Tuesday, March 11, 2014

How to Stop Teeth Grinding While Sleeping

There are so many people that are grinding teeth during nocturnal hours. Because people usually are not aware what happens when they are asleep, teeth grinding while sleeping is usually not paid with particular attention.

You may not be aware of it, but there is a great chance that you are suffering from this condition. Teeth grinding while sleeping is not actually a disease, but it is becoming a popular concern among people.

You may not be able to directly tell if you are a nocturnal teeth grinder. That is because it is a human nature not to be able to determine any unconscious activities during sleeping hours. You may not know it, but you could be a victim of teeth grinding while sleeping.

Your family or roommate could tell you that you are grinding your teeth in sleep. And they may do so not because they are too concerned, but because they are often annoyed by the sound you make in the middle of the night. People do not normally think something is wrong when there are teeth grinding while sleeping.

That is true. But looking closely at the condition, there is still so much things to care about. Teeth grinding while sleeping is not a very serious condition, but still, there must be measures you should take to curtail that involuntary habit of yours.

Causes and implications

Before knowing the ways to stop teeth grinding while sleeping, it would be more appropriate and helpful if you would first get the knowledge of its causes and its possible implications. Knowing the cause and the effect might provide enough motivation for you to stop that sleep-hour habit.

For a start, there are just three identified main culprits that make people grind their teeth when they are asleep. Stress is identified as the greatest contributing factor for teeth grinding while sleeping. You see, your body needs an outlet for releasing stress and since you are asleep at night, it makes its own action, thus, there is the involuntary grinding of teeth.

Mental problems are also identified to cause teeth grinding while sleeping. Just like stress, problems on the mind might be exhibited and ventilated at sleep. Lastly, misalignment of teeth can cause teeth grinding while sleeping.

Effects of this habit includes loosening of teeth, chipping of enamel on teeth surface, jaw pains and heightened sensitivity to temperature especially inside the mouth.

Stop teeth grinding while sleeping

The primary way to stop teeth grinding while sleeping would be to address the three identified main causes. Relieve your body from stress, consult experts if you have mental issues and see your dentist if there is a misalignment of teeth. Other than these, here are several more measures you could take:

- The most recommended step to initially curtail teeth grinding while sleeping is to purchase a mouth guard. Your dentist could help you at this. The mouth guard should be worn at night before getting to bed. Doing so would help prevent yourself from unconsciously grinding your teeth at night. Once done regularly, your body would be conditioned not to do the same thing again.

- Hypnosis is now becoming a popular way of relieving ailments. You should try it out to help break your habit of teeth grinding while sleeping.

- Counseling should also be taken to help you more effectively to de-stress. When you are de-stressed, your muscles would relax and you could prevent teeth grinding while sleeping. Tranquilizers could also be an option.

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