Saturday, November 30, 2013

Reducing Inflammation to Relieve Pain

Why is Reducing Inflammation So Important?
Your body wants to be healthy. It is always seeking equilibrium. When something is out of balance, the body compensates, sometimes painfully so, as any chiropractor can explain if you have strained a muscle, or simply sat in a position such as at a desk, or repeated movements such as typing or driving over a long period of time.

Every day we hear about sickness and pain. But how do we acquire health and participate in our own wellness? Simply put: reducing inflammation helps reduce pain in joints, muscles, skin, and organs. When an ankle sprain, for example, causes the ankle area to swell we are told to put ice on it for 15 minutes in order to reduce the swelling, and then to walk on it and get movement in the joint to help the body's blood flow remove the lactic acid that builds up in the affected area.

But some of the inflammation causing back pain, neck pain, and joint pain and arthritis, among other muscle and joint pain, can be prevented even when no apparent injury has occurred, by eating more nutritional foods and by reducing or eliminating certain foods from the diet. For example, drinks such as sodas with added refined sugars, especially high-fructose corn syrup, should be avoided at all times, because the spike in insulin production they cause can increase inflammation.

Reducing inflammation in the body
Eating is the safest, most effective, and least expensive medicine for preserving and restoring overall health. Studies have shown that increasing our intake of certain foods & nutrients, while decreasing others, can lead to significant reduction in inflammation in our system, which can lead to a healthier, happier, pain-free you!

Inflammation reducing foods
Did you know that for centuries in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine, turmeric, which contains a chemical called curcumin, has been used as a natural anti-inflammatory recipe ingredient? Doctors tell patients to use it today! And this seasoning can be found in your grocer's spice aisle.

Reducing inflammation naturally
Omega-3 fatty-acids are a powerful, natural anti-inflammatory. The richest source of these essential fats is cold water oily fish, such as salmon, trout, and tuna. Fish oil, for example, contains EPA and DHA, which your body uses to maintain healthy heart function, maintain levels of triglycerides, as well as reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritis and overused joints. That's good news for people who may have restricted activity or movement.

A study conducted by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and their university colleagues suggests that cherries may reduce painful arthritic inflammation, as well as reducing the risk of other inflammatory conditions such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. But there is more.

How to relieve pain and reduce inflammation by diet
Inflammation is attributed to various ailments and many diverse conditions such as cancer, heart disease, chronic back pain, osteoporosis, migraines, dementia, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease. Dieticians and health experts say that increasing your intake of natural anti-inflammatory foods can significantly help reduce or even eliminate inflammation and pain.

Although there are many excellent foods people should try, and learn to enjoy, the Western/American diet is sadly lacking in quality choices. Too many people are habitually choosing the convenience of eating quickly and consuming heavily processed foods and refined products with all sorts of chemical additives to enhance or sweeten the flavor.

These foreign substances are inorganic and deposit into the body and over time become difficult for the body to eliminate. So often in Western civilization the results are patients with aches and pains in joints, muscles, and organs from the inflammations and swellings caused by their bodies reacting to and trying to adjust for this imbalance that has been building over years of abuse.

Another fact to consider are the amounts of pesticides, depleted soil from over-harvesting and too little crop rotation to maintain nutrients in the soil, artificial fertilizers, and bio-engineered foods known as Frankenfoods, where the foods are genetically engineered to reduce spoilage, repel insects, and other things meant to improve the value of harvests.

The need for vitamin and mineral supplementation to ensure enough nutrients are consumed is apparent. Studies conducted by the Mayo Clinic have linked Vitamin D deficiency with chronic pain, lending to voices calling for increased fortification or supplementation of this important nutrient among others, in diets.

What Causes Joint Pain? - What You Need to Know About Inflammation

When your body is pain-free, you probably don't think much about your joints. It's only when you wake up with stiff knees, sore knuckles or swollen ankles that you're suddenly aware you even have joints.
But even then, some of us don't heed the wake-up call, thinking the pain will go away soon. Sometimes it does. Unfortunately, once your joints become inflamed and troublesome, the spiral of worsening arthritis is often already in motion. Suddenly you  don't have any choice other than to take your joints seriously.
It's amazing how a little bout of pain can suddenly compel you to seek whatever it takes to manage the deteriorating joint and its soreness. Your goal now is to reverse the arthritis spiral so you can return to a mobile and pain-free life.
That's why it's important to pay attention to the first signs of inflammation.
Watch for Early Signs of Inflammation

Many common problems we experience including arthritis, the gum disease known as gingivitis, heart disease and the skin complaint called psoriasis have something in common, even though they effect very different parts of us. The common denominator is inflammation. And it doesn't end there for researchers now believe that inflammation, especially when it goes into a chronic and  long term phase, is also associated with many other conditions ranging from asthma and eczema through to diseases of the bowel.

Inflammation is your immune system's first reaction against infection, and it's a very effective one. When a pin pricks your skin, it damages cells and allows invader-like bacteria into your body.
Specialized Cell Help Kicks In Immediately

When strange bacteria enter the body, your immune system goes to work immediately, calling in assistance from different types of specialized cells, each with their own task. Mast cells -  special immune cells - release histamine, along with other immune messengers known as cytokines, to alert your body to the problem. Histamine encourages more blood flow to the injured area, hence the redness and swelling.
Even before the histamine reinforcements arrive, macrophages, which are the "large gobbling cells" found mostly in connective tissue and the skin, enter into the action; these also attack the bacteria and clean up damaged cells. It's a bit like sending in the cleaning crew after a wild street fracas. Other immune cells speed to the area, intensifying the fray, and as the area is cleared, and pathogens eliminated, a new group of cells called platelets arrive to begin the healing process.

Truly, the body is a remarkable machine.
Your Body's Response: Hot, Red, Swollen and Painful

With so much happening in the injured area, it's natural for it to become hot, red, swollen and painful. The heat is produced by the extra blood flow to the injured area. Redness occurs because the battle and repair processes are underway. And the area usually becomes swollen because of all the fluid and immune cells at the site. This all happens quite quickly, and pain is often the first indicator of inflammation.
Pain makes you take notice and stop moving the affected area to prevent further injury. Think about the last time you got bitten by a mosquito or flossed too vigorously and ruptured your gum: your tissues becomes inflamed, swollen and sensitive to touch.  
How Chronic Inflammation Can Lead to Arthritis

Inflammation is your body's way to ensure that invaders don't get in and create more damage. However, when inflammation becomes low-grade and chronic, your immune system stays revved up and this "fighting mode" damages healthy tissues in the crossfire. Scientists now realize that this life-saving process, designed to ward off bacteria and viruses, can go on to actually create  disease when left unchecked. It leads to the painful and damaging inflammation that attacks our arteries and organs as well as our joints. 
If the inflammation refuses to die down, and continues for prolonged periods, permanent damage may result. Which is often happens with Rheumatoid arthritis, a common type of chronic arthritis where you notice swelling and pain in both small and large joints.
The fact that we are living a lot longer than our ancestors did may also be contributing to inflammation for as we age, our ability to shut off the inflammatory process often weakens. And many lifestyle and environmental factors can make the process even worse as they promote inflammation. So for example getting overstressed, smoking, having high insulin levels or even contracting a virus or a parasite can all promote the inflammatory process within our body.
So if you want to take a pre-emptive approach and stave off chronic inflammation and possible arthritis, watch your lifestyle habits. Simple things like weight control, exercise and modifications to your diet can help in the treatment of many types of arthritis.

Treatment of Sacroiliitis

Sacroiliitis is a disorder that is far more complex than back pain and it is important to seek medical attention early if you develop the symptoms. The condition is complicated with a variety of causes; it may be secondary to an injury or pregnancy but this is not a disorder to gamble with. Delay may lead to joint degeneration or the pain may be a symptom of a larger, inflammatory arthritic condition known as ankylosing spondylitis. This is one of the many forms of inflammatory arthritis, the most common of which is rheumatoid arthritis. Complications of ankylosing spondylitis can be quite serious and include:

  • Spine Deformities

  • Difficulty Breathing

  • Lung Infections

  • Heart Problems. 

Symptoms OF Sacroiliitis

  • Pain and stiffness in lower back, thighs, buttocks

  • Pain becomes worse with walking, due to the motion of the hips.

  • Psoriasis, an inflammatory skin condition, may occur with a type of arthritis and sacroiliitis.

  • Pain radiating down leg, often mimicking sciatica

  • Limp

  • Decreased range of motion

  • Elevated temperature

  • Bloody diarrhea occurs with Reiter's Syndrome, which causes painful urination, joint pain, sacroiliac joint pain, and eye inflammation, and accompanies sacroiliitis.

  • Eye inflammation in one or both eyes, a symptom of Reiter's Syndrome and evident with sacroiliitis. 


  • History and Physical

  • When examined, pain localized around sacroiliac joints, can be detected.

  • Laboratory studies, including blood cultures

  • X-rays of sacroiliac joints

  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan of sacroiliac joints

  • Culture of fluid from affected sacroiliac joint 

It is important that the doctor be informed if there is a history of IV Drug use and whether any antibiotics have been taken recently. Recent antibiotic use can delay the proper diagnosis and identification of the infectious organism if a blood culture is done.


The underlying cause and symptoms are considered when implementing a treatment plan.

  • NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) such as naproxyn and ibuprophen reduce inflammation and pain.

  • Cortiosteroid Drugs, such as prednisone and medrol, reduce inflammation and slow down joint deterioration.

  • DMARDs (Disease Modifying Anti-rheumatic Drugs), such as Azulfidine and methotrexate, help limit joint damage.

  • Antibiotics, if an underlying infection is determined by a blood culture or culture of fluid from infected sacroiliac joints. Drug must be specific for that infectious organism.

  • Rest to relieve strain on sacroiliac joints.

  • Tumor necrosis factor inhibitor medications, such as Enbrel, Humira, Remicade, can block a cell protein that acts as an inflammatory agent. This helps reduce pain and stiffness. These medications are quite expensive and may not be prescribed unless other medications are not effective.

  • Physical therapy will be started after the painful, acute phase is under control. Range of motion exercises and stretching exercises to improve muscle strength and joint flexibility.

         Decrease or eliminate smoking because nicotine decreases the blood flow to the affected areas and makes it more difficult for the body to fight the disease. 

These medications can effectively relieve the painful symptoms of sacroiliitis but they have many side-effects. They may interact with medications you are already taking so it is important that you understand all their side-effects and how to use them appropriately. Some of these drugs increase the risk of bleeding, the risk of a cardio-vascular event or damage to your kidneys, liver or gastrointestinal tract. Complete patient education is vital to the management of sacroiliitis and the effective relief of its symptoms.

Joint Pain - A Symptom Of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is one of the common infections that have negative effects on the joints of the body, as it causes the joint's cartilage to break down over a period of time. In the case of osteoarthritis, the cartilage is usually torn. The major symptom of this disease is joint pain. Osteoarthritis often affects the back, knees, fingers, hips, neck and toes. The nature of pain associated with osteoarthritis could be mild, moderate or severe. Millions of people are victims of osteoarthritis and its associated joint pains due to age related-wear-and -tear. At the early stage of osteoarthritis, the symptom of may be indistinct and then develop gradually. Yet most people may not even experience the early symptoms at all.

Joint pain cause by osteoarthritis can lead to difficulties in moving as well as disability. Unfortunately, there is no definite cure for osteoarthritis but it is possible to delay or reduce joint injuries and complications of disease with proper exercises, adequate rest and physical therapy. This article does not support the ideal of medication and surgery for the treatment of osteoarthritis, because most of the prescribed medications for joint pain resulting from osteoarthritis are not only very expensive but they end up hiding the pain. Even if the brain does not recognize the pain, it is still there and continues to damage and disfigure the joint. But with nutrition, rest, natural therapy and most importantly simple exercises, you can treat osteoarthritis and at the same time save hundreds of dollars.

Treatment of osteoarthritis.

Body flush: juice fasting and adequate water intake will help to flush out alkaline in your body system, thereby reducing your chances of suffering from osteoarthritis and its associated pains. As water drains the impurities and toxins in your body, the symptoms of osteoarthritis will naturally begin to disappear. Therefore, you are advised to take 10-12 glasses of water daily. Also liquids like soda, tea, coffee and all sorts of ready-made juices with high content of sugar and flavor should be strictly avoided, as they will not only worsen your health problems but they can also lead to severe joint pain.

Nutrition: Nutrition is one of the major factors that can determine whether you will be able to treat the symptoms of osteoarthritis or not. Fresh and raw foods with little or no processed foods will be of great help in relieving pains associated with osteoarthritis. Consumption of more water-soluble fiber like fresh foods and raw vegetables are also recommended for the treatment of osteoarthritis. Processed foods, fast foods and foods with high sugar content must be avoided if you really want to be free from joint pain that comes from osteoarthritis.

Exercise: exercise is the most effective way of treating osteoarthritis. It will assist in re-building your muscle mass and body tissue, and as well increase your immune system helping your body get rid of the free radicals in your joint. The following simple exercises are very relevant in the treatment of osteoarthritis and its associated pains; swimming and water exercise, squatting exercise, walking and stationary bike.

Joint pain is one of the symptoms of osteoarthritis. This pain can cause discomfort and disability if not properly taken care of. But with simple exercises like swimming and water exercises, squatting exercises etc, you can effectively treat osteoarthritis and its associated pains.

There Have Been Over 100 Types of Arthritis Discovered - Have You Got One of Them?

Arthritis is one of the leading causes of disability among people of different age groups although older people suffer more than the younger ones. It is a disease that restricts movements of joints because of pain and swelling.

This disabling disease has been prevalent for thousands of years as was found in the bones of prehistoric humans, animals and even dinosaurs that appeared millions of years ago. It has hit famous personages such as Goethe, Alexander the Great, Charlemagne and Henry VI.

Arthritis is a joint inflammation in the body usually occurring on those weight-bearing joints like knees, lower back and hips. There are about more than a hundred types of arthritis that has been discovered, studied and treated.

Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis are the two major joint disorders afflicting millions of people all over the world. The difference of the two is largely the period on which symptoms may show.

Rheumatoid arthritis usually develops before the age of 45 marked by inflammation of the joints which is accompanied by changes of the substances found in the blood. As a symmetric disease it involves the same joints on both sides of the person. It affects almost any joint in the body but more commonly the wrists, hands, knees, foot and ankles. The symptoms of Osteoarthritis appear at a later age usually around 50 where the cartilage of the bones that cushions them has been dried up or used. The wear and tear of this cartilage exposes the bones against each other and through friction produces intense pain. This disease is not as disabling as rheumatoid arthritis and is also known by the names, degenerative joint disease and hypertrophic arthritis.

Diagnosis of some of the existing types of arthritis is rather difficult as most of them have more or less similar symptoms. Proper diagnosis by the physician includes medical history, X-rays, blood tests and Magnetic Resonance Imaging scans.

Some types of arthritis afflict the spine mainly due to old age, trauma or injury and improper posture or poor diet. Common of these is the Ankylosing Spondylitis which is inheritable as the genetic marker HLA-B27 establishes a predisposition to it. An onset of lower back pains together with stiffness that lasts for weeks or months is one of its symptoms. Arthritis in the upper spine may be classified as Cervical Arthritis with symptoms as extreme pain and stiffness in the neck area. Degeneration of the spine or old injuries that has directly impacted the spine may cause the occurrence of Lumbosacral Arthritis or Lumbar arthritis. It affects the lower back or the pelvic area that cause pain and inability to move.

Gout is one of the ancient types of arthritis. It is a chronic disease which is caused by excess uric acid in the body that the kidneys may not be capable to dissolve. These acid forms sodium monourate crystals that collect in the joints which cause swelling and pain. Its frequent target is the big toe.

Infections from bacteria, viruses and fungi may also cause the joint disease called Sceptic or Infectious Arthritis. Symptoms include pain in one place of the body in cases where it is a bacterial or fungal infection accompanied by low to mild fever. Viral infections may cause aching of the whole body that may reside after the virus has run its course. With proper treatment this type of arthritis can be generally cured.

Pain and Oxidative Stress - Rusting Away from the Inside Out!

Apples and bananas turn brown. Butter turns rancid. Iron rusts. All are everyday signs of oxidative stress-destruction caused by free radical molecules. None of these nuisances compare to what destructive molecules can do inside your body, especially to cells of the brain, blood vessels and lining of your joints.

Free radical oxygen molecules are by-products of normal cell processes. They are molecules created from oxygen after certain vital and necessary metabolic processes - breathing, eating and exercising - are completed inside your body. In addition, this same sort of damage can occur from sources outside your body - ultraviolet exposure, cigarette smoke, poor air quality and poor dietary choices such as high-fat meals. We cannot escape this form of internal and external damage daily.

These destructive free radical molecules have an unpaired electron attached to them (a "free" radical). Nature has designed electrons to function best when paired together. An unpaired electron creates a very unstable molecule, wreaking havoc during its hunt for a mate. The source of its devastating action is the oxygen molecule's unpaired electron, making it unstable and electrically charged in a negative fashion.

It only becomes stable by interacting with the nearest available molecule, hoping to find another electron with which to pair. Having no prejudices, it targets lipids, proteins and DNA. It searches everywhere. Scientists have discovered that the free radical's actions as it searches for its pair can damage the molecules with which it reacts - lipids, proteins and DNA. This damage may even produce the cell's demise, often called "degeneration", thus the term "chronic degenerative disorder"- degenerative arthritis, degenerative joint and spine disease, degenerative eye disease and on and on.

When you have chronic or excessive pain, oxidative stress takes on additional significance - a powerful two-edged sword. It is both a source of inflammation in your body as well as a response to inflammation in your body. It produces inflammation when your body is exposed to toxins,injury or microorganisms. At the same time, the process of inflammation, whether for a healing purpose or uncontrolled as in an infection, actually creates more of physiological damage.

Not all oxidative stress is bad. You need some for the normal metabolic processes of life to work. Furthermore, some pain conditions are a result of altered, innate, genetically-determined responses to it, thus leading to excessive inflammation.

Oxidative stress has also been linked to premature aging. It has been cited as a performance-limiting factor in physical activity. Subsequently, preventing or reducing the process may result in an overall improved level of health and wellness. Reducing or neutralizing this physiological reaction can both limit the formation of inflammation in your body from internal and external environmental sources as well as diminish your body's response to inflammation, thus impacting pain and other symptoms.

How do you control oxidative stress? Nature has given you a whole host of innate mechanisms including enzymes made by your body to neutralize it. However, some people genetically cannot produce adequate amounts of enzymes to fight all the physiologic stress they produce or to which they are exposed. Fortunately, your body also has the ability to fight this stress using nutrients found in your diet - vitamin C, E, D and A as well as minerals such as zinc and copper.

In addition, a whole host of bioflavonoids (big molecules found in fruits and vegetables) act as antioxidants, neutralizing this process. The good stuff found in grapes, grape seeds, blueberries, bilberries, i.e. colorful molecules found in fruits and vegetables - are actually nature's way of helping you fight oxidative stress through your diet.

Yet, there are times when diet alone is inadequate to provide enough nutrition, especially antioxidant capability, to neutralize your body's stress. For instance, if your eat a limited variety of foods (a restricted diet) you may not consume adequate levels of antioxidants. In addition, the foods you do eat may be limited in nutrients because they have been excessively processed - stripped of vital nutrients such as antioxidants. Foods grown in poor soil conditions will be nutritionally deficient. This is when supplementation becomes necessary. Supplementation can provide the vitamins, minerals and bioflavonoids missing in your diet to work as antioxidants and neutralize this physical response.

In summary, you have two mechanisms available for reducing unavoidable stress on your body - your own enzyme system and your diet. Control of your enzyme system is involuntary because it is directed by your genetic code. But your diet is under your voluntary control. Wise dietary choices can compensate for the challenges nature may have given you through your DNA code. Make healthy choices to fight oxidative stress, decrease inflammation and fight pain!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Cold Laser Therapy: Treatment for Osteoarthritis Knee Pain

Cold laser therapy may seem like a treatment that one would read about in a science fiction novel. Just in the past decade, however, it has become a recognized and often times preferred treatment for osteoarthritis knee pain sufferers who want to avoid invasive procedures.

Cold lasers are handheld, non-surgical devices that are used in a clinical setting. They work by emitting specific wavelengths of light thereby stimulating activity in the tissue on a cellular level. Once the metabolic rate of the cell is increased it initiates a number of beneficial biochemical events. The most obvious benefit is a reduction in both pain and inflammation. For example, a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study reported in Photomedicine and Laser Surgery found that laser therapy significantly relieved osteoarthritis knee pain and swelling in patients. The study also found that range of motion increased in the knee joint, and there was less sensitivity and tenderness around the knee joint.

Recently, an abstract entitled Low-Level Laser Therapy and Its Effects On The Quality of Life for Patients Suffering From Osteoarthritis Knee Pain in the Medial Compartment: A Detailed Analysis By Questionnaire found that 79.8% of patients diagnosed with moderate to severe arthritis in the medial aspect of the knee joint (inside part- where the knees touch) who were treated with cold laser therapy reported feeling moderately to a great deal better and their quality of life improved after completing just five weeks of care.

Besides helping reduce pain and inflammation in and around the knee joint, research indicates that cold laser therapy may help an arthritic knee by doing the following:

Fibroblasts production increases: Fibroblasts are needed to make cartilage.

Interleukin-1 is suppressed: Interleukin-1 is a protein that when released plays a direct role in destroying cartilage, it promotes the release of more enzymes that cause cartilage destruction, and it inhibits type II collagen from being produced (so that cartilage cannot be rebuilt or replaced). There are high levels of this protein in an osteoarthritic knee so cold laser therapy inhibits the release of this protein allowing cartilage to be maintained.

Growth factors are released: Treatments release growth factors which play a vital role in healthy knees because they stimulate cartilage cell production or chondrocytes. Moreover, the release of growth factors inhibits the release of interleukin-1.

Tensile strength of the tissue improves: Cold laser treatment is believed to improve the inter and intra molecular hydrogen bonding of the tissue thereby improving the strength of the cartilage so that it doesn't wear down or get injured as easily.

In conclusion, for individuals diagnosed with osteoarthritis knee pain, and need relief from their knee pain, but would prefer a non-invasive procedure should consider finding a doctor who specializes in cold laser therapy for knee pain.

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Sudden Shoulder Pain Causes

Working for long hours suddenly you shoulder snap, pain starts to grow in your shoulder. Every now and then you feel a sudden shoulder pain. Not only does it bother you but you're not able to work your best because of the pain. There are several reasons why we have such sudden inflammation after long hours of work. For one, shoulder joints is the most mobile part of the body and too much use can lead to tear or injury, any swelling, inflammation around the joints can cause pain when we try to move our arm behind the back, or straight out in front.

Another cause is old age. If we notice as people get's older they tend to get joint pains everywhere, and it tends to grow more frequently as time pass by. Rapid age growth initiates bone deterioration, gradually narrowing of the joints and loss of protective cartilage which makes it hard for us to move with ease in return causes the person to feel pain it narrow the.

Arthritis is one of the common causes of shoulder pain, it is the loss or damage of joints cartilage which is also associated with age degeneration which makes you suffer and less motion as result.

Also, a sudden blow or fall can lead to shoulder joints to dislocate, since it is the body's most mobile joint it is also the one that get dislocated frequently. Shoulder dislocation most frequently happen in younger athletic individual. The pain can be severe. An injury can also cause the shoulder bone to crack, that cause isn't a surprise - you had a bad fall. Pain follows, and you may be able to see your shoulder bones dislocated.

Frozen shoulder a condition in which creates stiffness and pain in the shoulder joints, which limits your ability to move your shoulders normally. And of course, sports injuries also contributes to sudden shoulder pain one minute you were jumping, and the next you doubled over, your shoulder feels like on fire. Now you can't sleep normal and you have problems with simple activities like drawing. Synovitis contributes also to sudden shoulder pain, this is a very technical causes. The synovial membrane secretes a clear fluid called synovial fluid that lubricates joint surfaces and provides the cartilage with nutrients. Sometimes this capsule becomes inflamed. The result is the painful condition called Synovitis.

One of the common problems that a person can have due to shoulder pain is Tendinitis and Bursitis. Tendinitis is the swelling of tendons. A person who encounters this sickness feels soreness with its biceps and shoulder tendons. While Bursitis is an irritation in the shoulder which concerns the shoulder bursae, a sac that protects the bones of the shoulder that results to shoulder inflammation.

Finally, one of the most common causes of sudden shoulder pain is the result of a torn rotator cuff.
The rotator cuff is made of four muscles. Their tendons form a "cuff" of tissue over the upper end of the arm bone - the rounded "ball" at the top of the ball and socket joint. The space between the rotator cuff and the shoulder blade is cushioned and lubricated by bursae. The rotator cuff helps you move your arm in a circular fashion like swimming, putting on a jacket and throwing ball.

Moreover, you don't need to live with the pain of shoulder problems. Much can be done to reduce your pain, return your shoulder mobility and get you back to the activities you love. We don't need to lose hope.

Arthritis Knee Pain - What Can You Do About It?

Arthritis knee pain affects so many Americans over the age of 50. The things you use to enjoy in life all of a sudden have become a chore. Simple things like going up the stairs and squatting are being done gingerly and with careful consideration. You can't remember the last time you danced, golfed, biked, jogged or walked with ease. So lets take a look at arthritis knee pain and in particular arthritis itself and find out what are the possible causes and can something be done to help you enjoy life again.

Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease that causes swelling and pain in the joints. It mostly affects the knee joints because the knee is the joint that we used most often. We stand, sit, walk, squat with the knees so the degeneration of the joint start here most often causing arthritis knee pain. There are several classifications of arthritis but the one that is most familiar is Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis affects millions of Americans each and every day causing arthritis knee pain . Not only are we talking about arthritis in the knees but also arthritis can affect the hips, hands, spine and legs as well. As osteoarthritis starts its course, degeneration of the cartilage that protects the bones begin to wear down causing the rubbing of the bones against each other. This causes swelling and pain in the joints that are affected. Over time, the pain and swelling become worse causing limited mobility and range of motion. For arthritis knee pain sufferer, flare ups occur with the change in whether, falling barometric pressure, and first thing in the morning upon rising. There is no true consensus as to what causes osteoarthritis but food allergies, poor diet, and mineral deposits have been linked.

So how can we alleviate arthritis knee pain? Let us focus on diet. Diet is an effective way to alleviate arthritis pain if you know which foods to avoid and which foods to consume in adequate quantities. One food that has been found to be essential is cold-water fish such as salmon and mackerel. Cold water fish is loaded with essential fatty acids and have anti-inflammatory properties that decreases swelling in arthritis knees. Increasing the amount of fiber intake such as raw fruits and vegetables is another way to decrease arthritis knee pain. Fiber acts as a sweeper that sweeps away excess mineral and acid in the body. To get a double benefit, eat vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli because these vegetables are not only provide fiber for sweeping but also have anti-inflammatory properties as well. Also eat foods high in sulfur such as garlic, asparagus, and onion because sulfur helps repair cartilage and bone which we know is essential for fluid joint mobility. Finally, drink plenty of water especially when you first get up in the morning to help lubricate the knee joints and thus decreasing the arthritis knee pain.

Now that you know what causes arthritis pain start looking at your diet and other risk factors. Start consuming foods loaded with essential fatty acids, fiber and sulfur. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day and get plenty of rest. You can take control of arthritis knee pain and start enjoying life once again.

Can Acupuncture Help Reduce Anxiety?

As a sufferer of anxiety and panic attacks I have tried almost every form of therapy exclusive of psychotropic drugs to help eliminate my panic attacks. If you suffer from panic disorder then we are both members of a group numbering in the millions, who have faced this health demon and are determined to find a solution.

Recently, I tried acupuncture after a panic attack left me feeling out of control while driving to my wife's place of business, on a Los Angeles freeway. Luckily for me she offices in a wellness complex and a wonderful practitioner of Chinese medicine and acupuncture offered to helped me, literally on the spot.

Chinese medicine practitioners believe that stress, anxiety, depression or any strong emotion interrupts the smooth flow of energy throughout the body.

According to Chinese medical theory, anxiety blocks the free flow of energy through our body. This is thought to be a cause of muscle pain in areas such as the back and neck where energy is being blocked. Other areas negatively impacted by blocked energy may include digestion, blood pressure and your ability to get a good night's sleep.

Acupuncture is believed to help restore or redirect the free flow of energy, restoring a healthy balance.

But, Can Acupuncture Help Reduce Anxiety?

Research in the field of acupuncture has determined that there are points in your ear associated with anxiety. Treating the ear with acupuncture to eliminate anxiety is known as auricular acupuncture

To determine the efficacy of this type of acupuncture to help reduce anxiety, two researchers from Yale University School of Medicine - Drs. Wang and Kain - assembled a group of patients for a trial.

They found that people who received acupuncture did have reduced anxiety, which may help patients anxious about an upcoming surgery.

Practitioners of Western medicine also believe that acupuncture can eliminate anxiety by releasing your body's natural pain killers or endorphins.

Acupuncture can also help relax muscles without prescriptive medication, improve blood circulation, lower your heart rate and blood pressure

My Empirical Experience with Auricular Acupuncture

At my very first acupuncture appointment the acupuncturist placed needles in specific points on the ear, which remained for a week, reducing anxiety almost completely. This auricular acupuncture was followed up with total body acupuncture treatments and after three sessions I found that even the slightest anxiety triggers which had troubled me before had disappeared.

Chinese Herbs as a Complement to Acupuncture Therapy

The acupuncturist, was also a practitioner of Chinese medicine and gave me a combination of herbal combinations after a few weeks of treatments to help my body regain a natural, healthy physiological balance. If you try this approach, your practitioner of Chinese medicine may be able to recommend some herbs for you based upon your specific case.

In conclusion my experiences with acupuncture therapy to reduce anxiety have been extraordinarily successful and I continue to enjoy the cumulative effects of additional acupuncture treatments to this day.

If you suffer from panic or anxiety attacks then you may want to explore the natural healing capabilities of these ancient but very powerful therapies to help you end your attacks once and for all.

Common and Severe Ankylosing Spondylitis Symptoms

Ankylosing spondylitis is swelling mainly of your joints within the spinal column. However it may also include soreness of your eyes, some other joints, particularly all those within the hips, chest, and all over the heels. On some instances, the feet, shoulders, hands, knees and wrists also get sore.. Though it is uncommon, ankylosing spondylitis symptoms are also able to trigger changes such as thickening of the aorta or the major artery as well as the valve inside the heart known as the aortic valve.

When the inflammation persists after some time, it is going to bring about permanent scarring and damage. In several individuals the condition is usually light and advances gradually. The signs and symptoms will never become critical. Some people might have a more intense condition progression.

Whether or not ankylosing spondylitis symptoms become more serious are determined by several factors like the age of when you started to experience the disease, how soon it was clinically determined, and which joints are concerned. It really is too soon to know yet, however specialists believe that fast cure using more recent medications will decrease or lessen the soreness, avoid scar tissue formation, and restrict the advancement of the ailment.

The signs of this disease normally begin with irregular rounds of pain on your lower back area, having both discomfort and tightness getting intense at nighttime, on getting up, or in times of inactivity. On the other hand, indications usually get better through physical exercise. Even though pain is originally centered within the sacroiliac joints that are lying between your spine and pelvis, it could spread out to other sections of your backbone as time passes.

Common and Minor Symptoms

You could encounter ankylosing spondylitis symptoms everyday or occasionally. Sometimes some of these signs and symptoms may be acute:

繚 Fatigue or Tiredness

繚 Lumbar region or sacroiliac pain

繚 Neck pain

繚 Eventual reduction of spinal flexibility

繚 Eventual loss of mobility particularly the range of flexibility within the joint

繚 Hip pain

繚 Stiffness in the spine

繚 Intense pain and tightness along with inactivity

The following are other manifestations of this disease which are less common even during its advance stage. Some people encounter these from time to time.

• Uveitis or inflammation of the eyes

• Heel pain

• Lack of appetite

• Mild fever

• Painful and inflamed shoulder, knee or ankle

• Sudden weight loss

However, there are more serious indications which may reveal a life-threatening situation. This means that immediate medical attention is required. While ankylosing spondylitis is not fatal by itself, the injury to your joints could predispose to bone fracture or even damage to your spine. Below are the serious warnings of this disease.

• Fecal and urinary incontinence

• Numbness and weakness of the extremities

• Acute pain on your joints and lower back

These ankylosing spondylitis symptoms seem to be manageable. However, if any of these gets out of hand or becomes chronic, you need to consult your doctor for proper medical assistance.

Migraine - Or is Nerve Damage Causing Your Headache?

Millions of people suffer from headaches. This often causes missed work days. less productive days, and less enjoyable days. Migraine is a specific intracranial vascular headache. Many use the term mistakenly to describe other types of headaches. There are many other causes of headache and many of these can be caused by nerve dysfunction.

The occipital nerve is a large nerve in the neck. It can be damaged by such things as whiplash injuries and improper patient positioning during oral surgery. Occipital neuralgia causes pain in the back of the head but this can be referred to other areas. This is because the ganglion interconnects with the trigeminal ganglion in the brain stem. Throbbing is often associated with this type of headache because of proximity to the occipital artery.

The auriculotemporal nerve is located near the ear and the top of the jaw on both sides. Common headaches with problems to this nerve are temple headaches. This nerve is commonly damaged in TMJ surgery. it is usually pounding because it is near the temporal artery.

Another nerve that can cause problem is compression of the ethmoid nerve in the sinuses. An ear nose and throat doctor can diagnosis this problem by seeing if the patient has tenderness when using the instrument commonly used to explore the sinuses.

Another type of neuralgia that can be found involves the supraorbital nerve and can be caused by a head hitting a windshield or a punch to the front of the head. Treatment and diagnosis involves injection of local anesthetic with steroid. The headache can sometimes take years before it starts to present problems.

The infraorbital nerve can also cause problems and is often misdiagnosed as maxillary sinusitis.

Nerve problems causing headaches are different than migraines and need to be treated as such. Diagnosis is made by injection of local anesthetic into the nerve that seems to be the problem. Treatment is directed at reversing the underlying pathology. Entrapments are treated with injectable anti inflammatory medications. Always remember you can't treat what you can't diagnosis. Patients as well as doctors need to be proactive in finding a potential source for chronic headaches.

Ganglion Cyst Surgery

First of all we need to examine what a ganglion cyst is. This type of cyst is commonly found either on the back of the hand, the back of the wrist or on the front of the wrist, the fingers or less commonly on the foot, the ankle, the knee or rarely it can be found on the shoulder, the spine or even on the hip joints.

They can be quite painless depending on where they are. Those on the back of the hand or wrist are usually just totally pain free, but if they swell up too much they can be very awkward and restrict the movement of your joints. Though obviously on the knee or ankle, because these are weight bearing joints, they can be very sore, and if the ganglion cyst is connected too closely to a tendon, because these are the tissues that attach muscle and bone it can cause an overwhelming feeling of weakness. The ganglion cysts that can appear on the fingers can also cause pain as well as a deformity in the fingernail of the affected finger. If the ganglion cyst is on the shoulder, spine or hip joint the first thing you will notice is when it causes you pain.

They are usually lumps that are full of liquid, due to stress caused in the joints through stress, if something has fallen on the foot or hand, even through repetitive stress injury. As the joint has come under stress it will have become inflamed, with tissue forming around the joint. Then this tissue has begun to fill up with the lubricating liquid that lubricates a normally healthy joint.

Firstly, you will need to visit your doctor to get a diagnosis. Simple little painless lumps are usually nothing more than a cyst, but it could be something else, such as a bone spur or even a tumour, so the earlier you have a diagnosis the better. The doctor will most likely send you for an x-ray or some alternative type of medical test so that he can make an informed diagnosis rather than an educated guess

The most popular method for doctors to remove a ganglion cyst is to use the aspiration technique. This is where the fluid from inside the cyst is removed with the use of a needle being injected into the lump and any fluid being drawn out in that way. The doctor will sometimes follow this with an injection of steroids.

While these are easier methods for removing the cyst, the most effective, and sometimes, depending on where it is on the body the only way to remove the cyst is surgery. The surgeon will administer a local anaesthetic, then he will make a small incision in the skin close to the ganglion cyst and he will remove the sac, the liquid and most importantly, the stalk that the cyst is joined to. Also, if you suffer with recurring ganglion cysts, the only option left open to the doctors is to surgically remove it. Very often, if the stalk and the sac is removed as well as the liquid, this can stop it happening again.

Overall, it must be said that, very often, the cysts can re-appear in later life, but as they are not too serious, and certainly not life threatening, it should not worry you too much. The fact is that ganglion cysts are very common but technology has not, as yet, been able to find a permanent cure for such complaints.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Carpometacarpal Joint Pain - A Pain In The Thumb

The thumb, with its unique ability to touch the other fingers, is hardly noticed by us until we have some sort of problem with it. That's when we become aware of its versatility and usefulness. One of the common complaints of the thumb is carpometacarpal joint pain. To put it in layman's terms, it is arthritis of the thumb joint. It causes pain at the base of the thumb when you pinch or grip something. The joint at the base of the thumb allows for it to be swiveled and pivoted and it is called the basal joint, or the carpometacarpal joint. This type of arthritis of the thumb joint, is common with those who are prone to osteoarthritis. This problem can afflict almost anyone; however, the degree of pain and response to treatment varies.

The basal joint, due to its constant usage, is particularly prone to wear. This causes the basal joint to get arthritic, causing pain, swelling and tenderness. In some people it is just a trivial pain and they ignore it. However, in others, the pain is from moderate to severe and would require medical attention and, in extreme cases, even surgery.

If the pain is mild, you can simply apply ice it for about 15 minutes to provide sufficient relief. There are many over the counter non-steroidal anti inflammatory medications available, such as ibuprofen, aspirin etc. However, it is advisable to be cautious, as there may be possible side effects. You could also wear a brace which supports the wrist and thumb. Physiotherapy can also be of help. If none of these help in easing the pain, then it is time to seek medical help.

The doctor, with his expertise, has many more options for treatment of the pain. Once the doctor has confirmed that the problem is actually caused by carpometacarpal joint pain, he may prescribe a stronger medicine. He could prescribe hand therapy or make you wear a custom prescription splint. He may give a cortisone injection to the joint. As a last option he may prescribe reconstructive surgery.

There are many different types of operations for relieving carpometacarpal joint pain. The most common operation involves total reconstruction. This is a three stage process involving different bones of the thumb and wrist, tendons and steel pins etc. Recovery usually takes about three months. The wrist and thumb will have to be kept in splints for about 4 to 6 weeks. Then, exercises have to be done to improve the strength and flexibility, and it is generally done under supervision. It is advisable to go easy on the wrist for a couple of months until it regains its full strength.

The patient's response to treatment is varied. For some, the ice and OTC medication are enough. For others, the cortisone shot does the trick, if not permanently, it lasts for quite some time. Most of those who underwent surgery get relief, but about 20% will develop a new symptom such as numbness, tenderness, no improvement in pinch strength, reduced flexibility of thumb movement, etc.

Carpometacarpal joint pain, can be ignored if it does not decrease the quality of life. For those who cannot ignore it, it is better to seek attention at an early stage. At an advanced stage, treatment and cure can be very difficult, if not impossible and the damage may be irreversible.

Is Your Migraine a TMJ Disorder Migraine?

Migraines may be a symptom of a TMJ disorder, but it is hard to diagnose the condition without considering other symptoms that are associate with the migraines.

One way that you will be able to tell whether your migraine is a TMJ migraine or a migraine associated with another disorder is: that a TMJ migraine will rarely, if ever, exist without at least one additional symptom associated with this disorder. This is due to the fact that a TMJ migraine is the direct result of the joint of the jaw area being misaligned, and as such pain from the jaw area will also be present and exist along with the migraine headache as well. A migraine that is a TMJ migraine will be accompanied by tmj symptoms due to the following reasons:

1. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve -- In further detail, the nerve most affected by the TMJ disorder is called the trigeminal nerve, which controls all functions of the jaw and teeth functions. This nerve also controls almost 40% of all brain processing functions as well, with the brain interacting much of the time with this nerve, and is connected to the nerves which control the face, head, and neck and throat areas.

Hence, upsetting this particular nerve will also result in these other nerves being affected negatively as well, contributing to much of the other pain symptoms associated with TMJ. A TMJ migraine will be a result of not only the nerve inflammation described above but also of the jaw joints themselves being misaligned.

2. Jaw misalignment -- Other sources of pain may be the misaligned jaw rubbing improperly against the nerve endings of the trigeminal nerve. The nerve may not necessarily be inflamed (as in the first reason listed), but minor irritations of this nerve may cause TMJ migraines.

3. Tense facial and head muscles -- Some doctors also believe that the source of TMJ migraines may basically be a result of the tension that results from facial and head muscles that are shortened or out of balance due to the jaw misalignment.

In general, TMJ migraine is a result of a number of jaw joint malfunctions, and as such will present itself with a number of TMJ symptoms as well, If you experience any of the symptoms listed for this disorder as well as a migraine headache, it is a good idea to consult with a doctor and find an effective TMJ treatment for your individual needs.

Joint Pain Remedy Solutions

Many people around the world suffer from joint pain. Whether it is severe or mild it affects a lot of people around the world and it can have a serious impact on the quality of people's lives. Many associate joint pain with the elderly, however this is simply not so. A lot of age groups suffer joint pain for various reasons, and it can impact a lot on their daily activities. Whether you are a sports person or not, pain in the joints is a fact of life, that you do not have to tolerate. There are many joint pain remedies out there, and you just need to find out what your condition is, and try to fix it in the appropriate way.

Causes Of Joint Pain

There are many causes of joint-pain, and in order to find joint pain remedies, you need to find the cause of your pain. Joint pain can in general be divided into a few separate categories, or causes in general. Sometimes it may be a combination of more than one.

Wear and tear is a very common cause of pain. You may have it from an overuse injury, which means you have simply done too much of the same work over and over on one particular joint. It may come from a previous injury that has not healed and you have aggravated it. It may also come from osteoarthritis, which is the number one cause of joint pain amongst people, and the most common form of arthritis. You may also be experiences joint inflammation.

Conditions that affect your metabolism can also cause a lot of joint pain. Gout is a common example of that.

Autoimmune disorders are also a common cause of joint pain. This is when your body produces antibodies against its own tissues and it is most commonly in the form of rheumatoid arthritis.


Many people suffer the painful symptoms of arthritis and its related diseases. The symptoms that they can suffer include, inflammation, swelling, redness, pain and stiffness. There are so many different kinds of arthritis but the most common is osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis and gout are the other two very common types. Osteoarthritis happens when the protective cartilage covering the bones wears away. Which means that the bones are rubbing together. The causes a lot of friction, pain and swelling. It gets worse and worse as the cartilage deteriorates further. It is most commonly suffered in the hands, hips, knee and spine and it gets worse with age. There are no definite causes of arthritis but it has been shown that heredity and lifestyle play a powerful combination in determining the severity of arthritis. There is an osteoarthritis treatment available for you. The older you are the more at risk you are as your joints have been degenerating slowly over time. You are more likely to get arthritis if you are female than if you are male. If you are a heavy person, and are carrying a lot of weight, then you are putting more stress on your joints and it is likely that you will develop arthritis. If you do repeated heavy liting you may be more prone to developing arthritis. As mentioned above there are many joint pain remedies that can aid with arthritis, you don't have to live in pain.

Joint Remedies

There are many joint remedies that you can apply yo help get rid of the pain.

  • As mentioned before if you are overweight and suffering joint pain then it is likely that your obesity is causing a lot of stress son your joints. You should address this first and then if you joint pain does not go away look for other options.

  • You can have a look at your diet as there are some products that will exacerbate the pain. Sometimes dairy products, citrus, alcohol, some meat, beef, pork, lamb, and vegetable oils have inflammatory effects and if your condition is inflammatory then this is a joint pain remedy that you should consider. You can find a good arthritis diet out there for you.

  • Some natural joint pain remedies are popular and have reports of working quite well. Epsom Salt, which is magnesium sulphate, is often used. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and is absorbed well through the skin. You can take a bath in it.

  • You can also use exercise and strength training to strengthen the muscles around your joints. This will take the pressure off the joint and hopefully make it stronger and take away a lot of the pain. You can find a wide range of osteoarthritis exercises that can help you to ease the pain that you are experiencing. Consult your doctor and then get into a gym and start working on your strength.

  • A popular supplement that is naturally occurring in the body is glucosamine. You can buy it almost anywhere and it is not so expensive in some places. There is a little bit of choice available too, whether you take liquid or capsule form.

Immediate Gout Pain Relief - Top Remedies at Home

There are times that the body produces large amount of uric acid depending on the food we take in and discharge a little amount of it. This acid usually suspends in the blood. However, if these acids are not suspended and will shape into crystals that appear like needle and sharp in joints, it would cause so much pain.

This will trigger inflammation of the joints, which happens commonly in the big toe and other parts of the body such as knees or fingers. This is referred to as gout, which produces intolerable pain and gives the victim so much trouble in moving. Hence, it would be helpful to know some immediate gout pain relief and learn what to do during its attack.

Swapping applications of hot and cold water to the affected area will really help lessen the unbearable pain brought by gout. With hot water, bathe the joint for about three minutes and bathe it again for half minute using cold water. Repeat this process thrice to see better results.

You may also combine 3 tablespoons flaxseed, finely ground, 1/2cup of activated charcoal completely pulverized and warm water to form a paste. Rub down the paste on the affected area, and then wrap it using a plastic or cloth to let it stay. Do this before going to bed at night so that you may leave it over night or for a few hours.

Cover the cataplasm cautiously to ensure that the paste won't leave any stain on the bed cover. Activated charcoal is known to decrease the level of uric acid in the body so it is also possible to take 1/ 2 teaspoon of it when you get up in the morning, mid-morning, mid-afternoon and before going to bed. This procedure is known to be effective as an immediate gout pain relief.

Epsom salt includes magnesium that is known to be good at lowering blood pressure or making blood circulation better. Get the right size basin for your foot; fill it with hot water and place 2 or 3 tablespoons of Epsom salt. Bathe your affected foot for half an hour to ease the pain of your gout. If in case gout has also attacked the other parts of your body, it is advised to soak the whole body in a bath tub full of water and two cups dissolved Epsom salt.

Also, try getting one piece of white flannel and immerse it in warm Castor oil. To avoid any stain or wasted amount of it, squeeze out the spare amount and set it on top of the affected part. Envelope it using plastic and apply heat over the affected area with a hot water bottle or heating pad. So if you wish for an immediate gout pain relief, repeat this method two times every day in an hour.

Some Migraines Caused by Bite Problems

Your temporomandibular joints are where you lower jaw connects to your skull, and when they misalign, they can cause you to suffer from a bad bite. If your temporomandibular joint is out of alignment, you may suffer from various symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ/TMD). One of the most common symptoms of TMJ or TMD is headaches and/or migraines.

Neuromuscular dentists, like Dr. Pavlenko in Edmonton, Alberta, are trained to diagnose and treat TMJ/TMD. Symptoms of TMJ/TMD other than headaches and migraines include:

· Facial Pain

· Head Pain

· Neck Pain

· Shoulder Pain

· Ringing in the Ears

· Sensitive and Sore Teeth

· Numbness/Tingling in hands or arms

· Clicking/Popping in jaw

· Limited Jaw Movement

· Clenching/Grinding Teeth

If you have TMJ or TMD, then the muscles or joints in your jaw are out of alignment. When this happens, the muscles in your face, head, and neck have to work harder to do everything; your muscles have to strain just to keep your jaw in one position.

When the muscles in your face are constantly strained or contracted, they create a tight feeling, pressure, or tension in you face, head, and neck, giving you a tension headache. It can also cause is a vascular headache. This occurs when the muscles in your face, head, or neck are constantly strained or contracted, preventing blood from flowing correctly to the right places. Your body will try to correct this by sending excess blood to the area, which builds up blood pressure, causing a vascular headache.

Also, clenching or grinding your teeth will give you headaches from placing excess stress on your teeth, muscles, jaw, and the temporomandibular joint. Many times, TMJ/TMD headaches can become so severe and frequent that they are misdiagnosed as migraine headaches.

If you are diagnosed with TMJ/TMD, find a neuromuscular dentist who will prescribe a treatment plan for you that will stop the symptoms.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Low Back Pain - Hip Flexion - Sartorius

Patients with lower back pain often have hip flexor tightness. The hip flexor that is very easy to locate is the sartorius due to its strap-like form stretching from the outer aspect of the hip to the medial aspect of the knee joint. This muscle allows us to sit in the taylor sit position or the lotus position.

The sartorius muscle flexes the hip as well as rolls the hip outward (external rotation). It is also a knee flexor.

To test this muscle, the patient places the heel of the tested side on the opposite knee. Patients with pain and tightness of the sartorius tend to have difficulty placing the heel on the opposite knee.

However, difficulty in performing this function also depends on presence of pain and spasm in the lower back muscles, hip extensor muscles, hip abductor and internal rotator muscles.
Tightness and shortening of these muscles will produce difficulty performing this motion which is also called the FABERE testing (this is a combination of ability of the hip to flex, abduct and externally rotate).

Nerve supply: Femoral nerve

Spinal segments: L2, L3 and L4 nerve roots

© 2007 copyright all rights reserved Low back pain - hip pain- Sartorius

Jennifer Chu, M.D., founder of eToims Soft Tissue Comfort Center® is also President and CEO of eToims Medical Technology LLC, a medical device company with training programs in eToims® Twitch Relief Method. She is an Emeritus Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Pennsylvania, where has been on faculty for more than 30 years.

CFA Supplements Alleviate Ankle Joint Pain

You love to work out. Running, hiking and power walking are part of your weekly routine. However, if you've been exercising for awhile, you might notice an occasional pain in your ankles that causes you to worry. Or, perhaps you're running through the discomfort, hoping you can work through it. Don't make the mistake of ignoring ankle joint aggravation. It could be a warning sign.

The truth is that if you're feeling pain in your ankles, you need to treat it. It could be due to over-exertion, or it could be the early signs of arthritis. Before your discomfort becomes unbearable, consider using Cetylated Fatty Acid supplements (CFAs) for fast-acting relief.

CFA supplements lubricate ankle joints, decrease inflammation, and improve mobility. In fact, CFA supplements do more than just relieve joint pain; they also provide deep muscle relief from soreness caused by physical exertion.

Earlier this year, the International Federation of Sports Medicine (IFSM) started using CFA topical cream for its athletes. IFSM works with top athletes around the world, including Olympic contenders. Due to the science surrounding the benefits of Cetylated Fatty Acids in sports-related injuries, they're using the cream to provide the best medical care possible for top athletes.

Fortunately, you don't have to be a top athlete to get CFA supplements. Even the occasional weekend warrior can experience these benefits:

* Joint lubrication. CFA supplements--whether taken orally or used in a topical cream--lubricate the joints to provide a cushion of relief. Whether you suffer from ankle joint discomfort or aggravation in your elbows or knees, the lubricating action will make continued exercise possible.

* Discomfort relief. CFA supplements are great because they don't just work on one source of pain. Whether you're experiencing joint issues, muscle discomfort or aggravation associated with skin conditions, CFA supplements tackle the source of the discomfort and provide quick relief.

* Reduced inflammation. In addition to providing relief from joint pain and muscle soreness, CFA supplements reduce inflammation caused by arthritis or exertion. Just rub the cream into your skin two to four times a day, and you'll feel a blanket of relief. You can also take oral supplements for the same, long-lasting relief.

* Increased mobility. People who use CFA supplements regularly enjoy increased mobility. Why sit on the sidelines when you can be part of the action? Many athletes use CFA supplements as part of their daily workout routines to mend painful injuries as well as use them as a preventative measure against soreness and pain.

* Fast acting. Studies have shown that people who use CFA supplements experience quick relief. Most feel relief within half an hour; some experience relief within minutes. When used daily, pain and soreness disappear and mobility is increased.

If you like to get physical but are sidelined due to joint and muscular aggravation, relief is within your reach. CFA supplements provide relief from ankle joint issues as well as deep muscle soreness caused by medical diagnoses or stress and strain. Before you experience these problems consider adding CFA supplements to your daily routine. They're fast-acting, effective, and won't keep you out of the action with negative side effects.

Arthritis and Dogs

Did you know that one out of five adult pets in the United States
suffer from one form or another of arthritis?

We have approximately 80 million cats and dogs living in our homes and considering that number we have a great many suffering pets. Pets that have no real way of letting us know that they hurt.

This knowledge is actually "food for thought" when it comes to changes in behavior patterns of our senior pets.

Pain certainly causes our behavior to change in many ways; we get grumpy, snarl, lash out at others and just plain complain.

Our pets cannot talk, but some do actually change their behavior and this is when "knowing your pet" is important. By knowing your pet, it is possible to tell if only by observation that something is amiss and a possible trip to the vet is necessary.

What is arthritis?

Arthritis is joint inflammation and degeneration. It is a general term for abnormal changes in a joint.

Many things can cause arthritis such as; an infection that can cause tissue destruction, congenital defects, stress and trauma and even a lack of certain nutrients in a pet's diet.

Some researchers feel it is a hereditary disposition, or it can be attributed to aging, excessive weight and genetic abnormalities that produce the cartilage.

Are there different types of arthritis?

There are several types of arthritis caused by different types of situations:
  • Traumatic arthritis shows up as a swelling or lameness usually caused by an accident or fall and may require surgery,

  • Rheumatoid arthritis is caused when your pet's immune system attacks the joint or joints. The cause of this is still unknown.

  • Hypertrophic arthritis is caused by the formation of bone spurs that grow causing the joints to not move smoothly. The joints feel like they are being poked by something sharp. It is very painful to both dogs and humans. It is usually caused by a trauma to the joint or joints.

  • Osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) is the most common form of arthritis, which is the breakdown in the cartilage cushion in the joints. This can cause intermittent pain for the pet. It is a slow progressive disease.

  • Hip dysplasia is a form of osteoarthritis. Hip dysplasia is the abnormal development of the hips, which results in an increasing amount of looseness in the hip joint. Dogs can suffer from degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis) that is not caused by hip dysplasia or they can suffer with it because they have hip dysplasia.

    These are just a few of the different forms of arthritis that exist.

    What are some of the subtle symptoms to look for:

  • In smaller dogs, a whimper or growl when picked up or handled.

  • A lack of motivation to move.

  • Stiffness when walking, getting up or down.

  • Avoiding getting up on the bed, couch, chair or climbing stairs.

  • Hiding or disappearing out of sight.

  • Whining or crying for what appears to be no reason at all.

  • Changes in behavior patterns.

  • Sleeping more than usual.

    What are some of the contributing causes?
    Overweight: One of the major causes of degenerative joint disease (DJD) is a dog being overweight. The excessive weight puts a great deal of stress on the joints. This is especially true if your dog is predisposed to hip dysplasia or has the problem. Keeping your dog's weight at what is normal for its breed is important, along with making certain your dog is getting all the proper nutrients its body requires.

    Proper exercise: If your dog is predisposed to hip dysplasia limit its exercise to long walks, swimming, and very short runs. Do not put excess pressure on your dog's limbs.

    The same is true with puppies, do not exercise your young puppy by making it jump or do any exercise that puts stress on its young bones. If you do, the dog may pay for it, as it grows older with DJD.

    Agility training should be done for short periods of time and with a warm up period before starting the exercises.

    Diet: It may be hard to believe, but diet plays an important part in a possible avoidance of arthritis, not only in our pets, but for us also. A diet that is rich in the Omega 3 fatty acids plays an extremely important part in warding off some causes of arthritis. There are substances that all mammals (pets and people) need to make their bodies function properly, that are not manufactured by the body and the Omega 3 fatty acids are needed to carry out this job. So be certain that your pet gets an ample supply either from the food it eats or from a good supplement.

    Treatment: Before taking any steps in treating your pet, always consult your animal care practitioner. Be wary of over the counter adult human treatments, as not all can be used on dogs.

    Cats can suffer from arthritis as well as dogs. Cats require special consideration as their physical makeup requires only certain types of medication. Do not give a cat any aspirin or other types of over the counter drugs.

    There are nutritional supplements on the market made especially for cats and dogs that can be given on a daily basis that will help maintain a healthy joint system from young to senior cats and dogs.

    It is said that liquid products are better than pills as the liquid gets into the blood stream faster to do its work. That is fine if you can get your pet to cooperate and your pet is willing to take the dose without waste. For most of us pills seem to be easier, with the exception of cats - I find an eyedropper and liquid easier here.

    Before doing any "self prescribed" medicating for your pet, always get the advice of your pet's vet or animal care practitioner.

    One of the first things to consider when your pet starts showing signs of arthritis is to begin giving a supplement of glucosamine and chondroitin. This supplement helps, by not only helping to reduce symptoms, but helps to rebuild the cartilage and restore fluid. There are many brands on the market, find one that also has MSM in it. You may have to try several before you find the right one for your pet.

    Some say eliminating grains from a dog's diet helps enough, that nothing more needs to be done. While others claim white potatoes, tomatoes, egg plant and peppers aggravate an arthritic condition.

    There are many anti-inflammatory supplements on the market with the omega 3 fish oils being a leading contender. Be certain not to use "liver oil," as that is very high in vitamins A and D. If you decide to use the fish oils be certain to also give your pet vitamin E as the fish oils deplete vitamin E from the body.

    Acupuncture and chiropractic treatments also work in some cases with pets.

    Warmth is also an added plus, sleeping on concrete or a cold floor will only add to your dog's misery. There are many insulated dog beds on the market and some that can be heated. Just be certain the cords cannot be chewed.

    Dogs with arthritis can live long and healthy lives with a little help from their friends and as a dog owner you owe it to your pet to be as helpful as you can be.

  • Common Signs and Symptoms of Arthritis

    There are several types of arthritis, the most common of which are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is also sometimes called degenerative joint disease, and it is associated with aging. The primary underlying cause of osteoarthritis is wear and tear on the joints, which naturally occurs with the aging process.Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation of and damage to the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis commonly appears in middle age, and is far more prevalent in women than in men. There is no correlation between certain ethnic or racial groups and the prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis, and it can also affect children and young adults.Clearly, the most common identifiable sign of arthritis is chronic pain in the affected region. Arthritis is frequently associated with pain and stiffness in joints, especially joints that have been injured in the past. Pain and stiffness may be most noticeable after being immobile for a period of time, such as after sleeping.

    Swelling is also a very common symptom of all forms of arthritis.Arthritis frequently causes hip pain, knee pain, wrist pain, and pain, stiffness, and swelling in the finger joints. Another common symptom that can aid in the proper diagnosis of arthritis is a warm sensation around the affected area. A key indicator is the presence of symptoms in the same joints on both the left and right sides of the body. For example, if the same symptoms are affecting both wrists, it is a likely indication that arthritis may be the cause. A decreased ability to move the joint may occur in relation to the pain and stiffness caused by arthritis. Arthritis, particularly rheumatoid arthritis, may also cause a general feeling of fatigue throughout the entire body. In some cases, a fever may be present.In severe cases, joint deformity may occur. With advanced progression of arthritis, a patient's range of motion can be significantly affected, possibly leading to the necessary use of a mobility aid, such as a cane. Symptoms associated with this degenerative disease that are persistent over a period of several months should be evaluated immediately.

    Early diagnosis and treatment are helpful in slowing the progression of arthritis and ensuring a better, longer lasting fulfilled life for patients.Physical therapy and other natural and homeopathic remedies can greatly improve the symptoms of arthritis and help to slow the progression of the disease. Because arthritis affects the joints of the body, which are made up of ligaments and cartilage, certain herbal and mineral formulations can help to improve the elasticity of the ligaments and lubrication of the joint, improving comfort and reducing pain caused by damage to the area.Visit your health professional at your first concern that you may be suffering from arthritis. A proper diagnosis is the first step to formulating a treatment plan that will have you living life to the fullest, free of pain, for as long as possible.

    TMJ Syndrome: Managing the Pain

    The temporomandibular joint connects your lower jaw or mandible to your skull and is located right in front of the ear. The different elements that make up the TMJ allow the individual to chew or masticate, yawn, talk, and other functions of the facial muscle. The bones, facial muscles, blood vessels, and nerve endings are the components of the temporomandibular joint. There comes a time when problems arise that would cause the temporomandibular joint to cause you discomfort and severe pain. Problems such as headache, neck and facial pain, ear pain, locked jaw, bite problems etc. Temporomandibular joint syndromes (TMJ) otherwise known as temporomandibular joint disorder have several causes. It can be a trauma to the joints and or the facial muscles. A punch to the jaw can cause misalignment, dislocation and damage to the cartilage disc of the jaw. Even dental appointments that involve extended periods of stretching open the mouth can cause pain in the TMJ region. Moreover, chronic diseases like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis also affects the joints in the temporomandibular region.

    Early diagnosis of the cause of the TMJ syndrome is essential in developing the most effective pain management strategies. During assessment, you will be able to observe the different signs and symptoms of this disorder. Management of TMJ treatment would depend on the proper conduct of initial assessment. Signs and symptoms you might recognize are pain in the facial and jaw muscles, pain when opening the mouth to chew, talk, or yawn; joint pain that begins from the ear and radiates to somewhere else in the skull and headaches or migraines. Other signs and symptoms to be aware of is tinnitus or ringing in the ears, popping sound when there is jaw movement, swelling of the face, locked jaw, difficulty swallowing, headache, dizziness and nausea. See your doctor immediately when you experience any of these symptoms. Early diagnosis can lead to prompt delivery of the TMJ treatment and better prognosis for the patient. Talk with doctor on preventive measures that will aid in lessening the recurrence of this condition.

    If it is proven to be caused by chronic illnesses, necessary adjustments to your treatment regime would be appropriate. There might even be a need to assess for bone density and bone loss and take necessary supplements as part of your treatment. If the probable cause is due to badmouth habits like occasional chewing of gums, teeth grinding and teeth clenching, the doctor might be able to help you by lecturing you on the effects of teeth grinding and having you use a mouth guard when you sleep. Pain management as part of TMJ treatment would also include the use of sedatives whenever necessary, facial massage, heat compress, and appropriate facial exercise. If you are considering availing of complementary forms of treatment, it is best to go through with it your doctor. There are several therapeutic regimens that have been substantial researches and clinical trials proving their effectiveness for managing pain. Everyone has their own preference and the decision to avail of complementary and alternative forms is personal.

    To conclude, if you experience facial pain somewhere in the temporomandibular area and is affecting your speech and diet, it is best to contact your healthcare provider and receive immediate help. Early recognition of signs and symptoms helps in early diagnosis and proper layout of TMJ treatment; thus, resulting to better prognosis. You can work with your doctor in laying out the regimen for managing your pain. Therapy could be contemporary, complementary, or holistic depending on your choice, but best if done with your doctor's guidance.

    Natural Supplements For Pain Relief

    Is Joint Pain Ruining Your Life?

    Many diseases and conditions can cause joint pain, these may include arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis and fibromyalgia. You can help to eliminate or reduce your chronic pain by identifying the type and cause of joint pain you have.

    There are various causes of joint pain and the treatment is also various from one patient to another. Like any kind of therapy, your reaction to a given medication is not actually how another individual will respond. Some individuals may not do well with one medication but do excellent with another. The symptoms and the causes also are a deciding factor for what treatment should be used.

    Natural remedies for pain relief

    Most victims of arthritis and joint pain often turn to the natural herbal remedies for pain relief when other pain relief methods fail. More and more sufferers are trying out natural pain relief methods successfully which is the prior reason why other victims are trying this route as well.

    Alfalfa- this herb is loaded with magnesium, calcium and many other important nutrients. It is a great way to acquire the nutrients that your body needs to combat inflammation. It also reduces the acid level in the body.

    Angelica Dong Quai - has anti-swelling properties and is also used to lessen pain. It can be consumed as a tea for some weeks. Not suggested for constant usage.

    Turmeric- contains a substance that gives this herb yellow color. Studies have shown that it offers relief from difficulty and swelling of the joints without any side effects that cause intestinal distress.

    Black Cohosh Viburnum- is a strong herb with properties similar to aspirin and is used to decrease pain and irritation.

    Ginger- it is a unique tasting spice, also sold in the form of supplement that has anti inflammatory properties useful for curing arthritis.

    Horsetail- is rich in minerals, selenium and silica that are important in supporting and strengthening the connective tissue.

    Warm water- warmness is very helpful for joint pain. You can take a shower or put warm water over the affected area. It reduces the joint pain.

    Eucalyptus Oil- this performs really well for many people. Just rub the eucalyptus oil over the location to help relieve the pain. To improve the efficiency you can implement a heated hand towel to the place which allows the oil to penetrate through and decrease the ache.

    One can try these natural remedies at home and see the difference in their lives.

    Tuesday, November 26, 2013

    Feline Osteoarthritis - What Every Cat Owner Ought To Know

    Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease resulting from the wear and tear of the cartilage in the joints. While it can strike people of any age group, including children, the degenerative nature of osteoarthritis makes it more common among the elderly.

    But it is not just humans who can be affected by osteoarthritis. Cats can also be afflicted by this disease. Cats also experience the same wear and tear of their joints, especially as they advance in age. The condition can be compounded further if the cat is excessively overweight.

    A cat can not tell its owner, however, if it is experiencing any joint pain. Thus, it is up to its owner to determine if his or her cat may be suffering from osteoarthritis. The obvious signs of osteoarthritis in cats, aside from old age and too much excess weight, are:

    1. A noticeable limp or a difference in the way the cat walks;

    2. Unwillingness to jump up or down any height; and

    3. Listlessness or nervousness, sometimes outright aggression.

    Once the condition of osteoarthritis has been specifically diagnosed by the veterinarian, the cats owner can turn to many forms of treatment to relieve the cat of joint pain. Home therapies include special diets and exercise that will make the cat slim down in case it is overweight. Massage applied to the affected area is also good in relieving joint pain resulting from osteoarthritis.

    Common forms of drug treatments given to cats suffering from osteoarthritis are corticosteroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They are good for relieving joint pain. However, these drugs work only by blocking pain signals to the brain. They do not really do much in terms of treating osteoarthritis itself. Also, there are now existing research materials that state that corticosteroids and NSAIDs have other dangerous side effects like liver and kidney failure in cats.

    What are now seen to be truly effective alternatives for treating cats with osteoarthritis are supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin. Glucosamine is widely held to be an effective therapy against osteoarthritis because it assists in rebuilding cartilage tissues that have been damaged by the disease. Chondroitin goes hand-in-hand with glucosamine because it prevents enzymes that are destructive to cartilage tissues. Also, chondroitin works to lubricate the joints and lessen the pain. Recent studies show glucosamine and chondroitin in combination effectively work in fighting osteoarthritis at the source of the ailment itself.

    Fighting Osteoarthritis: An All Natural Approach to Relief

    Osteoarthritis is a form of joint disease that develops when cartilage deteriorates. Over time, the space between bones narrows and the surface of the bones change shape, leading eventually to friction and joint damage. Osteoarthritis can affect more than one joint in the body, but affects some more than others.

    There are numerous causes of osteoarthritis. Some examples include:

    Endocrine: Diabetes a disorder of the endocrine system may promote osteoarthritis. Other endocrine disorders also may increase risk, including acromegaly, hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, and obesity. Diabetes can also cause nerve problems which cause loss of sensation in the limbs and joints, causing the body not to recognize when it is injured.

    Inflammatory joint disease: This includes infected joints, chronic gouty arthritis, and rheumatoid disease.

    Congenital: Abnormal anatomy such as unequal leg length may cause osteoarthritis.
    Metabolic: Diseases causing errors of metabolism may cause osteoarthritis. Examples include Paget's disease and Wilson disease.

    Genetic: A genetic defect may promote breakdown of cartilage. Examples include collagen disturbances such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

    Posttraumatic: There are many traumatic injuries of the joint that can promote osteoarthritis, such as a broken bone that heal out of alignment causing loss of stability, or damage to the joint cartilage. Microtraumas that occur over time, such as repetitive movements, or overuse can contribute to osteoarthritis.

    Other causes include nutritional problems, hemophilia, and sickle cell.

    Treatment of osteoarthritis begins by eliminating risk factors, early diagnosis and monitoring progression of the disease, and treatment of pain. Regaining mobility is important. The common course of treatment includes physical and occupational therapy, weight reduction, exercise, assistive devices (orthoses) drug therapy, and surgery.

    Osteoarthritis increases aggregate health care expenditures by $186 billion annually. Osteoarthritis raised aggregate annual medical care expenditures in the U.S. by $185.5 billion according to researchers from Stony Brook University. The cost of Medication and surgery for osteoarthritis is significant. The average annual medication cost per individual is $4,434.50. Out-of-pocket medication expense averages $1,036.50 per person annually. These averages do not include the cost of office visits.

    There are over 100 medications for osteoarthritis. However, most of these possess harmful side effects that are often worse than the symptoms of osteoarthritis. One of the most popular of these is Celebrex. On the Celebrex page of the website Rx List (, the first thing you are hit with are these two health warning associated with Celebrex:



    Cardiovascular Risk

    CELEBREX (celecoxib) may cause an increased risk of serious cardiovascular thrombotic events, myocardial infarction, and stroke, which can be fatal. All nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may have a similar risk. This risk may increase with duration of use. Patients with cardiovascular disease or risk factors for cardiovascular disease may be at greater risk.

    CELEBREX (celecoxib) is contraindicated for the treatment of perioperative pain in the setting of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery.

    Gastrointestinal Risk

    NSAIDs, including CELEBREX (celecoxib), cause an increased risk of serious gastrointestinal adverse events including bleeding, ulceration, and perforation of the stomach or intestines, which can be fatal. These events can occur at any time during use and without warning symptoms. Elderly patients are at greater risk for serious gastrointestinal events.


    According to the following is not a COMPLETE list of side effects associated with Celebrex.

    Possible side effects of Celebrex

    Serious side effects:

    Chest pain, weakness, shortness of breath, slurred speech, problems with vision or balance; black, bloody, or tarry stools; coughing up blood or vomit that looks like coffee grounds; swelling or rapid weight gain; urinating less than usual or not at all; nausea, stomach pain, low fever, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes); fever, sore throat, and headache with a severe blistering, peeling, and red skin rash; or bruising, severe tingling, numbness, pain, and muscle weakness.

    Less serious side effects may include:

    Upset stomach, mild heartburn, diarrhea, constipation; bloating, gas; dizziness, nervousness, headache; skin rash, itching; blurred vision; or ringing in your ears.

    Signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

    Another factor to consider in treating osteoarthritis with Celebrex and other similar drugs is the toxicity that builds up in our bodies from the use of prescription medication.

    Due to the high number of side effects and other health risks, millions are now turning away from modern healthcare and turning to natural health alternatives, which provide a much safer treatment alternative.

    What alternatives exist for osteoarthritis sufferers? In recent years the popularity of Glucosamine and Chondroitin products, such as Schiff Glucosamine Plus MSM 1500mg or a blend such as Doctor's Best Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM has continued to increase substantially.

    Results from several well-designed scientific studies suggest that glucosamine supplements may be an effective treatment for osteoarthritis, particularly osteoarthritis of the knee or hip. In general, these studies suggest that glucosamine reduces pain, improves function in people with hip or knee osteoarthritis, reduces joint swelling and stiffness, and provides relief from osteoarthritis symptoms for up to 3 months after treatment is stopped. Most studies have shown that glucosamine needs to be taken for 2 - 4 months before it is effective, although you may feel some improvement sooner. Glucosamine and chondroitin can be used along with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to treat osteoarthritis.

    Other natural alternatives include:

    Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids come in many forms, such as, but not limited to, Chinook salmon, sardines, cooked soybeans, baked or broiled halibut, steamed or broiled shrimp, raw tofu, baked or broiled snapper, and baked or broiled scallops. However, when your diet just doesn't contain enough of these omega-3 rich foods, there are numerous supplements available, such as Trident Krill Oil, 1000 mg, or Schiff MegaRed Omega-3 Krill Oil 300 mg.

    Avocado soybean unsaponifiables (ASU): A few preliminary studies suggest that this natural vegetable extract may help reduce the symptoms of OA and possible even slow progression of the disease. ASU is available in supplements such as, ASU300-Avocado Soy Unsaponifiables, w/SierraSil, Nutramax Laboratories Incorporated - Avoca Asu, and Cosamin ASU Active People Capsule.

    Devil's Claw: Several studies support the use of Devils claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) as an anti-inflammatory to relieve pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis, particularly of the knee, hip, and back. Devil's Claw is a desert plant found in the South African desert. For centuries the native people of the South African desert dried this root to treat pain. The most popular Devil's Claw supplements include: Nature's Way - Se Devil's Claw, 350 mg, and Nature's Answer Devil's Claw Root, 1-Ounce liquid.

    Other natural alternatives include: Ginger, Willow Bark, Capsaicin cream, and boswellia. There are several natural cream blends such as Now Foods Joint Support Cream.

    Take back control of your health by learning more about natural health alternatives today.

    How To Be Certain About Whether You Have TMJ Disorder

    Before beginning the search for TMJ disorder remedies or cures, it is important to first be certain about whether you have this disorder or not. This article covers some of the important points that will help you determine whether you are suffering from a TMJ disorder.

    What Are TMJ Disorders?

    The temporomandibular joints (TMJs) are the small joints that can be found just in front of the ears where the ball shaped ends of the lower jawbone (mandible) meet the skull. There are two TMJs on each side of the head. These joints help you eat, talk, chew, swallow, make facial expressions, kiss, etc.

    When there is a problem with the proper functioning of these joints, it may result in a TMJ disorder. This condition affects men and women equally although more women with the disorder usually seek TMJ remedies and cures than men. The condition usually affects those between the ages of twenty and fifty.

    Some people can have the condition for a long time, even years, before it becomes painful or a source of discomfort and then start searching for TMJ remedies. Others can also develop the condition suddenly.

    Do You Suffer From a TMJ Disorder?

    The symptoms of a TMJ disorder can vary from one person to another and multiple symptoms usually show up in the person suffering from this disorder. Some of the symptoms associated with the condition include;

    1. Suffering from facial pain or facial swelling

    2. Jaws producing clicking or grating sounds

    3. Suffering from headaches

    4. The jaw may become locked whether it is closed or open

    5. Pain in the shoulders, neck and upper back

    6. Experiencing difficulty in talking, chewing, swallowing, yawning, etc

    7. Teeth clenching or grinding

    8. Discomfort or pain in the jaw joint or jaw area

    9. Pain or difficulty closing and opening the mouth

    10. Ringing in the ears, stuffiness or pain in the absence of an ear infection

    11. Bite problems

    12. Jaw fatigue or pain in the morning

    13. Tooth pain that cannot be explained in an otherwise healthy tooth

    The above can then be further grouped into three main categories and patients usually fall in one or more categories.

    1. Damaged, unbalanced or improperly functioning structures in the joints causing clicking, locking, grating and grinding.

    2. Dysfunction or pain in the joints and muscles or other issues with the jaw and the jaw area. Most people with TMJ disorder usually fall in this category.

    3. Degenerative disorders in the jaw or arthritis affecting the joints in the jaw.

    The above are some of the common ways to determine whether you are suffering from a TMJ disorder which can take a toll on your life and level of productivity.

    Determining the Right Joint Pain Formula

    Some of the most common and chronic problems we sometimes experience are joint pains. The largest joints in our bodies include our knees, shoulders and elbows while our hands and feet contain various tiny joints.

    About 20 million Americans are currently experiencing joint problems in one form or another. It can either be an acute pain, something that's temporary and goes away after treatment; or it can be chronic, something that keeps coming back regardless of the type of remedy applied. Chronic pain can be really debilitating and severe that even normal activities like brushing your teeth is a painful undertaking.

    Because of this growing concern, there are various joint relief formula available today and used to treat people with joint pain issues.

    Most people have wondered what causes these joint pain problems. Majority would have you believe that age is the primary factor of this illness; however, the truth is that there are different elements that contribute to this problem.

    It is true that age can be a huge factor, since we all know that as we grow older, our body deteriorates to certain degrees. Our cartilage in the joints thin out, making it susceptible to tearing and thus, causing chronic pain to the patient.

    However, other factors do play a role. For a patient suffering from this chronic condition, you need to understand what the possible cause are in order for you to find the correct joint relief formula that can solve your problem.

    It may not be easy to get rid of, but understanding what causes the problem will help you find the right treatment or solution.