Saturday, August 17, 2013

Dealing With Joint Pain

Joints no doubt play a vital role in ones life as they help one to walk, to move, to bend, and to be fit, healthy and active forever. All of our activities depend upon how fast and smooth our joints they work that consecutively depend on how healthy they are?

The answer of this is your optimum joint health.

A joint is actually the connection between two of your bones. This is supported by other structures include ligament, synovium with fluid and are cushioned by cartilage.

All of these structures work together and allow you to move your body, to bend your elbow, bend your back, wiggle your hips, and even to wave you finger to say bye-bye. Nature has bestowed lots of covering to support joint health but certain injuries, increasing age, carrying too much weight, improper body posture or even sitting the wrong way as well as several nutritional deficiency can wear and tear your cartilage and joint and can make problem to your joint.

Problems Associated with Joint Health

Arthritis is the most common bone and joint problem and it is a group of conditions involving damage to the bones and joints of the body and can be classify according to causes of them. There are over 100 different forms of these joint complains. The most common form among them is osteoarthritis that is degenerative problem of joint health which is a result of any trauma to the joint, infection of the joint, or aging. Other forms that deteriorate joint in individuals include rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and autoimmune diseases.

Easy Tips to Promote Joint Health

Below are some easy tips are mentioned to overcome joint problems and maintain joint health and thus longevity of individual. Its a hot topic in all seasons among all of us because it's bad affects influence thousands of people every where. Even only in the United States, one in three adults suffers from some form of joint pain. Moreover most of these joint problems can easily be reduced or even may be avoided completely with some basic changes in our everyday lifestyles or routine.
For sake of your benefit they are mention below. Try them to improve it.

• Try to lose weight because carrying around extra pounds gives severe strains on your joints and especially on your knees, hips, back and feet and weight loss will immediately improve it.
• Exercise regularly but don't stress a lot on your bones and joint. Regular exercise protects joints by strengthening the muscles around them. It lessens pain, increases range of movement in case of bone and joint discomfort.
• Early and specific diagnosis of any kind of joint problem assists you to get rid of them and aids to improves overall joint health.
• Smoking is another major causative agent and reduces bone mass that may lead to bone fractures in individuals. So to improve joint health one should quit smoking as early as possible.
• Try to find out the stressed activities in your routine even they are minor and also try to relief from them. Like sitting or standing all the day in same posture can cause joint problems.

Nutritional Backups to Improve Joint Health

Be sure that you're getting sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals to improve you joint health. Nutritional supplements are another best way to reduce, eradicate, and to certain extent avoid joints discomfort. You should also try to support and nourish your joint as they are the most mobile part of your body and need enormous nutrition to serve you successfully. So, be careful about your joint.

• Calcium is an important element to keep ones bones strong and joints healthy.
• Vitamin C also supports joint health in individual.
• Use of nutritional supplement like fish oil and flax oil or a source of omega-3 fatty acids also work wonders to optimize its health.
• Glucosamine another useful compound improve joint heath as well as also helping to rebuild joint cartilage

Hip Replacement

After years of a deteriorating hip joint, you are left with almost constant pain and decreased mobility. Eventually, your personal and social life suffers. You are no longer able to do all the things you could once do with ease. If you've exhausted all other attempts to relieve the pain and stiffness, it may be time for you and your doctor to consider hip replacement surgery. You don't have to live with pain for the rest of your life. Hip replacement is a common surgery with a high success rate.

Depending on your age and the condition of your hip, total hip replacement surgery (total hip arthroplasty) may offer the best solution to your problem. Hip replacement hardware (ball and socket prosthesis) can last up to 20 years. And it can often be replaced if the first prosthesis wears out (though second surgeries are not always as successful as the initial hip surgery). If you are fairly young, your doctor may suggest delaying surgery. If so, medications or lifestyle changes may help control your symptoms until the time is right for joint replacement. Losing weight can take a tremendous amount of stress off your hip and knee joints.

Surgical Procedure

Most hip replacement surgeries involve the traditional approach to the hip joint (lateral/posterior or posterior approach). With the common lateral approach, an incision (8-12 inches long) is made down the outside of your hip. The ball at the upper end of your femur (thigh bone) is cut off and replaced with a ball/metal stem component. The stem is placed into the marrow cavity of the thigh bone and the ball portion at the top fits into your new ceramic or plastic socket that is implanted into your pelvis (the cartilage from your hip socket is removed or smoothed).

The Birmingham Hip Resurfacing System (BHR) is relatively new (introduced in 1997). Long term studies are still in progress, but so far results have been favorable. The BHR method eliminates the need to cut off the ball at the top of the femur. Instead, the ball is left intact and merely resurfaced (reshaped) to allow an anatomically shaped metal sphere to be attached. The socket is replaced with a metal implant. The procedure is bone-saving and results in a stronger hip joint than the traditional total hip replacement. The chance of hip dislocation is greatly reduced. For younger and active people, this may be the procedure of choice.

Minimally invasive hip replacement surgery involves an anterior approach to the hip joint. An incision is made along the front of the hip, which allows a more direct route to the hip joint. The major hip muscles are not in this area, so there is minimal tissue/muscle damage during surgery. This usually results in a shorter hospital stay, a quicker recovery/rehab period, and less pain. The only downside to this method is there are few surgeons performing the anterior approach surgery. It requires a special surgery table (which few hospitals have) and special surgical training.

Total Hip Precautions

After traditional total hip replacement surgery, patients are required to follow strict precautions that restrict certain movement/positions of your new hip. This is to prevent your new hip from dislocating. They are commonly called total hip precautions, or total hip protocol, and include the following:

  • Do not cross your legs

  • Do not point your toes inward (no pigeon toes)

  • Do not bend your new hip more than 90 degrees

Your doctor may also restrict the amount of weight you can put on your new surgery leg while walking. This is called your weight-bearing status. This should be strictly followed so you do not damage your new hip while it's healing.

Surgery Complications

All surgeries carry risk. Hip surgery complications include, but are not limited to, infection, DVT (deep vein thrombosis- blood clot), dislocation of your new hip, leg length discrepancy, vascular damage, nerve damage, just to name a few.

Surgery Recovery

Recovery after hip surgery depends on the amount of cartilage damage, your age, and your fitness level prior to surgery. Exercise before your surgery and your recovery will be easier. Approximately 4-6 months after surgery you should be fully healed, but you must take an active part in your recovery by doing daily exercises and taking daily walks.

Healing TMJ Naturally

Sometimes we need to think outside of the box, such as to give ourselves permission to change a belief or paradigm that we have developed. One such disabling belief is that doctors, dentists and other health professionals can heal you. These health professionals can sometimes guide you in the direction you need to go, but they cannot provide healing.

Healing comes naturally; it is innate, it's part of our wondrous design.

It may be a stretch for you to believe that you know more about healing than your doctor or dentist, but it is something I suggest that you start thinking about (meditating on). Of the many talents given to those practitioners, healing is not amongst them. They have learned the knowledge that allows them to diagnose (which is an educated guess) and then prescribe a protocol that may help your situation.

However, all healing is internal. A doctor may dress a wound, clean it, add some stitches, but when it's all said and done, all they have done is enhance the conditions so that healing can take place. A dentist may grind away the decayed portion of a tooth and then add a filling to cover the hole so more decay won't happen, but have they really accomplished any healing? A psychotherapist can keep asking questions until you reach a disabling belief that is creating a problem for you, but are they the one's that actually change the belief that is in your mind? Never. Only you can relearn a new belief and it only happens when you become willing to make the change.

The thing that we can do ourselves is set the stage so that the healing can take place. You wouldn't start building a house on bare dirt. It would be best to provide the house with a firm foundation. The same is true for our bodies. We need to supply the body with all of its needs so it can repair itself.

Our daily existence requires thought and energy. To rejuvenate, we require rest. Our bodies are 70% fluid. We sweat, we urinate, we may spit, or blow our noses, depleting our fluid levels. This means we need to re-hydrate consistently.

We also deal with toxins daily. We absorb chlorine when we shower, we breathe in all sorts of toxins from the glue in our rugs, breathing in exhaust fumes as we drive to work. This list could go on and on. But, the point is that all of the toxins taken into the body create Free Radicals, and to counteract these Free Radicals, we need to consume Anti-Oxidants.

Our bodies are one of the most complex and complicated chemical manufacturing plants in the world. In order for all of the processes to take place we must have all of the micro and macro minerals that the body requires. Without a constant supply of quality nutrients, our body has to rob Peter to pay Paul. This is what happens in the case of osteoporosis. The body needs some calcium, which it is not getting from our nutrition, or the body is lacking in other nutrients that won't allow the calcium you are getting to be assimilated.

It is not the stress in our lives that causes us to grind our teeth at night or clench them during the day - it's how we deal with that stress. A phenomenal stress buster is simply breathing efficiently and effectively!

Emotional issues can be dealt with by learning skills that allows you to process your feelings appropriately while you are feeling them. Having a Higher Power in your life can provide that shoulder to lean on when life seems to be overwhelming.

Our "TMJ Relief" DVD gives you the information you need so that you can ask the right questions, make better decisions, and start the healing process, no matter how far your TMJ has progressed. Please go to for more information.

Relieving Arthritis Pain Naturally

People of any age can develop arthritis but the symptoms almost always include pain, stiffness, achiness, loss of movement, and decreased function that get progressively worse over time. The statistics on arthritis are staggering in their impact on individuals as well as the cost to society. Data from a 2007-2009 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) estimated 50 million (22%) of adults have self-reported doctor-diagnosed arthritis and 21 million (9% of all adults) have arthritis and arthritis-attributable activity limitation. The annual cost of arthritis and related conditions, such as osteoarthritis, cost nearly $128 billion per year in medical and indirect expenses, including lost wages and productivity while the annual cost per person with osteoarthritis is $5700. Arthritis can prevent a person from doing normal activities such as opening a jar, writing, playing sports, typing, exercising and even enjoying their family. So what is osteoarthritis, what are the causes and how is it treated? Even more important, how do we change the crippling effects of osteoarthritis on both individuals and society?

First, Osteoarthritis (OA), or degenerative joint disease, is one of the oldest and most common types of Arthritis. It is characterized by the breakdown of the joint's cartilage. Cartilage is the part of the joint that cushions the ends of bones. When cartilage breaks down, it causes bones to rub against each other causing pain, stiffness, and loss of movement. OA most commonly affects middle-aged and older people, but can occur in younger adults or even teenagers at times. The severity of OA may range from very mild to extremely severe and it most commonly affects weight-bearing joints such as the spine, knees, hips and feet, although the hands are also a common target.

While age is a significant risk factor to OA, research has shown that OA is not an inevitable part of aging. Obesity is a predisposing factor to OA of the knees, hips and spine but injuries from sports, work, and accidents are the most common cause. In particular, car accidents predispose injured parties to developing OA of the neck, especially if they don't receive comprehensive examination and treatment. Genetics can also play a role in the development of OA, particularly in the hands. Some people may be born with defective cartilage, slight defects in the way that joints fit together or other abnormalities that cause altered biomechanics. As a person ages, these problems lead to early cartilage breakdown which gets progressively worse over time.

The symptoms of OA vary based upon the severity of the condition as well as the age, activity level, and overall health of each individual. The most common symptoms are pain, stiffness and achiness around a joint especially after periods of inactivity or excessive use. In the spine, the most common symptom is stiffness and achiness upon awakening that improves and usually goes away with activity, but often recurs, sometimes everyday. The problem is that the frequency and severity of the symptoms, or lack thereof, do not correlate with the progressive degeneration and tissue damage.

This results in delayed diagnosis and treatment that ultimately limits treatment options. Waking up with back or neck pain from "sleeping wrong" or "no reason" is highly suggestive of OA. Sensations of grinding, grating or even popping with normal movements known as crepitus also suggest poor cartilage health and possible OA. Loss of motion can occur gradually over a long period of time, like difficulty looking over your shoulder when driving. Ultimately, bony growths develop at the affected margins of the joints and may cause deformity, particularly in the hands and feet. In severe cases, calcification of the joint may get so severe that motion is almost totally lost.

In the past, treatment focused on rest, pain medications including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (known as over-the-counter pain relievers) and ultimately joint replacement surgery, especially for the hips and knees in severe cases. Today, emphasis is placed on moderate exercise, proper nutrition, and prevention. We now know that smokers with OA have more severe joint pain and greater degradation of cartilage. Some studies support the value of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine supplementation to support cartilage health. Proper hydration is also critical to maintaining healthy cartilage.

Medical treatments typically include drugs to reduce pain and improve function although joint replacement surgery of the hips and knees is common if the pain and deterioration are severe. A commonly overlooked option is physical medicine treatments that maintain joint function, range of motion, flexibility and physical conditioning. In the spine, decompression traction is particularly effective for both relieving symptoms of pain and stiffness while simultaneously improving function and movement. Other natural treatments such as acupuncture and massage therapy can also be very effective in relieving pain, increasing circulation and restoring tissue health. Chiropractic medicine services that provide relief from osteoarthritis and reduce the progression of the condition include:

Spinal decompression or "traction" is a gentle stretching or elongation of a joint by a machine. It helps to open the joint space, enhance tissue health, improve range of motion in addition to relieving symptoms of pain and stiffness.

Joint mobilization and manipulation is the movement of a joint in a prescribed manner to increase range of motion, joint function and restore pain-free movement.

Prescription of specific stretches and exercises to be performed at home. Stretches help relieve tightness while maintaining flexibility and range of motion. Exercises help to stabilize joints by increasing muscle tone, strength and endurance.

Specific nutritional supplements to promote healthy cartilage.

Benefits of Natural Treatment of Arthritis

Natural treatments of arthritis focus on not only relieving symptoms but also restoring function and enhancing tissue health without the use of drugs or surgery. Often times, the first step is to stop the condition form getting worse or slow down its progression. Patients should experience a progressive reduction in pain and stiffness as well as a steady increase in strength, mobility, range of motion and the ability to perform many tasks that were difficult or impossible before treatment. Since certain types of arthritis can compromise other body systems involving the heart, lungs, circulation, nerves and immune system, natural treatments of chiropractic, acupuncture and massage administered in conjunction with integrative medical treatment can serve as an excellent way to reduce the possibility that arthritis will cause unnecessary medical procedures, joint deformities, lifestyle restrictions of or compromise other important body functions.


Many people deny or ignore their pain and accept it as a condition of life. They simply put up with it and "hope" it will go away. Even worse, excessive amounts of over-the-counter pain relievers or prescription arthritis medications are taken. These products can damage the liver, kidney, stomach or other vital organs and may even result in death. Chiropractic medicine, acupuncture and massage therapy are drug-free treatments that can not only reduce the pain and suffering from arthritis but often even slow down the progression of the condition! This results in better mobility, improved function, and a substantial elevation in the quality of life for patients with arthritis.

Hip and Joint Pain in Dogs - How to Stop It Forever Without Drugs or Surgery

Does your dog suffer with hip and joint pain? Does your heart break as you watch them struggle to get up after lying down? Have they been diagnosed with hip dysplasia and/or arthritis? This is all too common but the good new is that it is possible to completely relieve the symptoms and reverse the cause of this pain. Without drugs or surgery.

Hip dysplasia is an abnormal formation of the hip socket that can cause crippling lameness and painful arthritis of the joints. It is affected by diet and environmental factors. It can be found in many animals but is most commonly associated with dogs, and is common in many dog breeds, particularly the larger breeds. The causes of hip pain from dysplasia and arthritis are considered genetic, but new research conclusively suggests that diet and lifestyle also play a role. More and more evidence suggests that most dogs are allergic to wheat which is in most commercial dog foods. Environmental influences would include overweight condition due to lack of exercise and unhealthy diet.

Natural common sense interventions include three elements:

Weight Control, Exercise, and Diet.

Weight control is the single most important thing that we can do to help a dog with arthritis, and sometimes reducing the dog's weight can go a long way toward controlling all of the symptoms of arthritis in many dogs.

Exercise is vital for the health of all animals and dogs are no different. Regular exercise keeps the body functioning properly, and keeps weight in check. Think about the breed of your dog and what job were they bred to do. Are they genetically programmed for lots of movement, i.e, herding dogs, retrievers and hunting dogs. Are they getting the right amount of exercise for their body?

A healthy diet plays a crucial role in controlling weight issues and reversing the inflammation that is the cause of the pain. Ingredients in commercial dog foods can contribute to inflammation in the dog's body and cause an excessive level of blood uric acid. Uric acid is a direct cause of arthritis, as well as other joint disorders, such as when humans develop swollen and painful joints of gout. High amounts of uric acid in the dog's body (and humans), induce the formation of sharp, hard crystals that cripple joints. These crystals continue to accumulate unless dietary changes are made, eventually inflicting permanent damage to affected joints if nothing is done to eliminate them.

Important! Avoid any food containing corn gluten meal, wheat and artificial preservatives (BHT, BHA). Make sure that purchased commercial canned food is all meat and contains no meat-by-products or better yet make your own food. Combining regular doses of glucosamine supplements and omega 3's with homemade dog food specifically meant to promote joint health, is an effective measure that dramatically reduces the risk that your dog will develop osteoarthritis.

Some recipes to make for your dog's anti-arthritic meals include:

One pound of lean meat (chicken, turkey)

2 cups of cooked rice

1 cup of vegetables, such as carrots, peas or mashed potatoes

2 cloves of pressed garlic

1 egg

1 teaspoon of brewer's yeast

1 tablespoon of flaxseed or safflower oil

Cook meat thoroughly, mix all ingredients together and add water for consistency.

For variety, here is another homemade dog food recipe:

6 cups water

1 pound ground turkey

2 cups cooked brown rice

1 teaspoon dried rosemary

16 ounces of frozen broccoli, carrots and cauliflower combination

Incorporate fresh vegetables into the dog's diet, and include omega-3 fatty acids in the diet from fish oil. Changing a dog's diet and giving the animal a dog joint supplement like Hip+Joint that contains glucosamine/chondroitin, and methylsufonylmethane (MSM), will effectively reduce the presence of dog arthritis and allow dogs to live a normal, healthy and pain-free existence. Also make sure you incorporate fresh vegetables into the dog's diet, and include omega-3 fatty acids in the diet from fish oil.

Make these simple common sense changes and your best friend will pain be free and you will have many happy healthy years together.

TMJ Disorders - Symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

TMJ disorder symptoms can be very uncomfortable and painful, and they often worsen if the problem is not immediately corrected. If you suspect that you may have symptoms of TMJ disorder, then it is important that you take immediate action to stop the pain and prevent future pain.

Temporomandibular joint disorder is usually recognized because of the pain in the jaw, but there are other symptoms that may accompany this disorder. Some of these other symptoms include: pain in the ears, clicking or popping when the jaw is moved, and sore muscles in and around the jaw joint.

Other symptoms involve areas that are further from the actually jaw joint. Some people may experience frequent headaches from the constant strain and pressure, and sometimes that pain also moves into the neck. Many people experience jaw clenching or teeth grinding, this clenching is more extreme when they are stressed. In more severe cases of TMJ disorder some people even experience a locking of their jaw, and they begin to lose movement.

Many people who experience TMJ pain don't seek help, instead they just learn to live with the pain and discomfort. But, there are some great treatment options available that can easily heal your jaw joint without breaking the bank.

Because TMJ disorder can negatively affect your life, you should consider the treatment option that matches your symptoms and lifestyle the closest. Some TMJ treatments include things such as: dental appliances, TMJ exercises, and even surgery (in the worst case scenarios). It is a good idea to consult with a doctor and try other non-invasive treatment options before electing to have TMJ surgery.

Canine Hip Dysplasia Symptoms

An extremely common disease in dogs is the canine hip dysplasia or CHD. This usually happens to different breeds to dogs and we list it out for you out here:

• American Bulldog
• American Staffordshire Terrier
• Beagle
• Bernese Mountain Dog
• Bloodhound
• Bouvier des flandres
• Boykin Spaniel
• Briard
• Brittany
• Bulldog
• Bullmastiff
• Chesapeake Bay Retriever
• Chow Chow
• Clumber Spaniel
• Coonhound (Black and Tan)
• Coton de Tul癡ar
• Curly Coated Retriever
• English Setter
• English Springer Spaniel
• German Shepherd
• Giant Schnauzer
• Golden Retriever
• Gordon Setter
• Irish Water Spaniel
• Kuvasz
• Neapolitan Mastiff
• Newfoundland
• Norwegian Elkhound
• Old English Sheepdog
• Otterhund
• Polish Lowland Sheepdog
• Portuguese Water Dog
• Pudel Pointer
• Pug
• Rottweiler
• Shih Tzu
• Spanish Water Dog
• St. Bernard
• Staffordshire Terrier
• Sussex Spaniel
• Welsh Corgi
• Welsh Springer Spaniel

There are various symptoms which can be seen from the Canine hip dysplasia. You will have to monitor your dog from its puppy stage and once you see the signs you need to tell the vet about it. There are various signs including the lameness of the rear limb especially after your dog has exercised. Then you will find that climbing up a hill or any stiff thing is going to be very hard for the dog.

The third sign is the bunny hop where the dog is going to move with both of the rear legs together or the dog might simply use the front legs and then drag the rear end. You will also find a sway from side to side of the croup. The dog is going to also have a tendency to tilt the hips and will be reluctant to jump or climb stairs or even exercise if he or she has canine hip dysplasia.

If you have the puppy then it will start to show all the signs from the age of 5 to around 13 months. The symptoms actually vary from a mild discomfort to complete and blinding pain. If this is found in the case of a puppy then later on during the adult life it could pose lots of problems.

When it comes to treatment you will find various options. There are medical treatments along with surgical ones which are also available. But then the treatment which your dog is going to undergo will depend on many different factors. The first is the age; the second is how severe the condition is and the third being your financial situation. If you want to keep the canine hip dysplasia in check then you will have to go through an exercise routine, a management of the dog's body weight and also symptomatic pain management which usually consists of analgesics and also anti inflammatory drugs. But make sure that you use these drugs only for short term use when it is completely necessary.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Main Causes of Upper Back Pain

Upper back pain can be caused by muscular or joint dysfunction. Each vertebrae of the thoracic spine connects to ribs on either side. This segment of the spine is less mobile than the lumbar and cervical (neck) regions, as its main function is to provide stability and structural support to the vital organs within the ribcage. Since it is not mobile, disc injuries are uncommon in the thoracic spine.

Muscular Causes of Pain

The rhomboid and trapezius muscles in the upper back stretch between the spine and shoulder blades. They are large muscles that provide support to the spine and are used in many daily actions, especially pulling motions. These muscles may become irritated due to either weakness or overuse.

If the large upper back muscles are not strong, they can be strained by simple daily activities. If core muscles in the stomach and lower back are weak, your posture will suffer since the upper body's weight will not be adequately supported. This leads the shoulders to droop and hunch over, pulling on the muscles in the upper back. Proper conditioning of muscles throughout the back and core is necessary to avoid and correct this type of muscular pain. If you have upper back pain, a physical therapist may be needed to instruct you on the types of exercise that will benefit you.

Upper back muscles can become strained by overuse. Jobs that require repetitive arm motions can overtax your muscles, as can rigorous sports like rowing. Muscles that are chronically tense may develop trigger points, dense knots that form in the tissue surrounding the muscle called myofascia. These knots cause localized pain and make it difficult for muscles to relax. They can also refer pain to other parts of the body by pressing on nerves. Trigger points and overuse injuries are best treated with massage therapy. Deep tissue and trigger point massage will force your muscles to relax. Physical therapy may be needed to correct poor body mechanics that cause injuries.

Joint Causes of Pain

Thoracic vertebrae each have a number of joints: two on each side that link to other vertebrae called facet joints and one on each side that connects the vertebra to a rib, called costovertebral joints. Unlike the rest of the body's joints, thoracic joints usually do not wear down due to the normal aging process, since the area is very stable. There are other situations that can cause joint dysfunction in the upper back.

Facet and costovertebral joint dysfunction generally occur in the thoracic spine due to poor body mechanics. Excessive bending, twisting and lifting can stress the joints, damaging the strong connective tissue that comprises joints. The joints can become inflamed and stiff, limiting range of motion of the shoulder and causing upper back pain. Costovertebral joint dysfunction can cause pain both in the back and the ribcage.

Chiropractic manipulation is considered the best conservative treatment for thoracic joint dysfunction. Chiropractors work to restore range of motion and joint alignment.

There are a number of conservative treatments for upper back pain management. Massage, chiropractic care and physical therapy can help to reduce muscular pain and resolve joint dysfunction. Make sure you are performing your daily tasks with proper body mechanics and practicing good posture; these will help to prevent upper back pain in the future.

Magic Pain Reliever For RA Joint Pain

So that joint pain is back in action again and you have run out of choices on what to do. But fellow rheumatoid arthritis sufferers seem to trust calendula oil to do miracles. So what would you do?

Calendula is an ordinary plant that grows in any soil. However, it is widely found in Europe, USA and in Western parts of Asia. Known from its botanical name Calendula Officinalis, the plant belongs to the same family of daisies and ragweed.

As per its medicinal value, the yellow-gold petals of calendula are known to perform miracles. If you haven't heard about Calendula, you would have probably heard of Garden marigold, pot marigold or poet's marigold. All these names are used to refer to the same plant.

Rheumatoid arthritis and Calendula goes hand in hand because it acts as a perfect companion that relieves joint pain. Known from the early Persian and Greek societies, marigold carries an impeccable reputation for relieving swellings and pains. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory nature and anti septic qualities, it is also used for healing wounds.

Although Calendula does not provide any cure or long term relief for rheumatoid arthritis, many people who use calendula infusions believe that it has magical properties to relieve joint pain. On a scientific level, using marigold as herb activates carotenes, polyphenols and phytosterols together with EFAs that act as a penetration formula that could drastically improve the blood and oxygen flow in the affected areas of your body.

Although there are many novel means and methods of pain relief for rheumatoid arthritis joint pain, natural remedies based on topical ointments are known to be best for they carry little or no side effects. Another plus side of herbal remedies is that they usually provide a galore of healthy remedies as opposed to western medicine which tries to eliminate a single symptom.

Furthermore, marigold can be used if you suffer from other painful conditions such as gastritis, burns or eczema. It is also used as a home remedy in some parts of the world to treat minor issues such as headaches, toothaches, ulcers, varicose veins and colitis.

Marigold may be one in thousand natural products that work well for joint pain relief. So read up on the subject, as much as you can, before making a decision on using it. You should also beware of allergies that can be caused by natural products.

While you search for products that include the essence of Calendula goodness, be cautious about so called herbal remedies that promise you a world full of relief. As you know through experience, joint pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis is not something that will easily go away or ameliorate. Therefore, don't let fake products and false promises put your hopes up only to leave you disappointed at the end. Speak to someone who has already experienced the magic of marigold before opting in for any products that claim to contain its goodness. First hand information always speaks much more genuinely than sales pages you find online.

Treatment Approaches to TMJ Disorder

People suffer from TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder when the connecting joint between their skull and the lower jaw is impaired or inflamed. This causes considerable pain which usually becomes chronic, the severity of which depends on how far the condition that brought it on has gone. In most cases, TMJ disorder occurs as an effect of problems in other joints of the body such as arthritis and dislocations. It can also result from too much gum chewing, teeth grinding in sleep and even stress.

Since TMJ syndrome involves the nerves, muscles, teeth and bones, it follows that there is a mix of approaches to its treatment that utilize expertise in such fields as neurology, orthopedics, orthodontistry and dentistry, even EENT medicine. This is because treatment addresses the various components of the temporomandibular joint, namely, the teeth, bones, connective tissues, tendons, muscles and ligaments.

The symptoms of TMJ disorder are just as many and varied. These include but not limited to:

* Ear pain
* Facial pain
* Migraine
* Chewing or biting difficulty
* Shoulder pain
* Neck pain
* Wooziness
* Jaw pain

These symptoms range from the bearable to the unbearable, from just an occasional stab of pain to a chronic state. The seeming complexity of its causes may have rendered TMJ disorder incurable on a permanent basis, but there are known methods of alleviating its symptoms. Here's a few of these methods:

* Avoid hard-to-bite foods.
* Don't use your jaw too much.
* Maintain good posture to lessen pressure on the jaw.
* Reduce tension in the jaw area by doing shoulder and neck exercises.
* Avoid activities that cause stiff neck.
* Take stress management lessons if you think your TMJ disorder is psychosomatic in origin.
* Take inflammatory medicines.
* Take muscle relaxants or pain relievers.
* Get a dentist's prescription for an intra-orthotic drug, which helps in repositioning the jaw.
* Wear a mouth guard if your TMJ problem can be traced to grinding your teeth at night.

If none of these treatments work, a jaw surgery may be your last recourse. Performed by oral-facial surgeons, jaw surgery is meant to treat abnormal bites that cannot be corrected by braces. In fact, the conditions that require such a corrective jaw surgery also apply to TMJ disorder. These include difficulty chewing or biting food, chronic jaw pain and difficulty swallowing.

As already noted, surgery should be reserved for the most severe cases of TMJ symptoms. You should try exercise and over-the-counter drugs as your first line of treatment before consulting a professional for possible oral or jaw surgery.

Treating Subluxation - A Chiropractic Cure for Disease

Chiropractors have an extensive knowledge of the musculoskeletal system and are experts in the field of spinal healthcare. Considered to be an alternative medicine, chiropractic care is generally used in conjunction with traditional health care.

Chiropractic focuses on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the musculoskeletal system's disorders. This alternative medical practice is based on the theory that all living tissue in our body contains an innate or inborn intelligence. This is to say that our body parts have the ability to organize, maintain and heal themselves. This innate intelligence acts through the nervous system in order to heal the body. Chiropractic aims to cure diseases of the body by aligning the spine through adjustment. By performing adjustments, a chiropractor can remove interferences in the nervous system, allowing it to heal the body uninhibited.

Santa Monica is one of the well-known places in California to find some of the most skilled chiropractors in the country. Pretty much all Santa Monica chiropractors will perform manual adjustments of the spine, joints, muscles and tissues, to cure ailments, the best ones will also provide lifestyle counseling, prescribe stretches and exercise, as well as dietary advice and supplements.

When looking for a Santa Monica Chiropractor, keep in mind that there are two types of chiropractors; straight chiropractors and mixer chiropractors.

Straight chiropractors firmly adhere to the ancient metaphysical philosophies that hold that subluxation creates interference in the functioning of the nervous system's innate intelligence, which can cause a litany of diseases. These straight chiropractors focus entirely on vertebral subluxation and do not include any other forms of therapy in the treatments.

Mixer chiropractors are much looser in their interpretation and practice of the ancient philosophies. They employ all different types of medical, osteopathic and chiropractic techniques to provide cures for a patient's ailments. Mixed chiropractors treat subluxation as a potential cause of disease, but include mainstream treatments like homeopathy, massage, acupuncture, herbal treatments and biofeedback in ther treatment regimes. With a wider range of tools at their disposal, mixed chiropractors are able to provide a more holistic care program.

A good Santa Monica chiropractor offers you a non-surgical alternative therapy for healing your body from aches, pains and other diseases through spinal column adjustment. Your chiropractor will be able to diagnose and treat temporomandibular joint dysfunction, sports injuries, chronic headaches, as well as back and neck pains.

Got Knee Pain? Corrective Exercise Strategy - Pt 1

My essay is a basic corrective exercise approach to specific knee pain caused by lack of ankle mobility. Most individuals will either have knee discomfort underneath the knee, also known as 'Jumper's Knee' or 'Runner's Knee' e.g. discomfort on the side of the leg/knee. Please recognize the difference between 'discomfort' and 'pain'. As I always tell my clients 'we do not work through pain' but discomfort is a red flag. Stop the exercise and learn how to address and prevent the pain.

The discomfort is the precursor to a bad situation becoming worse. Fortunately, attending to the discomfort and applying some exercise science and commonsense we usually can reverse the ailment.

If you have had consistent knee pain then I would suggest seeing a medical professional. Lastly, I highly recommend getting an assessment of your posture, flexibility and muscular strength imbalances by fitness professional. The information will help you become more efficient in your workout and prevent any joint dysfunction. Your goals will be easier to attain because you will recruit more muscles for your workout and not be sideline by injury.

This is part 1 of my 'Got Knee Pain?' essay. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of ankle mobility and muscle balance in the calf/shin muscles. Visualize what you do when you get out of bed. The first part of our body to touch the earth is our big toe followed by the other toes, the ball of our feet then heel. If you ever stumped your toe, you will quickly notice the importance of our ankle mobility and how it affected our posture. We will compensate the pain in the toe by changing the way we walk, unconsciously leaning on one side of our body which stresses other muscles and joints.

Most knee pain is the result of sedentary lifestyle (8-10 hours of sitting or inactivity per day), muscle imbalances, poor form while performing exercises and lack of rest (overuse). There are other possible factors such as flat feet, posture, age, type of shoes, past surgeries etc...

Knee discomfort usually springs from a disruption of the ACL or MCL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament- front of knee, Meniscus Cruciate Ligament -both sides of the knee). View the ligaments as the 'shock absorbers' of the knee. There are other ligaments in the knee joint but I will only address the most common injuries. The knee is a marvel when you think how much pressure/shock it absorbs from our regular walking to work, walking up stairs, jogging and even abrupt stopping. Without a stable knee, our easiest everyday tasks become a challenge. Did you know that the foot moves in all anatomical planes, unlike the knee, which primarily moves in the sagittal plane (flexion and extension).

Generally, people who sit all day will have tight hamstrings, hip flexors, calf muscles, weak gluteus (buttocks) and underactive inner thigh muscles. Please note, other preventable muscle imbalances and joint dysfunction may arise from overuse or a sedentary lifestyle e.g. low back pain, hip drop/hike, neck pain. FYI, when you have tight muscles, its primary functional movement might be altered. For example, tight hamstrings and tight lower back usually signal a weak gluteus muscle. The weak gluteus (buttocks) muscle function of being an extensor muscle will be dominated by the hamstring and lower back. This will limit your range of hip joint movement and affect the joints above and below: spine, shoulder blades, rotator cuff and also the knee.

The joint below the knee is the ankle. Tight calf muscles, whether from sitting down all day or wearing high heels may alter you ankle mobility. The shin muscles will be unable to perform it primary role because its' opposing muscle 'the calf' is overpowering it via its tightness. Many people get shin splints and plantar fasciitis because of tight calf muscles and weak shin muscles ( posterior tibalis).

It's important to note that no muscles work independently. Secondly, if you have tight muscles its' opposing muscles are usually weak and needs to be strengthen. Remember, muscles wrap around our joints. When they are tight our joints range of motion is affected and it travels throughout our posture and human body kinetic chain.

· Jumper's knee- underneath the knee

Some symptoms from tight calf muscles and weak shin muscles:

· Runner's knee- muscles on the side of your hip/leg down to you knee. (ITB,TFL)

· Plantar Fasciitis

· Shin Splints

· Achilles Tendonitis

· Low back pain

· Feet externally rotate

I highly suggest asking a fitness professional for assistance.

Basic assessment tests for hamstring and calf muscle flexibility and extensibility:

Sit on the floor with your legs together and straightened. Sit upright, exhale and reach for your toes. Measure the results. How far away were your fingertips from your toes? Note: You can have flexible hamstring muscle with tight calf muscles. This is generally a hamstring flexibility test. If you can touch your toes then go to the tube stretch drill.

Sit and reach:

Foam Roll: Foam roll (Self Myo Fascia SMR Roll) are everywhere. Most gyms have them but few people use them. I use them for muscle recovery/regeneration and for assessment of muscle tension. Place the foam roll underneath your calf muscles. Lift your body off the floor with your hands so your can have more pressure between the foam roll and calf muscles. Breathe and draw in your navel. Lastly, cross one foot over the other and check for tension. If on a scale of 1-10, 5 being uncomfortable, you score higher than a 5 then you have tight calf muscles. For more information on foam rolling techniques visit my website or check out 'Maximum Boost Workouts' eBook .

Resistance Tube Calf Stretch: This is a sure way to check for tight calf muscles. Obtain a resistance tube or thera band with 15lbs-20lbs of tension (towel can also be used). Sit on the floor and place both handles over the bridge of your foot. NOTE: Make sure to secure it over the bridge of the foot or it can become loose and slap you in the face. After the handles are secure grab the opposite side of the tube with your hands and lay flat on your back. The leg that does NOT have the handles on the foot should be straightened with the knee touching the floor and toes pointing up.

Next slowly lift the leg with the handles over the foot. Bring the leg towards your hip and make sure your leg is straight. Once you reach the maximum flexibility of your hamstrings, point your big toe downwards toward you face. You should feel the calf muscles being stretched. If you feel a stretch behind the knee or in your hamstrings then this may be the cause of your knee discomfort. Hold for 1mintute and 30 seconds, breathe and keep your shoulder, head and lower back on the floor.

There is no silver bullet when it comes to lessening the knee discomfort. If your discomfort persists for then please see a medical professional.

Suggested corrective exercise drills for tight calf muscles and ankle mobility:

Foam Roll your calf muscles including the sides and shin muscles. Find a tender spot and hold it for 45 seconds. One technique is to place the foam roll underneath your calf muscles. Lift your body off the floor with your hands so your can have more pressure between the foam roll and calf muscles. Breathe and draw in your navel. Lastly, cross one foot over the other and check for tension. If on a scale of 1-10, 5 being uncomfortable, you score higher than a 5 then you have tight calf muscles. For more information on foam rolling techniques visit my website.

First and foremost:

Tennis Ball Roll: This is similar to foam rolling. While seated place a tennis ball under the bridge of your foot (no shoes/sandals). Roll the ball under the foot while simultaneously gently pressing downward. Once you find a tender spot, hold it for 40 seconds. Repeat as needed.

Tube Stretch: This is a sure way to check for tight calf muscles. Obtain a resistance tube or thera band with 15lbs-20lbs of tension (towel can also be used). Sit on the floor and place both handles over the bridge of your foot. NOTE: Make sure to secure it over the bridge of the foot or it can become loose and slap you in the face. After the handles are secure grab the opposite side of the tube with your hands and lay flat on your back. The leg that does NOT have the handles on the foot should be straightened with the knee touching the floor and toes pointing up.

Next slowly lift the leg with the handles over the foot. Bring the leg towards your hip and make sure your leg is straight. Once you reach the maximum flexibility of your hamstrings, point your big toe downwards toward you face. You should feel the calf muscles being stretched. If you feel a stretch behind the knee or in your hamstrings then this may be the cause of your knee discomfort. Hold for 1mintute and 30 seconds, breathe and keep your shoulder, head and lower back on the floor. Repeat as needed.

Stepper or Tri-Stepper: Steppers are a convenient way to stretch your calf muscles. There is now available a Tri-Stepper that allows you to stretch your calf muscles in all anatomical planes (left, right, back, forward). They might have a different name but a fitness professional will understand and be able to assist you.

Shin Muscles Strength Drills: These drills are best when done with a partner but can be done alone. You will need either a resistance tube, band or cable machine. You want to exercise your shin muscle from (3) different angles. It is very important you perform these drills with diligence and go for the full range of motion instead of speed/increased tension.

  1. Sit upright on a bench with one leg resting on top of the bench. Your ankle and foot is slightly off the bench. Note your toe is point up. Place a resistance tube (10lbs-20lbs tension) over the foot. Your partner will pull the handle and foot down and away from you (plantar flexion) will dorsi flex or bring your foot back into a 45degree angle. Repeat 12-20 times ..hold for dorsiflexion for 2 seconds. Repeat as needed.

  2. Repeat instructions above...but your will now evert your foot (turn foot outwards). Your partner will gently pull the handle over the foot in the opposite direction. . Repeat 12-20 times ..hold for dorsiflexion for 2 seconds. Repeat as needed.

  3. Repeat instructions from #1 drill...but your will now invert your foot (turn foot inwards). Your partner will gently pull the handle over the foot in the opposite direction. . Repeat 12-20 times ..hold dorsiflexed foot for 2 seconds. Repeat as needed.

Trainer tip: Use only one resistance tube handle for the first couple of sets. Learn the complete range of motion of the drill then increase tension.
Stand in front of a wall with a stagger stance. Stretch your arms out and place your hands on the wall- directly in front of shoulders. Back leg is straight (do not lock knee) and leading leg is in a 90 degree bend with both heels on the floor... This drill resembles a calf stretch but you will rock back and forth for 45 seconds. Perform drill on opposite leg. Repeat as needed.

Standing calf stretch with rocking (ankle mobility):

Bosu Ball foot compression (ankle mobility): Great for plantar fasciitis and promoting ankle mobility. Stand on top of a Bosu ball (Dome up and flat piece on the floor). Once on top of the dome learn to balance, stay upright with knees slight bended and navel drawn in. With hands on your hips begin pressing the ball of your feet down on the ball and then shift your weight to your heels. Go back and forth and alternate feet compression. Perform for 45 seconds. Repeat as needed.

After you relaxed your muscles with foam rolling and lengthened them via stretches do the following.

Single Leg Stance with leg abduction on Airex Balance Pad: This drill can be done without a Airex balance pad but I prefer the instability to promote neuromuscular efficiency and inter muscular coordination..Stand on top of a Airex Balance Pad. You are upright with hands on your hips and navel drawn in. Remember to think tall and relax the shoulders. Lift one leg off the floor and to the side for 8-12 repetitions. Keep the toe inward and slowly perform the exercise. Repeat for 3 sets

By the way, consider the following as possible culprits to your knee pain:

· Do you wear high heels on a regular basis?

· Check your footwear for arch support.

· Do you have a workout that promotes joint health and muscle recovery/regeneration? E.g. foam roll, ankle mobility drills

· Are you performing hip dominated exercises to balance out your knee dominant exercises? e.g. single leg deadlifts

These are a few suggestions but there are many other modalities that can assess and alleviate most common knee pain. Integrate a corrective exercise routine into your program and your will be amazed on the positive results. It is time to take your fitness to the next level!

In my next essay, I will discuss how muscles imbalance above the knee leads to knee discomfort and pain. Feel free to contact for pictures and videos of the drills or more information on strength and conditioning training.

Be well and stay ACTIVE!

Julio A. Salado, AFAA & NASM C.P.T.

Fitness Foundry, designed for healthy living©

Certified Personal Trainer

Assess, Initiate, Motivate

New Dental Treatment for Children - Myofunctional Therapy

Posture, upper airway obstruction, tongue habits, muscle and facial abnormalities all have a profound effect on occlusion (bite position) and facial appearance.

Studies have shown that there is a relationship between upper airway obstruction, facial appearance and dental abnormalities. The term 'Long Face Syndrome' has been used to describe the familiar facial pattern of the airway obstructed patient. It is common that in these patients, head posture is altered to help maintain an adequate airway that may be obstructed. The primary causes of upper airway obstruction include enlarged tonsils and adenoids, turbinate hypertrophy, allergic and nonallergic rhinitis (stuffy nose). Sleep disordered breathing such as snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea is also an associated disorder commonly associated with upper airway problems. Since airway obstruction can have a major negative impact on facial development, it is vital that we recognise signs of upper airway obstruction early and communicate closely with other specialists.

Normal facial growth and dental arch development depends upon the position of the tongue within the dental arch during growth and development. Ideal arch form results when forces of the tongue, cheeks and lips are in balance and this can only be achieved if the tongue has room to rest and function within the dental arch.

Mouth breathing due to an obstructed nasal airway causes a lowering of tongue position which results in a change in the balance between tongue and cheek pressure on the dental arches.

Consequently we often find that mouth breathing patients have high palates, narrow arches and a significant amount of crowding. If the oral and facial muscles are not in balance and mouth breathing is not addressed it can lead to facial abnormalities and impact on facial aesthetics.

Myofunctional Therapy is a treatment that aims at improving and establishing the correct function of the oral and facial muscles. It includes the evaluation and treatment of:

  • Detrimental orofacial habits (eg. Thumb sucking, nail biting, tongue thrusting)
  • Posturing problems related to the lips, tongue, jaw and respiratory system
  • Detrimental breathing patterns
  • Swallowing patterns which may be associated with malocclusions
  • Facial and postural aesthetics

Myofunctional therapy is painless and it involves a series of exercises which are relatively simple. When certain muscles are strengthened and functioning properly, other muscles will follow suit until an overall balance of these muscles is achieved. This will result in a normal attractive face. Treatment will also be beneficial to patients prior to orthodontic treatment (braces), as bad habits which can result in malocclusion will be eliminated. Sometimes if a myofunctional disorder is detected early, orthodontic treatment may be minimal or even avoided.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

7 Ways to Reduce Arthritis Pain to Reign in Health and Fitness!

Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. There are over 100 different types of arthritis but osteoarthritis is the most common. Over 21 million people are affected with this disease. Even though it's most common in women over age 60 men and younger adults are no stranger to it. What I find as an R.N. is that prevention is almost never talked about it. Even in the medical profession it seems they just expect as you age that you will get this painful disease and off you go with anti-inflammatory medications and surgery as your only viable options.

Osteoarthritis also known as degenerative joint disease is associated with a breakdown of cartilage in joints and can occur in almost any joint in the body. Most commonly occurs in the weight bearing joints of the hips, knees and spine. So who is most susceptible to developing Osteoarthritis or OA?

  1. People who are overweight.

  2. People who perform high intensity workouts or activities putting continued stress on the joints such as athletes.

  3. People who have some type of genetic defect.

  4. People who have poor diets and nutritional habits.

When you go to the doctor most times they prescribe you anti-inflammatory medications along with physical therapy. While physical therapy is good, understand that there is no cure for OA, and that the very best treatment is to get healthier!

7 Things you can do to promote better health and reduce or eliminate Arthritic pain!

  1. Exercise. Your joints maybe very stiff and it may seem counterintuitive to exercise but that's exactly what you need to do loosen up your joints and stretch your muscles. In the long run this will reduce your pain. (always consult your physician)

  2. Hydrate your body. Water, yes I said water, not pop, tea or coffee. Water hydrates, protects and moisturizes your joints.

  3. Detox your body. If you body is toxic, those toxins are in your joints and toxins cause inflammation.

  4. Walk in forgiveness. Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Unforgiveness poisons the heart, the mind and the body. It's not worth your health let it go!

  5. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables. Putting more live foods into your body reduces the acidity of your body. Our bodies are naturally alkaline and when we eat dead foods because the enzymes that been cooked out of them they actually become acidic. Disease thrives in an acidic environment.

  6. Reduce the amount of saturated fats. Foods high in saturated fats produce plaque in the body which gets trapped in the blood vessels and joints. This causes heart disease and joint pain.

  7. Take natural supplements. Let prescription medication be a last resort as they cause more toxins and don't treat the problem only the symptoms. There a many natural supplements that you can take including Glucosamine and Chondroitin.

No matter what the ailment, disease or health condition is, we can't get away from the fact that eating a healthy well balanced diet is the main ingredient in promoting better health. Take some time out to read food labels, plan your meals and get a good workout in! My goal for you is to Reign in Health and Fitness, so please feel free to ask me any questions that you may have!

Controlling Joint Pain With a Healthy Diet

Yes, I know it's not what you wanted to hear but the truth is, being over-weight puts a load on our joints that they were never intended to bear. Several forms of arthritis are said to be genetically induced and are strongly correlated with the presence of a specific gene shared by 70% of arthritis sufferers: HLA-B27. Therefore, many specialists believe that arthritis is an ailment that cannot be prevented but can be treated. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis that affects the load-bearing joints of the body such as the hips, spines, and limbs. It results from the inflammation of the joint's connective tissues or cartilages. Inflammation may stem from traumatic injuries, malnutrition, dehydration, and other sources of excess pressure. A prevalent cause of osteoarthritis in Americans is obesity. Being overweight adds more pressure to these joints inducing pain and lessens mobility and flexibility.

An early treatment for osteoarthritis, which is strongly recommended by doctors, is an effective weight loss program combined with a healthy and nutritious diet. Obesity or being overweight has something to do with the presence of excess fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates, sodium, and sugar in the body and may cause a series of other diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. A healthy diet that involves food portioning allows less of the following components that add to one's weight:


We all have heard that fat keeps foods tasty and keeps us feeling full for a longer time. However, fat that is more often found in meat, cooking oils, butter, eggs, and others come with cholesterol that not only makes you heavy but burdens your heart as well.


Carbohydrates appear in various foods but are more often associated with bread and rice. The most effective weight loss programs and diets have to do with lessening the intake of carbohydrates by lessening the intake of rice or bread.


Packaged preserved foods in the grocery are often high in sodium. Sodium is basically salt that is present in preserved foods to keep them fresh for a span of time and to trap in the flavor of these foods. Sodium in normal amounts is not at all bad but must be avoided especially by overweight people or those who plan on losing some pounds because sodium is known to trap in body fluids such as water which adds to a person's weight.


Processed foods, pastries, candy, sweet foods and even fruits contain sugar. Only the latter contains minerals and vitamins that balance with sugar intake while the others are full of empty calories. Sugar not only adds significant calories but it's also a leading source of diabetes.

Regular exercise goes hand in hand with a healthy diet. It keeps your body strong and burns those calories. Exercise that involves a lot of cardio burns your body's stored fat and carbohydrates which causes weight loss and keeps your heart and joints healthy. Stretching exercises and other flexibility exercises help keep your joints in motion and will eventually make them stronger.

Alternative Treatment

Short term, NSAIDS (Celebrex), Ibuprophen etc. can provide short term arthritis pain relief but with health risks familiar to us all, through countless warnings in the news. Another alternative, much safer and made for long term use is Glucosamine supplements such as Synflex Liquid Glucosamine. Used widely in the treatment for osteoarthritis, Syn-flex combines ingredients such as shark cartilage and chondroitin that protects and strengthens your joints with an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals such as essential fatty acids and vitamins A and E to slow the progression of osteoarthritis (because osteoarthritis is not an isolated condition and may affect other joints due to further damages in the joints) and keep your immune systems healthy. Synflex glucosamine supplements are very effective because they come in liquid form which allows faster, more complete absorption (98%) and digestion of the minerals to the body's cells.

Arthritis Treatment: Mesenchymal Stem Cells And Growth Factors For Osteoarthritis

As population demographics change with a gradually aging population, certain chronic diseases have become more common. There is a confluence of factors though that will make the management of chronic disease assume a greater level of importance. This is because not only are people living longer but they are maintaining a level of activity far greater than their parents and grandparents. This is most evident in the management of osteoarthritis where the incidence of joint replacement surgery is skyrocketing as Boomers demand a lifestyle which their forebears could only dream about.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and affects more than 20 million Americans. It is a condition that adversely affects hyaline articular cartilage, the smooth tough gristle that caps the ends of long bones.

Hyaline cartilage consists of two components: a matrix made up of a combination of proteoglycans (complexes of proteins and sugars), and chondrocytes. Chondrocytes are cartilage cells that manufacture matrix under normal healthy circumstances. They are responsible for nourishing the matrix as well.

With the development of OA, a distinct change in the joint environment occurs. Chondrocytes begin to elaborate destructive enzymes causing cracks and fissures in the cartilage. These are called "fibrillations." A complex interplay of events involving cartilage, bone, and synovium- the lining of the joint- then begins to snowball.

One of the most common joints affected by osteoarthritis is the knee. This is not a surprise since OA preferentially attacks weight-bearing joints.

Between symptomatic treatment and joint replacement surgery is a large gap in treatment measures. One area of recent interest is the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the management of OA. MSCs are the body's own stem cells which are found in many areas including bone marrow and fat. MSCs have the ability to differentiate into connective tissue of which cartilage is a prime example. Other types of connective tissue that MSCs have been shown to develop into are tendon, ligament, muscle, nerve, and intervertebral disc.

MSCs are active in the repair process when any type of connective tissue is injured. In degenerative disease like OA, the ability of stem cells may be depleted with less ability to differentiate and multiply. Animal studies have demonstrated that supplying additional MSCs may overcome this problem leading to healing and cartilage regeneration.

At least one human study in a small number of patients with OA of the knee has shown promising results using MSCs derived from bone marrow and fat. (Wei N, Beard S, Delauter S, Bitner C, Gillis R, Rau L, Miller C, Clark T. Guided Mesenchymal Stem Cell Layering Technique for Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee. J Applied Res. 2011; 11: 44-48)

Combining MSCs with autologous growth factors found in platelet-rich plasma also has added a boost to the natural abilities of stem cells to multiply and divide.

Multiple centers now are applying these principles.

What most centers lack though is the knowledge of what initiates stem cell multiplication and division.

MSCs are stimulated to "go into action" when the critical initiating event, injury is initiated. Injury is what attracts stem cells and injury is what leads to the release of growth factors from platelets. That is why induction of injury by removal of osteophytes, scarification of bare bone, and fenestration of cartilage defects is absolutely crucial for cartilage regeneration to occur.

This is best done using a combination of arthroscopic and ultrasound guidance means.

In addition, providing the proper environment for the MSCs to thrive afterwards is also critical. The osteoarthritic joint is a hostile environment. Multiple measures need to be instituted so that proper survival of MSCs occurs. Institution of effective scaffolding is critical.

Natural Joint Pain Treatment

Effective Remedies For Natural Joint Pain Treatment

Chronic joint pain is most often caused by some form of arthritis. The inflammation of this debilitating disease can lead to persistent pain that may occur in more than one joint. While it is generally associated with age, arthritis can also result from a joint that has an infection, or one that has been traumatized due to an injury or accident. The most recognized forms of this illness are degenerative joint disease, medically known as osteoarthritis, inflammatory psoriatic arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Although these illnesses are commonly treated with prescribed medication, many patients are seeking other remedies for natural joint pain treatment.

Selecting A Natural Joint Pain Treatment

Natural joint treatments for pain are widely used by patients who would like an alternative to hard to swallow pills. Some of the most popular natural treatments include herbal massage, magnets, relaxation techniques, moist heat, ice packs, or a topical rub. Warm baths, a healthy diet of fresh vegetables and fruit, and drinking more water are other methods to use for natural joint pain treatment. Daily intakes of fresh carrot juice will also be helpful. The type of natural joint pain treatment you choose will depend on the severity of the disease, as well as your doctor's recommendation.

Food For Painful Joints

Different types of food can be used to treat joint pain naturally. Some of the most beneficial foods to help relief pain in the joints are bananas, apple cider vinegar mixed with warm water and honey, and cloves of garlic fried or sauteed in butter. The juice of fresh carrots mixed with an equal amount of lemon juice taken once a day will help relieve persistent joint pain. Increase the intake of omega-3 fatty acids with oil rich fish such as sardines, halibut, tuna, mackerel, herring, and salmon. Patients who are seeking natural joint treatments should increase their consumption of legumes, whole grains, strawberries, cauliflower, raspberries, and citrus fruit.

Proper Exercise

Besides a diet rich in Vitamins C and D, your natural joint pain treatment should also include a daily exercise plan. Those who find using the treadmill or elliptical trainer too painful should consider aquatic exercises. Water exercises such as aquatic aerobics or swimming a few laps will help to ease acute pain. Other exercise routines like yoga or pilates are beneficial in reducing pain, and help to increase flexibility and strength. Consult your primary care physician to help you choose the best options for your exercise plan.

Natural oils such as camphor, olive, or eucalyptus can be combined with menthol to create a topical rub for massaging stiff, painful joints. An equal mixture of camphor and sunflower oils can also be used to relieve pain. When using a heat pack or a cold compress, alternate between heat and ice to bring relief to sore or stiff joints. Patients who are considering using natural treatments for the pain of arthritis should look for comprehensive information regarding different types of treatments and consult your doctor before making a final decision.

Degenerative Joint Disease in Cats

Degenerative joint disease is not as common in cats as it is dogs and the symptoms tend to be milder. There are a number of reasons for this but the most obvious ones are size and weight. Degenerative joint disease in cats is a condition where the articulating surface of a joint wears out and the underlying bone develops a roughened surface that damages the joint. Joint degeneration in cats is frequently seen in joints that have been subjected to extreme overuse, fracture, or dislocation. While this condition is not curable identifying and embarking on an early treatment program may prevent future lameness. Now that you know what degenerative joint disease is let's explore three areas that could possibly slow degenerative joint disease in cats.  

Nutraceutical Supplements: Nutraceuticals are products that have been shown to prevent cartilage breakdown both in pet and humans. This is particularly important because cartilage breakdown is the first step in joint deterioration. Most nutraceuticals formulas contain glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates - compounds known to be involved in the synthesis and repair of joint cartilage. Supplements containing the above ingredients are readily available and can be found both in supplemental liquid formulas and chewable treats.  

Physical Therapy: Moderate exercise should be a part of your cat's daily routine to maintain joint flexibility and preserve muscle mass. The key here is moderate exercise. Excessive exercise can prove to be counterproductive and may further damage the problem joint/joints. Additionally, if your favorite feline is overweight a diet program should be considered. When cats become too heavy it not only puts excess stress on the joints but may seriously impede the treatment of degenerative joint disease.  

Medications: There are many medications designed to treat pain and inflammation in animals. This is a tricky area which is best left to your veterinarian. While your vet is the best source of information there are a couple of facts you should know. First, the vast majority of drugs developed to treat degenerative joint disease in dogs are not safe for cats. Secondly, if you have Tylenol Pain Relief (acetaminophen) in your medicine cabinet, DON'T give it to your cat. Tylenol is toxic for cats.  

In summary, degenerative joint disease in cats is not curable but it is often manageable. Finding the right treatment for your cat will probably boil down to either prescription medications or supplements. If you decide on prescription medications a trip to the vet will be in order. If you decide on a supplemental formula for degenerative joint disease in cats you should do your best to research the ingredients both for effectiveness and safety. Remember, early treatment will greatly improve your chances of success.

Dog Pain - Relief From Arthritis and Joint Pain

It's safe to say that most people are animal lovers. It's nearly a necessity to have a furry friend by your side in times of sadness or loneliness, especially man's best friend. They look up to us, love us, cherish us, and wait by the door, all day, just for us to come walking in... But what is one to do when your dog is suffering from pain?

Good dog pain relief that won't harm your dog is a tough thing to come by, especially for things like joint pain and/or arthritis. Most vets prescribe pooch-pills that can have harmful side effects and even cost an arm or a leg!

The truth is nobody wants to see their furry friend in pain. It's one of the most agonizing feelings in the world! Even if your dog isn't quite showing it, they could be in serious joint pain.

Here are a couple hints to tell if your furry friend is dealing with dog joint pain...

When your dog sits, lies down, or gets up, you may hear whining, whimpering, or yelping.

Daily Habits:
Decreased appetite, withdraws from social interaction, lapses in house training, sleeps more than usual.

Activity Levels:
Restless, reluctant to move, difficulty getting up from a sitting/laying position, repetitively gets up and lies down, trembling.

Other signs:
Licking, scratching, or biting one particular part of it's body, always laying on one side of its body, acting abnormally aggressive, pinning the ears backward, not wanting to be held, hides, or won't put weight on a limb.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Clenching Teeth at Night - Why You Need to Stop it Now!

Clenching teeth at night is something more of us do than we realize. Clenching or grinding the teeth without knowing is also known as bruxism, and sleep bruxism means we do it in the night - affecting our sleep, our spouse's sleep, our stress levels, our general well being and the health of our teeth!

What's Wrong With Clenching Teeth At Night?

If you or your partner has noticed your clenching your teeth in your sleep then it's important you take action. Although many people ignore the problem, thinking it simply doesn't matter, the truth is that it can become very serious if you don't do anything about it.

Some of the short term effects you might notice include:

  • You'll be three times more likely to suffer from headaches,

  • You might get aches in your face muscles and jaw,

  • You could find it difficult to open your mouth completely,

  • Ear ache,

  • Disruption of your sleep,

  • Disrupting your partner's sleep,

  • Receding gums,

  • Tightness or stiffness in the shoulders,

  • Teeth movement.

These short term effects of clenching teeth at night are bad enough in themselves - you might become more irritable, more stressed, and less able to function properly both in your job and in your social life - all of which can even make the grinding worse, making it a vicious cycle.

However, if you don't do anything about it then you might start to experience more serious long term problems:

  • You could develop temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) which means problems with the jaw joint,

  • And eventually your teeth will wear away and could break,

  • You might even have to pay for costly repairs to restorative teeth work.

So if you still think you don't need to do anything about it - think again!

Take Action Starting Now

The first thing you can do is visit the dentist to make completely sure that bruxism is what you have. In some cases, the cause of it can be an underlying condition which will need to be treated first.

However, in the majority of cases it's simply stress and anxiety and excess energy building up in the body, which means you need to work on yourself if you really want to get to the bottom of your clenching and stop teeth grinding.

Most dentists will recommend you wear a mouth guard. This is useful for clenching at night, as you do it without realising and the guard will protect against wearing away of the teeth. But this is only a short term solution - many people find that it still doesn't end the stress, and some may even bite through their mouth guard!

Degenerative Disc Disease - Symptoms and Treatment

Do you feel constant weakness at your back? Do you feel chronic pain at your lower back, hip and thigh every time you stand or walk for some time? Are you having difficulty in bending you body front and back? When you sit straight up for 20-30 minutes concentrating on doing your assignment in front of your desk, do feel sudden pain at your middle spine when you started to bend your body to get some rest?

If you're having symptoms above, you might be having degenerative disc disease (DDD).

Degenerative disc disease is VERY commonly seen in aged adults. This is a disease which is little weird because some patients might feel the pain as a result of disc slippage, interfering the nerves. Some may feel nothing at all until they start carrying heavy stuff.

Although this disease is a little uncommon among the youngsters, there is also a certain percentage of youngster getting degenerative disc disease. In such cases, trauma, such as a simple lifting accident, is the most common cause of disc degeneration.

After trauma, the discs in the spine damaged, tear or dehydrate and lose their ability to act as shock absorbers between the vertebrae. Due to the fact that there is minimal blood supply to the discs in your spine, these discs which are damaged usually could not heal themselves naturally.

Degenerative disc disease treatment- Is surgery the only resolution for disc degeneration disease?

No of course.

Surgery is only recommended when the conservative treatment options such as physical therapy do not provide relief or show any improvement within two to three months.

Often, it was found that degenerative disc disease can be successfully treated WITHOUT surgery. One or a combination of treatments such as physical therapy exercise, chiropractic manipulative therapy (CMT), osteopathic manipulation, anti-inflammatory medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chiropractic treatments, traction, or spinal injections often provide adequate relief of these troubling symptoms.

While among all the therapies and medications, muscle balance therapy has been proven working greatly in healing disc degeneration disease.

Muscle Balance Therapy is an innovative approach to eliminating every kind of back pain once and for all, starting with a careful yet simple assessment of all the muscles that affect the stability of your hips, pelvis, and spine - from both a strength and a flexibility perspective.

The Muscle Balance Therapy approach uses the results of your assessments to design an individually targeted program of corrective exercises to help take the stress off your muscles, joints, and ligaments so you can achieve a more balanced body and eliminate the cause of your pain.

Up to date, there are more than 200k patients who have back, degenerative disc disease and sciatica problem managed to cut down 90% of the pain within the first 3 weeks after trying Muscle Balance Therapy exercises at home.

Shuttlecock Woes - A Layman's Guide to Common Badminton Injuries

A rather common opinion about badminton is that it is one of the safest games possible-a fun, family game innocent of malice and devoid of any real danger of injury. Such notions are highly probable, given the immense popularity of the game worldwide, as entertainment for children during playtime as well as a serious Olympic sport.

However, contrary to popular opinion, badminton players are also prone to injury-some so intense in nature that they may take months to heal completely. According to one study conducted by a Denmark-based group of doctors and published in 2006, badminton injuries occur at an average rate of 2.9/person every 1000 hours of play time. Despite being a non-contact sport, where there is no physical contact between the opposing players, badminton injuries happen frequently-mostly due to over use of certain parts of the body and sometimes because of accidents happening suddenly and painfully. Mostly they occur in players who wear the wrong shoes, do not warm-up, warm-up more than required, sport bad technique, are overweight or generally unfit. Injuries are witnessed in players who have not indulged in sport for a while as well as in seasoned players who have overused body parts such as wrists, ankles, knees and elbows to name a few.

Acute/Accidental injuries:

Ankle Sprains- Although still wanting in detailed statistical studies, some research papers have shown that on an average, ankle sprains constitute more than half of all reported badminton injuries. An ankles sprain can be described as the stretching and or tearing of ligaments and muscles in the ankle. In extreme cases, there may also be damage to tendons, bones and other joint tissues. The resulting bleeding within tissues can cause sudden edema and swelling of the ankle, which in third degree sprains, often takes more than 6 months to heal completely. Ankle sprains are accidental in 99% of the incidences and happen when the player lands on his partner's foot or on the floor with his own foot turned inwards, outwards or flexed. The extremely quick directional changes required during badminton, often cause the feet to roll over or twist, resulting in a sprained ankle. Fatigue, extra body weight and shoes with more than normal 'grip' are frequent contributors to such injuries.

Meniscus Tear- This also goes by the layman-friendly alias 'Torn Cartilage Knee Injury' and is as painful as a sprained ankle. During the intricate footwork required during a badminton game, the meniscus or cartilage, which provides a soft cushioning between the thigh and shin bones, sometimes ruptures, causing pain in the joint-line of the knee, swelling and inability to flex the leg completely. This may sometimes also be accompanied by an injured or totally ruptured ligament, which increases the pain factor and healing time. Normally, the swelling and pain settles down easily for most people. However for some sportspersons, the knee can become prone to knee locking or 'giving way', in which case, surgery is required.

Muscle Strain- Unexpected movements, such as a sudden overhead smash, may put muscles in various parts of the body under pressure, thereby causing a disruption of fibres in the affected muscle. This can result in pain, swelling, bruising and in extreme case, loss of function. Muscles commonly affected are the hamstring, knee, shoulder and calf, to name a few.

Ocular hurt- A Malaysian study reportedly called badminton the 'sport which presented the greatest ocular hazard in Malaysia'. Another Canadian study backed up these claims saying that 30-58% of all eye injuries in Canada caused by racquet sports were attributed to badminton. This may seem funny to a layman, since a shuttlecock looks anything but devious, with its lightweight feathery appearance, compared to the heavier balls used in tennis and squash. Although the frequency of eye injuries on an average is more in squash than in badminton, the latter does account for injuries which are greater in severity. This is partly because the bottom round of the shuttlecock fits into the eye orbit and also because of the extremely high speeds achieved during badminton. Badminton is widely considered to be the fastest racquet sport in the world and shuttlecocks have been known to reach speeds of more than 300 km/hour. On 25 September 2009, Malaysia's Tan Boon Heong set the international smash record of 421 km/hour in the men's double's category at the Japan Open 2009. This is 1/3rd the speed of sound at sea level, so one can imagine the effect of a shuttlecock travelling at that speed and hitting one's eye. It would be painful to say the least.

Fractures- Fractures are fairly rare in badminton, although some have been reported. They normally happen when another player's racquet hits a player's arm or leg or if the player himself falls down heavily or if another player missteps and falls/steps on him/her.

Chronic/overuse injuries:

Achilles Tendonitis- Loosely defined, Achilles Tendonitis or Achilles Tendonipathy is an inflammation of the heel cord of the foot. In reference to badminton, it can be described as a chronic degenerative change in the Achilles Tendon (a cord of inelastic tissue connecting bone and muscle running from heel to calf) occurring due to repetitive jumping and running, worsened by poor warm-up techniques. More common as one ages, it also tends to worsen with activity.

Tennis Elbow- Do not be mislead by the nomenclature of this particular injury. Tennis Elbow is often seen in sports other than tennis and very frequently among badminton players. The injury, known as Lateral Epicondylosis among the medical fraternity, is a chronic overuse injury which occurs due to the inflammation of the tendons of the forearm on the outer part of the elbow. Players who indulge in repetitive backhand strikes are often subject to Tennis Elbows. Change of grip size, lack of recovery and excess stretching tend to make them worse.

Golfer's Elbow- This particular injury is similar to Tennis Elbow in mostly all respects except for the location of the injury. While Tennis Elbow causes inflammation on the outer part of the elbow, Golfer's Elbow usually occurs on the inner side of the elbow with the pain sometimes radiating along the forearm. It is also a chronic degenerative problem, mainly caused by an overuse of the wrist.

Jumper's Knee- As the name suggests, this injury often comes on due to repeated jumping on hard surfaces. Known in medical terms as Patellar Tendonitis, the Patella Tendon located below the knee cap is affected over a long period of jumping and landing during badminton. Activity normally worsens the tendon damage and a rupture may sometimes follow with lack of rest

Rotator cuff injury- The most prominent shoulder injury to affect badminton players over time, typically a rotator cuff injury is brought on over time by repeated stress to the shoulder area while playing overhead shots in badminton. It usually begins as a lingering irritation in the shoulder known as an 'impingement syndrome', which if left uncared for, worsens to develop partial tears in the rotator cuff muscles. Further activity and stress can cause a complete tear in one or more muscles in the area.

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction- The Sacroiliac Joint connects the sacrum at the base of the spine to the ilium of the pelvic region. Continuous badminton playing with low core stability causes an anatomic issue in this joint, which results in chronic lower back pain. The condition is known as Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction and affected players are advised to refer a physician for a complete evaluation of the condition.

Neck sprains- Focusing on the shuttlecock for long durations and turning one's neck accordingly in various directions, can cause the neck to be extended beyond the normal angles, especially while playing smashes and strikes around the head, thereby causing neck sprains.

Cramps- A cramp can be described in a badminton player as a sudden and intense pain caused mainly in the leg area due to major loss of fluid, overheating of the muscle and fatigue. Although the suddenness of a cramp could warrant it to be placed in the "acute injury" category, it is considered to be a chronic injury, since it happens after playing badminton for a long time.

Abrasions and blisters- Common yet less malignant as compared to the rest of the above-mentioned conditions, abrasions occur mostly on the hands and knees due to direct contact with hard surfaces when the player falls or scratches himself. Blisters occur due to pus or fluid formation under the skin caused by extended periods of gripping a racquet, an abrasion not being cleaned or healed properly and heels or toes being continually encased in shoes or being in direct contact with a hard surface for long periods.

Prevention and cure:

It would be wise to adhere to the oft heard rule in the exercise arena "You don't get fit to play a sport, you play a sport to get fit!" Therefore it is advisable for badminton players of all ages and levels to take a few important pre-game precautionary measures, which include but are not limited to increasing fitness levels, better nutrition, decreasing weight, getting the proper shoes, grips and other attire, warming-up before playing and improving playing technique.

One cannot stress enough the importance of a good warm-up session before and cool-down session after a heavy game of badminton. A typical warm-up should include about 5-10 minutes of gentle jogging , spot walking or skipping, followed by short stretches of 30 seconds each, slightly longer stretches on the tighter muscles ending with stretches for certain individual muscle groups like shoulder, hamstring etc. If the player wishes, he/she may also follow this with certain specific exercise drills such as push-ups, sit-ups and the like. Stretching releases tension within muscles, allows freer movement and circulation and not only prepares the body for heavy-duty badminton, but also the mind. Begin the game with around 5-20 minutes of gentle shots with your partner and then gradually increase the pace and tempo of your game. Ideally one must end a game with cool down exercises and stretches too.

Shoes and grips especially are of utmost importance in preventing ankle and elbow injuries respectively. Gripping a racquet too hard or long can bring on a Tennis Elbow, while wearing heavy grip non-supportive shoes cause ankle sprains and Achilles Tendonitis.

To prevent elbow issues, take extra care to buy a good quality racquet which fits precisely into the palm of your hand. Turn your racquet into a powerful, injury-preventing instrument by adding more grip to the handle, taking care not to add too much to disrupt the racquet balance. For those of you, who already have suffered from Tennis Elbows before, it would make sense to wear a Tennis Elbow Compression Strap, which works by reducing tension on the elbow tendons.

Badminton requires the player to slide across the court and hence it would be a good idea to get shoes which have a good arch support, shock absorbers to prevent injury to the ankle, heel cups to keep the heel protected and special soles which do not provide much room for friction with the ground below. Take care to buy a shoe which has a combination of these qualities in order to be assured of all rounded protection. Never wear jogging or basketball shoes for your badminton game and make sure you keep a pair of good badminton shoes aside meant solely for badminton.

A few other recommended products for badminton injuries include orthotics and insoles, knee and Achilles straps, ankle braces, shoulder supports and blister socks.

To prevent eye injuries, many research scientists recommend that certified plastic polycarbonate glasses be worn by beginners and experienced badminton players alike.

Lastly, as a generic rule, make sure you are always well stocked up on water or isotonic sports drinks, especially while playing badminton in hot weather, since like all other sports, badminton too tends to sap the fluids and cause dehydration.

When a badminton injury has already happened, quick and correct procedures are essential for a speedy cure. In case of acute injuries like sudden sprains, strains and tears, the first step towards healing is correct diagnosis. This must be followed by the rest, ice, compression and elevation protocol which is absolutely necessary for recovery. Special care must be taken to keep weight off the injured area and lengthy periods of rehabilitation are a must. In case of a sprained ankle a removable plastic cast walker may be necessary to provide the required support. Tennis Elbows can usually be alleviated by rest and ice therapy, but in the more severe cases, pain relief and anti inflammatory medication and sometimes corticosteroid injections are required. Golfer's Elbow on the other hand is usually treated with tape, elbow guards, manual therapy and stretching. When Achilles Tendonitis occurs, ice packs are normally helpful, but a minimum rest period of three months is required for the body to produce the collagen tissue in order to repair the injured tendon.

Sounds scary? It doesn't have to be! Badminton can continue to be a fun sport for all those who have even a smidgen of interest in it. The fear of injury need not come into the picture at all, if the necessary precautions are taken and if players choose to keep themselves intelligently informed about the protocols to be followed- in case of injury.

Keep the shuttlecock flying fearlessly and treat yourself to a great injury-free badminton blast!

What Does Acupuncture Treat and Can it Help Me?

In the last several years people have become less satisfied with their modern western medical providers and solutions which has led them to begin looking toward alternative medicine for solutions. However, this search has led to a new questions, "how do I find the right alternative medical system for me and will it help my condition?" One of the best solutions to this problem is acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine. This amazing system has the ability to work with many different types of health-related problems by treating the person as an individual and not just treating the disease. This article aims to help you find out just what types of problems can be treated with acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine.

Most people in the west think that acupuncture works with mainly with pain, or that it is a fringe type of treatment that can't treat anything at all. While it is true that acupuncture can be a phenomenal treatment tool for pain and that pain is what most people in the west begin seeing an acupuncturist for, there are many different problems that acupuncture can effectively treat. Even more, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) have approved acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat many different diseases that are not pain related at all. These can include things like adjunct treatments for nausea during cancer treatment, menstrual cramps and syndromes, and fibromyalgia, and digestive disorders among many others. In addition, there are many groundbreaking studies showing that acupuncture can even be helpful in treating complex problems like infertility as well as a host of other difficult problems.

The following is a list of very commonly treated diseases and health-related problems that Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine can treat quite effectively. This list isn't exhaustive, but does cover a large number of them.

Disorders of bones, muscles, joints and nerves such as Bells's palsy, arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, tendonitis, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis, neuralgias, migraines, dizziness, low back pain, neck and shoulder pain, headaches, spine pain, sciatica, muscle spasms, facial spasm, numbness and tingling, fibromyalgia and fascitis

Sleep and stress disorders such as insomnia and fatigue.

Circulatory disorders such as hypertension, hypotension, angina, pulmonary heart disease, cardiac neurosis, palpations, atheroschlerosis, and anemia.

Gastrointestinal disorders such as food allergies, abdominal pain, peptic ulcers, constipation, chronic diarrhea, indigestion, anorexia, gastritis, nausea and vomiting, biliary colic, dysentery, ulcerative colitis and irritable colon syndrome.

Gynecological disorders such as irregular, heavy, or painful menses, PMS, polycystic ovary syndrome, fibrocystic breast disease, menopause, morning sickness, malposition of fetus, induction of labor, infertility, herpes zoster, hypo-ovarianism, and lactation deficiency

Urogenital disorders such as stress incontinence, urinary tract infections, retention of urine, renal colic, prostatitis, and sexual dysfunction.

Respiratory disorders such as emphysema, sinusitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, allergies, and bronchitis.

Endocrine disorders such as diabetes, hypo/hyperthyroidism, and obesity.

Addictions such as to alcohol, nicotine, and drug addiction.

Depression including depressive neurosis, chemical or otherwise.

Skin disorders such as acne vulgaris, pruritus and neurodermatitis.

Myofascial pain, including crainomandibular disorders and temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ).
Stroke rehabilitation

Postoperative pain

Performance enhancement such as athletic and strength assistance.

Supportive therapy for many other chronic and painful debilitating disorders.

Adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy
Pain in dentistry (including dental pain and temporomandibular dysfunction)

If your specific condition was not included in this list the best thing to do is contact an acupuncturist in your area and talk with them. Because of an acupuncturist's unique way of diagnosing and treating problems there is a good chance that you can be helped. Millions of people worldwide use acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine to heal their illness. The acupuncturist should be able to let you know, after a consultation whether acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine is right for you. The beauty of a consultation is that you have nothing to lose! It gives you the opportunity to get the information you are seeking and allows you to make choices for yourself