Monday, March 3, 2014

Joint Pains - How Can Essential Fatty Acids Help?

The right fats can help to alleviate painful joints

As people get older they expect to have less mobility and agility. They also come to expect the aches and pains that elderly people seem susceptible to.

Interestingly, if you have sore joints you probably also suffer from dry, rough skin, which gets worse in colder months.

You don't have to expect your joints to be painful just because another birthday comes along. And you don't have to accept dry, rough skin either. The solution to both of these problems may be far simpler than you'd have thought.

Unfortunately, in arthritic conditions, joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles become painful and start degenerating, leading to further swelling, pain and discomfort. Unless a solution is found to stop this degeneration in its tracks, the problem will only get worse with age, leading to excruciating pain, and the need for strong medication.

Most people don't have enough of the right fats in their diet

Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) are required in your diet, because your body is incapable of producing them. As 95% of people are deficient in these unique fats, their lack in your diet may be one of the reasons that you are experiencing joint pain.

Essential Fatty Acids are necessary for the production of the special secretions that allow our joints to stay lubricated. This liquid is called synovial fluid, and keeps joints well lubricated and pain-free. Furthermore, these special fats are also required to build and deposit the material that makes your bones, and they also help to transport minerals. Without them your cell membranes will battle to do their job efficiently, as malleability, flexibility and permeability are all influenced negatively when there are not enough EFA's.

Digestion and your joints?

Many researchers now believe that allergic reactions may also have an important role to play in joint and muscle pain, such as arthritis and rheumatoid conditions. Good digestion is therefore also critical, to ensure that nutrients are absorbed and utilized optimally, otherwise allergic responses can result, which contribute to inflammation and pain.

When protein isn't digested properly, allergic reactions are common, because undigested protein molecules are seen as invaders by the immune system, and the body then produces antigens to fight them. EFA's help digestion by slowing stomach emptying time, to allow maximum nutrient absorption, as well as ensuring that the digestive tract works well, as the cells that line the stomach and intestine also require these essential fats to work optimally.

Immunity and inflammation

EFA's also facilitate immune functioning, helping to minimize inflammatory responses as well as helping the body to heal when they are supplied in optimal amounts.

Eicosanoids are produced from EFA's, which are tiny hormone-like substances that help to regulate many hundreds of actions in the body and brain. PG1, is the derivative from Omega 6, and is responsible for keeping inflammation under control, so would be very helpful in keeping joints pain-free.

Unfortunately, PG2, another derivative, is produced from animal meat, eggs and dairy, and has the opposite effect, which leads to inflammation, swelling, and pain sensitivity. So, you may decide to cut down on animal products and increase your consumption of plant-based protein instead, so that your body produces less PG2.

The right balance of the right fats

Although many people believe they are getting enough EFA's in their diets, most of these fats are damaged through careless processing methods, so you have to find an undamaged source of both Omega 3and Omega 6 EFA's if you want to ensure optimal amounts of pure, undamaged essential fats, to help your immune system, cell and membrane functioning and anti-inflammatory processes.

Excessive quantities of saturated fats, such as fats that come from animal products, as well as damaged fats and oils, from shelf-stable oils, and vegetable spreads and margarines also contribute to problems, as the body has little requirement for saturated fats, and no requirement for damaged fats. This results in a body burden of fats that have no function, are dumped in cell membranes, tissues and organs, and lead to further ill health, and allergic potential.

The right fats and oils form the foundation of optimal health, and can make a significant difference in how you feel on a daily basis - and how your joints feel!

Other nutrients necessary for pain-free joints

Nutrients that facilitate optimum immune functioning will also support the elimination of joint pain, because the stronger the immune system is, the better it can support your health. Therefore vitamin C and D as well as zinc and magnesium, coupled with all the necessary nutrients for basic good health, can provide the support required to keep your immune system working optimally.

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