Monday, October 28, 2013

Natural Joint Pain Relief For Dogs

Canine arthritis is a very painful condition that affects the dog's joints and connective tissues around the joints. Older dogs are more vulnerable to this condition than younger dogs. Even a very healthy dog can be stricken with the dreaded incapacitating disease after healing from a serious injury. It mostly occurs in the neck, hips, shoulders, elbows and back. If you don't want to consider surgery then you can go for natural joint pain relief for dogs so you won't have to break your bank account.

Vitamin C is a natural joint pain relief for dogs. You can incorporate powdered Vitamin C into your dog's daily meal. How does it help? It keeps the tissues healthy and protected against further damage or deterioration. Do not use a plain ascorbic acid because this can upset the stomach. Use a sodium ascorbate or another form of buffered Vitamin C instead. Ask your pharmacist for recommendations. For small dogs, you need 500mg to 1000 mg, for medium to large dogs, 1000mg-2000mg is recommended and for giant dogs, you need 2000mg to 4000mg. If the dog is having diarrhea or loose stools, it means that the dosage is too high for him. Always start at the lowest recommended dosage and slowly increase it twice a year.

Look for supplements that contain Glucosamine and Chondroitin. These two work well together in lubricating the joints. Studies show that the majority of veterinarians believe in the power of Glucosamine to treat dog arthritis and reduce inflammation.

Another effective joint pain relief for dogs is heat therapy. As we all know, arthritis tends to be more painful during the cold winter months. Keep your dog warm all the time and it will be better if he can sleep on a heated bad. Hot water bottles and hot compresses also help tremendously in relieving joint pain. After the heat therapy, massage your dog for 15 to 20 minutes to aid in blood circulation. Use a medicated massage oil to get the benefits of the massage.

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