Saturday, January 4, 2014

Food Specific Elimination Diet for Chronic Disease: Introducing the Neopaleo Specific Diet

Food as a cause of the epidemic of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease in the "civilized" world is a relatively new concept that is gaining popularity. Loren Cordain, Ph.D. is one of the pioneers in the U. S. in the field of paleolithic nutrition. He and others have published numerous high quality articles on the concept of the hunter-gatherer as a diet that our bodies were meant to follow. These researchers have established solid data that indicate our ancient ancestors who were hunter-gatherers ate little to no grains, legumes or dairy products and appear to have been spared the degenerative, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases that we in the Western or civilized world are experiencing in epidemic proportions.

Archeological and anthropological findings support the absence of many of the diseases of our current civilized world in these ancient cultures. Furthermore, the few remaining "uncivilized" hunter-gatherer tribes or cultures that exist have been found to be largely free of the common diseases of our "civilized" culture. However, when exposed to our more modern diet habits these peoples begin to experience the diseases of our culture. This has been particularly well documented in native eskimo. The diet of hunter-gatherers is variably known as the Hunter-Gatherer diet, caveman diet, Paleolithic diet or just the paleo diet.

More recently Dr. Cordain and others have been researching the role of food lectins as an explanation for the success of the paleolithic diet. Despite his excellent book The Paleo Diet and his website, there is a general lack of knowledge of this important information in the both the lay and medical community. There is also some confusion and misconceptions about what constitutes a Paleolithic diet. In my experience, as a stomach-intestine specialist who frequently recommends my patients try the "paleo diet", resistance is commonly encountered because of its restrictiveness, difficulty to adhere to in our modern culture and society and uncertainty about how long such a diet should be followed. Much more research into the role of food lectins in human disease is desperately needed.

What follows is my suggestion based on my personal and professional experience with food intolerance and a variety of gastrointestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms (brain, nerves, skin, joints, general energy) combined with lectin and paleolithic diet research. As a specialty trained and board certified gastroenterologist (specialist in digestive diseases) I have modified the paleolithic diet to include the lectin research data as well as information on food allergies and cross reactivity food intolerance occurring in people with pollen allergies. The diet could be termed a Neopaleo Specific Diet® or possibly better a Neopaleo Health Plan®. There may be some future modifications of these initial recommendations. However, in interest of helping individuals who are suffering from food intolerance or toxicity, these preliminary recommendations are offered.

For a minimum of 28 days, preferably 90-120 days, it is recommended that an individual seeking to recover from gut injury ('the leaky gut") and the associated toxicity and inflammatory symptoms avoid all potentially dangerous or high-risk food lectins. This means eliminating all cereal/grains, especially the gluten containing grains (wheat, barely and rye) as well corn and rice; legumes (includes peanut and soy); and dairy products. Because the so-called Nightshades (tomato, potato, pepper and eggplant) have food lectins that have been associated with a variety of inflammatory diseases especially arthritis conditions, they should be excluded initially as well, especially in those with inflammatory type symptoms. Peanut and soybean are both legumes that are very common causes of food allergy and intolerance, and have specific lectins that have been shown to injure the gut and even enter the blood stream potentially facilitating the leaky gut and extra-intestinal symptoms. These are strictly excluded within the first 90 days.

If you are known to be allergic or sensitive to certain foods you should obviously avoid those foods. Implied in the diet is the recommendation that no processed foods be eaten due to the presence of many of the above food lectins in such foods. Oftentimes these food lectins are hidden within the ingredients with labels that are impossible to decipher such as natural flavors, modified food starch, stabilizers, and emulsifiers, etc.

Some people with pollen allergies or latex allergy react to certain foods, in particularly in a particular type of allergy reaction called the "oral allergy syndrome" or OAS. If you have a documented tree, grass, weed pollen, house dust mite or latex allergy you should consider avoiding foods known to cross-react with these allergens.

"What can or am I suppose to eat on this diet?" you ask. The diet consists primarily of lean meat and fish, eggs (if not contraindicated by history of allergy or sensitivity) and fresh fruits and vegetables. The diet becomes an adventure in all natural foods but a challenge to established misperceptions of what constitutes healthy eating. Planning and frequent trips to a grocer with great selections of fresh organic fruits, vegetables and meats and seafood are important for success.

After 90 days of this Neopaleo Specific Diet (NSD)®, foods are gradually re-introduced one at a time, each week, while carefully noting any return of symptoms to suggest residual or ongoing intolerance and/or sensitivity. It is possible that some foods will not be able to be re-introduced without risking adverse health consequences. Those with documented Celiac Disease or non-celiac gluten intolerance or at high risk for Celiac Disease (family history, HLA DQ2, DQ8 or dual minor DQ for gluten sensitivity) are advised not to re-introduce gluten.

Before starting the NSD and while on it, it is advised that you keep track of your symptoms as well as their severity using a 1-10 scale in a food-symptom diary. Body pictures localizing your symptoms are also helpful to track the symptoms and look back on for assessment of response and re-appearance of similar symptoms with re-introduction or challenge of food lectins later. In the near future will offer online food-symptom assessment, diet recommendations specific to individuals based on their known or suspected sensitivities and an online food-symptom diary. However, if you are suffering from apparently unexplained chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal symptoms, or other inflammatory or autoimmune conditions then I would encourage you not to wait to try a elimination diet specific to your history.

Copyright 2006, The Food Doc, LLC. All Rights Reserved -

Natural Solutions for Arthritis and Joint Pains

The inflammation of a joint, often accompanied by the breakage of a cartilage is known in medical terms as arthritis. Without a cartilage, that normally protects the joint; the bones touch each other in a rubbing movement that causes great pain and swelling. Arthritic conditions include rheumatoid arthritis or septic arthritis together with several others; this is a very complex disease that includes more than one hundred types of disorders. Very often, arthritis is accompanied by crippling, particularly when localized at the level of the hand or leg joints, and studies show that one in three Americans suffer from it. Lots of problems may be eliminated from the start in case arthritis is diagnosed immediately and treatment is used to regenerate the joint soft cartilage. Besides synthetic pharmaceutical products, there are also a handful of natural remedies that we really must pay attention to when in pain.

Shark cartilage is considered one of the most powerful active principles that regenerate the joint tissue re-creating mobility, reducing swelling and pain implicitly. In fact, this unique remedy brings the components necessary to the body to start rebuilding or repairing the joints reducing the process of breaking. Amazing results in the use of shark cartilage have been first noticed in the recovery of sportsmen who underwent a surgical procedure at the knee joint level. Doctors even recommend its administration in combination with glucosamine, an amino sugar that is normally a basic component of the joint cartilage. An associated treatment of these elements enjoys great achievements in the re-growth of natural joint tissue that eliminates arthritis for good.

Another herbal remedy that enjoys world-wide appreciation in the fight against arthritis is nettle leaf, with one of the longest tradition in the treatment of the rheumatoid arthritis. The use of topical nettle juice reduces swelling and pains, acting as a local anti-inflammatory. In the same category of inflammation alleviation enters Boswellia serrata, a plant growing in India and part of a long ayurvedic medical system; the aromatic resin in its composition significantly reduces pain. Last but not least, we can't leave out an anti-arthritic herb with one of the longest medical usages: ginger. The ginger rhizome is made of 4% volatile oils that represent the medical active principles used as pain relievers in anti-arthritic treatments. To learn further on more herbal remedies and homeopathic products, please subscribe to the silver bulletin e-news magazine HERE.

Thumb Joint Pain - Easy Tips to Get Rid of Thumb Joint Pain

Thumb arthritis or thumb joint pain is quite common these days because of increased use of thumbs and wrist while working on PC.There are many other reasons of this kind of pain alike general arthritis, rheumatism menopause etc. It is also caused by an injury or an accident that hits your thumb.

Arthritis at the base of the thumb is quite common especially after turning 40. It is more common in women than men. It impairs your grip therefore you feel pain while twisting your wrist. Simple tasks like turning the keys or opening the lids become very painful. Some people also feel stiffness at and swelling at the base of their thumb.

Treating general arthritis is often very effective in reliving thumb pain as well. However if your other joints are quite normal you can try some tips to get rid of thumb joint pain.

o If you work on PC for long hours; make sure that your wrist remains horizontal as much as possible. Adjust the height of your work station accordingly.

o These days you will find many keyboards, mouse pads which are meant for relieving wrist and thumb pain. You must start using these customized peripherals as soon as you start feeling pain in your wrist.

o Try to rest your wrists whenever possible.

o Take some wrist exercises after taking bath every day. Rotate your wrists joints while keeping your hands horizontal to the ground. You can also try to touch your arms with clenched fist while maintaining the same position. It works well for reliving pain in wrists and thumbs.

o Using customized splints are very effective in reliving joint pains in general. You can use wrist splints at night.

o Ice cubes or cold bandages are also highly effective in reliving thumb joint pain. You may take some general OTC anti inflammatory drug once in a while. However it is often better to go for natural formulas that are highly effective in treating arthritis in general.

When a Painful Toothache Won't Go Away

You've been to the dentist, perhaps even had a filling or root canal, but your painful toothache still persists. What do you do next? Sometimes the pain isn't coming from a tooth! Did you know tooth pain, jaw pain, and even ear pain can be coming from somewhere else?

You may ask how this that possible? To have a toothache that is not caused by a tooth? To begin to understand how you can experience pain in one area that is being caused by a problem somewhere else, it is important to become familiar with the concept of referred pain. The concept of referred pain has been around for over 50 years. It is used to describe the phenomenon of pain experienced at a site nearby or even at a distance from the pain's origin.

Referred pain is best understood when you consider the most common symptom reported by patients that are about to have or are in the midst of having a heart attack: pain in the left arm, the left side of the jaw, and under the chin. All caused by signals being sent by the heart muscle. You can only imagine that 100 years ago, before this connection was understood, doctors and community healers probably went to great lengths to sooth these left sided symptoms only to often fail with dire consequences.

Recent research has suggested that for no specific reason the nerves that send pain information to the brain from teeth, can become "sensitized". Example: you leave the beach with a sunburn and putting your shirt on (a normal activity) produces pain. What happened is that the threshold for the nerves in your skin to fire has diminished due to the heat from the sun.

The knowledge we have gained about referred pain through medical research not only has helped us recognize the signs of a heart attack, but have enabled us to also understand puzzling toothaches, face pains, ear symptoms, and other problems that often elude quick solutions. Getting back to the young woman with toothache: my evaluation uncovered that her symptoms were due to referred pain from the muscles of her upper neck! My patient was dumbfounded. How could the source of her painful toothache be her neck? But soon after her care began, her symptoms diminished and she is now happily toothache-free. The care I applied was a combination of:

• Changing learned behaviors (posture, especially)
• Home exercises
• Physiotherapy
• Injections

Patients often ask: "Why does my ear, tooth, face, and eye hurt when I have been told by my physician and dentist that there is nothing wrong and they don't see anything?" If this describes you, I assure you, you're not "crazy." Referred pain is real, and you should see a TMJ specialist in your area.

Runner Beware Of Knee Pain - Get Rid Of It With One Stretch!

Running is one of the most popular and easiest sports to participate in. All you need is a pair (of decent) running shoes a t-shirt and a pair of shorts and you're ready to go. However, it's not that easy all the time and many runners complain of being injured during either competition or training.

The source of the injuries can be wide and varied but we will look at one area in particular.

Hands up if you run and have suffered from knee pain at some time or another!!

Don't worry you are not on your own as I alluded to above, many people who are runners struggle with injury's that stop them running or competing at some point.

What that means is that you are not able to do what you love or need to do (especially if you're training for an event)!

Most people tell themselves they're just being 'wimps' and run through it. Fortunately (for them) some people stay injury free for quite a while. This all changes when years of compensation and altered mechanics leads to a some point!!

Hip extension is essential for good running mechanics.

If you are not sure what hip extension is then stand up, with your feet together. Lift one foot off the floor and with a straight (or bent) knee push that foot back so that your thigh moves backwards...that's hip extension.

If you don't have enough hip extension then you'll have to compensate for it some where else in the body (usually the low back, but that's for another day).

If you are lacking hip extension then you end up overworking your muscles around the knee.

When you start to overuse any muscles you put the body in a position where it changes the balance. Joints need balance between the muscles in order to make sure that they stay in the right alignment and no undue 'stresses' are placed into the joint.

I work in a busy sports injuries clinic and I would have to say that the physiotherapists I work with tell me that in 90% of cases knee pain, that people report, has nothing to do with any degenerative problems around the ligaments, tendons or cartilage.

Most of these 'presenting' knee pain patients are actually people who have massively got their muscle balance out of kilter.

So what can you do about it?

As well as a complete corrective exercise plan, one of the first things we work on is hip range of motion.

I know, you hate stretching!!

That's because human beings tend to gravitate towards the things they like doing most and avoid the things they like doing least.

If you don't stretch it's probably because you find stretching hard and painful. The tighter you and more painful you find it the more essential it is for you to do.

So the key is to put the muscles like the quadriceps and hip flexors in a position that will maximally get them to stretch and relax.

This is my absolute favorite hip flexor stretch and an essential for all runners to do.

I've put it on you tube so that you can see it:

Just in case you can't get on there, here's a brief description:

1. Place your foot on a bench or a Swiss ball so that your laces are in contact with the surface, and the knee of that leg is on the floor (your leg will have a V angle).

2. The other leg should be in front of you with the foot on the floor so that you are in a lunge like position.

3. Keep the back straight and the buttock on the same side (leg that is being stretched) clenched.

4. You should feel a stretch stating at the knee and moving all the way up to the front of the hip or anywhere in between, it depends where you lack the flexibility.

5. Make sure that you are 'tipping' the pelvis (tuck your bum under your body) so that you are stretching the thigh and not compensating for the movement in your low back. You will know you are doing this if you have a big low back curve.

6. The low back should be relatively flat or slightly rounded.

7. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.

One of my clients called Rachel was suffering with some really bad knee pain. She was referred to me by a sports physician because she was suffering from patellar tendinitis.

One of the first things I got her to do was this exact stretch. She now does this on a daily basis; in fact she should be doing it at least twice a day. That's because she works all day sat at a desk.

This means that not only have her muscles adapted to the lack of flexibility at her hip, but she gets the double whammy of making them tight and short all day long at work.

You don't need to do this stretch for hours on end simply complete it a couple of times a day to really get the muscles up the front of the leg relaxed and lengthened. You should start to feel some of the pressure and tension in the knee releasing the more you do it.

This obviously is not a panacea for knee pain but is definitely one of the easiest and simplest places to start.

Arthritis Treatment: What Causes the Pain of Osteoarthritis of the Knee?

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and affects more than 20 million Americans.

There are two different types of cartilage within the knee. Hard hyaline articular cartilage is the tough gristle that caps the ends of long bones within the joint. Also located on either side are two semicircular pieces of fibrocartilage, a somewhat softer form of cartilage, called menisci.

OA is primarily a disease of the hyaline cartilage. Hyaline cartilage is made up of a matrix consisting of a combination of proteoglycans (complexes of proteins and sugars) and chondrocytes. Chondrocytes are located within the matrix... picture a gelatin mold with grapes. The gelatin is the matrix and the grapes are the chondrocytes. Chondrocytes are cartilage cells that manufacture matrix under normal healthy circumstances. They are responsible for nourishing the matrix as well.

However, when OA develops, a change in the metabolism of hyaline cartilage occurs. Chondrocytes begin to elaborate destructive enzymes causing cracks and fissures in the cartilage. These are called "fibrillations."

What has been a perplexing question is, "What causes pain in OA of the knee?" Cartilage has no blood vessels nor does it have nerves. So the topic of pain mechanism in osteoarthritis has been the subject of intense interest.

There are a number of potential suspects. For example, when osteophytes (bone spurs) develop, they can lift the periosteum (the thin top layer of the bone). Periosteum is rich in nerve fibers and certainly can be a source of pain.

It has been noted that blood vessels in bone underlying osteoarthritic cartilage can become engorged and this may elevate the pressure inside the bone which could also, theoretically, cause pain.

The lining of the joint (synovium) becomes inflamed in OA. Pain fibers are located within the joint capsule and these inflammatory processes could irritate them.

The joint capsule can contract or shrink leading to irritation of nerve fibers located within the capsule.

By the same token, if fluid builds up within the joint, it can stretch the joint capsule again leading to stimulation of pain fibers.

As mentioned earlier, there are two small pieces of fibrocartilage located within the knee. These pieces of fibrocartilage (menisci) have a rich blood and nerve supply where they attach to the joint capsule. OA often leads to tearing of these menisci. This can cause damage to the capsular attachment leading to pain.

Spasm of the muscles surrounding the knee can also lead to pain.

Finally, there is increasing interest in the role of the central nervous system- the brain- in causing the pain of knee OA. Recent studies showing the effectiveness of drugs like Cymbalta, a drug originally prescribed for depression, but also showing beneficial effects on pain relief in patients with OA, led to FDA approval for this indication in 2011.

Get Rid of That Awful Toothache

There are just a few experiences in life that may present as many issues as an agonizing toothache, and if a Dentist isn't straight away available the issue magnifies swiftly. The power to eat, sleep, talk or engage with others is severely limited due to excruciating agony, and the influenced individual will attempt anything to make it stop. Before applying any home cure to a toothache, stop and think, a little commonsense can help lose the discomfort much quicker than hasty, desperate actions.

There are dozens of over the counter toothache cures commercially made, and to varying degrees, most work. However, you want to evaluate the reason behind the toothache before taking action. The wrong move could make the discomfort worse. First, inspect the problem tooth or have somebody do it for you - the agony may be because of a little piece of food crammed into a hole. If this is the case, simply rinsing the mouth with some warm water may dislodge the food particle, and relief is sort of instant.

An abscessed tooth needs a little different approach, as the agony may be because of a swelling pressing on nerves that result in discomfort. If this is the case, try taking a well-cleaned finger and rubbing the pile at the base of the tooth. This helps by diminishing the puss, so relieving strain on the tooth. While this is only a temporary measure, it may provide enough relief to eat or sleep till a dentist becomes available. If a pustule is present it's important to use an anti-bacterial mouthwash often, like perhaps six or more times daily.

Some of the old school home-made treatments for a toothache work the best if they're all that you've got to work with. A drop of powerful Whiskey held in the mouth and swished around for a couple of minutes can not only kill bacteria, but have a pain-killer effect. Cloves, either the clove themselves or clove oils have been the standard of home pain alleviation in dentistry for centuries, and if you can get past the taste, they work best. A fine powder of crushed clove placed at once on the tooth and gum influenced can frequently provide fast pain alleviation.

A single clove of garlic crushed and placed on a painful tooth has been a favorite home cure, and the utilization of onion in a similar manner has been known to give relief too. Perhaps the best homemade remedies for a toothache incorporate many of the aforementioned ideas in combo until the right one is located.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Straightening Adult Teeth

Crooked teeth not only detract from your overall appearance, they can lead to tooth decay, difficulty chewing, and other dental problems. The majority of people who have naturally crooked teeth address the problem in childhood or adolescence, but the results are not always permanent and crookedness may not develop at all until well into adulthood when wisdom teeth push other teeth out of alignment.

Braces are a common and socially acceptable method for straightening teeth in teenagers, but most adults feel uncomfortable and self-conscious wearing the very visible devices, even when so-called "clear" braces are used. Fortunately, braces are no longer the only way to achieve a perfect smile.


Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners, much like retainers to gradually move your teeth into the proper position. The entire process can take six months to two years. Each aligner is used for two weeks then you move on to the next aligner. Some people use as many as 60 aligners in the course of straightening their teeth. Using impressions of your teeth and computer imaging the aligners are created to precisely and gradually adjust the position of your teeth in very tiny increments, until they reach the proper position.

Porcelain veneers

If you want a quick fix, porcelain veneers are the way to go. A thin shell of porcelain is crafted and bonded to the front of your teeth. Porcelain veneers look and feel like your natural teeth. They can cover several small imperfections at once, making teeth appear straight, covering chips, cracks, and gaps, and are an alternative to whitening. Porcelain veneers are often more appropriate than straightening when teeth appear crooked due to flaws such as chips and gaps.

Why correct a crooked smile?

You may think that's a silly question, but there is more to it than just looks. Crooked teeth leave gaps and crevices which are hard to clean properly and can lead to tooth decay and serious dental problems. A tooth or teeth that are out of alignment can make biting and chewing painful, causing you to make adjustments in how you chew, eventually leading to a painful and damaging condition called temporomandibular joint disease (TMJ). Of course, most people do want a smile that looks beautiful. Straightening your teeth can boost your self-esteem and can even improve your standing in the workplace.

Two paths: What is your goal?

Before you make a decision about straightening your teeth, you must know what you want to get out of it. Is your main goal to correct misalignment or is it to have teeth that appear straight?
Invisalign requires some commitment and work on your part, but the result is a straight, beautiful smile for the rest of your life. Overall, combining Invisalign with any other procedures you may need such as whitening and caps, is the most thorough and complete method of creating a beautiful smile. It is well worth the investment of your time and money, but expensive and time-consuming dental work is not appropriate for everyone. Many patients dread and fear the process of moving their teeth, and choose porcelain veneers as a quick way to make teeth appear straight. Straightening is usually just a piece of the puzzle. Veneers can accomplish several things in one procedure. If your teeth are very crooked you may not be a good candidate for porcelain veneers, but you should talk to your cosmetic dentist and ask before you assume that your teeth are too crooked for this method.

Four Natural Supplements That Will Ease Back and Joint Pain

If you suffer from back or joint pain, taking supplements may be preferable to drugs. Supplements that are naturally found in the body are less likely to have side effects like brain fog or sleepiness. They're also easier on your kidneys which have to process those drugs. Generally natural supplements are less expensive than drugs and, of course, available without a doctor's prescription.

There are several natural substances you can use to ease back and joint pain:


If you want relatively quick relief to muscle and joint pain, magnesium is the first supplement to try. Magnesium is necessary for numerous body functions. It is used to maintain normal muscle and nerve function, regulate heart rhythm, and support the immune system. Magnesium also regulates blood sugar levels and blood pressure. For many people, a normal diet may not be enough for optimum magnesium levels so it's wise to take a supplement. Also, medications such as diuretics and antibiotics may result in magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium is used in analgesics before surgery to help the patient's muscles relax. Take it right before going to bed, and it will help you have a good night's sleep. In the morning you'll awake with relaxed muscles. The only negative to magnesium is diarrhea can occur if you take more than the recommended dosage. This is a temporary effect, however, and will cease when you reduce the dosage. Magnesium is available in tablets, liquid, or powder. It is basically tasteless, so if you're averse to pills, the liquid or power can be mixed into smoothies or tea.

Glucosamine Chondroitin

Like magnesium, glucosamine is found naturally in healthy cartilage. Early medical trials show it may be helpful in treating osteoarthritis, especially in the knee. It also shows promise for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Often glucosamine is combined with chondroitin which, again, is also found in healthy cartilage. They work synergistically to rebuild cartilage. It is common to find glucosamine chondroitin combined with MSM or calcium. Taking it will not provide quick pain relief, but it will aid in rebuilding joint tissue over time. As far as side effects, there are rare reports of abdominal pain, loss of appetite or nausea.

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)

MSM is odorless and tasteless. It is related to DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide), an alternative treatment for arthritis. Like chondroitin, it is often combined with glucosamine. MSM is naturally found in cow's milk, meat, seafood, fruits, and vegetables. While there is no dietary requirement for MSM, it is available in capsules, tablets, creams and lotions. Clinical trials have indicated that MSM is effective for osteoarthritis, but many people suffering from rrheumatoid arthritis have claimed it was helpful.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA)

Hyaluronic acid is found throughout the body as a component of connective tissue. Its main function is to cushion and lubricate. HA helps to support healthy skin, eyesight and joint function. Joints deficient of HA don't move well and become stiff. Those taking the supplement report relatively quick relief to joint pain; however, it's main benefit will be felt over time as it aids strengthening of connective and joint tissue.

Understanding the Key Types of Arthritis

When a patient is diagnosed with arthritis, it's important to know what kind of arthritis type it is and, of course, their doctor should tell them. Typically, there are three common forms of the degenerative disease. To learn more about each keep reading.


Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. It's often called degenerative joint disease and tends to be more common in older adults. However, osteoarthritis can still appear in younger people, when it is normally the result of injury, a hereditary disorder or metabolic problem.

Osteoarthritis attacks the smooth cartilage on the bone ends. After it's worn away, new born forms, causing an overgrowth along with intense pain when the dry and exposed joints move and grate together. The disease is not usually associated with inflammation.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

When assessing rheumatoid arthritis, the body joints are essentially attacked by the immune system just like it were an external foe. This response of the auto-immune system is something of a chain reaction since there is an inflammation of the synovial joints - shifting fingers and thumbs apart - ligaments are weakened from the swelling, and alignment of muscles are damaged.

Rheumatoid arthritis can not only lead to deformity, but it can also be very painful. When a patient is experiencing an inflammation, simple tasks like opening a bottle or using a pen can be extremely painful and almost impossible. Rheumatoid arthritis will either worsen or often stay stable for a number of years before deteriorating further.

The disease is often diagnosed in 5 stages. Stage 1 has no visible or apparent symptoms other than those that can be detected through lab analysis. Stage 2 is accompanied by small amount of stiffness (usually in the mornings) and some swelling.

Stage 3 causes the synovial membrane to proliferate, and drug treatments are often required. During Stage 4, this disease continues to spread to the cartilage and joint swelling becomes more pronounced. At Stage 5, irreversible destruction has been caused and the patient is typically under high duress.

A diagnostic conclusion of rheumatoid arthritis is typically founded on the existence of the following symptoms for a period longer than six weeks - stiffness of the joints after awakening, swelling in finger or joints of the wrists, soft tissue swelling around joints and swelling on each side of a joint.


The term spondyloarthropathies actually refers to a number of arthritic disorders that affect the spine. Though it's the third most common form of arthritis, it's actually a blanket term to cover conditions such as psoriatic arthritis, intestinal arthropathy, reactive anthropathy, Reiter's syndrome and more.

If you suspect you have arthritis, knowing the arthritis type of disease is critical to understanding your treatment. And remember, early diagnosis is critical, so see a doctor.

Finding Relief For Hip Pain

Aches and pains are something to be expected as our body's age, but that does not mean we just need to go along and accept that fact! One of the joints in our body that is especially prone to problems is the hip joint. There are many reasons why people experience hip pain and many ways to find relief from hip joint pain.

The hip joint is the largest ball-and-socket joint in the human body. Within the hip there are several bursae, which are fluid-filled sacs. The purposes of the bursae are to cushion the hip joint, lubricate it and help the tendons and muscles work as they should. For the majority of people, hip problems and pain develop over time. Hip pain can come from overuse and age; congenital problems in the hip joint; as well as infection, tumors and various other medical conditions.

Along with different reasons for hip pain there are different ways in which hip problems manifest themselves. One strange thing about hip problems is that the pain may not show up in the hip itself. Some sufferers find that they have muscle and joint pain in their thigh or knee and do not realize the problem is radiating from the hip!

When a patient presents his or her problem to the doctor, one of the questions he or she is likely to hear is, "When does the pain occur?" For example, is the pain only present when the patient is carrying extra weight? Is the pain fairly constant and rest or activity does not change the pain's intensity? Or, finally, is the pain only present with movement? Each of these scenarios will help the doctor in determining where the pain is coming from, what the underlying issue may be, and how best to alleviate the problem.

The list of reasons why a person may experience hip pain would be almost as long as a list of the pain sufferers themselves. Doctors and researchers are working constantly to find ways in which to help relieve joint pain in general and hip pain specifically. In recent years there have been several new joint supplements introduced to the general public that have been touted as providing joint pain relief. One of the very latest is esterified oil. This Cetylated Fatty Acid (CFA) has undergone several studies and shows promising results.

The results of these studies have shown an increase in lubrication, cushioning, flexibility, as well as a decrease in the amount of pain felt in the joints of the body -including the hip! Joint pain relief of any sort can give patients a much-needed boost in their everyday lives. Freedoms to pursue active hobbies, go through a workday, and participate in family activities without constant pain is not only encouraging emotionally, but also physically and emotionally.

So, no matter the reason or type of hip pain you are experiencing, there is hope for a better day ahead. New and improved joint pain supplements are emerging every day and are becoming available near you!

Doctor - I Have Symptoms of Pain and Swelling in My Hands and Feet - What Could It Be?

While there are multiple causes of swelling and pain in the hands and feet, arthritis is probably the most common cause.

The term "arthritis" is derived from the Greek and means "joint inflammation". It refers to more than 100 different diseases that can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joints. Joints are where the ends of long bones connect and interact. The end of each bone inside a joint has a thin layer of cartilage and is held in place by ligaments, tendons, and muscles. A joint is lined with synovial tissue (synovium) that helps to nourish the joint. It is the synovium that often becomes inflamed in arthritis.

Arthritis may also affect other supporting structures around joints such as the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. Some serious forms of arthritis can affect internal organs.

The common symptoms of arthritis are due to inflammation (swelling, heat, redness, pain):

o Swelling in one or more joints

o Stiffness in the joints in the morning or with prolonged inactivity

o Joint pain or tenderness

o Restricted mobility in the joints

o Warmth or redness

Diagnosing arthritis can be difficult because some symptoms are often common to many different diseases. A rheumatologist will first do a complete physical exam, looking for clues. The eyes, ears, nose, throat, heart, lungs, and other parts of the body will be examined along with the joints. Lab tests and imaging procedures such as x-ray, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may also be ordered.

The most common forms of arthritis are:

Osteoarthritis (OA) is also referred to as degenerative joint disease. This is the most common type of arthritis. When it affects the hands, it can cause painful swelling in the last row (Heberden's nodes) and middle row (Bouchards nodes) of finger joints. In the feet it will affect the toe joints as well as the mid-foot. This disease affects cartilage, the tissue that cushions and protects the ends of bones in a joint. With osteoarthritis, the cartilage starts to wear away prematurely. The swelling of the fingers and toes may lead to bony deformity.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease; the body's immune system (defense mechanism against infection) attacks normal tissues. This autoimmune reaction causes inflammation of the synovium. RA symptoms include pain, stiffness, swelling, rapid loss of joint function, and crippling. When severe, rheumatoid arthritis can also affect internal organs. This is the type of arthritis that most commonly causes severe inflammation in the hands and feet.

Rheumatoid arthritis tends to be symmetric- one side of the bodt being affected just like the other.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease characterized by generalized aches and pains. The pain is accompanied by stiffness that is worst in the morning but tends to last all day long. Patients may have localized tender points occurring in the muscles and tendons, particularly in the neck, spine, shoulders, and hips. These tender points are called trigger points. Fatigue and sleep disturbances may also occur. There is subjective swelling along with pain in the hands and feet.

Gout and pseudogout are inflammatory forms of arthritis due to deposits of crystals in joints and other body tissues. Uric acid is the culprit in gout and calcium pyrophosphate is the villain in pseudogout. Both diseases cause painful attacks of arthritis affecting the hands and feet.

Infectious arthritis is a type of arthritis caused by either bacteria or viruses. A relatively common form of infectious arthritis is Lyme disease. Infectious forms of arthritis can cause swelling and pain in the hands and feet. A diagnosis is often difficult to establish. Antibiotics will often be used to treat bacterial infectious arthritis.

Reactive arthritis is an autoimmune arthritis that develops after a person has an infection in the urinary tract or intestine. This problem is often referred to as Reiter's disease. People who have this disease often have eye inflammation (iritis), rashes, and mouth sores. Inflammatory arthritis involving the hands and feet leading to a toe or finger that looks like a sausage (dactylitis) is common.

Psoriatic arthritis. Some people who have psoriasis also have arthritis. This disease often affects the hands and feet. It is usually asymmetric. It also causes deformity of the fingernails and toenails (onycholysis) that is often misdiagnosed as a fungal problem. Sometimes the spine- neck and low back-can be affected. As with Reiter's disease, dactylitis often occurs.

Systemic lupus erythematosus is another autoimmune disease. Lupus can affect many organ systems including the joints, skin, kidneys, lungs, blood vessels, heart, and brain. This is a cause of swelling and pain involving the hands and feet.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is the most common type of arthritis affecting children. It leads to pain, stiffness, swelling, and loss of function in the joints. A patient can also have rashes and fevers with this disease. Hands, wrists, ankles, and feet are often affected.

Polymyalgia rheumatica. Symptoms include pain, aching, and morning stiffness in the shoulders, hips, thighs, and neck. It is sometimes the first sign of giant cell arteritis, an inflammatory disease of the arteries characterized by headaches, scalp tenderness, weakness, weight loss, and fever. The hands and feet may be affected although less often than other joints. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (sed rate), a blood test that measures inflammation, is often greatly elevated.

Bursitis is inflammation of the bursae- the small, fluid-filled sacs that help cushion joints. The inflammation may accompany arthritis in the joint or injury or infection of the bursae. Bursitis produces pain and tenderness and may limit the movement of joints.

Tendinitis is inflammation of tendons (the fibrous cords of tissue that connect muscles to bones) caused by overuse, injury, or arthritis. Tendinitis produces pain and tenderness and may restrict movement of joints.

Not all conditions that cause symptoms of pain and swelling in the hands and feet are due to arthritis. Here are some non-arthritis causes...

Polycythemia vera (PV) is a disorder that is due to excessive production of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Some patients with PV will not have any symptoms at all, but many will experience easy bruising or bleeding with minimal trauma. Also, the blood may become thick, causing it to clot in tiny blood vessels. If clotting does occur in the small blood vessels of the fingers and toes, a patient may experience numbness or burning. Swelling and pain in the hands and feet may also occur.

Some medical conditions cause edema...swelling of the hands, ankles, feet, face, abdomen, or other areas of the body. Swelling is most often seen in the hands, in the feet, or around the eyes. The swelling often causes pain.

Edema is due to excessive fluid accumulation. It can be caused by abnormal kidney function, chronic kidney disease, congestive heart failure, varicose veins, phlebitis, protein or thiamine deficiency, sodium retention, or cancer.

Other reasons for edema are pregnancy, standing for prolonged periods of time, premenstrual syndrome, oral contraceptives, an injury (sprain), hypothyroidism (low thyroid), anemia, adrenal disease, deficiencies of potassium and B vitamins, or allergic reactions.

The cause of the edema needs to be determined. Diagnoses such as congestive heart disease, kidney disease, or liver disease should be ruled out.

Insect stings can lead to swelling and pain in the hands and feet. The same type of reaction may occur with medications, such as penicillin or sulfa. This is referred to as serum sickness.

Acromegaly is a disease where a tumor in the pituitary gland causes an overproduction of growth hormone. This leads to swelling and pain in the hands and feet.

Frostbite is another cause of swelling and pain in the hands and feet.

Blood clots in the veins are another cause of swelling and pain in the limbs. This rarely affects the upper extremities (arms). If it does, diseases associated with clotting abnormalities should be suspected.

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (causalgia) is an unusual disorder that leads to swelling and pain in an affected limb. Generally it occurs in an arm or a leg, rarely both at the same time. The preceding event is usually some type of trauma.

Wellness Coaching - Relieving Depression With an Anti-Candida Diet

By 2020, major depression is expected to be the second-leading cause of disability (the first is ischemic heart disease), according to the Institute of Functional Medicine. Anxiety frequently accompanies depression which are the two most common psychological disorders in the world.

I personally suffered from depression and anxiety for over thirty years, sometimes accompanied by panic attacks. I know what's it like to carry a heavy emotional pain-body for years on end and can empathize with others who have endured similar struggles. It's a living hell but I can tell you from personal experience, the knowledge and wisdom of particular holistic therapies can help to free those individuals who are imprisoned by their emotional and physical suffering.

Soon after my emotional body became depressed, my physical body shortly followed. Chronic fatigue set in and kept its hold on my for over twenty years. It wasn't until I began to learn how to properly take care of my body, that the fatigue started to slowly dissolve. After the painful TMJ, chronic dizziness, chronic candida, CFS, and mercury toxicity, the only healing remedies that have contributed to my whole body recovery have been; infrared sauna detoxification, upper cervical chiropractic care, and most importantly, a sugar-, gluten-, and starch-free diet.

A study in 2004 found that 67 percent of the patients with celiac disease (caused by gluten sensitivity) reported depression and that 73 percent reported anxiety. An article in the journal "Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics" found that "Depression is reported to be a feature of celiac disease and is ranked as its most common disturbance." When the body is undergoing a degrees of stress, our requirements for B vitamins increase dramatically, and are depleted by chronic carbohydrate (sugar and gluten) consumption. Sympathetic nervous system overarousal also lowers the hydrochloric acid production in the stomach, which is crucial for proper digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Electrolytes are also lost under stress, as is our body's neurological and bioelectrical regulation.

After prolonged periods of depression and/or anxiety, we become depleted of our energy and nutrient reserves. The consumption of alcohol, sugary foods, and carbohydrate-rich snacks become the only thing available to boost serotonin levels. But, of course, these indulgences only serve to perpetuate the negative cycles. We become addicted to food, drugs, and/or alcohol, and life becomes a downward spiral.

Chronic candida is also common among those riddled with depression and anxiety because it allows for the body's natural defenses in the gut to be broken down. Two of the most common symptoms of systemic candida is depression and anxiety. Go figure. Often gluten sensitivity and candida accompany one another because the candida leads to the craving for gluten-rich foods such as bread and pizza.

To end my gluten sensitivity, dissolve the candida overgrowth, and end my bouts of depression and anxiety, I had to restructure my diet to be based on nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich, fibrous vegetables. My protein intake became animal-based which I limited to 6 to 8 oz. per day. I also began supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids and GLA. I eliminated all sugars, alcohol, fermented and starch-based foods -- including all grains, cereals, and legumes. And finally, I began consuming cultured vegetables (rich with probiotics) such as "Bubbies" brand sauerkraut. Today, I am grateful for my perfect health and am living each day in a place of inner peace, joy, and tranquility.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Age Related Spinal Arthritis Is No Myth At All

In a lot of magazines written especially for elderly people you can find articles about spinal arthritis that, more often then not, seem to be related to age. Are those articles just made to sell products or is there some truth in that assumption? Well in fact there are a couple of different kind of spinal arthritis types and they have all different names for example osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis and arthritis of the facet joints. And the magazines do have a point when they say that spinal arthritis is caused by age.

Spinal arthritis is no life threatening disease but it can be very painful, debilitating and cut into the mobility of many people. And lets be honest, mostly elderly people are struck with the symptoms of these types of arthritis. There are some exceptions because there are younger people who suffer from spinal arthritis although most develop just a mild form. With younger people, spinal arthritis usually begin very mildly and have a tendency to escalate in pain intensity after many years.

What are the symptoms of spinal arthritis?

Almost all kind of arthritis cause symptoms like: - pain

- swelling

- stiffness of the joints

- morning stiffness

- the spinal area can feel numb

- spinal deformity

- feeling of bone on bone rubbing

- reduced mobility

- reduced agility

Causes Of Spinal Arthritis

The most common cause of most types of spinal arthritis are the succumbing of the cartilages of the spine through wear and tear, normal aging an injuries to the bones.

If in the spine the cartilages wear down, this results in friction of the cartilages, pain, swelling, inflammation and loss of motion in that area. Most of the time when the symptoms are focused mainly in the neck and lower back the spinal arthritis is caused by osteoporosis an this kind of arthritis almost always develops when we age. What starts as a mild spinal pain, neck or lower back pain will increase if the fraction between the cartilages also increases this happens because of degeneration of the cartilages. The pain is almost always more severe in the morning and the evening.

A poor diet in combination with spinal arthritis symptoms can make this age related condition worse. Most people are more focused om the health of internal organs but overlook the effects of diet and their general cartilage and bone health. It is a well known fact that an increase of calcium by drinking low fat or skimmed milk or calcium supplements can reduce some symptoms of spinal arthritis.

So watching your diet is a thing we should do when we experience the first symptoms of spinal arthritis It probably will not stop the disease from developing and evolving but it can slow it down.

There also are some amazing arthritis medicine or alternative arthritis pain relief products about which we have published on our website My Rigid Body.

Just remember that all though spinal arthritis is a disease that is related to age it does not mean that you can not suffer from it when your young.

Pain Relief - What is the Best Chronic Pain Treatment? Nurse's Report

If you're suffering with chronic pain or an acute pain episode from time to time you may have seen your doctor to try to get some pain relief. You may have found that your doctor was not trained in pain management. Others may have found that their doctors weren't sure about what treatment they could give them that would stop, diminish, control or get rid of their pain.

Your pain may be in your back, lower back, chest, abdomen, leg, shoulder, stomach, knee, hip, foot, head, arm or ribs. It could be nerve, muscle or joint pain or any combination of any of these or another area of pain. It may or may not be part of a disease or condition or due to a traumatic injury.

In any case there are certain approaches for chronic pain that are used among western doctors and traditional medicine and then there are approaches that are used by naturopathic doctors.

In any case you may find your doctor not sure whether or not to give you a prescription for opioids - which are medicines or drugs such as morphine, Percocet and Vicodin. The doctor may have some reluctance to do this and many want to seek more natural and less invasive methods.

But if the pain is severe they may feel obligated to stop it or try to stop it even knowing the possible consequence - the consequence being physical dependence, outright painkiller addiction or adverse reaction and possible side effects. Drugs just mask the symptoms to a degree but don't do any healing, another downside.

If you're seeking a naturopath they may want to try alternative medicine methods for pain such as herbal remedies and acupuncture. Acupuncture is being used much more often these days for acute pain and chronic pain but may require repeated and possibly expensive treatments to stop or control pain if at all.

Most conventional doctors are family practitioners and not able to keep up with current pain management techniques. They come to rely on painkillers and other drugs to stop chronic pain in their patients.

Even some studies that have been done have been stopped midstream, because the patients in the study were experiencing too much pain to continue. Herbal remedies and supplements have not been adequately tested for the long term to determine if they will work. This is ironic because better pain management may be why alternative medicine is often tried.

Unfortunately there is no good answer and it's up to the chronic pain patient to find their best pain management treatment. This may require visiting several doctors and related health professionals, often assembling together a team of acute or chronic pain management professionals. However although doctors are still struggling with the best pain management there are still many natural treatments you can do yourself to get the best chronic pain treatment and relief.

Wellness Coaching - Infrared Heat Therapy for Pain Relief

If you are not in perfect health, then I highly advise buying some pH strips from your local drugstore and testing the pH of your saliva. Ideally, it should be right around 7.36 which is slightly alkaline. If you're in chronic pain, chances are your body's pH level is already acidic. You cannot be slightly alkaline and in pain at the same time. And if you're acidic then pain-relief drugs will lose their effectiveness. The more acidic you are, the less potent pain-relievers become. This is one of the reasons why people who take painkiller drugs for chronic pain have to take more and more because the painkillers themselves lower the body's pH level to acidic.

If you're popping pills for pain or disease, the pills themselves may be keeping your body in an acidic state, therefore preventing your body from relieving itself of the pain or disease. Today, in the U.S., the average medicare patient is on 9.5 different medications.

Even though very few have heard about far-infrared therapy, it is nothing new. It has been used as an effective method of healing in the region known today as Tibet by the Finns as early as 5,000 B.C.E., before they migrated to Europe. Infrared or radiant heat comes from the sun naturally, and is in fact a necessary form of energy that all living things require for extraordinary health. If we don't receive enough of far-infrared light from the sun, we can become ill or depressed. Unlike conventional saunas, the infrared radiant sauna heats the body directly without having to heat the air in between. This results in its lower power-consumption and shorter warm-up time.

There are three wavelengths of infrared light: near, mid, and far. The infrared sauna focuses its output on the far-infrared range (between 6 and 14 microns) where 9.4 microns is the deepest penetrating, allowing the water molecules to vibrate, causing a release of the toxins through the sweat. Since the human body is 70% water, this far-infrared output is important for optimal detoxification of heavy metals such as mercury and aluminum. As toxins are released, the body naturally becomes more alkaline.

Infrared radiant heat therapy is beneficial for pain relief and there have been numerous clinical studies to back it up. The research has shown that infrared therapy is effective in relieving common pain conditions, such as lower back pain and menstrual pain. In a specific case study, a seventy year old man with arthritis began using an infrared sauna to relieve his pain. After numerous sauna sessions over a period of five months, his condition had significantly improved. In another case study, a fourteen year old girl who was challenged to even walk down the stairs because of severe knee pain since the age of eight (due to rheumatoid arthritis), also began using and infrared sauna for pain relief. After just three sessions, her pain had diminished significantly.

Infrared radiant heat therapy naturally supports the body's healing ability. This results in a variety of benefits such as the relaxation of sore and aching muscles and joints. Furthermore, because of the purification benefits, you will find that your overall health and energy will improve, allowing the body to maintain an anabolic, repair and rebuild mode, resulting in a boost to your immune system. The bottom line is that infrared sauna therapy is a natural, sale, affordable, and alkaline-enhancing alternative to taking acidifying, toxic drugs for pain relief.

Instant Gout Pain Relief - Does Baking Soda Really Work Like They Say It Does?

Searching for immediate gout pain alleviation? Then you have arrived at the best place. Right here, you will find exactly how baking soda is able to bring nearly instant relief from gout symptoms without all the different medicines and their notorious side effects.

Baking soda can bring you pretty much immediate gout pain alleviation. Who would have thought that something which many of us have laying in a kitchen cabinet might be such a powerful tool in the battle to get quick gout pain alleviation?

Taken alone it's an efficient natural fix for gout pain, however, baking soda may also assist the usefulness of the pain relievers that your physician generally prescribes to alleviate the pain of the gout symptoms.

However even without medicines you will get nearly immediate, certainly fast, pain alleviation using baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) due to the several advantages such as:

-- a rise in body liquids which help your kidneys to purge uric acid from your system

-- enhanced uric acid solubility for simpler removal from the body

-- dissolution of uric acid deposits to help reduce the pain

You have to add 1/2 a tsp of it to ten ounces of water in a big cup. Consume the glass instantly before going to bed, and also the very first thing upon getting out of bed. Consume an additional cup every two to four hours in between foods. If necessary, comply with this program every day until your symptoms vanish.

Take care not to consumer over four teaspoons of baking soda in a 24 hour time period. And, simply because baking soda is extremely high in sodium you have to go on to a very low salt diet, or even better, cut-out sodium from your diet plan entirely.

Additionally, if you suffer from high blood pressure speak to your physician before using this treatment. It's a wise decision to speak to your physician relating to this therapy in any case.

Numerous gout pain victims have observed extremely fast gout symptoms alleviation with this particular technique. However, there are a variety of other things you need to consider in terms of eliminating your gout pain. For instance, your weight, diet plan, way of life, family history, and so on.

If you still suffer frequently recurring gout pain, there's a threat of long term joint harm and kidney issues over time. Plus, obviously, as soon as having suffered a gout pain attack, you are now much more likely to have more.

Osteoarthritis - Identification of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis in older people. It is sometimes known as degenerative joint disease because in Osteoarthritis the cartilage of the joints continues to degenerated causing pain, stiffness and swelling as bone scrapes over bone.

People often have limited movement and pain but there is no redness, heat nor does it affect the internal organs like other arthritic diseases do. Osteoarthritis is the most frequent cause of disability in older adults. It affects more men before age 45 and more women after age 45. The disease causes not only changes in the person abilities but also their lifestyle and finances.

The joints commonly affected are the knees, hips, hands and spine. Patients start to notice a difference in their comfort level as they rise to standing from a sitting position, in the morning getting out of bed or after exercise.

Warning signs of Osteoarthritis include crackling joints, stiffness after getting up from a chair or from bed in the morning, pain, swelling, and tenderness. In Osteoarthritis there isn't redness or heat from the joint.

Doctors don't have a single test that will identify this disease. They rely on several methods to identify the changes and determine a course of treatment.

They will take an indepth clinical history to determine when the symptoms started, how they've been treated thus far and how they affect the patient's lifestyle.

Doctors will also include a physical exam, x-rays and other tests. X-rays aren't conclusive since most people over 65 have osteoarthritis in the joints but are not symptomatic. Blood tests can help to rule out other diseases that cause joint pain and swelling. Joint aspiration may also be performed to evaluate the fluid in the joint.

Osteoarthritis happens in the hands greater in women than men. There also appears to be a genetic factor as it seems to 'run' in families. Medication, splinting and moist heat give patients with arthritis in their hands the most relief.

Osteoarthritis in the knees is very common since the knees are the largest weight bearing joint and therefore commonly affected. The arthritis is not symmetrical and can occur in one knee or the other but not usually both at the same time. The knee becomes stiff, swollen and painful but isn't red or hot. The pain can lead to significant disability and a disruption in the patients lifestyle.

Therapy for Osteoarthritis in the knee often includes medications, necessary weight loss, walking aids and in extreme cases a joint replacement. Over weight and obese patient have an increased rate of Osteoarthritis. Decreasing the weight load that the knees and hips carry will treat the pain and disability of the disease. In fact, people who are over weight will decrease their chances of having painful Osteoarthritis just by maintaining a healthy body weight.

Osteoarthritis in the hip can be felt as pain in the hip, knees, groin, inner thigh or buttocks. When arthritis settles in the hip it can cause stiffness, pain and severe disability. The pain limits movement and bending which makes dressing and caring for the feet a real challenge.

Patients with Osteoarthritis in the hip often respond well to medications, exercise, walking aids and in severe cases a joint replacement. Again, patients with Osteoarthritis in the hip respond very well to weight loss.

Spinal Osteoarthritis may cause numbness or weakness in the arms or legs. Patients often report relief when sleeping on a firm mattress, using back support when sitting in a chair, and warm moist heat. Exercise can be incorporated to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles.

Osteoarthritis commonly affects four different joints in the body; knees, hips, hands and spine. With the proper identification and therapy people suffering from arthritis can delay the progression and pain of the disease.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Beating Stress - An Alternative Cure For TMJ Disorder

Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ disorder, is one of the most common conditions from which people suffer, and yet it is quite likely that people get the wrong information on how to treat it and what causes it. There is the usual misconception that TMJ pain is caused only by getting hit directly in the jaw. While this is certainly one of the possible causes, it is highly unlikely that all TMJ pain sufferers today have been hit in the jaw.

TMJ disorder is caused by many things, and finding a cure for TMJ is dependent on identifying the real cause. Some more misconceptions about TMJ disorder claim that it just goes away on its own or that the only TMJ disorder cure relies on medicine or surgery.

Believe it or not, there are natural cures for TMJ pain out there, particularly if what caused your condition is stress. Indeed, stress is the culprit for a great many types of illnesses and TMJ disorder is yet another one of them. When you are stressed, your body tenses, your mouth included. You end up clenching your teeth together tightly, causing pressure on your teeth and in your jaw joints. You might not be aware that you do this, so whenever you feel under pressure at work, observe how you react, and you might just be surprised to find out that you're involuntarily clenching your teeth, and that the rest of your body is also tense.

A great way for you to reduce the pain you experience from TMJ disorder is by undergoing stress reduction workshops or stress management. You need to be able to learn how to deal with stress and allow yourself to relax. Reducing your stress levels seems like an unusual TMJ cure, but it is no doubt an interesting alternative cure for TMJ, one that lets you address your condition naturally.

Canine Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis can be a normal occurrence to dogs getting on in their senior years. Sometimes other illnesses or diseases can cause arthritis to occur to animals. Unfortunately, this can occur before they reach those golden years. Causes include cancer, injury, inflammatory disease, degenerative joint disease, and obesity.

Dogs can be such stoic bearers of pain that many pet owners may not notice that their pets are in any pain. Outward symptoms for canine arthritis include stiffness, limited mobility, reluctance to jump or climb (use stairs, for example), weight gain, and a general inclination to move around less. Veterinarians can diagnose canine arthritis through an examination and possibly x-rays.

Arthritis occurs when bone cartilage breaks down and is not replaced with new cartilage. Getting relief for dogs afflicted with arthritis involves a canine arthritis treatment plan that is multi-faceted. This plan includes pain relief, increased movement, managing weight loss, and joint repair.

The plan for pain relief often includes anti-inflammatory medication and pain medication. At home, owners should provide their pet with a warm, comfortable place to rest and sleep. Just as people with arthritis have discovered about their joints, dogs' joints will also feel better when they are kept warm. Extra blankets can help and so can a pet sweater. Dogs benefit from comfortable bedding. Consider getting a foam pad or other bedding that alleviates pressure points on the joints.

A treatment plan for canine arthritis should focus on movement for the pet. This component includes encouraging the pet to move around more and easing their movements in and around the house. Pet owners may install ramps or small steps to help dogs cross height barriers. They may need to think of easier ways for their pets to get outside to designated potty areas or even introduce indoor potty areas. Pet owners should be careful not to encourage strenuous activity that puts too much stress on the joints (i.e. Frisbee jumping for example).

Extra weight can both contribute to and result from canine arthritis. When dogs weigh more than they should, they put excessive stress on their joints. This stress can contribute to or exacerbate arthritis. A weight loss plan often helps dogs with arthritis. Elements of the weight loss plan include reducing how much the dog eats, providing special diet food, or encouraging more exercise. All of these components may be necessary for a dog suffering from arthritis.

A final focus for canine arthritis will be on stopping further joint damage or to help with joint repair. For dog arthritis glucosamine is often suggested. Glucosamine is a necessary building block for cartilage development. Providing more glucosamine to the body helps with the maintenance and development of healthy bone cartilage.

Oral glucosamine falls into the category of dietary supplement. A newer term for this category is nutraceuticals. Nutraceuticals are taken with the idea that they provide medical benefits without being considered actual medicine. Omega-3 fish oil is an example of a nutraceuticals.

Because glucosamine is marketed as a dietary supplement and not a medicine, it may not have the same level of scrutiny as products introduced as medicinal. Therefore, pet owners should be careful about marketing claims that may accompany some glucosamine products. Overall, however, studies in Europe seem to indicate that glucosamine can be a helpful part of a canine arthritis treatment plan. Dog arthritis glucosamine does not appear to do any further damage, at the least.

Glucosamine is also available in an FDA approved Injectable medication. Adequan is the brand name for this new drug. Adequan will need to be administered on a routine basis to help minimize further arthritic development.

While most dogs handle glucosamine without any trouble, possible side effects include nausea and vomiting. As part of their canine arthritis treatment plan, pet owners should discuss any side effects with their veterinarian. The veterinarian might be able to prescribe other medications that can ameliorate unpleasant side effects associated with glucosamine consumption.

Even the best glucosamine for dogs cannot be completely discontinued or the resulting benefits may cease to exist. However after an initial heavy dosage, the amount of glucosamine given as part of the canine arthritis treatment for joint repair will often be reduced.

Always consult with a veterinarian before deciding on a canine arthritis treatment. Dogs can suffer from arthritis the same as humans and treatments may be similar. Proper dosage, however, as well as consideration of contradictions should be fully investigated.

Bursitis Hip - Is There a Natural Way to Relieve Hip Pain?

When you are young, healthy, eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly and live a full life, you are least likely to suspect that anything could go wrong with your health. You are even less likely to guess that anything at all may go wrong with your joints, causing you pain.

Unfortunately, there are some aches and pains that do not restrict themselves to visiting only the middle aged. In fact, bursitis hip can affect you in your prime, despite being perfectly healthy.

Bursitis is something that you will be completely aware of when it starts affecting you and announces its presence through intense pain. It is quite happy to occur all of a sudden. Perhaps one morning you may wake up and feel hip pain. So, what is bursitis, what causes it and how can you treat it?

The biology of it

Let's get down to the nitty-gritty of explaining exactly what bursitis hip is. The point where the muscles are attached, the point that allows your hip joint to move, is called the trochanter. Lying over this is a large bursa, which is the source of the problem.

When the bursa becomes inflamed, it causes the pain you feel in your hip. Often, the pain of bursitis hip starts off as sharp and focused in a single small spot. It can grow to become an ache that is more widely spread across the hip area. When you visit your doctor for a diagnosis he will give you a full physical examination and perhaps request other tests.

What causes it?

Overreaching yourself in daily activities causes bursitis hip. You need not be unfit in order to overreach yourself; you simply push your fit and healthy body too far for it to manage. When this happens it irritates the bursa and causes it to become inflamed.

Bursitis Hip is not as common among younger, healthier and fitter adults as it is among middle aged and older adults. It is also more common in women than it is in men. As you grow older, a hip injury or even lying on your hip for too long can lead to an unpleasant visit of bursitis hip.

Treating the pain

When you have bursitis hip, it is no use forcing yourself through your daily exercises and routines. Take it easy and rest your hip to lessen the inflammation and try not to do anything that may aggravate your already unhappy bursa. Bursitis hip can also be prevented and kept at bay by living a healthy live, not pushing your body beyond its limits and taking cell regenerative supplements. Anti-inflammatory medication will also help ease the pain caused by the inflammation.

You can also invest in an acupressure mat for natural and effective pain relief through massage of the body's pressure points. Massaging the pressure points in your body will allow increased blood flow to the inflamed area, aiding healing. It will also stimulate the release of your body's natural painkiller; endorphins, to help heal and ease pain. You can also use the acupressure mat in conjunction with regular workouts to relieve tension and strain from your body as a preventative measure against another visit from bursitis hip.

Treatment Of Knee Joint Pain - Is Medication Or Natural Remedies Best For You?

Are you looking for the best treatment of knee joint pain? Most people suffer from minor or major knee problems particularly after a certain age. Sometimes, it can be a challenge to find out what the real cause of the problem is, whether it is due to sudden injury, an underlying condition like arthritis or an injury due to overuse of the knees.

How To Treat Knee Joint Pain

There are several treatments ranging from medication to natural remedies which can give relaxing and soothing effect to your soaring knee pain. Treatments for knee pain vary according to the cause of the knee pain, with some of the most effective treatments listed below:

1) Medication
This option involves getting some effective medicines prescribed by a doctor.

2) Therapy
- Orthotics and bracing: Braces, arch supports or wedges to shift the pressure from the knee joints are used.
- Physical therapy: Training and exercises to improve and strengthen the muscles around the knees, such as the quadriceps and hamstrings, are given to the patients.

3) Injections
Knee joints are treated with injections containing drugs like corticosteroids or hyaluronic acid which reduce the flaring pain of arthritis. These shots are very painful as they are injected in the knee joints.

Disadvantages Of Using Medication Or The Above Methods For Knee Pain
• May cause side effects
• Overdose of injections or medicines can trouble the person
• Slow healing process

4) Natural Remedies
Studies at a reputable Health Institute have discovered powerful herbal ingredients which include Lachesis Mutus, Naja, Belladonna, Rhus Tox and others. When these homeopathic ingredients are combined in one, it has the ability to stop pain and inflammation of joint pain quickly without any side effects. It has become one of the most popular options for many knee joint pain sufferers because of its effectiveness and speed in treating knee pain.

Advantages Of Using A Topical Cream As Treatment Of Knee Joint Pain
• Instant relief as soon as you apply it on the affected area.
• Carry it anywhere and use when needed.
• It does not irritate the skin or upset the stomach which some medications do.
• Zero side effects.

Going for natural treatments which contain homeopathic ingredients as mentioned is one of the most sought after remedy because of it zero side effects and ability to stop pain quickly. The breakthrough of discovering these homeopathic ingredients make such a natural remedy more favourable than medication or other therapies. It is definitely something worth looking at for those who are seriously looking for a safe and effective treatment of knee joint pain.

The Basics of a Traumatic Hip Dislocation

Hip dislocations that are a result of trauma usually happen with a high-energy injury. This article will not discuss this dislocation of artificial hip replacement, rather the dislocation of a hip from trauma. When a person is in a car accident or has a fall from a height, the hip can dislocate if the force is high enough. Over 90% of the time, it is dislocated backwards which is called posterior. If a hip dislocation is not addressed in a timely fashion, the patient is at risk of having the bone around the hip joint die and possibly sustain a sciatic nerve injury.

Along with a hip dislocation, patients often have significant associated injuries because the force was so high. This can result in a fracture of the socket where the hip normally sits. This is called the acetabulum bone. The pelvis may have a fracture or the head of the femur itself may sustain a break.

When the bone dies around the hip, this is called osteonecrosis and is where the head of the femur actually loses its blood supply. This is what happened to Bo Jackson during his football injury where he sustained a hip dislocation and subsequent loss of the blood supply to the hip. He ended up needing a hip replacement. This can happen in up to 40% of hip dislocations if they are not relocated properly and in a timely fashion.

Once a patient has a hip put successfully back in the place, weight-bearing is usually limited for the next 4 to 6 weeks. Putting the hip back into position is not always an easy task. The patient should have muscle sedation and significant amount of pain medication. The maneuver involves traction delicately on the hip and some hip flexion and some gentle external rotation. At times there will be some bone in the way or maybe some soft tissue, which may make it impossible to successfully put it back in the place. If that is the case, surgery will be necessary emergently to facilitate this reduction.

After the hip is successfully put back into place, a physical examination should be done to check for a stable range of motion along with getting new x-rays. The CAT scan may be necessary as well to see if there is a fracture. Under 10% of hip dislocations come out the front and this is called an anterior hip dislocation. There's a high risk of vascular injury with these dislocations and they also should be treated as an emergency.

Flexarite Free Trial Review - Buy Flexarite Joint Pain Relieve Supplements, Read These Facts First

Some ailments have become quite common now a days. The key reason is bad eating habits and wrong lifestyle. One of them is joints pain. This problem is prevalent at all ages irrespective of the person's work profile. It is mainly caused due to the following reasons:

· Infections of the joint.

· Conditions affecting the metabolism.

· Stress and injuries.

In order to get rid of this pain people try several medications and supplements. One of them is Flexarite joint pain relief supplements. Given below is a review of this product based on the users' comments on the internet:

The ingredients of Flexarite:

· Green lipped mussel powder

· Resveratrol

· Turmeric

· Flax seed powder

· Bromelain

· Acai berry extract

· Glucosamine

· Chondroitin

Flexarite Joint Pain Relieve Supplements offer the following health benefits:

· It helps to relieve the joints pain irrespective of its reason.

· It is clinically proven to yield the best of results in just 7 days.

· It heals your joints back to the normal.

· The turmeric is anti oxidant & antiflammatory both.

· Bromelain helps in fighting osteoarthritis.

· Reduces the painful swelling that helps you in your daily routine.

· Flexarite joint pain relief supplement improves your joint plasticity.

· It also protects joints from the degradation caused by the enzymes.

The Flexarite joint pain relief supplement is worth trying. You can buy this online through the official website. It is not yet available for over the counter sales. You may also take the Flexarite joint pain relief supplements free trial & it is advisable to always go for a trial so you could gauge its benefits.

Your Five Minute TMJ Cure

Temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMJ, is a relatively common jaw disorder that occurs in up to 10% of the population. TMJ can occur at any age, but most often affects those in early adulthood and women. The cause of TMJ is not known, but it is believed to be caused by the displacement of the cartilage joining the jaw to the skull. TMJ can also be brought on by orthodontic work, badly fitting dentures and nutritional deficiencies.

The symptoms of TMJ include jaw pain, clicking and trouble opening and closing the mouth. In addition, sufferers may experience frequent earaches, facial pain, headache, neck pain and tinnitus. TMJ sufferers often grind their teeth in an attempt to relieve the pain and find a comfortable bite. It is not uncommon for the tissues around the jaw to swell and for the jaw to drop to one side when the mouth is opened.

There is no single TMJ cure, and doctors commonly prescribe painkillers to help relieve the discomfort. However, there are exercises which have been found to be helpful for strengthening the jaw muscles which can help to improve the symptoms of TMJ.

The Five Minute TMJ Cure.

This exercise has been very helpful for relieving pain in TMJ sufferers and has even cured the condition completely in some patients.

  1. Place back teeth together, close mouth and place the tip of the tongue on the roof of the mouth just behind the front teeth.

  2. Keeping teeth closed together, try to move the tongue as far back as possible whilst keeping it on the roof of the mouth.

  3. Keeping tongue in the backward position, open the mouth gently until a slight tugging sensation occurs. The sensation should not be painful to the tongue, if pain occurs close the mouth slightly. Hold this for about 15 seconds. Relax for a few seconds.

  4. Repeat the whole process for 5 minutes.

This exercise is most effective when repeated twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.

Another very effective exercise for TMJ sufferers who have a deviated jaw (one which drops to one side when the mouth is opened) is this process which is designed to realign the jaw.

  1. In front of a mirror, try to open the mouth straight. This can be very difficult and even a little painful at first.

  2. Open and close the jaw in the correct way eight times and then rest for thirty seconds.

  3. Repeat the sequence twice more.

  4. The exercise should be repeated three times each day.

Although these exercises may not provide a complete TMJ cure for some people, they should go a long way to relieving the pain and symptoms associated with the disorder.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

TMJ Disorder Explained and the Most Common Symptoms

The TMJ disorder is a blanket term for problems with the joint connecting the jawbone to the skull. It is also sometimes referred to as TMD, TMJ syndrome, or just TMJ. TMJ is actually an abbreviation for the Temporomandibular joint. The TMJ disorder was actually given a different name in 1934. It was called "Costen's syndrome" after James B. Costen characterized it as being "a syndrome of ear and sinus symptoms dependent upon disturbed function of the temporomandibular joint."

TMJ is much like other joints in the body and can be afflicted with many of the same conditions such as arthritis, dislocations, trauma, neoplasia, reactive lesions, and ankylosis. There are literally dozens of different TMJ symptoms and a wide variety of treatments that can be used to treat this condition. One reason for that is the fact that so many different components are used to make up TMJ.

The main TMJ components are muscles, bones, nerves, ligaments, tendons, teeth, and connective tissues. That brings a long list of medical specialists into the mix with the two main disciplines being dentistry and neurology.

Some of the most common TMJ symptoms are:

1. Headache (especially in the morning)
2. Earache (also in the morning and with no evidence of ear infection)
3. Biting or chewing discomfort or difficulty
4. Dizziness
5. Migraine
6. Hearing loss
7. Dull aching pain in the face
8. Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
9. Jaw pain or tenderness
10. Neck and shoulder pain
11. Clicking, popping, and grating sounds from opening and closing the mouth
12. Limited range of motion for opening and closing the mouth
13. Jaw lopsided or not opening evenly on both sides

Many times a doctor will suggest surgery to correct this condition but the problem with that is it's very invasive and costly not to mention it can be very painful and even ineffective. There are many other natural healing options that should be explored before surgery is considered.

Another thing to think about is, whether you resort to surgery or try a more natural and less expensive treatment plan, your chances of success will greatly depend on understanding the root cause of the TMJ disorder and treating that as well as the TMJ symptoms.

Since the most common cause of the TMJ disorder is the constant grinding or clenching the teeth that people with stress problems do in their sleep it would only make sense that if you didn't treat the stress as well as the TMJ symptoms you have you would only keep damaging your TMJ with the constant wear caused by grinding your teeth.

The best advice when it comes to TMJ pain relief is to find out the root cause of your TMJ disorder and treat that along with your TMJ symptoms.

Fibromyalgia Symptoms, What Is a Dysregulation Syndrome?

Do you have chronic fatigue syndrome? If you suffer with fibromyalgia symptoms, then the answer to that question is probably "Yes". CFS or "chronic fatigue syndrome" goes hand-in-hand with fibromyalgia. There are actually several different issues that typically accompany fibromyalgia symptoms... and many in the scientific and medical communities believe that fibromyalgia symptoms and chronic fatigue syndrome are just different manifestations of the same disease or type of syndrome.

You see, fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome (MCS), myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), and many other conditions form a family of overlapping syndromes. Thanks to the scientific studies done by Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, M.D. of the University of Illinois - College of Medicine, these syndromes have been given a name.

Dr. Yunus views fibromyalgia symptoms and chronic fatigue syndrome as being part of a larger spectrum of conditions, which he calls "Dysregulation Spectrum Syndrome", or DSS. He claims that most patients have more than one of these syndromes. Dr. Yunus uses the term dysregulation to mean bio-physiological abnormalities, possibly in the body's neurological, hormonal and chemical systems... which lead to negative immune (or autoimmune) system responses.

A partial list of the Dysregulation Syndromes that Dr. Yunus sites, are:

  • Fibromyalgia Syndrome - FMS

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - CFS

  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome - MCS

  • Myofascial Pain Syndrome - MPS

  • Temporomandibular Joint disorder - TMJD

  • Tension Headaches

  • Periodic Limb Movements of Sleep - PLMS

  • Migraines

  • Restless Leg Syndrome - RLS

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome - IBS

  • Irritable Bladder Syndrome

  • Primary Dysmenahorrea

This list could go on for quite some time. Dysregulation syndromes like fibromyalgia symptoms, seem to "run in packs", and for those that suffer from them, life is more than just "impaired". Life can be downright miserable.

But it doesn't have to be. Do you suffer with a dysregulation syndrome like fibromyalgia symptoms? Would you like to know how to rid yourself of this type of debilitating pain and misery permanently? Besides the medications that are currently in use for treatment of these various conditions (with their many side-effects), there is a natural way to treat these illnesses. As a fibromyalgia survivor, I discovered this fact and have been symptom-and medication-free since I started the natural treatment. The answer is simple. It's improved overall health through cellular nutrition.

Medical sources including the American Medical Association, agree. By improving our health, by feeding our bodies at the cellular level... our bodies become able to replace damaged tissues with healthy ones. This rebuilding process takes place mostly while we are asleep, and can greatly reduce or even eliminate and symptoms of virtually any dysregulation syndrome (like fibromyalgia symptoms), or another autoimmune disease.

To learn more about cellular nutrition and the natural treatment of any dysregulation syndrome like fibromyalgia symptoms, contact me now by clicking on one of the links below.

What You Need to Know About Total Hip Replacement Surgery

Are you, or someone you know, considering a Total Hip Replacement? If the answer is yes, than this article is for you. At the age of 52, and just a short three months ago, I underwent Total Hip Replacement surgery. Now, 52 is a relatively young age for this surgery. The majority of patients are in their 70s or 80s. In my case, I just found out I had Congenital (born-with) Hip Dysplasia (the socket wasn't connected like it was supposed to be.) When I learned of the diagnosis I was shocked because it hadn't been a problem previous to the last 5 years or so. I still didn't know it was a problem until the pain got to be so great that I could hardly walk, and even then, I thought it was an issue with my back.

Now, I'm an experience-based expert on the subject. You might be tempted to chuckle because I'm not a surgeon, nor do I specialize in Orthopedics. But really, who better to ask than someone who's been through the process. As such, I'm going to start my discussion with what happens after the diagnosis.

After the Diagnosis
I think one of the most emotionally challenging times in our lives occurs when someone mentions the need for surgery. That's because the thought of being cut into is counter-intuitive. During all other times of our lives, cultural norms have informed us to be careful around knives, scissors, and other sharp objects so that we don't cut ourselves. In the case of surgery, we have the knowledge that we are purposely cut, and because we are cut, pain will follow. So, whether consciously or unconsciously, we now have the stress of knowing that we'll have to endure a period of recovery that will involve pain.

When the surgery involves the replacement of body parts, another layer of emotions is revealed. When the body part being replaced involves a joint, you get to think about the fact that your old, defective part is going to be removed and it will be replaced with a synthetic copy. In my case, I knew my hip joint would be completely removed and replaced with a metal counter-part that would be anchored in my femur bone. A new cap would be nailed to my pelvic bone, and all would be good.

The same emotional triggers are true if you're having something other than a joint replaced. A friend of mine had bladder suspension surgery that involve placing a band of cow tissue under her bladder to help hold it up. My mom had a heart valve replaced with a pig valve. You can only imagine the jokes that followed.

Regardless of the surgery or the repair, there is still a huge emotional aspect that can't be ignored. The sooner the emotion part can be resolved, the better you'll do with the rest of the process.

Preparing for Total Hip Replacement Surgery
You might wonder what I mean when I write, prepare. Believe it or not, there is a lot to do before having this type of surgery. Of course, you have to get all the routine blood work and EKGs completed. For this surgery, you have to go to the dentist and get a dental clearance prior to surgery. Why a dental clearance when it's your hip that's the problem? It turns out that an infection in your mouth could cause damage to the new joint leading to more surgery. Therefore, the surgeon needs to know before he cuts into you that you don't have an infection with potential access to the blood stream. Fake joints are a magnet for infection because metal attracts bacteria. Furthermore, every time you go to the dentist for the rest of your life, you will have to take a preventative round of antibiotics prior to cleaning or any other procedure.

If you're lucky, the hospital ?in which your surgery is scheduled will offer a pre-surgery education program. The program I attended was called "Joint Camp." The name generated a lot of jokes, but the program was invaluable. I spent about 3 hours learning about the surgery itself, what would happened when I woke up, and when I would be expected to get up. The answer to the last question is the day of surgery. Yep, don't expect to be lying around. Joint Camp also educated us about the movement restrictions we would have, some of which are for life. For instance, following hip replacement surgery, you can not cross your leg past mid-line (the invisible line running down the center of your body from the top of your head to the tip of your toes) without the possibility of hip dislocation. You also can't bend from the hip more than 90 degrees, which makes putting shoes and socks on a major challenge. Fortunately, the Joint Camp trainers showed us "the hip kit" we would get post surgery that would assist with some of these challenges. The grabber is extremely helpful when you need to pick something up and you can't bend over. There is also a clever tool that makes it easy to put on socks, as well as a long handled shoe horn for helping with your shoes. As part of your preparation, you'll want to make sure you have some good slip on shoes because you won't be tying your own shoes for a while.

What to Expect After Surgery
When you wake up from surgery, you'll have a foam wedge placed between your legs to keep the new hip in place. Don't worry. You'll take it out when it's time to get up, but you'll need to put it back when you get back into bed. So, plan on sleeping on your back for a while. Your doctor will let know know when you can sleep without the wedge.

The most exciting part of total hip replacement occurs the first time you get up. Sure, you're going to have some post-surgical pain, but the most profound effect is the feeling of a nice strong leg holding you up. For me, the pain from surgery was nothing compared to the pain I'd been experiencing from bone rubbing on bone. It's really important that you walk as much as you can the day after surgery. You have to be able to walk a certain distance (with assistance from a walker) in order to be discharged home. For me, that distance was 100 feet. If you can't walk the distance by the time the doctor is ready for discharge, you'll most likely have to go to an in-patient rehab center until you can.

After You Get Home
When you get home, especially if you are discharged straight home, you will need help! It's a good idea to have a raised toilet seat on hand because you're not going to want to bend all the way down and then get up from a regular toilet seat. You'll also need help getting the TE.D. hose on and off. T.E.D. hose are the lovely white compression stockings you'll have to wear to help prevent blood clots. You will not be able to do it yourself!

You can also expect to take blood thinner medication which will need to be monitored closely. Your hospital case manager will set up a home health service for you which will include a visiting nurse who will check your blood thickness every few days. It will also likely include a physical therapist who will come to your home to help with mobility issues. Welcome both of these services with open arms because your overall outcomes will be better.

Of course there are a lot of individual differences to take into account with every surgery, but for the most part, you should be in better shape than you were before surgery. Don't push yourself too hard and follow All the precautions, but don't convalesce too long either. The more you get up and move, the less likely you'll have problems with clots, and the faster you'll heal. Listen to your body. It will tell you when you've had enough.

Finally, the greatest comfort I had post-surgery was a wonderful, microwaveable heating pad my sister gave me. At ?the end of the day, it was far more comforting than any of the host of pain medications prescribed to me. Use the medications when you need to, especially the first week or so after surgery, but remember, opiate based pain medications cause constipation and a heating pad doesn't.

The Real Cause of IBS - How Your Brain Tricks You Into An Irritable Bowel Disorder

Have you been told there's no known cause (or cure) for your irritable bowel disorder? What depressing information! Without a cause, how can you find a solution?

Well, here's some good news.

Recent evidence from neurology and rehabilitation medicine shows that the little-known cause of IBS is a "trick" your brain plays on your body.

Your brain is incredibly powerful!

In fact, it's so powerful that when you go through an intense and challenging experience, your brain takes action to protect you from feeling the full impact. And this happens without your conscious knowledge. This is wild stuff, but nobody said humans were easy to understand...

So, how does your brain trick you into an irritable bowel disorder?

There are two different answers to this question. One is from pain expert and specialist in Rehabilitation Medicine, Dr. John Sarno. The other comes from traumatologist and brain scientist, Dr. Robert Scaer. Both of these MDs have helped thousands of patients recover from chronic pain and other recurring health problems during their decades as practicing physicians.

Dr. Sarno believes that all of us are under some kind of pressure, whether it be from daily life and work, unresolved childhood events, or expectations we have of ourselves to be nice, good, perfect people. (Recognize yourself yet?)

Maybe you're great at coping with pressure. But if you have an irritable bowel disorder, Dr. Sarno suggests you open your mind to another possibility.

He says that however calm and civilized you are on the conscious level, underneath your smooth surface, another beast lurks. On the unconscious level, pressure creates intense feelings of rage. In fact, we ALL have these feelings. They are normal. Except we don't know we're having them because they are not conscious.

Now it gets even stranger. Because rage is so unacceptable, so not-nice, and so threatening, here's what your brain does to keep you from noticing that you are feeling it...

Your brain actually creates a physical problem to distract your attention!

How bizarre is that? Yet it happens to millions of people. This is how your brain tricks you into an irritable bowel disorder, or fibromyalgia, pain in your back, neck or shoulders, leg pain, TMJ, tendonitis, carpal tunnel, skin disorders, and some circulatory or heart problems. Your brain is trying to protect you by distracting you from that unbearable (and unconscious) emotion with physical symptoms.

Even though your symptoms come from a trick your brain plays on you, Dr. Sarno does NOT consider them imaginary in any way. They are very real. In fact, since so many of us have chronic pain and symptoms, Dr. Sarno believes they are a normal response to pressure and repressed rage.

Because Robert Scaer is a neurologist, he looks at things a little differently from John Sarno. He says it is your brain's reaction to trauma that triggers your symptoms when you have an irritable bowel disorder, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, migraine, or one of several other chronic conditions.

Dr. Scaer defines "trauma" as any event your brain perceives as a threat to your survival when you are helpless to do anything about it. The trauma could be physical, like a car accident, or emotional, like bullying at school. There are many possibilities.

Typically, when you're threatened, you go into fight or flight mode. These are normal survival reactions. There's a third reaction that happens when you experience the combination of threat and helplessness. You "freeze."

Prey animals who can't escape from the predator will freeze in a last-ditch attempt to survive. "If I look dead, maybe that big hungry lion won't eat me." Then, if the lion walks away, the prey gets up and shakes off the freeze.

We humans, on the other hand, train ourselves NOT to shake it off. Shaking and trembling look goofy and nobody wants to be that uncool. So we repress it. (There's that word again. Repression is a real killer.) This creates havoc for your Autonomic Nervous System, which controls a whole lot of your body processes including your digestion....

Now, here's where the trick comes in. When you freeze, your brain remembers everything about that trauma, and I mean everything. Sights, sounds, smells, tastes, feelings - everything that was going on outside of your body AND inside you. So, later on, when any little thing reminds your brain of that experience, it thinks you're in danger again and it triggers your Autonomic Nervous System to over-react.

That's what sets off your symptoms of an irritable bowel disorder. Your brain "tricks" your body into thinking that the trauma is happening all over again. So your poor body reacts by either shutting down your digestion (constipation) or losing control of it (diarrhea, urgency), or swinging wildly between both (spasms, cramps.)

Sarno and Scaer are not the only doctors who credit the brain with causing an irritable bowel disorder. Two neuro-scientists, David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD, author of "The Instinct to Heal" and Robert Sapolsky, PhD, author of "Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers" both point out that it is your brain's response to threats and stresses that leads to gastrointestinal problems.

So, according to these scientists, the real cause of an irritable bowel disorder is not "all in your head," but comes from the unconscious processes of your mind and brain. Fortunately, you can use drug-free methods such as the Emotional Freedom Technique or Somatic Experiencing to do some "re-programming" and resolve your symptoms.