Saturday, April 27, 2013

TMJ Home Remedies That Work - 4 TMJ Alternative Remedies That Are Natural and Safe

Got TMJ?  If you do, you aren't alone. It is estimated that over 60 million Americans currently suffer from TMJ in some way shape or form.  The normal remedy (which works some of the time) is to take a trip to the doctor.  But what most don't realize is that there are some home remedies for TMJ that could be just as effective as what a doctor will fact, barring surgery, there is very little that a doctor can do that you can't do yourself.

How to diagnose TMJ

Diagnosis for TMJ is fairly quick and easy. If you have any of these symptoms, then it is likely that you are suffering from TMJ:

  • Your jaw muscles are tender...

  • You are experiencing pain in or around the ear (earaches and headaches are common)

  • Your jaw makes a 'clicking', 'popping', or 'grinding' sound when you chew, open or close your mouth...

  • There is a pronounced pain whenever you eat, open your mouth or do things like yawn....

  • Your jaw locks or gets stuck....

A common treatment that the doctor will suggest is to apply a heat pack to the area of pain and to switch your diet to softer food.  The problem with this is that while it works, you are really only treating the pain and not the TMJ itself. There are some herbal supplements that can help you with TMJ though....

Before I go into the 4 herbal supplements, I should note that really what you want to focus on are herbs and vitamins that help to relax the muscles as well as supplements that help with reducing inflammation.  After all, when you apply a heat pack, aren't you doing the exact same thing?

  1. Glucosamine Sulphate-  I actually used this on my lab a while ago for arthitis in her joints.  The same thing applies for humans as well.  Studies have shown that Glucosamine is a great alternative to help rebuild cartilage.  In the case of TMJ, this is crucial as one of the primary causes of TMJ is teeth grinding and clenching which helps to wear down the cartilage in the jaw.

  2. MSM- otherwise known as methylsulfonylmethane, this supplement will help to reduce inflammation surrounding the joint which causes the TMJ pain.  MSM is also good at reducing muscle spasms.

  3. Kava- This supplement is usually prescribed by homeopathic doctors and herbalists whenever an individual is experiencing anxiety or stress.  Kava relaxes the nervous system.

  4. Magnesium-  The funny thing about magnesium is that this mineral is about as TMJ specific as you can get.  Magnesium targets the jaw muscles in particular and help relax them.  Magnesium is considered by some as a natural muscle relaxer.

If you have TMJ, you should try these vitamins, minerals and supplements before opting for medical advice.  Who knows?  You could actually cure your TMJ without the need for surgery.

Get Moving - The Benefits Will Last a Lifetime!

The benefits of physical activity are numerous and very well documented. Aside from substantially reducing the risk of dying of a heart attack, regular physical activity decreases the risk for stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain forms of cancer. Regular physical activity helps to build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints and reduces the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis. Regular physical activity helps reduce the symptoms of arthritis and degenerative joint disease and reduces the falls among older adults. Regular exercise has even been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. As overwhelming as these benefits are, the sad fact is that less than half American adults do not get enough physical activity to provide health benefits. Less than one third of adults in our country are physically active in their leisure time. The good news is, it's never too late to reap the benefits of an active lifestyle.

Activities performed at a higher intensity or longer duration generally offer greater health benefits; this however, may not be a realistic goal or starting point for everyone. Healthy benefits can be gained from activity as simple as a brisk 30 minute walk five or more times a week. Life can be busy and hectic but with a little creativity and planning every body can make room for physical activity. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Replace that coffee or cigarette break with a fitness break by talking a brisk walk or doing some stretches at your desk. Play with the kids or the dog. Instead of driving around to find the closest parking spot, park farther away and enjoy the walk. Remember when it comes to physical activity every little bit helps.

To reap the full health benefit of physical activity an exercise plan should address the five components of physical fitness as outlined by the Centers of Disease control. These five components include cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, and flexibility. In future columns we will more specifically address these individual components, as well other pertinent topics such as nutrition, weight management and injury prevention. Information that will help you stay Looking Better, Feeling Better, and Playing Better! But in the mean time...Get Moving!

What a Pain! Joint and Connective Tissue Disorders

Pain is pain and we want to be free from it, no matter the source of it. So often we are quick to treat the pain without taking the time to distinguish the cause. Knowing the cause of some pains can prevent unnecessary medication, mistreatment and prolonged aches and discomfort.

When dealing with joint and connective tissue disorders, the most common causes of pain are due to inflammation, swelling and inflexibility of the joints. When the inflammation is chronic, it inhibits the body's natural ability to heal and maintain joint and connective tissue health. When the joints are swollen and sore, the necessary nutrients needed by the joints to maintain synovial fluid have a hard time penetrating through the inflammation and entering into the cells of the joint tissue.

Examples of joint and connective tissue disorders that cause inflammation of joints include the following:

* Osteoarthritis
* Rheumatoid arthritis
* Lupus
* Gout
* Fibromyalgia

Commonly, suffers of joint arthritis pain, lupus and gout pain try to find relief with over the counter medicines, typically containing acetaminophen. While these products can provide temporary relief, they are usually associated with a variety of side effects such as gastrointestinal issues, dependency and cardiac risks. While these medicines can offer temporary relief, they are only helping to reduce a symptom of the inflammation and momentarily reduce the pain. Many suffers of joint arthritis pain, lupus and gout pain are seeking pain management that comes without so many possible negative effects and works to resolve the cause of the aches, stiffness and inflexibility.

Joint arthritis pain and other connective tissue disorder sufferers are seeking alternative products and dietary supplements to provide relief and hopefully offer pain management that can resolve the cause. While dietary supplements aren't medicines, the natural minerals, nutrients and ingredients replicate the natural healing process of the body. For instance, a combination of chrondroitin, glucosamine and hyaluronic acid has been used in clinical studies for the treatment of pain associated with osteoarthritis of the knee.

These ingredients naturally occur in the body and are needed for healthy joint and connective tissue maintenance. However, there is a catch 22: when joints undergo persistent damage and they need chrondroitin and glucosamine the most, the damage inhibits the production and absorption of these healing ingredients. Researchers have high hopes for supplementation with these ingredients, not only for joint pain relief but also for the possible repair of joint and connective tissue. Studies have not only shown a reduction in pain and an increase in flexibility, they also show improved activity of the cellular membrane in the joints, which hints at the possibility of repair and rebuilding of damaged connective tissue.

While pain management is possible, there are now more natural options to find relief from joint arthritis pain and pain caused by connective tissue disorders. However, with continued study and more research, we might find that there are possibilities beyond just pain management; such studies may prove to find solutions for the actual repair of worn and damaged joints and connective tissue.

Homeopathic Pain Relief Formulas For Arthritis Pain

Homeopathic pain relief formulas are the one hundred percent natural, safe, and the most powerful anti-inflammatory agents on the market today.

They also acts as highly effective lubricants in joints, muscles and other tissues. Homeopathic pain relief formulas are also immune system modulators, which can be effective against auto-immune conditions.

All of these characteristics contribute to its ability to act as an analgesic by removing the source of pain (inflamed and irritated tissues) so that there is no pain impulse; hence Homeopathic pain relief formulas are most effective for easing all types of arthritic pain.

Ingredients of Homeopathic pain relief formulas

White Willow Bark (Salix species) is the main and most important ingredient of most all FDA registered all natural homeopathic pain formulations.

The Chinese have used the bark of the stately white willow tree (Salix alba) as a medicine for centuries because of its ability to reduce fever and relieve pain.

Native Indians of the North American continent used the bark of the indigenous willow trees as a medicine to relieve pain and lower fever.

The white willow contains salicin, which when used as an active ingredient is converted by the body into salicylic acid

The first aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) was made from an herb, meadowsweet, containing the similar salicin. All aspirin is now chemically synthesized, and it is no wonder that the bark of the white willow is often referred to as "herbal aspirin".

Another ingredient in most homeopathic pain relief formulas is Boswellia, also known as boswellin or "Indian frankincense" The boswellic acids contained in the gummy like resin from the bark of the Boswellia serrata tree that grows in the dry hills of India, have been used for centuries by traditional Indian healers for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Modern preparations made from a purified extract of this resin and packaged in pill or cream form are used to reduce inflammation associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Unlike conventional NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen, the accepted treatments for joint inflammation, Boswellia is not known to cause stomach irritation.

How do homeopathic pain relief formulas work?

Prostaglandins are hormone like compounds in the human body that cause aches, pain, and inflammation.

The salicylic acid in white willow bark lowers the body's levels of prostaglandins. While it may take longer to begin acting than aspirin, its effect last longer, and, unlike aspirin, it does not cause stomach bleeding or other known adverse effects.

Specifically, white willow bark helps to relieve acute and chronic arthritic pains because of its power to lower prostaglandin levels in the human body. Some arthritis sufferers taking white willow bark have experienced reduced swelling and inflammation, and eventually increased mobility, in the back, knees, hips, and other joints.

Added to the above is the anti-inflammatory properties of Boswellia, actively ease osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

Hip Stretches For Back Pain Relief

In the case of people seeking medical treatment for back pain is many and if you go to the right clinic you can you will be able to get long and lasting relief from your back pain. And it does not matter about the case whether it is a herniated disc or a case of lower back pain.

One of the most important things for them in their exercise routines is a lot of hip stretches. In this particular case of back pain the hamstring is stretched regularly, the link that the hamstring has is one that runs from the pelvis at your sit bone and continues straight till it reaches the below your knees. This connection allows for motion control of the knee and the hip.

The hip is not going to rotate when we twist, the reason for this is that the hip is the first vertebral joint of the lower back; in this case the spine will have to do more work in terms of turning and twisting in order to compensate the lack of movement in the hips. Some very normal activities very well put a strain on the lower back some of these are sitting down, walking, getting up and also bending causes a severe stress on the vertebra which then affects the surrounding tissue. If this situation persist it can lead to the chronic case of lower back pain, also acute back injuries are not so easy to get better under these particular stress.

Common Aches and Pains During Pregnancy That Are Normal

One of the more common joint pains experienced during pregnancy or postpartum is the Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction, or SPD in short. During pregnancy the ligaments around symphysis pubic region is naturally relaxed and softened as a natural course in preparation for the baby's birth. The pelvis is the largest part of the human skeleton. It consists of three joints; the pubic symphysis and both the right and left sacroiliac joints. Massive ligaments support and surround these joints. These biological changes during pregnancy can cause pain as a result of the instability in the pelvic joint region.

The joint pain during pregnancy may occur as early in the first trimester in the pregnancy. The symptoms can surface from daily walking or simple movement of legs such as standing up or sitting down. The pain can be alarming. In severe cases, the pain results in swelling in the pubic bony region running down the hip, groin, lower abdomen, inner thigh and buttock areas. One may also hear an audible clicking sound originating from the pelvis joint. The intensity of this problem can develop and aggravate slowly throughout the course of pregnancy.

Together with the postural and hormonal changes during pregnancy, the growing baby and the instability in the pelvic joints add to the pain experienced which can be discomforting and differs from one person to another. Walking and climbing stairs may become straining and pain can even be felt while turning in bed.

Following are the symptoms that one may experience during pregnancy;

  • Inflammation or swelling in the joint areas.

  • Pain and stiffness in the hip joint

  • Difficulty in lifting legs

  • Pain while drawing legs apart

  • Inability or Pain while standing on one leg

  • Difficulty trying to sit or stand

  • Pain from pelvis areas down to inner thighs

Given that joint pains in various parts of the body do affect women during their pregnancy, it is recommended that;

  • Walk only when it is absolutely necessary

  • Consume foods which are high in calcium and iron supplements

  • Use mobility aids such as a wheelchair, walker, elbow crutches and walking stick if necessary

  • Avoid from taking pain killers unless necessary

  • Wear a pelvis support belt if suitable

  • Sitting down to get dressed

  • Avoid lifting heavy items

  • Seek medical help if conditions worsen or is unbearable

Given that these joint pains occur during the pregnancy, one should take heart that after the baby is born these pains and discomforts will slowly subside once the joints are firmed up again.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Sulforaphane Sparks Interest for Anticancer and Antiinflammatory Benefits

Imagine a single supplement with scientific evidence of its anticancer, antioxidant, antidiabetic, and anti-inflammatory properties. It comes as no surprise that one of the phytochemicals in broccoli, which is emerging as one of the best super foods, has an impressive array of health benefits. Several recent issues of Life Extension magazine have featured articles on the importance of eating cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, and Brussels sprouts. Cruciferous vegetables contain bioactive chemicals that favorably impact hormone levels and cell division. Yet one of their less well-known phytochemicals is sulforaphane, which is found in abundance in young sprouts of broccoli. These young sprouts contain a sugar molecule, sulforaphane glucosinolate, which when chewed and combined with the plant's own enzyme, myrosinase, releases sulforaphane into the body.

Anticancer Properties

Researchers at the University of Michigan (U of M) Comprehensive Cancer Center believe that sulforaphane could become both a novel and highly effective treatment for breast cancer. Current chemotherapy treatments attack rapidly dividing cells but do nothing to stop cancer stem cells -- the small number of specific cells responsible for fueling the growth of cancerous breast tumors. In laboratory experiments, sulforaphane was shown to target and kill cancer stem cells and prevented new malignancies from growing.

The U of M team first worked with mice with breast cancer and documented the number of cancer stem cells in their breast tumors. The mice were then injected with varying concentrations of sulforaphane. The sulforaphane (1) significantly reduced the number of cancer stem cells, while leaving ordinary cells unharmed, and (2) prevented the breast cancer cells in mice from generating new tumors.

Next, the team tested the effects of sulforaphane on human breast cancer cell cultures in the lab. Again, the researchers found sulforaphane greatly reduced the number of human breast cancer stem cells. Most cancer researchers believe that controlling cancer in patients requires elimination of their cancer stem cells. But for decades, existing cancer treatments have offered no way of directly attacking cancer stem cells. The stem cell findings are the primary reason the U of M test results have generated so much interest within the cancer community. If these laboratory test results could be replicated in humans, the supplement sulforaphane could provide a major milestone in the development of a cure for breast cancer.

The concentrations of sulforaphane used in the study, 50 mg/kg and 1-5 micromol/L, were higher than what can be normally achieved by eating broccoli. However, in principle, humans could absorb the necessary concentrations of sulforaphane through standardized broccoli extract doses. Currently, the U of M research team is planning a future clinical trial to test sulforaphane both as a prevention and treatment for breast cancer.

In addition to breast cancer, sulforaphane has been found to prevent gastric cancer by reducing colonization of the cancer and ulcer-linked bacteria Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in the body. These findings caught the attention of the National Institute of Health, which now includes a web page on its Internet domain that describes experiments on using sulforaphane as treatment for the H. pylori bacteria. The experiments reported extant have generally involved mice, although they are encouraging that sulforaphane in large enough doses might kill extracellular, intracellular, and antibiotic-resistant forms of H. pylori in humans and thereby prevent ulcers or gastric cancer.

Sulforaphane's anticancer benefits are not limited to internal organs. Topical application of sulforaphane has been shown in several studies to reduce the incidence of squamous cell carcinomas. Most recently, researchers at the University of Arizona Cancer Center discovered a new mechanism of action for sulforaphane's prevention of skin cancer based on inhibition of the transcription factor activator protein-1 (AP-1).

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Research by University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) scientists has found that sulforaphane appears to protect against respiratory inflammation that causes asthma, allergic rhinitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other conditions that make it hard to breathe. Sulforaphane's mechanism of action appears to center on triggering antioxidant enzymes in response to the onslaught of free radicals the people breath in everyday in polluted air containing pollen, smoke, and allergens. Interestingly, the researchers concluded that alfalfa, another green food that is sometimes referred to as "the perfect food," did not contain sulforaphane and did not trigger the antioxidant enzyme response in their experiments.

Two recent studies from 2010 have shown that sulforaphane could be used to treat arthritis. In the first of the two studies, researches at the Catholic University of Korea, in Seoul, Korea, found that sulforaphane inhibits the rheumatoid T cells and also regulates the inflammatory response to arthritis. The authors concluded that the combined antiarthritic and immune regulatory effects of sulforaphane, which were confirmed in vivo, suggest that it may offer a possible treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. The second study, which is now underway at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom, seeks to determine if sulforaphane blocks the enzymes that cause joint destruction in osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis. The scientist are also interested in studying ways sulforaphane might stop or prevent the development of arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of disability in the USA where it affects around thirty million people. It is a degenerative joint disease which gradually destroys the cartilage in the joints, particularly in the hands, feet, spine, hips and knees of older people. There is currently no effective treatment other than pain relief or joint replacement.

Sulforaphane is also known to have an anti-inflammatory effect on arteries. In laboratory experiments with mice, researchers found that sulforaphane could "switch on" a protein, Nrf2, that protects against plaque build up. This protective protein is inactive in the bends and branches of arteries, which are highly vulnerable to clogging.


Sulforaphane has well-documented health benefits in many areas, but this article focused on the recent evidence for its anticancer and anti-inflammatory benefits. Sulforaphane in vitro has been shown to arrest breast cancer stem cells. This discovery represents a significant milestone towards treating breast cancer, because existing chemotherapies are ineffective against cancer stem cells, which create new cancer cells and thus fuel the growth of tumors. In addition to breast cancer, sulforaphane has been shown to inhibit and protect against gastric cancers and squamous cell skin cancers.

The anti-inflammatory benefits of sulforaphane could lead to a possible treatment for, and prevention of, both osteoarthritis and the more debilitating rheumatoid arthritis. Finally, sulforaphane has been shown in laboratory studies with mice to switch on a protective protein that helps to prevent the atherosclerotic build up of plaques in arterial walls. Sulforaphane helps to prevent the arteries from becoming inflamed with plaques and clogged. For all these reasons, patients with these medical conditions as well as members of the general public interested in disease prevention are waiting with keen interest to learn if these experimental results will be confirmed in human clinical trials.

5 Side Effects of Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement surgery is performed to replace a hip joint that is damaged and degraded, and is unable to perform to its intended purpose. An artificial material such as metal or ceramic is used in its place and this will relieve pain and allow patients to regain their range of motion and thus makes them able to perform things that they previously could not. Although the end results are impressive, there are side effects involved too.

Hip dislocation

Hip dislocation is a common side effect experienced by many patients post surgery. As the prosthetic used for the surgery is normally smaller than the patient's own hip bone, the replacement hip ball tends to slip out of the socket easily. The replacement hip joint may also irritate the tissues around it, causing inflammation of the tissues and possibly degradation of the bone. Bone degradation is a serious thing and can cause pain and additional corrective surgery.


Pain is an inevitable side effect that will definitely be experienced by all. Pain will affect the patient's ability to move about after surgery. Medication will be prescribed by the doctor to allow patients to feel more comfortable and pain will subside as time passes. However if patients experience severe or prolonged pain, they should seek care from a medical professional.

Deep vein thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis or DVT is a common side effect post surgery which is accompanied by swelling and discolouration of the skin. DVT occurs due to poor blood circulation throughout the leg, causing blood clots. If the blood clot flows through the blood and enters the lungs, it can be life threatening and will cause breathing difficulties that may be fatal.


One very rare side effect is infection. Bacteria could get into the prosthetic joint area and trigger a body reaction, causing infection. However this is rare due to the disinfected environment in the operating theatre but it could still happen due to human errors. If patients experience high fever of more than 38 degrees Celsius accompanied by chills and discharging of body fluids, they must seek medical help immediately.

Nerve injury

Injuries to the nerves are uncommon due to hip replacement surgery. The nerves around the surgical site could be accidentally injured and/or damaged during surgery and this will cause numbness and a tingling sensation. In most cases, they are only temporary and patients will fully regain their feeling over a period of time. In more severe cases, they can be permanent and patients will never have a sensation at the injury site again.

Most side effects are only temporary and will go away with time. Most of them are not serious and will only cause some slight discomfort to the patient. However, there are rare and more serious side effects that could possibly occur. Patients are thus advised to speak to their surgeon and fully understand all the risks and side effects before deciding to undergo the surgery.

What You Should Know About Muscle And Joint Pain In Lupus

Studies revealed that 90% of people with lupus experience joint and/or muscle pain at some time during this illness.Very often, the aching pain in joints and muscles can determine the patient believe he has a viral or flu-like illness, while other patients may have symptoms similar with those produced by arthritis. There exist also another category of patients with intense muscle inflammation, and they can also experience progressive weakness and loss of strength.

It must be said that muscle and joint pains are symptoms of lupus but usually it's not the systemic lupus erythematosus responsible for them. They are more frequently caused by other illnesses.

Usually, the joint pain caused by lupus arthritis comes, may last for days or weeks, and then disappear, returning at a later time. It is known that the joints farthest from the trunk of the body are most frequently affected. Characteristic to lupus is stiffness and pain in the morning which improves during the day and can return later in the day when the person is tired, and also the fact that the pain is usually symmetrical, similar joints on both sides of the body are affected. It is good to know that even if a person has been diagnosed with lupus, there can appear pains that have nothing to do with this disease. For example, backaches or neck pains, a single, chronically painful are not provoked by lupus.A fact that also should be remembered is that usually, lupus arthritis doesn't cause deformities or destruction of the joints.Best clues in order to determine if the pain is caused by the systemic lupus erythematosus is the pattern of joint pain and the setting in which it occurs.There can be made X-ras of the painful joints and an examination of the synovial fluid within a swollen joint, to rule out other possible causes for the joint. It is known that if arthritis is the only symptom of lupus, diagnosis can be extremely difficult.It is good to mention that sometimes, performing the anti-nuclear antibody test and the test for rheumatoid factor can be helpful.

For treating lupus arthritis, there are usually used non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin. Usually, these medications have effect, but if this therapy is not effective, there can be added antimalarial drugs such as hydroxychloroquine.In rare cases, if the joints remain swollen and painful despite other treatment, there begins the treatment with corticosteroids.It is important that people learn joint protection procedures in order to rest the joints during flares of lupus arthritis, and another fact that must be known is that cytotoxic medications should not be used to treat only lupus arthritis.

It is known that the systemic lupus erythematosus can seriously damage the muscles, and as a result, there can appear muscle weakness and loss of strength. Inflamed muscles can be painful and tender to the touch, but the most common symptom that lupus myositis shows is muscle weakness. Usually, the muscles at he trunk of the body are affected , such as neck, pelvic girdle and thighs, shoulder girdle and upper arms.

There are some tests that can determine the severity of muscle involvement. These tests measure the level of some chemical enzymes in the blood. Normally, that enzymes are being concentrated within muscle fibers. They escape into the blood circulation when the muscle fibers are being damaged by inflammation.There can also be made an electromyogram to determine the character of muscle damage in lupus myositis, and also biopsy may be performed in order to confirm the presence of inflammation and to identify how severe it is.

As a treatment, corticosteroids are used initially in high doses, to keep the inflammation under control, and then, after it subsides, it is gradually reduced. Most of the patients responde well to this treatment, but there are rare cases when it is necessary to add cytotoxic or immunosuppressive medications.A well directed exercise program should be started after the inflammation passed, in order to regain normal muscle strength and function.

It may happen when the patient is prescribed high doses of corticosteroids with or without cytotoxic agents to appear bone damage and muscle weakness. These complications in rare cases appear due to the effects of the medications alone, they usually come because of a combination of factors.It was found that patients with systemic lupus erythematosus which took steroids for a long time can develop ischemic necrosis of bone. Altered blood flow to a portion of bone causes the death of that area, and as the bone repairs the area, a weakening of the bone occurs and a portion of the bone surface may collapse. Most affected are the hips, shoulders and knees.The first symptom of ischemic necrosis is pain when the joints are being moved or bearing weight, and the pain can be felt even when the person is resting, at night, when the condition progresses.Osteoporosis can also appear if a patient uses corticosteroids for a long time. Having osteoporosis means that the bone mass is decreased and a higher risk of bone fracture and compression of vertebrae in the spine appears. It is known that women are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis and using calcium and vitamin D in addition to regular exercise may help prevent osteoporosis.

It is important to remember that people with lupus myositis should take a regular, well-designed exercise program in order to prevent muscle weakness.

Joint Pain Drugs

What You Need to Be Aware Of

Some of the most intolerable health conditions that affect mankind are joint pain and arthritis. There are many situations that can cause a person to have painful joints. Some of these include gout, bursitis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, tendinitis, injury, and many other infectious diseases out there. No matter what the reasons are behind your own joint issues, it is essential to be knowledgeable of the various joint pain drugs because these types of illnesses can often make life difficult.

The elderly population is the one mostly prone and affected by joint pain. If you have painful joints or any other health condition, this can be a cause of some extensive pain and ache during the later parts of life.

Before you decide on which joint pain drugs to choose, it is imperative to approach your joint pain from several angles, like considering what the cause of the pain is. Arthritis is one of the most common circumstances that most of the time leads to joint issues. This kind of illness can potentially bring about tightness, swelling, soreness, and inflammation on the certain joint and also the surrounding areas. Though there are many kinds and types of arthritis, relief for this condition can come in numerous methods. There are individuals who are using over-the-counter joint pain drugs while others go for the prescribed meds. There are even others who do not utilize medications and instead go for some natural remedies as a substitute.

The most ordinary and common joint pain drugs come in the form of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They work by decreasing pain, inflammation, and stiffness in addition to aiding in the improvement of one's flexibility. However, these drugs have been found to increase the risks of cardiac diseases and stroke and they are only used in severe cases, depending on the diagnosis of the physician. For those people who do not want to take some strong medications, they go for over-the-counter types like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen.

Join Pain Supplements

Supplements like chondroitin, fish oils, glucosamine, MSM, and turmeric are some of the natural remedies. Some of these boast of their special properties to impact specific joints positively and they work by improving one's condition before the onset of pain and inflammation.

Glucosamine, for example, is an example of an amino sugar that is known to stimulate the generation of specific protein what help in the repair of damaged connective tissues. Because of the numerous joint pain drugs and supplements in the market today, it is valuable for one to be knowledgeable of their ingredients and functions.

Synotrex is a kind of joint pain supplement that has been making a name in the market. The ingredients used in its formulation have been proven to work in harmony with a human being's joints. Side effects are certainly not an issue because this supplement is friendly to our bodies. Arthritis pain diseases can often take a person away from his or her daily habits and routine.

Headaches (Cephalgia)

Headaches should be investigated and evaluated by a physician or Chiropractor. This would involve a complete case history, blood laboratory tests, x-rays, and possibly a CT scan and or an MRI. Causes of headaches are varied, and pinpointing those causes should be the first step in determining the necessary treatment and the proper course of action.

The cause of chronic headaches is generally the most difficult to diagnose. Headaches of recent origin require a more intensive investigation. Infrequent headaches are generally related to acute causes, such as fever, alcohol consumption, eyestrain, sleep deprivation and fatigue. The area of the head in which the headaches occur is extremely important a factor in determining the cause of the headache.

Tumors, although rare, can be a cause of recent onset of headaches, and may affect the area of the head where the tumor is localized. Changing the position of the head may relieve the headache or increase its' intensity. Even though the headache may be localized at first, it can become more generalized in nature. The headache of such tumors can last intermittently for a few hours each day. Tumors may have metastasized as in cancer from other sites. A cancer patient needs active investigation for metastases. There are many more causes of headache other than tumors. These are more frequent in nature and they are:

  1. High blood pressure (Hypertension).

  2. Sinusitis and post-nasal drip.

  3. Eyestrain and other eye problems.

  4. Throat problems.

  5. Teeth problems.

  6. TMJ (tempromandibular joint problems).

  7. Problems of the ear and inner ear.

  8. Muscle tension.

  9. Stress (frequent cause of muscle tension).

  10. Nerve pressure or traction on a nerve or nerves in the neck. (Another description can be pinched nerve).

  11. Contraction or dilation of blood vessels in the head.

  12. Post-traumatic such as falls, automobile accident (whiplash), and sports related injuries.

  13. Cluster headaches, very common and can be related to stress, and histamine release.

  14. Genetic (inherited tendency).

  15. Psychological.

  16. Environmental (being exposed to chemical fumes, poor air quality and allergic type plants and grasses).

Migraine headaches are one of the more severe headache types and can be very debilitating in nature. Migraines are more recurrent headaches, and may or may not be associated with visual and GI (gastrointestinal) disturbances, causing nausea and vomiting. There is no known cause, however, it is generally thought that it is due to constriction or dilation of blood vessels in the circulation of the head. Flashes of light, changes in eyesight and some numbness and tingling often precede migraine. Pain usually occurs one side of the head, but at times may be generalized. Migraines can occur on a daily basis or once in several months, and can last for hours or days. Intolerance to light, nausea and vomiting and no appetite usually accompany them. Migraines can start at any age, and are more prone in women, starting between the ages of 10 and 30. After the age of 50, migraine may or may not go into remission.

"Cluster" headaches, due to histamine release are usually abrupt in nature and severe. They are usually one-sided, involving the eye, temple, face and neck. Blood vessels are dilated on the side of pain. Flushing occurs due to the dilation of blood vessels. There is puffiness beneath the eye, tearing of the eye and running of the nose. There can be constriction of the pupil. The side of the neck can be tender around the carotid artery (the artery on the side of the neck). The headache can occur on and off.

One of the most frequent types of headaches may be due to muscle tension or a spinal problem in the neck. Misalignment of spinal vertebrae can cause nerve impingement (pinched nerve) that can result in pressures in the head. They also affect the muscles and circulation of the blood vessels. These headaches too, can last for hours, days or months. Occupation plays and enormous role in this type of headache. Those engaged in a repetitive motion jobs are uniquely prone, such as truck, taxi drivers, machine, and telephone and computer operators. Also included can be Dentists, Hygienists, construction and assembly line workers. Almost all professions are susceptible in one-way or another, and we must not exclude the "couch potato". Inactivity causes muscle disuse and results in musculoskeletal disorders.

What course can then be taken by the individual to relieve their headaches? That of course depends on how aggressive they are in pursuing their desire to help themselves. The number one priority is seeing their physician or Chiropractor for and evaluation and diagnoses. Once this has been accomplished, the course of treatment must be decided. The diagnosis will of course determine what that treatment will be. Headache caused by tumor may require chemotherapy, x-ray therapy or possibly surgery. Headaches of arterial origin may require drug therapy, and headaches of psychogenic origin may require psychological intervention. Those of musculoskeletal origin can best be treated by a Chiropractor. Correcting the spinal imbalance can alleviate pinched nerves and muscle tension.

Of course it is the individual who must be at the forefront of his own treatment. At home, self-care can be the single most important factor in whether they will be relieved of their headaches, or not. Simple aids can be of tremendous value. Using an analgesic gel three or four times daily on the muscles of the neck and upper back, can relieve the pain and tension of these sore muscles. Another modality can also accompany this treatment. Using a vibrator on this area can add to the relief, and should also be used three to four times daily.

Going to sleep the same time each night, even on weekends, can be extremely important and will prevent undue fatigue. Try to avoid stressful situations. Each day designate a time of day and reserve one half hour to be alone and meditate. Avoid eyestrain and do not read or watch television for long periods of time. Eat a well-balanced, nutritious diet and avoid foods that can trigger headaches. Such foods are: red wine, caffeine, chocolate, cheese, lentils, processed meats and citrus fruits. Avoiding monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a must. Do not sit for long periods of time. Do not sit for longer than an hour at a stretch, whether you are on the phone, playing cards, riding in an automobile or flying. Inactivity is a killer.

These are the things the individual can do to help relieve headaches and improve their general health and obtain relief from painful symptoms. The results you obtain in the long run depend on you.

Pseudo Gout and Pseudo Gout Treatment

There exists a disorder that is mistakenly recognized to be gout. The disorder symptoms are so similar to gout that it's sometimes called pseudo gout. It is officially recognized as Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease or CPPD. CPPD or Pseudo gout is essentially a rheumatologic condition. It is one which presents itself when calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals accumulate in the tissues around the affected joints.

Gout is essentially caused by uric acid crystal build up in the articular cartilage of joints and tendons tissues. As a disorder, patients are susceptible to painful attacks, which essentially consist of sudden, unforeseen spasms of severe pain within a particular impacted joint of the body. Some instances of it are acknowledged when uric acid crystals grow large enough in size to actually cause the skin to burst through, resulting in an excretion of a whitish-chalk-like compound. Skin level of sensitivity is yet another symptom, with many patients suffering from an enormous amount of pain over something such as a very slender sheet being utilized in covering the affected area. Low grade fever is another symptom of gout and attacks.

Pseudo gout generally signifies the noticeable acute synovitis, exhibiting swollen joints, a classic indication of gout. Since the symptoms show up like gout, it is sometimes wrongly recognized as gout.

The Pseudo gout treatment methods focused on preventing the accumulation of more crystals, because the deposition of crystals cannot be reversed. Pseudo gout treatment are just like the real treatment provided for a gout patient that is coping with his or her pain.

Whenever a joint is mixed up in the matter, pseudo gout treatment might include joint aspiration and intra-articular corticosteroid injections. Medicines such as colchicines and/or NSAIDs are usually used as alternative treatments. If several joints are affected, the treatment may include injections into the joint, working on the most seriously impacted joint. In some case oral systemic treatment are used to treat the pain.

We hope at this point you understand what gout is and what pseudo gout is, because the two are simply different conditions. Best is to visit your doctor and let the doctor determine which one you have.

A gout diet low in purines is a great way to prevent gout and sometimes pseudo gout as well. The foods you consume need to be those that are low in purines which contribute to the production of uric acid in the body.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dangerous Diseases Associated With Joint Pain

Any sort of pain in one or more bone joints is generally referred as joint pain. It could be caused due to inflammation or any sort of injury to the joints. There could be several underlying reasons for a joint pain. Joint pain is a symptom and it indicates a more serious illness which may or may not be entirely related to the joints or bones.

Arthritis or osteoarthritis is one of the common causes of joint pain in majority of the patients. Arthritis merely means inflamed joints and osteoarthritis is a disease that results in degeneration joint cartilages. It commonly occurs in the aging period, at the age of approximately 45 or above.

Rheumatoid arthritis is the next common cause of joint pain. It is an autoimmune disorder that damages the articular cartilage of the joints. It results in chronic joint pain that keeps on recurring. Yet another autoimmune disease that causes severe joint pain is known as lupus. It causes inflammation of the tissues in the joints and other parts of the body.

Pain of joint is also the main symptom of bursitis. Bursitis means inflammation of the fluid filled sacs called bursae located at the joints where muscles slid over the bones. This creates pain and inflammation at the joints. Apart from pain there will be redness and swelling visible externally.

Besides the aforementioned issues, Pain of joint can be a result of minor sprains, strains or some internal or external injury to the joint or bone. However, such pains would be acute in nature and can be relieved within a matter of days if proper medical attention is received in time.

Certain infectious diseases like hepatitis, malaria, influenza, chikungunya can also cause mild to severe Pain of joint. However, such pains are experienced across all the joints in the body.

There are certain diseases that target the joint tissues. Gout, tendonitis and septic arthritis are some of the common ones and they cause moderate to severe pain of joint depending on the stage of advancement.

The list of diseases associated with pain of joint as a symptom is too long to be explained in here. However, it is obvious that pain of joint can be caused by a host of hidden diseases. Hence, it is always wise to get your joint pain diagnosed as early as possible. Depending on pain medication can only succeed in suppressing your joint pain but it would not heal your disease.

In case of minor sprain, home remedies might work but even if there is a hairline fracture or some other sort of wear and tear to any of the joint tissues, the pain might recur. If left untreated at the time of the injury, this can grow to become a chronic problem with continuous pain and inflammation.

Regular exercise and a well balanced nutritional diet is an essential part of your lifestyle and it is the only way to prevent joint diseases like arthritis or osteoarthritis at a later stage.

Try Feldenkrais For Your Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a long-term inflammatory disease that affects both tissues and organs, but mainly attacks joints. The disease produces inflammation in the lining of the joint (synovitis), and often leads to the destruction of cartilage and deformity in the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis can also produce inflammation in the lungs, heart, kidneys, and eyes, and can produce nodules, most commonly in the tissues just under the skin. Although the cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, an auto-immune system explanation has the most credibility. A genetic component may also exist. RA is a painful and disabling condition, which causes considerable loss of function and mobility. It is diagnosed by its signs and symptoms, and also with blood tests (rheumatoid factor) and X-rays.

Rheumatoid arthritis pain always shows signs of inflammation, with affected joints being swollen, warm, painful and stiff, particularly on awakening in the morning or following inactivity. With time RA almost always affects multiple joints, most commonly the small joints of the hands, feet, and spine, but larger joints like the hip and knee can also be affected.

Once inflammation occurs, the pain can become chronic, and treatment will likely be necessary. Various treatments are available. Early and effective rheumatoid arthritis treatment can improve the prognosis and may help prevent the joint and bone destruction associated with RA. If physical therapy, orthotics, and diet changes have failed you and you have maxed out your meds, the Feldenkrais Method can be used to treat all problems for which surgery isn't necessary. Feldenkrais uses simple, gentle movements to reorganize posture, flexibility, strength and coordination. Based on the neurological processes by which we learn movement skills, it is a novel approach to rheumatoid pain relief, using the power of the brain to help the body function more efficiently. More efficient use of self creates environments within which chronic pain can heal. Many sufferers are better in a matter of weeks. Let Feldenkrais help you to have fun with life again.

Dog Hip Dysplasia Information Regarding Its Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment And Prevention

Dog hip dysplasia is a disease found in canines which causes the hip joints to form abnormally. A kind of dog arthritis, this condition results in loose joints in the hip area making it extremely difficult and painful for the dog to move. Simply put, it is when the hips of a dog do not fit together properly resulting in dog joint pain.

Dog hip dysplasia affects all kinds of canines, although it's more common in dogs of larger breed, and even more in purebred dogs. Some of the most likely breeds to get hip dysplasia are great Danes, Rottweilers, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, St. Bernards and Mastiffs. However sight hounds such as Grey hounds seem to escape this horrible disease.

The pain a dog feels depends on the degree of separation in the joints. If there is partial dislocation of the thigh bone from the hip bone then this is called subluxation, and this may even cause the dog to feel mild or no pain. But if the thigh bone is completely dislocated from the hip socket, it is known as luxation, and this will cause extreme pain to the poor animal.


There are a number of factors that can cause a dog to get this disease.

1. Genetics:

Dog hip dysplasia can be inherited genetically, especially in bigger breeds of dogs. At times, this disease also skips generations, but the chances are increased for a dog if the disease is in its immediate ancestry. However genetics is not the only way, as it can also be developed overtime due to environmental factors.

2. Obesity:

Obesity in dogs has also been known to cause this type of dog arthritis, as overweight dogs have to carry more weight and this tends to wear out their hip joints. Obese dogs tend to get more hip related injuries.

3. Calcium:

Receiving too much calcium is also a cause of this condition, as the extra calcium can cause the growing process to speed up resulting in the bones not being able to form properly. Similarly too little calcium will also play a role is forming abnormal bones as well. Even over-exercising a dog at a young age can be a trigger of dog hip dysplasia as well.


There are some signs that can show that a canine has dog hip dysplasia.

1. Trouble Walking:

The main indication is when a dog has trouble walking or seems to be limping in one or both hind legs. However both of its rear legs will be affected by this, but it may show a limp on the most compromised side. The excruciating pain will not allow the dog to enjoy any of its usual activities such as running, playing or walking. It will also avoid jumping or walking up the stairs, and will have trouble getting up from lying or sitting down. There will also be pain in the rear/hip area.

2. Physical Changes:

Another huge indicator is the physical changes such as the wasting of muscles in the hip region, or underdeveloped thigh muscles. The shoulder muscle will grow as the dog will place the extra weight in this area which its hind legs will not be able to carry.

3. Hind Legs Cow-Hocked:

If a young pup is too slow to stand on all fours, or climb up the stairs or even jump, then this could indicate that it will grow up to develop dog hip dysplasia. Another strong indicator is if the hind legs of a pup are cow-hocked (similar to knock-kneed in humans).


X-Rays are the main tests for diagnosing this disease, but physical exams are also essential. The physical will allow the veterinarian to manually check the dog's hip and the x-rays will show any signs of abnormalities.


To treat dog hip dysplasia, a combination of treatment is used. This includes joint supplements for dogs, pain medication, anti-inflammatory drugs, weight management, exercise and physical therapy. In more extreme cases, hip replacement surgery can also be an option.

Joint supplements for dogs such as glucosamine should be given to the dog, as this anti-inflammatory additive goes straight to the joints and helps regenerate cartilage. Exercise allows the weight of the dog to be controlled, thereby reducing the impact weight has on its hind legs.


If the breed of the dog is such that it is prone to develop dog hip dysplasia then steps should be taken to diminish the disease's impact, although complete prevention may be hard. The canine must undergo enough exercise to keep a healthy weight as well as build its muscles properly so that there is less impact on its joints.

Care should be taken to feed the dog properly so that its diet doesn't lack anything it needs and an ideal weight is kept. Dogs should be given joint supplements with calcium and phosphorus so that they develop healthy bones; also glucosamine supplements to heal any damage that could cause hip dysplasia or hip arthritis.

Avoid breeding dogs with this condition to minimize it. The dog must be kept warm, as cold weather tends to increase joint pains. Massage therapy can also play a role in helping the dog relax its stiff muscles.

Is Your Dog in Pain - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Canine Joint Pain

Pet owners may not realize their dog is in pain until the symptoms become advanced. That's because animals deal with pain better than their owners do at times.

People have varying amounts of tolerance to pain and the same is true of their pets. One dog may not limp on an injured leg until damage to the joint is extreme while another will yelp and cry at the least discomfort.

Knowing your dog and his habits and behavior is often the trigger to realizing the animal is hurting. There are symptoms to watch for but often the first sign of pain in a family pet is the feeling of the owner that "something isn't right". When that impression remains for several days, a trip to the vet for a checkup is a good idea.

Symptoms of Pain:

Vocalizing -

Your dog may whine when he rises from a sitting position or yelp when he jumps down from a chair. He may whimper when you massage a shoulder or make moaning or groaning sounds when at rest.

Posture -

Your dog may limp with one leg or may appear to walk in an awkward, hunched position holding his front end and back end at uneven heights.

Level of Activity -

Owners accustomed to a pet who follows them from room to room may notice the animal staying in one place instead. The dog may lay down, get up, circle and lay down again repeatedly trying to find a comfortable position and may have difficulty getting up after laying down.

Behavioral Changes -

Your pet may avoid social contact or growl or snap when you touch part of his body or manipulate a joint. He may withdraw from petting and be reluctant to participate in play activity. Some dogs may become more needy than usual and seem to be asking for constant attention.

Dog may lose their appetite when they are in pain or appear unusually tired or lethargic. Incessant licking, scratching or chewing of one part of the body is a visible indication of itching or pain and an increase in drooling is another sign of a problem.

Appearance -

Many dogs display facial expressions that their human companion recognize as part of the personality of their pet. A change in expression or physical appearance may be an indicator of a dog who is in pain.

Ears laid back may be unusual for the animal and a vacant stare that replaces the attentive look or eyes that seem constantly tired and sleepy may be subtle clues of a joint that is aching or an injury that needs treatment. Panting is normal for dogs but constant panting in the absence of exercise or heat is unusual.

Causes of Pain in Dogs

Serious illnesses such as cancer will lead to excruciating pain for an animal. However, the most common source is injury or arthritis affecting the dog's joints.

Joint pain in dogs can cause limping and vocalizing and all of the other pain symptoms listed above. A simple sprain may heal itself in a few days while arthritis will lead to pain that comes and goes and varies in intensity. Hip dysplasia is common to some breeds and another cause of ongoing joint pain.

Pain symptoms in dogs should not be ignored. Finding the cause of the discomfort can often lead to treatments with pet medicines that will control or even eliminate pain for the animal. Prompt treatment can halt the progression of serious illness and relieve discomfort quickly.

Treatment for Canine Pain Relief

For life threatening diseases, your veterinarian will prescribe a course of treatment. Medications can be costly but can be obtained online safely by ordering discount pet medicine from a site run by a veterinarian. Treating joint pain has been a focus of development in veterinary medicine for several years. The resulting medications have relieved painful joints for tens of thousands of dogs. Dogs with hip dysplasia or senior dogs suffering the pain of arthritis can become pain-free with discount pet meds at a price any pet owner can afford.

* Deramaxx - Taken daily, Deramaxx will help control chronic osteoarthris and pain. Your dog will enjoy the taste of the beef-flavored tablet and this pet med is safe enough to use every day.

* Metacam - Available as a solution for injection (used in the vet's office) and as an oral suspension for follow-up treatment at home, Metacam addresses dog arthristis symptoms with a two step procedure that provides fast canine pain relief.

* Rimadyl for Dogs - This is the most popular dog pain medication available today and is widely used by both pet owners and veterinarians. Rimadyl for dogs is used to relieve dog arthritis pain and also for pain due to soft tissue surgery such as spay/neuter.

Treating dog arthritis pain and joint pain caused by injury or hip dysplasia is now possible with new medications that can return your pet to a healthy, active lifestyle that is pain free. Buying both prescription and non-prescription remedies through a veterinarian online provides pet owners with discount prices for long term treatment.

When Joint Pain Leads to Replacement

The reason it is important to find an effective treatment for joint pain and the conditions that cause the achy symptoms in the first place is to avoid the drastic measures of having a total joint replacement. This type of procedure removes an arthritic or damaged joint and replaces it with an artificial joint called a prosthesis. While many people may have heard of a total knee replacement, this kind of surgery may also include the hip, ankle, shoulder, foot, elbow, and even the fingers.

Patients usually opt for a total joint replacement when joint pain has become too unbearable to endure. The damage that has taken place with the cartilage surrounding the joint is also too spoiled to repair. Severe pain may become debilitating, where an individual alters their lifestyle in order to accommodate their weakened bones, muscles, and joints. Without a total joint replacement, an individual may become disabled and unable to function in the manner they desire.

A doctor will perform a physical examination, run a few laboratory tests, and order a couple of x-rays in order to reveal the extent of joint damage. This will also help the patient come to a conclusion whether they wish to undergo the procedure to enhance their quality of life.

When a patient decides that a total joint replacement surgery fits their personal needs, they will make an appointment to have a surgeon replace the damaged parts of the joint. For instance, in the case of a damaged knee, the ruined ends of the bones and cartilage are replaced with metal and plastic parts that are molded to restore knee movement and function. With a total hip replacement, the damaged ball (upper end of the femur) is switched with a metal ball attached to a metal stem that fits into the femur. A plastic socket placed into the pelvis completes the surgery.

Overall, the materials used in a total joint replacement operation are constructed to encourage natural joint movement. With the use of metal and plastic, the materials are built to last and resistant to normal wear and tear. After the surgery, doctors often promote the immediate use of replaced joints. Some individuals (such as total hip and knee replacement recipients) are able to stand and walk with the use of a cane, crutches, or a walker on the day after their procedure. During the recovery process, it is important to exercise and treat the temporary pain that comes with weak muscles and the healing process.

Fertility Treatment and Craniosacral Therapy

--- Fulfill your dreams - have a baby and build a family ---

Perhaps one of the most thrilling moments in a couple's life is the culmination of a healthy pregnancy, when they can hold their newborn baby for the first time. However, for many couples, this process does not come easily. Cranial Sacral Therapy is helping couples, for whom conception, pregnancy and childbirth has become a long and painful process, to realize their dream.

There are many possible causes of fertility problems, and in each situation there are couples where Craniosacral Therapy (CST) has enhanced and complemented the fertility process, making it quicker, more effective and reducing stress and pain. This applies to couples who going through a medical fertility program, as well as those who have chosen to use other methods to help them.

---How does CST work?--

Our treatment focuses on releasing physical stresses and tensions or lesions in the layer of tissue called fascia which surrounds all of your organs and your nervous system. These tensions can reduce the effectiveness of your nerves - which are the main channel for passing information around your body. Fascial restrictions can also affect the hormonal system which is of central importance to the timing and maintenance of a pregnancy. As fascia also surrounds internal organs, including the womb, tensions here can reduce their function or ability to heal or adapt to the changes that occur during pregnancy.

Fascia can become stressed due to illnesses, injury surgery or inflammation in the body and this is a reaction of the body in order to protect itself from further injury.

CST is calming and gentle; it enhances your body's abilities to function properly, greatly reduces the tensions in the fascial layers of your body and rebalances your hormonal and nervous systems to allow them to function at their best. It improves blood flow to all parts of your body which leads to enhanced organ function, as more oxygen is able to reach them. This will also increase your energy, further reduce your stress levels and speed up your body's ability to heal and repair itself.

As further fascial restrictions are treated, CranioSacral Therapy improves the mobility and freedom of your internal organs to move and adjust to the body's needs during pregnancy. Put all of these improvements together, and your chances of conceiving and reaching full term increase tremendously. Treatment can be in conjunction with, or instead of, your formal medical Fertility program.

---About treatment--

For us, one of the most thrilling aspects of our work is to know that we have helped you on your path to a happy future.

For more information on how Craniosacral therapy can help you or to book an appointment

email: or visit the website

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Arthritis in Dogs - Discount Pet Medication Will Ease the Pain and Stiffness

It is not surprising that senior dogs develop arthritis in their joints just as their owners do. Dogs have no way to tell us they are in pain so it's up to the owner to watch for signs of discomfort in his pet and treat the pain with dog arthritis medicine.

Symptoms of Arthritis

* Stiffness in one or more legs
* Difficult standing from a down position
* Limping
* Reluctance to run or jump
* Swelling in one or more joints
* Joint dislocation

The symptoms of arthritis pain will seem to come and go. The dog may be stiff and slow after coming to his feet following a period of lying down or sleeping and then seems to limber up after walking a bit.

The weather may be a factor with damp days or extremely cold temperatures increasing the stiffness and pain for the animal.

Dog Pain Relief

For older dogs with arthritis pain, your vet may advise you to administer aspirin in low doses to ease the pain. Baby aspirin is effective in treating moderate painful joints as it reduces inflammation. Aspirin should not be used long term, however, as it can damaged the stomach lining and also acts as an anticoagulant.

Glucosamine and chondroitin products are useful for dog joint pain. The hip joint is the most common source of pain for dogs with osteoarthritis. In larger breeds, hip dysplasia in dogs is common where the cartilage in the joint can wear away. This creates pain due to bone contacting bone when the joint is flexed. Aging dogs normally lose some cartilage and may also develop arthritis in knees and shoulders.

Large breed dogs and those in middle to old age respond best to glucosamine and chondroitin therapy. Though buffered aspirin can relieve the pain of arthritis temporarily, that pain returns when the aspirin regimen is discontinued. Treating the problem with glucosamine and chondroitin can return normal function to the joint. This therapy is considered an alternative to using prescription dog meds to treat joint pain.

Deramaxx is used for chronic pain in dogs and given daily. One of five adult dogs suffers from arthritis and Deramaxx offers a solution for canine pain relief that is safe enough to use every day.

Rimadyl for dogs is a prescriptive medication for dogs that can provide amazing results. Owners often say their aging pet began romping like a puppy after taking Rimadyl. This medication is used for pain relief after surgery as well as pain from arthritis. It is an anti-inflammatory drug that does not contain steroids. Rimadyl is available only by prescription and can be purchased at discount pet medication sites online in caplet or chewable form. Injections of Rimadyl for dogs may be administered by your veterinarian before soft tissue surgery such as spaying to start pain management before the pain appears.

Any pet medicine may cause a reaction for some animals. Side effects of Rimadyl are usually observed within a few days of beginning treatment and may include:

* Vomiting
* Diarrhea
* Loss of appetite
* Change in bowel movements
* Change in behavior or activity level
* Yellow appearance of whites of the eyes, skin or gums
* Change in frequency or color of urine output
* Redness or scratching of skin

If these symptoms appear, discontinue use of Rimadyl or Deramaxx and contact your veterinarian. The symptoms may be a warning of more serious side effects involving kidneys, liver or the digestive tract. Rimadyl should not be given to dogs who have demonstrated an allergic reaction to aspirin. to carprofen, the active ingredient, or to dogs with an allergic response Rimadyl is for dogs only and cannot be tolerated by cats.

Canine Pain Medication and Safety

Remember that Rimadyl for dogs and other pain treatments are pet meds. The taste of Rimadyl is one your dog will like so medications should be kept where the dog cannot access them as treats. If your dog manages to eat a quantity of any medication such as aspirin or Rimadyl contact your vet immediately.

Before administering medicine to your dog, consult a veterinarian to find the best solution for your animal and to arrive at the proper dosage for his weight and age. Administer the dog arthritis medicine only to the pet that was diagnosed and prescribed the medication. Order online from a discount pet medication site for significant savings on pain medicines for your dog.

Psychic Crystals and Gemstones - What Do They Mean?

Psychic crystals and gemstones are known to contain a special form of energy that help people in many ways. The use of psychic crystals and gems for a variety of purposes date back to early times, and they were both mentioned in historical facts and mythical literature.

Generally speaking, both gemstones and crystals are said to give off a very powerful amount of general, very powerful that it can break through the levels of a person's awareness -- mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. Because gemstones and crystals have the psychic power to transmit and receive energy, it can be used to initiate healing, cleanse the aura, induce visions or dreams, and even in developing psychic abilities.

Every crystal and gemstone has its own unique energy vibration, so each one has a unique purpose. Below is a run-down of 10 common psychic crystals and gems and there common uses.

10 Well-known Psychic Gemstones and Crystals


Amethyst is termed as the "Master Healing Crystal." This psychic crystal can sooth and balance emotions; this is the reason that it is used for alleviating of matters related to blood and breathing. Amethysts are also used as dream stones -- they eliminate insomnia and create pleasant dreams. Furthermore, it is also a power, knowledge, and a defense stone.


Amber isn't technically a crystal, but rather, it is a mineral. Most often, amber is is used to absorb negative energy because it transforms it into positive energy. For healing, amber is known to treat stomach, spleen and kidney, and joint problems. The energies of amber are typically used to draw in love, healing, protection, power, and luck.

Blood Stone

The bloodstone is known as the "Stone of Courage" since it is said to guard one from evil's eye. Its energies are for power, defense, and healing. Also called Heliotrope, its healing attributes cover overall body circulation -- purification of the blood, liver, and kidneys.


Turquoise is believed to be the gemstone link to the psychic dimension. This gemstone is the symbolic representation of riches, psychic sensitivity, safety, luck, and love. The healing qualities of this stone include anorexia, despair, stress, high blood pressure, throat and lung difficulties, infections, the teeth, and the so-called TMJ situation. Overall, turquoise boosts one's immune system and healing skills.


Fluorite is the "Genius Stone" given that it can boost one's attentiveness and it aids in decision-making. Generally, this gemstone is used to take in and neutralize negative vibes as well as cure ailments like ulcers, colds, flu, headaches, Herpes canker sores, ear, nose and throat problems, among a lot more.


This psychic gemstone is all about love, healing, money, and protection. It is particularly helpful for kidney, heart and stomach complaints, and not to mention it fosters self-healing.


Topaz is a relaxing, understanding psychic gemstone that directs energy to the place it is most needed. Commonly, it is used to encourage healing of the skin and wounds, and issues connecting to the endocrine, liver, and gallbladder. Topaz energizes feelings of peace, love, and joy.


Hematite is noted for its psychic forces to heal complications connected to the bones, insomnia, and anxiety. It also heightens absorption attributes of the small intestine. Apart from these, hematite is also linked with improving relationships and one's intuition.


Sodalite can be your remedy to say goodbye to anxiety and panic disorders. Other healing attributes of this psychic gemstone include purifying of the organs, developing metabolism, and enhancing the immune system. Furthermore, sodalite brings in inner peace.


Last but not least, tourmaline is known for its healing capabilities with asthma and lung problems, arthritis, pain, swelling and immobility, low back pain, issues with the nervous system, neuralgias, migraine headaches, and constipation. Tourmaline stimulates peace of mind, and its other colored variants bring in love and success.

In general, psychic crystals and gemstones help people in many ways. Because of this, a lot more people use them every day. These days, you will find these psychic stones in kinds of home decors, pendants, trinkets, and jewelry.

Dealing With Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Pain at Home

TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint Disease/Disorder, is a condition that affects the joints of the jaw that are located on both sides of your face just in front of your ear. These joints are responsible for the movement of your jaw that allows you to eat, speak and move many of your facial muscles.

When TMJ symptoms occur many is not only affected by the terrible level of pain and discomfort, but also by the mobility problems that keep them from eating, drinking and speaking properly. The causes of TMJ are complicated and may take some time to identify in the mean time there are TMJ home remedies you can use to relieve the pain, discomfort and mobility issues.

Some of these TMJ home remedies may include pain management in the form of over-the-counter pain relievers, jaw exercises or other at home remedies. Even when using an at home treatment it's important to talk with your doctor before starting any new treatment to make sure you are following a treatment plan that is safe to use with other medications or health care treatment you may be experiencing.

When considering which TMJ home remedies to use think about the treatment ideas you are most comfortable with including pain relievers and exercises. Pain relievers can be just about anything you use for normal pain relief and the relief of inflammation. This is generally in the form of Ibuprophen or other generic pain relievers. The exercises are ones that are of a specific nature and involve moving your jaw through the full range of motion for a set of reps that will help to stretch the jaw joints and strengthen the muscles surrounding the jaw joints for better mobility and, hopefully, less pain.

TMJ home remedies can be a great way to find relief when you are looking a way to carry on with daily life and remedy your TMJ symptoms at the same time. You should never use home remedies solely as a means for diagnosis and treatment, always seek medical attention to diagnose and treat any medical disorder. There are many causes of TMJ and unless you are under the care of a medical professional, you are likely to not find the root cause of the problem and therefore not be able to effective treat and prevent TMJ episodes from happening.

Soothe TMJ Pain With Simple Exercises

TMJ disorder can strike without you realizing that it's been building up for a long time. A direct blow to the jaw could throw the temporamandibular joint out of alignment. It could have been caused by grinding your teeth when you sleep, something you can't help doing as this is involuntary. It could have been caused by you clenching your teeth, whether it's also an involuntary reaction to stress or done out of a habit of chewing on things like pencils, fingernails, or chewing gum. It could also be caused by teeth that are improperly aligned. All these causes put enormous stress on your jaw muscles and cause them to wear out, making them go into spasms that in turn produce pain.

And this pain isn't just restricted to your jaw. TMJ pain tends to be wide-reaching, affecting other parts of your body. What you thought might have been just a simple headache or a migraine could actually be an offshoot of your TMJ disorder. Even your neck and your shoulders are not safe from TMJ pain, since the pain could radiate to these areas as well. Another inconvenient result of TMJ disorder is a strange clicking or grinding sound that you hear every time you open you mouth wide.

Pain medication is generally recommended when dealing with TMJ syndrome and, in some extreme cases, even surgery. But you can try doing some soothing jaw exercises to alleviate TMJ pain or simply to relax your face and your jaws. Here are some therapy exercises for TMJ that you can try:

  • While standing in front of a mirror, open your mouth slowly. You might notice that your jaw is misaligned, so move it slowly and try to align it. This will take some effort because of your jaw's weakened muscles. Do 10 sets of this and remember to take your time.

  • Stick your tongue to the roof of your mouth and gently open your mouth wide, keeping your tongue in place.

  • Press your finger on either side of your jaw and open your mouth, maintaining the pressure the whole time. This pressure can help keep your jaw properly aligned.

  • After each TMJ jaw exercise, loosen up your jaw by shaking your chin quickly. Stop the motion if it causes you pain.

These TMJ disorder exercises are not meant to cure you of your TMJ pain entirely, but they will ease the pain you feel and help you learn to relax your face and jaws.

Joint Pain in Dogs - Home Remedies to Relieve Your Dog From Joint Pain

Dogs commonly suffer from joint pain, especially the larger breeds. Pain in a dog's joints can be caused for many reasons, but it is most commonly caused by arthritis, hip or elbow dysplasia, or just old age and obesity. If you have a breed that is known for joint problems, then you should start early. There are many ways to prevent joint pain in your dog, and you can start as a puppy.

1. Provide your puppy with the daily nutrition that they need-buy your puppy a great dog food. This will ensure healthy bones, joints, and growth development.
2. Reward them with healthy treats that are good for hip and joint development, these are found at any pet store, and maybe even some supermarkets.
3. Allow your dog to exercise, and be sure to not let your pet get overweight. When dogs are overweight it causes them more joint pain due to the extra weight.

Even the best dogs with the best owners may wind up with joint pain. If your dog is suffering from pain in his or her joints, then do not fear, there are steps you can take to relieve your pet of joint pain or arthritis pain.

Many owners will take their dog to the vet to check for complications or diseases such as hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, or arthritis. To diagnose anything, they will do x-rays of your dog's hips or problem area. If they find something that is causing your dog specific pain, then they may prescribe your pet with medication, such as Rymadyl.

If medication is not prescribed, or if you are avoiding using the medication, there are many home remedy techniques that are very helpful to dogs with joint pain or arthritis pain. Letting your dog swim will bring them much joy and relief as well! It will even allow dogs with bad arthritis to get some exercise. Or a simple massage can help your dog relieve the tension in their joints, relax, and fall asleep!

How To Delay The Progress Of Degenerative Arthritis

Degenerative arthritis is a type of arthritis that commonly affects millions of people worldwide. In fact, next to rheumatoid?? arthritis, this is the next most common form of arthritis that never fails to make people suffer from pain on a daily basis. Usually, degenerative arthritis happens when the cartilage that is supposed to act as a shock absorber to the bones decrease. Because of this, parts of our body that beats weight such as hips ( for women) and knees often get affected by degenerative arthritis especially for those who are overweight. Daily activities such as walking and climbing? stairs gives our joints a beating that we often ignore until the time pain is felt.

Arthritis can affect people who are in their mid-40s, especially men. In the United States alone, 20 million people suffer from arthritis according to a report from the national health department. As the cartilage wear out, spurs or small new bones develop that is actually greatly responsible for the pain in this type of arthritis. The swelling causes pain and as a response the cartilage produces new bone growth. The rubbing bones definitely amplifies the pain felt by the person suffering from degenerative arthritis.

Although more often than not, doctors are often perplexed by the cause of OA to a person especially when there is no history of previous trauma which is why it is referred to as primary? osteoarthritis. Nevertheless, obesity is a main contributing factor to OA since excess body weight puts so much strain on the joints. When obesity becomes the main culprit, it is now referred to as secondary osteoarthritis.

Degenerative arthritis is also known as Osteoarthritis (OA)?? since the situation worsens as cartilage becomes worn out. In fact, there is no way yet to stop the progressing of this ailment although some supplements and medication may be able to reduce the pain and swelling as well. Usually, doctors advice people with OA to lose weight and continue moderate physical exercise. Also, physical therapy? as well?? as weight training exercises that strengthen affected body parts may help delay the progress of degenerative arthritis. In conclusion, degenerative arthritis cannot be stopped but its progress can be delayed by taking some precautions advised by the doctor.

TMJ Treatment Options The Natural Way

TMJ treatment options come in numerous shapes and sizes. All too often, however, these TMJ treatments arrive in the form of expensive visits to the doctor and medications containing harmful side effects. Fear not, for there are many home remedies that will help you to conquer the TMJ disorder that's been plaguing you for years.

Once you begin performing the home remedies we are about to set forth, there's a good chance you'll be surprised at how much relief you're attaining. Let's get started with these TMJ treatment options so you can start feeling better today:

  • We all know how important a healthy diet is to our overall health. Did you know that altering your diet can also help your TMJ disorder though? Here are a few items you'll want to add to your diet each week: trail mix, artichokes, pumpkin seeds, kidney beans, and brown rice.

  • Breathing, neck, body, and additional exercises are quick and simple TMJ treatment options you can do from home. Breathing exercises and especially helpful and easy to do. Try to find 5 minutes each day - perhaps a few times per day if you can - to fully relax your body, breathe in deeply from your stomach, and exhale slowly. This pattern of breathing is an effective tool that is also used during yoga, meditation, and sometimes just during a stressful work daywhen you're trying to relax.

  • Perhaps the most important physical exercise you can do is jaw exercises. This is a TMJ treatment option you can do from home, at work, and even on vacation. These easy to do but effective exercises include strengthening, massaging, and stretching the jaw.

  • Many of you may grind your teeth at night while you're sleeping. Instead of waking up in the morning in pain - and popping expensive pain medications that contain harmful side effects - try using a mouth guard. While these dental splints will help relieve your pain, it's important to note that the relief is only temporary. You'll want to combine mouth guard use with the tips above.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What Is TMJ and What Can Be Done About It?

Temporomandibular joint disorder usually referred to as TMJ disorder or TMD, is a chronic ailment that affects many people. This disorder is responsible for dozens of symptoms that can arise when there is a problem with the joint between the jaw bone and the skull. If you put your fingers just in front of your ears and open and close your mouth you will feel exactly where the TMJ is. There are two of them - one on each side of your head and they are used a lot.

Just as in your backbone, there is a disc between the jaw bone and your skull. When you chew you apply a lot of pressure to your TM joints and the disc is there to distribute that pressure to spread it out along the contact points. The TMJ is used a lot every day since everyone has to eat and chew food but it's also used when we talk and yawn. It's one of the most used joints in your body.

Some of the most commonly complained about symptoms caused by the TMJ disorder are headaches, migraines, earaches, toothaches, neck pain, and clicking or popping sounds when the mouth is opened or closed. But there are many other symptoms that are all centered on the head and neck. In some of the more severe cases the jaw will shift on one side when the mouth is opened causing it to be lopsided and painful.

Many times a doctor will recommend surgery to fix this problem but you should be very careful there. The main problem with surgery is it can be very painful and expensive. You should also consider that the TMJ disorder is a physical condition and most physical conditions can be treated successfully with therapy. It would be very prudent to do everything possible and explore all other options for TMJ therapy before resorting to a surgery where the recovery interferes with your ability to eat and speak.

Probably the chief cause of this disorder is grinding your teeth or clenching your jaws while you are asleep. That would be caused by stress, tension, or anxiety and no matter how you go about treating the symptoms of your TMJ you will need to treat the stress also because when you grind your teeth or clench your jaws in your sleep you will be undoing any benefits gained through whatever TMJ therapy or treatment you are using.

That brings us to the question of what can you do about TMJ disorder. Probably the most logical course of action is to use a two pronged treatment plan. First you will need to figure out a way to reduce stress. There are many different ways to do this including Yoga breathing exercises, listening to soothing music, talking to others with the same condition, therapy sessions with a psychologist or psychiatrist, taking walks in a park, and trying to take items off your "to do" list.

Then, while you are treating your stress you can begin treating your TMJ symptoms with exercises designed to be TMJ therapy. When it comes to physical therapy there is a specific guideline that all physical therapy exercises are focusing on. First you want to use exercises that reduce any swelling and stretch the muscles to allow the joint to have a more normal range of motion. Then you want to do exercises that repair and strengthen the muscles around the joint so there is less of a chance the problem will return.

So when it comes to treating your TMJ it's all about therapy. You have to use tension reducing therapy to lower your stress level and attack the root cause of your TMJ disorder and you should use TMJ therapy exercises to treat your symptoms. If you can find some simple exercises that help you relieve the pain and cope with your symptoms it will be simply a matter of consistently finding the time to do these stress reducing therapies and your TMJ therapy.

Vitamins For Joint Pain - Nutritional Therapies to Heal Inflammation and Pain

Arthritis and joint pain can be a debilitating condition for most sufferers. A reduction in the cartilage tissue that cushions the joints is the primary symptom of both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Although they have different causes, most diseases that cause joint pain are characterized by high levels of inflammatory.

Because conventional medicine has little to offer by way of a cure, doctors recommend prescription drugs like Ibuprofen and Aspirin that can cause serious side effects and organ damage when taken for long time. But there are many natural ways for sufferers of joint pain to get relief from the agony.

Arthritis sufferers are advised to follow general precautions such as getting adequate rest and water, not exercising too much, using compresses, avoiding alcohol, practicing yoga or another low-impact exercise natural. Following a healthy diet and avoiding inflammatory foods such as red meats, peppers, eggplant, potatoes, and tomatoes can also help curb inflammation.

A growing number of doctors and nutritional experts have come to believe that diet plays a primary role in the onset of inflammation and autoimmune diseases. Doctors like Dr. Nicholas Perricone, a leading advocate of the anti-inflammatory diet, recommend a diet that is low in simple carbohydrates such as sugar, processed foods, pasta, breads, pastry and baked products. These are high-glycemic index foods that can increase levels of the pro-inflammatory peptides in the body.

Perricone recommends an anti-inflammatory diet that includes consuming a high quality protein (such as tuna or salmon), adequate amounts of essential fatty acids, as well as colorful fresh fruits and vegetables. The reason this diet works to reduce inflammation is because it supplies a number of essential nutrients that can heal inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and autoimmune disease.

Essential fatty acids like those found in salmon, flax, nuts, seeds and olive oil, can significantly curb inflammation, reduce pain and swelling, improve joint mobility and prevent further degeneration of joints. However they have to be taken over months to see a noticeable effect.

Supplementation with folic acid has been found to reduce hip fractures resulting from osteoporosis. Taking a good supplement that provides bone minerals such as magnesium and calcium is essential for sufferers of joint pain. Zinc has also been shown to relieve joint pain and stiffness. A good supplement will also include Vitamin D and B6, as well as antioxidant vitamins like A, C and E.

Other nutritional substances that have been shown to significantly reduce inflammation in a number of studies are turmeric, which was found to reduce symptoms by 73%, and bromelain, a protease enzyme derived from pineapples. Anti-oxidants like alpha-lipoic acid are also recommended as part of the anti-inflammatory diet.

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), an organic sulfur-containing nutrient, has proved helpful in relieving symptoms of knee osteoarthritis and reducing pain. Also recommended are nutrients like chondroitin, which helps build cartilage, and glucosamine, which curbs inflammation.

Anti-inflammatory herbs such as boswellia, and immune-regulating herbs like ashwagandha and ginseng can regulate a hypersensitive immune system and lower levels of pro-inflammatory metabolites. Other herbs used to heal achy joints are St Johns wort, celery seed, angelica, juniper, sarsaparilla, devils claw, wild yam and willow bark.

A good joint supplement may not contain all these ingredients, but including some of them as part of your daily intake can help heal a number of inflammatory and joint conditions.

Statins And Joint Pain - Is It Possible That Statins Are Causing Your Joint Pain?

Before I begin, I must first make it known that I am not a doctor. I do however have a fascination for natural cures and homeopathic treatments, although I am also not totally against western medicine. I just feel that if a natural remedy can effectively treat a particular ailment, then there is no reason why I should take pharmaceutical drugs.

I know countless people who are nearing retirement, and several of them are taking statins because they have high cholesterol. When I discuss this with them, I can clearly see they are under the impression that statins are harmless drugs. Many of them also believe they would more than likely have died already if their doctors had not put them on statins.

When I asked about possible side effects, I was told about things like headaches, upset tummies, and etc. Not one of them even mentioned joint pain, despite the fact that quite a few of them do suffer with aching joints. It seems apparent to me that their doctors never mentioned the link between statins and joint pain.

A quick Google search will soon reveal just how many people start experiencing severe joint pain as a direct result of statins. They stop taking their statins for a little while, and their joint pain goes. They start on the statins again, and the pain returns.

One of the most ironic things of all is that way back in 1985 researchers discovered a fail proof way to lower cholesterol without the use of any pharmaceutical drugs. In fact, statins only appeared on the scene a short while later, and as is to be expected, they became the primary form of treatment for high cholesterol. The natural cure I am referring to is none other than ascorbic acid.

Of course the giant pharmaceutical companies do not want people to know they can lower their cholesterol without statins. They would lose billions of dollars annually, and that is not what business is about. Now, if you have high cholesterol, you will almost certainly be reluctant to believe that something as simple as ascorbic acid can effectively lower your cholesterol. However, I would like to recommend that you read all about it on the JBC (Journal of Biological Chemistry) website.

As you no doubt already know, ascorbic acid is simply vitamin C. Not only can vitamin C lower your cholesterol, but it can and will benefit your health in many other ways as well. Vitamin C is such an important micro-nutrient, that most living creatures are able to produce their own. Only a very small number of species cannot, and unfortunately humans are one of them. Good luck with your research.

Shoulder Pain Remedies - Natural Ways to Alleviate Shoulder Pains

Shoulder pain is a common complaint among many people these days. Indeed, your shoulder joints are prone to injuries and pain as it is one of the most used joints in the body especially when it comes to lifting heavy objects or pushing heavy loads. However, shoulder pain can also result from the lack of activity on your shoulders.

Pain in your shoulders can be a result of many conditions and causes. It can be due to a general wear and tear as you grow old, or constant use of your shoulders in activities and sports such as playing volleyball, baseball pitching as well as lifting heavy weights. Injuries are also culprits of pain even years after the injury happened.

Pain in the shoulders can also be brought about by other conditions such as arthritis, frozen shoulder syndrome, bursitis, and inflammation of the tendons as well as dislocation of your shoulders.

As there are many causes and reasons for pain on the shoulders, it is important that you consult your doctor if the pain is unbearable or constantly bothering you. Of course, you know the intensity of the pain, and you would know too when to call help. If you are constantly bugged by shoulder pain, you can also find shoulder pain remedies that you can readily use and apply to help alleviate or get rid of the pain.

If you are one of the many who complain on pain on the shoulders, here are a few ways that can help you find relief the natural way.


Exercise is one of the most effective ways and shoulder pain remedies that you can do to get rid of the pain. Among these are the simple exercises that allow you to move your shoulder joints and alleviate the pain. The range of motion for example is a good exercise for pain in the shoulders. This is done by moving your dangling arms in circle while you lean on a table.

You can also make use of simple equipment like rubber tubing for some other simple exercises such as those rotator cuff strengthening exercises. Aerobic exercises are also good to help you improve your blood circulation and reduce soreness of the tendons in your shoulder that can also be a cause of pain. However, it is important that you also not overdo it as it can also worsen your condition.

Home Remedies

Aside from simple exercises that you can do to alleviate the pain on your shoulders, you can also do some simple shoulder pain remedies at home that can also help you overcome the pain. Treating the affected area with ice for about fifteen minutes can be another helpful remedy. Depending on the cause of your shoulder pain, you can also make use of heat therapy for your pain.

If you are experiencing more unbearable pain or consistent pain in your shoulders, it is important as well to seek advice from your doctor. Of course, fractures, injuries and other serious causes of pain should be seen by a doctor right away for proper diagnosis.

Knee Arthritis - Tips to Help Mobility & Function

Although you cannot stop the progression of osteoarthritis, you can take an active role in the management of the symptoms, maintaining optimal function and mobility, and positively influencing your recovery from joint replacement surgery. Learning more about how osteoarthritis impacts the body and what you can do will promote safe, effective, and positive management of the disease. Here are a few principles to follow that will help get you started with your self management exercise plan:

The Weight Bearing Principle: Osteoarthritis is the degeneration of cartilage in your joint that then presents in pain due to the friction of two bones rubbing against each other. When your knee joint is loaded as it would be in a weight bearing position such as standing or walking, it creates an environment where there will be friction on the bones possibly causing pain. Now, this does not mean you should stop walking altogether, but this principle exists to teach you the following:

  • If you are already in pain or experience pain upon weight bearing, select non weight bearing exercise options. Pain will increase inflammation in your joint and therefore decrease your range of motion. When you select non weight bearing exercise, you are able to keep your body moving and maintain range without causing pain and inflammation.

  • If you are overweight, this is presenting a greater load on the knee joint and adding to your pain. You could greatly reduce your pain and increase your mobility by doing your best to lower your weight.

  • Avoid standing for long periods

  • Cycling, swimming, and non weight bearing muscular endurance exercises are best

Range of Motion Principle

Range of motion at your knee joint enables you to walk normally, climb or descend stairs, and sit or stand with ease. Therefore, it is more important in terms of function, to work on maintaining flexion and extension of the knee than it is to solely target strength. Your first goal in implementing specific exercises should be to work on knee flexion and extension exercises. These exercises are often forgotten about, but are truly the most important for you to do especially if you will be going in for joint replacement surgery.

Quadricep Strength for Ability & Recovery

The most important muscle you can strengthen to help you recover from surgery quicker and to help support your knee joint is the quadriceps. Often this muscle will atrophy, or shrink, on the leg impacted by osteoarthritis due to the avoidance of pain. There are many exercises you can do in a non weight bearing position to keep the quadriceps strong. If it even hurts to just bend your knee, there are even isometric strength exercises that can be done for the quadriceps that do not require any bending of the knee. Everyone should be able to perform at least one to two quadricep strength exercises that do not cause pain.

The Importance of Muscle Lengthening

It has been reported that close to 90% of the pain associated with osteoarthritis is linked to muscle tightening, trigger points, or knots in muscles. When you begin to feel pain around a joint, your muscles begin to shorten in an attempt to protect the joint and also because you will start to use that muscle less. The muscles that may shorten around the knee joint are your quadriceps, hamstrings, illiotibial band, calves, and hip flexors. When you implement a weekly stretching routine to target all of these muscles, you will greatly influence your function, post surgery recovery, and possibly reduce pain.

By applying these principles of limiting weight bearing, targeting knee range of motion, strengthening your quadriceps, and stretching, you will improve all the symptoms created by osteoarthritis. Choose to start today in becoming an active participant in managing the symptoms and improving your quality of life.