Saturday, June 29, 2013

Tips on How to Relieve Joint Pain Effectively

Learning how to relieve joint pain for those who are dealing with arthritis is so important as well as maintaining mobility. So, is there some easy way you can achieve this? Actually, there are some natural and easy ways that you can get joint pain relief without having to take drugs that can numb your mind. So, let's take a look at a few things you can do to relieve your joint pain.

Water Exercise - Studies in England have shown that exercising in a pool for an hour a couple times a week, just doing simple exercises, can provide improvement of joint pain This study group was compared with another group that had received education on relieving their joint pain.

Exercising in water helps to allow exercise without involving a lot of stress on the joints and it also helps to get rid of the pain as well. This can help people with arthritis to achieve flexibility and mobility with less pain.

Devil's Claw - This has been used to help treat joint pain and in many cases it has had positive effects. Before you decide to try devil's claw though, you should speak with your doctor. There are quite a few people who swear that it helps to ease the pain in their joints and increases their mobility, so it is worthy of investigation.

Glucosamine - Various studies of glucosamine have shown that it can be effective in treating arthritis joint pain as well. However, there are a few side effects that can be experienced. Various types of arthritis also need different preparations of glucosamine, but investigating this product further may be rewarding. Just make sure you seek the advice of your doctor before using it.

For people who have any type of arthritis, joint pain relief is not always so easy. However, if you are not wanting to go with prescription drugs to ease the pain, then you may need to consider some simple practices and alternative medications that may help.

Many people don't realize that toxins in the blood can accumulate in joint tissues and the actual joints, causing inflammation and pain. If you're having unexplained joint pain it is important that your body gets rid of these toxins. So, water is important since it can help to flush these toxins away. Sure, toxins are not your only problem, but water can help. However, if you have joint pain that lasts a long time and these relieve joint pain tips don't help you out, make sure you are checked by your physician.

How to Avoid Back Surgery and Save Yourself A Lot of Pain

If you have prolonged moderate to severe back pain, chances are at some point a doctor is going to suggest back surgery. Most likely this suggestion will come after pain med prescriptions and epidural blocks have lost their efficiency and you are at your rope's end.

There are many things you can do to help your back heal and avoid going under the knife. Of course everyone is different and each cause of back pain is unique, so unfortunately a "one cure fits all" remedy is simply not available.

Let's get going. First and foremost is diet and exercise. Yeah yeah I am sure you are as sick as the rest of us of hearing you've got to work out and eat right. But maybe you are hearing it so much because it is actually important? Just a thought.

The preventative effects exercise alone can have on your back and its overall health are significant. Ever heard of exercises that strengthen your core? They are not referring to your spirit or soul. They are referring to that group of muscles located in and around your midsection (your waist and lower back). They are called obliques, abdominals, flexors, extensors and glutes. Keep these babies toned and loose and you will not only avoid a plethora of potential back problems later in life, but you will find your posture is one even 18th century Aristocrats would be proud of.

Keeping these muscles strong keeps weight bearing forces off the spine...which can prevent such nasties as bulging or herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, and facet joint deterioration. All of which equal pain with a capital "P." Regarding diet, answer this question: What is most likely to wear down your spine-80 or more lbs of beer belly fat (men) or no extra weight at all? Does the answer really need to be stated?

What does need stating is the effect smoking can have on the back. As if you needed one more reason to not smoke, the arteries which carry precious nutrient-rich blood to your back-including to all the delicate tissue around your spin and the discs and muscles that cushion and support it-tend to harden and restrict with age. Smoking speeds up this process possibly making it so you have an 80-year old back when you are only 60 or 65. Lack of nutrients to your back is an open door invitation for degenerative diseases such as arthritis to take hold.

But let's say you've already spent most your life neglecting your core muscles coupled with a wicked mixture of bad eating habits. Now you have constant moderate to severe back pain. Is it too late? Is your back destined to be sliced and diced? No, not necessarily.

Again, this has to be said with caution because sometimes surgery may indeed be necessary. But we'll assume you are one of the many lucky ones who can find relief without a surgical knife. How do you know if you are one of the lucky ones? One of the following tactics will work.

To begin with, start exercising your core muscles! Trouble is by now you may be in so much pain that you can't actually exercise. Now what?

Work with a physical therapist. Start slow, with stretches and mild moves. Believe it or not, little by little your muscles will strengthen. However, that might not be enough. You may have damage that needs repaired in addition to strengthening your core. Fortunately the body is its own best healer!A chiropractor, especially one that specializes in spinal decompression, may be exactly what you need. Today's decompression tables are guided by super smart computers that control the force and angle of the pull on the spine thus tricking the body's natural tendency to resist. The result is extra room between the vertebrae into which bulging or herniated discs can distract and heal.

Lastly, use a decompression spinal brace for your toughest times. Such a brace can give your back the break (no pun intended) it needs just long enough to get you to your next round of core-strengthening exercises.

10 Home Remedies For Arthritis Pain Relief

Your Remedy No. 1


Stretch Gently for Strength and Mobility.

When it comes to arthritis, moving hurts, but not moving destroys.

Incorrect moving harms, but intelligent moving heals.

Yoga teaches movement with proper joint alignment which helps bring deformed joints back to normal position as appropriate muscles are lengthened and strengthened.

Consider a private session with an Experienced teacher or buying a book to leam the correct poses.

But remember, Smart Yoga Exercise is the key to restoring health to arthritic joints. Work within the limits imposed by the disease, but don't let yourself be immobilized by it.

Your Remedy No. 2


Find Relief Through Less Stress.

If you are hurting and you tense up, you hurt more.

People who have things in their lives under control will be better pain managers than people who don't.

Recent research confirms the importance of psychological attitude on arthritis pain relief.

People with arthritis need to learn how to pace themselves and not try to do everything they can possibly do on the days when they're feeling good.

All that does is make you tired and sore the next day. Try to do a little each day, whether you are having a flare-up or not.

Learn to relax. Take a lesson from natural childbirth. Childbirth is very painful, but women learn how to deal with that pain by learning how to relax.

Books and audiotapes teaching relaxation techniques are available at many bookstores

Idle joints can become painful joints. If you focus on pain, it hurts more, but if you get busy doing other things that are important to you, you're not going to feel it.

Your Remedy No. 3


Try Night Prevention for Morning Stiffness.

Almost 90 per cent of the patients suffer from some type of Morning Stiffness.

Apply a muscle ointment at night before going to bed. It will relaxe you and gives you a psychological boost as well.

The reason? People with arthritis tend to feel much better all day if they aren't stiff when they wake up in the morning.

Your Remedy No. 4


Float The Pain away.

Studies have shown that floating in specially designed floatation tanks, also known as isolation or sensory deprivation tanks, can relieve arthritic pain.

You usually spend about an hour in the tank.

The pain relief is produced by stress reduction. The body is relaxing, the muscles are relaxing, and this seems to stimulate a release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers.

Water in the tanks is heated to precisely 93.5°F, the same temperature as the skin, and the surrounding air is warm and tranquil, leading to deep relaxation.

Your Remedy No. 5


Mix Oil and Water.

Recommendation: Heat and eucalyptus ointment, in the form of a thick, oil-based product called Eucalypta-Mint, work for both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Use that in conjunction with moist heat when feeling stiff or having pain.

Simply rub it on and wrap the joint in plastic wrap. The moist heat can be applied with warm towels, or you can soak your hands or feet in warm water.

Your Remedy No. 6


Copper Bracelet

Sometimes longevity confers respect along with age.

Artifacts that were rarely noticed in their day take on new meaning and value as they persist throughout time.

Such is the case with the copper bracelet, which for decades has been worn for arthritis relief and remains popular today.

Studies have shown that some people with arthritis seem to have difficulty metabolizing copper from the food they eat, leading to increased pain.

The dissolved copper from [a copper] bracelet bypasses the oral route by entering the body through the skin. This might be the only way arthritics ever receive the copper their bodies need -copper that studies have shown can indeed relieve pain.

Physicians remain somewhat skeptical about bracelets but don't entirely dismiss them, either.

Copper may have a role. It's possible that a copper deficiency does increase joint inflammation, and it doesn't seem that supplementing copper in the diet has the same effect as wearing it.

Your Remedy No. 7


Work Wonders with Water Excercise.

Ask a dozen doctors about the merits of any arthritis treatment and you'll get a dozen different opinions. But ask them about exercising in water and they all seem to agree.

Water exercises are excellent.

Your pain will be significantly reduced in the water, and you become much more flexible in water than you are in air.

The beginning exercise techniques are easy for anyone to follow. They consist of waving, walking, and bending motions performed in chest-deep water.

The more advanced movements look like aquatic dance steps designed to take advantage of water's natural resistance and gentle buoyancy.

Your Remedy No. 8


Get Your Spouse Involved.

Though it's only natural for a husband or wife to do whatever's possible to help a mate who's hurting, such help can often do more harm than good.

When a wife tries to do everything herself and is constantly asking her husband how he feels, she is reinforcing his pain.

Advice: Don't be attentive and supportive only when your spouse is in pain, but also when he or she is feeling good and being active.

That's the time to say, "I'm really happy to see you doing things".

Praise is really important and something people tend to forget to do.

Your Remedy No. 9


Use Ice to Prevent Pain.

Recommend cold treatments for those times when a joint's been stressed from overuse or overwork.

Use a gel pack but ice in a plastic bag or a bag of frozen peas will do just as well.

Apply for 15 to 20 minutes, then remove for 10 to 15 minutes. That can be repeated for hours at a time if needed.

Your Remedy No. 10


Fast on with Carrot Juice.

A vegetable-juice fast significantly reduces pain for many patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Carrot juice, celery juice, cabbage juice, or tomato juice can be used.

Fast on nothing but the vegetable juice for one day during the first week to get started.

Follow that by alternate fasting for two days during the next week (i.e., Monday and Wednesday) and three days during the third week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).

Don't attempt any type of fasting without your doctor's supervision, however.

How To Choose The Best Dog Bed For Your Dog

Back in the old days, dog beds were nothing fancy, consisting of an old blanket or used sofa cushion tossed on the floor inside the home or in the garage, depending upon where your dog lived.

Dogs sleep differently than we do

The usual amount of shut-eye is about 13 hours a day, but it's important to realize that dogs sleep differently than we do. They nap often. But once they wake, they're eager to carry out their assigned tasks. These can vary from affection and companionship inside, to fierce defense of what your dog's territory outside.

Sleep depends upon the amount of activity and exercise a dog gets during his waking hours, adjusted to coincide with his human owners activities. In short, dogs are active when we are. Quality sleep helps maintain your dog's health. The types of beds dogs sleep on have a lasting affect on health and well-being.

Why do dogs need dog beds?

Dogs are territorial critters and like to have their own, designated areas just for them. One size does not fit all. There are 493 different dog breeds worldwide. Each breed has a different size, shape, weight and wired-in sleep behavior.

If you haven't done this already, invest some time studying your dog's behavior as he prepares for sleep. Several breeds display various nesting behaviors. The most common of these is when the dog circles his bed three or four times before finally plopping down.

The type of bed your dog will prefer will depend upon his needs. Some dogs like to curl into a ball with their backs resting against a padded cushion for an extra sense of security. Bigger dogs need to stretch out, so a larger bed would be a must. Some also prefer to be enclosed for an additional sense of comfort and security.

Here what to look for when choosing the best dog bed

Sturdy construction is an absolute

Quality means you'll get what you pay for. Give every prospective dog bed the "give" test. Grab the bed and jiggle it. "Give" means the joints move or wiggle indicating shoddy assembly. Wooden joints or metal welds must be solid enough to stand up to years of use as your dog repeatedly climbs in and out of his bed several times a day..

Raised beds prevent chills

Dogs suffer cold just as we do. Cold drafts flow along on the surface of floors. Beds raised three to six inches or so provide an insulation affect, so cold won't seep as it does when beds are laid directly on the cold floor. The opposite is true in hot weather. A raised bed helps the dog sleep cooler, by providing some air circulation that whisks excess heat away.

Durable Fabrics last longer

If your dog chews or claws the cushion before reclining, a strong material that resists this abuse is necessary. Cheap fabrics will soon shred.


Size must suit your pet. It should be large enough for him to comfortably stretch out, yet tight enough to make him feel secure.

If you have a puppy, it's really important to know what final size and weight he will achieve when fully grown. This is where you need to do some breed research before you shop. When you buy a dog bed for a puppy, look for one that will fit him once he's full-grown. You can buy a large bed, anticipating growth spurts. But puppies might be overwhelmed in a large bed, feeling lost and insecure. One option might be to buy two beds. One that fits the puppy now and for a couple months of growth, and one for him to fit in comfortably later when he's an adult. Exposing your puppy to a bed early-on allows for better training, so that the dog knows the bed is his turf and his alone. If you have several puppies, you'll need a bed for each one.

I recommend choosing the size of your dog bed by considering your dog's breed, size and weight he'll achieve once grown.


Weight up to 25 pounds

Breeds: Jack Russell, Beagles, Cocker Spaniels, Terriers


Weight up to 45 pounds

Breeds: German Shorthair Pointers, English Setters, Springer's and Border Collies


Weight up to 70 pounds

Breeds: Labrador, Weimaraner, Irish Setters, Golden Retrievers


Weight up to 100 pounds

Breeds: St Bernard, Newfoundland, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Pyrenees

Shape and Style

Choosing the side and style of the dog bed begins with your observation of your dog's sleeping habits and behavior. Some dogs curl into a ball, so a bed with high thick sides would be the best choice. Some dogs prefer to sleep on their backs, paws in the air, while others like to hang their heads off the edge. If your dog stretches out, a flat bed or one with lower sides would be the one for him. In any case you need to measure your dog's width and length before you shop.

Special Needs

Older dogs sometimes develop painful age-onset degenerative joint disease problems and genetic disorders such as hip dysplasia and arthritis. Low stepped beds makes it easy for them to get in and out. A thick cushion and supportive sides are good. There are several memory foam dog beds available for your elderly dog's comfort. The foam has a "memory" in which means it doesn't pack down, but rebounds once the dog moves off of it.

Care and Cleaning

Regular cleaning of your dog's bed can reduce or eliminate that pervasive doggie odor, so choose a fabric that's easy to clean to make it easy on you. Look for dog beds with machine washable covers, or beds that can be tossed whole into the washer. If your dog sleeps outside, choose beds made with materials that only require light scrubbing with a mild soap and rinsing by spraying the surface with a garden hose.


Colors don't matter to dogs since they are color blind. But you're not. Since dog beds come in a variety of colors and covers, you can change these at a whim, as your home d矇cor style changes, or when you move the dog bed to another room.

5 Ways to Manage TMJ Pain With Therapy

Do you have a TMJ disorder? You don't have to suffer in silence from TMJ pain. There are many medical and therapeutic solutions to treat your TMJ disorder. Your doctor will most probably prescribe you medicine to ease the pain or suggest surgery for severe TMJ cases.

There are alternatives available other than pain relievers and surgery. New breakthroughs in TMJ pain research have shown that TMJ therapy can offer pain relief and may even lessen the pain to the point that surgery will no longer be necessary.

It's important that you see a specialist who can lay out several treatment options for you. If you decide that TMJ therapy is the way to go, get your doctor's advice on how to go about it. Your doctor will suggest changes to your diet and exercise, which will tremendously help manage TMJ pain.

Here are some forms of TMJ therapy that you doctor may suggest:

繚 Stress management- One of the factors that contribute to TMJ pain is stress. When we are stressed out, we tend to clench our jaw muscles, grind our teeth at night, and tighten our facial and jaw muscles, which put an impact on our TMJ joints. As part of your TMJ therapy, consider signing up for yoga classes. The breathing techniques that yoga teaches can help you cope with stress in ways that will not lead to TMJ pain.

繚 Stretching- Your dentist or a physical therapist can prepare some stretching exercises for you to help relax, repair, and rebuild the muscles and joints in the jaw.

繚 Soft Diet- The TMJ or temporomandibular joint is one of the more overused muscles because we use them frequently, and especially when we chew and talk. Your doctor will suggest a soft diet and advise you against chewing gum. By doing these, you rest your muscles, thus minimizing their wear and tear and allowing them to heal themselves. Your meals will typically include cooked vegetables and fruit, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, scrambled egg, smoothies, soup, and yogurt. If you must eat food that needs to be chewed, make sure you cut it in smaller pieces and try to chew gently.

繚 Dietary Changes- Your doctor may also advise you to avoid food that may aggravate your TMJ pain. Some no-nos are food that is rich in sugar, yeast, and preservatives, as well as those with a lot of vitamin C and iron. Your doctor will also encourage you to cut back on salicylates (jams, jellies, and juices are rich in salicylates), wheat, and dairy, and advise you to eat more red and organ meat, moderate amounts of saturated fat, and broth from animal bones and tendons, which contain hyaluronic acid, which is great for joint health.

繚 Posture improvements- If your work involves sitting in front of a computer all day, try to be mindful of your posture. Make it a point not to be in the same position for a long time. Rest your hands and arms to relieve your stressed muscles.

Take charge of your TMJ pain and continue to find ways to manage it. You'll find that medication plus TMJ therapy can help tremendously in alleviating your pain.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate - Natural Joint Supplements

Most number of the elderly undergoes the so-called wear-and-tear of the joints known as osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis, which causes joint pain, swelling and deformity. This condition results to a problem of breaking down the normal cartilage of the joints. Because of the increasing number of people suffering from this disease, much time has been spent on research to find natural ways to treat this.

Two of the most popular natural health supplements for cartilage repair are Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate. They are major components of the joint cartilage and may help to prevent cartilage degeneration and treat osteoarthritis.


Glucosamine is an amino-sugar and a precursor for the molecule glycosaminoglycans which are a major component of the joint cartilage. It helps in the natural formation and repair of cartilage as it inhibits cartilage cell characteristics. It is found to have beneficial effects to reduce pain and prevent impairment of the joints, thus, used as an alternative medicine for the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Glucosamine is the most common dietary supplement in the USA which is non-vitamin and non-mineral. Oral glucosamine is often sold in combination with another joint health supplement, Chondroitin Sulfate, for effective relief from joint inflammation.

Chondroitin Sulfate

Chondroitin sulfate is a glycosaminoglycan with sulfate which is usually found attached to proteins. It is an important structural part of cartilage and brings a large amount of its defense to firmness. Its help to the resiliency of cartilage makes it a popular natural aid for stiff joints.

Like Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate has also become widely used as dietary supplement to ease joint stress. The oral consumption of the combination of these two may enhance the structure of new cartilage by providing more of the essential building blocks of joints and gives significant protective effects.

Natural Joint Supplements

Together, Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate are found to be helpful natural joint supplements. Glucosamine is usually obtained from the shells of lobsters, shrimps and crabs. People allergic to shellfish should ask their doctor before taking this supplement. Chondroitin Sulfate, on the other hand, is usually taken from shark or beef cartilage, or could also be manufactured synthetically.

Although there are still more room for research to entirely prove the healing significance of these two supplements, more and more people are testifying that they experienced reduced pain on their joints when they took Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate. An increasing number of patients with osteoarthritis are turning to these alternative natural supplements rather than take chemically-made anti-inflammatory medications.

Please view here the resources for the natural joint supplements.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Fast Relief For Gout and Hip Joint Pain

For most people, gout pain usually shows up first in the joints of the big toe. However, as gout progresses, and more and more uric acid builds in the system, it has to find other joints where it can go. This means you might get gout pain in other places that can cause even more pain than that which you might feel when it is in your toe. So its entirely possible that your gout and hip joint pain might very well be related.

Of course, treating your gout can help reduce the amount of pain you have in your hips, but that can take a while. When you have gout and joint hip pain, you want to find something you can do for immediate relief.

The hip joint is where the pelvis and the leg connect, so naturally any type of discomfort there is going to cause difficulties. Just walking or even sitting can be painful, and moving from one position to another can be next to impossible, depending on the amount of pain you have.

One of the first things many do when they have gout and hip joint pain is take NSAIDS. These are pain relievers that can also reduce some of the swelling in the area. That takes some of the pressure off of the joint, and can add some flexibility where it might have been stiff and unforgiving.

A treatment of heat and ice can also help when gout and hip joint pains are making it hard to move around. Ask your doctor about the proper way to do this type of simple treatment. The heat and then the cold ice packs can help bring some of the swelling down and then keep it from flaring back up right away. If you can apply this therapy and stay at home, try using a walking stick when up and about to avoid putting weight on the hip. Avoid swift motions, and take your time moving around. When seated or lying down, find a position that puts the least amount of stress on your hip and pelvis area.

When thinking in the long term about gout and hip joint pain, you should talk to your doctor about an exercise program that can help strengthen the hip. You might also want to consider that gout is not the only reason that you are having pain in the hip, and that there may be other contributing factors. If you can get those factors addressed, the gout attacks in your hip area might not be as bad in the long run. Remember that by following advice about diet, medications, and other lifestyle changes gout can generally be well controlled.

Top 7 Tips To Relieve Hip Pain

Your hips sure come in handy at times. They are perfectly located for supporting extra-heavy grocery bags or for giving an open car door a shove when your hands are full. But they were intended as your body's built-in valet. If anything, they are more a combination of bodyguard and chauffeur. They provide indispensable protection for your vital organs and give your legs the range of motion they need to carry you from one place to another. In fact, it is when you are on the move that your hips are at greatest risk for injury. A bad fall or a blow to the knee can cause the hip joint to dislocate. In other words, the hipbone no longer connects to the thighbone. The hip joint is also a prime candidate for arthritis. And the muscles and tendons that support the hips can become strained and inflamed from overuse. Because of its potential causes, here are some tips that you can consider to adopt to relieve your pain.

1. Be Patient

It is going to take a while for your hip to heal, especially if you have injured a muscle. If you pull a hamstring muscle, located in the back of either thigh, it can take 6 to 10 weeks to get better.

2. Get Some Support

If you can't walk without limping, then use crutches or a cane. When you try to avoid bearing weight on your sore hip, you can easily strain muscles and tendons in other areas. If you opt for a cane, it is recommended to use proper technique by carrying the cane in the hand opposite the injured hip. Move it forward at the same time you step out with the injured hip, so you are bearing weight on both the good hip and the cane. Then step out with your "good" hip.

3. Go Polar

Ice is the first line of defense against hip pain. It is recommended to crush some ice and place it in a resealable storage bag, so it has a greater surface area. Lay a thin towel over your hip, then apply the ice at the site of pain for 15 minutes. If your pain is acute, caused by an injury, for example, you may need to reapply the ice as often as once every hour. But for chronic pain such as arthritis, once or twice a day may be enough.

4. Be Reasonable

Don't place too many demands on an aching hip. In general, stay away form any activity that aggravates your pain. You may have to drive to work instead of walking or take the elevator instead of bounding up three flights of stairs at least for the time being.

5. Strike A Pose

Yoga can also enhance flexibility. It is recommended to adopt this simple technique. Sit on the floor and place the soles of your feet together. Pull your feet in, as close to the groin as comfortable. Then let gravity pull your knees toward the floor. If this position is uncomfortable at first, recommend to modify it slightly by bending only one leg at a time and keeping the other leg extended. Hold the pose for 15 seconds. Repeat three times.

6. Walk In Water

To keep your hip limber while you recover, head to your nearest pool for an aquatic workout. Water takes the weight off your hip and allows you to do more without pain than you could on dry land.

7. Take A Tablet

An over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help a hurting hip. But if the dosage recommended on the label does not do the trick, alert your doctor. Something more serious may be going on.

Housetraining Issues - The Other Side of the Coin

Housetraining 101- what if your dog hasn't mastered the basics of it yet? What if after a series of consistent training and monitoring and still observations about improvement has not taking place?

What to do?(your running out of patience) Need some consultation? Probably yes but first let's take a closer look at some instances why your little pup isn't getting what it should be doing. It could mean a lot of things and in many cases; dogs will necessitate a different kind of approach. First things first, you should identify the cause: what's bothering your dog? What hinders it from learning the basics? True enough there could be a lot of reasons. For example, when your reliably trained 4 month old puppy pees on your carpet while your in the midst of entertaining guests; your puppy may habitually become agitated in the presence of strangers and loses bladder control or perhaps it learned that inappropriate elimination guarantees to catch up attention or it could also mean that your puppy was never completely trained in the first place.

Another bothering situation is when your formerly trained 6-month old female puppy begins to urinate in her crate after you and your family moved to a new residence; it could mean that she become s fearful and doesn't want to go out and explore a new and unfamiliar surroundings or she may be confused of the relocation and is not used to be having another training ground for her daily routine. Another possibility is that she is experiencing a bout juvenile vaginitis before the onset of puberty- these, and a lot more of the basic issues can explain house training failures. Understanding the cause is of vital importance to eliminate any unwanted outcomes in idle attempts to correct the problem.

Rule out the most apparent possibilities, here is what you should know more about the underlying factors:


It has been proven that certain medical conditions can actually affect the capacity of a puppy to learn a new skill that of which includes infections, parasites, inflammatory disease, kidney or bladder stones, colitis, cancer, diabetes and neurological disorders; all of these circumstances are known to cause bowel or bladder dysfunction. There would be times that medical problems as a causative factor couldn't be ruled out immediately because it is a chronic condition such as degenerative joint disease or a failing eyesight and the manifestations of which is not directly obvious, in cases like this you should inform your vet with thorough information about changes in your dog's physical, behavioral and elimination patterns, when did you first notice the problem, what triggers the problem to appear and when and where the house raining lapses occur.

If the tests that have been conducted doesn't give a clear answer, psychological aspects must be investigated and here you would find yourself looking at a more complicated side because canine perceptions are a combination of environment and genetics, they constantly adjust their behavior in response to the changing environment, we need to understand that the re are no revised plans o r teaching skills good enough that can exactly fit and match a dog's learning abilities, we shouldn't expect them to be as consistent as we thought they should and give them the opportunity to relieve themselves sometimes when a need calls for it. Don't be so uptight about it, it takes one's patience and perseverance to really reach that basic target.


Different breeds at some point calls for a different treatment and approach, for instance, you cannot force a hairless breed to be trained outdoors esp. during the colder seasons because it would be too much for them to take, I was told that hairless breeds do not cope effectively and environmental factors such as a cold climate poses a greater barrier towards the training process. I suggest that their exercise area must be clean and dry and an appropriate-sized crate will be a good tool to stop most dogs from messing their crate. After waking up or after doing some activities they should be taken outside and let them pee, after doing so, they should be praised and given a small treat. That way, they would be able to keep that in mind and the higher the probability that they would repeat that routine for next time.


Keeping a dog's environment clean is just as important as being a diligent owner. Diligence is the key to house training a dog, the dog conforms to the state of his environment - you should establish a good working environment, a one that would make good use of both of these practices. Get your puppy out as soon as he wakes up, after eating, and after certain activities, don't give him a chance to make a mistake and be consistent with your routine. Feed on time, refrain from changing his regular meal pattern and withhold food and water (close to bedtime) until the puppy is well-trained. When taking you r puppy out to potty where he's supposed to- make it sure that that's what's going to happen- no playing- just elimination, then lots of positive reinforcement and back in the house. Maintain a pleasant ambiance by immediately cleaning up accidents with an odor neutralizer and use baking soda to remove dog pee out of the carpet. Just sprinkle it on the stain, cover with newspaper and leave it for 24 hours.

Arthritis and Joint Pain Relief Herbal Remedies That You Should Know

Many people have twisted to more normal methods of healing and pain relief in current years, particularly those who are dissatisfied with the conventional Western medicines for various reasons. Although pharmaceutical companies are churning out more complicated drugs every year, there is always the danger of unpleasant reactions to man-made chemicals, or pessimistic reactions with accessible medicines a patient may need to take.

Joint pain is one of the most common arthritis symptoms. It affects one or supplementary joints. It is caused by a variety of injuries or situations. It may be caused by the swelling of the bursae called bursitis. These bursae are fluid-filled sacs that mitigate and pad, bony parts, permitting free movement of muscles and tendons over the bone.

The Main Causes are given below-

1. Joint hurt
2. Joint wound
3. Bursitis
4. Arthritis
5. Tendonitis

Home Remedies

1. Massaging the pretentious area with any oil would give relief from pain.
2. Warm bath is the highly helpful for joint pains.
3. Mix two to three teaspoonful of winter cherry with ghee and molasses to make porridge. Eat the porridge on an empty stomach for 15-20 days. It's a good Herbal Remedy for Joint Pain.
4. Eating chapatti equipped from roasted grams flour with clarified butter provides good relief.
5. Drink a cup of papaya seed tea at least six or seven times a day for two to three weeks to get relief from arthritis and joint pain.
6. Carrot juice is also highly beneficial as it makes ligaments stronger and is a good Herbal Remedy for Joint Pain.
7. In take of 1-2 teaspoonful of turmeric in hot milk also treats all kinds of body pains.
8. One can chomp through garlic cloves fried in butter for treatment of this problem and they are good Herbal Remedies.
9. Among fruits bananas are considered as the best for the joints as they give strength and grease the joints.
10. Mix methyl salicylate, camphor, menthol and eucalyptus oil to make a rubbing mixture for aches and joint pains.
11. Alternating hot and cold compressions on the painful region gives relief from this problem.
12. Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 2-3 teaspoons of honey dissolved in a small glass of warm water gives relief from arthritis.
13. Exercise amplifies your joint elasticity and also strengthens your bones. Exercise in water can diminish pain and improve flexibility
14. Gomukhasana is helpful yoga asana for the cure of this problem.
15. Mixing of fresh carrot juice with equal parts of lemon juice and taking one large teaspoonful daily for the treatment helps in reducing joint pains. One of the best Herbal remedies for joint pain.
16. Rub the joints with hot vinegar before going to bed at night.

Oils and Rubs for the treatment of Arthritis

Olive Oil - A gentle rub with warm olive oil is cheap and also useful.

Rumatone Gold Massage Oil along with Rumatone Gold capsules is very effective in arthritis joint pain.

Camphor Rub - Mix equal proportion of 1 teaspoon of camphor oil to 1 teaspoonful of sunflower oil and massage the effected area with this rub to get relief from joint pains.

Health Anxiety - The Quiet Suffering of Hypochondriasis With an Anxiety Disorder

When anxiety strikes and the anxiety is out of proportion to the norm we can get the weirdest of symptoms, both physical and mental. Gradually as these symptoms increase so does our fear level. Once we experience fear on a very regular basis we can be said to be living in a state of constant apprehension. When we are constantly nervously 'irritated' in this way we remain on high alert around the clock. We keep checking how we feel and if we feel any worse or any better. When anxiously fearful we are encouraging a natural release of adrenaline. The fight or flight response kicks in and we feel we must 'do something' or 'something terrible will happen'! Imagine living like this every single day because a lot of people do. They begin to live in fear.

As already mentioned, a chronic anxiety problem can throw up a lot of the weirdest symptoms such as...depersonalization and/or derealization where the self and/or environment feels unreal and detached. Strange head buzzes, fuzzy eyesight, inability to draw a breath, muscle stiffness, muscle spasms, speeded up and extremely fatigued are examples...there are so very many. When we are new to an anxiety problem we often don't recognise just how much anxiety is to blame for all these symptoms. People who suffer with anxiety problems are usually very tense and don't realise that too. Tense muscles have to work hard and pain can erupt intermittently. We can be more prone to headaches, chest pain, back, neck and shoulder pains. Fibromyalgia, tinnitus, IBS, TMJ disorder are just some medical conditions that are often closely connected by doctors to an increasing anxiety problem. So, not only do we have an anxiety problem but we can begin to feel very poorly physically. Naturally when we reach this point we find ourselves at the doctors surgery more and more. This should be to eliminate any 'other' causes. Blood tests and other tests such as x-rays, stress tests for our hearts and so on are usual just to make sure. It's when these tests have all come back with no other illness found and a firm diagnosis of anxiety is reiterated that the problem of health anxiety really gathers momentum.

A person who is very anxious will find it extremely difficult to believe that 'that pain' isn't something very physically wrong with them even when a doctor has ruled this out with tests. Being so hyper sensitive, they will often think something is getting overlooked or even that the test results may have been wrong. They find themselves imagining a whole host of illnesses are befalling them and that no one is taking any notice. So, they go backwards and forwards to their doctor in the hope that this visit will give them what they are looking for...a diagnosis but not that of anxiety! This is just one dilemma within an anxiety disorder.

The headache could be a tumour, the chest pains could be an impending heart attack, the unreality could be signs of looming insanity. Even when given medical evidence that none of these conditions are present the sufferer will STILL presume something undetected is very wrong. This is one of the bluffs of a chronic anxiety problem. Worst of all the sufferer often actually wants to have a physical illness as way of explanation. That is something they feel they will be able to accept much better than 'it's your nerves'!

It is only when the sufferer has actually accepted fully their diagnosis that they are able to begin addressing the root cause - the anxiety problem. All the physical ailments attributed to anxiety will slowly but surely subside as the real problem is addressed. It may feel like one has to gamble on the doctors being right but acceptance has to happen to move forwards. If you want to get out of the health anxiety dilemma you may have to be willing to take that risk. Easy to say, hard to do but a must to assist you on the road to recovery. Another problem is that of the vast amount of medical information on the internet. If you want an illness or a disease from a couple of symptoms you can find one by browsing for a few minutes.. Don't be tempted to even go there. Go to your doctor for diagnosis, not the internet.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Effectiveness of Treating Pain With Light Therapy

Light therapy had been extensively utilized to treat several injuries, pain and inflammatory conditions of a people who suffer from them for the past 20 years. Lately, this new painkilling technology had been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the treatment of pain, stiffness and other soft-tissue injuries triggered and caused by arthritis.

This development is important considering the recent concerns of safety of the other known (and traditional) medications for arthritis. Moreover, treatments using infrared rays are now commonly used to relieve pains caused by arthritis and sprains.

It is also used in other discomforts like nerve pains, bursitis, tennis elbows, inflammations, scars, pains caused by varicose veins, and pain triggered by osteoarthritis. These pain relief applications had been the result of hundreds of studies before.

Benefits of Infrared Light Treatment for Pain

The benefits of infrared procedure in the treatment of various types of pain had been fully documented by independent research. This therapeutic technique is known to deliver direct benefits to tissues and organisms.

Light therapy is particularly satisfying in treating pain problems caused by such triggers as cuts and wounds, scars, and trigger and acupuncture points. Since the infrared light penetrates to a depth of around 30 to 40 millimeters, the therapy is more effective in deep pains like those of the bones, joints and deep muscle.

In addition, the long list of pain-relief qualities of the treatment now includes the treatment of fibromyalgia, sprains, neuralgia, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, inflammation, edema TMJ and others.

Light Therapy for Pain in the Comfort of Your Home

This treatment formula had been used in Europe for some years now and had produced a good track record as being safe and effective when used as directed. These days, the technique had been taken out of the doctors clinic and the hospital right into the comforts of your home.

With several models to choose from, especially handheld versions, the system are being administered by the patients to themselves. Handheld types are battery-powered and are made to deliver concentrated pulses of infrared light and heat right into the body area in pain.

The aim is simply to gently work up some heat into the affected tissue. This promotes muscular relaxation and helps the cell muscles do their natural regenerative work. One of the good things in this treatment system is the freedom to do the medication at any time or whenever there is a need of it without a doctors scheduled appointment.

The best thing, of course, is that it is completely natural and without drugs. This natural pain relief is the best type because there is nothing to worry regarding adverse drug effects or developing an addiction to the medication used.

With today's methods, natural pain relief by way of light therapy is always ready at your fingertips. You can treat yourself in the privacy of your home, in your car (it has its own power adaptors), office, or hotel room. You can bring your device with you anywhere.

Knowing And Identifying Horse Arthritis

Just like human beings, animals such as horses also encounter disorders of their bones and one of the very prevalent problems is joint disease. In this situation, the fluid in the joints that stops the two bones from having a contact is not present any more. As a result the two bones slide past each other, making friction and this friction is what makes arthritis extremely distressing. Another term for horse joint disease is degenerative joint disease (DJD) and you will see whether a horse has a high possibility of acquiring this joint problem by simply evaluating its conformation or body structure. Horses which may have conformational troubles are at greater risk of acquiring horse arthritis. This is mainly because that their weight isn't correctly allocated in their body so some joints experience more pressure when compared to others.

Age is also a factor when it comes to horse arthritis because as with humans, this disease is common in older people. As a horse ages, its metabolic activity and other biological processes change, leading to the slow production and repair of cells. When this happens, the bones and cartilages start to degenerate, making them prone to skeletal problems. During an older age, horses will probably be experiencing problems in mobility because of the swollen joint parts.

To assist you see whether the horse has skeletal disorders such as arthritis, look at its legs frequently specifically right after a task. Regular examinations are necessary in order to detect and treat the problem as early as possible. Monitor regardless of whether your own horse is applying an excessive amount of energy for its actions as this could mean that it's going through discomfort. You can suspect that your horse has arthritis but be sure to confirm it with a veterinarian as the difficulty of movement may be a symptom of another disease that is different from horse arthritis.

If your veterinarian confirms that your horse has arthritis, be sure to start the medication as soon as possible. Ask for the best medicine that will alleviate the pain and reduce the inflammation of the joints. You can also look for health supplements that can increase your horse's production of joint fluid to decrease the friction between the bones in the joint. Also, be sure to give your horse the right foods so that he will be supplied with all the necessary nutrients to help it cope with its disease. It's also wise to steer clear of supplying your horse hard job as this will simply create the illness even worse.

Headaches Are Muscular Problems Affected By Tightness In The Chest, Arms, Shoulders, Neck, and Jaw

Active Isolated Stretching and Strengthening (AIS) treats migraine, cluster, tension, or chronic headaches as a muscular disorder. The source of headache pain is excessive muscular tension in the upper body, neck, and jaw muscles. Muscular tightness or weakness in these areas will refer pain into the head region. Night time teeth grinding can also play a role in causing pain in the head. Migraine treatment involves lengthening and rebuilding the numerous muscles that uphold the head. Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) has the best treatment plan for reducing inflammation in muscles that cause chronic pain in the head region.

AIS therapy is an alternative to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaid's) and analgesic drugs. In the book Heal Joint Pain Naturally by Ellen Hodgson Brown, research found that "nsaid's and analgesic pain- relievers impede the body's ability to repair itself (page 20)." Nsaid's and analgesic drugs promote a cycle of dependence with detrimental consequences to the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Pain relieving drugs reduce inflammation temporarily as the solution to migraine, cluster, or tension head pain, without addressing the source of the pain. Active Isolated Stretching reduces inflammation by lengthening each tight muscle that is contributing to head pain. The long term solution to head pain involves rehabilitation to the muscles that support the head.

The textbook Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction written by Janet Travell, M.D. pioneered the concept of referred pain problems. This concept is also called trigger point theory. Dr. Travell discusses how inflexibility or trauma in specific muscles will cause pain to corresponding regions of the body. Dr. Travell's trigger point theory illuminated the finding that the area where pain is felt and the source of pain can be two separate regions.

Following Dr. Travell's trigger point theory, AIS approaches head pain by first opening the muscles of the chest, shoulders, upper arms, and upper back. The theory is to open muscular regions close to the head, in order to resolve pain in the head. Attention must focus on reducing tension in the scapula region. The scapula is also known as the shoulder blades. And the scapula is the major landmark bone of the upper back. Numerous muscles of the shoulder, neck, and upper back attach to the scapula at one end. And reducing pressure on the scapula will decrease headache pain. Tension in the biceps, triceps, deltoids, pectorals (chest), latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and trapezius muscles all play a role in the placement of the scapula. So tightness in any of these upper body muscles can pull the scapula bone out of anatomical position. Displacement of the scapula can cause referred pain to the head region.

As previously stated, the AIS approach examines migraines by looking at significant muscles that support the skull. The head is above the chest, shoulders, and upper back; and the area closest to the head is the neck. Dr. Travell states that inflexibility in the neck muscles will also refer pain to the head region. Because muscles work in groups, opening the chest, shoulders, and upper back first; will optimally lengthen muscles of the neck. The scalenes, sternocleidomastoid, and levator scapula are some muscles of the neck that need to be treated to resolve chronic headache pain.

A third area worth mentioning is the muscles of the jaw. Jaw pain is also known as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). Like any joint that gets a lot of use, the jaw is susceptible to pain and dysfunction through regular usage. Jaw pain can be referred from stressed muscles of the upper body, particularly muscles of the neck and shoulders. And, jaw pain can be caused by grinding the teeth at night. When teeth grinding is a factor, AIS will release the pain but other methods of stress reduction (like pranayama yoga, hypnosis, or meditation) must be learned to stop the cycle of teeth grinding. The key muscle of TMJ is the digastric muscle. The digastric muscle plays a primary role in all types of headaches. The digastric (jaw) muscle can be opened through the Active Isolated Stretching process.

Reducing inflammation has long been advocated for treatment of migraine and cluster head pain. But many health professionals are not sure exactly where inflammation needs to be treated or which type of treatment should be utilized. Dr. Janet Travell's textbook outlines the muscles that cause migraines. But Dr. Travell's treatment plan of using injections into damaged muscle tissue is not the most effective. Active Isolated Stretching employs a unique form of muscle lengthening in replacement of Dr. Travell's injections. And Active Isolated Stretching techniques are most effective in implementing Travell's trigger point theory - far superior than Travell's injections. Aaron Mattes, the developer of AIS, wrote his own book called Active Isolated Stretching: The Mattes Method. Both books can be cross-referenced to see a blueprint on how to resolve chronic pain in the head. Dr. Travell's book states "what" causes headache pain. Aaron Mattes' book shows "how" to implement AIS into Dr. Travell's findings.

Natural Pain Relief - Can it Work For You?

What do you use for pain relief? Most of us reach for a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) like aspirin and Advil or acetaminophen (Tylenol) when in pain.

With over 13 million regular NSAID users in the US and at least 30 billion over-the-counter tablets sold each year, you might say we're "sold" on NSAIDs and acetaminophen for pain relief.

Yet, these drugs aren't as friendly as their advertisements suggest. They help relieve pain, but their side effects can kill!

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports that NSAID-induced disease causes at least 103,000 hospitalizations per year and every year 16,500 arthritis patients die from NSAID-related gastrointestinal damage.

These drugs increase the chance of a heart attack and stroke. They cause ulcers and bleeding in the stomach and intestines. Worse yet, these side effects can happen suddenly without warning symptoms and may cause sudden death.

Acetaminophen, another potential killer, likely lurks in your medicine cabinet too. This common over-the-counter (OTC) drug found in Tylenol, cold medicines, and prescription drugs like Vicodin and Percocet is widely used for pain relief and fever.

Though generally considered safe when used according to the directions on its labeling, acetaminophen can cause liver damage and even death according to a FDA 2009 consumer update. Unfortunately, overdosing is easy as many drugs use acetaminophen in combination with other drugs in their formulas.

Fortunately, you can avoid these risks by using simple and effective natural pain relief methods like these:

Ice. Ice is a well-know pain reliever especially in the early phase of injury. "Try to ice the area as soon as possible after the injury and continue to ice it for 10 to 15 minutes four times a day for 48 hours. If you use ice, be careful not to use it too long, as this could cause tissue damage," reports Mayo Clinic staff on their website. After 48 hours, try heat.

Heat. Heat promotes pain relief and it increases blood flow to the area bringing nutrients and specialized cells to speed healing.

Fish Oil. An April 2006 study in Surgical Neurology found that after seventy-five days on fish oil, 59% of patients who were taking NSAIDs for chronic spinal pain and who had degenerative spine disease were able to discontinue their prescription NSAIDs. Eighty percent stated they were satisfied with their improvement, and 88% stated they would continue to take the fish oil.

Zyflamend. This preparation contains a synergistic blend of 10 specially processed herbs including ginger, rosemary, turmeric, holy basil, green tea, Hu Zhang, Chinese goldthread, barberry, oregano, and skullcap. Laboratory cell studies found it inhibits the COX-2 enzyme that triggers inflammation.

If you're already taking NSAIDs for your pain, "Take Zyflamend at half the recommended dose along with your prescribed medication; after 1 month, cut your NSAID dose in half and increase Zyflamend to full dosage; a month later, drop your NSAID and see if your symptoms are controlled. If your pain returns, you may need to resume taking your NSAID again," recommends natural health expert, Andrew Weil, MD in Prevention magazine.

Proteolytic Enzymes. These enzymes including papain, chymopapaine, bromelain, and pancreatic preparations can "fast forward" the healing process, support the removal of damaged tissue, and reduce swelling, report natural health experts Ross A. Hauser MD and Payson Flattery, NP, DC, in The Cure for Chronic Pain: End the Pain of Arthritis, Sports Injury and Other Joint Problems.

Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). An analysis of the 2002 National Health Interview published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine found that a majority (60 percent) of survey respondents who used CAM therapies for back pain perceived "a great deal" of benefit and they reported improved health status. Here are the most commonly used therapies with their percentage of usage:

  • Chiropractic (66 percent)

  • Massage (56 percent)

  • Yoga/Tai Chi/Qi Gong (56 percent)

  • Acupuncture (42 percent)

  • Herbal Therapies (32 percent)

  • Relaxation Techniques (28 percent)

These CAM therapies count as side effects potential improvement in all aspects of your life: body, mind, and spirit.

This is only a partial list; there are many other natural pain relief methods like physical therapy, meditation, and more. Ask your health provider about natural pain relief.

Before you decide to take drugs like NSAIDs and acetaminophen, try natural pain relief methods. You can use them in place of these drugs or along with them, in order to decrease the amount you need to take.

Natural pain relief methods can work and without the nasty side effects of drugs!

Natural Remedies For Inflamed Joints - Discover the Cure For Inflamed Joints in the Next 10 Minutes!

Inflamed joints cause a lot of pain and discomfort for the sufferer and take away the joy of living. Find out the expert facts on how effective natural remedies for inflamed joints can work wonders by providing permanent pain relief.

Inflamed and painful joints can be caused due to various reasons. Some of them are poor nutrition, injury, arthritis, etc. But thanks to advances in modern medical science, effective natural remedies for inflamed joints have now been discovered.

Few years back, Cox-2 inhibitors used to be prescribed for reducing pain in inflamed and painful joints. But most people these days avoid the use of such drugs due to the serious side effects associated with them.

For example, Vioxx is the Cox-2 inhibitor drug that is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Merck. There are thousands of lawsuits pending against it, as the users of the drug suffered from serious side effects such as heart attack and death due to it.

Natural remedies for inflamed joints offer a much safer and effective solution. The key to overcoming the pain of inflamed and stiff joints lies in reducing the inflammation naturally.

The easiest and the most natural way is to consume a diet that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They are one of the best natural anti-inflammatory. They are also very beneficial for cardiovascular and brain health.

Omega-3 fatty acids inhibit the activity of those enzymes that play a leading role in destroying the cartilage tissues in the joints. They reduce inflammation naturally and provide effective pain relief.

Fish is one of the best sources of Omega 3s. Apart from that the green lipped mussel found in New Zealand is also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. It has also been found very effective in reducing joint stiffness and pain in arthritis patients.

A regular intake of Omega 3 in the form of pure fish oil supplements is one of the best natural remedies for inflamed joints, as well as reaping the amazing health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids.

Cure Your Rheumatoid Arthritis - Alcohol, a Possible Treatment to an Impossible Disease

Every patient suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis is searching for alternative remedy, which could lower down growth of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) in the body. A recent research states that the people who intake 10 units (not more or less) of alcohol a week have reduced the severity of Rheumatoid Arthritis in body.

In this research, RA patients were initially divided into two groups, First group include those patients who do not take or have alcohol infrequently and the second group include those patients who take alcohol frequently (10 units of alcohol a week or five glasses of wine a week).

After 45 days, patients in the second group were observing lesser pain than before, whereas the condition of first group patients was still degrading at the same pace. Certain blood tests and X-Ray of all the joints were led to validate the reality and it was found that, there was much lower level of inflammation and swelling around the joints of the second group patients. Their X-Ray reports had also reflected less damage to joints of second group arthritis patients when compared to the first group patients in the same duration.

A lot of intense and deep research by research team, depicted that "the alcohol actually restrains the activity of immune system at a certain point which has a major impact on the ground where Rheumatoid Arthritis actually develops in body (when alcohol is taken in limited or prescribed quantity). The alcohol's insensitivity and anti-inflammatory effects tend to lower down the activity of immune system in body and the actual reason behind reduced pain in the second group patients".

The research team said that "the chances of recovering from Rheumatoid Arthritis can certainly increase with regular intake of prescribed quantity of alcohol, however any intake of alcohol apart from the prescribed quantity will certainly be harmful".

This research also resulted that the prescribed quantity of alcohol is also helpful in lowering down symptoms of RA severity in the body. The symptoms of RA were also found low in the people who drink frequently and high in non-drinkers. In fact, alcohol is also useful in pulling down the risk of heart disease in many patients.

Rheumatoid Arthritis medicines, including immuno suppressant drugs like Confluence could damage the liver if patient intake more quantity of alcohol apart from the prescribed quantity with any immuno suppressant medicines. The patients should certainly not exceed prescribed 10 units of alcohol or 5 glasses of wine a week in order to get relief in joint pain. It should be noted that drinking of more quantity of alcohol, taking regular medicine or any antibiotic could harm liver.

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease, which is clearly a reflection of changing lifestyle, more than 2 percent of world population is currently affected by Rheumatoid Arthritis. There is an urgent need to find alternative treatment, which can lower down the RA effects and restrain further damage. Millions are spent every year to discover a medicine to cure Rheumatoid Arthritis, patients can certainly restrain themselves from every form of arthritis by adopting few simple measures.

A recent research conducted by a private arthritis research website, resulted that every men aged 45 and women aged 42 will be suffering from one or the other form of arthritis after 2020.

Degenerative Joint Disease (Osteoarthritis) In Cats

Pet parents may not consider the possibility that their aging furry companion may be suffering from degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis). They may notice their cat gradually becoming less active but simply write it off to another part of the natural aging process.

The truth when discussing degenerative joint disease in cats is there is about a one in three chance of it occurring before the age of 10 and a seven out of ten chance of it occurring after the age of 10. It is by far the most common form of arthritis in cats. Other forms include progressive polyarthritis, septic arthritis, and spondylitis (when the vertebrates are involved with the progression of arthritis.

Though cats general have milder symptoms than dogs it is still a serious problem. Some might even argue a more serious problem because cats tend to be less active than dogs to start with, and diseases of the joints such as osteoarthritis reduce their activity level to a point where their overall health may become an issue.

Talking degenerative joint disease in cats?

Bones are connected at the joint. In a cat with degenerative joint disease, the cartilage covering the articulating surface of a joint wears out and the underlying bone develops a coarse surface that damages the joint.

Think of cartilage as the shock absorber that keep bones from rubbing together and cushions impact.

In dogs when the cartilage disappears a sandpaper type of sound may be heard when they are in motion. Since cats are smaller, and typically have shorter strides, degenerative joint disease will not be heard, thus it must be observed.

The most common area impacted are those weight bearing joints which have been severely stress, fractured, or dislocated. Nevertheless, sometimes years of chasing birds, lizards, or battery operated mice around is enough to stop your cat in his/her tracks.

The most common symptoms of degenerative joint disease is stiffness which can turn into lameness if left untreated. This condition may begin around the age of 7 or 8 but not be noticed until much later. Swelling around the damaged joint and muscle deterioration in the vicinity of the affected area are visual cues that pet parents can pick up on.

Also their activity levels may grind to a halt with irritable setting in as the condition, and subsequent pain, worsens.

What can be done?

There is a spirited debate as to whether pain medications and/or corticosteroids are the best way to treat degenerative joint disease in cats. Many veterinarians believe it is a necessary evil while others insist the goal should be first to rebuild the lost cartilage with the help of natural formulas containing glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. Perhaps the answer lies somewhere in the middle.

The sad truth of the matter is that osteoarthritis in cats is treatable but not curable.

Regardless of the chosen course of treatment there are a number of simple steps that can be taken to improve their quality of life.

Examples would be to provide a warm place for them to sleep and rest. In our house we use a heating pad to accomplish this but keep in mind heating pads will tend to dehydrate your pet. Another tip is to make sure they can get to their favorite places; window sills, couches, and beds.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Natural Home Relief For Bruxism - How To Stop Teeth Grinding

Natural Home Relief For Bruxism

This article contains some important tips that will change things for you; no matter how bad your teeth grinding problem is. Teeth grinding occurs during sleep, and is said to be a conscious effort that gradually develops into a habit on the part of the person suffering from it. Since it is said to be a habit; it can also be stopped through a conscious effort on the part of the person suffering from it. This is how to stop TMJ naturally because it does not require any pain medication. Though, it may take a bit of time before one begins to see or experience the result of this natural treatment; the effect will definitely last longer than other means. There are lots of people who hardly know how to stop TMJ naturally; these people spend huge amount of money buying mouth guards and acquiring pain medications.

Causes Of Bruxism

Experts say that bruxism is caused by a condition called anxiety or digestive disorder. One of the best ways to treat teeth grinding is to address this disorder before it escalates into something else.

Some of the side-effects of bruxism include; jaw pain, earache, toothache, headache, and broken teeth. Experts have claimed that these minor side-effects could lead to other complications that may cause some severe damages. These major complications include; depression, and insomnia. Those suffering from bruxism are known to apply the following relieves.

One way to stop teeth grinding is through pain medication prescribed by doctors. Though, not a natural method of stopping this problem; pain medication still remains a common treatment among people who suffer from bruxism. Actually, pain medication only provides temporary solutions to stop teeth grinding.

Mouth Guard

A mouth guard is a gadget usually placed between the lower and upper jaw, which helps prevent both ends of the jaw from coming in contact. Though, not a cure for bruxism, mouth guard remains the most commonly used method by people who want to stop teeth grinding. The cost of acquiring or replacing a mouth guard once it wears out is put at about $700. That means one may have to cough out that much each time the one in use wears out.

Tackling teeth grinding from the root cause remains the best solution to curing it; and not actually all these artificial means, which cost a lot of money. Having considered pain medication and mouth guards as some of the ways to prevent this disorder; natural home relief for bruxism remains the best way out.

Capsaicin: Real Pain Relief or Myth?

We've seen a huge boom in the quantity, quality and availability of all natural healing remedies for pain (whether temporary or chronic) in recent years. Unfortunately we've also seen a big jump in the number of ineffective pain management therapies posing as all natural solutions for pain, making it difficult for many people to sort through what really works and what's just marketing hype. One of the most touted natural treatment of pain remedies to arrive in recent years has been topical capsaicin treatments. Does capsaicin really work to reduce pain in a safe and natural manner, or is it all hype?

Anecdotal and Clinical Proof

To make it very clear from the start- yes, capsaicin has been shown both anecdotally and within proper scientific studies to work as a natural pain remedy. A study conducted by the University of Oxford tested capsaicin creams with arthritis and neuropathy patients and found that about forty percent of the arthritis sufferers halved the level of pain they were suffering from by using the cream, and over half the neuropathy sufferers replicated those pain relief results with two months of treatment. Capsaicin has similarly been shown to reduce general pain significantly more effectively than a placebo in another study of one hundred and sixty people, and has been used to treat headaches from migraine sufferers.

But what is Capsaicin?

So now that you know that capsaicin has been proven effective as a natural healing treatment, you're probably wondering what the cream actually is? Simply put, capsaicin is the ingredient that makes chilies and other peppers hot. It's the component of those foods that causes that "mouth burning" feel and which makes your skin tingle when you come into direct contact with them. While the exact reason why capsaicin works effectively to treat pain hasn't been proven, most researchers suspect it has to do with the ingredient's ability to remove substance P from the skin upon contact, which is a chemical within your body that induces the feeling of pain.

The Top Uses of Capsaicin

Because of this capsaicin is almost always utilized as a topical treatment for back pain, neck pain, and other forms of localized muscles pain. Capsaicin cream can be purchased over the counter at pretty much any general store or drug store these days, and is reasonably priced. Pain management with capsaicin is easy enough- all you need to do is directly apply the cream to the source of your pain a few times a day. It usually takes a couple of weeks to begin to experience significant pain relief.

The way that capsaicin treatments are produced these days makes them better for natural healing of localized pain compared with full-body chronic pain. Capsaicin treatments are primarily formulated to deal with extremely localized predictable pains like arthritis or overworked muscles. Considering the prevalence of these forms of chronic muscle pain it's no wonder that capsaicin is reaching the level of popularity and widespread acceptance that it is. There are no known negative side effects of capsaicin pain relief treatments when they are applied properly, though it's important to avoid letting the cream come in contact with your eyes or other extremely sensitive parts of your body.

Can Dead Sea Salt Stop Joint Pain?

This is it! You've reached the red line beyond which you cannot bear the pain. After having spent weeks and months of wishful thinking, the reality has hit you right on the face. No matter what experts say, there's so much so that medicines can do, so what would you do now?

There's a long way yet to travel before you could give up on your quest. Have you ever heard wise men saying that the world is a perfect place? It may be so, because relief for joint pain has been found right in Dead Sea Salt.

Among the best uses of Dead Sea salt is relieving Psoriasis, Eczema and related skin diseases. It also relieves lower back pain, joint pain and muscle aches caused by various diseases. The latter is the reason why it is popular among Rheumatoid arthritis patients. The efficiency of Dead Sea salt is clinically proven to relieve pain in both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

We all know that the Dead Sea contains far more minerals than any place on earth. It is known to contain 32% more minerals than any other sea with Iodine and Bromides being freely available together with Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and Calcium in dry form. These elements together are known to work the magic in relieving pain as they take over the job of regulating cell activity and daily functioning while stabilizing body's fluid levels.

Many user reviews prove that a hot water bath immersed in salt bring them closer to a world full of relief from joint pain. They report of being refreshed and relaxed in the mind and body so much so that they feel deeply relieved of joint pain. Dead Sea bathing salts are available in many colors and sizes in the market. However, you ought to be cautious of what you buy. Many rheumatoid arthritis sufferers prefer the white salt over other colors but you need to know how to identify authentic Dead Sea salt in order to benefit from its' usage.

There are washed or processed salts that come in to the market in the name of Dead Sea salt. These salts have had their minerals extracted for other purposes and would not provide you any benefit at the end. The best way to identify the difference between the authentic salt and processed salt is to examine the color. If the salt carries a 'bleached white' appearance, it has probably been refined. The authentic Dead Sea salt is off color white in nature. There would be a texture difference too in the refined salt, but it would be very hard to track the difference on its texture alone.

While many people seem to have benefitted from this salt for rheumatoid arthritis joint pain, some also report that the effects have worn off on the joint pains after regular use of the salt. So rather than using it daily, you could get in to a weekly plan of using dead sea salt in a hot water bath?

Facts About TMJ Symptoms and Treatment

There are many reasons you may be suffering from facial and jaw pain, ranging from sinus infections, decaying teeth, wisdom teeth, or even simple headaches. However, over ten million people in the United States alone are currently suffering from TMJ dysfunction. Are you?

What is TMJ? TMJ is an acronym for Temporomandibular Joint, which in simpler terms is the jaw joint. This is the joint that attaches your jaw to your skull, allowing for normal chewing and use of your mouth, including talking and making facial expressions. Use of your TMJ is something that is taken for granted, making TMJ dysfunction even more disruptive. Anyone, male or female, can be affected by TMJ problems; however, most patients seeking treatment tend to be women in their childbearing years. The causes for TMJ problems are varied and not always known. TMJ dysfunction can be a form of arthritis or a dental procedure gone awry. Genetics may be to blame, while autoimmune diseases may also be the cause.

Symptoms of TMJ Dysfunction No matter the cause of your TMJ dysfunction, the number one symptom is pain. The pain caused by TMJ problems can often be dull and aching. Some jaw joint pain can be normal from time to time and should not be cause for concern. However if you experience pain that lasts more than a few weeks, this can be TMJ dysfunction, which is best diagnosed by your physician. Other symptoms to consider are chronic headaches, neck, shoulder or back pain, facial pain, worn, chipping or cracked teeth, your jaw "locking" if attempting to be opened, and even numbness in your fingers and arms. These are just a few examples of how TMJ symptoms may manifest. If you are experiencing any of these discomforts, it may be related to TMJ dysfunction. Many cosmetic dentists are experienced in assessing TMJ Disorder and can best advise and provide treatment.

Treatment of TMJ Disorder Through a series of diagnostic tests, your dental specialist can help determine the cause of your TMJ discomfort, leading to the proper treatment. Often treatment can be achieved through a neuromuscular approach that does not involve surgery or braces. With advanced studies and latest technology, dentists are able to assess your particular needs in regards to your disorder. Treatment can sometimes be as simple as corrective bite treatment with an orthotic that extends your teeth, alleviating your symptoms. Sometimes a more permanent solution may be needed, such as full mouth reconstruction. Treatments vary case by case, and these are only two examples of what a specialist can do to help. Having a dentist that is experienced and able to best advise you is key to your recovery.

Get Rid of Chronic Back Pain Now

Chronic back pain is one of the most universal medical problems today. Low back pain is such a common nuisance it affects up to 90% of Americans at some point in their life. Half will have more than one episode. Chronic back pain is not a specific disease. Rather, it is a symptom that may occur from a variety of different processes. These include degenerated discs and joints in the spine, spinal stenosis, and chronic muscle strain.

  • Chronic muscular strain: Chronic muscular strain is perhaps the most common cause of back pain. There may or may not be an initial event or accident. The result is a back ache that may come and go or be present all the time. The pain is not explained by another cause, such as those discussed below.

  • Degenerative disc disease and sciatica: Degenerative or traumatic processes in the discs of the back can lead to rupture or disc herniation. The disc protrudes and places pressure on the adjacent spinal nerves. When this condition occurs in the low back, it is called sciatica, and classically presents as leg pain and difficulty walking. Frequently, pain is felt radiating into the buttock, leg and/or foot.

  • Spinal stenosis: Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal cord causing nerve compression in the back. When this condition occurs in the low back, it leads to persistent pain in the buttocks, limping, a lack of feeling in the lower extremities, and inhibited physical activity.

  • Arthritis/Degenerative joint disease: Arthritis pain in the back is the result of degenerative processes in the spine, and has been described as aching, stabbing, sharp, radiating, or hot. Degenerative processes in the spine can lead to slippage of one vertebrate on another or even fracture. Vertebral displacement can pinch nerves and create muscle tension.

To achieve relief from chronic back pain and sciatica one must understand:

  • Back pain is not prevented by the strengthening of the muscles of the back.

  • The stability of the back rather than the strength of the back prevents your back from harm.

  • Therapy for stability is quite different from strength training.

Any approach to back pain treatment and sciatica should begin with a thorough evaluation of your spinal core and understands:

  • The stability of the back is dependent on a properly functioning spinal core

  • The spinal core is a complicated series of discs and vertebra, each with a slightly different function

  • Faulty interactions between vertebrae create excessive strain in the back

  • Optimizing interactions between vertebrae stabilizes the back, providing back pain relief and alleviating the pain of sciatica.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a therapy method that could relieve your back and sciatic pain completely and stabilize your back in anywhere from one hour to one week? The Feldenkrais Method can show you how to rid yourself of back pain for good, without drugs, surgery or machines. Feldenkrais has been used to treat hundreds of people suffering from back pain, the goal of therapy being to relieve pain and prevent your back from being injured again. The Feldenkrais Method uses simple, gentle movements to reorganize posture, flexibility, strength and coordination. And in doing so, it provides an environment within which your back pain can heal. Discover what Feldenkrais can do for your sore back or sciatica.

Hip Dysplasia - Is Your Dog Predisposed?

Hip Dysplasia is frequently a painful crippling genetic developmental orthopedic disease. The sloppy breeding of two dysplastic parents is mainly the cause for the disease to be so rampant. Most often found in larger breeds, smaller breed dogs are also susceptible of receiving the defective genes.

What is Hip Dysplasia?

Hip dysplasia occurs in the "ball and socket" joint of the dog. When the "ball" does not fit tight in the "socket," it causes friction, inflammation, cartilage damage, and pain. It can and does often lead to arthritis so crippling, surgery or euthanasia are the only options.

There are two types of hip dysplasia: acute and chronic. Acute (early) is usually observed in young dogs, noted by severe pain in the hips and lameness. In the acute stage, symptoms can last from a few weeks to months.

Chronic (late) commonly appears in older dogs. However, it can appear in dogs less than a year old. The dog appears in pain, has less range of motion of their hips, plus, arthritis has usually set in, and is progressing.

What Signs Should I Watch For?

Lameness or limping after exercise or walks, waddling/swaying gait, difficulty standing up, stiffness especially on cold, damp days, moodiness, unenthusiastic to move, protective of hip area, and decreased range of motion around hips are a few signs to watch for.

How is Hip Dysplasia Diagnosed?

Your veterinarian can diagnose it through a physical examination, PennHIP x-ray, CT scans, and/or ultrasound.

The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) recommends the hip-extended ventro-dorsal view x-ray. With that, your veterinarian can get a frontal view of the hip joints and pelvis. This procedure is most widely used by veterinarians as the view also allows for an judgment of if there is arthritis and the amount of present.

How Will My Dog Be Treated for Hip Dysplasia?

Depending on the degree of damage, there are a number of options. They include: weight loss, change of diet, physical therapy, limited exercise, anti-inflammatory medications, pain medication and surgery.

In severe cases, where the animal is severely crippled beyond hope, euthanasia is at times recommended.

How Do I Prevent My Dog From Hip Dysplasia?

Before purchasing a dog, make sure the breeder is reputable! Ask for a copy of all documentation that the parents are PennHIP x-rayed and OFA certified.

Feed large breed puppies, food customized to their needs. Feeding high protein, over supplemented food, can invite problems later on.

Do not over feed your dog.

Do not let them jump in and out of your vehicle, especially SUVs and trucks. Provide a ramp.

Limit excessive weight bearing exercise. Swimming is a great way to exercise any dog, especially at risk breeds.

Do not allow at risk breeds to jump on and off furniture, decks, porches, etc.

Do not allow at risk breeds to jump for balls, toys or Frisbees.

Have your puppy x-rayed when they are around six months old.

Breeds Genetically Predisposed to Hip Dysplasia include but are not limited to:

Afghan Hound
Alaskan Malamute
American Eskimo Dog
American Staffordshire Terrier
Australian Cattle Dog
Australian Shepherd
Bearded Collie
Belgian Malinois
Belgian Sheepdog
Belgian Tervuren
Bernese Mountain Dog
Black and Tan Coonhound
Border Collie
Bouvier des Flandres
Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Clumberland Spaniel
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Curley Coated Retriever
Chow Chow
Doberman Pincher
English Setter
English Springer Spaniel
English Shepherd
Finish Spitz
Flat Coated Retriever
Field Spaniel
German Shorthaired Pointer
German Wirehaired Pointer
Golden Retriever
Gordon Setter
Giant Schnauzer
Great Dane
Great Pyrenees
German Shepherd
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Irish Setter
Irish Water Spaniel
Irish Wolfhound
Labrador Retriever
Norwegian Elkhound
Norwegian Buhund
Norwegian Elkhound
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Old English Mastiff
Old English Sheepdog
Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Portuguese Water Dog
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Saint Bernard
Shiba Inu
Siberian Husky
Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier
Standard Poodle
Standard Schnauzer
Tibetian Terrier
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon

Bottom line: Hip Dysplasia is a painful, debilitating, disease. Do your homework, educate yourself on what to look for, take necessary precautions, use common sense but, most importantly; enjoy your dog!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Low Level Laser Therapy For Pain - LLLT

Low Level Laser Therapy or LLLT is a medical treatment commonly used to treat pain, joint disorders and some wound healing. It is most often used over joints and nerves. It uses lighted diodes to change the cellular function. There have been many clinical testings that show that LLLT is effective in providing pain relief for all types of problems.

There are several conditions that can cause pain that Low-Level Laser Therapy can help to relieve or treat. Some of the most common problems it has been used in treating are:

  • Tendonitis

  • Painful joints

  • Neck and back pain

  • Carpal tunnel

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Sinusitis

  • Tonsillitis

  • Vertigo

  • TMJ

  • Chronic back pain

  • Pain and injury from trauma

  • Reduces Inflammation

  • Migraines and headaches

There are many different things that low-level laser therapy is used for but it is most effective in the treatment of all types of pain. From a slight nagging pain to the more chronic pain that never leaves you. It has also been approved for treatment of helping to heal wounds and ulcers.

LLLT has also been proven to reduce inflammation. It is useful in the treatments of inflammation of skin conditions such as acne and eczema. Low-Level Laser Therapy has also been used in the treatment of migraines, hearing loss and even the treatment of some scars.

This type of therapy is also being used for the treatment of hair loss. While it does seem to help some other types of skin inflammation and wounds it is primarily used for the treatment of acute and chronic pain in the body.

While the theory of exactly how low-level laser therapy works has not been officially stated, the light given off by the lasers during light therapy causes photochemical reactions within the cells that have been targeted. It also has been suggested that it helps to control and reduce pain due to increasing the blood flow to the area and lowering the levels of several types of prostaglandin that cause stress and pain in the cells. It also increases adenosine triphosphate in the mitochondria which produces more oxygen. It also produces ATP which promotes relief of painful sensations in the cells.

The great thing about the use of low-level laser therapy is that it is painless. It can be used at any time. It also provides fast relief for these painful symptoms. It greatly reduces your healing time by providing cell stimulation to increase and promote the healing of cells. It is also 100% safe as the level of the laser is low so that it can not damage any of the cells that are being treated. It is not toxic, non-invasive and has virtually no long-term side effects to the patient. Application is very easy and very quick.

Treatment with these lasers will depend on your condition. Some people have relief in as little as one time, while others have to be treated 8 to 10 times for the pain to go away or decrease.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Or TMJ

If it hurts when you chew or use or jaw or when you yawn, there can be a problem. If you feel pain in your cheek, teeth in front of the ear or in the temples, then you need to think seriously. If you find it difficult to open your mouth wide or if your jaws get stuck when you open it or if you experience soreness in your teeth or if your jaws make a lot of noise, then you need to be alert. If you are noticing these symptoms, then you can be sure that you have a problem of temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ. TMJ is a problematic condition which proves to be painful and attacks your jaws.

The signs and symptoms of TMJ can be limited movement of the jaw of locking of the jaw, dizziness, hearing problems, headaches, earaches and problem in swallowing, pain in the shoulders, face or neck, the improper fitting of upper and lower teeth and painful grating when opening or closing of the mouth.

Your chiropractor will help you with the treatment of TMJ like chiropractic manipulation, exercises, massage and ice or heart therapy. The first step in chiropractic treatment is to reduce the pain and soreness. In case your chiropractor thinks that you might need more assistance, he or she will refer you to the appropriate specialist.

You can also learn a few things from your chiropractor so that you can avoid things that can be harmful. You should avoid joint movements that can prove to be harmful for you like having a big apple or a big sandwich can cause you to open your mouth too wide and hence project a harmful effect on the jaw. Use of ice or heat can also prove to be helpful and reduce the pain. Just after the injury or start of the pain, ice is a good help. At a later point of time, if you are still experiencing pain and discomfort, you should switch over to heat. You should also perform exercises that are specifically meant for TMJ. There are certain stretching and strengthening exercises that help to reduce the pain and help to treat TMJ. Your chiropractor will give you more advice on that. Chiropractic treatment is the best method of treatment for TMJ as it is completely natural and helps to reduce pain and soreness and can prove to be very effective.

Osteoarthritis Causes, Symptoms and Remedies That You Ought to Know

Osteoarthritis is not related with single disease but it is the result of variety of disorders. Finally it results in structural and functional failure of one or more joints. This condition includes the pain in entire joint, nearby muscles, underlying bone, ligament and joint lining. In osteoarthritis there is an advance loss of cartilage. Initially the cartilage tries to repair itself. It is related with degenerative joint disease which typically affects joints in the knees, hand, hip, feet, and spine. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis.

There are varieties of causes of arthritis. Some of its important risk factors are -

1. Women: Women get often affected by the problem of osteoarthritis in comparison to men.
2. Older age: Usually osteoarthritis affects the people of older age.
3. Obesity: Risk of osteoarthritis increases with the increase in weight. So, obese person are at more risk in developing the problem of osteoarthritis.
4. Joint injuries: Sometimes due to sports injury and repetitive stress, due to some occupation also it results into the problem of osteoarthritis.

Usually the symptoms of osteoarthritis begin gradually, but over the period the condition worsen. Though there are varieties of symptoms of osteoarthritis but some of its main symptoms -

1. Aching or stiffness.
2. Growth of bones on the margins of joints.
3. Occurring intermittently.
4. Pain worsens during activity and the condition improves in the rest condition.
5. When the joint is moved, it causes a great sensation.

Usually, osteoarthritis is diagnosed after proper physical examination and also the results of an x-rays. Sometimes the doctor finds a need to take a sample of synovial fluid from the joint. On the basis of proper diagnosis, the person suffering from the problem of osteoarthritis may go for treatment.

Though there is no permanent cure for osteoarthritis but proper treatment can reduce pain and also help in improving flexibility, joint movement, and quality of life. Some of the options for treatment include:

Modifications in lifestyle and also non drug approaches like weight loss, exercise and physical therapy.

Some pain reliever medications like corticosteroid injections, acetaminophen and hyaluronic acid injections.

For severe conditions of osteoarthritis, surgery is the last option. In this condition, none of the treatments show any improvement. So at last the person suffering from the problem of osteoarthritis has to go for joint surgery with the advice of the doctor.

Proper exercise, yoga, diet etc also works in reducing the pain of the patient suffering from osteoarthritis.

What Are the Qualities of a Good Dentist?

A dentist is a specialized and a qualified medical practitioner who specializes in treatment and general health of the teeth, gum and the mouth as part of human health. Just like in any other medical practice such as heart surgeons, opticians, otolaryngology or skin disorder specialists, dentists also require similar kinds of qualities relating to their line of duty. A dental doctor should exhibit these and more good qualities in his/her practice to attain success and satisfaction.

The dentist should be knowledgeable enough about his/her areas of specialization as the primary requirement. For instance, knowledge about different kinds of diseases that affect teeth, gum and the mouth should be at his/her fingertips. In addition, he /she should have a good idea of the symptoms that such diseases show and different way of treating and curing them. To be able to gather this knowledge, the dental doctor should undertake continuous and extensive research and seminars so as to keep abreast of any advances in medical discoveries regarding dentistry and dental care as a profession. In addition, a good dental doctor should be able to pass the acquired knowledge to his/her patients regarding good care of teeth and any good dental habits that help them maintain their overall health as human beings.

Surgical precision:
A good dentist should be able to perform surgical operations or any other such practices with a clear and sober mind. This is because dental operations just like in any kind of medical operations require maximum concentration, perfect precision, endurance and attention to detail. Any small mistake or error in a surgical operation may lead to a permanent damage to a patient's dental status or further complications may arise. Gentle and flexible handling of the process is necessary to carry on the process with the necessary traffic with causing accidents due to spillage or falling objects.

Excellent communication skills:
When communicating with any person that the dentist comes in contact with such as such a patient, a colleague or an assistant, a good dental doctor should be able to explain complex details in a way that can be easily understood by the recipient of that information. For instance, he should be able to explain to the patient in layman's possible way about different procedures available to assist him/her together with the details that are associated with this. The dentist's recommendations should not be biased, but the decision should be based on the patient's desires and only after considering the well explained facts.

A visit to a dentist is traditionally a dreaded choice to many during dental problems. However, with current developments in research and patient care, it has been discovered that genuine empathy with a patient develops courage in a patients to visit a dental doctor. A good dental practitioner is concerned about the patients feeling and empathizes with him/her during times of pain. This makes it easier for the patient to go though the procedure under reduced stress. A good way of starting to show empathy is by welcoming the patient in a warm way and then take the patient in through his/her interview comfortably without any rushing around about the details. The dental practitioner should handle the patient, not just like a client, but rather like a human to human relationship.

Patient Involvement:
A good dentist will always make the patient feel he/she is in control of all the processes involved in treatment procedures. The patient should be allowed to view all the heath records including x-rays and details be explained to him/her well. This way, the patient is at ease with the dental doctor and his/her confidence in the whole procedure is affirmed and therefore less stressful to both the dentist and the patient.