Saturday, June 22, 2013

Breast Lift With the Help of Dermal Fillers

Botox, otherwise known as Botulinum toxin, is a medication which creates a temporary paralysis of the muscles in which it is injected. This substance seems like it would be an unlikely cure for any ills, but it has been used in many helpful ways. Botox is probably the most well known for helping to ease wrinkles in aging skin, but it has an array of other applications, as well.

Excessive sweating in the armpit region, adult acne, cerebral palsy, TMJ disorders, spastic disorders and wound healing are just a few of the ailments treated with Botox. Uplifting breasts without surgery is yet another use recently discovered for this wonder drug.

Breasts often sag as a woman ages due to both the downward pull of gravity and the aftermath of pregnancy and lactation. The outer skin which has become stretched out due to hormonal changes, milk production or aging often needs a bit of tightening up.

Besides the Botox breast lift, the other options for uplifting the sagging bustline are either a surgical lift or an underwire bra. The surgical option entails a plastic surgeon cutting away excess skin and closing the area with stitches in order to produce a tighter and perkier positioning. If the breast has lost volume, an implant filled with saline or silicone may be inserted in order to augment the size and fullness of the chest area.

A Botox Lift involves three injections of the medication into each side in the chest area into the pectoralis minor muscle. The pectoralis minor is the muscle which pulls the breast downward. When that is relaxed due to the injections, the opposing rhomboid muscles will compensate by pulling upward.

This non-invasive lift is only temporary and will only last approximately ten to twelve weeks. If this method is chosen for a more youthful and uplifted bustline, it must be repeated in order to maintain the effect. At times this method may be just a quick fix for a special occasion such as a wedding or when a revealing gown must be worn.

There are mixed reviews on the appropriateness of this method, however. Proponents tout the non-invasive; no downtime aspects of it but the nay-sayers are not convinced. There is some worry that there would be paralysis in the chest muscle area that could hamper physical activity and strength. There was also some concern that the medication could drift to other regions and cause paralysis to unplanned areas.

If one was interested in having their breasts lifted, it would be wise to visit a reputable plastic surgeon to discuss the pros and cons of each option.

Hip and Joint Support For Dogs

Arthritis is the inflammation of joints. It can occur in dogs in many different forms. Examples of arthritis in dogs are osteoarthritis, infective, immune related, and idiopathic. Arthritis in dogs can cause such problems like changes to joint cartilage, joint fluid, and even the bones.

Some of the signs your dog may have arthritis are lameness in limbs, limping, swollen joints, pain on palpation of joints and stiffness. Stiffness in joints is normally worse in the morning and progressively gets better as the day goes on. Your dog may not want to go for walks as often and might not climb stairs anymore. Or he will lag behind on walks. He may also go through a personality change where the dog doesn't want to be touched anymore and yelping in pain when he touched.

Obesity in dogs can cause arthritis. It can also be caused by a traumatic injury that may have occurred and created joint stability. Tearing a ligament can cause it too. Genetics can cause joints to weaken and become unstable, this happens in hip dysplasia. Sometimes young dogs develop joint problems and it is created from improper bone development.

Canine hip dysplasia is a type of degenerative joint disease. It can cause abnormal development of the hip joints in younger dogs and most are born with normal hips. Hip dysplasia is created by laxity of the muscles, connective tissue, and ligaments that support the joints. Abnormal developments create changes in the bone where the bones are not held in place and actually move apart. The joint capsule and the ligament between the bones stretch creating more instability of the joints. This is called subluxation.

Dogs of all ages can get hip dysplasia. Mostly dogs in the middle years or older but it has been reported in young puppies as young as 5 months old. The disease is more common in large breeds and giant breeds, however, mixed breeds are more prone to getting hip dysplasia. It can occur in smaller breeds as well. German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Rottweilers, Great Danes, Golden Retrievers, and Saint Bernards are the breeds that most commonly get hip dysplasia.

There are treatments available for arthritis and hip dysplasia. One thing that will help with your dog's arthritis if he is overweight is to put him on a diet and exercise him everyday. Surgery may be required to repair ligaments and stabilize joints. For hip dysplasia a total hip replacement may be needed. Acupuncture can help in pain management and decrease the amount of medication that may be needed.

Anti-inflammatory medications can provide relief from pain and reduce inflammation. There are also herbal medicines that are all natural that have a lot of great benefits for your dog. Hip and Joint Support for Dogs by Eniva has pure and high potency nutrients to support healthy hips and joint mobility for dogs. It will help with cartilage health and bone and tendon strength as well. This product is a liquid and contains no fillers, binders, and coatings that tablets have. Tablets and capsules can also cause allergies and sensitivity which slow down absorption of nutrients. You can find this at Alternative Health Supplements.

Osteoarthritis - Three Things You Should Know

It is a predator that knows no boundaries. Young, old, black, white, male and female - this is an equal-opportunity predator that can render its victims immobile.

1. Who is this culprit?


Osteoarthritis goes by many names - degenerative joint disease, wear-and-tear-arthritis among them - but the facts remain. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and affects an estimated 20 million Americans. Unlike other forms of arthritis, which are genetic, osteoarthritis can be linked to a number of causes - weight, age and injury among them. As with other forms of arthritis, there is no known cure for osteoarthritis, so recognizing the signs and symptoms of the disease early can be quite helpful in managing pain.

First, a little background. As its other names imply, osteoarthritis is inflammation caused by abnormal wear of the cartilage cushion in the joints. In a joint affected by osteoarthritis, this wear and tear leads to the degeneration of cartilage and the body is unable to replenish its own supply of this most precious resource. Inflammation causes mild to severe pain and, in some cases, degeneration is so severe that doctors will recommend replacement of the joint.

So what should you know about osteoarthritis? Here are three things to get you started.

2. Listen to your body.

Pain, particularly in the weight-bearing joints of the lower body, is a good indicator of osteoarthritis. Although osteoarthritis can affect any joint, particularly after traumatic injury or infection, most cases of osteoarthritis occur in the weight-bearing joints of the knees, hips, spine and ankles. Often, obesity or even moderately overweight can cause osteoarthritis pain to flare up. Losing a few pounds can help decrease pain, as can rest and judicious use of affected joints. For example, recurring pain in the knees is a good indicator that you might want to stop your rigorous running regimen, if only for a few weeks.

3. Early diagnosis is important for successful long-term pain management.

Although not all cases of osteoarthritis are visible on x-ray, your doctor - particularly if he or she is an internist or rheumatologist - can diagnose osteoarthritis with little problem. Medical history, physical examination and blood tests, along with MRI and x-ray offer reliable avenues for accurate diagnoses.

There is hope for osteoarthritis sufferers.

Osteoarthritis is degenerative - that means that the disease will get worse over time. The most commonly prescribed medications treat the pain by decreasing joint inflammation temporarily. Unfortunately, these medications - known as NSAIDs - also come with a host of dangerous and, in some cases deadly, side effects.

Non-prescription NSAIDs are also available over the counter - in the form of pills, potions and lotions - but the relief is short lived. Like their prescription counterparts, these chemically based medications only treat the symptoms. They mask the pain for a few hours and then the patient must take more. Over time, the body builds up a certain resistance and pain relief decreases.

There is hope, however, in the form of a natural treatment with no side effects. A treatment that treats more than the symptoms - it gets to the root of the problem by replenishing damaged cartilage in the arthritic joint.

Supplementation with all-natural glucosamine and chondroitin, the building blocks of healthy cartilage, has been shown to actually improve the condition of arthritic joints, without dangerous side effects. Pain relief and healing - a powerful combination.

Glucosamine For Dogs - A Preventative Arthritis Treatment

The Importance of Glucosamine for Joint Health in Dogs

Glucosamine is a natural substance found in the cartilage of people and animals. Dogs naturally produce glucosamine in their bodies, but amounts decrease as they age. Eventually, the majority of dogs reach a point where they fail to produce enough to stimulate healthy levels synovial fluid, glycosaminoglycans, and chondroitin sulfate, which are essential for maintaining cartilage health.

This result is a progressive degeneration of joint health that causes canine arthritis. Because of glucosamine's availably as a supplement, treatments have developed to help replenish the supply of glucosamine and prevent the onset of arthritis.

Causes of Arthritis in Dogs

Arthritis is associated with aging, and most dogs develop it to some degree when they are older. It can also be caused and exasperated by trauma or injury, and certain breeds have developed a genetic tendency for developing canine arthritis.

Arthritis develops when there is a decrease of joint fluid, and can result in a degenerative joint disease called osteoarthritis. With this condition, cartilage gets stiff, loses its elasticity, and in time deteriorates completely. Unfortunately, this condition is often asymptomatic in dogs until the cartilage is gone, leaving them with arthritic related lameness, immobility, and muscular atrophy.

Glucosamine as a Preventative Arthritis Treatment for Dogs

Generally, glucosamine is viewed as a holistic, preventative treatment for canine arthritis. It has not always been readily recommended by the mainstream veterinary community because of a lack of studies verifying its effectiveness.

However, evidence is increasingly demonstrating that glucosamine supplements can counter arthritic development in dogs, and is particularly effective when used as a preventative measure.

The Mayo Clinic states that there is now solid scientific evidence that glucosamine is helpful in the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis for both animals and humans.

Other studies conclude that glucosamine reduces inflammation and pain caused by arthritis in dogs, and show that glucosamine both inhibits enzymes that degrade animal cartilage and enhances the activity of important cells necessary for cartilage growth.

Prevention of Canine Arthritis

The most conclusive data on glucosamine treatments for canine arthritis indicate that it is effective as a preventative therapy.

Vets now commonly recommend that dogs start using a glucosamine supplement in the middle years of life. It may be called for even earlier if they are a breed with a predisposition for arthritis, or if they have had an injury that is contributing to stiffness and immobility.

It is worth noting that glucosamine has not proven effective as a quick cure or powerful pain killer. Most supplement manufactures call for a waiting period of at least 4 weeks before expecting any visible signs that your dog's mobility or pain levels have improved.

Glucosamine aligns with medical trends that focus on the goal of preventing disease and maintaining health. This is a holistic philosophy that naturally preserves health rather than reacts only after issues have become serious and debilitating. The regular use of a glucosamine supplement beginning in your dogs' middle years will cost less than invasive treatments for osteoarthritis, and moreover, it will improve the overall quality of your dog's life.

Arthritis Pain Relief - Nurse's Simple Home Remedies To Relieve Arthritis Pain

These are just a few of the arthritis home remedies and treatments that arthritis sufferers have sworn worked for them. Most have an anti-inflammatory effect. There are many ways to achieve arthritis pain relief. Before you take any supplements, you may want to check with your doctor. I found that the best arthritis pain relief is a permanent radical change in the diet to all living foods. Eating a raw food diet will eliminate all osteoarthritis pain. This is the best and fastest short-term and long term approach to get rid of arthritis pain.

Remember that supplements contain isolated chemicals that are not working in conjunction with other chemicals and nutrients as they are in their natural state. So the degree of absorption, if any is questionable and different supplements from different manufacturers may have varying degrees of absorbability.

But here are the tips that others have reported working for them with my comments.

1. MSM (Methyl-sulfonyl-methane), take 1,000 mg. twice a day to reduce the inflammation which causes the pain some report.

2. Fish oil or cod liver oil which contains the omega 3's. Use a good brand that contains no mercury - 1,000 mg. one to three times per day is supposed to help lubricate the joints and thus relieve the pain.

3. Many people report that glucosamine sulfate is good for supporting the joints, 500 mg. twice a day. However there are many different brands with many different absorbability reports. And many people have reported it not working for them. There also may be an elevation of blood pressure some reports say.

4. Drink one quarter cup of black cherry juice a day or take one tablespoon of concentrate in water have had excellent report say many. The best juice would be raw not pasteurized but that is difficult to get. This may take awhile to work but good for the health. Some report that it irritates their stomachs so take with plenty of water and perhaps with food. Make sure the cherry juice is unsweetened. Some people eat dried unsweetened tart Montmorency cherries and achieve the same effect.

5. To reduce arthritis pain, make sure to get plenty of minerals in the diet naturally. Eat plenty of fruits and raw veggies, several servings of day. Make huge green salads, with good greens, not iceberg lettuce.

6. Eat coconut anything. Of course, opening a fresh raw coconut you can get from the Asian groceries is the best. Put the coconut meat in a smoothie and drink the coconut water. Second best is eating coconut anything. Coconut in any form when heated will not destroy the good nutrients. It is from a tropical climate and made to endure hot temperatures.

7. Some say to drink radish juice.

8. Helpful foods that have been reported include avocados, bananas, cherries, greens, and raw nuts soaked overnight to remove the enzyme inhibitors, such as walnuts and pecans, however all living foods, not cooked foods will help. All cooked foods are acidic and inflammatory and can aggravate the joints. Most all, living or raw foods are alkaline and anti-inflammatory.

9. Some swear by apple cider vinegar. The vinegar should only be a RAW apple cider vinegar like Bragg's. And be careful using apple cider vinegar as it is an irritant to some stomachs.

10. A fad arthritis home remedy is the gin-soaked raisins method. Soak the raisins in gin for a week. Eat six raisins at bed time. Maybe the alcohol is absorbed into the air by then. Alcohol is a neurotoxin and is inflammatory and should not be ingested.

11. Some say the old remedy of Edgar Cayce's works for them - rubbing the affected joint with castor oil each morning and at bedtime. Make take a few days to work.

12. Keep moving. Moderate exercise will reduce stiffness.

13. Some report they take burdock and yucca for inflammation and swelling.

14. Some report lobelia extract, halibut oil, or cayenne extract (cayenne cream) can help alleviate pain and speed healing when applied to the affected area. Be careful about any supplement or cream you don't fully understand.

15. For severe pains in joints some have reported they have used garlic externally - warm up the affected area with a hot towel and then rub the juice of the garlic very slowly on the area. The juice of the garlic can be extracted in a clean coffee grinder or other kitchen appliance.

These are just a few of the many osteoarthritis and arthritis home remedies and arthritis treatments and arthritis diet suggestions floating around the Internet. Use your best judgment before trying any, that may be harmful, for arthritis pain relief, and get the advice of your doctor or naturopathic doctor.

Hip Joint Pain Treatment - What Is the Best Method to Get Relief?

Hip joint pain is not at all a rare condition. It affects a lot of people and it can be the result of a lot of medical conditions. It is highly important to determine the exact cause of the pain in order to act accordingly and to put an end to it. Otherwise, the pain will keep on bothering you and, even worse, will aggravate. Arthritis, a disease that usually affects older people, is one of the most common causes of hip joint pain. It is a degenerative condition, so, under no circumstances it should be left untreated. The worst case scenario includes surgery for replacing the affected hip.

There are, however, other medical causes that result in hip pain. Tendonitis and bursitis are just two of them. The first one refers to the inflammation of the tendons surrounding the hip and the other one to the inflammation of the bursa on the exterior of the hip joint. Previous hip fractures or injuries can cause pain even after many years have passed. There are also childhood affections that cause hip joint pain in adulthood. Developmental dysplasia and perthes are example of such diseases that cause hip joint damage starting from early years of life.

Before starting any kind of treatment for hip pain, you should definitely ask for a doctor's opinion in order to identify the root causes of your pain. Only after having this information you, together with your physician, will be able to figure out what is best to be done. Sometimes gentle exercises and physical therapy is recommended. Anti-inflammatory drugs are the most common treatment method. Nevertheless, many people turn to herbal supplements that have about the same effect.

Boswelia and rosemary, for instances, are herbs with a high content of anti-inflammatory substances. Angelica is also very effective in case of hip joint pain because it contains, besides anti-inflammatory substances, analgesic compounds and muscle relaxant compounds. 250 mg of feverfew extract, taken daily, has a better action than some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Pineapple is a good choice for relieving hip pan because it contains a chemical known as bromelain, with a high capacity of diminishing inflammation. Stinging nettle, turmeric and wild yam are other examples of herbs that can be sued in treating hip joint pain.

Other sufferers choose to obtain relief by massaging the affected hip with analgesic essential oils. Lavender oil, rosemary oil and chamomile oil are relieving pain fast, while juniper and cypress oil are reducing the inflammation of the joint. Rumatone Gold oil is also recommended for patients with hip pain.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Arthritis - Can it Be Prevented?

Overview of Arthritis

Effective help is currently available for people to pro-actively manage arthritis and enjoy life to the fullest. But the actual prevention of arthritis itself is yet another story.

With rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the membranes or tissues lining the joints become inflamed. There is no known way to prevent any form of this disease, including osteoarthritis, adult-onset arthritis and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The exact causes of all these conditions are unknown.

It's very important for people who fear they are at risk of rheumatoid arthritis to realize that at this time there are no medications to take or lifestyle modifications to make that can completely prevent this crippling disease. However, by making changes to your weight and diet and engaging in moderate exercise, you may be able to slow or even halt the disease's onset and progress.

But you can only really take the measures needed to control arthritis after it is diagnosed. Until it is known for sure if certain bacteria or viruses trigger the disease, contact with people suffering from it will not change your risk of developing it.

Traditionally, medications and physical therapy have been used to manage the disease. A massive amount of nutrient research has also shown the effect diet and supplements have on the body's healing processes. Lifestyle changes can also make a big difference.

Causes of the Disease

Joint injuries caused by accidents or overuse increase the occurrence of some types of arthritis. You can also inherit certain genes that may increase your risk. More research is needed to find out how to reduce the disease's onset from these factors.

Some individuals have an inborn tendency to degenerative joint disease because they have changes in the structure of the important protein-building blocks of the articular cartilage which covers the surface of their joints. These seemingly small but significant abnormalities predispose their joints to wear and degeneration. In other cases, joint injuries may contribute to the development of DJD.

No foods have been definitively shown to cause or exacerbate arthritis in most individuals. A variety of diets and "hand-me-down" information exists about certain foods and arthritis, in particular the night shade plants, but none of it has been proven.

There is a rare form of arthritis called Spure which is caused by allergies to wheat products. Avoiding those will eliminate this disease. Associated features include weight loss, diarrhea and osteoporosis. Consult your health care provider if this is a concern.

There are things you can do to reduce your risk for getting certain types of arthritis or to reduce disability if you already have arthritis.

Overweight and obese people have a higher frequency of arthritis. Excess weight increases risk for developing osteoarthritis in the knees, and possibly in the hips and hands. Women are at special risk. In men, excess weight increases the risk for developing gout. It's important to maintain your recommended weight, especially as you get older.

Arthritis Prevention Programs

The Center for Disease Control has implemented programs in several states to reduce the onset and consequences of arthritis. The National Arthritis Action Plan: A Public Health Strategy delineates the actions necessary to better understand the arthritis burden in the USA and helps to fully apply known and effective interventions.

This document represents the combined efforts of nearly 90 organizations, such as the Arthritis Foundation, government agencies and many other groups and individuals with an interest in arthritis prevention and control.

The NAAP proposes a nationally coordinated effort for reducing the occurrence of arthritis and its accompanying disability by focusing on these three areas:

1. Surveillance, epidemiology and prevention research to strengthen the science base.

2. Communications and education to increase awareness and provide accurate information about arthritis.

3. Programs, policies, and systems promoting increased quality of life for people with arthritis and facilitating arthritis prevention measures.

The CDC continues to accumulate scientific knowledge on the benefits of physical activity. Because healthy eating reduces a person's risk of becoming overweight, good nutrition plays an important role in preventing knee osteoarthritis. In addition, moderate physical activity is essential for maintaining the health of joints.

Resources/The information outlined in this article is originally from:

HealingWithNutrition, Arthritis Facts, Disease Prevention and Treatment Strategies

Center for Disease Control, Framework for Arthritis Prevention and Control

The University of Washington Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Frequently Asked Questions About arthritis.

TMD and Posture - The Jawbone is Connected to the Neckbone

It's no fun and can ruin your day! Every time you open your mouth, your jaw clicks and occasionally it may lock. Often there is a sharp pain. Eventually it results in constant pain that leads to an avoidance of doing anything that will aggravate the pain, but it is pretty hard to stop eating, or talking. It is commonly known as temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Who wants to restrict the movement of the jaw? Not me! I want to minimize any restrictions on movement in any joint - particularly my mouth.

Abundant information is available on jaw pain. This is an article about eliminating a big factor; forward head posture. The body is a unit. Bone structures are bound together though muscle and connective tissues. The connecting and binding tissues work best when they work at the length they are designed to. When the tissues are not stretched enough, they tighten and restrict mobility.

All joints are surrounded by muscles that work against each other - to pull them in different directions. We define a beginning point (the more stable base point called the origin), and end point where it moves something (called the insertion) If one group is stretched and the other is tight, unhealthy pressures are put on the joints and over time there is uneven wear and then - pain.

The jaw is no different. A common position in adults today is some degree of forward head posture. It means that the head is not ideally aligned through the neck to the body. There are many reasons for this today. People have stresses because of their occupation. They sit at a work station, they bend over their garden, their patients, they carry backpacks ...etc. Forward head is usually linked with rounded shoulders posture.

The end result is that we have to extend our head back if we want to see ahead and not be looking toward our feet. The jaw is pulled up and back causing painful compression of the temporomandibular joints (TMJ's).

The answer is to correct the position in order to allow the TMJ's to rest and heal. That requires a change of posture. Not only will it help the chronic pain in the jaw, but the rest of your body will thank you as well.

Am I making this up? Not at all. There are several studies published showing this relationship and it is well known in dental circles and to spine care professionals. One article I would call your attention to is entitled TMD/Facial Pain and Forward Head Posture. It is co-authored by Leonard B. Goldstein, DDS, PhD and Howard W. Makofsky, PT, DHSc, OCS . They co-directed the TMJ Center at Southside Hospital in Bay Shore, New York in the 1990's. Dr. Makofsky, a physical therapist, is the inventor of the PostureJac. A link is provided by clicking the article title above. Treatment of TMD requires a recognition of contributing factors. Treatment of the cause may require the services of more than a dentist. Imagine seeing a Physical Therapist or Chiropractor for jaw pain!

The article refers to a variety of strategies therapists use to change structures and habits related to forward head posture. We suggest that you consider the PostureJac as a viable tool to change your postural habits. Ideally it helps you to adopt a more healthy alignment as your normal position. No one wants to be strapped up or held in place artificially. It doesn't work that way. It integrates into your life as an easy access trainer as a reminder of optimal posture. Ultimately it is to internalize a healthy alignment as the preferred position.

In order to do that, some things have to be stretched, some things have to be strengthened, and some things have to be mobilized. The therapeutic community actively treats people for these conditions. However our natural tendency is to return to old habits in familiar surroundings. Returning home after treatment, we surrender to our habits in our familiar environment and resist change.

If we have a change agent integrated into our daily activities, the chance of change increases. We are not suggesting that it substitutes for regular therapy but it may break the cycle of endless dependence. One person testified that shortly after he began using it, he had his regular chiropractic treatment. The chiropractor remarked how easily he was adjusted. The next week, even better!

Osteopathic physicians talk about the "unity of the body". When body posture deviates from normal in one region, related areas are also affected. And so it is with posturally-related TMD. If you can relieve temporomandibular joint pain by correcting your posture would it be worth it to you?

More information is available at

Supplements of Green Lipped Mussel for Pets May Reverse Your Pet's Age-Related Joint Pain

Did you know that you can buy green lipped mussel for pets? Yes, this type of supplements can work health wonders for pets just as they have long been known to do for humans. It only makes sense, after all. "People food" such as red meat and eggs help with pets' health. Why wouldn't the fantastic "super food" of green lipped mussels do the same?

You see, our pets such as our dogs and cats have similar health problems to humans in many ways.

One of those health problems has to do with the deterioration of the joints that comes with aging. The wear and tear of life gets the best of our joints after enough time. Human joints become more easily inflamed and the cartilage around the joints wears thinner and weaker with the passage of the years. And, the same is true for our beloved pets.

But with the supplementation of green lipped mussel for pets, this process can be slowed, or even halted and reversed. This type of mussels can work this anti-aging magic in humans, and they do the same for our pets.

The secret is Glycosaminoglycans

Glycosaminoglycans are abundant in greenshell mussels. These are bio-chemicals that have been called "the glue of life". They prevent the aging and deterioration of the body's cells. If the cells of the body aren't deteriorating, then the body's joints can keep on doing what they always did in youth: quickly recover from and repair injury or inflammation. These amazing shellfish also contain other important minerals and healthy fatty acids that keep joints supple.

Processing technology

The process of extracting the glycosaminoglycans from green lipped mussels in the form of powder transforms those compounds into glucosamine and chondroitin. These are quite well-known as compounds that can reverse joint damage and cure and prevent joint inflammation in humans who are over the age of 40. A powder-supplement of green lipped mussel for pets has the same healing powers in pets.

Backed by research

In a research paper titled "Influence of Green Lipped Mussels in Alleviating Signs of Arthritis in Dogs", we find this quote:

"Results of this study provide strong evidence that [green lipped mussels], incorporated into a complete dry diet, can help alleviate arthritic symptoms in dogs. Further studies will help determine whether dietary supplementation with GLM can reduce or eliminate the need for conventional medical therapy in arthritic dogs".

This research complements other research on the efficacy of feeding green lipped mussels supplements to pets in order to alleviate their joint and tendon problems that come with aging.

What I recommend

Probably the best brand of mussel powder supplement is Xtend Life. This company, which is in New Zealand, selects only the very "most pure" green lipped mussels (just 0.1% of all available green lipped mussels), and then uses a proprietary process to extract the powder from a mussel and contain it within only 30 minutes. This selective process and processing speed are vitally important to preserving the nutrients contained in the mussels. No other maker of these supplements follows this process. Thus, the Xtend Life powder can be assumed to be the most potent of all brands'.

If you have an aging beloved pet with noticeable joint problems, try out a supplemental powder of green lipped mussel for pets. It may be the cure that your companion longs for.

What Is TMJ Disorder?

Have you ever asked yourself, "What is TMJ disorder?" If you've ever searched for the answer to this question you probably are familiar with the intense pain that TMJ disorder causes. Let's examine what makes up TMJ disorder and how you can finally receive relief from this awful pain - all from home - without costly visits to the doctors or medications laden with side-effects.

What is TMJ disorder exactly then? Well, on each side of the jaw is the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Each joints works in unison to enable you to talk, eat, and partake in a cold glass of water on a hot summer's day. When this joint becomes irritated in some manner, however, you run the risk of trying to coping with horrible pain.

Let's answer your question of "What is TMJ disorder" then. TMJ disorder is the constant inflammation of the temporomandibular joint. This is the connecting joint of the skull and jawbone that helps them work together in unison. Between the skull and jawbone is connective tissue similar to the material in your ear. If this connecting tissue becomes chronically damaged in some way - arthritis, partial dislocation, and additional ailments - you can potentially experience agonizing pain. Research has show that only toothaches rank higher for facial pain ailments.

If you think you're the only one suffering from this debilitating ailment, you aren't alone. Here are some startling stats:

  • Over 10% of Americans suffer from TMJ disorder

  • Caucasians typically cope with the ailment more than other ethnicities

  • Women suffer more so than men at a ratio of 4:1

  • Typically strikes adults ranging from 20-40 years old

You probably already know about the negative impacts TMJ discomfort presents. These frustrations include loss of sleep, lack of productivity, extreme headaches, loss of hearing, irritability, and much more. Thankfully there are multiple home remedies that you can take advantage of. By doing so today, you can start down the path of recovery. Additionally, relief doesn't have to come at the hands of expensive surgery or sketchy over-the-counter medications. With simple alterations to your diet, daily exercises, and more you can finally attain relief from this stressful disorder.

Fibromyalgia Symptoms & Associated Conditions

Fibromyalgia (FM) has a wide range of symptoms and overlapping conditions! It is easy to mistake one condition or symptom for another. FM, along with these other relating factors, is often misdiagnosed and misunderstood.

FM is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain and weakness. The American College of Rheumatology established a guideline for diagnosis in 1990. It is defined by 11 to 18 tender points located throughout the body. When your doctor examines you for FM, he/she will locate these painful little points by touch and reaction to pain. These tender points are mainly found in the muscles around the neck, shoulders, chest, knees, the region around the elbow, and hips.

I was diagnosed in 1995, but lived with FM for many years before I could finally put a name on it. It was a relief, in a way, because my pain and fatigue was finally validated, but I didn't know what I was in for. Later on, I realized many other conditions I had were related to FM. The list just kept growing!

FM patients' symptoms can vary in quantity and degree. It is never exactly the same as the next person. You may have one or you may have all (I hope it's the former), but all of the information below pertains to Fibromyalgia.

Aside from the obvious muscle pain and weakness, symptoms of Fibromyalgia include: allergies, disequilibrium (trouble with balance), dizziness, clumsiness, extreme fatigue, sleep starts (falling sensation), insomnia, sleep disturbances like apnea, headaches, increased menstrual pain, sensory sensitivity, sensitive skin, itching, histamine reactions like dermographia, morning stiffness, stiffness when walking, mottled skin, carbohydrate cravings (sweets, too), yeast infections (Candida), tissue overgrowth, nail ridges, curved nails, ingrown hairs, easy scarring, anxiety, stress, cry easily, panic attacks, mood swings, sudden irritability, extreme sweating, more than average infections, shakes or tremors, bruising (more than the average person), weight gain or loss, bruxism (nighttime teeth grinding), numbness & tingling (Parasthesia), sinusitis, runny nose (frequent), ear pain, trouble swallowing, eye pain, sensitivity to certain materials (clothing, bed linens), heartburn, indigestion, weak grasp, shortness of breath, chest tightness, rapid heartbeat, painful intercourse, impotence, low-back pain, burning feet, dry eyes & mouth, hormonal fluctuations, delayed reactions to over exertion or stress, muscle twitches, swelling, mold & yeast sensitivity, pelvic pain, urinary frequency, abdominal cramps, bloating and nausea.

FM patients are probably familiar with the phrase "fibro fog". It refers to symptoms of FM that relate to cognitive dysfunction: memory problems, difficulty concentrating, words that come out jumbled, trouble making decisions, trouble spelling words you know, scattered thoughts.

If that's not enough, we can add other debilitating disorders, syndromes or illnesses: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Chronic Myofascial Pain (CMP) (formally known as Myofascial Pain Syndrome), Migraines (in all forms), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS), Interstitial Cystitis (IC) or painful bladder, Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP), Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ), Insulin Resistance (IR), Acid Reflux - GERD, Reactive Hypoglycemia (RHG), Depression and Anxiety.

That's enough to make anyone want to go to bed and stay there! I have had my moments - believe me! Sometimes, it seems unbearable and that I can't take one more second, but I HAVE TO and so do you! Take it day-by-day and make the most of your good days. At the end of a bad one - you can say you made it through another day and tomorrow might be better!

I will continue this article series and will explore all the aspects of Fibromyalgia and all the issues, etc. that come with it.

Hip Joint Pain Relief Basics

When it comes to hip joint pain, you need not suffer. There are many options available to provide hip joint pain relief. Always remember that before starting any type of treatment, you must first get the okay from your doctor.

Diet and exercise may help in losing weight and therefore relieve some pressure off of the hip and joints throughout the entire body. Eating a balanced diet of proteins, whole-wheat, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables will give your body the boost it needs to help heal itself. Low-impact exercises are best for those with hip joint pain. Activities such as leisure walking, yoga, and swimming is ideal. Swimming is one of the best exercises for your body because there is very little stress on the joints, but you still get a great workout. If the muscles surrounding the joint become stronger, then the hip pain usually becomes less severe.

Another option is using anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Advil, or Motrin. Also, natural remedies that are similar to these drugs might be a good alternative. You may want to ask your doctor what he or she recommends.

A more aggressive approach would be the Hyaluronic acid injections, if your doctor feels you may be a good candidate. You will need injections to the hip several times a week for a number of weeks. So take into consideration the cost of the procedure, plus the time and pain associated with the shots.

A similar method for relief might be trying Corticosteroids which will decrease inflammation, but it can also lower your immune system. These chemicals are injected into the joint site but offer faster relief than the Hyaluronic acid injections.

Lastly, for severe chronic hip pain, you may want to consider hip replacement surgery. If your doctor deems you a candidate for surgery, ask what the complications might be, recovery time, and any possible future problems that may occur. Your doctor may have you prep your body weeks before the surgery; like cleansing the blood and building up the immune system. However, hip replacement surgery, as with any surgery, should be used only as the last resort. If you can manage the pain using the above methods mentioned, your body might be better off.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lower Back Pain - The Role Of Hamstrings

Lower back pain is most commonly from spinal nerve root L5 irritation followed by the S1 nerve root. Both nerve roots are strongly represented in the buttock muscle (gluteus maximus: predominant S1) and the inner thigh muscle (adductor magnus: the lower part L5, S1), hamstring muscles (L5 and S1), gluteus medius (predominant L5) and tensor fascia lata (predominant L5).
There are two parts tto the long hamstring muscles, the outer part (has one lateral muscle) and the inner part has (two medial) muscles. There is also another muscle known as the short hamstring muscle. The long hamstring muscles arise from the pelvic bone area known as the ischial tuberosity (this bone is under the buttock muscle and we place pressure on this bone when we sit). Thus the long hamstring muscles come from above the hip. They end (insert) on the leg bones. The short hamstring muscle arises from below the hip from the thigh bone. The long hamstring muscles receive their nerve supply through the sciatic nerve whereas the short hamstring muscle is supplied by the common peroneal nerve.

Whenever a muscle is tight, you must always consider the balance in strength between the muscles on opposite sides of the joint. In the case with the hamstrings, they act from behind to straighten the hip joint (extend) and bend the knee joint (flex). So the strength of the muscles in the front of the hip that bend the hip and thigh up (flex) and the muscles in the front of the knee that will straighten the knee (extend) are important to balance the action of the hamstrings.
Therefore, if the muscles that straighten the hip joint (extensors) are weak, the muscles that bend the hip and thigh upward (flexors) will be automatically stronger. This itself will make the hip extensors (gluteus maximus, adductor magnus) weaker since they will now be stretched beyond their optimal length.

Hamstring muscles do have an effect on straightening the hip, provided the knee is straight. However, when we are sitting down, the hamstring muscles do not have much effect on straightening the hip (extension). The action of the hamstrings will therefore be most prominent for bending the knee. The sitting position with knees bent thus puts the hamstring muscles to become short and tight behind the knee.

The sitting position also puts the rectus femoris and tensor fascia lata muscle at the front of the knee to be stretched across the knee. Since these muscles straighten the knee, they will be stretched beyond optimal length when the knee is in a bent position such as in sitting. This stretch effect is made worse since both these muscles are already shortened when the person sits since these two muscles are responsible for bending the hip also.

The setting for the tightness of the hamstrings at the knee thus stems from weakness of the lower back muscles and the muscles that surround the hip from behind (gluteus maximus, adductor magnus) and from the outer aspect (gluteus medius and tensor fascia lata).

Therefore tightness of the hamstring muscles cannot be accomplished just by stretching the hamstring muscles. Shortening contractions have to be performed to muscles constantly exposed to lengthening contractions. These include perform shortening contractions to the spinal muscles from neck to the base of the spine. At the hip, shortening contractions have to be performed to the gluteus maximus and adductor magnus muscles which have nerve related muscle weakness in the presence of constant exposure to lengthening contractions.

Shortening contractions have to be performed also for the tensor fascia lata and the rectus femoris muscles. Since these muscles have to be selectively activated, the treatment of choice is motor point stimulation using eToims Twitch Relief method.
© 2007 copyright hamstrings

Radiofrequency Neurotomy (Ablation) for the Sacroiliac Joint

As individuals age, arthritis ensues and weight bearing mobile joints may experience significant pain. There are sacroiliac joints on both sides of the body. They are joints with cartilage and some movement does occur in the joints. It is not nearly as much movement as a ball and socket joint like the hip, but enough to cause daily pain for individuals. Radiofrequency ablation may help for an extended duration in the SI joints and be an excellent nonoperative treatment.

The unfortunate things about sacroiliac joint pain are that

1) it is a very common problem to have

2) It can be tough to diagnose the SI joint as a pain generator

3) It is a tough problem to treat either non-operatively or operatively

Similar to the facet joints in the lumbar spine, it can be difficult for a pain doctor to accurately place a needle into the joint. A significant angle may be necessary to achieve placement, and it should always be performed under x-ray guidance. Having a sacroiliac joint injection performed without it entails a high miss rate, upwards of 50%.

The objective with a radiofrequency ablation, also called a radiofrequency neurotomy, is to heat up and "deaden" the small nerve endings supplying the sacroiliac joint causing a patient's pain. These are not nerves that supply vital motor or sensory functions, but tiny little nerve endings that bring sensation to the joint itself. If those can be negated, pain can be decreased.

Prior to it being performed, the pain doctor will perform a diagnostic injection containing numbing medicine around these nerve endings to make sure the patient will obtain pain relief and the joint is the source of the pain.

If it works, then the radiofrequency procedure is indicated and the patient's insurance company usually approves the procedure. The procedure has been shown on average to alleviate pain from six to 18 months, which is more than double the average of a standard cortisone injection.

A radiofrequency ablation is an outpatient procedure. Patients who are on blood thinning medications like Coumadin will need to stop this for at least 5 days or so prior - the physician can give specific time frames.

The procedure usually lasts 30 to 45 minutes and the patient will be sore for days afterwards. In fact, the patient may get worse for a few weeks as the initial trauma from the procedure wears off and the benefits "kick in".

At a certain point after the procedure, the nerve endings will grow back and regenerate. This may bring back the pain from before, it may not. If this happens, the procedure may be repeated.

Potential complications of a radiofrequency neurotomy include pain around the injection site, numbness of the skin over the injection site, initially worsened pain due to muscle spasms, infections (rare), or in a small amount of cases worsened pain from the procedure (unusual).

Tasty Foods That Can Aid in Your Hip Replacement Recovery

Having a hip replaced can be a great pain reliever, allowing a person to enjoy everyday living the way they always imagined. Yet, there's a general fear of hip replacement recovery obstacles, like blood clots or Osteolysis.

Because a hip replacement can be the result of numerous life situations, medications and follow up care may vary. Still, across the board physicians agree that a healthy diet is a big key to recovery success. Since hip replacement surgery can make the body more vulnerable to illnesses, it's important to load up on super nutritious foods. The exciting thing is, there are foods that are packed with both powerful nutrients and taste.

Imagine enjoying a carefully seasoned salmon grilled with a splash of lemon.  Or a mouth watering Trout, well prepared and tender.  These fish taste good and provide your body with Omega-3 fatty acids known also as Omega 3s. Omega 3s are amongst the top food champions known for their ability to help ease joint pain and boost immune systems.

The moment they work their way into a body's system, they begin activating a chemical that helps control inflammation. Their role is so vital that a recovering patient can enjoy up to two hearty servings of one of these cold water fish a week.  Almost every restaurant has one of these fish on their dinner menu but there are several everyday recipes that can show you how to make this fish an at home dinner delight.

Do you have a sweet tooth?  Indulge in a cupful of fresh strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries.  Because these sweet treats are flavor filled bites of antioxidants, they also reign as some of the top food champions.

The antioxidants these berries release are disease fighting, preventing the stress that comes from oxidation.  There have been several studies showing that a cup of berries a day can help increase the amount of antioxidants your body needs, especially after a surgery when your body needs the extra help. Served chilled, steamed, or freshly picked, berries are an excellent addition to your recovery menu. 

If after eating a wonderful fish dinner or berry snack you still have a desire for a little more, try having a small portion of dark chocolate.  An ounce of smooth, melt in your mouth dark chocolate eaten everyday has been proven to reduce the formation of plaque formed in arteries while simultaneously lowering blood pressure. During hip recovery, this treat is one you don't have to feel bad about enjoying.

Tasty foods that can aid in your hip replacement recovery really do exist. Fish, delicious berries, and dark chocolate are just as nutritious for children as they are for adults.

Try A Natural Diet For Arthritis Pain Relief

I got rid of my arthritis and arthritis pain forever by eating a natural living food diet. I found relief from my arthritis pain, naturally, and you can do it too.

Arthritis concentrates in one or several joints where deterioration occurs. To get the arthritis pain relief you're seeking it's helpful to understand how arthritis works. The first step when looking for solutions to an arthritis pain problem is to understand how arthritis works.

The combination of the collagen meshwork and high water content tightly bound by proteoglycans creates a resilient, slippery pad in the joint, which resists the compression between bones during muscle movement. Collagen is the main protein found in all connective tissues in the body, including the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. The ability to make repairs to cartilage becomes limited as cartilage cells age.

Most experts now believe that osteoarthritis results from a genetic susceptibility that causes a biologic response to injuries to the joint, which leads to progressive deterioration of cartilage. Genetic factors are thought to be involved in about 50% of osteoarthritis cases in the hands and hips and a somewhat lower percentage of cases in the knee. An inflammatory response causes cytokines, to gather in injured areas and cause inflammation and damage to body tissue and cells; it's known to play a role in rheumatoid arthritis and other muscle and joint problems associated with autoimmune diseases.

Try massaging your fingers or other affected joints with coconut oil twice a day. Some foods and beverages to avoid that are inflammatory are: caffeine, salt, sugar, meat, dairy products, additives, soft drinks, white flour, white rice, alcoholic beverages, fast food, processed vegetable oils, refined, packaged and processed food. Studies done on antioxidant vitamins question the value of these supplements; it's clearly better to consume these antioxidants in living foods because they may also need to work with other nutrients present in the foods to work properly.

If you really want to get rid of your arthritis pain forever it may take a radical change in your diet and an ongoing commitment. Make smoothies with fruit only using a base of two bananas, adding a cup of frozen or fresh blueberries and mango chunks or substitute any other fruit and add an energy boost of two tablespoons of coconut oil; add one or two leaves of kale for another highly nutritional boost -- no one will ever know. Making a ginger tea, by adding a thin slice or two of fresh gingerroot to hot water, is helpful to many people I know.

Try avoiding the eight most allergic foods, wheat being the most allergenic; they are wheat, corn, eggs, milk, peanuts, fish, shellfish and some nuts, not all. One natural treatment method involves avoiding all inflammatory foods, that is, foods that are not alive.

I know quite a few people who are drinking tart cherry juice to relieve their arthritis pain; but is has to be the tart kind though. Some of the supplements commonly used for relieving arthritis pain, but I don't know if any of these work, are: glucosamine, chondroitin, bromelain, grapeseed extract, omega-3 and omega-6, cod liver oil, manganese ascorbate, MSM, boron, niacinamide, pantothenic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E.

To be on the safe side always seek your doctor's advice before starting or changing your exercise program. A good exercise routine is the key to beating arthritis and relieving arthritis pain. If you have pain and swelling in your fingers, try squeezing Thera-putty made for this purpose or exercising with two Chinese chime balls called Taiji balls. Even the lightest exercise can go a long way to maintaining your joint mobility and overall health.

Your body has 147 different joints that are in motion every day of your life. Exercise your affected joints every day, to keep them flexible. Stretching and warming up the joints should always be the first step in your exercise routine to make your joints more flexible, just be careful you don't do further damage-proceed slowly..

Be aware that the use of NSAIDs or Cox-2 inhibitors do not halt the progress of osteoarthritis and may even hasten the onset.

Once you become more informed about arthritis you'll be able to plan an arthritis treatment program, natural or conventional or a combination of both. For conventional treatment of arthritis - if you do choose to take drugs or medications, be very careful and read the labels thoroughly.

Following these suggestions can help you get back in the swing of things fast and allow you to spend your days enjoying life once more. Arthritis pain relief is the ultimate goal - understanding arthritis is a good way to get there. Begin your treatment program with a diet change, exercise and weight loss plan to see incredible results and fast pain relief.

How to Cure Knee Pain With CFA Supplements

In our culture, fitness is the symbol of youth and vitality. However, for some people exercising comes with a price. Long-time runners often complain of knee pain. Some give into the pain and stop their workouts. Others say, "No pain. No gain." Wouldn't it be great if you could cure knee pain and continue the healthy lifestyle that you love? There is an answer: cetylated fatty acid (CFA) supplements.

Cetylated fatty acids lubricate cell membranes, allowing your joints to move freely again. For runners and people who are on their feet all day, it can cure knee pain so they can live active, healthy lives. CFA's have been medically and clinically proven to provide significant improvement in as little as 30 minutes.

The good news is that CFA's like Celadrin are available in topical and oral supplements. People who have taken CFA supplements report these benefits:

o Fast-acting relief. In a double-blind clinical study, subjects who took CFA supplements experienced relief in less than half an hour. Subjects who took placebos experienced no relief.
o Available in over-the-counter oral and topical treatments. The great news is that you don't need a prescription to cure knee pain with CFA supplements.
o 100% improvement in clinical trials. All patients who took CFA supplements experienced speedy relief from joint pain. Cetylated fatty acids lubricate the joints while combating inflammation.
o No reported side effects. Cetylated fatty acids are safe and comply with FDA requirements.
o Restored flexibility. CFA supplements help rebuild flexibility in knee joints and provide long-term relief for people who use it regularly.

Cetylated fatty acids enhance cell membranes and promote elasticity in the joints. As CFA's lubricate the joints, the joints are cushioned from the stress and strain of everyday impact. For runners, CFA's are the key to regaining the mobility and flexibility necessary for working out. Why miss out on life when you can live it to the fullest?

Here are some conditions that can benefit from CFA supplements:

o Sports injuries. CFA's can mend and repair a variety of sports injuries by reducing inflammation and relieving the pain.
o Knee injuries. CFA's repair the wear and tear of knee impact and provide fast and long-term relief for common knee pain. They also prevent re-injury by lubricating joints.
o Elbow pain. CFA's reduce swelling and provide relief to painful elbows. Used daily, you'll notice significant improvements in flexibility and movement.
o Joint problems. CFA's lubricate the joints and provide a fluid cushion to prevent re-injury.
o Lower back pain. CFA's relieve the pain and inflammation of back pain due to stress and injury.
o Psoriasis. CFA's reduce inflammation both internally and externally, relieving pain and soreness associated with skin conditions.

CFA supplements are your key to an active life. Work out. Run a marathon. Take a hike. Don't let knee and joint pain keep you down. For people who want to cure knee pain, cetylated fatty acids are the answer. By reducing inflammation, providing lubrication, and healing tender joints, CFA supplements can help you live life to the fullest. Why let a little knee pain ruin your day? Try all-natural cetylated fatty acids, and your knee pain will be a thing of the past.

Arthritis, Anti-Oxidants and Free Radicals

Since Arthritis is such a common plight for the elderly and even middle agers in their 40's and 50's, like myself, I thought it might be nice to shed a little light on this painful subject. Yes pain in more ways than one even to Fibromyalgia, Gout and Lupas sufferers I must address as well.

The term Arthritis comes from the Greek word ( athro-joint, and itis-inflammation ) therefore it is referred to as an inflammation of the joints or as is known in it's advanced stage, Osteoarthritis which is a degenerative form of joint disease.

Most arthrititis sufferers usually have pain due to inflammation of their joints in their backs, necks, knees, hips, feet, hands or any combination of joints simultaneously. There is more than one reason that the body breaks down as it does when we age besides just wear and tear of our joints, tendons, muscles and cartilages.

In females, arthritis is usually more prevalent than in males, due to an imbalance of reproductive hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. Imbalance or changes in these hormone levels promote what is known as an "auto-immunity disorder". Auto-immunity is a condition whereby the immune system which normally wards off invaders of the body such as infections, viruses and free radicals actually turns on the body and attacks the bodies own tissues such as the skin, joints, liver, lungs and other organs.

Since auto-immunity characterizes an auto-immune disease featuring inflammation of different tissues, joints and muscles of the body, I must talk about the proteins necessary to keep the body healthy. Collagen is a natural protein which is the main protein for connective tissues of the body. It accounts for 6% of the weight of strong tendinous muscles and is necessary for building muscle tissue. Your body produces Collagen as well as vitamin D, yet with age and insufficient sunlight, your body slows down it's production of these 2 necessary nutrients and proteins.

Since the body naturally slows down with age, it is important to supplement what your body is lacking. I firmly believe that if you are not a juicer or do not eat lots of fruit to make sure you are taking, on a daily basis, Vitamins, C, D and E as supplements, otherwise you are not attaining the minimum daily requirements of these vitamins as suggested by Health Canada. And I don't mean that you can simply take lots of supplements in the morning and expect that it will provide your needs for the whole day. For example Vitamin C is a vitamin your body only uses when necessary and does not store it for later as it does fatty acids. That is why many health care professionals tell you to eat fruit at least 5 to 7 times per day. Your body goes through a tremendous amount of Vitamin C which is important to ward off many sickness's and diseases and keep a healthy immune system. Therefore you need to introduce fruits and vitamins at intervals during the day to maintain the balance your body needs. Most people take their supplements in the morning and that is it for the day. Well guess what soon as you go to the washroom half those supplements go down the toilet bowl and considering supplements is a multi-billion dollar industry that is a shame. We must space out our supplements like morning and a night or morning, noon and night.

Also make sure you are drinking lots of drinks that are full of anti-oxidants. Not only are anti-oxidants important to keep a healthy liver which is the filter of the body but also they are so important for the bloodstream. Drinks that are high in anti-oxidants are usually high in bioflavinoids and phytonutrients not to mention they give the blood oxygen which is so desperately needed. Much of the toxins and poisons you take in on a daily basis seep into the bloodstream causing several bodily infirmities.

Since I am on the subject of Anti-oxidants drinks, I must tell you my story how I stumbled onto MonaVie, a beverage drink I take regularly. A year ago I got Gout, and my friend Terry called me up and said, "Tom I haven't seen you for a couple weeks around town what's up?" I told him I had Gout ( a form of arthritis ) and I was in dire pain and could hardly walk. He said he will be right over and gave me a bottle of Mona Vie. He said take 2 ounces in the morning and 2 ounces at night. After three days of taking this beverage drink my Gout disappeared. The last time I had Gout 3 years prior it took 8 days for my Gout to go away after taking Allopurinol.I have seen a friend cured of Lupas from drinking this drink, another friend with Fibromyalgia starting using Monavie and within 3 months over 75 % of her pain from Fibromyalgia was gone.

I have seen many other success stories of people with Arthritis and after taking Monavie, most of their pain diappeared within months of drinking this drink. Feel free to check out my other articles on this subject. I am not saying that it is a miracle drink per say but it obviously gives the body certain nutrients it is lacking, like phytonutrients, bioflavinoids, oxygen and on and on we go. Before you purchase the product do some studying first.

For more Information on Arthritis and many other disease and Natural cures go to

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Chronic Joint Pain Relief

Pain is a four-letter word for a reason! For those who suffer from chronic joint pain, every day is a special challenge. Different levels of pain can be considered chronic; a person does not have to be suffering from severe, debilitating pain in order to be dealing with chronic pain. From mild to completely incapacitating, pain is considered chronic if it has been present for six months or longer. It's a sad fact that millions of Americans wake up every day to a world filled with chronic physical pain.

Joint pain is one of the most common types of chronic pain. Joint pain is also one of the most common reasons people see their doctor. Those two facts alone mean that vast medical resources are being dedicated to finding relief for chronic joint pain.

We are living in a time where our traditional ideas of medicine are shifting. Western medicine is becoming much more accepting of Eastern medicine and the ideas that go along with it. Patients are beginning to look for natural ways to heal their bodies. Joint pain relief is no exception. Chronic joint pain sufferers are looking to do more than mask the pain; they are looking to treat the underlying cause of the pain.

Studies continue to show that breakthrough research in natural medicine is making a difference. The idea of looking to nature to nurture and repair our bodies is paying off for many joint pain sufferers. Two recently popular supplements, esterified oil and Cetylated Fatty Acids, have been shown to bring relief to the joints quickly. The longer people take the supplement or use the cream, the less pain they deal with every day. After just 30 days, people notice a large difference in the way they feel and the relief that can be attained through continued use. Recently, a newer product was released in a large chain warehouse store. This product, which comes in a topical cream and pill form, is made to lubricate joints, thus creating a cushion of comfort. Research has also found that it helps to repair cell damage. As you can see, results have come a long way!

Chronic pain sufferers have already been dealing with their pain for close to six months. After such an extended amount of time, any type of diminished pain can feel like a big relief. Luckily, there are still new and improved products hitting the market every year. It would be a tremendous turn of events if the number of chronic joint pain sufferers could be drastically reduced. Perhaps through persistent use of joint building and repairing products, chronic joint pain will be a thing of the past!

Health Screening - A Revolutionizing Process to Prevent and Treat Any Disease Effectively

Health Screening - Prevention and Disease control.

The new "holistic health center" consists of different, completely holistic (entire body) oriented components: A) Fast, effective, pain-free and non-invasive diagnosis, B) Analyzing and immediate treatment of meridian blockages, C) Energy therapy for over 200 disease conditions including cancer, nerve- and bone related diseases, D) Health monitoring and effective prevention to avoid future disease manifestation.

A Holistic Health Center in the design of a mini-clinic will serve the urgent need of health screening and prevention. Health Screening is a new method for early non-invasive diagnosis, usually performed within a few minutes. It is based on the over 5.000 year old knowledge of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is the first reliable Meridian Diagnostic in the world. Cost efficient and highly accurate - up 95%.

Meridian diagnostic is the core concept of efficient health analyzes. A computer based high tech measurement of the 12 main meridians and its correlated organs. It provides a complete energetically picture of a person displayed in an easy to read graphical format. The measuring points are (20) on the fingers and (20) on the toes. Overall biological energy levels, meridian balance, yin - yang, left - right, top - bottom organs, etc. is recorded and can be used for future therapy control (health screening).

Energy levels over 50% reflect health, vitality, less aging, high immune system activity. Energy levels under 50% reflect energy deficit, low immune system activity, disease condition, chronic diseases.

Therapy suggestions are displayed with exact treatment points. One of the major advantages of the Meridian Diagnostic is the advantage to discover unknown Meridian Blockages in the system. When one or more meridian blockages exists the patient becomes Therapy Resistant, which means no therapy will have a sufficient effect. With the BioGraph meridian diagnostic system we are able not only to discover blockages furthermore we can treat and "delete" those blockages immediately. The patient turns from therapy resistant into therapy receptive. The therapy effects are re-established.

The second component in the Holistic Health Center is the world leading and cost efficient "Pulsating Energy Resonance Therapy" (PERTH) acc. to Prof. Dr. Werner (Germany).

Four (4) complete professional therapy systems on a therapy bed will serve app. 32-50 people treatments per day. The capacity can be extended to 8 therapy systems and will serve more than 64 people treatments per day. The basic research of the PERTH therapy started in the early 1920's with Dr. Royal Rife (The end of all diseases), later research by over 200 Russian researcher for the space program MIR in Russia and since 1994 the research is finalized by a well known German researcher and medical professional Prof. Dr. Werner. In cooperation with leading German universities Werner developed the cancer and bone therapy programs with proven results in 1000's of medical and clinical studies.

The new PRTH P5 professional treatment system is easy to use, non-invasive, pain free and highly effective for prevention and disease treatment. The energy increase can be monitored with the Meridian Diagnosis immediately after a treatment session.

Particular meridians and related organs are effected long time before a disease becomes a pathological issue. (green - normal, yellow - attention and red - signals treatment is necessary). For example most cancer patients have an energy level of only 25%, or energy deficit of 75%. This means the immune system is nearly not functioning anymore. Fertile ground for cancer cell grow is established without major defense. Cancer can spread in the body. The reverse circumstance high energy levels - a powerful immune system, health and vitality and a non toxic environment don't allow cancer cell grow. Disease development of any kind becomes impossible. The Meridian Diagnosis and PERTH treatment combination will make those scenarios visible and immediate treatment plans can be developed. The treatment effect is tested and recorded on a patient by patient basis during the very first measurement - therapy - measurement sequence.

This reflects the most effective way to prevent any kind of disease long time before it would appear. In addition the treatment of existing diseases is not "blind" anymore and the patient - treatment response can be finalized through different therapy applicators. For example mat treatment for energy balancing and meridian harmonization, oxygen increase in the blood (65% after 10 minutes), immune system boost, better sleep and vitalization etc. The treatment with the head applicator for the central nervous system, head, eye, ear, nose diseases and brain related diseases like Parkinson, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's etc. The intensive applicator for all joint related problems and to rebuild the cartilage, which is alone a phenomena and was completely impossible before. Finally a point applicator for any pain related circumstance. The PERTH therapy system is very easy to use, any therapist assistant can perform the treatment after a short introduction. As soon a therapy plan is in place patients for therapy or prevention can go in and out on their scheduled appointment without long waiting periods.


- Degenerative bone and joint disease (hip arthritis, Bechterew's disease, Sudeck's disease)
- Arterial circulation disturbance (hardening of arteries in the leg as result of smoking, lower leg sores, stroke, heart attack)

- Asthma, allergies,

- Burnout syndrome

- Cancer, Leukemia

- Heart diseases

- Liver cirrhoses

- Eye diseases (cataract)

- Venous circulation disturbance (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis)

- Sport injuries, healing of wounds and bones, general regeneration of tissue

- Chronic turbal catarrh resistant to treatment, tympanic effusion, inflammation of the middle ear

- Stabilization of circulation

- High and low blood pressure

- Pulmonary emphysema

- Osteoporosis

- Radiant sickness

- Acute and chronic nasal cavity sicknesses

- Virus infections, allergies, migraine and asthma

- Tinnitus aurium (ear noises) and macular edema (retina damage)

- Stress, sleep and digestive problems

- Metabolic disturbances (normalization of fatty acid and pH values)

- Diabetes in the elderly

- Incontinence, bed wetting with children

- Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),

- Climatic problems, potency problems

- Rheumatic disease with chronic pains

Indications are given in strict conformity with International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems of the 10th review, accepted by the 43rd World Health Assembly.


The sequel of nervous system inflammatory diseases (meningitis, encephalitis, myelites, encephalomyelitis), Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, migraine, headache, transitory cerebral ischaemic attacks, sleeplessness, disturbances of sleep-awake cycles, trigeminal neuralgia, facial nerve lesions, neuralgia, neuritis, phantom limb pain syndrome, mononeuropathies, polyneuropathies (including diabetic), infantile cerebral paralysis, hemiplegia, paraplegia, tetraplegia and other paralytic syndromes, vegetative nervous system disorders, vascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia, hydrocephalus, toxic and other encephalopathies, intracranial hypertension (increase of intracranial pressure), fatigue syndrome in recovery period.


Hypothyrosis, clinical manifestations of hyperthyrosis (thyro-toxicosis), diabetes mellitus, adrenal / ovarial / testicular dysfunction, local fat deposits, adiposis, bilirubin metabolism disturbances, mucoviscidosis.


Acute alcoholic intoxication, abstinent delirium (delirium tre-mens) and abstinent status without delirium, symptomatic treatment of chronic alcoholism, depressive disorders, neurotic, stress induced and somatoformic disorders (tic, vegetative nervous system disorders, enuresis, logoneurosis, etc.), sleep-awake regimen disturbances of inorganic etiology, absence or loss of sexual libido, insufficiency of sexual reaction (impotence of inorganic origin), orgasmic dysfunction, mental retardation.


Essential (primary) arterial hypertension, hypertensive disease, arterial hypotony, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, pericarditis, endocarditis, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrest, paroxysmal tachycardia, intracerebra! hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, stroke, cerebral atherosclerosis, hypertensive encephalopathy, cardialgiae (pains in the cardiac region), cerebrovas-cular diseases sequelae, diffuse atherosclerosis, Raynaud's syndrome, narrowing (obliteration) of arterioles, varicosis, lymphadenitis, lymphoid edema, lymphangitis.


Acute nasopharyngitis (nasal cold), vasomotoric and allergic rhinitis, acute pharyngitis, acute tonsillitis (angina), acute laryngitis and tracheitis, chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis, chronic sinusitis, chronic diseases of amygdalae and adenoids, chronic laryngotracheitis, diseases of vocal cords and larynx, acute obstructive laryngitis (croup), and epiglottitis, acute respiratory infections, viral and bacterial pneumoniae (inflammations of the lungs), acute bronchitis, acute bronchiolitis, recurrent and chronic bronchitis (obstructive and non-obstructive), bronchial asthma, bronchoectasiae, pneumoconiosis (occupational pulmonary diseases), pleurites, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis.


Oral cavity diseases, pyrosis, esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux, esophageal ulcer, esophageal dyskinesia, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis and duodenitis of various origin, pylorospasm, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, acute and chronic gastroenteritis and colitis, irritated intestine syndrome with and without diarrhea, constipation, functional diarrhea, neu-rogenous excitability of the intestine, anal sphincter spasm, anal and rectal fissurae and fistulae, hemorrhoids, alcoholic liver disease, toxic liver lesion, acute and chronic hepatitis, hepatic fibro-sis and cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, acute and chronic cholecystitis, biliary tracts dyskinesia, acute and chronic pancreatitis, vomiting after surgical intervention on gastroenteric tract, postoperative intestinal obstruction (intestinal paresis), dysfunction after colosto-my and enterostomy, secondary disturbances of intestinal absorption, disturbance of alimentary behavior (overeating).


Skin abscess, furunculi and carbunculi, panaris, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, neurodermitis, psoriasis, Quincke's edema, burns (including sunburns), frostbite, focal alopecia (baldness), follicular cysts of the skin and subcutaneous fat, hyperhidrosis (sweating), vitiligo, callosities, atrophic skin lesions (trophic ulcers), hypertrophic skin lesions (keloid cicatrices), erysipelas.


Infection, postinfection and reactive arthropathiae, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, gout, polyarthrosis, osteoarthritis deformans, articular cartilage lesions, ligaments lesions, joints luxations and subluxations, hemarthrosis, exudate in the joint, pain in the joint, rigidity of the joints, osteophytes ("spurs"), lupus erythematosus, dermatopolymyositis, systemic sclerosis (including sclerodermia), systemic vasculites, scoliosis, osteo-chondrosis, torticollis, ankylosing spondylitis, spondylopathiae, spondylosis, inter-vertebral disks lesions, radiculopathiae, radiculitis, ischias, lumbago, backaches, myosites (muscles inflammation), synovites, tenosynovitis and bursites, ligaments and joints injuries, pain in the limbs, other unspecified diseases of joints and soft tissues, bones fractures, poor fractures consolidation (including age-related fracture of the neck of the femur), osteomyelitis, periostitis, periodontitis, parodontosis, parodon-titis.


Hordeolum and chalazion, blepharitis, dacryocystitis, chronic inflammation of lacrimal ducts, acute and chronic conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, corneal scars and opacities, cataract, retinal breaks and detachment, diabetic retinopathy, open-angle glaucoma, optic neuritis, optic atrophy, squint, myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (including age-related), blindness and lowered vision, eye pain.


Acute and chronic external otitis, non-purulent of middle ear, perforation of the drum membrane, tympanosclerosis, neurosen-sory hypoacusis, ototoxic hypoacusis, pain in the ear.


Glomerulonephritis, acute and chronic nephritic syndrome, acute and chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis, acute and chronic pyelonephritis, reflux-uropathy, toxic nephropathy, hydronephrosis (without obstruction), urolithiasis, renal ischemia or infarction, acquired renal cyst, acute and chronic cystitis, neuromuscular dysfunction of the urinary bladder, urethritis, urinary tract infection without definite localization, enuresis; hyperplasia of the prostate, adenoma of the prostate, acute and chronic prostatitis, prostatocystitis, prostatic calculus, orchi-tis and epididimitis, balanopostitis, vascular disorders of male genital organs, certain forms of male sterility; mastopathia fibrocystica, mastitis, lactostasis, nipple cracks and fistulae; salpingitis and oophoritis, vulvovaginitis, incomplete vaginal prolapse, ovarial cysts, incorrectwomb positions, cervical erosion, myoma and fibromyoma, absence of menstruations, poor and rare menstruations, frequent, irregular menstruations, premenstrual syndrome, menstrual pains, early menopause, climacteric status, recurrent abortion, secondary female sterility.


Arterial hypertension as complication of pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal period, edema and proteinuria caused by pregnancy, nephropathy of pregnancy, excessive vomiting of the pregnant, hemorrhoids, diabetes mellitus, herpes of the pregnant, arterial hypotony syndrome in mother, preparation for childbirth, anesthesia during childbirth, hypothermia of unclear origin appearing after childbirth, changes of mammary gland and lactation.


Lesions of fetus and newborn caused by mother's diseases and complications of pregnancy and childbirth, birth injuries, intrau-terine hypoxia, respiratory disorders of fetus and newborn, non-traumatic intracranial hemorrhage in fetus and newborn, neonatal jaundice, transitory neonatal endocrine disorders, digestive disorders in perinatal period, thermoregulation disorders and skin changes in fetus and newborn, regurgitation, vomiting, poor sucking and overfeeding, muscular tonus lesion in newborn.


Increased blood pressure without diagnosed hypertension, cough, stridor, wheezing respiration, hiccup, sneezing, pain in throat and chest, pain in stomach and pelvic region, nausea and vomiting, pyrosis, meteorism, lesions of skin sensitivity, pain associated with urination, retention of urine, loss of consciousness and coma, nervousness, anxiety and excitation in association with failures and disasters, emotional shock and stress, speech and voice disorders (dysarthria, dyslexia, dysphonia), fever of unclear origin, headache, indisposition and fatigue, syncope and collapse, senility (without psychosis).

Shoulder Pain? Check the Biceps!

Shoulder pain is prevalent in the United States, 9% of American adults reported having shoulder pain in 2006 according to the CDC. Shoulder pain can be the result of many different things from osteoarthritis to a heart attack. One of the causes of shoulder and arm pain that commonly gets overlooked is bicep tendonitis.

The biceps muscle crosses the shoulder and elbow joints and its main action is to flex the arm and supinate the forearm. Both of these movements are used when opening a bottle with a corkscrew; supination to unscrew the cork and second flexion to pull the cork out.

Tendonitis is an inflammation of a tendon, the part of the muscle that attaches to bone. Symptoms of tendonitis can vary from aches or pains and local joint stiffness, to a burning that surrounds the whole joint around the inflamed tendon. With tendonitis, the pain is usually worse during and after activity, and the tendon and joint area can become stiffer the following day as muscles tighten from the movement of the tendon.

Biceps tendonitis can be confirmed by an easy and quick test. Start with the painful arm out in front of you with the thumb pointing up, have someone push down on the arm with even pressure, keep in mind that this is not an arm wrestling match. If weakness is shown, the arm pushes down easily, and pain in the shoulder is felt with this movement than Biceps tendonitis is a possible cause of the shoulder pain.

To confirm find the bicep tendon which is about an inch above the armpit and just inside the ball of the humerus, or the main arm bone. If tendonitis is present the tendon will be relatively easy to find, will feel ropy and exquisitely tender. Once the tendon is found massage in a straight horizontal fashion with the pads of the fingers, not in a vertical motion or in a circle but horizontal only. After 30 seconds or so repeat the thumb up test to see if there is any improvement, if the massage is done correctly the arm should be stronger.

This type of massage used is called cross friction massage and is great for tendonitis. Do this cross friction massage 4 times per day for 30 seconds to a minute each time, followed by ice to the area. Since it is an inflammation of the tendon doing some anti-inflammatory herbs would also help improve the tendonitis. Look for natural anti-inflammatories such as Devil's Claw and Boswelia, I personally like Boswelia Complex by MediHerb.

If diligent with the cross friction massage, ice and anti-inflammatory herbs the tendonitis should clear up in 2-4 wks. If doing a physical activity with the arm such as lifting, pulling or pushing do the cross friction massage before and after the activity. Also a good shoulder adjustment from your Chiropractor can put the humerus back in the correct place and decrease the chance of further injury.

Arthritis Joint Pain - How to Get Relief From It

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is the most common among the various kinds of arthritis. The first sign of morning stiffness and cracking joints followed by more discomfort, pain and disability exemplifies the degenerative aging process associated with joint and cartilage deterioration.

Osteoarthritis is believed to be a degenerative disease that develops as a result of wear and tear of the cartilage in the joint. It is thought to be due to increased mucopolysaccharide in articular cartilage and diminished hyaluronic acid in the synovial fluid, which develops with increasing age. It normally affects persons above 50 years of age. The main symptom is pain, which usually begins early in the morning when the patient gets up from bed. Continuous use of the lower limb eases the stiffness and pain due to increased synovial secretion. Obesity increases the risk of osteoarthritis by putting undue stress on the joints especially the knees and hips. Radiological investigations show reduction of joint spaces at pressure areas and presence of osteophytes.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease in which the immune system turns on itself and starts affecting the joints. It usually affects people between the ages of 30-55 years. Women are three times more likely to be affected than men. The disease is gradual in onset and affects the joints of the fingers and feet. Pain is the main symptom followed by stiffness, swelling and deformity. Occasionally this condition is associated with fever and weight loss. Movements are mainly restricted because of pain and spasm. This condition lasts for many years with alternating attacks and remissions.

Regular exercise like walking, cycling or swimming play a vital role in the prevention and treatment of all forms of arthritis and can help to reduce the joint pain. Yoga can also be done for movement and posture. Fish oil has been beneficial for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Fish like salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines and cod etc have omega 3 fatty acids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect on the joints. Person suffering can eat fresh oily fish three times a week or substitute it by taking fish oils available in the form of capsules. Vegetarians can eat plenty of Soya beans and tofu in their diet. Evening primrose oil has anti-inflammatory properties, hence beneficial.

Anti-inflammatory drugs can alleviate the pain to some extent. Various medications like Synotrex, Etoricoxib, Rofecoxib can be taken to relieve joint pain. Nowadays ayurvedic therapy is followed where oil massage is done to the joints, which relieves pain. Physiotherapy and occupational therapy of suitable type helps in reducing pain and preserves the mobility of the joints. Some painful joint disorders need localized injections of steroids also. Person suffering from arthritis should have fresh fruits and vegetables for vitamin C and beta-carotene, nuts, avocados for vitamin E and whole grains, cereals and eggs for selenium. For more information about preventing arthritic joint pain, please visit

Understanding Pilates Knee Pain Relief Principles for Knee Injuries

Pilates knee pain relief principles can be used for a number of knee injuries such as Anterior Cruciate Ligament issues (ACL), meniscus tear, weak knee, and arthritis. There are six core Pilates principles. For maximum healing and benefit, each of these principles must be present while doing these knee exercises.

1. Centering
- Aligning your body and bringing focus to the centre, between your lower ribs and pubic bone. Active engagement of this centering brings immediate form and improved posture. It is like the foundation of a building. If the foundation is strong, the structure of the building will stand well.

2. Conscious Breathing
- Proper breathing technique helps to stabilize the trunk and releases neck tension. The continuous easy flow of breath makes it easier for the muscles to activate accordingly. When you inhale to prepare, you would exhale to extend or exert depending on the routines. In exhaling, the knee joint stays relaxed, as the muscles around it contract and activate to secure the knee joint. Pilates exercises like Eve's Lunge will be a good example. There is no pressure on the injured knee joint and yet it aids in improvement of strength.

3. Core Alignment
- It is important to understand alignment in relation to the knee. The centre of the knee cap should be kept in line with the fore foot. If you run an imaginary line from the centre of your knee cap, it should end at the spot where the second and third toe is. Exercise like foot positions on the pilates reformer would be highly recommended. Rotation of the knee joint both outward and inward should be discouraged when doing knee tracking work.

4. Control
- Learn how to limit movements by engaging the right muscles to control the movement. Knee extension work with loaded springs should be performed with active thigh muscles involved. It is very easy to straighten the knees and snap / lock. Muscle activation is usually absent when speed is involved. Tissue breakdown, injury, and pain can occur when movements are not limited and alignments are compromised.

5 Concentration
- Intense focus and awareness are critical to proper application. Usually a knee injury can be treated if the wrong movement is corrected. This allows the brain to be re-educated. The body also starts to learn the proper way to perform an exercise correctly. Chronic pain can disappear when your body understand this awareness technique.

6. Coordination
- Your body needs to know how to work in sync to perform each exercise. As your knee muscles and joints moves through a range of motion, with all of the above elements together, then you have achieved true coordination. Coordination is a learned art and cannot be forced.
By performing specific knee exercises that deal with your knee injury, and using Pilates specialized equipment like the Reformer or Wunda chair, pain and swelling can be managed. In time, you will have better control over your body.

When your muscles are weak, they are short and tight. Selected pilates knee exercises should start with stretching and lengthening to improve muscle tone and elasticity. As the muscles gain some length and flexibility is improved, knee strengthening exercises can be gradually introduced. This result is flexible strength.

Pilates for knee pain relief must be performed with healing and wellness as the focus. It is different from a weight loss or a fitness program. Pilates instructors who are well trained in the aspect of rehabilitation, will know how to plan your routines. As the knee improves and knee pain is no longer a factor, other Pilates exercises can be introduced. This helps to achieve a total body conditioning program that fits into a healthy lifestyle. This not only prevents any relapse, it also allows the knee to be strong and healthy.

Keep the principles in mind to prevent unintentional abuse on your body. You will be less likely to do things that are not meant to be, like pushing yourself to the point of pain or exhaustion. To be in tune with your body means listening and being aware of what it is telling you. This is a critical factor in staying healthy and being injury free. Pilates is a natural, non-invasive treatment for knee pain injury and is an effective healing method for the simple reason that it works!

What You Need to Know About Canine Hip Dysplasia

First, what is canine hip dysplasia? Canine hip dysplasia (CHD) is a developmental disease of the bones in which the head of the thigh bone poorly fits the hip socket, causing damage to the cartilage, gradual destruction of the joint, pain and swelling. This disease should not be confused with hip arthritis. Rather, it is the most common cause of arthritis in the hips. Canine hip dysplasia is one of the most frustrating diseases in veterinary medicine today simply because it is so difficult to prevent and treat.

Second, how is canine hip dysplasia transmitted? CHD cannot be transmitted as it is an inheritable disorder. It is passed on by the parents to the offspring. Therefore, the only effective measure to eliminate the disease is to prevent dogs with hip dysplasia from breeding. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done, because not all dogs with hip dysplasia show signs of the disease. Seemingly normal dogs still carry the gene for CHD and are bred, which keeps the disease in the gene pool.

Third, how do you know if a dog has hip dysplasia? A dog with hip dysplasia generally exhibits less energy and activity. These dogs will also have difficulty rising from a sitting position, lameness in the back legs, may hop like a rabbit when running, and are reluctant to go up stairs. However, these symptoms are typically not apparent until a dog reaches middle age. In severe cases, though, some dogs display noticeable hip problems as early as 5-6 months of age.

Fourth, how does a veterinarian confirm if a dog has hip dysplasia?
Regrettably, there is no blood test or genetic test yet that will determine whether a dog is a carrier of CHD or not. Diagnosis of the disease is normally done through physical examinations and x-rays. X-rays help in assessing the extent of the condition and, through comparison with future x-rays, they can also provide a gauge of how well the chosen treatment is working. Here are two techniques for taking x-rays of CHD-afflicted dogs:

1. Hip-extended ventrodorsal view x-ray - Provides a frontal view of the pelvis and hip-joints and best assesses the level of severity of arthritis present.
2. PennHIP radiography technique - Used to identify hip looseness in dogs as young as four months of age.

Fifth, what are the treatment options for canine hip dysplasia? Currently, there is no real cure for CHD, but there are conservative, or non-surgical, ways to alleviate its symptoms. These include the use of drugs to relieve pain and inflammation. Rimadyl, Ectogesic and Deramaxx are effective and have given many suffering dogs the relief necessary to live a normal life. Depending on a dog's physical characteristics, weight loss programs, controlled exercise and physical therapy can also be quite effective.

When conservative treatment is not sufficient, the only other choice is surgery. Surgery can be very effective since it corrects the underlying cause of hip pain (a malformed joint).

When confronted with hip dysplasia, surgery is approached in two different ways. Prophylactic surgery is done to prevent the progression of arthritis while therapeutic surgery aims to treat already arthritic hips.

Triple pelvic osteotomy is the main preventive procedure available. It requires cutting the pelvis in three places and rotating the hip sockets to provide improved coverage. This procedure is effective as long as it is done before arthritis sets in or before the joint is damaged.

Another kind of preventive surgery is pubic symphysiodesis. Still being studied for its effectiveness, pubic symphysiodesis involves manipulating the way the pelvis grows to ensure a tighter hip. This procedure is typically performed on very young dogs.

Therapeutic procedures include total hip replacement and femoral head ostectomy. Total hip replacement is performed primarily on larger dogs. High density, medical plastic is used to replace the socket and a premium, non-corrosive alloy is used for the ball. This procedure has a high success rate, nearly completely eliminates pain, and enables the dog to fully resume activity.

Another therapeutic procedure for hip dysplasia is femoral head ostectomy. It entails the removal of the top of the femur, thereby eliminating the painful grinding at the hip joint. The femur is then permitted to float freely. This results in the formation of scar tissue which then serves as a false joint. This procedure is not advised for mild cases of arthritis and is usually effective only on smaller, well-muscled dogs.

Lastly, can canine hip dysplasia be prevented? The onset of hip dysplasia can be delayed in many dogs with a genetic predisposition by preventing excessive weight gain during the early months and by making sure that the puppy does not place undue stress on the hips.

The most effective means of prevention is, of course, careful breeding since hip dysplasia is an inheritable condition. OFA and PennHip offer information on breed risk. Before buying a puppy, it is strongly recommended that you check pedigrees for OFA, PennHip, or GDC certifications

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Diagnosing Lower Back Pain Causes

In everything we do in life, determining the problem is the first step taken before performing anything else and the same goes for lower back complications since you need to first comprehend the symptoms, then identify the lower back pain causes, and then treat it. After taking a careful history of the patient, the doctor could already determine likely causes of the pain through a physical spinal exam.

An excellent example of a test undertaken to analyze a patient's spine situation during a medical examination is the Straight Leg Raising Test. With the patient lying down in the supine position (on his back), the doctor holds the ankle while attempting to keep the knee stretched out, and lifts the leg to figure out the range of flexion in the hip joint. There is nerve root compression if pain is experienced on the other leg, also referred to as contralateral radiation.

Some other tests that may help ascertain if a patient has a pinched nerve is with the dorsiflexion of the foot and pressing upon the popliteal fossa where the tibial nerve is located while stretching out a flexed knee. Lumbar herniation may also be discovered with the application of these tests. Except if any symptoms are existing, imaging tests like X-rays and CT scans will not be utilized with acute lower back pain. A doctor can conveniently discover the causes with the use of imaging techniques which is advised for patients suffering from chronic pain.

For lower back pain patients, the following diagnostic checks are some of the most regularly employed in the medical community today...

Plain X-ray

For lower back pain conditions that hasn't gotten better or has worsened after 30 days this type of test is most suitable. X-rays are suggested in patients who have experienced substantial trauma, patients 50 years old and above who have endured slight shock, those with osteoporosis, and individuals with a history of long term steroid application. X-rays can also spot bone deformities (such as scoliosis), bone fractures, and bone changes because of aging.


Relatively comparable to an X-ray, a myelogram involves injecting a radio-opaque dye into the spinal canal of the patient. This test is done along with a CT scan if surgical procedure is planned on the patient.

CT scan

Though not a good idea for acute cases, patients with lower back pain symptoms that are indicative of spinal canal or bone infection, fracture, tumor, or cauda equina syndrome must take a CT scan test.

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

Recommended for the same illnesses as in CT scans. There have been inconclusive results when it pertains to the application of this test to locate disc herniations. Almost 20% of ruptured discs revealed during surgical treatment have not been detected by the MRI conducted in one research. In 40% of cases, MRI tests of patients without low back pain shown to have bulging discs.

Bone density

This test can find weakness in the vertebrae like osteoporosis. Although lower back pain is not a manifestation of osteoporosis, bone cracks resulting from this affliction show itself with pain.

Electromyelogram (EMG)

Electrical activity in the affected muscle areas can be monitored by inserting tiny, fine needles into them. The EMG test will help determine the level of nerve root damage and it will help the doctor differentiate between muscle disease and nerve root disease in chronic lower back pain cases.

Lower back pain causes can be quickly identified, with the application of these imaging strategies, by the physician.