Saturday, May 4, 2013

Arthritis in Dogs

Here are the facts:

o Dogs age 7 times faster than humans.

o Over half of all dogs over 7 years of age develop some form of arthritis.

o This joint condition affects up to 30% of family pets.

o Arthritis is one of the most life altering diseases affecting overall wellness and quality of life.

As responsible and loving dog owners, we have an obligation to learn as much as possible about this disease and relieve their pain of our pets. Dogs bring incredible love and joy into the lives of our families. It's also incredibly sad to watch your 4-legged friend develop an injury and/or grow older in pain. You need to watch for the subtle clues and get them some help ASAP.

What is arthritis in dogs?

Arthritis is the breakdown of cartilage that protects and covers the joint at the end of the bones. The pain, stiffness, and swelling are really not any different than arthritis in people. This disease is debilitating and can quickly turn your healthy happy dog into listless, sad, and full of pain.

Common Types of Pet Arthritis

Degenerative Joint Disease - Breakdown in cartilage and/or joints. May or may not have inflammation or swelling.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Inflammatory condition. Bone and cartilage erode and can cause complete fixation in one or more joints.

Hip Dysplasia - Ball & joint socket did not form correctly and tissue begins to deteriorate.

Osteoarthritis - Slow and chronic causing breakdown of cartilage. Joints and bone rub causing discomfort and pain

Ostechondrosis - Happens due to inadequate (improper) diet or poor breeding

Symptoms of Arthritis in Dogs include:

o Slowing down on walks or other exercise

o Limping

o Trouble getting up and down stairs

o Not wanting to play or jump around

o Flinching or yelping when touched

o Problems laying down or getting up

Can arthritis in dogs be prevented?

Arthritis doesn't just affect older dogs. Dogs are, by nature, very active and therefore subject their bodies to tremendous physical stress. Even younger dogs have injuries that increase the likelihood of developing arthritis in dogs. An injury can lead to arthritis in dogs very quickly --- unlike humans were arthritis may not develop for several years.

Larger dogs, as well as overweight dogs, are more likely to develop arthritis because they carry around extra weight. It's important to ensure your dog is getting the proper nutrient requirements. If your pet is overweight, cut back their food intake only a little at a time until their weight is within the healthy guidelines.

Many people take supplements to protect their bodies from injury and ensure their bodies are working in top form. Dogs can benefit from supplements as well. One of the best supplements for dogs to prevent injury, as well as after arthritis has already set in, is liquid glucosamine. Glucosamine works at rebuilding cartilage and delays the further breakdown of cartilage. "Liquid" glucosamine works faster and better because it's more readily absorbed and doesn't have extra fillers like pills. Given together, Glucosamine plus MSM plus Chondroitin work great to relieve the symptoms of arthritis in dogs as well as work to rebuild the damaged cartilage. MSM acts as antioxidant to reduce joint inflammation and Chondroitin also rebuilds cartilage.

Taking care of your dog's health requires only a few proactive steps... mixed with love and your relationship is sure to last a lifetime.

Teeth Grinding, Jaw Clenching, And TMJ Disorders

TMJ refers to the tempromandibular joints, which are the joints of the jaw that connect the lower jaw bone (mandible) to the skull. These joints allow us to open and close our mouths, chew our food, and speak to one another (or ourselves). A TMJ disorder is any condition which interferes with these actions. Teeth grinding, teeth and jaw clenching, and locked jaw are some examples of conditions which relate to TMJ disorders.

They are sometimes difficult to diagnose, as there are many different causes for these conditions. TMJ disorders are most commonly caused by muscle tension in the jaw, perhaps due to increased stress and anxiety, jaw clenching, teeth grinding, or excessive chewing. Some other habits may be linked to TMJ disorders, such as consistently sleeping on one side of the jaw, chewing a lot of gum, or overextension of the jaw.

Other causes of TMJ disorders may be misaligned jaw joints or teeth, either due to structural problems with the jaw or teeth (such as a birth defect or scar tissue), or due to an injury to the jaw or surrounding areas. Other conditions such as arthritis may also lead to TMJ disorders.

If left untreated, these disorders can lead to headaches, earaches, joint and muscle pain (especially in the face, neck, and shoulders), loss of sleep, locked jaw, difficulty opening and closing the mouth, a clicking sound in the jaw, and/or limited movement of the head and neck.

Many people experience some of these problems and, most of the time, minor problems with the TMJ will correct themselves over time. They may reappear down the road, but the condition will not normally get any worse. However, some people suffer chronically from TMJ disorders, and must receive some type of treatment to deal with the pain and discomfort they may experience.

One of the best treatment options for teeth grinding, clenching, and other TMJ disorders are the use of dental mouth guards or splints. These custom-made guards are provided by your dentist and are used to relieve tension on the jaw during sleep. They help prevent teeth grinding and, if used regularly, can help curtail these nocturnal habits. Two common types of these guards are full upper mouth guards, which fit over all of the upper teeth, or NTIs, which are worn around only the top front teeth and have a high success rate stopping clenching.

Other methods to help treat TMJ disorders are available, and the best method really depends on the exact cause/s of the disorder. If high stress or anxiety levels are to blame, then stress management techniques may be the best line of defense. If the problem is due to structural problems with the teeth or jaw, then dental adjustments may bring these problems to an end. No matter what the cause, applying soothing heat to the area is often helpful, as well.

Consult your dentist to find out what steps can be taken to help treat any TMJ disorders you may be suffering from.

Osteoarthritis Treatment With Homeopathy

In simplest terms, osteoarthritis is nothing but failure of joint pattern. It is certainly a degenerative joint disease, characterized by degeneration of articular cartilage and proliferation of new bone, cartilage, and connective tissue at the same time. Often secondary inflammatory changes are observed in the synovium.
Sadly the incidence of osteoarthritis seems to be on rise according to global surveys. The age onset of OA is reducing drastically over the period of last few years. Now the incidence is stated to start at the age of 30 years and by the age of 65, more than 80% people have degenerative changes in their joints. Older women are peculiarly affected more and certain geological variations are found too.
Causative and Risk Factors of Osteoarthirits-
(1) The primary etiology of OA is termed as idiopathic where no known cause can be determined.
(2) Secondary OA results due to some or the other systemic or local factors as below-
- intra-articular fracture
- trauma of any type
- occupational (elbows in pneumatic drill operators)
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Gout
- Tabes dorsalis
- Diabetes mellitus
- Peripheral nerve lesions
- Metabolic diseases like Wilson's disease
- Hip dysplasia
- Paget's disease etc
(3) Sedentary habits, improper diet habits, sports injuries, absolute lack of exercise or overt exercise regimes, etc can be called as some of the modifiable risk factors of OA
Signs and Symptoms of OA-

  1. In most cases, joints of spine, hands, knees, and hips are involved

  2. At least initially, only one or a few joints are affected

  3. Knee and hand involvement is peculiar

  4. Characteristically the first few joints to be involved are distal and proximal interphalangeal joints, carpo-metacarpal joints of thumb, etc.

  5. Gradual onset of symptoms

  6. Intermittent pain and aching in joints typically is aggravated by movement of that joint and is better by resting it

  7. With the advancement of the disease process, limited movement of joints is noticed. Initially this restriction of movement is attributed to pain and spasm of muscles but later capsular fibrosis, osteophyte formation, and remodeling of bone set in.

  8. After minor sprains or twists, there are usually effusions into the joints when crepitus may be felt or even heard.

  9. Associated muscular wasting is noted, because of which there is loss of muscle control over the joint, resulting in recurrent injury.

  10. Due to hyperaemia of subchondral bone, there is usually nocturnal aching in bones

  11. Deformities like Heberden's or Bouchard's node formation, and finally osteoarthritis deformans may set in.
How Homeopathy Can Help in the Patients of Osteoarthritis?
Homeopathy is not a magic. It is a full-proof science and art of applying the nature's principle while treating any disease with the natural drug substances aptly potentized to extract their curative properties. Therefore homeopathic principle is the most important one to be considered while treating any disease condition or the patient (more aptly).
The most important thing to remember while treating a case of OA homeopathically is that "Pay ample attention to characteristic symptoms of the disease and not to the common ones!"
It happens many times that a homeopath puts a common symptom of the disease as his priority while choosing the drug and as can be well judged, it leads to failure. Also paying good attention to the mental picture of the patient prior to catching the disease, during the disease process, and while on regime is one of the topmost priority while treating OA. You will observe that the "mind" is the organ that gives you good hint for appropriate remedial diagnosis in osteoarthritis patient.
Here we are listing top 10 remedies that may be of use during acute treatment phase of chronic osteoarthritis. Remember again that there is no alternative to constitutional therapy to be formulated individually for every patient, to help him find relief on all planes, while reducing his OA successfully.
Homeopathic Remedies for OA-
(1)Calcarea fluor-
- Indurated feeling of joints with stiffness
- Stony hardness of joints
- Nodal swelling in fingers that are hard on palpation
- Chronic synovitis and bursitis affecting hip and knee joint
- Sluggish temperament
- Coldness about wrists and ankles
- May be associated with varicose veins
- Pain usually begins on left side
- Worse in cold wet weather and while beginning to move
- Acute attack of pain in joint usually sets after a sprain
- Stiff, rheumatic diathesis
- Rheumatism usually beginning in upper extremities
- Diagonal pains
- Soreness and stiffness in joints of neck extending to shoulders
- Old-maid's OA of knee
- Red spot on the affected joint
- Associated with restlessness of hands and feet and profuse sweats on hands
- Bursitis with cold moist limbs
- Incessant talking
- Worse by change in temperature, movement, night
- Better in open air
- Bruised sore aching in all bones
- Nodal osteoarthritis
- Paralytic rigidity of joints
- Weak paretic feeling in the mornings in hip, small of back, lower limbs etc
- Deep felt pains in long bones
- Osteoporotic changes in bones in elderly women with frequent bone fractures attributed to brittleness of bones
- Affections of wrists and ankles
- Feeling of heat on skin face etc
- Sometimes burning neuralgic pains about the joints
- Worse by over-exertion, sprains, cold wind
- Better by motion, lying on back and warmth
- Right-sided complaints
- Slowly advancing osteoarthritis
- Stitching pains in joints
- Irritable constitutions
- Inflammatory joint diseases affecting knee, shoulder, hips, etc
- Associated with absolute constipation, no desire
- Dry heat aggravates all complaints including joint pathology
- Congestive synovitis
- Worse by motion, stooping, exertion, morning
- Better by rest, cool open air, bandaging, damp days, lying on painful part
- Acute inflammation of joints
- Marked redness and heat over the affected joint
- Congestive constrictive pain in joints
- Excessive restlessness with incessant talking
- Joint pains with spasms of muscles
- OA starting at young age
- Worse by heat, checked sweats, pressure, touch, movement
- Better by light covering, rest in bed
(6)Rhus tox-
- Paretic weakness in and around joints
- Recurrent sensation of dislocation of joints
- Sore, bruised or stiff pains about joints
- Swelling in joints with burning pains
- Principally left side is affected or the pain goes from left to right
- OA set after recurrent sprain of a joint or after overexertion
- Paralytic pains in elbows and knees
- Legs feel as if made of wood
- Wakes up with pain in limbs
- Edematous swelling of limbs
- Worse by wet, cold, beginning motion, rest, sprains, etc
- Better by continued motion, wrapping the joint, rubbing, and fomentation
- Fibrous tissues are affected
- Small joints of hands are principally affected, also those of forearm and lower limbs
- Extreme sensitivity to windy stormy and wet weather
- Rapidly changing pains, zigzag variety
- Descending pains
- Confused stupid feeling prevails
- Affections of wrists
- Worse before storms, rough windy weather, night, rest
- Better by heat, in sun, motion, wrapping up
- Venous constitutions
- Swollen joints with dull aching
- Associated with numbness of extremities
- Acute periostitis
- Pains down the limbs alternate sides, with heaviness of legs
- Sticking pains in tibia with heaviness and cold sweat on legs
- Associated with foul foot sweat
- Chilly patient, yet averse to heat in any form
- Associated with digestive disturbances
- Worse by warmth, rest, beginning motion, evening, lying down, in bed
- Better by moving about slowly, cold, open air, after a good cry
(9)Ledum pal-
- Affection of small joints
- Tendons, ankles affected
- Left-sided affection of joints
- Ascending type of arthritis
- Purple, swollen (puffy) joints
- Shifting tearing pains
- Cold and edematous joints
- Gout
- OA resulting from recurrent sprains, especially of ankle joint
- Pain associated with coldness of joints
- Profuse night sweats
- Worse by injury, motion, night
- Better by cool air, cold bathing
(10)Actea spicata-
- Affection of small joints, especially wrist and finger joints
- Tingling pains with numbness and weakness
- Paralytic weakness in all joints
- OA set in old age, in people with debilitated states
- Swollen joints that cannot be moved
- Deformed joints
- Extremely sensitive joints to cold in any form
- Worse by cold, slight exertion, night, and touch
Auxiliary Line of Treatment-
In any case of osteoarthritis, one must suggest certain exercise regimen for early recovery. Rather, any regime without it is of no use in the long run. Also it is stressed that unless the pain is lessened, one should not exert the affected joint beyond certain limits. Therefore, seeking professional advice before you embark on any exercise regime is must!

What is the Most Effective Supplement to Use For Joint Pain?

Joint pain or arthritis - regardless of what you decide to call it - is one of those health issues all of us anticipate we'll never ever have problems with. Regrettably, the simple fact is that 29% of people in the 45 to 65 year age bracket will display the condition. Once you hit 65 or beyond that number grows to over 50%. Studies tell us that the chances are piled against us for certain!

Arthritis (or joint pain) is the phrase applied to cover a range of associated diseases. One of those conditions is osteoarthritis - the form of joint pain many people recognize. This type of arthritis is normally common when you reach 45. What many people don't understand regarding arthritis is the fact that very early diagnosis of the condition can insure much lower severity in later years.

Before we look at what is the best supplement to take for joint pain, here are two invaluable suggestions to deal with inflamed or overtly swollen joints:

Treatment Using Ice: An ice pack should be your first course of action when attempting to manage swelling in your joints as a consequence of injury, surgery or an acute attack of arthritic joint pain. It's preferable to use ice in the afternoon and evening. Under no circumstances leave ice near to the skin for longer than 15-20 minutes at a time for the risk of frostbite of the skin. It can be remarkably effective in lowering pain, muscle spasm and inflammation.

Treatment Using Heat: Use heat in the morning while the joints are immobile after sleeping or just cold in the winter time. Warmth is perfect for maximizing the flow of blood to parts of our body that happen to be under tension. It's better utilized when swelling has reduced - never use heat on swollen joints (apply ice). Be mindful not to scold yourself when utilizing heat packs such as wheat bags or hot water bottles.

There are far too many health supplements intended for joint pain and arthritis available in the market to mention them all here in this article currently. This is not a comparison - it is merely a summary of the most likely joint pain nutritional supplement choices. Remember, what works for one person might not work for another person. Keep a positive open mind and keep trying till you locate something that starts to make a difference. Have patience, improvements frequently occur little by little at first.

There are some excellent natural alternative treatments for arthritis in shops to test. Combining supplements may perhaps work better for you than just one. An example of this could well be to put together fish oil with green lipped mussel extract. I typically get consumers informing me they consider green lipped mussel vastly better to glucosamine and chondroitin.

So - what is the best supplement to take for joint pain? Listed here are the most likely natural treatments for arthritis, as well as back pain and knee pain:

1. Check your Vitamin D levels as a protective measure against deteriorating bones as a consequence of deficient calcium uptake. You can get Vitamin D by soaking up the suns rays onto the skin each day, by way of eating habits and nutrition, and by way of supplementing. Individuals with substantial levels of Vitamin D experience less by physical diseases such as joint pain and arthritis.

2. Supplement with Glucosamine Sulphate and Chondroitin Sulphate products. Glucosamine is very nicely suited to the treatment of joint pain and inflammation since it is able to regulate cartilage metabolic process which, subsequently, helps to prevent cartilage from degenerating. Glucosamine encourages your system's natural restore mechanisms. Chondroitin works with glucosamine and should be taken simultaneously. It provides a lubricating affect on joints.

3. Fish Oil (omega 3 DHA) nutritional supplements come highly recommended in the battle against joint pain. Fish oil has both natural anti-inflammatory benefits and coronary heart health benefits. If you take hardly any other dietary supplements - you must take fish oil each day. Combine that together with green lipped mussel extract for unbelievable results in joint pain relief within just 1-3 months.

4. New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel Extract is quickly overtaking glucosamine in level of popularity and for very good reason. This natural and organic anti-inflammatory made out of ground up green mussels found solely contained in the seas encircling New Zealand can have surprising benefits with people affected by joint pain and arthritis. Loaded with omega 3 essential fatty acids, this joint dietary supplement can also be ideal for treating quite a few other inflammatory disorders for example asthma, crohns disorder, etc. Being a natural whole food, there are almost no side effects.

5. Gin-Soaked Golden Raisins. Quite a few people recommend this popular folk remedy for arthritis and joint pain. Soak the raisins in straight gin for about 7-10 days. Then eat 9 raisins on a daily basis so long as you obtain any benefit.

6. Cherry Juice contains powerful anti-oxidants known as anthocyanins that really help minimize and get rid of unfavorable free-radicals from the body. It has been found to be effective in the treatment of arthritis and gout by reducing uric acid in the bloodstream.

7. Turmeric happens to be an Asian spice that has an active ingredient named curcumin. It is this compound that is believed to be beneficial as a health supplement for joints. Include it with food or take it as a joint wellness supplement.

Differential Diagnosis of Gout - What Causes The Joint Pain?

The differential diagnosis of patients presenting with joint pain is extensive, ranging from mild sprain, joint dislocation, trauma, malignancy, infection, and some life-threatening autoimmune diseases.

Joint pains that caused by physical activities are very obvious and easy to be diagnosed. Examples of this kind of injury are sprained ankle, joint separation, ligament sprain, torn cartilage and torn cartilage. Usually, this kind of pain is immediate and the patient can vividly remember the physical activity that causes the pain at the joint. These kinds of traumatic condition can happen to people of all ages.

Other causes of joint paint that usually affect people of older age are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the result of mechanical degradation of the joints due the years or wear and tear. It usually happens to those who were physically active during their younger years, such as sportsman or those who work in hard labour jobs.

One the other hand, rheumatoid arthritis is form of autoimmune disease where the abnormal immune system attacks the tissues around the joints and causes inflammation and pain. The actual cause of rheumatoid arthritis is still unknown, some say it is because of viral or bacterial infections, some say it is because of genetically inherited abnormalities. Extensive researches are still taking place around the world to find out the answer to this mysterious illness that affects a huge number of elderly population.

Although these 2 types of arthritis have very different causes, but they share certain similar symptoms that make them easy to be ruled out in the differential diagnosis of gout. Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis usually develop the pain over a long period of time and they usually affect joints of both sides of the body such as in the feet, hands. These kinds of arthritis usually attack multiple joints at the same time and the pain develops gradually.

Another more common cause of joint pain in the modern day is gouty arthritis which is more commonly known as gout. Gout attack is a type of inflammation that is caused by the formation of urate crystals inside a particular joint due to long term exposure to hyperuricemia. Many times, gout is mistaken as one of the above mention arthritis conditions, especially when the patient get the gout attack for the very first time.

Differential diagnosis of gout is very straight forward and easy, here are some of the unique properties of gout that differentiate it from other causes of joint inflammation.

  • Suddenly occurrence of intense pain

  • The attack starts in the middle of the night when the victim is sleeping

  • It usually attack one side of the joints

  • 90% of the gout attacks happen at big toe

  • If blood test is conducted, it usually shows a high blood serum uric acid level that is beyond healthy range

Although Gout is easy to be diagnosed, but it is not easy to get rid this awful devil. Those gout drugs and pain killers can only temporarily control the gouty inflammation, none of them can remove the root cause of gout, which is the urate crystal.

It is commonly known among the gout patients that gout pain is the worst and most unbearable pain in their life. Instead of wasting your money on those expensive tests involved in the differential diagnosis of gout, you should spend some time to understand the actual cause of gout and remove the root once and for all.

Natural Joint Pain Relief Methods

Joint pain is due to a deterioration of the joints, also put down due to normal wear and tear of the joints, or more specifically the cartilage inside of these joints. It is also a problem among young, particularly those who are very active sports wise, although there are fewer cases in comparison to elders. In fact, along with the rise in the popularity gym culture, there has also been a rise in the number of people suffering from joint related problems.

Yoga can be a great exercise regime to heal the symptoms of pain by slow stretching, so it is effective for increasing flexibility. This is especially important for arthritis patients, as a build up in mobility combats inflammation and joint pain. Yoga aids in reducing swelling, joint pain, stiffness and improved quality of sleep. Yoga exerts less stress on joints and bones, thereby reducing the risk of friction, wear and tear of the bones and joints.

Natural diet and natural supplements, like ligament nutrients, joint and muscle mobility herbal oils and sprays are available in the market, they have to be administered by a registered medical practitioner for the patient, and they may help in reducing the stiffness, joint pain, body ache and mobility impairment may freeze and aid motion. Supplements are vitamins and minerals like magnesium, and calcium for joint and bone enrichment.

Detoxification and weight loss may be helpful and have positive effects on health, by maintaining proper blood pressure levels, reducing inflammation, embrace detoxification, and experience less joint pain, these are ancient method of cleansing the body are safe and yield good results. Infrared sauna are a novel way of reducing weight and also detoxify bad energy and impurities from the body in turn putting less stress on joints. Taking bath of magnesium salt as it has anti-inflammatory qualities are absorbed by the body when let to dissolved in warm water for some time, this gives a natural joint pain relief. Applying eucalyptus oil can be a natural joint pain reliever, as it anti-inflammatory qualities too.

Green tea protects cartilage wear out, and drinking it on a regular basis can help prevent arthritis and on a long run. Use adjustable beds and get rid of wrong sleeping postures that may lead to back and joint pain.

Exercise must always be done under expert guidance, make an effort to warm up and cool down the body without fail. Swimming is highly advised, particularly when you do this in a heated pool. Water reduces the weight pressure on the joints, which helps to ease them a little, and at the same time, the exercise strengthens the ligaments and muscles. It is natural joint pain and arthritis reliever.

Friday, May 3, 2013

About Joint Pain Relief

Joint pain is something that many millions of people suffer from every single day of the year. Arthritis is the most common of joint conditions and has many causes and cures. Some causes are very subtle, some are obvious; in the medical industry there are many solutions to pain relief, some of the products are causing more damage, other pain relief products are simple and help sufferers to find some time out of their pain.

The case in joint pain can be that it is inflammation of the joints, which may be caused by many factors. Toxins, hormonal issues, microbes, genetic disposition, joint instability, psychological, dental and injuries can all affect joints and how they feel. Also, nutritional deficiencies can lead to a body that does not have the proper components in which to fight off the condition.

One other factor that can significantly affect pain is stress. Emotional or physical, stress, or the gradual build up of damaging instances, can cause no end to physical problems. Because stress is so damaging to our bodies, it can actually affect the nervous system and the immune system. A weakened immune system can cause bacteria to grow and develop in areas of the body and cause joint pain.

It is important to remember that joint pain does not exist because the body needs drugs. Drugs simply cover up and relive the pain and discomfort by masking the symptoms. They do not deal with the root cause. In other words, a headache does not exist because the person has an aspirin deficiency. They are stressed out, are toxic or are dehydrated.

Since the root cause can be different for each person, what are some other, more all-encompassing options? The first step is to always consult with a licensed health care practitioner. Find one that does not use drugs or surgery. So what are some non-chemical remedies?

Acupuncture is a great way to lessen the effect of joint pain. This treatment can help the body stop attacking its own tissues which can happen with a weakened immune system. Also aromatherapy can be used to massage swollen joints with various herbs and plant life that can reduce inflammation in the joints. These are two very soothing cures.

An improper breakdown of nutrients in the digestion system can cause the body to trigger an improper response. These can cause the body to absorb the unprocessed food stuffs and store them in the joints of the body. This leads to inflammation in the joints. So treating the body with ayurvedic medicine can be a life saver. This type of natural medicine deals with the digestive tract and the problems therein.

Diet is very important in correcting joint pain. Avoid protein from animal products, teas, alcohol, shellfish and pork. These foods are difficult to digest. Any and all processed foods like sugars and soft drinks should be avoided at all costs. Be sensible in your eating habits and you will be rewarded with vibrant health.

Debunking the Myths of Osteoarthritis (Degenerative Joint Disease)

OA is the most common cause of disability and about half of patients with other chronic illnesses also have osteoarthritis. There are certain myths patients have about degenerative joint disease that continue to persist but simply are not true. Here are the top 5 and the actual truths:

1) Osteoarthritis is simply part and parcel of getting old

a. It is not inevitable. It's a complicated process and one that has to do with the way receptors in cartilage cells react to physical forces.

2) Medical imaging tells the whole osteoarthritis story

a. In fact, we cannot tell how much pain or trouble functioning a patient will have based on the x-ray degeneration. The two do not correlate. Meniscal tears on MRI's in older patients are seen over 80% of the time, but they are not usually a cause of pain.

3) Nothing can be done for osteoarthritis.

a. We cannot rebuild cartilage yet. That may be something stem cells help us with in the future. However, treatments such as physical therapy, medications, injections, bracing, can help dramatically relieve pain non-operatively.

4) Patients think when they are using a joint they are causing damage.

a. No evidence actually backs this up. Evidence actually supports the long term benefits of exercise. When a patient receives an injection into an arthritic joint, it can allow exercise and increased musculoskeletal and cardiac health. The pain relief allows for these benefits, and further joint damage is not always promoted.

5) Patients think they will all need surgery from osteoarthritis.

a. About 40% of senior citizens have osteoarthritis of the knees or hips. Only about 5% of those will ever undergo a joint replacement.

Gout Relief - What Helps Gout Pain the Most?

Gout is the most painful form of arthritis and is caused by an excess of uric acid in the body that then crystallizes and settles into the joints. While, gout is most well-known as being prominent in the big toe, this is often merely a starting place and if left untreated the gout will spread and can lead to permanent joint damage as well as possible kidney damage.

When looking for ways to relieve gout pain, it's important to first talk with your doctor and consult with a nutritionist is experience working with gout patients and recommending successful gout diets. With that said, there are a number of ways to help gout pain and we will briefly go through each of them here.

Gout treatment comes in many forms including a gout diet, prescription medications, an exercise routine geared toward gout treatment, weight management and supplements. These are generally used in combination together after finding the right structure for your specific case.

Exercises that are the most beneficial to gout patients tend to be water aerobics and yoga since these are easy on the joints and help to stretch and strengthen in a low-impact way. When looking at supplements as part of your gout treatment and pain relief program, consider fish oils. If you are looking to add a little spice to your gout diet, turmeric and ginger are both major players in the fight against inflammation and have been shown to help inflammatory diseases including gout.

Gout pain is also caused by increased inflammation and uric acid levels which can come about because of the foods you eat on a daily basis. When constructing your gout diet eliminate or drastically reduce your intake of meats, meat broths and many forms of seafood, including scallops, crab, herring, sardines, anchovies and mussels. Some types of poultry, including turkey, partridge and other small game birds, are another source of purines, the chemical that converts to uric acid in the body.

While, there is no cure for gout, there are a number of treatment methods that can help to keep your gout episodes to a minimum and keep the gout pain at bay. Work with your doctor and nutritionist to find the best way to treat your gout pain and discomfort level.

What Causes Joint Pain: From Arthritis to Lupus to Tennis Elbow

What causes joint pain? Joint pain refers to any kind of discomfort that occurs where two bones or more come together. This relatively innocuous term can describe anything from minor soreness associated with too much typing to the excruciating pain and inflammation that comes with some forms of cancer and immune disorders. While joint pain usually isn't an emergency, being able to identify its source can help you determine whether your discomfort is a sign of something more serious.

Repetitive Stress Injuries
As more of the population enters jobs that require the same motions over and over again, the incidence of repetitive stress injuries increases. These injuries include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis and a wide variety of other damage to the joints and the tissues around them. If left alone in their early stages, the majority will heal on their own or through the use of anti-inflammatory supplements and drugs. Longer-term injuries may eventually require surgery or other more serious intervention, however.

This condition is usually associated with old age, but can happen at any time in your life. It's caused by repeated wear on the cartilage in your joint, which forces the surface of the bones to come into contact. This can be very painful and causes significant inflammation. Taking natural or over the counter anti-inflammatory treatments like NSAIDS or green-lipped mussel powder and fish oil can help you deal with this condition, but the problem is not usually reversible.

Autoimmune Disorders
Several disorders of the immune system cause the body's natural defenses to attack its own tissues. These include lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and sarcoidosis. There is currently no cure for any of these autoimmune causes of joint pain, but doctors can use anti-inflammatory treatments combined with immunosuppressants to decrease the pain and damage done to the joint.

While joint pain from cancer isn't very common, it can be a very serious sign. The two cancers that are most likely to cause joint pain are cancer of the bones and metastatic cancers that have spread to the bone. Both damage the bone and create swelling and tenderness accompanied by fatigue. They can also cause bones to break much more easily. Treatment requires surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and symptom-based care from an oncological specialist.

When to See a Doctor
If you're wondering what causes joint pain, you should be aware that not all pain indicates a serious problem. In fact, many cases will simply heal on their own if you allow the joint to rest. In slightly more serious cases, you may need to use over the counter medication or herbal remedies to alleviate the discomfort. If you experience bleeding, deformity or sudden swelling in the joint, very intense pain, or difficulty actually using the joint, however, it may be time to see the doctor. These signs could indicate that something much more serious than a minor injury has occurred.

Increasing Your Magnesium Levels Can Help Prevent Allergy and Asthma Attacks

Most people are deficient in magnesium due to the refining of foods- find out how increasing your daily intake of this important mineral can make a big difference to your overall heath and also prevent allergies and asthma attacks. Magnesium is a trace mineral that is required for not just building strong bones but for the proper functioning of our entire bodies.

"Magnesium is not limited to improving bone health. There are some three hundred bodily enzymes that require magnesium, which suggests that magnesium is vital for most cells and tissues of the body." - from American Chiropractic.

Studies show that insufficient magnesium levels not only can cause asthma and allergies, but also muscle cramps, muscle twitching, muscle weakness as well as muscle aches, TMJ disorders, depression, insomnia, osteoporosis, attention deficit disorder, fibromyalgia, diabetes, mitral valve prolapse, migraines, attention deficit disorder, noise sensitivity and nervousness among several other conditions.

Today's refined food simply doesn't contain enough magnesium and foods that do contain it lose it through the cooking process. Even if you are purposefully eating raw foods daily that are rich in magnesium, consuming coffee, alcohol, soda or soft drinks and salt will result in a loss of this mineral. Foods that contain magnesium are cereals, nuts, green vegetables, and dairy products. However, according to an article in The Lancet by Britton et al. Magnesium deficiency is surprisingly common. In one study 65% of an intensive care population and 11% of an outpatient population suffered from magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is used pharmacologically in acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) angina, (chest pains) cardiac arrhythmias, (irregular heart beat) alcohol withdrawal, and pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy). It has been used to treat acute asthma and plus magnesium may also help prevent asthma symptoms.

Maintaining proper levels of magnesium in the body helps by relaxing airway smooth muscle and dilating bronchioles in the lungs. It also reduces histamine release and inflammation of the airways and lungs by stabilizing mast cells and T- lymphocytes. Studies like the one in The Lancet showed that increasing magnesium intake helped to reduce and even prevent allergy and asthma symptoms. Taking a good magnesium citrate supplement, which is easily absorbed is important. Recommended daily dosages vary from 500 mg to 1000 mg if you have a substantial deficiency, but be aware that a dose of 1000 mg of magnesium will cause a loose stool. It is best not to take it after a meal since it neutralizes stomach acids, which would interfere with digestion. It is best to consult a naturopathic doctor or nutritionist for advice and testing to determine your individual needs. Trace mineral deficiencies can be determined through a tissue mineral analysis using a stand of your hair at a medical lab.

If you are looking for an effective drug-free alternative asthma treatment you should consider The Dramatic Asthma Relief Report, which is based on extensive medical research & proven clinical trials that will positively change your life.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Cervical Spondylosis - Factors, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Cervical spondylosis is manifested by neck stiffness with pain in the neck, weakness, tingling, numbness in the upper limbs, burning, feeling of "power" in the neck, shoulders and upper limbs, headaches that start in the neck and get to the front of the head. Physiotherapy for cervical spondylosis treatment by acting directly on the degeneration of the intervertebral discs and vertebrae and help them rehydrate. Medical fitness to lead to cervical spondylosis regaining joint mobility, increase the amplitude of joint and muscle tone and bone spurs produce beneficial effects on improving the general condition of the body. Spondylosis usually presents as a degenerative spine manifested by pain and reduce its mobility. It can occur while on the roots of spinal cord compression. This condition is "distributed" throughout the column from top to bottom, the most common on the low back and cervical and thoracic region does less. Is manifested by calcium deposits around joints or on the edges of plateaus disc. Deposits they produce some formations known in medicine as the "parrot beaks". Their appearance shows that it is a chronic degenerative process of the column, due to two key issues namely: -

Narrowing the spinal canal is the spinal cord and nerves, and the conjugation of holes where the nerves exit the spinal and distributed to the lower limbs and upper limbs. Each hole must fit a nerve and narrowing these holes produce terrible pain and sometimes unbearable. - Narrowing of the spinal canal completely (spinal) cause disease called spinal myelopathy (spinal cord diseases general name), took place compression that creates problems with the blood marrow. While ventral Bone spurs develop, spinal cord space shrinks, causing myelopathy Cervical spondylosis myelopathy is the result of several pathophysiological factors. These factors include:

a) static-mechanical factors,
b) dynamic-mechanical factors
c) lesions stretches
d) spinal cord ischemia

The phenomenon of degradation in this disease is predominantly the result of cervical spine bone degeneration, process what that advance patient grows older. Other changes associated with the disease, such as abnormal growth of bone (bone spurs) may lead to increased pressure on spinal nerves and sometimes even the spinal cord. This disorder is a chronic and in most cases is determined by age. Although it affects both sexes, in men occurs earlier than women. Some studies show that 75% of women and 80% of men around the age of 60 years, making a radiograph can be diagnosed as having significant manifestations of cervical spondylosis. Evolution is slow and prolonged cervical spondylosis and patients may have no symptoms or may show slight neck pain. It happens that the disease was stagnated, but there are cases where the disease can worsen to an advanced stage and the patient may become addicted to shopping cart with wheels. Symptoms In the cervical vertebral corpus exists in a side channel through which pass the vertebral arteries and helping to transport blood to the brain. If these channels are compressed, the amount of blood supplying the hindbrain is reduced. Thus it might appear a deficit of blood to the cerebellum and brainstem deficiency is manifested in the occipital area by dizziness, abnormal gait, headache and muscle strength decrease. This disease through its semiology, is an unpleasant disease, but patients will have to understand that we mean a disease that can live if properly treated or at least controlled. Local pain is felt in the joint capsule, the paravertebral ligaments in inflamed synovium or periosteum. Causes Nobody knows for sure what is causing spondylolisthesis, but are taken into account: patient age, genetics, mechanical stress and metabolic problems, not least the patient.Damage to spinal joints that are specific to aging is the main cause of cervical spondylosis. More staff, after the age of 35 years, signs of changes in the intervertebral discs and the vertebrae themselves, but the manifestation of disease occurs much later.Age are among the risk factors and leads to wear her column joints (cervical, thoracic or lumbar), thus causing pressure in the neck with repercussions on the column. If pain is not diminished with proper medication if pain persists or worsens numbness occurring in the upper limbs and lower limbs then it is imperative to introduce ourselves to physician specialty. These symptoms, in association with medical history and clinical analysis may lead us to a diagnosis of cervical spondylosis.

Risk factors for cervical spondylosis

This condition primarily affects the patients in the office working and the pain becomes stronger if associated with cold. Those working in the office in front of a computer and have the disorder, will be sometimes to interrupt work for a short time, to change mode or to change their jobs. It is recommended to take frequent breaks from work and take a sitting posture. Correct medication, physiotherapy and chiropractor (medical fitness) can help treat it, but you can get to surgery if the disease is not treated in time. Another risk factor is old position of the spine and therefore must take care as the patient sits in the office, in bed, the chair and the couch watching TV. Pain is worse when cold or if exercising. Pain is accompanied by lack of joint mobility and may disappear after 10-15 minutes of movement, rotation and bending of the neck. Obese people who suffer from this disease must take to follow a hypocaloric diet and physical therapy programs (medical fitness). Treatment Treatment of both cervical spondylosis and lumbar spondylosis follows the first pain relief, stop disease progression and development of joint mobility. Massage therapy performed on the spine affected is a treatment often used in treating this disease. Fair treatment significantly improves symptoms. Physical therapy can be used to relieve pain even more acute in a state of disease, provided that the current form chosen and done, be done with a good knowledge of physio-pathological mechanisms of pain transmission and production. Therapist task is to educate the patient regarding posture control regardless of the position of the patient (Sitting, standing, supine or prone).

Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hip Dysplasia and Others: Is Dasuquin The Answer?

So you have heard already about this all-time favorite in joints supplements Dasuquin. Perhaps, you have even used it already to your suffering dog or as preventive measure against such common disease. Well, some people would still think that when their dogs got arthritis, it's just the way it is; "nothing to blame just let it lame" mentality.

The thing is, arthritis in dogs can be prevented; it can be treated and of course it can be alleviated. For our beloved pet owners who have their pet suffering from such ailments, I highly recommend that you bring your pet to your trusted veterinarian and surely he/she will be able to explain to you in-depth how are you going to handle such problem.

For now, I have reserved here some few technical terms regarding joints problems in our dogs. Absolutely, our dogs never could understand such a term but I hope when our times come, we not only let these terms penetrate our ears but propel us to be kind enough with pets to bring him/her to our vet for appropriate action.


This is a degenerative joint disease characterized by the destruction of bone cells and related cartilaginous tissues around joints. While being too technical, this is sometimes the the starting point of other much complicated and much specific joints disease. Because of the destruction of those cells, it results to inflammation, reduced shock absorption, and reduced flexibility causing severe pain to our pets.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

So dogs can get rheumatoid arthritis too? Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks joints cells leading to inflammation and swelling. While not being common in dogs, most breeds affected are the toy or small breeds during early phase of life.

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia has some wide range of causes from genetics to nutrition and even excessive exercise. What happens here is that the ball and socket that makes up the hip joint seems to become far away from each other causing tissue erosion and intense wear and tear. Eventually, this leads to arthritis, a disease characterized by pain and swelling.

Other joints illness and lameness problems quite worth to mention here are shoulder degeneration, traumatic arthritis, sprains and strains, bone fractures, ruptured ligaments and even dislocations. All these can or may lead your dog's active life come to an end.

Let's get straight here. As I said, joints diseases can be prevented, treated as well as alleviated. Today, we can find a number of supplements both synthetic and natural which we can try to help our pets. For example, we have the dasuquin with msm for dogs which your veterinarian might have recommended you.

This cost-effective formulation for dogs provides comprehensive joint health management. It includes NMX1000 ASU (avocado/soybean unsaponifiables), decaffeinated tea, Cosequin's FCHG49 glucosamine hydrochloride, and TRH122 low molecular weight chondroitin sulfate, as well as MSM (methylsulfonylmethane).

It contains avocado/soybean unsaponifiables, or ASU, fortified with green tea, combined with glucosamine hydrochloride, MSM and low molecular weight chondroitin sulfate. It is the most complete joint support supplement available.

Also, Dasuquin with MSM for dogs is a non-prescription (OTC) product available as flavored, chewable tablets which we can give our dogs to help counter joints problems.

TMJ Disorder - What is it and How Your Dentist Can Help

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint located on each side of your head in front of your ears, where your lower jawbone meets your skull. This important joint enables you to eat, speak and yawn, and in order to function properly, each intricate part of the joint must work together properly. Any problem that prevents the TMJ's complex system from functioning properly can result in TMJ disorder, with symptoms including loss of jaw movement and intense jaw pain.

The severity of TMJ disorder will vary from person to person. Some people may only experience temporary discomfort while others may have TMJ problems for many years. Women are diagnosed with TMJ problems more frequently than men.

Warning Signs of TMJ

A variety of symptoms accompany TMJ disorder. Many patients complain of headaches, ear pain and limited ability to open the mouth. Symptoms will vary from patient to patient depending on the cause of their discomfort.

Other Common Symptoms include:

* Dull, aching pain in the jaw joint
* Neck, shoulder and facial pain
* Locking of the jaw
* Pain or ringing in the ears
* Hearing loss
* Dizziness and vision problems
* Uncomfortable or uneven bite
* Swelling of the face and mouth on the affected side
* Unexplained morning headaches
* Limited jaw mobility, especially when chewing or yawning

Finding Relief for TMJ Symptoms

Treatment for a TMJ problem will depend on the cause. And while the exact cause of TMJ is unclear, arthritis, trauma, a dislocated joint or disk displacement are contributing factors known to trigger TMJ disorder. With simple steps, your TMJ symptoms may go away on their own in a matter of days. Avoid opening your mouth wide, eat a diet of soft foods and apply a warm compress on the area of pain. When pain persists or worsens, you will want to see your dentist or physician for professional care.

Dental problems can be the cause of TMJ as well, including teeth grinding and malocclusion. If this is the case, a dentist that specializes in TMJ disorders can help manage and control the pain. If your jaw pain is caused by teeth grinding, your dentist may recommend a TMJ mouthguard which slips over the upper and lower teeth to prevent grinding that leads to TMJ symptoms. The soft plastic protectors make it difficult to clench the jaws, a leading cause of TMJ pain. If a misaligned bite is the cause of TMJ, orthodontic treatment and other dental work to correct the malocclusion can be performed to eliminate jaw pain. When symptoms don't respond to other treatments, surgery to repair the damaged joint tissue may be necessary.

If your symptoms match up with TMJ symptoms, visit your dentist for an evaluation. Left untreated, pain will persist and symptoms may get worse. Your dentist will help you determine the cause of your TMJ and recommend the best course of treatment for your individual needs.

Is Osteoarthritis Part of Metabolic Syndrome?

Osteoarthritis is the breakdown of cartilage, a spongy protein that covers the ends of the bones within a joint. Normal cartilage helps with shock absorption by serving as a cushion at the ends of the bones. The cartilage as the fluid within the joint allows for smooth joint movement. As osteoarthritis progresses, the space between the bones narrows, the cartilage wears down and the underlying bone is exposed. This results in painful movement of the joint as well as limited motion. Bone spurs can develop around the joint, limiting motion further and contributing to more pain. Inflammation plays only a minor role in osteoarthritis.

There are many causes of osteoarthritis, the most well known is the aging process. As we age, the water content of cartilage increases and the protein content decreases. As the water content increases, the cartilage becomes softer, more permeable and loses it's mechanical properties. The protein content decreases which contributes to slow degeneration of the cartilage, resulting in flaking and erosions.

Other causes of osteoarthritis include abnormal bone alignment. In the foot, the most common cause is faulty foot mechanics. When the foot is not in alignment and not functioning properly, this causes abnormal stress on joints in the foot, ankle, knee, hip and back. Trauma is a well known cause of arthritis. Direct trauma can disturb the joint structures, cause mal-alignment of the joint or cause weakness of the surrounding structures, resulting in instability of the joint and eventual osteoarthritis. Other causes, such as infection, medications (such as steroids) and genetics contribute to the development of arthritis.

Obesity is a common cause of arthritis. The exact mechanism of how excess weight influences osteoarthritis is unclear. Although the excess load placed on joint surfaces will accelerated the breakdown of cartilage, obesity is also correlated with osteoarthritis of the hand, indicating a more systemic cause. Obesity increases the chances of having metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a condition characterized by a set of risk factors which are linked to coronary artery disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. The risk factors include high blood pressure, abdominal obesity (fat around the waist), abnormal cholesterol levels (such as high triglyceride levels & low HDL levels) and insulin resistance (which corresponds with high blood sugar). The underlying theories of metabolic syndrome are tied to the body's metabolism, most likely insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is the cells inability to efficiently use insulin, a hormone which transports sugar from the bloodstream to the cells. The result is high blood sugar. Insulin resistance is correlated to weight gain and inactivity.

In a recent study in the journal Skeletal Radiology, popliteal artery wall thickness was evaluated in individuals with osteoarthritis. Forty-two patients who were diagnosed with osteoarthritis at multiple joints were compared to 27 patients without osteoarthritis (the control group). An MRI of the knee was used to evaluate vessel wall thickness of the popliteal artery. The osteoarthritis group had thicker vessel walls than the control group, even when the researchers made adjustments for gender, weight and age. Because vessel wall thickness is directly related to high blood pressure and peripheral and coronary artery disease, the authors suggest that osteoarthritis might be another facet of metabolic syndrome.

One theory to explain the link between osteoarthritis and metabolic syndrome is based on white blood cells, immune fighting cells, increasing in areas where fat accumulates, especially around the abdomen (abdominal obesity). As the white blood cells increase, they contribute to widespread inflammation in the body, causing a pro-inflammatory state (as indicated by high blood levels of C- reactive protein) and the production of immune chemicals (specifically cytokines) which cause a chain reaction resulting in damage to the cartilage. The combination of insulin resistance and the pro-inflammatory state may also affect the normal cartilage repair process.

It is possible that osteoarthritis might be an inevitable outcome for those with metabolic syndrome.

Kornaat PR et al. Positive association between increased popliteal artery vessel wall thickness and generalized osteoarthritis: is OA also part of the metabolic syndrome? Skeletal Radiol. 2009 Jul 3.
Rojas-Rodríguez J, et al. The relationship between the metabolic syndrome and energy-utilization deficit in the pathogenesis of obesity-induced osteoarthritis. Med Hypotheses. 2007;69(4):860-8.
Cicuttini FM, Baker JR, Spector TD: The association of obesity with osteoarthritis of the hand and knee in women: a twin study. J.Rheumatol. 1996; 23:1221-1226.
Felson DT: Weight and osteoarthritis. J.Rheumatol. 1995;43:7-9.
Armstrong CG, Mow VC. Variations in the Intrinsic Mechanical Properities of Human Articular Cartilage with Age, Degeneration, and Water Content. JBJS. 1982; 64:88-94.

Finding the Right TMJ Pain Relief

Whenever you eat, chew, speak, or generally just open and move your mouth, there's a pair of joints that make everything function smoothly: the temporomandibular joint. This is located on either side of your jaw, just beneath your ear, and works in a way that lets your mouth move normally. Sometimes, though, something goes "click"--quite literally, at that--which makes your jaws screech to a grinding halt. TMJ pain occurs seemingly without warning, making you experience chronic pain in your face, your back, your head, and your shoulder. This is why treatment for TMJ pain is an absolute must, because it can affect various portions of your body, plus it also makes it extremely difficult for you to speak or eat normally.

If you're feeling some sort of pain in your jaws and neck or find that you're having headaches a lot more often than usual, you can figure out if you're suffering from TMJ pain if you have the following symptoms.

- a clicking, popping, or grinding sound whenever you open your mouth wide
- persistent facial pain, jaw pain, headaches or migraines, neck, shoulder, and back pain
- ringing in the ears

These are not the only TMJ pain symptoms you will experience, but these are enough for you to get yourself checked if you have TMJ disorder.

A direct blow to the jaw joint area is sufficient enough to cause TMJ disorder, but not all TMJ pain sufferers have experienced this. Teeth grinding or clenching is one particular activity that often results in TMJ disorder, particularly if you have a habit of constantly biting things, such as pencils or your fingernails. Degenerative joint disease could also be a culprit, as well as misaligned teeth, which could be caused by incorrect dental setting.

Treatment for TMJ pain comes in many forms. One easy way to reduce your discomfort is to take painkillers, but that is not a permanent solution, only one that helps you cope as you undergo other TMJ pain relief options. You can try jaw exercises at home, which consist of opening and closing the jaw and moving it back and forth, applying warm compress to the affected area the whole time. Keeping your jaw rested is also key; eat soft foods and steer clear of hard candy. A physical therapist can also help you work to ease the body pain caused by TMJ disorder, and counseling could help you undo the stress that makes you clench your teeth and takes a toll on your jaw.

Your doctor can also fit you with a mouth guard you can use when you sleep to prevent you from grinding your teeth. In extreme cases, you may need to undergo surgery to realign your jaw joints.

Get Relief From a Tight Jaw (TMJ) That Causes Headaches, Migraines and Back Pain

Jaw disorders can create health problems that don't appear to be in any way connected in the body. The jaw, or TMJ has a great influence over the body's skeletal, muscular, nervous, and energy meridian systems. Since we are energetic beings, an imbalance in energy flow can affect our physical health. If the flow of energy through the jaw is blocked, it can result in dehydration, pain and disease. By treating the TMJ and surrounding muscles, the cranial muscles can loosen and realign so they can reset to their correct position. Even a small amount of tension in the jaw can cause other problems in the body. The longer the tension exists in the jaw, the more complex the problems can become. For this reason I suggest you conduct this jaw alignment system regularly.

Toxins can also accumulate in the energy meridians that run from the head area. This also causes pain along the meridians, which include neck, jaw, head, legs and arms. Heavy metals such as mercury are commonly found in jaw muscles or joints. This is more likely if there are amalgam fillings in the mouth. A tight jaw also affects the assimilation of magnesium which is essential for keeping the body relaxed, along with a host of other critical health benefits.

TMJ disorders can affect the hormones since one of the master glands called the pituitary gland sits in the sphenoid bone which is integrated into every other cranial bone except for two of the facial bones.

The sphenoid bone is the 'hanger' from which the skeletal system aligns. The state of the sphenoid can be affected by the fan shaped muscle called the temporalis muscle that tightens up in our body's fight or flight defence system. The temporalis muscles can store deep seated, subconscious emotions which are often released while sending energy to this area.

Trigeminal Nerve is one of the largest cranial nerves called the Trigeminal nerve is also impacted by TMJ disorders. You will know if you feel sudden, severe, electric shock-like, stabbing pain typically on one side of the jaw or cheek. This is often referred to as neuralgia.

The Jaw And Energy
• Meridians are channels through which energy flows throughout our body. The body contains fourteen main energy meridians that contain a free-flowing, colourless, non-cellular liquid. These meridian channels have been mapped and measured using modern technology.

• I have found that TMJ disorders directly affect six main energy meridians in the body as they travel in the vicinity of the jaw. The meridians directly affected are stomach, small intestine, triple warmer or adrenals, gall bladder, large intestine and bladder.

• Most of these meridians relate to digestion functions. You may have experienced this when you have been stressed. Your food does not digest properly or you just don't feel like eating. This is because when you are stressed, your jaw tightens and if affects the flow of energy - particularly the stomach meridian as it begins on the cheek area of the face, runs over the stomach and ends at the feet.

Healing correction. You can do this healing correction on yourself or another person. You get better results when there are two people doing it.

1. Position yourself at the head of the client
2. Place your flat hands over the client's temporalis muscle (temple area) for 1 minute.
3. Then place your flat hands over the masseter muscle (cheek area) for 1 minute.
4. Then place your fingers together and place them over the TMJ area (next to ear area) for 1 minute (times are approximation only).

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Posterior Hip Dislocation - The Use of a Hip Abduction Brace For Support and Prevention of Injury

1.) The Human Hip

The human hip is like the shoulder, in that it is a ball and socket joint. With respect to the hip, the ball of one bone (your thigh bone, or femur) fits into the socket of another bone (your pelvis). The hip is an amazing joint in that it can move backwards and forwards, from side to side and can also perform twisting motions, when healthy.

Like other freely moving, or synovial joints, the hip contains a small amount of fluid. This fluid helps to lubricate the joint when you decide to move it. Full function of the hip depends on all of its parts moving together. This includes bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves all working together.

2.) What Is a Hip Dislocation?

A hip dislocation can occur when the ball of the hip joint comes out of the socket. If you think about it, there is a large amount of force necessary to dislocate a person's hip. Why? because the hip joint is typically very stable, using ligaments and large muscles to reinforce its stability.

3.) Three Main Ways to Dislocate Your Hip

A.) Posterior Dislocations: This is the most common way in which people dislocate their hip.
B.) Anterior Dislocations: When the hip bone dislocates anterior to the pelvis.
C.) Central Dislocation: This means that the hip can dislocate through the acetabulum in the person's pelvis. The acetabulum helps to hold the ball part of this joint.

In a posterior dislocation, there is a lot of power forced onto a flexed knee and this translates to the hip. Anterior dislocations typically happen when the force is placed on a leg that is straight. Lastly, central dislocations happen when the force is placed on the shaft of the femur (your thigh bone), driving it into the acetabulum.

4.) Causes of Hip Dislocation

• Traumatic dislocation of an otherwise normal hip.
• Dislocation of a prosthetic hip, which can occurs anytime in a post surgical setting.
• Developmental dysplasia of the hip.

Moving vehicle accidents (MVAs) cause the majority of traumatic hip dislocations. Moreover, they also cause the most posterior hip dislocations. Why? In a car accident, the knees of the front seat occupant typically hit the dashboard during a head on accident.

Central fractures or dislocations usually occur when the person falls from a great height onto their hip. Or, there can be a lateral impact on the hip.

5.) Does a Dislocation Hurt?

Yes. You better believe it! - Hip dislocations are typically very painful. Many times the patient is not able to move the leg and if there happens to be nerve damage as a result, then there might be little to no feeling in the foot or ankle area.

6.) Rehabilitation

This rehabilitation process, or healing time can sometimes reach two to three months in length after a dislocation. Rehabilitation can be extended with the presence of other problems such as fractures. Orthopedic advice and physical therapy is very useful hip dislocation happens.

7.) Braces For Support

Many times a physician will request that their patient get an orthosis (brace) for the hip after a dislocation. Or, if someone is a chronic "hip dislocator" then a brace is indicated. This particular support is often called a hip abduction brace. It is unique because it has a dynamic hip joint that can allow varying degrees of movement. This brace helps to prevent movements that can injure the patient again. This is a conservative measure of treatment that can really help to secure the hip.

When using one of these supports, the hip and leg will be slightly abducted (it changes depending on who the doctor is) and there will usually be a limitation on flexion and extension of the hip joint. The purpose here is to help keep the hip secure while the healing process is still happening.

*Note: This is health information. This is good information but it is not a substitute for medical advice on bracing for your particular situation. Medical advice on braces should come from your local licensed orthotist. Advice should also come from your physician.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy - New Treatment for Shoulder Pain and Rotator Cuff Injuries

Platelet rich plasma has been used for over a decade in treatment of individuals affected with injured and torn ligaments, tendons as well as knee pain due to torn meniscus or arthritis. Shoulder impingement is a painful condition that causes shoulder pain due to tendonitis or bursitis at the acromioclavicular joint or tendonitis of the rotator cuff. The acromioclavicular joint is where the clavicle articulates with the front part of the scapula.The theory is the that excessive impingement associated with rubbing of the rotator cuff tendons under the clavicle and over the scapula causes shoulder pain. Impingement syndrome is commonly over-diagnosed and surgery too readily offered for relief. Again, like back pain a majority of cases of shoulder pain can be successfully treated with a few weeks of conservative therapy. MRI scanning can help in assessing the degree of tissue injury in a shoulder joint or rotator cuff. Unless there are major findings that clearly will not improve with conservative therapy, surgery would best be avoided. Many patients that undergo arthroscopic shoulder surgery continue to have pain after the procedure. Additionally, they must have weeks, if not months of rehabilitative therapy. Even with this, shoulder pain can continue.


Arthroscopic surgery for "impingement syndrome" including A-C joint or rotator cuff injuries has become a standard, commonly performed procedure in the United States, on the premise that this will relieve the patient's shoulder pain. The use of arthroscopic surgery for this condition was developed in the 1970s.. With arthroscopic shoulder surgery, the orthopedic surgeon will shave away some of the bone and "trim" any fraying of the cartilage in the area of the A-C joint and shoulder cartilage. The thinking is to make more room for the rotator cuff and relieve the pressure. The problem is that these problems are not always the cause for shoulder pain. Shoulder pain has many causes, many of which are not always easy to identify - very similar to low back pain. Like low back pain, surgery is frequently not the answer to relieving pain. Conservative therapy with shoulder rehabilitation should always be tried first, using anti-inflammatory agents, physical therapy and holding off on certain activities that are exacerbating the pain. Home stretching exercises should be done regularly. Cortisone injections can provide lasting relief as well.


Platelet rich plasma (PRP) can offer patients an alternative treatment for their shoulder pain and rotator cuff injuries. Platelet rich plasma works by the body's own natural healing process. Your own blood is drawn and processed in a sterile technique. The PRP is drawn off, with concentrations of platelets of up to 700% of baseline. It is the platelets that contain the growth factors, proteins and cytokines that trigger the cascade of healing and tissue regeneration. PRP is injected into the area of tissue damage or "impingement." Macrophages (white blood cells) come into the area of injected PRP and clean out the damaged tissue. A protein matrix is formed for new tissue to attach to. Fibroblasts form new, stronger collagen fibers to rebuild the damaged cartilage, tendons or ligaments. Stem cells are recruited into the area and will differentiate into the tissue needing to be healed. This all occurs naturally over a 6-8 week period.


There are major advantages to PRP. Importantly, this is an outpatient, in-office procedure which takes about an hour. There is no down time or need for rehab. It is not surgery. PRP uses your own blood components to achieve natural, stronger healing. PRP regenerates new, stronger tissue to repair the tissue damage in the shoulder joint. This novel therapy is so effective that major league sports teams have adopted this as a first line therapy for their professional athletes. Major league baseball pitchers have received PRP for shoulder injuries common to this sport. PRP can be successful in painful shoulders as well as in patients who have had failed arthroscopic surgery.

In conclusion, shoulder pain is a common pain complaint seen in many patients. Conservative therapy is indicated for most patients. Surgery provides no guarantee of success and many patients end up with little or no pain relief. Platelet rich plasma will frequently provide pain relief and heal damaged tendons, ligaments and cartilage in the shoulder joint and rotator cuff without the need for surgery or prolonged physical therapy.

Basics of Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis is the disease generally resulting in the inflammation and loss of movement of joints. The arthritis treatment cannot cure the disease completely but it can surely reduce the pains and inflammation to large extent.

There are over 100 different forms of arthritis. Osteoarthritis or the degenerative joint disease is the most common. The basic cause of osteoarthritis is due to infection to the joint, trauma or age. Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and septic arthritis are other common types.

Whenever there is injury caused between the joints, it can get enlarged and painful and result in arthritis. The main complaint from the people suffering from arthritis is the joint pain. It is caused due to inflammation, stress on the joints, damage to the joints, etc.

The symptoms of the arthritis include:

• Joint Pain
• Joint Swelling
• Redness on the skin around joint
• Warmth-ness around joint
• Fever with joint pain
• Reduced movement of joints


Physical Test: The physical test may show a fluid collection around the joint that result in pain or difficulty in movement in certain direction. It is called limited range of motion.

Medical test: The test for arthritis can vary depending on the type and suspected cause. It can include different blood tests, joint fluid, muscle, urine tests and joint X-rays.
Treatment of Arthritis:
There are different types of arthritis and the treatment can vary according to the cause, age of the patient and severe-ness of the disease. Generally, the cause is incurable and the treatment aims to reduce pain and discomfort and prevent further disability.

• Aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen and dicolfenac have immediate analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects and are comparatively safe.
• Hydroxychloroquine, gold, azathioprine, penicillamine, sulfasalazine and methotrexate can delay the progression of disease.
• Supplement of calcium, zinc and vitamin C is beneficial.

• Wrap red flannel around painful joint and leave it overnight.
• Gentle massage with warm olive oil on the affected joint is effective in reducing arthritis pain.
• The sufficient amount of rest and small amount of exercise can benefit the arthritis patients.
• The treatment methods may include the heat and cold treatments ensuring the joint protection, medication and surgery.
• Warm baths, massage and stretching exercise may also prove helpful.
• Change in regular diet and food along with daily exercises can help.

• Sulphuricum: every two hours when the pains are worse at night.
• Apis mellifica: 3 times for much swelling, little pain.
• Arctium: 6 times, every four hours for pain in joints, colalgia, neuralgia.

The above mentioned basics of arthritis treatment will help you to know the symptoms and the treatment for arthritis. Although arthritis is incurable, following the prescribed treatment and regular exercise can reduce its effect to great extent.

Chiropractic: A Natural Preventative for Arthritis

To understand arthritis it is important to understand the definition of the word. "Arth" from the latin word arthro means joint. "Itis" means inflammation. Therefore, Arthritis simply means inflammation of a joint. There are many diseases that are classified under the term arthritis. There are many different types of arthritis. The most common type that affects most people in their life time is osteoarthritis.

The term osteoarthritis carries many different names. Some of these include degenerative arthritis, degenerative joint disease (DJD), and spondylosis if it is in the spine. Osteoarthritis is basically a condition that is defined as wearing out of cartilage that lines joint surfaces.

When joint cartilage is damaged, the sensitive bone tissue that is usually protected by the cartilage, becomes stressed causing degenerative changes in the joint. The bone around the joint may jut out causing osteophytes, more commonly called bone spurs. Bone spurs can irritate other things around the joint complicating the problem. This may include nerve irritation which can be a cause of pain associated with osteoarthritis.

The most common areas of the body to be affected by osteoarthritis include the lower neck, low back, knees, hips and fingers. The symptoms of DJD include stiffness or pain in the joints involved. Symptoms may also include referred pain. An example of this would be pain, numbness or tingling into the legs. This could be caused from arthritic joints in the low back irritating sensitive nerves which extend from the low back into the legs.

The best management for osteoarthritis is prevention and taking care of the joints involved. One should make sure that when joints are injured, they are taken care of as soon as possible to avoid the development of arthritis in the joints affected. If not taken care of, the joints can become unstable causing the cartilage in the joints to wear out faster than normal.

Degenerative arthritis affects most people over the age of 50. People often say "it is just part of getting old." Unfortunately many people accept being in pain thinking they are just too old. It is interesting to note that osteoarthritis always develops in specific joints and not evenly through the entire body. For example, a person may have one arthritic knee and not two, or they may have arthritis in the lower neck and not the entire spine. If degenerative arthritis were just caused from getting old, it would affect all of the joints in the body equally. The majority of elderly have joints in their body without any arthritis at all. The reason only some joints are affected is because of stress or injury to those joints.

Chiropractic helps to restore motion and proper mechanics in joints that are injured or affected by arthritis. Chiropractic can prevent or slow the degenerative process in joints. Studies have even shown a reversal of degenerative arthritis through chiropractic care. Chiropractic gets to the cause of the problem rather than just treat the symptoms associated with arthritis.

Chiropractors work to prevent arthritis by performing specific hands on adjustments to correct joints that are not in their proper alignment. This helps to restore proper motion to the joints and prevents the joints from becoming unstable. Proper motion is essential to preventing arthritis. It not only helps the joints to glide properly, but also allows them to receive essential nutrients and hydration.

Hip Replacement Surgery - Advantages and Benefits

If your hip has been severely damaged either by an injury or by conditions associated with old age such as arthritis or any other conditions, and the chronic hip/groin pain keeps you awake at night and prevents you from doing day-to-day jobs, undergoing hip replacement surgery may be the best option to fix your hip pain and all related miseries.

An Overview
Also referred to as total hip replacement, hip arthroplasty or hip hemiarthroplasty, hip replacement is a common yet a major surgical procedure in which an orthopaedic surgeon replaces the painful hip-joint with an artificial hip-joint.

While performing this orthopaedic operation, the surgeon removes the damaged head of the thighbone (femur) and replaces the hip's ball-and-socket mechanism with artificial implants. The surgery significantly relieves the pain and improves a patient's mobility and his/her ability to perform daily activities.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) recognizes the surgery as one of the most successful operations in all of medicine. According to the U.S. government Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), more than 285,000 patients in the United States get their damaged hip replaced every year.

If you have hip damage and you get little or no relief after using anti-inflammatory medicines, physical therapy and exercise for a reasonable period of time, you can take advantage of surgical approach for fixing your hip disorders.

One of the major advantages is that age is no barrier to gain the surgery benefits. The surgery can be just as beneficial for people in their 80s and 90s as it is for 60 year olds or even younger.

Another important factor, with regard to the benefits derived from the replacement surgery, is that it is cost effective.

There are an impressive number of patients who have had success with the surgery, thanks to the advancements in hip replacement, including computer-assisted implant placement, that help surgeons in accurately positioning the replacement devices.

• Hip replacement surgery consistently reduces or eliminates the hip pain.
• It can give you many years of freedom from pain and fatigue that kept you awake at night for years.
• The dramatic reduction in hip pain enables a patient to have good night sleep.
• Following the surgery, a patient restores normal hip function with increased ease and comfort.
• It improves physical functioning, including walking and other movements, and benefits a patient's mental health as well.
• People who prior to the surgery felt it difficult to perform major activities of daily living such as sitting in a chair, on a toilet seat, putting on clothes and shoes, shopping, and cooking can experience a significant improvement in their mobility and movements post surgery.
• Correction of increased leg strength is another other benefit one can experience following the hip replacement surgery.

If you have had your hip-joint badly damaged from any cause and you are considering undergoing hip replacement surgery, it is highly advisable to discuss benefits and your expectations from the surgery with your doctor beforehand. Hip replacement is a safe and effective orthopaedic surgery but at the same time it is a major operation. So, before deciding undergoing the surgery, understand the procedure, its benefits and advantages as well its potential risks and complications, only having it explained by your surgeon.

Jaw Exercises For TMJ Disorder

Jaw exercises for TMJ provide much relief from the symptoms of this disorder. If you suspect that you may be suffering from this condition, it is a good idea to begin a treatment plan in order to prevent it from getting worse.

TMJ disorder is usually caused by jaw misalignment, stressed and tightened muscles, weak muscles, and by a number of features of this joint area not functioning properly. Many jaw exercises for TMJ focus on strengthening the muscles and increasing the overall mobility of the joint. These exercises allow this joint area to be able to function more normally without the pain and debilitating symptoms. One should note that these exercises are rarely the only treatment which the patient will need to cure TMJ-- so it is a good idea to begin a TMJ exercise plan along with consulting your doctor for additional treatment options.

Jaw exercises for TMJ will teach the patient how to move his jaw correctly again, as continuing these incorrect joint movements will be detrimental to any treatment which the patient may have already received. It is important to practice the TMJ exercises on a regular basis in order to break any habits that were previously formed.

Strengthening the jaw area during and after TMJ treatment is also critical in preventing a recurrence of this disorder, since this will prevent the symptoms from recurring. As the muscles are strengthened, the jaw will be better aligned and the entire joint with function better.

There are many jaw exercises for TMJ that help to treat the symptoms and help you find pain relief from this disorder. Set aside a few minutes each day to practice these exercises in order to help your mouth become pain free!

Erasing Joint Pain: Energy Clearing

Wouldn't it be nice if you could take an eraser and rub out your pain?

Like a pencil mark on a paper, pain is very noticeable. But once you erase that mark, you can forget about it completely. It no longer grabs your attention. And when a pain goes away, we easily forget it was ever there.

But how can you erase a pain?

One way, which is probably the most popular one, is to mask the pain with drugs. But that does not really solve the problem.

Another, which is our subject here, is to remove the cause of the pain and then the pain must vanish.

The Cause of Joint Pain

In order to remove the cause of the pain, you must know the cause of the pain. And this is where it gets interesting!

You may think of the cause of your joint pain as an athletic injury or the repeated stress and microtrauma of sitting at a computer or standing for long hours. You may say you cannot undo the injury and you cannot go back and undo all your years of typing or working on your job. And you can't even stop now or you would lose your job. So how can you remove the cause of the pain?

The Hidden Cause

While you may not be able to stop or reverse the mechanical cause of your pain, there is another approach that can help. There is another cause of pain which usually goes undetected and unaddressed. It is a more subtle cause and so it requires a more subtle technique. But the results are often as dramatic as taking a painkiller.

This hidden cause of much of your pain is conflicted energy. Like static on a radio or a virus on a computer, energy conflict within a system causes that system to fail. It simply cannot function properly. But once you tune in that radio station or clean up those computer files, everything can go back to optimal functioning.

A Viable Alternative

There are many energy workers using a variety of techniques that can help you with your joint pain. They can open the way for true healing in your joints. Find someone who inspires confidence. You will probably do best when you work with someone with whom you resonate well. Once the dynamic life force flows through you in an unconflicted way, you may very well notice an instant diminishment of your pain. In time it can completely disappear. For some, this process is very fast. For others it can take an extended period of time.

Erasing the Pain

The joints of the body create the most exquisite movements of human expression. But when they hurt they can cause some of the most excruciating moments in your life.

When you seek out an energy worker to help you with your joints, you are not masking the pain. You are erasing the pain by correcting the cause. And when you're dancing again, you probably won't even remember the pain at all.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Back Neck Pain Natural Herbal Remedies and Causes

There are many reasons those may cause back neck pain from muscular injuries to arthritis and pinched nerves. Sometimes back neck pain occurs due to other problems which are not related to musculoskeletal system of the body like swelling of diaphragm and heart attack. Neck contain muscles, ligaments, tendons which may get injured or stretched to cause back pain and also swelling to these organs due to infection and other disorders also cause pain during the movement.

Apart from injuries to muscles, ligaments and tendons back neck pain may occur due to arthritis too, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Degenerative arthritis can pinch the nerves attached to cervical spine to cause severe and chronic pain in the neck. Degeneration of cervical disc also causes back neck pain. Other conditions like fractured collar bone, injury to rotator cuff, bursitis, broken shoulder blade, tendinitis and gallbladder problems can also cause pain in the upper back and neck.

The pain that occurs in the upper back and neck is sharp and sudden but it can be deep dull ache too which may get sharp during movement. The burning sensation or development of tender points is also associated with back neck pain due to serious arthritic condition or cervical spondylosis. Weakness and numbness along with the pain suggests damage to the musculoskeletal system of the upper back and neck which is causing pain. Cool arm or change in the color of the skin at the affected part suggest pinched arteries and veins of the upper back and neck.

Back neck pain is experienced in two ways one, the pain which is confined to one area and does not radiate to shoulder and arms whereas other which radiates to shoulder and arms. The pain which remains confined to one area is normally associated with muscles, ligaments and tendons whereas shooting pain is associated with rather serious conditions like pinched nerves, disc deformation and bone deposits. However this is not a foolproof method to diagnosis the root cause of pain and is based on general evidences.

NSAID and muscle relaxants are recommended for pain relief in allopathic medication which are not considered as suitable for long term use. Herbal treatments are more popular as herbs are natural and treat the problem naturally without any side effects. There are few extremely effective herbs for pain relief and muscle relaxation. Cayenne pepper is widely used for topical application on the aching body parts and joints for immediate relief. Chamomile tea is an excellent muscle relaxant, tea of chamomile is recommended 2-3 times in a day. Massage of warm eucalyptus oil is very beneficial in relieving pain and relaxing muscles. Consumption of winter cherry is very good for overall health and for pain relief as well.

Ginger and garlic are good source of anti-oxidants which promote blood flow in the body to treat all sorts of pain and help the body in removing blockages of arteries and veins. Exercises and therapies also help in alleviating the back neck pain in a short duration along with herbs. Hydrotherapy, light exercises, yoga are some popular ways of controlling back neck pain and reducing the frequency of its occurrence.

Things to Know About Hip Joint Replacement

Surgery is never fun for anyone and if you are scheduled to have hip surgery in the near future, it is important for you to know all you can about hip joint replacement. This surgery is also called hip anthroplasty, hip heriarthroplasty and total hip replacement. When you have your surgery, you may have all or just part of your hip joint replaced by an artificial hip prosthesis. Most people come through the surgery feeling better and able to walk much more evenly and with less pain.

Most likely you will be given a general anesthesia when you have your surgery. This is best for most people because you will be completely unaware of what's happening during your surgery. Some physicians prefer to administer an epidural anesthesia which leaves you awake but unable to feel anything from the waist down.

The surgery itself has become quite common and generally takes about three hours. Your surgeon will make an incision and remove the head of your thigh bone. Then, he or she will clean the hip socket of cartilage and damaged bone. The new hip joint will be placed inside the socket by using a metal screw which will go directly into your thigh bone. All of your new hip "equipment" will be kept securely in place by special adhesives. When all of this is done, your surgeon will close the incision and you'll be sent to the recovery room to be monitored for an hour or so.

Hip joint replacement surgery is most often performed on people who have become crippled with arthritis. These people cannot get around comfortably and experience severe pain when standing, walking and even sitting. They are limited to the amount of daily activity they can participate in. Most hip replacement patients are in their 60s or older. Doing this surgery on younger people isn't as successful in the long run because these individuals put more stress on the artificial hip, causing it to deteriorate much more rapidly. However, hip replacement surgery has made life much, much better for older individuals. After a short recovery period, they are again able to enjoy life to its fullest and with little, if any, pain.

Rheumatoid Arthritis in Men

Arthritis is the word used to describe inflammation of the joints. It is often described as an auto-immune disease as it relates to the system within the body which produces antibodies.

In the modem medical approach to arthritis, anti-inflammatory drugs are used which are either steroidal or non-steroidal. Unfortunately joint disease is poorly understood and the treatments have not advanced for a long time. Hopefully more research into the causes and the cure of joint diseases will be done over the next few years.

Naturopathic approaches are certainly worth trying. They may not cure the disease but they can certainly relieve much of the discomfort and slow down the debilitating symptoms. Diet plays a huge role in controlling the symptoms and some plant medicine and nutritional supplements can be very beneficial.

My father, who had severe arthritis in his knees, was always joking about the fact that there was no cure for joint problems, and he was very disturbed that the anti-inflammatories he was prescribed were upsetting his stomach, which is a very common side effect. Just by increasing his intake of water each day (elderly people tend to be dehydrated because they don't consume enough water daily) and including some vitamins helped him.

In all treatment of joint problems, solutions must be looked upon as long-term: a lifestyle change and a commitment to taking the supplements regularly to stop degeneration and further damage to the immune system are essential.

Treatment & prevention program

Follow the diet for health and vitality. This is imperative. All junk food, white sugar and white flour products must be eliminated. Foods that nourish joints are those containing omega 3 and 6 oils, such as deep-sea fish, flaxseed oil, and vitamin E in avocados and wheatgerm oils.

Eat high-quality proteins such as legumes, eggs and white meat, which are more suitable than red meat, as one of the waste products from digestion of red meat is uric acid which can aggravate joints.

Drink celery juice daily as it assists the balance of potassium and sodium being carried to the joints. It can be mixed with carrot juice.

Avoid acidic foods such as rich sauces, white wine, white vinegar, and some fruits such as oranges, strawberries and other berries which can aggravate joint problems. It is best to stay off these foods for six weeks and introduce them back into your diet slowly and see if they affect your level of joint pain in certain quantities.

Drink lots of pure, filtered water.

Encourage mobility of the joints through exercise such as water exercises and walking. Running is very aggravating to any joint, especially on a hard surface.


Two omega 3 and 6 oil capsules twice daily. It lubricates joints. Double the dose if in severe pain.

One glass of celery juice daily or two celery tablets daily. For taste and health, mix with carrot juice.

Two tablets of the standardized extract of boswellia twice daily or one tablet daily as a preventative. Boswellia, which acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, is excellent for arthritis (and also for inflammation of the bowel). There is often a link between inflammation of the bowel and arthritis. You may find this herb mixed with ginger and turmeric (both natural anti-inflammatories).

One or two ginger capsules three times a day. Ginger tablets have relieved many joint problems because they stimulate the circulation. They are especially useful for those in cold countries, to assist mobility. In fact they are very useful when skiing or participating in water sports in cold water.

Glucosamine sulfate one tablet two to three times a day.

I have made many wonderful tonics for arthritis using traditional herbs, and if the client stays on these daily over the winter period, when joints seem to be at their worst, the aches and pains are kept under control without the long-term effects of anti-inflammatories. The following tonic is recommended. Equal parts of celery, dandelion, prickly ash, boswellia (you can also take this herb separately as a tablet for better results), willow bark, devil's claw, liquorice, ginger and astragalus (which helps the immune system in chronic conditions). Take one teaspoon in water twice daily.

A liniment containing the Chinese herbs kadsura, pothos and curcuma, and menthol, camphor and some wintergreen oil. These are available at your health store. Rub on the affected area.