Saturday, May 11, 2013

Serious Sleep Disorder Common In Overweight Men

Do you snore loudly and a lot? Do you feel you're not getting enough sleep? Are you sleepy always, especially at daytime? Do you fall asleep easily and at the wrong time? Are you forgetful, suffering from high blood pressure, and have a poor sex life?

If you answered "yes" to the above questions, chances are you're suffering from sleep apnea - a potentially serious sleep disorder that's as common as diabetes and affects over 12 million people in the United States alone.

The Greek word "apnea" means "without breath." This common sleep disorder is characterized by brief but repeated interruptions of breathing during sleep, sometimes hundreds of times during the night and often for a minute or longer. There are three kinds of sleep apnea: obstructive, central and mixed. Of the three, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common.

"OSA is caused by blocked airway when the soft tissue in the rear of the throat collapses and closes during sleep. The airway is not blocked in central sleep apnea but the brain fails to signal the muscles to breathe. Mixed sleep apnea is a combination of the two," according to TMJ (temporomandibular joint) specialist Dr. Herminia P. Chavez of the Queen Mary Holistic Center in Manila.

Chavez said the usual victims of sleep apnea are overweight males over the age of 40 who smoke and drink a lot and have a family history of the disease. However, she adds that anyone can be affected regardless of age, weight and sex.

In children, OSA is often caused by large adenoids and tonsils. The American Sleep Apnea Association said the condition can be found in one to three percent of children between the ages of 2 and 18 but it is often present in children aged 2 to 6 years old.

"Untreated, OSA may raise your risk of developing high blood pressure, heart failure, stroke and other cardiovascular complications. Interest in sex is diminished due to oxygen deprivation, fatigue and depression. Lack of sleep may affect your job and contribute to vehicular accidents. In children, it may increase their risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In addition to habitual loud snoring, labored breathing and disruptive sleep, OSA in children causes' bed-wetting, sweating and sleeping in unusual positions. Disturbed or insufficient sleep can also affect a child's physical and psychological well-being," Chavez warned.

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the most common treatment for OSA. This machine pushes air through the nose at a high pressure to keep the airway open during sleep. However, patient compliance is a problem since many people are uncomfortable with the idea of a wearing a mask while sleeping.

Surgery is expensive and works only in severe cases where OSA is caused by enlarged tonsils, nasal polyps, a deviated septum (a crooked partition between your nostrils) or jaw malformations.

Chavez said a non-invasive and less expensive way to treat OSA is with the use of an oral appliance. This dental device is worn during sleep and is effective when airway obstruction is caused by enlarged tonsils, a big tongue or an abnormal soft palate (the muscles in the roof of your mouth).

To minimize your risk of suffering from sleep apnea, lose weight and eat right. One product that can help is Phenocal, a safe, natural, and effective weight loss supplement that boosts your metabolism, suppresses your appetite, reduces food cravings, and increases energy levels to keep you in shape. Check out for more information.

Osteoarthritis - One of the Most Common Diseases in Dogs

Osteoarthritis is a painful disease that frequently affects small animals, and very frequently older pets. While arthritis is an inflammation of the joints, osteoarthritis is the most common skeletal disease in dogs. It is also called degenerative joint disease and it is a progressive deterioration of the cartilage in moveable joints. The changes in joints cause pain, stiffness and a reduction of flexibility. The cartilage is eroded and there are areas of deposition of bone which are abnormal.

There are breeds of dogs that tend to develop arthritis because of genetic make-up. German Shepherd, for example, are prone to it and to hip dysplasia as well.

Secondary osteoarthritis occurs when an injury to the joint, an infection, fracture, trauma or excessive stress have been present.

Owners usually notice the problem when the dog becomes lame. If only one joint is affected the problem is more easily noticeable. When more than one joint is affected, the dog might just walk more carefully and slowly, or becomes less active. This is why it is more difficult to spot.

The classic signs of osteoarthritis are stiffness and difficulty of movement after rest or sleep. The animal moves better after some time, so owners might not be able to recognize the problem. Sometimes they only become aware if the dog cannot jump into the car anymore or go up the stairs. Dogs are more irritable and nervous and generally less active as they feel chronic pain.

Veterinarians can diagnose osteoarthritis even without using x-rays or other tests. By checking for swellings in the joints or evidence of pain they can tell if the dog is suffering from this condition.

For dogs suffering from osteoarthritis, it is important that they do not become overweight. This could lead to more stress for the joints. A moderate amount of exercise is necessary even for dogs who have this disease. The dog will tend to be less active and try to rest most of the time and having a less active lifestyle, weight can easily become a problem.

Pet owners will have to look for foods that promote weight loss and encourage exercise for their dogs. Easy and short walks will be very helpful. The more frequent such walks, the better. However, long hikes at the weekend are not a good idea when you have a dog suffering from osteoarthritis.

There is medication to treat osteoarthritis, but the disease will not be cured. The drugs used for osteoarthritis only offer alleviation from pain and help the animal function normally. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed for osteoarthritis can have side effects though. The most common are gastrointestinal problems.

If the dog has problems with kidneys, liver or heart, medication can cause blood clotting or gastric ulcer. The benefits of administered drugs should be weighed against the additional problems they may cause. There is also the possibility of surgical treatment when the arthritis is limited to one joint and it has proven to be highly successful for arthritic problems of the hip joint. Surgery should be considered only if other methods of treatment were inefficient.

Should I Seek Treatment For That Popping Sound in My Jaw?

Do you have clicking or popping in your jaw? If you suffer with clicking in the jaw with or without pain, it could be a form of Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) dysfunction. TMJ dysfunction is a disorder that affects the joint space where the jawbone (mandible) connects to the bone on either side of the head (temporal bone), right in front of the ear. If you gently place the tip of your index and middle finger in front of the ear and open and close your mouth, you can feel the joint moving.

There are many different functions for the temporomandibular joints, including allowing you to make facial expressions, talk and of course eat. Popping in the jaw can happen whenever one or both of these T-M joints is not moving or functioning correctly which commonly leads to an uneven and/or increased amount of stress on the disc that sits in the space where the lower jaw or mandible meets the temporal bone. This increased strain on the TMJ can result in a loss of smooth gliding of this disc that is seen in a normally functioning joint.

When this disc loses its' smooth movement it tends to get stuck during parts of the opening and closing of the jaw which results in a 'pop' you can hear and often feel.

If this incorrect movement of the disc results in irritation within the joint space, then the symptoms that may be experienced in addition to the popping or clicking include stiffness, aching, pain, headaches and even 'locking' of the jaw if the mouth is opened excessively wide such as when taking a bite out of an apple.

So the next question is, should I seek treatment for a 'popping jaw' that does not have pain associated with the clicking? Well, in short, you should seek an opinion at the very least just as you should have any condition you are concerned about checked out by a health care professional. Now having said that, whether or not it will be determined that you need actual care for the condition will depend on who you talk to about the problem and what their treatment philosophy is towards this particular condition.

Being a Chiropractor in Phoenix, Arizona who has worked with TMJ dysfunction for more than 15 years in conjunction with dental, medical and physical therapy professionals, I can tell you that unless there is a specific injury that led to the rapid onset of TMJ issues or a suspected pathological problem, I tend to not treat the jaw for clicking unless:

  1. There is pain associated with the clicking in the jaw

  2. There is an obvious misalignment of the joint or occlusion (lining up of upper and lower jaw) issue that I believe will not correct itself over time and will likely lead to pain and/or early deterioration of the joint

  3. There is obvious myofascial (muscle tension) issues that again I believe will only continue to get worse over time and lead to bigger problems such as disc or cartilage damage

If and when I do begin treatment, I begin very conservatively assessing the tight muscles and alignment of the TMJ first; typically in conjunction with a qualified Phoenix dental professional who is adept in TMJ dysfunction and evaluation for the need of an orthotic device such as a splint to help relieve some TMJ pressure and restore proper alignment while treating the joint.

Precautions to Be Taken After Total Hip Replacement Surgery

As per the reports that have been obtained in case of the total hip replacement surgery, it has been found that more and more people are going for surgical treatment for hip joint disorders. Thus, the measures for prevention of hip breakdown or hip dislocation have also come into focus so that it may serve to be beneficial for the fast recovery of the patients. However, it has been observed in most of these cases that the traditional procedure is followed during the surgery. The traditional method of the surgery entails a posterior or lateral (side) approach in order to access the entire hip joint.

However, the most significant thing to be taken into consideration when it comes to lateral traditional form of total hip replacement is that the chance of your hip breakdown or hip dislocation is greater than as compared to the minimally invasive anterior approach. It has been, however, observed that the cases of hip dislocation following this surgery are only a few, but still there are certain measures for the prevention of hip breakdown that are to be followed by the patient with immediate effect as soon as the surgery is completed. These tips are actually provided by the physical/occupational therapists of the patients as they are who know their proper condition at that particular point of time.

The new hip of the patients needs specific period of time to heal in its accurate place. The most probable period is the first 6 weeks following the surgery. During this period after the total hip replacement surgery, the hip muscles and bones of the patients heal up around their new hip joint so that it gets adjusted to its right place. The most important measures that you need to keep in mind for prevention of hip breakdown or hip dislocation include no turning of your toes inward, no crossing your legs, and the angle of bending your new hip must not exceed 60-90 degrees.

The next important precaution that the patients need to take for prevention of hip breakdown. After total hip replacement surgery is to avoid bending down to pick up something from the floor or access a low cupboard while standing. There are certain devices called reachers that can help you in picking up things from the floor. The occupational therapists will, however, suggest and train you with different equipments that you can use to perform multiple tasks like putting on your socks, shoes, and pants. Thus, it may be stated that for fast recovery, the patients must follow the tips and guidelines as specified by their therapists.

Elevated Dog Feeders - For Pain Inflicted Dogs

Is your dog trying to tell you something is wrong?

Do you recognize the signs of pain and illness in your dog? Like people, dogs suffer from many diseases and ailments that become increasingly painful such as Osteoarthritis, Hip Dysplasia, and Joint Trauma.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease resulting in progressive deterioration of the articular cartilage. It can be the result of trauma, infection, immune-mediated diseases, or from developmental malformations. Recognition of the disease can be lameness, swelling of the joints, and wasting away of the muscles.

Types of treatments used include medical, surgical procedures, diet and weight reduction to reduce strain, exercise on soft surfaces, and warm compresses to relieve joint pain.

Hip Dysplasia is the abnormal development of the thigh or hip joint. It is most common in large dogs and is characterized by joint laxity or joint looseness and can result in degenerative joint disease. It may be recognized by mild to severe lameness and is usually more noticeable after exercise.

Types of treatments used include medical and surgical procedures, diet or reduction of weight, limited exercise on soft surfaces, physical therapy to strengthen muscles.

Joint Trauma can result in ruptured cranial cruciate ligaments, conformational defects (more common in straight-legged dogs), and joint fractures including the shoulder, elbow, hip, and stifle. The joint often becomes inflamed and quite painful.

Types of treatment include pain reducing medications, surgery, weight reduction through diet, and controlled physical therapy.

Do you know what treatments are best for your dog? There are many differing opinions on treatments for dogs just as there are for humans. Whether you prefer to rely on standard medical advice or on holistic advice, be certain to consult with a reputable Veterinarian. If you prefer the holistic approach then consult with a holistic Veterinarian. Look for one who has first become a Veterinarian and then pursued the holistic aspects of medicine.

What can you do to help ease your dog's pain? Comfortable bedding, warm compresses, and moderate exercise will help. You can also make it easier for your dog to eat with adjustable elevated dog feeders that will ease any neck, shoulder, or back pain by allowing you to adjust the height of the bowls up or down reducing the degree of bending over to dine.

Adjustable raised dog feeders are also helpful to aged dogs experiencing neck and joint pain from years of use. It will adjust up as your puppy grows taller, aid with digestion, assist even small dogs who are ill or have an inhibited sense of balance.

No matter what breed of dog you have or are considering for your family, be certain you understand how to care for them properly, how to recognize if something is wrong, and where to find the best help when in need. Your local library can provide a wealth of information about specific breeds and illnesses, as well as information on caring for and training your dog.

How Hip Dysplasia In Dogs Is Diagnosed

Young, large breed dogs such as Labrador retrievers, St. Bernards and Great Danes are prone to develop a condition called Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD). So are some of the smaller breeds such as beagles, bloodhounds, Brittany spaniel's and bloodhounds.

CHD is a very serious disease that can cause the dog to suffer a great deal of pain and even become lame. While most dog experts will admit that it cannot exactly be determined what causes canine hip dysplasia, they will tell you that genetics plays a big part. If your dog's parents suffered from canine hip dysplasia, it is likely your dog will develop it. However, there are other factors. For example, older dogs can develop this condition due to osteoarthritis. It can also be caused by overfeeding the dog high-protein and high calorie foods, and by prolonged inactivity or obesity.

The symptoms of CHD include a difficulty or stiffness when the dog gets up or climbs uphill, You may also notice it using only its front legs when it attempts to rise, that it has a waddling rear limb gait or is reluctant to jump, climb stairs or exercise. If your dog has hip dysplasia, it may also have a very short stride due to pain in its rear legs.

Diagnosing Hip Dysplasia In Dogs

After your veterinarian watches the dog walk and performs a general physical examination, he or she will do an orthopedic evaluation to determine how the dog can best be treated. One of the things your vet will do is flex and extend the dog's hip joint. If your dog does have CHD, it will probably tolerate the hip flexion but abduction will cause the dog to experience pain. After your vet performs the physical examination and orthopedic evaluation, he or she will use and x-ray to confirm the diagnosis and evaluate the severity of the disease. For the X-ray, the dog will probably be laid on its back with its legs extended.

X-rays are used to confirm the diagnosis of hip dysplasia because its symptoms can also be those of other conditions that resemble hip dysplasia in dogs. This includes lumbar-sacral spinal problems, a ruptured cranial cruciate ligament, osteochondrosis, panosteitis, degenerative myelopathy and hypertrophic osteodystrophy.

If The Diagnosis Is Confirmed

If the x-rays confirm that your dog does have CHD, the treatment will depend on several factors, not the least of which is finances. This is because surgery may be an option but will be expensive. In fact, if the problem is really severe, the recommended surgery might be a total hip replacement.

If you catch the hip dysplasia early on, the recommended treatment will probably be anti-inflammatory or analgesic drugs to help with the dog's pain combined with changes to its exercise and eating. The drugs are usually given for only a short time to help the dog stay active while you are making changes to its lifestyle. These changes usually include weight control and good exercise management. In other words, you will need to restrict the dog's exercise and keep its weight at a recommended level.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Preventing Arthritis

The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which is also known as degenerative joint disease. Eighty percent of people over 50 years of age experience this type of arthritis, which can also begin in teenage years.

Affected Areas

Pain, deformity, and limited motion of joints within the whole body are usual. The onset can be very subtle. Morning joint stiffness is often the first symptom. As the disease progresses, pain on motion of various joints that worsens with prolonged activity and relieved by rest also occurs. Common affected regions are neck, back, hips, knees, feet, fingers.

Causes of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is caused from an improper function (or motion) of the involved joints. Unfortunately improper joint movement is something that we cannot feel 90% of the time. As a result, we unknowingly cause joint degeneration. Therefore, we must actively work to make sure all of our joints are working the right way throughout life. Otherwise, we will suffer the consequences of joint degeneration and osteoarthritis.

Unveiling Misconceptions

There are two misconceptions about osteoarthritis:

  1. It is a normal part of aging and

  2. Nothing can be done about it.

Taking care of our joints at a young age can help to significantly prevent osteoarthritis by the age of 50. Chiropractic wellness care has proven to substantially improve joint movement by helping patients learn how to properly use their joints. Even people who have neglected their joints to the point of daily pain and limited motion can benefit by improving joint function from chiropractic wellness care. It is never too late to start caring for your body.

Why NSAIDs Are Dangerous

Some people are not aware that there are natural methods of fighting osteoarthritis and are constantly taking drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen, Advil and Motrin, a category of drugs called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

According to a UK research report in the journal PAIN patients taking NSAIDs for at least two months show a risk of death at a rate of 1 in every 1,200 patients, 1 in 5 will have ulcers, about 1 in 70 have stomach pains/symptoms, and 1 in 150 have ulcers that bleed. It was concluded that NSAIDs kill three times as many people as cancer of the cervix.

Relieving Sciatic Nerve Pain Caused by Piriformis Syndrome

Being the largest nerve in a person's body, the sciatic nerve is naturally prone to different types of conditions that can lead to sciatic nerve pain or sciatica. A person suffering from sciatica may experience varying degrees of pain shooting down from the buttocks and spreading to the lower legs, sometimes even affecting the feet and the toes.

Although many people consider sciatic pain as an illness, it is actually just a symptom of an underlying condition which can either be severe or not. One proven condition which can cause sciatica is what we call Piriformis Syndrome. This type of condition occurs when the piriformis muscle, which is located partly in the pelvis and partly at the back of the hip joint, exerts pressure on the sciatic nerve therefore causing a tingling sensation and pain in the affected areas.

Though not as serious perhaps as a herniated disk, Piriformis Syndrome causing sciatic pain can however cause intolerable discomfort to the one experiencing it. A lot of exercises and stretches are recommended for the people suffering from this condition, and most of them have been proven effective in relieving the pain.

Most people sit with one ankle crossed over their other knee, and this is a great way to stretch the piriformis muscle and relieve sciatic nerve pain as it diverts the pressure from the inflamed nerve. Once in that position, try bending forward at the waist as far as you can tolerate it, and you can immediately feel the stretching of the muscles. Massaging the lower back after a long drive or after standing for long periods of time also helps to lessen sciatica. There are a lot of massagers that can be used at home which almost have the same effect as a therapeutic massage.

Another thing that you can consider is investing in a good bed that can help you minimize or eliminate sciatic nerve pain. People suffering from sciatica lose sleep because of the pain, so you should consider lying on a bed that can help you relax the muscles in the lower back area where the sciatic nerve is located. An excellent foam mattress will evenly distribute the pressure to different parts of the body when lying down, instead of being concentrated on the lower back. There are also adjustable beds that allow you to recline the legs or head to divert the pressure from the sciatic nerve, therefore giving the comfort of a good night's sleep even if you're suffering from sciatic pain.

The Shih Tzu: Common Health Issues

Although disease affects all different breeds of dog, certain breeds are more prone to certain ailments than others, due to their particular anatomical structure, genetic make-up, or other factors. In this article, we will briefly describe some of the most common ailments that affect the Shih Tzu.

Eyes and Ears: Because of the anatomical structure of the Shih Tzu's head, their eyes are especially vulnerable to being injured. This can be caused by collisions with foreign objects, encounters with other animals, rough play, etc. Eye injuries are probably the most avoidable of all ailments that affect the Shih Tzu and can be prevented to a large degree by providing a safe environment for the dog to play in, with special care taken to removal of potentially injurious objects. Shih Tzu should always be supervised when interacting with other animals and should discouraged from rough play. Another important preventive measure is to keep the eyes and eye area as clean as possible. Avoid allowing crustiness or dirt to accumulate. When grooming, it is recommended that the hair covering the eye area be left at a reasonable length as it protects the eyes from dirt and debris.

A genetically linked disease that often affects the Shih Tzu is Progressive Retinal Atrophy, or PRA. PRA is basically the de generation of the retina and retinal tissue over time and can lead to blindness at an early age. If a dog is suspected of having PRA, veterinary care should be provided. As PRA is an inheritable disease, dogs that suffer from the affliction should not be bred.

Shih Tzu are also very susceptible to ear infections. Ear infections are generally not serious and can be treated easily by a veterinarian. Some preventive methods include keeping the inside of the ears immaculately clean and free of hair and other debris.

Bones, Joints, and Internal Organs: Another genetically linked disease that affects ShihTzu is Hip Dysplasia. Hip Dysplasia is a degenerative disease that affects the function of the ball-and-socket joint of the hip. This can be an extremely debilitating disease and cannot always be corrected by surgery. Dogs suffering from Hip Dysplasia should not be bred.

Renal Dysplasia is an inherited disease that affects normal kidney function which, in turn, affects the overall health of the dog. Although Renal Dysplasia is more prevalent in older dogs, it can also affect young puppies and in some cases, can be fatal. Dog with Renal Dysplasia should not be part of any breeding program.

Other Concerns: Just as in humans, some Shih Tzu suffer from abnormal thyroid function. This can be treated with medication prescribed by a veterinarian, although the dog may have need of the medication for the entirety of their lives.

Shih Tzu also seem to be prone to certain types of allergies including food allergies, flea allergies, and hypersensitivity to environmental substances. This can lead to any number of secondary ailments, such as irritated skin, hair loss, and overall poor health. Allergy testing can be performed by a veterinarian and can be treated with medication.

The Functional Body in Crisis

Defining the Problem-

While almost everyone acknowledges and understands the benefits of proper exercise and diet. Few understand the importance of good posture and muscle balance which is defined as the relative equality of muscle length or strength between opposing muscles surrounding a joint; this balance is necessary for normal movement and function. Muscle imbalance often begins after injury or with functional pathology leading to pain and inflammation. Muscle imbalance in today's society is compounded by stress, fatigue and insufficient movement through regular physical activity as well as a lack of variety of movement. Lack of variety contributes greatly to imbalance and repetitive movement disorders.

In the United States alone, musculoskeletal conditions account for approximately $254 billion a year in associated healthcare costs, lost productivity and medical research (United States Bone and Joint Decade 2002). This means that human dysfunction, misalignment and associated pain cost the U.S. more than $695 million per day. Certainly these conditions weigh heavily on the economy, but-more importantly-their profound and dramatic effects are causing many people to suffer.

Some Background-

The human body is a wondrous thing, the product of millions of years of evolutionary selection and adaptation to change. Witness any professional athlete performing his or her sport and behold the wonder of its capabilities. Precision, power, grace, endurance, strength, and creativity are just a few of the many things that it can do. Now think about this: our ancient ancestor's struggles to survive. They constantly had to move to survive: walking, running, climbing, digging, hunting, gathering, running from predators, or chasing prey and surviving the elements could all be a part of a days work. This was the crucible from which our bodies were molded!

As wondrous, rugged and adaptable as the human body is why today does it seem so fragile and prone to joint related break downs, degenerative disease and pain? Why are joint related surgeries and joint replacement surgeries dramatically on the rise? How has such a rugged structure become so frail and problematic in seemingly just a few generations of time? How have millions of years of natural selection and evolutionary development, that helped shape such a wondrous and adaptable body, one that science and technology even at it's very best can only crudely replicate, have gone so a rye? If you don't believe me just take a good look around you. Watch those around you move and listen to them speak about their bodily aches and pains. In some conversations its all people talk about.

So what's going on here?

Most people in our society are becoming increasingly sedentary due to automation and technology. It took millions of years for humans to stand upright and only about the last 50 to spend most of the day hunched over again at a computer, driving or watching television; leading our bodies not only toward obesity, but also to muscular weakness and imbalance and with it compensation and movement dysfunction, which is something we rarely hear about. Just think about this! As recently as the turn of the last century for example (c. 1900) one person in a household spent a full day just doing laundry! We no longer have to move to survive. As we human beings have become smarter and more efficient at using tools, we move less and our specially adapted bodies are doing much less of what they were designed to do. Those that are active today often repeat the same movement patterns i.e., biking, running, swimming, etc., subjecting them to repetitive overuse injuries and muscle imbalances. Compared to our ancestors our bodies are not getting the regular physical activity, and more importantly the diversity of movement stimulus needed to stay balanced and functional.

My experience as a strength coach, posture, movement correction specialist, and observer of human movement have clearly showed me that almost everyone suffers from some sort of musculoskeletal imbalance that affects his or her ability to move optimally. In fact, it was through the observation of my clients and members and their struggles with imbalance, pain, and movement while exercising and my own imbalances that have motivated me to study and research this area exhaustively. Muscle imbalance can be defined as opposing muscle groups being imbalanced in length or strength creating restriction and abnormal joint function. The process of muscle balance and movement is thought to be directed by a sensorimotor program that regulates function throughout the body and is interconnected. Think of this regulation as a sort of orchestrated intra-muscular coordination. During movement balanced muscle contractions about a joint are necessary to aid the connective tissue in providing joint stability and equalize pressure distribution at the joint surface(s). Our sedentary lifestyles, pain, injury and chronic stress can cause communication deficits within this sensorimotor system which delays the protective muscular responses of reflexive joint stabilization, affecting alignment and balance that are critical for proper joint function, overall body posture and the long term health of the joint(s). Over time, this imbalance becomes centralized in the Central Nervous System (CNS) as a new motor pattern, thus continuing a cycle of pain and dysfunction.

So what does this mean for you?

Left unchecked these changes get worse with time and lead to increasingly inefficient movement, excessive wear and tear to the joint and joint surfaces at best and at worst excessive, painful joint surface erosion leading many to have joint replacement surgery. These surgeries are a very poor substitute to replace what we were born with. Ultimately surgery does nothing to correct the real problem 'the imbalance'. If the uncorrected imbalances remain, in time the joint above and or below the replaced joint, could and often do follow suit. The problem is the pain is only a symptom of the problem and not the cause. Therefore joint replacements don't resolve the problem only the symptom. This can easily be avoided if the proper movement and postural assessment, testing and corrective therapies are applied early on.

What can you do about it?

The bad news is that this problem is not correctable with regular exercise and stretching. In addition, the imbalances are rarely taken seriously; until they are fairly advanced because they are difficult to detect by the individual as the changes happen slowly and gradually over time.

The good news is these imbalances are correctable but they require time and work to correct. For correction to take place and to minimize permanent soft tissue damage the imbalances need to be identified early and corrected by a trained professional, otherwise they will only be reinforced and exacerbated with continued exercise and training.

Another upside of this issue is that musculoskeletal pain issues are firmly and squarely in the spotlight. Consequently, more and more qualified professionals are entering the corrective-exercise and fitness arena developing new and more effective ways of assessing and correcting imbalance. World-renowned physical therapists, exercise physiologists, doctors and biomechanics specialists are bringing quality research to the fitness and wellness industry-and as a result, business is booming.

In closing, if you have any further questions or concerns about this topic or just want to improve your quality of movement please come see me. I specialize in designing customized programs to correct postural alignment and musculo-skeletal imbalances to minimize injury and maximize performance. In my work, I combine posture and movement corrective modalities with an extensive strength and conditioning background to provide my clients with an optimally functioning body that is balanced, strong and pain free.

Strengthen Your Hip Joint!

Strengthen Your Hip Joint

Patrick Henry said,"Give me liberty or give me death."

You can let freedom ring after a hip replacement - if you are one of the 300,000 annual hip replacement patients in the US! Or if you just want to keep a healthy hip, learn some exercises that are sure to keep you hip and hop!

The hip joint has three degrees of freedom, which means that it moves in three different planes: the sagittal plane: flexion/extension; the frontal plane: abduction/adduction; and the transverse plane: external/internal rotation.

Don't let the doctor keep you in stitches on the "hipnotic" battlefield - learn to strengthen the hip joint and laugh your way into old age! Shake your left leg, take two steps then throw a left hook out of left field as you perform fundamental movements from the hip joint.

The hip joint is a ball and socket joint between the head of the femur and the socket of the pelvis. The hip has a joint capsule, which is a flexible sac around the joint allowing multiple movements such as the following (from a standing position): flexion - forward leg movement; extension - backward leg movement; abduction - leg moves away from sides; adduction - leg moves toward other leg; internal rotation - toes pointing toward each other; and external rotation - toes pointing away from each other. Avoid excessive flexion, adduction and internal rotation of the hip for the first six weeks after a hip replacement surgery. General info for patients with hip replacements include not bending the hip beyond 90 degrees, not bringing legs and knees together (adduction, internal rotation), and not crossing legs (adduction). The first task is easing patients into weight bearing exercises such as walking. For people without a hip replacement, their walking can tell a lot about their hip health.

Walking transfers body weight from hip joint to hip joint. Walking is divided into two phases, which include the stance phase, where one leg is standing on the ground; and the swing phase, where one leg is off the ground swinging forward to make the next step.

During the swing phase of a walk, the toes are prevented from hitting the ground because the gluteus medius on the stance side contracts, tilting the pelvis upward and lifting the leg clear of the ground.

A weak gluteus medius causes the pelvis to dip downward during the swing phase. The gluteus medius can be weak due to either an L5 nerve root lesion in the spine, proximal myopathy (muscular dystrophy, hip osteoarthritis) or congenitial hip deformities.

Calculations have been made using vector diagrams during the stance phase of walking. They show that four times the body weight is applied to the load-bearing surface of the hip joint. Therefore, being overweight places an increased burden on the hip joints, leading to premature osteoarthritis. Throw ideas of osteoarthritis out the window and start losing weight and strengthening the hip in rewarding workouts!

Strengthening and gaining flexibility in the hip joint should be a priority through proper conditioning and balance training. Flexibility can be gained by stretching out one leg while standing on the other, then bending the outstretched leg 90 degrees.

Strengthening can be achieved by looping a Thera-Band loop around the ankles and alternating mini squats for 30-60 seconds. A balance exercise can be achieved by standing on one leg for 30-60 seconds.

Beware of hip joint red flags! Some of the red flags are at half mast when there are some of the following casualties to the body: pain and swelling, pain when bearing weight on lower extremities, and discomfort or inability to sleep on the hip.

Exercises can prevent the red flags when they form good conditioning habits and utilize cross training. Patients with hip replacements can build strength comfortably through cross training in the water. Therapeutic water training is the best form of exercise for gaining flexibility and range of motion, especially in patients with a concern for their hip joint health. Anyone with a goal of increasing their hip joint degrees of freedom can have an effortless return of hip advancements in water training.

Muscle and Joint Pains

Muscle and joint pain is usually seen as just a fact of life. It seems like anything you do will cause muscle and joint pain-whether it's too much exercise, not enough exercise, whether your just getting old or you're a youngster with growing pains. The causes can be nefarious and subtle, such as early onset arthritis, or obvious such as an injury.

Illnesses That Cause Joint Pain

Some illnesses have muscle and joint pain as one of the symptoms.

• The Flu. Some people will wonder what they did to their back, because it hurts so badly, or, they'll wonder what in the world they did yesterday that would make them so sore today. That is, until the rest of the symptoms set in. Thankfully, just as the flu will subside, so will the muscle and joint pain that accompanied it.

• Hepatitis, besides the life-threatening infection, can "settle" in your joints, which is another way of saying that, just as it causes inflammation in the liver, cutting down on circulation, it causes inflammation in the joints, as well.
• Rheumatic Fever, while rare in the United States, can cause swelling and damage to the joints, and serious muscle pain.

• Fevers affect the muscles and joints, no matter what the disease. Fever increases inflammation in the body. As inflammation increases, circulation decreases, keeping the body from flushing toxins out of the bloodstream. These toxins will pool, or settle in the joints, causing viral arthritis, a painful, debilitating illness that may require hospitalization.

• An excruciating condition called bursitis can affect the shoulder joint. The tissues surrounding the shoulder gets inflamed, and the pocket fills with fluid.

• Arthritis is a disease of the auto-immune system that cause the body to attack itself. The target of this disease is the joints. Other auto-immune diseases such as fibro-myalsia mimic arthritis, making both diseases sometimes hard to diagnose.

Treatments for Muscle and Joint Pain

Doctor treatment for muscle and Joint Pains can be very effective. Prescriptions can make a big difference. But, some of the most effective arthritis medications can cause pretty bad side effects. Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet for arthritis pain. There are, however, home remedies that may help.

• Some women report that after a manicure, the arthritis in their fingers feel better. It's because of the hot wax treatment that they rest their hands in, and the massaging action of removing the wax.

• Alternating heat and cold on inflamed joints can give temporary relief.

• As with many health problems, staying hydrated is important. "Drink plenty of water" is a mantra that you may get tired of, but it's more important than you may want to admit. So, stay close to the bathroom, and drink lots of water to give your body the fluids it needs to manufacture blood, digest nutrients, and flush toxins from your body.

While muscle and joint pain are common, unrelenting discomfort should be checked by your doctor.

Benefits of Chiropractic Wellness Care

When I give workshops on how Chiropractic wellness care benefits people's health, I can be long-winded. This is simply because that the list of benefits is a very long one. When people understand that Chiropractic wellness care can do, most people understand that why the list is long.

Chiropractic wellness care indicates that the nervous system is the master controller of a person's health. It allows your nervous system to communicate with your body at superior levels. Here are a few examples of how Chiropractic wellness care can improve the quality of your life:

  1. Neck and Head: Relief from headaches and migraines as well as relief from head pains, whiplash and acute and chronic neck pain. It promotes healthier discs and also relieves temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ).

  2. Breathing and Lungs: Relieves stress from lungs, improves of respiratory function, and decreases symptoms of asthma, sinusitis and allergies.

  3. Cardiovascular: Allows for greater nerve supply to heart and coronary arteries, improves circulation, less nerve stress and stabilizes of blood pressure.

  4. Digestion and Elimination: Improves digestion and elimination as well as function of throat, stomach, duodenum, small and large intestines, colon and anus. It relieves ulcers and promotes a greater nerve supply to the entire digestive tract, liver and gall bladder. Chiropractic wellness care can also help with kidney, bladder and colon disorders and dysfunctions.

  5. Upper Extremities: Relief from carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder, arm and hand problems.

  6. Lower Extremities: Hips, knees, feet are more balanced; less pressure on nerves and joints; better balance; improved posture; relief from sciatica and leg pain.

  7. Brain, Stress and Psychological Effects: Increased blood supply to the brain; improved concentration; reduced anxiety and irritability, depression, tiredness and clumsiness; and more energy.

  8. Immune System: Improved nerve supply to immunity organs, including spleen, tonsils, appendix and lymphoid tissue. Overall immune system function is enhanced.

  9. Overall Effects of Body Structure: Less pressure on body in general; joints are more aligned; weight is carried more evenly; better posture; more balance and energy; muscles are strengthened and balanced; trigger points and hot spots are removed; increased flexibility.

If you increase the nerve supply to your body, you increase health and wellness as well as your overall quality of life.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Dog Joint Pain Relief

Dog Joint Pain Relief

Does Your Dog have These Symptoms?
Licking influenced Joints?
Slight rigidity On Rising Or Lying Down?
SomeWhat disinclined To Climb stairs?
Falls Behind On Walks?
Mild Swelling/Heat In The Joints?

Dog Joint Pain Relief. Your dog has a major problem that needs a serious solution. Dog Joint pain relief is a wonderful solution to get your suffering dog back on the way to a happy healthy way of life. Our pets can't speak for themselves, but you can tell when your family mate is hurting . Perhaps they are having a bit of a difficult time getting up after resting, or more disinclined to leap up into your lap or go outside for a walk. Once boisterous and full of energy, your pet may now seem to decelerate, have some difficulty walking, tire easily or seem less exuberant or even restless-and seeing them suffering discomfort makes you feel helpless, doesn't it? Dogs are a part of your family. Our pets suffer from the pain and swelling of arthritis just like we do-but you can help them with homeopathic ingredients which have historically been used to help treat the symptoms of joint discomfort.

Dogs of all weights and sizes can experience relief with ingredients historically used to help with the pain, swelling and rigidity associated with arthritis or joint discomfort with just three applications a day, 5 to fifteen drops in the mouth, depending on your pet's weight of this fantastic homeopathic all natural joint discomfort alleviation formula. The homeopathic liquid ingredients in this formula are designed to be soaked up quickly into the bloodstream through the mouth tissues-so you can be certain your pet gets the proper dose.

it's easy to administer-a few drops and you're done! And liquid ingredients go to work quickly... No forcing down pills and waiting for them to dissolve.This all-natural, plant-based homeopathic blend is meant to help relieve the symptoms your pet may be experiencing safely and without complications, so your family friend can resume activity with better mobility and more comfort. The utilization of homeopathic ingredients for particular conditions relies on'homeopathic provings' that are recorded in the Homeopathic Materia Medica.

Best of all, Homeopathic medicines are totally natural, non toxic and no side effects. All you've got to do is pay a small $6.95 shipping fee. Does any pharmaceutical company offer you a riskless trial that's completely safe for only a seven dollar shipping fee? I do not believe so. You have nada to lose, and only the health and well being of your dog to gain. Get Your Dog Joint Pain Relief Here Now!

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Hip Pain and Osteoarthitis Answers

A large percentage of the American population, nearly seventy six million Americans, are believed to suffer from some sort of pain on a regular basis. The top four types of pain that people report having are lower back pain, neck pain, headache or migraine pain, and face pain. Hip pain is most likely to appear in patients who are age sixty five and older, though the fifteen percent of seniors who report this pain are still only half as many as those who suffer from knee pain.

It's not uncommon for someone who has a hip injury or abnormality to have pain not just in the hip joint, but along the length of the thigh and in the groin area as well. An injury to the hip may be the primary source of hip pain, though it may also be caused by an injury to other parts of the body.

Though most people who report hip pain are older, it can appear at any age, and even children have been known to suffer from this problem. Among the most common reasons for hip pain are:

* Fracture of the hip

* Various forms of arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and psoriatic arthritis.

* Bursitis, which is caused by an inflammation in the tiny sacs of fluid that keep the joints moving smoothly (the bursae)

* Aseptic necrosis or lack of blood flow to the hip

* Hip joint muscles that have been strained or sprained.

* Bacterial or viral infections

* Injury or pain to the lower back area

* Hip injuries caused by a fall or other similar situations

* Osteoarthritis

What You Need to Know About Hip Pain:

Osteoarthritis, which is usually found in the hips and knees, will strike nearly ten million people this year. The most likely people to suffer from osteoarthritis are those who are overweight or obese - approximately 66 percent of those diagnosed with arthritis fit into this category, far more than you see for those with a normal weight.

Hip fractures are commonly caused by osteoarthritis - in fact, 97 percent of hip replacements performed in this country are for hip fractures that are the result of osteoarthritis. And 70 percent of those hip replacements that are required for reasons other than hip fractures can be attributed to osteoarthritis.

Hip Fractures and Hip Pain - Recognizing the Cause

If you fracture your hip, you'll likely suffer from pain along the thigh and groin as well as suffering a restriction of hip movement; this is an injury that will require immediate medical attention. As you age, the chance that you'll suffer from a hip fracture increases as well. There are other groups who are at high risk of hip fractures and hip pain as well, including:

* Those who have cancer

* People who have rheumatoid or osteoarthritis

* Those with a family history of osteoarthritis

* Anyone who is overweight or obese

* People who have a long history of taking steroids

* Anyone with sickle cell anemia

* Those who have suffered an injury to the hip or lower back area

* People who consume large amounts of alcohol

No one wants to miss out on their daily routine just because of hip pain, and fortunately, hip pain can be managed these days, no matter if the cause is an infection, inflammation or injury. One of the most common methods for reducing hip pain includes therapy and anti-inflammatory medications. If you're in one of the high risk categories for hip pain or hip fracture, then you should follow a plan to reduce your chances of injury - make sure you get plenty of calcium and vitamin D, as well as improving the condition of your joints with weight-bearing exercises.

Hip Pain and Some Common Causes For It

For all too many of us out there trying to get through our daily lives, we have to deal with daily, chronic pain. Hip pain is one of the most common complaints, especially as our population ages. Taking care of hip pain can be especially challenging because there can be so many reasons behind the pain. Doctors do recognize that there are some more common causes for hip pain and often look to these first.

Arthritis is by far the most common cause of hip pain. Of course, arthritis just means that the hip joint is inflamed. This can be a chronic or passing problem. There is a lot of research currently underway looking to address arthritis and joint pain. Fortunately, there are some promising results. One product that is growing in popularity is made from CFA's (cetylated fatty acids). They appear to be able to reduce inflammation in the joints while having no adverse side effects. Hips are rejoicing everywhere!

Another heavy hitter is tendonitis. Tendonitis can be found anywhere on the body sporting tendons, so this is not a very limited issue. The tendon in the hip area with the largest number of complications is the IT band, or the iliotbial band. Hip pain is a common symptom of tendonitis found in this area. CFA's may help to reduce hip pain with tendonitis simply by helping to cut down on the amount of inflammation found in the joint.

Fractures involving the hip joint are seen all too often as our bodies age. No one who has been around for the last couple decades and watches television at all can forget the whole "I've fallen and I can't get up" ad campaign. It is sad, but true, that many older adults will have hip problems due to a fall. The fracture issue comes in when the fallen person is dealing with osteoporosis. Unfortunately, when a hip is broken surgery is usually the only option to repair it and get the patient back on his or her feet. There are many different options available when it comes to surgery, depending on the fracture and the health of the patient.

Stress fractures are also a common issue causing hip pain. This type of fracture has nothing to do with age and everything to do with the level of activity and stress placed on the hip joint. There are limited options when it comes to relieving pain caused by a stress fracture. The only treatment that is going to be effective is to rest the joint and avoid the high-impact activity that caused the fracture in the first place.

If you are experiencing hip pain, a trip to your primary-care physician is probably a great place to start looking for relief. Those who have been diagnosed with issues such as arthritis or tendonitis may want to give products such as CFA's a have nothing to lose but pain in your hip!

Medical Conditions Associated With Temple Headache

True enough the temple area is usually affected by headache pain. The affected area is dependent from the headache's underlying cause. There are people who complain of pain in both temples while there are others who happen to feel pain on only one side. Aside from location, the quality and severity of temple headache varies as well.

Headaches are usually not life threatening and can go away on its own, but there are cases of temple headaches that serve as warning signs for a more serious medical condition.

So what causes temple headaches? As mentioned before, the underlying cause of temple headaches do differ. It is important that we understand the different factors that causes pain in the temple region in order to treat the symptoms fast and effectively. Tension headaches, TMJ dysfunction and temporal Arteritis are some of medical conditions that are associated with temple headaches. Let us discuss each one.

1. Tension headaches - Stress is inevitable. It can occur to each and every one of us. Just by looking at your monthly billing statement can be very stressful. Stress do varies for each person. When repeated unresolved stresses occurs contraction of muscles can occur. As a result of chronic muscle tension, inflammation in the area takes place. Inflammation can be a bit painful. When the neckline and skull are pain can extend to both temples. Besides stress, poor body posture, hormonal changes and unhealthy diet can also contribute to the development of tension headaches.

2. TMJ dysfunction - Characteristically, women between the ages of 20 to 40 years old are affected by TMJ dysfunction syndrome. Unrelieved TMJ dysfunction can move the cartilage that causes extension of the connected soft tissues and sensory nerves. When the cartilage is displaced, you are predisposed to jaw locked up. Aside from the ticking of the jaw, people who suffer from TMJ dysfunction can also experience facial pain as a result of inflammation. Other symptoms associated with TMJ are ear pain, ear fullness and temple headaches. Moreover, temple headache in point of fact id pain that starts off from the jaws and which eventually branch out to the temple area. Again, this type of headache is known as a tension type of headache. The pain can extend to the neckline, shoulders and back regions.

3. Temporal Arteritis - As a person gets older the more susceptible one becomes to the development of Temporal Arteritis. When the arteries become inflamed the blood supply is disrupted, leading to a wide array of symptoms including temple headaches. According to one medical resource, women are more predisposed as compared to men. People who suffer from temporal arteritis are often diagnosed with giant cell arteritis. This type of disorder can cause episodes of pain due to the interrupted blood flow.

Certainly, temple headaches are caused by varying factors. Talk to your health care provider if you are still unsure of what causes your temple headaches.

Holistic Approach to Pain Relief

The holistic approach to pain relief focuses on natural remedies. These natural remedies are supported by holistic health research. These natural remedies include herbal products and energy-related therapies.

All pain involves inflammation. Natural anti-inflammation supplements are important to counter inflammation. The primary anti-inflammation supplements include fish oil, flaxseed oil and turmeric. Turmeric can be taken orally. Turmeric can also be applied topically on the skin. Spinkle turmeric on a wet cloth or paper towel and apply it to the area in pain.

For back pain and joint pain, including arthritis pain, try curcumin supplements. Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric, a great natural anti-inflammation agent.

For muscle and other pain, consider valerian root, holy basil and St. John's wort supplements along with b complex vitamins, magnesium and fresh ginger. These natural supplements help relax the muscles and body and reduce pain.

Holistic research also indicates the benefits of devil's claw supplements, white willow bark supplements, Cayenne pepper, ginseng and capsaicin supplements. Bromelain and boswellia are also good anti inflammation supplements for pain relief.

For arthritis and joint pain, holistic research indicates the benefits of a combination of glucosamine, chondroitin, methylsulfonylmethane (msm) and dimethyl sulfoxide(dmso) along with valerian root supplements. For the relief of muscle and joint pain, holistic research indicates the benefits of castor oil, turmeric and sea salt applied topically with a wet wash cloth or towel.

For fibromyalgia and the emotional pain of depression, in addition to the supplements mentioned above, holistic research also indicates the benefits of Sam-e, 5-htp and D-3. Also, with fibromyalgia and depression, it is important to eat a high nutrient diet, i.e. a diet that consists primarily of whole fresh vegetables. It is important to eliminate or greatly reduce your consumption of processed foods and refined sugar and starches (gluten) along with saturated fats and trans-fats and GMO.

For fibromyalgia and depression, it is also important to take good sized doses of natural vitamins (a, b complex, c, d3, e, k1 and k2) along with liquid, colloidal trace minerals supplements, co -q 10 and astagalus. Also, try colloidal gold or silver for depression.

For the pain of neuropathy, it is also important to take good sized doses of alpha lipoic acid, natural b complex (especially b1 and b12) and d3 vitamins, magnesium and an amino acid supplement along with cinnamon and turmeric and fish oil or flaxseed oil supplements.

Additional remedies for pain relief include massage, chiropractic care, Reiki and energy therapy and acupuncture. It is also important to exercise and stretch to get energy to flow freely to the location of the pain. Also, take salt baths with lavender essential oil and use relaxing essential oils such as vanilla, rose and floral. Also, use spearmint and peppermint essential oils for pain.

Reduce stress and meditate. Stay heart centered and be in the moment, stop negative and stressful thoughts and thoughts about your pain. Do deep breathing exercises in which you breathe directly into the heart and abdomen and focus on each breath.

Pain is low vibration energy. To help reduce pain, it is important to cultivate inner peace and peace of mind and raise your vibrations. You do this by being in the moment, being happy, having fun, focused on enjoying life and the positive details of work and errands and doing things that make you happy. Here is a visualization exercise that you can do to raise your vibrations to shake of the low vibrations of pain:

Sit or lie down. Get comfortable. Relax. Do some deep breathing. Focus only on your breath. Close your eyes. Hold high vibration crystals in your hand (citrine, amethyst, orgone, clear quartz). Clasp your hands together. Using your applied will, visualize that you push out your energy in front of your torso about 3 to 6 inches from your torso. Do this with the intent to raise your vibrations.

Meditation helps with pain relief. So, will anything you do to distract you from thinking about the pain - i.e., being fully engaged in the moment. Also, look into massage, chiropractors and acupuncture for pain relief.

Headaches can be stress related or migraines. With respect to stress headaches, try natural remedies that help relieve stress such as vitamin B12 and valerian root supplements along with chamolile and passion-flower. Try relaxing scents from essential oils such as vanilla, rose and other floral scents. Try deep breathing exercises and meditation. Have someone send you long distance Reiki. For headache pain also try anti-inflammation supplements discussed above along with fresh ginger. Fresh ginger is also recommended as a remedy for stomach pain.

For chronic headaches and migranes, get cranio-sacral energy healing from a Reiki practitioner. This is hands on energy healing that focuses on the head, sinuses and neck. Cranio-sacral energy healing releases trapped energy in the head and sinuses that result in headaches and helps relieve tension in the neck. The Reiki practitioner will pull trapped energy in your head, through your body and out your feet.

You can also release trapped energy in your head as follows: lie down and focus on deep breaths into your heart. Visualize that you are pulling energy from your head, through your body and legs and out your feet. Hold grounding stones such as boji stones in your left hand while you do this exercise. Also, do the same visualization while you sit up and plant your bare feet on the ground. Visualize that you pull the energy in your head into your body and legs, and push that energy deep into the ground through your feet.

Pain Relief Options for Osteoarthritis

If you are a sufferer of osteoarthritis I don't need to tell you that the major complaint is - the achy stiffness, discomfort, pain and eventual inflammation. As the symptoms progress and cartilage erodes, the pain gets increasingly worse to the point that in many cases pain relief is required to simply function on a daily basis. This is what drives most people to have the offending joint or joints replaced with artificial ones. However, this option is only open to those with hip or knee problems and does nothing for those suffering from osteoarthritis of the hands or spine.. Even for those who choose to attempt to heal their condition through lifestyle changes, nutritional re-balancing, and re-mineralization will have to continue to deal with the discomfort until their body has had time to return to balance. Depending on the progression of the condition the healing process can take some time. So at the end of the day, whether one is awaiting surgery, dealing with the condition in an area of the body without a surgical solution, or is taking the time and effort to heal their condition, dealing with pain is the common primary concern for those with osteoarthritis.

The standard allopathic response to this issue is naturally a pharmaceutical one. Unfortunately the types of drugs commonly prescribed in these situations are associated with many adverse drug reactions (ADRs), especially after long term use. The group of drugs to which I am referring are among the most widely used in the developed world. They are called NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). These are drugs with analgesic (pain-reducing) and antipyretic (fever-reducing) properties. One report published in Clinical Cornerstone stated that NSAIDs account for 70 million prescriptions and $30 billion in over-the-counter sales in the United States alone. Whether or not these numbers are accurate, the market is obviously huge. Some common names that you may be familiar with in this category of drugs are ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin), naproxen sodium (Aleve), ketoprofen (Orudis KT) and even good old aspirin, to name a few.

The main ADRs associated with prolonged or over-use of NSAIDs are well documented and on the increase. One of the immediate effects is on the gastrointestinal system. The molecular nature of NSAIDs is acidic, which causes irritation of the gastric mucosa. This in turn leads to digestive problems including nausea, gastric ulceration and intestinal bleeding, and even diarrhoea. Another area of concern with overuse of NSAIDs is that of renal interference. They impair the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are vasodilators. This in turn leads to the restriction of blood flow to the kidneys, which can cause fluid retention, sodium-potassium imbalance, as well as potential hypertension (high blood pressure). Of particular interest to OA sufferers are the studies going back as far as the late 70s that also indicated an acceleration of cartilage breakdown. Yes, that's right. When you take these pain medications to relieve headaches, migraines, menstrual pain, postoperative pain, arthritis pain, or any kind of pain, you may be actually accelerating the breakdown of your cartilage. If you are currently using one of these drugs to treat your osteoarthritis, you might want to consider potential alternatives for pain control, especially in the case of long term use.

In this area there are a few options that can be used individually or combined that have been shown to be effective in various studies. Given our acquired metabolic strengths and weaknesses, some experimentation may be required to find out which product or combination of products works best for you. In my experience the efficacy of a supplement is often determined by quality, sourcing, and processing, which will speak to issues of bio-availability. In this regard you usually get what you pay for, so caveat emptor.

One of the oldest and most overlooked treatments for joint pain is sulphur, which tends to occur naturally in many hot springs and is probably why people with arthritis find relief after bathing in them. Elemental sulphur used to be present in our drinking water but has been long lost to our diets through municipal filtration. In supplemental form it is usually found as a compound called methylsulphonylmethane (MSM). To my knowledge the clinical trials are scant and inconclusive; however, the ones I have looked at that show marginal success are dealing with pretty low dose ranges. Dr. Al Sears in a recent newsletter was recommending a daily dose of 850 mg for the treatment of joint pain. What MSM appears to do is to improve the permeability or flow-through of your cellular membranes. If this flow-through is impaired, toxins can build up in the cells, contributing to cellular pressure, inflammation and discomfort. When the flow-through is improved toxins are released, pressure is relieved, and inflammation decreases. This form of sulphur also appears to function as an effective anti-oxidant, which is always a good thing.

I suppose glucosamine sulfate needs to mentioned given that it is the most common non-vitamin, non-mineral supplement purchased by American adults. In the case of glucosamine, clinical studies appear to be all over the map with some showing improvement of symptoms while others show it to be no more effective than a placebo. Anecdotally it would appear that some people do experience significant relief of symptoms but only after many weeks or months of use. This probably has to do with the absorbability of glucosamine, which some studies have indicated may be as low as 15-20% of dose. This would indicate that glucosamine is not likely to be of use in the short term for control of pain.

Omega 3 oils have been shown to be a worthwhile investment for their many benefits to health in general. Their anti-inflammatory properties as well as the general metabolic need for omega 3s have been well documented and there are now numerous studies showing improved joint mobility. The turning of our collective diets away from saturated fats to seed and corn oils has led to an over abundance of omega 6s and 9s and fewer omega 3s than would have been present in a more traditional or evolved diet. Over abundance of omega 6s and 9s actually contribute to the potential for increased inflammation. When it comes to supplementing with omega 3s, source and processing will I believe determine effectiveness to a large degree. Although fish oil has been popular in the past, they can easily become rancid through oxidation, thereby losing any anti-oxidant effect they would have in the body. Another more contemporary issue with fish oil is the potential for bio-accumulated toxins like mercury and PCBs. This problem will obviously increase the further up the food chain you go for sourcing. For my personal use I have found the best bang for the buck is with a good quality Krill product. Krill is one of the largest biomasses on the planet; in fact, some large species of whales feed on it exclusively. Since it is harvested from relatively cleaner Antarctic waters, as well as being at the bottom of the food chain, bio-accumulated toxins become a relative non issue. Krill also contains the highest levels of a 'super' anti-oxidant called astaxanthin, which protects the omega 3 oils from becoming rancid and improves bio-availability and activity immensely.

From Ayurvedic Eastern traditions we know that turmeric has long been used as another potent anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. The most active component of turmeric is curcumin, which is what gives turmeric the intense yellow colour. There are now a growing number of studies as well as anecdotal evidence indicating a significant decrease in discomfort and increase of mobility for osteoarthritis sufferers, described by some as equivalent to the effect of NSAID's. Turmeric appears to be another one of those 'super' anti-oxidants that have many beneficial effects throughout the metabolism and seems particularly adept at helping the body deal with chronic low-grade inflammation. I have been using turmeric myself for some time now and can personally attest to its benefits. The turmeric powder which is used in food and medicinally is ground from the root of the plant. As with any supplement, sourcing is everything and you're probably best to find an organic source raised and harvested in the Ayurveda tradition. After all, they've been at it for 5000 years so they should know what they're doing by now.

One last potential alternative I would like to make mention of is something called Pycnoginol, which is a registered trade mark. I came upon this product quite recently while attending a webinar so I'm still in the process of investigation myself. However, given what I've read so far in the research, this product certainly warrants further investigation. Pycnoginol is an extract made from the bark of a maritime pine tree which only grows on the southwest coast of France. The claims of the manufacturer are backed by 280 published scientific studies and reviews as well as data collected from 7000 patients in 98 clinical studies. I'll leave this one simply as a heads up to provide further options in the pursuit of pain relief.

Given the problems inherent with the long term use of NSAID's, I hope this information, if nothing else, has at least provided options that can be used safely and in the end possibly do more to correct your osteoarthritis rather than contributing to its progression.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The 6 Letter Swear Word in Back Pain Relief

I bet you didn't know there was such a thing as a "6 Letter Swear Word", especially relating to back pain relief.

There are many four letter words we won't mention, but the 6 letter word is the worst swear word when it comes to relieving back ache. Now before you switch off or click the back button I had better tell you what it is so you can avoid it at all costs...

The 6 letter swear word is...







Yes ... APATHY!

Most people will read about all the techniques they "should" do to relieve pain. They will buy certain products and let them sit on the shelf for many months and never do anything.

Unless you actually take action and do something, nothing will actually change. This is not being horrible or even blunt, but most people only use a small amount of time or effort to remove their back ache and then hope...

Hope and wish that pain miraculously disappears... but it won't. Why?

Unless you actually have a plan of attack, you will fail. This is not your fault; most people are only ever taught part of the puzzle that is back pain relief.

There are 4 steps to removing all your pain...

The first is to find the specific cause of your pain, which is not how you sit, lift or bend. It is the distortion patterns that twist your spine and allow muscles and joints to become out of balance.

The next step is balancing your muscles. This means to strengthen those that are weak and stretch those that are tight. Simple enough if you use the most effective ways (in fact all you need is 6 seconds)

Following that you need to balance your joints, especially your pelvis. This is the step that is seldom taught as most people keep well clear of teaching people to adjust their spine. There are a few self adjustive techniques that work well (even better than seeing a practitioner at times).

Finally you need to break the pain cycle and improve your ability to heal. This final step is the killer. Fail in this step and pain will return no matter what you use or try in the preceding steps.

This may sound like it will take you an eternity each day to achieve this. These steps can be performed in just a few minutes each day...

But only if you never use the 6 letter swear word. If you don't take action and learn simple ways to remove your back ache, you will remain in pain.

Back pain relief requires you to act and use techniques daily until pain disappears and then continue to break the pain cycle. If not it will return and you will end up with chronic back pain.

Dealing With the Effects of Arthritis and Alternative Treatments

One of the many misconceptions surrounding arthritis is that the joint pain can be minor and that in time, the pain will eventually go away. Some arthritis patients in the early stages of the disease may only feel minor pain. However, arthritis is a degenerative disease. It does not have a cure and it can get worse when left untreated. Arthritis in its most hideous form can in fact lead to permanent joint damage and loss of mobility. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease of the cartilage that cushions our joints and prevents bone on bone contact.

Chronic pain resulting from osteoarthritis and the potential loss of mobility can be hard to live with. People need to consider the fact that as their condition progresses, their way of life may have to change as well. There will be times that they will be unable to perform everyday activities like house chores, walking, or even attending to personal grooming. Arthritis sufferers may need to rely on other people to help with daily routines. Severe osteoarthritis sufferers may have to accept the fact that working may be difficult and their ability to make a living compromised.

Change is always hard to accept and cope with. Having to deal with unbearable chronic pain, and the frustration of not being able to do the simplest things we use to take for granted, can lead to anger, depression and a feeling of uselessness. Severe arthritis can lead to financial problems, deepening the constant worry, feelings of devastation, and hopelessness.

This is why early diagnosis and treatment is essential. Early signs of pain can be a precursor to chronic pain and the change in lifestyle that may come with it. A rheumatologist, a doctor specializing in arthritis, can prescribe various forms of treatments depending on the needs of the patient. Medication typically includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), but in the recent years, more and more rheumatologists are beginning to add supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin for treatment. Proven to be effective relieving pain in those suffering from osteoarthritis and other joint disease, these supplements are rapidly being embraced as an alternative, of not primary, therapy of choice. A USA study in 2006 concluded that a combination of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate relieved those suffering moderate to severe joint pain more effective than NSAIDs like Celebrex. These supplements have been available for years and studies like these have doctors and patients reassessing their treatment.

Pain - Shoulder Pain Relief for Injuries & Degeneration Pain

Did you know that according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, over four million Americans seek shoulder pain relief from shoulder problems each year?
This number may sound alarming to you, but the fact of the matter is the shoulder is one of the most movable joints in the body, therefore making it one of the most potentially unstable.

The correct shoulder pain relief plan can be determined depending upon what kind of injury or condition you experience. Only your doctor can decide which shoulder pain relief plan is best for you. Most shoulder pain problems are attributed to two things:

1). Injuries and/or Overuse

2). Degeneration of the tendons, joints and tissues

Shoulder Pain Relief for Injuries & Overuse

Many people who injure their shoulders need immediate shoulder pain relief. Injuries, such as a dislocated shoulder and a shoulder separation can be extremely painful.

o Dislocated Shoulder. When the arm is pulled backward and overwhelms the muscles, dislocation and pain can occur. If you dislocate your shoulder, in addition to the pain, you will notice a lot of swelling and bruising. Your shoulder might feel numb and weak, as well. To receive shoulder pain relief from a dislocated shoulder, a doctor must push the ball of the humerus back into the socket of your shoulder joint. Then, you must wear a sling to rest your shoulder to heal and mitigate your pain.

o Shoulder Separation. Shoulder separation occurs when the ligaments that hold the collarbone to the shoulder blade are completely torn. Shoulder pain relief from a separation is simple: your arm among other prescribed treatments must remain in a sling until it heals.

People who suffer from either one of the aforementioned injuries can find immediate shoulder pain relief by applying ice to the wounded shoulder for up to 20 minutes three times a day. Your doctor will more than likely prescribe painkillers in order to receive even more shoulder pain relief. Physical therapy in many cases will also be recommended. One word of advice, keep moving your shoulder ever so slightly or you run the risk of frozen shoulder which is a whole different scenario to deal with.

Shoulder Pain Relief for Degeneration of the Tendons, Joints & Tissues

Many times, people seek shoulder pain relief due to the wear and tear of the tendons, joints and tissues. Tendonitis, arthritis and bursitis are common problems that cause inflammation and great amounts of pain. Most of the time, folks can find shoulder pain relief by taking Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Advil).

The first step to receive shoulder pain relief is to visit your doctor. Your doctor will lead you in the right direction toward the shoulder pain relief you need.

Click on and Visit the web sites below for more information about shoulder pain relief. And remember, everyday living should not involve shoulder pain or any other pain for that matter.

Low Back Pain When Leaning Backwards

There are many, many diagnoses available for those suffering with low back pain, and they can all present with very similar signs & symptoms. One such symptom is pain when leaning backwards. Two typical examples for this type of pain, which would dictate completely different treatment procedures, would be facet joint pain and a disc bulge.

If facet joint pain is your problem, this would be due to the joints in your back being 'forced against' one another as you lean backwards. The aim of treatment here would be to elicit any muscle imbalance about your lower back and look to stretch and strengthen as appropriate. In addition to this, gently mobilising the joints will also help to take some stress from them, therefore encouraging the healing process. A simple exercise to get you started may be lying on you back and then gently hugging your knees to your chest.

Alternatively, if it is a disc bulge which is causing your pain, this is likely to be a result of the disc being 'pinched' as you lean backwards, therefore causing you pain. The irony of it is, if this is the case, some kind of extension (leaning backwards) exercise will form the basis of your treatment. This is likely to begin with you simply lying on your stomach little and often throughout the day. From here, you may well progress to gentle extension exercises while lying on your front.

The important thing to note here is, what may appear to be similar problems due to them both causing pain when leaning backwards, will actually need completely different treatment techniques to resolve the problem.

If you were to perform the exercises intended for a facet joint problem on a disc bulge, or vice versa for that matter, you will only succeed in making your pain worse.

No treatment or exercise programme should make your pain worse, if it does, something needs to be changed. It maybe you are performing the correct exercises, but are just being a bit to vigorous to begin with. However, it may also be that you are simply performing the incorrect exercises for your problem.

Either way, if things are making your pain worse, you need to change what you are doing, either by easing off or trying a different exercise altogether.

Choosing an Orthodontist

Orthodontist care has come a long way since the days of the full mouth metal braces. Orthodontists across the country are now offering new and painless options for what once was a painful, multi-year process. Once you have decided to seek orthodontic treatment, choosing the right practitioner is the next step. This article will discuss types of services offered and what to look for in choosing one.

Orthodontists can effectively change the way you look and feel about yourself. Their services can decrease pain, help you sleep better, and improve your overall health! All while giving you the smile you have always wanted.

Services Offered

While traditional braces are still offered, new and improved orthodontic modification methods are available, such as Invisalign. This option straightens teeth using invisible trays that are changed out at regular intervals, and can drastically shorten treatment time. The trays are removable, allowing more flexibility for your own lifestyle. This method can even alleviate TMJ Disorder.

Orthodontists can also be seen to craft dentures or other veneers. Whether your needs are for pain reduction, TMJ treatment, or you just want a nicer smile, an orthodontist can craft implants, dentures or cosmetic veneers for your own situation. Additionally, these types of dentists can perform whitening procedures to further enhance the beauty of your smile. Call your local professional and ask what services are available in your area.

What to Look For

Surgeons who provide the above services are going to be more equipped to provide all-encompassing treatment for you. This is important, as it ensures the convenience in obtaining all your treatment steps in one facility as opposed to seeing multiple practitioners.

Also, be sure to look for certifications and specialties studied by your orthodontist. Local membership in civic organizations may be important to you, as well as evidence of other community involvement.

Orthodontists with their own comprehensive website allow you to answer a lot of your own questions without even picking up the phone. Often, before and after photos can be seen to solidify their professional ability as well as their effectiveness of treatment. Some orthodontists' websites even feature testimonials that you can view for further information.

You may also ask for references from your orthodontist, or ask your friends and family for referrals of good practitioners they may have used. Word of mouth is often worth your time!

Now that you know what services to expect and what to look for in an orthodontist, you can now begin your search for the practitioner that will guide you through the process of obtaining the orthodontic care you need. It won't be long before you are enjoying better health and a great smile!

Jazzercise For Your Jaw: 3 Relaxation Exercises That Can Help TMJ Sufferers

TMJ may be caused by stress and unreleased nervous energy. Grinding your teeth, which may also be a stress induced behavior, also puts you at increased risk for a TMJ disorder. TMJ disorders are more common in women than men. Over ten million people in the United States suffer from TMJ related disorders.

There are several different treatments for TMJ disorders. Stress management is an essential part of treatment and it involves learning techniques for relaxing and reducing stress. Here are three different exercises that can help TMJ sufferers with their pain. Please remember to check with your doctor or dentist before implementing any new jaw exercises or stretches to your daily routine.

Deep Breathing

One way to reduce your stress level is through deep breathing. It is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body. Reduced stress levels can help alleviate TMJ pain. One simple exercise involves a short ten minute breathing session. This exercise can be done from a sitting position or you may lie on your back. Close your eyes. Place one hand on your stomach and one hand over your chest. Breathe in and out through your nose. Watch your hands as you breathe in and out. The hand over your belly should rise and fall with every breath. Breathing with your belly indicates that you are breathing deeply. Continue this exercise for ten minutes or until your breath is regulated and you feel relaxed.

Jaw Stretches

You may not realize it, but during times of stress or anxiety, your jaw is likely tensed and clenched. It is essential to perform jaw stretches and exercises to relax your tension and also to strengthen the jaw.

In terms of stretches, slowly open your mouth wide like you are yawning and then slowly close it. Then stretch the jaw side to side. Without using your hands, move your jaw to the left as far as possible. Then make a fist with your right hand and slightly nudge your jaw as far left as it comfortably goes. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat up to four times. Then switch to the right side. This will help to loosen the muscles and alleviate TMJ muscle pain. You can do these stretching exercises anywhere and at any time.

Jaw Exercises

A simple jaw exercise involves resistance training. Place your thumb underneath the bottom of your chin. Try opening your mouth slowly as you while providing light pressure with your thumb. Your jaw should be pushing against your thumb. Hold your mouth open for about five seconds while maintaining the light pressure with your thumb. Then slowly close your mouth. Repeat this exercise up to ten times to strengthen your jaw. This exercise can be done anywhere and at any time.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Important Ways CNAs Help the Elderly With Joint Pain

The role of CNAs (Certified Nursing Assistants) in the nursing care of the elderly is a vital one. CNAs are on the front line of patient care in assisted living and long-term care facilities. They spend the most time of any staff members with elderly patients and are with them throughout the day every day. They are the "ears" and "eyes" of the RNs (Registered Nurses), who help write patients' care plans and need the information provided to them by the CNAs to assess the progress of patients' care. In addition to taking vital signs, assisting patients with grooming and bathroom needs, and sometimes helping to feed patients, CNAs are in a position to be the first to note both subtle and significant changes in patients.

Elderly patients are certain to suffer joint pain occasionally if not chronically. Musculoskeletal disease, such as osteoarthritis, is the most common cause of chronic pain and disability in older people. Pain often creates a vicious cycle. Exercise keeps the synovial fluid in joints flowing for better mobility, but joint pain prevents exercise. Without exercise, the joints stiffen and pain increases. Joints can deteriorate to such a state that knee or hip replacements are necessary. Physical therapy is then necessary to get the new joint moving successfully.

CNAs Help Through Observing Signs of Pain and Distress

The first important way CNAs can help their patients is by observing for non-verbal pain signals given by the elderly as they work with them each day. If observed, the CNA needs to find the cause, either through observation or by talking with the patient about what is observed. If medical intervention is needed to relieve pain, the CAN reports to the RN on the patient's behalf. Non-verbal pain signals can include:

• Grimacing/wincing/rubbing spots
• Bracing/guarding a body part
• Changes in usual activity level
• Sleeplessness/restlessness
• Resistance to movement
• Increased agitation/anger/emotional display
• Decreased appetite
• Moaning/calling out/groaning

CNAs Help Through Simple Pain Redirection Techniques

Some techniques that help reduce pain or take the mind off it can be applied by a CNA without the need for written orders in the Care Plan. One is to assist the patient with better positioning. Helping the older person sit or lie in positions that promote or maintain normal muscle function can help. Changing positions frequently helps keep joints more mobile. Using a full length body pillow can help position a bedridden patient. Placing a pillow between the knees when the patient lies on either side can take pressure off the hips and spine for a better alignment. Gentle shoulder or back massage can decrease pain by soothing tense muscles and skin.

CNAs Help Relieve Pain Through Techniques Ordered in the Care Plan

Using heat and cold in massage has to be ordered by an RN or physician, but is then applied by the CNA. Applying cold numbs nerve endings, decreases inflammation, and reduces muscle spasms, thereby relieving pain. Warm lotion massage and a hot water bottle can reduce soreness and inflammation, increase blood flow to the joint and skin, and also relaxes the patient. Exercises for range of motion, maintaining flexibility and exercises to strengthen muscles around joints can be supervised by a CNA also.

CNAs Help Through Assisting in Emotional Care and Well Being

Depression is more common in people with arthritis and other forms of chronic pain. Redirecting a patient's attention through playing music, talking together, the use of humor and being a good listener are all pain relievers in their own ways.

The CNAs are vitally important for establishing a friendly relationship with patients, establishing comforting routines and treating patients with caring and respect. Older people who retain some control of their lives will be more cooperative and CNAs will be better able to help them with treatments designed to reduce their chronic joint pain.

Herbs For Joint Pain

As most people with joint pain know it can sometimes be hard to find medication to help the pain. One thing people often forget to look at is herbs that could be beneficial in making it easier to manage joint pain.

However, it has been shown that the use of herbs for joint pain is a safe treatment that actually works, and is all natural. Although there are some medications that have been found to treat joint pain, some people may have adverse side effects; this is not the case with herbs.


Ginger, which is often used in cooking, can also be beneficial in helping ease joint pain. Gingerols, which is in ginger, has an anti-inflammatory agent as it blocks the productions of enzymes such as COX-1 and COX-2. One of the benefits of ginger is that one can consume it in the foods they eat by adding it as a spice while cooking; something a lot of people already do anyway.


Cayenne peppers, as well as, red peppers also have many healing properties. Although more popularly used to help people with bad circulation; it has also been found to be beneficial in helping the pain, especially those who have arthritis as a healthy circulation can help bring oxygen to the joints.

Herbs for joint pain are often used in many topical creams for joint pain and Cayenne is no different. Some people also simply add drops of cayenne to an ointment, but this needs to be done gradually as some people may be sensitive to Cayenne. As with ginger, this spice can be added to recipes in order to reap its many benefits.


One of the most popular herbs for joint pain is Boswellia and more specifically Boswellia Serrata. This herb, which is found in India, has been used to treat arthritis for hundreds of years. It has since been studied more and has been found to be a treatment for many inflammatory diseases.

Menthol and Camphor

Other herbs for joint pain include menthol and camphor which are found in many topical creams for backaches. Menthol comes from plants that are in the mint family such as including peppermint and spearmint; while camphor comes from lavender, hyssop and coriander.


Rosemary contains earnosol, oleanolic acid, rosmarinic acid and ursolic acid which have anti-inflammatory characteristics and has been shows to be effective in treating pain in your joints. It is possible to add rosemary to add rosemary to foods while cooking, or also to make tea with rosemary in it.


There are many other herbs for joint pain, and other natural products that can help reduce the pain and inflammation. More specifically, there is a product called Flexcin, which is the first to use a combination of natural products including CM8 which is considered as a triple threat in treating joint pain. First of all, it acts as an anti-inflammatory and diminishes the swelling.

After using it for 4-5 weeks, the pain caused by the swelling of the joints will also have diminished. Secondly, it acts as a lubricant for joints. This will help the muscles and other tissue to move better, thus without restraint. Finally, it will protect against diseases such as arthritis or other joint conditions of the sort.

DPL Therapy System - One LED Device For Pain Relief And Skin Care

The Deep Penetrating Light Therapy System (DPL Therapy System)by LED Technologies, is both a skin care and joint, muscle pain relief device. It provides both benefits of photo rejuvenation for your skin as well as pain treatment, all from the comfort of your own home.

This FDA cleared and approved device for skin rejuvenation and pain management is made of two removable LED panels, both equipped with visible red lights (20 diodes total) and invisible infrared lights (154 diodes total). It also comes with a Velcro strap so you can attach it to any part of your body.

Red light therapy is now regularly used to treat skin problems, mainly aging but also acne. It penetrates at about 8 to 10mm deep inside the skin and helps healing scars, cuts, wounds. It triggers a natural body repair process, stimulating collagen and elastin production. This will smooths your skin by progressively, filling your fine lines and wrinkles with collagen.

Studies have shown LED technology used in DPL Therapy System is a painless and risk free skin care treatment.

Infrared light therapy penetrates deeper in the body, 30 to 40mm deep. It is thus effective to reach joints, bones and muscles. It has been proven to reduce joint aches, sprains, back pain or muscle spasms. In recent studies, this easy to use, safe and effective treatment showed it can reduce chronic back pain by 50% over a period of 6 weeks.

LED light therapy is a very effective technology, which has been researched for over 40 years providing powerful therapeutic benefits. The DPL Therapy System is recommended and used for its many benefits, below are few of these.

Benefits in skin care:

  • diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • stimulates production of collagen

  • increases blood circulation

  • decreases pore size

  • prevents acne

Pain management uses for

  • Pain relief for many body parts: back, neck, shoulder, wrist, leg, ankle pain

  • Tennis elbow, golfers elbow

  • Muscle spasms and knots

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Arthritis

  • Ligament tears

These are just several problems DPL Therapy System can be employed for, but there are of course many more. The Deep Penetrating Light Therapy System is the first home device that has been promoted as a double action device (skin care and pain relief) and is still almost the only one on the market to effectively treat these two concerns. Most of LED light therapy devices are made for skin care only.

Joint Pain Relief - 3 Simple Tips To Ease Pain And Help Mobility

Joint pain relief is the single most important thing to arthritis sufferers, that and a reasonable degree of mobility. Is there any easy way to achieve it? Yes, there are many simple and natural ways to achieve joint pain relief that don't involve mind-numbing drugs. Here are a few...

1. Exercise in water. A study in England found that two 60-minute sessions a week spent doing easy and enjoyable exercises in a community pool resulted in a considerable improvement in a study group compared to another group who had just spent the same time being educated in how to best relieve the joint pain themselves.

Being immersed in water removes much of the stress from our joints, and removes much of the pain too. This results in greater mobility and flexibility with considerably lessened pain.

2. Devil's claw has been used in the treatment of joint pain relief with good effect in many cases. However, you should consult your doctor if you intend to try it. There are many who swear by its ability to easy painful joints and increase mobility, so perhaps it is worth investigating further.

3. Glucosamine has been tested in double blind studies and found to be remarkably effective in relieving arthritis pain. There are some side effects in some cases, and different kinds of arthritis needs different preparations of the substance. But further investigation into this potent product may be rewarding, though again, medical advice should be sought first.

Joint pain relief is not always easy for those with any form of arthritis. But if you don't want to take strong drugs to ease the effects, then perhaps a look at alternative medicines and simple practices will yield benefits. The bottom line is, explore and enquire - you never know what you might discover!