Saturday, July 6, 2013

Arthritis - Treatment and Pain Relief

One in three adults will suffer from some form of arthritis as they get older. The term "Arthritis"
covers more than a hundred different types of the disease, all causing pain, stiffness, and inflammation in varying degrees.

The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease, and rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease.

Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent, caused by wear and tear on the joints and affecting mostly older people. Osteoarthritis affects the knees, hips, hands, and spine of sufferers, and results from the degeneration of joint cartilage. This form of arthritis can be the result of strains and injuries caused by repetitive movement, and can be suffered by sportsmen and women.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation of the joints. Sufferers can be any age. Rheumatoid arthritis can also cause inflammation of the tissue around the joints, and can affect other organs in the body.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease but patients may have long periods of remission without symptoms.

So, how is arthritis diagnosed? Let us concentrate on osteoarthritis.

The diagnosis of arthritis is a complex matter, as so many factors have to be taken into account.
The age and sex of the patient, the joints affected, the speed of onset, and whether there are any related symptoms.

X-rays of the affected joints, and blood tests will be necessary to correctly diagnose the type of arthritis, and to accurately determine the extent of any damage to the joints.
As with all medical conditions, there are new methods of diagnosis and treatment being made available for arthritis all the time, so patients should be made aware of these by their medical practitioner.

Once a patient has been diagnosed, a treatment decision will be made depending on the precise type of arthritis, and there are many options. Most patients will be offered drug therapy to reduce inflammation and manage pain, and it may take a time to find the correct combination of medication for each individual.

A number of patients suffering from arthritis will also benefit from physiotherapy and gentle physical exercise under medical supervision.

Alternative Remedies

Alternative treatment options and dietary supplements have become popular for arthritis and osteoarthritis in particular.
The problem is, there are as many alternative treatments around as there are stars in the sky!
What works for one person will not necessarily work for another.Do your research to make sure that any supplements or herbal remedies you try will not react with your prescription drugs.

One of the best documented natural remedies for osteoarthritis is a combination of glucosamine, or chondroitin. Glucosamine appears to be effective as pain relief, and also builds cartilage.
Chondroitin increases fluid in the cartilage, improving shock-absorbing ability.
Fish oils can also help reduce inflammation in the joints.

Extra supplements of the vitamins E and B are good antioxidants for arthritis patients, and both ginger, and cider vinegar have been found to have excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

And then we come to magnetic therapy, which has been around for many years. It is still considered quite controversial, but there are thousands of arthritis patients worldwide who are devoted converts to magnetic therapy. They will be happy to tell you that they are mobile again for the first time in years thanks to their magic bracelet! Magnets are commonly worn as bracelets, and these can be found in many attractive designs.

Unfortunately, nothing will cure arthritis, but with the proper medication and supplements, gentle regular exercise, and weight control, the flexibility of your joints can be improved, and it may be possible to slow down the progress of the disease.

Important Facts About Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Joint cartilage wearing away in the knee joint is a painful condition called osteoarthritis of the knee. It is the most common type of osteoarthritis, and can have many causes.

When there is a meeting of the two bones, or joint of the knee, there is a cushiony cartilage between the two that serves to pad the area and prevent the two bones from rubbing against one another. In some cases, the cushion wears away, creating friction every time the joint is used as the two bones rub against each other. The consistent rubbing will cause inflammation, pain, stiffness or the formation of bone spurs. This condition is referred to as degenerative joint disease, or osteoarthritis of the knee.

Many causes can be attributed to the development of osteoarthritis of the knee. An injury to the joint that may have occurred by wrenching it during a fall, accident or while playing a sport can be one of the causes of the disorder. Often obesity is the reason that the cushion wears away. Genetics may make it more likely for some people to develop the degeneration than others.

The disorder is often noted by the sufferer himself, experiencing pain that worsens as the joint is used. Resting the knee will bring relief from the pain at least initially, but as the degeneration progresses, the pain becomes more prevalent with little or no relief. It is usually at this point that the individual seeks a doctor's advice. Osteoarthritis of the knee is typically diagnosed after examining the leg and viewing x-rays to determine how advanced the degeneration has become.

The first course of action after making the diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee will be to alleviate the pain. Medication will generally be prescribed, along with some topical applications for pain. Addressing the source of the pain will be next; physical therapy is found to be quite helpful as flexibility and movement of the joint is regained. In serious cases, hyaluronic acid injections or knee surgery may be recommended.

Our knee joints have hyaluronic acid in place already. However, through the degeneration caused by osteoarthritis of the knee, it becomes thinner and less effective. By injecting addition hyaluronic acid into the joint, more protection is afforded the area; resulting in the elimination of pain that can last up to a year. While these injections have great results for some, for others there is no benefit at all. It is estimated that approximately one of every four people with osteoarthritis of the knee will eventually require surgery. This may be accomplished by arthroscopy, osteotomy or arthroplasty.

A preventative measure to protect from acquiring osteoarthritis of the knee is to retain a healthy weight. Also, act promptly in seeking medical attention if an injury results in knee pain to avoid further degeneration.

Joint Pain Causes In Women

"Arthralgia" or joint pain is a pain or stiffness or even swelling around a joint like knees, hips, back, fingers etc. Women tend to get affected by these joint pains as they grow older and some joint pain causes in women are listed here:

-Menopause - A women who reaches the age of around 45 or 50 invariably undergoes some hormonal changes due to the onset of menopause. During this period, many women may often experience joint pains due to some hormonal imbalances frequently.

-Obesity - Women who have put on too much weight and have excess fat accumulation often find they develop pain in their joints.

-Lack of proper exercise can often contribute towards joint pains in women.

-Some women suffer from them due to heredity reasons.

-Any inflammation of the joint can cause pain in women. In these cases, it is important to discover the cause of the inflammation.

-Stress is another major factor that relates to joint pain causes in women.

-Some metabolic disorders and postural deficiencies, like standing or sitting for long hours, can lead to pain in various joints. Women who tend to stand for long periods and are often not aware of any problems until the pain begins.

-Tumors can be a cause of joint discomfort, depending on the location of the tumor.

-Bone diseases

Osteoporosis or bone loss can occur during menopausal periods in women and is yet another reason why women experience pain in their joints. As the estrogen production in the ovaries gets reduced, bone loss occurs and can cause severe pain in the joints.

Joint pain causes in women can be easily cured with some preventive measures, like regular exercising in the form of walking or jogging, doing yoga or workouts at the gym etc. Eating a balanced and healthy diet with adequate calcium intakes can keep them going strong.

Since menopause related pains occur due to hormonal imbalances, taking supplementary hormone medicines, after due consultation with one's physician, can help quite a bit. Also, alternative treatments like acupuncture or herbal treatments can be of great help.

Many women have discovered that a change in diet providers considerable benefit and relief. While not every woman experiences the same results, the dietary changes involve eliminating more animal-based foods, such as red meat, chicken, cheese and reducing their overall fat intake, while consuming more vegetables and fruits. Also, avoiding oily foods should also be considered for weight loss which again prevents joint pain occurrences in women.

While standing for long periods of time, changing postures regularly can also be very useful in preventing stiff fingers and joints and taking preventive measures like sitting down after working for two or more hours. Take a break for half an hour or so and then resume work. This can go a long way in minimizing these pains and aches, if not completely cure them.

While joint pain causes in women do occur, it is not something that cannot be treated easily. Women can heal themselves with just a little bit of adjustment and methodology to their routine.

Pain in Your Thumb Joints

There are various problems that have an association with pain in thumb joints. Some of the most common problems are physical trauma. This is an injury that might come from an accident. The other problem is arthritis which is probably one of the most common factors that is associated with pain. The other one is tendinitis.

Pain in thumb joints will definitely see all your duties come to a stand still especially when the pain is so severe. Therefore, with this kind of frustration, you need to get relief at the soonest time possible. Hands are very vital and you will find many using them, despite of the pain they are experiencing. Experts advice that when you suffer an injury, take all the time you can to rest.

You should also ensure that your thumb is well protected when experiencing pain in thumb joints. Therefore, forcing your thumb to perform normal chores will only lead to further injury. Take caution even for the most simple tasks. Another chronic ailment that causes pain in thumb joint is rheumatism. The only treatment available is meant to manage the condition.

Just like in other parts of the body, when the cartilage is depleted, the bones will rub against each other and a lot of pain will be experienced by you. The major thing to do at this stage is to find ways of regenerating the soft joint tissue. This can be done by the use if amino sugars and shark cartilage supplements.

There is however no guarantee for regeneration and many people end up very disappointed. However the remedy works in other cases making a huge difference. You can go for other remedies to eliminate the problem. For sprains and other pains in general, they can be controlled by using ice cubes. Another relief is the use of anti inflammatory ointments.

A good massage will also go a long way in ensuring some pain is eliminated. It is vital for you to apply heated bandages to the affected area. Keep mind that some of the drugs come with major side effects. There are some people who decide to go for other methods that do no involve taking drugs. This is for the reason stated above.

Anti inflammation drugs will give you the following side effects;

* Vomiting
* Nausea
* Abdominal pain
* Headaches

This list goes on and on. There are certain things you should keep in mind when you are searching for a good treatment. Have some in depth information about every drug.

6 Natural Ways to Get Relief From Arthritis and Joint Pain

There are many natural ways to get rid of arthritis and joint pain problem. Here in this article we will emphasize on some of the natural and easy ways to get relief from arthritis and joint pain, stiffness and inflammation.

1. Alteration of life style is a simple way to treat arthritis. One should keep away from sedentary life style. The affected joints should not be left idle, for that will worsen the problem of joint stiffness and swelling. The patient therefore is always asked to keep the ailing joints mobile through light physical exercises which may include simple stretching and range of motion exercises, walking, swimming and cycling. However strenuous exercises, high impact activities, games that involve repetitive movements, running, jumping and hopping are to be strictly avoided. Such high impact activities would cause further damage to the worn out joints. In other words the patient should keep active to the extent he or she can tolerate.

2. Wearing of braces and splints provides external support to ailing joints and checks further wear and tear and increased incidence of joint pain at the end of day to day activities. The patient is required to change positions frequently while lying or sitting. This will tackle the problem of inflexibility and joint stiffness. While lying, the patient may elevate the affected joint with the help of pillows. This will drain out the extra fluid from the joint and thus reduce swelling.

3. Smoking, alcohol and caffeine intake should be cut down. These habits build up stress on body tissues, and increase the arthritis pain. Also the patient must keep the body weight in check. This can be done by means of exercise, yoga, dieting. Yoga and breathing exercises may also be done for relaxing one's mind and de-stressing oneself.

4. Dietary changes also help to suppress arthritic symptoms. Alkaline diet is beneficial for arthritis patients. Fresh leafy vegetables, fruits, juices of raw vegetables, food rich in omega3 fatty acids are recommended for arthritis patients. Sweet water fishes like salmon, herring, sardines are perfect examples of food items rich in omega3 acids. In other words, a balanced nutritional diet is essential. Junk food, refined food, beef, pork, meat are to be avoided. Beef and pork raise uric acid levels in body, and thereby increase the risk of gout.

5. Massage therapy is one way of controlling pain, stiffness and swelling. Massage gives a boost to the blood circulation, relaxes muscles around the joint, making them supple. Rumatone Gold massage oil, capsaicin creams, and arnica oils are good for massaging arthritic joints. One can also use homemade massage ointments and oil. Hot vinegar, heated castor oil, camphorated mustard oil, warm olive oil, essential oils like that of lavender, eucalyptus, basil added to any carrier oil, even hot paraffin are highly beneficial for rubbing on painful joints.

6. Some simple home remedies like giving warm bath to ailing joints by mixing Epsom salt to bath water, application of hot and cold compresses alternately, rubbing freshly cut cloves of garlic on joints, applying turmeric paste or crushed leaves of white willow as poultice, rubbing ice cubes wrapped in fabric on joints, can bring much relief from pain and swelling.

6 Effective Joint Pain Treatments and Remedies That Work

Joint pain treatment should take into consideration what is causing the pain in the first place. There is no use in only treating the symptom because it will occur again unless the underlying cause is eliminated. It can be caused by a lot of things, from minor sport injuries to serious medical conditions. A significant number of those that accuse joint pains are suffering of arthritis in one of its many forms. Joint pain treatment should not be neglected because nothing good will happen. The pain won't go away unless you do something about it and, even more, it will worsen.

Treatment usually includes non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and pain killers. However, there are also people who prefer to use natural remedies for improving their condition because they are safer. Herbal remedies and essential oils are a good choice in joint pain. You would be amazed to find out how many herbs have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Some of them were even used by researchers in creating synthetic drugs. Patients should also be aware of the fact that joint pain treatment, be it synthetic or natural, must be accompanied by a healthy diet, rich in minerals and by gentle exercises, especially if pain is caused by arthritis.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of treatments -

1. Camphor - Make yourself an ointment from one teaspoon of camphor and the same amount of sunflower oil and use it for massaging your aching joints.

2. Ginger - It is believed that ginger root extract is capable of stopping the production of certain substances that provoke joint inflammation.

3. Rumatone Gold - Both the oil and the capsule is useful. You can use the oil for massaging the painful joint and this will provide immediate relief or you can take capsules on a regular basis. Rumatone Gold strengthens the bone tissue.

4. Boswelia - Clinical studies have proven that it has a positive effect on reducing pain and inflammation. If the pain in the joints is caused by rheumatoid arthritis, it is usually accompanied by morning stiffness and boswelia is also efficient in reducing this one.

5. Turmeric - A teaspoonful of turmeric powder mixed in a cup of hot milk has a great analgesic effect and eliminates all pain, not just joint pain.

6. Apple cider vinegar - It can either be used for massaging the joints before going to sleep, or it can be mixed with honey and water and drank every day.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Effective Arthritis Pain Relief - Tips And Treatments

I got rid of my arthritis and arthritis pain forever by doing one single thing - read on. There is a little-known natural solution to curing oneself of arthritis pain that I discovered several years ago.

Arthritic joints appear to be larger, are stiff and painful, and usually feel worse the more they are used. Arthritis is usually found in the joints of the fingers, feet, knees, hips, and spine. Unlike some other types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis is not systemic - it does not spread through the entire body.

Joints are designed for normal and painless movement and are primarily supplied by the synovium and cartilage. Cartilage contains chondrocytes, water, proteoglycans and collagen; chondrocytes are the basic cartilage cells and are necessary for balance and function. The combination of the collagen meshwork and high water content tightly bound by proteoglycans creates a resilient, slippery pad in the joint, which resists the compression between bones during muscle movement.

Aging cells may be a factor in the development of arthritis. It's generally thought that inflammation plays a minor role in osteoarthritis and is more likely to be a result, not a cause, of arthritis. As chondrocytes (the cells that make up cartilage) age, they lose their ability to make repairs and produce more cartilage; this process may play an important role in the development and progression of osteoarthritis.

Nutrition experts say it takes a combination of supplements, that no one supplement can relieve arthritis pain, build cartilage, etc. Try massaging your fingers or other affected joints with coconut oil twice a day. One natural treatment method involves avoiding all inflammatory foods.

If your osteoarthritis is affecting your load-bearing joints, keeping your weight within a normal range is important. Make smoothies with fruit only using a base of two bananas, adding a cup of frozen or fresh blueberries and mango chunks or substitute any other fruit and add an energy boost of two tablespoons of coconut oil; add one or two leaves of kale for another highly nutritional boost -- no one will ever know. Dried Montmorency tart cherries seem to be helpful for arthritis pain also.

A study in Great Britain touted the beneficial effects of cod liver oil on osteoarthritis; relieving pain and stiffness, and reversing the destruction of joint cartilage within 24 hours. Watch your diet closely - load-bearing joints are affected by excessive weight; they are the hips, knees, feet and spine.

I eat a diet of living foods (fruits, raw veggies, raw nuts and raw seeds) to relieve my arthritis pain and this should be tried for at least 30 days, thus eliminating any foods that might be culprits. If you're not already doing so, make a big effort to watch your diet.

To be on the safe side always seek your doctor's advice before starting or changing your exercise program. Whatever you do, keep moving; don't sit when you can stand, don't stand when you can walk. For arthritic fingers, a good exercise is to put your finger tips together and press hard and release, then repeat several times. Use Taiji health balls, with the chimes, to strengthen the finger joints: hold two balls, move in a clockwise circle with your fingers to rotate them, then try counterclockwise and do throughout the day.

Try to keep painful joint areas in motion, even in a limited manner. Keep a bedside basket of arthritic aids for arthritic hands (Theraputty, hand grips, Taiji chime balls, etc.) to be used at bedtime or while watching television. Stretching and warming up the joints should always be the first step in your exercise routine to make your joints more flexible.

Be aware that the use of NSAIDs or Cox-2 inhibitors do not halt the progress of osteoarthritis and may even hasten the onset. If you're planning to take any of the non-prescription NSAIDS for arthritis, make sure you understand what bad effects they can have on the stomach, liver and/or kidneys and discuss this with your doctor. At the very least, understand what the side effects and adverse reactions are for any drug you take.

Knowing more about arthritis and how it works will ultimately help contribute to your relief of arthritis pain. One should not only search for relief of arthritis pain but work on preventing it. Your treatment plan should include an anti-arthritis diet, exercise, and a positive mental attitude.

Arthritis Pain Relief - You Can Get Rid Of Your Arthritis Pain Naturally

A few years ago I accidentally discovered how to rid myself of arthritis pain, naturally. I got rid of my arthritis and arthritis pain forever by changing my diet. Unlike some other types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis is not systemic - it does not spread through the entire body. Arthritis concentrates in one or several joints where deterioration occurs. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis.

The synovium is a membrane that surrounds the whole joint; it's filled with synovial fluid, a lubricating liquid that supplies nutrients and oxygen to the cartilage. Cartilage contains a high percentage of water, but it decreases with age. Joints are designed for normal and painless movement and are primarily supplied by the synovium and cartilage.

As chondrocytes (the cells that make up cartilage) age, they lose their ability to make repairs and produce more cartilage; this process may play an important role in the development and progression of osteoarthritis. Injuries sometimes can be the start in the arthritic disease process; osteoarthritis can develop years later even after a single traumatic injury to a joint or near a joint.

An inflammatory response causes cytokines, to gather in injured areas and cause inflammation and damage to body tissue and cells; it's known to play a role in rheumatoid arthritis and other muscle and joint problems associated with autoimmune diseases. If you really want to get rid of your arthritis pain forever it may take a radical change in your diet and an ongoing commitment. One natural treatment method involves avoiding all inflammatory foods. Try massaging your fingers or other affected joints with coconut oil twice a day.

Keep in mind, if you take a joint supplement it should help do three things -- build cartilage, relieve everyday joint pain, and enhance your flexibility and movement. Many have told me that going off dairy products and gluten containing foods relieved their arthritis pain entirely. Some people swear by glucosamine and/or chondroitin and others say it didn't help at all.

An acidic diet, that is any foods not alive, is considered to be inflammatory to the joints. For snacks, choose raw nuts without salt instead of lifeless roasted nuts. Natural treatment for arthritis is usually a better choice because it's non-invasive to the body. Many arthritis sufferers have changed their diets and noticed significant or total improvement.

To be on the safe side always seek your doctor's advice before starting or changing your exercise program. Exercise in a heated pool; it will help reduce the pressure on your joints and the heat will help you loosen those joints. Your body has 147 joints in motion every day. Even the lightest exercise can go a long way to maintaining your joint mobility and overall health.

If you have pain and swelling in your fingers, try squeezing Thera-putty made for this purpose or exercising with two Chinese chime balls. Fight arthritis through proper exercise! Try to keep painful joint areas in motion, even in a limited manner.

If you're going to go the conventional treatment route and take medications, ask your pharmacist for drug inserts so you can read up on the drugs and understand any side effects or adverse reactions, before taking them. Be aware that the use of NSAIDs or Cox-2 inhibitors do not halt the progress of osteoarthritis and may even hasten the onset. Once you become more informed about arthritis you'll be able to plan an arthritis treatment program, natural or conventional or a combination of both.

Changing your diet to predominately fruits and raw veggies, like I did, can turn your arthritis pain around almost overnight. More and more doctors are investigating the benefits of alternative therapies and most don't object to patients trying them. One should not only search for relief of arthritis pain but work on preventing it.

Wrist Pain - Causes & Solutions

Wristy Business...Is wrist pain interfering with your yoga practice or Pilates workout or Life?

Wrist Pain: Our hands, by design, were not intended for weight bearing, so it's no wonder that many of us experience pain or discomfort when assuming those Pilates or yoga positions that require us to do just that -bear body weight on our hands. Discomfort may simply be a result of mild limitations in wrist range of motion, improper alignment of shoulders, arms and hands or reduced core and arm strength. Gentle and gradual stretching and strengthening exercises, along with proper body alignment and weight distribution may reduce your wrist discomfort in weight bearing positions. However, for some of us, even with good strength and proper form wrist pain persists. A close look at the anatomy of the hand reveals why.

Hand Anatomy: The hand is designed more for mobility than stability. It is composed of 27 small bones, muscles and ligaments that allow for a large amount of movement and dexterity, enabling us to perform a multitude of daily activities requiring fine precision and coordination. The two bones of the lower arm, the radius and ulna, meet at the carpal bones of the hand to form the wrist. Unlike the foot the hand does not have a large bone cushioned with a fat pad for bearing weight, but has small bones surrounded by soft tissue, including the nerve and blood supply. The median nerve crosses the wrist through the carpal tunnel. These soft tissues of the wrist, including the ligaments and tendons, are subject to strain when we are weight bearing on a fully extended wrist such as in a push-up position.

The Culprits: As a simplification, the common causes of wrist pain are grouped into 4 categories:

  1. Overuse: too much repetitive movement or joint impact

  2. Injury: wrist fractures, strains & sprains

  3. Lack of conditioning: weak muscles, poor range of motion, improper form

  4. Aging or Disease: arthritic changes in the joints, inflammation, diabetes etc.

Which category does your wrist pain originate from?

Overuse: One common cause of wrist pain is Overuse, clinically known as RSI - Repetitive Stress (or Strain) Injury. Long periods performing the same movements, such as typing on a computer, playing a musical instrument or doing sun salutations, can lead to RSI. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) a leading cause of wrist pain is grouped in the RSI category.

What do you do about RSI?

An important first step in treating an overuse injury is to rest - stop doing what is causing you pain to allow healing time. The reality, however, is that many of our repetitive movements are related to our livelihood such as data input, graphic design, dental hygiene, massage therapist or fitness instructor, so to stop completely might result in a few bounced checks. If complete rest isn't an option, two ways to decrease repetitive joint stress are through task and schedule modification.

Suggestion One: Modify Your Activity

Once you've identified the specific task(s) that's aggravating your wrists (or other joints) look at how frequently or for what duration you're performing this task.

Modify your Schedule: The objective of modifying your schedule is to reduce how often and how long you spend doing the pain inducing task. Urgent deadlines, productivity ratings or financial stress are real factors that contribute to overuse injuries. Many smart industries have implemented job rotation and other programs to reduce RSI in the workplace, thus saving money on workman's compensation claims and lost productivity. Practical examples for modifying your schedule may include:

1) Part Time Work: a schedule of Monday, Wednesday and Friday will allow a day of rest in between.

2) Plan Ahead: instead of spending 6 hours banging out a report on the computer spread it out over 4 days for 1 ½ hour each day.

3) Set Time Limits: Break up the problem task into shorter time segments with rest and stretch breaks built into your day.

4) Job Sharing / Rotation: Can you recruit a co-worker to assist you or swap tasks with? Look at all options for creative scheduling.

Modify the Task: The objective here is to use an alternate method to accomplish the task, which may require a different set of muscles or reduce muscle tension and joint stress.

1) Change the Method: If you're a fitness instructor with a wrist injury, give verbal directions instead of demonstrations. If you spend your day on the computer consciously reduce keyboard time by limiting your email correspondence - pick up the phone and make a quick call instead.

2) Change or Modify the Tool: Examples include using a track ball instead of a mouse, substitute an electric tool for a hand tool and increasing the diameter of the tool to open the grasp of the fingers and thumb.

3) Modify your Body Position: Use an ergonomic keyboard, set up your 'work station' optimally for your body and alternate standing with sitting.

4) Use your non-dominant hand: If your wrist pain is primarily in your dominant hand try to develop the skill to accomplish the task with your non-dominant hand. Start with something simple like stirring while cooking or dialing the phone then work towards using your computer mouse with your opposing hand. This may be challenging but is very useful and good for your coordination.

Suggestion Two: Incorporate frequent stretch breaks into your day.

Whether it's an occupation or leisure pursuit that's resulting in RSI, do strengthening and stretches that move your body, limbs and joints in the opposite direction of the repetitive motions you're engaged in. Computer use is a big culprit of wrist pain, since many people now spend hours of their day at a keyboard and monitor. The typical computer posture takes its toll on your back, neck, arms and hands -possibly resulting in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Break up long hours at the computer by scheduling intermittent breaks to stand up, move around and stretch. Do these simple stretches several times a day in standing or from the comfort of your chair.

Hold each stretch for 3 to 5 deep breaths:

1) Stretch shoulder and arms: Reach back from the shoulder rotating the spine, straighten your elbow and rotate your palm up, extend the wrist slightly or keep neutral then straighten and spread the fingers apart. Deepen the stretch by rotating the neck so your face is turned away from your stretched arm. Repeat with the other arm.

2) Rotate both wrists several times clockwise then counter clockwise.

3) Stretch finger flexors: Extend fingers and place them together in a prayer position. Press fingers firmly together and spread them apart keeping fingers straight. To increase the stretch, gently pull the wrists apart 1 or 2 inches while keeping fingers together.

4) Stretch wrist in extension: Continue in prayer position with fingers and wrists pressed together. Start with your finger tips at your chin, and then slowly slide hands down towards your waist keeping the wrists pressed together. Go as far as you can comfortably & hold stretch for several breaths. If you feel discomfort in your thumbs simply cross them on top each other instead of pressing together.

5) Stretch wrist in flexion: Flip your hands over so the backs of your hands and fingers are touching and pointing down. Start with your hands at your waist and move slowly up to chest height keeping the backs of the hands pressed together. Fingers dangle loosely while the top of the wrist joints are stretched.

6) Gently shake shoulders, arms, wrists and fingers.

This series of stretches, each held for 5 deep breaths, only take a total of 3 minutes to do! A simple and healthy way to incorporate this routine into your day is to drink lots of water. Every time you get up for a bathroom break, do your stretches before resuming work.


Is wrist pain interfering with your fitness pursuits, work or life? If so, what's the culprit? Too much keyboarding, weight bearing on your hands or other repetitive activity may be an underlying cause of your wrist pain. If you have an overuse injury - first try to rest! Next modify the activity through creative scheduling and use of alternative methods, tools or props. It's also important to develop a stretching & strengthening program to counteract the negative effects of repetitive movements on muscles and joints. Our bodies were designed to move in a multitude of directions, so mix it up and bring some balance and variety into your weekly routine. You know what they say...Variety is the Spice of Life!

Disclaimer: If you have significant wrist pain resulting from a more serious issue such as joint inflammation, arthritis, carpel tunnel syndrome, previous fractures or surgeries of the wrist, it is essential that you consult your health care practitioner prior to beginning a wrist exercise program, Pilates or yoga practice.

Nutritional Dog Arthritis Supplements: Australian Ingredients That Work On Joint Pain

Your dog's recovery from canine arthritis has many components. It's not just about their joints. It's also about their diet, weight, and activity level. An all-natural supplement should include ingredients that are effective on joints while also providing nutrition and energy. Australia is the foremost country in harnessing these ingredients against joint pain.

Canine arthritis comes in two types: degenerative joint disease and rheumatoid (inflammatory) arthritis. Inflammatory arthritis must be treated with antibiotics prescribed from your vet, so it's a good idea to get your dog's arthritis diagnosed before choosing a supplement.

Degenerative joint disease is the most common type of arthritis found in dogs and is also called osteoarthritis. It occurs with old age and is often genetic. Osteoarthritis causes joint pain because of the deterioration of the cartilage and bone in the joints of old dogs and the reduction of synovial fluid that lubricates the joints. This causes painful bone on bone action. Symptoms of canine arthritis include stiffness, limping, loss of range of motion, and difficulty getting up or down.

For owners, the downward spiral of their best friend can be upsetting. It's important to take action when it comes to your dog's joint pain, as there are supplements on the market that can get them going again. Treatment of joint pain and inflammation often includes vet prescribed painkillers, injections, and NSAIDs. These options come with serious side effects to your dog's liver, kidney and gastrointestinal tract. The alternative to these costly and unhealthy treatments are all-natural supplements.

Most owners turn to glucosamine powder or fish oil to treat their dog's arthritis. This treats the most obvious problem, joint pain, but ignores the co-factors in your dog's health. The discomfort of arthritis and inflammation causes most dogs to become inactive and overweight, putting even more strain on their already deteriorating joints. The most effective and efficient all-natural supplements should include ingredients that promote activity and a healthy diet, as well as including glucosamine or a marine extract, such as shark cartilage.

Holistic vets in Australia are already using these requirements and are encouraging owners to look for these nutritional types of supplements over one-ingredient supplements. Australia produces several ingredients with a quality that is much more effective than ingredients sourced from other countries. This is due to their tropical climate and environmental awareness in prohibiting pesticides and promoting organics.

The top four ingredients that any good natural dog arthritis supplement should include are: turmeric, celery seed, papain and cayenne.

  1. Turmeric has long been used to treat gastrointestinal disorders and speed wound healing. In a dog supplement, the enzymes of the turmeric herb have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that may reduce the swelling in your dog's joints without upsetting their stomach.

  2. Celery seed treats arthritis and fluid retention, which helps with joint pain, yet it also stimulates appetite. As your dog begins to feel better and become more active, this will serve to get him up and going, starting the cycle of a healthy diet and an active life.

  3. Australian Papain comes from the sap of a papaya. The sap contains a protein digesting enzyme that rids your dog of intestinal parasites. This will ensure that you dog responds to the supplement well, processing the ingredients without a problem.

  4. Cayenne is the key ingredient that gets your dog active again. It decreases fat intake and increases metabolism, both at rest and when exercising. This will help you dog shed weight and get active.

These ingredients provide nutritional health and a kick-start for an active life. When combined with a naturally occurring glucosamine and a marine extract, your dog will be on the road to recovery from joint pain and inflammation.

Natural Treatment for Joint Pain

Pain in your joints can be caused by inflammation, arthritis, or degeneration of the cartilage. More and more people today are concerned with the harmful side effects of taking pharmaceutical drugs. There are many products that offer natural joint pain relief and one substance that is very effective is n-acetylglucosamine, or NAG for short.

Benefits of NAG

N-acetylglucosamine is one of the eight essential sugars your body needs. After hearing that, you may think that must be wrong because sugar is not good for us. The essential sugars are called saccharides and are not fructose or sucrose. When your diet includes these eight essential sugars, your body will be better able to ward off disease and infection. Studies have shown that they lower your cholesterol levels, diminish allergy symptoms, and lower body fat while increasing lean muscle. The essential sugars can also help detoxify your body of wastes and can help treat autoimmune conditions such as diabetes and psoriasis.

NAG is found in the shells of shrimp, shark cartilage, shitake mushrooms, and even grasshoppers. Fortunately it is available in supplement form. NAG can reverse cell damage and rebuild cartilage, thus offering natural joint pain relief. Since it can repair certain types of cell damage, it also helps with inflammation and the damage caused by it. Nag is an effective treatment for diseases like interstitial cystitis, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis.

Other Supplements That Offer Natural Joint Pain Relief

There are numerous products on the market today that may or may not offer relief from pain and stiffness in your joints. Here is a list of some of the best ones at reducing pain and inflammation.

• Ashwagandha has been used in India for centuries to strengthen the immune system. Joint problems are relieved because it inhibits the 5-Lox enzyme.
• Annatto Bean Powder
• Boswellia
• Curcumin (inhibits the Cox 2 enzyme)
• Eucommia Ulmoides
• Ginger Powder
• MSM (helps to rebuild cartilage)
• Yucca

What About Glucosamine?

You may be wondering why glucosamine was not included in this list. That is because both glucosamine HCL and glucosamine sulfate can only be utilized by your body if you have a certain enzyme in your gastrointestinal tract. Many people do not have the right enzyme so the glucosamine is prevented from relieving joint pain.

When the enzyme is present in the GI tract, then the glucosamine is transformed into NAG or N-Acetyl-Glucosamine. NAG is then used by the body to reduce inflammation and pain in your joints.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Helpful Advice for Women Who Suffer From Joint Pain During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can do many things to a woman's body from hormonal changes to making your joints tender and prone to becoming stiff and sore. This will vary from woman to woman and depends on the health of the mother and what her nutrition is like.

One main nutrient which is required for healthy joints is DHA, which is an essential fatty acid. The main function of this nutrient is that it helps the brain to function and helps to keep joints lubricated.

For any pregnant woman nutrition is very important, so pay attention to what you are eating on a daily basis. Try to include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables along with lean protein and carbs. Eating this way can really help you see a reduction in the level of joint pain during pregnancy.

Many women tend to suffer with carpal tunnel syndrome while pregnant and this is due to fluid retention and swelling in the hands and wrists. While this is an annoying and sometimes can be a painful condition, the upside is that it usually clears up on its own after the baby is born.

Joint pain in the hip area is another complaint for many women. This becomes more noticeable in the later stages of pregnancy. By the eighth and ninth month of pregnancy your hip muscles become more relaxed due to the weight of the baby. The best solution is to try and rest more often and to drink more fluids if possible.

Back pain is also more noticeable in the last few months of pregnancy. The weight and positioning of the baby is the main cause for this. Try sitting with additional support, a cushion behind your lower back can often remedy this. Warm baths are another great way to help elevate joint pain during pregnancy.

Avoiding Standing or Sitting for Long Periods is also very important - Variety in postures is the key. Do too much of one thing for a long time, and your back pain will increase for sure. When doing dishes, put one foot up on a footstool or on the inside of the cupboard below the sink.

Many pregnant women find that practicing yoga is extremely helpful. It has another benefit in that it helps prepare your body for birthing. Women who take yoga classes report having an easier time during labor, plus their recovery time is often quicker.

Also bear in mind that taking a natural healthy supplement can also help reduce joint pain during pregnancy. In fact get into the habit of taking a vitamin or supplement while pregnant and continue your new habit afterwards. This will help you deal with the night feeding schedule that lies ahead.

What Is The Best Treatment For Arthritis - 5 Ways To Treat Arthritis Naturally

Often we have faced the problem of choosing effective natural remedies for arthritis and joint pains, and this search often led us to the question of what is the best treatment for arthritis? The nasty pills we take as a part of the diagnosis for arthritis tend to upset our stomach, put stress our kidneys and elicits other adverse outcomes that we might not be conscious of.

What Is The Best Treatment For Arthritis?

How often have we pondered upon this simple question but never found any medicine for 100% cure and safe application? To avail to such a cure we must be aware of its ingredients and that it should always be natural and scientifically proven to cure arthritis.

5 Natural Herbs To Cure Arthritis:

1. Belladonna

Belladonna has been used as an anesthetic for surgery from long before the middle ages. It is a very powerful ingredient to cure joint pain. It is regularly used in cough syrups because of its pain reducing properties. It helps reduce throat pain arising from coughs and has also been known to alleviate the symptoms of inflammation in intestines and during menstrual cycles. Nowadays, it is also being used as a treatment for Parkinson's disease.

2. Ignatia

This ingredient has been known to decrease nervous tension. Due to stress, our muscle joints tend to tighten up and eventually become sore. This in turn gives rise to arthritis. The use of Ignatia relaxes body muscles which causes an increased flow of blood throughout. This increases the mobility in the joints as well as muscles. Hence, the joint pain is very effectively reduced.

3. MSM

MSM comprises almost every joint related medication for the sole reason that it is very effective in its purpose. It distributes sulphur in all our connective tissues in the body. This sulphur forms health bonds in our cells due to its unique properties. These bonds in the joints help enhance faster and effective pain relief of arthritis.

4. Phosphorous

Phosphorous is a key part of the answer to the question that is always pondered about - what is the best treatment for arthritis? Phosphorous helps in the retrenchment and proper execution of the functions of kidneys. It also sustains regularity of our heartbeats. During joint pains, we often experience a burning sensation. This can be eliminated by the use of phosphorous since it helps in regulating the nerves which send the messages of pain to the brain and thus, helps reduce the burning sensation.

5. Rhus Tox

During major surgical treatments like removal of appendix or the tonsils, or certain procedures undergone at the dentist, Rhus Tox is often used to decreased the pain and help in faster recovery. It has been used since 200 years ago for the treatment of arthritis pain, sprains, osteoarthritis, cramps, stiffness of joints and even the restless leg syndrome.

Availability Of These Natural Ingredients:

These natural herbs can be found in some products available in today's market, if not found loose. But more importantly, it is the combination and dosage that counts. A well reputed Health Institute has discovered that a cream made from the natural ingredients as mentioned above is proven to be very effective at treating pain including arthritis. Even better, there are no side effects because of its natural ingredients.

Arthritis can be healthily cured if addressed properly. Care should be taken that the remedy used should contain these ingredients since they are proven in research to be the most effective without causing harm to the body. The answer to the question, what is the best treatment for arthritis, can be known very easily if we find the perfect cure.

Power Yoga to Improve Your Posture and Relieve Back Pain

I started yoga at age 50. It was an eye opener. As a martial artist, I've been beaten to a pulp before but my first power yoga session was a killer. The actual session was amazing and my wife told me to perform the relaxation yoga session take a long hot bath before going to bed.

I totally forgot and woke up the next morning acutely aware of muscles I did not knew I had. My major muscle groups felt the way they did after an intense strength training session, the smaller muscles were screaming. I was surprised to find that my normally aching back was fine. That morning when I got up, there was one area of pain missing from my body. The usual lower back pain that I've experienced over the years was not present.

These days I've become more proficient in yoga and enjoy a variety of postures and styles. Like martial arts, yoga works best when we focus on the basics. By continually working on the essentials, we master them and like driving a car, we begin to separate the physical actions from our mental task list.

Most experienced drivers let their bodies handle the details of driving and can listen to the radio without worry or danger of crashing. The same is true of yoga practitioners who become experienced in poses and postures. This is essential for getting past the physical stage of yoga and developing the mental stage.

I made this discovery when I realized one day that my lower back muscles which were always adversely affected by my bad left hip no longer ached from sitting or standing for long periods. I first attributed it to the prolonged stretching from my yoga sessions. When I mentioned this to another more experienced practitioner, she asked me about my stress level. I told her that I was noticeably less stressed since I started regular yoga sessions and even more so when I became proficient in the breathing exercises.

Yoga practice separates the mastery of the body, mind and emotions. Each area gets a workout in yoga; each is offered its own focus for development. This is one reason why sticking to the development of the basics is so important. The spiritual aspects of yoga came to me after I was able to experience the physical forms and relegate their actions to my muscle memory. Only then was I able to effectively move on to the mental and spiritual aspects of yoga.

As a westerner, I tend to favor the simple names for the poses and one of my favorites is the triangle pose or trikonasana. This pose seems easy when you look at it but you can work the entire body with this pose when executed correctly.

This pose requires balance, flexibility and proper breathing. Start by exhaling, and then raise your arms to about shoulder level. Relax your shoulders and pretend that you are standing against a wall. You can actually practice this pose against a wall to get it right. Turn your palms downward and stretch your fingers.

As you breathe out, move your feet about three and a half feet apart and turn your right foot at a 90 degree angle to your left foot.  Your right foot's heel should be in line with your left foot's instep. Be sure to maintain proper balance throughout this pose.

Now maintain your posture as you open your hips and begin to bend from the waist to the right. As you bend toward the right foot, keep your back flat as if you were against a wall. Control your breathing as you go down. Your eyes are focused on the fingers of your left hand. Keep your neck and head in line with your spine. You are now looking up and breathing in a deep steady rhythm as you extend your spine.

You don't need to touch the floor from this position. As a beginner, you simply want to develop form and posture. At this point your hips are tilted and open but you are still flat. Your right hand can touch the lowest point on your knee or shin. Don't over do it at this time. You can explore this pose and increase its difficulty later.

Relax into the pose and breathe evenly. Explore the posture and pay attention to your form.  Exhale as you come up and slowly take your center position. Reverse the pose and do it from the left side. Do this pose three or four times in each side.

How Degenerative Arthritis Affects Your Body

Degenerative arthritis, how does it affect your body? It is a serious condition that causes the person to be in a lot of pain. This disease affects millions of people that are located all over the globe. Many people know it better as osteoarthritis and when this condition worsens it is referred to as degenerative arthritis. This condition is the most common form of arthritis and it affects different joints in the body. Most commonly it affects the spine, knees, hips, fingers and toes and it can be in more than one joint at a time. The joints have a substance made of protein between them to prevent them from rubbing together called cartilage. Degenerative arthritis breaks down causing the cartilage to deteriorate leaving the bones exposed.

Degenerative arthritis causes spurs or new bone to develop where the cartilage use to be. These spurs can be extremely painful and hard to live with. As a person gets older they are more likely to get this disease because the protein that makes up the cartilage begins to break down and the quantity of water will increase. Doctors will refer to degenerative arthritis as either primary or secondary. Primary just seems to happen with age and no one really knows why so it really isn't a lot that you can do about the condition.

Usually the cause of secondary osteoarthritis can be determined because it was due to wear and tear on the body. Most of the time, the person with this condition has used the affected area repeatedly over several years. For example, there are a lot of jobs that require a person to perform the same task over and over for many years. When this happens the cartilage between the joints they are using is being worn down and over a few years degenerative arthritis can set in. This is why it would be best if you can avoid using joints repeatedly if you can.

It is important to know as much about degenerative arthritis and your body as you can. Even though there is not a single thing you can do to prevent this getting this disease when you get older, you can reduce your risks. Being overweight can cause damage to your spine, hips and knees. Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight can help to eliminate extra strain on the body in these areas and reduce the odds of having this disease in these joints. It is important that everyone do all they can to prolong or eliminate this disease from their future to avoid a lot of unnecessary suffering.

How to Use Cold and Heat Therapy After a Joint Replacement

There is a saying among some orthopedic surgeons to their patients that the surgery was the easy part it's the rehabilitation that is the hard part. Never have truer words been said. After either a knee, hip, or shoulder has been replaced keeping the pain and swelling to manageable levels is no doubt an art.

In physical therapy there are several hard and fast rules we tend to follow when preparing patients for rehabilitation. The use of heat and cold therapies are usually brought up somewhere in the overall discussion. Generally its recommended that a patient will use heat on the surrounding tissue before exercise and ice or other type of cold therapy after the exercises. Now there are multiple ideas behind this theory with most prominent being, heat will relax the muscles around the joint making them more pliable and easier to stretch and cold will help reduce the swelling after the treatment and also reduce pain.

Heat and cold therapies have been around since the beginning of man and still promoted today. When I treat a patient which is in the home setting for instance, the joint that was replaced will not be quite as acute as it was in the hospital Therefore, one or both of these therapies may be discontinued by the patient but that is something I do not recommend. Before I get to the home I will recommend to the patient that a heating pad is placed around the surrounding joint not directly on it and also the proper toweling is to be used to prevent burning the soft tissue around the incision. this is usually applied 20-30 minutes before therapy is started. If its a knee replacement for instance the patient is asked to also elevate the affected limb while getting the heat although this is not completely necessary.

The idea is by using the heat I can start by developing further range of motion in the knee or hip while the muscles are relaxed and easily manipulated. this can also of course be done by family members or yourself once properly trained to do so.

After the treatment or your exercise session is completed, this is the time to immediately apply a cold pack to the the affected area for 20-30 minutes to help reduce the swelling and pain that was initiated after having the joint exercised. Also if its a knee replacement its advised to elevate the limb higher then your heart to help with the reduction of swelling. Again as with heat, do not place the cold pack directly on the skin, the pain during a joint replacement is hard enough to handle at times without having to deal with frostbite as well. Unlike heat you can place the cold pack over toweling directly on the knee or hip. The cold therapy will not promote further bleeding and swelling like heat will if placed directly over the joint.

Every individual has different tolerances to pain and swelling. You will meet people for instance that never used heat during their therapy and, will from time to time meet some patients who did not use cold therapy as well. I find that you can skip these modalities after a hip replacement if you choose, however, it is advised not to skip the cold therapy after a knee replacement as they seem to be more temperamental then the hip. Pain and swelling is more prominent in the knee then in the hip.

Using heat and ice have their place in rehabilitation and can make your rehab experience tolerable.
Always check with your doctor or therapist if you have any questions regarding times or application of the above as there are many ways to use heat and ice with physical therapy and still be effective.

Common Bone Diseases

Bones are a vital component of the skeletal system. Upon birth, an infant has 300 bones and as they grow this number decreases to 206. Human bones vary in shape and sizes. As people age, there is a possibility of acquiring certain bone problems if the right minerals like calcium, phosphorous and collagen are not present to keep bones healthy. Deficiency in minerals for the bones will trigger bone diseases. There are people who acquire bone disease from faulty genes. But most people develop bone disease as they grow older or due to unhealthy food intake. Below are common bone diseases that an individual may experience at some point in their life.

Osteoporosis - The gradual loss of minerals in bone will cause osteoporosis. Though bone tissues have a knack to patch up themselves still vitamins and minerals are needed. If you have bone mineral shortage, concave spaces might be developed and this will cause the brittleness and fragility of your bones. If this happens, this leads to osteoporosis.

Osteoarthritis - This disease can be characterized by bone joint degeneration and arthritis. Bone degeneration can lead to the collapse of cartilage which is an essential component to connect tissues. As two different bones rub each other due to cartilage breakdown, inflammation may arise and this causes osteoarthritis.

Rickets - As stated earlier, minerals like calcium and phosphorous are integral components of having a healthy bone. In addition, Vitamin D is also required to make the bone much healthier. Deficiency in this vitamin may attribute the disease called rickets. Lack of this vitamins will softens the bone and therefore makes your body more vulnerable to many types of bone fracture.

Paget Disease - This results in atypical re-modelling process of the bone. Bone swelling and distortion may occur if you have Paget disease. The distortion may intrude into the nerves and this will cause throbbing pain. Among the most affected parts of this kind of bone disease are the skull, spine and collarbone. It is also believe that Paget disease is genetics which means it can be acquire through gens. If in any case your family has history of this kind of disease, then you are most likely to acquire it.

Cancer of the Bone- This disease is referring to the unusual and unrestrained division in bone cells and tissues that leads to malevolent growth. Bone cancer may start as an ailment in the other parts of the body but after spreading the bacteria and viruses this certain ailment may cause development of the cancer cells. When cancer cells are developed due to mineral and vitamin deficiency, the bones are weakened and diluted leading it to a more serious ailment like cancer.

Those are just five common bone diseases which can be inherited or degenerative. Keep in mind that most bone diseases are acquire due to vitamin and mineral deficiency as well as faulty metabolism and abnormal cell division. Therefore, one way to stay away from this kind of disease is to stay healthy. Staying healthy means having a right diet and of course regular check-up with your doctor or your trusted osteopath. They can best help you with any bone deformities you may be experiencing.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Top Tips to Relieve Your Dog of Arthritis - Don't Hand Your Hard Earned Cash to the Vet

What Is Arthritis?

The word 'Arthritis' means inflammation of a joint. Arthritis may develop after a joint has been injured or infected, or by 'wear and tear' in a normal joint due to old age. It may also develop in a joint that is not perfectly formed (dysplastic). If your dog has a dysplastic joint then it is likely to wear out faster than a normally formed joint. Chronic Arthritis is also known as 'Degenerative Joint Disease', this causes thickening of the tissues around the joint, caused by scar tissue forming. This eventually leads to your pet losing his full range of movement as the scar tissue that forms around the joint makes it less flexible. The bones around the joint will also develop irregular thickenings and the lining will become permanently inflamed. These changes are the body's attempt to heal the area but in fact will often make the pain, and therefore the arthritis, worse.

What Can I Do?

Lifestyle Changes are beneficial to maintaining the health and mobility of your dog. Overweight individuals should lose weight to take the extra strain off the joints.

You should also encourage your dog to swim as it also relives the pressure on the joints, acting as a form of physiotherapy. In fact, any form of gentle, controlled exercise should be encouraged to maintain and strengthen the muscles that support the affected joint.

Natural Remedies can provide pain relief and anti-inflammatory aid. Some will also help the joints with lubrication and repair the cartilage damage that is caused by the grinding of bone ends.
Homeopathic remedies such as Sulphur and Arnica work well, as do natural supplements like Cod Liver Oil, Glucosamine, Evening Primrose Oil and Green Lipped Mussel Extract.

Acupressure is another proven method of pain relief without medication. It also has the added benefit of stimulating the body,s natural healing system by unblocking any of the 26 'energy safety locks'. These are areas within the body's meridian systems where the usually free-flowing energy can stagnate. By releasing the points the body can get back to doing what it does best. Regenerating the cells and tissues to maintain a physical equilibrium.

Too Much Stretching Can Cause Low Back Pain

Too Much Stretching Can Lead to Low Back Pain

Many times people perform stretching routines in order to overcome back pain but little do they realize that too much stretching can actually cause back pain. If you stretch too much you can develop what is known as a hypermobility syndrome. This means that a joint develops too much motion and as a result becomes unstable.

I see a good number of these cases every year and many times the patient is completely unaware that their stretching caused the problem. In fact, many patients try to stretch more in order to alleviate the pain. What they are actually doing is making the problem worse. Many times they have trouble accepting that stretching contributes to the pain because they feel that their back muscles are tight.

One joint that frequently develops instability is the sacroiliac joint. At the base of the spine is a triangular bone called the sacrum. The sacrum forms a joint with a part of the pelvic bone called the ilium. You have both and right and left sacroiliac joints. There are a number of ligaments that hold the joint together. When the ligaments become overstretched the joint becomes unstable.

An unstable sacroiliac joint can produce pain and muscle tightness. The muscles work to overcome the unstable joint by becoming tighter. They attempt to stabilize the loose joint. Many people think that these tight muscles must be stretched so they continue stretching or even worse stretch more.

I have seen these syndromes develop in people who are very flexible such as dancers and those who practice yoga. In many cases people who are flexible to begin with take up stretching which creates the instability problem.

Sacroiliac instability presents as low back pain on the right or left side usually below the belt line. Sometimes the pain can radiate to the buttock, groin or back of the thigh. There is a muscle deep in the buttock region called the piriformis muscle that also can be involved. This muscle works to stabilize a loose sacroiliac joint and becomes tight and painful. In some cases the piriformis muscle can affect the sciatic nerve which runs down the back of the leg. It is important to remember that the tight muscles are the body's way to stabilize the joint.

One test for sacroiliac instability is to lie on your back and lift the right and left legs one at a time. A positive test is when the pain is worse with lifting either leg or one leg feels weaker than the other when lifted.

Treatment for sacroiliac instability is to first avoid stretching the ligaments and creating further damage. Physical therapy modalities such as ultrasound and electrical muscle stimulation and ice can also help. A licensed health care provider such as a chiropractor or physical therapist can also prescribe stabilization exercises similar to those found in pilates routines. In some cases a sacroiliac support belt also called a trochanteric support can also help to support the joint. This belt is worn around the widest part of the hips. In many cases the belt provides some immediate relief from pain.

If you have any of the following you could have sacroiliac instability:

1. Traumatic injury to the low back.

2. Low back pain treatment that is not working.

3. Low back pain after taking up stretching or yoga.

It is best to get a diagnosis from a licensed health care provider who can also provide the appropriate treatment to help you heal. Generally, in most cases stretching is a good thing for the low back but for some very flexible people it could cause damage to the sacroiliac joint. As with any back injury, early intervention by a qualified practitioner will prevent a minor problem from becoming an aggravating, chronic problem.

How to Find a TMJ Specialist

Are you one of the approximately 10 million Americans with TMJ? Do you need to see a TMJ specialist? If you don't know, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Do you feel pain in your upper and/or lower jaw?
2. Do you get headaches frequently and often accompanied by facial pain?
3. Do you have ringing in your ears?
4. Do you hear a clicking or popping sound when you open or close your mouth?

If you answered yes to any of these, then you may well have a problem.

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and it's a condition where the hinge joint that connects your skull with your jaw becomes irritated, painful, dislodged, or locked. These symptoms are typical of TMJ dysfunction, and if you suspect you may be suffering from this disorder, you need to find a TMJ specialist as soon as possible to get yourself treated.

Here are some things you can do to find effective treatment:

1. Keep a record of all your symptoms and issues so that you'll have information to discuss with your healthcare providers. Note when and where the pain occurs, what brings it on, and what makes it feel better. At the same time, try to learn more about the condition, its causes, its symptoms, and its treatment. The Internet is a great place to find a lot of information in articles and posts. You may even want to check message boards for other TMJ patients' comments to see what they've experienced and how your case is similar to or different from theirs.

2. Take the information you found, along with your symptom log, to your primary care doctor, who can examine you and make a preliminary diagnosis. As most primary care physicians are not TMJ specialists, your doctor will, if the situation warrants it, send you to someone who is. That someone will most likely be your dentist, and she can help directly in finding the reason behind the symptoms you're experiencing. She will give you a thorough mouth and jaw exam and review your history of symptoms. She may also use diagnostic tests, such as X-rays and CT (computerized tomography) scans to examine both the teeth and the soft tissue around them. If she determines the cause of your problems is TMJ, one of the first things she may try is to fashion an oral appliance to prevent teeth grinding and clenching. If that is not helpful, she may refer you to an orthodontist or other specialist, such as a maxillofacial surgeon to help. Sometimes it is necessary to treat a jaw imbalance through surgery, but usually this is considered only as a last resort. Make sure you understand why your dentist is referring you to someone else.

3. Now that you've seen your dentist and gotten an official diagnosis of TMJ, go get a second opinion, and a third, and maybe even a fourth. This is crucial! Not every person is the same, and not all people have the same type and severity of TMJ. You want to find a TMJ specialist who will treat YOU correctly, and you can only do this by asking others their opinion of what you have learned. And if you feel uneasy about a treatment option she offers, be sure to ask why she's recommending it for you; don't blindly accept a treatment without understanding all the implications of what that treatment means.

4. Once you and your specialist have settled on a potential treatment, pause for a moment and ask your health insurance company if they will cover it. Not all insurance companies cover TMJ treatment, so it's always a good idea to check ahead. If they will not cover it, find out how much the treatment would cost you, and decide if that is an acceptable amount. Don't let yourself get pressured into an untenable situation just because the specialist wants to do it.

5. It's also important, as you go through the process of dealing with your TMJ issues, to find support. It's always much better to have someone who knows what you're going through; that way you can talk over all the points and compare notes on opinions and procedures. There are TMJ support groups around, and you should consider reaching out to one. Not only will you make new friends and maybe get a lead on a good doctor, but you'll also get good advice and suggestions on how other patients with TMJ are coping.

The burden falls on you to decide which, if any of the proffered options, is right for treating your TMJ. Be proactive. Seek out a TMJ specialist that has your best interest in mind, as well as the best program possible. It is your body, after all. Take good care of it.

Is TMJ Dentist Treatment Better Than Chiropractic For a Headache Or Neck Pain?

While many cases of a headache or neck pain can be effectively treated by chiropractic care, if a TMJ disorder is the cause of pain you should also visit a TMJ dentist.

The science of chiropractic has been around for over a hundred years. Although it got off to a rocky start, it now enjoys a forefront position in the medical community as a viable and very successful methodology for alternative medicine.

However, is it effective in relieving TMJ discomfort and pain? Even though the basic philosophy of chiropractic is to realign and adjust the spine and major joints, it is rather difficult to realign a jaw directly with chiropractic care. The jaw alignment may be helped though with a spinal adjustment. Certain other modalities might be attempted to relieve TMJ pain by a chiropractor, and these include heat, massage and a gentle electric current that stimulates the surrounding muscle. Some patients even claim they do experience relief after a few visits.

However, if you have been diagnosed with a TMJ disorder, or if you believe that you may have TMJ syndrome (a problem related to the way the jaw and surrounding muscles work together), your best bet is to rely on a TMJ dentist or oral surgeon who is experienced in this area of treatment.

It is one thing to make the diagnosis, but it is quite another thing to understand what caused the problem. A TMJ disorder does not just happen on its own unless the person was born with some sort of abnormality in that area. Usually the problem results over time because a few teeth have slipped out of alignment and the bite is off. This can cause severe pain and other symptoms including a severe headache and even neck pain and back pain.

Other causes might be more acute such as accidents, falls, or even a hard slap across the face. Nightly teeth grinding can cause the facial muscles to have spasms during the day. TMJ syndrome and other conditions can be caused by some chronic diseases that effect all muscles.

Without knowing the exact cause of the TMJ disorder, it is difficult to prescribe a treatment modality. A dental professional is the best source of results for this type of diagnosis as well as getting an effective plan for treatment.

If your regular dentist does not happen to be an expert in the area, and not all are, ask if he knows of a colleague he could recommend to you. Referrals are always an excellent way to find the medical help you need.

It could require a few weeks to get pain relief even after a definite diagnosis is made. There are various medications that may provide temporary relief of pain symptoms, but not every patient responds to each drug the same way. In addition to serious pain killers, there are steroids and non-steroids, muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatory pills.

Of course, as with any type of medication, there are side effects to be aware of. For instance, muscle relaxants might help relieve pain for a while, but many cause drowsiness - not a good idea to take if you are driving and hard to take if you're working. Steroids have another set of side effects that many patients find unpleasant such as bloating and rashes.

The best treatment a TMJ dentist provides is a custom made orthotic which is a mouth guard that gently realigns the jaw and bite. Relief from many types of pain such as a headache or neck pain is corrected by this in addition to the root cause of the problem.

What's the Best Way to Get Rid of Gout and Get Gout Pain Relief

Joints soreness, redness and severe pain at the base of the big toe are symptoms which probably indicate that you are suffering from gout. The excruciating pain which comes from the big toe may make you wake up at night. These sharp pains are possible signs of one the most severe forms of arthritis. Gout attacks can cause burning sensation and intense pain in the big toe. This sort of illness may affect anyone at any age and make you feel helpless in search for gout pain relief.

Finding gout pain relief to alleviate and ease the pain is probably the first requirement when suffering from a gout attack. Severe gout attacks can cause severe pain and intense burning sensation leaving the affected parts inflamed, raw and hot which couldn't even bear the slightest of touch. The good news is that, you can find remedy to gout pain and reduce its painful symptoms, and prevent it from occurring again. But first of all, let's get to know what is gout? What are the types of gout? What causes gout?

What is gout?

Gout is often referred to as the most painful type of arthritis. The high deposit of uric acid in the blood is what results in gout. It can be an extremely painful situation and affects your joints. Gout takes place when your body tends to produce too much of uric acid and cannot dispose the exact quantities. Uric acid is the waste product of the purines. It is processed by the digestive system of the human body. Generally, the uric acid flows in the blood stream and departs through kidneys.

What causes gout?

Remember when your body produces high level of uric acid, you are more vulnerable to suffer from hyperuricemia. Urate crystals gathered around the tendon areas causes intense pain and swelling during any gout attack. When uric deposits reach to its extreme, the joints around the affected area become inflamed and swollen.

The inflammation taking place is the reaction of your body failing to fight off the disturbance caused due to excess of uric acid. With the production of too much of white blood cells, the swollen and inflamed joints experience a burning sensation.

What are the different gout types?

Recurrent Gout

This is the sort of gout which offers sufferers a few years or months of possible respite from the pain and the symptoms. The joints can go back to its normal function without any problem. The lapses can even last up to many years. But, when the gout attacks take place again, it can appear more dangerous than the earlier attacks. And the second time when it appears, it can spread to the other neighboring joints.


This sort of gout points out to a high level of uric acid in the body. There are 2 sorts of hyperuricemia- secondary and primary hyperuricemia. The primary hyperuricemia is a type of inherited dysfunction in kidneys which disables its capability to excrete the correct amount of uric acid that leads to the accumulation of the uric acid in your blood stream. On the other hand, secondary hyperruricemia is caused due to certain treatments and medications. Eating few particular food groups can even trigger this disease.

Acute Gouts

The acute gout is usually characterized by the swelling of the joints due to the high amount of the uric acid crystals. An intense pain and inflammation may take place and continue for several days. Acute gout attacks can bring on a throbbing and excruciating pain. And the burning sensation can even spread out throughout the affected areas. Big toes are the major victims of this sort of gout. However, it can even extend to the other areas.

Chronic Gouts

This is one of the most dangerous kinds of gout types. This causes permanent damage to the joints and the kidneys. It may affect tendons, and build lumps in knees, ears, hands and in the other body parts. Puss may appear from your skin. In such a condition, gout pain relief should be administered quite immediately, if you are suffering from this sort of gout.

Gout Cures & Remedies

For quick gout pain relief, immediate medication is required. There are various types of medications available in the market. Doctors usually prescribe medications depending on the state of your health. Generally, medications are prescribed to cure the acute and painful gout attacks and to restrain it from getting back again.

Treatments are recommended to lessen chances of the gout complications, like a sudden increase in the urate crystal deposits which causes lumps to develop under your skin. Treating gout pain with proper medications is a useful way of getting rid of this painful disease. However, to cure gout a proper lifestyle change is necessitated which starts with the regular diet.

Drinking 2 to 4 liters of water in a day will help in flushing out toxins from your system and avoid gout attacks. Avoid alcohol and fast foods which includes a high fat content. You should even eat less of fish, poultry and meat, especially when you are trying hard to free yourself from the painful gout attacks to ensure gain gout pain relief.

Many people feel that alternative and natural treatments to seek gout pain relief are the safest and the best options to put an end to this painful condition. For instance, coffee is considered a possible remedy as it helps to reduce the level of uric level. However, there is a lack of evidence, so non-coffee drinkers might not be encouraged to begin with the habit. But you never know few clues can lead to new discoveries to treat gout in future.

Cherries and Vitamin C have been discovered to minimize the uric acid levels in the human body. Even deep breathing exercises and meditation are few other alternative gout treatments which can help you to manage the gout attacks.

Paying attention to your diet is the most crucial thing to ensure the removal of the uric acid build up stored in your body and thus get a proper gout pain relief. Be sure to take Vitamin C supplements, grapes, avocados, strawberries, cherries and blueberries. Also, limit the total protein intake as well.

Chiropractic Care and Temporomandibular Disorder - Why Do the Head and Neck Hurt?

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), otherwise known as the jaw joint is associated with the upper cervical vertebrae. The muscles that move the jaw are largely innervated by the fifth cranial nerve, referred to as trigeminal nerve. Trigeminal nerve is one of the most complex and powerful nerves in the human body. It is completely responsible for your jaw and tooth functions. It provides sensation to your jaws, face tongue, sinus, palate, eyes, teeth, and lips.

The nerve accounts for approximately 40% of the brain's processing. The brain uses 40% of its energy trying to figure out what the trigeminal nerve is sending to and from it. It is also associated to the facial, hypoglossal, and vagus nerves. These nerves are responsible for sensation and function of almost all other muscles of the head, neck, and throat. Many branches of these nerves pass through the jaw joint wherein if one of them is strained, the rest of the nerves may get affected as well.

The jaw joint is one of the most complicated joints in your body, with a complex arrangement of muscles and ligaments allowing various types of movements. Any problem that stops the muscles, ligaments, discs and bones from working normally together can cause temporomandibular disorder, a disorder that is painful to the jaw joint. Having this condition, a person may experience incorrect bites, jaw clicking, grinding and notching of the teeth, not to mention severe headache and acute neck pain.

An incorrect bite may mean a lot of stress and pressure being placed on your jaw. Sometimes in severe cases, a person with TMD can barely open his or her mouth widely, or will feel clicking, cracking or a "pop" upon opening. Often, patients report the onset of the jaw joint disorder occurring with some sort of unusual stress, such as final exams, or work-related issues.

In most cases, people rely on chiropractic care because it has been proven to be more effective than taking medications, not to mention it helps patients by using approach that is gentler, cheaper, and safer than what traditional care can provide. Surgery can also be an option for treating TMD. However, it is expensive and it takes time away from work and other activities during recovery, and it can be dangerous as well.

If you have TMD, chiropractic manipulation may be recommended with the aid of massage, ice/heat therapy, and some specific exercises. In most cases, your chiropractor's first goal is to eliminate the symptoms, particularly pain. Along with the treatment, your chiropractor may recommend specific exercises such as stretching and strengthening exercises. Stretching exercises helps to relax tight muscles, while strengthening exercises helps to tighten loose muscles.

Chiropractic care works well with disorders which are mechanical in nature thus it is very effective with TMD. This is the most preferable than any other options. Problems are more closely examined and eliminated by focusing on the underlying cause itself.

Arthritis Pain? Stop Eating Junk Food And Get Relief From Pain Naturally

After years of aggravating joint pain I finally found relief from my arthritis pain, naturally, and you can do it too. I got rid of my arthritis symptoms and arthritis pain forever by making one simple change in my lifestyle. I stopped eating all junk food.

Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease of the joint cartilage and bone. It's often thought to result from continuous "wear and tear" on a joint. There are other causes of arthritis such as congenital arthritis with congenital defects, trauma and metabolic disorders. And osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. When people refer to arthritis they usually mean osteoarthritis not rheumatoid arthritis, which can be detected by blood tests. Osteoarthritis cannot be diagnosed using blood tests. Arthritis is usually found in the joints of the fingers, feet, knees, hips, and spine.

The ability to make repairs to the cartilage becomes very limited as cartilage cells age. Damaged joints cause pain and arthritis sufferers are constantly looking for ways to relieve this pain. Our joints are uniquely designed to provide flexibility, support, stability, and protection.

Genetic factors are thought to be involved in about fifty percent of osteoarthritis cases in the hands and hips and a somewhat lower percentage of cases for the knee. An inflammatory response causes cytokines to gather in injured areas and cause inflammation and damage to body tissue and cells. It's known to play a role in a systemic form of arthritis - rheumatoid arthritis and other muscle and joint issues associated with autoimmune diseases. Genetic researchers report a higher incidence of osteoarthritis between parents and children and between siblings rather than between husbands and wives.

For part of a dietary approach try avoiding seven of the eight most allergic foods - wheat, which is the most allergenic of all, corn, eggs, milk, peanuts, fish and shellfish. If you really want to get rid of your arthritis pain forever it may take a big change in your diet and an ongoing commitment to it. So the first step in managing your arthritis is to change your diet. I think all health professionals would agree with this.

Try massaging your fingers or other affected joints with virgin coconut oil once or twice a day to help loosen them up and maintain flexibility. Nutrition experts say it takes a combination of supplements, not just one supplement to help relieve arthritis pain, build cartilage, etc. but studies done on antioxidant vitamins question their value as supplements. It's clearly better to consume these antioxidants in living plant foods because they may also need to work together with other nutrients present in the foods to work properly - called synergistic action.

One good natural treatment method involves avoiding all inflammatory foods. And dried Montmorency tart cherries and cherries and their juice seem to be helpful as a natural treatment for arthritis pain for many people.

Gluten may be just one of the culprits in arthritic diseases including fibromyalgia. So avoid wheat, barley, rye, spelt, triticale, kamut and oats (although it's not a gluten grain it gets contaminated with wheat during the milling process at the where it is usually milled). Many arthritis sufferers who've changed their diets significantly have noticed major or total improvement in their overall health.

Exercise all your non-affected and affected joints every day, to keep them flexible. Even if you don't think you can exercise, you can do some movements no matter how small so just keep moving as much as possible. Don't lie down when you can sit and don't sit when you can stand. Keep your feet moving. Use the Chinese Taiji health balls, the kind with the chimes, to strengthen the finger joints. To use them hold the two balls in on hand, move them in a clockwise circle with your fingers to rotate them, then try moving them counterclockwise and do this off and on throughout the day and at bedtime. If you do have pain and swelling in your fingers, you can try squeezing some Thera-putty, which is made for this purpose. It's available at your local health equipment supplier.

Try wearing pair of stretch gloves at night to help reduce the pain and swelling in your fingers if you have arthritic hands. A doctor I know said he has found sleeping in a sleeping bag on his bed has really helped him. If weight is an issue, try to using exercises that will help you with arthritis and in losing weight such as walking, even if just around the block a few times. And did I mention to make sure to keep moving?

Please be aware that the use of pain relievers like NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors do not halt the progress of osteoarthritis and may even hasten its onset. Only you know which arthritis treatment options are best for you. As for conventional treatment of arthritis - if you do choose to take drugs or arthritis medicines, be very careful, read the labels thoroughly and talk to your pharmacist about side effects and adverse reactions. Make sure you know the name of your medications and if they'll react with any other medications you're taking. Always know the name and dosage measurement of your drugs in case of an emergency situation.

So begin your treatment program with a diet change, exercise and weight loss plan to see the best results and pain relief fast. Your treatment plan should include an anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritis diet, lots of movement, exercise, and a positive mental outlook. Arthritis pain relief of your arthritis symptoms is the ultimate goal. Understanding arthritis and conventional and natural arthritis treatments and applying what will work for you is a good way to get there.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

You Can Do Something With Ordinary Sore Body Joints

We have all experienced it: those aches and pains after a workout, or just when we have been sitting for an extended period of time. As we get older they seem to hit harder and last longer. Sometimes the soreness seems to be so deep it is coming right from the bone or joint. According to research at the Johns Hopkins Medical School, even joints damaged by arthritis causes negligible frictional resistance. So where do they come from, and is there anything to do to relieve the pain?

When we get soreness in our joints, the real cause of stiffness and pain is in the muscles and connective tissues that move the joints. If we don't use those joints regularly, we lose the range of motion that the joint originally had. Similar to the difficulty in opening and closing a rusty door that hasn't been used, using joints that do not remain flexible will cause pain in the muscles supporting the joint and discouraging us from using them further. If we don't always keeping the joint loose and flexible it will cause the surrounding muscle tissue to become short and tight.

We can attribute a few causes of this muscle tightening and contracting. When the joints are inactive and as we age, ligaments and tendons become less elastic. The tendons are the most difficult to stretch, as they are densely packed fibers. Then there is a layer of fibrous tissue surrounding the groups of muscles, blood vessels and nerves, called the fasciae. They, like ligaments and tendons, are made of collagen. Even though they are the easiest to flex, if the fasciae is not kept limber and flexible it will shorten and cause pressure on the nerve pathways.

Many aches and pains will be caused by nerve impulses traveling along these pressured pathways. Incidentally, the fasciae connect muscles to other muscles, whereas ligaments join one bone to another bone, and tendons join muscle to bone. But they are what we try to target when we try to keep the joints from getting stiff and sore.

This can be described as what we normally call "wear and tear" of the joints. Although most of us pass it off as simply getting older, there is no reason to simply attribute it to old age and give up. There is quite a lot we can do to maintain the joints through proper diet and exercise. There are other means of exercise that will be less taxing on the joints instead of running or jogging. Try swimming as part of your aerobic training, or perhaps cycling.

We obviously did not get into some of the other joint problems that people have. These may be from injuries, rheumatoid arthritis, which is an auto-immune disorder, or osteoarthritis, which involves degeneration of cartilage in the joint. But these conditions require medical attention and do not come under the realm of what we are covering here: the typical stiffening of the joint do to inactivity and lack of exercise. We can reverse the aging process by recognizing what the real issue is and that we can do something about it.

Osteoarthritis of the Hip - The Most Common Type of Hip Arthritis

Who is Most Affected?

The hip joint is one of the most common locations for osteoarthritis, generally affecting people over the age of 50. Arthritis of the hip is more common in overweight people, with studies showing them to have five times more chance of developing the condition due to the extra stress placed on their hips. There may also be a genetic predisposition, where the joints become damaged simply because a person has inherited a body that wears in an unlucky manner. In addition to injury or repetitive stress, poor bone alignment or the way you walk could also be another factor.

Causes of Osteoarthritis of the Hip

Osteoarthritis of the hip starts when a small amount of the cartilage cushioning the bones of the hip begins to erode, creating some local inflammation and eventually causing the bones of the joint to grind or rub together. A major cause is traumatic injury to the hip and fractures to the bone around the joint. The trauma may be sudden and severe, such as a sporting trauma, but is more commonly associated with overuse of the joint for occupational or sporting purposes. In most individuals the indications do not appear until middle age, but the disease process starts much earlier, with the condition accelerating following trauma to the hip joint.

What are the Most Common Symptoms?

Hip pain is the most universal symptom of hip arthritis but it is possible to go for months and even years with the only symptom being loss of flexibility in the joint. The main symptoms of hip arthritis are pain, crackling, stiffness and inflammation of the affected joint. The rubbing together of the bones will sometimes cause patients to feel or hear their hip creak when walking. The level of pain varies and is described as mild, dull and aching or deep and throbbing. Usually it begins as a minor ache, which can disappear with rest, progressing to sharp pains when the joint is moved, ending in continuous pain. During the early stages the joints are often stiff at the beginning of the day, tending to improve with movement. However, as the condition worsens, a permanent loss of range of motion occurs.

Where is the Pain Felt?

Pain is frequently experienced in the groin and because of this can sometimes be misdiagnosed as a hernia or strain in the groin. It is also possible to feel pain radiating down the front or inner thigh, in the buttocks or knee and sometimes up to the back. There can be pain when pivoting or rotating the hip inward, bending, doing foot care and when getting in or out of a chair or car. Due to the overlapping nerve supply between the hip and knee, it is possible that knee pain may be the only symptom of arthritis of the hip.

Treatment for Osteoarthritis of the Hip

Many doctors today believe that weight loss is probably one of the most important treatments. Normally the first lines of treatment for mild osteoarthritis of the hip are pain relievers. Exercising is very important as it helps to keep the hip joint limber but must be ongoing to be effective on a long term basis. Too much or too little activity can make the condition worse and a full range of motion is encouraged to reduce stiffness. Because of its non weight bearing nature, swimming is highly beneficial and water exercises are particularly suited for improving the hip's range of motion and promoting strength and flexibility in the muscles surrounding it. Hip replacement surgery is sometimes suggested, and although in many cases it is usually an extremely successful operation, a new joint has a limited life span and is usually a final resort.

Using Water to Relieve Joint Pain

Joint Pain, and How Water Can Help

Your body is an amazing creation. From a circulatory standpoint, your body is a river of water, always moving, flowing, and cleansing and refreshing the organs and tissues and cells. And your bones and joints.

Now we tend to think of bones and joints as though they were hard, inanimate things. But that's not true. They are living and growing parts of your body, just as much as any other part of your body.

Most of us have joint pain from time to time. It may be something simple, like a minor pain in the knee, or something as excruciating as a pulled muscle in the back. Sometimes we know what caused it (maybe a little too much strenuous exercise when we weren't quite used to it) but often we have no idea what caused the pain that we're suffering from.

What we don't realize is that poisons (or toxins, if you will) can accumulate in joints and joint tissues, and cause pain and inflammation. When we're having unexplained joint pain, it's important to make sure the body can get rid of that poison. Water can do that for you. Make use of it. This isn't to say that such toxins are the only cause of your pain. If you're having prolonged, unexpected joint or bone pain, have your health provider check it out. But often the answer is found in the tap in your kitchen sink.

TMJ Disorder - Symptoms and Causes

Temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ disorder for short is defined as the inflammation of the temporomandibular joint. This is the area just in front of the ears, better known as the jaw. It can be acute or chronic. The disorder was previously known as Costen's Syndrome.

Temporomandibular Joint

To understand the disorder, you should have a good understanding about the temporomandibular joint. It is the ball-and-socket that connects your upper and lower jaws. This is the joint that you use every day for chewing, yawning, talking, and biting. Any problem in the joint will affect all these functions.

Common Symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

The most common symptom of this disorder is headache. It is seen in almost 80% of patients. Almost 40% of patients also exhibit facial pain. The pain is increased when trying to open and close the mouth. Other predisposing factors include air conditioning and cold weather. This will cause contraction of the facial muscles, thereby increasing the pain.

Another common symptom of TMJ disorder is ear pain. It is seen in almost 50% of patients. The pain is commonly in front of the ear. Occasionally, it also occurs below the ear. The ear pain may or may not be associated with infection in the ear. When you visit your doctor with an ear infection, the doctor may also check the temporomandibular joint. This is done for the proper diagnosis of the condition.

Another common symptom associated with the disorder is a popping or grinding sound when moving the jaw. This is called crepitus. The patient may also exhibit increased pain along with crepitus. Dizziness is also seen in some patients with this disorder. It occurs in almost 40% of patients.

Some 33% of patients also report fullness of the ear. Ear fullness and pain is usually seen in patients with problems of the Eustachian tube, which regulates the pressure inside the middle ear. It becomes especially troublesome for patients when flying in commercial airplanes.

Some patients also complain about ringing in the ear. This problem is known as tinnitus, and is seen in 33% of patients.

Causes of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

This disorder is mainly caused by excessive wear and tear of the joint. One of the main reasons for this wear and tear is teeth grinding in the night. Improper alignment and other problems with the teeth can also result in this disorder. Other predisposing factors include any previous fractures and stress. If you have the habit of holding the telephone between the shoulder and the head, it may also lead to TMJ disorder