Monday, April 7, 2014

Recovering From Pain in the Finger Joints

You've probably come by this page from searching for the expression pain finger joint, and poor grammar aside, let me tell you that you are not alone. Hundreds of thousands of people suffer from extreme pain in their finger joints which forces them to miss out on many of life's simple pleasures. If you are someone who cringes at the thought of gripping a soda bottle, dialing a phone number, holding a pencil, or typing in keyboard let me be the first to tell you that I feel your pain and know what it's like to hurt.

Extreme pain in the finger joints can even cause you to deform your hands just to remain comfortable. I'm sure you've seen people who walk around holding their fingers in an almost claw formation to avoid bending them in a way that causes them in agony.

Repetitive stress injury is leading cause of pain in the finger joints. RSI, as it is abbreviated, is fairly easy to prevent by using instruments like ergonomic keyboards, desks, and chairs. If you're not in office worker and you're worried about RSI than the best way to prevent this injury is to take frequent breaks from any repetitive task that you have to perform. Unfortunately once RSI sets in it is something that you need to learn to live with.

Do not give up hope however; although you do have to learn to live with RSI you can repair the damage over time. This may sound paradoxical but hear me out. One of the causes of RSI is due to damage to your cartilage between your finger joints. If this is the case for you than taking joint supplements is a great way to help your body rebuild the cartilage naturally over time. Supplements are not a quick fix for your RSI, but given enough time and provided you take good care of yourself supplements will help you rebuild the damaged cartilage.

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