Thursday, August 15, 2013

Natural Joint Pain Treatment

Effective Remedies For Natural Joint Pain Treatment

Chronic joint pain is most often caused by some form of arthritis. The inflammation of this debilitating disease can lead to persistent pain that may occur in more than one joint. While it is generally associated with age, arthritis can also result from a joint that has an infection, or one that has been traumatized due to an injury or accident. The most recognized forms of this illness are degenerative joint disease, medically known as osteoarthritis, inflammatory psoriatic arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Although these illnesses are commonly treated with prescribed medication, many patients are seeking other remedies for natural joint pain treatment.

Selecting A Natural Joint Pain Treatment

Natural joint treatments for pain are widely used by patients who would like an alternative to hard to swallow pills. Some of the most popular natural treatments include herbal massage, magnets, relaxation techniques, moist heat, ice packs, or a topical rub. Warm baths, a healthy diet of fresh vegetables and fruit, and drinking more water are other methods to use for natural joint pain treatment. Daily intakes of fresh carrot juice will also be helpful. The type of natural joint pain treatment you choose will depend on the severity of the disease, as well as your doctor's recommendation.

Food For Painful Joints

Different types of food can be used to treat joint pain naturally. Some of the most beneficial foods to help relief pain in the joints are bananas, apple cider vinegar mixed with warm water and honey, and cloves of garlic fried or sauteed in butter. The juice of fresh carrots mixed with an equal amount of lemon juice taken once a day will help relieve persistent joint pain. Increase the intake of omega-3 fatty acids with oil rich fish such as sardines, halibut, tuna, mackerel, herring, and salmon. Patients who are seeking natural joint treatments should increase their consumption of legumes, whole grains, strawberries, cauliflower, raspberries, and citrus fruit.

Proper Exercise

Besides a diet rich in Vitamins C and D, your natural joint pain treatment should also include a daily exercise plan. Those who find using the treadmill or elliptical trainer too painful should consider aquatic exercises. Water exercises such as aquatic aerobics or swimming a few laps will help to ease acute pain. Other exercise routines like yoga or pilates are beneficial in reducing pain, and help to increase flexibility and strength. Consult your primary care physician to help you choose the best options for your exercise plan.

Natural oils such as camphor, olive, or eucalyptus can be combined with menthol to create a topical rub for massaging stiff, painful joints. An equal mixture of camphor and sunflower oils can also be used to relieve pain. When using a heat pack or a cold compress, alternate between heat and ice to bring relief to sore or stiff joints. Patients who are considering using natural treatments for the pain of arthritis should look for comprehensive information regarding different types of treatments and consult your doctor before making a final decision.

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