on top of that, a remarkable benefit you will note is its bio-sustainability that makes it friendlier to nature.

These are the mattresses that are a cut above the rest. They do not only alleviate back issues and joint pains, they also provide a myriad of other health benefits. If you are on the lookout for a good mattress brand, try them and see a great difference.

Discover What Causes Hissing in the Ear and How to Get Rid of It

Hissing in the ear is one of the signs that you may have tinnitus. This is a condition where you hear unwanted noises in your ears such as ringing, hissing, and buzzing even without external stimuli. Treatments are more effective when you address the condition at its root cause.

Medical Conditions

You may hear hissing sounds in your ears as symptoms of medical conditions, diseases, or disorders, such as the following:

• High blood pressure that can also act as a symptom of other life threatening diseases such as cardiovascular diseases

• Migraine, a condition where you experience severe headache usually accompanied by ringing ears that can disrupt your routine

• TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, a condition where ear hissing and pain is a symptom.

Treatment of the disease or the disorder is necessary to free yourself from the symptom of ear hissing.

Exposure to Very Loud Noise

The most frequent cause of unwanted noise in your ears is also noise. Extreme noise causes damage to your inner ear resulting with you hearing unpleasant sounds in your ears even without external noise. The immediate solution to this is to refrain from going to places where you will hear extreme noise. The key is to reduce your exposure to loud noise.

However, in instances where avoiding loud noise is beyond your control, it helps that you wear protective earplugs. These plugs will act as your shield to prevent noise from damaging your inner ears.

Anxiety and Stress

Hissing in the ear usually happens with anxiety and stress. If you are anxious or stressed, most likely you will also hear this unwanted noise in your ear. It is crucial that you learn how to manage your stress if you want to get rid of its symptom.

You should not take stress and the hissing sound you hear for granted. Together, they can warn you of serious or life-threatening health diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Do not allow stress to rule your life, as you have several ways to get rid of it. Some of these are resting your mind and body, inhaling and exhaling as well as other breathing techniques, listening to calming music.

Clogged Ears

Clogged ear is a common cause why you hear the hissing sound. Typical reason for clogging of your ears is accumulation of earwax. While earwax serves are protection for your inner ear, too much of it can lead to problems such as unwanted noise.

Clogged ear is also a symptom of sinusitis. You will experience clogged ears and nose because of the overflow of mucus. Fluid will start to fill your ear and inflammation prevents drainage of this fluid. As a result, you will experience pain, pressure, and hissing in your ears.

Make sure that you clean your ears properly to prevent build-up and thickening of unnecessary earwax. To shield your body from inflammatory diseases and infections, you need to boost your immune system. You can do this through developing healthy dietary habits that may include high quality supplements to fill any nutrient gap.

These are the leading causes of hissing in the ear as well as how you can treat it immediately. It is always prudent to consult your ear specialist and get a good diagnosis of your condition to rule out any serious illness of which hissing is a symptom.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Hip Joint Pain - Find a Treatment For It

Have you recently been having hip joint pain? It could be a simple issue such as arthritis. As we age, our bodies begin to wear down. This includes the tendons, muscles and bones in our bodies. As it is a weight bearing joint, the hip joints often suffers greatly as we grow older. If you have had a recent injury to any part of your body, this could be the culprit of your hip joint pain.

Many of us don't consider it, but if you injure your leg, it is easy to understand how it could affect your hip. The bones grind together and cause inflammation and pain when you jam your leg or back into a position that it is not accustomed to. Spinal injury is a major reason for hip pain and must be examined to make sure that it is not causing undue stress to this area of your body.

A little trip can cause a lot of pain. You may not always know the cause of your hip pain immediately. You may fall and not feel the pain for a day or so. If this is the case, try taking an over the counter pain medication to relieve your symptoms.

If your symptoms worsen or do not go away shortly, you need to seek medical attention. Any pains that are severe should also be attended to promptly.

Hip joint pain can be caused by arthritis, many times. It is very common in older people and people who are involved in athletic activities or have recently done heavy lifting. Try taking ibuprofen, naproxen or acetaminophen to help the pain. Most of the time, hip joint pain is caused by either the swelling of the joint, as with arthritis, or by the swelling of the tendons around the joint. This is called tendonitis.

Hip joint pain can also be caused by conditions that may require medical intervention such as a hip or stress fracture. These are serious conditions and you put yourself at risk for other health conditions if you don't get a proper diagnosis from a medical professional.

Signs and Symptoms of TMJ-TMD

TMJ is a condition qualified by the pain, immobility and discomfort in the jaw joint Temporo Mandibular Joint, which is the joint on each side of your jaw just in front of your ear that is responsible for the movement of your jaw that allows you to eat, speak and move your facial muscles.

When considering whether or not you have TMJ it's important to know the signs and symptoms of TMJ to determine if you need to see a doctor immediately or try and wait for the condition to pass. If it is TMJ you will need to see a doctor immediately to help you with a treatment plan to help the symptoms subside and find a cause for the condition to prevent future TMJ symptoms and problems.

While, the causes of TMJ are various and somewhat ambiguous, the signs and symptoms of TMJ are fairly obvious and can cause an immense amount of inconvenience in a short amount of time. Some of the symptoms include jaw pain, headaches, immobility of the jaw, clicking or popping sounds in the jaw, and swelling of the side of the face. Some of the outward signs of TMJ are weight loss, dehydration and a decline in oral health as a result of the immobility and pain symptoms of the disease.

The signs and symptoms of TMJ can range from minor to serious depending on the intensity of the condition and how long the signs and symptoms have been ignored. It's important to seek medical attention immediately when experiencing the signs and symptoms of TMJ to get access to treatment and have assistance in finding the cause of your specific case of TMJ to help alleviate the symptoms you are facing and prevent future symptoms and problems with your jaw joints.

TMJ is one of the most painful arthritis conditions there is and because it effects the jaw joints the secondary symptoms that come with TMJ can cause eating, speaking and oral health problems which can trigger a whole other set of problems. If you suspect you are suffering from the signs and symptoms of TMJ, then get to the doctor immediately and work with them to find a treatment and solution for your discomfort, pain and the cause of the disorder.

Simply And Naturally: End Your Back Or Rheumatoid Joint Pain

In advanced cultures lower back pain has emerged on the scene as yet another chronic condition of our modern times, the likes of which can be traced back to our diets and lifestyles. Back pain any where can often begin suddenly and may follow an obvious strain or injury, but more likely than not, it seems to come on slowly or "out of the blue".

Sciatic back pain is the most common form of back pain. It is caused by a herniated, ruptured, slipped disc or, a pinched nerve. In plain terms, that means a disc is protruding outward or away from its normal position in the vertebral column and is pressuring a nerve in the lower back which forms part of the sciatic nerve.

In F. Batmanghelidj's book, "How To Deal With Back Pain and Rheumatoid Joint Pain", Dr. B explains in detail how chronic low back pain or Rheumatoid joint pain are indicators that there is a drought in certain specific areas of the body. As we age, we also lose our our ability to sense thirst. A dry mouth is not a reliable signal to trust, and to make matters worse, we often drink other beverages instead of pure water. Adult beverages such as tea, coffee, alcohol are drying agents and further force water reserves out of the body.

Ending back or joint pain first and foremost begins by hydrating discs and joints (the affected drought areas) with nothing more than pure water.

When discs are dehydrated 80 percent of all back pain is caused by muscle spasms. The water deficiency affects the back muscles as well as the dry protruding disc. The burden then gets shifted onto the back muscles to keep pulling on the vertebral column continually to keep the posture of the body upright.

The second step to stopping the pain in the back, caused by dehydrated disc displacement, is to begin to do a set of simple corrective exercises. Dr. B illustrates and explains in easy to understand terms, the anatomy and law of physics, that are involved in returning your disc to its normal position, thus alleviating the pain.

Thirdly you will be shown how to strengthen back muscles with specific protective exercises. These exercises will promote better circulation and will bring about the possibility of strengthening tendons and ligaments, as well as promote hydration of the disc core of all the vertebral discs.

Just like back pain associated with disc displacement, Rhuematoid joint pain is also a direct signal of a regional dry spot in the body. If you learn to consciously recognize this as a signal, then step up your water intake. In most cases the pain will gradually disappear and local swelling of joint surfaces may possibly go away as well. Joint structure will then begin to repair itself if a gross deformity has not already begun.

Dr. B's short 100 page book on the subject of these two specific chronic pains of our modern societies is a must read if you, or someone you love, suffer from back or joint pain.

You owe yourself or your loved ones a more basic and natural approach. The many evasive treatments that are commercialized and profit driven currently are not in the best interest of a suffering public.

By applying the knowledge in this well researched manual with an open mind, you may very well be on your way to a much more "pain free" and "anxiety free" life. You will then be doing your part when you recommend this self-help guide to others.

The momentum for a more cost efficient and knowledgeable art of health care is emerging steadily year by year and day by day. You can make a difference in joining a team to help force a paradigm change in the science of healing, that will eventually be acknowledged in the future as truth!

How To Deal With TMJ Headache

The TMJ condition can be very inconvenient and painful. Furthermore, for TMJ sufferers the pain may not just involve the jaw area. A TMJ patient may also suffer from a TMJ headache.

Experiencing TMJ Pain

The jaw is not the only area affected by TMJ. TMJ patients can suffer from facial pain and, as a result, get facial inflammation, too. On top of that, one could also possibly experience ear pain and ringing. One other TMJ related condition is the TMJ headache.

In severe cases, a TMJ headache may be felt throughout the head area. In a lot of cases though, the pain may only be felt in the temple region. A TMJ headache is actually referred pain or pain that originates from the jaws and radiates to the temple area. This type of headache is considered a tension type of headache and may further radiate to the neck, shoulders and back regions.

The TMJ Headache

TMJ-related headache, however, should be the least of your concerns. Since the pain may increase and last for days up to a couple of months. This can naturally lead to poor sleep and fatigue. All these could therefore translate to poor work performance and interpersonal interactions. Your head ache may not disappear on its own so you may need prompt treatment to get you back on track.

Factors Affecting Your Headache

As previously mentioned, TMJ headache may complicate into other health conditions. Several factors including emotional dilemmas, menstrual cycle and physical fatigue may lead to more TMJ headache pain. Some experts say that a headache of this sort may also occur with sinus and nose congestions or problems.


It is not surprising to get a misdiagnosis for a TMJ-related headache especially if your general practitioner is not thoroughly familiar with TMJ problems or if you go to a doctor who specializes in something else. Sometimes, TMJ can be mistaken for migraine or sinus problems especially if the patient does exhibit sinus symptoms along with a TMJ headache.

TMJ Treatment

Doctors can have different approaches to treating the TMJ condition. Some doctors may simply prescribe a pain reliever or over the counter anti inflammatory drug to help ease the pain of a TMJ linked headache. What you should remember though is that a TMJ headache is caused by your TMJ condition. It therefore follows that you can treat your headache best by addressing your TMJ problem.

Like any health condition, TMJ can be treated and approached from various angles. You could however try to manage your TMJ condition yourself. There is a possibility that your condition may be stress related. If this is the case, what you need to do is to look for ways to relax. You could enroll in formal meditation or yoga classes or you could simply look for activities that you find relaxing. You also need to mentally take note of situations when you suddenly feel yourself go tense and will yourself to relax.