Saturday, March 8, 2014

Information About Joint Pain

The stiffness in the joints or excruciating pain that appears after sitting down in one place for too long is attributed to a host of possible causes that bring about joint pain. This condition, which only worsens as we age, can affect one or more joints at the same time. Some individuals may also suffer from muscle discomfort and inflamed joints caused by arthritis or bursitis. Overall, this is a common occurrence that has people searching for reasons why they feel pain in their joints, exploring their joint health, and looking for immediate pain relief.

Common Causes of Joint Pain

There are many injuries and conditions that can bring about joint pain, but no matter the reasoning, some sufferers experience pain that is just simply too great to endure on a everyday basis. In some extreme yet common cases, these people are forced to stop the activities they love, in hopes that it will reduce the chances of them suffering from excruciating joint pain. Arthritis commonly affects joint health, including rheumatoid arthritis - an autoimmune disorder that brings pain and stiffness to the joints.

When bone spurs develop or a reduction in cartilage at the joint appears, osteoarthritis is the result, which is quite common in adults older than 45 years of age. Joint pain is a typical symptom of this. Bursitis causes the fluid-filled sacs responsible for cushioning and padding protruding bones to become inflamed. The muscles and tendons no longer move as freely across the bone as they once did, which causes it.

Joint pain can also be caused by any form of strains, sprains, or a fracture caused to the bones, these in some cases cause tendinitis. Other causes of poor joint health are infectious diseases, like influenza, measles, hepatitis, mumps, chickenpox, Lyme disease, and the German measles (rubella).

A Visit to the Doctors

While some joint pain is fleeting, other circumstances call for the attention of a doctor. When a fever arises (which is not linked to the flu), an unexplainable loss of 10 pounds, or joint pain lasts for more than three days - it is suggested to make an appointment to see a physician. A doctor will ask you which joints hurt and if the pain is on one side or both. They will ask how long you have noticed the pain and if it is reoccurring. As you describe your pain, they may ask if it was sudden, intense, slow growing, or mild. They may suggest resting techniques or exercises to ease symptoms. A few tests are associated with treating it, such as a CBC or joint x-ray. Physical therapy or joint rehabilitation is sometimes suggested, where home care measures become significant as well.

The Importance of Home Care

In order to achieve satisfying pain relief, one must embrace the many different measures of available home care. In addition to following prescribed therapies that treat the source of joint pain, it is suggested to consider the following techniques: warm baths, massage, stretching exercises, rest, light exercise, as well as medications and supplements that provide pain relief and reduce swelling. The market is additionally saturated with an assortment of products (like Flex Protex Capsules), which are aimed at easing the symptoms, as well as improving overall joint health.

Popular Applications of Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid has received much press lately as a natural source of health and beauty. In fact, there are so many uses and benefits of hyaluronic acid, it is instructive to clarify and organize them.

The three main categories of uses for hyaluronic acid are: anti-aging treatments, nutritional supplements, and medical treatments.

Anti-Aging Supplements and Creams

As we age, hyaluronic content in the skin changes due to two separate clinically proven factors, decrease in HA synthesis and shift from concentration from the epidermis to the dermis. These changes can leave the epidermis depleted in hyaluronic acid resulting in thinning, aging, and decreased moisture in the skin. Nutritional supplement and beauty products such as Episilk ® contain ultra-high concentrations of hyaluronic acid in order to provide intensive moisture for aged skin that suffers from the dryness and wrinkles. When applied to the skin, HA can penetrate the skin surface and replenish the natural levels already present. Like hyaluronic acid produced in the body, hyaluronic acid used in this form moisturizes from the dermis to the epidermis - from deeper layers of the skin to the outer layer.

Nutritional Supplements

Hyaluronic acid extracted from rooster combs cannot be absorbed by the intestinal tract. But, Japanese scientists have developed a proprietary enzyme-cleaving technique to lower the molecular weight of hyaluronic acid without altering its chemical nature. This allows hyaluronic acid to be taken orally as a nutritional supplement, many varieties of which are readily available for commercial use.

Facial Injections

Hyaluronic acid based gel injections are a new option for the on-spot treatment of facial wrinkles. These shots must be administered by a dermatologist and last up to 4 to 6 weeks.

Medical Treatments

Products containing hyaluronic acid are in use or are being researched to aid in the prevention and treatment of symptoms related to connective tissue disorders such as: fractures, hernias, glaucoma, keratoconus, detached retinas, osteoarthritis, TMJ, prevention of scarring, vocal chord repair insufficiency, wrinkled skin, cartilage damage, and wound and ligament healing. Of these, osteoarthritis has recently become a particularly popular area for HA treatment. Physicians have injected hyaluronic acid directly into the synovial fluid in the knee as a treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee for the past 20 years. There is, however, an ongoing debate as to the efficacy of this treatment.

Treating Lumbar Facet Joint Pain With Radiofrequency Ablation (Radiofrequency Neurotomy)

Of the millions of chronic back pain sufferers in America, just less than half (45%) have the facet joints as their pain generator. This is termed facet joint syndrome. Facet joint injections are the most common interventional pain management procedure by far in the US. They work well about 80% of the time.

Making the diagnosis of facet joint syndrome is difficult with simply a history, physical examination, and imaging studies. Similar to arthritis seen in other body joints like the knee and hip, the presence of arthritis does not mean the patient will have pain. Endstage degenerative arthritis may be present with the patient experiencing minimal pain.

The best method available for determining whether or not a patient has facet joint syndrome is a diagnostic injection into the joint. This injection is when a pain doctor performs a diagnostic injection of numbing medicine around the facet joint to numb up the small nerve endings supplying sensation to the joint (and pain). If the patient's pain is substantially relieved from the numbing injection, then the diagnosis of facet joint syndrome is cemented.

Facet joint intra-articular injections and medial branch blocks have been shown to provide on average five to seven months of pain relief. When the pain wears off, the injections can be repeated with similarly successful results.

In the 1970's and 80's, radiofrequency denervation was developed for the first time and modified as it became more successful. It has grown in popularity as clinical research studies have shown very good outcomes with the procedure.

Radiofrequency ablation involves putting a catheter in the same area as where a medial branch block is performed. Rather than injecting the numbing medicine at that point, the tip of the catheter is heated with radiofrequency waves and the tiny little nerve endings are deadened.

Results of studies that have been done looking at radiofrequency neurotomy have been encouraging. Good to excellent results after RF procedures have been 70-90% for a year with pain being relieved for up to 2 years. This is much longer than facet joint injections. Eventually the medial branches that were deadened will regenerate and the pain may return. At that point the procedure may successfully be repeated. The RF procedure may allow patients to decrease their pain medication needs substantially.

It should be noted that patients may temporarily see increased pain after a radiofrequency ablation. This may be due to muscle spasms from the procedure. Typically within a week the pain relief will begin and the benefits will be noticed.

RF procedures are performed in an outpatient setting. They can be done under local numbing and/or IV sedation. The procedure is predominantly safe with a low risk profile, but there are potential complications. Those include dural puncture, spinal cord trauma, infection, painful dysethesias/hyperesthesia, or increased pain.

Synovial Fluid - The Oil in Our Hinges That Relieves Joint Pains

As we age, our bodies tend to slow down and produce less of the gooey liquid called synovial fluid, which lubricates our joints. Synovial fluid is like a clear and slippery water that's full of lipids (essential fats) and proteins, which cushion the cartilage, allowing the joints to move effortlessly. As these essential fluids decrease, wear on the cartilage increases, causing joint pains, weakness and inflammation.

Joint pain is extremely common and can prohibit one from living a full and active life. Whether caused by age, arthritis or an injury, the loss of the lubricants in your joins can decrease the enjoyment of activities you used to love, and make even the simplest task a painful chore. There are those that succumb to joint pains and simply give up activities they once enjoyed, and there are those that suffer through it silently, accepting the pain as an inevitability of the aging process.

The good news is you don't have to suffer with joint pains! There are things you can do right now to help not only eliminate pain, but to actually restore joint mobility and promote joint lubrication. Some believe that expensive viscosupplementation, a process of injecting fluid directly into the joint cavity, is the only way to get fast relief from joint pains, but the results usually are not long lasting, and the process can be expensive. There are a myriad supplements and vitamins on the market today that promise relief from joint pains, and many show potential.

The problem with typical pain-relief medications, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, is that they only mask joint pain, allowing you temporary relief, but the underlying cause of joint pains remains. Joint supplements, on the other hand, like glucosamine and chondroitin, work to rebuild lost cartilage that results from loss of joint lubrication. Doesn't it make more sense to address the root of the problem, not just a symptom, such as only the pain? Chances are that while you are treating only the pain, you may be compounding the damage to your joints so that when the pain medication wears off, your body is even weaker.

While still undergoing some major testing, the effects of glucosamine and chondroitin look promising, with patients claiming to have less joint pain than those who took a placebo. These joint supplements also have very low risks or side effects, making them even more appealing. Some joint pain sufferers swear by Omega-3 fatty acids, found in either supplement form or naturally in fish and flaxseeds. Research may indicate that fatty acids may be the key to improving joint lubrication and mobility. Increasing the amino-acids in your body may also help to encourage your body to produce collagen, also essential in forming ligaments and joints.

If you experience joint pains, you know first-hand that the simple movements that others may take for granted may be obstacles for you. That doesn't mean that you have to be doomed to an existence of chronic pain. Ask a nutritionist or pharmacist to direct you to the supplements that may free you from your joint pains for good.

Natural Methods to Help Ease TMJ Pain

TMJ or Temporomandibular joint disorder, is a very painful joint disorder that is caused when the joint between the jawbone and where it connects to the skull becomes "disjointed". The result can be as mild as a clicking sound when you eat to as chronic as a sharp pain similar to a cutting knife every time you open and shut your mouth.

To make matters worse, surgery is not a 100% effective in TMJ patients and can cost thousands of dollars. In this article, I am going to go over a couple natural methods to ease the pain that TMJ causes. I am also going to show some key vitamins that may help those who have to live with the pain.

To Reduce TMJ Pain, you must first reduce the inflammation that it causes.

Most people simply look for a cure rather than what is causing the symptoms. In a lot of cases when it comes to home remedies, discovering the catalyst can become the key to understanding how to treat the problem. Most people who have issues with TMJ have it because there is inflammation in the jawbone. This jaw pain can be caused by the grinding of the teeth at night or even by simply chewing gum.

And the good news is that there are certain plants as well as foods that can help eliminate the problem quickly. These plants will help to alleviate jaw pain by reducing the inflammation caused by TMJ.

  • Magnesium will help to reduce jaw pain primarily because of what magnesium does for the body; it relaxes the nervous system. Ironically, magnesium's effects are directed squarely on the jawbone.

  • MSM can help to reduce the muscle spasms of the jaw and is noted to help reduce inflammation as well.

  • If you have cartilage damage due to TMJ then you will want to supplement your diet with Glucosamine Sulfate. While not clinically recognized as proven to work, thousands of people have attested to glucosamine for relieving joint pain.

TMJ Nerve Pain - How to Stop Nerve Pain

Your TMJ nerve pain jaw is getting worse. Shooting and stabbing pains that just keep coming. You are sick of spending your entire day trying not to open your mouth too wide, chewing so softly only to get another sharp pain. Is there really no effective way to stop TMJ nerve pain?

You Can Do It Yourself?

It has been recently proven that TMJ exercises can in fact relieve TMJ nerve pain and other related symptoms. But how can simple exercises get rid of this annoying and persistent foe that is TMJ?

These exercises however have a used by date. If your symptoms are too far gone they may not be able to save your jaw. For example people who have snapped tendons or ripped muscles are going to need extensive treatment and most likely surgery. Many people simply don't take enough notice of TMJ and live with the symptoms, which inevitably get worse and worse.

How Do They Fix TMJ?

Basically TMJ exercises correct and realign your jaw muscles and tendons. They do this by stretching, massaging and strengthening certain muscles in your jaw, mouth and neck. After doing these exercises, TMJ patients have reported losing their symptoms in as little as a few days. Although this is not the norm and it usually takes about 10 days for full recovery.

These exercises are a much better alternative to mouth guards and splints which can cost more than $300. Mouth guards only stop your teeth grinding at night and do nothing for the pain. Plus many people dislike them because they feel very uncomfortable when sleeping.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Juicing For Vitamins Can Help With Osteoarthritis

There are actually more than 100 types of arthritis! The most common form is osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease. Osteoarthritis is caused by the wearing down of cartilage in our joints over time, causing the joints to become stiff and painful. Certain joints are more susceptible to developing this health condition, such as the knees, hips, hands, neck and the lower back. However, every joint can develop osteoarthritis symptoms. The cause of this degenerative joint disease is unclear, though definite risk factors include aging, joint damage/injury, obesity and heredity.

At present there is no known cure for osteoarthritis. However, there are treatments for osteoarthritis joint pain reduction, maintaining joint movement and slowing down the degeneration. These osteoarthritis treatments includes drugs (such as NSAID's and cortisone shots), alternative methods such as acupuncture and the arthritis diet. Here we will focus on some key vitamins which can obtain through juicing.

Vitamin D

A study has found that vitamin D is beneficial for those who suffer from osteoarthritis in the knees. The Framingham Osteoarthritis Cohort Study of 1996 suggests that elderly people with a low intake of vitamin D and low blood levels of vitamin D were 3 times as likely to see their osteoarthritis symptoms worsen. Vitamin D is not found in fruits and vegetables, so it is not something we can obtain from juicing. Great food sources includes, fish, eggs and vitamin D fortified orange juice.

Vitamin C

1) Pain Reduction - Several studies have suggested that vitamin C is beneficial as an osteoarthritis treatment for pain. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover trial was performed on 133 patients. Those that were given 1g of calcium ascorbate per day (containing 898mg vitamins C) had significantly more pain reduction than those given a placebo. Another study also showed that taking 200mg of vitamin C a day reduced the chance of developing osteoarthritis knee pain.

2) Degeneration reduction - Taking 120-200mg of vitamin C per day has been shown to decrease the progression of this disease threefold.

3) Connective tissue and cartilage - Vitamin C is necessary for the production of connective tissue and cartilage and is suggested that it may help with some joint repair.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant for mopping up free radicals that attack all the bodies cells, including the cells in joints. Vitamin E is also a good anti-inflammatory agent for Joint Pain. Many sufferers claim that vitamin E helps reduce their pain.

Juicer Recipes for Osteoarthritis Treatment

The following list of juices will all provide good amounts of vitamins C and E to help provide relief from pain and help slow down degeneration of the joints. Vitamin E is not really found in vegetables. On the other hand vitamins C and E are found in a number of fruit. The recipes below will all be fruit based.

Osteoarthritis Treatment Juicer Recipe #1 - Berry Bonanza
1 cup of blackberries
1 cup of blueberries

3 kiwis Wash blueberries and blackberries thoroughly. Peel the kiwis. Juice them and then give them a good stir and enjoy.

Osteoarthritis Treatment Juicer Recipe #2 - Apple Zing!
3 Apples
1/4 of a lemon

Pick 3 of your favorite tasting apples, peel and core them and remove the stem. Scoop out the flesh from a 1/4 of a lemon, but don't juice the rind as it will taste too sour. Juice and enjoy.

Osteoarthritis Treatment Juicer Recipe #3 - The Subtle Strawberry
1/3 cup of strawberries
1 cup of blueberries
1 apple

Wash and top the strawberries. Wash the blueberries. Peel, core and remove stem from the apple. Juice and enjoy! This one is real tasty.

TMJ Symptoms - 7 Warning Signs of TMJ Symptoms

The temporomandibular joint or TMJ is ball and socket joint responsible for the way your jaw moves, and can be found on the side of your face. Due to TMJ disorders being so common, it is important that you are able to recognize the TMJ symptoms and warning signs so that they can be treated correctly.

Here are the 7 most common warning signs of TMJ symptoms:

1. Headaches

Headaches are by far one of the most common complaints of TMJ disorder. Often, these headaches are so severe that they can easily be mistaken for migraines. However, with TMJ symptoms, TMJ headaches are often felt behind the eyes, the temple area, and the back of the head. In some cases, the pain will also radiate to the neck and shoulders.

2. Tenderness

One of the other major TMJ symptoms is tenderness. This tenderness is often experienced in the jaw area and can be localized to the joint itself or it could radiate up to your ears.

3. Congestion or ringing ears

In the absence of ear infection, congestion or ringing in the ears can relate to a TMJ disorder. Other things that can accompany this, is the loss of hearing, loss of balance, or dizziness. This often happens when the condyle (top of the lower jaw), is too far back, and the disc dislocated forward. The muscle responsible for chewing can go into spasm, causing the above mentioned TMJ symptoms.

4. Clicking and popping

Are you experiencing clicking or popping sounds when you open and close your mouth? These are probably the most common TMJ disorder symptoms known to people. The clicking or popping sound you hear is the condyle (top of the lower jaw), slipping on and off the dislocated disc. In some cases, you may also experience a grating sound. This is caused by bone rubbing on bone. However, only occurs on a later stage when the disc becomes completely deformed.

5. Limited jaw opening

Limited opening and closing of the jaw is yet another one of the most common TMJ symptoms. It is crucial to treat a dislocated disc early on, and not wait until the grating sounds gets louder.

6. Depression

Depression is very common to patients suffering from TMJ disorder. Since most patients fail to understand the nature and cause of their pain, they often tend to feel helpless. Moreover, since most people suffering from TMJ disorder also experience sleeping disorders, the lack of sleep and feeling of not being well rested, adds more fuel to the depression.

7. Sensitivity to light

This is also commonly known as photophobia. A patient experiencing TMJ symptoms, will often feel a pain inside and behind the eye, which can cause the sensitivity to light.

If you are experiencing any of the above TMJ symptoms you could possibly be having a problem with your TMJ, and you should have it seen to before the disorder progresses.

Bruxism And TMJ Cure - How To Treat Bruxism And Stop Teeth Grinding

Do you grind your teeth when you sleep or unconsciously when you are awake? Do you know this is a disorder? Do you also know that this disorder can lead to several other disorders? One of the resulting disorders is Temporomandibular Joint disorder, simply known as TMJ. This condition is so painful and uncomfortable for the sufferer, and it can also disturbing for those that are around the sufferer because of the grinding noise it makes. There are now TMJ cures that are cost-effective and natural in nature.

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can lead to a number of secondary conditions such as broken tooth, headache, depression, eating disorders etc. These symptoms can be sometimes unbearable and may need an immediate medical intervention to relief the pains but luckily you can treat bruxism by putting into practice some natural methods that can be used at home.

Most people think teeth grinding is an unconscious act but researchers have been able to prove that it is a habit that can be developed unconsciously over time. It can therefore be treated just has you would take care of any other habitual behavior.

The functioning of the natural methods of TMJ cures is based on the source of the illness. Bruxism can be caused by anxiety and digestive disorders. Although, the disorder is not directly linked to these causes but those who are into the habit of teeth grinding have a source which must be the target of any treatment.

Unfortunately, most of the TMJ cures available are not based on the treatment of the source of the disorder itself but it only tries to solve the disorder directly. The use of mouth splint is one of the most common ways of treating bruxism. It prevents the upper and lower sets of teeth from making contact so that grinding of the teeth may not be possible. The disadvantage of this method is that splints can be very uncomfortable to use because it is not a natural part of the mouth. Through constant use, these mouth guards will deteriorate and there will be cause for you to replace it. This will cost you several dollars. The best way to stop teeth grinding is then through natural ways that will cost you little or nothing.

One very simple and natural way to prevent grinding of the teeth is by consciously putting a stop to it. Another very potent way for TMJ cure is by changing your diet to foods that can solve this problem from its root.

Help For German Shepherds Suffering From Joint Problems

For many dog lovers, there is one breed that grabs the heart and doesn't let go. For an estimated 50,000 dog owners in the United States, that breed is the strong, intelligent and agile German Shepherd.

The German Shepherd is the third most popular breed in the United States. Well known for their working ability, German Shepherds are typically associated with police and military functions along with search and rescue. They are also utilized as working guide dogs for the blind and disabled and, as their names attest, shepherding.

Despite this hard-working reputation, German Shepherds are also known as loving and loyal pets. They respond well to obedience training, socialize easily with other animals and serve as friendly companions for the entire family, especially children.

Unfortunately, this hard-working and dependable dog is susceptible to a variety of bone and joint problems. These problems include panosteitis, osteochrondritis dissecans (OCD) and hip and elbow dysplasia. All three are genetically linked and cannot be cured, although panosteitis, which affects younger animals, is usually outgrown in a month or two. The only option for animals affected by OCD and dysplasia is pain management.

German Shepherds are uniquely susceptible to OCD. This condition is characterized by bone actually crumbling beneath cartilage, particularly in the shoulders, elbows and ankles. The condition shows up within the first year of life and puppies whose parents suffered from the condition are likely to suffer as well.

Hip dysplasia is, perhaps, the best known joint problem in medium and large dogs, and is particularly associated with German Shepherds. Simply stated, dysplasia occurs when a bone does not fit correctly in the joint socket. Dysplasia speeds the normal wear on the cartilage protecting the bone, leading to painful bone-on-bone contact. Dysplasia is genetic and the only step breeders can take now is selective breeding.

The situation may seem dire for a dog suffering from one of these three common ailments, but there is hope - particularly for OCD, dysplasia and common canine arthritis.

Natural supplementation with glucosamine and chondroitin is highly effective in remediating joint problems in animals, particularly osteoarthritis which affects millions of dogs of all breeds. These two molecules serve as the building blocks for cartilage. In a healthy animal, glucosamine and chondroitin are easily synthesized and used to rebuild cartilage. In an animal with degenerative joint conditions, the body is not able to pull on these valuable resources. This is where supplementation comes in.

Because the supplementation market is not regulated, products abound. Powder, pill, capsule, liquid - which to choose?

Lower Back Pain And Kidney Pain - How To Tell If Your Back Pain Is Caused By A Kidney Infection

It is important to remember that kidney pain and back pain can have similar symptoms that have entirely different causes. You can have back pain symptoms that are caused by a kidney infection, while another person could have the exact same symptoms caused by a back problem.

When lower back pain is caused by a kidney problem.

Your kidneys are located to the left and right side of your spine directly above your hips. Pain from an infection in your kidneys will usually occur near this same general area, although it can radiate outwards thus complicating diagnosis. Many people describe the symptoms as a general tenderness or ache and not "pain." A strong, stabbing pain may be related to back problems and not the kidneys. The pain or tenderness can be due to an infection or it could be related to some type of injury to the kidneys themselves. For instance, an injury caused by a fall could compress one kidney impacting and damaging it.

In addition to kidney pain caused by accident or injury there are also symptoms that are associated with a kidney infection. Pain caused by an infection is much more common than that caused by physical trauma. In addition, with infections in the kidney there will often be other symptoms such as a fever, pain while urinating or blood in the urine.

How to tell if you have a kidney infection and what to do about it.

If you have a kidney infection, you will likely have some of the following symptoms: fever, chills, backache and pain. Nausea and tenderness near the infected kidney can also occur. Your doctor will diagnose the condition through tests of kidney functioning or by a bacterial test. Why two types of tests? Because there are two common types of kidney disorders, each with a different cause. Treatment and pain relief will likely include rest and antibiotics for any bacterial infections. Usually the treatment will last for several weeks, but certain people may have structural issues and require longer-term treatment.

The bottom line is that you want to get the right information about what might be creating your pain symptoms - do not self-diagnose. A kidney infection left untreated for many years can have catastrophic implications for your health. If there is a history of kidney infection in your family, or you have recently been in a fall or car wreck or had some other trauma that could have damaged your kidneys, you should consider seeing a doctor. The treatment for low back pain caused by poor posture or over exertion is different than the treatment for low back pain caused by a kidney infection. You want to treat the right condition.

Winning the War on Osteoarthritis Joint Pain

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis, affecting about 21 million Americans. This degenerative disease causes limited range of motion in the affected joints and can affects the most basic of daily activities. In the worst cases, osteoarthritis results in debilitating pain.

Unlike other forms of arthritis, which are genetically linked, osteoarthritis affects people of every race, age and gender... athletes and couch potatoes alike. Despite the seemingly random nature of osteoarthritis, there are certain risk factors for developing the disease. Injury, aging and overweight all contribute to one's risk. Athletes, such as soccer and tennis players, are particularly susceptible to developing osteoarthritis due to the abnormal wear and tear on the weight bearing joints of their bodies.

Because of the progressive nature of osteoarthritis, continued use of the damaged joints causes the damage to worsen and pain to increase. Identifying osteoarthritis early can mean the difference between a lifetime of manageable or excruciating pain. Moreover, while it is possible to identify osteoarthritis early, it is impossible to cure the condition... this is why early detection and treatment are so vital.

In most cases, osteoarthritis develops over time and the pain is not constant. You may experience a stiff joint at first - particularly when rising from sleep or after prolonged periods of sitting. Perhaps your knee "gives out" when walking down stairs or crouching down. These could be signs of osteoarthritis.

The most important advice you may receive is to NOT ignore the pain and assume it will "just go away." If it is, indeed, osteoarthritis, the pain will not decrease with time. Taking action NOW is key to managing pain and keeping yourself healthy.

The first course of action many people take is over-the-counter or prescription anti-inflammatory medications, called NSAIDs. These popular medications are advertised as cure-alls for whatever ails you, but they do not come without risks. From gastrointestinal upset to stroke, for some patients the treatment is worse than the disease! In fact, NSAIDs do nothing more than decrease inflammation temporarily. As the patient continues to use the medications, a larger dose is required to achieve a minimum level of relief.

There is another option for osteoarthritis suffers wanting immediate and lasting relief. With a lot of medical practitioners onboard now, more and more people are turning to natural supplementation that has proven itself effective over and over again - glucosamine and chondroitin.

To understand why glucosamine and chondroitin supplementation are so effective, it is important to understand what happens in a joint affected by osteoarthritis. Another name for osteoarthritis - wear-and-tear arthritis - gives some clue - the repeated use of a joint, "wear and tear," wears away the cartilage cushion in affected joints. The cartilage is worn away too quickly to be replenished and inflammation results as the bones make contact with each other.

Whereas NSAIDs provide only temporary relief by decreasing inflammation, supplementation with glucosamine and chondroitin gives temporary and long-lasting relief. How? By giving the affected joints a booster shot of sorts with the very molecules needed to replenish damaged cartilage - glucosamine and chondroitin.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Which is Better For Relief of Gout Pain, Hot Or Cold Soaking?

When it comes to pain, there are always 2 ways to help relief the pain, ice bag or warm tower. Somehow, the cold treatment is a more commonly used solution to numb the nerves so that the signals of the pain cannot reach the brain, temporarily.

In the case of gout pain, because the infected area (usually big toe) is like burning on fire, most patients will soak the whole foot into a bucket full of freezing cold ices. That will immediately numb all the nerves in the foot, he cannot even feel the existence of the feet, not to mention the grueling pain at the swollen toe.

This may sound like a good fix for the intense pain, but the fact is that cold treatment will only make the condition worse in the long run. This is a method that kills the symptoms but worsen the root cause of gout.

Gout is a direct result of accumulation of too much uric acid in the body and the population of gout patients is growing worldwide at alarming rate. This is because of our modern stressful lifestyle that is full of acidic diet and habits. Smoking, soft drinks, instant food, synthetic food additives, fast food, are all acidifying agents that actively pump acids into the bloodstream.

Bear in mind that our blood pH must always maintain at mild alkalinity which is at the pH value between 7.3 and 7.4. All those acidic food is turning our blood into an acid dumping site. In order to counter the acidity and return the alkalinity of the blood, those acids will be forced out from the bloodstream and enter the interstitial fluids and a portion of it will seep into the synovial fluids in the joints.

When the concentration of uric acid in the synovial goes beyond the saturation level, they will crystallize and forms urate crystals that triggers the immune reaction which result in inflammation, burning sensation and pain, intense pain! Gout attack!

Still remember salt crystal formation experiment during high school science? One of the variables that we need to find out is the rate of crystallization at different temperatures. The answer is that crystallization happens faster and larger crystal stones are formed at lower temperature. On the contrary, the formed salt crystals will slowly dilute away as the temperature goes up.

If you want more urate crystals form in your joints or interstitial fluid of muscles, then continue on with your favorite cold ice soaking. But if you want to speed up the excretion of urate crystals, then soak your feet in the warm water as often as you can, even at times when you are not suffering from gout attack. Warm water will increase the blood circulation and excretion of toxins through the moving blood.

Living With Sports Related Degenerative Joint Disease

Think of the human body as a complex machine composed of joints and gears, nuts and bolts, levers and pistons. Like all things, time and excessive use can eventually grind and break down even the most advanced machine.

Osteoarthritis (OA), also know as Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD), is a debilitating problem caused by years of wear and tear on the body, most often in the knees, hips, and elbows. OA is the most common form of arthritis, and the leading cause of chronic disability in the United States. As the articular cartilage between bones begins to deteriorate, the bones in the joint will grind together, causing inflammation, swelling, and a great deal of pain.

DJD often begins to take its toll around the age of 40, sooner in more active adults. And although it commonly arises from trauma and overuse, osteoarthritis often affects multiple members of the same family, suggesting that there is hereditary susceptibility to this condition. It can be frustrating to live with OA, especially when it begins to interfere with everyday activities such as walking up stairs.

One of the simplest lifestyle changes to help cope with DJD is to wear sneakers that are very soft and provide support. Another course of action is to try to begin activities that are not as stressful on the joints. If you miss those five-mile runs and feel your knees just aren't up to it, try a change of pace and speed-walk instead. Swimming and other non-weight bearing activities are great replacements for more physical, competitive sports such as tennis.

Most people who suffer from DJD or similar symptoms find relief in applying local heat before, and cold packs after exercise. It has also been found that Glucosamine, an amino sugar, has had some effect in delaying DJD's progression, though its efficacy has come under question as of late.

Perimenopausal Women Suffering With Menopause Symptoms and Joint Pain

Joint pain is often one of the symptoms of the Menopause process. Sometimes, joint pain is so severe as to cause constant suffering to the point of disability.

If the Menopause cycle is the cause, then it is probably due to low levels of the hormone Estrogen. The hormone Estrogen has an anti-inflammatory effect in your body. When your estrogen level starts falling due to hormonal fluctuations during menopause, the lack of adequate Estrogen will worsen the symptoms of inflammation.

There is a lot you can do to relieve your pain. You must start with solving the underlying cause. A few simple dietary changes, like reducing refined carbohydrates and sugar, can have a dramatic effect in reducing your joint pain. Fruits and vegetables contain natural anti-inflammatory agents, which ease joint pain. Eating more of these foods, and adding a high quality multivitamin, can do wonders. Some professionals even say that hypnosis is good for relieving joint pain.

Pilates can definitely help joint and muscle pain during menopause. Pilates can help you preserve your range of motion, and will also keep your spine well aligned and stretched. This will avoid damaging the spinal nerves from impingement. Pilates and yoga can both help in this way. These programs will definitely help with muscle pain and joint pain during menopause.

Calcium can relieve muscle spasms and pain. Calcium comes in many forms, some more absorbable than others. If you choose to take a supplement you should make sure that the calcium that you take is easily absorbed in your body. Ask your pharmacist. . Probably the most absorbable form comes from eating a diet that includes daily amounts of one or more of the following foods.

  • Almonds

  • Broccoli

  • Cabbage

  • Asparagus

  • Buttermilk

  • Fennel

  • Figs

  • Oats

  • Parsley

  • Turnip greens

  • Prunes

  • Sesame Seeds

  • Kale

  • Collard Greens

  • Salmon

  • Seafood

  • Yogurt

  • Whey

Stay away from extreme temperatures, stressing, overdoing, straining muscles, or being overweight.

Most people take pain relievers to ease the pain in their joints. Most common, are the non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs known as NSAIDS such as:

Generic Names: Aspirin;, Ibuprofen; which comes in the brand name products Motrin; Advil; and Motrin B, Naproxen; which comes is the active product in Naprosyn and Aleve, and Nabumetone: which comes as Relafen.

Studies have found that these popular OTC drugs can help with joint pain, but over the long haul they can do more harm than good. Many women can get great relief from joint pain and arthritis with the following supplements. It is best to also take a good multivitamin which includes:

  • Glucosamine Sulfate

  • Turmeric

  • Omega-3 fats

Pilates can definitely help joint and muscle pain during menopause. You should maintain your range of motion and also keep your spine well aligned and stretched in order to keep the spinal nerves from impingement. Pilates and yoga can both help to do this. If you do not find improvement form these natural therapies, you should go to your doctor for a complete checkup and blood tests to see if your problem might be caused by low estrogen or thyroid problems.

Stop Arthritis Joint Pain Now! CMO to the Rescue!

According to many, cetylmyristoleate, as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, has no equal. That same crowd will also say that CMO or (CM8-as it is sometimes called) sits atop the throne as king of the joint pain relievers and as an immune system modulator.

Why, you may ask? is it so well received amongst the medical community and the thousands of users who swear by it? Well, one reason is its origin- it is an all-natural highly pure waxy type of ester that is modified to be taken orally. It has no harsh chemicals or any type of drugs that can cause you harm. CMO is basically a fatty acid.

The best part about cetylmyristoleate is.... it attacks the source of your pain and inflammation and goes right to the joint. Because the ester substance is of a waxy form (fatty acid), it is able to "ooze" into joints and "lubricate"the region enough to allow for joint movement (range of motion) and most importantly --the reduction or even elimination of the awful pain.

Although Glucosamine and Chondroitin receive most of the fanfare these days, their "luster" has begun to tarnish as of late with poor testimonials; poor clinical studies and more and more talk about the dangers of taking Chondroitin. In the meantime, cetylmyristoleate has moved into the preferred position as "the" joint pain reliever.( refer to:cetylmyristoleate/ Wikipedia)

CMO began its historical rise to take the preferred position as "the" joint pain reliever back in the early1960's by Harry Diehl who was a research chemist working out of the National Institutes of Arthritis in Bethesda, Md. (National Institutes Of Health) While studying the immunity of mice to arthritis, he discovered cetylmyristoleate. Through his research and development his findings were first published in the 1994 issue of the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

With the double studies that followed, it was concluded,indeed, that CMO is effective in the treatment of many forms of arthritis and joint pain. The admirable combination of effectiveness and safety (over 10,000 people die yearly from NSAIDS) sets CMO up as the "go-to" joint pain supplement for the coming years.

Cetylmyrisitoleate is so non-discriminating with its lubrication of the joint region that it is equally effective on Degenerative Osteoarthritis; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Gout; Bursitis; Spinal Stenosis; sports related injuries; and even Fibromyalgia pain. Although CMO is not a cure for any of these ailments; it will lubricate the joint region and decrease the inflammation to a point where it could potentially add to ones positive quality of life.

Remember that not all pain relief systems help all people-- and this one is no different. Research shows that cetylmyristoleate works on about 80% of those who use it, typically within 3or4 weeks. Since its premise is joint lubrication from the ester (fatty acids) it is presumed that there is a good chance that it will be effective.

Although Glucosamine and Chondroitin together are the popular 'In Vogue Duo" joint pain relief system today-their effect on many people is inconclusive at best.

My take on all this? Test any quality cetylmyristoleate product for yourself. Give it enough time for you to get a good meter of its effectiveness, (maybe 2-4 weeks) and see how you feel then. One thing is for sure---there won't be any questions; you'll have peace of mind; and who knows? You may even feel pain free!

Stop Rheumatoid Arthritis

Are you feeling hopeless, that there is no help out there for your?

Want to live and become healthy again?

Are you constantly taking drugs that do not relieve your pain and discomfort?

Are you angry, depressed, constantly tired and left with no energy at all?

Are you in constant severe pain, joint swelling and stiffness, leg cramps, unable to walk or even perform basic daily tasks?

The exact cause of arthritis is not known. Arthritis cannot be cured through traditional medicine, they treat the symptoms of the disease, and not the root cause of the problem. Rheumatoid Arthritis - is a long-lasting disease, which can affect joints, in any part of the body. It mistakenly attacks itself and causes the joint lining to swell. It can affect other areas of the body, like the skin, eyes and nerves. There are many different types of arthritis. The most common form of arthritis is Osteoarthritis. It can occur in any joint, often affects the hands and weight bearing joints. Sometimes it is called "degenerative joint disease".

Learn to cure rheumatoid arthritis in 6 steps, using Rheumatoid Arthritis Home Health Course. This healing system is 100% natural. Cleanse the inner body completely from acidosis and the overflow of acids, and find out what toxins are attacking the body. Once the body is cleansed, it starts to heal, rebuild and recover slowly. Notice an absence of pain, aches and stiffness, and how certain herbs can boost the immune system.

To make sure that the body, will function properly for a long time. Start living healthy as soon as possible. Starting now, will help the body fight to off symptoms of many illnesses and diseases. Some factors that can lead to an early onset of rheumatoid arthritis include a poor diet. Some diseases are hereditary, and you can still be at risk. By keeping healthy, you will be able to control the symptoms when they onset. Break-free from your debilitating arthritis and invest in your happiness and health now. Don't wait until your rheumatoid arthritis is completely out of control.

Exploring Hip Dysplasia in Dogs - Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Musculoskeletal disorders such as hip dysplasia in dogs are painful for pet owners to watch and even more painful for the beloved pet. Hip dysplasia in dogs refers to a genetic arthritic condition involving one or both hip joints of affected dogs. It presents itself as a partial dislocation or in severe cases, a complete dislocation of the hip joints. With time the cartilage lining the joint surfaces wear down because of the abnormal stress and strain placed on the joint, and arthritis results.  

Although hip dysplasia in dogs can be a serious challenge in any breed, it is seen most frequently seen in larger purebred dogs such as: Labrador retrievers, golden retrievers, German shepherds, and St. Bernards. You may have noticed that these are some of the most popular breeds for those seeking to locate a pet.

One shocking statistic involving dog hip dysplasia is that it affects up to 75% of all German shepherds. This is a number worth taking into account if you are considering purchasing or adopting this breed.   Because of its inherited nature, signs associated with dog hip dysplasia may appear as early as 4 weeks of age, although as a rule, most cases show up around 8 to 12 months of age.

These clinical signs consist of posterior pain, unsteadiness on the hind limbs, and difficulty in rising from a level position, as well as a lack of enthusiasm for movement or exercise. Manipulation of the hip joints will reveal obvious pain. In less severe cases, signs might appear only after intense activity and exercise.  

Diagnosis and Treatment  

An X-ray of the problematic joint, more than likely will be the first step in identifying hip dysplasia in dogs. You veterinarian will then examine the dog's genetic bloodline to confirm the diagnosis. Several registries aimed at controlling genetic diseases in dogs have developed guidelines and testing procedures for veterinarians in an effort to detect this disease in puppies and young dogs before clinical signs start to appear.   For dogs that are showing signs of severe lameness due to dog hip dysplasia, a number of different surgical techniques including reconstructive hip surgery are available. If successful, surgery can help relieve the pain and lameness associated with this condition. Total hip joint replacements using prosthetic devices can be performed as well; in certain cases to ensure a permanent cure.

As a general rule, the smaller the dog involved, the better the prognosis through surgical intervention.   For dogs that are not considered to be good candidates for surgery medications that work to temporarily decrease the pain and discomfort associated with this condition may be suggested. A program involving regular exercise and weight loss can also benefit these canine patients. Also, disease-modifying osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADs) such as the polysulfated glycosaminoglycans, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and hyaluronic acid have been used with notable success to stimulate repair of damaged cartilage within diseased joints, instead of simply masking the pain caused by the arthritis.

On a personal note I have had some success with water therapy (swimming pool, tub) for joint problems in pets. I do realize that for big dogs bath tub size areas are not a viable option. The water will make exercise less painful for your pet, and who knows perhaps with a little work it might become fun. While conventional treatment options short of surgery are limited there are some excellent  natural alternatives worth considering which have shown promise for managing and reversing dog hip dysplasia.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

5 Tips for Reducing Back Pain

It is estimated that 80% of Americans will have some type of back pain at some point in their lives. Many of the remedies we apply with regard to this problem actually work against the natural healing abilities of the human body. This list will help reduce the severity of most cases of back pain and help speed the healing process. In addition, it's always beneficial to consult a professional to rule out more severe
health conditions.

1. Don't use heat. The majority of people have been told to use heat when having back problems. This is the absolute worst thing you can do. Back pain usually has little to do with muscles and everything to do with nerves. Nerve irritation from misaligned spinal bones causes muscles
to brace against the misalignment to protect you from further injuring yourself. This is a good thing. So muscle spasms should not be massaged away or forced to relax. Muscles only do what nerves tell them to do and they will relax only when the nerve irritation is removed.

Back pain is most often caused by nerve irritation resulting from injury to spinal joints and ligaments.
The actual injury that caused the pressure may have happened years prior. Because of the joint dysfunction, the slightest incorrect move or strain can cause the disc and surrounding tissues to swell, just like when you sprain an ankle. The swelling causes pressure on spinal nerves, which causes that shooting pain you feel when you move in certain directions.

The solution in this case is ice. Ice will reduce the swelling which will, in turn, reduce the nerve pressure. Heat, on the other hand, will cause surrounding tissues to swell, which will ultimately increase the nerve pressure. Heat will certainly make some people feel better, but will cause more problems in the long run.

Tip: never, never, never use heat on the spine.

2. Walk. Walking is the very best exercise for your spine. It's even better if you add a couple of inches to your stride, causing you to reach a bit with each step. Walking causes your ab and hip muscles to work together and support each other. It also can cause stuck spinal bones to move a little more freely which can reduce swelling and pain. The movement will also help keep your hip joints moving through
a complete range of motion, which will lessen the chances of them getting fixed to one another.

Tip: one word of caution, though. If walking makes your pain worse, stop.

3. Be careful with pain relievers. While pain pills may the first thing you reach for when your back hurts, you might be causing yourself more problems. Besides the risk of side effects that all pain relievers pose, blocking the pain signal your nerves are sending could make the injury linger.

The pain signal acts as an alarm clock. It alerts you that something is wrong. It also lets you know your limits. If you bend forward and feel a sudden rush of horrible pain, that movement obviously isn't good for you. Your body is telling you not to do that. Now if you cover that pain signal with drugs, you stop your body from being able to communicate that important message to you. This can make you able to do things your body doesn't want you to do, making your problem worse.

Tip: if you're going to take medications for pain, take them before you go to bed or when you aren't going to do anything else that day.

4. No Crunches. People with back pain have been told for years to strengthen their abdominal muscles by doing crunches. While strong abs are important for spinal stability, crunches will eventually destroy your back.

The natural curves of the spine are its most important feature. They act as shock absorbers, much like the ones on your car, and keep your body from falling apart from the physical activity you engage in every day. When you do a crunch, you force your lower back into the floor which
removes the lower back curve. Then the strain from the exercise is absorbed by the surrounding spinal joints, muscles, and ligaments, which they were not designed to do. Over time this will cause problems.

Also, when the curves of the spine are healthy, a naturally occurring locking mechanism exists that holds all spinal bones in their proper places. When you straighten the spine while doing a crunch, this locking mechanism is removed and the spine becomes vulnerable to greater injury.

Tip: find some other exercises to strengthen your abs. Bodyweight calisthenics do this wonderfully. Any exercise where you use your entire body in the movement will produce more powerful abs. Swimming, push-ups, and sprints are great, as well as abdominal isometrics. They won't give you a six-pack, but they will certainly stabilize and strengthen your spine without causing harm.

5. Get adjusted. Misaligned spinal bones don't just move back into place by themselves. It does happen, but rarely. Since some type of force probably caused the misalignment in the first place, a controlled force in the right direction at the right time is needed to correct it.

What you should also know is that spinal nerve irritation is not gone when your pain disappears. It lingers like a cavity until it's fixed. The pain reappears when you physically do too much and irritate the problem, but it is always present once it's created. That's why people tend to hurt themselves in the same spot time after time. It's not a new injury every time it happens, but rather an old injury resurfacing.

Tip: if you had a cavity, you'd get it fixed, so find a good chiropractor and make spinal adjustments part of your health regimen.

Hip Replacement Surgery - Arthroplasty and Alternatives: All You Need to Know

If you have hip joint injury or impairment that causes pain and inhibits your daily activities, you may be a candidate for hip replacement surgery.

Hip replacement surgery, also known as arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure in which the damaged and diseased parts of the hip joint are removed and replaced with artificial parts, known as a prosthesis. The hip joint is a ball-and-socket type joint that can rotate in many positions. This procedure replaces both the natural socket and the rounded ball at the top of the thigh bone with duplicate parts. Hip replacement is done to increase function of the hip joint and in turn improve mobility. In the U.S., over 50,000 hip replacements are carried out each year, and most are done on adults age 65 and older. Most people who have hip replacement are women who want a better quality of life.

Hip replacement is typically reserved for those who have pain and limited mobility that interferes with the activities of daily living. One of the most common causes of hip joint damage is osteoarthritis, a condition that consequences in pain and stiffness of a joint. Rheumatoid arthritis is another cause. This disease results in joint pain, stiffness, and swelling.

Osteonecrosis can cause hip damage, too. It involves avascular necrosis which is the death of bone due to insufficient blood supply. Septic arthritis, another source of hip destruction, results from a joint that becomes infected. Other reasons for a hip replacement are fracture, bone tumors, or injury that leads to collapse of the hip joint.

Not long ago, doctors would only perform arthroplasty on those people over 60 years of age. This was because older people were less active and put less stress on the replaced artificial hip than their younger counterparts. Now, doctors have found that these surgeries can be successful in younger people too. The new medical technology has improved the artificial parts and allows them to withstand more stress and strain. The overall health and activity level of the person is valued more than the person's age.

What are the Alternatives to Hip Arthroplasty?

Your doctor may try many other methods of treatment before bringing up a hip replacement. These alternatives include exercise, physical therapy, walking aids, an exercise program, and medication. If inflammation is the root of the problem, the doctor may prescribe a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as Naproxen or Motrin. It is not unheard of for people with severe hip pain to be on strong narcotic pain medication. Also, numerous nutritional supplement programs exist that combine glucosamine and chondroitin for relief of pain.

Joint injection is a common office procedure that works for some people with hip problems. This is a procedure where corticosteroids are injected directly into the hip joint. Also, doctors can inject joint lubricants such as hyaluronan that allow for increased range-of-motion. If exercise and medication do not work for you, the doctor may suggest a less complicated procedure before hip replacement. A common substitute is osteotomy. This treatment involves realigning the bone to transfer weight from the damaged, painful bone surface to one more healthy and strong area.

What all is Involved with Hip Replacement Surgery?

The area where the end of the femur (thigh bone) and the pelvis bone meet is known as the hip joint. The femoral head (a ball from the end of the femur) fits into the acetabulum (a socket) to allow a broad range-of-motion. The surgeon simply will make a six to eight inch incision over the side of the hip and remove the diseased bone tissue and cartilage from the joint region. After that, the surgeon replaces the head of the femur and acetabulum with prosthetic parts. These new artificial materials allow for a natural sliding motion of the joint.

Alternative Procedures

A new surgery that has hit the O.R.s is a surgery called minimally invasive replacement or mini-incision arthroplasty. During the last decade, this procedure has been used because it allows for smaller incisions and shorter recovery afterwards. To be a candidate, you must be less than 50 years old and have a normal body weight. Overall health is measured for this procedure. The parts for both styles of surgery, traditional or minimally invasive, come in two customary varieties. One type involves cemented parts which are fastened to existing, healthy bone with surgical glue.

This procedure is referred to as a "Cemented" hip replacement. Another option involves uncemented parts and it requires biologic fixation to hold these parts in place. The "Uncemented" technique encompasses the use of parts made with a porous surface that lets the patient's bone grow into the pores to hold the artificial parts in place. Uncemented replacements are chosen often for the older, less active person and for individuals who have weak, fragile bones from osteoporosis or Paget's disease.

There is an advantage to the Cemented procedure. Research findings indicate that recovery time is less with this type of technique when compare to the Uncemented surgery. Experts say that it takes longer for the natural bone to grow and attach to the prosthesis with uncemented hip replacements.

What are the Complications of Hip Arthroplasty?

The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons conveys that there are more than 231,000 hip replacements performed each year in the United States alone. At least ninety percent of these do not require any type of revision due to new technology and innovations in surgery. However, some complications and difficulties do arise. The most common and dangerous initial complication is hip dislocation. This is when the ball becomes dislodged from the socket.

The most usual later complication is inflammatory reaction to the prosthetic joint particles that may wear off the joint surface and be wedged into the neighboring tissues. This inflammatory response triggers the action of cells that wear away the bone and cause the implant to loosen. Less common problems are infection, blood clots, and joint stiffening.

12 Foods That Fight Arthritis Joint Pain

#1 - Cantaloupe
#2 - Mangoes
#3 - Papaya
#4 - Apples
#5 - Grapes
#6 - Fish
#7 - Anchovies
#8 - Nuts
#9 - Garlic
#10 - Curry
#11 - Chile peppers
#12 - Water

It's long been accepted by people all over the world that food has many more benefits that just nourishing our body and delighting our taste buds. Various foods have been used for millions of years, in every country in the world, to treat a variety of health issues, from gout to arthritis. These days, food is still used to treat conditions like arthritis, with the main difference being that these days, science can tell use exactly why certain foods work for treating the painful symptoms of arthritis. And it turns out that grandma was right about the following foods making her bones and joints feel better!

So let's talk fruits. Cantaloupe contains large amounts of Vitamin C and the plant version of Vitamin A, known as Beta Carotene. These vitamins have been found to control free radical damage that contributes to certain conditions in the body, including arthritis.

Mangoes also have Vitamin C and Beta Carotene, and also contain Vitamin E. And a benefit of mangoes is that they contain almost the entire recommended daily allowance of all three of these vitamins!

Papaya contains even more Vitamin C, at three time the recommended daily allowance, as well as Beta Carotene. Between these three tropical, sweet fruits you should be able to find one that delights your taste buds and fights arthritis!

And those aren't the only fruits that play a role in treating and/or preventing arthritis. Apples and grapes contain a mineral called boron, which is known to reduce the risk of developing osteoarthritis. And by itself, boron has been shown to help build strong bones and reduce the pain of those who already have the disease.

So what else helps the symptoms of arthritis? Fish and nuts, in a nutshell! Nuts are another great source of boron, and fish and anchovies contain Omega 3 Fatty Acids, which as we know do a whole host of good thing for the body, including reducing joint pain and inflammation.

There are also certain spices that are shown to help with arthritic conditions. Garlic, for example, contains sulfur, which has long been used to treat arthritis. Curry contains quite a few powerful antioxidants that fight pain and inflammation, and chile peppers have capsaicin, which is commonly found in over the counter joint pain relievers.

And last but not least, water! Drinking eight glasses a day is the recommended amount, which in the case of arthritis, flushes uric acid from your body, thereby reducing pain.

Why Joint Pain at Night Could Be Gout

Chronic Joint pain and old age go hand in hand. You begin to feel stiff and every twist of the wrist, knee or even walking can become painful. The tissue between your joints that once provided cushion and support begin to erode due to normal wear and tear or an age related disease. Joint pain at night and into morning affects millions of people across the country.

In some instances, without notice, you can awake with sharp pains in your big toe, finger or other joints. This could be the onset of gout, which is a form of arthritis. Once pain sets in, it could last for several days and then disappear, and then re-occur at any time in the future.

Over 2 million people in the U.S. suffer from affects of gout. Men over 30 are more likely to suffer than women. High blood pressure and obesity may also increase the chances of gout as well. Women may begin to show signs after they have gone through menopause.

Gout is described as a disease that is caused by crystal deposits causing inflammation in joints like the wrist, knee and ankle areas. Once these deposits begin to affect joint tissue, inflammation can occur almost overnight and usually start with the big toe.

Diet and exercise is recommended to help prevent this age related disease. Working the body under a health and wellness program can assist in keeping joints flexible and stronger.

In summary, A healthy lifestyle and diet could be a major factor in reducing the risk of nightly chronic joint pain. Exercise is also a factor in strengthening your joints and muscles, reducing high blood pressure to combat age related diseases like gout. Low impact exercise can be used in the beginning, and as your joints become more limber and stronger, higher impact exercise may be more suitable..

A Degenerative Knee Joint - A Major Problem! Improve Your Knee Stability & Alignment With a Brace

Treatment Options For A Degenerative Knee Joint

A degenerative knee joint is a debilitating condition wherein the knee joint becomes inflamed and begins to deteriorate. Although it is more commonly associated with people over 50 years, Osteoarthritis does not discriminate and can affect anyone, irrespective of age or sex.

Some of the strong indicators of the development of a degenerative knee joint include:

" Genetics
" Being overweight
" Repetitive overuse either through repeated strain or excessive exercising
" Previous injury to the knee
" Trauma to the knee brought on by a disease that affected the mechanics of the joints
" Accumulation of crystal deposits such as uric acid crystals in gout

While a degenerative knee joint can be excruciatingly painful and can severely restrict mobility as it advances, it not life threatening. There are several ways that you can treat and manage the condition without having to resort to full knee replacement surgery.

A.) Why Not Knee Surgery?

One of the reasons why most people tend to avoid knee surgery unless absolutely unnecessary, is because it is an invasive procedure. It can also take an indeterminate amount of time to rehabilitate the new knee joint after the surgery. Surgery can involve resurfacing the entire degenerative knee joint. It can be risky and is not always 100 percent effective. In some cases, the knee surgery will not be much of an improvement over the old knee.

Knee surgery is also expensive. Not all insurance companies will cover knee replacement surgery and for those who are not insured, it is basically out of the question financially.

B.) What are Other Options?

Conservative treatment methods are always recommended as the first line of defense for osteoarthritis. This includes a combination of anti-inflammatory drugs, knee braces and ice packs to quell swelling and alleviate the pain.

Many people who suffer from a degenerative knee joint will just use a knee brace to help allow them to remain active without pain. Affordable and easily available, knee braces help offer respite from the pain without the risk of any adverse side effects. Very often, especially for older individuals who may have underlying medical conditions, a knee brace is the only option for treating their osteoarthritis.

C.) Should you Rest or Not?

If you have a degenerative knee joint, your first inclination may be to rest the joint so that it does not hurt as much. However, this can cause even more stiffness in the joint. It is best to remain as active as possible (under your physician's supervision) and although you may want to refrain from high impact activities, there are certain exercises you should do that will help maintain flexibility in your knee. Wearing a knee brace will help reduce the pain and prevent inadvertent movement of the knee while exercise.

However, if your condition is not related to osteoarthritis of the knee, you will want to rest an inflammation. This is why it is so important to get the correct diagnosis. While some conditions require rest, others, such as osteoarthritis of the knee, should be exercised in a way to keep the joint from deteriorating further.

How to Cope With Arthritis of the Knees

The most common diseases among the hundred types of Arthritis are: Osteoarthritis, Rhumatoid Arthritis, Gout, Lupus and Scleroderma. There are no known causes identified, except that some are genetic, some due to Auto-immunity and others - injuries to the joints. Symptoms:- Usually accompanied by stiffness, pain, swelling and tenderness of joints, inflammation and eventually deformities.

Causes of Osteoarthritis:-

  1. Degeneration of the joints often due to aging

  2. Trauma resulting from falls, accidents, physical activities like sports or protein defect which the cartilage is comprised of.

  3. Genetic link. If both parents have Arthritis, then you are more prone to inherit it.

Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis:-

  1. Autoimmune disorder.

  2. Viral infection that triggers off an immune response in which the Synovial membrane of the joint is under attack.

  3. Emotional stress

  4. Poor nutrition may contribute to the onset of the disease.

Infectious Arthritis: This is either caused by a virus or bacteria attacking the joint. If left untreated, Infectious Arthritis can cause permanent damage in the joint. Any idea what the two main muscles are, that control your knee movements and its stability. Ever heard of the quadriceps and hamstrings? Well, the quadriceps is a four-part powerful muscles situated from the thigh front, to just below the knee. It controls knee straightening and movement of the patella (knee cap). It is vital for standing, walking and running too. The hamstrings are the muscles comprising of the posterior or back of the thigh, to just below the back of the knee. Their function is for bending.

Recommended diet:-

  • Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis is known to respond to an increased dietary consumption of fish oils. Glucosamine and chondroitin supplements do help to relieve painful symptoms, I know, as I am taking it too. They must be combined as one to be effective.

  • Increase intake of calcium to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and consume plenty of non-alcoholic drinks

  • Limit the amount of dietary fats and sustain your weight within a normal range. Know that obesity worsens knee arthritis, as the added weight can put a stress on the affected knee joint, hips or spine.

  • Ginger is good for anti-flatulence. Its anti-oxidant compound helps to ward off inflammation and Arthritis.

  • Capsicum's hot capsaicin triggers endorphins release, which is nature's natural narcotic, to relieve pain. You can apply capsicum cream or nutmeg ointment directly on the painful joints three times daily. Avoid direct contact with the eyes.

  • Tumeric is a kind of spice ground into powder, and a common ingredient found in curry. The yellow colouring of Tumeric called curcumin, when taken daily is effective in relieving aches and pains and possibly prevent Colon cancer. If you have a Gall-Bladder related problem, better to omit this spice.

  • Celery is anti-inflammatory, as well as slowing down ageing and lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

Rest and massage are sound advice for all Arthritis. Rest in particular, is essential for inflamed muscles or tendons. Cold compress with ice actually reduces pain and swelling, thus promoting healing. Additionally, vinegar can be used to alleviate painful and swelling joints by applying a face towel soaked in vinegar on to it. Use one part of the vinegar in proportion to one part of warm water. Example - 250ml of vinegar to 250ml of water. The key to finding relief for knee arthritis is gentle, slow stretching and strengthening exercise, besides building up of supportive muscles.

Hydrotherapy or water exercise is one of the most effective and comfortable therapy for Arthritis, because it is made easy for the joints and muscles while being supported by water. Why not exercise the joints, muscles and ligaments of your knees without strain or stretching or walking through water in a four feet deep swimming pool?

Are you familiar with Hydrotherapy? Ever heard of it? I am sure you do! It is a water exercise in a heated pool, reminds you of Jacuzzi, right? Certainly, there are many various ways to exercise in water:

  • Warm water exercise designed in mind for people with Arthritis.

  • Hydrotherapy which is instructed by physiotherapists.

  • Gentle water exercise which caters for older people, or people with health conditions.

  • Water aerobics for fitness in general.

What are the health benefits of Hydrotherapy?

  1. It increases muscles strength, promotes posture and balance.

  2. Contributes a sense of well-being.

  3. Affords better mobility and flexibility of joints.

  4. Reduces pain.

  5. Helps to relax sore muscles and ease stiffness of joints.

Always remember safety measures and take precautions at the pool. Slow down if you are out of breath. Stop immediately if the therapy causes you more pain. Get out of the water if you feel giddy or sick. Alternatively, riding on a stationary bicycle is a good way to exercise your knees. Here are some water exercises if you are capable of doing. First, you sure need a flotation belt to keep you upright and floating at shoulder height.

  • Stand in a swimming pool waist to chest deep in water. Now walk through the water, the same way as how you walk on the ground. If you are not able to swim, like yours truly here, I know that you will feel more comfortable and confidant if you are standing near the edge of the pool, so you can hold on to the edge for support as you walk through the water, from the short end of the pool to the other end. Try walking sideways to tone up other muscles.

  • Next, stand upright with your chest lifted and arms slightly bent at your sides. Stride forward slowly, placing your foot on the base of the pool (not tip-toe), with your heel going down first, followed by the ball of your foot. Avoid straining your back as you stride across and back.

  • Pump your arms and legs faster for a short moment, then return to your own normal pace.

Are you ready for a few quadriceps strengthening exercises? Here you go:-

  1. Always warm up first with walking or riding a stationary bike before performing the Quadriceps exercises. Only do one exercise per session.Now sit in a chair, then move a little forward to sit at the edge. Extend both legs forward, but your heels on the floor.Keeping your knees straight, tighten your thigh muscles and hold for a count of ten. Then relax for a count of three, breathe in and out. Do ten repetitions of this.

  2. Leg lifts - just lie flat on your back, then bend your left knee at 90 degrees angle, while keeping your left foot flat on the floor. Keep your right leg straight as you slowly lift it up, until your right foot is at the same height as your left knee. Hold this position for a count of three, inhaling and exhaling Switch legs over and repeat 10 times over several weeks. Remember to lift one leg at a time, as lifting both legs can cause excessive strain on your back.

  3. Next, sit or lie on the floor, you may place a rolled up towel beneath your thigh for support. Straighten your left leg, raise your left foot about six inches off the floor. Hold for 5 seconds, then slowly lower your left foot bending your knee. Alternate with your right leg and do it for 10 times.

  4. Stand with your back straighten up, knees apart and your feet pointing straight ahead. Slowly lower and move your buttocks backward, as though you were sitting on a chair. Do Not bend your knees beyond 90 degrees angle. Hold it for a count of 5 seconds. Do 10 squats, but stop if you are having pain on your knees.

  5. Sit on a chair with knees bent to 45 degrees and heels on the floor, but your toes lifted up Do not move your heels, dig them into the floor instead. Can you feel the tension in your hamstrings? Hold for a count of 5 seconds, then relax for a count of 3 seconds. Do 10 repetitions.

  6. Walk backwards to develop your hamstrings. When you walk backwards, your weight is more evenly distributed--thus lessening the strain on your knees.

  7. Get yourself seated on a chair, then place a fist in between your knees. Squeeze your knees together and hold for a count of 10. Relax for a count of 3 seconds and do it 10 times.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Natural Approaches to Joint Pain Relief

It is normal for older people to complain about joint ache. But then, it is not normal to tolerate the pain. Painful joints can be caused by progressive joint disorder that requires immediate treatment, or else the condition may worsen. Even if joint aches are not caused by any disorder, joint pains are really bothersome and it negatively affects the lives of the sufferers.

Scientists have come up with several treatment options for joint pains however, most of the treatments available can only offer temporary relief. What sufferers are looking for is the treatment that would totally free them from joint ache. Treatments for joint pains are typically related to its causes.

Arthritis which is the major cause occurs primarily among older adults aged 55 and older. People at this age may not be able to escape the joint stress. More importantly, osteoarthritis which causes chronic pain in the affected joint may progress and worsen until the joints become totally immobile.

The joints are naturally lubricated and thus allowing for flexibility and mobility of the bones. But as one gets older, the lubrication diminishes and since bones meet, they tend to rub each other and cause friction, hence the pain. The condition is both progressive and irreversible and since it causes great deal of pain and suffering, appropriate treatments should be given to provide relief.

Why should one choose natural approach in managing pain?

Natural means is always better. Natural approaches mean no harmful chemicals are involved in managing the pain. Joint pain relief can be achieved even without these chemicals that have been known for their adverse side effects. Certainly, the sufferers would not want to invite yet another potential pain-causing disorder, which may result due to the use of chemical and drug-based approaches to joint relief.

Drugs are used in providing pain relief and these drugs are no doubt effective. The main drawbacks with the use of these drugs however are the serious health implications that have been reported. One may need to totally avoid these side effects by avoiding pain medications and other drug-based treatments. Instead, choose for the natural approaches that have been proven effective, but without the unlikely side effects. Most pain sufferers need immediate relief and while natural approaches do not provide immediate results, they may continue using their medications.

Natural approach provide long-term pain relief

there are various natural approaches that help sufferers deal with pains relief. Most of these however do not provide immediate relief as medications can offer. But their effects are long-term and more permanent. Exercise, diet and use of joint pain supplements are the most effective natural approach for stress relief. Diet and exercise included in ones treatment program to prevent disorders such as obesity, which also contributes to bones stress.

Supplements are an essential part in treating them naturally. Supplements contain natural ingredients that are proven to work effectively to relieve pain. At the same time, these supplements help maintain the bones healthy. This is therefore recommended not only for people with osteoarthritis but also for those who are into sports. This will help them maintain the flexibility and mobility of their bones and strengthen them.

Joint Pain Stiffness and Inflammation Relief Natural Remedies

One of the common characteristic of arthritis is joint stiffness. This is the condition which is related with inactivity, decreased range or total loss of motion in a joint. If the patient is suffering from osteoarthritis then he or she may suffer from joint stiffness which may last up to 30 minutes after waking up.

In the condition of rheumatoid arthritis or systematic lupus erythematosus, which is of inflammatory types of arthritis, the stiffness typically lasts for more than 45 minutes. One of the causes of the joint pain may be bursitis also. The bursae allow the muscles and the tendons to move freely over the bone as it is a fluid filled sacs which cushion and pad bony prominences.

Some of the important causes of joint stiffness are given below.

Joint stiffness is caused due to the inflammation in the synovium, which is the lining of the joint. The pain in the joint can be caused by different types of injuries or conditions. Whatever may be the cause of the joint, joint pain and stiffness can be bothersome.

Stiffness and the pain in the joint can also be caused by an autoimmune disorder, Rheumatoid arthritis. Due to osteoarthritis, there is a growth of bone spurs and degeneration of cartilage at a joint. This type of joint pain is very common in adults older than 45 which results into the pain of the joint.

Some of the important causes of joint pain are hepatitis, influenza, rheumatic fever, rubella, varicella, infectious disease, bursitis, autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, mumps, injury, tendinitis, osteoarthritis, unusual exertion or overuse, which includes sprains or strains.

For treating the problem of joint stiffness there are many processes. Exercise helps in improving the condition of joint stiffness. Regular doing exercises helps in improving the health and fitness of the patient without hurting the joints. With the help of exercise -

1. Weight is controlled
2. Muscles are strengthened around the joints
3. Maintains the strength in the bone
4. Make it easier to get a good night's sleep
5. Make you feel better.

Cold and heat treatment is also beneficial in lessening the pain and the joint stiffness. With the help of cold treatment, swelling is reduced and it also relaxes the excited nerves and with the help of heat treatment, blood circulation is enhanced. Sometimes pain medicines also reduces the joint stiffness. Now people also prefer to go for herbal medicines to reduce the stiffness in the joint.

Arthritis Knee Pain Treatment and Herbal Remedies - Relieve Pain and Inflammation

Knee is one of the most commonly affected joint by arthritis, severe pain can hinder even the day-to-day activities and can cause lot of problem. Sometimes conditions get so deteriorated that a knee replacement surgery remains the only treatment left. Moving the affected joint at least few times in a day is very important for treating arthritis knee which is only possible when patient get relief for sometime from pain and inflammation. Medicines like steroids, narcotic pain medication and NSAID are recommended by the doctors for arthritis knee pain relief, all of these are effective without any doubt but their side effects are well known, NSAID are treated as having minimum side effects of all the three but its complete effects are still not known.

Herbs are very effective ways to relieve arthritis knee pain and inflammation and of course they are free of side effects. Some herbs are effective when taken orally and some are for topical use. Cayenne cream is very popular herbal remedy for arthritis pain relief including knee due to its properties resembling the effects of NSAID. Cayenne cream's topical application on knee can reduce the signals of pain passing to the brain which makes the patient feel reduced or no pain for sometime. Ginger is an herb which can be used orally as well as externally for knee pain relief. Ginger has rich anti-oxidant properties and promotes blood flow in to the affected part.

Warm mustard oil spread over madar leaf and tied to the knee relieves the pain and inflammation caused due to arthritis effectively. Ashwagandha or withania somnifera is a natural pain reliever and has been recommended in Ayurveda for arthritis pain relief. Some other popular herbs used for arthritis knee pain relief are nettle leaves, in some old medications the sting of nettle thorn was given directly on the knee for immediate relief from pain and inflammation. Massage of warm oregano oil is also helpful in treating the knee pain.

If there is not acute inflammation and pain in the knee then moist heat is very effective to alleviate the arthritis pain. Soak a cloth in warm water and cover the knee till the temperature gets normal, repeat these compresses few times and 2-3 times in a day for pain relief. Hot and cold compresses are also effective for arthritis knee pain relief. In case of acute knee pain only cold compresses shall be applied. Exercises like water cycling is also an effective way to promote movement and blood circulation in the knee joint which reduces the frequency and intensity of the flares of pain. Mobilization therapy exercises are also effective in preventing arthritis knee pain and also alleviating it, however any exercise regimen shall not be chosen without medical opinion. Some yoga poses have been found very effective in relieving the knee pain and even preventing arthritis itself.

Sun salutation is a series of seven yoga exercise which is good for musculoskeletal and cardio-vascular system. Some breathing exercises can promote blood flow in the body for arthritis pain relief and promoting endurance.

Yoga Is Fantastic For Joint Pain

Yoga is one of the most popular physical exercises carried out by most people nowadays. Yoga includes exercises carried out to help an individual mentally as well as physically in the Hindu faith. Yoga involves a person carrying out physical exercises as well as meditation. Therefore it creates healing in the mind and the body as a whole. By using meditation, yoga provides spiritual enlightenment and tranquility to the individual.

Yoga has many advantages for the person mentally and physically and you may be asking yourself, "why is doing yoga good for those with joint problems?" Well. yoga is very essential especially to people with joint pains in the following ways.

Yoga is one way for a person to heal the various joint that are in pain.There are certain movements in the exercises involved when doing yoga. These help you to be flexible as well as to balance and stretch the body in a gradual process. In addition to the above, instead of just going to a physician to help you with the joint pains, this could be one of the more effective and natural way to get rid of them as well as being a way of life for you. Secondly yoga will start to lubricate stiff joints. It induces the body to gently secrete fluids that will continuously lubricate joints for example giving lubrication to the knee and shoulder joints alike.

According to a few researchers worldwide, who studied on the health of a person, healing of a person starts with the mind of that person himself/ herself. Yoga is one of those type of exercise that trains not only the body but the mind as well. As such, the best way of healing joint pains is not only by meditating but focusing it on healing the joint problem area. There are many people that have failed to heal because their minds can only think focus on life from a negative aspect and not believe in the miracle of the mind. Yoga is one of the ways used for training the mind to be positive everyday come what may.

Holistic Approach to Health

Holistic or Holism is an approach that emphasizes the whole being, the entire structure, but looks at how each part affects the whole. It deals with life situations with the whole being in mind, while treating the individual parts that are affected and not treating just symptoms. Your problem is not like a car that gets a flat tire and you replace the tire. It is more like a shopping cart that has a bad wheel, which affects and vibrates the entire cart.

Holistic medicine attempts to treat all the systems of the being: the mind, the body, the emotions, and the spirit. The holistic approach brings balance and harmony to the entire structure by paying attention to the specific parts and systems of the body. The symptoms are analyzed to identify the existing problem/s that are affecting the parts and then treated with the whole-being in mind rather than treating only the parts that exhibit the symptoms. The Holistic Approach deals with all of the life force energy available, which includes the physical and the energetic aspects.

The human body as a whole is made up of many parts, each of which is dependent upon the other for a balanced functioning of the system as a whole. Each system is interdependent upon the other. It's called looking at the bigger picture. Something we do that affects the whole is that we absorb, digest, and inhale toxins every day. These toxins develop free radicals (oxidation, which is rust in the body). Unless we offset the free radicals with anti-oxidants, our bodies will rust from the inside out. As we mature, our body continually changes; remove one critical molecule, or let one cancer cell become a rogue, and the entire structure changes.

From a Holistic stand-point the balance that everyone is looking for comes from:
A good diet, plenty of rest, re-learning how to breath effectively, drinking good water every day, learning how to handle stress, having a good exercise program and learning how to turn your life over to a Higher Power.

Natural Treatment for Feline Arthritis Recommended by Veterinarians

Work with your vet to rule out other problems that might cause your cat to limp or be lame. There are tests your vet will use to rule out other complications. Then ask your vet if you can use a natural treatment for feline arthritis.

There are several kinds of treatment that can be prescribed. The overall goal is to make sure your cat's arthritis symptoms are managed or even almost eliminated. Having your cat return to top shape makes you feel better too. Your kitty returns love more easily when he isn't hurting. While you don't mind picking up the cat, you would rather have him jumping into your lap on his own.

There are two substances that are naturally produced in your cat's body which are glucosamine and chondroitin. These combine to form major components of your cat's joint cartilage. Your cat's body produces less of this as he ages. There are different supplements that can be used to help rejuvenate your cat's joints, and some cats will even completely regain all of their mobility.

When Omega-3 fatty acids are used, it will help relieve stiffness and pain, as well as lubricate your cat's joints. Corticosteroids are prescribed to help provide relief for a cat's arthritis pain. Some people will even try natural remedies, but you have to be careful. Some treatments like tea tree oil or cayenne may work for humans, but your cat can't tolerate certain natural substances. If you go the natural path look for products specifically formulated for cats and dogs, not for human consumption.

Whatever treatment for feline arthritis you follow, whether it's pain-relieving drugs or a natural supplements, there are some things that are necessary to relieve your cat's pain and suffering. For one, if you are dealing with an overweight cat, he's going to have to undergo a weight loss program. The excess weight puts extra pressure on the inflamed joints. Exercise is difficult for fat cats. However, the fatter he is the more lethargic he'll be.

This leads to more stiffness and pain. As he limbers up, your cat will resume his former antics and play. Of course, don't ask your fatty to do too much at first. He's going to have limitations, but cats love to play. He's going to love the fact that you are spending more time with him too. Cats love warm spots in the house. Cats with arthritis need more warmth to minimize joint pain too. If you have a electric blanket on your bed, leave it on low so he can benefit from the warmth. A heating pad can help too, just make sure there is a towel or blanket in between your cat and the pad. Keep this on low too.

What could be better than a gentle massage? Massage helps keep the blood flowing to muscles and joints. Use your fingertips to gently massage your cat's muscles all over, but be careful when you get to the sore areas. The last thing you want is to be bitten. Exercise is an effective treatment for feline arthritis. Also consider using natural treatments that you can use long term to minimize your cat's pain from osteoarthritis. You can use these on a daily basis without bad side effects or causing problems with other vital organ functions.

Monday, March 3, 2014

5 Powerful Juice Recipes for Arthritis Sufferers

Juicing can be a powerful way to combat the inflammation and pain caused by arthritic conditions. A variety of delicious juice recipes are available to help you manage your arthritis pain.

Arthritis is a painful, inflammatory condition of the joints that afflicts men and women of all ages. It involves the breakdown of cartilage, which normally acts as a cushion for your joints. In the absence of cushioning cartilage, bones rub together in a way they were not intended to, which can cause pain.

There are as many as one hundred types of arthritis, ranging from autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis to the more common osteoarthritis which affects most people as they age. Some forms of arthritis can even affect children. Most arthritis is associated with stiff joints that may also be swollen, creaky, and painful.

Joints affected by arthritis may have limited movement and in severe cases may become deformed in appearance. In rheumatoid arthritis joints may be red and warm to the touch and are typically equally affected on both sides of the body. All forms of arthritis can range from very mild to quite debilitating.

Many plants contain powerful anti-inflammatory compounds that can help dramatically reduce symptoms. The standard "Western" diet, which includes a lot of pro-inflammatory foods such as red meat, dairy, refined and processed grains, and refined sugar, is believed to promote conditions such as arthritis. A diet built around fruits and vegetables helps to prevent chronic disease, including certain arthritic conditions.

Fruits and vegetables believed to be effective for those with arthritis pain include:

  • ginger

  • pineapple

  • papaya

  • blueberries

  • grapefruit

  • spinach

  • grapes

  • plums

  • collard greens

  • kale

  • pears

  • bok choy

  • sour cherries

  • pomegranate

  • cauliflower

  • raspberries

  • strawberries

  • onions

  • apples

  • carrots

  • beets

  • garlic

  • lettuce

Juicing concentrates the healthful compounds in these plants, allowing you to benefit from them more effectively than by eating small amounts of the whole fruit or vegetable. By harnessing the powerful antioxidants and enzymes of raw fruits and vegetables, using these juice recipes for arthritis may increase your joint mobility and comfort and reduce swelling.

You can also increase the anti-inflammatory effectiveness of your juice recipe by mixing it with green tea, raw cold-pressed flax seed oil or liquid fish oil. These all have additional properties that make them healthful elements in an anti-inflammatory diet.

Green tea contains epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) which has been shown to be helpful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Flax and fish oils contain omega 3 fatty acids which are useful for a variety of conditions including various forms of arthritis. These can also be mixed with fresh juices.

The following juice recipes for arthritis can all be easily made using most electric juicers.

Pineapple, Carrot & Celery Juice

5 carrots

2 stalks of celery

4 oz pineapple

1 tsp lemon juice

Papaya Orange Juice

翹 papaya, peeled

1 large orange, peeled

Papaya Blueberry Juice

2 cups blueberries

翹 papaya, peeled

Broccoli Carrot Juice

1/2 cup fresh broccoli, cut in pieces

3 medium carrots, roots only

1 apple, core removed

1/2 lemon, peeled

Sour Cherry-Pomegranate Juice

2 cups sour cherries

1 pomegranate, skin removed

1 apples, core removed

For each recipe, simply juice the listed ingredients in an electric juicer.

You can find other juicing remedies for arthritis on the internet or in books about juicing. However, many of the most successful recipes come from experimentation, so don't be afraid to use the list of fruits and vegetables above to come up with ideas for new juice combinations. You just might invent a juice that tastes fantastic while providing great relief for your achy, stiff joints!

How You Can Help Your Body Heal Itself

Time to take a different look at modern medicine. Everyday a new TV commercial for a new medication, I'm starting to think they create the medication first and then the disease or ailment for it to work on.

I was recently introduced to a supplement called StemEnhance which promotes your bone marrow to produce three to five million more of your own stem cells within sixty minutes. This is a great thing because as we age our body produces less stemcells. Notice how older folks take longer to heal from simple cuts and bruises.

These stem cells are then called to the part of your body that needs the most help first. Upon traveling through your blood stream and arriving at the troubled area in your body these Stem Cells will migrate into the tissue to become the cells of tissue in need of repair.

A Time Magazine cover story tells us that Stem Cells may offer diabetes help, heart trouble, and parkinsons disease. National Geography cover story tells of benefits of stemcell and how it is expected to increase life expectancy. LIFE magazine has no less positive remarks to share. With stem cell research being constantly in the news these days, and for good reason. When one's own body can repair itself it is a wonderful thing.

Though Stemtech makes no claims to cure any disease, ailment, or make all your pain go away there are numerous testimonials all over the internet that you can read. Reduced arthritis pain, hip and joint pain to a minimal level, improved mental clarity, increased energy level, nightly leg cramps gone and overall feeling of well being are just some of the benefits I have enjoyed myself. Others have claimed to have regained use of limbs that did not work at all, constant back pain disappearing, decrease in stress and tension, getting diabetes under control, improved eyesight, decrease in sleepless nights. These are just some of the many benefits I have read as I researched Stemtech products.

This is not the fountain of youth by a long shot but may help in slowing down the aging process and keep us feeling better for a longer period of time during our lifespan.

Stemtech also produces StemPets which I have also used on my lab Bo suffering with arthritis in his rear hips. Results are simply amazing! After about two weeks on StemPets Bo is like a new dog, now active again, up and running rather than just being able to lay around all day only forcing himself up to go out as needed due to the pain he was suffering.

My take on Stemtech products is most definitely a positive one as Bo and I will continue using these supplements daily. I feel more comfortable using a over the counter type supplement rather than prescriptions with to many side effects to mention. Now my 80 year old mother has started on Stemtech as well.