Friday, April 4, 2014

The Less Invasive Treatments Available From an Experienced TMJ Specialist

TMJ is a condition caused by the imbalance of the jaw joints that lead to severe pain in the jaw whenever the patient opens or closes his/her mouth. This disorder affects around 10 million people in America alone each year. TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint which causes pain when it starts working ineffectively. Any ordinary dentist can detect TMJ disorder by analyzing the uneven muscles that are affecting the facial joint. However for treating this particular problem going to a TMJ specialist is always a better idea. A specialist is more experienced in this particular area and will be better able to help you get cured. Other ordinary dentists deal more with the teeth and gums of the mouth rather than the jaw joints. This is why it is highly recommended that anyone experiencing these symptoms should seek medical attention from a specialist rather than any ordinary dentist.

A specialist provides cure for this disorder in many different ways. The treatment will be decided after analyzing your particular case. Each patient has a different case and severity of this disorder. For more extreme cases of this disorder, the specialist will most probably recommend surgery. However other less pervasive measures are also available. A specialist can also cure this disorder through physical therapy and exercises. When looking for a specialist search for those dentists that have particular training in the field of neuromuscular dentistry. A Dentist with this added training will be more suited for diagnosing this condition and offering the right care and treatment to rid you of this disorder.

Some forms of treatment might contain dental guards. These dental guards are specially designed to fit your particular jaw. These guards are to be worn at night while going to bed to avoid any unconscious teeth grinding that you might do while sleeping. A TMJ specialist might train you on different exercises as well to help you get cured without having to go into surgery. Jaw exercises that your TMJ specialist will ask you to perform include opening and closing of the mouth for a fixed number of time while watching closely in the mirror to notice any movements or your mouth going too much in one side.

If your case of TMJ disorder is more severe your TMJ specialist might recommend you to go for jaw surgery. In this particular surgery the Dental surgeon treats your jaw and your mouth to make it more aligned so as to relieve you of the pain caused by the jaw imbalance that you have. To search for a good Dentist you should look online at various dental websites or try searching for this particular disorder and then a list of all the doctors that are specialized in this particular field. You can also try asking your dental society to recommend you a good Dental surgeon. If the thought of going into surgery makes you uncomfortable you can talk to your Dental surgeon to recommend you physical massage therapy. This is also known to work great for patients suffering from TMJ disorder.

There are various reasons that can cause the TMJ disorder out of which one major reason is stress. This is why your Dental surgeon might first ask you to start seeing a psychiatrist, psychologist, or psychotherapist. You can also find a Dental surgeon that specializes solely in pain management. This is also a great form of treatment for TMJ disorder. Regardless of the type of treatment you go for, it is important that you find the right TMJ specialist for yourself.

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