Saturday, November 23, 2013

Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Major Factor In Joint Pain

Rheumatoid Arthritis can commence at any age but generally begins between the ages of 20 and 45. This article examines some of its symptoms and causes.

The symptoms and signs: Joint stiffness, particularly in the hands and feet, in the mornings when getting up from bed. A telling sign can be that the stiffness is experienced in either both hands or both feet - not just one. Stiffness that lasts for over an hour, or pain and swelling that persists for more than a month or so may also be indicative of rheumatoid arthritis.

Early symptoms may also include fever, excessive tiredness or nodules under the skin - these feel like pea-size lumps. Other possible symptoms are anemia, fluid collecting on the ankles or behind the knee and loss of appetite. In children, a pink rash may follow the characteristic swollen joints and there may be shaking chills.

Why the condition is painful: Cartilage does not cause pain (it has no nerves to transmit pain signals), so it is thought that irritation of other tissues in and around the joint affected is the cause of the joint pain typical of rheumatoid arthritis. However,the relationship between joint pain and cartilage destruction is still not fully understood.

The irritation in the joint may be caused by 'chemical messengers' such as prostaglandin E2 that have been found to be associated with the disease process. For this reason, administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) helps as it inhibits production of prostaglandin.

Joint pain that is similar to that caused by rheumatoid arthritis can be caused by a number of other conditions. Among these are chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and even bunions. Only a doctor can identify the cause accurately, as similar symptoms can result from other autoimmune-related conditions from other kinds of arthritis to serious conditions such as cancer.

Other factors: The disease is more common in older people, though it can occur at any age, even in children (Still's disease). Studies have suggested that a high body mass index, particularly in women, may increase the risk of contracting the disease. Also, obesity places a greater strain on joints and may contribute to the breakdown of joint tissue in rheumatoid arthritis. Overweight people are also at greater risk from other forms of arthritis.

Self-care: This can be managed by adopting a regime that includes the following -

  • Balancing exercise sessions with periods of rest
    Eating healthy foods
    Caring for your emotional health during times of stress
    Protecting your joints during everyday tasks
    Applying local treatments for joint pain
    Adopting healthy habits in general
All these factors can reduce the need for medication.

Exercise: Consult your physical therapist or doctor to help you formulate an exercise program that uses the full motion range of your joints and strengthens muscle. Plan for plenty of rest between exercises but keep up a daily program even if you don't feel like it - your mood should improve, joint pain lessen and you should sleep better.

Although some discomfort is to be expected this should only last for a short time after exercise - any new joint pain or other sharp pains need to be referred to your doctor for advice on how to proceed.

Although rheumatoid arthritis is not a condition to take lightly, it can be controlled to some degree. Early diagnosis helps reduce loss of mobility and joint pain caused by the disease in advanced form, so the best advice this article can give is to see your doctor immediately if you suspect you have the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, especially if you experience stiffness and joint pain.

All advice in this article is given in good faith but does not pretend to replace the diagnosis or professional advice of a qualified medical doctor.

What Type of Tinnitus Do You Have?

Tinnitus itself isn't a disease or a condition - but rather can be a symptom of many different illnesses or problems. This ringing, buzzing or ticking in the ears can sound like a constant hiss, like crickets chirping or like a high-pitched ringing. All are forms of tinnitus and, while not serious, are annoying and irritating nonetheless!

Ringing in the ears can happen in any part of the ear including the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. It's also somewhat uncommon to experience a ringing that goes along with your heartbeat called pulsatile tinnitus. Ringing in the ears might also be caused by an ear infection or by certain medications such as antihistamines, blood pressure medicines or aspirin/ibuprofen.

Can You Hear That?

The most common form of tinnitus is called subjective tinnitus. You can hear it, but other people can't. Surprisingly, there's another form called objective tinnitus, where your doctor actually hears a sound when examining your ears carefully. Only a hearing test and a doctor's examination can determine the type of tinnitus you're suffering from. And, although the physician can tell you about what type of tinnitus you have, we still don't know exactly what causes it (apart from the obvious causes like loud music, trauma to the ear or infection).

Some scientists believe that as we age, the cochlea, which sends sound waves to the brain for it to interpret what we hear, sends mixed up signals and starts making its own buzzing or ringing sound to compensate. Most people experience tinnitus in both ears but it can happen in only one or the other.

Other forms of tinnitus include pulsatile tinnitus which relates to the flow of blood and circulatory system, and tinnitus caused by TMJ, a disorder of the jaw that can lead to popping, teeth-clenching and grinding.

Finding Natural Relief from Tinnitus

The good news is that there are several ways to find relief from tinnitus. What works for one person may not work for someone else, which is why it helps (and is completely safe) to experiment and see what helps you. Some people benefit from "white noise machines" that block out or mask the ringing and buzzing. Other people find that if they get enough sleep, reduce their salt intake and start exercising, the ringing goes away naturally. Still others have discovered peace and quiet through homeopathic remedies.

Understanding what type of tinnitus you have is the first step toward learning about the kind of treatment that works for you. Talk with your doctor and browse the articles here on our site for more information about easy ways to cure nearly every kind of tinnitus without surgery, expensive prescription drugs or hearing aids.

Neck Pain and Dizziness Part 2

In part 1 of the article I wrote entitled "Neck Pain and Dizziness", I asked the question on whether or neck pain and dizziness are related to each other.

If indeed they are related, this would help us understand why we often have the two happening at the same time, but more importantly, if we focus on alleviating our neck pain, we can also alleviate our dizziness as well.

This is very important, because if you Google drug treatments for vertigo, you will see a host of pharmaceuticals for this condition, and any time we can avoid taking medication for something we can help naturally, then you've vastly improved your overall health.

Also in part 1 of Neck Pain and Dizziness, we mentioned that the center in the brainstem responsible for balance is called the vestibular nucleus. Four sources for stimulating or sending information to the vestibular nucleus were reviewed: the Inner ear (Labyrinthine), the cerebellum, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), and the cervical vertebra C1-3. This type of vertigo is called Cervical Vertigo, or Cervicogenic Vertigo, and this is where we left off.

So let's continue.


A relationship between cervical spine trauma and the symptoms of vertigo has been researched and documented. Dr. Linda Luxon notes in her chapter titled "posttraumatic vertigo" (1) that this type of vertigo can be explained by 'disruption of cervical proprioceptive input'.

From the Latin word proprius, meaning "one's own" and perception-is one of the human senses. Hence, one's own human sense functions to sense orientation of ones limbs in space. In the case of the neck or cervical spine, we have proprioceptors throughout the anatomy of the neck. They function in the neck to sense stretch or quick movements, and ultimately tell our brain where we are in space and time.

This information of where our head is in space then gets relayed or sent to the vestibular nulcei, the balance centers in our brain. The major source of cervical spine information gets sent from with the joints and capsules in the neck.

That said, whenever a problem with the upper cervical spinal joints exist, or a problem with the neck in general, altered signals get sent to the vestibular nucleus, sending faulty information of where our head is in time and space.

The result?

Try Dizziness and Vertigo.

So why would our neck have a problem with the joints and capsules in the first place, that would result in the faulty relaying of centers to the balance centers in the brain? Trauma for one. Any motor vehicle accident, or jar that we take to the neck. Better yet, postural stress. Postural stress of being in front of a computer, using our cell phones, sleeping awkwardly, driving for a long duration, and a host of other things that we do on a daily basis.

All in all, this is actually great news. If you suffer with neck pain, vertigo, and dizziness, and have not had any relief, then focusing on correcting the neck problems may actually help not only your neck pain, but your dizziness as well.

So, the question becomes, why don't you know about this?

Not to get too political, but, the drug industry is a Multi Billion dollar industry, and they have a stake at promoting their products. Unfortunately, as well, in general, society is looking for a magic pill. One that we go to bed at night with, and wake up in the morning with whatever we took the pill for fixing the problem. That is the "should be world" and unfortunately, we live in the "is world".

The "is" world when it comes to vertigo, dizziness and neck pain, IS to improve the "mechanical function of these joints", fix the faulty signals being sent to the vertigo centers in the brain, and fix the vertigo, dizziness, and neck problems.

I know that If I where you, I would be asking right about now "What the heck is mechanical function of the neck joints???" More importantly, "how do I fix the mechanical function of the neck joints"????

Well great question, funny you should ask. I try to explain things in a simple and easy analogies to understand things that we may not be familiar with. So, think about our joints in the neck like a door hinge.

Now I know that this analogy is a bit crude, but, we all understand how a hinge joint works. With a door, the way the hinge joint was designed allows the door to swing open and swing closed. All we have to do is push the door and viola, it swings open.

Two joints in the body that are called hinge joints are the elbow and knee. These joints can swing open and closed, or flex and extend in one direction, like a hinge joint of a door (more or less). But think about when that hinge joint becomes faulty.

Perhaps it is rusty, or not lubricated properly, the joint stops working properly. When that happens, the door may not open up as much, the joint my grind, and then it really becomes difficult to get through the doorway. If we force the door too much, where the hinge is mounted to the framework, that may begin to loosen up as well. Now you have an even bigger problem.

Well the neck joints are similar in the way they breakdown. The joints in the spine or called facet joints (see above diagram for an illustration). In the case of the facet joints in the neck, when we bend our neck to look downwards, the joints open up or separate. When we look up to the sky, the joints bear down on each other and come together. We also have the ability to turn left and right, and laterally flex each ear to the respected shoulder.

This is what we call "normal joint mechanics" or mechanical function of the neck joints.

So how do we fix this mechanical function in the neck? Well, techniques to improve range of motion, in all directions is the first suggestion. In order to do that, we have to first determine what ranges of motion or what direction we are limited in.

As a quick reference, AMA guidelines for spinal motion are as follows

Flexion= 60 degrees

Extension= 75 degrees

Cervical Right Lateral Flexion= 40 degrees

Cervical Left Lateral Flexion= 40 degrees

Cervical Right Rotation = 80 degrees

Cervical Left Rotation = 80 degrees

So step 1. would be to evaluate your own range of motion with the "eyeball method" and determine if you have a) full ranges in all direction b) pain free movement b) symmetry between left and right motions (that is, left motion is as good as right motion and vice versa).

Once you have determined any "dysfunctions with your range of motion, you are ready to go on to step 2. So keep posted for my 3rd and final installment of "Neck Pain and Dizziness" where I continue to give you valuable information to help to improve your mechanical function of your neck and get rid of your vertigo once and for all.

Till next time, watching your back (and neck)


Luxon L. "Posttraumatic Vertigo" in Disorder of the Vestibular System, edited by Robert W. Baloh and G. Michael Halmagyi, Oxford University Press, 1996

Natural Pain Relief in Pregnancy

Are you suffering from aches and pains in pregnancy? Are you experiencing back aches, hip pain, rib pain, headaches, migraines or heartburn?Unfortunately, these complaints are all too common during pregnancy. Some women are lucky enough to get away with morning sickness in the first trimester but the majority of us will experience aches and pains well into the 3rd trimester. Are you searching for some natural pain relief? The good news is it does exist. Here are a couple of methods of natural pain relief in pregnancy.

1. Heat packs-If you are experiencing back aches and neck aches try getting a heat pack to warm up the area and increase blood circulation.

2. Cold packs-Only used cold packs if the area is inflamed or swollen. Cold packs restrict blood flow and will bring down swelling but will not help in pain relief.

3. Warm baths-Warm baths are recommended to take the weight of your body as well as to provide a degree of pain relief.

4. Stretching exercises-If you suffer from sciatica, stretching exercises such as the piriformis stretch can help release compression on your sciatic nerve.

5. Massage-Massage during pregnancy has been shown to provide a degree of pain relief by relaxing the muscles in the body. If you are concerned about your babies safety, try less active forms of therapy such as Reiki.

6. Acupuncture-This form of therapy is effective at alleviating some common pregnancy ailments such as morning sickness and heartburn. However, many mothers are not keen on the use of needles.

7. Herbal remedies-A number of herbal remedies such as nettle and raspberry leaves are said to help in the treatment of nausea and heartburn as well as to ease the labor process.

8. Bowen Technique-This therapy is an extremely gentle and safe therapy that is used to rebalance your body and provide effective pain relief. Not only does this technique relieve back, neck and hip pain, it also re balances your nervous system and hence corrects any hormonal imbalances that may be causing acne and depression. Heartburn, breast tenderness, headaches and labor pain can also be relieved using this safe and simple technique.

The Bowen Technique is extremely safe and gentle and is used on newborn babies to treat colic, breathing problems and constipation. It is also used on the very ill to re balance the body and create harmony within.

When used by pregnant mothers, this technique provides immediate pain relief and instant relaxation. Many mothers report a feeling of floating on a cloud. Your baby will also feel the effects of the treatment and respond. During treatments, mothers feel their babies becoming more active in their tummies and very calm when they are born.

If you are looking for a source of natural pain relief in pregnancy, look no further!

The Bowen Technique is unique in its gentleness and effectiveness and can be used throughout motherhood to ease your aches and pains the natural way!

Deadlift Versus Squat - Understanding The Difference

When we think about the lower body and "the king of all exercises", what comes to mind for most people is the squat or a variation of it. However, when we take a look at the pros and cons and the results gained from specific lower body movements, a better "go-to" exercise may in-fact be the deadlift.

Let's take a closer look:

The squat, whether front-loaded, back-loaded, or with the smith machine is going to incorporate hip extension created by the glutes and the hamstrings, knee extension created by the quadriceps, and some plantarflexion created by the gastrocnemius and the soleus.

Now, whether you are a powerlifter, an athlete of some sort, are returning from a knee injury, or are a senior trying to prevent falls and osteoporosis, some form of the squat may be an important component of your training regimine.

Squats, when performed correctly, will help to stabilize the three major joints of the lower body and can also assist in improving the mobility and function around the hip joint.

If you can squat with good form and without pain, it will be instrumental in bringing you closer to achieving your fitness, sport, and life goals. However, in my decade of experience in working with clients and athletes, I have come to realize that the squat is not for everyone.

Whether it is because of injury, a lack of necessary mobility, or an inability to perform with correct technique, forcing, or attempting to force an individual to squat can be just like driving your car full-steam ahead into a brick wall. There's just no point.

What I have found to be successful in body transformation, maximal strength enhancement, sport performance, and in minimizing the impact of lower back pain is a focus on correct implementation of the deadlift.

The biggest difference between the squat and the deadlift, where the squat is more of a "sit-down, stand-up" motion, the deadlift is a bit closer to the vision of "leaning over to touch your toes and then standing all the way up". That may be the simplest definition, not to say that either are simple exercises.

If we take again, a closer look, with the deadlift, we have taken almost the entire knee bend out of the movement. This means that with less knee extension during the upward phase, there will be less quadriceps recruitment. This can be a key element for those that find discomfort from too much squatting and for those who are too immobile to perform the squat with the necessary range of motion to achieve the desired results.

If the focus is not on the quadriceps, where has it gone? Consider the deadlift almost exclusively a posterior chain exercise. We are thinking about the back of the body here. Everything from the calves, hamstrings, glutes, erector spinae, trapezius, and deltoids are active. If I could perform only one exercise for the rest of my life, this might be it!

Here's how this carries over into sport performance and life function. The Big 4 sports in the United States all involve running or some sort of forward propulsion (skating). What we need for all of these is the ability to extend through the hip. Increasing the maximal strength of this movement as in the deadlift has a correlation to one's ability to produce force with that same movement.

This doesn't mean that you are going to carry your 1RM weight onto the football field and deadlift during plays. It means that the work you put in to your training is going to enable you to recruit or use your hip extensors more effectively at game speed.

The glutes and hamstrings are larger muscles than the quadriceps are, right? Would you rather rely on your quadriceps to carry you or the larger, stronger muscles of the posterior chain? We would obviously love to use all three major muscle groups, but this should help pinpoint where the majority of your focus should be.

When we think about body transformation, we think about the total recruitment of muscle. An exercise like the deadlift allows us to activate muscles throughout the entire body in very little time. That activation allows us to put on more lean muscle which will increase your metabolism and create the "looking in the mirror changes" that many of us are looking for.

As far as lower back pain is concerned, the deadlift and its variations, when performed with correct form place the lifter in an adequate position to recruit stabilizers and movers of the lower back with greater intensity than would say, a lower back extension.

That load and the calculated range of motion create a safe environment for the lower back and for the lifter. Whenever we use the deadlift in this fashion, the emphasis must be on proper technique with correct progression. There is no point in using a great exercise if the lifter doesn't have the foundation to support it.

Take a look at your current program design and if you need to, seek out the help of a professional for a refresher on your technique. Without fully understanding the difference between these two important exercises and the results that they will yield, you may be cheating yourself out of your best body yet!

Safe and Effective Natural Remedies For Hip Pain

In today's life the problem of hip pain is very common. Most of the people either male or female suffer from the problem of hip pain. Sometimes it becomes necessary to consult some expert to solve this problem. You must consult to the doctor especially in these cases -

1. If your sleep is interrupted by the severity of the pain or it interfere your work or home activities.

2. Even after a minor injury the problem of hip pain grows worse.

3. If you suffer from leg pain or open sores on your feet.

One of the most common causes of hip pain is arthritis especially if it is osteoarthritis. As with the growing age there is a wear and tear and this result into the hip pain. Sometimes a structural defect may be the root cause of hip pain. Sometimes a curved spine or if your one leg is slightly shorter than other, can cause pain in your hip. Sometimes extra pounds can also contribute to hip pain.

It can easily be cured with the help of natural remedies. Some of the popular and effective natural remedies are -

1. You must eliminate hot spices and red meat from your food.

2. You must stop smoking and also lower the intake of alcohol. It will contribute a lot in reducing the pain of hip pain.

3. You must make a habit of doing regular exercise. It will give an effective result in reducing the pain in the hip.

4. Avoid giving pressure on the affected area while sitting or sleeping on that side.

5. You can also apply some gel or oil on the affected area especially before going to bed in the night and early in the morning after getting up from the bed. Regular body massage can prevent the further risks or aggravation.

6. Increase the intake of healthy foods which includes vegetables, nuts, grains, cereals, fruits and seeds in your diet.

7. In case of severe pain you can go for a stroll and can take leisurely and long walks.

8. Always remember to turn on your side then wake up from your bed. Don't get up suddenly from your bed. It may further increase your pain.

9. For 10-15 minutes try to do cold and hot compress alternatively on the affected region. Try to find out whether hot or cold relieves your pain. You can continue this process as long as pain remains.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Hip Replacement: Electro Therapy - Can It Postpone It? (It May Worth Checking It Out For Free)

What is ARP Wave?

In a nutshell, using electric current for muscle stimulation is old news. Originally, DC (direct current) was used. Years ago, the industry found that AC (alternating current) could be used, and was tolerated much better (less or no pain). The industry stuck with AC current, and very low voltage.

The ARP inventors went back to using DC at high voltage, because they say the benefits of DC far exceed AC. They patented a background electric wave which they say reduces the pain of the therapy. They also developed proprietary exercises.

Why does it work?

According to the inventor: The joint deteriorates because the muscles go from being "Like a new bungie cord", to being like an "old rubber band", and can no longer absorb shock. Much of the problem is loss of good circulation. The ARP Wave Therapy restores circulation.

How many treatments are required?

Ten sessions of about fifteen minutes each, followed by forty exercise sessions, after which they say you're done. And the cost? About $2,000. The small machine is sent to your home. A therapist directs you on how to use the machine on Skype. Skype is a free video and voice connection across the internet. You'll have to have a laptop and know how to use it. If you don't, we all know someone who has one and will help.

What are the results?

Go to You Tube and put "ARP Therapy" in the search window. You'll find 36 videos. The history of this starts in the Soviet Union and the Olympic Coaches who used DC electric current. Is ARP popular with athletes in the USA? The NFL is using 290 machines.

A pad with a wire attached from the machine, is placed on your lower leg. Another at your point of most intense pain. The dial is turned up to your level of discomfort (they say it's not really pain - just "discomfort"). Next, you'll do movements with the machine on. They say this process causes scar tissue on the muscle to come off. The muscle is then able to build back to normal levels.

The exercise sessions utilize the machine as well. The inventor says the machine will cause a muscle to contract and relax rapidly, creating an intense work-out in a few minutes. You'll be instructed to eat a lot of protein because you'll be burning up a lot of calories!

Is it worth investigating this before you get a hip replacement? What are you risking? Nothing, right? If you need to get your hip replaced, you should. Should you avoid having your hip replaced if you can? One thing is for sure, once you have your hip replaced, you'll never have your natural hip back. Conversely, if you give ARP Wave Therapy a try, and it doesn't work, you will have wasted very little time, and relatively little money.

ARP Wave Therapy has a lot of testimonials. The use of the machine has been approved by the FDA. The use of the machine must be by prescription.

What should you do next?

Arthritis in Dogs Today

As dog owners, people should pay close attention to their pets for signs of illness. An arthritic dog has a hard time getting around. The dog may walk with a stiff and hobbling gait. The dog may no longer be interested in playing with dog toys, walking or any other physical activities and prefers to spend most of the time sleeping.

Causes of Arthritis

Arthritis is a debilitating disease causing stiffness and pain in the joints. Dog joints like human joints are susceptible to many different disorders. These disorders include diseases such as immune disorders, development disorders that include hip and elbow dysplasia, degenerative disorders, trauma and infections. Once a joint is affected, it can lead to arthritis. Arthritis is basically inflammation in the joints. Most dogs develop joint diseases in varying degrees. The resulting arthritis ranges from a mild case to a debilitating case.

Types of Arthritis

There are basically two commonly found types of arthritis. The first is osteoarthritis or Degenerative Joint Disease. This caused by the wear and tear of the joint mostly due to age. The second type is the Inflammatory Joint Disease, which is the result of other conditions like infections, disease, or trauma to the joints. These conditions result in an inflamed joint.

Which Dogs are at Risk

Large breed dogs and overweight dogs are usually susceptible to acquiring arthritis. Dogs that have suffered injury to their joints can also develop osteoarthritis. There are also risk factors associated with certain breeds of dogs, especially dogs that hereditary disorders like dysplasia.

Managing Arthritis

To manage arthritis in dog's veterinarians recommend controlling the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis with medication. This should also be accompanied by a suitable diet and exercise and supplements.

Managing a dog's weight is important. Overweight dogs are prone dysplasia and osteoarthritis. Surgical and medical interventions for arthritis will not be effective unless the dog reaches the recommended weight. Get the dog running by chasing after it's favorite dog toys.

Exercise keeps the dog's joints and muscles active. Low impact exercises are best for a dog suffering from arthritis. Walking up and down stairs, swimming, treadmills, and leash walking are some of the exercises depending on the severity of the dog's disease. To encourage a dog to swim, purchase floatable dog toys that the dog can fetch from the water.

Arthritic symptoms worsen with cold. By giving a dog a warm, dry, and draftless sleeping area will keep the dog comfortable. A firm orthopedic foam bed that distributes the dog's weight evenly effectively reducing pressure on the joints can help an arthritic dog as it curls up with favorite dog toys. Purchasing an arthritic dog a sweater to manage the cold weather can help with the joint stiffness.

Limit excessive motion on the dog's joints by providing ramps instead of stairs and elevating the dog's water and food bowls.

Treatment of Arthritis in Dogs

Glucosamine and Chondroitin are commonly used supplements used to manage arthritis. The supplement works by repair the damaged cartilage. It takes at least 6 weeks before the healing effects are noticed. There are also injectable medications available that help either repair damaged cartilage or help in the production of new cartilage.

Giving your dog anti-inflammatory drugs can help reduce the swelling associated with arthritis in dogs and help in pain management. Drugs that can be given include buffered aspirin, NSAIDS like carprofen, deramaxx, ketoprofen, and EtoGesic.

Surgeries like Hip Replacement Surgery is an option for a dog badly afflicted. This treatment is however expensive and dog owners prefer to take other options, utilizing surgery as the last option.

Not All Joint Pain Is Arthritis Related

Arthritis pain can come in a variety of different forms, including Osteoarthritis, which is a degenerative arthritis; or rheumatoid arthritis. Gout is also a type of arthritis. Most of the time when people start looking for joint pain relief due to arthritis (or other causes); they have some inflammation and stiffness in the area.

However, not all joint pain is caused by arthritis. I had finger pain which was not diagnosed as any type of arthritis at all. In fact, the doctors never did figure out what was going on and eventually I just quit going in for checkups for the "We just don't know" diagnosis.

Even though my pain was not caused by arthritis, it WAS in the joints and therefore I was prescribed glucosomine sulfate as a treatment. When that didn't work, I was moved on to Glucosamine Chondroitin. After taking the glucosamine chondroitin mixture for about two months, my whole body hurt and I thought I was surely going to die. I figured it was just the joint issue getting worse, so I continued to look for joint pain relief on my own.

That's when I started using an Omega 3 Fish Oil supplement. I actually started this supplement after watching Dr. Oz one day where he said that many people don't get enough Omega 3 in their body and a supplement like this was a good way to remain in overall good health. I figured it couldn't hurt any more than what the other supplements were doing to me; so I got off the glucosamine and just started taking the Omega 3 Fish Oil supplement.

And I'm happy to report that they worked - for me at least! Now remember that I just said that my diagnosis was not joint pain due to arthritis. I had all the tests done to rule out the major diseases before I started to self treat things. And what worked for me might not work for everyone, but I've always been one to try natural supplements before synthetic ones (although, glucosamine chondroitin is a natural combination).

Don't be afraid to test a few things when you need joint pain relief. And, if you start feeling worse, stop taking the joint pain supplements for a while to see if you are having side effects from the pills. I guess the body ache thing wasn't just something I experienced either! While chatting with my neighbor she told me the same thing happened to her, but MSM was what was working for her.

TMJ Pain Relief - 4 Practical Solutions for TMJ Disorder

Temporo-Mandibular Joint disorder is the most prevalent skeletal and muscular condition after lower-back pain in the adult population of the world. The lack of understanding the wide variety of symptoms associated with TMJ and lack of therapeutic research in this field had led several millions to be plagued by this disorder for considerably long periods in the past.

Today, TMJ need not be feared as it had been in the past. It is a completely curable condition. All the symptoms, side-effects and causes of the disorder can be prevented and cured. Modern medicine and research have devised ways to aid TMJ pain relief for affected men and women. In this article, you will be introduced to simple ways by which you can relieve yourself from TMJ, which you can do from your home.

  1. Analyze your eating habits. Determine how many times per day you take in food that is hard to bite, or chew. Do u have a habit of chewing gum, clenching jaws or teeth or bruxism? If so, you have to work out a way to overcome this and eliminate any possibility of further damage to your jaws and joints.

  2. Study your daily activities and determine the presence of stressful situations, like a bad work environment, depressing factors at home and strained relationships. Make honest efforts to ease yourself from these situations. It is easier said than done, but it has a positive influence over TMJ pain relief.

  3. Allocate at least 30 minutes each day for exercises. Jaw exercises play a major role in TMJ pain relief because these exercises help restore normal function to the jaws. They can be used by themselves or in tandem with other therapies.

  4. Get the guidance of a qualified expert with a lot of experience. TMJ is often not diagnosed properly when the doctor does not have past experience with TMJ cases. Follow that guidance till the doctor feels satisfied that further treatment is not necessary.

The most important thing about TMJ is that it has different symptoms and complications for each person. Hence, choose your therapy wisely. A surgery might not be the best alternative always. In fact, many medical associations condemn the use of irreversible treatments like surgery for TMJ pain relief.

Is It Possible To Simply Rid Your Yard Of Ticks And Mosquitoes?

It was Christmas 2010 and I was completely incoherent, couldn't think straight and had excruciating hip joint pain, so much so that I wound up having emergency surgery, all due to Lyme disease. My sister Tina, who lives not far from Lyme, Connecticut, the epicenter of the Lyme epidemic, asked, "do you get your yard sprayed for ticks?" No, we had never heard of that. Didn't know it was even possible. Sure enough though, it is possible, and there is a new and growing industry built around spraying for ticks and mosquitoes.

The barrier spray business within the pest control world has blossomed into a growing field specialized in ridding yards of the ever increasing problem of ticks and mosquitoes. Ticks carry Lyme disease and other co-infections. Lyme has been called the great imitator and it is often misdiagnosed as Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, eye problems, hearing loss and sometimes even death. Mosquitoes are not only annoying but they can carry diseases including West Nile Virus. Both can be effectively eradicated.

Depending on the program offered, pest control companies will come out to your residence per a prescribed schedule and spray your yard for ticks and mosquitoes. The intervals of spraying generally are every three weeks during the "season". The season generally begins when the instances of these pests rise and when people start spending more time outside. Interesting to note, ticks do not hibernate, they are active all winter.

There are two methods of yard spraying. The first is the saturation method. Where pesticide is sprayed through a high powered hose on your grassy areas and fringe areas. The second and more common method is via a backpack sprayer. A backpack sprayer looks just like the leaf blower that the lawn service guys use. The difference being, instead of high powered blowing, the sprayer shoots out a very fine mist that will coat vegetation and with the correct pesticide, kill ticks and mosquitoes on contact and provide an invisible barrier that will last up to three weeks depending on the product.

There are many pesticide options for the professionals to use. The most common is pyrethroid based. Pyrethroids are comprised of the synthetic derivatives of the chrysanthemum flower. There are also organic options out there such as rosemary oil and to a lesser extent garlic. Who knew that a flower and herbs would kill ticks and mosquitoes?

This season it is possible to have a tick and mosquito free backyard.

TMJ Exercises - 3 Sure-Shot Exercises to Ease TMJ

TMJ (Temporo-Mandibular Joint disorder) is pain and dysfunction of the joint in the skull which enables you to talk, eat and otherwise move your mouth. TMJ can manifest itself as pain in the jaw, head, ears or teeth; difficulty in chewing, talking and opening/closing of the mouth and clicking or grating sound in the jaw. Conventional medicine doesn't provide holistic treatment to TMJ related difficulties. In fact, doctors rely on patients to seek out TMJ exercises to relieve pain in the long run.

Physiotherapists have devised methods that will help you ease pain due to TMJ, which you can do from home with no expense. While it is best to seek out therapy for curing the condition, the root causes of the pain will remain even after therapy. These exercises for TMJ will also help to eliminate these root causes and help to rebuild healthy, supple joints. Note - stop the exercises and restart after a few minutes when you feel very painful or your jaw starts clicking.

  1. Sit in a straight-backed chair and let your jaw rest on a soft, firm object like the palm of your hand. Without moving sideways or opening the mouth, try to move your head backwards using your chin slowly, relax and repeat for a few times. Next, try the exercise with teeth slightly apart.

  2. Place your tongue against the roof of your mouth. With your teeth closed, pull its tip backwards along the roof, as comfortably far as possible. With the tongue held there, open your jaw slowly and only as much as possible without pain. Now breath in and breath out slowly for a few seconds, slowly close the jaw and relax the tongue.

  3. Rest your jaw on your fist, with the elbow firmly placed on a solid support. Now slowly open your jaw and hold it open for a few seconds. Breath in slowly and relax the jaw while breathing out. Repeat the same with just one side of the jaw against the fist, then the other side. Repeat till the jaw feels relaxed.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Joint Pain Sufferers Should Shun Away From Joint Pain Relief Medicine

Joint pain sufferers do not need to continually suffer from pain. They can choose among the options available. Perhaps, the most common option in getting immediate relief is by taking medicine. Joint pain relief medicine is normally available over-the-counter and is one of the known nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs block the production of prostaglandins, which makes it effective in relieving cream. However, NSAIDs can have harsh consequences which sufferers do not have live with.

The Consequences of Taking Joint Pain Medicine

Medicine is designed to provide immediate relief to pain as well as ease the swelling and stiffness associated with painful joints. Painful joints are normally caused by any of the forms of arthritic conditions. Since arthritic conditions can be disabling and crippling as they progress, sufferers must seek for treatment. Doctors typically recommend the use of medicine, which are either orally administered or injected directed on painful joints.

Sufferers may get immediate pain relief from a medicine, but they are also posing themselves health consequences associated with it. Orally administered medicine is associated with risk for cardiovascular diseases and strokes. Moreover, results of clinical trails also suggested that taking joint pain relief medicine increases ones risks for kidney and liver damage. In addition, there are also minor side effects that sufferers has to live with if they continually take any medicine.

A Better Option Over Joint Pain Relief Medicine

The desire to be free from a condition that disables and limits ones physical activity could be the ultimate quest of sufferers. While medicine is associated with a number of health consequences, it would be wise to seek for all-natural reliever. Supplements are designed to provide relief without adverse side effects. Sufferers could never go wrong by opting for a safer and more natural treatment.

The effectiveness of the supplement lies on its all-natural ingredients. A supplement that is composed mainly of natural anti-inflammatory substances and pain relievers which include natural COX-2 inhibitors, glucosamine and chondroitin. These substances enable s supplement to manage the pain, swelling and other symptoms of arthritis. Moreover, contains herbs, vitamins, minerals and collagen, which are all essential elements in maintaining the health of the joints.

Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD)

What is Canine Hip Dysplasia?

Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD) is a congenital disease that mainly affects large breed dogs. The word "dysplasia" means improper growth. Hip dysplasia can be described as a faulty or abnormal development of the hip. In CHD, the hip becomes loose and wobbly, eventually leading to a form of arthritis which is commonly referred to Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD). The degree of lameness that occurs is usually dependent upon the extent of arthritic changes in the hip joint. So too do environmental conditions such as amount of physical exercise, and weight gain contribute to the disease, and bring out symptoms.

What Are the Symptoms of Canine Hip Dysplasia?

The symptoms of CHD depend on the severity of the dysplasia. Another factor is the whether or not degenerative joint disease (DJD) is present. Dogs less than 1 year old have a tendency to have periods of acute bilateral (or unilateral) lameness in their rear legs. Older dogs with CHD exhibit rear limb lameness with an obvious weight displacement to the forelimb (front paws). Furthermore, the signs of lameness become more obvious with exercise or after a minor trauma. Again depending on the degree of joint destruction, visible signs vary.

Typical signs are

- Generally less active.

- Problem with stairs.

- Less jumping

- Trouble rising, or laying down.

- When running will exhibit a A Bunny hopping @ gait

- Painful reaction to the extension of the rear legs.

- A faint popping sound coming from the hip.

Are All Dogs at Risk Canine Hip dysplasia?

CHD can occur in any dog. However, large breed dogs are at a higher risk. The Orthopedic Foundation of Animals (OFA) believes that some of the breeds at highest risk are:




Clumber Spaniel

Neapolitan Mastiff

St. Bernard

Boykin Spaniel

Sussex Spaniel

American Bulldog


American Staffordshire Terrier



Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Golden Retriever

Gordon Setter


Chow Chow

Old English Sheepdog


Norweigan Elkhound

Giant Schnauzer

German Shepherd

Bernese Mountain Dog

English Setter

Black and Tan Coonhound

Shih Tzu

Staffordshire Terrier

Welsh Corgi




Bouvier des flandres

Welsh Springer Spaniel

Curly Coated Retriever

Polish Lowland Sheepdog

Portuguese Water Dog

English Springer Spaniel

Pudel Pointer

Irish Water Spaniel

How is Canine Hip Dysplasia Diagnosed?

Initial assessment involves taking a history of the dog, and examining obvious clinical signs. The only real way to see if a dog is suffering from CHD is through X Rays. If found early enough in pups, surgery can correct the problem.

What Is the Treatment of Canine Hip Dysplasia?

Treatment for CHD can be as mild as recommending rest, or as severe as surgery, depending on the severity of the dysplasia, amount of DJD, the age of the dog, the size of the dog, and many other factors, treatment will vary.

Possible Conservative Treatment

- Weight monitoring

- Moderate exercise

- Pain relief medication

- Joint and health supplements

Possible Surgical Treatment

Currently there are three main surgical procedures used in for the treatment of CHD.

Triple Pelvic Osteotomy (TPO)

In this procedure, three separate bone cuts are made in order to free the acetabulum component (the socket or cup) of the hip joint from the rest of the pelvis. The acetabulum is then rotated to provide better coverage. A bone plate is secured to maintain this new position and allow the bone cuts to mend. The procedure is for large breed dogs, no older than 10 months of age. Candidates for this surgery must only have mild CHD and no arthritis present.

Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO)

In this procedure, the head of the femur is removed. The residual portion of the femur forms a "false" joint with muscle, tendons and ligaments. Even though the false joint is not as superior as the original, most dogs experience a great reduction in pain. This particular surgery is far more effect in smaller dogs, with most experiencing an almost normal function of the hip.

Total hip replacement (THR)

In this procedure the head and neck of the femur are both replaced with either stainless steel or titanium implants. This surgery is used on young dogs who have fully matured developed physically. THR is also used in older dogs who weigh a minimum 40lbs. If done correctly, the procedure can be very successful; however it is only done by a select few, and is very expensive.

Is There Any Way to Prevent Canine Dysplasia?

CHD is a combination of genetics and environmental factors. Responsible breeders are working on reducing the chances of CHD by breeding dogs that are less likely to produce pups that will have the disease, by better sceening methods.

Environmental factors do NOT cause CHD. Instead, they bring out the symptoms in a dog that already has the disease. Responsible owners can help dogs with CHD by addressing these environmental variables. By closely monitoring a dog's diet, for example, owners can insure that a pup will not grow too fast, or become over weight. Here is a list of variables that can be controlled in order to nurture a dog with CHD.

- Limit rough play, jumping, climbing stairs or slick floors.

- Monitor food intake.

- Calcium supplementation (may increase the bone remodeling).

- Forced running for any distance, especially on tarmac, asphalt or other hard surfaces

- Have your dog certified by The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA)

Ths website only provides BASIC information about Canine Hip Dysplasia. your veterinarian is always your best source of health information. Consult your veterinarian for more information about CHD and its prevention.

New Discovery for Knee Pain Relief - Using Pilates As Non Evasive Way to Fix Knee Pain

Knee Pain is one of the most common kinds of pain, experienced by most people. In order to have the right treatment, a careful diagnosis must be initiated to determine where the problem is.

Causes of Knee Pain

A number of factors contribute to pain in the knees. It could be a trauma suffered during sports, a pain that comes and goes and eventually became chronic. Poor alignment or form is another very common reason that could easily lead to muscle imbalances. Improper walking or running gait creates stress and tension or overuse injuries like runner's knee, a result of continuous long distance running over time.

What Happens During Knee Pain?

Knee pain can be identified particularly by patello-femoral syndrome or pain experienced around the kneecap or patella. Bad positioning and sudden movements by the kneecap can lead to pain in the thigh bone during knee flexion or extension. This particular movement may lead to injury in the cartilage and tissues that surrounds and hold the kneecap.

It is not unusual that the patella is sitting in groove and facing forward between the condoyle of the thigh bone. During a patello-femoral condition, the knee cap is pulled side way from the normal groove, causing tension over the thigh bone and supporting structures, resulting in pain.

When the knee cap is pulled too far, it may lead to dislocation. Problems in the positioning and abnormal movements of the knee cap are usually caused by genetically determined leg structural alignment and imbalances in muscle development.

Pilates Remedy To Knee Pain Relief

Pilates knee pain relief exercises is highly recommended by medical doctors and physical therapists in treating various knee-related injuries including torn meniscus and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), a common injury for athletes.

Specific knee pilates exercises teaches you how to align your knee during gait, when seated, running or standing. It improves the knee's range of motion, leading to improve flexibility, balance, and strength in the knees. These exercise routines allows for a gradual improvement over time, challenging the knee from its de-conditioned position to a stronger joint that is confident of being able to handle load with good form and posture.

Pilates Knee Pain Exercises

Check out the following Pilates Knee Pain Exercises.

1. Knee Cap Pull

- On a mat with the both legs extended.

- Slowly, draw up one knee cap.

- Do this without pressing the back of leg into the floor.

- Feel the muscles hug the knee joint.

- Tighten the muscles around the knee cap slowly.

- Do each side for 8-10 times.

- Repeat the other leg.

- Finally, repeat with both legs together.

2. Leg Lift (Point & Flex)

- Do as above.

- Draw up knee cap and tighten the muscles around the knee joint.

- Keep the muscles engaged and pull toes towards knee.

- Back of heel should be lifted up at this point.

- Pull toes towards knee and point away slowly. Flex and point toes.

- Do these, without dropping back of heel into the floor.

- Keep back of knees softly floating with some space.

- Do not flatten knees all the way back.

- Do each side for 8-10 times.

- Repeat the other leg.

- Finally, repeat with both legs together.

3. Leg Lift (Ankle Circle)

- As above.

- Keep knees engaged, thighs working.

- Keep breath free, breathing in and out.

- Circle ankle without moving knee cap.

- If knee cap starts to move, slow down the movement.

- Re-engage the thighs before starting ankle circle again.

- Circle clock wise 5 times.

- Repeat anti-clockwise.

- Repeat the other leg.

- Finally, repeat with both legs together.

What's That Pain In Your Rear?

A lot of people have complaints of pain with sitting for long periods of time. Some people are plagued by this pain but there is no apparent cause for it. No hemorrhoids. No bulging disc. No apparent hip problems. Just a searing pain that comes on progressively the longer they sit in one spot.

When trying to find where the pain is coming from, nothing seems to bother them until you start pressing around the area of the "gluteal fold". Then you might get a little pain with palpation but nothing to really speak of.

Trying to find a comfortable spot to sit in is usually a challenge. In fact, sitting on a firm surface is out of the question. Most of the time you need to find a pillow or other cushion to sit on. But, even this doesn't last as long as you would like.

So, what's the problem? What is actually going on? Even if you go to the doctor, unless they do a thorough examination, they may not find out the cause. You may have had a MRI or x-ray, but nothing showed up. How are you going to figure out what's causing you this pain?

Sometimes finding out what's causing your problem will take a little more involved searching. You may have to have someone start poking around to see where the pain is actually coming from. Many times, little things can cause big problems. But, the fact that are little things make them hard to spot right off the bat.

Much of the time pain like this comes from a sore tendon. As a reminder, the tendon is the part of the muscle that attaches to the bone. When it comes to muscle pain in the back and hips the typical offenders are the following:

  • The Gluteals

  • The Piriformis

  • The Erector Spinae

That's because the above muscles are usually the culprits in low back pain and sciatica. They are frequently strained when lifting something heavy and/or weakened because you may have a pretty sedentary lifestyle.

However, the one muscle group that really causes a pain in the rear when sitting down is the hamstrings. They are generally thought of as leg muscles. Most people think of the "pulling a hamstring" injury to be one that only athletes get.

But the hamstring can be injured or sore in anyone. And, the reason that it may be causing your pain when you sit is because when you sit down, you expose where the muscle attaches your pelvic bones. People who do yoga actually call these bones the "sits bones".

When you bend at the hip, the bony part of the pelvis called the "ischial tuberosity" moves really close to the surface of the skin and there's not much padding down there. Even for bigger people this is true. If the tendon is really inflamed, this can be a pretty excruciating situation.

To Find out if this is the case, you can lye on your side and bend your hip forward. Then have someone, or you can yourself, palpate the area and see if it's tender. Generally you can locate one pretty tender area between your buttocks and thigh. This is probably the hamstring thats tender where it attaches to the bone. For a second opinion, it's best to consult your doctor, or at least, a physical therapist.

One of the easiest ways to calm this down is with an ice massage to the area. Icing the area can relieve the inflammation and reduce the relative swelling in the area.

Sore Joints - The Secrets To Quick Pain Relief

If you're like myself and millions of others you have either one or many sore joints that could use some really good, fast relief from all the pain you have to endure on a daily basis.

Trust me I think I know exactly how you feel, sure yours might be worse than mine or vice versa but none of that really matters because when your joints hurt they just hurt.

For me the big one is my left knee. Man I will tell you what, all those people who say that you can't feel the changes in the weather in your sore joints just don't know what the heck they're talking about. I feel it big time and I have spoken with plenty of other people who can feel it too.

Maybe some of this will sound familiar; when I would over work my knee the knee pain would be pretty intense kind of like a burning sensation and mine was behind and under the knee cap. Then my knee would get kinda loose and unstable and start popping out just walking around the house.

It got so bad there for while that I was wondering if I was going to need surgery. I didn't want to miss that much work because knee surgery recovery time can be quite a while. Yes I also have other sore joints like my shoulder that used to make it almost impossible to sleep in that side at night without waking up 10 or more times.

There are 2 secrets to ending joint pain for good that I found worked for me and now has worked for all of my friends that were suffering from sore joints too.

Secret number 1; Water - yes just plain old ordinary water was one of the keys to me finally getting rid of this terrible joint pain. Here's the thing; did you know that 70% of Americans are typically dehydrated?

I personally would have never guessed that in a million years. I would have thought that with all the harping all the health Guru's do on TV and everywhere else that people would most likely be super saturated with H2o but as it turns out that's just not the case.

I didn't think it was possible, but I too was dehydrated. I thought that a lot of the other beverages that I consumed throughout the day counted as my "fluids" intake, turns out I was wrong.

The only fluid that counts towards your daily water requirement is pure water, nothing else just water. You can't substitute it with coffee, tea, soda or even iced tea, it has to be pure water only.

So, take the next week and be sure you're getting all of your water requirements every day for at least one week, I guarantee you will be surprised at the difference it makes in the way you feel with your sore joints and also your energy levels will improve.

As it turns out daytime fatigue is also caused to a great extent by dehydration. Of course that makes sense because your body is over 70% water so if you want it to work correctly you need to give it what it's made of.

The second secret that I uncovered was through a really well nutritionally educated doctor. He said that I needed to find a source of collagen peptides. Not just plain old collagen but the little tiny peptides that are the building blocks of our collagen. Turns out once I started researching this that there is a ton of studies that have been performed on this very subject and the people in the studies had some pretty amazing statistical changes.

Pain in Joints - Where Every Joint Hurts to Move

Having pain in your joints now and then is common but when you wake up one morning and every joint hurts, where your toes may twinge and your knees and arms are constantly hit by sharp jolts, you have grounds to be concerned.

Arthritis however may not be the problem here, a viral, kidney infection or tendonitis could be the cause, in which case anti-inflammatory drugs maybe prescribed for the very short term until the symptoms subside and you recover.

If however some form of arthritis has not been detected, then it's obviously crucial that your doctor advises you to see a rheumatologist.

Also, be sure to keep a diary of the pain you're experiencing so in case blood tests don't reveal the cause as is often the case when trying to detect this disease, you have some detailed notes which will help your doctor pinpoint what illness you have.

Here's an example of how almost every joint in your body may hurt:

From head down:

  • No pain above neck level, no fever, no headache, no sickness.

  • Pain across shoulders when you try to raise an arm or turn your head.

  • When you clench a fist there's a pain in the elbow joint.

  • Rotating wrists causes pain.

  • Straightening or bending the joint will cause additional elbow agony.

  • A strong ache in the lower back when you sit or stand up.

  • Standing causes discomfort in the knees.

  • The hip may be tender to touch.

  • Curling your toes causes pain along with trying to point your feet up in the air.

  • Rotating the ankle can be excruciating.

  • When sat down if you try and cross your legs the knee's may crack and also feel hot and inflamed and tender to touch around the knee joint and surrounding muscle.

If you are experiencing something close to or all of these symptoms across your whole body, then you will most definitely get referred to a rheumatologist - a rheumy.

To help speed up the diagnosis, along with keeping tabs on the joint pains you are experiencing and at what particular time, keep a list also of the foods you've been consuming as gluten foods for example can really inflame joints where as fresh fish and certain vegetables can help reduce the swelling and pain.

By doing so your rheumy will be able to connect the dots. You will also be asked to bring a urine sample and the list of medications you've been taking.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

3 Common Sources of Toe Joint Pain

When you think of aches, which body parts do you usually link to it? The first ones that pop into our heads are usually stomachaches, headaches, backaches, and so on. But don't forget toe joint pain! Though toes are tiny, they can cause hue pains. Here are some of the most common origins of these aches:

1. Gout. This is definitely one of the most painful types of arthritis. Gout causes various symptoms, including redness, tenderness, swelling, warmth, and so on. Also, gout can impact various body parts, including our toes. It results from a surplus of uric acid that builds up in our bodies. Some of the most common origins are purine-rich foods and particular medicines. They cause uric acid crystals to form on different joints, including those in toes.

2. Bursitis. This is yet another condition that can result in toe joint pain. Did you know that our bodies actually contain hundreds of bursas in them? The function of bursas is to lower the amount of friction between a couple of surfaces that move in opposing directions. Usually this is where muscles and tendons slide atop bones. Bursitis is the result of bursa becoming swollen. The bursa slides less smoothly, which results in it becoming swollen when you move it.

3. Bunions. Over time, bunions can form after our toes' joints are injured. Afterwards, the big-toe angles towards the four other toes. Typically, the origin of bunions is connected to the alignment of the bones in our foot's front. The result is that the base of the big-toe undergoes excess pressure. After soft tissues in the foot's area become swollen, this causes extra aches and swollenness.

Many people have learned that the natural cure Joint Advance can effectively treat the different symptoms of toe joint pain. You can discover for yourself why they're pleased with it.

Psoriatic Arthritis - More Than Just Joint Pain

What could be worse that this awful joint pain and stiffness, you wonder as you try to will yourself out of bed. While the pain and fatigue that goes along with rheumatoid arthritis can be excruciating and is without a doubt a possibly debilitating condition, there is actually a form of arthritis that is worse. Psoriatic arthritis is a form of the disease that affects not only the joints, but also the skin, and possibly the tendons, eyes, spine, heart and lungs.

In most people who suffer from psoriatic arthritis, the first sign that something is wrong is the inflammation of the skin. Patients can develop psoriasis on their elbows, knees, scalp, and area around the navel and around the anus or genitals. Psoriasis causes red, raised areas of scaly skin. The signs of the skin disease are first seen in the forties or fifties and generally precede joint pain by several months to years. Once the joint pain starts, it generally involves the joints in the feet, ankles and knees. Inflammation can cause the joints to become red, hot and swollen. Often toes and fingers swell so badly they can resemble sausages. Psoriatic arthritis can also affect the spine.

In addition to skin inflammation and joint pain, psoriatic arthritis also attacks the ligaments and tendons of the body. One of the most common tendons to become affected it the Achilles tendon. This Achilles tendonitis causes the patient to have pain when walking and when climbing steps. Along with affecting the tendons in the heels, the arthritis can also inflame the chest wall and the cartilage that links the breast bone and ribs. This inflammation can cause chest pain and shortness of breath.

Along with the joints and tendons, psoriatic arthritis can also affect the major organs of the body such as the heart and lungs. The lungs can become inflamed causing both shortness of breath and chest pain, especially with deep breathing. If the heart becomes inflamed by the disease, the aortic valve can leak. This leak could result in breathing trouble as well as heart failure.

In its rampage on the body, psoriatic arthritis can also damage the eyes. Redness and itching are common results of the condition. The iris or colored area of the eye can also become painfully inflamed, especially when exposed to bright light. Often the only way to relieve this irisitis is to inject cortisone directly into the eye.

Psoriatic arthritis can often be difficult to diagnose especially in the early stages. One common symptom of this form of arthritis, however, is the pitting of finger or toe nails. Sometimes the disorder can cause the nails to turn loose and fall off completely.

Like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis results from the body's own immune system turning against itself. Unlike the rheumatoid variety, however, psoriatic arthritis can affect not only the joints, but also the skin, eyes and many of the major organs of the body. Left untreated this disease can progress until it become debilitating and sometimes even life threatening.

Top 9 Ingredients Found in Joint Pain Products

When it comes to joint pain, you probably have a hundred different doctors telling you what to do. Most of them are not "medical doctors" instead they are the home remedy doctors found in every walk of life. Your spouse is probably telling you to try this joint pain product and your co-workers insist on trying that joint pain product.

Personal referrals are an excellent choice in helping you find a good joint pain product that will help you lead a normal pain free life.

The best joint pain products you can find all have 9 key ingredients. These 9 key ingredients are excellent for helping you reduce your long term arthritis pain.

9 Key Ingredients found in Good Joint Pain Products

  • Calcium

  • Magnesium (helps the cells absorb calcium)

  • Glucosamine

  • Chondroitin

  • MSM

  • Boron

  • Boswellin

  • Devil's Claw

  • Bromelain

Now that we know what the top 9 ingredients are for joint pain, we now need to learn how to effectively judge if the product is any good or not. If you are currently on a good nutritional program then absorption of this ingredients should not be to hard. This also means that your body can quickly begin the healing process which will help curb your joint pain.

It normally takes a good 30 days or longer to positively feel the effects of a good joint pain product. I've heard of people taking as long as 90 days to finally start feeling a difference. This delay in feeling the effects does not mean the arthritis pain product was bad, it just means that the body takes that long to finally start the healing process.

Just like the fact that kids all mature at different times in their life, same with feeling the positive effects of a good joint pain product.

One word of caution is to make sure you give your new products time to work. If, after a couple of bottles the joint pain product you are trying is not working to your satisfaction, then it might be time to switch. I also highly recommend doing some sort of exercise that will help increase your heart rate. Increasing your heart rate will also help cleanse the area of pain and replenish the cells with good nutrition that can heal your pain more quickly.

The price range for joint pain products normally runs between $40 to $75. Oftentimes, you will find a web special that allows you to purchase multiple joint pain products for a greatly discounted price. If you can afford it, I would highly recommend purchasing the additional bottles.

Just remember when you are ready to eliminate your joint pain, please look for a product that has all 9 key joint pain ingredients. Calcium, magnesium, chondroitin, glucosamine, boswellin, boron, msm, devil's claw and bromelain.

Wishing you a pain free day.

Do You Suffer From Burning Arthritis Hip Pain?

Why Is Cetylmyristoleate So Effective On Pain?

Many of us who suffer from chronic joint pain are constantly asking ourselves, what can we do to feel better? We're looking to live our lives with much less pain and to be able to move around freely and to just have peace of mind when it comes to our physical well being.

Some of us can't remember the last time we just sat under a tree; listening to the birds chirp; while being Pain Free!(at the same time)-- We DO tend to get use to living with the pain. But that is by choice. Because you really don't have to live with the awful joint pain of Arthritis!

I just recently re- discovered an anti-inflammatory/joint pain reliever that I first used 10 years ago (On the suggestion of my brother) that totally obliterated an excruciating case of burning arthritis hip pain I had been suffering for 6 months straight with no let up in pain.

Its scientific name is cetylmyristoleate, ( also known as CMO)

and it really has no rival in its ability to wipe out joint pain! In fact, nowadays--it sits atop the throne as king of the joint pain anti-inflammatories. (Check out cetylmyristoleate/Wikipedia)

Although CMO is well received in the inner circles, it is not all that well known to the general public, not like Glucosamine and Chondroitin. But I feel that once word gets out that this joint pain system is so safe, yet so much more effective than anything else on the market, that it'll soon be "the peoples choice" in joint pain care.

Cetylmyristoleate (CMO) is an all natural-very pure waxy type of ester that is modified to be taken orally. There are no harsh chemicals in it nor any type of harmful drugs. It is basically a fatty acid.

When CMO "rolls up its sleeves" and goes to work, it attacks the true source of your pain and inflammation by traveling directly into your joints. Assuming you are suffering from your burning hip pain, for example, the ester substance of the CMO forms a creamy/waxy flow that is able to "ooze" into the joints and lubricate all the joints of your body enough to give you pain relief and mobility with an extended range of motion.

And remember earlier, I mentioned that I had "re-discovered" CMO ten years ago after getting a referral from my twin brother. turns out, I only used it for 4 days! --That's it!

Never used it again! Never even thought about it again until my brother reminded me of it again the other day.

If you've tried some of the other reputable joint pain supplements on the market and you're still experiencing pain and mobility issues you might want to consider adding cetylmyristoleate to your joint pain relief "weaponry." Hey-- it worked for me....there's a pretty good chance it'll give you the pain relief you've been looking for as well!

Various Joint Ailments and Joint Pain Relief

Many ailments affect the joints, are mostly painful, and tend to worsen if neglected and not treated on time. Ganglion Cysts grow on tendon of the joints, usually consisting ball made of fluid. The wrist or hand is the commonly affected by cysts and treated often with medication or simple surgery consisting of needle aspiration.

Joint pains medically know as Arthralgia are common in old age patients and those suffering from diabetes mellitus, other lifestyle diseases. Diet supplements and naturopathy may reduce pains and give long-term solutions.

Shoulder pain may due to Shoulder Impingement Syndrome pinching of the supraspinatus tendon and bursa between the upper arm bone and roof of the shoulder. It may be noted that pain relief may also be achieved by physiotherapy and natural treatment. Joint pain may worsen in cold weather conditions, and it is comparatively better in warmer weather. On diagnosing with acute shoulder pain, the effective joint pain relief would be to consult an orthopedic, be treated for the ailment. Frozen Shoulder is a joint pain affecting due to inflexibility or lack of lubrication in the shoulder of the individual.

Playing golf is no wonder a delightful hobby, however professional golfers suffer from a common joint pain called the Golfers Elbow, it affects the bony bump on the inside portion of the elbow. The wear and tear of elbow muscles, ligaments, and tendons cause a permanent injury to the players.

Ankle injury and sprains are common to active individuals and sportsman, and they can be painful and cause permanent injury if affected repeatedly on the same body part. Ankle sprain is damage to the ankle ligaments caused by a single sudden incident, and may be traumatic if the injury worsens by lack of proper posture and post sprain care.

The Joint Hyper mobility Syndrome (JHS) is a condition that features joints that easily move beyond the normal range expected for a particular joint. This causes a lot of pain in the knees, fingers, hips, and elbows. There no know and specific joint pain relief treatment for JHS, still symptomatic treatment is possible.

Pseudo gout is a joint inflammation disorder, due to the calcium pyrophosphate crystalline deposits in and around joints, local ice application on the area affected and removing the fluid containing the crystals is common practice. Anti-inflammatory drugs may also be taken by the doctor's advice.

Obesity and fat accumulation may result in excess weight on the bones and joints, resulting in pain and friction in the joints. Such joint pain relief may be achieved by weight loss, diet, and implementing proper body postures.

Treatments for Dog Arthritis

Obesity, old age, lethargy etc are the primary reasons for arthritis in dogs. It is degenerative in nature and is not very different from the ones seen in humans. As a result of arthritis dogs suffer from stiff bones, rigidity in limbs and joints and at times unbearable pain. As a dog grows old his ability to withstand wear and tear grows weak and the pain that develops as a result gets intense. However the condition varies from dog to dog. One cannot assume that the arthritis is restricted to older dogs because even the younger ones may be a victim of arthritis. The main reasons why younger dogs suffer may be due to injuries or laziness. There are a few diseases and infections also that may also lead to arthritis. If a dog suffers from a serious injury on its limbs as a pup it may develop arthritis at a later stage in life. Canine hip dysplacia is a condition that may lead due severe arthritis in dogs.

Out of all types of arthritis osteoarthritis is the most common and it is related to normal damage to the cartilage. However, there are different types of arthritis. Older dogs usually go through this condition in their senior years. Blindness-complete or partial, deafness, disobedience, gastric troubles, indigestion are common ailments in dogs at a very old age.. To ensure dogs live longer happily it is imperative to consult a veterinarian since the condition may lead to unbearable pain and limit the dog's age.

The right medicine in the right quantity is a must to alleviate the pain. Consulting a vet is a must but besides that regular exercises and physiotherapy are useful to keep the condition at bay or control it if already the dog suffers. Regular exercising leads to the release the fluids that lubricate the joints thereby assist in improving the condition. There are medicines that give instant results to check the condition temporarily however there are other medications that do not let the condition from occurring. However, prevention is always better than cure. Keep a check of the condition of your dog after it crosses an age of six. However different sized dogs behave and react to such conditions differently. Heavier dogs understandingly suffer more than the lighter counterparts.

Arthritis can be degenerative or inflammatory in nature. The various conditions that indicate arthritis are reluctance to walk or climb, whining constantly, not able to keep up pace, lethargy in getting up and abnormal walking style. Constant jumping over obstacles, ligament tear, fall from heights etc can also cause the condition to occur. Degenerative arthritis is classified into primary disease and secondary disease. Loose knee caps, OCD, HD are causes of secondary degenerative joint disease.

Degenerative arthritis may not be known till the dog has had abnormal stress and the damage can progress with no outward signs till the joint is severely damaged and the fluid for lubrication has thinned down so much that it cannot protect the and the lubricating fluid has thinned and lost its ability to protect the bone surfaces. Infection of any kind causes inflammation of multiple joints and is accompanies by fever, chills, anorexia and overall stiffness. Since infectious joints call for different treatments administering immune suppressive pills surely help.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

3 Common Postural Mistakes That Cause Back Pain

For many people, posture correction is a key component of back pain treatment. Posture - the way we hold ourselves when sitting, standing or laying - can either help protect our backs or be the cause of its pain. The tension and alignment of our soft tissues and joints are affected by posture and the lower back, both highly mobile and load-bearing, is perhaps most affected by poor posture.

Are you making any of the following common postural mistakes?

Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Since the pelvis is the foundation of the upper body, its position affects and is affected by the position of the lower back. The lumbar spine in the lower back has a natural inward arch that helps balance the forces absorbed by the spine. The inward arch is called lordosis. Often, people have too much lordosis. As the arch increases, the base of the spine is pulled upward. The base of the spine is the sacrum, which attaches to the hip bones via the sacroiliac joints. This causes the back of the pelvis to raise and the front of the pelvis to drop lower.

Anterior pelvic tilt is most often caused by muscle imbalances; tense lower back and weak hamstring and glute muscles can cause the pelvis to be pulled up in back, while tight quads and hip flexors pull it down in front without sufficient counter-force from weak abdominal muscles. This may result from imbalanced training or from simply standing and sitting with an increased arch for years. Wearing high heels, being overweight and being pregnant all predispose a person to anterior pelvic tilt.

It is important to correct this postural distortion, as it takes a toll on spinal discs, joints and the muscles throughout the pelvis and back. You may require myofascial release if muscle tension has begun to cause knots in the myofascia (the connective tissue surrounding muscles). Exercise to target the abdominal, glute and hamstring muscles will be helpful in conjunction with efforts to relax the tight opposing muscles.

To see if you have anterior pelvic tilt, stand with your back against a wall, making sure your buttocks and shoulders are touching the wall. If there is more than a two-inch gap between your lower back and the wall, you may have hyperlordosis.

Forward Head

This type of postural dysfunction is on the rise due to the proliferation of small electronic devices like iPhones and our increasing reliance on them. Forward head posture is just what is sounds like: The head is positioned in front of the body's mid-line. Ideally, the head is supported by the neck directly over the shoulders. This position maintains the cervical arch within the neck and keeps neck, upper back and shoulder muscles at the appropriate length.

When the head is positioned in front of the body, its weight is no longer balanced on the spine. Rather, the upper back and neck muscles must support it. In order to look straight ahead with forward head, the muscles in the back of your neck must shorten and the cervical arch increases. This can lead to muscular pain, myofascial pain, premature cervical disc wear, cervical joint degeneration and tension headaches.

Often when people crane their heads forward, they are trying to get closer to what they're looking at. Consciousness of this tendency combined with efforts to counter it, such as raising objects closer to your face, can help to reverse forward head. Myofascial release and stretching exercises will help to relax tight neck and upper back muscles.


We are all likely guilty of slouching at times. Some slouch when they stand or walk, and this postural mistake is particularly common when sitting. Slouching occurs when the upper back rounds out, the shoulders droop forward and the lower back flattens. Often, forward head accompanies slouching. The spine is a unit, and changes in one area are often reflected by changes in another.

A leading cause of slouching is core muscle weakness. The muscles of the lower back, pelvis, buttocks and stomach are relied upon to support spinal alignment and uprightness of the upper body. If these muscles aren't working to do these jobs, the spine will round out and the upper body will sag. Your chances of slouching increase with the amount of time you spend in a sitting or standing position; even the strongest of cores tires out eventually.

One way to counteract slouching is to consciously engage your core muscles when sitting or standing. Focus on your deep abdominal muscles and gently engage them. These muscles support the lower spine. Doing balanced core exercises such as bird dogs, bridges, partial crunches and planks will help to correct slouching. As with other forms of postural distortions, myofascial release may be needed in addition to stretching in order to relax muscles that have been chronically tensed by habitual slouching.

Being aware of common postural mistakes will help prevent you from making them. You can reduce or eliminate back pain by holding your body in proper alignment.

Get-Well Gift and Hip Surgery - The Right Gifts For the 5 Stages of Recovery

Hip surgery represents an amazing opportunity for people who have had chronic hip pain or problems walking to experience an impressive improvement in their quality of life. There are different conditions which precipitate the need for hip surgery, but most of them involve hip replacement.

In hip replacement surgery, the hip joint is replaced by a prosthetic implant. The surgery is conducted in order to relieve arthritis pain or to fix severe damage to hip joints after a hip fracture.

There are multiple possible techniques that a surgeon may choose in the case of hip surgery. In part, the differences between them relates to the location and type of incision made. Examples are the posterior approach, the lateral approach, the antero-lateral approach, the anterior approach and the minimally-invasive approach.

Depending upon the type of surgery carried out, recovery times - and the patient's experience during recovery - can vary.

If you are interested in knowing more about a get-well gift and hip surgery, here are 5 typical stages of recovery that a hip surgery patient might experience (your friend's situation may vary). Included is a suggestion for appropriate gifts at each stage:

1. Recovery room (first 2 hours):

Immediately after surgery, the patient will still be under anesthesia. They will be moved for about two hours to the recovery room where they "come to" and wake up. During this time, there are to be no visitors allowed in the area. While sending a gift into this room is probably not possible, you may want to have some flowers ready for when they are transferred out of this room.

2. Intensive care unit (ICU) is recommended for some patients (24 hours):

For some patients, about 24 hours in the ICU is recommended. This is up to their doctor and depends upon various factors. It is unlikely that visitors will have access to the patient during their time in ICU, so better to hold off on giving a gift at this stage.

3. Remainder of hospital stay (several days in some cases):

The patient will remain in the hospital for several days or more. Usually, physical therapy is begun the day after surgery. This would be a great time to give a gift such as a soothing CD, a gift basket full of goodies, or a handmade photo album.

4. Initial at-home recovery:

Once the patient is transferred home, the initial recovery phase will require more personal care for the patient than it will later down the line. The patient will likely use crutches or a walker to get around. At this point, the best gift might be simply your paying a personal visit to the patient to ask if you can help them out around the house.

5. Long-term recovery:

For several weeks after surgery, the hip surgery patient will still be experiencing recovery, although the inconvenience and pain will be much less than before. At this time, any gifts that help them make their way around the home - or just something to cheer up the place a bit - will be appreciated.

Consider getting the right gift to suit the hip surgery patient's given stage of recovery.

Effective Health Tips to Reduce Migraine Headaches

Headaches are common and there are times when many of us suffer from minor to severe headaches. However, when we speak about migraines, issues that are related to headache should attend to immediately.

Migraine is caused by anomalous brain activities; sometimes external social and psychological factors may work as a trigger for migraine as well. Migraine in men is slightly different from that of women's with the latter facing risks of suffering from migraines during menstruation. Hormones imbalance that surfaces during menstruation is the main cause of these migraines. It is important to following some medical tips that can help to alleviate or control the headache symptoms. These attacks are usually associated with physical symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, and sound.

There are many factors that can contribute to the causes for migraine. Do note that these factors can well be independent of the family history too. Some of these factors are excessive mental pressure, use of birth control pills in women, disturbed sleep, improper food habits, and physical stress due to over exertion. In some rare cases, certain food items may trigger migraine as well. Though migraine is not considered a serious brain disorder, it definitely can cause serious disturbance to lifestyle and impact to health. Treating migraines can be quite complex and there is no standard migraine treatment as well. However, migraines can sometimes be treated with alternative medicines. These include acupuncture therapies, herbal supplements, intake of minerals and vitamins, and antioxidant supplements such as Coenzyme Q10.

Apart from migraines, you should also take note of tension headaches as they have symptoms that are quite similar to migraines. However, it is important to know that the cause of this headache is actually quite different. Usually this type of headache is caused by hectic lifestyle patterns. Most people usually suffer from tension headache, but if it becomes chronic then it will become a concern. Treatment for headache includes alternative medicines, medications, relaxation techniques, meditation, exercise, yoga, and regulated stress levels.

Last but not least, you should also know another major type of headache known as cervicogenic headaches; also known as neck related headaches. This type of headache is caused by injury to neck and upper back muscles. The best way to treat this headache is to prevent it from happening in the first place. There are many simple tips that can help to keep this headache away. Many of these tips are focused on maintaining the right posture during working, driving, sleeping, reading, lifting weights, carrying babies, and backpacks. Paying extra precautions while doing these activities can help to prevent cervicogenic headache. It is always better to be safe than sorry. Instead of taking medication for headaches, why not avoid or prevent it from occurring in the first place? Start by avoiding the headache triggers.

Is Your Big Toe Suffering From Joint Pain and Swelling? Gout vs Bunion

Feet and toes are abused daily and taken for granted until a problem comes up causing you to focus your attention to the problem area. Common problems include dryness, redness and cracking which can be attributed to improper care and poor maintenance. If you are suffering from joint pain and swelling of the big toe, it could be the common bunion.

Bunions are areas of the big toe that can become red and sensitive. Usually the symptoms develop over a period of time and can manifest themselves like:

o The base of the Big toe is swollen and irritated
o The toe is abnormally bent toward the inside of the foot toward the smaller toes.
o The toe is red and can be painful at the joint base.

Usually this is the result of wearing high heeled shoes if you have narrow toes. Common padding can be used to help relief pain, irritation and potential infection, but surgery may be necessary to re-align the toe to the proper position. Bunions can occur in one or both feet.

Gout is a form of arthritis and can be felt as an immediate sharp pain in the big toe without notice. You can awake with twinges of pain and soreness in your big toe without knowing the cause. The pain may last for several days and go away but the condition can re-surface at any time as you grow older.

Over 2 million people in the U.S. alone deal with gout and most often it afflicts men more than women. Gout usually develops in men over 30 and can be more likely to occur if overweight and diagnosed with high blood pressure. Women can suffer from gout, but usually post menopausal women are affected more. Gout most likely affects the big toe first,but can cause issues in wrists, knees and other joints.

In summary, proper sizing of your footwear is important in keeping your feet healthy from issues like bunions. Bunions are preventable where gout is a more serious issue to contend with. If you are dealing with joint pain and swelling in your big toe, your shoes may be the root cause.

Using Fish Oil Supplements For Joint Pain Relief - Is This A Viable Option For Arthritis?

There are countless people using fish oil supplements for joint pain relief, but does it really work? Can a daily supplement honestly reduce joint pain? Many people swear by it, so I would imagine it does work, at least for some people.

Of course it could also be a placebo effect, but even if it is, so what? If taking a supplement means you experience less pain, then why not continue taking that supplement? Also, omega-3 rich fish oil is incredibly beneficial to one's health, so even if it does not reduce the pain in your joints, it is still going to benefit you in other ways.

It is also important to remember that joint pain can be caused by several things, with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis being two of the biggest culprits. To date, there has been a tremendous amount of research done in order to determine the effect fish oil has on these two diseases.

In one 12 week study, rheumatoid arthritis sufferers were given 3 grams of DHA and EPA fish oil per day for the duration of the study. All the volunteers reported a significant reduction in morning stiffness, and many were even able to come off their prescription drugs.

In a more recent study involving 250 osteoarthritis sufferers, the results were also very promising. Again, researchers focused primarily on DHA and EPA, both of which are essential fatty acids found in omega 3. Again, all volunteers reported a dramatic reduction in pain, and many were able to have their regular prescription drug dosages reduced.

The reason why fish oil tends to be effective is because it inhibits the body's ability to synthesize a substance which is known to cause inflammation. This also explains why it is more effective at treating rheumatoid arthritis than it is at treating osteoarthritis, which in essence is a disease which results in the breakdown of cartilage.

Many people remain skeptical about the effectiveness of fish oil supplements for joint pain relief. This is largely because the FDA has not yet endorsed the use of these supplements for treating diseases such as arthritis. However, there is a huge amount of research that shows omega-3 rich fish oil can in many cases reduce joint pain and especially in cases where the pain is being caused by inflammation.

In a nutshell, only you will know if your joint pain responds favorably to daily fish oil supplementation. The good thing is, you will be doing your body a big favor, even if you are still left with the pain.

Joint Pain May Cause Fatigue

What causes Joint Pain Fatigue? The answer is anything from a sprained ankle to lupus. There are many conditions between the two, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, etc., etc. The one thing they have in common is PAIN. I think we can all agree with that statement. Therefore I think we can safely say joint pain can cause fatigue.

If your body is experiencing pain you are using energy tiring to compensate for it. The muscles tense up, respiration increases or decreases which consumes energy. In addition you do not eat properly, so you do not get the proper nutrition that supplies your body with the essential muscular enhancements that help control pain.

Exercising is out of the question when you are experiencing severe pain.

Sleep patterns may be interrupted. You may wake up at different times of the night if your body is experiencing pain. Sometimes a person may have to sleep in a recliner or chair because of the pain caused when laying horizontally. When sleeping in a vertical position the body can suffer from fluid retention, which causes weight gain, even if you are eating properly. This fluid could become life threatening should it settle around your heart or lungs.

Your thought patterns are effected which could result in anger or depression. This could lead to arguments with friends and family members. You may even have passing thoughts of suicide if the pain is serve enough. Get help immediately should the thought of suicide become persistent

The list is endless. I should know because it happened to myself. So let's get you out of pain and get some relief.

Below is a short list to help get you on your way.

1. Go visit your doctor. If you are not getting the proper results from your primary care provider, visit another one. Keep searching until you find one that can help.

2. Eat properly, try to avoid processed foods and eat an abundant supply of vegetables, fruits and nuts. Your doctor can assist you in selecting the proper diet that would be the most beneficial for you.

3. Exercise, I know that sounds scary but do as much as you can comfortably do. Don't over do it. Start out slow and built up as you go along.

4. If you smoke, quit. There are many alternative methods to help you these days.

5. Sleep and rest. Try to establish a regular sleep pattern that you can follow each and every night the same way.

6. A good primary care provider can help you with the suggestions I mentioned above. Write any questions down that you may have before you go, so you will not forget to ask when you arrive.

7. Pray, even if you don't believe, why not just act (as if) there was a God. You just might be surprised. with the results you get.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Zymosine Joint Pain Relief

Zymosine joint pain relief can be attained if you are willing to give it a try. For me it was a matter of either getting an injection of cortisone or living with the constant pain every time I moved my arm for simply daily activities.

Zymosine joint pain relief helped me eliminate "golfers elbow" and "tennis elbow". Both are conditions found near the bones of the elbow. The muscles that attach to these bones can be injured in the weirdest way. Here is how I did it.

While fishing I hooked into a sturgeon that surprised me because I was after salmon. The fight took over 30 minutes of hard pressure on my fishing arm. My arm was sore but that was only the beginning. The next day I had another 20 minute fight with a 25 pound salmon and that sent my elbow into a frenzy. This all happened in September and the pain did not go away for several months. Some days the pain was bearable and other days it was a constant dose of Advil.

In December we started cutting wood and I worked hard and oftentimes the chainsaw was used with one arm. This resulted in pain found on the top outer portion of the elbow. Because we were on a time line I had to get this orchard cut down so I never stopped cutting. 8 hours a day on the weekend every weekend for a month. My arm was in constant pain and I zero relief except for an ice pack each evening and bottles of empty Advil laying around.

My elbow was never free from joint pain but I did manage to find some joint pain relief using traditional methods you can do really easily in your home.

1. Ice after each activity that causes pain
2. Heat before each activity to the affected area
3. Ice massage works real well for increasing blood flow
4. Aspirin, Tylenol or Advil for minor pain relief
5. Mild exercise to strengthened the connective tissue

It was a major find on the part of a friend when he told me about Zymosine. Both of us had some ailments (he had arthritis in the ankles and wrists) and my elbow joint pain.

Zymosine was a product that contained some of the ingredients we had read about and many others we had never heard about. Therefore we gave it a try praying that it could help reduce the pain. We were not interested in long term solutions at the time, simply pain relief.

Zymosine joint pain relief targets the inflammation and helps reduce the pain in a unique way. It does not try to block pain receptors, rather it heals the soft tissue so you can return to a normal life void of pain.

Just remember that I never stopped treating myself with the above 5 steps. I continued following that treatment plan and simply added Zymosine to the process.

Zyomsine joint pain relief worked for us and it might work for you. Their are no guarantees but for us, it was worth a try.