Thursday, March 27, 2014

Natural Pain Relief Remedies For Joint Pain - Anti-Oxidants May Be the Missing Link in Joint Formula

Are you suffering from chronic pain? You are not alone. Joint pain and arthritis seem to be a normal part of the aging process. In fact, there is nothing normal about it. The fact that it is so common makes people think that it is a normal phenomenon when we get older. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Currently approximately 46 million people are affected by arthritis. This is an astounding number of adults and children that suffer perhaps needlessly, most days of their lives. Many of the conventional pain relief medicines and arthritis drugs are very harmful to the digestive tract and other internal organs. Thankfully there are natural remedies that are helpful in minimizing the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis and joint pain.

What Causes Arthritis and Joint Pain?

It has been discovered that free radical damage to cells is a major (if not the only) cause for joint pain, inflammation and destruction, namely arthritis.

The theory of free-radical damage to cells as a cause for joint pain has been proven for over 40 years. Arthritis can either be caused from normal wear and tear on joints (osteoarthritis), or through an inflammatory, auto-immune disease (rheumatoid arthritis). Both forms of arthritis are caused by free radical damage in the joints themselves.

What is a Free Radical?

A free radical is an atom or group of atoms that is highly chemically reactive because it has at least one unpaired electron. Free radicals are unstable molecules that run through the body, looking for free electrons to make them more stable. In stealing electrons, free radicals cause other cells to become free radicals and unstable. A domino effect occurs and thus disrupts cell function. Free radical damage occurs in the joints if there are not enough anti-oxidants available to quench these free radicals.

What is the solution?

Thankfully, many natural remedies exist to help with joint pain and arthritis. The most commonly found joint formulas include; glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate and MSM. Some of the better formulas include natural anti-inflammatories such as bromelain from pineapples and Boswellia, an anti-inflammatory herb.

When looking for a good joint formula, make sure it contains anti-oxidants to quench the free radicals that cause the joint pain and destruction in the first place. The anti-oxidants should be whole food nutrients, not synthetically made for the best absorption and utilization by the body and joints.

It also helps to take whole food anti-oxidants as well as a joint formula to further quench the free radicals in the body and alkalinize the blood. Joint pain is worse in an acid environment. For this reason, an alkalinizing formula of concentrated fruits and vegetables in capsule form helps to maintain the proper alkaline environment.

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