Saturday, November 2, 2013

Can Leg Pain Be Coming From My Hip?

If you're experiencing leg pain, you might be wondering if it's possible that the pain is actually originating from your hip. The answer to this question is yes. Many times people with leg pain actually have an issue in their hip. It's very common for a person with a hip problem to have symptoms that refer down to the front of the leg or knee. This referred pain can radiate to other areas and cause a dull ache or even sharp, stabbing pains.

Could It Be Sciatica?

One very common yet issued that radiates down to the leg is called sciatica. Sciatica, simply put, is pain which radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve and the branches associated with it. Some people also feel it in their lower back down their buttocks and leg. The longest nerve in your body is the sciatic nerve as it runs from your spinal cord to your hip area and then down the back of each leg.

Sciatica is Just a Symptom

It's important to note that sciatica isn't a disorder in and of itself. It's actually a symptom that indicates to your doctor that there's another problem involving that nerve. For instance, you may have a herniated disc that's pressing on the sciatic nerve. Often, sciatica comes and goes in certain individuals. However, without treatment for the underlying cause of the nerve irritation, many people are destined to continue experiencing the pain of sciatica throughout their lives.

Leg Pain Isn't Always Sciatica

While sciatica can present several symptoms including pain, tingling and even a pins and needles feeling, there are other nerve irritations that can come from the hip and cause pain in the front of the leg and knee. When you feel pain in the front of the leg, it typically is not a problem with the sciatic nerve.

Because the pain can radiate from the hip throughout the leg, there are specific tests that a trained pain specialist can use to differentiate hip pain from a spinal problem or a leg problem. Just because you feel pain in your legs doesn't mean that the pain is actually originating from there. Instead, it could be coming from any number of nerves in your spinal column.

It's very important to have a pain specialist do the proper testing in order to find the underlying cause of your pain. By doing so, they will be able to create a complete treatment plan that may include physical therapy and other modalities to treat the cause rather than just throwing medication at the symptoms.

Collagen - For Arthritis and Joint Health

Collagen protein (Type II Collagen) is the most abundant fibrous protein found in our body, representing 30% of total body protein AND up to 70% of the proteins in our connective tissues. Collagen is essential for the healthy growth and development of muscles, tendons and bones, giving structure to tendons, cartilage tissue, and connective tissue.

Our body produces and stores collagen protein during our youth; unfortunately, as we age, our collagen protein level decreases and our body cannot produce or rebuild the collagen level on its own. From the age of 25 our collagen levels reduce at about 1.5% every year as part of the aging process, as well as, the body's natural ability to repair supporting connective tissue (bone, joints, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, skin, hair and nails) begins to diminish. By the age of 45 our collagen levels will have been reduced by up to 30%. When the body's collagen production is reduced, both cartilage strength and all the body systems that contain cartilage are affected. This reduction contributes to an increase in general aches and pains in our joints and muscles and longer recovery times from injuries.

Collagen Hydrolysate can replace the collagen our body is no longer producing. Collagen Hydrolysate is collagen effectively broken down to facilitate easy absorption by the body. Although collagen hydrolysate is found in a mixed diet which includes meat and other animal produce, (vegan diets do not contain any collagen hydrolysate), an insufficient intake of collagen hydrolysate is relatively common. Due to the limited food choices in our diets and the wear and tear that occurs with the natural aging process (and even greater risks for those who participate in strenuous jobs or recreational activities or are predisposed to joint disease), a collagen supplement is vital.

Collagen Hydrolysate is an ideal nutritional supplement and preventive for anyone wanting to stay fit and healthy. Collagen Hydrolysate can play a vital role for those individuals at risk of developing joint disease. Such at-risk populations include: older individuals, especially 50 years or older; being overweight; those whose occupational activities predispose to osteoarthritis (ex. jobs involving repeated knee bending); individuals participating in extensive non-occupational physical activities including recreational running/walkers, cyclists, gardeners, soccer/football players; those with a history of significant joint or ligament injury; and individuals with a family history suggesting a genetic predisposition to any form of arthritis. Collagen Hydrolysate can even benefit individuals who already suffer from degenerative joint disease and arthritic conditions by reducing inflammation, decreasing pain, (thus reducing pain medications) and improving joint function, flexibility and mobility.

To find out more information about Calotren, Better Joints, or any of our health supplements, please visit our website.'s your life...your well.

Treatment Options for Thumb CMC Arthritis

Thumb CMC arthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The "opposable thumb" that has allowed us to develop fine motor coordination is made possible by the CMC joint, located at the base of the thumb. Also known as the basal joint, it's the most important joint in your hand, allowing you to pinch, manipulate objects, and to grasp items of various sizes. When this joint is painful, tasks that seem so simple, such as writing, turning keys, or buttoning, can become burdensome.

The thumb CMC joint gets most of its stability from ligaments, rather than the bony structure of the joint. These ligaments can stretch after years of use, eventually leading to instability, causing the cartilage of these bones to wear. A form of osteoarthritis, it's a progressive condition caused by wear and tear that can progress to bone on bone pain in the later stages.

In daily life, this joint takes an enormous amount of strain since it's used whenever we hold anything in our hand. It often begins to show signs of wear when a person is in their late 40s to early 50s. Both women and men are affected by thumb CMC arthritis, but it's more common in women since they are more likely to have ligament laxity.

There are several options to treat the pain that occurs with thumb CMC arthritis:

1. Splinting: The purpose of wearing a splint is to provide support to the thumb CMC joint, taking some of the strain off of the joint. A good splint will position the thumb so you can easily touch the tip of your thumb to your index finger. Custom splints can be molded directly to your hand by a local hand or occupational therapist. Premade splints come in a variety of options. Generally, splints can be worn during activities that involve thumb use, and can also be worn at night to keep the thumb in a good resting position.

2. Therapy: A local hand or occupational therapist can teach you ways to decrease your pain, techniques to protect your joints, and exercises to prevent stiffness.

3. Cortisone Injections: Your orthopedic surgeon may recommend a cortisone injection to decrease your pain. It's a steroid that is injected directly into the joint to decrease inflammation. Pain relief can vary from person to person. Some report total relief of symptoms while others don't. Talk to your doctor to learn more.

4. Surgery: People decide to have a joint replacement surgery when pain has progressed to the point that it limits function in daily activities. With this procedure, a bone in your wrist (or at least a portion of it) is removed. A strip of muscle or tendon is taken from your forearm and placed in the open space. There are several different versions of this surgery so if you have questions, talk to your doctor.

Despite which option you choose, pay attention when you experience thumb pain. Try to limit or avoid activities that require pinching whenever possible. Many adaptive devices have been developed to decrease the pinch force used for activities. Using a pencil grip on your pen or a key adapter on your keys can make your life easier and less painful. Remember that the earlier you seek treatment, the more proactive you can be to prevent it from progressing!

Essential Steps For Relieving Joint Pain Using Joint Pain Vitamins

You've probably heard of stories of people suffering from painful joints. For some, the condition might even be a default when you're getting older. Is there really no way out of these conditions? How do joint pain vitamins help in such scenarios?

There are a lot of advertisements showing various joint pain vitamins. These products are readily available in the market nowadays. All of them, of course, promise to be the best among the best. It might be hard to discern at times. That's why it is necessary to look at both the problem and offered solution. It will definitely give a clearer picture.

Understanding joint pains

This is a common condition for those who are suffering from arthritis and other bone deficiencies. Before you decide on taking joint pain vitamins, you must first analyze the root of the problem. There are a lot of people who go into the mistake of self-medication when they do not even know the cause of their ailments.

After you address the causes, you now have to check the reasons for your condition. On a general perspective, they are caused by thinning cartilage tissues. When this happens, the joints seem to bump into each other in every movement. Such scenarios really require the intake of some form of supplements.

Vitamins over pain killers

What most doctors would recommend to alleviate the pain are anti-inflammatory medicines composed mostly of ibuprofen and aspirins. The trouble with these types of medications is that they pose serious die effects in the long run. What you would naturally want to do is to address the problem head on. Here are some types of the joint pain vitamins that you should consider taking.

• Vitamin C

Look at any brand of joint pain vitamins and you'll find that it has Vitamin C in its ingredients. Recent reports suggest that the body needs lots of Vitamin C in order to protect the joints and cartilages. If you can, opt to get vitamin c from natural sources such as fruits. You can always pop a Vitamin C pill if you find it more convenient. But, getting this basic vitamin from foods are way better.

• Folic acid and the minerals for the bones

You need to power up the health of your bones in order to avoid problems such as osteoporosis. What most joint pain vitamins contain is folic acid, calcium and magnesium. There are also other vitamins and minerals that naturally supplement the bones but these ones are the most effective.

• Vitamin A

Studies have emphasized that those who are suffering from vitamin A deficiency are more prone to have joint pains than other people. That's why it is necessary to take joint pain vitamins that contain this particular vitamin component. You can get vitamin A from yellow or orange foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes and squash. Most multi-vitamins supplements also have them in their ingredients.

• Vitamin B complex

As its name suggests, vitamin B complex are composed of other vitamin elements. This includes riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, vitamin B12 and niacin. Aside from the fact that vitamin B complex aids the nervous system, these vitamins are also able to aid in reducing the discomfort you are feeling. True enough, a lot of studies and experiments report that deficiency in vitamin b results to arthritis. It is quite impossible to take one food source for all the variants of this vitamin. Although there are a few, like ginger, beans, eggs and liver that all contain vitamin B complex. When looking for that extra assistance, ensure that the joint pain vitamins you'll be taking have B complex in its list.

Other essential steps for relieving joint pains using Joint Pain Vitamins

While taking reliable joint pain vitamins, you can also look for other substances and do practices that can help alleviate your condition. Check out some of them below.

• Detoxify the body.

Letting the body release harmful toxins should be a regular practice. How does the body do it? The body naturally releases these substances in the form of urine and perspiration. However, these natural processes may not be enough triggers. As such, it is recommended that you eat vegetables that have high anti-oxidant properties. You can also look for joint pain vitamins that contain detoxifiers. It might be a more convenient option.

• Look for probiotics.

Probiotics are live microorganisms contained in food. These helpful bacteria provide the body more than enough protection from pains and diseases. There might be joint pain vitamins supplements that contain probiotics in small portions. Probiotics are commonly found in cheese and yogurt so try to have daily servings of these food choices.

• Avoid alcohol.

While you may argue that beer contains a few vitamins, this is not enough reason for you to insist on drinking. Bear in mind that most supplements do not work if you have alcohol in your body. Try to avoid going out for drinks with friends in order to effectively avoid any invitation to drink.

• Do stretching exercises on a regular basis.

Most often than not, people just jump to the use of joint pain vitamins supplements at the first stage of the condition. What most people fail to analyze is that pains in the bones are sometimes caused by lack of exercise. Look for basic stretching exercises that you can do for a few minutes before or after your day. You can't argue that you have a sedentary job nature as you can still get around it. Take the stairs instead of the elevator if you can. Walk instead of hailing a cab.

• Sleep.

You can't rely on your joint pain vitamins if you don't get enough sleep. The only time that your body is relaxed and able to repair damaged cells is during sleep. If you don't get good hours for it, expect that you would eventually have more joint pains.

There are ways by which you can handle your medical situations. While it might be easier to rely on joint pain vitamins, you should also do yourself a favor by doing what's right. The basics really matter in taking care of yourself, doing this and using Joint Pain Vitamins at the same time gives you the best chance available to have as pain a free life as possible.

Pain Control - Coping With Arthritis

How pain control helps you cope with your arthritis.

Living with a degenerative joint disease such as arthritis often means living with severe aches and pains associated with these diseases. Knowing how to alleviate the pain comes from learning about how to control the disease. There are different types of arthritis and knowing which type you have affects what treatment may be needed. However, before beginning a treatment plan, let's learn some basic concepts regarding pain.

  • Aches and pains are not all the same.Just as there are different types of arthritis so are there different types of pain. Along with that, each patient is also different and it may take trying different treatments to find the best pain control method that works best for you.

  • What causes pain? Most will occur to alert us that something is wrong with our body. Our nerves release chemical signals then transmit the signals to our brain. There are short-term signals like we get when touching something hot to help keep us safe. Long-lasting pain experienced with arthritis is a different kind of hurting. This type must be managed with proper pain control to improve our comfort levels and improve the quality of life.

  • How do we control pain? Our brain and spinal cord has an arrangement of nerves that our pain signals travel through. Creating chemicals either naturally or with supplements that interfere and block these signals will help stop pain.

There are many factors that can contribute to the aches and pains with arthritis that include:

  • Inflammation- Responsible for causing swelling and redness in the affected joints.

  • Injury to joint tissues- Resulting from pressure, stress, injury or the disease process of the joints.

  • Fatigue- A basic result of the arthritic disease process, which makes the pain build up and thus more difficult to handle.

  • Depression and stress-Limited movement and being unable to enjoy countless activities can make depression a serious issue caused by this disease. Increased aches and pains, stress, depression and the loss of abilities can make the overall pain control management more difficult.

What contributes to the increase of aches and pains associated with arthritis?

Depression, Anxiety, Fatigue, Focusing on pain, Overdoing physical activity, Stress, Increased disease activity.

What helps with the pain control associated with arthritis?

Cold or heat treatments, Topical pain relievers, Distraction, Massage, Supplements and Medications, Relaxation, Appropriate low impact exercises, Humor, positive attitude and pleasing thoughts

What ever the type of arthritis you may have there is sure to be some level of joint pain that you will have with it. It is important to find ways to cope with the best pain control possible to ensure your happiness and a good quality of life.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Male Fibromyalgia and Associated Health Issues

Male fibromyalgia is a term that for far too long has received little attention, and the reasons for this are both many and complex.

1) Men suffering daily with fibromyalgia are often labeled as lazy, weak, mentally ill, or worse.

2) The medical establishment to this day often refuse acceptance of the fact up to 15% of fibromyalgia cases involve men.

3) Men refuse to share their fibromyalgia stories with anyone for fear of being labeled as weak, or in many cases sadly fearing the loss of their job.

4) Fear of family, and their reactions if the man truly opens up and explains all fibromyalgia symptoms he must face each and every day.

5) Co-morbid, (Similar) factors/conditions often found in men and women suffering from fibromyalgia and additional varied conditions.

Male fibromyalgia and associated health issues are highly individual in nature for those suffering from this vicious disease. I have personally met a patient who had lost the ability to speak certain words, or one adolescent who was forced to wear a weight on their arm to stop involuntary movements. Symptoms vary depending on nerves involved according to many in the medical community. I would concur.

I have suffered with this disease for over 35 years as I write this article. Until recently I continued working even though towards the end of this period I often thought a nervous breakdown was near. After very difficult discussions with my wife and family the decision was made to apply for Social Security Disability Income.

In addition to the many years of suffering with fibromyalgia I also received radiation treatments for benign tumors at T-7 and T-9 which were called hemangiomas. This is the same type of tumor sometimes seen on infants at birth, or growths often found on the face or head area. In addition to the tumors I also had a cervical fusion surgery to repair a ruptured disc at C-5 and C-6.

Co-morbid physical/mental symptoms are often found in those suffering with fibromyalgia. The reasons for this are many, but in particular since all with fibromyalgia have a weakened immune system and are prone to stress this alone makes us much more susceptible to physical and or mental conditions. Male fibromyalgia, and those of us with severe symptoms are I believe more likely to develop secondary conditions due to added stress alone. Research has proven that those suffering with fibromyalgia often get worse after even minor intervention for additional medical problems.

One example of this would include this authors kidney stone issues for many years. Every time I went in to get stones blasted I would need two weeks to recover when someone without fibromyalgia would easily be back to themselves within a couple of days. In addition the radiation treatments received for the benign tumors would normally have taken all thoracic pain away after the vertebrae had re-generated to bone. Since I also suffered from severe fibromyalgia, and still do, the fibromyalgia continues to cause pain in the mid-thoracic region of my back. For these reasons along with getting older, I eventually filed for disability.

After finally receiving approval for disability payments I felt enormous relief, but at the same time had a very hard time adjusting to life without a job. I freely admit to a period of time where I had feelings and thoughts that were not healthy. I grieved for my lost job, and was forced to face the guilt I was now feeling due to leaving my wife as the new bread-winner for our family. I can now admit without the unconditional love from my wife and her support I may not have made it through this period.

These issues are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to male fibromyalgia, and the millions of men suffering in silence around the world today. Men and their enormous egos continue even when we're very sick, and for these reasons many men actually die each and every year due to diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and so many others. A diagnosis of fibromyalgia for many men is something that must be ignored and just tough it out for lack of a better term. This is exactly the opposite reaction men should have, and we would be much better off taking some lessons from women when it comes to caring for ourselves.

Fibromyalgia does indeed attack and effect men somewhat differently, but the primary differences involve how each individual handles the dramatic changes that come with a fibromyalgia diagnosis. Physical differences while few can include symptoms such as temporal mandibular joint disorder, or (TMJ). Research has shown that male fibromyalgia and temporal mandibular joint disorder are co-morbid maladies that can and do co-exist for some. Fibromyalgia symptoms vary widely for each individual regardless of gender, and according to many doctors this has to do with the pressures put on the lower brain stem or high cervical areas and the nerves involved in this area.

For instance, it is not uncommon to have one individual with fibromyalgia with one-sided symptoms, while the next person has equal symptoms on both sides of the body. Another individual may have facial pain and perhaps severe neck pain but no pain in the lower extremities. Personally, symptoms include severe pain in both feet, both legs, thoracic to cervical spine pain, short term memory loss, and severe anxiety issues. Later after a chiropractic adjustment I had new chronic pain enter both arms, hands, and fingers.

Fibromyalgia and the myriad of symptoms are highly individual in nature, and the differences for male fibromyalgia are few when looking at the big picture.

Selecting Simple Natural Remedies to Treating Your Arthritis Pain

If you've been suffering from arthritis pain for quite some time and don't seem to get any relief from over the counter creams and medications it may be time for you to try something else. Of course, when you're in pain you want instant relief, however sometimes the relief is not in the form of a pill or cream. Many people today are more in tune with their bodies and as a result want to try to treat their bodies with natural remedies that are simple to do and inexpensive to purchase. Getting treatment for your pain using only natural ingredients is a very good idea for your body. Though there are lots of home remedies out there, you want to try sticking with options that are best suited for you personally.

Exercising Is Great For Relief

You might be wondering why if you're suffering from pain every time you move would you consider the idea of getting up and exercising. However, contrary to popular belief exercising will help with the symptoms of pain and stiffness. Through exercising methods such as Pilates and Yoga you can help your joints immensely through a series of stretching. The more you stretch, the easier it is for your joints to maintain their motion range even while affected with arthritis. This does not mean that you're limited to stretch based exercises only as you can get the same joint stimulation from classes such as walking, jogging, and even swimming. You should try to create a routine of at least 30 minutes three times per week to feel the effects of this remedy.

Watch What You Eat

Another natural remedy for arthritis would be to change your eating habits. If you have been diagnosed with arthritis then you should try to refrain from foods like caffeine, salt, sugar, and red meat as this could complicate your symptoms. However, there are foods that you should try to increase in your diet. There are lots of foods that previous patients have stated to be a symptom reliever. Those foods consist of omega 3 fatty acids, organic fruits and veggies, and even some fish like tuna. By taking in more of these types of foods on the regular basis you should begin to notice a difference in the joint pain that you feel.

Other Remedies

There are more remedies that you can try if you are in need of locating a fast solution the natural way. There are other treatments options available that have great results. Things such as natural oils, Epsom salt, vitamin C, zinc, calcium, and avoiding cold atmospheres are great solutions to coping with your symptoms.

Before deciding to try any remedies it is very important that you go over your options with a trained medical professional to be sure that what you are doing is safe. Just as people are different so are their reactions to even natural remedies and therefore talking this over with your doctor will ensure you that you are doing the right thing. They will give you professional advice that will benefit your overall health.

A Review Of What Happens To Your Joints When You Contract Arthritis

There are over one hundred different types of arthritis, and every type falls into one of two distinct categories: degenerative or inflammatory. The most prevalent type of degenerative arthritis by far is osteoarthritis, which accounts for about 80 per cent of all arthritis and affects tens of millions of people around the world. The most prevalent type of inflammatory arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis, which afflicts roughly one or two in one hundred people. If you have ever seen pictures of an active volcano, then you know how lava keeps spewing forth, spreading out beyond itself and forming land that was not there before. Think of the production of cartilage as you would a very slow lava flow. A layer of specialized cells called chondrocytes slowly secrete a particular cartilage gel. The cartilage gel is made up of two different types of materials. One is collagen, which is akin to strong "ropes" and provides the cartilage with its scaffolding. The other type of material in cartilage goes under the heading proteoglycans. These are little elasticized "springs" that connect the "ropes". They are crucial because they dam up water between them, providing the joint with elasticity and its ability to slide easily. Water also provides foolproof cushioning.

It can not be compressed, but it can easily be squeezed from place to place, which means it can even out the pressure in cartilage by flowing from an area of high pressure to an area of lower pressure. The process of distributing pressure throughout a joint works as follows: When you put a load on a joint, say, by walking or gripping something with your hand, muscles in the area move the bones, which in turn compress the cartilage. Specifically, it is the springs inside the cartilage that are compressing. This squeezes the water out from between the springs from the middle of the joint to the edges, which, in turn, allows the pressure of the movement to be evenly applied across the joint. After the movement is completed, the water flows back between the springs, ready for the next step or grip and with age, you lose some of the springs-and, therefore, some of the elasticity. The springs that remain, eventually become more brittle and less springy. In some people, the joint wear and tear of a lifetime leads to osteoarthritis; in others, it does not. It can not be predicted with certainty who will end up with osteoarthritis and who will not. But there are some risk factors that make a lot of people far more prone to developing the disease.

Symptoms of Low Serum Calcium - What are the Dangers and Symptoms of Low Serum Calcium

Abnormally low level of calcium in the blood is termed as hypocalcaemia and this condition is very dangerous for health. It either occurs as a result of too much calcium loss or insufficient calcium intake through food. Serum calcium is a blood test which indicates the level of calcium in the blood.

Early symptoms of low serum calcium include frequent muscle cramps and joint pains. In addition to this, inability to perform tiresome activities, fatigue, brittle nails, and yellowness of teeth also occur as a result of abnormally low level of calcium in the blood stream.

Calcium deficiency should not be neglected for a long period of time because when blood is unable to get the calcium it requires from food, it starts robbing it from the bones where it is naturally present. As a result our bones start becoming weaker and weaker and eventually start breaking one after the other.

This disease is termed as osteoporosis in medical terms. It is a degenerative disease and one of the most dangerous symptoms of low serum calcium. Calcium deficiency in our body normally goes unnoticed until we experience a fracture or some other serious complication. Treatment of hypocalcaemia should start from an early age.

Joint pains and fatigue are common symptoms of low serum calcium which have been seen in almost 4 out of 5 women all over the world after they cross the age of 40. Immediate treatment is advised by doctors because if left untreated, hypocalcaemia in postmenopausal women can cause bone disease in old age and the risk of many other degenerative diseases is also increased.

Deficiency of parathyroid hormone (PTH) produced by parathyroid glands also causes less calcium to be absorbed by the blood stream and as a result calcium deficiency occurs. It is also one of the early symptoms of low serum calcium.

To restore calcium to a normal level, you should eat calcium-rich foods or calcium supplements on a regular basis. Ask a dietician to determine the exact amount of calcium you should be consuming on a daily basis. Normally 1000 - 1500 mg of calcium is required by an average, healthy person. However, if you are already calcium deficient you should increase this intake to about 2000 mg.

Before starting the course of calcium supplements it is advisable that you consult a doctor or have your serum calcium performed for a proper and effective treatment.

Living And Coping With Arthritis - How To Stay Active And Independent

Arthritis pain can be frustrating.Nagging and crippling arthritis pain can continue day after day. How much happier would you be if you could stop your arthritis pain right now and feel great all day? Knowing the nature of the disease can really bring you the right answers.

What is arthritis ?

Arthritis comprises over 100 different diseases and conditions. The word arthritis means "joint inflammation". When joints are inflamed, it causes pain and usually also limits movement of the joints that are affected. For many people, arthritis pain has a large impact on their life. Arthritis is second only to heart disease as a cause of work disability. Arthritis limits everyday activities such as walking, dressing and bathing for more than 16 million Americans. Each year, arthritis results in 750,000 hospitalizations and 36 million outpatient visits. Arthritis is not just an old person's disease. Nearly two-thirds of people with arthritis are younger than 65 years including nearly 300,000 children. Arthritis affects children and people of all racial and ethnic groups but is more common among women and older adults.
The disease can affect different parts of the body. Two of the most common forms are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease in which the joint lining becomes inflamed as part of the body's immune system activity. RA is one of the most serious and disabling types, affecting mostly women. Rheumatoid arthritis is two to three times more common in women than in men and generally strikes between the ages of 20 and 50. Both sides of the body are usually affected at the same time. Symptoms of RA differ from person to person but can generally include:

· Joint tenderness, warmth, and swelling.

· Pain and stiffness lasting for more than 1 hour in the morning or after a long rest.

· Joint inflammation in the wrist and finger joints closest to the hand .

· Fatigue, an occasional fever, and a general sense of not feeling well .

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. It is a degenerative joint disease in which the cartilage that covers the ends of bones in the joint deteriorates, causing pain and loss of movement as bone begins to rub against bone. OA commonly affects the joints of the fingers, knees, hips, and spine. Osteoarthritis is more common in older people because they have been using their joints longer. Using the joints to do the same task over and over or simply using them over time can make osteoarthritis worse. Younger people can also get osteoarthritis. Athletes are at risk because they use their joints so much. People who have jobs that require the same movement over and over are also at risk. Injuries to a joint increase the risk of arthritis in the joint later on. Excess weight can accelerate arthritis in the knees, hips and spine. The most common symptom of Osteoarthritis is pain in the affected joint(s) after repetitive use. Joint pain is usually worse later in the day. There can be swelling, warmth, and creaking of the affected joints. Symptoms of OA may greatly vary. Some patients can be debilitated by their symptoms. On the other hand, others may have remarkably few symptoms in spite of dramatic degeneration of the joints apparent on x-rays. Symptoms also can be intermittent.

These 2 forms have very different causes, risk factors, and effects on the body, yet they often share a common symptom--persistent joint pain.

What are the causes of arthritis ?

Primary OA is mostly related to aging. With aging, the water content of the cartilage increases and the protein makeup of cartilage degenerates. Repetitive use of the joints over the years irritates and inflames the cartilage, causing joint pain and swelling. Eventually, cartilage begins to degenerate by flaking or forming tiny crevasses. Inflammation of the cartilage can also stimulate new bone outgrowths (spurs) to form around the joints. Sometimes osteoarthritis follows an injury to a joint. For example, a young person might hurt his knee badly playing soccer. Then, years after the knee has apparently healed, he might get arthritis in his knee joint.
RA is an autoimmune disease. This means the body's natural immune system does not operate as it should; it attacks healthy joint tissue, initiating a process of inflammation and joint damage. RA is a type of chronic arthritis that occurs in joints on both sides of the body (such as hands, wrists or knees). This symmetry helps distinguish RA from other types of arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs most frequently in the 30-50 age group, although can start at any age. It is strongly associated with the HLA marker DR4 - hence Family history is an important risk factor. The disease affects Females:Males in a 4:1 ratio.

Other conditions can also cause arthritis. Some include:

· Gout, in which crystals build up in the joints. It usually affects the big toe.

· Lupus , in which the body's defense system can harm the joints, the heart, the skin, the kidneys, and other organs.

· Viral hepatitis ,in which an infection of the liver can cause arthritis.

What can you do about it ?

Some people may worry that arthritis means they won't be able to work or take care of their children and their family. Others think that you just have to accept things like arthritis.

While there is not yet a cure for arthritis, much can be done today to reduce pain and boost joint function. Learning how to manage pain over the long term is essential to maintaining a good quality of life. There are things you can do to keep the damage from getting worse. They might also make you feel better.Here are some simple things to do:

· Lose weight if you're overweight

· Exercise regularly for short periods. Going for a walk every day will help, too.

· Use canes and other special devices to protect your joints.

· Avoid lifting heavy things.

· Don't pull on objects to move them-push them instead

· Use heat or cold to reduce pain or stiffness.

The pain and disability that accompany arthritis can be decreased through early diagnosis and appropriate management.So if you have persistent symptoms lasting more than several days - go see your doctor. The doctor will examine you and may take x rays (pictures) of your bones or joints to decide if you have arthritis and what kind you have.

After the doctor knows what kind of arthritis you have, he or she will talk with you about the best way to treat it. The doctor may give you a prescription for medicine that will help with the pain, stiffness, and inflammation.

The good news is that now there is a way to stop your pain with a medication . Celebrex is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), specifically a COX-2 inhibitor, which relieves pain and swelling (inflammation). It represents a huge breakthrough in the treatment of pain, inflammation, and stiffness of arthritis. Celebrex is believed to fight pain and inflammation by inhibiting the effect of a natural enzyme called COX-2. Unlike the older medications, however, it does not interfere with a similar substance, called COX-1, which exerts a protective effect on the lining of the stomach.Celebrex doesn't cause the stomach bleeding and ulcers that traditional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) might.

You always can visit my site to find all the information about coping with arthritis burden.

A Natural Alternative To Cortisone For Joint Pain

As a sports medicine specialist, I see many athletes on the examination table with "hot" inflammation in a joint that is hindering their ability to play their game. In the past, this athlete would have gone to another specialist with the hope of receiving a cortisone injection. Cortisone, they believed, would have them flying off the off the table with an expectation to be back at the game or training immediately. The problem that the medical community and athletes soon found out was that too much of a good thing - cortisone - can lead to a quicker end of the athlete's ability to participate in sports. For sports medicine specialists, an alternative to cortisone is just as important as being able to administer a cortisone injection. For some specialists that alternative is Prolotherapy.

Cortisone Cortisone is a naturally occurring steroid in the human body. In the late 1940's and 1950's researchers developed ways to produce it synthetically and make it available on a grand scale. Hailed as a miracle drug, it was widely prescribed by physicians for a large array of inflammatory problems and for the athlete, it was considered the gold standard for chronic inflammation, and THE way to get them back on the field as fast as possible.

Too much of a good thing The rampant, nearly unchecked use of cortisone, started to show its consequences to patients. Physicians and researchers started to issue warnings on the overuse of cortisone injections. As far back as 1969 Researcher Rodney Sweetnam writing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery reported that not only were surgeons noting that prolonged usage of corticosteroids lead to the development of severe vertebral osteoporosis but also ruptured tendons in athletes. Later research points to cortisone accelerating cartilage degeneration in joints.

Alternatives Athletes have learned through research and their own personal experience that repeated cortisone injections will lead to arthritis, joint degeneration, and other unwanted side-effects. Athletes also want to be healed and returned to to their game as strong as before if possible. This is where the use of Prolotherapy can help reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and as opposed to cortisone, rebuild damaged tissue and strengthen the athletic joint. And Prolotherapy has been proven in studies to do this without the negatives of cortisone.

Chronic injuries in athletes are mostly caused by wear and tear on the connective tissues of the joints. Mainly, the ligaments, which connects bones to bones, and tendons which hold muscles to bones. It is these soft tissues that are the main culprit in joint inflammation, and the ones that receive cortisone injections.

Prolotherapy is a series of injections of simple dextrose (sugar) that stimulates the body to send the cells necessary to repair and strengthen damaged ligaments and tendons. Prolotherapy introduces dextrose into the area so that a mild, controlled inflammation occurs through irritation of the soft tissue. The immune system recognizes this irritation as an injury and is jump started into sending a new wave of immune cell building blocks to heal the wound.

Studies have shown that Prolotherapy can stimulate a 50% increase in mass and a 200 - 400% increase in ligament strength.

At our clinic, Darrow Sports and Wellness Institute, we don't like to offer cortisone but sometimes, in extreme chronic injury, cortisone, used one time is a very good diagnostic test to see where the pain generator is, and at the same time quiet the pain. The next step is to use Prolotherapy to rejuvenate the tissue and end the pain. Prolotherapy treatments for the athlete are typically given once a week over a 4 - 6 week period.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Signs Of Arthritis In Pets

Arthritis affects not only humans but also animals. Our pets can be vulnerable to this kind of joint disease and it is imperative that we recognize symptoms of arthritis so treatment can be administered as early as possible. So how is this disease manifested?

When your pet, be it a dog or a cat, appears to have difficulty walking, climbing up the stairs, and would rather stay in one place than go run and jump, it may have arthritis. Don't immediately attribute this seeming lethargy to old age, for they may be suffering inside and might need urgent attention. Pay particular attention when your pet exhibit difficulty standing up, is limping, and becomes cross when touched.

There are several kinds of arthritis that can occur in pets. Traumatic arthritis can occur after an injury to one or more parts of your pet. This can develop over time and may be manifested in limping and changes in gait. Your pet may have difficulty catching up with you during walks and exhibit character changes.

The gait of your pet may also change when it has shoulder degeneration, caused by infection or injury. This will result in slowing down of movements and your previously gregarious pet may just prefer to sit or lie down most of the time.

Osteochondrosis is attributed to genetics as well as nutrition. This is a painful condition, so you may notice your dog whimpering or lethargy in your cat, and subsequent limping.

Osteoarthritis, ;like osteochondrosis, is a painful condition. The bone joints now grind against each other due to damage to the cartilage. When your pet has this condition, the joints are inflamed and are sore to touch. Your pet may limp, and exhibit inability to run or even walk. The pain also worsens as the day progresses, and may become unbearable at nighttime.

Infectious arthritis occurs when a previously injured joint becomes inflamed due to bacterial infection. You will observe reduction in the movements of your pets, and in time, this can cause lameness.

Hip dysplasia is an osteoarthritic condition affecting the hip joints. There is a remarked change in the gait of your pet, and may progress to limping. Lameness can also occur are the disease spread to other joints of the body.

One of the most common types of arthritis in pets is the degenerative joint disease. There is an inflammation to the joints that is painful to touch. Because of the pain, your pet may become grouchy and irritable. It may appear to get better for some time but this condition never completely goes away. Your pet may limp or whine in pain when inflammation resurges.

Autoimmune arthritis occurs when your pet's auto immune system attacks the joints. Since this condition affects more than one joint at the same time, your pet may find it difficult to walk or even to stand for some time, and may just prefer to just lie in a corner.

Acute traumatic arthritis occurs immediately after an injury or trauma to a joint. The affected part will swell and be sore to touch. Your pet may become distinctly uncomfortable and may refuse even to sit or stand up.

Generally, arthritis in cats are exhibit in stiffness in joints, and your cat may have difficulty moving, especially after being in a lying position for some time, as in sleeping. Things to watch out for are reduced movement, limping, fever, decrease in appetite, inability to jump or climb stairs, and the lymph nodes are swollen. The fever, though can be alleviated, is recurring and does not go away over time.

Horses also developed arthritis, especially since they spent most of their lifetime standing up. As horses grow older, their joints become increasingly inflexible, and cartilages become damaged due to wear and tear. Symptoms start with puffiness and slight swelling of the joints, progressing to changes in gait and refusal to do running and jumping routines. Left unchecked, your horse may ultimately become lame.

Consulting a Vet for treatment for any these conditions is important and treatments range from pain medication to surgery. One of the most effective treatments by many is a simple, safe, and natural one in the form of glucosamine. Syn-flex Liquid Glucosamine is easy to administer and contains synergistic ingredients to help with inflammation. Syn-flex for Pets has proven itself a leader in this field and the customer testimonials and recommendations by Veterinarians have been outstanding. Synflex uses a pharmaceutical quality glucosamine and is loaded with additional minerals and vitamins that go to the heart of the problem.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder - What is It?

Some people suffer from pain and discomfort in the jaw muscles and joints. At times, this is not permanent and usually stops after your stop doing it. But at times, people with TMD or temporomandibular pain can develop chronic symptoms. Your chiropractor will help you to recognize the problem and if it is TMD, help you to get a treatment for the problem.

TMD can be due to three reasons. One, it can be due to a dislocated jaw or displaced disc. Second, it can be due to degenerative joint disease like osteoarthritis in the jaw joint or rheumatoid arthritis. Lastly, it can be due to myofascial pain like pain in the muscles of the jaw, shoulders or neck. The main cause of TMD is a severe injury to the jaw. Excessive chewing of gums or chewing on one side of the mouth more often and a hit in the jaw, there can be many reasons for the cause of TMD.

While diagnosing the patient, the chiropractor can ask the patient to put three fingers inside the mouth and bite them. The patient might also be asked to close the mouth and act as if chewing something so that his jaw movements can be monitored. If there is no problem in these activities, then the problem might not be TMD. Chiropractor might then look for inflammation and abnormalities. In order to be sure of the diagnosis, MRI, x-ray or some kind of special imaging technique is required.

Along with the treatment, you will also be advised to perform three important things that might help you. First of all, your chiropractor will advice you on how to apply heat and ice so that the pain is reduced. Initially, ice is to be used to lessen the pain and later on, heat is the method of treatment. Secondly, you should avoid joint movement that can prove to be harmful for you. Any fast or heavy movement or a movement with jerk should be avoided.

Lastly, you need to do specific exercises that are meant for TMD. You will be advised on some specific stretching and strengthening exercises. These exercises help you to get your muscles in the right shape. These are some of the key points that will help to speed up the recovery process. Chiropractic treatment is one of the most effective method that reduces pain in a natural way and also helps to avoid having TMD in the future.

Home TMJ Treatment - Effectively Treating TMJ Yourself

TMJ is a disorder that can usually be treated by exercises that realign the jaw joint, stress relieving measures, and teaching the jaw muscles to work properly again. It is widely believed that doctors have misused and overused unnecessary treatment techniques such as surgery, medications, and other overly aggressive measures to treat this disease, often with varying results.

Hence, it is believed that home TMJ treatment, or effectively treating TMJ yourself, is may be safer, more effective, more curative, and less damaging overall. A home TMJ treatment plan also has a higher long term success rate as well; treating TMJ yourself consists of relieving the symptoms of this disorder through exercises.

Many times, a TMJ disorder is a direct result of high levels of stress, so a home treatment of TMJ almost always includes the reduction of stress. Here are some stress reducing habits to effectively aid in home TMJ treatment:

1. Change your diet habits - this includes not eating hard foods, and eating foods high in magnesium (or taking a magnesium supplement).

2. Avoid excessive or repetitive chewing, or chewing hard - this includes not chewing gum or chewing food to the point where the teeth meet and grind excessively.

3. Do yoga or other exercise daily to reduce stress.

4. Reduce mental stress by practicing anger and stress management techniques - a common cause of tooth grinding and clenching is poor anger management, and controlling anger can greatly reduce the severity and habitualness of teeth grinding. Learn to take note of when you are stressed, and check to see if you are clenching your teeth at this time; if so, concentrate on how relaxing and unwinding with visualization techniques, and apply jaw exercises at this time.

5. Avoid wide opening of the mouth - this includes wide yawning, excessive stretching of the mouth when brushing the teeth and flossing, and taking especially large bites.

6. Use a mouthguard specifically designed for TMJ at night to prevent tooth grinding or other movement, and to ensure that your jaw rests in a position that doesn't stress the joint.

7. In a number of cases, the tmj is caused by the excessive pulling on the shoulder muscle, which in turn will pull, and strain and weaken the jaw muscle; avoiding the use of heavy purses and backpacks worn on one shoulder. In other cases, tmj is caused by poor posture for long periods of time or neck strain in unnatural positons for long periods of time, whch throw both the neck, spine, and subsequently, jaw bones out of alignment. Sitting straight when working at the for keyboard for long periods of time, avoiding cradling the phone when talking, and generally practice good posture at all times can also make a crucial difference as well.

8. Apply heat to this area to ease symptoms and improve circulation.

The above techniques will contribute greatly to your effectively treating TMJ yourself at home, with a significant reduction in both the number and severity of your symptoms. One must also remember that continued practice of these habits even after all TMJ symptoms have disappeared will greatly lessen the likelihood of a recurrence of this disorder.

Arthritic Joint Pain Relief

What is arthritis? Arthritis may cause damage to opposing joints and connecting tissues, tendons, ligaments, muscles and bursae. It affects many people that is why the quest of finding the most excellent arthritic pain relief is imperative. As a condition, arthritis includes the erosion of cartilages that can be found in the hand and leg areas. The cartilage functions by protecting the joints from continually wearing and tearing. The continuous movement of several joints may bring about pressure on a certain area and this will in turn cause a lot of pain, swelling and stiffness in our joints.

Arthritic joint pain relief supplements

There has been no permanent arthritic joint pain relief known to man. Most of the treatment modalities that are available today work by preventing the situation from worsening. Many treatments have become available but nothing has really been reported that has overcome the condition. Instead of going through the many painful treatments out there, consuming some joint pain supplements for arthritic joint pain relief is recommended before the condition can start greatly affecting one's everyday routine. Several arthritic pain relief supplements can give users complete remedy from symptoms of arthritis and aid in the smooth movement of the joints as well as strengthening the muscles found in them. Supplements that work for relief of joint pain are usually made from natural ingredients and therefore, they do not bring any negative effects on the body. By taking these, one can experience relief from pain, stiffness, and swelling. Effective joint pain supplements are rich in anti-inflammatory properties which can facilitate the easy movement of muscles and fibers in the joints. Thorough research that has been placed into these products that will guarantee that the herbal components in supplements will provide relieve pain without offering any side effects.

For arthritic sufferers, proper weight should be achieved so that the pressure being given to the joints may also be eased. Arthritic joint pain relief supplements are slowly growing in popularity that is why many people opt for them. Arthritic joint pain relief supplements have been known to give satisfaction to several customers and recommending products with all natural formulas to other people who are in the same position and situation as them. With all the adverse effects that have been linked with synthetic arthritic joint pain relief, sufferers must really ponder deep before choosing this type of treatment option. For an effective and safe way to treat pain in the joints, an all-natural method is the key. Supplements have been celebrated for their capacity to relieve pain and its ability to restore and rebuild any damaged joints.

Synotrex has natural glucosamine, COX-2 inhibitors, and chondroitin. This potent formulation can give a sufferer lasting remedy from all the pain that arthritis may bring. In fact, it does not only relieve the pain but restores the damaged joints back to their healthy state which means that an arthritis victim can go on with his or her normal routine.

My Back Hurts - Could it Be TMJ?

TemporoMandibular Joint Dysfunction, often called TMJ or TMD, is known as the "great imposter" because so many symptoms that patient complain of can be related to this disorder. The list of possible TMD symptoms include back pain, dizziness, ear congestion, ear pain, eye pain, facial pain, fatigue, headaches, jaw clicking or popping, jaw locking, migraines, muscle twitching, neck pain, ringing in ears, shoulder pain, sinus congestion, and many others.

Acute trauma to the jaw joint will usually result in pain in and around the joint. Most dentists are able to treat this type of trauma with hot and cold compresses, soft diet, jaw exercises, and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen. Patients with chronic jaw joint problems, on the other hand, rarely have pain in the joint. Instead, they tend to complain of neckaches, headaches, backaches, ear congestion or pain, and even numbness and tingling in the fingertips. This article will help explain how TMD is related to these seemingly unrelated symptoms.

The nervous system of the human body consists of two parts. The voluntary nervous system is the one you control with your brain. If you want to throw a ball, all you do is think about moving your arm and the necessary muscles work in a coordinated fashion to make it happen. The involuntary nervous system is the part that controls everything else. Most people are aware that it controls things such as your heartbeat, breathing, and digestion, but it also controls all the muscles you don't think about. When you raise your arm to throw a ball, the muscles on the other side of your body also contract to keep you in balance. You don't have to think about it; it just happens.

The main goal of the involuntary nervous system is to keep you alive. This requires placing more importance on certain areas of the body than others. If you fall down, your hands automatically go out to protect your head from hitting the ground. Better to have a broken arm or wrist than a brain injury. Likewise, if you have a splinter in your left foot your body automatically places more weight on your right foot. If you don't remove the splinter, eventually your right foot would start to hurt because it is overcompensating for the injured foot.

Patients with TMD usually have irritated jaw joints, which is similar to having a splinter in your foot. Whether due to a bad bite, a slipped disk, or trauma to the joints, the only way the body can take the pressure off the joints without consciously thinking about it is to change the head position. Try this simple exercise: Open your mouth, look up at the ceiling, then close your mouth and notice which teeth touch first. Next, open your mouth, look at the floor, and close your mouth and notice, which teeth touch first. For most people, it's quite different, and one position is usually more comfortable than the other. Naturally, you can't walk around all day looking at the ceiling or at the floor, but the body can figure out a way to change the bite while your head is level. By holding the head in a different position (usually forward), the bite changes just enough to take the pressure off the irritated jaw joint. In order to do this, however, the neck and shoulder muscles must be constantly contracted to keep the head from falling over. Better to have sore neck muscles than be unable to chew or talk.

The human head weighs about as much as a bowling ball. Imagine holding a bowling ball in the starting position, close to your body with your forearm straight up and down. You could probably hold the ball like this for quite a long time. Now imagine moving the ball about six inches away from your body. How long do you think it would take for your arm muscles to become sore or irritated? Of course, you could use your other arm to hold up the first one, but eventually the other arm would become tired as well. In fact, if you could hold the ball up long enough, your shoulders would start to hurt, your back muscles might cramp, and even your feet may become tired because of the awkward position of your body.

By now you might be starting to connect the dots as to why TMD patients have so many seemingly unrelated symptoms such as headaches, neckaches, backaches, and shoulder pain. Holding the head in the forward position to protect the jaw joint requires a lot of tension in the neck and back muscles. This constant tension also compresses the nerves that pass through these muscles, so some TMD patients also suffer from shoulder pain and even numbness or tingling in the fingers. In order to maintain balance and not fall forward, the body may also compensate by rotating the hips, resulting in lower back pain, and flaring the feet out, resulting in foot pain.

Sometimes holding the head forward is not possible or is not enough to change the bite, and the joint remains painful as well. In certain cases the jaw position puts pressure on the ears, causing ear pain and even hearing loss. Sometimes the extra stress on the nervous system causes other unrelated problems to flare up, such as allergies, sinus problems, and eyelid twitching. And in many cases, the chronic pain combined with the stress can lead to depression and mood swings.

A dentist trained in TMD treatment that relieves the stress on the jaw joints has the potential to relieve most if not all of the above symptoms. If the symptoms have been long standing, however, other health care providers such as chiropractors, osteopathic physicians, physical therapists, and massage therapists may be needed for complete relief. And in certain cases, the "TMD symptoms" may not be due to the jaw joints at all. Back and neck disorders can also cause the same symptoms as TMD. In these cases, TMD treatment will be of limited benefit and your dentist may be able to refer you to the appropriate health care provider.

If you suffer from any of the symptoms listed in this article, it may be worth your while to have your dentist perform a TMD screening. I speak from personal experience; I suffered from lower back pain and numbness in the fingers for many years, potentially a career ending condition for a dentist. I never believed I had TMD because my jaw joints never hurt. With the proper diagnosis and treatment of my TMD, however, I have now been pain free for over two years, and continue to practice dentistry with no numbness in my fingers.

(Dr. Rogers is a general dentist practicing in Northern Virginia. His practice focuses on helping patients achieve better overall health through advanced dental treatments.)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Dog Joint Pain

Owning a dog is indeed a very pleasure full activity but the care that you need to undertake for your canine is really tedious and is very time consuming as well. A dog will always be your companion but it is really necessary that you take all the required care of your pet. It starts from the training of the dog and continues along with the daily nitty-gritty. You will have to bath the dog regularly followed by the careful brushing of the coat. The only way you can be the happy owner of a dog if the animal itself is happy. You will have to be its playmate so that it gets ample exercise which will prevent it from getting lazy. Professional treatment of the dog by a vet is also very important if your pet falls sick.

One of the major concerns regarding the health of the dog arise form the joint pain. Dog arthritis is something which is a common niggle for your canine. Canine hip dysplasia is another threat to the health of your dog. You need to treat these disorders with the help of a vet and they should be neglected under any circumstances. Nowadays different joint supplement for dogs are available in the market. The joint supplement for dogs is probably the best non operative option available to you which is a surefire way of treating all the joint disorders of your pet. Dog joint pain relief can also be brought about by the use of glucosamine for dogs. Glucosamines both the naturally occurring as well as the artificial ones are really helpful for the dog joint pain relief.

Most of the dogs suffer from the joint disorders at an old age because that is when the bones become weak and they are much more prone to the osteoarthritis. Dogs that are heavy have a natural tendency to suffer from these disorders. So it is essential that you take all the necessary steps to ensure that your dog does not become overweight. Keep your dog healthy and then only both the owner and the dog can live comfortable. The joint supplement for dogs is something that should be always kept handy when faced with the tricky situations of dog arthritis.

Some other things that you as the owner should always keep in mind is that an old dog should not be made to jump down from the bed or high chairs and tables. Dogs obviously are not like human beings so even if they are old they won't realize that their body is not the same as it once was. So it is at the old age that you need to take extra care of the dog like getting moveable steps for it so that the animal can climb down instead of jumping. It is also advisable to get beds for the dog instead of making it sleep on the cold hard floor.

Glucosamine treatment has proved that it can be used for treating the joint disorders. Though the results are not immediate but they really work.

So keep all these things in mind if you want to take proper care for your dog.

Discover How Beneficial Deer Antler Velvet Extract Can Be for Osteoarthritis

Relieve pain from osteoarthritis with deer antler velvet extract. One of the most powerful therapeutic supplements nowadays is the antler velvet, which is harvested from elk antlers and contains several vitamins and minerals that improve overall health and vitality. One of the most prevalent illnesses in the United States is arthritis, and it affects 60 million people. This high number has prompted the development of several supplements for osteoarthritis. Continue reading this article to learn more about how this supplement can help aid this ailment.

What Is Osteoarthritis?

Before discussing the effects of antler velvet, let us first look in detail at the causes of this painful joint ailment. Osteoarthritis is also called a degenerative joint disease because it causes mechanical abnormalities, which affect subchondral bone and articular cartilage. Some of the symptoms include tenderness, pain, stiffness, along with effusion in the affected joint. There are many causes of osteoarthritis, such as metabolic, hereditary, developmental, and mechanical. Certain processes initiate the loss of cartilage. Without the cartilage to surround the bone, the latter is exposed and becomes damaged.

Benefits of Deer Antler Velvet Extract for Osteoarthritis

In the past, the only available remedies for osteoarthritis were steroids and limiting activity. Most of these remedies resulted in devastating effects because what these drugs have been doing is to mask the symptoms and not treat the causes. Unlike prescription drugs, the antler velvet contains many minerals and vitamins that help reduce inflammation. Two of the potent anti-inflammatory agents in the velvet antler are chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine. Both of these agents help reduce inflammation and enhance joint support. The highest levels of chondroitin sulfate found in the velvet antler function like a liquid magnet and attract fluid into the proteoglycan molecules in order to support the cartilage. This is very critical because without the fluid in the cartilage, it would become dry and malnourished. Apart from these two potent substances, collagen is also helpful in addressing osteoarthritis. It is also found in velvet antler, and it contains fibrous protein that works well with connective tissues.

Other Therapeutic Benefits of Deer Antler Velvet Extract

Besides its powerful effect on osteoarthritis, the extract is also beneficial for other health ailments as well. The antler velvet is also used for the following:

繚 Enhances endurance and strength

繚 Improves the immune system

繚 Promotes rapid recovery from ailments

繚 Addresses high blood pressure, asthma, indigestion, kidney disorders, skin ulcers

繚 Increases level of sexual drive or libido

There are many ways that the velvet antler can be a potent substance for aiding various ailments. It is important that you choose a natural alternative like deep antler velvet extract to be safe and experience fewer side effects.

Diet For Rheumatoid Arthritis - What Foods Are Bad For Joint Pain?

When it comes to developing an adequate diet for rheumatoid arthritis, the food you eat is less important than the foods you don't eat! Treating rheumatoid arthritis symptoms can be as simple as avoiding certain foods that are known to aggravate pain and inflammation.

First of all, make sure that you completely avoid any food you may have allergies to. Allergic reactions lower the amount of antioxidants in the body, leading to the release of antibodies which in turn lead to an inflammatory response. Many people are unknowingly allergic to gluten, so cutting it out of your diet may also prove beneficial. If you're not sure you have any allergies, you can find out by gradual eliminating certain foods to see if you notice a difference.

Next in line of importance is getting rid of saturated fats, which come primarily from meat and dairy products. It is particularly important to avoid steak, bacon, and hi-fat cuts of meat. Cream and butter can also be very unhealthy. These foods will increase inflammation in the body, so if you consume a lot of saturated fat, you may experience a great deal of relief by cutting it out entirely. It may even be worthwhile to become a vegetarian for a while to see if it alleviates your symptoms.

A diet for rheumatoid arthritis should also avoid refined sugar, processed foods, salt, MSG, and caffeine. Although alcohol consumption is generally discouraged, there is some evidence that moderate use may actually reduce the risk of developing arthritis.

Another food to avoid when forming your diet for rheumatoid arthritis, oddly enough, are the "night-shade" vegetables. These include tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and peppers. Some people have a sensitivity to these types of vegetables that greatly aggravate their RA symptoms. Overly acidic fruits like oranges and lemons should also be avoided.

Common Forms of Knee Injuries and Proper Treatment

The knee is a joint, and it is the largest joint in the body. Your knees provide stability and flexibility for your body and allow your legs to bend, swivel, and straighten.

The knee is composed of the lower end of the femur (thighbone), which rotates on the upper end of tibia (shinbone), and the patella (knee cap), which slides in a groove on the end of femur. Large ligaments are also present in the knee. They help control motion by connecting the bones together and by bracing the joint against abnormal types of motion. The meniscus is another important structure of the knee. It is a wedge of soft cartilage between the thighbone and shinbone that acts as a knee cushion and helps the knee absorb shock when in motion.

Knee Injuries

The parts of your knee are all working as one. A stress or damage to any parts of your knee is generally considered as knee injury. Your knee joint's complex design and its active weight-bearing characteristic make your knee one of the most commonly injured joints.

Knee injuries are classified into two types:

• Acute injuries - Injuries which are caused by sudden trauma, such as an awkward fall, collision or twist of the knee joint

• Overuse injuries - Injuries which are caused by continuous activity or overload, such as running, jumping, cycling, weight training or bushwalking

Some Common Forms of Knee Injury

• Ligament injury - Injury to the ligaments usually result from trauma or playing sports. It may occur in the inner portion of the knee (medial collateral ligament), the outer portion of the knee (lateral collateral ligament), or within the knee (cruciate ligaments). Ligament injuries may also occur in several forms: a complete tear, a partial tear, a stretch injury, or an alteration in function caused by an adjacent fracture. An injury to the ligament in the knee is usually painful at rest and may be swollen and warm and may worsen with bending of the knee, putting weight on the knee, or walking.

• Meniscus tears - The meniscus can be damaged with the shearing forces of rotation that are applied to the knee during sharp, rapid motions. This is especially common with athletes who are involved in sports which require active body movements. Aging and degeneration may also increase the risk of meniscus tears. A single meniscus may have one or more tears. A rapid onset of a popping sensation can be felt during a knee movement or certain activities that can affect the knee.

• Patellar tendinitis - Tendinitis is inflammation, irritation, and swelling of a tendon resulting from an injury, overuse, or aging as the tendon loses elasticity. Patellar tendinitis occurs in front of the knee below the kneecap at the patellar tendon. This knee injury is most common in athletes whose sports involve frequent jumping, such as in basketball, soccer, and volleyball. For this reason, patellar tendinitis is commonly known as "jumper's knee". The pain is usually found in the section of your patellar tendon between your kneecap and the area where the tendon attaches to your shinbone. Sharp pain can be felt during physical activity.

• Fracture - Excessive pressure in a bone can cause a crack or a split. This is referred to as fracture. Fractures usually happen due to aging, car accidents, falls or sports injuries. When a fracture occurs into or around a joint surface, that joint has an increased risk of developing arthritis because of the injury.

Nonsurgical Treatments for Knee Injuries

The knee is vulnerable to a variety of injuries. Mild knee injuries may heal by themselves. However, it is important that all injuries no matter how mild or severe, should be checked and diagnosed by a doctor or a physiotherapist. Prompt medical attention for any knee injuries increases the chance of having a complete recovery. Many knee injuries can be successfully treated without surgery.

Some forms of knee injuries such as fracture, ligament injuries could eventually lead to osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disorder that can cause joint pain, loss of function and reduced joint motion and deformity due to lack of lubrication. Viscosupplements are used to replace normal component of the joint involved in lubrication. Supartz Joint Fluid Therapy is a viscosupplement used as nonsurgical therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee. It replenishes the fluid in the knee that cushions the bones during physical activity. When a bone is properly cushioned, it is less likely to fracture or grow spurs which can cause pain.

For some athletes who have joint injuries, they look for quick relief through cortisone to reduce inflammation. However, cortisone can be very dangerous. They have an adverse effect on bone and soft tissue healing. Cortisone, as well as other corticosteroids can lead to a decrease in bone, ligament, and tendon strength. Sarapin can be used as an alternative for cortisone. It is equally effective with cortisone in reducing inflammation and providing pain relief. Typical joint conditions such as bursitis (inflammation of the synovial fluid-containing sacs called bursa), arthritis, and tendinitis can benefit from Sarapin. But unlike cortisone, Sarapin is non-toxic and has no damaging effect on cartilages, bones, and tendons.

Rehabilitative physical therapy may be recommended for proper healing of knee injuries. Specific exercises may be provided in order for your knee joint to improve in its range of motion and also to prevent stiffness and scarring as during your knee's healing process. Stretching and strengthening exercises may also be recommended to stretch and strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee.

Prompt medical attention and proper treatment for any knee injury increases the chances of a full recovery. Trying to rush your recovery after an injury before you get the "go-ahead" approval from a health professional just to get back to your usual activities can put you at risk for future injury and may further extend the healing process.

When looking for a treatment, it is best to choose a clinic that uses nonsurgical and nonsteroidal relief for knee pain. A physician that provides non-invasive and holistic treatment can be the most appropriate health care professional to visit. Having a treatment that values overall health and has less risks and complications is a great way to enhance recovery and prevent further injuries.

Glucosamine For Dogs

Osteoarthritis in dogs is a common and difficult disorder to manage. It includes an entire family of disorders including hip dysplasia. Up to 30 percent of dogs and cats are affected by arthritis. A dog suffering from arthritis shows signs like difficulty in walking and playing, lethargy, limping, difficulty in getting up when lying down, pain when touched and aversion to any contacts.

Animals usually have a very high pain threshold. When the pain becomes excruciating they exhibit signs of discomfort. Treatment must then be given without delay. A large number of dogs respond well to glucosamine, especially larger dog breeds. It soothes the affected joints of a dog and makes it active once again. Glucosamine is also used as a preventive measure to ensure that your dog has healthy bone joints.

Glucosamine that is normally present in the cartilage and synovial fluid is a normal constituent of the dog's glycosaminoglycans that is a part of the connective tissues in its body. Recent studies have shown that glucosamine when swallowed by your pet has several benefits. It is anti-inflammatory and has joint regeneration properties. It is especially used to treat hip dysplasia and osteoarthritis.

It is also very important to give the right kind of drug to your dog to make it active and lively. There are six key points to remember before you purchase any glucosamine product for your dog. They are: type of glucosamine (sulfate, chloride or 2KCL), quality of the ingredients, method of delivery (pills or liquid), amount of glucosamine needed per day, additional ingredients besides glucosamine and cost. A suitable dosage for your dog would be 750mg of hydrochloride or sulfate per 50 pounds of weight. Don't choose 2KCl and NaCl forms of glucosamine as they are not so effective. A liquid dosage is always better to use than pills.

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Bursitis

Bursitis is a medical condition involving inflammation of the bursa, which is a small, fluid-filled sac responsible for lubricating and cushioning pressure points between the bones, tendons, and the muscles near the joints. These bursae serve the function of helping joints move easily. Bursitis is a condition quite common in occurrence but not usually known to lay people. Common symptoms of this condition include a dull pain or stiffness near the affected elbow, knee, shoulder, big toe, or other joints; pain with movement or pressure; and swelling, warmth and redness in the area of the affected bursa. Physical overuse, stress on the joints, and direct trauma are common causes of bursitis. Infection, arthritis, or gout may also cause this condition.

In the majority of individuals affected with bursitis, symptoms usually resolve within a few weeks with adequate treatment and rest; however, symptoms persist in a few individuals due to various aggravating factors such as faulty posture, prolonged and repetitive tasks, vigorous physical activity and sports, and prolonged sitting at jobs. Individuals who have bursitis along with concurrent symptoms of others diseases such as arthritis usually opt for Ayurvedic treatment when they do not get satisfactory relief from conservative management and medication.

It is important to address the issues which may have a direct aggravating effect on bursitis and counsel the affected individual to take steps to remove aggravating factors or reduce their effects. Infection, inflammation, joint swelling and damage need to be treated well along with direct treatment for the bursitis. Ayurvedic medication can promptly reduce symptoms such as pain, stiffness and swelling and bring about considerable relief to the affected individual. Local application of medicated oils and ointments also helps to supplement oral medication and bring about faster relief from the symptoms. Hot fomentation on the affected joint after local application also brings about faster relief from the symptoms.

Affected individuals may need to be advised rest for a few days or a few weeks, if the affected bursa is prone to damage or exposed to repeated irritation as an occupational hazard. This can help to bring about faster remission and an early cure from the condition. Ayurvedic medicines may need to be continued for long periods in order to bring about a complete remission of symptoms and help prevent recurrence, especially in individuals prone to repeated trauma or stress on joints. Graded physical exercise, Yogasanas, and relaxation techniques too can help to bring about earlier relief from symptoms and also assist in preventing recurrence of the condition.

Individuals prone to chronic arthritis and bursitis can also be given Ayurvedic medicines on a long-term basis to improve the strength and tone of joints as well as muscles and tendons. Such treatments help in preventing recurrence of these conditions and can improve physical conditioning as well as physical performance for graded activities. Concurrent treatment with immunomodulatory herbs can also help to improve the overall immune status and stamina of affected individuals. Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a definite role to play in the management and treatment of chronic and recurrent bursitis.

Chronic Joint Pain Relief

Pain is a four-letter word for a reason! For those who suffer from chronic joint pain, every day is a special challenge. Different levels of pain can be considered chronic; a person does not have to be suffering from severe, debilitating pain in order to be dealing with chronic pain. From mild to completely incapacitating, pain is considered chronic if it has been present for six months or longer. It's a sad fact that millions of Americans wake up every day to a world filled with chronic physical pain.

Joint pain is one of the most common types of chronic pain. Joint pain is also one of the most common reasons people see their doctor. Those two facts alone mean that vast medical resources are being dedicated to finding relief for chronic joint pain.

We are living in a time where our traditional ideas of medicine are shifting. Western medicine is becoming much more accepting of Eastern medicine and the ideas that go along with it. Patients are beginning to look for natural ways to heal their bodies. Joint pain relief is no exception. Chronic joint pain sufferers are looking to do more than mask the pain; they are looking to treat the underlying cause of the pain.

Studies continue to show that breakthrough research in natural medicine is making a difference. The idea of looking to nature to nurture and repair our bodies is paying off for many joint pain sufferers. Two recently popular supplements, esterified oil and Cetylated Fatty Acids, have been shown to bring relief to the joints quickly. The longer people take the supplement or use the cream, the less pain they deal with every day. After just 30 days, people notice a large difference in the way they feel and the relief that can be attained through continued use. Recently, a newer product was released in a large chain warehouse store. This product, which comes in a topical cream and pill form, is made to lubricate joints, thus creating a cushion of comfort. Research has also found that it helps to repair cell damage. As you can see, results have come a long way!

Chronic pain sufferers have already been dealing with their pain for close to six months. After such an extended amount of time, any type of diminished pain can feel like a big relief. Luckily, there are still new and improved products hitting the market every year. It would be a tremendous turn of events if the number of chronic joint pain sufferers could be drastically reduced. Perhaps through persistent use of joint building and repairing products, chronic joint pain will be a thing of the past!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Safe Arthritis and Muscle Pain Relief Solution Pain Gels With Arnica and Menthol

A Peruvian born Oklahoma City physician specializing in internal medicine and rheumatology has created a pain relief gel formula of all-natural ingredients that can give relief to joint pain, muscle discomfort and improve mobility. The doctor states that when looking for an alternative to oral pain medication precaution should be used. Oral medication be it OTC or prescription, can cause harm with prolong use from addiction to stomach or liver damage. Most pain gels contain Menthol. As an active ingredient you should look to see if the product is FDA Compliant. Other ingredients that offer safe and beneficial relief are Aloe Vera and MSM. Look to see if the pain relief gel consists of various medicinal herbs and is manufactured with a strict adherence to the German Commission E-Monographs. The commission was established in the 1970's to evaluate and report on the safety and effectiveness of over 300 herbs. One of the most reliable medical herbs is Arnica. It is recognized worldwide as an anti-rheumatic and pain reliever.

Pain relief gels with Menthol and Arnica can help joint pain in the hands, knees, elbows and shoulders. Some pain gels have also been found helpful in relieving discomfort to sore muscles, tendons and ailments related to fibromyalgia, Restless Legg Syndrome, and Myofascial pain just to name a few. 繚 Pain relief in minutes

There are many pain relief gel products available. However, many of them are presented as a topical analgesic and only offer temporary relief on the most top layer of your tissue. The two different types either contain capsaicin or Menthol. Capsaicin based analgesics offer a warm to hot feeling on the skin. Many orthopedic doctors do not recommend using heat for inflammation and pain relief. The other is menthol based which gives a soothing cool relieving feeling. Pain relief gels that are formulated with medicinal herbs to aid in the pain relieving and delivery of the gel into the tissue are the best. These gels are more costly but the end results can be noticed over other national name brand analgesics. Pain gels with medicinal herbs can give you relief much faster than most joint supplements and safer than over the counter pain relievers that can cause stomach and liver problems with prolonged use.

Look for pain relief gels that have the following:

1. FDA Compliant - Menthol is the active ingredient and manufactured to FDA compliancy

2. Soothing cool relief with no capsaicin or salicylates (aspirin)

3. No animal products or animal testing

4. No dangerous parabens

5. No artificial dyes

6. No greasy residue

7. Made in the U.S.A.

Stop living with pain and start living your life to its fullest. For most pain gels using daily, you can enjoy the activities that were given up due to pain.

Rub On Pain Relief Cream Or Medication - 3 Tips To Find The Best Back Pain Product

The best way to cure back pain is to use rub on pain relief cream or medication. If you suffer from any sort of pain, it makes it hard for you to get on with your daily activities. It wouldn't help at all for those who have to spend eight hours at the work desk. Your concentration level will be affected greatly and your efficiency at work will reduce. Therefore, it is essential you discover the best back pain product which can help you to get rid of the problem.

Before getting treatment for your backache, here are important reasons why pain rubs are more popular among backache sufferers when compared to taking medication.

External Use

Pain rubs are easy to use. It does not involve the need for you to swallow medication which has side effects on various parts of your body. The ingredients in the pain rub bypasses your digestive system and vital organs which means it works on eliminating the pain you are experiencing without additional burden on your body.

Natural Ingredients

While there is a list of side effects that go with back pain medications, rub on pain relief cream made from chemicals can also release dangerous toxins into the body. These toxins can cause a wide range of illness, from hormonal imbalance to other serious chronic illness like kidney failure, paralysis, cancer and more. It is essential you always check the ingredients of the back pain product and that it is made from natural ingredients which are safe for your body.

Think Long Term

Some back pain can take time before it goes away. This is especially true for those who cannot fully rest their back because of work and other routines in life. However, do not give up getting rid of your back pain because of these constraints. With a bit of research, you can get yourself some rub on pain relief cream made from natural ingredients that is proven to work. Applying natural pain rub on your back while you get on with your daily activities can provide a soothing effect without the need to worry about the possible side effects it can produce from its long-term use.

You will be surprised to find yourself pain-free over a period of time just like other back pain sufferers around the world who have successfully eliminated their back pain forever using a well-known rub on pain relief cream.

If I Need a Total Hip Replacement, What Are My Options?

The information provided below is meant to educate the patient about the options available to hip replacement candidates. Your orthopedic surgeon should explain to you which hip replacement is best for you and why.

In a total hip replacement, both the thigh bone (femur) and the socket are replaced with implant materials and prostheses. Specifically, a metal stem is inserted into your thighbone. Attached to the neck of the stem is a hip ball, just over an inch in diameter. The hip ball fits into a liner. Together, the ball and liner create the new joint. The liner is inserted into a metal shell that in turn is anchored to your pelvis. But there are a number of different approaches a surgeon can take, depending on her analysis of your particular case.

Because of the advances in the last thirty years, several different types of implant materials have also been found useful in hip replacement procedures. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, but it is ultimately up to your surgeon which materials to use. Beyond the different types of materials, a surgeon must also decide whether to anchor the hip implant to the bone using cement fixation or something called "bone ingrowth."


For bone ingrowth, the surface of the prostheses simulates the bone with a special granular surface into which the bone grows, thereby locking the implant into place. Cement fixation holds the implant in the bone by acting as a filler between the bone and the implant. It is made of a substance that is mixed at the operation and hardens into a durable, long lasting polymer.


You may also want to consult with your doctor about the design of the implant. Modular systems offer the ability to interface different sizes of femoral heads to fit over the stem; angles, sizes, and lengths of the implant are made to fit your anatomy. The advantage of a modular system is that it gives the patient more flexibility.

Choosing Hip Replacement Implant Material

The main issue that doctors and patients confront when choosing implant material revolves around the wear debris that is released into your body from any of the implant materials. Even the materials with the most wear debris (metal ball and polyethylene liners) show up only after many years (10-15). Nevertheless, it is important to educate yourself about the various options for hip replacement surgery.


Because of its durability and performance, Metal-on-Polyethylene has been the leading artificial hip component material chosen by surgeons since FDA approval 30 years ago. The metal ball is cobalt chrome molybdenum alloy and the liner is polyethylene.

Metal-on-Polyethylene is the most understood and practiced of all the procedures. Using these materials, a surgeon has a range of options to obtain stability in the body while the operation is underway. This ability to adapt and customize during the surgical procedure is an important attribute of polyethylene. It is also the least expensive bearing.

The disadvantage of Metal-on-Polyethylene is shedding over time. After 10 to 15 years, patients who are extremely active may shed debris that results in joint inflammation and bone loss. However, new wear resistant polyethylene liners have been introduced, called "highly crosslinked polyethylene." If you are a very active individual or a relatively young patient, your surgeon may prescribe an all-ceramic hip joint or all-metal hip joint.


Your next option is a ceramic ball and polyethylene liner. Ceramic heads are harder than metal and are the most scratch resistant implant material. The hard, scratch resistant, ultra-smooth surface can greatly reduce the wear rate on the polyethylene bearing. The wear rate for this type of implant is less than Metal-on-Polyethylene.

One disadvantage found in Ceramic-on-Polyethylene are the incidents of fractures, but newer, stronger ceramics have resulted in fewer of these. Overall, the wear rate for Ceramic-on-Polyethylene is 50% less than that of Metal-on-Polyethylene.

In terms of cost, Ceramic-on-Polyethylene is more expensive than Metal-on-Polyethylene, but less than Ceramic-on-Ceramic.

Metal Ball and Metal Liner

Metal-on-Metal bearings were approved by the FDA in 1999, offering the potential for greatly reduced wear, with less inflammation and less bone loss.

One clear advantage of metal-on-metal implants is the variety of femoral head sizes and neck lengths available (modularity). Metal-on-metal components allow the largest heads throughout the entire range of implant sizes. Large ball heads provide increased range of motion and greater stability, which can significantly reduce the risk of hip dislocation, a crucial factor in the long-term success of an implant.

Although wear is reduced, the wear products (sub-microscopic particulates, soluble metal ions) are distributed throughout the body. This has raised concerns about long-term bio-compatibility. At present these are only concerns, for there have been no definitive clinical findings that these wear products are harmful.

Anatomic Size Metal-on-Metal Ball Heads

Because the human femoral (ball) head is naturally large, it makes sense to implant a large, anatomic replacement. This was not possible in the past because traditional polyethylene liners made smaller femoral heads necessary. However, with the introduction of metal-on-metal implant components, liners may be eliminated, allowing surgeons to use large femoral heads. Use of a larger ball head has been shown to increase the range of motion an individual may experience as well as decrease the possibility of dislocation.

Ceramic Ball and Ceramic Liner

Ceramic is the hardest implant material used in the body, and has the lowest wear rate of all, to almost immeasurable amounts (1000 times less than Metal-on-polyethylene). These implants have been used in Europe for more than 30 years, and since 2003 in the United States.

Consequently, there is usually no inflammation or bone loss, nor systemic distribution of wear products in the body. New ceramics offer improved strength and more versatile sizing options. However, there has been a very few incidents reported of noises from such implants.

Hip-Resurfacing Option

For younger patients, a total hip replacement may not be the best solution for their hip pain because it can mean difficult and numerous revisions later in life. Hip resurfacing, however, leaves more of the bone in place, giving these patients more time before a total hip replacement becomes necessary.


If you are a candidate for hip replacement surgery, fixation, modularity, and implant materials are all topics that factor into making the right decision. Your doctor should explain to you which procedure and materials are best for you.

Jaw Pain Causes - Don't Miss These Facts on Causes and Symptoms

TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint. It establishes the connection between the lower jaw in one's mouth with the temporal bone in the skull. However, this joint has adequate flexibility which allows the individual to open or close mouth up and down, as well as sideways.

Even eating can be a cause of jaw pain. Chewing tough vegetables or a tough steak or thick sandwiches can stress your jaw joints.

We all know the significance of opening and closing our mouth on a daily basis. You eat, talk and drink through our mouth. Due to TMJ pain if the opening and closing of the mouth is compromised even slightly you feel the brunt of it. Since this joint is located extremely close to the ears, any pain caused to the former will have repercussions on the latter.

Symptoms of TMJ Trouble:

Pain when you talk, yawn or chew

Ringing of the ears

Clicking or locking sounds while opening or closing the mouth

An abnormal position of the mouth while biting or chewing food can be symptoms of TMJ disorder.

Headaches or neck pain

Stiffness in the jaws

Inability to open your mouth wide

Inability to open your mouth more than a couple inches

Consider the following when you are trying to pinpoint why this pain is going on.

Causes Of Jaw Pain And Trouble:

There are several points that can be made about jaw pain cause-

Sudden clenching of the jaws out of anger or eating something can cause such pain. This is mainly because the clenching action puts unnecessary pressure on the flexible and soft joint and creates tight muscles of the face, jaw and neck.

Arthritis can affect any joint. You may need to go to a medical doctor to rule out arthritis of the jaw joint.

Sleeping on your tummy pushes the head to one side and can cause tight muscles and pressure on the jaw.

Sometimes the ball and socket keeping the joint in place may slip off from their normal positions causing the jaw to open and/or close imperfectly.

Chewing gum - if your jaw ball and socket are not correctly placed, chewing gum is going to put a continuous strain on your jaw joint and muscles. Avoid chewing gum if you are having jaw problems.

Sometimes when you eat things like a jawbreaker or stick-jaw candies it can cause the jaws to open or close improperly or put a lot of strain on the TMJ causing lock-jaw. Our instant reaction is to pull our jaw open which can cause further damage to the TMJ.