Saturday, December 14, 2013

Treatment of Osteoarthritis That You Ought to Know

Better known in medical terms as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease it is another popular form of Arthritis that originates due to breakdown and eventual loss of cartilage within the bones. Over 20 million people around the world, generally occurs to men after the age of 45 and above and in the case of women 55 and above. Patients suffering from Osteoarthritis go through excruciating pain that inculcates the affected part and at times the pain tends to spread towards the surrounding region. Hands, feet, spine, and large weight-bearing joints are the ones that are commonly affected.

Medically speaking, with age the water content within the cartilage grows along with the decrease in the protein make up of the cartilage. Ultimately the cartilage tends to deteriorate by flaking and they form tiny crevasses. In extreme cases it has been found that, there is total loss in the entire cartilage that cushions the bone joints resulting in immense pain and swelling. Researchers and doctors alike have found Osteoarthritis to be hereditary and secondly one may find Osteoarthritis with people suffering from obesity, repeated trauma or surgery to the joint structures, gout, abnormal joints at birth (congenital abnormalities), diabetes, and other hormone disorders.

There are two ways of treating Osteoarthritis, one is the surgical and another is the non surgical way. A lot of surgical methods have been invented by doctors after years of research to perish Osteoarthritis through surgeries. Surgical treatments like Osteotomy, Joint replacements, Chondroplasty, Arthroscopy etc are done by a lot of patients now a day to treat Osteoarthritis. Osteotomy is a more conserved form of surgery. With Osteotomy the entire joint loading mechanism can be altered. Thus it eliminates the pain to a large extent and is very effective with patients having knee Osteoarthritis. Joint replacement surgery is for those in their advanced stage of Osteoarthritis. Chondroplasty is also quite popular but lack in efficacy in certain ways. Arthroscopy removes fragments of loose cartilages thus preventing pain.

Nonsurgical method of treating Osteoarthritis is the Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance Technology, shortly known as RFQMR. This procedure uses a device that is totally computer controlled. It is known as Cytotron. This device focuses a RFQMR beam on the joint that is affected. These beams affect the dynamicity of the cells in those areas and cause them to generate and activate. This stimulates growth of cartilage. This treatment enhances mobility and flexibility. This treatment is practiced in clinic and has been successful in cases over 500. You can try out whichever way you are comfortable in provided it gives you expected result.

Frozen Shoulder Treatment - How to Live With Frozen Shoulder Symptoms

If you've read my other frozen shoulder articles or visited my frozen shoulder website (details below) then you now know a great deal about frozen shoulder and about the options for frozen shoulder treatment.

I'm sure that the knowledge you've gained is already helping you to cope with your frozen shoulder symptoms and I truly hope that you've found a doctor or therapist who has helped you find some pain relief.

But what if you haven't - or if you've gained only partial relief from your frozen shoulder treatment? What follows are my top tips for surviving with your shoulder symptoms until nature works her magic. Remember - stay positive - you will get through this and you will soon return to full normal function without pain or discomfort.

First tip for frozen shoulder treatment: Keep your shoulder warm!

I know that it almost sounds too obvious but it works! Use warm or hot compresses (or buy a heating pad) and use it over your shoulder four or five times a day for fifteen minutes at a time. It also works well applied in your armpit - the warmth travels up into the shoulder.

Many of my frozen shoulder patients have also found great relief - particularly at night - by using a heated pad or thermal blanket. There are a variety of moderately sophisticated products available, and a range of other inexpensive options, some of which you simply heat in the microwave before use. You can find details of these products on the website links below.

Second tip for frozen shoulder treatment: Sleep with an extra pillow!

No - not a pillow for your head, but a pillow under your shoulder on the affected side. Loss of sleep at night makes it much harder to cope with shoulder pain during the day and if you roll onto the painful shoulder when asleep you will wake up in pain. Sleep on your back with the extra pillow under your sore shoulder.

Frozen shoulder treatment tip number three: Massage helps your shoulder pain!

The pain of frozen shoulder comes from the joint but the surrounding muscles can become very tired and tense. Massage can produce good short-term relief of pain. A family member, a friend or professional masseur could help with this. As with heated pads, there are a number of self massaging devices available and you can find more details on my website by following the links below.

Fourth tip for frozen shoulder treatment: Try dietary supplements!

Natural products like glucosamine or fish oils have been shown to ease joint pains and stiffness. Some herbal remedies have pain-relieving properties. This does not work for everyone but might be worth a try for your frozen shoulder pain.
I've had particular success recently with products based on honeybee venom. The use of honeybee venom is based on the long-known fact that bee keepers (who often get stung) very rarely develop arthritis or problems with their joints and muscles.

Now - the braver amongst you (not including me I hasten to add) might volunteer for traditional "bee sting therapy" where you are subjected to repeated stings from a succession of bees held in tweezers!
Most of us would feel more comfortable simply applying the bee sting venom in the form of a balm to be rubbed into the painful or stiff area. In truth, I was a bit sceptical about all of this at first, but a large number of my patients have had great benefit from its use and I recommend you give it a try if you are interested. It's certainly a very natural way to obtain pain relief.

Fifth tip for frozen shoulder treatment: Buy or borrow a TENS machine!

TENS - or trans cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is a good and safe way to induce pain relief and some muscle relaxation. It works by stimulating the skin nerves and thus encourages the brain to pay less attention to the incoming pain signals from the joint. It doesn't seem to work for everyone but may be well worth a try.

Frozen shoulder treatment tip number six: Strap or support the arm from time to time!

If your shoulder is in the frozen stage then support from a simple strap can be of great value. Be careful of strapping too much in the other phases of the condition. You may simply encourage the shoulder to stay stiff for longer. As before, the website links below give details of strapping and support products.

Final tip for frozen shoulder treatment: Consider short term medication to improve sleep

People are naturally concerned about becoming dependent on sleeping medication - justifiably so. But for short term use there is no risk of dependency or addiction. Consider asking your doctor for a sedative medication if your frozen shoulder is stopping you from sleeping.

Top 5 Home Remedies for Ankle Pain

Suffering from ankle pain?

Sometimes ankle pain may occur due to sprains that took place unknowingly. Ligaments that are attached to the ankle either tear partially, or fully rupture. The overall pain experienced depends on the severity of the injury, yet home remedies can reduce the amount of pain and discomfort you feel.

Here are 5 home remedies for you to reduce pain and discomfort on your ankle:

1. Icing
your ankle may respond better to an alternating hot-and-cold therapy. Use two gel packs. One should apply heat for 20 minutes. Follow it with a cold pack for 20 minutes.
Alternatively, you can prepare ice packs by filling a gallon-sized Ziploc with fresh ice. Apply the ice pack on your swelling ankle to reduce the amount of swelling will reduce your discomfort. Ensure that the ice rests directly on the swollen area. If the cold is too intense, place a small rag between the skin and the ice pack.

2. Herbal Remedies
Home remedies such as coconut and garlic oil help reduce pain and swelling when they soak directly into the skin. Mix 3 table spoon of coconut and garlic oil into a container and heat in the microwave for ten seconds, slightly warming the mixture. Generously massage the oil directly onto your ankle for ten minutes, allowing the oils to soak into your skin.

Cabbage contains minerals and vitamins that are useful when ingested, as well as when they're applied externally. Gather the outer layers, or leaves, of the cabbage plant. Blanch the leaves by boiling them in water and then immediately placing the leaves into a container of ice-cold water. Once the leaves have been blanched, wrap your entire foot and ankle, and allow them to rest for 30 minutes before removing.

3. Dieting
Changing your diet to relieve knee pain can be effective over a longer term. If you are heavy, you may experience poor circulation and heightened stress in the ankles and other weight-bearing joints. If you are overweight and suffer from frequent strains or bone degeneration, losing weight can permanently end your ankle pain. Adding a joint supplement to your diet, such as glucosamine or chondroitin, may also help some people by protecting the ankle joint and surrounding tissue.

4. Exercises
Exercise is an ongoing home treatment that will serve as pain relief and prevention. To prevent future ankle injuries, and to strengthen an ankle that is already injured, range-of-motion exercises and stretches provide the most benefit. Only stretch or exercise the ankle once the pain has subsided.

Range-of-motion exercises will increase the flexibility of tendons and ligaments that have tightened during an injury. Trace the alphabet with your toes, moving the ankle as much as possible throughout. Repeat at least ten times per day to strengthen your ankle and improve your flexibility.

While sitting on a chair, place the foot with the injured ankle flat on the floor. Slowly move your knee from side-to-side without lifting your foot off of the ground. Repeat this exercise at least ten times per day to enhance lateral movement.

The pain level of these exercises should never move into moderate or severe levels. Experiencing a small amount of pain is common when beginning range-of-motion exercises, however, discontinue the exercise if the pain becomes severe.

5. Orthopaedics treatment
Seek for medical support if your back pain still persists after trying out the suggested remedies. It is advisable to seek for professional help if your back pain is giving you symptoms that casn be interpreted into serious health issues.

TMJ Splints - What Are They and How Do They Work?

What Is A TMJ Splint?

A TMJ splint is sometimes called a TMJ appliance or TMJ mouth guard. While these sound good in theory, well over half of the wearers of these splints, feel no pain relief. Some even feel worse!

This is because of the many different causes of TMJ. It's still sort of a mystery of what causes TMJ, and how to cure TMJ. In most cases, if you have TMJ because of a trauma to the face, these splints will do no good.

Furthermore, many TMJ sufferers have crooked bites. This was my case too. Because you have a crooked bite, your jaw doesn't open or close properly, causing weakening of the TM joint and muscle spasms and pain. Using a TMJ splint doesn't fix the cause! The cause is the crooked bite, the pain is the effect. Using a splint only holds the mouth open for long periods of time bringing some pain relief. This is like using a band-aid on a compound leg fracture.

For those folks that have arthritis in that join because of long term TMJ, then a TMJ splint will only worsen the effects and cause even more pain. What will happen over the long term is that it will become painful to close your mouth! Imagine walking around all day with your mouth half open.

While these TMJ splints provide some relief, I think they are hurting more than they are helping. After using one myself, it only provides temporary relief and doesn't fix the CAUSE of TMJ. Fix the cause of TMJ and your pain will go away for good.

Effectiveness of Arthritis Pain Relief Cream

Arthritis pain relief creams are a type of topical pain medicine that is penetrated in the skin. It works directly on the pain. The good thing about these creams is that they do not need to pass through the digestive system. Others include gels, spray, and patches. It is best used in joints such as in hands and knees. Joints are very close to the skin thus; making the creams very effective medication.

There are different types of ingredients present in topical creams. First is capsaicin. It is a felt-like burning cream. It diminishes the nerve cell so it can send a message to the brain the joint is painful.

Second is the salicylate. It is anti-inflammatory, a pain relieving substance. Lastly is menthol. It produces a numb sensation to ease the joint pain. According to research, when it comes to arthritis, the above mention pain relief creams give only a mild benefit. These arthritis pain relief creams are proven to be safe if a person is not allergic and recuperating from other ailments that might have an unpleasant reaction. Non-steroidal creams are available over-the-counter. But these medicines have side-effects; they are known drug that can irritate the stomach. Those steroidal like creams and gel needed the doctor's prescription.

There are things that need to know when using arthritis pain relief cream: First is to make sure those hands are always clean. Secondly hands should be away from the eyes. Third, do not apply creams on broken skin. Lastly discontinue usage if rashes develop.

Arthritis pain relief cream is temporary only. It won't even restore your cartilage back to normal. They just provide a relief for a day; in order for you to accomplish a work. There are plenty of creams available in the market; just choose the product that will suit you. The effectiveness of the product mainly depends on the person using it. It is also helpful if you will research for the side-effect of each product. Most of the creams have a reaction to the skin; or needless to say, consult a doctor if in doubt. Always prioritize your safety and health.

How I Skipped the Spine Surgeon's Knife

At first I thought it was a normal bout of hip joint pain which frequently recurred and went off after taking Ibuprofen. This prescription drug is used to relieve pain, tenderness, swelling, and stiffness caused by osteoarthritis. But this time the severe radiating pain into my hip, buttocks, nerve pinching, tingling and numbness on my right thigh and foot, continued for three weeks having barely no sleep at night , a condition that rendered alarming loss of weight. I decided to consult a physician to check on my hip joint problem but after explaining him about the pains, he suggested that it was not the hip joint, but my spine had a problem. Examination process began with x-rays which showed widespread osteophytosis, and spondylosis-immobility of verterbral joints, among other complications.

The doctor said my problem was a matter to do with spine bone degeneration in which the cartilage wears through and the spine bones responds by growing extra bones at the margins of the joint surface. He explained that these growths called 'spurs' had compressed the nerves hence the reason for nerve pains, numbness and related problems. He gave me a prescription indicating several drugs I could buy from a pharmacist, also gave me instructions to observe, including complete bed rest and the shoes I should wear. Unfortunately none of prescription drugs could alleviate my pain. The doctor had said if I didn't get much help from prescribed medication, an alternative help would be to go for spine surgery where the spurs could be removed to free the nerves. I decided to pursue the surgery option but just before I made an appointment with the spine surgeon, I sought a second opinion with another doctor, who, after perusing the medical report and ex-rays taken by my earlier doctor, suggested it was best not to have the spine bone spurs surgically removed, instead he was of the opinion that taking food supplements with high calcium content, the bones could be regenerated and possibly end my problems, to which I opted the food supplements.

I began taking Chinese herbal preparations March 16, 2009 - anti-Lipemic tea; Zinc Cream Supplement; Nutrient High Calcium, Lecithin+Calcium; Cordyceps Mycelium capsules; Chitosan capsules; Vitality Softgel Capsules; Dia Gins. Within 40 days of taking these preparations, my pain was gone and I have since been doing my daily chores normally. I have also benefited from taking whole-leaf aloe vera juice and wheat grass tea; these two herbs have an abundance of calcium and other nutrients.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Costochondritis

Costochondritis is a medical condition in which there is severe or moderate type of pain which is localised to the chest and usually seen on the rib joints. The pain is aggravated by movement and deep breathing. Costochondritis is usually caused due to repeated, minor trauma or unaccustomed heavy activity. The affected costo-chondral joints are tender to touch and pressure. Anti-inflammatory treatment and pain killers, local application of ointments, adequate rest, graded physical activity, and avoidance of heavy activity form the conservative management of this condition.

Even under normal circumstances, minor trauma to the ribs causes pain which usually lasts for about four to six weeks in spite of taking conventional treatment. Costochondritis, which is inflammation of the joints of the ribs, is usually quite refractory to treatment and this experience can be frustrating both to the affected individual as well as to the treating physician. This condition responds completely to treatment only if the causative factors are examined well and efforts are made to address these issues in a comprehensive manner.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for costochondritis is aimed at giving anti-inflammatory medicines to treat the basic disorder, control pain and tenderness, and also strengthen the costo-chondral joints, so as to avoid recurrence of this situation. Treatment is given in different stages, with control of pain and inflammation forming the first stage. This can be done with oral medication and supplemented by local application of medicines in the form of ointments, pastes, and medicated oils. Local application is usually followed by steam fomentation using herbal decoctions. The application of anti-inflammatory herbal pastes also provides long-term relief from pain and tenderness.

Once pain, swelling and tenderness are brought under control, some medicines with an anti-inflammatory action are continued in a low dose and in addition to these medications, herbal medicines are added which provide a strengthening action to these small joints as well as the ribs and muscles connecting the ribs. This strengthening action provides long-term relief from pain and also helps the affected individual to avoid a recurrence of this situation, as well as develop more tolerance for unaccustomed activity and occupational seating postures.

Some affected individuals do not respond satisfactorily even with the above mentioned treatments. In these situations, it is important to look for other factors which prevent a complete therapeutic response. Stress, depression, generalized weakness and long-term fatigue are some of the factors responsible for this situation. The specific cause needs to be identified and treated with specific medicines. In addition, medicines may also be required to treat depression, stress, and weakness. Herbal medicines which have an immunomodulatory action and which provide long-term strength and vitality to the body are especially useful in this condition.

Such individuals need to develop a daily schedule of regular exercise, relaxation techniques, eat healthy food regularly at prescribed times, and obtain adequate rest and sleep. Meditation, Yogasanas and breathing techniques like Pranayam may also help to achieve control from pain, or reduce sensitivity to pain. Non-irritating and strengthening medicated oils can also be applied on the tender costo-chondral joints on a long term basis, so as to provide complete relief from costochondritis.

Physical Exercises That Relieve Hip Bursitis Pain

Hip bursitis is the irritation of the bursal sac positioned over the outside of the hip. An individual with hip bursitis seeking treatment may be advised initially to rest by avoiding actions that may stress or strain the hip. Often individuals choose to seek a physician to prescribe medications that may help in reducing their hip bursitis symptoms such as pain and inflammation. In addition, many may be advised to follow a specific exercise program designed to strengthen their hip muscles. These exercises usually include stretching exercises that will increase flexibility and promote movement of the hips by reducing the pain.

The following is a list of exercises that will help decrease hip bursitis pain.

Leg Raise:
Lie down on your back and keep your legs in a straight position. Now stiffen the muscles of the upper portion of the affected thigh. Then gradually raise that leg 6-8 inches above the floor. While raising the leg, make sure to keep the upper thigh muscles tightened. Hold for 10 seconds. Then slowly bring down the leg on the floor. Repeat this step 10 times. 3 sets.

Cross Leg Pull:
Be seated on a chair and cross the bursitis distressed leg over the other. Pull the affected leg to the other side while holding your knee there. Keep your buttocks flat while pulling the leg (You will feel the muscle pulling in the hip area). Hold the knee for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 10 times. 3 sets.

Ball Squat:
Stand upright with your back facing the wall. Place an exercise ball behind your lower back and lean against the wall. While keeping your body upright, slowly squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this pose for ten seconds. Return to up and slide up on the wall. Repeat this step 10 times, 3 sets.

Important Tips:
Be aware to how your body is experiencing throughout the exercise. It is important to remain within a range of motion that is comfortable. The goal is NOT to push the muscle through the pain. You will become more flexible in time. Upon finishing the set of exercises, it is recommended that you apply a cold pack to the hip for approximately five minutes. Icing the hip post exercise will help decrease swelling and relieve the pain caused by bursitis.Practice these exercises after the initial tenderness and swelling that results from hip bursitis.

Invisalign and the New Orthodontics

Orthodontics is one of the two fields of cosmetic dentistry, and it has for decades aimed to fix malocclusions in the teeth of many girls, boys, men and women all over the world, providing both ultimate comfort and improved looks. Orthodontics is considered to belong in the umbrella specialization of cosmetic dentistry because of its capability to change a person's look dramatically as it "restores" the natural alignment of teeth.

A malocclusion does not only affect one's looks. It can be bad enough to cause temporomandibular joint or TMJ disorders that can often lead to headaches, back pains and some limitations in the movement of facial muscles. To correct this condition, an orthodontist traditionally uses a combination of metal wires attached to metal or ceramic brackets with small rubber bands. This makes up the dental or orthodontic braces that are worn and periodically adjusted depending on the movement of the teeth.

In Colorado Springs, most orthodontists now offer Invisalign in place of the traditional orthodontic treatment that used the braces. Invisalign is a new technology that utilizes a series of custom-molded clear thermoplastic aligners to fix malocclusion.

Colorado Springs Invisalign providers or local orthodontists recommend the new technology to active people who go through a lot of social interaction, especially those belonging to the 30s and up age bracket. The clear, undetectable nature of Invisalign assures that your teeth are treated without drastic changes in your looks during treatment, like what braces may cause.

Each Invisalign aligner is changed by your orthodontist every two weeks to ensure that your teeth are continually getting fixed. It is fitted to your teeth with the use of state-of-the-art digital technology. And the Invisalign that your cosmetic dentist Colorado Springs can offer is ordered from and manufactured in the Invisalign headquarters in Santa Clara.

To get the best quality of service and treatment, make sure that you go only to a reputable and Invisalign-certified cosmetic dentist Colorado Springs has to offer. This assures that you steer away from the fake and imitation Invisalign aligners, as only certified orthodontists have access to ordering Invisalign from the Invisalign headquarters.

Natural Relief For TMJ Disorder

Dysfunction in the jaw muscles and joints also known as temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ could give sufferers excruciating pain. In some cases, pain is just occasional and temporary but in severe cases sufferers experience long term symptoms and pains. Pain is felt in the jaw and radiates to the face, ears, neck and shoulders. Symptoms also include jaw stiffness, pain and clicking sound whenever you open and close your mouth. Locking of jaw could happen in severe cases. Of course if the pain is too disturbing, you need to see a doctor or dentist. Natural relief for TMJ disorder is another option.

The exact causes of TMJ disorders are still not clear but suspected causes are jaw injury, clenching of teeth (bruxism), a bad bite, orthodontic braces, anxiety, stress and poor posture while sleeping causing jaw misalignment.

Because of the complexity of the jaw joint and muscles structure and movement, conservative treatment are usually recommended by experts and invasive treatments like surgery is always the last option.

One important natural relief for TMJ disorder is the knowledge or education about the disorder. By knowing what you are dealing with, you will know the things to be avoided that could make your condition worse. Sometimes bad mouth habits and posture can aggravate your condition. Knowing the nature of your disorder will also save you from too much anxiousness and worries.

Self care is another natural relief for TMJ disorder. Since this disorder involves jaw muscles and joints, it is best to avoid extreme jaw movements like wide yawning and loud singing. Activities that could put too much pressure and stress on the jaw should be avoided like habitual fingernail biting, gum chewing and eating hard to chew foods. Eat soft foods or cut foods into small pieces for smaller bites to prevent too much work for your jaw.

Jaw exercise is also a good natural relief for TMJ disorder. Learn some relaxation techniques like slow breathing to release muscle and joint tension. A therapist could help you with jaw relaxation exercises and massage to relax your jaw.

A Rundown on Tooth Sensitivity

One of the very simple treats a person can experience in his life is consuming coffee. But occasionally, as opposed to the joy of drinking coffee, a person is faced with an unexpected, shooting pain emanating from the teeth. Yes, it's what we'd like to call tooth sensitivity.

Tooth sensitivity is tooth pain in one or even more teeth brought on by hot or cold drinks, sweet or sour food - sometimes even attempting to inhale cold air can be a pain. Normally, the enamel over the crown has worn away, exposing the tooth's dentin which is filled with tiny tubes with hypersensitive nerve endings.

A sensitive tooth is a result of several factors:

1. You could have tooth decay - cavities are holes or structural damage on the tooth. It's a frequent disorder that may be prevented, and if not, can result in loss of tooth. Symptoms consist of pain or achy feeling, or obvious holes on the teeth. Cavities can usually be treated with fillings, crowns or worse, a root canal.

2. Fractured teeth - found yourself in an accident and had a damaged tooth? For sure you've experienced this once in your lifetime and you never want it to happen again.

3. Gum Disease - Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums because of the loss of supporting tissues. It is brought on by the long term effects of plaque deposits. Plaque when they are not taken out becomes tartar and these irritate the gums. Symptoms involve bleeding gums while brushing the teeth, your gums appear bright red or red purple, or when they are sore to touch. Occasionally they can seem very shiny.

4. Receding gums expose the root areas of your teeth which contain nerve endings.

5. Tooth whitening products - we all want a happier, whiter smile, but at the expense of sensitive teeth. Most users of tooth whiteners complain of extra sensitivity of their teeth.

So, supposing you've been tested and have confirmed you've sensitive teeth. What's anyone to do to avoid the agony related to it?

Use tooth paste for sensitive teeth. There are several tooth pastes vouching for their effectiveness in numbing the agony from brushing your teeth. Some toothpastes provide lasting relief from the pain with no side effects.

Watch what you eat. Avoid drinking too cold or too hot drinks, sweet or sour food so that you can quickly steer clear of the sensitive teeth. Steer clear of acidic food; this includes wine or fruit drinks. If you can take the pain, then remember to clean your teeth Twenty minutes after.

Alter the way you brush your teeth. Have you been cleaning too harshly? Be gentle. You're not cleaning a bath room floor or your garage for teeth's sake.

The sensation felt with tooth sensitivity frequently occurs, but it's bothersome. One can no longer enjoy the food you used to enjoy due to the fact what was once pleasurable is now painful. From a mild twinge when consuming a chocolate bar, to a debilitating shooting pain when consuming your preferred cup of tea. Take proper care of your teeth; see your dentist regularly, because the loss of a tooth is irreparable.

Important Information Regarding Temperomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder

There are many medical conditions individuals are afflicted with these days. Some are more common illnesses whereas others may not be as prevalent as the usual ones. One such medical condition which falls somewhere in between the two rates of occurrence is temperomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ. It is important to highlight some of the general information regarding TMJ such as its true definition, symptoms associated with the disorder and possible remedies for curing an ailment of this type.

Definition of TMJ and Symptoms Associated with TMJ

TMJ can be defined as the inability of the muscles and joints in the jaw to work together accordingly to enable an individual to perform normal and necessary tasks such as chewing food. There are a number of often-cited symptoms which go along with TMJ. These may include headaches, neck pain, craniofacial pain, facial spasms, earaches, clicking of the jaw, grinding of the jaw and mental stress caused by the constant pain which the individual with TMJ experiences on a daily basis. The severity and rate of occurrence of these aches and pains will differ amongst various individuals and may be signs of other medical conditions besides TMJ.

Causes of TMJ

In order to properly treat TMJ, it is first beneficial to know about some of the related causes that go along with a medical condition of this type. Certain causes of TMJ may include teeth clenching habits, teeth grinding habits, malocclusion, trauma to the face and jaw regions and arthritis, just to name a few of the more common ones. Some individuals have experienced only one type of cause or may have fallen prey to more than one of the previously mentioned causes of TMJ. By pinpointing the cause of TMJ in a particular individual, the medical health professional may be that much more likely to prescribe a beneficial treatment to help rid the patient of their TMJ.

Ways to Diagnose TMJ

Individuals who experience some of the symptoms mentioned above may wish to go to their medical health professional to have a concrete diagnose given. As the previously mentioned symptoms can often be related to other illnesses and medical conditions as well, it is important for the individual to have their particular medical issues looked into by a doctor. Once the person experiencing the symptoms has had a consultation with the doctor, the medical professional will then perform certain tests to ascertain if the symptoms are related to TMJ.

The first thing the doctor will do once he sees a patient with symptoms such as these in a consultation is to inquire about each and every symptom and see if they are in correlation with a diagnosis of TMJ. Next the doctor will look at the range of motion of the jaw to see how that fairs. Once both of these things have been completed, the doctor may prescribe radiology imaging of the joint to see what lies beneath. The patient will have to submit to tomography of both the open and closed position of the jaw. The doctor may also pair the tomography with an MRI in order to reach a definitive conclusion with regard to a concrete diagnosis.

Treatment of TMJ

There are a few different treatment methods with regard to treating TMJ. These methods combine both medical and dental resolutions. The patient may be given anti-inflammatory medications for their TMJ. Along with the medications, the patient may be advised to apply hot compresses to the location of the TMJ and told to remain on a soft-food diet for a certain period of time.

Once the medications and compresses have done their duties, the next step is to visit a dental professional to have the jaw-related issues resolved. At the dental professional's office, the patient may have to have permanent dental corrections performed in order to ensure that the TMJ does not come back again. There are a few different dental treatments for TMJ which include orthodontics work, construction of a removable prosthesis or dental reconstruction. The treatment method which is applied will depend on the diagnosed cause of the TMJ.

Self-Treatment to Alleviate Symptoms of TMJ

There are also self-treatment methods which individuals with TMJ can perform in order to help alleviate their symptoms. Some of these include avoiding hard foods and gum, chewing evenly, preventing oneself from grinding or gritting their teeth, taking aspirin and applying a heating pad to the trouble spot.


TMJ is a medical condition which is not pleasant for individuals who are stricken with a disorder of this type. It is important that an individual who experiences symptoms of TMJ have it properly diagnosed by a health professional and follow medical advice with regard to curing themselves of this irritating problem. Although TMJ can be extremely uncomfortable it is something which can be resolved easier than one may think.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

TMD and Migraine Headaches

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) is a condition in which your bite becomes misaligned, causing many serious and often painful health problems. You will see the acronyms TMJ and TMD often used interchangeably, but they will also be used to distinguish the joint (TMJ) from the actual disorder of the joint (TMD).

One of the most painful and debilitating symptoms of TMD is migraine headache. Many physicians, even neurologists, have not received the dental training required to diagnose TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) problems and how they relate to your migraines. Neuromuscular dentistry is the branch of dentistry that helps people correct the jaw problems that have caused them pain for years, possibly even decades.

TMD causes migraines because the trigeminal nerve is one of the most powerful and complex nerves in the human body. This nerve is completely responsible for the temporomandibular joint and tooth functions and accounts for over 40% of the brain's processing. The trigeminal nerve has three branches, all affecting various parts of the face, head, shoulders and arms. The pain and muscle tightness associated with TMD can even affect your hands and fingers.

Pain related to TMD may be sharp and searing or dull and constant. Pain is typically over the joint immediately in front of the ear but can radiate elsewhere and cause spasms in the muscles attached to the bones of the skull, face and jaws. Some of the most notable symptoms of TMD are:

· Limited jaw movement

· Locking, clicking, and popping of the jaw

· Tingling or numbness in the fingers

· Difficulty swallowing

· Insomnia

· Headaches

· Stiff or tight jaw muscles

· Ear problems, including ringing and pressure

· Neck, shoulder, and back pain

Many times, patients see doctors for severe headache and are given medications to treat the pain of the headache; however, there is often no treatment provided for what is actually causing the headaches. Neuromuscular dentistry is the specialized area of dentistry that treats the cause, not just the symptoms, of the painful headaches associated with a misaligned jaw.

Arthritis Pain Relief Cream Doesn't Really Provide Any Long-Term Solution to the Problem

Arthritis pain relief cream comes in many different forms and is among the most popular treatments on the market today, yet it is also one of the least effective ways to address arthritis symptoms. For safe, thorough and complete treatment of the pain, swelling and stiffness associated with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, natural products containing anti-inflammatories, antioxidants and other similar ingredients offer the best and most reliable solution.

Arthritis is the result of inflammation of the joints and the degeneration of the protective layer of cartilage which surrounds them. As the cartilage wears away, the bones of the joints rub against each other, causing the bones to become malformed and resulting in extreme pain. As many sufferers experience chronic pain, they often reach for arthritis cream to soothe and relieve their symptoms. While creams and gels may provide some relief, because they are applied locally and are generally not very strong, this relief is usually only temporary.

Topical arthritis medications come in several forms, including creams, gels and patches. While some arthritis pain relief cream treats the problem by replacing it with a hot or cold sensation, others contain a small amount of salicylates, the pain reliever found in aspirin. Still others include a pain reliever call capsaicin, which is found in chili pepper seeds. Though capsaicin can be effective, it really only works on joints close to the surface such as the fingers and elbows because it is not deeply absorbed.

Creams Only Provide Temporary Pain Relief

While arthritis cream and other topical pain relievers can be effective, they can not treat the underlying cause of arthritis pain and therefore offer no long-term solution. Treatments made from natural ingredients such as glucosamine, chondroitin, manganese, turmeric and ginger extract have proven to target the inflammation, loss of cartilage and malformation of the bones which cause arthritis pain. This makes these products among the most effective on the market for providing long term results.

Along with providing only temporary relief, arthritis pain relief cream can also cause skin irritations and other side effects. Creams which contain salicylates may be particularly harmful to individuals who are allergic to aspirin or those who are taking blood thinners. Aside from irritating side effects, most creams and gels also produce both a stinging sensation and a strong medicinal odor which can be unpleasant.

The latest development in arthritis natural treatment, comprehensive remedies containing a carefully balanced combination of natural ingredients including antioxidants maximize healing effects as never before. By helping to free the body of harmful free radicals, these substances promote healing from the inside out, enabling the body to repair itself. Used in combination with a healthy diet and proper exercise, these products provide the most reliable and complete method for relieving arthritis pain and offer a safer, gentler, and more reliable alternative to arthritis cream and gel.

Talk To Your Doctor About Treatment Options

Though these products offer an exciting option for arthritis treatment, you should never consider using any of them without first consulting your doctor. Even mild arthritis pain relief cream should not be used without first determining that it is safe for you. Each product works differently for each person, so what works for one may not work for the next. Together, you and your doctor will be able to choose the best course of treatment for you.

If arthritis pain is slowing you down, don't be fooled by the promise of topical treatments. They may ease your pain for the time being, but lasting relief will only be achieved when you treat the cause instead of just relieving the symptoms. So talk to your doctor today about the natural products that are available for arthritis treatment and get pain relief that is more than just skin deep.

Relieve Joint Pain - Causes And Treatment

There are millions of people all over the world who complain of joint pain. As we all know, joint pain can arise in one or even more than one joints in our body. Inflammation of joints can also lead to pain. Rheumatoid arthritis, which is an auto-immune disorder, is one of the major causes of joint pain.

Joint pain, which is quite common in older people, can be brought on, due to Osteoarthritis. It is also known as "DND" or "degenerative joint disease'. The most common cause of joint pain is perhaps osteoarthritis. This is caused due to the breakdown of one or more cartilage in the joints.

Swollen joints and weaker muscles are just some of the complaints of a person who suffers from osteoarthritis, which can be caused by bone disorder and obesity. Fortunately, thanks to progression in the field of Medical Science, there are many medicines available nowadays which can treat and relieve joint pain.

Bursitis (which can be defined as inflammation of a 'bursa') can also result in joint pain. The bursa is actually a small fluid-filled sac located between the movable parts of our body. It, thus acts as a cushion by facilitating the smooth movement of muscles. Septic arthritis is also responsible for joint pain.

It is important to note that Vitamin D is extremely effective in treating joint pain. Deficiency of Vitamin D can cause pain in the joints. It is crucial to note that exposure to sunlight results in the synthesis of Vitamin D in our bodies. Doctors are of the opinion that obesity can also result in arthritis. In fact, research has shown that people who are obese are prone to osteoarthritis. That is why weight management is important for one and all.

There are many different simple ways to help relieve joint pain. Exercising in water can be extremely helpful for joint pain, and is also effective as a strengthening exercise regimen. Cardiovascular exercises, or any exercise that raises your heart rate, are also helpful. Sometimes alternative therapies, like yoga or acupuncture, can provide the relief regular exercise can't. Internet articles may also provide other ideas, but a good natural remedy for pain in the joints is "Flex Protex". It contains healthy rice bran and Glucosamine, which can greatly lessen the pain.

Top TMJ Exercises for Your Clicking Jaw

What is TMJ? TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, a term that is often associated with the disorder called TMJD (or temporomandibular joint disorder). This involves problems related to the jaw such as clicking jaw, bruxism, and hearing loss.

To cure this disorder, therapists have developed different types of TMJ exercises. The working principle of these exercises is to strengthen the jaw muscle that's right in front of your jaw joint. Doing these exercises helps stabilize the disk that is causing the clicking or popping sound. Here are some of the most effective TMJ exercises that you can try if you have this disorder.

1. Jaw Retraction

This exercise helps to align your jaw muscles. It is best done in a mirror. Put the tip of your tongue on the roof of your tongue. Push your lower jaw forward, keeping your tongue on the roof and making sure that your jaw moves straight, forward, and back. Repeat at least ten times or as suggested by your doctor.

2. Toothpick method

Get two toothpicks. Put one in between your middle upper teeth and one in your middle lower teeth. These toothpicks will serve as your guide when you do open your mouth and move your jaw up and down. To perform this exercise, move your lower jaw sideways, then put them back exactly where the toothpick was first positioned. Do not move your upper jaw. When you're done with the horizontal movement, try the procedure vertically.

3. Opening and Closing

This is probably the easiest way to address your TMJ issues. To do this exercise, lie down on the bed with your face facing the bed. Put your fingers together in a webbed position, and put your chin in this "web." While tipping your head back, open your mouth and then bite while your chin is kept in the web.

4. Tongue Up, Open and Close Exercise

To complete this exercise, put your tongue up on the roof of your upper front teeth. Hold it in place while you open and close your mouth. To maximize the effectiveness of this exercise, maintain a good posture.

The exercises stated above are focused on the movement of the jaw to exercise and stabilize the jaw joint. But other therapists also emphasize the importance of exercising other parts of the body that has an effect on TMJ. For instance, there are exercises meant for the neck. So to know more about these exercises and what truly work for you, a quick visit to your therapist will give you the answers you need.

Flip Flops Can Cause Back Pain

As summer approaches, many people are eager to put their warm weather footwear back into circulation. Before deciding to spend every day of the summer in flip flops, consider the possible implications that choice could have for your ankles, legs and lower back.

There are a few key problem areas with flip flops that make them unideal for everyday use:

No Arch Support

Your average pair of flip flops is flat; the arch of your foot is not supported. This leaves your foot more likely to roll inward when you step, which is called overpronation. Overpronation interferes with the efficiency of your step. When you take a proper step with your arch maintained, your weight is transferred to your large toes which push off the ground to move you forward. When the arch flattens out, your weight is concentrated on the inside edge of the big toe, which can't produce the same push-off power. Your hips and lower back muscles will compensate for this loss of power by helping to swing the leg forward. If these muscles are working more than they should with every step, they can become strained and sore.

No Ankle Support

Normal footwear comes with backing that helps to keep your ankle from rolling in and out. If your ankle is not held straight as you walk, the angle of all of the joints up to the back are altered. If the ankle rolls inward, for example, the calf bone (fibula) pushes outward on the knee and the thigh bone (femur) pushes inward on the hip. This angling of joints can cause joint pain and muscle strain, since muscles can't be used efficiently if their lengths and tensions are changed.

Another danger of the lack of ankle support is spraining your ankle.

No Stability

The thong design of flip flops doesn't afford them much stability. All you have holding the shoe on is a small strap between two toes. To keep the shoe on, you must clench your toes. This leads to a shorter stride and a change in body mechanics similar to what we see with overpronation, since the toes aren't as available to push off the ground when clenched. Also, the muscles of the foot and calf are working overtime to keep the toes clenched.

The upper and lower body are intricately connected by both the web of muscles and ligaments that stretch through the hips and the chain reaction set off by events of the lower body. A change in one joint angle affects the rest up to the pelvis. The pelvis is the base of the back and connects to the spine through the sacroiliac joints. This is why something as simple as clenching your toes or pronating can lead to lower back pain; any change in pelvic tension or alignment transfers easily to the lower back.

Ergonomic Flip Flops?

Some flip flop designers have taken the above concerns into consideration. There are now flip flops available that have arch supports, heel seats and raised toe areas. You can view a number of designs here: The arch support protects against overpronation and the contour of the sole increases stability. The heel seat may encourage ankle alignment to a slight extent, but not nearly as much as a shoe with backing.

Flip flops are not ideal for everyday wearing. Short-term use, such as on the beach or taking out the garbage, is generally harmless, but prolonged use will likely lead to lower back and lower body pain. If you can't stomach the thought of a summer without your favorite type of shoe, invest in ergonomic flip flops and wear wisely. A long day of walking or physical activity merits more stable footwear.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Sharp Pain Around Hip and Buttock That Streaks Down the Leg

How much is a good night worth to you? Every step feels like a knife stabbed in the back of your buttock and leg. The sharp, burning pain continues to streak down your buttock and leg as you cautiously limp around. Numbness and tingling take over as you take refuge on your favourite couch. Sciatica is one of the worst problems that you can have. Sciatica can temporary cripple your entire day when it strikes.

Sciatica refers to an irritation and inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve gives sensory feeling to the back of your legs. A common cause of sciatic pain is piriformis syndrome. The piriformis muscle is often tight, over-active and full of trigger points as it compensates for a weak gluteal medius muscle and chronic sacroiliac dysfunction. The piriformis muscle can irritate and put extra pressure on the sciatic nerve causing pain around the buttock and down the leg.

Trigger points to the low back and gluteal muscles can also cause similar symptoms of sciatica. Trigger points are pain sensitive spots found in tight, shortened, over-active muscles. When these pain sensitive spots are pressed, not only will you experience intense localized pain, but also pain to other areas. Trigger points in the low back muscles cause referral pain down to the buttock, hip and groin areas. Trigger points in the buttock cause shooting pain down the leg.

Other causes of crippling, sharp leg pain with numbness and tingling are spinal stenosis, severe spinal arthritis, disc bulge (usually at L5/S1), spinal cyst and other space occupying lesions.

Whether you have a true sciatica or not, it is important to find out the exact cause of your leg pain, numbness and tingling. Treatments will be determined by the source of your leg pain, numbness and tingling.

Stretching the shortened, over-active piriformis muscle and strengthening the weak gluteal medius can prevent flare up of sciatica if there is no spinal stenosis, disc bulge, spinal cyst or any space occupying lesions. Chiropractic adjustment to the sacroiliac joint and soft tissue treatments such as Active Release Technique and trigger point therapy to the involve muscles relief sciatic pain and improve soft tissue and joint functions.

If your sciatic pain is from spinal stenosis or a L5/S1 disc bulge, conservative treatments may also be successful. This complicated situation requires the addition of a coordinated, manual distraction. When this procedure is done correctly it can provide much needed pain relief. The breathing coordinated, manual distraction procedure is different from spinal decompression, traction table or inversion table.

There are a few lifestyle changes that you can do to reduce the risk of having sciatic pain. Sitting with a wallet in the back pocket and sitting cross-legged promote sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Try to avoid this.

Maintaining a level of fitness is also important in preventing sciatica. Sedentary lifestyle weakens the gluteal muscles which causes the piriformis muscle to be over-active, tight and shortened. Extended sitting not only increases intervertebral disc pressure, but it also makes the gluteal muscles weak. People with flabby and heavy bottom tend to experience more sciatic pain.

Whether you have true sciatica or not, it is important to know what and where the source of pain is. A thorough and caring health care provider saves you time, money and any unnecessary emotional pain.

Charcot's Joint - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Charcot's joint, also known as neurogenic arthropathy, is a chronic, progressive and degenerative disease of one or more joints characterized by swelling, joint instability, hemorrhage, heat and atrophic or hypertrophic changes in the bone. This disease can be caused by neurological disorders, diabetic neuropathy, leprosy and reduced or absent pain sensation in the joint. This condition usually affects the knees.

The Ayurvedic treatment of Charcot's joint is aimed at treating the underlying cause and helping regeneration of the nerves of the affected joint. Medicines like Yograj-Guggulu, Kaishor-Guggulu, Vat-Gajankush-Ras, Bruhat-Vat-Chintamani, Ekang-Veer-Ras, Tapyadi-Loh, Abhrak-Bhasma and Trivang-Bhasma are used to treat neurological disorders. Diabetic neuropathy is treated using medicines like Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), Mamejva (Enicostemma littorale), Gudmar (Gymnema sylvester), Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), Yashad-Bhasma, Shilajit (Purified bitumen), Vijaysaar (Pterocarpus marsupium), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Nimba (Azadirachta indica), Chirayta (Swertia chirata) and Karavellaka (Momordica charantia). Leprosy can be treated using medicines like Kaishor-Guggulu, Arogya-Vardhini, Triphala-Guggulu, Sukshma-Triphala, Tapyadi-Loh, Suvarna-Bhasma and Suvarna -Sameer-Pannag-Ras.

A reduced pain sensation in the affected joint can be treated using medicines like Kaishor-Guggulu, Tapyadi-Loh, Yashtimadhuk (Glycerrhiza glabra), Mandukparni (Centella asiatica), Agnitundi-Vati, Vish-Tinduk-Vati, Trikatu (Three pungent herbs), Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica), Chavya (Piper retrofractrum), Nirgundi (Vitex negundo), Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata) and Dashmool (Ten roots). Destruction of the joint and bone can be prevented or minimized using medicines like Trayodashang-Guggulu, Laxadi-Guggulu, Sinhanaad-Guggulu, Asthishrunkhala (Cissus quadrangularis), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shankh-Bhasma, Shrung-Bhasma and Praval-Panchamrut-Ras.

Early initiation of treatment is important in this condition to minimize permanent and gross damage to the joint. Protection of the joint by minimizing weight with the use of crutches or a walking stick is equally important.

Nurse's Best Arthritis Pain Relief Tips And Treatments

I found relief from my arthritis pain, naturally, and you can do it too. A few years ago I accidentally discovered how to rid one's self of arthritis pain, naturally.

Arthritis concentrates in one or several joints where deterioration occurs. The pain in arthritis can be moderate to severe. As a result of arthritis, the bone beneath the cartilage undergoes changes that lead to bony overgrowth and the tissue that lines the joint can become inflamed, the ligaments can loosen, and the associated muscles can weaken.

The combination of the collagen meshwork and high water content tightly bound by proteoglycans, creates a resilient, slippery pad in the joint, which resists the compression between bones during muscle movement. Cartilage is one of the few tissues that does not have its own blood supply. Damaged joints cause pain and sufferers are constantly looking for ways to relieve the pain.

Possible causes of arthritis include lesser known: bleeding disorders, like hemophilia, that causes bleeding to occur in the joint; disorders such as avascular necrosis, that block the blood supply closest to the joint; and conditions like hemochromatosis, that causes iron build-up in the joints.

Injuries sometimes can be the start in the arthritic disease process; osteoarthritis can develop years later even after a single traumatic injury to a joint or near a joint. It's generally thought that inflammation plays a minor role in osteoarthritis and is more likely to be a result, not a cause, of arthritis.

Gluten may be a culprit in arthritic diseases including fibromyalgia; avoid wheat, barley, rye, spelt, triticale, kamut and oats (although not a gluten grain it gets contaminated at the wheat mills. Natural treatment for arthritis is usually a better choice because it's non-invasive to the body. Nutrition experts say it takes a combination of supplements, that no one supplement can relieve arthritis pain, build cartilage, etc.

Making a ginger tea, by adding a thin slice or two of fresh gingerroot to hot water, is helpful to many people I know.

Make smoothies with fruit only using a base of two bananas, adding a cup of frozen or fresh blueberries and mango chunks or substitute any other fruit and add an energy boost of two tablespoons of coconut oil; add one or two leaves of kale for another highly nutritional boost -- no one will ever know.

Many have told me that going off dairy products and gluten containing foods relieved their arthritis pain entirely.

Some people swear by morning drinks of raw apple cider vinegar and honey for arthritis pain relief. If you're not already doing so, make a big effort to watch your diet.

Some people swear by glucosamine and/or chondroitin and others say it didn't help at all. One natural approach is to consume foods that are known to help relieve arthritis pain or prevent arthritis.

To be on the safe side always seek your doctor's advice before starting or changing your exercise program. Even the lightest exercise can go a long way to maintaining your joint mobility and overall health. There are a number of exercises which can benefit arthritis sufferers regardless of how much restriction of movement there is. Exercise is good for joints affected by osteoarthritis.

Your body has 147 different joints that are in motion every day of your life. Exercise in a heated pool; it will help reduce the pressure on your joints and the heat will help you loosen those joints. Important exercises for arthritis are range-of-motion exercises, isometrics, and some weight bearing exercises.

If you're planning to take any of the non-prescription NSAIDS for arthritis, make sure you understand what bad effects they can have on the stomach, liver and/or kidneys and discuss this with your doctor. Be aware that the use of NSAIDs or Cox-2 inhibitors do not halt the progress of osteoarthritis and may even hasten the onset.

Let your doctor and pharmacist know about any other drugs, herbs or other supplements you're taking, to ward off any adverse drug reactions that might occur from the combining of different drugs or supplements.

Changing your diet to predominately fruits and raw veggies, like I did, can turn your arthritis pain around almost overnight. Arthritis pain relief is the ultimate goal - understanding arthritis is a good way to get there. Knowing more about arthritis and how it works will ultimately help contribute to your relief of arthritis pain.

Alleviating Hip Dysplasia Pain In Dogs

Hip dysplasia in dogs is a horribly painful disease. It is a disease that doesn't just affect large-breed dogs, though traditionally it is assumed that these are the only dogs that get it. There are some solutions to ease your dog's pain and work with the disease however. The avoidance of obesity, a regular, low impact exercise routine and glucosamine all seem to be parts of the solution. With the proper insight and attention, a dog's suffering can be assuaged.

The simplest way of looking at hip dysplasia is that the bones of the hips don't fit together correctly. The thigh bone (the ball) is supposed snugly fit into the hip bone(the socket). Part of that snug fit is for movement, and another part of that fit is for weight support. Obviously, there is more than just bone there, there is a layer of cartilage involved. When any of these factors are compromised, it is called hip dysplasia.

The technical terms of this are that the femur is supposed to fit into the acetabulum. The femur being the thigh bone and the acetabulum being the hip socket. Think of your own leg and how easily it rotates within of your hip. Now imagine an air pocket in there, or a layer of sandpaper covering the femur. Or imagine that it is just loose, and that you can reach down with your hand and wiggle your leg inside of the socket. You are well on your way to comprehending a dog's hip dysplasia.

If the bones don't fit properly, there will ultimately be some friction and that can lead to all sorts of arthritic pain issues. The degrees of pain can be mild to none, or extreme. If the ball is knocking around in the socket, this is called subluxation (partial dislocation). If the ball drops completely out of the socket, this is called luxation (complete dislocation). More interesting still is the fact that both legs will be affected, this isn't a "single-side" issue. The limp that a dog will demonstrate is merely on the most compromised side.

Think again about the sandpaper between the ball and socket. There is supposed to be a smooth surface called the articular hyaline cartilage (or gristle) surface. It is basically a layer of springy cartilage. Obviously, this would be the oil or grease for the machine, but in the case of hip dysplasia, this layer of meaty lubrication is no longer present. What results is bone grinding against bone for each motion in the hip. The ugliest part of this entire cycle is that the dog's body tries to compensate for this by creating more bone within the hip socket and on the ball of the femur. This in turn can cause lots of painful, freakish misshaping as new bone is worn away.

With the extra "wiggle room" between the bone sockets, joint issues such as arthritis come into play. Interestingly enough, it isn't just the large breeds like Great Danes, Rottweilers and Mastiffs that succumb to this genetic defect. Smaller dogs like Bulldogs and Pugs suffer from this as well. The breeds of dogs that seem to escape the plague of hip dysplasia are the sighthounds. Greyhounds for example, have low incidents of this disease. It is a tricky disease because it does skip generations. However, if there is dysplasia in the immediate ancestry of the dog, the chances of your pet having it are definitely heightened and that even goes for mutts as well.

Overweight dogs are more prone to hip dysplasia as are dogs with too much or too little calcium in their diets. Other theories suggest that over-exercising a dog at an early age can trigger hip dysplasia as well. Exercise is good, however. A dog that is suffering from hip dysplasia has underdeveloped upper thigh muscles. Muscle mass in that area is said to possibly lessen the chances of the disease.

One way to tell if a puppy will develop into a dog with full-blown or even minor hip dysplasia is to examine how it moves about. If the puppy is slow to do things like pop up on all fours, take stairs or jump, these could be signs of possible joint issues. Another way to determine possible hip dysplasia is if the back legs are cow-hocked. Cow-hocked is a term that refers to a look that similar to being knock-kneed (genu valgum) in humans. Quite simply, the legs bow in at the knees and then back out. A cow-hocked puppy is a strong sign of hip dysplasia.

If you have the finances there are several surgeries that can be done at varying stages of the dog's life. The most obvious and most expensive being a total hip replacement once the dog reaches adult size. Hip dysplasia in canines is a difficult subject to tackle because it is a hereditary disease. It has been programmed into the dog's DNA. Relief is what an owner needs to consider. Part of this relief would be exercise that doesn't involve impact like jumping. Also, the exercise routine should be a regular one and not something that is sporadic. Another aspect would be managing the dog's diet so that obesity isn't an issue.

One of the simplest measures a dog owner can employ to help a dog with hip joint issues is to begin dosing the dog with glucosamine. Glucosamine is a proven, preventative additive that is found in some dog foods and can be purchased separately. It is absorbed into the system and goes straight to the joints. It is already in the dog's system, concentrated in the cartilage. The best thing about glucosamine is that it is anti-inflammatory and actually helps regenerate cartilage. Of course, it isn't an absolute solution, but a dog can feel the benefits of glucosamine supplements as short as ten days after it has started taking it. Also, there are few adverse reactions to glucosamine. Heavy doses of it can cause an upset stomach which might lead to diarrhea or even vomiting. Glucosamine is mostly known for being easily ingested (some dogs find a dose to be a treat) and helpful to a dog's system.

Hip dysplasia in dogs is a disease that brings extreme discomfort. It is a disease that affects most dogs, and it is inherited through the family tree. There are some treatments for it, and there are some ways to ease the pain it causes. Proper weight, low-impact exercise and glucosamine all seem to be parts of the solution. Obviously, it would be better if dogs didn't have to contend with such a hereditary disease, but with proper attention and care, a lot of the suffering can be alleviated.

Joint Pain Relief Remedies

Joint pain is one of the most commonly reported medical complaints amongst patients both young and old. Discomfort, stiffness, or pain in the joints can result from a variety of different factors including physical injury, infection, inflammation, and arthritis. Many people's lives are severely disrupted by frequent and reoccurring joint pain. In addition, joint pain can be indicative of a more serious medical condition and should always be taken seriously. However, the good news is that there are a number of pain relief remedies available for those afflicted with this uncomfortable situation.

Light Exercise & Stretching
Mild joint pain may be the result of physical injury. Oftentimes, light stretching of the affected joint can greatly reduce pain and stretching is amongst the most simple pain relief remedies. Living a sedentary lifestyle can also contribute to pain, as lack of use aids in the weakening and degeneration of joints. Beginning a moderate exercise program helps joints regain their strength and elasticity.

Natural Remedies
There are a number of natural pain relief remedies available. Many people have reported that tumeric, garlic, and papaya seed tea greatly reduce discomfort in the joints. A healthy diet consisting of fruits and vegetables, particularly bananas and carrots, have also been known to be effective pain relief remedies. Warm paths, massages, and alternately applied hot and cold packs can help to relieve joint tension and pain.

Pharmaceutical Drugs
Those with particularly painful joints should consider the use of pharmaceutical drugs for relief. While some drugs may be purchased over the counter, many require the authorization of a medical professional. Drugs are one of the most effective and popular pain relief remedies for joints; however, one should take care not to abuse them and always seek the advice of a doctor before using. In addition, the drug taken should be appropriate to the causes and symptoms of the individual's joint pain. For many suffers, a simple dose of aspirin or ibuprofen can greatly reduce pain. However, if the joint pain is caused by an underlying condition, than different pain relief remedies must be taken. For example, pain can be caused by an internal infection. In this case, prescribed antibiotics rather than simple pain relief medicine must be taken. Arthritis is one of the leading causes of joint pain and there are a number of pharmaceutical remedies that can be prescribed to its suffers. Some of most popular drugs for the relief of pain caused by arthritis are Celebrex and Lyrica.

Exercise, natural cures, and pharmaceuticals are just a few of the many joint pain relief remedies available to sufferers. Oftentimes, theses treatments are effectively combined to combat pain. Whether the pain is mild or serious, it is a good idea to consult a medical professional before embarking on a treatment plan. While joint pain can be an uncomfortable and disruptive part of life, sufferers can take comfort in the knowledge that many treatment options are available.

Osteoarthritis Pain Relief - Home Remedies For Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis among many types of arthritis. This is a degenerative joint disease which usually occurs in the weight bearing joints such as spine, hip, knee, and hands. It results from structural changes in the cartilage of the joints which is the padding or natural shock observer of the joint.

The major symptoms are pain in joints especially after their continuous usage, swelling, warmth, stiffness and deformation. The whole body may or may not be affected by osteoarthritis

Remedies: The symptoms can be relieved or decreased with the help of some medication and exercises or some natural home remedies.

1) Rest: - Rest is advised when there is acute inflammation
2) Dietary considerations: - Patients should avoid foods which are acidic. Fruits & vegetables are recommended.
3) Heat and Cold therapy:- Applying hot packs for 15-20 min. can reduce pain, and stiffness.
Putting cold packs is also helpful in reducing pain and swelling.
4) Sea bathing or salt baths:- The iodine present in the salt helps to regain and regenerate worn out tissues.
5) Exercise:- A little and proper exercise benefits the treatment of osteoarthritis. For this always consult a physical therapist. Exercises can be chosen to increase flexibility, giving strength to muscles as well as bones. Yoga and aerobics have also proved to be helpful in reducing inflammation.
6) Omega 3 fat: - Intake of nuts such as walnuts provides omega 3 fats to the body which helpful in correcting the wear & tear.
7) Oil massage: - Warm oil should be used to massage the stiff and painful joints. It improves the blood circulation and reduces inflammation and stiffness.
8) Foods: - Inclusion of food items such as sesame seeds, garlic, bananas, green gram, herbal tea of alfalfa, eggplants etc. are helpful.
9) Calcium: - Intake of calcium in form of easily absorbed calcium lactate gives beneficial results .

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What is Osteoarthritis and What Are the Symptoms?

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis, and is also known as degenerative joint disease. It can occur in nearly any joint in the body and is associated with a breakdown of cartilage in the joints. Most commonly, Osteoarthritis occurs in the hips, knees, and spine which are known as main weight bearing joints.

This disease causes the joints to lose elasticity and become stiff which makes them more susceptible to damage. The cartilage may wear away or deteriorate over time, which causes the ligaments and tendons to stretch and cause pain. As the condition worsens, the bones may rub together. Nearly 21 million Americans are affected by Osteoarthritis and the chance of developing the disease increases with age.

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis include: joint aching and soreness, pain after overuse, bony enlargements of smaller joints such as fingers, and joint fluid and swelling. Heredity, obesity, and injuries are some of the factors that contribute to Osteoarthritis. There are several treatment options such as oral medications and hot and cold compresses. Worse cases may be treated by physical therapy to help strengthen the muscles.

Surgery is a last resort if no other method provides relief. Obesity is a common factor in Osteoarthritis and can commonly be controlled with an appropriate diet and exercise. There are alternative treatments such as supplements of glucosamine and chondroiton, bioelectric therapy, and acupuncture. Knee supports, canes, and crutches may also be used to take pressure off of certain joints. If you feel you are at risk for Osteoarthritis, you should contact your doctor for a diagnosis and to see which treatment method is best for you.

Arthritis and Joint Pain Relief For Dogs - Treat Your Dog Naturally

Does your dog seem to move a little slower these days? Does it almost seem like he would prefer to lie around rather than go out and catch the ball? Lots of times, our pets suffer from arthritis just like we do and many of us treat our dog's pain in the same way that we would treat ours; we give them a pain reliever. The thing is that dogs don't have the same make up as we do, so what might be harmless for us could be potentially deadly for them. Since we love our dogs, we don't want to see them hurting, but it's important to choose the right type of joint pain relief for dogs that will offer them no negative side effects and get their mobility back up.

Chances are, your dog has good days and bad days. On the good days, he runs and jumps much like he did when he was a puppy, but on bad days, he just looks at you with those big sad eyes as if to say, "I really, really hurt." You might have seen him licking at his joints and for many; you will often see a decrease in their muscle mass, which can make it appear as if they are losing weight. These are signs that your beloved best friend has arthritis and is suffering from joint pain due to their condition.

As a pet owner, it's your job to treat your dog and offer them joint pain relief that will help them to feel better with no side effects. Since you know this, you might be looking for ways to treat your dog naturally to ease their pain.

Now there are completely safe, homeopathic forms of arthritis and joint pain relief for dogs. You no longer have to worry that your pet will suffer from stomach problems or kidney failure while you are helping them to remain mobile and pain free, because these formulas are completely natural and safe. Made of natural ingredients used for centuries to ease joint pain, swelling and discomfort, this form of treatment will help your dog to be pain free so that exercising the sore joints is easy to do.

You may know that with arthritis, the best treatment is to exercise the affected joint. This helps to keep circulation strong and also helps to deliver valuable nutrients to the joints that keep them well lubricated and pain free. However, when there is pain in the joints, moving them can be painful and this will cause the joints to become more stiff and painful to move. By offering joint pain relief for dogs, you will be able to help them keep their joints strong and healthy by continuing to do what they love - run and play.

Take a look at your pet. If it looks as if he is in pain, then it's time to find an arthritis and joint pain relief for dogs. You can treat your dog naturally for this condition and see results in no time. If you're missing the bouncy, fun, energetic animal your dog used to be, then it's time to bring him back with a safe and natural treatment that will give him joint pain relief.

Arthritis in Your Hips? Nordic Walking May Help You Get Rid of Your Hip Pain

You have powerful muscles that surround your hip joint. Sometimes these muscles get "out of balance." Some get used and some don't. This creates stress on the joint. When muscles pull on bones in a different way than they were designed to--more pull on one side than on another--it creates little bony spurs or bumps. Those little bone spurs are arthritis. But, you can have hip pain whether you have arthritis or not. Many times hip pain comes from your muscles!

If your hips hurt, you might wish to consider walking a different way.

Nordic Walking uses poles to help balance you and might help people with hip pain more than using a cane. If you are walking with a cane, that cane supports you on only one side. But, walking with a pole in each hand gives you support on both sides and helps propel you forward.

The poles also cause you to swing your arms in a good, neutral position. When you walk, you are supposed to swing your arms next to your body rather than in front of (across) your body. Your thumbs should point upward as they do when you shake hands. When you swing your arms correctly as you walk you use all of your upper body muscles as they were designed to be used.

Holding the walking poles puts your hands in the correct neutral position. So, Nordic Walking gives you a good upper body workout as well as your legs, hips and abdomen.

Why is walking good for your hips?

We get into pain when we get out of muscular balance. Walking is what we were designed to do. We are supposed to move. We are built to walk for miles and miles. Honest!

But, long hours of sitting and other lifestyle changes caused some muscles to become "too tight" and others to become weak. Walking changes all of that. Walking helps get all of the muscles around your hip joint strong and balanced, each with the other.

Maybe you can't walk so easily anymore. You might be able to do Nordic Walking or you simply might not. You will have to really consider your body and how you feel, and you might want to check with your doctor.

You can watch a video about Nordic Walking at the website "Live Healthy By Walking dot com". When you watch the video, you might think, "They are walking way too fast. I could never do that." Well, maybe you can't do it right now, but if you start walking gradually at the pace you can manage comfortably, your hips will start to get happier and stronger. Using the walking poles might be a helpful way for you to begin to walk.

You can also read Rosalie's inspirational story when you are there. You'll discover how she's getting rid of her hip pain with walking.

Chiropractic Care For Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a problem that usually affects people who are 50 years of age or more. It is a very common joint disorder. The cartilage cushions that exist in between joints and the bones that make the joints are worn out in osteoarthritis. This disease results in abnormal growth of bone as with time, more cartilage begins to ear out and bone on bone wearing takes place.

Pain and Stiffness are the major signs of suffering from osteoarthritis. It gets pretty painful after prolonged sitting and getting up and also in the morning. Change in humidity or rainy weather also increases the pain most of the times. If osteoarthritis prevents you from doing daily activities or activities that you like doing, then it can have a big impact on the quality of your life.

There are many treatments that are available in recent times for osteoarthritis. Chiropractic treatment not only reduces the pain but also treat you so that you get a long term relief from the pain. Medications and anti-inflammatory can give you relief but it is just a temporary relief. You can suffer complications and gastrointestinal problems due to these drugs.

The best and most natural method of treatment for osteoarthritis is chiropractic treatment. It depends on the complexity of the situation and also on the patient. The patient starts to feel good after the treatment and the process does not hurt. The condition of the patient and the complexity of the situation also affect the treatment. Reduction in pain, reduction in stiffness and restoring the normal motion of the joint are some of the results of the manipulation. Ice and heat can also be used to provide relief.

A very important aspect of chiropractic treatment for osteoarthritis is proper and healthy nutrition. Supplements like glucosamine, fish oils, chondrotin sulfate and many more can prove to be very helpful. Avoiding some specific foods can reduce inflammation and hence reduce pain and improve healing. In order to find out what would be the best supplement for you, you should get in touch with your chiropractor as different things suit different situations.

Regular visits to your chiropractor may be able to help you prevent osteoarthritis. Correcting dysfunctional joints allows proper movement and can reduce your risk of the disease. It will also help keep discs stay healthy and prevent other causes of joint pain. If you suffer from osteoarthritis, speak with your chiropractor to learn how they can help you conservatively control your symptoms and prevent the progression of the disease.

In order to prevent osteoarthritis, you should visit your chiropractor regularly. You can easily reduce the risk of this disease by correcting any dysfunctional joints and hence keep the movements normal. This prevents other causes of pain in the joints and helps in keeping the discs healthy. If you have the problem of osteoarthritis, then you should consult your chiropractor so that he or she can help you in treating the problem and reduce the pain.

Dogs and Arthritis - Symptoms and Causes

Arthritis in dogs is a degenerative disease that causes stiffness in the joints and muscles, limiting the dog's mobility. Although it varies in severity, in some cases arthritis in dogs can be extremely painful, just like it can be in people. And arthritis in dogs is a very common condition, afflicting up to one in every three to four dogs. That's why information about dogs and arthritis is so important. Keep reading for some valuable information on the symptoms of arthritis in dogs, as well as what causes it.

Dogs and Arthritis: The Causes

This potentially very painful condition is common in older dogs because over time, wear and tear affects the joints. Younger dogs can also develop arthritis, although less frequently. Unlike the arthritis in older dogs that is often caused by ordinary wear and tear, accidents, injuries and certain infections, diseases and other health conditions like joint malformations (hip dysplasia, for example) are usually responsible for arthritis occurring in younger dogs. Arthritis can also be insidious in the sense that it might not become apparent for several years following an injury.

Although there are several forms of arthritis, the underlying cause of each type is inflammation in a joint. The different types of arthritis are categorized by what originally caused this inflammation.

Degenerative joint disease, frequently called osteoarthritis, is far and away the most common form of arthritis in dogs. Frequently associated with aging (as it is in people), osteoarthritis typically develops over the course of time. Ordinary wear and tear or injury to a joint can damage the joint's ligaments and/or cartilage and reduce the production of the synovial fluid that lubricates and protects the bones. The ultimate result is joint tissue degeneration, stiffness and pain. Cartilage damage and subsequent arthritis can also be caused by excessive weight, jumping too frequently over obstacles, tearing or stretching ligaments during vigorous exercise, and joint malformations such as hip dysplasia or "loose" kneecaps, among other things.

The mechanism underlying the second main type of arthritis, called inflammatory joint disease, is different than the mechanical stress or trauma that's responsible for degenerative joint disease. It is also much less common than osteoarthritis. This form of canine arthritis can be caused by a bacterial infection (staphylococcus or streptococcus, for example), a tick-borne disease such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever or a fungal infection in a joint, but it can also be caused by auto-immune disorders, some of which are hereditary. Rheumatoid arthritis is one example of arthritis caused by an auto-immune disorder, but fortunately it is rare in dogs. Arthritis resulting from an auto-immune disorder usually affects multiple joints.

Inflammatory joint disease is often characterized by systemic symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite and a generalized, overall stiffness. Unlike the form of arthritis that degenerative joint disease typically causes, which usually has a slow, gradual onset, the appearance of arthritis symptoms due to inflammatory joint disease is usually sudden and acute.

Symptoms of Arthritis in Dogs

The symptoms of arthritis in dogs are in general analogous to those of arthritis in humans, if you take into account the differences in anatomy. They can vary in severity from being barely detectable to being crippling and debilitating. Obviously, dogs cannot tell you they're hurting, and most do not show any visible signs of pain until it becomes significant. These factors can make it difficult to accurately diagnose arthritis unless X-rays, an orthopedic exam and other more specific tests are performed by a qualified vet. You should never assume that your dog has arthritis just because it comes up lame one day or gets up slowly or stiffly after sleeping all night. Although it's true that those symptoms could mean your dog has arthritis, they also might be signs of an entirely different health condition. Always take your dog to your veterinarian for assessment, diagnosis and treatment.

Notwithstanding the difficulty of making an accurate diagnosis, dogs suffering from arthritis typically exhibit one or more of the following symptoms of arthritis in dogs:

Slower gait: Dogs afflicted with arthritis often walk slowly in an attempt to balance out their limbs, especially when more than one joint is affected.

Dropped hip or nodding head: When only one hip is affected, the dog will often "drop" that hip so that it is carried physically lower than the other. A dog with an arthritic neck will often exhibit a nodding motion of the head.

Limping: A dog with an arthritic joint in a leg will naturally tend to favor that leg.

Reluctance to engage in normal activities: Dogs with arthritis tend to be reluctant to perform what were previously normal activities, such as climbing up or down stairs, running, jumping up on furniture, playing with balls or other toys, and going on walks. When they do go on walks, they often lag behind because they prefer to walk slowly.

Slowness or difficulty in rising from resting positions: Getting up slowly or stiffly after lying down is one of the fairly common symptoms of arthritis in dogs.

Personality changes: Some dogs with arthritis undergo changes in their personality. Becoming lethargic, depressed, nervous or overly aggressive are examples of the changes in temperament that can occur in dogs afflicted by arthritis. And, a previously very affectionate dog that loved physical attention from its owner may start resisting being touched.

Audible signals of distress: A dog that's in significant pain may yelp, whimper or cry when it's touched or it moves in a certain way.

Watching a dog that's suffering from arthritis pain can be heart-wrenching. Although arthritis is not a health condition that can ever be completely cured, there are a number of things you can do to help your dog suffer less from painful arthritis symptoms. We hope this information on dogs and arthritis will help both you and your dog.

Treatment For Chronic Bursitis Pain - Effective and Safe Cures - Multiple Home Remedies!

Chronic Bursitis is an ailment caused by inflammation of the bursa. The bursa is a sac of lubricating fluid used to reduce friction between the tendons and the bones (the joint). It is caused by recurring activity that places too much strain on the joint. Over use of the joint along with bad posture makes it easy to get this type of inflammation over time. The information over the internet shows that claims of natural treatment for chronic bursitis pain are vast. There are claims of many natural remedies, over the counter medicine, prescription medication and many other ways to prevent, treat, cure or relieve its symptoms.

Apart from severe pain, the other symptoms includes swelling and restricted movement. The ailment normally affects the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, base of the thumb, hip, knee, or Achilles tendon. Finding a remedy or treatment for chronic bursitis pain is not difficult, There are many herbs, herbal remedies, and homeopathic cures to select from but you have to be careful with wild claims, so consult a professional first. Let us look at how to get rid of busitis.

Alternative Treatment for Chronic Bursitis Pain:

Physical Therapy Treatments

  • Get rid of severe pain caused by inflammation with hot and cold compress; something you can do at home, but you should not introduce your body to the cold for more than 20 minutes. Start with a cold compress and begin to alternate between the two. Doing this about three times a day will help reduce swelling.

  • Rest the affected area. Resting the affected part of the body will prevent or reduce any further inflammation and will allow the area to heal, as overuse is what caused the injury in the first place. One area where rest is always prescribe is if the hip is affected - a condition known as - Trochanteric. Restricting or preventing excess movement is one of the remedy that will speed up the reduction in swelling

  • Physical therapist. While rest is prescribe as a care and relief, on the other hand exercise can help relieve some areas of the body. A therapist can go through a variety of exercises with you including range of motion to help get your joints back in shape. These variety in movement will allow the area to go through a range of motions, as the area affected was normally dominated by one movement. This includes rotating the area by another person and making small movements up and down.

Other Physical Therapies includes.

  • Soak in warm water with Epsom salts

  • Treating with Acupuncture

  • Elevation of affected area

  • Reflexology

Nutritional Treatment for Chronic Bursitis Pain:

  • Increase your intake of foods containing vitamin A and C.

  • Drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar helps reduce inflammation.

  • Millet and linseed eaten daily will improve joint flexibility.

  • Pineapple can help reduce inflammation in the joints.

  • A tablespoon of honey taken with a cup of water also helps reduce inflammation.

Herbal Therapy that aid in the removal of excess fluid:

  • Arnica oil

  • Turmeric

  • Comfrey

  • Willow tea

  • Meadowsweet tea

  • Tincture made of horse tail, meadowsweet and willow bark

  • Tincture made of lobelia and cramp bark

As previously mentioned, there are multiple treatments for chronic bursitis pain. These remedies can be used by themselves or they can be combined to be used as a multi-prong approach. As usual it is best to learn from the experience of others, and consulting someone who has had the illness and took care of it, is the best option. Nothing beats a good genuine testimonial.

Monday, December 9, 2013

TMJ Could Be Caused By You

Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ, is the inflammation and subsequent discomfort of the Temporomandibular joint, which connects the lower jaw to the skull. While it involves a number of different parts of the human body, the cause of this condition is often the human body itself - or at least how it acts.

The inflammation and pain associated with TMJ involves muscle, bone, teeth and tissue, resulting in widespread discomfort for those who suffer from it. This can include headaches, earaches, pain in the jaw or while chewing, discomfort in the face and a painful neck or shoulders.

In some cases this is caused by genetic or developed conditions, including degenerative joint diseases such as osteoarthritis as well as more specific conditions such as myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome. Direct trauma to the jaw or facial area, such as that suffered in an automobile accident, can also spark an onset of TMJ.

In many instances, however, human behavior, especially of a repetitive nature, is what causes and exacerbates this painful disorder.

Dental neglect is often a source of the disorder. Individuals who fail to take care of their teeth see the surface of each tooth wear down due to harmful bacterias such as plaque, as well as due to foods such as sugar. This creates an uneven and misaligned surface, which in turn causes teeth to sit unevenly on each other and places added stress on the jawbone.

Having an uneven overbite, or a lack of one in general, also causes the jawbone to rest uneasily, creating unneeded stress on it that can lead to inflammation. This is another situation that can be rectified by maintaining oral health through visits to a dentist or orthodontist.

Specific individual behaviors often lead to TMJ as well. Grinding of the teeth while sleeping, otherwise known as bruxism, is a leading source of the condition. Chewing portions of food that are too large and difficult for the mouth to handle also places unneeded stress on the joint, which can lead to the condition as well. Individuals who chew excessive amounts of gum or bite their nails incessantly also face an increased risk for the disorder.

While human behaviors such as these can often be the source of discomfort related to the temporomandibular joint, there are many other unrelated, more rare sources of the condition that can only be diagnosed by a doctor. Patients who suffer from any combination of these symptoms but do not exhibit any of these types of behaviors should still consult with their doctor as to the cause of their discomfort.

TMJ is a painful and at times debilitating condition that affects many people around the world. Its onset and progression can also be halted by simple changes in lifestyle or habits that can be undertaken at any time, and it's never too late to do so to help ensure a more comfortable future for yourself or a loved one.

Foods That Fight Joint Pain

For centuries, foods have being used to treat various conditions. Today, many physicians are recommending a change in diet as part of the treatment for various diseases. Nutrition is playing a bigger role in the treatment of chronic diseases such as gout and arthritis which are affecting a larger number of people today.

Causes of Joint Pain

Joint pain may be caused by injuries or may be experienced as a result of an infectious disease. However the most common cause of joint pain today is arthritis. This is a condition that results from the inflammation of the joints as a result of the wearing down of the cartilage in the joints. Wear and tear of cartilage is a normal result of daily activities. Osteoarthritis is more common in women and is characterized by chronic pain in the joints. Many people with arthritis will complain of pain in the hip joints and other major joints in the body.

Nutrients that Combat Joint Pain

If you are looking for foods that can help you with hip joint relief or any other joint pain relief, it is best to begin by understanding the major nutrients that are known to combat and prevent pain. This will also make it easier to select foods that will not only provide you with energy for your daily activities but also help relieve the pain.

Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients in the war against pain caused by arthritis. This vitamin slows down the wear and tear of joints thus slowing down the progression and hence preventing arthritis. Vitamin C provides the body with antioxidants that control the action of free radicals. The vitamin is also a key element in the formation of collagen which is the main ingredient in bone and cartilage formation.

Vitamin D and Calcium on the other hand help to protect your bones and prevent join pain. Calcium is known to prevent the loss of bone density, therefore preventing the development of osteoporosis.

The B vitamins are efficient in hip pain relief. These vitamins reduce inflammation and ease pain in the joints. Vitamin E is also an effective pain reliever. It is especially helpful in easing pain experienced by those suffering from osteoarthritis.

Foods that Combat joint pain

There are various foods that can be eaten with the aim of gaining nutrients that can help ease joint pain. The list of foods outlined below is not exhaustive. The foods are listed according to the nutrients they provide. However, combination of the foods will provide a meal rich in pain relieving nutrients.

Whole foods are the best source of joint pain relief foods. Foods such as raisins, cinnamon, apples, bananas, whole grains and pumpkins are a great source of fiber and energy. These foods provide a combination of the various vitamins and provide you with the minimum daily requirements of many of these vitamins.

Vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and spinach are a great source of vitamin C and E. Vitamin C also occurs in some fruits such as oranges, grapes, mangoes and apples. Whole grains such as wheat are also a source of vitamin E and Vitamin B.

Fish not only provide vitamin D, but also supply you with omega 3 fatty acids which help reduce inflammation and pain. Other foods that you may like to consider for relief include garlic, Chile peppers (contains capsaicin, the main ingredient in joint pain relief drugs), curry powder (contains antioxidants) and water (to flush uric acid out of the body thus easing joint pain).

Put an End to TMJ Pain With Alternative Cures to Jaw Clenching and Common Symptoms of TMJ

There really is nothing good about suffering from jaw clenching. Grinding or gnashing your teeth at night while you sleep can even result in the possibility of a tooth being cracked. The good news is that there are natural and safe alternatives that offer a real chance either easing the pain it can cause or permanently curing and getting rid of your jaw clenching. If you suffer from this problem or are not happy with current and more traditional methods used for treating it, you may want to take a look at what natural alternatives may be able to do for you and your problem.

You are not alone if you suffer from TMJ or jaw clenching. A whopping 1 million plus people currently suffer from it and the sad thing is that most of these people don't even know that something is wrong. Can you imagine going through your day suffering the discomfort and pain caused by jaw clenching being completely unaware that you have a problem that it can actually be cured? These people live their lives in the dark and just have to put up with the agony never knowing that help is out there.

One of the most common ways dentists treat TMJ is by recommending patients to use a mouth guard while they sleep. This really isn't a treatment and instead it just stops you from clenching your teeth at night while you sleep. This provides no relief or cure for the common symptoms and pain you feel because of TMJ. What it does do is help to protect your teeth, which is at least some kind of help for sufferers. You may also find that you suffer from migraines, neck and facial pain along with a wide variety of other problems because of your TMJ. A mouth guard won't help alleviate any of these symptoms and you will have to try something else.

Some natural ways to actually cure the problem forever that go beyond your dentist giving you a mouth guard include changes in what you eat, your sleeping environment, daily exercises, chiropractic care, stress relief, hypnosis and much, much more. There really are a wide range of alternative treatments out there and you may have to look beyond what your dentist suggests, as it goes beyond the field of their expertise. Just which natural treatment is right for you will depend on your personal situation and symptoms you are currently suffering from. However, the good news is that real natural alternatives to curing TMJ do exist and offer a glimmer of hope for sufferers.