Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hip and Knee Joint Pains

The occurrence of hip and knee pain together can be excessively inconvenient, which can badly affect the usual activities of the body; such as standing, running and walking. The knee and the hip joint are two of the most important joints of the body. Both joints are situated at the ends of the thigh bone. These joints work together to give support to the whole body weight. At the same time, these joints are responsible for sustaining the movement of our body. Any kind of pressure on the hip joint will definitely affect the knee joint. Also, if the knee joint experiences any kind of disorder, the hip joint will be affected. Hip and knee pain ranges from mild, moderate to severe. It may last for a short period of time or may be chronic lasting for days, weeks or months.


The following are some common causes of hip and knee pain.
1. Bone fracture: Sharp pains usually occur when the bones in the hip and knee are broken. Broken bones in these joints can occur due to shock, such as bad fall. This problem is common with elderly people because they are more fragile due to age.
2. Muscle strain: Both the knee and hip areas include many muscles, and when these muscles are overworked they get strained causing sharp pain in the affected regions. This problem often occurs when one engages in a strenuous physical activity without adequate warming of the muscles.
3. Osteoarthritis: The hip and knee joints consist of a tender tissue known as cartilage which promotes smooth mobility of the joint. When this tissue gets worn out as a result of osteoarthritis, the bones of the joints will start rubbing against each other. This situation causes the joints to be stiff and very painful.
4. Bursitis: this condition causes pain around the knee cap and hip bone. It usually occur as a result inflammation of bursa; a fluid in the sac that provides protection to the joints and bones of hip and knee. The common symptom of this problem is hip and knee pain with a particular sleeping position.
5. Pregnancy: pregnancy can also cause hip and knee pain due to a change in body structure. The increase in the size and weight of the uterus puts more pressure on the knee. And as the abdominal muscles are excessively stretched, the hip muscles get strained. Due to these reasons, pregnant women often experience more hip and knee pain.


The cause of the pain will best determine the nature of the treatment to be taken. Therefore, it is very essential that you first seek professional advice from a physical therapist, a gym instructor or a fitness trainer before indulging in any treatment for hip and knee pain. Proper rest will be of a great advantage in easing of muscle pain. Limiting physical activities can as well help to stop pain from getting bad. Ice can also be applied to reduce the swelling effect on the joints. Pregnant women should apply heat or seek for therapeutic massage to relax the muscle.

Once the pain is reduced, muscle strengthening exercises should be applied to completely get rid of the problem. Some of the exercises you can opt for are hamstring stretching, hip flexors stretch, swimming, water aerobics, Pilates, cycling, weight machines, walking etc.

With strict adherence to the some of these exercises recommended to you by your physical therapist or fitness trainer you can effectively get rid of hip and knee pain and at the same time protect your joint from further injury.

NAFC Master Level Certified personal trainer Rochelle Gravance knows how to deal with knee pain. She combines her expert knowledge from more than a decade's work developing her clients' health and fitness with the personal experience as a young athlete in recovering from a devastating knee injury to help people lost their knee pain. Escape from the costly and risky path towards knee surgery peddled by the medical establishment. Visit Rochelle's website now at to take back control of your health.

A Guide for Alleviating Joint Pain in Dogs

Watching a dog you love suffer with joint pain can be difficult and finding ways to alleviate symptoms is part of responsible, caring pet ownership. As there are many reasons a canine might have joint pain, discovering the root cause is important for determining which type of treatment best suits your dog's situation.

What are the Symptoms of Joint Pain in Dogs?

Contrary to popular belief, dogs are not exempt from pain. In fact, renowned educator and dog expert, Stanley Coren, says that dogs not only feel pain, but also may feel more than we know. Coren's study of dogs has left him to note that their natural instincts of hiding pain to avert predators may lead to lessened symptoms, but not lesser damage to the animal's body and mind. With this in mind, if your dog suffers from joint pain, he or she may not show many visible outward signs, but keep an eye out for:

• Restlessness
• Lethargy
• Loss of appetite
• Sudden weight loss
• Panting, howling, or whimpering without reason
• Walking with an abnormal posture or stiff legs
• Easily Irritated
• Shows an aversion to petting and interaction with humans and other animals

If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your vet as soon as possible for diagnosis. Although these are common ways in which canine's express pain, there could be something more serious going on.

What Causes Joint Pain in Dogs?

Much like humans, a dog's body is not exempt from illness. Everyday wear and tear from aging, injury, and disease can take a toll on our joints and theirs. Getting a proper diagnosis from your veterinarian is the best way to find out what is causing your dog's joint pain, but here are a few of the most common reasons:

• Arthritis: The number one cause of joint pain in older dogs and according to a recent article from the Arthritis Foundation, one in five adult dogs are treated for the condition each year.
• Injury: Often brought about by over-extension of tendons and ligaments during normal play or exercise, but can be due to blunt trauma or attack.
• Dislocation: Typically either from genetic anomaly or blunt force directly to the joint. Most often occurs in the hip region of older dogs.
• Disease: Other than arthritis, serious illness such as cancer and Lyme disease will often cause inflammation and chronic pain in a canine's joints.

What Treatment Options are Available?

Veterinary medicine has made great strides towards diagnosis and treatment of joint pain within the past decade. Surgical procedures to repair injured and dislocated joints, as well as advanced medicines designed to target joint inflammation and infection are two of the most widely used treatment options available. However, your vet may recommend that you do the following at home to reduce symptoms and prevent repeat occurrences of injury:

• Put your pet on a recommended diet
• Encourage regular, non-strenuous exercise
• Limit your dog's activities
• Keep your dog's vaccinations up to date
• Make routine preventative appointments with your vet

Hip Dysplasia in Canines

Although this disease appears in humans and other animals, it is more associated with dogs. When determining canine hip dysplasia, typical symptoms are pain and lameness to one or both hind legs. It is a genetically inherited defect although there are environmental factors that can lead to this condition such as overweight, lack or too much of exercise or an injury at a young age. It occurs mostly in large breed dogs, although there some breeds which are more prone to it. Interestingly it may also attack cats, but its symptoms in cats are less severe than in dogs. This disease often leads to arthritis, which is known by different names like degenerative joint disease, arthrosis and osteoarthritis.

This disease causes cartilage that lines the hip joint to degenerate and become permanently damaged. The damaged cartilage loses its elasticity and thickness, which in turn affects absorption of pressure applied to this joint during movement. Over time, enzymes and debris accumulate in the joint and destroy cartilage-forming molecules.

Dogs that suffer from this disease usually walk with bunny-like hops, since it is so hard for them to make natural movements. A vet can determine diagnosis after taking x-rays.

There are several ways of treating this disease. If it is an easy case then drugs may control the pain and improve the dogs 's quality of life. Some medications are effective, and sometimes, a vet will have to change medication in order to achieve better results. There are specific instructions of when and how to administer these medications. It is a must to follow the vet's instructions. Also, monitoring calorie intake and reducing weight can be beneficial if the dog is overweight, as this will put less stress on his/her rear leg/s. An orthopedic quality dog bed is a must, since it distributes the body weight more evenly and prevents extra pressure on pain points. The importance of an orthopedic dog bed is invaluable.

In more severe cases, a surgical procedure will be necessary. There are several types of surgeries. Usually the head of the femur is removed, and whatever is left from it grows a false joint, which in many cases allows the dog to function almost normally. Generally with this type of surgery, the pain is reduced significantly. Other surgery that can be preformed is Total Hip Replacement, in which the femur head is removed replaced by titanium. This allows a natural and smooth movement of the joints.

Insanity Workout Aches and Pains - Should You Continue to Exercise?

Perhaps you have been doing an extended round of P90X and you have a aching shoulder. Or you have been doing the Insanity workout and your knees are sore. Maybe you added running to your routine and feel shin splints coming on.

Is it time to visit the doctor's office or dial it back a notch and keep up the good fight?

There are a few things to consider before you rush off to see the good doctor. Many general doctors do not know a lot about specific sports injuries. Even if you go to a reputable sports doc, he or she will just tell you to stop doing whatever workout program you are involved in. If you want to see the doctor, you may as well save yourself some time and just stop doing your workout until you've fully recovered. Most likely, they will prescribe rest as the solution.

The aches and pains we are talking about are the normal aches and pains that most every person who exercises regularly experiences. There are certain types of pain or injury that should receive medical attention. If you have joint swelling, pain when you rest or sleep, pain that progressively gets worse or bruises that do not heal. Also, if any of your joints feel unstable or lock , you should seek out a good doctor.

Unless you are under the age of 25, the Insanity workout is going to cause a few aches and pains and it's expected. After a week that has several Insanity Plyometric workouts, my knees ache. By following the 60 day workout schedule, I move on to different workouts and my knees get a chance to recover and the pain goes away. As long as you know your body and know how you typically recover, you should be ok. When your body is not recovering as it normally does, you should see a specialist.

The typical sports injury involves pain or soreness in muscles or tendons and there is little doctors can prescribe for treatment and nothing that will make them heal faster. Ibuprofen and rest is the usual prescription or cortisone shots for pain which can actually make the healing period longer.

If you are feeling aches and pains from your P90X or Insanity Workout, understand that it is normal and expect to get sore from these high intensity workouts. Usually the workouts vary enough to give over worked muscles a break long enough to recover. In the fifth week of Insanity, you get a much need recovery week which allows you to recharge and hit the second month hard again.

If you do feel like you are not getting enough recovery time, go back to the recovery workout DVDs for a few days until the soreness has passed.

Practicing these sensible guidelines and learning how your body recovers is key to getting through the Insanity or P90X workout successfully. Most experienced athletes know their bodies and know how their body responds to injury. If your body is responding normally, you can avoid a visit to the doctors office.

Holistic Healing Practices - Defined - Jin Shin Jyutsu through Yoga

Jin Shin Jyutsu: Jin Shin Jyutsu is the art of releasing the tensions which cause various symptoms of discomfort in our bodies. Our bodies contain numerous energy pathways or meridians that feed life into all our cells. When one or more of these paths become blocked, this blockage may lead to discomfort or even severe pain. This stoppage or stagnation may not only disrupt a local area, but can persist and eventually cause disharmony to all paths of energy flows, leading to more severe ailments. In a Jin Shin Jyutsu treatment the specialist's hands are used as 'jumper cables' to energize the body's run-down battery. This reopens the energy pathways, to release pain, disease and stress. Stresses such as injuries, emotional and natural tensions, digestive disorders, genetic (inherited) and surgery all contribute to having blockages. A single treatment lasts about one hour and will continue to release energy for an additional eight hours, healing, balancing and relaxing the body. Jin Shin Jyutsu can assist in releasing almost any problem, because of the powerful unblocking that occurs as it opens the deeper universal meridians.

Jin Shin Therapies: Jin Shin Therapies, ancient oriental healing arts, use touch on specific points on the body to release blockages of energy, thereby harmonizing and revitalizing the body on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

Kinesiology: Kinesiology involves the testing of various muscles and nerves of the body in order to determine the strength or weakness of various organ and energetic systems. It can also be used to determine how receptive the body is to various remedies and therapies, thereby assisting with the restoration of optimal health.

Labyrinths: The Labyrinths was used in the early mystery schools to achieve balance and enlightenment and has been recently rediscovered to assist in the raising of our consciousness. It is an ancient tool thought to bring balance, healing, spiritual awakening, and protection. Learn how this design, found in many ancient cultures, is a path to center. It can bring about deep insight and new ways of perceiving the challenges of life.

Light Therapy: Light Therapies are a form of bodywork that uses gentle, pumping movements to break up blockage in the lymphatic system while speeding up the flow of lymphatic fluid. This action cleanses the body of waste and has been shown to restore fluid balance while strengthening the immune system. Lymphatic Drainage can be accomplished manually or with specific equipment.

Magnets/Magnetic Therapy: Magnets & Magnetic Therapy utilize magnets and electromagnet fields for the treatments of numerous conditions including fractures, pain, arthritis, circulatory problems and many others.

Massage Therapy: Massage Therapy is an effective broad-based system of remedial treatment consisting of kneading, rubbing and otherwise manipulating a part or the whole body with the hands. Although not limited to, Massage Therapy focuses mainly on muscles, organs and lymphatic tissue.

Meditation: Meditation has been utilized for thousands of years to bring about integration of mind, body and spirit. Similar to guided imagery, meditation has shown beneficial results on a wide range of conditions, from hypertension and immune enhancement to asthma, stress reduction and pain management.

Mind/Body/Spirit/Emotions: Mind/Body/Spirit/Emotions is an emerging field of health care that deals with the total effects of thought, physical body, emotional and spiritual aspects of humans and their effect on chronic conditions such as cancer, chronic fatigue, AIDS, lupus, fibromyalgia, diabetes, mitral valve prolapse, MS, PMS, TMJ, Parkinson's Disease, and mental health. This broadening field of 'wholeness' includes a wide range of disciplines including biofeedback, guided imagery, meditation, hypnosis, regression, past life regression, and many others.

Myofascial Release: Myofascial Release addresses the connective tissue that runs throughout the body. Because connective tissue can become strained or damaged, myofascial release can bring relief for those suffering from chronic pain, physical dysfunction or bodily injury, as well as surgery and postural misalignment.

Myotherapy: Myotherapy is manual massage and pressure on sensitive spots of the body known as 'trigger points' to relieve chronic pain and disease, such as arthritis and multiple scleroisis.

Naturopathy: Naturopathy is a system based upon natural principles of health and a deep respect for the healing power of nature. A growing field of holistic health care, Naturopathy focuses on the underlying cause of disease and blends centuries-old natural, non-toxic therapies with current advances in the study of health and human systems, covering all aspects of family health from prenatal to geriatric care.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a behavioral technology utilizing a set of guiding principles, attitudes and techniques about real life behavior. NLP allows you to change, adopt or eliminate behaviors, as you desire, and gives you the ability to choose your mental, emotional and physical states of well-being. NLP is used to enhance interpersonal skills, communication and rapport' in business to improve management and sales; in education to improve student performance and achievement and to enhance personal development and effectiveness.

Neuromuscular Therapy: Neuromuscular Therapy is a comprehensive program of soft tissue manipulation that balances the body's central nervous system with the musculoskeletal system. Based on neurological laws that explain how the central nervous system initiates and maintains pain, the goal is to relieve the pain and dysfunction by alleviating the underlying cause. NMT emphasizes the role of the brain, spine, and nerves in muscular pain. It uses advanced concepts in pressure therapy to break the stress-tension-pain cycle. It aims to relax muscle and release compressed nerves so that circulation can increase and the body will return to normal neuromuscular integrity and balance.

Oriental Medicine: Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM)--a.k.a. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)--is the oldest continuously practiced medicine in the world. More than one-fourth of the world's population now uses one or more of the many therapies and treatments offered through TOM. These therapies and treatments include acupuncture, herbs, massage, meditation and a wide variety of other energy related therapies such as Qi Gong and Tai Chi.

Oxygen/Ozone Therapy: Oxygen/Ozone Therapy is a rapidly growing treatment that dates back a hundred years to Germany and includes hydrogen peroxide therapy, ozone therapy (HVOT) and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to treat a wide range of ailments and disorders, and to assist in detoxifying the body.

Pilates: Pilates is a full-body exercise system that emphasizes body alignment and correct breathing system using the abdomen, lower back and buttocks as a power center. Pilates enables the rest of the body to move freely. You experience a new awareness as your mind is directed through your body's movement. Pilates may be performed by people of any age or fitness level in order to improve their flexibility and range of motion. Pilates is used in conjunction with physical therapy to aid in recovery.

Qi Gong: Qi Gong is an ancient oriental technique that utilizes movement and breathing to stimulate the natural healing energies within the body. Qi Gong has been shown to enhance the overall vitality of those who practice it regularly. It also helps to reduce stress and assist with disease resistance.

Reconnective Healing®: Reconnective Healing® is a process developed through Dr. Eric Pearl. It uses what quantum physics describes as parallel dimensional frequencies. These frequencies provide an experience that differs from anything previously encountered. People report experiencing healings cancer, AIDS-related disease and other serious illnesses.

Reflexology: Reflexology is a method of healing and balancing through the manipulation and stimulation of reflex areas located in the hands and feet. These areas correspond to all areas of the body providing effective treatment for pain and a variety of ailments.

Regression Therapy: Regression therapy takes the individual to hypnotically regressed point in their current life or a previous life. A, (preferably certified regression) practitioner discusses with the person what they wish to accomplish. They may, for example, believe that a fear of water, not based on any known traumatic experience, might be based on death by drowning in a previous life, or they may wish to know whether they knew their spouse in past life. The regression practitioner then takes the person back in time to current or previous life experiences. Regressing to a previous experience is powerful healing and cathartic, because the feelings associated with the experience, whether in one's current or past life, can be processed . In a past life experience, it often includes dramatic events of death, loss, betrayal, or deep love and happiness. The person often finds themselves in a body of a different gender, age, or race. The function of the whole experience is to heal past traumas by understanding, forgiving and being forgiven. Understanding the roots of a phobia, illness, accident, or even birthmark is very helpful to getting on with the business of the current lifetime. For instance, a person who starved in a previous lifetime can let go of the urge to overeat when it is understood as no longer relevant. A person who has an abusive relationship can let go of it when they understand that the karma binding them to the other person is that the other person caused their death in a previous life. It is not necessary to suffer further when this is understood. Past life regression hypnosis has extremely fast results in healing of self-defeating behaviors, or understanding potential areas of achievement which may have past-life roots.

Reiki: Reiki ('Rei'--universal energy and 'Ki'--the life force that flows through every living thing) is a energy-based system of bodywork. Treatment consists of the use of the practitioner's hands to stimulate and infuse energy to the recipient to expedite the healing process. Reiki is a safe, non-invasive, non-manipulative therapy commonly used to help reduce stress and revitalize energy.

Rolfing®: Rolfing is the original form of structural integration Dr. Ida P. Rolf perfected 60 years ago. It is a holistic approach based on the recognition that we function better at many levels when our bodies are properly aligned in gravity. The goal of Rolfing is to create a body that is effortlessly upright, properly aligned, and at ease with itself and gravity. Some of the results are long lasting freedom from pain and stress as well as improvement in function at every level including improved range of motion, joint integrity, and overall sense of well-being.

Shiatsu: Shiatsu means 'finger pressure.' It involves a sequence of rhythmic pressures firmly applied to specific body points. It is designed to balance the acupuncture meridians of the body while increasing wellness, treating pain and various other ailments.

Sound Therapy: Sound Therapy is based on the idea that sound can influence health by its balancing, calming and energizing effects on the brain and nervous system. Sound Therapy has become widely accepted in hospitals, clinics and schools throughout the world as an effective treatment to alleviate pain, overcome various learning disabilities, improve strength and endurance, as well as improve movement and balance.

Spiritual Brain Repatterning (SBR): Spiritual Brain Repatterning is a tool which allows review of a person's present-life (womb to age 5) cellular programming, SBR identifies the major negative-statements embraced at the cellular level which have created discordance emotional themes in one's life. The counter-statements are then programmed in at the cellular level which results in the release of those discordant emotional themes from one's life giving us the freedom to move forward in a whole new manner. Most people report that core attitudes towards life noticeable change. Children with ADD or ADHD respond dramatically positively to SBR, as wel as people with major self-punishing or self-destructive tendencies.

Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT): Spiritual Response Therapy allows fro definitively addressing many of the emotional issues/patterns limiting one's life. Through SRT, the emotional programs that are running at the cellular level of an individual are identified and an 'educational' process begins at the soul level which allows the programs to be resolved. This releases tremendous emotional baggage, enabling each person the freedom to explore life in a new manner, unconstrained by many of the old patterns and routines, which were previously governing their lives. It is a useful tool in releasing anxiety, depression, phobias, addictions, suicidal behavior patterns, and often effective in releasing health challenges and physical disabilities. SRT allows for greater quality in relationships, freedom from limiting emotional issues and a greater inner-peace and inner-harmony in dealing with life.

Structural Integration: Structural Integration work is based on the concept that human function is improved when segments of the body (head, torso, pelvis, legs and feet) are properly aligned. Practitioners use carefully applied pressure to help reorganize tissue while realigning the body. Structural Integration offers its own unique therapy--not be construed as chiropractic care.

Tai Chi: Tai Chi consist of graceful, continuous movements combined with breathing control to promote relaxation, balance, flexibility, muscle tone, and coordination while improving overall physical and mental agility. Tai Chi teaches the cultivation, balancing and focusing of internal energy (chi). This ancient art dates back to the 8th century and is based on traditional defensive and offensive techniques. In addition to bare hand techniques, weapons such as the sword, saber and spear are also used. Several schools of Tai Chi include the Chen, Yang, Wu and Sun. Tai Chi has been used as part of treatments for back problems, ulcers and stress.

Total Body Modification (TBM): Total Body Modification is a hand on healing practice which is an off shoot of chiropractic medicine. It essentially treats the body as having a 'health-computer,' tests the circuits to identify which are improperly programmed, corrects the programming, and then, 're-boots' the computer so the new patterns are fully operational. Many people with pneumonia, knee/joint problems, chronic cough, adrenal weakness, reversed polarity, herpes, sunburn sensitivity, etc. have experienced lasting relief with TBM.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)--a.k.a. Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM):--is the oldest continuously practiced medicine in the world. More than one-fourth of the world's population now uses one or more of the many therapies and treatments offered through TCM. These therapies and treatments include acupuncture, herbs, massage, meditation and a wide variety of other energy related therapies such as Qi Gong and Tai Chi.

Trauma Resolution: Effective Trauma Resolution approaches seek to release the physical and emotional pain of overwhelming experiences--a.k.a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
At the moment of an overwhelming experience the nervous system subconsciously and automatically induces an altered state to protect and calm the system. When left unresolved in the cells and fields of the body, these static energies foster depression, anxiety, disease and compulsivity. New strategies--such as: Regression Therapy, Spiritual Brain Repatterning (SBR), Spiritual Restructuring, Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) address these powerful moments of encoding.

Watsu: Watsu--a.k.a Water Shiatsu--is a form of massage performed in chest high, body-temperature water. A Watsu practitioner guides the individual through a series of dance-like movements, while using Zen Shiatsu techniques in order to release blockages in the body's meridians-energy pathways. Watsu is commonly used to relieve tension and stress, pain, arthritis and a wide variety of emotional and physical problems.

Yoga: Yoga is an ancient Indian system of spirituality, health and longevity, which utilizes various physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation and life-style considerations to bring about a state of balanced health and well-being. Numerous studies have shown that Yoga, Yoga Therapy and meditation have positive health benefits on a wide range of conditions including headaches, stress, pain, asthma, high blood pressure and numerous other health issues.

Joint Pain Relief - Herbal Medications

Aside from over-the-counter medications, there are also herbal alternatives that are best suited for joint pain relief. Herbal medicines have been tried and tested by the majority of cultures and countries and at times, deemed more effective compared to the chemically concocted drugs. The foremost advantage of using herbal medications is that they are considered safer to use, cheaper, and readily accessible. You might be surprised that solutions for your aching joints can be easily located in your kitchen, garden, or from local groceries.

Joint pain is considered natural for all individuals since its one of the side-effects of aging. All solutions therefore can only target the elimination or reduction of its inflammatory symptoms. Among the widely used herbs for joint pain include the following:


Ginger is a very common ingredient used in cooking, but a lot of people are not familiar with the healing benefits of this herb. Ginger can be used to help improve several throat and stomach problems through its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. For joint pain relief, ginger works by inhibiting the production of leukotrienes, prostaglandin, and thromboxane, natural body chemicals that cause inflammation around the joints and other body parts that are injured. If you can't bear chewing or eating ginger on itself, it can be added to your regular drink like tea, warm beverages, etc.

White Willow Bark

Before aspirins came, the bark of white willow tree is already a standard in treating joint pains. White willow natively grows in Asia and parts of Europe. Its bark is known to contain salicin or acetylsalicylic acid, one of the active ingredients of most aspirin today. Compared to the regular aspirin tablets or capsules sold in the market, the white willow bark provides longer anti-inflammatory effects and don't produce irritating side-effects on the stomach. This herb can be bought in bark form which can be added to your drink, or in capsulated form.


Cayenne is a topical solution for the symptoms of arthritis or for joint pain relief. The herb is a type of pepper that produces heating effects when applied on the joints or the surface of the skin. Among its components is capsicum, one of the ingredients commonly used in the production of ointments, liniments, or topical cream solutions.


Turmeric is also one of the popular herbal medicines traditionally known to possess anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric is also termed as curcumin in several countries. The herb is effective in prevention and cure of certain conditions like arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis pain, and certain liver concerns.

Alfalfa Leaf

The leaf of the alfalfa plant is also effective for joint pain relief. Instead of inhibiting or counteracting the causes of inflammation, the leaf primarily ensures the health or provision of nutrition around the joints to prevent swelling and pain. The leaf can be prepared and taken together with your hot or cold beverages or regular drinks.

Cherry Juice or Extract

If you love eating fruits, why not try adding up cherry juice or extract in your diet if you suffer from chronic joint pains. Cherry is noted for its relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties by producing certain active alkaloids like anthrocyanadins. The fruit also contains antioxidants that help in reducing known toxins like nitric oxide that contribute to arthritic pain.

Friday, August 9, 2013

How to Prevent Neck Popping

Osteoarthritis of the upper spine known as cervical spondylosis includes symptoms like neck popping and neck pain. This degenerative disease is usually seen in those above the age of fifty or those who have been involved in doing some kind of strenuous physical activity for many years as a part of their work life. Neck popping may also develop when the cartilage between the vertebrae starts to degenerate and the spaces between the vertebrae narrow due to aging.

Bony outgrowth called osteophytes may form on the vertebrae restricting movements of the head and causing stiffness. As a result the movements of the neck are restricted as even a slight movement causes a creaking popping neck sensation.

When you sleep in an awkward position, the twisting of the head causes it to be held in an abnormal position leading to pain in the neck. This pain is caused by the spasms in the neck muscles. Take care to see that your pillow supports your neck in alignment with the rest of your spine. An overstuffed pillow or too many pillows may push your head far too forward; a pillow that is too limp or flimsy may tip your head back. So, it is always better to choose a good pillow to prevent neck popping.

Most people spend six to eight hours in bed every day. Therefore appropriate support from a good pillow is required to ensure good neck support and to provide adequate rest to the muscles in the neck. When you are asleep try to avoid lying on your front with the neck twisted to one side. All these steps can go a long way in preventing neck popping.

When you make sudden movements of your head the bone presses against the nerves in the neck causing pain and neck popping. Medical practitioners may arrange special tests to assess the nature of the degeneration and start treatment using pain killers, non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs and heat packs to relieve pain.

A good sitting posture is very important to ensure the health of your neck and to avoid neck popping if you have to sit for long hours at a desk or in the front of a computer during working hours. You can also reduce the incidence of neck popping if you strengthen the muscles of your neck by doing some neck stretches, shoulder rolls, neck rolls etc. to loosen up your upper spine.


As we get older, one of the first joints that we feel the early signs of discomfort with are the hip joints. Whether we walk, run, or even the way we sit on the couch and stand up, our hips get the brunt of our body weight. If any person above 30 years of age would take a full body scan right now, most of the "damaging" details can be found on the hip area and the rest of the midsection.

Speaking of body scan, most patients with hip problems undergo a full body scan using CT (Computed Tomography) Scan to detect what is causing the pain and injury to their hips, in hoping to find a remedy on how to fix the problem. However, most patients would opt to undergo an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), since partial body scan like such are more affordable and safer, due to CT Scan emitting radiation during the entire process.

Hip MRI are used to assess the internal structure of the hips and hip joints. Doctors initially recommend an X-ray for preliminary diagnosis on hip joint problems. If the report is inconclusive, the physician then needs a further evaluation by ordering the patient to undergo an MRI on the hip, to detect other probable malignancies like tumors, bleeding or swelling.

Hip MRI evaluates your bones, including the upper femur and the pelvic bone nearby; hip cartilage for any fraying, fissures, nerve damages and defects; hip ligaments and tendons for possible undetected injuries; and soft muscle tissues that may have incurred tears, tumors, strains and infections.

During the MRI process, the patient is asked to lie supine on a table, and suggested to stay still for 30 to 60 minutes, as the table is gradually slid into the magnetic tunnel for scanning. Make sure to remove all jewelries, and inform your doctor for any metallic placement in your body, pacemakers, and if pregnant. The entire MRI procedure is painless and easy, although claustrophobic patients may need a medication to sedate and calm them down during the whole "ordeal".

Completion of a hip MRI may lead to either a reconstructive surgery or as a therapeutic treatment to heal the pain. The MRI can also be used for preventive measures to detect early signs of benign tumors or swellings. Doctors may inform the patients of the results after one business day, due to complexed analysis done by the physicians, together with hundreds of calculations captured from the detailed images or slices of the MRI.

After receiving the news, these patients can now be given the next step on how to remedy their ongoing predicament.

Sciatic Pain Relief - Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Exercises

The sacral bone, located where the spinal column ends, is connected to the pelvis bone by the sacroiliac joint bridges. The structure acts a shock absorber when we run and walk, protecting the spinal cord from injuries while supporting the upper body. The joint, also called the SI joint, restricts the movement of the lower body and any awkward or abnormal movement can cause the joint to dysfunction. Such movements also affect the sacroiliac nerve that runs through the ligaments and muscles of the joint. Any problems related to the SI joint can cause pain in the legs and back. Aging can also cause sacroiliac joint dysfunction as the muscles around the joint start to stiffen.

Regular exercise can help relieve the pain and stress on the muscles and the joint. Here are some effective sacroiliac joint dysfunction exercises.

Exercises # 1

Lie down on your back and raise your right knee by folding the leg. Pull the knees towards your chest while you exhale. Release the leg and then repeat the routine 10 times for the same leg. Switch to the left leg once you are done with the right leg. This particular exercise works on the hamstrings and relieves the pain and strain you feel in the back muscles. It tightens the muscles around the pelvis and promoted the rehabilitation of sacroiliac joint dysfunction.

Exercises # 2

Lie down on your back with raised knees that are pressed together. Gently sway the knees sideways while keeping your feet flat and firm on the ground. Do not raise your lower back from the ground. This exercise should be repeated 5-10 times. The routine will stabilize the pelvic area and make the muscles flexible and stronger reducing the chances of arthritis.

Exercises # 3

Similar to the previous exercises start by lying down on your back. Now bend your right knee and balance the foot. Rest the other leg over your right knee in such a way that the ankle of your left leg is slightly higher than the right knee. Firmly link both hands around your right thigh and pull it towards your chest. Hold the position for 30 seconds so that the muscles stretch well. You can repeat the same routine with the left leg. You will need 3-5 repetitions for each leg daily.

You should be very careful when trying out these exercises so as to avoid straining the back muscles. It is recommended to consult a doctor if you experience any discomfort or pain while exercising. The exercises are aimed at rehabilitating those recovering from sacroiliac joint dysfunction and should be followed only after undergoing a proper treatment for sacroiliac joint dysfunction. The exercises combined with other treatments including massage, ultrasound and sacroiliac joint injections will help relieve the pain and joint inflammation. The sacroiliac joint dysfunction exercises help in restoring the flexibility of the muscles around the sacroiliac joint by stretching and strengthening them. It also helps avoid aggravating the condition.

Hip Pain Or Trochanteric Bursitis

Pain at the side of the hip is a relatively common complaint in both people who are mostly sedentary and people who have active and sporting pursuits, with somewhat more women complaining of it than men. The initial diagnosis was that of inflammation of the bursa just over the large bony lump at the side of the upper thigh, the greater trochanter. The pain is typically at the side of the hip and can radiate down the side of the thigh, although the hip joint itself is not implicated in this condition.

Typical athletic pursuits which can lead to trochanteric bursitis are running and contact sports, with activity on a sloping surface or lunges also possible contributors. The bursa between the bone and the overlying may become inflamed due to the repetitive back and forth movement of the tissues over the bone in sports such as running. But due to the inflammatory part of the diagnosis being questioned and new theories for the problem being formulated, the condition is now more commonly known as greater trochanteric pain syndrome. Recent ideas are tending towards the problem being one of tendinosis in the abductor tendons, a degenerative tendon condition.

Tenderness over the greater trochanter is the typical sign found by a physiotherapist and the patient may avoid lying on that side at night and might be awoken by pain if they do so. As the physio examines the area this may cause pain to radiate down the thigh. The physio will push the bent hip over the patient's body to stretch the area which might elicit pain, as might asking the patient to push the hip outwards against the physio's resistance. Acute treatment might involve frequent icing of the area, moving on to mobilising and stretching the muscles which are involved, the hip abductors and the tensor fascia lata and its tendinous extension, the ilio-tibial tract.

The physiotherapist will give the patient a regime of stretching the tendon areas for periods of 15 to 30 seconds at a time with a variation in hip position to target the specific parts of the tendons required. Steady, slow stretches can be taught for lying and in standing and need regular performance for the best effect. As the pain settles the physio will advise a return to normal and sporting activities with a view to the biomechanics of the original problem and how that might be avoided.

Dealing With Your Dog's Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia among dogs is a degenerative condition of the joints where a certain looseness occurs in the what should have been snugly fitted joint bones. Genetics and environmental factors all contribute to the development of hip dysplasia. Popular dog breeds prone to hip dysplasia are Great Danes, Labradors, Saint Bernard's, and German Shepherds. Environmental factors and activities during childhood exacerbate the genetic tendency of puppies to develop hip dysplasia and consequently, osteoarthritis.

Nutritionally, it has been proven the dogs that are fed with high protein, high calorie free choice diet become obese and overweight compared to dogs fed with controlled diet. Obesity is a major risk factor in developing hip dysplasia, as the extra weight borne on the hip joints exacerbates your dog's condition. Some activities, like constant jumping and running around after thrown objects are activities that tax the muscles and the joints, leading the way for the development of these condition. As exercise is also needed for your pet's health, try moderate ones like walking and swimming.

When you notice your dog exhibiting less mobility, or have difficulty climbing stairs, your pet might be experiencing the pain brought on by hip dysplasia. Try to discern your pet's posture, as those with dysplasia often have slightly underdeveloped rear quarters and lack of muscles around the pelvis. Bring your pet to the veterinarian to have their hips x-rayed, to confirm their condition. Once diagnosed, there are several treatment options for hip dysplasia, along with several lifestyle modifications.

The first issue to address would be your pet's weight. If you're pet is obese, you need to put him/her on some kind of weight loss regimen. Keep in mind that weight changes should be gradual, so as not to affect the well-being of your pet. Switch to a dog food brand that offers more nutrients and lessen your dogs' sugary treats. Institute some kind of moderate exercise for your pet, depending on the severity and extent of his hip dysplasia. Keep in mind that short, low-impact exercise done daily is more beneficial than intermittent, heavy exercise that would potentially do more harm than good.

Keep your pet warm and comfortable all the time, as cold weather tend to make the pain more pronounced. Provide your pet with good sleeping area, with soft materials to sleep on. Orthopedic foams are available in the market, though large towels would also do. It would also help for you to apply warm compress to your dog's affected joints, especially before and after activities. Provide ramps and elevated feeders to ease pain when your pet has to go up and down the stairs or the car, and doesn't have to stoop to eat.

The veterinarian may also recommend several medications for relieve the pain associated with hip dysplasia. There are also several nutritional and diet supplements that are found to relieve the symptoms of hip dysplasia, and osteoarthritis in general. Chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine supplements have formulations specifically designed for pets, and works in halting the damage on cartilage, the substance that serves as cushion between bone ends in joints. The one I use is Synflex Liquid Glucosamine for Pets. Syn-flex is easy to give, my dog takes it readily, and her improvement has been amazing. Synflex is very safe and its effectiveness has been obvious.

When the veterinarian deems it suitable, surgical procedures are also performed, with the goals of either suppressing further damage in recently developed hip dysplasia, or bringing back mobility to a dog that is going lame. Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis and Triple Pelvic Osteotomy are done on puppies 10 months or less in age. Total Hip Replacement can also be done, where the affected joint is removed and replaced with prosthesis.

Isolated Supplements and Osteoarthritis

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, "[o]steoarthritis is the most common form of knee arthritis," with approximately 9 million Americans suffering from this condition (as of 2005). Moreover, osteoarthritis is a painful degenerative disease of the joint cartilage that causes disability for millions of people.

Consequently, the medical profession has long sought to find either a cure or a reliable method of reliving the pain of this condition, and they have found it-with isolated supplements. Or have they?

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate

Glucosamine or chondroitin sulfate (alone or in combination) are two types of isolated supplements that have received much media attention for their purported ability to slow the progression of osteoarthritis as well as relieve the sometimes excruciating pain of this condition.

Since glucosamine is a component of cartilage, it would make sense that supplementation with glucosamine might improve the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis. Indeed, previous studies have indicated that glucosamine supplementation may well reduce the inflammation and the pain of this condition-especially when combined with chondroitin sulfate.

Chondroitin sulfate is an essential building block for the structure of the joint that is purported to slow the progression of osteoarthritis and to have some (limited) beneficial effects on the pain of this condition. In combination, these two isolated supplements-glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate-are considered to be a miraculous mixture for the successful treatment of this condition.

The Science

Although their have been many conflicting studies about the efficacy of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate in the treatment of osteoarthritis, the results of a 2008 study are particularly compelling.

This Glucosamine-chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT) tested the effects of these two isolated supplements-alone and in combination-on patients who suffered from knee osteoarthritis. According to Medpage today, "[p]atients in GAIT were randomized to 1,500 mg of glucosamine hydrochloride, 1,200 mg of chondroitin sulfate, both glucosamine and chondroitin, 200 mg of celecoxib (Celebrex), or placebo for up to two years."

Are Isolated Supplements Enough?

The results of GAIT showed the isolated supplements of glucosamine and chondroitin did not significantly slow the progression of knee osteoarthritis (as indicated by x-rays taken throughout the study). Moreover, these two isolated supplements, when combined, were less effective than placebos at slowing the progression of osteoarthritis.

Dr. Allen D. Sawitzke and colleagues at the University of Utah, who conducted the study, theorized that chondroitin might hinder the proper absorption of glucosamine, which could explain why the combination of these supplements were ineffective. But, Sawitzke stressed, none of their tests indicated a statistically significant improvement in those with severe osteoarthritis for either one of these isolated supplements. There were some beneficial effects seen in those with moderate osteoarthritis, however, (The results of this study were published in the October 2008 issue of Arthritis and Rheumatism).

It should be noted, however, that GAIT only studied the effects of glucosamine and chondroitin on the progression of osteoarthritis-not on their possible effects on the pain of this condition.

What is the Solution?

Glucosamine and chondroitin are not the only two isolated supplements that have been promoted as "natural cures" for the inflammation, pain, and crippling progression of osteoarthritis. Indeed, supplementation with S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) or Niacinamide (a form of B3) have also been shown, in studies, to improve osteoarthritis symptoms.

But the best way to treat osteoarthritis, say experts, is to combine such isolated supplements with a number of medical and holistic treatment options.

Medical and Holistic Treatment Options of Osteoarthritis

There are several medical and holistic treatment options that have shown varying degrees of effectiveness in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Here is a list of just a few of them.

Drugs. There are many prescription and non-prescription drugs-such as acetaminophen, NSAIDS (nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs), and analgesics-that have proven to bring some relief from the pain of osteoarthritis.

Exercise. Regular physical exercise has proven to ease the pain, and aid joint flexibility, in those with osteoarthritis. (Exercise lubricates the joints, making movement less painful).

Knee support. Methods of stabilizing the knee-such as knee wraps and knee braces-have proven to reduce the pain of osteoarthritis.

Weight Reduction. Obesity is not only a risk factor for developing osteoarthritis, but it can worsen the pain and joint stiffness of this condition. Losing weight, therefore, is a valid treatment option for this condition.

Tropical creams. There are a number of tropical creams on the market that have shown to reduce the pain of arthritic joints. These are generally used in combination with other treatment options-such as isolated supplements and exercise-to provide relief from osteoarthritis.

Acupuncture. This ancient therapy-which uses needles to open healing energy pathways within the body-has been proven alleviate many types of pain, including that of osteoarthritis.

Lifestyle modifications. The pain of osteoporosis can frequently be relieved by making a few simple lifestyle modifications. For instance, change exercise from from running (which puts stress on the joints) to walking. Avoid frequent climbing of stairs. Participate in water aerobics, or other aqua exercises, which cushions the joints while giving the body a good workout.

Surgery. There are many surgical options used to treat osteoarthritis. Some of these surgeries allow the doctor to clean out the debris around the knee joint. Other surgeries involve a complete or partial replacement of the kneecap. These surgeries are typically used when all other methods have failed.

Today, there are many treatment options for osteoarthritis that go beyond isolated supplements. Although each of these methods have shown varying rates of success, a combination of them could well relieve the pain (and even the progression) of this, one of the most common types of arthritis.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Degenerative Knee Arthritis - The Knee Pain Nightmare! - Improve Your Knee Stability and Reduce Pain

How painful are your knees right now?

Osteoarthritis of the knee or degenerative knee arthritis is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people throughout the world in different ways. While some people find it necessary to get knee replacement surgery, for some others this is simply not a viable option for several reasons. It could be the high cost factor or the high risk factor brought on by an underlying medical condition. Moreover, there is no guarantee that your knees will be fully restored even after surgery.

If you are suffering from degenerative arthritis, you should know that there are several non-surgery options that are available and which are very effective at treating the symptoms of the condition.

1.) Recognizing the Symptoms

Before you deal with the condition, you have to first be familiar with the symptoms. One thing that sets degenerative knee arthritis symptoms apart from other disease symptoms is that the swelling, pain and stiffness in the knee joint will be intermittent. The knee will not bother you every day but you will suddenly have a flare up for no apparent reason. You will start to notice an increase in the pain from time to time but it can subside just as suddenly. Walking, running and damp weather can often exacerbate the problem.

2.) Getting the Diagnosis & Treatment Recommendations

You should never self-diagnose or self-medicate your condition as your knee pain could be brought on by some other condition. If you feel that you have degenerative knee arthritis, you should speak to your physician who will first take an X-Ray to help confirm the diagnosis.

Your doctor will most likely recommend that you wear a knee brace to support the knee and will possibly advise you to take anti-inflammatory medication or over the counter pain medication to manage the swelling and pain (speak with your physician before taking any medication). Most doctors will treat this condition in a conservative fashion such as the use of a knee brace and pain killers and only recommend surgery, such as full knee replacement surgery, as the last option.

3.) Exploring Your Treatment Options

Anti-inflammatory medication, over the counter pain medication and a well designed, low profile brace are usually very helpful treatment options for degenerative arthritis. These measures will help control the pain and swelling and do not entail any invasive procedure.

If you have degenerative knee arthritis, it is important that you maintain flexibility in your knee. Osteoarthritis is essentially progressive and incurable and resting the knee will not help "cure" your knee. Instead, it will cause your knee to become stiffer and even more painful. Swimming and a select few low-impact exercises are the best way to keep the knee joint flexible and stave off stiffness.

While over-frequent use of pain medication is not recommended, it is an effective measure when the pain is too much to bear. At other times, the knee brace will keep the swelling down and allow you to maintain physical movement. Wearing the knee brace can help provide you with meaningful support and they do not have to be heavy or odd looking. They will help allow you to participate in activities by helping to maintain proper alignment and if you have osteoarthritis you will want to consider what is called an OA (osteoarthritis) knee brace..

Joints That Mis-Align Or Lock Up Cause Pain - Chiropractic Treatment & Adjustments Heals This Injury

As a Doctor of Chiropractic here in Dallas, Texas, I work with a lot of patients who have joints that are misaligned. I provide various chiropractic treatments to cure this problem and I want to explain why the misalignment and lock up occurs. The function of each joint is to move two bones in relation to each other under muscular action. The muscles act, when they receive impulses, through nerves that originate in the spinal cord. The vertebral joints are like most other joints in that they move within defined limits corresponding to muscle activity that is controlled by nerves streaming from the spinal cord.

Very often injury, improper posture or other factors can irritate sensitive joint capsules that hold the lubricant that bathes the joint. A protective response is triggered that sends messages to muscles that control the joint, causing them to contract.

The result is to confine movement that might create more pain. This mechanism can also be triggered by injury or stress to other parts of the vertebra, such as its ligaments, disc, nerve, bone and even its own muscles. So any strain or injury to the joint or its associated structures may cause a muscle contraction that locks the joint partially or in its entirety. That locking can occur with the joint in its neutral "aligned" position or, if muscles contract, from its neutral position, the bones appear "out of alignment".

The mechanism serves a purpose while the injured tissue is healing by acting as nature's own joint splint. If you get a cut on your hand, you see how fast your cut heals, the skin becomes elastic and returns to normal. Unfortunately the spinal splinting mechanism can sometimes go wrong long beyond the time needed to revive the damaged tissue. The contracting muscle can be so over effective that it constricts its own blood supply, releasing acids that build up and trigger nerve endings into sensing pain, creating a further protective spasm. A vicious cycle has been completed. In such an area one ligament might be held in stretch while the opposite side remains lax. As time passes, the ligaments will respond by lengthening and shortening respectively to balance the force or pressure placed on them, perpetuating the "misaligned" appearance.

If you have a set of joints in a certain area of your back, lock up then other joints in the surrounding area must over compensate by increasing their own movement. As these other joints increase their range they become less stable and themselves run the risk of strain or premature wear and tear that results in "osteoarthritis".

You can envision that as the affected area slowly gets tighter and stiffer, bending, lying on your back, or on one side can become a continual problem. The process can proceed unnoticed over months or even years until the over flexible area is injured and become painfully irritated. The solution is to seek chiropractic help and reduce or eliminate this from growing into a much larger problem that can lead to surgery. You should see your chiropractor at least once a year just for a routine check up because with the advances in equipment and techniques we use, you will find that simple adjustments and therapy will prevent these issues I've listed above from ever becoming a problem.

Lasting Pain Management Relief With Manipulation Under Anesthesia

Anyone who has long-term pain syndromes may consider manipulation under anesthesia as an alternative treatment to painkillers and surgery. Basic conditions that may lead to this procedure are acute and chronic neck pain, joint pain, back pain, shortened muscles, muscle spasms, and fibrous adhesions (scar tissue).

Pain caused by the lumbar, thoracic, or cervical spine, frozen shoulder, and any discomfort in the pelvic region or sacroiliac may be treated by manipulation under anesthesia (MUA). The treatment is safe and can serve as a replacement for more intrusive and dangerous medical procedures. There are three primary ways that patients undergo this procedure.

1. During mild sedation
2. Under general anesthesia
3. After injection of the anesthetic into a specific area of the spine

Specialists working in a team environment to assure the safety of the patient may perform this procedure in a medical surgery facility. Manipulation under anesthesia is always a team effort, which generally consists of the anesthesiologist, the chiropractor or doctor responsible for the manipulation, and an assistant. Unlike general chiropractic procedures, manipulation under anesthesia is almost always performed in a hospital or other traditional medical facility such as an outpatient surgery center.

The primary aim of manipulation under anesthesia is to break up scar tissue or fibrous adhesions that center around the spine. The process uses specific kinesthetic maneuvers of postural and articular varieties, passive stretches, and short-lever manipulations of the spine specific to the problem areas.

Although the terminology might be new to many people, manipulation under anesthesia is far from a new procedure. It has been a part of medical treatment for more than sixty years and has its own CPT Code designation.

Who Receives Treatment

Back and neck injuries are the leading reasons for spinal manipulation, but not every situation requires the procedure, and some doctors might be hesitant to perform manipulation based on many factors including the physical condition of the patient. One of the main reason the procedure is done is for frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis

Other care and treatment is often attempted before spinal manipulation, but if those efforts prove ineffective, manipulation is the next step. Scar tissue builds up along with adhesions during prolonged aggravation of spinal joints. Over time, this produces chronic pain in the spine and surrounding muscles.

While chiropractic treatments, epidural injections, and physical therapy often give temporary relief from pain, they do nothing to treat the underlying problem of fibrous adhesions. Back surgery most often does nothing for this either and may make that problem worse. Manipulation under anesthesia can bring results that are more permanent for chronic back and neck pain.

Holistic Pain Relief

Pain can make your life a living hell. It can take all the joy out of it and hinder you from appreciating all the good things you could enjoy otherwise. Modern medicine has supplied is with plenty of painkillers: from ibuprofen to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opiod-based drugs.

However: these painkillers come with a fair share of side-effects, risks and dangers. Prescription pain medication overdose is now one of the leading causes of accidental death in the United States of America. That's why holistic pain relief is celebrating a comeback: more and more people realize that there are better ways of handling pain.


Arnica is derived from a plant that is common in middle-European countries, and its medical use has been documented since the 1500's. It boosts many anti-inflammatory properties. It's used for strains, sprains, bruises and some other acute pains. It is also a common homoeopathic treatment used for holistic pain relief.

Counting Out Loud

This is a simple mental concentration technique that can help to better stand short, low-to-midlevel-pain. Simply count out loud from 100 backwards. There was a Japanese study that found out that the study participants experienced substantially less pain when they got a needle injection when they counted backwards from 100. However, this works only if you truly concentrate on the counting.

Fish oil

When you eat fish oil, your body breaks it down into prostaglandins. These are hormones that help to reduce inflammation and act as holistic pain relief. You probably already know that fish oils are very healthy for you, but they can also help to reduce pain. There was a study that showed that people who consume high amounts of cod liver oil had less neck pain.


This substance is derived from a red seaweed and contains high amounts of magnesium and calcium. Research indicates that aquamin might help to reduce inflammation of the joints and building of bone tissue. It also seems to help for arthritis pain and can reduce the feeling of joint stiffness.


Hypnosis is simply a technique that helps you to consciously alter your state of consciousness, in order to direct your attention towards, or away from, a certain sensation or thought.

Many people think of hypnosis as some kind of mind control technique - but it really is more of a concentration technique. With hypnosis, you can easy and switch of sensations of pain completely naturally, without introducing any chemical or foreign substance into your body, only through the power of your own mind. This may be one of the best kinds of holistic pain relief that is available right now.

How To Select The Best Pain Relief Spray For Painful Muscles and Joints

The use of pain relief spray as a form of at home therapy has increased in popularity in the last few years. This article will detail how to select a good product. This type of spray is most often used for muscle and joint issues, such as pain or swelling. One easy thing to look for is that your product does not have any harsh chemicals and is all natural in it's ingredients list. Usually you can choose between a spray or roll on form. The odor and the greasiness of the product are other things to keep in mind.

It is important when looking for the best pain relief spray to view the key ingredients. We will cover 2 main ingredients used for their anti-inflammatory properties and pain relieving abilities. These are Boswellia Serrata which is a herb and Methysulfonlymethane (MSM). A list of the common issues relieved by these sprays will conclude the article.

MSM should certainly be part of the ingredients in your pain relief spray. It is a naturally occurring sulfur compound that assists in forming muscles, hair, nails and skin and builds health cells in the body. What is great about MSM is that it's ability to relieve pain comes without any serious side effects. This is because it is not a drug it is a nutritional supplement. MSM stops pain transmission along nerve pathways resulting in an analgesic effect. It can also lessen inflammation and muscle spasm. Plus it increases blood supply and softens scar tissue.

A common ingredient in pain relief spray is also Boswellia. Boswellia is known for its analgesic and anti arthritis effects. It does this by affecting the cycle of inflammation and therefore results in anti-inflammatory activity. It also does this by COX-2 inhibition and unlike pharmaceutical equivalents does not cause any gastric issues. It can also assist in helping levels of synovial fluid and soothes the joints aiding their movement and rotation. Boswellia is great for pain, musculoskeletal problems, arthritis, backache, stiff joints and joint inflammation.

Problems such as tendon strains or tendinitis, muscular sprains and arthritis tend to respond well to pain relief spray. If the pain in your joints has come on suddenly or you have other associated symptoms be sure to seek proper medical attention. Overuse or not warming up properly can cause muscle problems, as can more serious conditions like arthritis or rheumatism. These are all the types of problems that are well treated with pain relief spray. Niggling injuries that are hampering your golf or tennis hobbies or exercise workouts are also good types to treat.

Pain relief spray can be a helpful treatment for muscular and joint aches and pains. From a sore muscle due to overwork or a bit of tendinitis from a sporting injury. Be sure to look for a natural product that has key pain relieving ingredients. This way you can be sure that it will do the job and you will get the most benefit from it and stop your pain.

How to Manage Hip and Knee Pain

Hip and Knee pain can have many different causes. Sometimes hip pain or stiffness can occur if you have strained your hip while going about your daily activities in your home or workplace. You may not even realize that you have strained your joints until a couple of hours after the incident. Hip pain may also occur if you have bumped into hard surfaces like the edge of a table or other similar objects as this may strain your hip muscle.

The hip and knee pain will initially begin with a gradually increasing pain in your knee. After a few days the sensation of pain will slowly be felt in your hip region also. Mild pain killers and heat treatments will help to alleviate the discomfort in the affected area.

The physiological reasons behind hip knee pain can be as a result of inflammatory arthritis, it is when the affected hip and knee joint become stiff. The person finds difficulty to keep the hip joints mobile and the pain passes on to the knees making it increasingly difficult to walk causing hip and knee pain.

Without lubrication the cartilage becomes inflamed and damaged, limiting movements of the joints. The tendons that connect your hip muscles to your thigh bone and the joints in the pelvic region get inflamed and can often be a source of hip and knee pain.

The remedies to alleviate hip and knee pain come from localized external treatments like ice packs and gentle exercises to powerful prescription drugs (to be ingested over a couple of months) that may be used to tackle the pain in your hip and knee joints.

A physical therapy program is among the treatments that can ease hip and knee pain. This programme helps to keep your hip joints mobile and the use of medicines is resorted to reduce inflammation and to relieve the hip and knee pain. You may get a lot of advantages through regular sessions with a physiotherapist as you will be working on improving the extent to which you can utilize your joints productively.

Exercising the muscles around your hips can also be very useful in managing pain in the knees and hips as it will strengthen the muscle groups and increase or maintain their tone. This will help to give relief to the affected joints. A good diet that gives you all the essential nutrients in recommended doses will help you to maintain the strength of your bones and joints irrespective of your age.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Total Hip Replacement Versus Hip Resurfacing

Ageing is an inevitable as well as irreversible process. As we advance to our ripe ages, several physical problems infest our bodies. One of them is malfunctioning of our bones. They lose their flexibilities after the prolonged service and manifest their problems in a myriad of ways. The ageing people often face the problem of hip joint disorders. When such problem takes a severe turn, the total replacement becomes a pressing need.

Not only the aged persons but also the younger ones may suffer from this problem due to any massive injury. Often people tend to ignore such problems at early stage and avoid consulting with the physicians. Such negligence aggravates the problem and then either the total hip replacement or hip resurfacing seems to be the only option to cure the patients.

In the medical jargon, the total hip replacement is termed as 'arthroplasty'. This surgical way involves a very strenuous and therefore, the women and aged persons are not suggested to undergo this operation. Even a middle aged person without a stout figure should not go for such a surgery.

In the total hip replacement procedure, the two parts of the hips and the socket get replaced with the metallic or plastic cups to provide them the previous flexibility. Any of this hip replacement procedure is helpful in getting the patients relieved of their pains and rid of the rigidness in the bones. Hip resurfacing is regarded as the best alternative to the total hip replacement. An experienced orthopedics can only suggest which one of them is the best for a typical individual. Though such physical disorder is the most common problem experienced by the aged people but they can manage to thwart the invasion of this disease by maintaining a healthy routine and going through a little bit of physical exercises as prescribed by an expert. Therefore, prevention of hip breakdown is always better than any surgical procedure of healing the ailment.

The hybrid technique which amazingly amalgamates the two procedures namely total hip replacement and hip resurfacing is done in accordance with the severity in the joint disorder problem. Such technique ensures the speedy recovery for the patients along with the assurance of the extended life span of the hip-joints.

In case of the hip resurfacing, a long incision along with a large dissection of muscles is to be done. On the contrary, in the process of the total hip replacement, a minor incision is to be done causing a lesser blood loss and requiring the patients stay for a shorter period in the hospital.

Address Hip and Back Pain With Structural Release Foam Rollers

Perhaps the major, negative factor contributing to hip problems is tension in the leg muscles. Think about it; if the leg muscles: quadriceps, illio-tibial band (I.T. band), adductors, and hamstrings are shortened, and all of ours are, then the hip (and knee) joint they cross will be compressed and distorted. Those muscles never shorten symmetrically and so the joints are always compressed asymmetrically; and this is where the degenerative wear and tear comes in.

Identify any problem in the skeleton and there will be areas that need to be addressed, above and below that problem area. There are no isolated problem areas because the musculo-skeletal system is like a spider web. Pull or tug on or mess with any area of the web and there will be negative repercussions throughout it. Many things need to be untangled and addressed to remedy one, seemingly isolated symptomatic area. This is another reason why treating a symptom as "the problem" doesn't work

By releasing those muscles from each other and the bone, and by lengthening and organizing them, the knee and the hip joints (*along with the low back) are allowed to decompress and reorganize. It's not rocket science, but rather simply logical, mechanical dynamics. Treating a structural problem, with drugs or unnecessary surgery is expensive, dangerous, and ultimately counter-productive, since drugs (poison) will only depress and strain your immune system and surgery (mutilation) will, in almost all cases, simply add insult to injury and make your situation worse. Use your common sense, before drugs or surgery, please exhaust all other less aggressive, intrusive, and harmful methods.

Foam exercise rollers are the simplest, most effective all-around self-maintenance tools you'll find for releasing tension in all the major chronic pain problem areas of your body. They will release and organize your musculature and release and align your skeleton.

Areas addressed using Foam Exercise Rollers:
Spine, Ribcage, Shoulder Girdle, Neck, Your Whole Back, Pelvis, Sacrum, Hips, Thighs, Calves, Feet.

Using my understanding of body mechanics and myofascial release work, I have discovered ways to perform the most amazing structural release / massage bodywork on yourself using Foam Exercise Rollers. They are the perfect compliment to the Flexibility movements, in that they speed up the process of loosening the body. Once you begin using the Foam Exercise Rollers you will wonder how you ever got along without them.

You will not find a simpler, more effective method for releasing the old accumulated tension, and the chronic everyday tension, from your body.

You can think of the Foam Exercise Rollers as an insurance policy against injury. Muscle pulls, strains, tears, and even the breaking of bones can be avoided by attaining flexibility and skeletal alignment. Working with the Foam Exercise Rollers gives you both of these. You'll feel their effectiveness from the very first time you use them. You do not have to keep getting stiffer and more decrepit as you grow older. You can turn back your Structural Aging Clock by working with these incredible tools.

For less than the price of a single massage, you will have in your possession something you can use everyday, at your leisure, which will enable you to understand and break your own pain cycle. It's like having your own physical therapist, chiropractor, and masseuse in your home, at your beck and call.

I've been using these Rollers for over 14 years and I attribute a huge part of my current level of fitness to them. I never travel without one and they are something I use everyday for at least a few minutes; while other days I schedule 20 to 30 minutes with them to keep myself on track.

Searching for Osteoarthritis Pain Relief?

Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease is a wear and tear disease of the joints typically seen in the older adult (usually over 60 years of age). Cartilage within the joints breaks down causing pain as the bones rub against each other. Osteoarthritis is commonly found in the knees, hips, hands, spine, and feet.

Obesity is a risk factor for developing osteoarthritis in the knees and hips. These weight bearing joints carry much of the weight causing increased wear and tear. Weight loss can significantly reduce the chance of developing osteoarthritis and can alleviate pain in people who currently have osteoarthritis.

Currently osteoarthritis treatment is limited because no medications are capable of preventing or retarding the disease process. Osteoarthritis treatment involves focusing on pain relief, the maintenance of quality of life, and functional independence. Let us take a look at some of the treatments that currently exist for osteoarthritis.

Many doctors recommend acetaminophen (Tylenol) as the initial analgesic (pain medication) of choice for the treatment of osteoarthritis. Acetaminophen has very few side effects. When using acetaminophen as a pain reliever, remember to follow the directions correctly. Acetaminophen is commonly overused by patients. You are recommended to not exceed 4,000 mg of acetaminophen in a twenty-four hour period. Acetaminophen is metabolized or processed by the liver. Excess acetaminophen can cause damage to the liver. Acetaminophen is also found in other pain medications such as Darvocet, Percocet, and Tylenol Cold. In fact, acetaminophen is found in quite a few prescription pain medications.

Traditionally NSAID's (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) have been useful in the treatment of osteoarthritis associated pain. One major concern with the use of NSAID's is irritation to the stomach lining. In more severe cases, gastrointestinal bleeds or ulcers may form. NSAID's can affect the body's blood clotting ability and interfere with kidney function. NSAID's should always be taken with food to decrease stomach irritation or upset. Do not drink alcohol while taking NSAID's. However, these drugs should not be taken for extended periods of time unless directed otherwise by a qualified medical provider. Some common types of NSAID's are ibuprofen (Advil), naproxen (Aleve), and aspirin.

Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors (COX-2 inhibitors) are a class of NSAID's. COX-2 inhibitors suppress arthritis pain much the same way but with less stomach irritation. Many of us know of COX-2 inhibitors but not by this name. Vioxx (refecoxib), Celebrex (celecoxib), and Bextra (valdecoxib) are COX-2 inhibitors. Vioxx and Bextra have been removed from the market. These drugs can significantly increase the risk for stroke and heart attack. Celebrex remains on the market but does have a black box warning stipulating this drug also can increase the risk for cardiovascular events and gastrointestinal bleeding.

Capsaicin (Capsagel, Zostrix) which is derived from chili peppers can be applied topically for the treatment of osteoarthritis pain. Capsaicin will cause vasodilation, itching, and burning to the skin but after repeated applications desensitization will occur, decreasing one's pain. Methyl salicylate creams such as Ben-gay can also be used for osteoarthritis pain. Studies have shown that oral glucosamine and chondroitin supplements have a mild to moderate analgesic effect with arthritis.

For osteoarthritis patients who cannot tolerate their pain, glucocorticoid injections may be done. Glucocorticoids are similar to the hormone cortisol in the body. Glucocorticoids help alleviate pain by decreasing inflammation and swelling within the joint. Side effects are typically seen if you receive these injections too frequently.

Hyaluronan (viscosupplementation) injections can be injected directly into the joint for treatment of osteoarthritis. This medication helps supplement the synovial fluid. The synovial fluid is a lubricating fluid allowing the bones to move smoothly within the joint. This injection should relieve pain and improve your mobility of the joint. This treatment involves 3-5 shots within 5 weeks. You may experience pain and swelling after the injections but this should dissipate. Reduced osteoarthritis pain may last up to 6 months.

For patients that have decreased function and mobility of the joint, surgical intervention may be necessary. Surgical involvement should also be considered in patients whose pain has progressed to unacceptable levels. However, good surgical candidates are usually considered ideal for surgery. Certain health conditions can affect post-operative rehabilitation and healing. Surgery can hold just as much of a health risk as medications have side effects.

Osteoarthritis is not curable but there is hope for the future with advancements in medicine. Along with the above treatments for pain management, it is also important to remain active and healthy. Exercising regularly can help maintain mobility of the joint. Exercise also creates natural pain relievers such as endorphins. Pain may be a part of osteoarthritis, but pain doesn't have to be a part of your life!

Copyright 2006 Kristy Haugen

What Are The Major Restorative Dentistry Procedures?

Poor dental health can always affect your self confidence. Not only would it spoil your lovely smile, but also cause difficulty in chewing your food and even talking. This is why you should maintain proper oral hygiene. However, poor oral hygiene is not always the reason behind a less-than-perfect smile. Many people have broken or chipped teeth because of an accident. Stains and discolorations might occur due to some diseases or health conditions. For getting a perfect smile you should use the services of a restorative dentist. 'Restorative dentistry' improves the function and appearance of damaged teeth. A dentist might even remove and replace a damaged tooth or fill a missing tooth with artificial material. There are a variety of treatment procedures that restorative dentists offer, such as crowns, bridges, or implants.

These major types of dentistry procedures are undertaken to cure the following common dental conditions:

1. Crowns - These act as a protective cover over the damaged teeth. If you have teeth that have been chipped or injured, crowns are the perfect solution to hide the imperfections.

2. Implants - This is a perfect solution for people with missing teeth. Implants fill up the gaps between two teeth and act as a good option for a complete dental makeover.

3. Dental bridges - This procedure (like implants) bridges the gap between two or more missing teeth. It stabilizes the jaw and corrects your smile.

4. Root Canal - Root canal is a procedure that is used by dentists to remove infected tissues in the tooth pulp. These infected tissues cause severe pain and discomfort, and eventually lead to teeth loss.

5. Gum disease - It is characterized by tenderness, swelling, and bleeding in the gums. There are both surgical and non-surgical treatments for such conditions. If you have developed a swelling or tenderness in your gums, immediately visit a dentist for proper treatment before the problem aggravates.

6. TMJ disorders - Such type of disorders occur due to a misaligned bite, teeth grinding (bruxism), and putting undue pressure on your teeth. This is basically a problem of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ). When suffering from such disorders, patients also complain about headaches and neck pain.

If teeth problems aggravate to a level when no amount of restorative repair could help, patients are suggested a full-mouth restoration by the dentist. For such surgeries, a dentist often employs both cosmetic and restorative procedures to improve the health of the gums, correct smile, and enhance general teeth functioning.

Are you looking for a dental clinic where you could get all types of surgical and non-surgical treatments? To get treated by a reputed dentist, Lexington based H. David O'Donnell DMD Family Dentistry is a health center where you can always find affordable solutions for cosmetic, restorative, and preventive dental care!

Posterior Pelvic Pain (Sacroiliac Joint Pain) In Pregnant Women

Posterior pelvic pain (PPP) is pain felt at or near the sacroiliac joints of your pelvis as a result of sacroiliac joint dysfunction. These are joints located at the 2 dimples of the lower back. The pain often feels deep within your lower back and can occur on one or both sides of your back. In some cases, pain radiates down to the buttock and the back of the thigh.

While pain may begin at any time during pregnancy, PPP on average begins in the 18th week of pregnancy and becomes more intense as the pregnancy progresses. The pain usually spontaneously resolves within 3 months post delivery. But in some cases it can become chronic and disabling.

What are the Sacroiliac joints?

The sacroiliac joints (SIJ) are formed between the sacrum, a triangular-shaped bone in the lower portion of the spine, and the right and left ilium of the pelvis. The SIJ is a strong and stable weight-bearing joint that permits very little movement due to its natural structure. The main role of the SIJ is to allow forces to be transmitted effectively through the body, absorbing impact from the legs to the spine during activities such as walking, running and jumping.

The SIJ is kept stable through two mechanisms:

  1. Firstly, the rough, groove-like connecting surfaces of the sacrum and ilium interlock and help stabilise the joint, like two pieces of Lego together.

  2. Secondly, the SIJ is further strengthened by a complex mesh of ligaments and muscles such as the core stabilizers. These core muscles, such as the transversus abdominis and multifidus which surround the SIJ, act as active stabilizers by actively contracting to create a compressive force over the SIJ, gripping the joint firmly together. They act as a natural corset by providing that compression around the lower back and pelvic region -much like wrapping your fingers around the two Lego pieces, keeping them firm and tight.

Posterior pelvic pain arises from sacroiliac joint dysfunction, in other words, when the stability of SIJ is compromised.

Why does it happen?

During pregnancy, mechanisms stabilising the SIJ is affected. This instability allows for increased motion, stressing the SIJ.

  1. Hormones released during pregnancy relax the ligaments of the body to allow the pelvis to enlarge, in preparation for childbirth

  2. Due to the growing uterus, some of the core muscles around the pelvis get 'stretched' and weakened.

Moreover, the additional weight and altered walking pattern associated with pregnancy can cause significant mechanical strain on the sacroiliac joints, which may result in SIJ inflammation, giving a deep ache in the posterior pelvis.

What are the symptoms?

Of all the back pains experienced during pregnancy, posterior pelvic pain is the most common - you are four times more likely to experience PPP than lumbar pain.

You may have posterior pelvic pain / sacroiliac joint dysfunction if you have:

  • Deep, boring pain in the back of the pelvis (around the sacroiliac joints)

  • Pain may occasionally radiate to the groin and thighs.

  • The pain is typically worse with standing, walking, climbing stairs, resting on one leg, getting in and out of a low chair, rolling over and twisting in bed, and lifting. The pain improved when lying down.

  • If there is inflammation and arthritis in the SI joint, you may experience stiffness and a burning sensation in the pelvis.

Diagnosing Sacroiliac

Joint Dysfunction in pregnancy Your doctor and/or physiotherapist will conduct a thorough history and physical examination to determine the underlying disorders for your pain. That includes your description of symptoms, a series of tests designed to look at the stability, movement, and pain in the sacroiliac joints and surrounding structures. Imaging, such as computed tomography (CT) scan and X-ray may also help in the diagnosis. Another reliable diagnostic method involves injecting an anesthetic agent into the SI joint, guided by an X-ray machine, numbing the irritated area, thereby identifying the pain source. However, due to the concerns of fetal exposure to radiation, diagnostic procedures involving radiation is generally avoided.

Treatment and Management

The first-line treatment of pregnancy-related sacroiliac joint dysfunction is physiotherapy and exercises that focuses on core stability of the trunk and pelvic girdle. Sometimes, a sacro-iliac belt is prescribed to complement the core stability exercises and to give quick pain relief. Exercises will form a large part of the treatment and in some cases, mobilisation (a gentler form of manipulation) of your hip, back or pelvis may be used to correct any underlying movement dysfunction. Other manual techniques include muscle energy technique (MET) and myofascial release. It is vital to engage a physiotherapist who is skilled in treating pregnancy-related pain as she is aware of the studies that support the use of specific stabilizing exercises and other treatment techniques, thereby preventing the dysfunction from escalating into a chronic condition.

Other alternative treatments include anesthetic and steroidal injections into the SIJ that can help in pain relief, which lasts from one day or much more long-term. Oral anti-inflammatory medications are often effective in pain relief as well. However, these two treatments may be contra-indicated during pregnancy.

Posterior Pelvic Pain Home Advice

Here are some tips for expectant women with posterior pelvic pain..

Lying down

  • Avoid lying on your back for long periods of time, particularly after the 19th week of your pregnancy.

  • Try lying on your side (preferably your left) with a pillow placed between your knees and another under your tummy.

  • If your waist sags down into the bed, try placing a small rolled up towel under your waist.

Turning over in bed

  • To turn to your right while lying on your back, arch your lower back, tighten your pelvic floor muscles and lower abdominal muscles and bend both knees one by one.

  • Turn your head to the right and take your left arm over to the right of your body. Hold onto the side of your bed if you can.

  • To turn, pull with your left hand and take both knees over to the right so that you roll to the right. As soon as possible, bend your knees up as high as they will go - this helps to lock out your pelvis and lessen pain.

  • Reverse this to turn to the left.

Getting out of bed

  • Roll onto your side with your knees bent up, move your feet over the edge of the bed and push yourself up sideways with your arms.

  • Reverse the process when you lie down.

Standing from a sitting position.

  • Sit on the edge of the chair.

  • Keeping your knees apart slightly and lean forwards till your head is directly over your knees, keeping your back straight.

  • Stand up by pushing up with your arms, with your back straight and tummy tucked in. This helps to hold your pelvic joints in their most stable position and may reduce your pain significantly.


  1. Fitzgerald CM and Le J. Back pain in pregnancy requires practitioner creativity. Biomechanics. 2007 November

  2. Ostgaard HC, Andersson GB, Karlsson K. Prevalence of back pain in pregnancy. Spine. 1991; 16:549-552.

  3. Ostgaard HC, Zetherstrom G, Roos-Hansson E, Svanberg B. Reduction of back and posterior pelvic pain in pregnancy. Spine. 1994; 19:894-900.


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Treating the Smoldering Fire of Pain and Chronic Disease

In this article I will provide you with specific wellness strategies in conquering the chronic inflammation and oxidative stress that may be at the source of many of your own health issues. No one prescription will work for all individuals, each treatment program must be individualized, but there are general wellness strategies that can be beneficial in starting you on the road to better health.

As a whole we Americans tend to follow a diet of overconsumption and under nutrition, and we are exposed to thousands of neuroendocrine disruptive chemicals on a daily basis. Together this leads to free radical production in our tissues causing oxidative stress which then activates genes that turn on systemic low-grade inflammation. This dietary and lifestyle induced chronic inflammation increases oxidative stress which then perpetuates the more low-grade inflammation. This is metabolic dysfunction creates a vicious cycle that leads not only to chronic muscle and joint pain issues, but most of the degenerative diseases of today, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cancer..

This dietary and lifestyle induced vicious cycle of oxidative stress and chronic inflammation leads to chronic pain states by sensitizing the pain receptors, known as nociceptors, in your muscle and joint tissues. This peripheral sensitization can create physical and chemical changes in your spinal cord and brain, called Central Sensitization. Research now shows that it is this Central Sensitization of your nervous system that leads to chronic wide spread pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia. For example, if the sensitized pain receptors from chronic inflammation and oxidative stress were located in your myofascial tissues supporting your lumbar spine, then you would develop a chronic regional pain syndrome of low back. If this peripheral sensitization was taking place in the supportive muscles of your shoulder, you would be diagnosed with a chronic rotator cuff syndrome. Therefore, for real healing it is vital to treat the underlying metabolic dysfunction that keeps your muscle and joint tissues and nervous system sensitized.


A well rounded approach that gives you a fighting chance begins with cleaning up your personal environment. Start by lowering the amount of neuroendocrine disruptive chemicals entering your body by filtering your water, eating as organic as possible, and utilizing green personal care and household cleaning products. The work Iris R. Bell Ph.D. from the University of Arizona has shown that low-level chemical exposure can cause sensitization of the central nervous system leading to chronic muscle pain disorders and fibromyalgia. In addition to reducing toxic exposure and you will then want to enhance your cellular detoxification capability. You can achieve this by utilizing specific botanicals such as Silymarin, green tea extract, N-acetylcysteine and alpha-lipoic acid. (See table for suggested dosages) It is also very helpful to eat a more Mediterranean based diet which has been shown to decrease systemic inflammation. You can more effectively and efficiently achieve this goal by utilizing educational resources found on line.


Do an "oil change" for optimal health and to reduce chronic inflammation. First drain out the harmful sludge-shown to increase systemic inflammation, oxidative stress and insulin resistance-by removing all Trans-fatty acids and hydrogenated oils from your diet.. It is also important to reduce your dietary intake of arachidonic fatty acid, primarily found in meat and dairy. Arachidonic fatty acid is the precursor to the inflammatory PgE2 prostaglandin that stimulates tissue nociceptors. Research shows when individuals lower the amount of arachidonic acid in their diet and supplement anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids EPA/DHA they have a marked reduction of inflammation in myofascial tissues.


After performing an "oil change" it is important for you to tune-up the cellular engines of your soft tissue by improving mitochondrial function, the very power plants of each and every cell in your body. Vital to accomplishing this is improving cellular levels of magnesium, a mineral that serves to activate over 300 different enzymatic reactions in the cell. A little more than one fourth of all the bodies' magnesium is concentrated in the muscles, where it performs vital function's especially that of energy production. The primary symptoms of deficient tissue magnesium are: fatigue, muscle tenderness, muscle cramps, irritability, weakness, mental confusion, insomnia and a predisposition to stress. Perhaps this sounds a bit like a laundry list of the symptoms that plague you, which is not surprising for research shows magnesium deficiency to be extremely common. Additionally it is helpful to add Malate and specific B vitamins with the magnesium to enhance energy production in your muscle cells. This increase energy production by the muscle cell allows it to fully relax which can reduce muscle tenderness within 48 hours.


The supplementation of standardized extracts of Ginger and Curcumin can not be over emphasized in the treatment of chronic inflammation and oxidative stress. A 2005 review of the past 25 years of research on ginger's anti-inflammatory properties established that ginger helped to manage multiple biochemical pathways activated in chronic inflammation without blocking enzymes vital for maintaining healthy tissues, like NSAIDs can. Possibly one of the most exciting aspects of utilizing standardized Ginger extracts for chronic pain is its ability to affect Substance P in the central nervous system. In one study Substance P averaged three times higher in the cerebral spinal fluid of fibromyalgia patients, when compared to individuals without fibromyalgia. What is exciting about standardized extracts of Ginger root is that it contains the gingerol (6)-shogaol which research has shown to reduce substance P in the spinal cords of mammals.

Much of the research on standardized Ginger root extracts for chronic pain disorders utilized anywhere from 1000 mg to 4000 mg per day. Based on my review of the research and my own clinical experience I find that best results are found with utilizing products that contain as much as 300 to 500 mg of standardized ginger root extract per tablet or capsule. Also the ginger root extract label must state that it has been standardized to at least 5% gingerols and shogaols. If this isn't enough of an incentive to add Ginger extracts to a healthy diet, then consider the fact that gingerols have been shown to inhibit the growth of colorectal cancer cells.

As powerful as Ginger extract is, recent studies have shown extracts of Turmeric root, also referred to as Curcumin, to be the most powerful natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent available. In numerous studies Curcumin extracts anti-inflammatory abilities has been shown to be comparable to the potent drugs like hydrocortisone as well as NSAIDs, but without the safety issues. In a full review of almost 300 research papers Curcumin was shown to be nontoxic, have strong antioxidant activity, and modulate numerous contributors to chronic inflammation. A recent study completed in 2000, also showed that turmeric extract protected the liver from acute and chronic toxic chemical injury.

Numerous studies have linked the frequent use of turmeric to lower rates of prostate, breast, lung and colon cancer. Recent research may have uncovered why Curcumin is so effective in preventing chronic disease and certain cancers. It found that Curcumin extract inhibits the activation of a chemical messenger called NF-kappa B. NF-kappa B signals your genes to produce a variety of inflammation-causing molecules that can promote cancer cell growth, as well as chronic pain when tissues are chronically exposed to it. This study points out something very important; Curcumin root extract can regulate the chemical switch NF-KappaB that is "stuck in the on position" when you are suffering with chronic inflammation and pain. The herbal formula you utilize should have around 500 mg of quality highly absorbable curcumin root extract standardized to 95% Curcuminoids per tablet. You need this concentration so you can easily get up to the necessary 2000 mg of Curcumin a day sometimes necessary to lower inflammation and pain

Both of these herbs have the added benefit of keeping your blood from getting too sticky, which of course helps prevent strokes and heart attacks much like aspirin has been shown to do. Because of the mild anticoagulant ability of these herbs, any individual on the drug Coumadin/warfarin must not take these botanicals, without consulting their prescribing physician. This article has only begun to scratch the surface of the causative mechanisms involved in chronic inflammation and oxidative stress and its treatment. However, once you begin to grasp the importance of this issue in your health it provides you with a lever large enough to adjust your metabolic dysfunction and promote real healing. The treatment of chronic inflammation and oxidative stress is covered in great detail in my book "Why We Hurt".