Thursday, April 18, 2013

Magnetic Dog Collar - What You Need to Know About Arthritis and Your Dog

Arthritis is more common in dogs than you might imagine.

In this article you will find suggestions of the telltale signs that your dog might have a problem, the treatments and whether a magnetic dog collar could help to give relief.

A good place to start is an explanation of what arthritis in dogs is and what the cause are. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis which is a degenerative joint disease. Often the cause of the disease is age related, the joint just wearing out with use and the passing of time but in dogs as in humans it can be damage from an accident or a weakness from birth. You too may have witnessed highly bred pedigree dogs suffering at a remarkably young age. Breeds such as Labradors and retrievers are a prime example but they are certainly not alone.

As a dog owner you may be reading this article and wondering whether there is anything you can do to prevent your beloved friend from getting the disease in the first place. The answer is that there are things that you can do to help but unfortunately there are no guarantees that your pet will avoid the problem in the long term. It is perhaps stating the obvious but an overweight dog will put extra pressure on joints and this does not just mean hip and leg joints, the spine may also be affected. Provide your pet with a sensible recommended diet with the occasional treat but do not be tempted to give in to gooey eyed begging, You know exactly what that means, you have seen it often enough! Tough love it may be but to have a healthy mobile dog into old age is worth all the angst.

What are the signs that you should be looking for that suggest your dog is starting or is suffering with arthritis? The first signs can be obvious such as being reluctant to climb stairs or just not standing as easily and quickly as normal. Watch as the dog chases a ball in the park, is the movement fluid or is there a stiffness in one or more of the limbs? And have you noticed a change in nature, perhaps not always being as friendly as previous. When we suffer pain and discomfort we become less tolerant so why should we expect our dogs to be any different?

The sad fact is that there is no cure for canine arthritis but not all is lost, the condition can be managed. A veterinary will suggest treatment that may include diet alteration and regular medication. swimming in a special pool can provide exercise with no pressure on the affected joint.

Then there are alternative treatments, similar to the remedies that we try to alleviate the pain of arthritis. Glucosamine for example or foods that help to provide omega fatty acids.

A popular treatment to alleviate arthritis pain in humans is magnotherapy, the use of magnets applied to the affected area. Medical science is still very much divided about the efficacy of magnetism but there are many, many people around the globe who claim to have found relief. So why not try the same treatment on dogs? The best way is buy your dog a magnetic collar. Magnetic dog collars are available in leather or webbing and contain powerful magnets.

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